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01--' .W/
Revisions to Dublin Swim Center Facility
Use Policy and Fee Schedule
Report by Diane Lowart, Recreation Director
A.~purrent Use POlicy and Fee Schedule
B.~Proposed Use Policy and Fee Schedule
C.~Resolution Establishing Facility Use
POlicy and Fee Schedule For Use of
Dublin swim Center
1. Open Public Hearing.
2. Receive Staff Report.
3. Receive Public Testimony.
4. Close Public Hearing.
5. Deliberate.
6. Adopt Resolution.
DESCRIPTION : One of the 1992 goals given a high priority
by the City council was to "undertake revisions to use policies for
City facilities". This goal was initiated by Staff in Fiscal Year
1991-92 for two reasons: 1) to standardize the procedures for rental
for all city facilities; and 2) to review and updatet as necessary,
the fee schedules for city facilities.
The city of Dublin presently operates five community facilities which
are available for use by the public. These facilities are as follows:
Dublin Civic Center, Dublin Senior Center, Dublin Sports Grounds,
Dublin Swim Center and Shannon Community Center. Each facility has a
separate Facility Use Policy and Fee Schedule which was developed at
the time that the facility came under the control of the City.
Although there are similarities between the various use policies for
each facility, there are also some inconsistencies between the
policies which create confusion for potential users of the facilities,
thus evidencing the need to standardize the format and reservation
procedure for each individual use pOlicy.
Attached in Exhibit A
Schedule for the DUblin
Council in May of 1988.
POlicy and Fee Schedule
is the existing Facility Use Policy and Fee
Swim Center that was adopted by the City
The proposed Dublin Swim Center Facility Use
are attached in Exhibit B.
As proposed, the policy follows a standard format containing each of
the sections as shown below:
1. Classifications of Users
2. Priority of Users
3. Reservation Procedure
4. Cancellations
5. Payment Schedule
6. Hours of Use
7. Insurance Certificate
B. General Regulations
ITEM NO.~ COPIES TO: Parks & Recreation commission
The sections dealing with "priority of users", "hours of use" and
"general regulations" are snecific to the Swim Center. The sections
dealing with "classifications of u~ers", "reservation procedure",
"cancellations", "payment schedule" and "insurance certificate" are
similar to those included in the policies proposed for the other city
In addition to the change in format, the proposed use policy contains
minor modifications to the following sections:
Classifications of Users
The classifications have been revised and redefined in order to
standardize the user groups for all facilities.
Priority of Users
This information was previously contained as part of the "reservation
procedure" section. The timeline for submittal of reservations has
been revised as follows:
Public Agencies
Chamber of Commerce
Community Group - Resident
Community Group - Non-Resident
Private Group - Resident
Private Group -Non-Resident
Commercial Group - Resident
Commercial Group - Non-Resident
Current POlicy
9 mos. in advance
not applicable
after February 1
after February 1
after February 1
after February 1
not applicable
not applicable
Proposed Policy
4 mos. in advance
3 mos. in advance
3 mos. in advance
3 mos. in advance
2 mos. in advance
2 mos. in advance
2 mos. in advance
2 mos. in advance
It should be noted that the timeline shown above
earliest date that an application can be submitted.
does not preclude acceptance of applications at a later
as the application is submitted two weeks in advance
refers to the
This timeline
date as long
of the date
Reservation Procedure
1) Deleted reference to waiting lists from the current pOlicy.
2) Added requirement that resident individuals or groups must submit
"proof of residency".
3) Changed location for submittal of applications from Shannon Center
to civic Center or swim Center.
4) Expanded hours that applications are accepted from 9:00AM-4:00PM
to 8:30AM-4:30PM or, in the case of the swim center, during regular
pool hours.
5) Changed submittal deadline from five working days to two weeks
prior to function.
General Regulations
Information contained in this section has been updated to reflect
current pool policies and rules.
Fee Schedule
The fee schedule for the Dublin swim Center has been updated to
reflect the fees associated with the additional use classifications.
