HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 8.6 TriVlyTranspPlan (2) e e CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: February 13, 1995 SUBJECT: Review and Adoption of the Tri- Valley Transportation Plan! Action Plan Report by: Lee S. Thompson, Public Works Director EXHmlTS ATTACHED: 1) /2) 3) /' Tri- Valley Transportation Plan/Action Plan Report Draft letter to the TVTC dated February 1, 1995 Letter to the TVTC dated January 10, 1994 RECOMMENDAT~ION: 1) 2) 3) \ Receive Staff report Take comments from the public Continue item to February 27th meeting in order to obtain further analysis from the City Attorney's office before considering adoption. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: The Tri- Valley Transportation Plan/Action Plan recommends additional study for a Regional Traffic Impact Fee and Growth Management. This additional study should not exceed $10,000 for the Traffic Impact Fee Study and $5,000 for the Growth Management Study for Dublin's share of the costs.. ... DESCRIPTION: The Tri-Valley Transportation Council (TVTC) which consists of representation from Dublin, Pleasanton, Livermore, Danville, San Ramon, Alameda County and Contra Costa County, has been working for four years to develop a traffic model and an area-wide Transportation Plan/Action Plan (plan). The Plan would establish major regional transportation facilities (roads and transit) that are financially constrained to serve the planned growth in the Tri-Valley area. Each jurisdiction provided final input into the Transportation Model for their own land use. These land uses differed slightly from ABAG projections but were what each jurisdiction believes is most likely to occur by the year 2010. The traffic generation for the expected land use was then assigned to the expected transportation system, and it was determined that the traffic projections exceeded the capacity of adjacent freeways and some of the arterial roadway links. To improve the roadway network, the Plan made some recommendations which are addressed in this report. The Plan has now been released for circulation, and the TVTC is seeking support and adoption of the Plan from the various member jurisdictions. Purpose of the Plan The purpose of the TVTC Plan is to address transportation issues through the Year 20 I 0 within the Tri- Valley area. More specifically, the Plan: 1) Establishes Routes of Regional Significance (major roadways common to more than one jurisdiction); 2) Can be used for Congestion Management Agency purposes, such as a deficiency plan; 3) Identifies existing and future transportation deficiencies; 4) Identifies a financially feasible transportation plan that addresses transportation deficiencies; 5) Establishes acceptable Levels of Service for .the Routes of Regional Significance (LOS "D" on arterials and LOS "E" on freeways); 6) Recommends traffic mitigat;on actions for roadway segments and intersections which fall below the established Levels of Service; i~~~-~~~-~~-~----------------~~~~~-;:~~----------------------------- CITY CLERK FILE II Lorblo",~k21 e . 7) Recommends further study for the establishment of a regional traffic impact fee to fund regional transportation improvements which are mitigation to growth impacts; 8) Recommends that a further growth management study be undertaken to better define the distribution of growth reductions, if necessary, to maintain Levels of Service. Obligations That Dublin Will Accept By Adoption of the Plan Once the Plan has been adopted by the seven member jurisdictions, the Plan would need to be incorporated into each jurisdiction's General Plan as a policy document. The member jurisdictions will use the Plan as a guide for making transportation and land use decisions. In addition, Dublin would need to change the City's intersection LOS standard in its General Plan to "D" (rather than just "D" as a goal) with the understanding that under some conditions, this standard can be lowered. The conditions under which the LOS could be reduced are (1) if the City implements other measures intended to result in measurable improvements in TSO's on the Routes of Regional Significance network that will contribute to significant improvements in air quality, or (2) a jurisdiction can refer the problem to the TVTC for joint resolution. In the event the TVTC cannot resolve the violation to the mutual satisfaction of all members, the jurisdiction may modifY TSO standards, but only if other jurisdictions are not physically impacted This Plan requires the following actions by each Tri- Valley jurisdiction: 1) Monitor intersection Levels of Service on Routes of Regional Significance biannually and report the result to the TVTC. . 2) Support regional gasoline taxes to encourage commute alternatives and provide funds for needed transportation projects. " 3) Conduct a detailed subregional Traffic Impact Fee (TIP) and Growth Management Study. As a result of this study, implement a subregional TIP to pay for the shortfall of planned but unfunded transportation improvements. 4) Increase the Average Vehicle Ridership (A VR) for work (commute) trips. Achieve this increase by requiring and enforcing a Trip Reduction Ordinance (TRO) Program such as the City ofPleasanton's ordinance. (The BAAQMD is presently administering the TRO for Dublin. ) 5) Support growth that achieves an overalljob/hou~ing balance within the Tri-Valley. 6) Install ramp metering at all freeway on-ramps, provided a study shows metering would be equitable and effective. The TVTC should take the lead and seek grant funding for a study of ramp metering. 7) Support development ofa seamless ROV network for freeways in the Tn-Valley to encourage the use of carpools and bus transit. 8) Support the preparation by Caltrans of an incident management plan for the State highways in the Tri- Valley area. 9) Request that transit agencies conduct a study of the formation of a transit benefit district to finance ongoing transit operating costs. 10) Implement recommended action plans for Routes of Regional Significance (see Pages 195, 197, 199,203,219, and 230 of the Plan) and consider including these improvements as part of the City's Capital Improvement Program (CIP). 11) Environmental Impact Reports (EIRs) for any new developments be circulated to all jurisdictions within the Tri- Valley area. In addition to any other circulation analysis, the cumulative analysis section of each EIR must consider the expected land use and transportation scenario. 12) Update the TVTC model periodically. Also, the Plan will be reviewed and could be modified periodically (every two to four years). Any amendments to the Plan will require a unanimous vote of all member agencies in the TVTC. Any adoption of annual work programs and budgets Page 2 e . will require a unanimous vote of the Tri- Valley jurisdictions. Applications for any grants, expenditure of funds, execution of contracts and adoption of rules of procedure for the TVTC will require five votes. Action on any other TVTC matter requires a majority vote. Why Should The City Adopt the Plan? It is still to Dublin's benefit to remain a member of the TVTC and to adopt the Plan. If Dublin wishes not to adopt the Plan, or if other jurisdictions adopt the Plan without the City of Dublin, the Plan cannot be used as an Alameda County Congestion Management Agency (CMA) deficiency plan for the City of Dublin. Under this scenario, if Dublin's development-generated traffic impacts any CMA roadway (i.e. 1- 580, 1-680, and SR 84) to unacceptable levels of service, Dublin would be required to fund a separate deficiency plan to mitigate roadway deficiencies. If Dublin's individual deficiency plan is not acceptable or not prepared, Dublin could lose its State Proposition 111 Gas Tax subventions, presently estimated at $145,500 per year. The TVTC Plan, if approved by Dublin, will serve as the City's deficiency plan. In addition, the mitigation measures specified in the Environmental Impact Report prepared for the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment/Specific Plan state that the City must implement a plan to mitigate regional transportation impacts, and Dublin must participate in a regional transportation and impact fee study, such as the Tri-Valley Transportation Plan study. If Dublin does not participate in a regional traffic impact fee with other agencies, then Dublin would be in violation of its own General Plan/Specific Plan for Eastern Dublin. Outstanding Issues A detailed subregional TIP and growth management study are two outstanding issues. " The City Council has, in the past, been concerned that other cities and counties in the