HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 8.4 RptBusinessCommsn&LclEconDev (2) .- '. " I~.~ -:: . "~l ~.. ~.:', :~. L;t;i','~": ".~-'=-~ CITY OF DUBLIN CI'~C:t :", , I)t)ijI.,Ir~ (,~;,;:,.~!: C .::: I~-:..".:. ".~. ';~:';: ,..,. l~ ::;"f, AGENDA STATEMENT ?~ GJ.:J:{[) i\ . 'i.\ ~.~. E:~:.r'!:;':P;.' )~ C~:::~ .~,.; f) . ',. ~.. ':r'~~~:J.::~' :.;, :\'T:(: · ~y :,;:::',t.ITY- CbUNeIL:":MEET:i~d'.'riATE':-: ,~;octobei;X~;j;T:i:~i99 3 c:~ ;_~' ,::q~,;::1~~-r.~l~~,':''',;J':1:~:'>J~~~t~ .... '. I _ . " Report on Business Commission/Local Economic Development Program Options (Prepared by: Richard C. Ambrose, City Manager) , . { '. . , .. SUBJECT: EXHIBITS ATTACHED: Exhibit 1 : it Exhibit 2: Exhibit 3: Exhibit 4: Exhibit 5: Exhibit 6: Exhibit 7: ~Local Economic Development Program Survey ~ Excerpt from League of California Cities Guide to Economic Development ~ Minutes of March 8~ 1993 City Council meeting ---- ~ Letter from Mayor to Chamber of Commerce dated March 19, 1993 ~ Minutes of Jury 26, 1993 City Council ~ meeting --- ~ Minutes of August 9, 1993 City Council meeting ~ ~ ~ Memo to City Council from Vice Mayor Burton dated August 9, 1993 .......... (lIJ~ RECOMMENDATION:" See Below. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: To Be determined. DESCRIPTION: At the City Council meetings of July 26 and August 9, 1993, the City Council discussed the desirability of Staff preparing a report on concepts including a Business Commission or other various structures to look at business issues and economic development. Staff has prepared a report which proposes a work plan to get the City started on a local economic development program and has completed a survey of a number of agencies which evaluates the various groups and structures who are involved in each community's economic development effort. Prior to discussing these items further, it may be helpful to review what constitutes economic development and what has been accomplished to date in the area of economic development. WHAT IS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT? The structure of local government financing in California provides financial incenti ves to those communi ties which have a diverse economic base. The diversity provides income to the local government which allows for the establishment of programs and services to the community. Given the complexity of economic issues, it is becoming more important for communities to evaluate their local economy. As expressed in the League of California Cities' Economic Development Handbook: "specific actions must be taken to stimulate business activity, to improve employment opportunities for local residents, and to encourage private investment in a community's economy. In doing these things, the City also expands its tax base, allowing more funds for better public services, and a better overall quality of life." This identifies the importance of considering a proacti ve approach to' economic development wi thin a local community. Relying solely on market driven forces may result in a deterioration of all aspects of the community. For example, if a significant loss of the City ITEM NO. ~, ~ COPIES TO: tflO - 50 .~ . ,<M~l.l.<bf :riUb:i/inWs,".:ii'~'t:j!ii:i:{~6~se{::b'e€urre'd~ this,~> :wbu;td"3:iinpac~t'.itlie, ~:t~X,~p'~es::u~ya:$:~c$i1_e,:! - ,.:; . :'g} -, ,-,.."to ,provide:"services tot,bhercommuni ty,-ab:'l'a:tge,;.';~"",',-.~",,,,,,/,..,'j1~"~\'~i~--,<,, 'fii':~'. ...t. \ ,.p.<e:' ~.<. ,...,.- ,'. , : L '<- .' ,,"._ . .....' - .' ,...._...J.._...~ '.1,-",\,;,~"~1"""_,,,,,_~,,,,,~,,,,,,,,_ J ' .~""'':r'" ..,: ..:.~ ....... '1,10,:; __,_ ',r. ~ i '.~,'" i,", 1. ~..- r~:: :~. - ,-.;' '~- :" '.'-'..~ ... "-;'~l ," ]~J . l~:l;~}~(Thei-e-s::;;:':are't (,~Ilr.e'e'::l:p:f,:n~ar;Y~jarea~~F>' whi ch0: are "by-pi c,al'lY'7:t addressed > bY.;;\;~cop(:)~j;f:: ~"\~~t;deveJ.:'dpment3.J~p:i09:i~s';;J \'ti,,fSoriie'~r.a'g'end:ii~s3~!ila y, -;choose;ili:tOj;+.if,oC:US0.i},Qp.~<~pnIY(;tl;Cli1s~A~.ilg~e" ~~~iE;rS '~pr<>9ramf {~fwfo1er~as' :"'otfie~s:-'~ten:d['; ,t~'-~:_< p'aekage a'e ~ar:!:et Yl" of., prqgr;cyns t9r.-:1aQdr:~s 5 "r'';'~''~'1nul ti'ple:r-}cjl)als~J;..",';"'-' Tlie'~'r\"tIii:'e~ J-~pr:j)mary,;:i[goal's~~ ;wh1ich :;aFeJ,::,tYp'ic~lly ,~> ad.dr.~~sed include: -i rj,-" -", ., ',;t~.f~ Nil i: '5.~:~ . Expansion of 'job.., and business opportun i ties wi thin the community. . Retention of existing business base. . Adequate revenue generation of sustain desired levels of community sFrvices. CITY'S ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS TO DATE 1 . Completion of Transportation Master plans for all commercial arterials. 2. Completion of numerous roadway improvements on major materials to improve access to businesses. 3. Worked with CalTrans to include direct access from 1-680 to central commercial district in plans for 1-580/1-680 interchange improvement. 4. Completed major public beautification projects on major arterials. 5. Completed Management Audit of Planning Process to streamline permit processing. 6. Completed Downtown Specific Plan. 7. Worked with Dublin Chamber of Commerce to complete Community Profile (Marketing) Brochure. 8. Completed the extension of Dublin Boulevard. 9. Purchased and installed Downtown Seasonal Promotional Banners. 10. Worked with Business Community and Chamber of Commerce on development and implementation of Shamrock Potato Festival and Annual st. Patrick's Day Celebration. 11. Established Business Task Force to review programs yet to be implemented in Downtown Specific Plan resulting in a request from the City to the Chamber of Commerce to take the lead in retail promotion. 12. Working with the Chamber of Commerce and Business Community on revisions to Sign Ordinance and Outdoor Sales. 13. Participation on Alameda County Economic Development Advisory Council Programs. 14. Completion of Eastern Dublin General plan Amendment and Specific Plan. 15. Development of Citywide Customer Service Program. 16. Establishment of regular meetings with Chamber of Commerce Staff and City Staff. