HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.03 ApptLAVTA AdvsryComm (2) . . CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: November 14, 1994 SUBJECT: Appointment of Dublin Members to LA VTA's "Wheels Accessible Advisory Committee (Prepared by: Bo Barker, Management Assistant) EXHIBITS AlTACHED: Exhibit 1: / Memorandum received from Vie Sood, General Manager, Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority, dated October 27, 1994 Exhibit 2: /Applications of Carrie W. Staehle & Mary Ann Tracy Exhibit 3: .. Resolution / RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution Carrie Staehle and Mary Ann Tracy to the Wheels Accessible ~v~ Advisory Committee. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: None DESCRIPTION: The City of Dublin received a memorandum from Vie Sood, General Manager, Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority (LAVTA) dated October 27, 1994. In this memorandum, Mr. Sood requested that the City of Dublin appoint one of its representatives to LA VTA to serve on the Wheels Accessible Advisory Committee (W AAC). At the LA VTA Board Meeting of April 4, 1994, the Board of Directors adopted the transition of the Current LA VTA Paratransit Advisory Committee to "Wheels Accessible Advisory Committee." Under the transition, the LA VT A Board members representing the Cities of Livermore and Dublin shall select and appoint two current members serving on LA VTA's Para transit Advisory Committee to serve on the Wheels Accessible Advisory Committee, as well as an alternate. The current member from LAVTA's Para transit Advisory Committee (PTAC) representing Dublin is Carrie Staehle. The second representative of PT AC has resigned, which leaves a vacancy to be filled. Mary Ann Tracy has submitted an application for the position. There is also a need to find an alternate. Mayor Snyder and Councilmember Paul Moffatt are the City of Dublin representatives to LA VT A. It is their recommendation that the City Council adopt the attached Resolution appointing Carrie Staehle and Mary Ann Tracy to serve to the LA VTA's "Wheels Accessible Advisory Committee." Mary Ann Tracy would serve two terms of two years each, while Carrie Staehle would serve one term of two years. a:waacappt.bodisk ITEM No.4. ., COPIES TO: Vie Sood, LA VT A E F 0 CITY CLERK FILE ~ e e f. f; C ~ , V l: 0 \~QV 2 \994 -' ClTY OF DUBUN MEMORANDUM TO: Councilmember Paul Moffatt Mayor Peter Snyder City Manager Richard Ambrose SUBJECT: City of Dublin Members on LA VTA's "WHEELS ACCESSIBLE ADVISORY COMMITTEE" (W AAC) - TRANSITION OF CURRENT MEMBERS AND DESIGNATION OF ADDITIONAL MEMBERS FROl\1: Vie Soad, Gener-all\1anager DATE: October 27,1994 The current member from LA VTA's Paratransit Advisory Committee (PTAC) representing Dublin is: 1. Carrie Staehle 11354 Bloomington Way Dublin, CA 94568-3608 Ms. Staehle's application is enclosed Emilie Post - Formerly on PTAC, resigned from the committee. The transition of the current LA VT A Paratransit Advisory Committee to the "WHEELS ACCESSIBLE ADVISORY COMMITTEE" (W AAC) (see attachment), adopted by the LA VT A Board of Directors at their April 4, 1994 meeting states: "LA VT A Buard membei's representing the cities uf Liyermore and Diib:in shali select and appoint two current members serving on LA VTA's Paratransit Advisory Committee to serve on the "WHEELS ACCESSIBLE ADVISORY COMMITTEE" (W AAC), and also an alternate. One member shall serve one term of two (2) years and the second member shall serve two (2) terms; i.e. four (4) years. Therefore, I am requesting that you appoint one current Dublin member, and one new Dublin member and an alternate to serve on W AAC. The alternate will be appointed after someone applies for the position. Mary Ann Tracy 806-4747 ext5222 - Has been sent application materials, but has not applied as of October 27. LA VT A staff has spoken with her and she expressed an interest in serving in this capacity and indicated she is submitting her application. r-,~. - "~: :-;', "".