Staff also conducted a market survey of the fees charged for similar
facilities in the surrounding area and, in addition, reviewed the
costs associated with the operation of the Swim Center. Revisions to
the Fee Schedule are based on the information derived from this
Under the proposed fee schedule, user groups would be charged an
hourly pool use fee and an hourly lifeguard fee; the lifeguard fee
would vary according to the size of the group and the number of guards
required. A comparison of the current and proposed fees is shown on
the following page.
Public Agencies
Chamber of Commerce
Community Group - Resident
Community Group - Non-Resident
Private Group - Resident
Private Group - Non-Resident
Commercial Group - Resident
Commercial Group - Non-Resident
Hourly Fee
$20/hr $20/hr
NIA $20/hr
$20/hr $20/hr
$40/hr $24/hr
$35/hr $30/hr
$40/hr $36/hr
NIA $40/hr
NIA $48/hr
Lifeguard Fee
$ 8/hr $10/hr
NIA $10/hr
$ 8/hr $10/hr
$16/hr $10/hr
$14/hr $10/hr
$16/hr $10/hr
NIA $10/hr
NIA $10/hr
In order to standardize the fee schedule for all City facilities,
staff is recommending that Public Agenciest Dublin Chamber of
Commerce and Resident Community Groups are assessed an hourly fee
which is one-third less than the hourly fee charged for Private
Groups. Conversely, Commercial Groups are charged an hourly fee which
is one-third more than the hourly fee charged for Private Groups.
Furthert non-resident groups are assessed fees which are twenty
percent higher than the resident rate. The exception to this would be
the Lifeguard Fee which is based on the approximate cost for a
Lifeguard and is proposed to be the same for each use classification.
Although the proposed hourly pool use fee, in some classifications, is
slightly lower than the existing fees, Staff feels that the proposed
fee schedule is more reflective of the market and the costs associated
with a pool rental. Additionally due to the limited time available
for pool rentals due to extensive programming by the City, the pool
is rented infrequently during the summer months. Thus, Staff does not
feel that the proposed rates will negatively impact the rental
revenue received.
The Parks and Recreation Commission considered the proposed revisions
to the Facility Use POlicy and Fee Schedule for the Dublin Swim Center
at their regular meeting held on september 8, 1992. The Commission
was in favor of the proposed revisions and recommended that the City
Council approve the proposed Facility Use Policy and Fee Schedule.
Staff has prepared a resolution Establishing a Facility Use Policy and
Fee Schedule For Use of the Dublin swim Center which is attached in
Exhibit C. Therefore, it is the recommendation of Staff that the City
Council take the following action:
1. Open Public Hearing.
2. Receive Staff Report.
3. Receive Public Testimony.
4. Close Public Hearing.
5. Deliberate.
6. Adopt Resolution.
The City of Dublin manoges the Dublin S~im C~nter. The Dublin Swim Center is
scheduled by the Recreation Department for Ci~y sponsored classes and programs
and is also available for rental by community groups and private individuals.
The Facility Use Policy is designed to ensure that the Dublin Swim Center is
utilized for recreational, cultural, social and community service functions
that meet the needs and interests of the corr~unity. In addition, the Facility
Use Policy establishes rules I regulations, procedures and fees governing t~e
use of the Dublin Swim Center.
.Any request for exception to the rules, regulations, procedures and fees as
stated in the Facili ty Use Policy. must be submitted in writing to the
Director of Recreation no later than one (1) month prior to the date
1. The following classifications shall apply for the purpose or
determining applicable fees and charges as well as priority use:
I. City of Dublin Use.
School Distcicts wlt~
F3cility Use Agreement.
City has a recipr~c~l
CormT!unit:: Groups An org:::dz.ed
following membership qualifications:
public group ha,i~g
a) Is non-profit.
b) Has officers and a definite organizational st=uc:u~e.
c) Activities are recreational or educational in nature.
d) At least fifty-one percent (51~) must be residents of C,e
City of Dublin/Dublin San Ramon Services District.
Organizations claiming status in ::,.i5 classification r.;t;st
demonstrote that they qualify for sucJ. status by submitti:l; a
roster of their member5hi? and a copy of. their byla~s or
constitution at the time that they submit a Facility Cse
IV. Private indi~iduols or grou~S - yeut:,. or adult grou~s not oFe~ to
the public and which are using the facility for private purposes.
