HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.2 Tri-Valley Community TV Report (2) CITY OF DUBLIN
SUBJECT: Six Month Progress Report Tri-Valley Community
television (CTV)
Prepared by: Paul S. Rankin, Assistant City Manager)
EXHIBITS ATTACHED: S x Month Review Dated March 1991
RECOMMENDATION: Review performance of CTV and authorize final payment
\ of Fiscal Year 1990-91 funding.
FINANCIAL STATEMENT: The adopted 1990-91 Budget appropriated $46, 000 to
support CTV operations. The second installment is
contingent upon a satisfactory mid-year review.
DESCRIPTION: During the annual budget process, the City Council
approved a total budget of $46, 000 for Community -Television programming.
The source of funds includes a $1 , 000 grant from Viacom to maintain cable
television equipment. The remaining $45, 000 is funded by the City's
General Fund.
In the past the City Council has authorized payment to CTV of one half of
the annual appropriation. The second payment is made following a review of
CTV's performance during the first six months of the fiscal year. The City
has already made a payment to CTV in the amount of $22,500. CTV has
requested the distribution of the remaining funding for the current fiscal
year. In accordance with past practice, the organization has submitted a
six month review (Exhibit 1 ) .
As shown on the summary report during the six month period, the major
productions CTV has regularly produced includes the following programs:
# Produced
580/680 News 26
Let's Talk Sports 26
Valley Forum 12
Mayors' Report 11
Valley Magazine 14
This provides a variety of locally based programming. CTV has also
provided a very detailed listing of all topics covered during the first six
months of Fiscal Year 1990-91 .
The current funding of CTV is intended to provide weekly production of
580/680 News. As shown in their progress report, CTV has been able to meet
this production schedule. The summary sheet also identifies the allocation
of the CTV Budget to the programs they produce. The weekly news program
utilizes a majority of the available funds. This information may be
helpful to the City Council in evaluating any future request from CTV.
Staff would recommend that the City Council accept the 1990-91 Six Month
Review and authorize disbursement of the remaining funding included in the
1990-91 approved City of Dublin Budget.
Darla Stevens, CTV
Dave Adams, Tri-Valley CTV Secretary
N1AR 2 91991
March, 1991
In the first six months of this fiscal year, CTV accomplished
regular production of all budgeted programming , plus the
extensive production centered around the local elections this
past November 1990 . All of this was done within the allotted
budget, as reviewed monthly by our CTV Board of Directors .
The effect on the local communities, and in this case
specifically Dublin, is that CTV continues to receive
numerous phone calls (requesting that their specific
information be put on television) , and of course numerous
press releases from organizations, public agencies , police
departments , school districts , and individuals . In addition,
as a matter of routine, CTV initiates and seeks out
information of interest to the local viewing public, i .e.
actions taken at city council meetings and other governmental
actions, local agencies , and local news and feature stories.
In order to package this information appropriately for
attracting viewers , CTV recruits, trains , and utilizes
individuals to go out into the community and shoot, then
return and edit/write/narrate, this material . Our crews are
made up of at the least 1/4 volunteer interns .
The many items of information, and news and feature stories
produced by CTV on the several programs maintained by CTV --
are listed in the attached print-out. The summary of the
numbers of programs preceeds the data on each program.
PLEASE SCAN the content column on the right hand side of this
print-out to get an indication of the many bits of
information we put on television. These stories touched the
lives of thousands of viewers in the past six months . This
local information would not be available on television
without your support. The local spirit of community and
its struggles and advancements , would not be chronicled on
television ---the medium where most people get most of their
information ---without your support.
If you have any questions regarding this list of production,
or about the kind of services or quality of services provided
by CTV, please contact me.
Respectfully submitted,
Darla Stevens
Tri-Valley Community Television
Darla Stevens, Executive Director • P.O. Box 884 Pleasanton, CA 94566 • (415) 462-3373
580/680 NEWS 26 72%
LET' S TALK SPORTS 26 * 3. 4%
SANTA CALL-IN (From General Fund)
* Let ' s Talk Sports was mostly covered by outside donations,
subsequent to this report . This offset the cost of the
Election Coverage and the Santa Call -In.