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT WORK PROGRAM Prior to establishing an advisory group to assist the City in its economic development efforts, the City Council should identify the overall objectives of the City's Economic Development effort. Staff would suggest that the mission of the City is twofold 1) to provide those basic services for which the City is responsible; and 2) to maintain a quality of life for residents to live and businesses to thrive. Irrespective of what group structure (see below), the City Council selects, Staff would recommend that the group be responsible for accomplishing the following tasks. 1. If the Council establishes a permanent advisory board, direct Staff to draft bylaws for Council consideration. 2. Undertake a community appraisal which establishes a factual picture of the City's economic development strengths and weaknesses. . . ~f~~~~:lk~BRJti\i'17J:~!B'a~'ed;:;~{l':UP0Q~J;.~tihei:"\i_CQl$uA;;ii;JS~lI,~~ppi~~~'$,a.:ik~~i?':-~,g.~P.t~;{}';r&':' me~~u:Fabille;g;,9.~~t~~,t,iiriY.~~li!K~i~t'j.): '" ':f;',. 'i;,;I.~~'.f,:f,~};';~"wh-:tch'~s'Jfoul'(h.:be .'.' ,inc:I:udea~ >in\',a:~ ,'locci:1:i-.econ0mic; $de;v:elonmenb,. Rl1an;<t(,:""fl;;:j-c':; :;;'i!!;"U<'I:'" n..;\f.(k~ . " ,.~ . .., .~ ,_ .'. _, 9' ,. .. . ,..,. ...._ ._.....1""'-." "_. ' ... _, T.,. " ",'._ ,,_'~ ..'~""~" "';_'''-"'''(_'1..'"'' "~'~__l:>l;'o>'!"-'''< . . h''''-' !~""J""'i~-" '''~''.)-'1-.~t'.,j '..;Y",'(:.<,;..,~" -..::",\,,)~. ... .'::"."~--:H,".r'l.\;: ~ ,'; ',I, :::~i,j~'~~~:iI-;4)~' jC:E>~'ve10p;:~a~x:pq;~Ii!~'fo:r:i'taccontp["]{sp.:i:hgli;;~,b;9~,e~{:Ql;>,3,e.,G:t~y:~~-:!~})~\~?hi.:s:bQ:u,~g~,~ ~A~!~g~lj,~r,. ~!h:'~iJ i4;i\4i5:<i,i;:::i:,'-\SIi':rs~\~Uhdiiig,~\;'Jf:!sbur€es .~i::i>ai1.d~;;{!riBQS;s\ibly:~.",,:,j,,("a~;ii:f;pelmla.nent:;:,,;;,.,^ 0Fganiz,a t,ion'{is i), -~.~(;.tb "....: ",i~: ~:'~i fd}S'~'\~.. .~. ;>:i.0implem~he~J~t:lle~J~;piafi,~,:'fiii;~i~the,i,;iq0W;~jj~~~$,~:~e€;~$i~li;~~~;:;~~~,~,er,~m;:;~;~~g~;c;:~2~S~{::";;;~'t;~~ ..' ....i,~~!t ~r.:o" '~p., t i o-n.., :::....-~'..~~\.i\.'.i;;:.1 ~t,~.,.z~>:,.~,Q"."~',-{.~~.J.;,':.~,,J.&.'. . '1'!" ",,,,,,," 0' r ' " "',,,-''lr " '" .,..,5~iJ;~:~:~-~~~'~~> 5. Identify ways to measure' the results of plan implementation. L,:-,,' '~." .,,-.' 6. Prepare a report to the City 'Council with the advisory groups recommendations including the above elements within six months of the appointment of the advisory group members. Upon :r;eceipt of the advisory group's report, the Council could then take further action to implement the economic development plan and accompanying programs. As a result of this year's reduction in administrative and planning staff, there are very limited staff resources to support this effort. As a result of these reductions, it is proposed that the City Manager work directly wi th the advisory group and solicit the assistance of the Alameda County Economic Development Director, who has already indicated a willingness to assist in the effort. If further resources are necessary during the start- up phase, Staff will advise the Council accordingly. In preparing this report, Staff has discussed starting a local economic development program with the Executive Director of the California Association for Local Economic Development (CALED) , the Alameda County Economic Development Director and representati ve from other cities and Chambers of Commerce including the Executive Director of the Dublin Chamber of Commerce. As indicated in the attached survey (Exhibit 1), communities approach the business of economic development differently. The Staff surveyed local economic development efforts of adjacent cities as well as cities recommended by the Executive Director of CALED. Of those agencies surveyed, the following organizational structures were being utilized. 1. Economic Advisory Board/Task Force a. Temporary/Permanent Staff found that this organization was either temporary or permanent. For example, in San Ramon the Economic Development Task Force was given specific objectives by the Council and a 6 month time frame to report back to the City Council. In Benicia, the City has a permanent Economic Development Advisory Board that reports to the City Council on Economic Development issues. However, Benicia, as well as several other cities, initially had a Economic Development Task Force (temporary) which made recommendations that resulted in the formation of the Board. b. Size and Composition Of those cities surveyed, varied in size from 9 (Pleasanton) . economic development boards/task forces members ( San Ramon) to 21 members The composi tion varied considerably. Some had formal representation from the Chamber (i.e. Pleasanton) other agencies did not (i.e. Benicia). Some included citizens at large (i.e. San Ramon & Benicia), other did not (i.e. Pleasanton). Some agencies involved a broad segment of the business community, including banking,' real estate, utility, retail, service, industrial businesses, other had more limited representation. Some agencies included City Council and Staff on the Board, some did not. " . . ';, ';." :,. -~ :~,.~.;::~,'.; . ;~~~.~ :i:~,;}';;ME;:th~;fO,~:'i:~ppoin.~IDe~~.:. tJ(C::l;:i'\i;~;t:!~'};:~}!'J\ i!'pqJ;ij:.'i:h~mJ,~::~~,,~,~,~,;~'f.(l~\t~~;;;:t; ~;';?2~fk;r'::)\:I;~;:iti;li.i*~.'f.:1~:~~;~I;"'~~ .' .::, ' ~^~:?(,:t;;.~:.t" ":;\, ';:';f;~(\:<l.\~il;t;.';i~a.:~d,'.l,!J1as:k;'Eo:r.ce;':appo:lntmen.~s; p,;\w~:Ije'rill:ade~j~:~\t~b:J!~:;r;,::l:r,~$J>Jk~~;"YF;;;:Qy." t~h~j:g~J~Y4~~"-b;;'r},f:t;J,' !,. \.: U>;\\f, :~.;,:,t(;',or'::joint'ly by,.the" City ango10ea~ Chamber (Off:,lGQ~~~,e~:;:j), H\b:ir.i';~'2':"YS C>::'lifl:1 ....,. ; ~:.."'.': ~ " "~" ':'.. ;1 ~ ;0 . " ",,",..:" "~~J:'~: .~',~;~; ~::~'~e,~oll.rc.:~s. " ~'.1~": ';);~:'~~';':;i:'C.:' ~'(;iE~~:"~~~:":.:'<' <?:-'.~: :," . ,. .::t:;:,;"':,~"':~"::;;'I'r:tt:(':!~'?iio:~j.i~,,:;!,..'t'~ '}o<;,' :::i;,,c , ._, 1'r'", 'lk j~,\tL )l(;~f ,(- i"",;:~"f.[n",:a3:!l~J1i,~cases:i :'tt.e li"ty" 'iStaf f ";?Fi~s<;>:up,~.e,s,:;W:~Ii:'~"1:P~9X~'(ji.~c:1f.~:,PQ,kl:XS.U;ppq~;:.t;i, th;,e~'.If; ~t~rti,f; -"''''WI!. \,. '. '.i;;', 'r.i. ',efforts:,; of "the~, BoardITask:Y~'F.or~e>;, l' "~,AS;:5'S110WI:lfi:\i.Jk!:tl'te:);JSur:y.~Y-,,?\ th~!!'n;, .,;ill) . "amount 'of' f1.inds'aliocated:;:va.riedf'conside:t:ablY:.eJfrom,,'agency. 'Nine' of the eleven agencies contributed stCl;,ff.ing,' funding or both to the City's economic development efforts;;,.t: .'