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Item 3.4 Proclamation Dublin Pride Week (2)
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".7'" -• ' -'' - .7,in,•-iiiitt:.:'•-F,:• ••'' • ., ..... . .. .4- , ,Ar,i-: •".14:731-: ::::;t----r-77-7,-7.-777'17:12--7Z. ::::-.4.':-.;:_,,_-.-.: i----;4::-:- -----::.------------- - - --,...f_)s.: --....-_-„,.:,:...,,,,,• ,.......,,,-. ',•%'•...,:f....,., %b% ti.::;;;;:?:• :-Z--.:,_, .....;:..,,. - ,...• _...... _-, • - - --• . A PROCLAMATION OF THE CITY COUNCIL - . . . - CITY OF . . • • .. . .:;;Ii,::;;;:,i::".,;:;::•••.:77:::::r:ziak:-.11.-7...',:ii -..., ,,,,,:,,,,•,.,,,,,:4•/ • - • • . 14hL ,N;-"A.,,g •-!.•!:"••••• ■•,.: . •• •••-.,:-....„.,, ,_,, .1t•03..?!It.,•, .___i . . - •V:'..::::." s4 •.;:si.. • • ••.,- . DUBLIN ,.[1:::B: L •IN CALIFORNIA : . • • . . - . . . . . : • ......,__ ,,,.... • ,/.:.:-.:::-,.:,_.....,,,, ,C4, . ' • • • • • . "DUBLIN property and : '--..,1%---.•'.-.-,-_-:::‘,5- i::::.,...::::: wHEREAs, Dublin held its first DUBLIN PRIDE WEEK" iontoApthrieliz.21-27, 1985 aaa , 17-:1.-.H.--;.,flt:_3::l7-:::::-.51?-;-;": . . .. . -:;i:::,,ttz. :-,.. -i;-..•:,-A-:.,::,--,i - A....-,::, ..rar,=:. ,.- l'. .-5-1‘'; a means of encouraging people to give extr a sc -. . -• : • • • • -', .: i,,,,I;;.t.,-,,t,:..•-f:,..,,z,,,,i-/• ' --,..-.:, .-.7.-.-_-: .4. •businesses; and- . • : .- • • •• . . . •-•--, •. . • -. ** . •.--,-:- -: .. - - • • - : • i1,4...4.1(.....,1 •Niv.,,:fl'..:: -...;12 ,:zfir •, ::- .L.: .. ........ . : . •=srsz-,';g-•-..-•-,:w. ... .-.,,,,, --...k.._-- .'1,-.-%,,..:.• '." ' r • '.k.rie?•':';;; A: WHEREAS, - the idea :.4)z- "DUBLIN. PRIDE WEEK": was ,instituted 'to • develop a "_ •.-,7r.gt,:i. '.-.1,7i:'•,_-1,\ 4-!: - -- 1 .• s' sense 'of pride in the -COMill. tin i&Y...by. improving o: ur Surz-oun d ings; •and . . - .. .....,:,,:f,..9,473_,c.,.t.....;;;,..14.,..\\ ... ; gf.-.'2") n 71.:: 11:1; ' .. WHEREAS, •:..-- the. effort t-O. -.instill' :". . : pride.4.aF.,.-4-..q the .c( in,,..... 1..i.i..1.: ... y-. is .,ipp.r ...11. coordnatec7 .,..0,,...\,./.:,..ft-tir„.:::...,.,,..;-,;.....:i,(...., 0 -7.-7-'-fii.:::. •,.•t.==1%.,..,zl'... :_- by a broad base .0 f COMMuni.ty. grOpp_S •:, p.414 ,-,;•..".... .,::..... .,-'.. ,:.....:. ---::..„ ..-s_ -._..'. . , :.', :..:" :.:: . f;,;:,f1flisl..7strk4\ IV .g' .& ••,i;; :1:.-..--1 .. .-" ..,. ..'' . .:' ,.......-2...7. : ,- .. : ‘','..:'".,..`: •:':', .,:''.--,7...., "••:'■•, ,...`;',7'`,.',•_ r.•; .; :i :: : ' :77: ;.:. . -....: • -'-.=- - - :t.:= :‘,41:12 H tii En ,.,..:4....!;.':.:7" t T..::,::-.". WHEREAS,. .- school 'O. ff iCi a"ls,_-..,:r er pr. es. ..en. tat iveS -of he Chamber of: Commerce and •\-k-,..-4-:.•„..--rgf..,-„,2. /...L. ''".--"'•"-'1'' :.-'4; business community,rinity,s and local elected:"City.:.officials.."are _supportive of the . ;,•:11.y 4-,..%.;.2_,-..„,..,:,,-.e..::ri, "DUBLIN :iiiIDE:iiiEE.K;!'..and.': ":--,:', ::,,,-...*;*,7- -..- • ;:"'. •:.'.::-. ..:- --:::- •:':: ...