. '
Community Television Production Reports - Dublin
July 1990
Proqram !D (date) S# Description
Let ' s Talk Sports 90/07/03 Guest is Coach Dean Wurzberger , B| ackhawk' s
Soccer Head Coach.
90/07/10 John Vella, former Raider offensive tackle.
90/07/17 Guest is Steve McCatty, former Oakland A' s
pitcher .
90/07/24 Guest is Chris Scott , Loyola Marymount
basketball player .
90/07/31 Guestis Greg Kragen, Denver Defensive Tackle
A| | -Pro.
Mayor ' s Report 90/07/17 2 Paul Moffatt of Dublin talks about the Civic
Education Program, Sister City student exchange
proposal and Dublin' s new gift catalog.
90/07/29 2 Vice-mayor Georgean Vonheeder of Dublin talks
about the Tri-Valley Transportation Commission ,
the upcoming meeting on East Dublin
development , and the Dublin Shamrock Potato
Festival .
580/680 News 90/07/03 1 4th of July celebration, fireworks
90/07/03 4 San Ramon and Dublin budgets.
90/07/03 7 New police captain for Dublin.
90/07/03 9 New DUI law in state'
90/07/03 19 Shopping promotion.
90/07/03 22 Hill is draft pick.
90/07/03 23 Valdez wins
90/07/03 24 Movie review - RoboCop II
90/07/03 28 Genealogy classes.
90/07/03 29 Opening of Valley Community Health Center '
90/07/03 30 Red Cross classes
90/07/10 2 Dublin Council filing period for election.
90/07/10 8 Dublin/San Ramon talk about Joint development
study for Dougherty Valley.
90/07/10 19 Performing Arts Study.
90/07/10 22 Sports: Bay B| ackhawks
90/07/10 23 Sports: Lester Hayes
90/07/10 24 Sports: Les Jepsen
90/07/10 25 Movie review.
90/07/10 29 Senior center second birthday.
90/07/10 30 Diabetes workshop.
90/07/17 3 Elections
90/C7/17 5 Stark town meeting.
90/07/17 16 Water recycling.
90/07/17 17 New gym at Wells Intermediate School .
90/C7/17 19 Boat sales
90/07/17 20 Golf cruise
90/C7/17 21 Felix Jose of the Oakland A' s
90/C7/17 22 Sports: Bob Uecker
90/C7/ 17 23 Sports: Charlie O' Brien
90/C7/17 24 Sports: Kevin Pritchard
90/[ 7/17 25 Movie Review
90/07/24 1 Brandes to not run for re-election; Mercer to
run for one more term.
Page 1
Community To| oYioton Production Reports - Dublin
July 1990
Program ;_D (date) S# Description
580/680 News 90/07/24 2 Dublin election.
90/07/24 4 East Dublin Hills development plans.
90/07/24 7 De| aine Eastin gives valley reps viewson BART.
90/07/24 10 New Raiders deal .
90/07/24 12 BART park n ride ground breaking.
90/07/24 13 Diamond Lanes
90/07/24 21 Supervisor Campbell talks about Doo| an Cs!nyon.
90/07/24 23 Town and Country shopping center face lift .
90/07/24 24 Model mugging self-defense class.
90/07/24 26 Sports: Curt Young
90/07/24 27 Sports: Joe Sacco
90/07/24 2B Sports: Dr . Harry Edwards
90/07/24 29 Sports: Youth baseball .
90/07/24 30 Sports: Pete Rose sentencing
90/07/24 31 Movie review.
90/07/24 34 Dublin' s Concours d' E| egance
90/07/24 35 Dublin Potato festival .
90/07/31 1 State budget cutbacks.
90/07/31 4 King plan lawsuit update.
90/07/31 11 Federal prison will no longer accept men.
90/07/31 17 Gift catalog for Dublin.
90/07/31 22 Dublin Concours d' E| egance.
90/07/31 23 Gymnastics award for Dublin teen.
90/07/31 24 Sports: Robby Thompson
90/07/31 25 Sports: Luis Quinones
90/07/31 2E/ Warriors practice.
90/07/31 27 Sports: Tom Tolbert
90/07/31 28 Movie review.
90/07/31 31 Dublin residents driving cancer patients to
treatment .
90/07/31 32 Potato recipes for Shamrock festival .
Valley Magazine 90/07/17 3 Dublin' s Recreation Department holding puppy
90/C7/31 3 Defense class for women.