I~ this group are lodges. frater:lal organizations, ?olit:~31
or;3n~=3t:ons, wedding recept:cns. b~: not l:~i:ed to t~ese
v. ::on-resi~ent indi'lidu:1ls or gr=>u;Js - i~di'.'iduals or gr::;ups ....:::1
less t:U:1. fif::,-Qne perce:'.: (;:.;';') 8t ::-.eir :ne::loers:::? r'2si.::":1'';
\.;ithi:1 t~e bound;}[i"2S of th~ (i::; 0: Dublin;'!:ubL.:t :S<.ln ;;:.::.:::on
Services District.
~~I}{IO~OV fA
a) Classifications I may suc:nit applications up to one (1) year in
advance of the desired date.
b) Classification II may submit applications up to 9 months in
advance of the desired date.
c) Classification III, IV and V may submit applications after
February 1 of each year.
d) If 9 months or Februc.'ry 1 before the desired date falls on
Saturday, the applicatien ~ay be submitted the preceeding Friday.
If 9 months or Fe::rua:-::' 1 before the desired date falls on
Sunday, the application Glay be submitted the following Honday.
6. Applications submitted less tha~ five (5) working days prior to the day
requested will not be acc2?ted.
7. The Dublin Swim Center ....ill not be available for activities on a
regular, continuing basis (e~ce?tion contractual classes by prior
Cancellations must be made In ....riting by the perSon listed
on the Facility Use Applic3tion. Refunds will be handled
as applican;:
as follm/s:
30 days or more ~rior to
deposit unless date is re:ooked by
Less than 30 days ;~ior to
deposit and one-hal: of :~es paid.
function d2.te
another- user.
function date
1. At t::e t::..:r.e t;;.e 2.;:;:-i(:2.t::..::::: -- s:.:b~itte:::, t::~ :;2"::;:-:::- G:PQ~:'<:' :;..3
. d( ,.. S""
requ:re see ree c~e~u~eJ'
2. Final pay:ner:t is due no la:e:- ::-:an one menth (30 days; prior to t:-.e
scheduled function dace. ?::":2-se call the Aquatics Coordinator at
829-4932 to schedule an ap?oi~:=er:t.
3. Payments not received by th::..s tn:.rty day deadline -..ill result in
cancellation of the function anc for:eiture of the deposit.
4. Security deposits wil: be re:'.1:::-.-:e<: by mail within 30 days or your
function date prov1.Q:.ng t::ere are no violations of the Facility Use
Policy and/or excessive cleaning or damages to t~e Dubli~ Swim Center.
S. Payme!1 ts can be made by check, money order or cash. Checks or money
orders ~ust be made out to the City or Dublin. If paying by check, the
check mUS~ be dra~n en ~he ac:::::.:~t ot the pe:-son listed as applicant on
the Facility Use Appl::..ca:i:::n.
Tne D'.1bli:1 S'.~i::J. Center is avai::"ajle for rent31 at t~ose ti:TIes when Cit:;
sponsored classes and p=og:ams a:-e ~ot sche~u~ed.
The ~ini~~~ reservation ac:ept~~ ~i:l be fer t~O hours.
The ~ool is not a';3i:ab:~ f:r re"t::ll beueen 10:00;.:::. and 6:0Ca.~.
Refunds a:-e not given f~:- hours not ~sed.
5. ',.Ji:::cin:3C ::::J.ys of t'...t"c:::..c:'. ::'::.:2. re-=.:.!cstS :0:- c:;an;es -" rur:c::ior. houes
ar2 subject t~ 3v3i13~i:i:? c~ S:3~~.
Th~ ;:;ut:~i;1 5'.~im Cent:::,r
:::e ti::J.e speci:i.ed en :-1.,;:.
~3c::i:: _52 A~p~:~3:~C~.
2. Use of the Dublin Swim Center shall not be granted:
a) To persons, grouoS, associaticns, clubs or organizaeicns desiriog
such use for "private gain". .....hich term is derined and herein to
mean use for the principal purpose of making a prefie noe pledged
to be devoced to public or .....elfare uses.
b) To any individual or group, political or other~ise, thae ad.ocatas
the overthrow or the government or the United States or America or
the State of California by ferce, violence or any oehar unla~ful
c) wnen determined b. the DirectOr of RecreatiOn, such usa may net be
in the best interes~ of the City.