-". / .. >-: ...., ,." ."' . . . . ",~,~ :; '.. ~ ~;"' :I.~ : j .~ e e I understand City of Dublin has received an application for Mary Ann Tracy. Please forward it to the Council for action and return the original application to us for LA VT A files. If you would have staff instruct us whether she was named to the Committee I would appreciate it. Staff can call Sue Bruestle at 455-7559. Attachment: Transition of current PT AC to W AAC adopted by Board of Directors 4/4/94. Thanks a lot, ~~[i~ Sue Bruestle e e TRANsmON OF CURRENT LAVTA PARATRANSIT ADVISORY COMMrrl'~E TO WHEELS ACCESSmLE ADVISORY COl\1MITI'EE (W AACl 1. LA VT A Board members representing the Cities of Livennore and Dublin shall select and appoint two current members serving on LA VTA's Paratransit Advisory Committee to serve on the "WHEELS ACCESSIBLE ADVISORY COMMlTI'EE" (WAAC), and also a.n alternate. One member shaH serve one ienn of two (2) years and the second member shall serve two (2) tenns; Le., four (4) years. 2. Two members and an alternate to be appointed by the Pleasanton City Council. One member shall serve one tenn of two (2) years and the second member to serve two (2) tenns; Le., four (4) years. 3. The Alameda County Board of Supervisors shall appoint one (1) member and an alternate. The member shall serve two tenns; Le., four years. AdoDted by LA VT A Board of Directors April 4. 1994 Meetim! e Livermore/Amador Valley Transit Authority 1362 Rutan Court. Suite 100 Livermore. CA 94550 e APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP OF LAVfA'S "WHEELS ACCESSIBLE ADVISORY COMMITfEE,1 (W AAe) OF TIlE LIVERMORE/AMADOR VALLEY TRANSIT AUIlIO~ ..~ 1 'l ~ D " - posmON: ResIdent CHECK ONE " : '99Lj. . j ... I Dublin Resident \ r"--.' ,-~ '1Ut!.l':'! ".,lla I. ~ . ~ ~ . Plea.santon Resident LA VTA Service Area Resident (For Alameda County Member) GENERAL INFORMATION Name: 'fY'1?-'(-J"\A '(\\"\.)f\) (:. \ \l..Q (' Jv1 , .., Address: -, \ is I ~ 'r<\ ~ f' 'PI 1-0 A V'E: City: _ Du \j ~\''f\) Home I: ~6 ') C\-.1 "3 q l Work I: ~ () In- 1...\ l ~:l S"<4Sd:d.-?- Are you a seaior (60 years of age or older)? Position (Check One): _ Senior ~ Disabled Other ENOORSDfENTS Nam~(')r"aninnion Contact Address Phone 1. 9Q:\e. C)Y'\".Ir\e ~ (\f\Q.\1jo'.( ') n yq l ~\\.-\i~Y-c\c:&~. ~;)~ ')'1) Y' \ C C2.-Cy(\ C\ 'f\~ffi ) . ' z. lQ\\\ <?JC\'f:-~"(L- / \ 'ie,:)' ~'_ C'.~\.\-h;ry Ni to ~. ~~-.\-e CT\ "9 3. S1.(1I' Oi:r\ ~a ~ Y"\~ )('"Y', . G\\J ,'r 9 LC\ 7 C'- \ .'1 ~:2-. '6 %' c)q '6'"33- u Lo ~ d.. ASSOCIATIONS Namel()rcranintion Contact Address ~ ~ \ S - 7 ~ R-- '))O~ 1. MAO..ctx o~ O,Y-rcs ~'ny-;\<::) '~L\csS .., ... 3. ~~ ~.' '. :;;.....,... .\ j, ";< e e cd\wp51 wp W AAC Application Page 2 of 2 QUALIFICATIONS: 1. Do you use dial-a-ride? IC yes, how oCten? ~ \r\~v~ Ko6Q. D\'AG .~ '('\C~ \"\)\~ 'fY\\J) C~'{' ~N-P yY\~ \r\:€--r ) ~\ CDv'p ~ (::; \' \ 'fV'E:S- 2. Please. explain your qua!ifkations fei membership on this Committee briefly ~ 'f:\'\f'\ \-:>{SO-b\-E:.O ~ ~ ~ L-~o uA,E:. .~)( .~~ ~S "-\€.-CkV' 0\6. \--~'AN'OrY\\) \-\1--\Ll AN c::, D ~\\ C:) ~ \.) S '", (). "J ~ \::> ~ -D_X\ c::,\ '2....-'P eY\6 E:. 'f\-\- 0 n -Q '-:)\c)\. \ Co ~0C},'f\"s '\-' t)Y' \- tl\. V\ r;::;.f\ , . . 3. In a single statement, Why do you want to be on this Committee? -tG ~~\'9 D\~t.b\-f("? ~\O 'E.\c1-Q.'0\..:\\. ?~D"p\~ ~~\~ \~ \'<'\e.\'\ \Y o.'(\Cj''Pov--.irN.\ (1 V) (\-t ~.. OS ~ 4. What attributes or qualities do.you have to offer the Committet:? -~ Y\ (J,\.ie..... .~ P iLl(' \ ~"'-- C~/ W \~'y... GDYYI YlI \ --\+e-e i \; f..\{'\'O c.;Y\o<'(-\~C\.\O\~, by C6c"-Y\\ ?....o,-,-\-\ \}(\~ ""~\'() \ \~ c\ - Ve..09\<?-- - 5. Will you be able to attend meetings during regular business hours? How flexible is your schedule? -S:~ ~ 'AyY\ f\().\~\ ~\ ~O 0'c>o~ 0 \J-,)-€.~\:... b~.\:a"f""'E2.... ~ ~\ \ \ ~ QD\~ ""\:0 '0~'E:.,{\~ .yY'\,\ \.