HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.1 Draft Minutes 12-23-1991 (2)
REGULAR MEETING - December 23, 1991
A regular meetlng of the Clty Councll of the Clty of Dublln was held
on Monday, December 23, 1991, ln the Councll Chambers of the Dublln
C1V1C Center The meetlng was called to order at 7 30 pm, by Mayor
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Councllmembers Burton, Howard, Jeffery, Moffatt and Mayor
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Second Year Webelos Scout Ryan McLean, from Pack 546 led the Counell,
Staff and those present ln the pledge of alleglance to the flag
Ryan stated he enJoys gOlng hlklng, and every year they make plne
derby cars and race them for fun
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Vlslt From Santa
Santa Claus arrlved at the meetlng and passed out candy canes to the
Clty Councll and Staff
Mayor Snyder advlsed that Santa was present as part of the Dublln San
Ramon Llons Club program extended to speclal klds wlth hearlng
lmpalrments Santa slgned for them
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Clty Manager Ambrose presented the January Customer Servlce Award to
Raquel Bowen, Flnance Technlclan II
Mr Ambrose advlsed that Rocky was nomlnated by her peers for
demonstratlng exemplary customer serVlce Skllls
Rocky was presented wlth a restaurant glft certlflcate and a coffee
mug dlsplaYlng the Clty'S customer serVlce motto
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Mayor Snyder adVlsed that thlS award, WhlCh was awarded by the Trl-
Valley Herald last year to Dave Burton, would be made at the January
13th Clty Councll meetlng Roger Grossman was unable to attend thlS
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DRFA Glft Drlve (585-40)
Cm Moffatt stated that last week, the Dougherty Reglonal Flre
Authorlty put out an SOS to get some presents to present to Arroyo
Vlsta resldents and others who dld not have the ablllty to make
Chrlstmas as brlght and happy as normal They asked Mayor Snyder to
make a few telephone calls and they were then almost lnundated wlth
glfts DRFA lndlcated they had a few more glfts that could be
utlllzed and wanted to know If anyone knew of any needy famllles
Anyone who knows a needy famlly can contact DRFA
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Trl-Vallev JOlnt Councll Meetlnq (140-80)
em Jeffery stated she would llke to add an ltem to the agenda to
dlSCUSS the posltlon of the Trl-Valley JOlnt CounC11 to the Reglonal
Governance process
On motlon of em Burton, seconded by Cm Jeffery, and by unanlmous
vote, the Councll agreed to add the ltem for dlScusslon under other
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On motlon of em Moffatt, seconded by Cm Jeffery, and by unanlmous
vote, the Councll took the followlng actlons
Approved Mlnutes of Regular Meetlng of December 9, 1991,
Accepted lmprovements constructed under Contract 91-08, Shannon Center
Vlnyl Floor Replacement and authorlzed $10,062 70 flnal payment to
Gene's Floorlng and Interlors (600-30),
and authorlzed a $1,000 addltlonal approprlatlon from new revenue to
the Slgnals and Llghtlng budget,
Accepted lmprovements constructed under Contract 91-04, Shannon Center
ExterIor Palntlng (600-30), authorlzed $753 flnal payment to D C
Vlent and authorlzed a $45 50 budget transfer from the Contlngent
Authorlzed the Mayor to send a letter to Mary Klng, Presldent of the
Alameda County Board of Supervlsors, expresslng Concerns and
requestlng a process where meanlngful dIalog and dlScusslon can occur
regardlng the proposed East County Area Plan (420-50),
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Authorlzed Staff to negotlate a Change Order for addltlonal equlpment
for the Nlelsen School Play Area (600-30),
Approved Warrant Reglster In the amount of $492,270 63 (300-40),
ReVlewed and accepted the Flscal Year 1990-91 Audlt Report, and June
Flnance Report and authorlzed all necessary year end budget changes
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Recreatlon Dlrector Lowart presented alternate parade routes as a
result of Councl1 dlrectlon at the December 9, 1991 Clty Councl1
Ms Lowart adVlsed that a meetlng was held wlth representatlves from
the Pollce, PubllC Works and Recreatlon Departments, as well as the
Dubl1n-San Ramon L10ns Club Two routes were cons1dered Route A
would ut1l1ze Dubl1n H1gh School park1ng lot as the stag1ng area The
