HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.1 Approve 12-18-1990 & 01-14-1991 Minutes (2) STUDY SESSION MEETING - December 18 1990
A joint City Council/Planning Commission study session meeting of the
City of Dublin was held on Tuesday, December 18, 1990, in the Regional
Meeting Room of the Dublin Civic Center. The meeting was called to
order at 7 : 20 p.m. , by Mayor Snyder.
PRESENT: Councilmembers Burton, Howard, Jeffery, Moffatt and Mayor
Snyder, and Planning Commissioners Barnes, Burnham,
Rafanelli and Zika.
The Mayor led the Council, Staff and those present in the pledge of
allegiance to the flag.
East Dublin Project Coordinator Gillarde explained that the purpose of
this study session is to help prepare a preferred alternative for
environmental review and analysis. The map presented was conceptual
rather than parcel specific. Based on input received, the consultants
will further refine the preliminary land use plan for East Dublin and
proceed to the next phase of the East Dublin study which will be
preparation of the General Plan Amendment, Specific Plan and
Environmental Impact .Report (EIR) .
Ms. Gillarde advised that the 2 prior joint City Council/Planning
Commission workshops focused on 6 major issues: 1) residential
development; 2) retail uses; 3) office and business park development;
4) transportation facilities; 5) parks and community facilities; and
6) conflicts with existing adjacent land uses.
Ms. Gillarde explained that the next step in the process is to
translate the input from the workshops into a preliminary land use map
and through this process, begin to identify and resolve remaining
areas of disagreement.
Ms. Gillarde updated the Council and Commission on the Livermore
Airport protection area situation.
Cm. Burton stated he didn't realize the airport zone was as large as
it was. It takes a lot of Dublin's land.
Steve Hammond with WRT displayed several maps and gave an update on
circulation issues.
Discussion was held related to alignments and lane size of Fallon
Road, Tassajara Road and Dublin Boulevard. Also discussed was the
connection to Doolan Road and the possible impact as this area is not
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Study Session Meeting December 18, 1990
ITEM NO. '�'' {
presently in Dublin's Sphere of Influence. Also discussed was the
transit street and the fact that the street is restricted for transit
Land use components were discussed. Under retail, regional retail and
neighborhood uses containing smaller retail centers to provide
everyday needs were discussed. A number of alternatives were
presented. Retail uses have the most constraints and have specific
requirements for location.
The County annexation agreement was discussed. Adolph Martinelli
stated that Alameda County is working diligently in order to be able
to work with the City.
City Attorney Silver advised that the agreement cannot be changed
unilaterally, but must be agreed upon by both the City and the County.
Commissioner Burnham stated he liked the spine concept. He felt that
a Civic Center should be moved back toward the center of the area in
order that you can expand.
Mayor Snyder felt that a community center and greenbelt area could
compliment each other.
Commissioner Zika felt that one of the concepts presented encourages
walking and the other encourages getting into a car and driving to
another location.
Mayor Snyder stated he would rather see a combination of spine and
concentrated center. He did not like the concept of a thoroughfare
around the public area.
Cm. Jeffery stated she liked the idea of tying a public area into the
greenbelt area. Her concern with a spine concept is that people tend
to get into their cars and drive. You don't necessarily need to put
the community center at the entrance.
Mr. Ambrose questioned how deep the commercial areas were.
Mr. Hammond responded that they were about 400' to 800' deep, which
would be about 2 blocks.
Cm. Moffatt was concerned with having civic types of functions in high
traffic areas. He liked the spine center idea as a general concept.
Cm. Burton stated he would like to see a community center more toward
the green open space and have it on a main street where there is
public transportation. We should have some land set aside which is
relatively inexpensive for mom and pop .type shops. He definitely
wants to see strip commercial, much like Village Parkway.
Cm. Howard stated she liked the spine concept and would like the civic
area back further.
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Study Session Meeting December 18, 1990
Cm. Jeffery felt that business park access to services should be made
as easy as possible.
The widths of roads to the mixed use areas was discussed.
Cm. Moffatt questioned if the roads would be arterial with businesses
fronting them.
Mr. Hammond advised that Tassajara Road would be a commercial street.
Fallon Road would probably not have any businesses fronting on it.
Cm. Burton questioned the location of motels/hotels.
Mr. Hammond advised that land near the freeway would certainly be
conducive to these types of uses.
Under Office/Business Park/Light Industrial, Mr. Hammond discussed the
allowed uses typically in an airport safety zone.
Marjorie LaBar felt that a second issue in an airport zone would be
Carolyn Morgan advised that the Livermore tower closes at 8 pm.
However, if you have appropriate training, you can come in and land
there 24 hours a day.
Cm. Burton felt there was not much land designated for office space.
Mr. Hammond advised that business park use could involve office use.
Carolyn Morgan suggested putting down a wish list on the County
property which could include some retail on the west side of Tassajara
Cm. Burnham clarified that there was no financial benefit to Dublin on
the entire County marked area.
Cm. Zika stated that they do, however, have to pay for services.
Mr. Ambrose advised that up to 50% of the revenue generated, the City
can charge for services.
Cm. Burton advised that if the County creates retail, it will be in
competition with us and the sales tax would go to them instead of to
US. ,
Mr. Ambrose advised that a change in the agreement would have to be
Marjorie LaBar felt we should look for a group of land uses that could
produce some good income that might be well situated on their
Residential areas and densities were discussed.
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Bobby Foscilino stated with regard to high density areas, she was not
sure how stable the area is, and felt it would make more sense to put
it closer to services.
Ted Fairfield stated he respected the process the City must go
through, however, the down side is that we will end up with any
combination of these plans. He discussed jobs/housing mix balance.
Based on trying to achieve some sort of a balance, there is a lot of
good land that could be developed residentially. Given the relatively
small number of homes per acre being discussed, housing will be held
captive and infrastructure will drive costs of housing up. Worse
even, there won't be enough residential to fully support any plan
short of going to high-rise apartments. There will not be enough land
to share in the costs of the infrastructure.
