HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 8.1 Community Gift Catalog (2)CITY OF DUBLIN I`~ ~ J~ AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 23, 1990 SUBJECT: 1990-91 Community Gift Catalogue (Report Prepared by: Lou Ann Riera-Texeira) EXHIBITS: A. Draft Gift Catalogue B. Draft Resolution Pre-Accepting Gifts Received in Conjunction with the 1990 City of Dublin Community Gift Catalogue RECOMMENDATION: 1. Review the draft catalogue. 2. Provide staff with comments. ,c~j ~~ 3. Select recognition options and adopt Resolution if U ' ,,r/~ appropriate . W 4. Authorize staff to proceed with the printing of the 1990 Community Gift Catalogue. FINANCIAL Costs associated with the typesetting, printing and STATEMENT: distribution of the 1990-91 Community Gift Catalogue are estimated to be $1,100. Sufficient funds are included in the FY 1989-90 budget for the printing of the Catalogue. In addition, funds will need to be included in the 1990-91 budget to purchase certificates and plaques to be used to recognize gifts and contributions received. DESCRIPTION : Included in the 1990 City of Dublin Goals & Objectives Plan were a number of Public Relations objectives including the development of a Community Gift Catalogue. The concept of the Gift Catalogue originated with the City Council. 7'he purpose of the Gift Catalogue is to provide individual citizens, families, community service clubs and/or local businesses an opportunity to make a special contribution to the community. Giving a gift to the City can provide many benefits : • Individuals and/or groups can choose exactly which City service, program or project they want their money to support. • Donations are tax deductible . • Donations would be formally received by the City Council and appropriately recognized (unless the donor(s) wishes to remain anonymous) . • Lastly, individuals andlor groups can point proudly to the fact that they have done something very special for the community, and in turn, ihemselves . WHAT TYPES OF GIFTS ARE AVAILABLE? City staff has worked to develop a Community Gift Catalogue for the City of Dublin. The draft Catalogue ( Exhibit A) contains the following sections : • Introduction • Mayur's Message • Fire Services • Recreation • De velopment Services • Parks • Library Services • Dublin Civic Center • Dublin Fine Arts Foundation • Order Form ~` ~" ~ ~~'~ ~,, .; ~"~ .~ ~ ~~ included in the draft Catalogue are a variety of gifts ranging from specific material items, such as books for the library and communication equipment for ttie Fire Dept. , to community services, such as sponsoring a child in one of the many City recreation programs or planting a tree in a local park. The Community Gift Catalogue is designed so that individual citizens and/or member of the business community, neighborhood groups, corporations or foundation can select a gift that best represents their specific interest in the community. WHO WOULD RECEIVE THE GIFT CATALOGUE? 'I'he Community Gift Catalogue could be distributed to various service organizations, foundations, the Dublin Chamber of Commerce, and other business associations . In addition, staff would promote the Catalogve through the City Newsletter and make copies available at the library and at various City reception areas and public counters . Staff recommends printing approximately 500 copies of the 1990-91 Community Gift Catalogue. HOW DO YOtJ ORDER FROIVI THE GIFT CATALOGUE? The draft Catalogue includes an order form. The order form can be used for material/ cash contributions as well as for in-kind/ service contributions . The order form also indicates that "the items listed in the draft Catalogue are valid through June 30, 1991. If the donor(s) is purchasing a portion of a gift, the City will hold the donation and add it to other contributions