parade would proceed south on V1llage Parkway, west on Dublln
Boulevard and north on Amador Plaza Road where 1t would d1sband
Concerns wlth thlS route were that the DHS park1ng lot lS too small to
accommodate the number of entrles 1n the parade and two maln east-west
arter1als 1n town would be shut down An alternatlve of proceedlng
west on AVB lnstead of Dublln Boulevard was dlscussed, but lt was felt
that thls alternatlve would provlde for too short of a parade route
Ms Lowart adVlsed that Route B was recommended ThlS route would
utlllze Amador Plaza Road as the staglng area for the parade WhlCh
would proceed east on Amador Valley Boulevard, south on Vlllage
Parkway, west on Dublln Boulevard, north on Golden Gate Drlve (the
street leadlng lnto Toys R Us) where lt would dlsband ThlS route was
favored by those ln attendance as lt allows for an adequate staglng
area and smooth trafflc flow In addltlon, Reglonal Street would
remaln open leavlng access to the adJacent shopplng areas
Cm Burton questloned who was there to reVlew Route B
Ms Lowart advlsed that there were representatlves present from PubllC
Works and Pollce, plus a representatlve from the Llons Club They
made an lnformal poll and checked wlth the Chamber of Commerce
regardlng the buslness aspect ThlS route wlll not be on Reglonal
Street at all
Cm Burton questloned WhlCh slde of Vll1age Parkway the parade wlll be
Ms Lowart advlsed that lt wlll go on the west slde
em Moffatt stated he felt thlS was a great ldea and he had no
problems wlth It
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Blll Burnham stated they concurred on the new route It satlsfles
everyone and everyone seems to be happy wlth the new route
On motlon of em Jeffery, seconded by Cm Burton, and by unanlmous
vote, the Councll approved parade route Band authorlzed Staff to
lssue the parade permlt
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Recreatlon Dlrector Lowart advlsed that a study group made up of
representatlves from the Amador-Llvermore Valley Hlstorlcal Soclety
(ALVHS), Dublln Hlstorlcal Preservatlon Assoclatlon (DHPA), Dublln
Cemetery, Inc (DCI), Dublln Flne Arts Foundatlon (DFA), and
representatlves of the Clty Councll (Cm Burton and Cm Moffatt) have
met and are now seeklng dlrectlon from the Clty Councll related to
ownershlp and preservatlon optlons of the Herltage Center
Ms Lowart advlsed that Murray School lS owned and operated by the
Dublln Hlstorlcal Preservatlon Assoclatlon, however the property lS
leased from the Dublln Cemetery, Inc The Amador-Llvermore Valley
Hlstorlcal Soclety owns st Raymond's Church as well as the property
lrnrnedlately adJacent The Dublln Cemetery 15 owned and operated by
Dublln Cemetery, Inc All three groups are non-proflt organlzatlons
run by separate boards of dlrectors
The ALVHS has proposed that the Clty purchase the Old st Raymond's
Church bUlldlng and property for $10,700 They have recently palnted
the church and done roof repalrs totallng $10,000 and purchased a
sewer permlt for $700
DHPA has proposed that the Clty accept the Old Murray School as a
glft, wlth condltlons 1) DHPA would be allowed to lease the bUlldlng
In order to operate hlstorlcal programs and store hlstorlcal
artlfacts, 2) DHPA would hope for contlnued support from the Clty to
fund future proJects and programs, 3) ownershlp would revert back to
DHPA In the event that the Clty could no longer malntaln the bUlldlng,
and 4) DHPA would serve In an advlsory capaclty as the "hlstorlcal
arm" of the Clty Representatlves from DHPA have lndlcated that these
condltlons are negotlable and serve as a startlng pOlnt for further
DCI has proposed that the Clty take over the cemetery, however, the
membershlp has not yet ratlfled the proposal The proposed condltlons
for Clty takeover lnclude 1) restrlcted fee tltle, 2) guarantee of
perpetual care, 3) quallfled mortuary to handle burlals, 4) no
gatherlngs on grounds except gUlded tours and funerals, and 5) no
alcohol on grounds DCI has also lndlcated that these condltlons are
subJect to further negotlatlon
Ms Lowart surnmarlzed that lf the Councll lS lnterested In pursulng
acqulsltlon of the Herltage Center, Staff should be lnstructed to
prepare a flscal analysls of the ongolng operatlonal costs, as well as
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the structural repalr costs requlred to rnalntaln the facllltles as
publlC facllltles
Cm Jeffery stated her loterpretatlon of the orlg1nal goal of thlS