. , 2. Chamber Economic Development Con~ittee !t Responsibilities Some communities have Chamber of Commerce Economic Development Committees with varying levels of responsibility. For example, in Morgan Hill the Chamber of Commerce has primary responsibility for economic development responsibilities. a. b. Size and Composition The size and composition of the committees vary. For example, Livermore's Chamber Committee has 15 - 18 members with official City membership, while petaluma has 20 - 25 members with no City membership, but with City Staff acting in a liaison capacity. In Vacaville, there is no City representation on the committee. c. Resources The resources provided to the Chamber committees vary substantially. In Vacaville, the effort is funded with no city funding. Some cities such as Clovis contribute City funding and private contributions make up the balance of the Committee's budget. Morgan Hill directly contributes $175,000 to fund Chamber Staff positions from Redevelopment funds. 3. Joint CitY/Chamber Economic Development Committee (permanent) a. Responsibilities The City of Tracy has the only true independent Joint City/Chamber Economic Development Committee. This Committee alone has primary although divided responsibilities for economic development activities in the city. b. Size and Composition The Committee has 9 members including (2) Chamber members, the Chamber Executive Director, (2) City Council members, the City Manager and 3 at large representatives. This committee also has 4 subcommittees: C 1) Business Expansion & Retention 2) Central Business District 3) Economic Development Support 4) Marketing/Research Subcommittee These subcommittees include other individuals. c. Resources This Committee is jointly funded by the City and donations from the private sector. It also has the support of Redevelopment Agency Staff. 4. Downtown Business Association Several cities have Downtown Business Associations or Improvement Districts which supplement the economic development efforts of other local organizations involved in economic development. The scope of these associations or districts are usually quite limited. . . . i,'j\?:/ 'ii;~) ,i' ..":'.:..,<:; ':";,:~)'::L::;l. ..;~~~~~:~~~f;t~~7:ff~, ;", -~.~:_:, :."'.:;',, i,;'\.;irI 'p,:;:.'~", ;.: :, ':'~'i,;"';i?;'1f~:~;'~"(;2';;~".'~'l.!~;l :Iii~;'i;i'~f. ..'.. ~\t;t~~~..s.taf,f J.f~~oU:il!d;'fi::p~c6mmend';~~i:tha:t~(,:#,;j:lli'e.~, .'.G.o~c4.'rlJ::~1~~ppraM~.i,(.~y.t:h~'''X'fj;~f):i~thi~t'~kgri;'I:;:Jl,Rf~~~i,~~~~f:i~~;'~.~~i ,:'i/![' '. ,E;cb'nbnii!b m~veJEbpnient 'e-f)~~:r.rt;'which w0.u!d:ei:rtcx:1,rde t:~:~r~:~~:~:LJ::~~~n9:\l'SJ.~R.~:~~~t;~t ~;:".\i:,.{~~L1.f{: j~.' 5~,!.3~ji:~~1:~~t'i"r:f.j;:T,n~~j,:;:Ci t:y."\~e-oUnci;V'i;;det~ftriiri-es thef'-:ll;o~e!.t;~.1:l ob.d~e_pb~ye.~t!(:);f-:-~~~;;hh~:''f;e~(!>Jl~m~~3.vsci::;1~~';\'. ~; .}'IP:~:'i",~,':(~,l/~:)'deveJ2bpnien:t'igraup" to""be t"iFormed "~,]j~l;'Q".t~~~l~' .,:. . ~1'~>~~'~?':;~~~~~~(:;'::;';:~~;:'~;~;;~:}0;~~;:~i~~i~"":'i;;;:';':.~~~~-1~~t:r;~ '..' ,.,:~~.~:~"...~'~~~~~:~ "..., ',' ~. _ " , . '. ' ~. ~ .,'<Ii. l_ .,!1_:':', .-.~.1<~, : .~.., . " ."' _ ____ ......'"'..(~,-:,~~~.~.:' if,.,...... .-"'~... ...,...(',~~4o;"<"..,t ....1';c......~.:!:~.:f,,-<~\.'1 ~r:....,,~~"'..:..',.-..':s..',..,... 2. Approve the praposed Ecanomic Develapment Wa:I'k Progr~.-"including autharizatian to salici t the services .of the Alameda CaUll,i!;Y, ,,;E;.canamic Develapment Advisary Cauncil staff ta assist the City newLy appointed advisory group. 3. City Cauncil determines whether ta pursue a task farce appraach .or the establishment .of a permanent board/cammissian .or cammittee. it a. Task Farce Optians (1) City Ecanamic Develapment Task Farce (2) Jaintly City/Chamber Task Farce b. Permanent Board, Cammissian, Cammittee Optians (1) City Ecanamic Develapment/Business (advisary ta City Cauncil) (2) Chamber Ecanamic Develapment Cammi ttee (city has liaisan role) (3) Chamber Ecanamic Develapment Cammittee (city is vating member) (4) Jaint City/Chamber Ecanamic Develapment Cammittee 4. Determine size and campositian of aptian selected abave. a. If Task Farce appraach is preferred, it is recammended that a larger task farce be assembled which includes a braad crass sectian .of the cammunity as suggested in an excerpt fram League of Califarnia Cities Guide ta Ecanamic Develapment (Exhibit 2), Graup suggested might include: Chamber .of Cammerce Retail Industrial Service Real Estate Banking Public utilities Citizen Graups/Hameawner Assaciatians Commercial Landawners Others Interested in Services the City pravides Educatian b. If permanent City board is selected, the Cauncil may wish ta cansider a smaller advisary body. c. If permanent Chamber .or City/Chamber aptians are selected, the size and camposi tian wauld be determined. by the Chamber .or in cansultatian with the Chamber. 5. Depending upan the preferred structure, the Cauncil shauld determine the Cauncil and Staff's rale and relatianship ta the advisary graup ta be formed. ..~ "~,:<.::,~..~.;;; :'.i '. 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Q) :>-o+-> "_ :> u u u Q) c: (l.l c:: "'OQ))....ol;:::1 Q) 0"'1-- 0 P;:; ICe Q U "" Ul C Q) ,~ :=> VJ Ul :=> Ul o ,~ -"'..., '" '" o Q) E ,.., p.. "0 0 0..... ..Cl Q) :> ,.., Q) ..... '0 o Q) .~ lo-4 :> "0 "0 '" "" '" ,.., "0 o ..Cl ,.., ..... o ,~ :> "0 '" ..... ~ Q) 'i" '" ..., '" Q) E p.. ~ Q) :> Q) "0 Q) ... '" ..., "" 0 '" .~ Q) =VJ'" C VJ '" "-...... E; gJ~Q) 000.. :>:u_ ') L;.~ ;,' I:, 1:t:r,~:r!.;i~U;~~;~f;;:{~;,i;1.~~!;1~;~{~;~:~;il,iltj:f:t.~if~~gr-"".ii~~1:~~Bt81 .,~_~.'" ..... .>.",.,.."", ,.'w.......".. .~ .~.,....,...."r_<.