uritil the entire purchase price is received. If the full purchase price is not received by June 30, 1991, the City will use the contribution to purchase another item listed in the Gift Catalogue." fi0y1T AftE DONORS RECOGNIZED FOR THEIR CONTRIBUTION(S)? In accordance with Government Code Section 37354, gifts to the City must be received by the City Council. Thus, the City Council can choose to pre-accept all gifts received in conjunction with approval of the draft Gift Catalogue via a Council Resolution ( Exhibit B). Another way for Council to accept gifts would be on an "as received basis." Accordingly, staff would report to the Council regularly, as gifts are received. With regard to the formal recognition of gifts and contributions received, there are at least two options . One simple option would be to indicate to the donors that "in return for your generous g~ft, you will receive appropriate recognition from the City Council." Subsequently, Council would decide on the appropriate recognition upon receiving the gift. The other option would be more specific. For example, "Your commitment to tYie City of Dublin will be acknowledged in one of the following ways (unless you wish to remain anonymous ):" •$199 and under A thank you letter from the Mayor and certificate acknowledging the gtift (certificate could be used for tax purposes) •$200 -$999 A thank you letter from the Mayor and commemorative plaque •$1, 000 -$4, 999 A thank you letter from the Mayor and large plaque to be presented at a City Council meeting •$5, 000 and up A large plaque presented at a City Council meeting and a permanent plaque at the site of the donation Staff recommends that Council review the draft Community Gift Catalogue and provide comments . In addition, it is recommended that Council select the desired recognition options, adopt the Resolution (if appropriate) and authorize staff to proceed with the printing of the Catalogue. r I ~ /- ~C~~1~TITY GIFT C.A~.T~I~~~.1~ ~.990-~~ ; ,~ , .~ z ~. ~~ ~~ ~ TA~L~ oF CONTEN`rS 2 In~~o~uction 3 M~yor's Messa~e 4 ~re Se~ces ~~~~ , ~~~ ~.J' ~~~, l~ ~ -i~~.TY ~~~~ ~~.~' `1-' , AL,pG~CT~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~'II , , ~ I I 5 Itecreation ' 7 pevelopment ,Servl~~s g parks g Libra~ Ser~~es lp vublin Civic Center 11 Dubhn ~ne p'rts ~ Foundati°n ~2 Oraer rorm pul,lin is °°m~ttPd to ~ ,~1e City ~f =~r~ and services t6e best P Sup~rt and providin9 T~e ~.ontinued W~11 ~OSSible. ~lin citizen:~ r~i~tributions fran the qu~ity of liie help to pr~videc°~unitY 5O S.~cial. that ~eS °uT ~ TtIE GIFT ~~TBIA~~. resent ~ DO I~~~ ~~of the Catalo9~e you Dublin is pleasea t° p please e. The On tt~e last Page fo~• fill it ~},q Gif t~t~O~ ~~ will f ina ~ order ~ney or~]er alo9ue glves Y°U' y Send yo~ check ~r S~e club a~a~or °u~. ~'d ad~ess listed. Please ~ ~nmunitp ser~ice a the ~~t contributed and the oPP~rt'unty t° °~ke to Cify ou 1o donate. ift 9 ~ n{ribution to our co~°lty. to spe the Wish the tY~ of 9 contribution can your and of Dubli.n ~ Rememl~er' in_i~I~d (services the City or ~,h~> ite~ns Int r~x1~~~;ticm Giving a gift to moneta~Y ~re welca"el • long ~en benefits: ai~= '+~liil of. Dublln have lty Provide man9r exactly wtu~h City Pqui~ut tbe catalogUe ou ~t,; Tl,e c.i t.i zens tter ~a'~'n You can pchoose ou W~nt listed in 1991. I f 3 buildin9 a~ healthp ~ or FrO]ect 9 t~QUgh ~~e 30~ the CiLY rc,~mit.ked to a prospecous, ra[n ift~ seriicer FrO9 rtion of ~ y ~~d i.t to m,il c~realing carmitm~°t Was {o sUPPort. 