HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 8.2 1993 PoliceServicesRpt (2) . . CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT Meeting Date: February 14, 1994 SUBJECT : DUblin police services 1993 Calendar Year Report (prepared by Dublin police Services Personnel) EXHIBITS ATTACHED : /Annual Report - 1993 RECOMMENDATIONS ~ Receive Report FINANCIAL STATEMENT None DESCRIPTION Dublin police Services prepares an annual calendar report that documents activity performed by the ~olice services over the previous year. This report contains fl.gures documenting pOlice response to crimes reported or detected within the city, pOlice response relative to traffic offenses and/or accidents, all programs regulated and/or instituted by the police services and compares the 1993 policing effort with the previous year. The report is divided into three sections: A. Organization and personnel data inCluding workload indicators and volunteer services. B. A statistical accounting of criminal activity and pOlice responses for calendar year 1993. c. comparison of calendar year 1993 statistics with calendar year 1992. Through the use of statistics, law enforcement traditionally measures the department's workload, focusing mainly on Part I crimes. Review of the current calendar rear report and comparing it with previous calendar year reports g1ves an indication of the services provided to the community. Part I crimes increased by 7%. All other offenses inclUding theft/larceny and other misdemeanor crimes decreased by 23%. Overall, crime statistics for 1993 showed an 11% decrease. -~-------------------~-----------------------------~--------------- ITEM NO. 8.2 COPIES TO: CITY CLERK FILE ~ - /," Z~fTjl'''' ~)')~/V1\~j ~"t~l~s~ -~~~ '<)/! JS~\')\Y' . . CITY OF DUBLIN PO Box 2340, Dublin, California 94568 . City Offices, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, California 94568 FROM: February 7, 1994 M James W. Rose, captain&"I Chief of Police SerVice;'"\) DATE: TO: City Council City Manager SUBJ: ANNUAL REPORT -1993 The 1993 Annual Report contains information regarding the activities of the Dublin Police Services for the 1993 Calendar Year. Following is a summary of selected areas and an overview of Part I crimes: Part I crimes increased by 7%. All other offenses including theft/larceny and other misdemeanor crimes decreased by 23%. Overall, crime statistics for 1993 showed an 11 % decrease. There were no homicides in 1993. Rapes dropped from three in 1992 to one in 1993. The suspect in this case is in custody and awaiting trial. The total of all robberies decreased from 17 reported in 1992 to 16 in 1993. Total burglaries for 1993 showed an 8% increase from 1992, with residential burglaries 32% lower than 1992 and commercial burglaries 54% above 1992 figures. Examination of the "Major Workload Indicators" comparing 1992 with 1993 statistics shows that Calls for Service increased .2%, Traffic Citations increased 23%, Traffic Accidents increased 1 % and Reports Written increased by 3%. Arrests decreased .9% from 1,076 in 1992 to 1,066 in 1993. Of the 1,066 arrests in 1993, 660 were non- Dublin residents (587 adults & 73 juveniles). The remaining 406 arrests were Dublin residents (303 adults & 103 juveniles). Overtime hours increased by 9% in 1993 when compared to 1992. The average number of sick leave days per sworn employee increased 75% from four to seven. This was due to two long-term non- industrial