HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 5.1 AlaCntyLibrarySvsSpecialTx (2) e e CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: June 13, 1994 SUBJECT : Request from Alameda County Library Advisory Commission for city council support of the placement of a Special Tax for Library Services on the November 1994 ballot. Report by Diane Lowart, Recreation Director ~correspondence from Linda M. Wood, County Librarian EXHIBITS ATTACHED RECOMMENDATION ~ ~f.- FINANCIAL STATEMENT : Consider Request Single family residential: $30 per parcel per year (includes condominiums) Iful tiple residential unit parcel, containing 2, 3, 4 or 5 or more units: $15 per year for each residential unit Cooperatives not subdivided into individual parcels: $30 per year for each residential unit Mobile home park parcel: $10 per year for each mobile home space C01D111.ercial or industrial parcels: $ 30 per year for each parcel containing three acres or less; $5 for each additional acre Rural parcel with homesite: $30 per year per parcel Rural parcel with cOlll1lleTcial or industrial use: $30 per year per parcel. DESCRIPTION : Correspondence has been received from County Librarian Linda Wood requesting that the Dublin city Council support the placement of a special tax for library services on the November, 1994 ballot by the Board of Supervisors. The purpose of the special tax is to restore funding to Alameda County Libraries that was lost as a result of the recent tax shift from city and County governments to the state. The proposed special tax is a special parcel tax requiring a two-thirds vote. The tax will be on each parcel and the areas included in the special library tax will be the unincorporated area of Alameda County plus the cities of DUblin, Fremont, Newark, Pleasanton and Union city. The revenue generated will be used only for the purposes of library services in the County Library service area included in the special library tax. If approved by the voters, the tax will become effective on July I, 1995 for a period of five years thereafter. The amount of the tax per year ranges from $10 to $30 (see Financial Statement). Exemptions from the tax would be vacant parcels, rural parcels used for agriculture, rural property in transition to a higher use, churches, schools, cemeteries, common areas, exempt public agencies, parcels leased or owned by a public utility, and improved government owned parcels. In addition, an exemption for low income homeowners is included. --------~--~------------------------------------------------------- ITEM: NO.~ COPIES TO: Alameda County Library X RE.F 940 -30 CITY CLERK FILE ~ e e The proposed special tax is estimated to generate at least $4.15 million annually for five years. The availability of additional revenue from the proposed special tax will result in improved service levels at all the libraries. If the measure passes, County funded hours at the Dublin Branch Library would increase from 17 hours per week to 34 hours per week. The proposed special tax for library services has been reviewed and approved by the Alameda County Library Advisory commission which the City is represented on by councilmember Houston. It is the recommendation of Staff that the City council consider the request from the Alameda County Library to support the placement of a special tax for library services on the November, 1994 ballot. ~ e e 2 4 5 0 5 t eve n son B 0 u I e v a r d. F rem 0 n t. C a II for n I a_ 94 5 3 8 - 2 3 2 6 Phone (510) 745-1500 FAX (510) 793-2987 Linda M. Wood.County Librarian DATE: May 24, 1994 FROM: Mayor and Council, City of Dublin ~. 1n )/H-J? Linda M. Wood, County Librarian :/iVYLd..., . . TO: SUBJECT: Referral from Alameda County Library Advisory Commission on Recommendation to Board of Supervisors on a Proposed Special Tax for Library Services The Alameda County Library Advisory Commission is requesting that the Dublin City Council support the placement of a special tax for library services on the November, 1994 ballot by the Board of Supervisors. The City of Dublin is represented on the Commission by Councilman Guy Houston. On May 11, 1994. the Alameda County Library Advisory Commission took action to: 1. Recommend to the Board of Supervisors that the Board place the proposed special tax for library services on the November, 1994 General Election ballot for a vote of the people, and 2. Refer their recommendation for the proposed special tax for library services to the Fremont and Pleasanton Library Advisory Commissions (for recommendation and referral to their respective City Councils) and to the City Councils of Dublin, Newark, and Union City, asking them to support the placement of this measure on the November, 1994 ballot by the Board of Supervisors. BACKGROUND The Alameda County Library serves a population of 499,800, including six cities and the unincorporated areas. The Library is funded primarily through a designated portion of the property tax. The Alameda County Library has lost almost 40% of its tax base due to State budget shifts during the last two years. Service hours and staff were cut approximately 50%, and funds for library materials dropped 60% over two years. Losses were mitigated in some locations by city contributions and in the Fremont Main library Albany. Business Library. Castro Volley. Centervllle Dublin. Extension Services. Irvington . Newark Niles. Pleasanton . San Lorenzo. Union City a:'>q O::>t:.J e e Proposed Special Tax for Library Services May 24, 1994 Page 2 unincorporated areas by utility tax revenues. A one-time infusion of general fund revenue also allowed higher service levels than would have been possible without it. PROCESS A special tax for library services, which will require a two-thirds majority vote, was determined to be the only legally available method for obtaining sufficient funding to restore services to a level desired by the public. A voter opinion survey was conducted for the County Library by Price Research to determine whether sufficient public support existed to consider this approach. The results of the voter opinion survey indicated that there was sufficient support. The results of this poll were discussed at meetings of the County Library Advisory Commission, the Fremont and Pleasanton Library Advisory Commissions, and the Board of Supervisors Unincorporated Services