'fhis qour m°ney t~ deductible. pur°hasing a donation and hold your until tl~e eut,irc rnvir~~nriwnt• 1982 when the co-~tAnlty ' your donations e1e fo~lly will utions rate. will ~ other Ig the fti11 I tE,~i~(nrced 1° vot~ to incorpo + your donations City Council contri~ ~l~ne 1 by the rice is recei~ed• Ved b9 nv~,c,ihelminglY received ~ P~~~ly (unless you purchase P is not recei the City ~~ acknoWlecl9 ric~he will use your eight Yeazs, uS~, In return purchase P CitY the past remain anony[no another i~em Dur~inU rienced significant Wish t~ ~~on~ you will 30~ 1991~ to P~chase has e~ only ln enero~ ~ontrib ution Rem~~"~S'' ~F f~~iblin not gor your 9 tion from the Contcib Gift Catalo9Ue• o~a ~r~d chan9e~ tial ~d copriate reco9ni ~~~le~ It Y q,~,.rt6 and residen receive aPP listed in the ,~ilat.ion, but also ~-T~ of Dubli~• eacli ~~0~ ~~ call 833-6650. p~~F Citp lease develop~nt~ pro~ects to the have Questions P ~.,x,,,,~rcia~ City Pr°9raras~ y~{ proudlY t~rms °f ~ order {O ~t the ~ Lastly~ You ~ p° thin9 verY services. the chang~9 fa~ that you bave done same and ~~nunitY~ a~a in turn, needs °f has continued tO ~cial for Yo~ prowing the City 'I r.~x~rmmity, Which now include yourself. services a ~riad of P~~ ~ ~xpand i~n~ f ire, 1BB 1Q~~ ~' Ex~lice ~nities, l~brary ~R ~~ OF ~~ ~a ~e C~~lty Gift Catalo9~e contains a ~~ ~~~j r.ecreationalc~~ity develop~nt it~ ~at you so services, ~'a engineerin9r v~i~ selectl°p °f reflect Y°~ laru~i~9 r Which services ~p ~~ select 9~~ Far eX~le, how p~,blic Works)• lculaz interests• one of the D~i1~ b~ ~t ~nsori.n9 a ch~ld in we won't StoP here... ~ ro9rards~ I But l~s for ~,he future• ••~ City recreation P will manY a~,~ ~ a local P~k? , S~ exciting P ~ the City ar plantia9 to the into the 1990 S the challen9~ t~ W`' mOVe face e you coula volunteer 4our ~~~nts, to ~a chan9 Recreation continue roWth p o l ice ~r f o r the Du~lin associatecl With g develop~'eIIt, of the or p~~hase bO°~ f ind a wide ran9e of through ~ a e enhancearent You t~till ation i~~pt of librarY• preserv ~d overall e°T t gi ft items• 1~~1 economY~ ln tbe cocimu~ y' design~ } ality of life r of ~e C~ty Gift Catal°9ue is the 9u lin. a°°~0~ or memb~r as a citizen of ~ ro~~ ~afor ~~ndividua1 You, ity service 9 So that Y~u ~ ity, neig~rhood a local ~~° o~eY~ have a unicNe business ~~° founc3ation ~ active of the co~~tion or local business to play be~{, represents this Yeat City. 9rO~~ ift tbat opportunity ro9ress of the ~ select a 9 ~~unity. role in the P of this CO°~lty our oKn interest in the 111 are rtiembe a r in ~e y lar9e and ~ You, as a inves~ qo~ gifts, ~e future of have an opP~rt-unity to Special investmeat i.n future of Dublin. unity. this a~" oZ- ~ active role in ur9e YO° to take of Dublin, and I the CitY enhancing invite you t~ select YoUr Ipersonally ~ltg. gift to the ~a't" 5inaerely, ride in Providin9 C MOFFATf akes P ~~rs of this PAUL ~iTY ~F ~~LJp ~ices to the ~ and MAYOR, We have high standar exceptional facilities and the best ways to pne of alitY af life __ the high ~ C~~ity is f or the Dublin COUNCIL e1J~'-- - businesses ancl private CIT`~ or ~,~,~-~r'S ~~'~ the City ~d t ether. That is WhY pau~ C• MVorilzeeder, Vice M~`Y°r citizens to work ~9 f~St City ~f G,eorgean Coun~i~tne-nber p~blishea the ~~egarty ~ eR~ber ~~~~„- Friends: We have ~atalo9Ue. petel' J' ,feffery, ~%~ta~~cilm sr,,,,~thin9 nity Gift L,inda Councilm~tnUer l~ new to Dublin noti~i think the Uublin C~ a tree or Yeter' v'1• Sriyder, ~e~,~~ ~out a~ Clty~ in lantin9 ride ln ~ art Pr°gram, or difCer~°t the sense of P r~e real reward is P m;,in difference ls ~itizen, ~~ a children s of the Wa-s MANAG~R' You e5 ess sponsoring CITY ~t~~ r.rnrcnunitg• roUp~ or busin the carmunlty in anhis bo~~et. ~,mbrose r~~munity g of this helpln9 outlined in nF `' lO"~~ ent the foundation that ~e who contribute jtichard C• res So ~ny of Y~u in this ~,wn~r r~'~' There ~e enjoY pri~le • to the quality of 1if e we catalo9ue Pr°Vides yet co~mi~lty' ~ls "We take Plide in another way to sayr Dublin.n ' ~'„ ' ` '_ •. i. . ~P cq f f N ~ ' ~ A • e ~ . 1 ~ . ~ ~; ~ . '~ ~ t''~i" ~„m,~ ~ ~-- ~; ~i': i~~1~1^. f,~ i x } ;n? ( ~ ~g, i~ ~~,. ~ ~5 ~4 ~ , k ~~ i ~ ~ : t ~' ~ir s ~ : w.