illnesses during 1993. The non-sworn average decreased 57% from seven to three days. The Alameda County Sheriff's Department Reserve Officers worked a total of 1,788 hours during 1993; a 41 % decrease over 1992. This reduction in hours is due to shrinking resources. The value of the volunteer hours these officers donated to the City of Dublin total $46,488. Traditionally, law enforcement uses statistics to measure their work product, focusing mainly on Part I crimes. Therefore, I have provided you with an overview of these crimes from 1989 through 1993. Administration (510) 833-6650. City Council (510) 833-6605. Finance (510) 833-6640. Building Inspection (510) 833-6620 Code Enforcement (510) 833-6620 . Engineering (510) 833-6630 · Planning (510) 833-6610 Police (510) 833-6670 . Public Works (510) 833~6630 . Recreation (510) 833-6645 e e Historical Overview ...... ~-_........ --.... - ......-_... -........... ------...--..---...--.. -- ---...-... - -........ -- 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 . 600 400 200 0 1989 ~...---------~- , , ' --_.......---- ---- --+ --.........----...------+- -_..-_...------ - ...-- ---+ , ' ' - - .. .. ... .. ... ... ... .. ... ... - r- .. ... ... - - ... .. - - - - .... .. 1- - ... ... ... - ... ... - .. .. - - ".- - ... ... ... - - ... ... ... - - ... .. I .... ... .. - - - - - ... .... .. ... .. I.. ... _ _ .... ... _ _ _ ... .... .. .. - I.... .. ... - .. - - ... .. - - ... - - I~ .. - ... ... - - - - -+ ... - - - I ... - - - - ... ... .. .. .. ... .. - 1- _ _ ... ... _ _ ... ... .. _ _ _ ... I.. ... ... .. _ _ ... .. _ ~ ... _ _ .. 1- _ ... .. _ _ _ _ .. .. - - - ... , . . . ~ ... - - - -.......... - - - - - - - + - -..... -... -....... ..-. -...... -... - -..... - - -...... -..... - - - -.. - - - -- . ' ' , ' - - _.......- ----- - ...--_....... - --_...-------- --+-- .....- --- -- - -- - - - -....... , ' ' - - - - - - ... .. ... ... - - - ,. - .. .... - - ... .. ... - - - ... .. ,_ - .... .. - ... .. - - ... - - - ... ,_ - - - - - - .... ... - - - - - I 1990 1991 1992 1993 -_ Total Part I Offenses ~ Total All Offenses Offense 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 % Change Murder 0 0 2 0 0 0.00% Rape 1 5 2 3 1 0.00% Robbery 10 8 12 17 16 60.00% Assault 28 33 26 39 49 75.00% Burglary 150 76 90 111 120 -20.00% Larceny 489 465 430 475 491 0.41% Stolen Vehicles 68 67 55 48 62 -8.82% Arson 2 2 0 0 3 50.00% Total Part I Offenses 748 656 617 693 742 -0.80% Total Other Offenses 835 I 1000 914 1090 841 0.72% TOT AL ALL OFFENSES 1583 1656 1531 1783 1583 0.00% In 1989, Part I crimes totaled 748. In 1993, Part I crimes totaled 742. These figures indicate a .8% decrease in Part I crimes during this :J.ve year period. During this same five years, however, two violent e e crimes, robbery and assault, combined increased 70%. Statistics are important in measuring the workload, but they are only one means of doing so. It is much more difficult to measure the level of commitment, compassion and service by the Police Department personnel to the citizens of Dublin. Reflecting on the past five years, one can tell that the Dublin Police Officer of today is faced with a more hostile and violent type of crime and the criminals are more transient as compared to 1989. Overall, we can be very proud of the men and women, both sworn and non-sworn that serve the Dublin Police Services and the citizens of Dublin. JWR:mjg cc: Charles C. Plummer, Sheriff Curtis W atson, Undersheriff