group was to promote the h1stor1cal area and to be lovolved w1th
d1fferent thlngs 10 Dublln She dld not recall that d1rect1oo Was
glven to the COIDm1ttee to get 10to any negotlatloos that would cost
the Clty any money She stated she was not prepared to dlSCUSS the
lssues presented relat1ve to negotlatlng, but rather the lssues
orlglnally asslgned
ern Burton felt the lssue that came before the Councll was to promote
ThlS word was changed from promote to preserve For years, everyone
has been concerned about preservlng the hlstorlcal slgnlflcance ThlS
15 the flrst tlme all 3 groups have agreed to anythlng
Cm Jeffery stated thlS was not the pOlnt The goal was to ass 1st the
h1storlcal groups to get gOlng so people would know about them
Cm Howard stated she felt the goal was to get them together so we
could put money 1n to help them
Mayor Snyder stated that In accordance wlth the Staff Report, at the
conclus1on of the 1n1t1al meet1ng, the study group members concurred
that the Herltage Center could best be served by comb1nlng the assets
of each group under one owner w1th the Clty of Dubl1n be1ng 1dent1fled
as the loglcal cholce He agreed wlth Cm Jeffery that thlS wasn't
the Counell's dlrectlon to th1S study group
Cm Moffatt pOlnted out that one of the Councll's hlghest goals was to
become more 1nvolved 10 the hlstory of Dubll0 and to malntaln the
development and preservatlon of the h1storlcal elements 1n Dublln
The concept of puttlng lt on the Goals & Ob]ectlves llst d1d not
necessarlly mean that we would be spend1ng money ThlS 15 a sltuatlon
of whether we preserve hlstory or destroy lt
Cm Jeffery stated she dld oot dlsagree, but thlS 15 not the pOlnt
She questloned where the authorlty came from for the group to start
negotlatlng the propertles
Cm Moffatt stated th1S 1S not what happened Dlalogue carne forward
and now 1t 15 up to the Councll In everythlng, you need a startlng
pOlnt The comm1ttee was fact flnd1ng
Cm Burton relterated the fact that thlS lS the flrst t1me the 3
groups have agreed They look to the Clty as a posslble solutlon No
declslons have yet been made All they are asklng 15 for Staff to
look at what the propertles wlll cost
Mayor Snyder stated he felt the commlttee has the cart before the
horse What they are looklng at lS how to get the Clty to purchase
the propertles ThlS was not the goal orlglnally Mayor Snyder read
from the October 3rd meetlng mlnutes relatlve to statements made by
ern Moffatt He questloned how a member of the Councll could be out
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negotlatlng for the rest of the Councll when the rest of the Councll
doesn't know what's gOlng on ObVlously, the lntent was to have the
Clty purchase the property
em Burton stated the group lS dOlng the best lt can to brlng thls to
the Clty Councll for some klnd of a declslon
Mayor Snyder referred to a comment made by Georgean Vonheeder In the
September 4th mlnutes related to creatlng a non-proflt corporatlon
that would look for fundlng once a year lf lt 15 able He expressed
concern wlth the church faclllty and felt lt should belong to some
prlvate corporatlon
Cm Jeffery felt that Ms Vonheeder's comments were somethlng that the
group could go back and look lnto
em Jeffery made a motlon WhlCh was seconded by em Howard for the
group to go back and st1ck to the p01nt of promotlon and also look at
Ms Vonheeder's comments to see what could be worked out
Cm Moffatt stated that lt became very ObV10US that the hlstorlcal
soclety as a whole lS havlng a hard tlme The only way any Clty can
malntaln any cont1nu1ty lS for the Clty to take over control Slnce
they are always belng asked for flnance them Many people came to
thlS concluslon He and Cm Burton were very careful to note that
these were only dlScusslons and would have to go before the entlre
C1ty Councll for any further act10n They are not negotlatlng
Mayor Snyder then questloned lf thelr mlnutes had any level of
Cm Burton made a substltute motlon WhlCh was seconded by Cm Moffatt
to lnstruct Staff to prepare a flscal analysls of the propertles
Cm Howard stated she would llke to see both done at the same tlme
She would llke to see what the costs would be and therefore, would
llke to comblne both motlons
Cm Jeffery asked Staff what the costs and tlme constralnts would be
on a feaslblllty study
Mr Ambrose advlsed that Mr
what type of work would need
some costs regardlng repalrs
look at the annual operatlons
how long lt would take