Committee in February and March. PROPOSED SPECIAL TAX The proposed special tax is a special parcel tax, requiring a two-thirds vote. The rationale of the tax is that is will be based on prospective library needs from occupants of various types of parcels, both residential and commercial/industrial; exemptions for types of parcels are noted below. The tax will be on each parcel; the amount of the special tax will appear on the tax bill for the parcel owner, identified as a special library tax. The areas included in the special library tax will be the unincorporated area plus the cities of Dublin, Fremont, Newark, Pleasanton and Union City. This area is the County Library's service area excluding the City of Albany which has its own special library tax on the June, 1994 ballot. The revenue generated will be used only for the purposes of library services in the County Library service area included in the special library tax. If approved by the voters, the tax will become effective on July 1, 1995 for a period of five years thereafter. The amounts of the tax per year for each type of parcel will be as follows: 1. One single family residential (including condominiums): $30 per parcel per year. 2. Multiple residential unit parcel, containing 2, 3,4 or 5 or more units: $15 per year for each residential unit located on such parcel. e e Proposed Special Tax for Library Services May 24, 1994 Page 3 3. For cooperatives not subdivided into individual parcels, $30 per year for each residential unit. 4. Mobile home park parcel: $10 per year for each for each mobile home space located on such parcel. 5. Commercial or industrial parcel: $30 per year for each parcel containing three acres or less. For a parcel containing more than three acres, $5 tor each additional acre or portion thereof. 6. Rural parcel with homesite: $30 per year per parcel. 7. Rural parcel with commercial or industrial use: $30 per year per parcel. Exemptions: Vacant parcels, rural parcels used for agriculture, rural property in transition to a higher use, churches, schools, cemeteries, common areas, exempt public agencies. parcels leased or owned by a public utility, and improved government owned parcels, in addition to the low income homeowners as noted below. Low income homeowner exemption: Exempt from this tax would be owners of single-family residential units in which they reside whose combined family income, from all sources for the previous calendar year, is 80% and below the median income for Alameda County residents. Owners would apply for this exemption to the Office of the County Librarian. Maintenance of effort provision: For any year this tax is in effect, the County may collect the tax only if the General Fund appropriation for library services is maintained by the Board of Supervisors at not less than the fiscal year 1994-95 level. However, the Board may suspend this provision by resolution in any fiscal year that State budget action reduces the County's General Fund revenue below the fiscal year 1994- 95 level. REVENUE PROJECTIONS The proposed special tax is estimated to generate at least $4.15 million annually for 5 years. This will impact the Library's estimated total revenues as follows: e e Proposed Special Tax for Library Services May 24, 1994 Page 4 (Figures stated in millions) 1995/96 1996/97 1997/98 1998/99 1999/2000 Estimated Revenue $14.93 $14.99 $15.19 $15.41 $15.64 Including Special Tax Without Proposed $10.78 $10.84 $11. 04 $11.26 $11.49 Special Tax All of the, above estimates assume that there will be no further property tax takeaway by the St&te. SERVICE LEVELS The availability of additional revenue from the proposed special tax will result in improved service levels at all the libraries. If the measure passes, library hours would be restored according to the attached chart. (See attachment A.) Reference and information service would be available during all the open hours at all libraries. Money from the tax would be used to update the reference and periodical collections. Money from the tax \'/ould also be used for children's programs, including toddler and preschool storytime and summer reading programs. There would be trained librarians to help children and teens with homework assignments. Money from the tax would be used to provide more books and other library materials for children and more services and materials fer young adults, including recreational reading. If the measure is not approved and if the County's utility tax for the unincorporated areas continues at the current level, the current service level could be maintained in fiscal year 1994/95 and most likely in fiscal year 1995/96. Following that year, unless additional revenue sources are obtained, it is likely that service levels might need to be reduced again. !f the special tax is not approved and if the County is unable to maintain its utility tax funding for the unincorporated areas, services in the unincorporated areas would need to be reduced accordingly. PROCEDURE AND TIMETABLE FOR CONSIDERATION AND ADOPTION After approval by the Alameda County Library Advisory Commission, the proposed special tax for library services will be referred to the Fremont and Pleasanton Library - . Proposed Special Tax for Library Services May 24, 1994 Page 5 Advisory Commissions for their recommendations and referrals to their respective City Councils. It will be referred directly to the City Councils of Dublin, Newark, and Union City. It will also be referred to the Board of Supervisors' Unincorporated Services Committee for their review of those aspects relating to the unincorporated area service. Each city and the Board's Unincorporated Services Committee will be requested to support the placement of this measure on the November, 1994 ballot by the Board of Supervisors. The item should be on the various City Council agendas in May and June and will be presented to the Board of Supervisors on June 21. The Board's deadline for adopting the ballot ordinance for the November election is August 12. RECOMMENDATION That the Dublin City Council support the placement of this measure on the November, 1994 ballot by the Board of Supervisors. LW:SP:ej Attach ment cc Richard Ambrose. City Manager, City of Dublin t:\asst\sptxdub.rpt ----~------. _ MAY-45-84 WED, 8:08 <C 'E c>> E .: . 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