Paul Rankin, Assistant City Manager (~\:;"~(~if]Jj2j;) (~~ ~ ~j- III J, 'I ~\~ -'~~~f ( , ~---:\:"" "tlll~'-'\'~~ ' .,,-,._~,.!..':>,/ e e CITY OF DUBLIN Po. Box 2340, Dublin, California 94568 . City Offices, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, California 94568 February 7, 1994 Dear Reader: Enclosed is the 1993 annual calendar report for Dublin Police Services prepared by Secretary Mary Grecco. The report tabulates police response to crime reported or detected within the city and compares 1993's policing effort with the previous year. This report is presented as an accounting of Dublin police Services activities on behalf of the city of Dublin in calendar year 1993. The report is divided into three sections: a. Organization and personnel data including workload indicators and volunteer services. b. A statistical account of criminal activity and police response for calendar year 1993. c. Comparison of calendar year 1993 statistics with calendar year 1992. The reader should be mindful that the comparisons are shown in percentages and can be very misleading when applied to small base numbers. Very truly yours, &::~ ~:f~n Chief of Dublin Police Services JWR:mjg Administration (510) 833~6650. City Council (510) 833-6605. Finance (510) 833-6640. Building Inspection (510) 833-6620 Code Enforcement (510) 833-6620 . Engineering (510) 833~6630 · Planning (510) 833-6610 Police (510) 833-6670 . Public Works (510) 833~6630 · Recreation (510) 833-6645 e e .' February 7, 1994 I- ~ < J: iijU U~ -z >- ~u.. w u.. tn< w~ utn --.... ....1....1 o <z Q.. zQ :Jt( ~~ OZ < ~ c.::: o e 0::: w o Z <z .:E_ ~;:: Oc.. u< wU t-- I.Q z o V'J Z o 1= <( lJ 1= V'J UJ > Z c.... fCl Cl) W Cl) U U e:>-- <.~O U........... 1= o U 0::: < Z .... Cl) -0 c:: ~ tIl ~ E ~ Cl) .....J E u.~ ~.8~8 I-.c_u <-ses c.. ~ ..., fCl $~r= L..'i ",-""-:N ..... 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Il) Il) ..... fCl > .~ u..o:::c..c...c...w-. c::: fCl C '0 fCl ~ 'c V'J Il) U.c w e.o-- u ~~O~ O=::c:c:c~ l.Uooora V'J .- .- .- Q) :;:-cecco ;-~~~~ -1l)Q)Q)r.I'l z-....-:c :Jc..c..c..c - Q) Cl) Cl).- ..;:: E E E.= ~ -:::: .~ -::: r: OUUUI- UV'\ L/jL!') 0.-00 COVl Vl.S ~ ~ c:: c::: c C .2'~'~::: Vl o reE~ ~~ ..., Vl .Q) c:: - .... .... c:: 'r:;:; 0::: 0 ~ c.. 00 Q) >->-,Vl'-_ 0 > c:o .... '2 ~ ~ ,.,- ~ c:: -;::: .~ ~ ~ - ,., < =...J - """ co - ~-~-=c a..> Q)'- c...... ~.- .... .- ;:: 0 .:: u c:: -= .:: ~.::::. > = -c:a -_......uc:::~'- UUUV'JI.UI.Ur- e STAFFING Assigned Personnel Commanding Officer Support/Service Detective Sergeants Patrol Sergeants Patrol Officers Traffic Officers Clerical Crime Prevention Years with the Department Sergeants Deputies e - James W. Rose, Captain - Norman Gomes, Lieutenant - Patrick Adams, Sergeant Greg Ahern, Sergeant Albert Chavarria, Sergeant David DiFranco, Sergeant - william Gaudinier, Sergeant Michael Hart, sergeant William Hillman, Sergeant Brian Masterson, Sergeant Michael Peterson, Sergeant - Robert Atkinson, Deputy Sheriff Linda Bailey, Deputy Sheriff Gary Berge, Deputy Sheriff Jeff Bromstead, Deputy Sheriff Steve Brown, Deputy Sheriff Dennis Churich, Deputy Sheriff Robert Clouse, Deputy Sheriff John Freeman, Deputy Sheriff James JUkich, Deputy Sheriff David McKaig, Deputy Sheriff Glenn Melanson, Deputy Sheriff Bruce Rank, Deputy Sheriff Tony Sparks, Deputy Sheriff Dean stavert, Deputy Sheriff - Dave Nyberg, Deputy Sheriff Richard Kuwitzky, Deputy Sheriff - Elaine Grealis, Specialist Clerk