Taugher could take a look to determlne
to be done We would then have to get
In addltlon, PubllC Works would need to
malntenance He stated he could not say
Cm Jeffery felt the Councll needed to look at what would have to be
put off 1n order to do thlS She was concerned regardlng Staff's
Mayor Snyder stated lf there were a non-proflt corporatlon
establlshed, they could on an annual basls apply to the Clty and ask
for money at some level to flll out thelr budget Mr Taugher dld an
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analYS1S of the church years ago
years ago
A foundatlon was put under lt some
Mr Ambrose advlsed that the analysls would look at lt as a publlC
faclllty If Staff should look at lt from both types of ownershlp,
Staff would need that dlrectlon
Cm Burton felt the Clty should see what the costs are Wlth regard
to gettlng a non-proflt organlzatlon, he questloned very much whether
the Dublln Cemetery, Inc , would do thlS These 3 organlzatlons have
not had a very good worklng relatlonshlp over the last few years It
lS lmportant to recognlze that the church lS probably the oldest
wooden church In Callfornla ThlS lS an opportunlty to preserve lt
Cm Jeffery clarlfled that the Councll lS only talklng about the
Someone called for the questlon on the Substltute motlon On motlon
of Cm Burton, seconded by Cm Moffatt, and by ma]Orlty vote, the
Councll lnstructed Staff to prepare a flscal analysls of the
propertles Cm Jeffery and Mayor Snyder voted agalnst thlS motlon
em Jeffery felt the group should go back and look at the ways the
hlstory of Dublln can be promoted
Someone called for the questlon on the orlglnal motlon On motlon of
Cm Jeffery, seconded by Cm Howard, and by ma]Orlty vote, the Councll
dlrected the commlttee to go back and work on the pOlnts related to
promotlon of the Herltage Center Georgean Vonheeder's comments
should be revlewed In the mlnutes em Burton and Cm Moffatt voted
agalnst thlS motlon
Marle Cronln, Presldent of DHPA stated the remarks ln the mlnutes
could have been prefaced wlth, "If the Clty could acqulre the
facllltles " It was an IIlfll concept Wlth regard to the umbrella
non-proflt corporatlon, the ldea lS good, but whether they could pull
lt off would have to be worked on Many of them are members of all 3
organlzatlons It lS doubtful that the Amador-Llvermore Valley
Hlstorlcal Soclety would glve thelr church to another foundatlon
Everythlng was done wlth a very posltlve and open feellng There was
no Intentlon to force lt down anyone's throat ThIS lS not an easy
thlng to solve They had hoped that for the CIty'S tenth blrthday
that thls could have been at least reallzed ln concept DublIn
ReflectIons second prlntlng lS hot off the press ThIS lS partly due
to the advance by the Clty of about $2,500 The book wlll also be
tled Into the CIty'S bIrthday celebratIon
Ms Lowart clarIfIed that the dIrectIon of the Councll was to contInue
wlth the study group to Identlfy alternate methods to promote the
hlstorlcal center and to look Into long term and short term fInanCIal
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Regular Heet1ng
December 23, 1991
Senlor Planner O'Halloran presented the staff Report and advlsed that
on October 28th, the Councll deCIded to allow for an extenSIon of the
amortIzatIon per10d for the eXlstlng nonconformlng SIgns Identlfled by
the Nonconformlng S1gn Summary LISt ThlS dec1sIon was a result of
the recommendat10n by C1ty Staff and the Clty Attorney that the length
of an extens10n be based on the current market value of s1gns rather
than an across-the-board extenslon date
Ms O'Halloran expla1ned the 3 opt10ns d1scussed 1n the Staff Report
OptIon #1 would utIl1ze the eXIst1ng SIgn OrdInance, OptIon #2 would
grant an across-the-board extenSIon per10d, and OptIon #3 would extend
the amortIzatIon perIod based on the current market value Regardless
of WhICh optlon the Councll selects, the enforcement procedures
establ1shed 1n the SIgn Ord1nance would not be changed and would
Involve nUIsance abatement proceedIngs upon expIratIon of the eXIstIng
or any newly granted extenSIon perIod
Ms O'Halloran adVIsed that Staff recommended OptIon #1
Cm Burton questIoned If all SIgns must be In complIance by July of
Ms O'Halloran stated she thought the date was July 26, 1992
Cm Burton questIoned why the 42 SIgns haven't trIed to comply and why
It had taken so long
Ms O'Halloran adVIsed that the IndIVIdual SIgn owners need to make