<.,"~ ~ ~ .. """~I;::"i:L.C..;',:,:!.,;.1 ~:,L ,,'1' .:: " ~' l () - i: :'_ :-;:r;;:.::::-:. _'.Ld-;-, :\ ':":...J::,l:':l", DEVELOPING A PLAN GETIING ORGANIZED In gearing up fur econumic development, yuu will need a strategic plan. This should include a clear definition of goals and objectives, a com- prehensive identification of all the affected parties and a step-by-step implementa~un strategy, The process includes; . Assembling a Team . Identifying the Elements of an Economic Development Plan . Develuping an Implementation Plan . Establishing a Financing Element . Determining a Way to Measure Results ASSEMBLING A TEAM Perhaps the most important part of an economic development program is organizing the group which will take responsibility, An old Chamber ofCummerce expression states that "if someone writes a program, they will underwrite it as well." First, bring together all of the "players" whu have any stake in eco- numic development - and those whu can get things dune, This includes both the public and private sector, the Chamber of Commerce and any other business organizations, and especially citizens groups anu neighburhoud assuciations who have a stake in thc city's ability to ueliver services, At the outset everyone may not agree, but it is imperative that these peuple all participate, Take inventory, Identify potential interested groups and individuals and invite them to juin the process from the start. And keep in mind, that while this broad-based support is essential, it may take a very active leadership role from the city to make the program happen, Organize these players into an identifiable group, Whether you call this group a committee, a councilor a task force, or whether you call the program economic development, community development or redevel- opment- you need to have a responsible group and a clear mission. It takes organization to bring about long-tenn change, City Guvernment Players: City COllJ/cil - The commitment must start at the top, Your Cuuncil formulates guals and strategies, In some cities, council members also serve on the board of a city's redevelopment agency, or are members "~C;;d1b~;,:,':~1~~~!:r~ir~fQ~I?~!t~~~~~(t:""''',;~~c.. . Cii)'.COllll1li~siolls' - Commissions recommend an9~~~ip'~s\he C)t~:();;i":; ,Council :on economic developmcnt plans, ~n~lu~in,~ ~?t','(! thsxrelat,lf t?::: " general plan pulIcles and goals. A commlsslUll.:~Ju.r,!~l\I,~,\\q\l,:egar.d;il(1 ::ell ing ecol~omic devellJpment may includc review of land use plans, architcclural design standards and environmcntal impact studies. City Stu}J - Stafr is ultimately respunsible for implemcnting thc deci- sions ofjthe Cuuncil. They can lay the groul~dwork, conduct research and advise the Cuuncil and any commiSSions and reuevelopment agencie~, Your city staff also works daily with consultants, develop- ers, ludl business uwners, business prospects, business associations, uther gJverllmental agencies and the public - all valuable contacts for an eCOl~omic development program, I Nun-City Players: BusilleL Associatiolls/Busilless Leaders - Chambers of Commerce, busincsls assuciations, visitors and convention bureaus, and business uwnersl are key figures both for planning and getting feedback, Local alld ReglOllal ECOIIOIllIC Developmellt Corpora- tiolls - Work with city, county and state governments to attract ncw industry, and providc incentives and finan- cial help in local business expansion, (\ ::') (, , ,d ,1 ~: Chambers of Commerce, business associations, visitor and convention bureaus, anCl business owners are key I figures both far planning and gelling feedback, Educatiollal COllllllwlity - Use community colleges, high schuols, regional occupational programs, state uni- versities, aswell as other private schools and collegcs as resources to train the local labor force, provide technical assistance, and solicit feedback on strategy. SpeL'iallllterest Groups - Listen to their ideas in areas of specific expertise, For example, you might include a historic preservation organization, a sports group, a pro- ~ f ,II " ' I .~,'" eSSlUHa association or an envlronmenta group, "r\. -<"~-<,, -< I . . " " ' . . 1i. Job Tnlllllllg OrgalllzatlOlls - Orgal11zatlOns thattrall1 flrstllllle work- ers, relrain employees or run vocational schouls might help, A city's lucal Private Industry Council will also provide valuable job training I resouTes. .,.., ,. Residellls alld Cvmlllullitv OrgalllzatlOlls - Listen to cItizen s Ideas and opiniJns tu detemline y~ur priorities and goals. Encourage public I participatiun from the very the beginning of the process - it will help you d~ternline the overall need. Equally important, this cummunity suppo~t is criticalta your success, MedJ _ Local newspapers, rauiu and television statiuns can be valu- able alsets in city promotion, Ask their help and keep them informed, I The Dynamic The d~nan;ics of how players interact are as impurtant as thc players' invol~ement. Define roles and respunsibilitics, publJ hearings and discussiuns are also imperative, but lay your groUlJdwork first, Contact the players, solicit their ideas, plan infur- mallYII. "Float" iueas publicly, uiscuss them, turn them around and reuo them, Involve everyone. This way, by the time yuu cume to yuur formal publib hearings, all the players should bc aware of the issues anu geneiallY on-buard - and yuur consensus-building shuuld be well I underway, BecaLe each of the lucal players is so intimately invulved, sumetime:; a cOllsultant or indepenuent facilitator is neeueu tu assist with this I process, EXHIBIT ~ 1.,;,'.' (,',-..:.,'". .-!.....,. ...~._:':. '- _ :.......~ .'1 "'i-'I" ,<)~;:~:"'-"~' ,,' .:.,-\.~"~ ~'J.I'..'."', :;t\.......,.,.J."L, ".' :'-:'~'~:.\~<~','.i:".', ~. _' ," 't, ....! " '. . , - . .,.;. !'~~at u&?~i~\" ".H~f!:{,~I~ d'~"~L r e C9!~~~tt.!i.~f;:)h'at~J;.~_ ~'.:::I;,\r~~.;?_~s,~~~e.L()::P~fq:ji~,stc~':, p.c?gffi,4~9;b,,:ij;{i.;j. '~~t:-;,;:~i/:: I 1S be1ng underwr 1 tten by' LUO)},ystores.. X .':t>:, ::':, .'t . ""co:, ' .~ Cm. Houston questioned on the 'Nature selected instead of something visual. big HOLLYWOOD sign. Remains' exhibit why words were Hls first thought was of the I this is the idea; they didn't feel the response would an image. I Burton asked if the Walt Whitman poem will be tied in Ms. Baer stated be as strong to Mayor Protempore somehow. Ms. Baer said that it would. Cm. Moffatt stated DFA always stimulates and projects thoughts and he strongly supports this exhibition. . I On motion of Cm. Moffatt, seconded by Cm. Howard, and by unanimous vote, the Council approved the request, subjec~ to conditions that: 1) all installations, including location, shall be approved by the Public Works Department; and 2) staff shall pr~pare a signed waiver to be completed by the Artists. I Linda Jeffery, President of the DFA thanked ther city Council and advised that DFA will be starting another round of selling tiles. She .