Tri- Valley area could force Dublin to reduce its land use densities based upon the other agencies being allowed to use up Dublin's traffic capacity on Dublin's own roadways and accessible freeways. The TVTC agreed that Dublin's concerns were valid and due to this fact, the TVTC changed the Plan to state: Jurisdictions in the Tri- Valley may implement a proactive Growth and Congestion Management strategy once a detailed growth management study has been conducted. The study should indicate the development reductions, land use density reductions, or other types of growth management/control that would be required for each applicable Tri- Valley jurisdiction in order to achieve TSO standards. Any development reduction should be proportional to the traffic distribution percentages for each jurisdiction. Also, the impact of this development reduction to traffic impact fees should be analyzed. All jurisdictions will then review this information and know exactly how much reduction in development or growth management/control is needed to meet the TSO's." (See page 131 of the Plan.) ABAG has offered to do a land use study for Tri- Valley jurisdictions which differs somewhat from the one to be undertaken by the TVTC. At the January 25th meeting, in addition to ABAG's offer, the TVTC agreed that a detailed growth management and land use study need to be done. The projected cost to each jurisdiction for this study is approximately $5,000. There has also been the concern that the Regional Traffic Impact Fee (TIP) could be too high, making it difficult for Tri-Valley jurisdictions to compete with other jurisdictions outside of the Tri-Valley area. The Plan recommends that more detailed study be undertaken to make the fee more comparable with other areas outside theTri- Valley. The estimated cost of this study is $10,000. Due to recent revisions to the growth related requirements in the Plan, the City Attorney's office would like to review the revised Plan and will report back at the February 27th City Council meeting. g: Ipw\michelle\021 3tvtc Page 3 e e February 1, 1995 Ms. Millie Greenberg, Chairperson Tri- Valley Transportation Council c/o Mr. Bill van Gelder Traffic Engineering Department City of Pleasanton 200 Old Bernal Avenue Pleasanton CA 94566 SUBJECT: Draft Tri- Valley Transportation Plan! Action Plan Comments Dear Millie: We would like to commend the Tri-Valley Transportation Council (TVTC) and the Tri-Valley Transportation Technical Advisory Committee for doing a good job preparing the Tri-Valley Transportation Plan! Action Plan. The Plan shows that most of the Routes of Regional Significance meet the proposed Traffic Service Objective (TSO) Standard, except for eleven intersections, of which three are in the City of Dublin (Dublin Boulevard/Dougherty Road, Dublin Boulevard/Tassajara Road, and Dublin Boulevard/Fallon Road). The Plan includes a growth management section and recommended actions for improving the level of service that require growth management. Dublin acknowledges that all jurisdictions will ultimately have to make the choice between growth, with the related traffic impacts, and no growth. Before that decision, each jurisdiction must be able to say that all reasonable mitigation alternatives have been exhausted. Before the most draconian of mitigation measures is implemented, all other measures must have been tried. In the past, the TVTC requested that the reduction of growth and land use be used to improve TSO's. On January 10, 1994 (see attached letter), the Dublin City Council gave their reasons for why a reduction of development or land use as one of the alternatives to improve TSO's is not acceptable to the City. At this time, the City of Dublin strongly feels that implementing growth control measures for areas of our city that have approved General Plan ltu1d use designations are inappropriate. Two of Dublin's three deficient intersections are located within the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area. The City recently adopted the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan. This project was finally completed and approved after many years of study and after conducting many public hearings for the General Plan Amendment, Specific Plan and associated Environmental Impact Reports. We realize that three Contra Costa County jurisdictions must adopt the Tri-Valley Transportation Plan (plan). We also realize Contra Costa Measure C mandates that the Plan must address the growth management issue when TSO's cannot be met. All references to growth management and recommended EXHIBIT _ ~ I __ e Millie Greenberg, Chairperson Tri- Valley Transportation Council February 1, 1995 e action plans resulting in growth management/control for Contra Costa County jurisdictions can remain in the draft Plan to meet the Measure C requirement. The TVTC is not a growth management agency but was designed to study traffic impacts based on growth positions adopted by local jurisdictions and then propose a variety of options available to resolve them. Therefore, the City of Dublin would like the Tri-Valley Council to utilize ABAG grant funds to complete a detailed growth and congestion management study to address anticipated TSO violations. Other Tri- Valley jurisdictions are also contributing to the amount of traffic using roadways that do not meet TSO standards. The City of Dublin is concerned that by the time the City is ready to develop, the level of service at the above mentioned three intersections would not be acceptable and Dublin would suffer the consequences of other jurisdictions approving development. The City of Dublin is recommending the following changes to the draft Plan. First, we recommend that the third paragraph on p. 126 of the draft Plan be modified to state: "The TVTC jurisdictions, except the City of Dublin at this time, expect to implement a...to meet the TSO's." We also recommend that the following be added to this paragraph: "At a later date, the City of Dublin may implement a proactive Growth and Congestion Management strategy once a detailed growth management study has been conducted. The study should indicate the development reductions, land use density reductions, or other types of growth management/control that would be required for Dublin and for each applicable Tri-Valley jurisdiction in order to achieve TSO standards. Any development reduction should be proportional to the traffic distribution percentages for each jurisdiction. Also, the impact of this development reduction to traffic impact fees should be analyzed. The Dublin City Council and other jurisdictions will then review this information and know exactly how much reduction in development or growth management/control is needed to meet acceptable levels of service." We also recommend that the recommended action for Tassajara Road north ofI-580, which states "Put in place growth controls to insure achievement ofTSO's" be replaced with: "Widen or expand a highway network, improve transit service, or improve transportation demand management." We recommend that all known reasonable alternatives must actually be in the plan as a hierarchy for implementation by all jurisdictions, and unknown future mitigations must be permitted because we cannot possibly know today what opportunities may arise in the future. Jurisdictions should have the opportunity to include additional roadway improvements in the road network. Additionally, the Dublin recommends that the draft Plan include the Alameda County Congestion Management Agency's deficiency language, plus this additional item number c) for those intersections that violate TSO's. The draft Plan should state that if there are TSO violations, the Tri-Valley jurisdictions can either: a) implement a specific plan (i.e. road widening) to correct the LOS deficiency on that affected network segment; b) implement other measures intended to result in measurable improvements in LOS on the Routes of Regional Significance network and contribute to significant improvements in air quality, or c) modifY LOS standards, only if other jurisdictions are not physically impacted. 2 - Millie Greenberg, Chairperson Tri. Valley Transportation Council February 1, 1995 e With incorporation of these modifications, the Plan can be redistributed for comments and possibly adopted as soon as possible to meet the deadline for the Contra Costa County Authority. Again, we would like to thank you and the TVTC for doing a commendable job. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our representative to the Technical Advisory Committee, Mehran Sepehri, at 833-6630. Sincerely, Guy S. Houston Mayor GSH/mb Attach. cc: Bill van Gelder, City of Pleasant on Roger Henderson, CMA h:\planningll 7tvtc 3 - CITY OF DUBLIN '. "Celebrating 10 Years Of Cityhood 1982-1992" PO Box 2340. Dublin. Cahlornla 94568 City Offices. 