Page 2
Community Television Production Reports - Dublin
August 1990
S# Descrimt -2n
By/ ine: AAUW 90/08/14 Summer reading with Goodenough Books owner Susan
Maya| | .
Let ' s Talk Sports 90/08/07
90/08/07� Guest is Jeff Chapman, Oakland Tribune Warrior
.beat writer .
90/08/07 Jeff Chapman, Beat Writer , Oakland Tribune
Sports, winner of 1990 national Basketball
Writers Award. '
90/08/ 14 Sports Trivia Champion Ben Fernandez
90/08/21 Greg Foster , NBA Draft pick on Washington
90/08/28 Guest is Antonio Davis, NBA Draft pick
Mayor ' s Report 90/08/07 2 Vice-mayor Georgean Vonheeder of Dublin talks
about the Tri-Valley Transportation Commission,
the upcoming meeting on East Dublin development ,
and the Dublin Shamrock Potato Festival .
90/08/30 2 Paul Moffatt of Dublin talks about the Dublin
Boulevard improvements and his visit to Bray,
Ireland, Dublin' s Sister City.
580/680 News 90/08/07 6 Animal Shelter closing.
90/08/07 7 No more posting of meetings if funds cut .
90/08/07 18 Dubliners leave for Sister City, Bray, Ireland.
90/08/07 21 Russian picnic in Dublin.
90/08/07 23 Dublin Potat F ti |
c!� es va
90/08/07 30 Tutoring at Santa Rita Prison
90/08/07 31 Battle of the Badges.
90/08/07 32 Sports: B| ackhawks v. s Arizona Condors
90/08/07 33 Giants' Gary Carter
90/08/07 34 Sports: 49ers
90/08/07 35 Movie Review
90/08/14 1 Elections in three cities
90/08/ 14 7 Shannon Center renovation .
90/08/14 8 Dublin Council decisions
90/08/ 14 11 EBMUD and DSRSD elections.
90/08/ 14 17 Kids must get shots to get in school .
90/09/14 26 Sports: B| ackhawks soccer team
90/08/ 14 27 Oakland A' s baseball
90/08/ 14 28 Sports: 49ers football
90/08/ 14 29 Sports: San Jose State
90/08/ 14 30 Movie Review
90/08/14 33 Dublin Library writing contests.
90/08/ 14 34 Battle of the Badges softball game between fire
department and police services.
90/08/21 1 Alameda County budget cuts.
90/08/21 2 Camp Parks
90/08/21 G Dublin High School playing field
90/02/21 19 Motion picture rating controversy
90/08/21 21 Weekend events
90/08/21 23 Raider ' s Return to Oakland
90/08/21 24 Sports: DeWayne Odom' CAL A| | -American
Page 1
Community Television Production Reports - Dublin
August 1990
Program ID (date) at Descriotion
580/680 News 90/08/21 25 Bruce Snyder , CAL Coach
90/08/21 26 Dave Maggard, CAL A. D.
90/08/21 27 Sports: salute to San Ramon Little League
90/08/21 28 Movie review
90/08/21 31 Recycling bins to be distributed.
90/08/21 32 Adult School registrations begin.
90/08/29 1 East Dublin development special meeting.
90/08/28 2 Hansen Hill sale of property.
90/08/28 4 DSRSD Super Sewer pullout .
90/08/28 B School opening dates.
90/08/2B 19 Federal grant for Dublin bike paths.
90/08/2B 20 Sports: Mike Sherrard, 49ers wide receiver
90/08/2B 21 Sports: Darryl Pi | | ard, 49ers defense
90/08/2B 22 Sports: Mike Paw| aski , Cal QB
90/08/2B 23 Sports: Frankie Crosetti , Babe Ruth Story
90/08/2B 24 Movie review.
90/08/28 29 Recycling kick-off -party.
90/08/2B 30 Las Positas classes at Dublin High.
Valley Forum 90/08/ 14 Face to face: American and Soviet students talk
about the exchange programthat forged a
friendship between them.
Valley Magazine 90/08/20 3 Dog grooming courses.
90/08/20 4 Fun with magic .