Mr. Hammond indicated that the jobs/housing balance will definitely be
an issue. At this point, we cannot assume that the County will accept
any significant amount of residential on their property.
Cm. Moffatt discussed mid to high density and questioned if the
numbers are the same as discussed in the General Plan.
Cm. Zika questioned if Dublin has to assume the County's portion. If
they create 10, 000 jobs, do we have to provide the housing?
Mr. Hammond stated this would be a City policy decision; there should
be a reasonable balance.
Mr. Tong advised that there are some provisions in the annexation
agreement that will need to be agreed upon which will allow us to
explore some mitigation measures. There are various mechanisms that
we can explore.
Mr. Hammond pointed out that the jobs/housing balance is more than
just East Dublin.
Marjorie LaBar questioned the costs per mile to bring water, sewer,
etc. , services out there. If the homes are too expensive for the jobs
provided, you aren't doing any good.
Don Redgwick advised that about 40% of the housing in San Joaquin
County is being purchased by people working in Santa Clara County.
There is a lot of land zoned for industrial. If you save too much of
the open space as cattle ranges, you risk overlooking major
environmental issues in getting people living in the community where
they work. Space should be made available for some higher end homes.
There should be a lot more upscale residential in the plan. He also
would like to see more improved open space such as golf courses,
parks, etc.
Cm. Jeffery felt we should not cast judgment on the overall plan at
this point. It is inappropriate at this time to consider what the
overall picture will be.
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Study Session Meeting December 18, 1990
City Attorney Silver advised that the purpose of this work session is
to develop some type of a plan to study. The plan will then go to the
Planning Commission and to the City Council for public hearings.
Carolyn Morgan felt that Dublin cannot compete unless profits are
dropped. You cannot get anywhere near the value of home here for the
price as you can in Patterson.
Someone in the audience pointed out that densities will need to be
increased so that the housing can compete in order to make the plan
go. There is not enough available housing.
Cm. Burton asked if we will attempt to have some pedestrian pockets
where a mix occurs. This would create some commercial shops in
residential areas. He stated he would like to see if this can be
Cm. Burnham asked if it is actually feasible that the person in every
job in the City of Dublin actually lives here.
Mayor Snyder pointed out that this is a state guideline and we will
eventually have to meet the numbers.
Cm. Jeffery felt that high density and low density should be mixed
wherever possible. It tends to keep certain neighborhoods from having
a reputation of this or that. Height could be disguised in certain
areas. She stated she disagreed with the statement about pockets,
because you then tend to classify certain neighborhoods.
Cm. Moffatt stated he wanted to avoid tenement type appearances.
Mayor Snyder felt that a stream corridor that becomes a part of a
residential development also improves the corridor.
Cm. Moffatt questioned how close development would be to the prisons.
Under the heading of Community Parks, Mr. Hammond advised that with
30, 000 - 35, 000 residents there would be about 85 - 100 acres of
community parkland. You need generally flat land with easy access.
The location needs to consider adjacent uses. The LARPD is planning a
major equestrian trail along the Doolan Canyon area.
Ms. Foscilino stated she felt that parks located next to schools make
for unusable parks. This limits the time you can use the parks.
Cm. Jeffery questioned if we were just talking about major parks.
Mr. Hammond stated that 40 - 100 acres are the general standard for a
community park. , Passive uses could be located in a separate area.
Mr. Fairfield stated that because most of the plans are competing with
residential uses, he would like to believe that there is more than one
spectacular site for a major park. We should not waste high use land.
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Study Session Meeting December 18, 1990
Someone pointed out that the Casterson property is continually shown
painted green on the plans. They are frustrated about this. Dublin's
plans would virtually condemn 2 very small landowners property.
Mr. Hammond advised that compensation would need to be discussed in
the future.
Mr. Redgwick felt that as soon as we have a large area with
constraints, we should put a lake in there. He felt we should also
consider a ridgeline park with improved space, equestrian trails, etc.
Cm. Jeffery stated she thought that either Zone 7 or the Department of
Fish & Game control the land around Tassajara Creek, so they would
have to be fenced in.
Mr. Hammond advised that they are getting away from this policy.
Cm. Jeffery stated she agreed that other types of parks are needed
rather than just sports parks.
Cm. Burton stated he saw good reason for having regional parks at the
end of some of the gulches. It does seem a shame to use flat land for
Cm. Moffatt felt that some of the open space could be developed for
different types of parks.
Someone questioned if it would be feasible to put a park on the
Mr. Hammond stated there are policy issues involved regarding
ridgelines. Trails could be considered; however, whether a golf
course could be developed would be a policy decision.
Someone stated the wind is outrageous on the ridgelines. Winds
sometimes reach 80 - 110 mph.
Ms. Gillarde thanked everyone for attending and advised that the next
meeting will be in mid to late February, 1991.
There being no further business to come before the Council, the
meeting was adjourned at 10:25 p.m.
* * * *
City Clerk
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Study Session Meeting December 18, 1990
REGULAR MEETING - January 14, 1991
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Dublin was held
on Monday, January 14, 1991, in the Council Chambers of the Dublin
Civic Center. The meeting was called to order at 7: 35 p.m. , by Mayor
PRESENT: Councilmembers Burton, Howard, Jeffery, Moffatt and Mayor
The Mayor led the Council, Staff and those present in the pledge of
allegiance to the flag.
Public Works Director Thompson introduced Dublin's new Senior Civil
Engineer, Mehran Sepehri who began his employment with the City of
Dublin on January 7 , 1991. Mehran comes to Dublin most recently from
San Clemente.
Mayor Snyder presented a proclamation and pen to Norb Hudak honoring
him for his service on the Park & Recreation Commission from May, 1986
to November, 1990.