___' pointed out that this is a good way to recognite new babies. * * * * r REPORT FROM BUSINESS TASK FORCE ON FORMATION OF A BUSINESS ASSOCIATION (470-50) Assistant city Manager Rankin presented the StJff Report and stated that included in the adopted 1987 Downtown spedific Plan was a recommendation that the city take steps to implement a Business Association, as provided for under State Law. [The city council has established a Business Task Force to consider issues suggested in the. Specific Plan. The Task Force has completed a~ in-depth review and has formulated a recommended approach on this issue. Mr. Rankin advised that throughout the processj the Special Programs Subcommittee found that businesses were interested in the concepts; however, there was not a strong sense of commitment to establish an Association. This is partly due to the nature IOf small businesses and the difficulty in spending time away from thei~ business. To be successful, there needs to be a core group of businesses which enthusiastically support the effort. I Mr. Rankin stated the consensus of those participating in the Task t. . 111 Force mee 1ngs was for the Clty to encourage t e Chamber of Commerce to undertake a leadership role in addressing t~e needs and concerns of the Dublin Retail Community. staff recommended that this effort be structured to identify specific issues and top~cs to be addressed. It I a aD. . . . m . a a . . DB . a a . a a . . · · · · · · · · · · · a Regular Meeting CM - VOL 12 -. 1~~ I ~C.V ~~I!~ IT.. ") tl.r~,~~hJ~ ~ .J March 8, 1993 .. .. -', ;~jf~.:}~~!;i~\lfi~""'n@rt~;{r~~~~:J~ft*\;~B:~~N{;~ff~~'" C:i:~~~;ti'{lf~.tI~a:~€J\IT'a ve #!~~:,.';4,~i~~k~~t:i~ri6"~U~~t{>g~YS!~:#_9~j'~~;.~~;~~1J3~t)ftiftj;h~:i.i,i!~!2j,;lf~~6 ,. . , Staff Member available to respond to any'issti~~~:which,q:9Jt1~:~'tip:'where"" the city has an obligation. . ,,' Janet Lockhart advised that the Chamber Board will meet on Wednesday. Discussion so far has been that this is a great project for the Chamber of Commerce to take on. They will be sleeking to learn if there is an interest in the business community.1 She sees this as a posItive step, and feels there is a real openness to this. I Mayor Protempore Burton stated he was glad to see the Chamber of Commerce coming into this process. . I Ms. Lockhart stated what is needed now is to communicate real well. Mayor Protempore Burton complimented Staff for I always being there and putting a lot of effort into this. It apparen~ly just wasn't the right program or the right timing. It looks like we are resolving at least one of the issues though in getting the ~ity council and the Chamber of Commerce together. I Cm. Houston passed out to the council a newspaper article about the city of Tracy. The secret of their success wa~ they really used an Economic Development Committee to get their city going. This might be something to discuss with Tracy's representatires. Mayor Protempore Burton advised that one of the consultants who spoke to the group was from Tracy. I Cm. Houston stated he thought you have to include the whole city in something like this, not just 1 or 2 streets. I On motion of Cm. Moffatt, seconded by Cm. Howard, and by unanimous vote (Mayor Snyder absent), the council authorrlized the Mayor to send a letter to the Chamber of Commerce leadership to encourage their efforts to address issues facing the retail bJsiness community. * * * * f~ BUSINESS TASK FORCE REVIEW OF MODIFICATION TO POLICY GOVERNING OUTDOOR SALES (450-20) Assistant City Manager Rankin presented the sJaff Report and advised that in April of 1992, the City Council receiVed a request to reconsider current restrictions which prohibi~ outdoor sales. The City council suggested that the issue be considered by the Business Task Force. The Task Force has provided inpui as to issues which should be covered by a revision. In addition) Staff has presented a means by which outdoor sales could be approve4 under the current Ordinance, while a modification is being deve+oped and considered. i Mr. Rankin discussed the current restrictionsiand the City Council policy on outdoor sales, which was establishecl in 1984. The Business Task Force review and findings were also disc~ssed. . g . _ . . . . . m _ . . . . . . . . . · · · · · · · · · .. · · · · ~, .. CM - VOL 12 - 101 March 8, 1993 Regular Meeting .,....,"1'>-,-.'.. " ',;.','., F IT,~~$j1~;:,~! .. )}~'_\:1 .~... ~ . ,. '..,' ~ Mr. Sergio Meza, President Dublin Chamber of Commerce 7080 Donlon Way, suite 110 Dubl~n, California 94568 RE: City Council Request For Chamber of Commerce Involvement With Issues Facing Dublin Retail Businesses Dear Mr. Meza: The purpose of this letter is to formally submit to the Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors a request which ~s the result of several months of study by the Business Task Force. ~he Task Force was formed by the city Council to address issues of ihterest to the Business Community as well as programs recommended in thb Downtown Specific Plan. In 1987 the City Council adopted the Dublin Downtown specific Plan. This was a detailed study conducted by a Blue Ribbon Committee containing representation from; the Chamber of Commerce, business owners, landowners, and residents. In 1991, tne City Council appointed the Business Task Force. One of the specific bharges to this group was to follow-up on recommendations in the specificl Plan, which had not been implemented. The City had implemented many on the public improvements and programs suggested in the Plan. Many I of the remaining items required a private initiative or investment and they focused on issues facing the retail community. Obviously a strong retail sector will provide strength throughout the community. The Business Task Force specifically reviewed the concept of . a Business Association. The Specific Plan call'led for the City to embark on forming this entity. It has always been c]ear that the support for such an undertaking must corne from the Businessl Community itself. The final Task Force recommendation was that ~he City should encourage the Chamber of Commerce to actively pursue issues typically undertaken by a Business