90/08/20 5 Concours d' E|`egance
Page 2
Community Television Production Reports - Dublin
September 1980
Program ID (date) S# Descrigtion
Let ' s Talk Sports 90/09/04 Chris Walsh , Stanford University wide
90/09/11 Ron Turner , Offensive coordinator football
coach, Stanford University.
90/09/18 Mike Davis, former A' s and LA Dodgers
baseball player
90/09/25 25 Lee Chilton, "the GI oveman" , repairs major
league baseball gloves.
Mayor ' s Report 90/09/10 2 Paul Moffatt of Dublin discusses his trip to
Dublin' s Sister city, Bray, Ireland, the
Council chambers new sound system and Dublin
Boulevard improvements.
90/x:9/24 2 Paul Moffatt of Dublin talks about the city' s
customer service program and the kick-off of
Dublin' s c=itywide recycling prc gram.
580/680 News 90/09/04 2 School budget g=uts.
90/09/04 7 Growth in population
90/09/04 12 Gun shop and alarm company
90/09/04 16 DSRSD has new building.
90/09/04 18 Members appointments to i A l am da County
Development Committee.
90/09/04 21 Beach clean-up nerds workers.
90/09/04 23 Sports: Lint back for 49ers.
90/0 9/04 24 Sports: Fray Fossey of Oakland A' s.
90/09/04 25 Sports: Cal player Trigger
90/09/04 26 Sports: Foothill football
90/09/04 27 Movie review
90/09/04 29 Admission Day Parade
90/09/04 31 Kid' s Kl ub afternoon program.
90/09/04 32 Adult softball league signups.
90/09/11 6 Dublin begins new recycling campaign.
90/09/ 11 7 Companies granting_ military incentives.
90/09/ 11 8 Road phones to be installed on 580. .
90/09/ 11 10 Car crashes into Dublin pest office.
90/09/11 15 Working to put fine art in the civic _enter .
90/09/ 11 23 Sports: De La Sal I e vs. San Ram on Val I ey
0/0r9/ 11 24 Sports: Prep scoreboard
90/09/ 11 25 Dr . B' s "Sweet 10" graphic
90/09/11 26 St . Mary' s - Cal State Hayward
SO/09/ 1 :, t
?7 Sports: Warriors basketball .
90/09/11/1 .^'"0 Tr i-Valley Transportation Council meeting .
90/09/11 31 AARP meeting and brunch
90/0 /1 = 2 Dublin Little League official accused on
90/09/1= 4 Transportation meeting
90/09/ is 7 Beat the Backup coming soon.
90/09/ 1E 9 Dublin Captain' s post approved.
90/09/ 1S 12 Val I ey Forum promo.
90/09/ 1 = 1^t-i3 Dublin recycling a sui_i_L••s<s.
90/09/ 1E 15 Rep . Stark awards silver medal to Dublin
Page 1
Community Television Production Reports - Dublin
September 1990
Program ID (date) S# Description
580/680 News 90/09/13 20 Sports: Cal vs. Miami - Russell White
90/09/18 21 Dr . B' s prep scoreboard.
90/09/18 22 Dr . B' s Sweet 10.
90/09/18 23 Amador vs. Kennedy H. S. football
90/09/1B 26 Movie Review.
90/09/18 29 Dublin School District ' s coaches clinic .
90/09/18 30 Dublin-San Ramon Lions BBC
90/09/25 3 Doo| an Canyon decision. -
90/09/25 5 Agenda packets
90/09/25 6 Candidate season in the valley.
90/09/25 7 Political signs
90/09/25 9 Bart dollars for expansion may be
jeopardized .
90/09/25 10 C| imer
90/09/25 19 Sports
90/09/25 20 Sports: Prep scoreboard
90/09/25 21 Sports: Sweet 10
90/09/25 22 Sports: Amador vs. American
90/09/25 23 Sports: Cal , Irvington
90/09/25 24 Sports: Granada vs. Foothill
90/09/25 25 Sports: Doug Jennings
90/09/25 26 Sports: Becky Spies
90/09/25 27 Movie review
90/09/25 28 Dublin Library book sale.
90/09/25 29 Chamber of Commerce volleyball tournament .
90/09/25 30 Dublin Library book sale
90/09/25 31 Dublin Chamber of Commerce volleyball
tournament .