100 CIVIC Plaza. Dublin. California 94568 Ms. Millie Greenberg, Chair Tri-Valley TranBportation council c/o Mr. Bill van Gelder Traffic Engineering Department, city of Pleasanton 200 old Bernal Avenue Pleasanton CA 94566 11 hrC 1- .l1}t' ..t'/VeO , l. 'I) . '. 'f/~ \0..""" '1 January 10, 1994 . " SUBJECT: Dublin city Council's Preferred Transportation Alternatives and Opposition to Reduced Land Use Growth Rate Dear Ms. Greenberg: In response to the Tri-Valley Transportation Council's (TVTC) request, on January 10, 1994, the Dublin city council analyzed' and ranked the transportation plan alternatives for further study in the Dublin area as follows: Road Improvements (a lot); Transit Improvements (some); Higher Densities (BOme); Reduced Land Use Growth Rate (none); Reduced Level of Service Standards (BOme) i IncreaBe TDM Measures (a lot) . At the TVTC meeting of December 15, 1993, the TVTC directed its Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) and consultant, Barton-Aschmann Associates, Inc., to run the Tri- Valley Model using a slower growth rate for the whole Tri-Valley area (2.8%, instead of the current 4\) for the Year 2010. EPS, a land use consulting firm, recommended an absorption rate for development in the Tri-Valley area based on what they feel the market will Bupport by the Year 2010. The members of the TVTC have not received any tvpe of formal report from EPS that supports this concluBion. The TVTC is hoping that network deficiencies will be improved or eliminated if jurisdictions slow the rate of land use growth. The TVTC concluded that if the model results still show network deficiencies, the rate of growth may be decreased more in some areas. The city of Dublin would like to go on record as opposing a reduced land use growth rate for the following reasons. First, our Btaff and the City's land use consultant, WRT, derived land use numbers after more than three years of professional land use studies. Second, Dublin' B Year 2010 land use numbers are consistent with ABAG's projected land use numbers. This is significant to the extent that the congestion Management Agency (CMA) and MTC will not accept a computer model that shows land uses inconsistent with ABAG' s. If the model is not consistent with ABAG numbers, then the model cannot be used for CHA Deficiency Plans, air quality studies, and/or other environmental documentation. We do not believe that it is prudent to have two models, one with numbers acceptable to the CHA, ABAG, and some Tri-Valley jurisdictions, and another with TVTC's numbers that indicate a slower growth rate with no traffic congestion that cannot be used for any official and legal purposes. Administration (510) 833.6650 . City Council (5\01 833-6605 · Finance (5\ Code Enforcement (510) 833-6620 · Engineering (5\0) 83: Police (510) 833.66iO · PubliC Works (510) 833-6630 eXHIBIT ~ . .4 -: ~,.~ i,a ,,~ ('. \:J. Third, we strongly believe that the Tri-Valley Transportation plan and Action Plan should incorporate policies, objectives and implementation strategies for ultimate Tri-valley growth for the 'fer,r 2010. Not planning for ,ultimate growth or faster growth rate for 'fear 2010 may result in increased traffic deficiencies at the Year 2010 or beyond and costly right-of-way acquisition expenses to construct the needed roadway network at that time. Fourth, with a slower growth rate through land use regulations, the regional traffic impact fee could be higher. If the amount' of development is reduced, a higher traffic impact fee is needed to pay for the transportation network. Fifth, there is no accepted evidence to support a slower market growth rate. sixth, the JPA clearly states that its purpose is to provide for the joint preparation of a Transportation Plan and to provide a forum for the review and coordination of transportation facilities and must be approved by all jurisdictions. The'refore, it is more appropriate for each jurisdiction to provide the TVTC and the TVTC's consultant with land use data than having the land use data dictated to the jurisdictions. We realize that the Tri-Valley area is at a critical juncture in terms of anticipated future development and future transportation plans. The TVTC has a major responsibility and task to develop a transportation model and plan that ia acceptable to all Tri-Valley jurisdictions. Therefore, we urge you to reconsider your direction to run the medel with only the slower growth rate alternative. We feel it is more appropriate to study a combination of alternatives. This will present a more viable solution for future traffic congestion in line with the original charge to the TVTC. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. We look forward to continue working with the TVTC to develop an effective and reliable transportation plan for the future Tri-Valley area. " PS/CRC/mb cc: Alameda County Board of supervisors Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors Town of Danville Town council San Ramon City Council Pleasanton city Council Livermore City Council TVTC TAC a:jan\05tvtc: TRI- V ALLEY TRANSPORTATION PLAN/ ACTION PLAN FOR ROUTES OF REGIONAL SIGNIFICANCE PROPOSAL FOR ADOPTION Prepared for Tri-Valley Transportation Council Prepared by Trl-Valley Technical Advisory Committee,. In conjunction with Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc.. January 1995 Note: Policy directions or Actions recommended in this draft report are subject to change pending review, comment, and approval by TVTC and its member jurisdictions. )>,/' ",.,( I -, ,:...,,/ ! 8.~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Contents Chapters Page Executive Summary Plan Implementation 1 Introduction 2 Existing Transportation Conditions Chapter Summary Traffic Volumes and Capacity on Arterials Freeway'Levels of Service Intersection Levels of Service Tri-Valley Bicycle Network Transi t Trip Reduction Programs Trip ReductionfI'ravel Demand Management Ordinances Existing Mode Split Existing Travel Patterns 3 Goals and Transportation Service Objectives 4 Baseline Forecasts Chapter Summary Land Use Forecasts Network Assumptions Traffic Forecasts Intersection Levels of Service Travel Pattern Mode Split 5 Expected Forecasts Chapter Summary Land Use Forecasts Network Assumptions Traffic Forecasts Travel Patterns Intersection Levels of Service Interchange Analysis Transit Ridership 6 Plan Alternatives Chapter Summary Maximum Highway Investment Maximum Transit Investment Land Use Opportunities Plan Evolution vi xiv 1 11 11 17 20 20 28 29 29 35 36 36 38 41 41 42 42 50 50 59 59 63 63 64 64 73 82 88 92 102 103 103 104 104 115 119 Contents (Continued) Chapters (Continued) Page 7 Recommended Improvement Plan Plan Overview Road Improvement Plan Critical Regional Projects The Transit Plan Freight Transportation 8 Financial Plan Alameda County Contra Costa County Private Funding Potential Future Funding Sources Potential Future Transportation Projects Detailed Finance Plan 9 Action Plan 10 Plan Implementation, Monitoring, and Review Plan Adoption Plan Financing Monitoring Transportation Service Objectives Development Applications Amending the Plan Future Role of TVTC 122 123 133 133 141 145 148 148 148 149 168 159 160 165 233 233 234 235 236 238 239 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Contents (Continued) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Tables Page 2.1 Traffic Volumes and Capacity for Routes of Regional Significance 21 2.2 Level of Service Definitions 25 2.8 Existing (1990) Intersection Level of Service Analysis 26 24 Bus Service in the Tri. Valley Area 34 2.5 Jobs-Housing Balance 36 4.1 Baseline Growth Forecasts 43 4.2 Baseline Intersection Level of Service Analysis-PM Peak Hour 55 4.3 Jobs Versus Workers (Baseline Growth Forecasts) 69 4-4 Mode Split for PM Peak Hour, Home.Based Work Trips (Baseline Forecasts) 62 5.1 Tri.Valley Growth Forecasts 65 5-2 Year 1990, Year 2000, and 2010 Network Improvements-Expected System 66 5.3 Year 2010 PM Peak.Hour Expected Forecasts Peak Spreading 73 5-4 F.xpected Intersection Level of Service Analysis-PM Peak Hour 89 5.5 2010 Expected Forecast AnalysiS of Interchange Overpasses-I-580 (PM Peak Hour) 98 5-6 2010 Expected Forecast Analysis of Interchange Overpasses- 1-680 (PM Peak Hour) 99 6.7 2010 Expected Forecast Analysis of Interchanges-I.580 (PM Peak Hour) 100 5.8 2010 Expected Forecast Analysis of Interchanges-I-680 (PM Peak Hour) 101 5.9 2010 Expected Transit Ridership 102 6.1 Cost Estimate for