Association. During the study ~f this issue Task Force members recognized that there are many benefits to an Association which is active with common issues. It was also doted that an Association could be an entity to continue to look at is~ues faced by the retail community or suggested in the Specific Plan. The ideas presented by the Task Force were well received, however, there was not a strong response by businesses willing to work towards forming ~nother organization. I The city Council recognizes the limitations on an organization such,as the Chamber of Commerce. Obviously, your membership is varied and represents several sectors, including servi~e businesses which are located outside the Dublin City Limits. For these reasons the Chamber Board of Directors may need to consider how th~y can best incorporate a process to address specific unique needs of Du~lin retail businesses. Administration (510) 833-6650. City Council (510) 833-6605. Finance (510) 833-6640. Building I . Code Enforcement (510) 833-6620 . Engineering (510) 833-663p · Planning (5 Police (510) 833-6670 . P"idic Works (510) 833-6630 · Recreation (510) 8 I ~vlilnlT LI t^.glh~jll 7 '.;. '. . .' <.' ..... ' . . .... .,", ~' p~Yder Mayor cc: city council Business Task Force Members Richard C. Ambrose, city Manager Nancy Feeley, Executive Director , ~, ,/ .,' . . piB;~P~~~t~~~~a~:iW~~~:f:;g~;~i~g,t~ift~ ~.tfes~;:~'P;b1{{i<"'df~;~lijy6I'e;t?{l:i!a.n ~e" (:0,6." p e.risp'eQi\;:,~J{{~;~ ' contriButing time, experience and resources, and offering thelr cons~derable credibility to advocacy efforts oh behalf of business in the E~~t Bay. Their mission is to enhance thelcompetitive economic position of the county while maintaining its e~vironment and quality of life by encouraging business growth, maintaining a competitive workforce and building a positive business clifuate. ~ . . I. t t' The Councll thanked Mr. Kern for the very lnformatlve presen a lone ';"\;1-, * * * * Siqn Ordinance Enforcement (400-30) I Brad Sanders, owner of the Oak Warehouse stated he was present to discuss the Planning Department and actions ofl the zoning Investigator. He requested that the City cons~der an investigation of the department. This is a serious matter. sp~cifically, the city is engaging in selective enforcement of the Sign brdinance. There are a lot of conflicts in the city's ordinances. Th~ sign ordinance is not in the Municipal Code and as he gets deeper an~ deeper into the Sign Ordinance, and according to 2 attorneys, they have told him it would probably be invalidated in a court. Mr. Sanders stated he would like to get a full clarification on this ._____. issue. His business provides lots of sales tax revenue to the city and it would be nice if the city were more for~hCOming and pleasant in its dealings with businesses. He requested that the city conduct an investigation by an outside person of the City's Sign Ordinance and its administration. Cm. Burton advised that the city council had received Mr. Sanders' letters and had also had comments from city St~ff. He did not feel that any conclusions had been reached. with r~gard to comments about the Sign Ordinance and selective enforcement, he thought it would be wise to have a business commission. Staff cur~ently works with the Chamber of Commerce to clarify some of the isshes. He asked Staff to investigate forming a business commission, sim~lar to the Planning Commission, which would deal with these types bf issues and advise the city Council on business related issues. This would give a forum for businesses tQ discuss issues such as this. He asked Staff to bring the issue back before the Council. There is no excuse for someone to work with the City and come out mad. Mr. Sanders stated he just wanted to bring the issue to the attention of the city council. ,-.-., Cm. Houston commented that it was interesting that this followed Mr. Kern's presentation and we were advised that Livermore and Pleasanton had both put together task forces. He felt if the City had something along the lines of the Planning commission to ~epresent the city, the Chamber and business people, they could solve ~ome of these problems. Cm. Moffatt questioned wha~ had happened to th1e Business TaskForce. m m a a am. . g 8 . . . . . a a a a a . . . I. . a . a a a . . . a a eM - VOL 12 - 296 I [~I~U~~-T 5 , 2"4 ~ p~~~ :: 'il""Y~.?j .! .., ..,Jy 'Ii , Regular Meeting July 26, 1993 . . :r:. '::.J().'l:"l'::., \)~,,"~...t .t;\C\:.....:.." ~ '~'. ,~. r. ~.;,.,~, ..;~.. .. '1., .,.-:" . ,...1-', ;,,' . ~..~:~.:.::-.:,::.:::\Cjn:.' "Burt0n,~';aQ.y']:s:ed ':,yhg:;1:;'w.It:. r$la:d~:.a, np;i:::r,;9oW..o,.:fopl,1S ,to,,,,, w.p:rt.. w:tth,-;:.th.~.. i',C'...' '"l .r' ."~,,. I c", . d~;<nt owri'''p'i'ili1': "" He ii" v3's"i <f>t/Ita"'if' btt'ri'ii~es,t COTIu111 ~ 'i,;n"'iJg a'r'frt<r~"'tfi'i'''''' .,:,,; .''';':,'"ilt~~ . ' ". "'.r~' ..".. \"'''''' '.' .~-~. . . I . broader Issues such a~how do we get busInesses to stay In the communi ty . .. .',' , '. Cm. Moffatt agreed that the business community is certainly the city's lifeblood and the city could look into a situation of coordination wit~ the business community. I Cm. Burton stated the council was on Mr. Sanders' side, but there are regulations that have to be maintained. I Mr. Sanders stated he was talking about confli~ts and presented what he referenced as his latest 4 page letter to tfue Council. No copy was submitted to the city Clerk for the record. Mayor Snyder asked if Mr. Sanders had obtained a business license in this community and if so, the effective date. .