applIcatIons Staff has not contacted each one to fInd out exactly
why they haven't
Cm Burton adVIsed that SIgns are somethIng that make all bus1nessmen
Cm Burton reVIewed that 42 could apply for SDRs, 1 for a CUP, and 2
for VarIance Then only 2 would be Illegal He questIoned If Staff
was askIng for a change 1n the OrdInance for Just 2 people
Mr Ambrose adVIsed that they need to go through the process
could be approved
Ms O'Halloran stated that the 2 slgns are located on frontages that
are not theIr own
Cm Moffatt asked If these 2 SIgns would reqUIre removal
Ms O'Halloran adVIsed that they have slgnage on other tenant's space
Mayor Snyder stated you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make
It drInk The CIty 1S SImply trYIng to get everyone to comply staff
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wlll address letters to these companles and advlse them what wlll be
requlred to get thelr slgns lnto conformance
On motlon of Cm Moffatt, seconded by Cm Jeffery, and by unanlmous
vote, the Counell dlrected Staff to utlllze the eXlstlng Slgn
Ordlnance provlslons for compllance of the nonconformlng slgns
Mayor Snyder lndlcated that the Councll would llke to have monthly
reports on how the process lS gOlng These reports can be placed on
the Consent Calendar
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Asslstant Clty Manager Rankln presented the Staff Report and advlsed
that the Clty had recelved 2 reports from the JOlnt Refuse Rate Revlew
Commlttee The flrst report focuses on management and operatlons of
the Clty'S garbage collectlon company (Oakland Scavenger Company OSC) ,
and makes recommendatlons for lmprovements The second report
analyzes the company's request for a rate adJustment The proposal
lncludes reduclng rates for Dublln resldentlal serVlce
Mr Rankln explalned that the Company's orlglnal request proJected an
lncrease of 13% The flndlngs of the detalled rate reVlew suggest
that Dublln can lnstltute a rate reductlon affectlng most customers
ThlS decrease lS contlngent upon Clty Councll concurrence of a
recommendatlon by the JRRRC to reduce the amount of proflt from what
lS belng requested by the Company The amount wlll vary dependlng on
the level and type of serVlce
Mr Rankln advlsed that lf a rate decrease 1S lmplemented, the Clty
wlll experlence a decrease ln Franchlse Fee Revenue estlmated at
$3,490 annually
Mr Rankln lndlcated that the focus of the Staff Report was to
ldentlfy polley lssues and request dlrectlon from Councll Staff wlll
then use the lnformatlon to prepare documents for conslderatlon at a
publlC hearlng at the January 13, 1992 Clty CounCll meetlng state
Law requlres that a publlCly notlced hearlng occur prlor to
lmplementatlon of fees by the Clty
Under Management Audlt Issues, Mr Rankln dlscussed the collectlon
crew Slze and seml-automated serVlce
em Jeffery questloned lf the fee llsted for the 2 clean ups per year
was per month
em Burton stated he thought the Councll agreed to requlre everyone to
have garbage plckup serVlce several months ago
Mr Rankln lndlcated that thlS would be dlscussed under the rate
portlon of the report
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Under Rate Rev~ew, Mr Rank~n then d~scussed 1) proposed methodology
of dlstrlbutlng the balanclng account, 2) proposed reductlon to the
Company's return on equlty, 3) conslderatlon of the number of speclal
cleanups to be lncluded ln the rates, 4) proposed resldentlal serVlce
and rate adJustments, and 5) proposed adJustments to commerclal and
large contalner rates
In summary, Mr Rankln advlsed that unless the Counc11 dlrected
otherwlse, Staff would proceed as follows
1) The Management Audlt wlll be recelved and flIed Staff wlll
contlnue to partlc1pate on the JRRRC to reVlew the 1ssues deslgnated
for further study Staff wlll request that Llvermore Dublln Dlsposal
provlde addlt10nal 1nformatlon on the use of all two man crews In our
2) Staff wlll prepare the necessary rate resolutlons for conslderatlon
at the January 13, 1992 C1ty Councll meetIng, based upon the proposed
schedules presented Also, approprIate notIces regardlng the hearlng
wIll be publIshed as requ1red by State Law
3) Staff wIll prepare amendments to the Solld Waste Ord1nance and
Franch1se Agreement necessary to Implement mandatory garbage serVlce
4) Staff w1ll work wIth the Company to InstItute the Super Recycler
rate follow1ng formal actlon to establIsh a rate at the January 13th
publlC hearIng