Mary Grecco, secretar~ Jan stettler, Special~st Clerk - Randy Skarphol, Deputy Sheriff Rose Macias, Community Safety Assistant Total years all sergeants Average years per sergeant - Average age per sergeant Total years all deputies Average years per deputy Average age per deputy 174.5 19.4 41.8 231.25 13.6 38.8 e CALENDAR YEAR REPORT - 1993 Page 2 STAFFING (continued) Average Vacancies Badge Civilian Complement Badge civilian Terminations Badge civilian Resignations Badge civilian Retirements Badge Civilian Disability Retirements Badge civllian Total Separations Badge civilian Transfers Badge Civilian o o 28 3.5 o o o o o o o o o o 1 (Promotion) o e e CALENDAR YEAR REPORT - 1993 Page 3 OVERTIME Badge Paid Overtime Hours 1884 civilian Paid Overtime 4 TOTAL PAID OVERTIME HOURS 1888 LEAVES Total Number of Leaves of Absence Granted Badge Civilian o o Military Leaves Badge Civilian o o Number of Military Leave Days Granted Badge Civilian o o e e CALENDAR YEAR REPORT - 1993 Page 4 LEAVES (continued) sick Leave Days Off Number B<;ldge. Clvlllan 191 10 ASSIGNED VEHICLES Patrol - Miles Driven Investigations - Miles Driven TOTAL MILES DRIVEN VEHICLE ACCIDENTS Administration Patrol Investigations o o 1 CRIMINAL ACTIVITY Patrol Activity Service Calls for Service Reports written Field Interview Cards Made Bicycle Cards Made (Stolen=44i Abandoned=31) Foot Patrol e Days Per Em~lovee Per Year 7 3 182,609 45,022 227,631 Preventable Non-Preventable o 1 37,499 3,143 635 75 371 hours. e e CALENDAR YEAR REPORT - 1993 Page 5 CRIMINAL ACTIVITY (continued) Murder Aggravated Assault Robbery Rape Theft Burglary Stolen Vehicles Arson SUB-TOTAL Reported o 49 16 1 491 120 62 3 742 Part I Offenses Other Offenses (Includes Misdemeanors) 841 TOTAL OFFENSES 1,583 Property Value Value of Property Stolen Value of Property Recovered 585,.630 477,861 INVESTIGATIONS Cleared Cases Property Suspect/Adult suspect/Juvenile Assigned 845 Closed 440 202 116 Other 388 Closure Rate: 52% Checks Assigned 33 Closed 31 26 0 Other 2 Closure Rate: 94% Person Crimes Assigned 414 Closed 383 270 114 Other 41 Closure Rate: 93% e CALENDAR YEAR REPORT - 1993 Page 6 INVESTIGATIONS (continued) Narcotics Assigned Closed Other Closure Rate: 52 52 o 100% NARCOTICS Suspects Investigated Male Female TOTAL Suspects Arrested Male Female TOTAL Illicit Drugs Seized Heroin (grams) cocaine (grams) Methamphetamine (grams) Marijuana (grams) Marijuana (cigarettes) Marijuana (plants) Hashish (grams) LSD (tablets) psilocybin (grams) Phencyclidine (grams) Ecstasy (tablets) Total street Value e Suspect/Adult Suspect/Juvenile Adult 30 4 34 40 7 47 64 ouantity 15.80 15.90 189.92 1060.80 o 11.0 3.6 1.0 30.0 o 2.0 $62,442 8 Juvenile o o o o 1 1 e e CALENDAR YEAR REPORT - 1993 Page 7 ARRESTS/COMPLAINTS ~DULT JUVENILE TOTAL 149 25 174 36 3 39 On-View Felonies - Patrol On-View Felonies - Investigations Warrant Felonies - patrol Warrant Felonies - Investigations 18 7 On-View Misdemeanors - Patrol 405 On-View Misdemeanors - Investigations 12 Warrant Misdemeanors - Patrol 248 warrant Misdemeanors - Investigations 15 Notice to Appear - Felony - patrol Notice to Appear - Felony - Investigations Notice to Appear - Misd. - Patrol Notice to Appear - Misd. - Investigations TOTAL ALL ARRESTS Complaints Submitted - Felony - Patrol Complaints Submitted - Felony - Investigations Complaints Submitted - Misd. - patrol complaints Submitted - Misd. - Investigations Total Complaints Submitted - Patrol Total