Maximum Highway Network 107 6.2 Cost Estimate for Maximum Transit Network 112 6-3 Growth Management Options 116 6-4 Tri-Valley Transportation Plan Potential Alternatives 120 6-5 Consensus Alternative for Tri-Valley Transportation Plan 121 7.1 Detailed List of Planned Roadway Improvements 136 8.1 Alameda County Tier 1 Projects in Tri-Valley 147 8.2 Alameda County Tier 2 Projects in Tr~~ Valley 148 8.3 Proposed High-Priority Regional Transportation Projects and Available Funding 152 8-4 Required Subregional Transportation Impact Fee 155 8.5 Traffic Pattern on High-Priority Regional Projects 156 8-6 Equity Analysis of Regional Impact Fee 157 8.8 Finance Plan-Tn-Valley 2010 Planned Network 161 Contents (Continued) Figures 2-1 Existing Lane Configurations 2-2 Existing Daily Traffic Volumes 2-3 Existing Congested Locations 2-4 Existing Bikeways 2-5 Proposed Bikeways 2-6 Tri-Valley 1990 PM Peak-Hour Trip Characteristics 4.1 Baseline Assumed Road Network Changes 4.2 2010 Daily Traffic Volumes-Baseline Forecasts 4-3 Baseline Forecast Year 2010 Peak-Hour Overcapacity Links 4-4 2010 Total Trips by Type (PM Peak Hour) 5.1 Expected Transportation Network 5-2 Year 2010 Expected Forecast PM Peak Hour Traffic Demand (No Gateway Constraint) 5.8 Example of Gateway Peak-Spreading 5-4 Year 2010 Expected Forecast PM Peak-Hour Traffic Demand (No Gateway Constraint) 5.5 Year 2010 Peak-Hour OVeTcapacity Roadways with Gateway Constraint 5-6 Expected Network-Interchange Configurations 5.7 Expected Network-Interchange Configuration 6.1 Maximum Highway Network-Changes From Baseline Network 6.2 Congested Roadways With Maximum Highway Alternative 6.3 Maximum Transit Alternative-Priority Express Bus Network 6-4 Maximum Transit Alternative-Intercity/Commuter Rail 6.5 Congested Roadways With Maximum Transit Alternative 6.6 Congested Roadways With Zero Growth Land Use Alternative 7-1 Planned Transportation Network Exhibits 1 Projections '92 Forecast for Year 2010 Households and Employment in Tri-Valley Jurisdictions, Compared to CCTA LUIS and ABAG Projections '90 Forecasts 2 Contra Costa County Resolution r.e. Tri-Valley Plan 394-TIP/661193.90100 Page 12 18 23 30 32 37 48 51 58 60 71 74 76 78 80 83 93 105 108 110 111 118 117 134 44 174 I I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Executive Summary The purpose of the Tri- Valley Transportation Plan is to address transportation issues through the year 2010 within the Tri-Valley area including Danville, San Ramon, Dublin, Pleasanton, Livermore, and unincorporated areas of Contra Costa and Alameda County. This document is in addition to existing policies, agreements, and regulations that exist in each jurisdiction or between jurisdictions. The study area and the primary roads are shown in Figure E-1. In addition to serving as a guide for transportation plAnning through 2010. this document represents the Action Plan for Routes of Regional Signifi- cance for Contra Costa County jurisdictions, as mandated by Measure C. This document also provides information that can be incorporated into the Congestion Management Programs for Contra Costa and Alameda Counties. The Tri-Valley Transportation Plan is the culmination of a four-year work effort to identify existing and future transportation deficiencies and identify a financially feasible transportation plan that addresses the deficiencies. The Tri-Valley work was overseen by the Tri-Valley Transportation Council (TVTC), an advisory board of representatives from each of the seven Tri-Valley jurisdictions. Funding for this effort was shared equally by the Contra Costa Transportation Authority and the Alameda County jurisdictions. The consulting firm of Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc., through a series of meetings with the TVTC, prepared the study. Existing Transportation Issues The study was initiated in 1991 with parallel efforts to develop the Tri-Valley Travel Forecasting Demand Model and assess study issues and existing conditions. Discussions with representatives from each community and preliminary technical analysis culminated with the following fmdings: Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. vi \ I 1:1 < - I I W LLl f a: ::J < 0) I ~ >- C ::) I ?- m I . I 1 \ . 1 \ I \ \ I I \ , \ I I I I I I , / / I I , / , , ) I I I I :i' ~~ ~~ oS l ~ -p\ C.\-p ~\C. O,~ 0'0 ~\o 01-0 0'(1) O\~ ~I--:;' c:. ,_ 0\ 0, 1 Q) u c 0 u ~ c: 0'1 J) "0 c ,Q 0'1 Q) 0::: ... 0 <IJ III ..- ::> 0 0::: au Q I 3:)N3~ .111'1 Z LLl C> L6J ....J d c - - en G) ... as .(3 0 en en < c as E CU - ..c ...... /" ...... (,) ..... , ~ , en I < ItS , I j:::l I C I 0 ~ ... as In I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ < \ I \.oJ W \ a: , CD ~\ ~ c:. ?':' ::I < ~'~ tn o \~ t:i: o 0 > o ,0 ~\ C lJl \0 O/J :n1WD1/JD o -0 :) o I Q) Ire t- 0\0 UJ :::. .-. c. ,4 0' 0\ . , \ \ , '" \ II 0 c: ~ 0 , ~ , 'c \ 0'1 , g Vi \ "'5 \ ~ c: ~ 0 , "0- \ en '" IS Q:: Q) "6 ...... '" ,:l.. '" :5 \ 0 Q:: , i 0 I \ ~ \ :z I \.oJ Cl ~ \.oJ -I '<t IX) ti ..E 0; CD ... cG .0 C o tJ) < c as e .c u tJ) < I C C ... .... as a:a I , \ , i ~~ ~ oS - o ~ li1 ~ i 1I'i 3/J0II/J~7 'H \ \ ) , , ! , j Executive Summary 1. Tri.Valley is relatively free of congestion. 2. Transit use is relatively low-four percent of total trips. 3. Existing average vehicle occupancy is about 1.1 for commute trips. 4. There are 14,000 more employed residents than jobs, so there is net outo.(X)mmuting. 5. 1.680 and 1.580 are major regional highways. Each has 15 to 20 percent through traffic. 2010 Traffic Conditions Once the study issues and existing transportation system characteristics were identified, 8tatrused the Tri.Valley Transportation Model to evaluate land use forecasts and . alternative transportation systems. The land use forecasts were fll'St developed in consultation with the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) and MTC. When the plan was started, ABAG's Projections '90 were the most current forecasts available. Projections '90 did not include forecasts for the year 2010. These forecasts were extrapo. lated from Projections '90 year 2005 forecasts in consultation with ABAG. Once developed, the TVTC determined that the forecasts did not reflect current land use or network planning. The TVTC refined the land use forecasts and transportation networks to reflect current general plans and Projections '92, which had significantly increased employment projec. tions for some Alameda County jurisdictions. The "expected" land use forecasts were evaluated along with an "expected" transportation system. The results of this evaluation were as follows: · Highway gateways to the area (1.680 north of Alamo and south of Route 84, 1-580 over Dublin Grade and Altamont Pass, Crow Canyon Road at the county line, and Vasco Road) will have more demand than capacity. This would occur even without growth in the Tri.Valley due to regional traffic demands. · With some locally funded modifications, the majority of the arterial system within the Tri.Valley will operate at LOS D or better. · 1.680 and 1-580 within the Tri-Valley will operate at LOS E or better, provided ramp metering and HOV lanes are installed. · Jobs and housing growth for year 2010 is projected to be 99 percent and 84 percent, respectively. Jobs and housing would be in balance, that is, one job would exist for every employed resident. Provided there is a match between housing prices and salaries, this minimizes but does not eliminate in-commuting and out-commuting. The 1990 ratio of jobs to employed residents was 0.91. In 2010 the ratio is expected to increase to 0.99. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. ix I I I, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Executive Summary . The transit mode share will increase slightly from existing conditions. . Average vehicle occupancy will not change appreciably from existing conditions. The Tri.. Valley Transportation Pion The model results of the "expected" land use and "expected" transportation system were the basis for the Tri-Yalley Transportation Plan. The Plan is not projected to relieve all traffic congestion in Tri.Yalley. Levels of service on some arterial segments and on freeway segments at the gateways will remain below E. Bfl$ed on the results of the alternatives testing, the TAC and the TVTC decided to focus the ultimate improvement plan on the arterial corridors within Tri.Yalley rather than the Tri.Yalley gateways. The plan must address the primary question: What can we do to achieve the best level of service within the Tri.Yalley? Three coutributing factors influence the ability to respond to this question. · Financial constraints. · Physica1limitations within corridors. · Development pattern. Financial resources for all projects are limited. The Measure C and Measure B sales tax programs provide substantial funding for specific projects in Tri.Yalley. Other projects must compete for the relatively small pot of public funds. Developer fees, which have an upper limit, could help supplement public funds. Future sales tax or gasoline tax initia. tives mayor may not be successful. Expansion of major corridors within Tri-Yalley is limited due to existing development and terrain. These limitations hinder the development of transportation corridors other than the existing 1-680 and 1.580 corridors. Development patterns within Tri.Yalley have been geared toward relatively low housing and commercial densities. These patterns are expected to continue in the future. This development pattern is impossible to serve thoroughly with transit, given realistic funding expecta tions. The plan proposes no increases in gateway capacity for single-occupant vehicles. "Gate. ways" are the regional roads that connect the Tri.Yalley to adjoining areas. This will help to meter traffic in and out of the area. The plan balances the internal transportation network with planned growth through the provision of several roadway and transit improvements. Figure E.2 shows the transportation plan network. Barton-Aschman Associates. Inc. x d c - or G) ... as "(3 o en en < c as E ..c () en < I C o ... ..... ca m :i II --.~~ ~\ c:.' :,:)' ;7 o\c:. (.) -;. ,0 0' (.) ~\O 0'-0 (.) , ~ O\~ ;:.,9: c:. ,4-- - 5\ , \ " I ~ ~~ I ~ i= 0 if <;=1 1-1- .0: W ~Zl z ~I l- e I w ~ I < ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I ... o ~ "'''' t;~ ~O ~ :g 1;;, c: 4J ""- ~ .3 ~ 1!0Il ~ CV co ~ : 5 I <; Q} ...J _ ,g ~ cb.g ~ _ ... t::0Il ~ 00<( .E t C!i Cl) "0 .0 <: <: OIl E .3 0 ~ :::> I -' ... 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These are objectives that the Tri-Valley cities and counties should use as a guide to making transportation and land use decisions: In Contra Costa County under Measure C, the jurisdictions are required to make a good-faith effort to comply with the transportation service objectives on routes of regional significance or risk the loss of retum-to-source funds. In Alameda County once the plan is adopted, individual jurisdictions are responsi- ble for maintaining Transportation Service Objectives through their general plans. The transportation service objectives adopted by the TVTC are as follows: · Maintain Level of Service D (V/C < 0.90) on arterials, and measured at intersections. · Maintain level of Service E (V/C < 0.99) on freeways. · Maintain Level of Service E conditions on 1.580 for no more than four hours per day (except on Altamont Pass) and on 1-680 for no more than eight hours per day. · Do not increase capacity for single-occupant vehicles at gateways. · Increase average vehicle ridership for commute trips by 10 percent. · Increase the transit mode share through providing express transit travel times that are competitive with autos. The TVTP is not intended to be a land use control document, such as a General Plan. While the plan is based on a set of growth assumptions, the plan should not be interpret- ed as limiting growth to the assumed levels. Nevertheless, the plan does establish Transportation Service Objectives, which may indirectly influence growth rates. Growth beyond what is assumed herein may occur provided the TSOs are met. If there are TSO violations, or projected TSO violations, in a Tri-Valley jurisdiction, then that jurisdiction can either (a) implement transportation improvements (e.g., road widening) to correct the TSO deficiency on that affected network segment, or (b) implement other measures intended to result in measurable improvements to TSOs on the Routes of Regional Significance network and contribute to significant improvements in air quality. Failing this, the jurisdiction can refer the problem to the TVTC for joint resolution. In the event that the TVTC cannot resolve the violation to the mutual satisfaction of all members, the jurisdiction may modify the TSO standard, but only if other jurisdictions are not physical- ly impacted. Action Plans in Contra Costa County are required to include the following components: · Long-range assumptions regarding future land use based on local General Plans. · Procedure for review of impacts resulting from proposed local General Plan amend- ments that have the potential to influence the effectiveness of adopted Action Plans. The following are requirements for a Contra Costa County jurisdiction to be considered in compliance in relation to Regional Routes: Barton.Aschman Associates. Inc. xiii I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Executive Summary . Submission to Regional Committee of proposed revision(s) to Action Plan to mitigate impacts associated with proposed General Plan amendments. General Plan amend- ments that would reduce the effectiveness of adopted Action Plans may lead to a determination of non-compliance if the Action Plan cannot be revised with the approval of the Regional Committee and the CCTA. Financing the Tri-Valley Transportation Plan The Tri-Valley Transportation Plan was designed to be a feasible, realistic, financially constrained plan. Still, the plan will require additional funding beyond that provided by existing sources. Federal and state funds are limited. The Metropolitan Transportation Commission's (MTC) Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) is used as the source for estimating future public transportation revenues. Additional funding is suggested through the adoption of a subregional traffic impact fee on new, unapproved development. The Plan identifies 11 regional transportation improvements that could be funded through the impact fee (see Table E-1), Funding these 11 projects, the fee would calculate to about $2.800 per dwelling unit and $6 per square foot for commerciallotlicelindustrial space. This discussion is preliminary in nature. The project list, cost estimates. and possible fees are subject to change pending further discussion at the TVTC and evaluation of the nexus relationship between new development and its impact on traffic. Plan Implementation In order for the Tri-Valley Transportation Plan to be implemented. it must be adopted by each TVTC member jurisdiction . The following elements should be adopted: · 2010 Planned Transportation Network · Transportation Service Objectives · Action Plans for Routes of Regional Significance (see Chapter 9) · Financing Plan · Subregional Transportation Impact Fee concept Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. xlv ... C) c 0- " c at G) :is S Ocu > < 'C C CO tI) t3 G) 0- e c. c e ;: CO 1: 8.. en c f! t- ea c 02 C) CD ex: ~ 0- ... o 0- ... a.. . .s:. o~ :t T""'C ch~ we CDQ. De t!a.. W '0.2 Q)= 'Es :::J1: C:;, ~~ < ~cn .- c ~~ .r~ -- OQ) 1:D :::J.m ~.~ << .S' 'E .t:c ,... f:? .20 :::J 2~ 1: '2 liS Q) .2 8~_lS uctlS io~~ - ('118 ctI(/)= EcO ~~'Oo Wg ~ :; CO" 'M L()T"" w~ ... ..,; T"" CIt gt}l2; CIt " N CIt " N CIt ,.... ti ~~ ~CIt o ~aa~ ~ CIt o - L() CIt o T"" CIt o ~ f:?! ~5 COeD- Q) Q) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m Q) :E ::E :3 ~~~ ~Q)e ('llea= Q)_ca :Eenu () ~ ~ ('II Q) :E u (/) ~ C :::J e (/) = ca ~ I I ~ O?g "'N m~ L() C') '" . N . C') O......T""O N......-T""_ ~ ~~ " M L() CIt ,.... tl ... ..j .- ~ ,.... tl N"'": ~ '.- "'- -tl L() -0 ..,; ~oO) co ~ I I co N . L() .~ N~o CIt.,...-- .,. c g" g o c ca g ~ 8 __.m. Cb ea a; ~.6 ~ ~ 8, 1:~ (/) g>;> ea (/) c Q) (/) ._ - ca 0 ('II (/) g> ~ :a -g en t::. E5. ~ SIt 'C 1: ~.~ ca caCD cae(/) (/) Q) ~,('IIQ):"" ~ fi ~gj1~~ ~ g>~!~~~~ ... c:- _ (/) W ca ca ~ ca - ._ _ u c: > --ca~c (/)~-~Q)""=""o~-(/) c:>-:=l'tlQ)'.('O ,... 'CQ).J::.Q) ~:::l o -~-0~(I)Q)>2>ca--c~ caco_ $"'(I)C)(O: xC-OEO"" Q) 0_ caE 0 ca ~wQ)~~Ow~~Ia;I~:E~ca()-a:~o 2) .; ~ en 0:0 ~ S = o.~ 0 '2 ~ 2) Ui ~ -5 8 e ~ f8 (5 g -g $'~ c( (I) .g ::g ~ $ :::J ca f8 .B e m ~ e- ~a:~ca~SCD~o~z~ena:~<()en>w Q) g> a:s ~ Q) ~ ~ '2 Q.. Barton.Aschman Associates. Inc. c.; a:s .Q) ~~ ,!Ui -8 1&,! c_ .2~ en! ;! ;;0 !