HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.05 MeritSalaryAdjust (2) . c. CITY 01' DUBLIN AGENDA STATEXENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: January 10, 199. SUBJECT: 7mplementation of Employee Merit Salary Adjustments (prepared hy: Riohard C. Ambrose, city Manager) EXR7B7TS ATTACHED: None RECOMMENDAT70N: ~ Authorize city Manager to prooeed under the city's existing Personnel Rules. I'INANC7AL STATEXENT: Sufficient funds have been inoluded in the 1993-94 Budget in acoordanoe with city counoil direotion on Deoember 13, 1993. DESCR7PTION: 7n June of 1993, as part of the Adopted I'isoal Year 1993-9. Budget, the counoil froze all employee merit salary adjustments pending the outoome of the State Budget and the November eleotion. At its meeting of Deoember 13, 1993, the city Council adjusted the 1993-9. Budget to include $40,135 in the budget for merit salary adjustments for ~isoal Year 1993-94. At the time of the city Counoil aotion, the city Manager indicated some uncertainty as to how those merit salary adjustments would he implemented, given that approximately half the employees of the city had already been evaluated during the first part of the ~iscal Year. The city Manager further indicated that he would report baok to the city Counoil regarding the proposed implementation of the merit salary adjustments at a future Council meeting. Based upon a review by the city Attorney of the law as well as the City's current personnel rules, the City Attorney has determined that existing law would allow for the city to grant a retroaotive merit salary adjustment to those employees whose anniversary dates fell during the periOd from July 1, 1993 through Deoember 13, 1993, when the city Counoil lifted the freeze on merit salary adjustments imposed by the city Budget. This could be done within the provisions of the existing Personnel Rules, and within the dollar amount allooated to the 1993-~4 Budget on Deoember 13, 1993. Once again, these adjustments would be based on the content of the most recent performanoe evaluation and performanoe evaluations yet to he done tor those employees that have anniversary dates between now and the end of the Fiscal Year. 7f the city council wishes to provide the Staff with direction other than that which is provided in the Personnel Rules in granting merit salary adjustments, the Council should provide the City Manager with appropriate direction. ReA/lss a:16persAd.agenda#14 ---~~-----------~~-----~--~--~---------~-------~~-- CITY CLERK FILE O"loloH~lo' ITEX NO. 4.; COPIES TO: