HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 8.1 Five Year Capital Improvement Program (2) CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: June 9, 1992 SUBJECT: Public Hearing: 1992-97 Five Year Capital Improvement Program _ (Prepared by: Richard C. Ambrose, City Manager) ,. EXHIBITS ATTACHED: 1 . 1992-97 Five Year Capital Improvement Program (Provided under separate cover) 2. Draft Resolution. 3. Memorandum from Recreation Director to City Manager dated May 13, 1992. RECOMMENDATION: 1 . Open Public Hearing. 2. Receive Staff Presentation. 3. Receive Public Comments. 4. Close Public Hearing & Deliberate. 5. Adopt Resolution. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Projected costs for Fiscal Year 1992-93 through Fiscal Year 1996-97 are estimated at $16,480,103. The recommended project costs for Fiscal Year 1992-93 are $2,415,875. .DESCRIPTION: Staff has prepared a new Five Year Capital Improvement Program for the period covering Fiscal Year 1992-93 through 1996-97. The total proposed Capital Improvement Program costs for the next five years are $16,480, 103. This cost is broken down by program area as follows: General Improvements $ 31 ,700 Community Improvements 345,600 Parks 1 ,648,401 Streets 14,454,402 Total $16,480,103 The new Five Year Capital Improvement Program includes those projects which were identified in the 1991-92 update to the 1990-95 Five Year Capital Improvement Program. In addition, there are several new projects which have been included in this year's program. On June 1 , 1992, the Dublin Planning Commission reviewed the Five Year Capital Improvement Program and determined that it was in accordance with the City's adopted General Plan. The Parks & Recreation Commission has reviewed those Park & Recreation facility projects included in the Parks Program portion of the Capital Improvement Program. Unlike past years, there are many more park projects needed than can be accomplished within the available financing over the next five years. The Park & Recreation Commission considered the Capital Improvement Program over the course of two meetings and indicated in the Recreation Director's memorandum that certain projects should be prioritized and included in the CIP and others should not. In order that the City Council may consider all those projects reviewed by the Park & Recreation Commission and identified by Staff, a list of all those projects has been included in the Capital Improvement Program. The City Council may wish to adjust the priorities of those parks as it feels may be' appropriate. The City Manager's Capital Improvement Program message, which is included in the Capital Improvement Program , document, identifies the changes, additions, and deletions in the Capital Improvement Program, as well as available funding for the those projects in more depth. a:69cip.agenda#9 COPIES TO: CITY CLERK ITEM NO. FILE M RESOLUTION NO. - 92 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ADOPTING THE 1992-97 FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM WHEREAS, the City Council is desirous of establishing a Five Year Capital Improvement Program to address the City's future public infrastructure needs; and WHEREAS, the City Council is desirous of reviewing the recommended 1992-97 Capital Improvement Program to assure the City's capital needs are met; and WHEREAS, the 1992-97 Capital Improvement Program has been reviewed by the Planning Commission which found the document to be in conformance with the City's adopted General Plan; and WHEREAS, the 1992-97 proposed Park Improvements have been reviewed by the Park and Recreation Commission. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that (1) the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby adopt the 1992-97 Five Year Capital Improvement Program, which is attached to and made a part hereof; and (2) the items scheduled for implementation in Fiscal Year 1992- 93 shall ,be included in the Capital Budget of the Annual City Budget and Financial Plan for Fiscal Year 1992-93 . PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this th day of June, 1992 . AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk a:resocip.agenda#9 r 1, M E M O R A N D U M TO City Manager FROM Recreation Director SUBJECT Park Capital Project Priorities DATE May 13, 1992 At the February 11 , 1992 meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission, the Commission determined the following priorities for park capital projects for inclusion in the 1992-97 Capital Improvement Program: . 1. Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2 . , 90' Baseball Diamond Dublin Swim Center Bathhouse Renovation 4 . Dublin High School Baseball and Girls Athletic Field Renovation 5. Mape Park Renovation 61 Dublin Sports Grounds Renovation 7. Dublin High School Outdoor Lighting Murray School Athletic Fi`eld Renovation 9. Iron Horse Trail 10. Bleachers - Dublin Sports Grounds Wells-Cronin Athletic_ Field Renovation Frederiksen School Athletic Field Renovation 13 . Dublin High School Tennis Courts Renovation Dublin School Athletic Field and Play Area Renovation Dublin High School Group Picnic Area 16 . Nielsen School Athletic Field -Renovation - Dougherty Hills Park Design Study At the May 12 , 1992 meeting of the Commission, the Commission reconsidered the project priorities as a result of the pending acquisition of the Heritage Center properties. However, it was the decision of the Commission not to consider the addition of the Heritage Center to the Capital Improvement Program until such time that it has been acquired by the City. Since those meetings, two additional projects have been identified by Staff which the Commission has not had an opportunity to prioritize. They are as follows: 1 . Dublin Swim Center Boiler Replacement 2 . Shannon Center Social Hall Floor Replacement Should you have any questions, please advise.