~ 'C_ ,2>- Q) 0= -a:s n~ a)'c i;- .!!? a:s '!:e :!!c( t3~ Q) '2 :2 a.g, ~! == e'i ..;!liS ~8 .5,! ~- a:s~ c ('0 ._ .J::. E I =~ Ko .sa ! S; j~ .!e ~ f=:tl. ... ... xv I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I 1. Introduction The purpose of the TriM Valley Transportation Plan is to asBeSS transportation issues within the TriMValley area through the year 2010. The study area includes Danville, San Ramon, Dublin, Pleasanton, Livermore, and unincorporated portions of Contra Costa County and Alameda County. In addition to serving as a guide for transportation planning through 2010, this document represents the Action Plan for Routes of Regional Significance for Contra Costa County jurisdictions, as mandated by MeuW'S C. This document also provides information that can be incorporated into the Congestion Manage- ment Programs for Contra Costa and Alameda Counties. This document is in addition to existing policies, agreements, and regulations that exist in each jurisdiction or between jurisdictions. The plan was overseen by the TriMValley Transportation Council (TVTC), which includes elected officials from each of the seven member jurisdictions, under a joint powers agreement. The TVTC was assisted by the Tri.Valley Technical Advisory Committee (TVTAC), which includes staff transportation planners and engineers from each agency. These groups met monthly throughout the plan process, which began in November 1991. Funding for the Plan came from the Contra Costa Transportation Authority and the three Alameda Tri-Valley cities. The plan was prepared using the TrlMValley Transportation Model (TVTM), which was developed by BartonMAschman and TJKM and approved by the TVTC for transportation planning. The zone structure for the TriMValley Transportation Model is compatible with the Alameda County, Contra Costa County, and MTC transportation models. The model has been certified by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission, the Contra Costa Transportation Authority, and the Alameda County Congestion Management Agency. This transportation plan is intended to fulfill the requirement for preparation of Action Plans under Measure C in Contra Costa County. Alameda County does not have a similar Action ~lan requirement. Nevertheless, the same plan format is followed for the Alameda Barton.Aschman Associates. Inc. 1 Introduction County portion of Tri-Valley. The TVTC joint powers agreement states that member jurisdictions are to consider the Tri-Valley Transportation Plan when adopting or amending the circulation elements of general plans, specific plans, zoning ordinances, or capital improvement programs. The consultant team began meeting with Tri Valley representatives in November, 1991. Meetings were held once each month with the Tri- Valley Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). This committee provided guidance to the consultant and reviewed all work products prior to their submittal to the Tri Valley Technical Council (TVTC). The TVTC acted as the final approval body for all work completed by the consultant. Meetings between the TVTC, TVTAC, and the consultant also occurred on a monthly basis. Figure 1-1 shows the boundaries of planning areas used to summarize data in this report. These boundaries have no planning status except within this report, although attempts have been made to conform to city and sphere of influence boundaries. Routes of Regional Significance have been adopted by each city in Contra Costa County, as well as the County, as part of the Measure C Growth Management Program. Routes of Regional Significance are those roads that serve regional mobility, or act as reliever routes for the regional system, and serve more than one jurisdiction. The designated routes are exempt from the Measure C basic route level of service standards. Other measures, TrafflC Service ObjectirJeB are to be adopted for these routes. The plan also includes Routes of Regional Significance for Alameda County, although these are not mandated by county policy (see Figure 1-2). Compliance Requirements on Regional Routes Requirements for compliance with the provisions of the Growth Management Program relating to Routes of Regional Significance are: 1. Participation in development and adoption of Action Plans: Action Plans will be developed through the work of the Regional Committees. 2. Implementation of actions designed to attain traffic service objectives consistent with adopted Action Plan: Action Plans will specify actions to be taken by each jurisdiction. Alllocali ties will agree to the actions before the Plans are fmalized and adopted. After adoption, cities and the county will have an obligation to implement specified actions consistent with the time frame of the Action Plan. 3. Placing conditions on project approval consistent with Action Plan policies: Some Action Plan policies may require implementation on an ongoing basis through the imposition of conditions on development approvals. These might relate to payment of mitigation fees, implementation of TSMtrDM measures, or phasing of development relative to infrastructure improvements. Barton-Aschman Associates. Inc. 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0 (/)1- - I - c([t f wO I :t a: a.. .~ L&.. <w me: I ::J(1) (1)- I >:t: wI- t) -IZ t) -I- I t) <0 J.. CI) >w I :S ..Len 0 a:::J l- I I I tt' CI) :; I .=> ~ 0 c::I I d c - CI) .. ::::I I U) '> CD ~ ... as c::I ,,- I Co) 0 U) U) I < c as e I J::. U U) < I I c 0 .... ... as I III d c: - \ I ..c >C~ ...... I WWa: I ...... CD ....1(1)0 a... ~ ....I:)Q.. 0) c: <ClJW I ~<a: Cl) a:WCl) I M I-a:- 0 8 <::I: M m~ Cl) I >- :)Z ~ CIJ- Cl) J.t I 0 S M () ~ < I ~ M Cl) .d () ~ < 0 I J.t Cl) :5 I 0 I:: I 0 ,::= ~ ..... ~ I - .0 rf.I ::s <<' ~ Cl) - ~ ll.. I rf.I c:t1 r::.a I I I:: I ..... - .0 I ::s A I I I ,,; Q) .... ca "[) o tn tn < c: ca e .c (,) U) < I c: o .... ... ca lEI I r;\ c ILW I N I 00 ~\~ - i O\~ f (J)Z 0'0 :3 I ~~ 0'0 0>> w< ~\O r;: 1-2 ........... oS 0,"'0 l 0' Go) ::)Y:: ~ 0\% I ;. , -:;i OZ c' a:C!' 0\ 0, - I , UJ \ , ..J , < I , Z , \ 0 , - \ C!' I \ Q) w u , c , a: 0 \ u ;,:: I 'c \ 0\ \ Vi \ -0 \ C , I 0 \ '0-. Q) a:: '0 I III Q.l "'5 0 a:: I 0 I z LoJ C) I ~ I " () ..E .. \ I U) CD ... , lU / .- , () I I 0 / 0 , 0 / < , , I c ) lU , , E /' ' ...,/' .s:::. G) , , I - /' () ~ , 0 I < d I I tIS I I c Q , 0 I ... ... as I m d c - iii CD .... as .0 o t/) t/) < c as E ~ u t/) < I C o .... ... as tEl \ , I ~\ c "7:- ?,~ 0'''' 0\~ 0.0 ..... , 1/1 \0 o -0 o ,Q) o'€;. ~\~ C ,4- 0' 0\ ..Q N I 011 7T1WI3311!i LLW 00 ~ Cl)Z ~ W< ...Q :)!:!: OZ 0:" Ci5 ..J < Z o C; w a: - OOSYII Ie \ ... ~ ! M :R10nl/3N1 N i:l ~ . , \ , \ Q) \ u l; lil tl , U . ~ :.::: \ '2: tl'> (i) "0 \ d l; 0 0 , ~ 'cr. \ d Q) \ ctl CI::: rn '0 ctl en Q,) - 2 \ Q.. :) I 0 \ CI::: I C I \ :z \ LI.J \ <.:) \ LI.J .....J , \ ..... ~ l! ----. ~ ~ '0 ~ , \ ) , , ,J , j I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ i i I I I I I I '<l' (lj I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Introduction Two other regional systems have been designated in the Tri-Yalley. These are described briefly below. Congestion Management Program (eMP) Routes These have been designated by Contra Costa County and Alameda County as part of the state.mandated CMF. In the Tri.Yalley, they include only 1-680, 1.580, and Route 84. The respective county CMP's are shorter-range planning documents than the Tri-Yalley Transportation Plan. Metropolitan TransportatIon System (MTS) and National HIghway System (NHS) Routes The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) defined a system, called the Metropolitan Transportation System, in the 1991 Regional Transportation Plan. and the system has been updated for the 1994 RTP. The purpose of the MTS is to define those facilities and services that are crucial to freight and passenger mobility in the Bay Area. The MTS includes streets and highways, transit systems, seaports, airports, truck terminals. rail yards, and transfer points. In addition to streets and highways. the MTS in the Tri.Yalley includes transit corridors along 1.680,1-580, and Route 84; the Altamont Pass railroad tracks. which continue to Fremont; and the Livermore airport. The criteria for defining streets and highways in the MTS are as follows: · Serves a mlijor Bay Area activity center · Provides important intercounty and/or interregional connections · Serves as a reliever for a freeway · Provides important connections in the MTS system · Serves as a major cross-town arterial for relieving congestion · Provides access to regional passenger and freight transfer facilities. Significance of MTS Designation. Roads that are part of the MTS may benefit from funding available to regional facilities. Any road not in the MTS is considered as serving primarily local travel. The National Highway System (NHS). The Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (lSTEA) calls for the U.S. Congress to designate a National Highway System by December 1995. For the Bay Area, MTC has developed a recommended NHS, which is a subset of the MTS. The purpose of the NHS is to provide an interconnected system of principal arterial routes which will serve major population centers, international border crossings, ports, airports, public transportation facilities, and other intermodal transporta- tion facilities and other major travel destinations, meet national defense requirements, and serve interstate and interregional travel. The NHS was proposed to focus federal funds to improve a limited number of high priority routes. Barton-Aschman Associates. Inc. 7 Introduction Figure 1-3 shows the MTS and NHS routes in the Tri-Valley area. Relationship to County Plans The Tri.Valley Action Plan will be combined with action plans from the other four subareas in Contra Costa County to create the Contra Costa Countywide Comprehensive Transportation Plan. In Alameda County, a countywide transportation plan was recently completed. The Tri.Valley Transportation Plan is compatible with the Alameda County Transportation Plan, although it is more detailed and focused in the Tri.Valley Area. If adopted, the Tri.Valley Transportation Plan would be incorporated into future updates of the Alameda County Plan. Barton-Aschman Associates. Inc. B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0 I :z LoJ C) ~ I I u .5 I en CD .. as .