--. Mr. Sanders stated he was not aware of this re~uirement initially. He had asked Mr. Rankin the authority for asking 8ertain questions on the business license application. A lot of number~ are required and he questioned the legal basis for the city aSkinglfor this information. Mr. Sanders stated Mr. Rankin was somewhat put out by his questioning this, but this is how he is. This was over a week ago, and he is still waiting for a response. He also indicat~d whenever he calls or comes in, people always have to research thing~ and they can never seem to answer his questions. I Cm. Houston stated he brought up some good points, but the city needs to work toward a good solution and maybe make ~ome positive changes. . I Mr. Sanders felt all busInesses should be treated equally. city Attorney silver clarified that just becaule the sign Ordinance is not in the Municipal Code, this does not rende~ it ineffective. Whether or not it is in the Municipal Code doe~ not affect its validity. I Cm. Burton felt some type of a sounding board IS a necessIty and a business commission would provide thiS.. i . , Cm. Moffatt stated he would like to look Into the different types of committees which could be set up. He didn't want it to just be people bashing the city. Cm. Burton stated he realized we don't have enlugh people to get too involved. We do, however, have a chance of lo~ing businesses to surrounding communities and this upsets him. We need some kind of a business commission to deal with the business ~ommunity. i . Mayor Snyder reminded everyone that the city attempted to create something like this a couple of years ago and there was clearly no interest on the part of th~ business communityl He agreed with Cm. ~ a D m a m m n m a m am_ a a a _ . a . . a ~ . a a a a a a · a a · eM - VOL 12 - 297 July 26, 1993 ,""--:-'. Regular Meeting . . j;'''(_~~::~~:~.''",''~~j~~Y:,,}.~..,;~., -r,;~.~~~ri;~'..,"";\""~,~~,;,)~.:~ ':-?'~:':~>'i~,;'~~'lt;.h.jJ'~'>f-~':r'" '.~":"..:~. ,,;.:..__h_. _ ., ,";',""'h _ -~ ,.,... ~.. -J' " ,", """ Mof f a;tt :t,na:1Z."~"t1i;1:s'T';:shou:i;(1"'n0;t~':<be a\.'lHC'fh,t:'-li.7-.bash'llfng. f<j.cg. 'l:,0li.'I':I.:.,~:.,+{/r:h.e\ bus,:l:ne,s;s.." ;,:'k"t' :;;-:p. ., _G1\..i'~ "'~~".,~.~,~_"'<OI/;~".....,;'~ ' ... ,.,"+'V'.~. _,"',:"" " " ',":+',:, ~':" 1..'_" ~ ~:~~. . p"",_.l~ : ,....,.I.,-_,'..:..._:l~. .....""'1 :.~..~:; ,,+,~~~~'"":',~_ ,'" -. 7" "V :' ~:'~"d'''~-', "".;,' i.Ol."......'l '::,: JiHf.,'1-tj"':'/"'''~i'\';.' .; ,1.. .~_"l )~':':r:l', "(' :;....~; '-~ community develop'ea:'the-,"s'i;gfl':,fOrdinar}'~'e"::.~n.<;l<~it?(wa~:{ a"'3 ':"year proj edt'~' . :".....'. ;,.'~':'i:,':'. "; If there isa problem, the ~ity counPil shouldlbe aware. The Council has always said it did not want a pro~~tive en~orcement situation. Also, no one has mentioned all the new' businesses that do corne into town. Cm. Moffatt asked that Staff look into some of the parameters for forming some type of group. ::~C:::::::t:~:::~O:::f:h:O:::e::::eb:::tW::~ J::::::n:i::::c::r::~ this accomplished. I The council clarified that Staff should come back with just a time table at the next city council meeting of when it could be reviewed. ;, ;, ;, ;, Skateboard Park (290-10) . . I . Bud Clsneros, owner of the Dublln Skate Shop advlsed that they asked a few years ago for a skate park. He has now redeived plans and information that skate boarding is being prohitiited. Kids need a . I . place to go; they are part of our communlty. ~e need to flnd a place for these kids and he stated he was willing to \WOrk for this. Mayor Snyder advised that the Park & Recreation Commission has the responsibility for reviewing this. Cm. Moffatt stated the Commission would be the first step to working through some of the problems. ;, ;, ;, 'it CONSENT CALENDAR On motion of Cm. Moffatt, seconded by Cm. Houst6n, and by unanimous vote, the Council took the following actions: I Approved Minutes of Regular Meeting of July 12, 1993; Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 91 - 93 ~. i AUTHORIZING DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS TO SIGN I RIGHT-OF-WAY CERTIFICATIONS IN CONNECTION WITH I STATE AND FEDERALLY FUNDED ROAD PROJECTS (1060-10) I Authorized Staff to advertise for bids for t~e ~nnual slurry Seal Program, Contract 93-10 (600-30); I.' Approved Warrant Register ih the amount of $981,603.69 (300-40). a . . m a . . a B mg. B . a _ D m . a a a . . . . . a . a a a - · a CM - VOL 12 - 298 Regular Meeting July 26, 1993 . . . .,d'~$'~J~~~'~~~~eff~t~~!~~~~l~r!~!~lr~!~r~~~~~~wr~~T~~W!~~~~~~~ql~!~;{~}j$1~ 580/680 news. This figure ,includes Castro Valley. ., I Mayor Snyder asked how much money Castro Valley contributes. I Ms. Stevens advised that Castro Valley is not incorporated. They don:t contribute a penny. I Sheila Tole stated they do not cover Castro Valley, so even though I they are able to watch Channel 30 programs, they don't cover them. Ms. Coleman gave background information on whylthis was brought to the City Council. There is some feelings on the Board because funding has been a real problem. At the last 2 CTV Board ~eetings, there has been a lot of discussion on how they can go about c6ntinuing the level of service with the decrease in funding. Some feJl that since the level of funding from Dublin is lower than the other Icities, there should be some kind of punitive result against Dublin because they only gave $9,000. They hope to change this thought procJss. They are forming a committee to look into fundraising so that CTV[will be like many of the other community television stations. Something must be done to make them self-sufficient. They hope to come tip with some means to be able to continue good quality coverage of all ~he cities and to be fair and equal to everyone. I Mayor Snyder asked if the point had been made that through the years, Dublin has far outpaid the rest of the cities based on subscribership. Ms. Coleman stated for years, Dublin has been Jiving the same amount even though we are only 7,000 subscribers. The point has been brought out that they are Community TV, not city TV. (1/ Mayor Snyder stated the city is certainly appreciative of both her and Councilmember Howard's representation on this Board. * * * * BUSINESS COMMISSION - TIME FRAME FOR REPORT ON FORMATION (470-50) City Manager Ambrose advised that as a result df the City Council's direction on July 26, 1993, he had reviewed th~ time frame necessary to prepare a report to the Council related to bhe concept of forming a Business commission. The report would include la[ r~view of those types of programs and structures used in other communities to review business issues and engage in local economic deVelopment activities. Mr. Ambrose discussed the recent elimination of City positions and the creation/reorganization of the Administrative Sfrvices Department. The Council was advised during the budget process that these changes would impact several areas, including economic bevelopment. Given the shift in duties and the reduction in staffing, Mr. Ambrose estimated that,a r~port could be pres~nted to the city Corncil at its first meetlng ln October.' I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CM - VOL 12 - 333 Regular Meeting August 9, 1993 EVgJ'DIT I . ^~ln)l.. to . . ,~'';?f'.T.''o;.'t'.cj'~~)>I.;....r,,~;\':..;'l'\f>:,.,.r'~t'';:!..t~,_ ...,,'l{-~,::::,",:!"