~'' a ~~g jt~N~ f~` • . ~~''j1~~ta~N`1, ~~, r~~ "l~rf ~,~..~'.. ' ~~ x. 1 r7( ~.'~, !~l'~ ~; 3 ency treatment Services Fire and e~r9 techniaal high1Y ~°lalized ~a to help require your supp°rt will S e~l~nt ~ ` ciality pr~ucts these sPe hlgh ~N~i{y of F7RE 5ER~ICE ~, pnrchase ~lntazn a lin help {O ~~~al, rescue I^ July of 1988 the cities of ~ fire protection, R~~ fo~d a Joint Yowers se~ices. ovidin9 d ~ergency No. 1 Port~le Radio and San for the purP~se of Pr an pager ~ reSpecti~e the 2 puthority their of publin considers No, urcha~,e to Uou9hert'y The City of its citizens Help P fire services Y,ein9 a all cars ". ager used Thus, the well- hters are ~•lling an~7 P co~~m~unities. created. safety ana Firefig a Po~'~~e radio ~tween fire- gegional Fice Authority Was a top priority• seven days a pours a day, rgency for ~0~n1 a disPatchers. fire, cal, on_call 24 nd to a n~unber °f ~ medi Authority provides ShaW your flghters ~ ~2~50~ to Week to tesP° The and em~r9ency services To safety residents in the situations• f~e ~nd C~scue 43~p00 uting No. 3 ComPuter tely Ramon. for ~ontrib ~pproxirna ~lin and 5~ appreciatibn Consider ~p Top) lease ~ltp safe ( c;ities ~f as an inteqral $er~icesr Pwill help keeP °~ Authority functions a Sage, a yift that for Storing a~a retr~ev'.~n9 The roviding ~~, tlsed ~_.,r;c~n. ~,art ot the City in P ~mitp in which for ye~s to ~,~,mf or tab l e and open carm ~ t~ Wory ar~d live. ' }1elP SaVe a lif e- Youc contribution can he]p P~'rchase a defibtillator whicli ac~1°i"'`[ters e]ectrieal shock 1.o car~liac ~rest Patients who are :n ventri~ular f~rillatiop• ~1, No. 5 CYR Mannequin e„n,.. ~ ~~ ~ ~ OOU t1~ 4 Aut~tic I~fibrill.ator ~ ~..~.~-~ 25_$45 e ~~~1 Trips ~ each po. 20 Field f~a Pre-school ~ ,~ $25-45 will 1 ~', ~, f iela trips t~ ~arious loca sr ~, ;; ~ k tours~ ' museumsr re9ional P~ the librarS[ ~ ~e p~~' patch~ etc. ~ ~ 150 ~ No. 21 Group Tab1e Help pnrchase a sPe°1a1tY p A table t° b~ usea for various g F C R E~ T I school 9r°~P activities• ~,ent pre- D~P~ ~,~tg,S Recreation $ fh~~ rts and r.ecreation erator host of ~° fr~ after-school t~o, 22 Refrig ~,Fumsoc~ a rangln9 sWimni"g lessons, To be ns~ for those "cool" ~ct.ivities ~ rams~ pl,,yyround PrOg to'~FUII & Fit,~ Senior ro~ects. ~n~l "`Peen ~~~ craf ts ~a f irst aid science p arts & to sF°nsor . ~ ~~robics, Y~~ donations ~ial No. 23 Yu2zles, $00~~ r1a"ses• ~chase ~ Re~r~ activities O1 to continue the Gper,if i~ help ~~~,lpment Will ~ding recreational ~ tion of outst an enjoy~le $ trali ~e p~lin po, 24 Mini Vacuu~ ~ events that _ ~ place to live and worK'• _ ~ -- ~!~ * ~ , I ~ ~~-sctiooL ~ ~ , ' ~ PRf.-5QlWL. I . , ~, YLAYGR~~ offers 1 ,~ ~ ~~ I i~p~tme°t ~ ~ -~ 1 l Tlie Dublin Recreation School ~'a ~r ~• i a variety of after- childrep °f activities for ~ * ; ~ playground ~clude the Shannon t ~ Pro9r~ `~, 1 all ages • Sch~l ~ st~,r recre8tion ~ Center pre" e~rS of age, ~ pro9ra'"S for children 6-12 Y of teen and SP°rt'5 ! ~ varietY a few. Your ~ ~ and a to name on1Y ~ activities, these PTOgram~ Would be , c;~ntributio Te ° atea• greatly aPP ~ S~ ela99ro~ ~ ,~ aoa 25 ~" f~tballs, ~ l5 galls ~ each ~Sketballs, tether- balls and S~Qer b~lls) and sPortiny ~ipment 1"15 ~o. 26 portable B~11 Locker $ Fundu'9 $250-$`~OU No. 27 Field Trip Take 'em out to ~ A's 9~' or to Marine World, the 5~' Franci.sco Zoo, or to Qtis SPu~yer~s C~~e Factory• llelp funa transP°rtation cos~s for vario~ after-sch~l ~'d ~ Sumn~ field triPs. 150 po 'L8 Fund a T-Ball PraJram $ T-Ba11 is a mod~fied version of softballl~seba11 desiyned to he1P Y°un5er childten develop h~~eye °O~r~nation and related athletic skills. ~ 60-145 No. 'l9 Ta~letop ~~$ l0 90 No 30 goard Gam~ & Pu2~1es ~ ~9 N~, 31 'lug-O-War R~Pe ~ 5 eacti No. 3l T-5hirts for play- groun~ P~lcip~ts ?.5 1U No, 33 gp~nsor a Chila 1Class each gecreation ~p gponsor a future g° cultivate b0 ~aalist...or help the next Leonard° DaVinaci.