complaints charged - patrol Total Complaints Submitted - Investigations Total Complaints Charged - Investigations TOTAL ALL COMPLAINTS SUBMITTED TOTAL ALL COMPLAINTS CHARGED 0 18 0 7 39 444 1 13 0 248 0 15 8 6 91 3 1066 178 163 445 82 623 494 245 211 868 705 CALENDAR YEAR REPORJIt 1993 Page 8 TRAFFIC Drunk Driving Arrests Male Female Adult 75 10 TOTAL Citations Issued Parking Mechanical Moving TOTAL CITATIONS ISSUED e Juvenile 2 o Accidents Investigated (Includes Private property) Fatality Accidents Injury Accidents (persons injured - 41) Non-injury Accidents TOTAL ACCIDENTS Accident Types (Excludes Private property) Auto/pedestrian Auto/Bicycle Fixed Object Parked Vehicle Vehicle/Vehicle Accident Causes (Excludes Private Property) Drunk Drivers (DUI) Speed Unsafe TU1"'ns Mechanical Traffic Signs (Fail to Obey) Other Total 77 10 87 953 2,865 3,949 7,767 o 18 314 332 1 2 2 39 76 5 43 54 2 35 71 e e CALENDAR YEAR REPORT - 1993 Page 9 CRIME PREVENTION Residential safety Neighborhood Watch Meetings Number of Persons Attending Number of Neighborhood Watches in operation Security Surveys Conducted - Self-Conducting survey given to each Neighborhood watch member residence 18 252 88 93 Merchant's Program Merchant's Alert Program - 111 merchants formed into 13 interlinking alert lists Security Surveys Conducted Communi ty Awareness Program Radio community service Messages 2 Television community Service Messages 2 Newspaper community Service Messages 10 Interviews 23 School Presentations (8,106 persons in attendance) 247 Grou~ Talks and Service organizations (Except Nelghborhood Watch) (3,992 persons in attendance) 54 Earthquake Preparedness Presentation (243 persons in attendance) 12 Persons Fingerprinted 160 158 Safety Literature Program. Crime Prevention Material Distributed at Group Talks or by Patrol Neighborhood watch Groups - 113 packets with 8 items per packet 16,945 904 Merchant's Alert 765 crime Prevention Information Rack (located in front offices of Dublin police and Dublin Library) Special Mailing by city of Dublin TOTAL MATERIAL DISTRIBU'l'ED 1335 o 19,949 Environmental Design Reviews 30 e CALENDAR YEAR REPORT - 1993 Page 10 SERVICE SECTION citizen Inquiries Telephone Calls Walk-Ins Records Reports Processed Supplemental Reports Processed Alpha Cards Processed Field Interview Cards Processed Bicycle Cards processed Bicycles Processed for Auction Insurance company verifications sent Total Alarms Responded To Commercial - 1,187 Residential - 225 Total pieces of Evidence Processed Permits Issued Bingo Permits one-Day Liquor License Permits Gun Dealer Permits Explosive sales Permits Dance Licenses Massage Permits Second-Hand Goods Permits Parade Permits Peddlers permits e 26,069 5,286 3,143 5,081 4,402 635 75 52 471 1,412 1,243 2 12 2 1 2 2 3 2 1 e e CALENDAR YEAR REPORT - 1993 page 11 VOLUNTEER PROGRAM HOURS Reserve Officers 1,788 Volunteer/Clerical Crime Prevention/Clerical Cadet program o o o TOTAL VOLUNTEER HOURS 1,788 e CALENDAR YEAR REPORT - 1993 page 12 JUVENILE ACTIVITY Arrests Male Female TOTAL Notice to Appear Male Female TOTAL Traffic citations Issued Felony 36 6 42 e Misdemeanors Total 107 143 27 33 134 176 . - 43 22 65 213 e . CALENDAR YEAR REPORT - 1993 Page 13 MAJOR WORKLOAD INDICATORS Calendar Year Comparison Percentage U.2..2. 