Valley Forum 90/09/1B City Council Quarterly Report with guests
Pete Snyder , Dublin; Karin Mohr , Pleasanton ;
John Stein, Livermore; Barry Nude\ man, San
Ramon and Karin Mohr , Pleasanton.
90/09/25 School budgets: What to cut , with guests Dr .
Joyce Mandesian, Livermore; Dr . Bill James,
Pleasanton; Jim O' Connor , San Ramon and
Stanley Ma| eski , Dublin.
Valley Magazine 90/09/02 A tour of the tri-valley' s sports grounds.
90/09/01 2 A look at producing Valley Magazine for CTV.
90/09/10 5 A visit by Soviet Exchange students to Dublin
High School .
90/09/1s 2 Dublin High School and Soviet students
participating in a cultural exchange.
90/09/12 6 Visit to local farmers markets.
90/09/24 3 Bumper bowling, the new craze for kids.
90/09/24 4 Fashions in the Schools
90/09/20 6 Doing commercials with Joe Montana
Page 2
Community Television Production Reports - Dublin
October 1990
Program ID (date) S# Description
Let ' s Talk: Sports 90/10/02 Guests are Mark: Macrae and Dick: Dobbins, sports
memorabilia collectors.
90/10/09 Guest is Larry Duffy, USA Olympic Roller Hockey
team member .
90/10/1E "Guest is Curt Kusnyer , A' s coach
90/10/23 Guest is Vida Blue, former Oakland A' s and Sari
Francisco Giant ' s pitc=her .
90/10/30 Guest is Lee Chiton, The Glove eve Man , rebui l der of
old baseball gloves and maker of custom-made
baseball gloves.
Mayor ' s Report 90/1 0!0 2 Paul Moffatt of Dublin discusses candidates
requests for free council agendas, and the
Doc Ian Canyon decision.
90/10/ 2 2 Paul Moffatt of Dublin discusses the upcoming
workshops about East Dublin development , the
county' s recycling initiative, and the upcoming
dedication of Alamo Creek Parr::.
580/ESO flews 90/10/02 Local Assemblymen and Senators visit the valley.
90/10/02 2 Vandals slash tires in val I ey cities.
90/10/02 4 560 ramp proposed.
90/10/02 11 Students to use lunch credit cards at school in
90/10/02 16 Sports: Stanford vs. San Jose State
90/10/02 17 Dr . B' s prep. scoreboard.
90/10/02 IS Dr . B' s Sweet 10
90/10/02 21 Movie review.
90/10/02 2 23 Low-cost dog and cat vac c i r.nt i_n= im Dublin.
90/10/09 Oakland A' s win championship
90/10/09 5 Dublin' s Shannon Center renovation delayed.
90/10/09 7 Measure D rejection by Dublin City Counci I .
90/10/09 9 Child care task: force issues report .
90/10/09 10 Dublin fire and drug_ arrests that fol l owed.
90/10/09 14 BART loan
90/10/09 15 Businesses show slow r>=spouse to Dublin business
registration ordinance.
90/10/OS 18 Oakland A' s win tit I e.
90/10/02 19 Sports: Dr . B' s sweet 10 pic=ks.
90/10/OS 21 Sport i Hayward vs. Dublin footbal I .
90/10/09 22 Movie Review.
90/10/09 25 Low-cost pct vaccinations in Dublin.
90/ 10/09 26 Dublin Library Book sale.
90/10/1E 2 King plan I awsui t against Alameda County may be
dropped .
90/10/1E 3 DSRSD/Livermore sewer agreement .
90/10/ 1E 4 Discussions between Dublin and San Ram on on Fire
90/10/1. 10 Tri-Valley Transportation Council agreement
90/10/16 13 Employers enc ouraged to i Use flexible schedules
for businesses in valley.
90/10/1E 14 Family I i f education in ✓al I ey.
Page 1
Community Television Production Reports - Dub / in
October 1990
Program ID (date) S#
580/680 News 90/ 10/16 15 Dublin' s Kaleidoscope Center runs successful bed
race in Livermore streets.
90/10/16 17 Sports: Faye Vincent ' commissioner of baseball .
90/10/16 18 Sports: Dr . B' s prep scoreboard.
90/10/16 19 Sports: Dr ' B' s Sweet 10.
90/10/16 20 Sports: Amador at San Ramon
90/10/16 21 Sports: California at Foothill .
90/10/16 22 Sports: USC at Stanford. '
90/10/ 16 23 Movie Review.
90/10/16 27 City of Dublin Park and Recreation Center ' s
Halloween Spooktacu| ar .
90/10/1G 28 Dublin' s Valley Christian Center has donkey
basketball .
90/10/23 2 Real estate market update in the valley.
90/10/23 4 Jewelry store robbery in Dublin.
90/10/23 8 Red Ribbon Week activities in Dublin and around
the valley.
90/10/23 9 Dublin Square shopping center refurbishing.
90/10/23 13 Sports: The World Series
90/10/23 14 Dr . B' s Scoreboard.
90/ 10/23 15 Sports: Dr ' B' s Sweet 10.
90/10/23 18 Sports: UCLA/Cal football .
90/10/23 19 Movie Review.
90/10/23 23 Dublin Chamber of Commerce sponsors a business
90/10/23 24 Dublin business sponsors Trick or Treat for
90/10/30 7 Students want to help preserve historic Dublin
90/10/30 10 Police officer promoted in Dublin.
90/10/30 12 Possibilities for water cutbacks.
90/10/30 14 Halloween celebrations around the valley.
90/10/30 15 Foothill High band review in Pleasanton.
90/10/30 16 Sports: sports star Johnny Bench
90/ 10/30 17 Sports: Dr . B' s Prep scoreboard .
90/10/30 18 Sports: Dr . B' s sweet 10.
90/ 10/30 23 Blood drive at Dublin blood bank.
90/10/30 24 Valley High School yearbook produced by Dublin
school .
Valley Forum 90/10/11 ELECTION SPECIAL - Candidates for Dublin City
90/10/29 ELECTION SPECIAL - Bill Lockyer , incumbent
California State Senator .
90/10/29 ELECTION SPECIAL - Panel discussion of
Pleasanton Measures M & N.
90/10/29 ELECTION SPECIAL - Vic Romero, candidate for
U. S. House of Representatives.
90/10/2S ELECTION SPECIAL - Wendell Williams, candidate
for California State Assembly.
Valley Magazine 90/10/01 5 A mugging self-defense class in Dublin.
90/ 10/01 6 Visting a Dublin modeling agency whose client ' s
Page 2
Community TO Zvi tai on Production Kpor t a — Dublin
October 1990
Prog am ID (date) S# Description
Valley Magazine f i l m commercials with Joe Montana.
90/10/1E 2 Paramedics for Kids
Young at Heart 90/10/01 A discussion of elementary and secondary schools
with retired teac=hers Wi I I iam Garrison, Diable;
Ed Brush, Livermore; and Inez Griffith,
Page 3
Community Television Production Reports - Dublin
November 1990
Program ID (date) S# — Description
Byline: AAUW 90/11/06 Upcoming Conference of University Women at
. Stanford University is discussed by guests. Dr .
Mary Purcel I , president , International Federation
of University Women; Dorothy Davies, Executive
Director , International Federation of University
Women, Geneva, Switzerland; and Joan Zehnder ,
Chair of the International Conference.
Let ' s Talk Sports 90/11/07 Guest is Mike Davis, Former Oakland A' s and Los
Angeles Dodger ' s outfielder .
90/11/13 Guest is Mike Madden, former Raider executive and
scan of farmer coach John Madden.
90/11/20 Guest is A! At t l es, former War r i car ' s players
coach, currently Warrior ' s vice-president .
90/11/27 Guest is Bob Zuf f e I at o, Dallas Mavericks
Assistant Coach and former valley resident .
Mayor ' s Report 90/11/02 2 Paul Moffatt ��f Dublin talks about Red Ribbon
Week activities and the dedication of Dublin High
School ' s football field.
90/11/2E S Paul Moffatt of Dublin discusses local e l ec t i on
580/630 News 90/11/07 1 Dublin election wrap-up.
90/11/07 5 All ether val I ey races.
90/11/07 E Other val I ey election�n races.
90/11 /07 7 Election results for Stark/Romero;
De I I urns/Ga I ewsk i ; Loc kyer/Hertz ; Baker/Williams.
90/11/07 10 Opening of Valley BART office.
90/11/07 12 Sports: Ca! 20 _t /UC Davis football .