•• ~"~qp'~F ;~~;a' ~25 provicles hours of fun i~ ~?~ one of the City S~ Contact ,' ~ recteation classes • r~nt f:or aG;`:~ : the Recreation ~~ . }~{tt "n details at 8l9'4932• 5 St,[LLvn ~•• rand o~~~.n9 i° J°~cl~ a 5ince ' g Senior Center has ~ the ~- -ln publin Co~~~`ty ~ ~ vital resource to the Center ho~s a varlety of gach week the ana activities such as cial ices ts ~ S~ ser~ ~o~selin9 ~ ~ health screenin9 a°d rams' crafts, ~ra g~s~ fitness PrOg ra~p field trips• With your ~~S and 9 Center wi.ll continue supP°Lt~ the Senior ~lin's senior to meet the neecls of citizens. St1I1A~1oA ~~~ ~~ 1Sate.r~ ~ 27.0 ~ eacli No. 41 l6) Ceilin9 F~S 941Il1 rs a SW~ Center offers ~~ eveni $7~1~0 The Dublin ~~g ~1 ~two to ~cousti~a~ divin9 po. 42 Folclin9 free form ~1~ ~a tWo rtadin9 ates Stage ~~'ai~ feet), ~e SW~ ~enter acca~~tics ~ 200 ~r of the City sPo~ored lessons No. 43 Eoo1 Tab1e all ~rinmin9 Pr~r~ includinlap ~~ng~ ~vin9~ Center, (infant t ad~t~' S~ divin9 ~l~ses Ca~m~lty f~ty~ 8IIa team and The Shannon is us~ for e water ~ to bo~ a ~lty ~ in 1973, ra-as in addition SW~ pro9=~1°• c~r~st.rucQ dC~~lty recreation Pr~9 1~ ~9h School ~1~ SW~ ~~rietY is located ln the ~ ntribntions ta tl~e r,lasses. `Phe Center The Yo~ of yiving in ~nd shannon Fark• ~e the SP~lt the 10-acxe ~ng patk Center tnilY ~cial• c'enter as well as the surroun oing a ~]or publi.n r,urrently ~de1g safety $ 700 arF rove function, Portable ~~~ rPnovaLion to ~ I~rovements to the po. 38 1990. Bleacb~s anrl accessibil cty~~. lete~ in early center Were is eXpected to be The Park ren°Vation 1990. The facility ~~lete bY F~lfo Use by private iS available With Yo~ residents and non-residents. Will ~u~~rt~ the Shannon Center maintain the vital P'~S~t °f its 9~1s of the ~1~ ~t~d visions as P~ ~o~cmmity • $1~000 No, 34 5ound SYstem p public Address System is a necessarY item when it comes to conductin9 ~ ~r9a~zed city'aide,cc~mnmity or ne1glib°rhood recreational event. $1,500 No. 35 Video Cam~ra ~ 400 N~ 36 Television ~ 300 I t1o. 31 VCR p video SYst~ ~a television would be used to Yecorcls Special City eveats and to vieW trainin9 taPes for Recreation ana A9uatics staf f . ~ 1,000 s- No. 39 CPR Mann Au Recreation Leade~s ~'d Aq~tl ~ tor ~ ~P ~rt,if ied. r~r ~~~e {be needea Nelp P ~i~nt to rosintain the City' s train~g Sta~'~~ ~ Yo~ contrib°tion towards bllliazd e~~°t for ~e 5enior Center will provide en~oYipe°t ~Or the senior citizens of ~blin• ~^ ~ Give a gift of Y~~ tl"'~'" - The ~ a1WaYs use help With No • `~ Senioc Center t~ing and coP-ing answerin9 Phones~ als. If y~u tim~, to cnaterial~ oav ~~ et eT9your would like Center, please c~ll the Dublin $e~or 829-6316. r+;,~ ~,~ # ~~,~c ~ ^~ ~~.~ ~ ~ ~~ 1 J ;` 'a x r . ~ i'~F°: ... ~ ; ~ ~ .4 5 ~ ~ f ~~~~ ,~' k ~~ e*s: "; ~= e ~' ~ ., ~"* ~~ i t~ ., :~.,; ~ ~~ .~~'=1 ~ •_ +i "e , ! e~ i ~ ~~ ~~Y ~~~+~~ . ~ i ~t a::. . l(~ No. 51 Video Camera No. 52 Television/t'-onltor No 53 VCR DEVF.LOPI~FAT SERVI~ES r seriices ran9e fran 9eT'eral gngineerin9 ~~y, public engineering, ~affic eII9 ~~~ion ~d to works inspe~ions t pl~ checkin9 private develop~ ~,~9~ ~rmit assess~nt ~strlct engln ~ ~pital PrO~ect P1~~ issuance, To9ether these function ~a design• gor p1~°9' servicin ace respODSib1e {he Pbysl~ 9To ~d ~~.nta~ni.n9 ~frastruct'ure ~f the incluae development ~°d rovide , pevelop~nt servi~e5pr~r~~ ,~e followin9 p ~'ha, Cit3 S coc~munitY• to help ~~tain thf~ City's o~ planni.n9 and saf ety ~a additional ~Ni~t quality a~lty aevelop~nt ser~lces oont.ract buildin9 ,~e planning services. of the ~15,000 p,~qineerin9 develop-~nt i~ publi.n•_- - includes a~i~ration of for Progr~ plan~ City's General v~sion ana other tt~e CitY~S zoni.ng, s~' Buildin9 platlning relatecl ac~.lvities• buildin9 ~~d safet4 services include insPe~lO°' construction Plan °~1eckin9~ and code enforcement ; activ~tles. ..