Mr. Hudak stated he appreciated this and thanked the City Council as a
whole for pretty much doing what was suggested by the Park &
Recreation Commission during the past few years. He also thanked the
2 new Councilmembers for asking him to be their representative, but
felt it was time to move on. He also thanked Diane Lowart for all the
Staff support.
Planning Director Tong advised that the proclamation prepared for Carl
Springer in recognition of his service on the Planning Commission will
need to be presented at a future date.
Cm. Burton introduced his appointment to the Park & Recreation
Commission, Randy Cahn. He has a lot of experience and background in
this area. He graduated from San Diego State with a physical L L y y
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Regular Meeting January 14, 1991
education degree. He is a teacher at California High School in San
Ramon. He was a candidate for the DSRSD Board back when they handled
parks in Dublin.
Mr. Cahn stated he was looking forward to serving and making a
positive contribution to the community.
On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous
vote, the Council took the following actions:
Approved Minutes of Workshop Study Session of December 6, 1990;
Approved Minutes of Regular Meeting of December 10, 1990; (Mayor
Snyder requested that Staff review the tape with regard to comments
made about working parents statistics by Ms. Miriam Miller, Director
of RFD on page 355) ;
Approved Minutes of Adjourned Regular Meeting of December 18 , 1990;
Approved the City's continued participation in the NORCAL Employment
Relations Consortium and authorized the City Manager to execute the
Agreement (600-30) ;
and authorized Staff to modify the scope of the project and re-
advertise the project for bids;
Accepted the City Treasurer's Investment Report for period ending
December 31, 1990 (320-30) ;
and Approved Warrant Register in the amount of $1, 689,403 . 29 .
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Regular Meeting January 14, 1991
Cm. Moffatt requested that the item related to the purchase of a used
car for Police Services be pulled from the consent calendar for
discussion. Since Hertz did not include sales tax in their bid, Cm.
Moffatt stated he would rather see the bid go to Shamrock Ford.
Mr. Ambrose advised that the tax was shown for both bids, so the total
price quoted by Shamrock Ford was substantially more, or about $1, 200
On motion of Cm. Moffatt, seconded by Cm. Jeffery, and by unanimous
vote, the Council awarded the bid for police vehicle (used 1990 Ford
Thunderbird) to Hertz Corporation ($12 ,735. 94) and authorized Staff to
issue a purchase order (350-20) ;
Cm. Burton requested that the item related to out of state travel to
the National League of Cities Conference be pulled from the consent
calendar for discussion. Cm. Burton expressed concern in that $2 ,900
is a lot of money and he found it difficult to relate benefits
directly to Dublin.
Cm. Jeffery stated she chairs the California League of Cities Revenue
& Taxation Committee. She also represents California, as well as
Dublin, on the National Committee. They create the policies which are
recommended to the Board. With regard to the savings & loan issue and
possibility of having properties in Dublin taken over, the Resolution
Trust Corporation develops policies on how these will be handled. She
advised that we have some properties in the City of Dublin that are
affected. The RTC will administer the bail out of the savings &
loans. In addition, they are working now with the problems with the
banks and the number of failures across the nation. They also make
recommendations regarding the funding that the Federal Government
gives to local agencies.
Cm. Moffatt stated he would like to go and see what the national scene
is all about, plus to talk to the postal service about getting a Post
Office for Dublin and to talk to some of the folks in the military to
see what can be done about the derelict buildings at Camp Parks.
Cm. Burton asked Cm. Moffatt if he felt he can make a change. There
are people in the postal service here that he could talk with.
Cm. Moffatt stated he felt it was good to try new avenues of approach
and that whatever money you expend to better your situation, it is
worth it.
Cm. Burton stated he was concerned that the State is over budget, and
this seems to be an extravagance that the City cannot afford.
Mayor Snyder stated he felt there needed to be some kind of
instructions that go along and precursory work done.
On motion of Cm. Moffatt, seconded by Cm. Jeffery, and by majority
vote, the Council authorized Cm. Jeffery and Cm. Moffatt to attend the
National League of Cities 1991 Congressional City Conference in
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Regular Meeting January 14, 1991
Washington, D.C. , on March 8-12 , 1991 (140-30) . Cm. Burton questioned
if the motion included both Cm. Jeffery and Cm. Moffatt. When advised
that the motion included both, Cm. Burton voted no on the motion,
stating he would vote for only Cm. Jeffery to attend.
Cm. Howard requested that a report be prepared and provided when they
Assistant to the City Manager Texeira advised that the Committee for
Water Policy consensus is requesting support from all communities
within the 12 county Bay-Delta region. Funds collected will be used
to support continuing efforts to promote economically sound and
environmentally safe solutions to water problems. Dublin's requested
contribution of $150 is based on population.
Mayor Snyder advised that he is a member of the Regional Water Quality
Control Board and they have yet to see anyone from this group come
before them.
Cm. Burton stated they obviously don't have much money. Their total
budget is probably not enough to make a lot of contacts.
Ms. Texeira advised that one of their main focus areas is as a lobby
Cm. Jeffery advised that last year, they were working on a statewide
issue of protecting our water from going down south.
Mayor Snyder stated they would not necessarily come before the board
for the north/south issue, but this board deals with millions of
Cm. Burton made a motion which was seconded by Cm. Jeffery to
contribute $150 to the Committee for Water Policy Consensus and to
authorize a budget transfer from the Contingent Reserve. The motion
failed due to NO votes cast by Cm. 's Howard, Jeffery, Moffatt and
Mayor Snyder.
Public Works Director Thompson provided a written informational report
related to soundwall construction along I-680. According to a letter
received from Ken Terpstra of CalTrans, soundwalls will be built along
both sides of the freeway from Amador Valley Boulevard to the
northerly City Limits at Alcosta Boulevard and range in height from 8'
to 14' depending on location. Some staking and clearing has already
Hanley Fong and Jeet Aulakh from CalTrans made a presentation and
updated the Council on the status of the project. Mr. Fong advised
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Regular Meeting January 14, 1991
that they should be completed in March with the clearing and then the
wall construction will start about 2 weeks later.