Classification I (City or Dublin) - No C~arge
Classification II (School
Security Deposit
Hourly Charges
Up to 100 persons
Addi:ion~l i~c~e~en: or
Districts/Communitv Groups)
SO persons
S '20.CO
S 8.CO
Classi~ication IV (Residen:)
s~~~r~:~. ~e?05it
Hocr:..:,. C'L.3r;es
S 35.:0
Up to leO persons
Additional increment of SO ~ersons S l~.CO
Classification V (~on-~esident)
Security Deposit
Hou~l:~ Charges
Up to 100 persons
Additional increment of 50 persons
5 !.O.CO
5 l6.CO
1. In orier to reser"e toe Dublin S"i~ Centar, a ,acili 0, Csa _,,,lioee'on
must be su;witoaa for approval by the DicectOr ot Recreecion- "croval
takes 3-5 "or,ing days; you ~ill be noeifiad by T~il as to toa ststoS of
your applic3~ion.
2 _ Once an a c' i ica 0 ion has been su b~i e ted, a ',ai e ing lise "'11 be
escablishei for chose greupS raquasting usa on the sa~e iaea- If, sf tar
the ca':ie'-' by tee Dirac tor of Recraocien, the applicaoicn is cajec,ed,
the firs~ grac? on the waitin~ list ~i:l be notif~~d.
3- Apoiioeeicns ~use be su,~ittad in ,ersen ao ehe ohannon :ocoun'" Canoe:
Of::.':2. l~c~~C 3r.2.r'.ncn .-\.:<:n",;. Jt..:j:":.:-..
ApGlic~~t3 ~u~: :e :3 :e~~5 ):
t1~e 1;Jr" .)1.j,'2:'".
4, -'P9 1 'cotions aca oct so' ad be,-,een ,ee oour3 of 0: cee _c_ ad , :SC, - n - ,
~\ondJ.\' t:-'~':;'...:":;:'. ;:,'..dJ.': (:-.oLd2.::s ex::2';te.:::.
'\99 :..c.::.::::.,~;':s
Eo 1. 0....:::;:
use 0::
::":1'2 Juj~:.:.
::"..1.::\ C~n~.2:: ...;1.....:.
;.:. :,?;;:.::':i --
Applicants shall provide the City of Dublin ",ith a valid Certificate of
Liability Insurance written through corriers acceptable to the City of Dublin.
Such certificate sh31l provi~e Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liabilit:'
protection at a mini~um limit of 5500,000 per occurrence. This Certificate of
I~surance shall name the City of Dublin as an additional insured i~
conformonce with th~ Eold Harmless Agre~ment as outlined in the Facility Use
Applic3tion and must specify that the user grou?s insurance shall be primary
to any insurance carried by the City and The District. The Certificate of
Insurance is due at the time final payment is made.
In case of inclement weathe:- (he2.\'Y ',.,rind and rain I lightning ad thuZ'!der.
hail, sleet. excessive cold and other extreme weather conditions) please call
t::e Recreation Department 2.:: 829-4932. In the event that the Re!:re:::.ticr:
Depan::nent can!:els your re,,':3.1 due to i:1cle:ne:1t weather, you .....ill be giver:.
credit for hours not used or a refur.d of t~e fees paid (credit must be used
within the season issued).
:J .
Groups composed 0: ~i~or5 must be super-:ised b; one (1) adu~: for e2c::
t',u"en.t" ("0) m~nor- at ~ll t,;"'es ,.~"1", th<>v -,-" us"no ..:"'e ~_,....;'o__.
.. .. _,,:,, ..... ~;:, ......_ _." ..."'-__ l~. c. _ .l,,"'U J..~---'-'-l'
Facility Use Pe:-~its :a~nct be transferred, as~i5ned or su:le:.
iicke:s may not De SOla at: tile door as an aG:TIissio:1 c;-;arze u::..:..e55
approved in ad~a~!:e b~ the Director of Recreation.
Parking is per:ni:::ed i:1 painted parking st3.11s onl:". Parki:lg :'5 net
permitted on sidewalks. lawn areas or unmarked blacktop areas. Vebicles
parked illegall; will be cited.