~.-~. ... ~i ~,r~C~~ .~ ~ ;'~~'~,~~~ . ~' , ~ ~ . ;,~ 1 V ~ ~ ~ /,' ' ~ ..1"~. s. ~~ _. No. 50 Yrinter-Y~Ottex a printing blueprints ~ multi-color ~P~ ~A printer-P1otter creates canputer genetated m~Ps ana blueprints for engineerin9~ I buil~ng ~a pl~ing uses . r~ ~ 1,500 ~ 400 ~ 300 p video system ana television could be use~ for viewing vario~s C~'~lty aevelop~nt presentations ana for staff training• No. 54 Medium Fortt~at Still CamPra $ 1,500 l2 1~4 ar laz9er) camera is an u~9radeil A still take high ~alitY camera usea t~ ~ity photos of various stuctures. lan~capeS~ ,~e facilities, p~~ etc. 9 used f or S protos would ~ J~lous ~~nnnity develo~ent/ 9 ~~ Procnotional activities. No, 55 Historic maPs~ Plans and ~ Varies photos Help eXPand the Develop~nt Services collection of historic maPs~ Plans and photos• Historic information is useful for current as well as future City pl`~°ing aCtivities. ~ " ~~ i~.~..1..« ~ ~`_=~'_ 5 for $ 100- No. 60 Al~n~ bleacher 1,300 ~,s Grounds ` publin SP° eaCh r f or tt~aterial No. 64 L~0 ve ~e needed items listed ~° Alumin~ bleachers No. 65 Repaintin9 PrO~ects ' la~g the existing WpOaen p~ g g S to reP A~ bleachers 3t various P~~ rams has taken an ble hers. Alumi o~t~le po. 66 Yark Watch Yro9 of Dublin ark pro~ide more ~ There aze ~~h~ ~'it'I Ch towards P ~{,atots and too... a~'prOa Dublin has 5eating fpr ~ nePa friends to ~ done 'U,~~-~.ssive ently~ intenance• earks need ConseqU of park~ and re~lrg less ~ things that arks ' aE,velot~~I~t' system alWays City's various P outstandi~9 The City ~ ~n paintin9~ ~" facilities. S~a around the ~lean'uP~ ~,k ~intenance services• No 61 Trees, S~ i~nt~ etc. Perh3P~' puY,lir, recreation eleven for medians~ includin9 e floWers lation of ~ organizati°° WOUld Ue contract.s f° tt e Cit- maintains ark instal, our of P slopeS ~d ~~ or ~autifY c;nrrently, 150 acres you, your c1~ helpin9 to roximately Will help to }lelp rojec:t. par.Y.s (aPP wila Irish rose. interested ln a Weeken~7 P Your contributions rtant p~ plant a park~ bY performin9 larl~~~ ~ maintain this ~P° ~lin green ~a 9r„prove an keep ,~ete is a oF publin living• beautiful. to u~rade the continuing neea City's lanclscaPes• ._., ..~d.,~.'~~i~;,~ti~'~'~~'4~,. t.~. ~ ~ -- : ~ ~ _, ) ) l ~ ~. . ~ ~~~. r~ " ~„n ~ ~..w. r. . . ~ ~',i~~; ~ ','• ~~~~'~ ~. ~q-~ .` a ; ~ ~ .~ ~, t"f% ,~'It~ t y ' ~n ~ 41y,~~~t~ ' ~' F l~. 7 ~ p{ . i `~' ~~~4 . . . 1~~~.1:T,. '~~,~~11Li ~ ~~~ ~~.~... ~ ~~ ~ "' ~~~ . / ~ . , - I~i~c=~"a ~ ~-~;, .~,y~;i~. ~'~~ ,~ , . .;D~"'.'.'JL~ '~~ ~ _/ ~.~ { ~~~;~~~ "%;°rit~ ''' ~ ~~ a~~:~~ ai ~<< +:~ . ~ ~ . . .j ~i~'f ' ~ ~' ~; ~..~.~ y'~; t.~';,~ ~;; y~.~ ... 'r a+:' _ ~ , , .. ,,~ : . ~ .: v ~ + .'.: i.., ' ' • ~~~ I` ,' ,''~ ~ , , , 1 ~1 _ w: l ~ - 1;,,~u~~~, `,h1~'I ;',. ' ~,I, ~ 1~ ~~'~ - - ~ ~ ~ ~ ' .Y; i, F3 . { ~ t i ~ i~ 1' DISYL~Y STORBGE I ~ ~ ~ ~ 460 ~.; ~` No. 70 (2) Paperback racks each 1~ 1 $ 388 ~• ` ' ,~ ~. t No. 71 Au~O ~ssette rack ' , S E R ~ I ~ E S iU~T ~,tID FORAT~ I.I$RARy ~ 17 is servea by the xo. 72 10 c~irs for each City of Dublin The CitY ~rhe LibrarY System• chileren's k table County Co~ty td provide picture b°° Alameda With the the ~ 30 contracts l~r~y Services t0 pcil a~~lltional ~e fundin9 No. 73 g electri~ Pe each of Dublin. the Co~ty Sh~peners residents the City allows hours a~]or,ated by lg aaditiOnal ~ 30 to provide Week. ~e No. ~4 Calculatot [.ibrarY a valued f library services Per ~ ° continues tO ~~~5 ,~ YgOVID$ ~ ~ Libraty of the Dublin Uublin in all ~~ and imPortant ~' evident S~ I~gS Growth is to c~nunitY• In addition of service. reference ~d No• ~5 $O°~~~rl~~l ~CPas such tious/Au~O-Visual ittr.reases in ~irculation, of use, Subscrip other ~a~reS at the qate count, SCheduled material ~s Cort[nunity meetin9s ser~ices No. 76 Honoraria for guest and other ancillar9 Will ~~ers/P~formers librarY~ your donations Hith ,~r~, o~ the rise. C~T,unity i. ~~~ ~;~ help to Provide our PS _ ;: ~}+~~~~,;h servic - ~ j ';.: enhanced libraty ~ nn~~., . ,_ ~'4' ~~.