- I u 0 0 0 I < c as E I .c u 0 < I I c 0 .. "- as I III :i' ~! --.... .s D ~ t> "5 o 0:; a. t> :::li :; U o 0:: .I1l ~ ~ :::; :::; i ~ Q) ~ d as A -p\ c:.' ~\ -p 0\' c:. (.)\~ ,0 0'(.) ~\O ?"1 '''0 ..... \ Q) o\~ ~\S c. \::.i!. 3\ , , c 7 ZCI-C/J _ OZzw ~ i=<WI- t! <_~::J I-CJ)WO a::l-C!JD: O:E<- o..-Zo.. (/)~<::i zw:EO <I- - D:CI)Z::e I-->Q< z CJ) 1---0: < CJ)e" I-- Wo ::i C!Ja: o Zo- o.. 0 o 0 a: I-- W :e ~ \ \ \ \ \ \ , \ \ \ \ \ \ , \ o~ 3:)NJ~ MV! ~~ i:; ~ ~ ~~\-l'l~ " ,/ , ) , ~./' ~~ /' /" I I I I I \ ..c I \ ,." ZOl-0 , ~\ I OZZW I - ~\~ CD t=c(WI- O,e:. ~ 0\~ =' <---.~:J en 010 t= .t;.i,1 I-CI)WO I 11\\0 o -0 a:l-~a: o ,4) Oli m~331iO O'rc. O::E<- ;:.\9, a..'-"ZQ. I e:. .4- 0' Oli o:1SYiI CI):t<:e 0\ I Zw::EO \ <I- '-" I ~ a:cnZ::e ~ I->Q-C .... ~ ;;l I ~ Z01-D: VI < cn~ .. :!i I- Wo lit' ~0fI1i3N' 'N - ~a: I ..J ZQ. o 0 I Q. 0 I I \. 0 , a: , \ l- I I III W \ ~ ::E \ , ~ I \ d \ 0 \ ~ I :t s:: \ Oli NOT1rJ <<S I \ l'1.I . <<S CU - ll.. I . Co) C - I ... t/) CD .... as I .- (.) 0 t/) t/) '" I < :; 0 Cl:: C a.. as , .!! 2 . e ) ~ V I 0 ..c Cl:: ~ u i ~ (Jl , l- t/) ~tl ! 2 2 < -...... .e II N I I Cl H c:: '0 :z ~ LoJ 0 Cl .... , , LoJ ... f ....J as I m . I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2. Existing Transportation Conditions Chapter Summary . Tri. Valley is relatively free of congestion. Some occasional congestion occurs on the freeways, especially near the 1.5800-680 interchange. · Transit usage is relatively low-four percent of total trips. . Existing average vehicle ridership is about 1.1 for commute trips. . There are 14,000 more employed residents than jobs, so there is net out-commuting. . 1..fJ80 and 1.580 are major regional highways serving substantial reational demand. Each haa 15 to 20 percent through traffic. This chapter describes the existing transportation systems within the Tri.ValIey area, including the routes of regional significance, the intersection levels of service at major intersection locations, traffic volumes, transit systems, and bicycle routes serving the area. Figure 2.1 shows the number of lanes on the Routes of Regional Significance. Each is described below. State Highways Interstate 580 U.580) is an eight-lane east/west freeway designated as a route of regional significance through the Tri-Valley area Auxiliary lanes exist between Foothill Road and Santa Rita Road. 1-580 is a critical freight route as designated by the Alameda County CMA. A truck-climbing lane exists in the westbound direction from Foothill Road to the top of the Dublin grade. Figure 2-1 shows interchange locatioDS. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 11 i -p\ I c' 0 --..~ t; -=' I ~ - UJ o\C , .e (.) ':) N Z I 10 ! 0'(.) f 0 ~\o ~ l:n - 0'-0 L:: ... (.) I Q) I O\~ < ...,0 a:: "'C.,2.. 8\ -- ::::> , " I , \ - LL Z I \ 0 , 0 \ \ (IJ I , '" \ z u c: < 0 , ~ \ .c \ ..J I .2' c:Vl (!J 0 .,15 \ '" c: Z c: ,Q I 001 011 , -I'" 1 - _0:: \ t- o- 0 UJ ... .. ., .J::1", - I E- X ::l ::l zii W 0 II \ :z ...., I C) GO all ...., \ ....l J:JNJIi Mn d I c - I u) CD ..- CO I ..- () 0 tI) In I < , , c / CO E ,,\N .,/ I ..c () t'" , tI) ? Q) ) < ...... I ...... I oi> ,/ c 0 = , ..- ctl I .... Q CO I m I I I I .Q en - I Z \ N I ~ 0 \ , :J - ~\ en I- c ~ r= -< -="c I o \-=' a: o 0 0,0 all rnwGJH!) ::) ~' 0 0\-0 ~ I e,) ,G) - 0\% lL :z:.~ Z c, 0, 0 I 0\ \ 0 \ \ OJ I , ~ z \ ~ -< I III ..J I \ i \ ^'1~:i'V1'H CJ \ z - I l- I CJ) \ - \ >< I I UJ \ \ I I \ d I 0 I d \ IS I , In \ f>>I HOT7'lJ IS CU ..... Q.. I , ~ \ I - i u c , - , ... ., i CI) <.> c: I Q) 0 ... ~ 0:- ca 'c cx;J 0\ -- "Vi U 0_ I 0 0 III " CI) II> 0 " .- CI) o 0\ ...J II> < a:: I 0'0 I C I ... ) II> III ca .0 ., E'S E ::I 0 i , za:: ~ , I u r.:; ! 0 CI) --..:Z:; 3 CO :z < I.&J ! CI CO I I.&J C , -J I 0 , ... j ... ca m I .... Existing Transportation Conditions 1-680 is a six-lane north/south freeway through the Tri-Valleyarea. Figure 2-1 shows interchange locations. High occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes are under construction between SR 24 in Walnut Creek and the county line at Alcosta Boulevard. 1-680 from 1-580 to Santa Clara County was widened a few years ago and includes sufficient right..of- way for additional lanes. 1-680 is a designated major freight route by the Alameda County CMA, and there are truck climbing lanes over the Sunol grade. State Route 84 (SR 84) is an arterial street including First Street and Holmes Street through Livermore and VaIlecitos Road south of Pleasanton. SR 84 diagonally connects 1-680 to 1-580. First Street has a varied lane configuration and varied land uses along the length of its corridor. From 1-580 to Portala Avenue, First Street is a six-lane road From Portala Avenue to Holmes Street, First Street is a four-lane road with sidewalks, bike lanes, and a raised median. (In some locations the median becomes a two-way, left-turn lane or disappears entirely.) Parking is permitted along some sections of First Street. Holmes Street also has a varied lane configuration that changes from four lanes with sidewalks and median, to two lanes with a wide painted median and sidewalk, to two lanes with no median. The land use varies from light commercial to residential to rural. Bike lanes are present where the street narrows to two lanes. VaUecitos Road is a two- lane winding, rural road that passes through mostly undeveloped farm land and hills. Route. 01 Regional Significance In Livermore Area Vasco Road is a north/south arterial that is defined as a route of regional significance through Contra Costa County and Alameda County to its termination at TeBla Road in the City of Livermore. Vasco Road is a two-lane road along most of its length, except in developed areas-near Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories where it widens to four lanes with concrete curbs, bike lanes, and a raised landscaped median. Stanley Boulevard is an east/west route that is defined as a route or regional significance from its intersection with First Street and Holmes Street in Livermore to its intersection with First Street in Pleasanton. Stanley Boulevard is four lanes along its entire length. Bike lanes are continuous along Stanley Boulevard except in the region near Shadow Cliffs Regional Recreation Area where the bike lanes convert into a two-way bike path on the south side of the road. First Street and Holmes Street are part of Route 84 (see above). Routes of Regional Significance In Pleasanton Area First Street is a two-lane, north/south route defined as a route of regional significance from Stanley Boulevard in the north, to Bernal Avenue in the south. North of downtown, First Street has bike lanes on both sides. Through downtown Pleasanton, First Street has a center turn lane, one lane each way, parking on both sides, and sidewalks. Sunol Boulevard is a north/south route defined as a route of regional significance from Bernal Avenue to its interchange with 1-680. South of Bernal Avenue, Sunol Boulevard is four lanes with raised median, sidewalk, and bike lanes, with adjacent commercial and Barton-Aschman Associates. Inc. 14 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Existing Transportation Conditions residential land uses. South of Junipero Street, Sunol Boulevard narrows to two lanes with no median. Santa Rita Road is a north/south route that is defined as a route of regional significance from its intersection with 1.580 in the north, to its intersection with Stanley Boulevard and Main Street near downtown Pleasanton. Santa Rita Road is a six.lane road with sidewalks and raised medians south of 1.580. At