HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.08 Heritagd Ctr Renovation (2) ... " ......, e e ~ CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: November 14, 1994 SUBJECT : Contract 94-07 Heritage center Renovation Report by Diane Lowart, Recreation Director Plans and specifications will be available at the city council meeting <( EXHIBITS ATTACHED : RECOMMENDATION ql;' : /. /J \ .{) \U" 2. Authorize Staff to advertise for bids for Contract 94-07 Heritage Center Renovation Approve Budget Change Form FINANCIAL STATEMENT Available funding for this project totals $191,718 as follows: Parkland Dedication Fund ($3,380); East Bay Regional Park District Measure AA Bond Fund ($138,338) and community Development Block Grant Fund ($50,000). AVAILABLE FY 93-94 FY 94-95 PROJECTED FUNDS ACTUAL ESTIMATED SHORTFALL Design $ 22,395 $ 14,404 $ 7,991 $ 0 Improvements Building $150,393 $ 0 $231,376 $ 80,983 Grounds $ 7,300 $ 1,970 $ 5,370 $ 0 Inspection $ 7,500 $ 0 $ 7,500 $ 0 Misc. $ 4,130 $ 3,530 $ 600 $ 0 TOTAL $191,718 $ 19,904 $252,837 $ 80,983 Since FY 93-94 actual expenses were $1,826 less than anticipated, an additional appropriation is required from Fund 218, Measure AA Bond Fund. Further, due to an advance from the city's 1995-96 allocation of Community Development Block Grant Funds in the amount of $25,856, an additional appropriation is required from Fund 209. DESCRIPTION : At the August 8, 1994 meeting of the Dublin city Council, the Council approved the preliminary design for the renovation of the Old st. Raymond's Church and the Murray Schoolhouse and directed the architects to proceed with the development of construction documents. As the preliminary cost estimate exceeded the available budget, the architect was directed to identify and include bid alternates in the construction documents. Additionally, Staff was directed to identify those aspects of the project that could be undertaken by volunteers and confirm volunteer labor. The proposed project as approved by the Council is outlined below. Old St. Raymond's Church: 1) repair church exterior; 2) stabilize the bell tower; 3) provide handicapped access with. a minimum of major modifications; and 4) reverse inappropriate changes that relate to the historical integrity of the building. Murray Schoolhouse: 1) restore the exterior of the building to the period of its last use as a school in 1952 which entails the removal of additions constructed after this period, reconstruction of the original main entry and modifications of other exterior openings; 2) modifications for handicapped accessibility; and 3) modifications for exiting to meet current building code requirements. The construction documents ,have been completed and the cost estimate for the improvements under this contract is $231,376. As the preliminary estimate exceeds the available budget by $80,983, the .~ following deductive bid item alternates have been included: ljV o ::::-::~~-------------::::::-::~--::::::::::--------------\{ . &fJO v' 3~ I CI~RA-.I ,FILE ~ Eliminate enclosed porch on East exterior wall of schoolhouse; replace with stairs ms shown on south exterior wall of bathroom. Eliminate replacement of siding and ceiling and addition of trim on interior of church belfry. Eliminate removal and repair of church. Eliminate all exterior sash and new work. exterior corner trim on the painting except doors, window 4. Eliminate removal, repair and painting of window sash in church. If it is necessary to deduct any of the aforementioned alternates once the bids are received, Staff will pursue volunteer labor to complete the work. It should be noted that Staff was notified by the Camp Administrator for the Federal Correctional Institute that inmate labor is not currently available for the Heritage Center Renovation project. However, they may be able to take on a new project in the spring and, in that case, the City will be notified. It is recommended that the City Council authorize Staff to advertise for bids for Contract 94-07 Heritage Center Renovation. CITY OF DUBLI]( BOD~ET CHANGE FORM CHANGE FORM new appropriationlXXXI budget transfer decrease budget account account ~I 1 account A n~ account A 3 nam~ account 4 nsf~e account 5 name_ account A 6 n~m9 7 n~r~_ account budget change increase budget account na~m CDBG FUND - HERITAGE CENTER IMPROVEMENTS la_ccount A ]1209- 9401 - 750 - 050 ~25,8~6 ] name MEASURE AA BOND FUND - HERITAGE CENTER IMPROVEMENTS laccount Q ,12218. 9401 750 050 $ 1,826 Iname )account ~ )3 laccount ~ )account )~ ]s )n~me )Account ) )6 $ laccolmt U REASONS, JUSTIFICATION, AND ITRMIZED COSTS: 1. FY 93-94 ACTUAL EXPENSES WERE $1,826 LESS THAN ESTIMATED, THUS A TRANSFER IS NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THE IMPROVEMENTS. 2. THE CITY RECEIVED AN ADVANCE FROM 1995-96 ALLOCATION OF CDBG FUNDS, THUS AN ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION IS NECESSARY TO RECOGNIZE THE REVENUE. CIT! MA};~GER signature CITY CO~ICIL signature \ date date