Mr. Fong advised that the new wall will be compatible with Dublin's
existing wall, but may not be exactly the same. Even though it won't
match, it will be compatible. The wall will be different on both
With regard to the injunction on the widening, Mr. Fong stated that to
his knowledge, there is no affect on this project due to the fact that
it is already under construction, and no one has said this wall should
not be built at this time. It is, however, part of the widening
project, and the widening project was named.
The Council advised that they were happy to see CalTrans moving along
on this project.
Cm. Howard questioned the location of the commuter lane, and also
whose idea this was.
Mr. Fong advised that the commuter lane will be inside from Alcosta
north and south. At the public hearing, everyone was in favor of
going ahead with the commuter lane. The Federal Government required
that it be considered.
Mayor Snyder asked if the commuter lanes would have specific hours of
Mr. Fong apologized that he did not have the specifics with him and
was not prepared to discuss the actual times related to this.
Lee North, an Allegheny Drive resident, advised that he contacted
CalTrans in December and someone came out to his house. He was told
that they did not plan to go south of Amador Valley Boulevard with the
soundwall. The reasons given were because of the industrial
buildings. They measured sound from his backyard and got a 61 db
reading. The break even point, he was told, was about 65 db. He
measured it himself during rush hour and the average was 72 db. Based
on this, he has submitted a petition to CalTrans requesting that the
wall go south from Amador Valley Boulevard because the height of the
freeway allows the sound to come over and skip about a block and come
into the neighborhood areas. There are people along Allegheny Drive
that do not agree with CalTrans decision to stop at Amador Valley
Mr. Aulakh advised that they will be considering the noise factor and
will take another look to see if a wall is necessary.
Cm. Burton questioned if there would be a fly-over at I-58011-680
going east. He understood years ago that this would need to be
Mr. Aulakh advised that the southbound direction would need to be
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Regular Meeting January 14, 1991
Cm. Burton indicated that they certainly wouldn't be putting in a wall
until all this was resolved.
Pat Costello questioned if there was an actual drawing on the I-580/
I-680 corridor, and if so, he indicated he would like to have a copy
of the drawings.
Mr. Fong advised that they held a public meeting on August 1st and
drawings were presented. They have none to release, but advised Mr.
Costello that he could come to their office and review the documents.
They are not final and approved yet.
No further questions or comments were made and no Council action was
Mayor Snyder opened the public hearing.
Associate Planner Carol Cirelli presented the Staff Report and advised
that the Applicant, Chrysler Realty Corporation, has appealed the
Planning Commission action taken on November 19, 1990, which approved
their Conditional Use Permit request to operate an auto sales and
service facility for a period of one year. The Applicant is
requesting a ten year time limit on the use permit.
Ms. Cirelli explained that a one year use permit was approved because
1) the construction schedule of the Dublin Boulevard Extension project
accommodates a one year use of the proposed project site; and 2) the
Applicant is not proposing any major site improvements such as an
addition to the existing building.
The proposed construction of the Dublin Boulevard extension project
will have a severe impact on the use of the proposed project site in
that a majority of the existing building would need to be demolished
when the extension is constructed. The portion of the project site
designated within the adopted right-of-way for the Dublin Boulevard
extension is tentatively scheduled to be acquired by the City in the
latter part of this fiscal year. The Conditional Use Permit approval
will not affect or preclude the acquisition of the property for the
Dublin Boulevard extension.
Ms. Cirelli pointed out that in conjunction with PA 90-066 (Chevron
CUP/SDR) , the Planning Commission is recommending that the Council
initiate a General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan Study for the
Scarlett Court area.
Cm. Burton asked if there was a possibility of reducing the
requirement for landscaping the driveway. Since this is now a vacant
lot, he thought just the fact that it would get used would be a plus
for Dublin. He also questioned if there was a way of renewing the
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Regular Meeting January 14, 1991
permit if we don't get started with the Dublin Boulevard extension for
several years. This has already been talked about for 3 years.
Mr. Tong advised that the Conditions of Approval require it to just be
brought up to minimum standards. We are not asking for anything
Mr. Ambrose advised that Dublin Boulevard is presently being designed
by Wilsey & Ham, and funds have been identified in this years budget
to buy right-of-way. In addition, we should be receiving funds from
BART through the settlement agreement. The City can take possession
right away. It is just a matter of litigating the price.
Tom Sholes, representing Chrysler, questioned when the condemnation
will take place. A short time span would not give them the time to
attract a tenant in order to get a return on their investment.
Cm. Moffatt asked if a longer period of time were to be agreed upon,
would they be willing to move their tenant. It appears that the road
will be going forward within the' next year.
Mr. Sholes advised that they only lease the property, they do not own
it. This question would have to be discussed with the property owner.
Cm. Burton asked what they would do if the road plan came along and
cut the building in half.
John Moore, Jay Patrick Land Company, advised that they own the
property to the north, commonly known as the Bridges property. They
have been working with the City for the last 3 years to get a road
installed in order to improve their property. Mr. Moore gave a brief
history of the vicinity, and advised that a lot of things have changed
in the last 3 or 4 years. They desire to develop their property in
concert with the roadway going through. He requested that the City
Council not do anything that would jeopardize the timing of the road.
Ms. Silver stated that an action by the Council granting a CUP does
not preclude the City from acquiring the property. If necessary, the
City has the power to condemn the property. The City must deposit an
amount of money it feels is fair market value for the property.
John Corallo, owner of Valley Boat House, stated he has been living
under the threat of this for several years. He reminded the Council
that they have struggled with this problem for a number of years. No
formal measure has transpired, but for all intent and purpose, most of
his property will be eliminated. What will remain fits their needs
extremely well. They are interested in maintaining their use on both
pieces of property. He expressed pleasure in that the City gets their
roadway and he gets his, and everyone is happy.