1.22.1 Increase/Decrease CALLS FOR SERVICE 37,427 37,499 .2% REPORTS WRITTEN 3,144 3,143 (.03%) CITATIONS ISSUED 6,290 7,767 23% ACCIDENTS INVESTIGATED 328 332 1% e CALENDAR YEAR REPORT - 1993 Page 14 CALENDAR YEAR COMPARISON 1992 PERSONNEL Overtime Hours Badge C i v i 1 i an 1726 o Sick Leave Days (Per Employee) Badge C i v il i an 4 7 o o Military Leave Requested Military Leave Days Granted CRIMINAL ACTIVITY Part I Crimes Murder Forcible Rape Assault To Rape Attempt SUBTOTAL o 3 o T e 1993 Percentage Increase/Decrease 1884 4 9% 7 3 o o 75% (57%) o 1 o T 0% (67%) (67%) Robbery with Firearm 8 10 25% Robbery with Knife I I 0% Robbery with other Weapon 3 0 Strong-Arm Robbery ~ ~ 0% SUBTOTAL 17 16 (.6%) Assault with Firearm 5 2 (60%) Assault with Knife 8 3 (63%) Assault with Other Weapon 10 13 30% Assault with Hands/Feet JQ -1l 94% SUBTOTAL 39 49 26% Burglary - Residential 59 40 (32%) Burglary - Commercial ~ 80 54% SUBT(}fAl 111 130 8% Arson 0 3 32% e CALENDAR YEAR REPORT - 1993 Page 15 CRIMINAL ACTIVITY (continued) Theft - Pocket-picking Theft - Purse-snatching Theft - Shoplifting Theft - From Motor Vehicle Theft - Motor Vehicle Accessories Theft - Bicycles Theft - From Building Theft - From Coin Op. Machine Theft - All Other SUBTOTAL Stolen Automobiles Stolen Trucks/Buses Other Vehicles Stolen SUBTOTAL TOTAL PART I CRIMES Other offenses TOTAL ALL OFFENSES NARCOTIC ARRESTS Male Adult Arrests Male Juvenile Arrests Female Adult Arrests Female Juvenile Arrests TOTAL ILLICIT DRUGS SEIZED Heroin (ounce) Cocaine (grams) Methamphetamine (grams) Marijuana (grams) Marijuana (plants) Hashish (grams) PCP (grams) LSD (tablets) PSilocybin (grams) Ecstasy (tablets) TOTAL STREET VALUE e Percentage 1992 1993 Increase/Decrease 3 3 0% 3 2 (33%) 123 131 7% 145 176 21% 13 26 100% 70 44 (37%) 35 58 66% 6 7 16% Jl -..!! (43%) 475 491 3% 22 40 82% 9 12 33% ..Jl -.l.Q (41%) 48 62 29% 693 742 7% 1090 841 (23%) 1783 1583 ( 11%) o 14.81 360.44 7670.98 29 o o 2 o o $159,656 46 o 11 -1 58 40 7 o -1 48 (l3% ) 0% (17%) 15.80 15.90 189.92 1606.80 11 3.6 o 1 30 2 $62,442 7% (47%) (79%) (62%) (50%) e e CALENDAR YEAR REPORT - 1993 Page 16 Percentage 1992 1993 Increase/Decrease ARRESTS PATROL Adult Felony 169 167 ~1%~ Juvenile Felony 49 33 { 3% Adult Misdemeanor 651 653 .3% Juvenile Misdemeanor 102 130 27% INVESTIGATIONS Adult Felony 48 43 (l0%) Juven i1 e Felony 14 9 P6%~ Adult Misdemeanor 34 27 21% Juvenile Misdemeanor 9 4 (56%) TOTAL All ARRESTS 1076 1066 ( .9%) COMPLAINTS TOTAL COMPLAINTS SUBMITTED Misdemeanor - Patrol 481 445 (7)% Felony - Patrol 129 178 38% Misdemeanor - Investigations 56 82 46% Felony - Investigations 152 163 7% TOTAL 818 868 6% TOTAL COMPLAINTS CHARGED Patrol 416 494 19% Investigations ill ill 14% TOTAL ClX4PLAINTS CHARGED 601 705 17~ CLEARED CASES Property Assigned 606 845 39% Closed 337 440 31% Closure Rate 56% 52% Checks Assigned 47 33 (30%) Closed 31 31 0% Closure Rate 66% 94% e e CALENDAR YEAR REPORT - 1993 Page 16 Percentage 1992 1993 Increase/Decrease ARRESTS PAlROl Adult Felon, 169 167 (H~~ Juven i1 e Fe ony 49 33 Adult Misdemeanor 651 653 .3% Juvenile Misdemeanor 102 130 27% INVESTIGATIONS Adult Felony 48 43 ( 10%) Juvenile Felony 14 9 ~36%~ Adult Misdemeanor 34 27 21% Juvenile Misdemeanor 9 4 (56%) TOTAL ALL ARRESTS 1076 1066 (.9%) COMPLAINTS TOTAL COMPLAINTS SUBMITTED Misdemeanor - Patrol 481 445 (7)% Felony - Patrol 129 178 38% Misdemeanor - Investigations 56 82 46% Felony - Investigations 152 163 7% TOTAL 818 868 6% TOTAL COMPLAINTS CHARGED Patrol 416 494 19% Investigations ~ ill 14% TOTAl COMPLAINTS CHARGED 601 705 17% CLEARED CASES Property Assigned 606 845 39% Closed 