Cm Moffatt asked If the rebate money from Measure D would reduce the
Mr RankIn stated that lt must be used for resource recovery or
recycllng Once the money has been recelved, Staff wlll come back
wlth some recommended ways of llslng the money Yes, the money may be
used lf we use It to offset the recycllng fee
Wlth regard to Cm Jeffery's questlon, Mr Rankln adVIsed that the
resldentlal cleanups are $ 30 per month per household The 1ssue lS
whether the Clty Councll feels that 4 speclal cleanups per year lS an
appropr1ate number
Cm Burton advlsed that 1t costs $1 00 per square foot to take loads
to the dump He recently took a load to the dump and lt cost hlm $50,
WhlCh was qUIte a shock
Mr Rank1n advlsed that staff w111 work wlth the company more closely
In order that we can determlne what the actual costs are on the
speCIal cleanups
Mr Rankln advlsed that Staff, at thls tlrne, IS recommendlng a $6
unlform can rate Wlth regard to a senlor cltlzen rate WhlCh the
Counell asked Staff to rev1ew, the problem 1S keep1ng track The
company can offer a super recycler rate Wh1Ch would be a 20 gallon
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at a rate of $6 65, whlch would mean about a 19% reductlon from the
current rate ThlS amount lncludes the recycllng fee
Mayor Snyder stated wlth regard to mandatory garbage servlce, the
Councll dlrected Staff to pursue thls and brlng back an Ordlnance for
Councll dlscusslon at a meetlng In January The maJorlty of customers
are one and two can customers, and the one can rate would be decreased
about 8% and the 2 can decreased about 4% A slmllar decrease lS
belng consldered on the Handy Hauler rates The JRRRC lS recommendlng
In the future rate appllcatlon that money be lncluded to fund the work
of the JRRRC $250,000 was estlmated for costs of cltles to look at
some of the technlcal lssues ThlS would be spread over the 14
Jurlsdlctlons It currently comes from the Clty'S General Fund
Cm Jeffery requested that Staff deflne mlnl can
Mr Rankln advlsed that It would be 20 gallons and thls Slze can lS
avallable at Orchard Supply Hardware
Cm Moffatt asked If the waste stream falls In the water, does thls
mean there would be an lncrease In the rates for reduced use He
asked If thls had been dlscussed
Mr Rankln lndlcated that the whole lssue lS we are worklng toward
reduclng by 25% and 50% and we need to look at what happens to the
overhead costs They looked at ways that the current system could be
more cost efflclent The commerclal areas hurt waste In that when
there lS less commerclal garbage, there lS less revenue The total
revenue could be adJusted by 4 7% and then look at It agaln next year
If the revenue doesn't come In, It wlll be our responslblllty to make
up the dlfference We assume that 5% of the current customers wlll
sWltch to the mlnl can serVlce A most conservatlve Vlew lS belng
taken at thls tlme
Dave MacDonald, Executlve Vlce presldent of Oakland Scavenger Company
stated Clty Staff dld a good Job In the presentatlon of a very complex
rate appllcatlon thls year Wlth regard to the drop from 17% to 10%
on return on equlpment, they do not feel that thls reflects where the
economy actually lS They do not feel thls lS approprlate and they
are protestlng It wlth the rate revenue commlttee He felt that It
wlll be much more acceptable for the Clty of Dublln to break It down
costs by Jurlsdlctlons
On motlon of Cm Burton, seconded by Crn Jeffery, and by unanlrnous
vote, the Councll dlrected Staff to prepare the necessary documents
for conslderatlon at the January 13, 1992 Clty Councll meetlng
Cm Burton compllmented Staff for dOlng a good Job on the report
* * * *
eM - VOL 10 - 468
Regular Meet1ng
December 23, 1991
Publ1C Works D1rector Thompson adv1sed that the Dubl1n Boulevard
Extens10n proJect assessment d1str1ct w1II allow propert1es that w1II
benef1t from 1mprovements to be assessed a port1on of the costs based
on the benef1t to those parcels M1scellaneous costs such as legal,
eng1neer1ng and bond d1scounts w1II be 1ncluded 1n the assessments
The costs that are not d1rectly benef1t1ng propert1es 1n the D1str1ct
w1II be contr1buted by the C1ty through a loan from BART, w1th the
except10n that these costs w1II be recovered through offs1te fees
and/or future assessment d1str1cts Wh1Ch 1nclude propert1es that
benef1t from the 1mprovements Money 1S budgeted 1n the present eIP
to pay for the C1ty'S contr1but1on to the D1str1ct
