HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 8.2 AlaCntyCongestionMgtPgrm (2)
City Council Meeting Date: January 25, 1993
Recommended Projects for Application for Funding Within the
Alameda County Congestion Management Program
Report by: Public Works Director Lee Thompson
~Letter from Dennis Fay, Executive Director, CMA
RECOMMENDATION:~APprove Staff recommended
indicated in Description.
projects for CMA funding as
See below.
DESCRIPTION: The Alameda County Congestion Management Agency is now
requesting submittals for the Capital Improvement element of the 1993 Congestion
Management Program (CMP). This includes five separate categories of projects.
Each of the nine Bay Area counties has formed its own Congestion Management Agency
(CMA) which facilitates certain funding from State and Federal sources to local
agencies through its Congestion Management Program. The funds available are for
road improvements, transit, and transportation projects which will mitigate traffic
congestion and improve air quality. At present, the only major public works grant
funding the City receives outside the CMA apparatus is Measure B (sales tax), SB300
(1/2~ gas tax), and Transportation Development Act (bike path/pedestrian
construction). It is probable that TDA will be shifted from Alameda County auspices
to the CMA umbrella next fiscal year.
The following is a description of the five CMA program categories, three of which
will program new funding, and Staff's recommendations for the City of Dublin's
applications for projects for each category:
I. Regional Transportation Improvement Program (RTIP)
County priorities are established by each CMA with a list of highway and
transit projects. The projects are then submitted to the Metropolitan
Transportation Commission, which is the regional conduit to the California
Transportation Commission (CTC). The CTC awards the funds, which are in the
State Transportation Improvement Program. Alameda County may submit up to
$100 million in projects. Projects for the State Transportation Improvement
Program (STIP) must first compete within Alameda County, then within the Bay
Area, and then State-wide.
RECOMMENDED DUBLIN INVOLVEMENT: Support for funding the West Oublin BART
Station (BART will be the lead agency requesting funding).
II. Federal Surface Transportation Program and Congestion Mitigation and Air
Quality Program (Program Years 94-94, 95-96, and 96-97)
These federal funds are allocated through the Metropolitan Transportation
Commission after being processed through the Alameda County Transportation
Advisory Committee and the CMA. The funding is divided into guaranteed
allotments by planning area population and a non-guaranteed allotment which is
project-competitive. Alameda County has been divided into four different
planning areas, and the cities of Dublin, Livermore, Pleasanton, and the
Livermore/Amador Valley Transit Authority are in Planning Area 4. These ISTEA
funds were formerly Federal Aid Urban (FAU), which the City used to build the
three phases of San Ramon Road Improvements and the Dublin Boulevard, Village
Parkway, and Amador Valley Boulevard Rehabilitation. Intermodal System
Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) is the current designation of these
funds. The cities are required to match 11.5% of the total cost of the
Project Description
ISTEA Funding
Required City
Matching Funds
Total Project
Dougherty Road Improvements $
(Removing and paving
existing dirt median from
SPRR R/W to South of Amador
Valley Blvd.; overlay existing
road and widen travel lanes.)
Project Description
ISTEA Funding
Required City
Matching Funds
Total Proj ect
Installation of 3 traffic $
signals on Village Parkway
(at Tamarack Drive, Brighton
Drive and Davona Drive), and
some road widening on Village
Parkway in front of the high
school for drop-off.
Dublin Boulevard Widening
from Donlon Way to Village
$ 2,082,000
$ 2,355,000
City matching monies could be funded from State Gas Tax subventions, including
Proposition 111 monies, Measure B monies, and/or developer contributions. As
the City's future Gas Tax monies will be used more and more for maintenance
projects, funding through Gas Tax could mean postponement of some future
maintenance work. It should be noted that since this program would allow
projects to be undertaken up to six years from now, the decision on method of
local funding need not be made at this time.
III. AB 434 Program
This program is funded by Assembly Bill 434, which allows the Bay Area Air
Quality Management District (BAAQMD) to collect a fee of $4 per vehicle
registration per year. The funds are to be used for reducing air pollution
from motor vehicles through programs which reduce traffic. This funding has
been divided by BAAQMD into 40% guaranteed funding that the City must apply
for through the CMA and 60% competitive funding that the City will apply for
directly to BAAQMD.
$14,701 for staff and materials to help fund
Dublin's Trip Reduction Ordinance
60% SHARE:
No application
IV. Projects for Maintaining or Improving the Level of Service for the
Congestion Management Program Network
The enabling CMP legislation required the CIP element to contain a seven year
capital improvement program listing projects proposed to maintain or improve
the traffic level of service on the designated CMP network. This category
will contain projects proposed that will benefit the CMP network. There is no
funding available for this program at this time.