337 440 31% Closure Rate 56% 52% Checks Assigned 47 33 (30%) Closed 31 31 0% Closure Rate 66'; 94% e e CALENDAR YEAR REPORT - 1993 Page 17 CLEARED CASES (continued) Percentage 1992 1993 Increase/Decrease Persons Assigned 433 414 (4%) Closed 422 383 (9%) Closure Rate 97% 93% Narcotics Assigned 58 54 (7%) Closed 58 54 (7%) Closure Rate 100% 100% All Cleared Cases Assigned 1144 1346 18% Closed 848 908 7% Closure Rate 74% 67% TRAFFIC Citations Issued Parking 560 953 70% Mechanical 1765 2865 62% Moving 3965 3949 ( .4%) TOTAl 6290 7767 23% Accidents Investigated (Includes Private Property) Fatality Accidents 0 0 Injury Accidents 27 18 (33%) Non-Injury Accidents 301 314 4% Total Accidents Investigated 328 332 1% Accident Types (Excludes Private Property) Auto/Pedestrian 3 1 (67%) Auto/Bicycle 5 2 ~60%~ Fixed Object 22 12 45% Parked Vehicle 35 39 11% Vehicle/Vehicle 173 156 ( 77%) e e CALENDAR YEAR REPORT - 1993 Page 18 TRAFFI C (continued) Percentage 1992 1993 Increase/Decrease Accident Causes (Excludes Private Property) Drunk Drivers (DUI) 9 5 ~44%) Speed 72 43 40%) Unsafe Turns 45 54 20% Mechan ica 1 0 2 Traffic Signs (Fail to Obey) 25 35 40% Other 87 71 (18%) Drunk Driving Arrests Male Adult 72 75 4% Female Adult 20 10 (50%) Male Juvenile 0 2 - -- Fema 1 e Juven i1 e 0 0 0 TOTAL DRUNK DRIVING ARREST 92 87 (5%) CRIME PREVENTION Residential Safety Neighborhood Watch Meetings 11 18 64% Number of Persons Attending 192 252 31% Number of Watches in Operation 80 88 10% Security Surveys Conducted 76 93 22% Merchant's Program Merchant's Alert Program 105 111 6% Community Awareness Programs Radio Community Service Messages 5 2 (60% ) Television Community Service Messages 0 3 Newspaper Community Service Messages 8 10 25% Interviews 30 23 ~23%~ School Presentations 283 247 13% Grouh Talks/Service Organizations 59 54 (8%) Eart quake Preparedness Presentations 9 12 33% Persons Fingerprinted 0 160 e e CALENDAR YEAR REPORT - 1993 Page 19 CRIME PREVENTION (continued) Percentage 1992 1993 Increase/Decrease Safety Literature Crime Prevention Material 16789 16945 .9% Neighborhood Watch Groups 630 904 43% Merchant's Alert 393 765 95% Crime Prevention Information Racks 790 1335 69% TOTAL SAFETY LITERATURE 18602 19949 7% SERVICE SECTION Citizen Inquiries Tel ephone Call s 25069 26497 6% Walk-Ins 4575 5286 16% Records Reports Processed 3144 3143 ( .03%) Alpha Cards Processed 4535 5081 12% Field Interview Cards Processed 610 635 4% Bicycle Cards Processed 88 75 (15%) Bicycles Processed for Auction 24 52 117% Insurance Company Verifications Sent 569 471 (17%) Total Alarms Res~onded To 1339 1412 5% Total Pieces of vidence Processed 1102 1243 13% Permits Bingo Permits 2 2 0 One-Day Liquor License Permits 12 12 0 Gun Dealer Permits 2 2 0 Explosive Sales Permits 1 1 0 Dance Licenses 0 2 Massa~e Permits 0 2 Secon -Hand Goods Permits 2 3 50% Parade Permits 2 1 (50%) Peddler Permits 0 1 VOLUNTEER PROGRAM Reserves 3302 1788 (46%) Volunteer/Clerical 0 0 Crime Prevention/Clerical 0 0 Cadet Program 0 0 TOTAL VOLUNTEER HOURS 3302 1788 (46%) e CALENDAR YEAR REPORT - 1993 Page 20 JUVENILE ACTIVITY Arrests Male Felony Female Felony Male Misdemeanor Female Misdemeanor Total Juvenile Arrests **Total includes notice to appear arrests Not ice to Appear Male Female Total Notice to Appear Traffic Citations Issued It Percentage 1992 1993 Increase/Decrease 48 36 ~~:~ 19 6 68 107 57% 39 27 (31%) 174 176** 1% 75 32 107 43 22 65 (43%) (31%) (39%) 217 213 (2%)