90/11/07 13 Sports: Prep scoreboard
90/11/07 14 Sports: Dr- . B' s Sweet 10.
90/11/07 15 Sports: San Ramon vs. Foothill footbal I .
90/11/07 16 Movie Review- G�mod f e I I a
90/11/07 19 Dublin library sponsors servic=es for shut-ins.
90/11/07 20 Dublin recreation department sponsors Shannon
Seniors Dance Club.
90/11/13 2 County to charge Dublin and other valley cities
for jail booking fees.
90/ 11/ 13 B A look at proposition 143.
90/ 11 /13 9 I_i=sbeth Howard resigns school board post .
90/11/13 14 Sports: Prep Scoreboard
90/11/13 15 Sports: Dr . B' s Sweet 10.
90/11/13 16 Sports: Cain flip de=termines game start .
90/11/13 17 Sports: Oregon vs. Cal .
90/11/ 13 18 Sports: Santa Clara vs. St . Marys
90/11/13 19 Sports: Briar; Hendricks, Cal All -American
90/11/13 20 Movie e Review: Memphis Bel 1 e
90/11/13 21 House on Stilts.
90/11 / 12 24 Dublin Recreation Department offers computer
90/11/13 25 Dublin Little League needs coaches, umpires and
!ether workers.
90/11/20 2 Dublin girl accosted.
Page 1
Community Television Production Reports - Dublin
November 1990
Program ID (date) S## Description
580/630 News 90/ 11/20 S Drive-by shooting in Dublin.
90/11/20 5 Metropolitan Transportation Commission proposes
parking ing feP=s in private lots.
90/11/20 10 Dublin adds new step signs.
90/11/20 20 Sports: weekly scoreboard
90/11/20 22 Sports: Cal /Stanford big game.
90/ 11/20 23 Sports: Brian Hendricks
90/11/20 24 Movie review.
90/11/20 27 Dublin holds public meeting of citizen' s advisory
council on long-range future of Dublin schools.
90/11/20 28 Dublin Adult School offers Russian language
90/11/27 1 Dublin Fire department battles arson blaze.
90/11/27 2 Father and two serfs reunited in Dublin.
90/11/27 S Christmas tree lighting ceremonies scheduled in
Livermore. Pleasanton, Dublin and San Ramon .
SO/11/21 4 New Dublin may or installed.
90/11/27 6 Christmas shopping in the val I ey.
90/11/27 13 Recycling plans go into effect in all valley
90/11/27 15 Sports: Foothill High vs. De ! a Sal I e high
school football .
90/11/27 16 Dr . En' s Prep scoreboard.
90/11 /27 17 Sports: Cal basketball guard Ryan Drew.
90/11/27 18 Movie e r evi.ew.
90/11/27 24 Openings for beard members on Dublin Fine Arts
Foundation. .
90/11/27 25 Target Stares open for seniors and handicapped.
Val I cy Forum 90/11/04 ELECTION SPECIAL - Howard Hertz , candidate for
California State Senate.
90/11/OE ELECTION NIGHT SPECIAL: Live Election night
coverage of the I deal , county, and state
candidates and ballot measures. Hosted by
530/680 News anchors Robin Fahr and Tom ;Mor
Complete coverage until midnight .
90/11/OE ELECTION SPECIAL: Live - A final look at the
election r esu I t=_ and what they mean for our
future, with Bob Gol I , Managing Editor , The
Valley Times; and Tim Hunt , Associate Editor ,
Tr i-Va l I ey Herald.
Va l I ey Magac i ne 90/11 /02 An inside look col':: at the 6th Annual Kaleidoscope bed
race in Livermore.
90/11/03 2 A special feature on Kaleidoscope Activity Center
in Dublin.
90/11/02 S Jaws of I i fe demonstration in Dublin.
90/ 11 /02 4 Chlrlsta Larson, the new Walt r" sney recording
star .
90/11 /OE Mary D' s Crafts in Dublin is spotlighted .
0(1/11/ 12 1 A visit to Dublin' s Camp Parks in full swing with
armed se=rvices reservists.
90/11/12 G Swag floral arranging at Dee' s Arts and Crafts in
Page 2
Community Television Production Reports - Dublin
November 1990
Program ID (date) S# Description
Valley Magazine Dublin .