- •'. \ ,. ...' :4"--'" ' - . 'efforts- to establish ,DC1B . .. ,_ .,- ,' :.. _•• : -. I' . ...,.. . .,".•: ., ' '• -: ; .. :' VAs.'"?*,-,.7,\ ■X...,',.1 •'•••-.. ,..t.1, • •• \•',:::":"..,:•-;71- :gra -: • 1,.:_•,:7...'>,••••"•••••-•4''I.',i'. / ,if...r:'...,,.7.7.;}:z...::..7-1..4"..- .3 WHEREAS,:-.A....7.9.: .";:i .;.l.s:t:::u...'r:!.a.a;y..-:::::AP11-::-..':i.s.':i:::: ;:0'...-..;:-.;-:; 9:7./.:,:.:-:-::A- /..::.::;;%:;:: ...O.:.':;:e: O.:i.1:four:•' free City-wide y-fiir- iidale-- ::'7.:::417 :1:'•?;-1gr':;\,, x..7.‘5';:..-;.-:::-.':AA: , trash • ---- ":'._ • • ''-!•":•= E.:::..3;:.::3;:.K._ •,. ?-:;; :::::e.i, '0 -::.i3s -pick-up days conduCted by Livermore-Dublin Disposal for resident :•,i,:,..._,,, ;,,,, ;-,. ••• C\ \.,.,....----.,,:. .m. :--if----:.r, .• • . • . .., • :•,,-:-1,1,,., customers, and • . , 's-,..- :;- t.-Ny . . • - • - . • , . - ... .. --. -• . . . . . . . . .,-:._....,-,,F,,,..-2./ .. ‘‘,•14..2:!.14,9 :•!.1;,.•• NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that I, Peter .W.- Snyder, MayOr• of Dubliniuz;PRIDE :::.;;;1:.::: . • t0 -„.1 ri. -17-_-_:,,--::,..... ..,.._=:.:. /I,:__:••::: -,,•;.•:; :•.,...-• I• A.-- hereby proclaim the week of April 14 --. April 20, 1991 as • "DUBLIN 4!:::::;:-,',1::,::::;.:-' __:',., •:.•:••:::j:,-•:-.-r:',.: .=,---• "....1f47-57..;11.-4..; •:7;:::3? ./:::••-,-..-:." _-M: '.:•!: . WEEK" and encourage all residents of Deubwliitnhinto.ouursecommthuins community , tk.,_::-;......... .,,,,..,-,.:1 ' '--- •- ' • ,,,, .,,N.t..-=.y..-...-.--;,..1, 1:;'-5"'.1€-E:,:1:::::-= . • spruce-up and. enhance the. quality of •,y.-?.,••• ,:,......-::-.3R.; - i-:--:,,-,- " • . . . . . , - . . . - • • • . 4j 6:A 17/17;/ ', -•::. ,:..i:i.-;,..■:',- • •N`. 1,?...t.....:U--=';:' 1;7" . • . • . . . . . ' ..:1,,.."'N. ‘••• ' ^..'-Wi.'.•-,.-* '''.;%. ....4.•■■ . .. .. . ..:- ft-N. . • \„,,... ..;.•,,, - DATED: April 8, 1991 .- • . - 1 •-; - , _. `-t.',- -,, •-...•,,...-•,- 0 •-,. ..Sz3r.i• iz.„.;.• -.--- _...a Mayor Peter W..,:nydar 1 .. ( . . . , • . - . •. . :, •%7 • , ' -• " :r, ,;. -=, :,:::::: _ - , '" •• -- • . - i':11.•g ••=-: ::Zl ....1 't:::..-:..' -1------_'. "'-'-'. . . . : • -1 i i \ '/* \-.. ::‘•- :i,f : :....i..,,Y•i, ..,:s....f.r.: ,,\ - /.._ -. \- . /111 ,: ,-;::F.V. '';"'.'-'-'.', .-3---. ''-'.•---7-,..e ,-..,----1 -4.--,,- --.-2,.,-:!:,;-=',.--:-.T:-.:- .,:.7,. .5----4,...::,-;.',--f..,--, •:_,--':i:....---'.e,..;..!..e.,: -i,-::-,..7..47-'-'1. 4.14.ef NZ.,.... I.......• .e......0.. -:-.-.,i, ' •...., -'.. .',.,''., .....,.., . l.',..,,- .,t.,,,,,f; , . , _ .../ 4 / ••C ''';.4.'1>: . ••.4:..:.x,::-. ::;,"; 2..4.F.:1/4.A.24.!---.1,_:,..±:-) ±_......11,;,-..24..1.),V.....---,,,-.7-.''...L-:"--.. '....:.._'!g•''' ."--:-'-.-.-7.7 '7'.:4;:§e .....::,-:-'.'...::, `•:_,Z;-7. •-;,-.:,..:/7.. .,,,,,,,,yr:2,-'51.. ,;.,..,: l'''''-1: 44:,;;.g.;••-•.:'-:.--•'',,,:',"1..f.f-4 ;;•- -- - •-;,‘I....4. •.......:•,..1\1', •'. 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