Cm. Burton expressed concern if the City Council gives them this
conditional use and then goes ahead and acquires the property, the
City then becomes a lessor. He questioned if there was any
possibility that this could hold things up.
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Regular Meeting January 14, 1991
Ms. Silver explained that the City has the power to grant the appeal
or not at this time. If the City buys the property, it could lease it
back. The City could lease it out for a period of time, but it
ultimately has to be used for the purpose for which it was condemned,
or in this case, for roadway purposes. The City can be a landlord.
Mayor Snyder closed the public hearing.
Cm. Moffatt felt they couldn't use it if they get just a one year
time. He felt that if the one year were granted, it would delay any
Mayor Snyder pointed out that Ms. Silver just explained that this
won't delay anything.
Cm. Moffatt questioned if the City would have to buy out the tenants.
Ms. Silver advised that if there is a lease, the City must condemn
both the interest of the landowner and the lessee.
Mr. Ambrose advised that the design stage should be done by April.
Cm. Burton requested that Staff be as condescending as possible in
helping them get into business.
On motion of Cm. Jeffery, seconded by Cm. Burton, and by majority
vote, the Council adopted
Cm. Moffatt voted NO on this motion.
Mayor Snyder asked if the Applicant would actually try to put anything
together for this site for only 12 months.
Mr. Sholes responded, "automotive-wise, no" .
Mayor Snyder opened the public hearing.
Associate Planner Cirelli presented the Staff Report and explained
that the Applicant, Chevron, has appealed the Planning Commission
action taken on November 19, 1990 denying the Conditional Use
Permit/Site Development Review request to construct and operate a
gasoline service station, food mart and car wash facility; and
recommending that the City Council initiate a General Plan Ameendment.
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Regular Meeting January 14, 1991
and Specific Plan study for the Scarlett Court area. The Applicant is
requesting City Council approval of their CUP/SDR request.
Ms. Cirelli advised that the Planning Commission denied the project
based on the inability to make affirmative findings relative to the
service station as a conditional use within a C-2 , General Commercial
District zone.
The finding that the project is not consistent with the General Plan
land use designation for the site may also apply to other uses
currently operating in the vicinity of Scarlett Court and existing
land uses and property boundaries may change in the Scarlett Court
area as the City acquires, or receives as dedication, property which
is located within the adopted right-of-way alignment for the Dublin
Boulevard extension project.
Ms. Cirelli advised that Staff was presenting two options for Council
consideration. The first option would be for the Council to uphold
the Planning Commission action denying without prejudice the CUP/SDR
request and to initiate a General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan
Study, and to further direct Staff to prepare a more detailed Staff
Report identifying specific land use and study area boundary options.
This report would be brought back to the Council for review and
approval. The second option is for the Council to provide direction
to Staff determining that a service station is in conformance with the
General Plan land use designation and continue the CUP/SDR request in
order to provide Staff and the Applicant adequate time to complete the
application process.
Harvey Levine, an Attorney with the law firm representing Chevron
advised that they first came to the City several years ago and made an
application for a service station on this site. They feel this is an
excellent site for a self-service station with a free car wash and a
small snack center. Mr. Levine provided a hand-out and advised of the
reasons why they like this site. They do not object to a General Plan
study, but they don't want their project to be delayed during this
study. The Dublin Boulevard extension was discussed. The right-of-
way line barely takes an edge of their property. They understand the
importance of the roadway going through and they will offer this piece
of property and accept the fact that they will be required to dedicate
it. They want the property to be as pretty a service station as
possible because it is at an entrance to the City. The City deserves
to begin getting the sales tax from this use as soon as possible, and
Mr. Levine requested that the project be approved.
Cm. Burton questioned if he understood correctly that they would
dedicate the corner piece of land at no charge.
Mr. Levine responded yes.
Cm. Burton questioned who would pay for the relocation of the curb.
CM - VOL 10 - 9 i f
Regular Meeting January 14, 1991
Mr. Levine indicated he was sure they would be willing to discuss
this. He also pointed out that the car wash will have a complete
recycling of the water.
Cm. Howard asked for clarification regarding how the cars would go
through the car wash and if the cars coming out would have to go
Mr. Levine advised that this site is about 1 acre which is larger than
most gas station sites. It was determined, after discussion, that
cars could turn either north or south when exiting the site.
Cm. Moffatt questioned the time line.
Mr. Levine advised that if they got the permit tonight, actual
construction time is approximately 60 days.
John Moore, Jay Patrick Land Company, advised that he was not present
to speak for or against the project, but if the Council approves the
plan, he requested an opportunity to work with Staff and with Chevron
with regard to project landscaping and elevations that lead to his
property. He hoped to develop a unified look. If a General Plan
study of the area is directed, he requested that it be done as
expeditiously as possible. He hoped that this will not cause delays.
John Corallo, Valley Boat House, advised that he is their nearest
neighbor. Chevron seems to be extremely cooperative and he felt they
have the best interest of the community in mind. He felt the project
should proceed as rapidly as possible.
Pat Costello advised that even though he is neutral on this, he felt
it was to everyone's interest to move on this quickly.
Mayor Snyder closed the public hearing.
Cm. Moffatt stated with regard to safety concerns, he felt that
service stations are a lot safer than they used to be.
Mr. Ambrose pointed out that we have had several spills at this
intersection which caused problems for motorists.
Mr. Tong advised that in the General Plan, there are 4 land use
designations under commercial/industrial. Staff felt that a service
station would not be one of the allowed uses.
Cm. Moffatt pointed out that this intersection will be one of the most
heavily travelled in the City.
Ms. Cirelli advised that an initial review had been done and it was
determined that this use would not add substantially to the traffic
CM - VOL 10 - 10
Regular Meeting January 14, 1991
Cm. Burton stated he felt the Council should take a position that the
gas station is acceptable in this location. He felt it could be a
worthwhile project and a good use for this corner.