Mr Thompson adv1sed that Staff recommended that an outs1de consultant
determlne the assessment cost spread because of the proposed new
parcels 1n the D1str1ct John He1ndel spec1al1zes 1n assessment
d1str1ct eng1neer1ng and has prev10usly performed a study for the C1ty
regard1ng the cost spread for Dubl1n Boulevard costs, as well as the
1-580 1nterchange costs Mr He1ndel's charges are proposed to be on
a t1me and mater1al bas1s, not to exceed $10,000 These costs w1II be
charged aga1nst the assessment d1str1ct
Var10us Resolut1ons and documents were prepared by Robert Brunsell,
who has been appo1nted Assessment D1str1ct Counsel Mr Thompson
passed out a rev1sed Exh1b1t 8, Resolut1on of Intent10n The next
step w1II be 1n early January to have the Eng1neer prepare a
Prel1m1nary Eng1neer's Report, and then schedule a publ1C hear1ng to
hear protests
Robert Brunsell, w1th the Law F1rm of Sturg1s, Ness, Brunsell & Sperry
1ntroduced h1mself and expla1ned that all the resolut1ons are largely
techn1cal and mostly b01lerplate He p01nted out that 1t 1S 1mportant
to remember that all these steps are prel1m1nary 1n nature A publ1C
hear1ng 1S requ1red by law on the report and all property owners must
be not1f1ed
em Moffatt adv1sed that he was not clear as to what John He1ndel's
Job w1II be
Mr Brunsell expla1ned that wh1le he read over the report, 1t was
beyond the1r Jur1sd1ct1on to change 1t 1n any way As a spec1al1st,
the Eng1neer should arr1ve at a proposal to fa1rly d1v1de the costs to
each parcel relat1ve to the1r benef1t He prepares maps and cost
Mr Thompson stated that Staff felt 1t was best to use an outs1de
consultant to determ1ne how the Spl1ts get done Mr He1ndel lS
fam1l1ar w1th the work, and has some background work1ng w1th the C1ty
of Dubl1n
em Burton quest10ned why Scarlett Court propert1es had not been
eM - VOL 10 - 469
Regular Heet1ng
December 23, 1991
Mr Thompson advlsed that the Clty tr1ed to get an assessment dlstr1ct
gOlng a few years ago, but couldn't get enough slgnatures Mr Moore
1S now trY1ng to Just do the north part
Cm Burton questloned 1f lt wouldn't be to thelr advantage to now be
1n 1t
Mr Thompson adv1sed that there was a problem wlth the Cadlllac
Dealersh1p The1r bU1ld1ng goes r1ght through the mlddle and we would
have to condemn the1r bUlldlng and 1t wouldn't be worth 1t Unless
they rece1ve a benef1t, you really can't charge them At some tlme 1n
the future, people m1ght want to use the back parts of the1r
propert1es If the extended plann1ng area comes ln some propertles
m1ght be needed to access th1S wlth addlt10nal lanes
Mr Ambrose d1scussed the tlme constralnts to get the road bU1lt
There was also d1Scuss1on related to other propertles and the rules
related to an assessment dlstr1ct
On mot1on of em Burton, seconded by em Jeffery, and by unan1rnous
vote, the Counc1l adopted
o 0 0 0
CM - VOL 10 - 470
Regular Meet1ng
December 23, 1991
Recreatlon Dlrector Lowart advlsed that a subcommlttee was formed and
has met over the past several months to develop prellmlnary plans for
the ten year celebratlon The plans Include a dlnner on Saturday
evenlng, February 1, 1992 at the CIVIC Center, wlth a theme "Evenlng
at the CIVIC" A Ilmlted number of tlckets wlll be avallable wlth a
suggested prlce of $37 50 The prellmlnary budget for thlS event IS
$8,900, WhlCh wlll be offset wIth revenue of approxlmately $6,000
The Dublln Flne Arts Foundatlon IS plannlng a receptIon to dedlcate
the tlle wall In the plaza of the Dublln CIVIC Center Commemoratlve
tlles have been sold to members of the communlty as part of an ongolng
fund-raISIng effort The receptIon IS tentatlvely scheduled for
Frlday, January 31, 1992 The prellmlnary budget for thlS receptlon
IS $2,000
Ms Lowart stated that a Fourth of July famlly plcnlc IS In the
prellmlnary plannlng stages to be held at the Dublln Sports Grounds
Local serVlce clubs wlll be Invlted to partlclpate In thlS event
AddItIonal Informatlon wlll be presented to the CounCIl In the future
Ms Lowart advlsed that plans are well underway for the st PatrIck's
Day Celebratlon Merchants wlll be encouraged to have promotlons
rolllng back prlces to 1982, or offerIng 10% dlscounts on merchandlse
Cm Burton stated he had a problem wIth the $37 50 prlce when we are
uSlng our own bUlldlng
Ms Lowart advlsed that uSlng a hotel would Include dlnner, but not
entertalnment, plus we want to take advantage of our beautlful
Cm Burton questloned how we would control who IS ~nvlted