<\~";.F;'.-':J:o.;7t,,~~,'.\/~,. ,'J~''t,'''J-~",,;,~;-,,_,,'l.....;r::..' ....-/;.~:..>.',,,.__....,........., ';'-,--,',' ,".-' ',,' ....-.-.~..".'!..-.- '. ,'- ,...\+:.', :,~"" "-. '",' ",~,."~(~;:,,"1 ^,' ~~',Qm'~ ~'2ril3 mil?t 0 h,I!S t'a.1:teO!:,:;,ne a cq:..e p~g9:.',~t:h e 'faq~'Jthg't:~~l/!;,q;0:ri),}!:~{t.Nha,ve""a~c. b1.:lcl,g.e,t;.~'1..",o:r;,'~'i;;''l~tf'~HllJ'",..:.~r this, however the budget 7i t:u:ation i$n!:t,. as. b'1d as when. this decision was made. We must recognlze that ea~tgrn development wlll be very serious in attracting businesses and there wi]l be an impact on Dublin's present downtown. We have gat to be [prepared and ready by having people who understand the issues, and the group must have horsepower. He presented concepts to the couticil and Staff on how he envisioned the commission and stated we need to start this thing going. The other cities are prepared to take businesses in and we need to get going on this. Mayor Snyder stated he sits on the Alameda County Economic Development Commission and this is Countywide. Cm. Moffatt thought maybe we could pick up on Bruce Kern's comments made at the last meeting. We might be able t9 have EDAB come into the City and look at helping us develop our stron~ points and how they see the direction we should go. This might be a non-financial way for us to proceed. He asked if this would be possibl1e without committing to a lot of Staff time. Cm. Burton stated we have to go forward. He is not willing to back into this. We have to be positive and aggress~ve. Mayor Snyder stated this should and would be a part of Mr. Ambrose's report to the Council. Mr. Ambrose stated the California Local Economic Development Commission has a service whereby they could prbvide assistance to us as another possibility. Cm. Moffatt stated another good resource would be to go to the university system and get graduate students who would be willing to ~~~vide information and assistance. This COUll help them as well as Cm. Burton stated there are people we could use right now that could provide some constructive suggestions. I * * * * OTHER BUSINESS Non-Smokinq Leqislation (560-90) Cm. Moffatt stated he had a draft resolution rlgarding local government losing the ability to adopt strict tobacco control laws. Local governments should have the sovereign ri~ht to pass stronger local laws than state laws if their communities demand this. Mayor Snyder requested that this, be 'put on the \nex.t city Council agenda as a consent calendar item. * * * * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . eM - VOL 12 - 334 Regular Meeting August 9, 1993 August. 9, 1993 . ,~ ..t ~:.:: 1 J ,:~': . i ,~\ ': - -, '-' '..' . ,'-j :\.. .1..::.. ' TO: DUBLIN CITY COUNCIQ'C, Di. p (: ~ T 'C~- ,'r'"' , "'.' _ J.t.' : I} .~: i'_;~ ~i t,"; ~:.' '.~' ';' "." '".C" .;':';'rBY,:DA.VEBIJBTON, .... .., ::~" ',r ' "I' I" ","-.",,, . _">I"", . "~'''"",.," ,,"""...."'-<,:o:,;:,,:.;j :ifill,t:171""";i..ic,,,~:rJ';I.,,. ..,";'<;';;;"''''---''':;~\i.;if6fi~1~'F T __ v.:i~~11~;ii;'~;'t)'f;\A'L .,~-.-,:"... ,,~""'.j'::. ;,~.~ ;:.~..'-. The programs businesses #! purpose of t.he for develc)ping in t.he Ci t,y of OBJECTIVE Commi:=~:::~ion Hill neH businesses Dublin. GO pm r s s't.o N be t.o Drovide I 1 . "': . , anc ret.a1nIng posit.ive existing BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT 1'lENBERS Nembers of the Commission would represent a cr068 8eC~10n ~f the busine~s. com~unit.y, ~specia~lyl those who have an 1nvestment in re~a1l ana commercIal bus1nesses. APPOINTMENTS I The Mayor Hould appoint five business persons to the Commission. One of the members would be ~ecommended DY ~ne the Dublin Chamber of Commerce Board of Directhrs. STAFF The Cit.y Nanager would appoint a City Staff person, The Cit.y Hould be responsible for minmtes. . HEE!;NGS I. ,.,' The meet1ngs should be held monthly VIth pUDllsnea agendas and public hearings as Hit.h any City Commission. . BUDGET .1. .' . The CIty Budget should Include suffl~lent money ~o prOVIae for st.aff costs, meeting costs, promotiJnal materials, travel and other expenses. EXHIBIT 7 ., .:, ACTIVIT'(ES. FOR TH~.'oiNE~,e, IlR"R' (lP~iEN1' Ce'i'\MIAN .' ,', ;;' ..,:~,"::;~~~z~:~i~~!if~;~:i.!~;f~ii~;~::~~i~:i!~}i!:,:i~;i~~~ ~~2:;~:m!:t~,; .,......~.!.~;:~~,~:;~,]~;E .. " ~".Cl t.y ~lanager' s Offic\=.' "ana 'Chamber. of" Commerce'.~';"co,ldd be ",. . ,."".,''', reviewed by the Business DE,';E:l.;)pment I Commissicm for,"". poss i ble act.ion. Proj ects could be up-dated and :, prioritized. .. . 1- 2. New RetaIl busInesses sUItable tor the spaces available in the Central Dublin and Easte~\n extension area ~ould .be sought out and induced to locate in Dublin. This fuay Include travel to Corporate Headquarters when necessary. 3. Investigate and help in maintaining recommendations to the assistance is needed. respond when shopping areas need 1: I ' ,-' ill - ,-' .~ ~ ..,1 t i v l' t" 1'1 ~, 1. ,-, ) ..{c.. eel;:- -:1.C. , ..,y . 1. .;tl'...c:. City Council if the City's 4. Contact and negotiate with landlords and businesses that need to improve their prope~ty appearance. 5. Have hearings concerning City Ordinances and Regulations as they affect business activity and development. Make recommendations to the City Council for making them "Business Friendly" when necess1ary. 6, The Business Development commi6s~on could advise on new retail projects, commercial and tight industrial developments of the Dublin's eastern extens~ons, 7 A~ l)l'~')~~e~ t}lI'~ Crn:'l,4~.4r- ~-l'lL 1~- " l~-l"l'jq-l{~-l~ . D <'''1: \.Jb .ll, . b "'_'lJll.l-C,t.'..LU..Ll l....,).{ U _H:~ '.::1. -'e J ,-...1 ::'.,1 l' resource to the City Staff and Council fbr improving.the business climate in Dublin and developin~ new ideas that relate particularly "to current business con~itions, 1/91