HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.07 Donlan Canyon Annexation No. 9 (2) CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: December 10, 1990 SUBJECT: PA 89-125 . 1 Donlan Canyon Annexation No. 9 REPORT PREPARED BY: Carol R. Cirelli, Associate Planner EXHIBITS ATTACHED: Exhibit A: Resolution ordering Annexation No. 9 RECOMMENDATIO ,,,,Adopt Resolution ordering the Annexation of � 196± acres to the City of Dublin FINANCIAL STATEMENT: None DESCRIPTION: This item is for the adoption of the final resolution ordering the annexation of the Donlan Canyon project site (Annexation No. 9 ) . On June 25, 1990, the City Council adopted an ordinance approving and establishing findings and general provisions for a Planned Development Prezoning for Donlan Canyon, and adopted resolutions relating to Tentative Map approval, Annexation Application and Exchange of Property Tax Revenue. As directed by the City Council, Staff submitted the annexation request to LAFCO. LAFCO held a public hearing and approved Annexation No. 9 on November 8, 1990 (see attached resolution) . In approving this annexation, LAFCO designated the City of Dublin as the conducting authority for the reorganization (Annexation) , authorized the City to proceed without notice or hearing and required correction of the map and description as may be required by the County Surveyor. Staff recommends -adoption of the Draft Resolution ordering Annexation of Donlan Canyon project site. This is the final City Council action required in the Donlan Canyon annexation process . ---------- -------------------------------- ---PP------------------- ITEM NO. COPIES TO: A licant/Owner General/Agenda File Project Files (2) Project Planner RESOLUTION NO. - 90 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ORDERING TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS "CITY OF DUBLIN ANNEXATION NO. 9 DONLAN CANYON PROJECT SITE" ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF DUBLIN WHEREAS, the Local Agency Formation Commission of the County of Alameda adopted its Resolution No. 90-28 on November 8, 1990, making determinations and approving the proposed annexation of territory described in Attachment A-1 attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein to the City of Dublin; and WHEREAS, the terms and conditions of annexation as approved by the Local Agency Formation Commission are as follows : 1) Correction of the map and description as may be required by the County Surveyor; and 2 ) Designate the City as the conducting authority for the reorganization and authorize the City to proceed without notice or hearing; and WHEREAS, the reason for this annexation is to provide for consistent and orderly development to insure that essential municipal services are provided; and WHEREAS, the regular county assessment roll is utilized by the city; and WHEREAS, the affected territory will not be taxed for existing general bonded indebtedness of the City; and WHEREAS, the Local Agency Formation Commission has authorized the City Council to approve this Annexation No. 9 without notice and hearing. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE City .Council of the City of Dublin does hereby order the territory (designated as "City of Dublin Annexation No. 9 Donlan Canyon Project Site" ) described in Attachment A-1 attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference annexed to the City of Dublin, and directs the City Clerk to transmit a certified copy of this resolution with applicable fees required by Section 54902 . 5 of the Government Code to the executive officer of the Local Agency Formation Commission of Alameda County, pursuant to the provisions of Division 3 Cortese-Knox Local Government Reorganization Act of 1985 Government Code 56000 et seq. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 10th day of December, 1990 . AYES: NOES : ABSENT: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk /89125RE Q pA 89-125 DON-kN CANYON LEGAL�rS'&A'ON REAL PROPERTY SITUATE IN THE UNINCORPORATED AREA, COUNTY 0 F ALp,�,ZEDA, STATE OF CA1-IFOR�7=�•' BESCRIBED AS FOLLOW BEG Iti`�IING AT THE 1/" CORNER OF `THE LINE DIM UNT SECTIONS S AND 4, TOWNSHIP � SOUTH, RANGE 1 'WEST, LO ti N iERIDIAN; AND RUNING THENCE ALONG THE LINE DIAB D�;G NORTI�'�VEST A-' 'D SOUTHWEST' QUARTERS OF SAID SECTION DIVI 2614.26 FEET TO THE 1/4 CORNER IN CENTER 3 SOUTH 890"5'TEAST OF SAID SECTION 3; TI- NCE SOUTH 0°30' NVEST 993.00 FEET tiiORE OR LESS TO THE NORTHERN � LINE OF THAT CERTAIN' PARCEL ODF LAND CON�YED TO THE STATE OF CA..LLFORN'IA BY DEED RECORDED OCTOBER E OFFICE OF TF COUNT`S RECORDER OF ALAti1ED A COUNTY 1951, BOOK 6562, PAGE 267, OFFICIAL RECORDS; THENCE EASTERLY ALO N G SAID NORTHERN LINE AND ALONG TIIE N ORTHERN L L-,\,7 OF OF THOSE CERTAIN ' PARCELS OF LAND. COti VEYED TO F COUNTY CALIFORNIA BY DEEDS RECORDED IN SAID OFFICE IaL RECORDS, �� 17, 1976, REEL 4-07, IMAGE 19 - RECORDER JU- ' �� OFFICIAL RECORDS, AND NOVEtiiBER 7, 1965, REEL _ S , IMAGE 969,... FOLLOWING 11 (ELEVEN) COURSES: 1) NORTH -/6'50'-.7"' �;�RTH THE F ,- 221-02 FEET, J) s 2 SOUTH ��°14 �1 EAST '141.54 FEET, )^ NORTH 2^-°46'42" EAST 231.25 FEET, 79°18'27" EAST 36 60 FEET, 4) SOUTH �0 �51� EAST 252.54 FEET, 6} SOUTH SS°01'13" EAST 5) SO °� NEST 75.55 FEET, S) NORTH 125.05 FEET, �) NORTH 52"46'20" 36„ EAST 49.45 FEET, 9) NORTH 71°32'36" EAST 16-..51 FEET, 5501-26" NORTH SS°35'10" 10) SOUTH 76°17 59' EAST 122 81 SET' AND PROPERTY LINE, NOW OR N�'EST 19^4.17 FEET TO THE COi�iOD ROBERT L. ��rAT ' 'S, ET AL; FORy�RLY, OF �VLT.LIAtii A. �j�TOV A � E LEAVING SAID NORTHERN LINE OF SAID STATE OR THENCE, CALIFORNIA PARCELS NORTH 0°30' EAST 1,155.56 FEET OF LOT LESS TO A POINT ON ' THE SOUTHERN BONN RAR,ON; AND SANTA .LETTERED "V" ON THE LINE DIVIDING THE SAN RITA RANCHES, ALSO CITY OF DU-BLL�I BOU`iDARY C0RN7EOy 6-�1-1990 TO THE CITY OF DU BY DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL SOLUTION LAFCO ORDINAN CE 59-020764, RE ----� RECEIVE r ApaChlMnt A- I ju r"J3 ANN; _ I,G THE SAID SOUTHERN BOUNDARY LINE OF RUNNING THENCE ALO_T SAID LOT LETTERED "V", AS SAID LOT IS SHOWVN ON THAT T�REAOF p E. TITLED, "IMAP OF THE PROPERTY SCE OF THE COUNTY TORTH NM AP RTC FILED IN-SAID OF ELIZABETH A. DOUG7HE RECORDER yiAY 11 , 1 S91; NORTH S9°J0' WV�ST 407-SS FEET;F STAID LOT - °„p, WE 1076.50 FEET TO THE SOUTHWVESTN BOUNDARY LINE OF �6 D LACE. ALONG THE WVESTER_ LETTERED „V"; THE SAID LOT L EARED v" NORTH 0°15' EAST 1541.40 FEET TO A POINT _ CE, OF THE CREEK AT THE SOUThEASTERtiT CORD-ER OF THE CE 7.92 ACRE TRACT OF L:-'LNG HERETOFORE CONVEYED BY T.F.ORDED T`+ � 1911,RE ET AL., TO E.J. CRON BY DEED DADA CO fiY RECORDS; THE G�, 14-: �.A_ LE BOOK. 193S OF DEEDS, P=-� , ID 7.92 UP S.�ID CREEK ON TI-� SOUTHERN BOUNDARY LLti�E OF S A � UTH 36°4�' tiVEST ��.6o FEET; SOUTH 6—•° WRIEST^OS'.O FEET; ACRES, SO 2° -yrEST 15 SOUTH 46°10 Wv-EST I-D 00 FEET; SOUTH S- SOUTH S6 °.,0' WEST 277.56 FEET; NORTH S3° NEST 12? 70 FEET; -°�0' NEST 151.50 FEET; NORTH 63'15' WEST 130.65 FEET; FEE T�; NORTH S / � �0 FEET; NORTH 73°16' NEST 65.E NORTH SS° NEST 1-9 NORTH 6 i°10' �`r'EST 99.00 CE NORTH 6S°15, WV`EST 115.50 FEET; THE- NORTH 43°30' titi'EST 72.60 NORTH 69 015' NEST 130.65 FEET; ' FEET; TIC AT CERTAL\ 3.227 ACRE SET TO THE ��iOST EAS TER!� CORNER 0 BY E.J. CRONL� TO T.F. TRACT OF LAND �RETOFORE CONVEYED 2' 1911, RECORDED � ' BOOK DO, Z,ON ET AL, BY DEED DATED SEDA COUNTY RECORDS, THENCE 1935 OF DEEDS, PAGE 10�, ALA - - - Up AFORESAID CREEK, ALONG THE NORTHERN CO. TINUING �° 1 _' NEST DARY LINE OF SAID 3.227 ACRE TRACT NO ST 16.^-'.S FEET; B0U- �;ORTH �- �0 'WEST 69.30 FEET; NEST 31 .65 FEET; ' z 2_2.72 FEET; ,, FEET; NORTH SO 'WEST ' NORTH 76°15 NEST 00.6- - °�p' WV�ST 166.9S FEET; NORTH 760 WEST 1`?� '�S FEET V�SHIOP SOUTH SS POINT ON THE LINE DIVIDING SECTIONS 3J AND ' T'� DISTANT SOUTH, RANGE 1 WEST, ti'iOU�iT DIABLO O CORNER COyi�%10N THEREON NORTH 219.7S FEET FROM THE SOUTH, RANGE 1 NEST AND TO SECTIONS 3, 4 IN TOW ��SHIP � S { AND 34, TpWVNSHIP 2 SOUTH, RANGE 1 WEST; AND SECTIONS 3 l' D 34 _ �G T� LI, � DIVIDING SAID SECTIONS 33 -�-- ' AN THENCE ALONG THE THE SAID SECT IOVS 3 AND 4 S OUTH 0°15' EAST 2571.00 FEET TO THE POII`rT OF BEGI`r�G T ONS OF SAID SECTIONS 3 AND SECTION 34 AFORESAID, . BERG PORTI A, �D ALSO A PORTION OF THE RANCHO SA:' RA`viON. A.P.No. 941-18-3 941-18-4 S6079.1 OVERALL DESCRIPTIO 6 /5 / 90 n ` Cr_ + jj III 'l V °.....30'-.O .Nl......_1..._...._.._......72.60' 15'Oi'Nl........1....._.._.......1.30.66: I 1 99:00' -ls'o VV —.9.15,50 ALAMEDA COUN . w............1 65.34' ............_.._. . ... °...._4'0..W .......1.............._..139.26. 15 0"-W 1 130_.68' nR74 N _ —AS'0"W=1_181,5.0' M.ACHADID - 1 p' 0""N! (.22,56' n rr API 09'11 0010' 005 I I NOTES ° IS'0" E...._...... .......... 