Ms Lowart advlsed that the event has been advertlsed ~n the calendar
and It wlll also be ~n the RecreatIon brochure Attendance w~ll
deflnltely have to be llmlted
Cm Moffatt asked If the 160 people who attend wIll be on a fIrst come
fIrst served baSIS
Ms Lowart responded yes, thls IS what the commIttee env~s~ons
On motIon of Cm Jeffery, seconded by Cm Howard, and by unanlmous
vote, the Councll approved the prellmlnary plans for the ten year
~ 0 0 0
Clty Manager Ambrose adVIsed that durIng the month of February each
year, the CouncIl schedules a study seSSIon to reVlew the Goals &
ObJectIves of the preVIOUS year and to establIsh and prlorltlze future
eM - VOL 10 - ~71
Regular Meet~ng
December 23, 1991
Goals & Ob]ectlves ThlS provldes staff wlth adequate tlme to
lncorporate the Councll's dlrectlon In preparlng the prellmlnary
By a Councll consensus, the date of Tuesday, February 25, 1992 was
selected for the Goals & Ob]ectlves study SeSSlon meetlng, to begln at
7 30 P m
~ ~ ~ ~
Plannlng Dlrector Tong advlsed that the Clty of San Ramon has prepared
a Draft Envlronmental Impact Report (DEIR) for the Dougherty Valley
Growth Management and Speclflc Plan WhlCh would allow between 7,000
and 11,000 dwelllng unlts and land uses that support resldentlal areas
ln the 6,000 acre Dougherty Valley area ln unlncorporated Contra Costa
County The land lS owned by Shapell Industrles, Wlndemere Propertles
and the U S Army
Mr Tong advlsed that Contra Costa County 15 processlng a separate
land use development plan for the Dougherty Valley The DEIR only
addresses the Clty of San Ramon's plan and does not address Contra
Costa County's plan The Clty of San Ramon wlll accept wrltten
comments untll January 7, 1992
Mr Tong advlsed the Councll that Staff had prepared a draft letter
llstlng several concerns and slgnlflcant deflclencles ln the DEIR wlth
regard to Trafflc and Clrculatlon, Populatlon, Employment and Houslng
and PubllC SerVlces and Utllltles
Cm Burton commended Staff for belng able to declpher the plan and
flnd all the omlSSlons and errors In thelr analysls
Mr Ambrose advlsed that San Ramon has no entltlement to the area at
thls tlme If there are some polltlcal changes In the County, we want
to make sure the Clty of Dublln responds In order to cover the Clty'S
On motlon of Cm Burton, seconded by Cm Jeffery, and by unanlmous
vote, the Councll dlrected Staff to send the letter
~ ~ ~ ~
ReQ10nal Governance Letter bv Trl-Vallev JOlnt Councll (140-80)
Cm Jeffery requested that the letter from Pleasanton Clty Manager
Acosta also be sent to the countles We could suggest to the countles
that they develop a program wlth WhlCh they are comfortable, and also
lnvlte them to the meetlngs We should speak to the countles needs to
be part of the process
CM - VOL 10 - 472
Regular Meet~ng
December 23, 1991
Mr Ambrose stated he thought 1t was made clear at the meet1ng that
the count1es would be excluded from th1s 1n1t1al process
Cm Jeffery suggested that we say the count1es should do the1r
organ1zat1on work
Cm Moffatt stated he felt the count1es have the1r m1nds made up and
1t really has no bear1ng on the General Assembly of ABAG
em Jeffery p01nted out that they can vote down anyth1ng
Mayor Snyder 1nd1cated that we need to come back w1th a consensus that
all can agree on They knew what was gOlng to happen before the ABAG
meet1ng If you shut them out of the process, you are ask1ng for
problems down the 11ne
Cm Burton felt there 15 a lot of momentum gOlng for reg10nal
government, 1t 15 now a buzzword
Mr Ambrose stated the count1es want land use control w1th1n c1t1es
Cm Burton stated he felt that some type of reg10nal government 1S
com1ng We should try to work together w1th the count1es as we w1II
have to comprom1se somewhere
Cm Jeffery stated the county 1S gOlng to be a part of the process
somehow and we should encourage them to do the same type of th1ng we
are d01ng
On mot1on of Cm Burton, seconded by Cm Jeffery, and by maJor1ty
vote, the Counc11 agreed to add a statement to the draft letter
prepared by Pleasanton C1ty Manager Acosta 1nv1t1ng count1es to
part1c1pate 1n a Slm1lar process that the c1t1es are d01ng The
letter w1lI be rev1ewed at the Tr1-Valley J01nt Counc1l meet1ng 1n
Dubl1n on Monday, December 30th Cm Moffatt voted aga1nst th1S
o 0 0 0
There be1ng no further bUS1ness to come before the Counc1l, the
meet1ng was adJourned at 9 40 P m
o 0 0 0
C1ty Clerk
* * * *
eM - VOL 10 - 473
Regular Meet1ng
December 23, 1991