Cm. Jeffery felt there had been enough questions raised that would
warrant going through a specific study of this area. This is an
important area and we should take the time to do it right. If the
property is valuable now, it will be valuable after a study. She felt
there were some real infrastructure problems there.
Mr. Tong advised that Staff could outline the various land use
options, as well as issues and options and bring it back to the
Council within a month for additional Council direction. With regard
to the General Plan study, Staff should be able to complete it within
9-12 months. If a specific plan were included, it would double the
amount of detail.
Mayor Snyder stated he was against a study of this area. Since the
City has no means of accumulating all the parcels, there is too much
speculation involved to allow the property to sit fallow.
Cm. Burton felt that service stations are an interim land use. The
situation could change down road and there could be another need. He
indicated he hated to get into study after study. He would rather see
it put in and going.
The San Ramon Road Specific Plan was discussed. This situation was
unfortunate in that we couldn't get property owners to cooperate with
one another.
Mayor Snyder felt that since we do not have a redevelopment agency, we
have no means of dealing with a specific plan study.
Cm. Jeffery made a motion which was seconded by Cm. Howard to adopt a
resolution upholding the Planning Commission's action denying the
CUP/SDR and to initiate a General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan
Study for the Scarlett Court area. This motion died due to NO votes
cast by Cm. Burton, Cm. Moffatt and Mayor Snyder.
On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by majority
vote, the Council agreed to allow the conditional use, and continued
the item so that Staff can work with the Applicant to finish the
processes, with the item to then be brought back to the Council for
action. Cm. Howard and Cm. Jeffery voted NO on this motion.
Mayor Snyder opened the public hearing.
Assistant City Manager Rankin advised that the City of Dublin
participates, along with other agencies serviced by Oakland Scavenger
Company, to jointly review rate applications proposed by the Company.
CM - VOL 10 - 11
Regular Meeting January 14, 1991
This hearing was scheduled to consider the adoption of a revised rate
schedule for garbage collection under the City's Franchise Agreement
with OSC.
Mr. Rankin advised that Section 3 . 1 of the Franchise Agreement
provides that, " . . .The collection rates shall be no less than the
Company's fully allocated costs of providing collection and disposal
services and facilities required by this agreement, plus a reasonable
return on investment. "
Mr. Rankin discussed the 1991 OSC Rate Application and the increased
costs experienced by OSC as a result of 1) settlement of a civil
rights lawsuit; 2) dumping fees; 3) earthquake costs; and 4)
collection wages & salaries. Mr. Rankin also discussed the impact of
increased tipping fees on garbage rates. The City of Dublin has
initiated a legal action to determine the validity of Measure D and
projected tipping fees were shown in the Staff Report both including
and excluding Measure D.
The JRRRC has recommended a 30% rate increase effective January 1,
1991. This increase included the estimated cost of imposing the
Measure D surcharge and estimated increases to be levied by the ACWMA.
OSC requested a 16% increase excluding consideration of Measure D and
Authority tipping fee increases. They projected that they would
require 11-12% increases in 1992 and 1993 . Any action on future rates
would be subsequent to a detailed review by the JRRRC.
Mr. Rankin pointed out that there are specific areas which may add to
the size of future rate increases. These include: 1) landfill
closure/post closure; 2) lawsuit defense costs; and 3) Altamont
adjustment for non-franchised assets.
Mr. Rankin advised that Staff is recommending that the City Council
approve a rate increase of 29%. This recommendation is based on the
Consultant's finding that in order to make OSC whole by the end of
1991, the Company is owed 28%. An additional 1% is the cost of the
estimated tipping fee increase to be imposed by the Alameda County
Waste Management Authority. In the event that the courts uphold the
collection of the Measure D surcharge, the City Council would need to
consider imposing the 13% increase at a later date. In the event that
the City prevails and Measure D is not implemented, the City of Dublin
will need to consider its 1991 rate increase in relation to action
taken by other members of the JRRRC.
On December 10, 1990, the City Council discussed alternative rate
structures and service levels. Currently, the cost of collection and
disposal of the first can is $5. 70 and each additional can is $3 . 95.
Staff recommended a transition which could occur over time to levy a
smaller increase on one-can customers. Residential and commercial
rate charts were presented and reviewed.
Cm. Moffatt stated he wished to clarify that the 29% increase does not
include Measure D.
CM - VOL 10 - 12
Regular Meeting January 14, 1991
Mr. Rankin advised that this was correct. The actual initiative
provides that the Board of Supervisors are to implement the fee within
90 days of the effective date. The City of Dublin is currently
seeking legal remedy until the issue of its validity can be
Mayor Snyder closed the public hearing.
On motion of Cm. Jeffery, seconded by Cm. Howard, and by majority
vote, the Council adopted
and authorized the Mayor to execute the Letter of Agreement.
Cm. Burton was absent from the Council Chambers when the vote was
taken on this motion.
Mayor Snyder opened the public hearing.
Ty Tekawa with TJKM advised that the City recently approved annexation
of the portion of Dublin Boulevard west of Silvergate Drive. Since
Alameda County has not previously established a speed limit on this
portion of Dublin Boulevard, the limit becomes a State maximum speed
limit of 55 mph. TJKM has conducted a speed survey on this portion of
Dublin Boulevard in order to establish a lower legal speed limit so
that radar can be used for enforcement.
TJKM also conducted a speed survey on Dublin Boulevard between Donlon
Way and Silvergate Drive. The adopted speed limit on this portion of
Dublin Boulevard is 35 mph; however, conflicting signs and pavement
markings had been installed which indicated both 25 mph and 35 mph for
this same section of roadway. In addition, safety concerns were
expressed related to the sweeping curve onto Silvergate Drive causing
a potential hazard for residents trying to back out of driveways.
Silvergate Drive has a 25 mph speed limit.