Page 2
RECOMMENDED: Dublin's proposed list of projects that would help alleviate
1-580 congestion:
1) Dublin Boulevard widening from Village Parkway to Donlon Way.
2) Road parallel to Dublin Boulevard from 1-680 to Regional Street.
3) Western Dublin BART station.
4) Dublin Boulevard widening and extension from Dougherty Road to the City
of Livermore.
RECOMMENDED: Dublin's proposed list of projects that would help alleviate
1-680 congestion:
1) Dougherty Road improvement from Dublin Boulevard north to the Contra
Costa County line.
2) Bike path along Alamo Creek.
3) 1-580/1-680 flyover and hOOk-ramp to City of Dublin.
4) Village Parkway signalizations and coordination.
v. Project Study Report Priority List
A Project Study Report (PSR) is required to be completed for any state highway
project before it can be programmed in the STIP (in Bay AREA RTIP first).
This list will contain projects in Alameda County that are recommended for
further study and consideration in future funding cycles. This list will be
limited to PSRs being developed by Caltrans and will not include local or
privately funded PSRs.
RECOMMENDED DUBLIN APPLICATION: Support for Project Study Report to be done
by Caltrans on the I-580/San Ramon Road off-ramp and on-ramp improvement.
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DEe 291992
December 23, 1992
Dennis R. Fay, Exe:utiVeDireClor j~
Call for Projects for the 1993 Capital Improvement Program
The Alameda County Congestion Management Agency is now requesting project
submittals for the Capital Improvement Element (CIP) element of the 1993 Congestion
Management Program (CMP). The CIP will include five separate lists of projects, three of
w'hich \vill program new funds for projects. These five project lists are listed belmv:
1. Projects seeking funding in the Regional Transportation Program (R TIP)
II. Project seeking Federal Surface Transportation Program (STP) and Congestion
Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) funding in MTC's Federal Transportation
Improvement Program (TIP).
"- III. Projects recommended for funding in the AB 434:.vehicle registration fee Program
'IV. Projects recommended for maintaining or improving the level of service on the
CMP network
_Y. The Alameda County Project Study Report (PSR) priority list.
It is estimated that the CMA will be allov.;ed to submit projects to MTC totaling up to
$ 100 million for consideration in the R TIP and $70 milIion in the TIP. In addition the
CMA will be programming $ 1.2 million in AB 434 funds for fiscal year 1993/94.
A complete description of these programs and the process for project selection can be
found in the attached "Capital Improvement Program Guidelines". ACT AC approved
these guidelines at its December 15, 1992 meeting, the Civ1A Board is scheduled to
approve the guidelines at its January 14, 1993 meeting. Several attachments are included
in this package to help you in the application process. These attachments are summarized
Attachment A - Schedule for projects
Attachment B - Bid targets for eligible applicants .
Attachment C _ MTC Screening and Scoring Criteria for RTIP and ISTEA projects
Attachment D _ Applications for projects in the 1995 TIP & 1994 R TIP
Attachment E - AB 434 Program Guidelines and application
Attachment F _ A listing of the highway and transit elements of the Metropolitan
Transportation System (lvnS) and the C~fP network.
2../301 SOCTIfI.ASD DRJ\'E. SCITE 200. llA nr.-\ RD. C.-1UFORS1A 1).J5.J5-15.J/
- i7S';-2ilO . FAX f51f))i85-../861
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Project sponsors wishing to submit projects for consideration must turn in completed
applications to the CMA offices by 5:00 PM on Tuesday, February 2, 1993. Projects
submitted for consideration for funding in the RTIP and TIP or to be included in the CIP
listing of projects which benefit the Ov1P network must complete the application included
as Attachment D. Projects to be considered for the AB 434 program must complete the
application included in Attachment E.
A summary sheet listing all projects submitted for each p'roject listing should be included
with the completed applications. This summary sheet should show the project title, total
project cost and the funding requested. Projects submitted for funding in the RTIP and
for ISTEA funds in the TIP should be ranked in priority order.
The MTC scoring guidelines and applications included in this package are currently being
revised by MTC. However, MTC does not anticipate substantial changes to the guidelines
or the applications that are attached. These guidelines may be used as an initial guidance
until the final versions are available. The final guidelines and application v,.ill be sent to
ACT AC as soon as they are available, which we anticipate to be in mid January.
Review and scoring of all projects submitted and the initial formulation of the county
priorities for these funding programs will be performed by ACT AC. You are encouraged
to have a staff member attend the upcoming ACT AC meetings if at all possible. The
ACT AC meetings will also serve as a forum for updates or changes to the MTC scoring
and application process.
If you have any questions regarding this process please contact Frank Furger of my staff
who will be coordinating project submittals and review.