Barbecuing must be approved J.n advance by the Fire Depar::nen:
Alcohol is not per~it::en J.n or around the S\oii~ Center.
Food or drinks are not per~itted on the pool deck.
The undersigned, hereby agrees to be responsible for any damage to the
facility occurring during this use, and agrees to be responsible for the
conduct of all persons attending this function. Applicant further agrees to
be responSible for any accident or injury occurring to anyone during this use,
and agrees that the City of Dublin, its officers and employees, shall not be
responsible for any such injury or loss.
The undersigned. hos received a copy of the Facility Use Policy and agrees to
co~ply .~th the rules and regulations listed herein.
S~~~3t~re at R~~t31 A~?1~c3~:
S~;~~:~~~ vt Re!:r~~:~oG Je~3~::~~~: R~~. O::J.te
...... ..........
.... ",......
The Dublin Swim Center is located at 8151 Village Parkway in Dublin.
During those times when the Swim center is not used for city sponsored
programs, it is available for rental by the community.
The Dublin Swim Center Facility Use POlicy establishes rules, regulations,
procedures and fees governing the use of the Center.
Group 1.
Group 2.
Group 3.
Group 4.
Group 5.
Group 6.
city of Dublin
Public Agencies (agencies serving the city of Dublin including
Alameda County, Dublin-san Ramon Services District, Dublin
Unified School District, etc.)
Dublin chamber of Commerce
Community Groups (organized non-profit groups whose membership is
open to the pUblic and whose primary purpose is to serve the
a) Resident (51% of membership must reside or own property
within the Dublin city Limits)
b) Non-resident
Private Individual or Groups (groups whose membership is not open
to the pUblic and/or activities such as picnics, birthday
parties, etc.)
a) Resident (reside or own property wi thin the DUblin City
b) Non-resident
Commercial Groups (companies, groups, or individuals whose events
have the primary purpose of generating a profit)
a) Resident (company facility must be located within the Dublin
city Limits, or if there is no company facility, person
responsible for event must reside or own property within the
Dublin city Limits)
b) Non-resident
Group 1 - Reservations accepted up to one calendar year in advance of
requested date of use.
Group 2 Reservations accepted four months in advance of requested
date(s) of use.
Group 3 and Group 4 - Reservations accepted three months in advance of
requested date of use.
Group 5 and Group 6 - Reservations accepted two months in advance of
requested date of use.
1. In order to reserve the Dublin Swim center, a Facility Use Applic~tion
must be submitted for approval. Approval take 3-5 working days; you
will be notified by mail as to the status of your application.
2. Applications must be submitted in person at the Recreation Department
Office, 2nd Floor, Dublin civic Center, 100 Civic Plaza, or the Dublin
Swim Center Office, 8151 Village Parkway. The applicant must be the
"user" of the facility. Identification confirming residence address
will be required for those applicants claiming resident status.
3. Applications are accepted at the Dublin Civic Center during the
hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, holidays
excepted, or at the Dublin Swim Center during regular pool hours.
4. Applications submitted less than two weeks prior to the date
requested will not be accepted.
~z{1MI0rIDO'iJ' rID
Cancellations must
applicant on the
handled as follows:
be made
in writing by the
Use Application.
person listed
Refunds will
a) 30 days or more prior to function date - forfeit deposit unless
date is rebooked by another user.
b) Less than 30 days prior to function date - forfeit deposit and
one-half of fees paid.
Occasionally it may be necessary to reschedule, relocate or cancel a
request previously approved. In this event, the group or individual will
be given as much advance notice as possible.
1. At the time the application is submitted, the security deposit is
required (see Fee Schedule).
2. Final payment is due no later than one month (30 days) prior to the
scheduled function date. Exception: Final payment and security
deposi t must be submitted with applications submitted less than one
month (30 days) prior to scheduled function date.
3. Payments not received by this thirty (30) day deadline may result in
cancellation of the function and forfeiture of the deposit.
4. Securi ty deposits will be returned by mail wi thin 30 days of your
function date providing there are no violations of the Facility Use
Policy and/or excessive cleaning or damages to the facility.