Staff presented a chart showing the 85th percentile, 50th percentile
and ranges. Staff proposed to install signage which would include the
25 mph curve warning sign on the sweeping curve from Dublin Boulevard
onto Silvergate Drive and standard 40 mph speed limit signs west of
Silvergate Drive.
Mayor Snyder, in reviewing the traffic statistics, pointed out that it
was interesting that traffic on the east side of Silvergate Drive goes
faster than on the west side.
CM - VOL 10 - 13
Regular Meeting January 14, 1991
Cm. Howard questioned if there was anything that says we have to
change the speed limit.
Mayor Snyder stated that with the information presented, the City
Council now has something on which to base a speed limit.
Mayor Snyder closed the public hearing.
On motion of Cm. Moffatt, seconded by Cm. Jeffery, and by unanimous
vote, the Council waived the reading and INTRODUCED an ordinance
establishing speed limits on Dublin Boulevard.
Mayor Snyder opened the public hearing.
Ty Tekawa with TJKM advised that on December 10, 1990, the City
Council adopted a resolution establishing short no parking zones
adjacent to Nielsen School driveways for visibility and establishing
an on-street handicap parking space in front of the school. An
ordinance was also introduced which would establish a passenger
loading zone along the frontage of the school.
The City Council also approved provision of a crossing guard in front
of the school. The crossing guard service began on January 7, 1991.
City Staff has provided the School District with recommendations for
improvements within the school property.
Cm. Howard stated she did not think that the Council had kept the
white passenger loading zone.
Mayor Snyder stated the recommendation was to put in benches, but
leave the drop off parking.
Christine Campbell questioned the area being discussed. She stated
the kindergarten area is necessary in order to be able to drop off the
kids. People would not be able to park but rather it is to be used as
a drop off point only.
Cm. Howard advised that when the school puts in their daycare, people
will have to leave their cars and check the kids in.
Mr. Tekawa advised that in a passenger loading zone, you must stay in
your car.
Mayor Snyder closed the public hearing.
Cm. Howard advised that the day care will start when the bathrooms are
Cm. Burton stated he felt this throws a chink into things.
f if if i{ i{ ii i if ii ii i{ Cf M -.f VOL 1.10f i-f if 4 if i ii if ii 1f ii i{ !f
Regular Meeting January 14, 1991
Mr. Ambrose advised that day care would typically start before the
regular school traffic. He questioned if it would be possible to make
the loading zone for a specific period of time.
Mr. Tekawa stated there might be enforcement problems. There are
times when people get out of their cars and block the whole area.
This has been previously discussed. He pointed out that there is
currently a time limit on the passenger loading zone of 8 am to 5 pm.
Mr. Ambrose suggested that since Staff does not have enough
information on how the day care program will run, Staff could look
into this and be in a better position to suggest a timeframe on the
loading zone.
On motion of Cm. Jeffery, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous
vote, the Council continued this item to a future meeting.
Mayor Snyder opened the public hearing.
Ty Tekawa with TJKM advised that the City has been notified by the
property owner of Northwood Plaza, an office complex at 7080 Donlon
Way, that parked cars cause a visibility problem between drivers
exiting the driveway of The Springs apartments and drivers on Donlon
Way. TJKM reviewed the location and recommends installing 20' of red
curb to the north of the driveway and 25' of red curb to the south of
the driveway for visibility purposes.
Mr. Thompson advised that other situations called to the City's
attention by the property owner have already been addressed.
No public comments were made relative to this issue.
Mayor Snyder closed the public hearing.
On motion of Cm. Moffatt, seconded by Cm. Jeffery, and by unanimous
vote, the Council adopted
Mayor Snyder opened the public hearing.
Public Works Director Thompson advised that the existing Subdivision
Ordinance (No. 13-82) was originally the Alameda County Subdivision
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CM - VOL 10 - 15
Regular Meeting January 14, 1991
Ordinance in effect at the time the City was incorporated. The
Ordinance has been updated 4 times since adoption. Ordinance No. 19-
83 made minor revisions, including the map submittal requirements and
the powers of the Planning Commission. Ordinance No. 74-83 revised
the formula for determining park and recreation requirements.
Ordinance No. 33-85 added the vesting tentative map provisions.
Ordinance No. 6-90 revised the submittal requirements of soils
Mr. Thompson advised that the new Ordinance is intended to replace the
existing ordinances with a single ordinance that reflects recent
changes in State law, clarifies existing procedures, and eliminates
outdated references. The proposed Ordinance was circulated
internally, as well as to various public and private agencies that
could be affected by the proposed ordinance, and comments were
incorporated into the Ordinance, as appropriate.
Cm. Burton questioned what an advisory agency is.
Mr. Thompson explained that as an example, the Planning Commission
would be the advisory agency for a tentative map.
No public comments were made relative to this ordinance.
Mayor Snyder closed the public hearing.
On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous
vote, the Council waived the reading and adopted
City Manager Ambrose presented the Staff Report and advised that the
Tri-Valley Transportation Council is proposing that the City of
Dublin, along with the Cities of Livermore, Pleasanton, San Ramon and
Danville and the Counties of Contra Costa and Alameda adopt a Joint
Powers Agreement which would create the Tri-Valley Transportation
Council and authorize the Tri-Valley Transportation Council to
undertake the development of a transportation plan for the Tri-Valley
area. Each agency may appoint one voting member and one alternate who
may vote in the absence of the designated voting member.