277. -6.' API�I 09 ;1 0110 00-, i, 005 1II s 0 0 E 151.80' r F -'�> (39- 125052) Auu[uIIIIfII[u L[IrYI)OrTUIELtuwnu nrl)D[srnli'lloll O(LNUn . .. (73-0286._ 10'0".E._° .....................136.60' 1 n; nupnnrn uY S[r.nun 35352 of 1111 GOYLInnlulr (I)DE. u 0'0" C^ 90..,42' CfJNIFICAIC OF CunrI.EIIDn Auu IIOUln)AnY UESCIIIPIION nur. Q" E.. 33,.66` I laru.NARY LINE OF TFFRITORt ANNEXED III Sf.it IS Uf IIff ICIAL Itl.COIIUS, II(COMIS OF AL - - 1°°'-"' f ELAN DUBLIN CALIFORNIA ..........._18, 1.40 G THE CITY ' T H 0 DU [Y 1_075.00' .(D 7Q. Q Q ZI CITY COUNCIL ON ORDINANCE DIN ANCE Ii(L IIIIIG 30 0.30,0„E.........................._1.i S4 GY' I ° ?D _ RESOLUTION r �'J OIl ItJQ 1 ' LAFCO S.o....3a' 1.0" �/.................... 19A,1T I ,.....17'_59"Nl....:.................122.41' I \D Z 13 h Q 16 1 9 / I I [i Tif u��lc[n I°32'36" E ?._6A.f31' _� �__ �/ I LOCAL nGUICr famunun cDrunsslDn of atnn[DA CumnY, C ;°--131 36" E 49.45 -- FNCU Ar ST OF ' 1 I E Tllr REQUEST 111E CITY OF OUOL III AT 46 20 E ...1. ...... 75.55' I :JOT I NI nr ur I u 1 t ufi9c[ - C)Unl!It COINEn Oi nl IILUA LOUllrf 1LIf Ullll)d 01' 13"W- 120.05` -GAPS BET'NEEN LINES ARE SHO'NN FOR ,.. UI E Il 7 I °...30.13 \! 1 -,...-202.54' I 11 J 5 LINE ^I G' 12°.L- ..!,.._..,..231:25' �, I, 1 GRAPHICAL PURPOSES ONLY. ALL PARALLEL EI OAVIOSOII ��CH� E E:R '' LINES ARE ACTUALLY THE SAME )° 1B'27".E . ..._........... 36,,60' LOUIIII RECORDER 1A'51"N1 1_ 221.02' \RI0� 1 0013 JOL-03 11111. C. 3 50'.47"E_...1_ 1'11:8`1 . _._... ....._..... I n 'UI11 r IIUCII 30'0'_G. 993.00' 83' 135--1 CITY OF UBLIN I 'I'ii ' I 3°...'1.5..w.... .......1.._...._...26 14.213' I , °_15_00_W ___2671.00' 1 j at rmll1IISSIO[IFOA119110A CUmii Iulnmans OF IN[ LOCAL,v.[ -'_._...—�---- 1 OOIbYI.I J. L IICLLE' 1 `IJ ONILLIOlt OF IUIILIC WORKS I .1 ............__.. ..._._....._._..._................_........_ O PROPOSED ANNEXATION DO IA_D _ ;:F) i'1 _._....... .._......._..................._._. (a_n) ^207.:-;) nY IIIIL�f61 II. I:iJGlll-CCIIICFF IIEI'11I'i COD;I'f SUiJ'!t'fL`II,II.C. . I BLAYLOCK, GLEASON, I ELI'. 6710/91 FLETCH ER I IIAn OELIUbTIIUG OODUUAItY Or TEI)nI1011Y ANNEXED )O uIt 11 C uuutul. CALIFOIIIHA, uY IIESULUIIUn uD. OF \ i (80— 29 140) 1 'I CIIY COUNCIL. I AREA= 196.97 AC. �I I ALAMEDA COUNTY 1 SCHAEF=R I / r APIA 09A,I-0013-002-02 © T O^ , VICINITY MAP( 1 N.T.S. AS EA1,3LIE"' ti �. Lam-- I I OF GOD rp�l 'A' V. � I APY 0941-0022-002 o IR P,O.B• �i Al"N 0941-0013-0155 31 I 11 I -B OF TERRITORY ANNEXED TO ;I I.,4L'•'•[ 3'I, � IvJ`:•1-y, p 83'0135x:1 I I 1 //-BOUNDARY DUBLIN�BY OUNDARY LINE DUBLIN RIEY CO CIL Ot)_ oFIDINANCE------ ALAMEDA �- / J ANNEXATION NO COUNTY /� �- Zg�,�_ ©- „1D RESOLUTION NO , �=ter LEGEtID 3G CITY O is— © O33Q 3 F DUBLIN CALIF I 3 P.O B. POINT OF BEGINNING ;(3 rATE 1HWY jf0 I"=- EXISTING ALAMEDA COUNTY SfA:f= OF CAjjf°f(N'p f- SCALE I 4'00, MAY 1 257 ✓�? '?