~ ~r~f ~! s~ ~ _ _~_._----•,~, ~. , ~ r+ , ;=j:ti ' y • ' - a .:.,._. ~. , `~ _ r-" . ,_t. ~~^r ':~: ~ „ .: NdS'~ ~ ^~S _•. . {) ~ 7. r~ _ ~.+~' 1g :y. ~ r" t~ . ~ F" ~. a'us~ "~ " 'f" ~ • / Y .r•' _ .-"i P!" 1 ~ ~ ' 1 ' ~~~ 1~,~'~' ~.~-y~t' ~ ~~~• ~ ~ ~ , k ; _~~~~~~~ , ~. ~ + ~~ 1'~;'~,~~I ,,:, ~~.'~~~ 11~~~~ !'1 1;; (~ i~ -, i ~.~5"~ ~'.' ~ ~~1.,, •*, : ,R,.Mq'~"r"' ~ ~... -" ~ ~ 1 nr ~,'~4. i ` `" . . ~ tif~E uua~:~ civic ~ October 2~ 1989, LuG '~-- ~li.n (m to the neW (~fEi.ces relocatecl Civic Center. ,~t~P publin Civic Center is situat~ °n site at the southwest act ll.~ acre a Sierra of Dublln B°°levazd ~ tely r.orner buildin9 ls aPProxima feet ana houses a f~l (:o~art. The 000 S~are including ~ ~9encY 53, police facility a short-ten° holdin9 Center, Sally p~~- ana Uperations ~e f~(.ll~ty~ ~ enclosed ties, ~d ~p~~{ f acili an training also includes Ci~ic Center Co~cil Chambers~ pcLnjnistrative W~9~ co~' Room~ interior Regio~~ ~etin9 fount~n~ Spacious y~a~ lat9e scale 68 f~t clock ~a a ~~' Civic center paved Pla~ tion, the roved tower. In addi feet of ~°p contains 4,5~8 s9u~e e~sion sPa°e. ~e concept of Discussions re9~~~ ~ 1984, when t Center C0~ evaluatin9 P°t~~ Civic 1 ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~anuar9 of 1988. Construction be9 fran~ With ~ ~e buildin9 has e ~~1 • The Arizona sanclstone exterio=. ~~~ to meet f acilitY Was CO~ n ept eartih~'~ Califoraia's~d o p~~ 17. 1989, ~e standa~~' ~~ ~g test • buildin9 S~' ~ ~na ~op~~~~ ,phe project ~ ~~9° af ~1e 11.7 e~e occuPies ~•7 acres e has ~ site. The r~9 acrea9 Le~~ gor future ~nlty use. e Center tr~ly represents be The Du~l~ ~ivic c~~ty ~a an al an asset t~~e f~~e of ~lin. ~ invest-oent in City Counal Civic Center. locations for a of repre~tatives ~~i.tte~ C~'pris~~ ~d City staff ~ of the City Co~n architectural team f~n~a to hire a° needs and to facilitate the vatious a~~a design financin9 assessm~nt, activities. y Counail, 4lannln9 ~~SSion ~e City ssion conau~ their eation ~O~ the Civic Center and ReCr in the re9~~ meetings 1,elp furnish Council ChamberS• a clock I Chambers bY Puzchasing $100 - $20C ~~ ~ ~ _____-- - ~5 a future Project~ t1~e Fow°~tion is ~~rtently raisin9 f~~ tO aeveloP a +~Dublin Scu1Pt~'e Park~~ ~ea. be loaate8 Within the Civic Center ~e publin Fine Arts FpA°~tion invites ~mbers of the ca~manitY to becort~ a venture to integrate ~rt ~{, of this interest and tion h~ Your , {,}~e Founde ~nto the ~~~ty' dation e~~ ~~SSionin9 8 will enable th'e Foun This Past y ~ contribations please contact the ursued these 9~ by tbe centr ~h its g~ls. to rea 5 Foun o. Box P work of ar~ for Center. dation at p~ ourtY~a °f the D~ ~~~c sPh~e I7ublin ~~~' A g4568 • The eight ~eet ~- ~~ created 2912, (Plctured to the ri9bt~ ~ ~in9 t7ec] nationallY k°°W° ~ls~~ ~ '~I~N bY the T S F~UNVA~ smyth. [~ INF~ AT`t' has been the aation pr~]e~ is vU};LIN Foundation ~.or Foun lln Fi~~e ~ts fo~ artisti~ ~othet -aa7 ~tW~ a professional The ~ arena ~ng ~ollabotation ~9h Sch~l Fc,rmed to provide a° the surtoun roUP of p~lin the publin ~'d of artist ~a 8 9 ~~d students wil-1 ~r.tivities in The goals r~ work Va11eY area• Students. Tbe ~ te a temp~ ~~ri- to: ether to e~ N~ ~ construc~ed work t~9 ~e proj FOU°~~Ttlon are ubli~ ~ Civic Center ~lic art into the P °f art'' 1ay~ et ~e ~ ~e to 1ij{egrate p and ~gP ~~ of ~q proje~ nitY ~ all ~a to generate Plaza. The 9 5paces of the C~ exCellence ~g Students ~tistic e~icb ~ ~t,uc]ents, ~e Pursue on betWeen activlties of all ages bY intera ~d ~e ~~ty es a whole. cultural rt lo~l ~tists S5 and ~ist, _ SuPP° the awarene , ~roadenin9 {he f ine ~'s " ~- appreciation of ~~nity ~ ~ ~ our ~ ~ . .