5. Payment can be made by check, money order or cash. Checks or money
orders must be made out to the city of Dublin. If paying by check,
the check must be drawn on the account of the person listed as the
applicant on the Facility Use Application.
1. The Dublin Swim Center is available for rental during those hours when
it is not scheduled for City sponsored activities.
2. The minimum reservation accepted is two hours.
3. Hours of use must include the amount of time needed for the function,
including set-up and clean-up.
4. Refunds are not given for hours not used.
5. Within 30 days of function date, requests for changes in function
hours are subject to availability of staff.
6. The Swim Center must be vacated by the time specified on the Facility
Use Application.
Applicants shall provide insurance liability information on the City of
Dublin I s required form evidencing such coverage. Such certificate shall
provide bodily injury and property damage liability protection at a minimum
limit of $500,000 per occurrence. The certificate of insurance shall name
the City of DUblin, its officers and employees as the additional insured in
conformance with the hold harmless agreement as outlined in the Facility
Use Application, and must specify that the user groups insurance shall be
primary to any insurance carried by the city. The certificate shall be
properly executed with an original signature of an authorized agent of the
insurance company and is due at the time final payment is made.
1. Groups composed of minors must be supervised by two (2) adults for
each twenty (20) minors at all times while they are using the
2. Facility Use Permits cannot be transferred, assigned or sublet.
3. Storage is not available either before or after the function.
4. Tickets may not be sold at the door as an admission charge unless
approved in advance.
5. Parking is permitted in painted parking stalls only. Vehicles parked
illegally will be cited.
6. The consumption, serving and/or selling of alcoholic beverages is not
7. Barbecuing must be approved in advance by the Recreation Department.
8. Regular pool rules will be in effect and enforced at all times.
..........................................,.........,........,.............'.'.'.....................,.,.,-,....... ::/:::-::/:.:.>>>>:-:-:-:-:.:-:.:-:-:.:.:::::-:.:-:.:-:.::-:-;.:-:.:-:-:-:.;-:.:':-:->>:-:-:-:.:.:.:.:-:-:.;..<-:....,.
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Pool Use Fee.........................$ 20 per hour
Lifeguard Fee........................$ 10 per hour per guard
Pool Use Fee.........................$ 20 per hour
Lifeguard Fee........................$ 10 per hour per guard
Pool Use Fee - Res i den t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 20 per hour
Non-Resident..........$ 24 per hour
Lifeguard Fee.. ... .. . .. .. .. oil .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. . oil .. .. .. $ 10 per hour per guard
Pool Use Fee - Resident..............$ 30 per hour
Non-Resident..........$ 36 per hour
Lifeguard Fee.. .. 41 oil .. . .. . .. .. . .. . . .. . . .. . *' .. .. .. . $ 10 per hour per guard
Pool Use Fee - Resident. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 40 per hour
Non-Resident..........$ 48 per hour
Lifeguard Fee.. .. .. .. . III .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. $ 10 per hour per guard
A minimum of two Lifeguards is
swimmers; for each additional
groups of up to 50
50 swimmers, add one
A $100 Security Deposit is due at the time that the application is
submitted. The security Deposit is refundable provided that there are
no violations of the Facility Use Policy and/or excessive cleaning or
damages to the facility.
. '
- 93
WHEREASt the city of Dublin assumed the responsibility for
operation of the Dublin swim Center (formerly the Valley Community
Swim Center) from the Dublin San Ramon Services District on January 1,
'1988; and
WHEREASt the swim center is available for use by the public
during such times that the City is not utilizing the swim Center for
city sponsored activities; and
WHEREASt it is necessary to have established Facility Use
policies and Fee Schedules for use of City facilities; and
WHEREASt the Facility Use Policy and Fee Schedule for the
Dublin Swim Center have been updated and revised to reflect changes
proposed by staff and the Parks and Recreation Commission.
of Dublin does hereby adopt the Facility Use Policy and Fee Schedule
contained in Exhibit B.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the provisions enacted in Resolution
No. 71-88 Establishing policies and Procedures for Use of the Valley
Community Swim center and Resolution No. 72-88 Establishing Rental
Rates for Use of the Valley community Swim Center be superseded by
this resolution.
PASSEDt APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 11th day of January, 1993.
city Clerk