`� p' I t — --- EXISTING CITY OF DUBLIN SjO �14.: — — — =507 0i( 191 ^\�!jl,°,'�, Iw°II—] { BOUNDARY LINE OF ANNEXATION n� qS9 n I 1111111 r n ccnr I n rr� -- - DEC-04-'90 EI8:27 T-ALCO CAO 272 3724 #713-02 Approq as to .rm: adys Houston Deputy County Counsel LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION OF ALAMEDA COUNTY RESOLUTION NO. 90-28 WHEREAS, a resolution of application for Annexation No. 9 (PA 89-125.1 Donlan Canyon Reorganization) , was heretofore filed with the Executive Officer of the Local Agency Formation Commission: and WHEREAS, the Executive Officer has reviewed said application and prepared a report, including his recommendations thereon, noting that the City of Dublin has adopted a Negative Declaration for the underlying project, and said application and Negative Declaration have been considered by the Commission; and WHEREAS, this is a proposal to annex the 197 +/- acre Donlan Canyon site to the City of Dublin and concurrent annexation within the subject area to the Dublin-San Ramon Services District (DSRSD) ; and WHEREAS, it is recommended that the City of Dublin be designated as the conducting authority for this reorganization; and the Donlan Canyon site, located west of the City limits, is to provide single-family and multi-family residential open space/parkland streets and public right of ways; and WHEREAS, the City and County have agreed on the property tax exchange; the District will not share in the 1% property tax distribution; the subject area is uninhabited and not within an agricultural preserve: it is within the City of Dulbin' s sphere of influence, and the property owners have consented to the annexation; and WHEREAS, this matter has been noticed in the general circulation newspapers in accordance wtih Section 56153 of the Cortese/Knox Local Government Reorganization Act of 1985; and WHEREAS, at the hearing on November 8, 1990, the Local Agency Formation Commission heard and received all oral and written protests, objections and evidence which were made, presented or filed, and all persons present were given an opportunity to appear and be heard in respect to any matter relating to said application; and WHEREAS, this Commission did find as follows: 1 . The proposal is consistent with the procedures and policies previously adopted by the Commission. 2. The reorganization of the subject area will provide for municipal and sewer services to the City of Dublin and Dublin-San Ramon Services District. 3. Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, a Negative Declaration has been adopted by the City of Dublin, and said Negative Declaration has been considered by the Commission. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, DETERMINED AND ORDERED THAT: J -2- City of Dublin Annexation No. 9 (PA 89-125.1 Donlan Canyon Reorgaization) be approved subject to the following terms and conditions: 1 . Correction of the map and description as may be required by the County Surveyor-, and 2. The City be authorized to proceed without notice or hearing. I CER71FY TF,,.L.T THE FonE.^011NIG IS A A _y -1 0:: November 8 ,1990 Al"i'L_ STEVL,4 C. OF,'ICER CRY AL I-1115HIDA, LAFC-0 STAFF 4734c