Young at Heart 90/11/2E Dr . Richard Driverq D. C. talks about
chiropractic care for seniors.
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Community Television Production Reports - Dublin
December 1990
Program ID (date) S# Description
Byline: AAUW 90/12/04 Back to the Old Neighborhoods:�ncoc ids: New
Strategies for Suburban Growth . League of
Women Voters panelists talk about their
neo-traditional planning symposium.
Let ' s Talk Sports 90/12/04 Guest is Dr . George Sel I eck, sports
consultant on rec=ruiting.
90/12/11 Guest is Brian Johnson, Stanford quar t er bac l::
and Yankee catcher .
90/12/1E Guestis Bob Zuffelato, assistant basketball
Y coach, Dal I as Mavericks NBA.
Mayor ' s Report 90/ 12/04 S Pete Snyder of Dublin talks about Dublin' s
ongoing ping pry ejects and East Dublin planning
580/680 News 90/12/04 E Man can the Street : What do you think of the
Persian Gulf Issue':'
90/12/04 8 Georgean Vonheeder wants to remain on
transportation commission.
90/12/04 12 Dublin recycling program in plac=e.
90/12/04 15 Santa call -in promo.
90/12/04 16 Sports: De La Salle vs. Pine
90/12/04 17 Sports: Alhambra and De Anna
90/12/04 18 Sports: Foothi l I and Beneci a
90/12/04 19 Sports: Cal High vs. Dublin High
90/12/04 20 Movie Review.
90/12/11 Alameda County approves BART proposal .
90/12/11 2 Parents claim rac=ial bias at Dublin Schools.
90/12/11 4 Crossing guard for Dublin school approved .
90/12/11 5 ErIene DeMarcus will serve as new BART
president .
90/12/11 6 Man can the Street interviews: What do you
think: of the proposed gas tai: increase':'
90/12/11 9 Delaine Eastin speaks out on issues.
90/ 12/ 11 12 Car windows shot at .
90/ 12/11 13 Good-bye dinner for Hegarty and Vonheeder ..
90/12/11 14 Elva Cooper
90/12/11 15 Beth Howard resigns Dublin school beard.
90/1/ 11 16 Ion Patrascu of Romania 'talks about children
afflicted with AIDS.
90/12/11 17 How to handle holiday stress.
90/12/11 19 Breakfast with Santa in Dublin.
90/12/ 1 ' Vii? Sports: Fremont vs. St . Joseph' s football
90/12/11 21 Sports: Top plays and players i n the ABC
90/1 /11 22 Sports: Jason Kidd at St . Joseph' s
90/12/11 24 Sports: Cal and Purdue
90/12/11 25 Sports: Brian Fis=her
90/ 12/11 29 Dublin holds public meeting for it parks and
recreation plan.
90/12/11 30 City of Dublin has openings for park and
recreation commissioners.
90/12/11 31 City of Dublin holds blood drive.
90/12/ 1E Dublin School Distri t holds meeting to deal
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Community Television Production Reports - Dublin
December 1990
Program ID (date) S# Descriglion
580/680 News with charges of alleged racial bias.
90/12/1B 6 Man on the Street Question.
90/12/ 18 11 Plans evaluated to burn the old Santa Rita
Jail as training exercise.
90/12/18 12 Dublin Fine Arts Foundation puts Dublin Civic
Center sculpture in place.
90/12/13 16 Inflatable Frosty stabbed in Dublin
90/12/13 17 Sports: Warriors A| | -Star Point Guard
90/12/1B 18 Sports: EBAL Girls soccer
90/12/16 19 Sports: Foothill boys soccer
90/12/ 18 20 Movie review
90/12/1B 23 Howard Johnson Hotel in Dublin announces
opening of indoor pool and whirlpool baths to
public .
90/12/13 24 Dublin announces sign ups for winter league
volleyball .
Special Program 90/12/10 Live call -in to Santa Claus and Elf Augusta.
Valley Forum 90/12/2G City Council Quarterly Report with Ben
Tarver ' Pleasanton; Tom Reitter , Livermore;
Pat Boom, San Ramon and Dave Burton, Dublin.
Panel talks about BART in the valley, light
rail studies' affordable housing and more.
Young at Heart 90/12/04 Help for seniors through chiropractic care
with Dr . richard Driver , D. C.
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