~ . ~ ~ _ Educate rticipation ~Ce ~a e~1ch the everYdaY ll~es ~: , , apprecia ~ ~.~ ~ ~ --______ ,,,~ "t, of our citizens '.;;} ~ ~ ~` ~ . c~~ ` ~`J •• ,- ~~ '; 1 ~'h" ' 1 ~' , 5 r ~ . . ~ , ,.ti ' ' ' , !. t~.~ ~ ' S " ' ~ ~1 ~~ ~ fl + ro,'M" ., ~ ~~F~ ~ ' r ~.` ~<!' ~ ; ~ M~ `~ , !Y. ~ . ~ i, ' ~ . ;• ;' `~f T~ .~~ ~ ~. Yd' I ~. {~ ~ ~ `a,~; ~. _ .~ ,:~ 4- y, , .' ~~ f~.~. ~r. • h.i~. ~ ~rT ~' ~t~ s:.sv~n •~~ ~'~(j e •~ . ~,t. . . ' . ~ . S.s' 1~ '.APf J _l -. ~ ~t , ; sY . ' ;Y; n , ; „ 1 li~ _ ~,~ ~ ` s 1 , , . ~ ~ ~ ~, s ~, ~~ , ~ ~ a' ~ I ` .iI ' M ~ ; L ~ '~ i ~ } , .~!" ~"~ " ',~ ' ! I ~~ ( ; Q„ ~ ~~ 6 ' r ~, . "`~` a , ~ W~ : ~- ' _ ~.:~ .. ., :- :,,~.-.~-~ ~=i. ~,, r: ~ ~ w .~'~~ ., r ~ ~- ,: . ~, . ___ ---~_ ,, M ;. ., __.~ ~ s a.. . ' ,;.r^ '~ '' ~ d '~'i`- , ~ - __ . ,_..~.__... -- ~ _ _._ ~ __ ~_ _ T~ },,,, -~''. -•. ,, ~ ____ _ _.. _ ""'_ __ _ ' _' ____ . I_" _ _ .• The above 1llustraNon represents the centra! courtyard fountaln area wlth the sculpture by Nea Smyth, the first artwork commissfoned by the Dublin Flne Arts Foundation for the Dublln Clvlc Center. The rlchly textured mosalc sphere wJl! measure eight feet ln diameter and wlll repre• sent the earth as seen from a satellite. rOMMUNITY GIFT CATALOGUE ORDER FORM Name ' Organization Address City Zip Phone (Day) (Evenin~) The items listed in the catalogue are valid through June 30, 1991. Please specify below which item( s) you wish to purchase . If you are purchasing a portion of a gift, the City will hold your donation and add it to other contributions until the entire purchase price is received . If the full purchase price is not received by June 30, 1991, the City will use your contribution to purchase another~ item listed in the Gift Catalogue. 1TEM CATALOGU~ # PAGL' PRICE TOTAL $ I wish to make an in-kind contribution (volunteer time, donate equipment) to the City of Dublin. Please contact me to discuss my contribution to the community. Please make checks or money orders payable to City of Dublin and send to: City of Dublin Community Gift Catalogue c/o City Manager's Office P.O. Box 2340 Dublin, CA 94568 * In return for your generous donation andlor in-kind contribution, you will receive appropriate recognition from the City of Dublin. If you wish to remain anonymous, please indicate. * Prices are as accurate as possible at press time. * For more information about the Community Gifts Catalogue please call 833-6650. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCII. ~F THE CITY OF DUBLIN s***~*~**ss*s******sss*s*s*ss** PRE-ACCEPTING GIFTS RECEIVED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE 1990-91 CITY OF DUBLIN COMMLJNITY GIFT CATALOGUE WHEREAS, the Dublin City Council has approved the 1990-91 City of Dublin Community Gift Catalogue as set forth in Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, the purpose of the Gift Catalogue is to provide individual citizens, families, community service clubs and/or local businesses an opportunity to make a special contribution to the community; and WHEREAS, gifts can be monetary and/or in-kind (services, equipment) contributions; and WHEREAS, all gifts listed in the catalogue are valid through June 30, 1991. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that all donations will be formally received by the City Council and appropriately recognized (unless the donor( s) wishes to remain anonymous . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin hereby pre-accepts all gifts received as detailed in the 1990-91 City of Dublin Community Gift Catalogue. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 23rd day of April, 1990, by the following vote : AYES : NOES : ABSENT: Mayor City Clerk Cx.l~~~~-~- ,I~