Mr. Ambrose explained that the JPA would authorize the Tri-Valley
Transportation Council to: 1) review and provide comments to any
agency's proposed General Plan Amendment or Specific Plan when
regional or subregional transportation issues are involved; 2) review
and provide comments regarding any new proposed freeway, expressway,
arterial transit project, or major intersection improvement of
i *A*A*A*A*A*A*A*A*A*A*A*A*A*A*A*A*A*^*A*�*A*�*^*A*A*A*A*A*A*A*^*A*A*^*
CM - VOL 10 - 16
Regular Meeting January 14, 1991
regional or subregional significance in the Tri-Valley area; 3) retain
a consultant to prepare a transportation plan for the Tri-Valley and
assess the cost of the consultant among the participating agencies; 4)
seek on the behalf of the Tri-Valley Transportation Council or member
agencies funding from Federal, State, or local sources for
transportation planning, facilities, improvements, etc. , which are
consistent with the Tri-Valley Transportation Plan; and 5) serve as a
forum for resolution of transportation related disputes between member
The Agreement clearly indicates that the parties to the Agreement do
not intend to create an agency or entity separate from the member
agencies. Mr. Ambrose pointed out that Staff recommended 2 minor
changes in the wording contained in the agreement. Paragraph 9 -
Accounting Services "The Finance Director of the " , be changed to
"The Finance Director of one of the Cities" . Paragraph lib (IV) "For
Personnel Matters" be deleted.
Mr. Ambrose pointed out that there is a difference between a Joint
Powers Agency and a Joint Powers' Agreement. The lead agency would be
alternated on an annual basis.
Cm. Moffatt questioned if the scope of transportation could be
broadened to include air and other types of transportation.
Cm. Jeffery stated she felt the types of transportation indicated were
used as examples.
Mr. Moffatt stated he felt the airport is becoming more and more of a
regional situation and the area as a whole should have the advantage
of giving input to some of the rules.
Mayor Snyder pointed out that this is a General Aviation Airport and
not appropriate for inclusion in this type of a study. He felt they
were talking about surface transportation.
Ms. Silver advised that any form of public transportation could be
included. She did not feel the language should be changed.
Cm. Burton pointed out that the Rules of Procedure sometimes conflict
with the JPA.
Ms. Silver advised that if there is a conflict, the JPA will prevail.
Mayor Snyder advised that the old rules were what they operated under
with regard to the Memorandum of Understanding.
Mr. Ambrose advised that in order to adopt the annual work program, a
unanimous vote of all parties will be required.
Cm. Jeffery expressed concern that this JPA can be ongoing forever.
She felt there should be some provision for review at some point in
the future, perhaps in 2 years. At that time, we could review the
effectiveness of the JPA.
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Regular Meeting January 14, 1991
Cm. Burton pointed out that if one agency drops out, it kills the
whole deal.
Cm. Jeffery advised that the Alameda County signature line should be
changed to President.
On motion of Cm. Jeffery, seconded by Cm., Burton, and by unanimous
vote, the Council adopted
On motion of Cm. Jeffery, seconded by Cm. Howard, and by unanimous
vote, the Council appointed Cm. Moffatt as representative and Cm.
Burton as alternate to the Tri-Valley Transportation Council.
Mr. Ambrose advised that each year, the City Council holds a special
study session meeting to review the status of the current year Goals &
Objectives and to develop and prioritize Goals & Objectives for the
upcoming year. The meeting is typically held in February.
By a consensus, the Council selected the date of Wednesday,
February 27th beginning at 7: 00 p.m. , to hold the annual Goals &
Objectives Study Session.
Mr. Ambrose advised that the City has received a Memorandum from the
President of the League of California Cities indicating that the
League's Board of Directors is recommending a 4% increase in dues for
1990-91 to balance the League's budget. This would increase the City
of Dublin's dues from $3 , 655 to $3 , 801 for FY 1990-91.
On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous
vote, the Council accepted the requested dues increase and instructed
the City's representative to the East Bay Division (Cm. Moffatt) to
advise the League accordingly.
Revenue & Taxation Committee Meeting (330-80)
Cm. Jeffery advised that she had recently attended a League Revenue
and Taxation Committee meeting where they talked about Governor
Wilson's budget. He would like to realign health services to the
CM - VOL 10 - 18
Regular Meeting January 14, 1991
counties and increase funding through VLF fees and also tax alcohol
which would raise about $190 million. They're also looking at
reinstating trial court funding. A suggestion was made to cut
subventions going to redevelopment agencies.
Senator Boatright will be carrying a bill to repeal SB 2557 . Senator
Lockyer has said he would support it.
Request to Form New Business Development Commission (110-20)
Cm. Burton requested that the City Council consider the formation of a
new commission to be made up primarily of retailers to be a resource
to the City on what might be done to improve shopping centers and to
bring in other retail businesses. He is interested in improving the
look of our retail areas.
Cm. Jeffery stated she is very familiar with this type of a volunteer
board; she works with a board of 23 business people and stated she is
lucky to get one hour out of them.
Mayor Snyder stated he felt that seeking out new business is more
economic development.
Cm. Jeffery felt that the Chamber of Commerce can do a great deal of
this already. The Council has talked about the need for an economic
development specialist during Goals & Objectives sessions.
Cm. Burton explained how he envisioned the make up of the commission.
Cm. Moffatt questioned where the funding would come from.
Ms. Silver suggested that further discussion on this topic would be
inappropriate, but rather, that it should be agendized for a future
meeting. The Council concurred.
East Dublin Study (420-30)
Cm. Howard asked if the Council could come up with different
terminology when discussing East Dublin.
A suggestion was made to refer to it as "Focus East" .
CM - VOL 10 - 19 f f
Regular Meeting January 14, 1991
Audit Review Committee (310-10)
Mr. Ambrose advised that he needed to set up a meeting date and time
for the Audit Review Committee to meet next week.
Cm. Moffatt and Cm. Howard advised that they could meet on January
22nd at either 1 or 2 pm.
West Dublin Field Trip - Rescheduled (420-10)
By a consensus of the Council, the West Dublin field trip was
rescheduled for January 26th at 9 am.
At 10: 57 p.m. , the Council recessed to a closed executive session to
discuss Pending Litigation, City of Dublin vs. County of Alameda
Superior Court No. V-002172-8 (Measure D) , pursuant to Government Code
Section 54956.9 (a) .
There being no further business to come before the Council, the
meeting was adjourned at 11:22 p.m.
City Clerk
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