>.JOy\:.., \S \)~'r"L ~~-\:'~ \'R\~ ,.. Please l!!clude any ad:!ition~1 in!orm:1tion that may assist tne-aecislon making process. L 'v\ 'P-."'\j e. b E::: 6 r-J 0.... Y' E p'f'E:. S;e N,\C\ ~... V -E::-. '-\-ov ~ -E:, Yvl ~ '("' c.-y,- a+ D, .'CY\E;S 'F\ D d '(' c'(G~ 0 lY\C:)\I\~,-\ ~o "<"lQ \ P ''{'J \ ,\:y-. m ~ 6 (c~ L 'f'E:.)~'0 \( 01- PLEASE DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE e Livermore/Amador Valley Transit Authority 1362 Rutan Court, Suite 100 Livermore, CA 94550 e RECEDlED APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP OF LAvrl€S 2 t\fitEELS ACCESSIBLE ADVISORY COMMrITEE" (W~~~VAu:mIE LIVERMOREI AMADOR V ALLEY TRANSIT AUIHORfrr' AUTHORITY posmON: ResIdent CHECK ONE Dublin Resident v Plcasanton Resident LA VTA Service Area R:-~1t (For Alameda County Member) GENERAL INFORMATION Namc:_ ~.. I ..., Address:~ City:_ Are you a lIeIIiar (60 years of age or older)? Carrie W. Sta..hle 11354 Bloomington Way Dublin, CA 94568-3608 Home I: Work I: j/~.. Position (Check One): --L::- Senior .-::::.. Disabled Other ENDORSEMENTS Nameil'lfooosani"rion ./ I 1. '_ \,~ ' -:'-:"-.".-~r""'" ,// Contact (? f" ,.r- , /'.....--~.~ , t/ Address Phone //' / ~ ~ -;1'7":?/ /?-~ .""~) /J ) . . .~ r-- ....J -' I..... ---: ., .... . I p;z:"F- /r+-< r;, 3. n lO . 'd~~~~h.-'~~~~ ~~/' C/,..,~ ~ 1? ~/~ '. / ~" . ~ ~--;7" ,~ (~~~~ ~/" /r'rr. ~> ASSOCIATIONS ~ ~ 7/f~ Namell'lnr2ni72tion Contact ('. Address fll.oM 1. fit: u tV P . /7 ,- /d n'~ )t 72fP;Z :. ~/~ '~-J~ ~---- ~.f'f-5};1~.9)~ F~?I ~ ,f'- '" -. p ..- J. ___.E /~ -VuAA~ I':{~/!~ 1~3l ctu...-d.:e;k ~ - rp--9-6 3'/~ , ~z~ e e cd\wp51 wp W AAC Application Page 2 of 2 QUALIFICATIONS: 1. Do you use dial-a-ride? If yes, how often? ~ (2. ttl../...l--4' 2. Please explain your qualifications for membership on this' Committee brieny ._ .:1 ~__ ./' ,~ -" /.t'rr ..Jl~ ~:t~-u.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~/L/--t ~~. 3. In a single statement, Why do you want to be on this Committee? .J0~ 3~,~-~v,z;. ~~~ ~ ~~~.r~7~~~~ ~~L- ~~ 4. What attributes or qualities do you have to offer the Committee? ~ ~ C& /i-D~{..c:-/>~~~ ,x.....-. I~~?T~//' d--~ ~ 0-'A'tJ ~(:;~. .~",.' ~ ~ r ~ v ~ ~L ;7"" 2r~ c2 - e-e, ~. J / ~ 5. Will you be able to attend meetings during regular business hours? How / - / nexible is your schedule? cJ ~ a::z:ti:-/ ~ J ~.tJ ~ J:~~~ 7'~~' Please include any additional information that may assist the decision making process. ~ ~v--.:, _/.u....'-' Ch< '-~' ~~~ ~'~ /rd-'~€~ / 71'-7. /3!e ~p ~/. ~ ~. e--JY /~ r. ~ L p/d/ ~N. ,J4f~_ ~ ~' PLEASE DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE , e e RESOLUTION NO. - 94 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN *************************** MAKING APPOINTMENTS TO THE LIVERMORE AMADOR VALLEY TRANSIT AUTHORITY'S WHEELS ACCESSIBLE ADVISORY COMMITTEE (W AAC) WHEREAS, the City of Dublin representatives to the Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority are authorized to appoint two Dublin residents to the Wheels Accessible Advisory Committee; and WHEREAS, one member shall serve one term of two (2) years and the second member shall serve two (2) terms; i.e. four (4) years; and WHEREAS, Councilmember Paul Moffatt and Mayor Peter Snyder have recommended that Carrie Staehle and Mary Ann Tracy be appointed to this committee; and WHEREAS, Mary Ann Tracy shall serve two (2) terms of two years each; and WHEREAS, Carrie Staehle shall serve one (1) term of two years. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby concur with the appointments of Carrie Staehle and Mary Ann Tracy to the LA VT A's Wheels Accessible Advisory Committee. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk shall forward a certified copy of this Resolution to the Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 14th day of November, 1994. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk a:resowaac. bodisk 3