Valley Avenue, Santa Rita Road narrows to four lanes. A residential frontage road on the east side of Santa Rita Road exists in the segment between Valley Avenue and Stanley Boulevard. Main Street is the continuation of Santa Rita Road and is defined as a route of regional significance to Bernal Avenue. Main Street is a two.lane road with left.turn lanes at Ray Street/St. John Street, St. Mary, and Ray Street/Neal Street. Main Street has sidewalks and parking along both sides in the downtown area. Hopyard. Road is a north/south route that is defined as a route of regional significance from its intersection with 1.580 to its intersection with Del Valle Parkway and Division Street. South of 1.580 to Valley Avenue, Hopyard Road is a six.lane road with wide lanes, sidewalks, and a raised median. A right.turn lane exists between intersections at Owens Drive and Las Positas Boulevard on the east side (northbound direction) of the road. Between Valley Avenue and Division Street, Hopyard Road transitions from six lanes with median sidewalks and bike lanes, to a three.1ane and then a two.lane road with an asphalt concrete path on the west side. Division Street is a continuation of Hopyard Road and is defined as a route of regional significance to its intersection with St. Mary Street. Division Street is a two.lane road with a sidewalk on the west side only. St. Mary Street is a continuation of Division Street and is defined as a route of regional significance to its intersection with Main Street in downtown Pleasanton. St. Mary Street is a two.lane road with sidewalks and parking on both sides. St. Mary Street has a center turn lane between Peters Avenue and Main Street. Stoneridge Drive is an east/west route designated as a route of regional significance from Foothill Road to east of Santa Rita Road. Stoneridge Drive is planned to connect to Jack London Boulevard at EI Charro Road. Stoneridge Drive varies between four and six lanes with raised median, sidewalks, and bike lanes from Foothill Road to Santa Rita Road. East of Santa Rita Road, Stoneridge Drive narrows to a two-lane road with sidewalks and bike lanes on the south side of the street. Stoneridge Drive is planned for six lanes for its entire length. Routes of Regional Significance In Dublin Area San Ramon Road is the continuation of San Ramon Valley Boulevard into the City of Dublin. San Ramon Road is designated as a route of regional significance from the northern city limit to the southern city limit. From Alcosta Boulevard to Amador Valley Barton.Aschman Associates, Inc. 15 Existing Transportation Conditions Boulevard, San Ramon Road has four lanes with a raised median, bike lanes and sidewalks. South of Amador Valley Boulevard, San Ramon Road widens to six lanes. Tassajara Road is a north/south route that is defined as a route of regional significance from Camino Tassajara to 1.580. Tassajara Road is a two-lane road from Camino Tassaja. ra to the 1.580 on. and ofT-ramps where it becomes four lanes. Land use along Tass!:\iara Road is mainly rural. Dougherty Road is a north/south route that is defined as a route of regional significance from Crow Canyon Road to 1.580. From Crow Canyon Road to the Dublin City Limit, Dougherty Road is a winding two-lane road. From the city limit, Dougherty Road has four travel lanes. Some sidewalks exist adjacent to completed housing developments. A bike path (two-way bike lanes) exists on the east side of the street. South of Sierra Lane, Dougherty Road becomes a five-lane road with the addition of a center left-turn lane. The center left turn.lane is replaced by a northbound lane just north of 1-580 (three north- bound lanes, two southbound lanes). Dublin Boulevard is an east/west route that is defined as a route of regional significance from San Ramon Road to Tassajara Road. Dublin Boulevard is a four-lane road with sidewalks on both sides and a raised median from San Ramon Road to Dougherty Road and a two-lane road from Dougherty Road to Tass!:\iara Road. West of 1-680, parking is permitted along both sides of the road. Land use along Dublin Boulevard is mostly commercial/retail. Routes of Regional Slgnmcance In San Ramon Area San Ramon Valley Boulevard is a north/south route that is designated as a route of regional significance from Danville to the Dublin City Limit. San Ramon Valley Boulevard is a two-lane road at the Danville Town Limits, and widens to a four. lane road with raised median, bike lanes, and sidewalks. Where land use is more rural, between Montevideo and Alcosta Boulevard, San Ramon Valley Boulevard is a two-lane road with bike lanes on both sides. Between Crow Canyon and Norris Canyon, San Ramon Valley Boulevard is a six.lane road with heavy commercial use. The remaining segments of San Ramon Valley Boulevard consist of four lanes. Alcosta Boulevard is a four.lane, east/west route with a raised median and sidewalks, defmed as a route of regional significance for only a short segment from 1.680 to Village Parkway. Alcosta Boulevard extends from San Ramon Valley Boulevard to Crow Canyon Road, and includes a full interchange with 1.680. Bollinger Canyon Road is an east/west route defined as a route of regional significance from San Ramon Valley Boulevard to Alcosta Boulevard. Bollinger Canyon is a four.lane road with a raised median and sidewalks from Crow Canyon Road to 1-680 and widens to six lanes from 1.680 to Alcosta Boulevard. In conjunction with development of the Dougherty Vallley, Ballinger Canyon Road will be extended east to intersect Dougherty Road. Barton.Aschman Associates, Inc. 16 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Existing Transportation Conditions Crow Canyon Road is an east/west route defined as a route of regional significance from the Alameda County/Contra Costa County border to Camino TassaJara. At the county line, Crow Canyon is a rural two-lane road which widens to four-lanes and then six-lanes with a raised median and sidewalks where land use is more commercial. Crow Canyon Road remains six lanes until Alcosta Boulevard, where it narrows again to four lanes. A variety of medians and roadside development exists depending on locations of existing land development. At Indian Rice Road, Crow Canyon widens to six lanes and remains six lanes to Camino TassaJara Routes of Regional Slgnlflcance In Danvllle Area Camino Tassojara is an east/west route of regional significance from Sycamore Valley Road to Crow Canyon Road. Camino Tassajara is a four-lane road with a raised median, curbs, sidewalks, and bike lanes as it leaves the community of Blackhawk and narrows to a two lane rural roadway south of Lawrence Road. Land uses in the vicinity of Blackhawk are commercial and residential. Land uses for the southern portions of Camino Tassajara are residential and rural. Sycamore Valley Road is an east/west four-lane route of regional significance with a raised median and sidewalks from 1-680 to Camino Tassajara. Hartz Avenue is a two-lane route of regional significance from Danville Boulevard (it is a continuation ofDanville Boulevard) to San Ramon Valley Boulevard. Hartz Avenue is a main street in downtown Danville with sidewalks and parking on both sides. Danville Boulevard is a north/south route of regional significance from the northern boundary of the Tri-Valley area to Hartz Avenue. Danville Boulevard is two lanes north of Las Trampas Road, with a center turn lane and narrows to two lanes BOuth of Las Trampas Road. At EI Cerro, Danville Boulevard widens to four lanes with parking on both sides and bike lanes. San Ranwn Valley Boulevard is also a route of regional significance in Danville. It is the continuation of Hartz Avenue south of Railroad Avenue. San Ramon Valley Boulevard has two lanes to the Danville town limit. Crow Canyon Road has a short segment that is within the Town of Danville. This segment is between Tassajara Ranch Drive and Camino Tassajara and is six lanes wide. Traffic Volumes and Capacity on Arterials Traflic volumes for the routes of regional significance were compiled from individual jurisdictions and Caltrans. These volumes are shown on Figure 2-2. Volumes on the routes of regional significance are shown as average daily traffic (ADT) volumes. These roadway volumes are largest near major development/job centers and smallest on the fringes of the Tri-Valley area. Volumes are also high at certain major Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 17 I ?;\ 0 en N I I W ~'.?; N O\~ Cl) ~ ~ ... o \ 0 ::lI :::) " 0\0 0) I ~ti .o.u,\ 0 Li: ..J -.... oS 0\"0 0 " o \ 0> 0 O\CC:. > ~ I \.#,0 ;"J. '2.- c' 0 0\ 0, - \ lL I \ lL < , ex: I , I- \ \ >- \ \ ..J I - \ < , \ C , I \ \ CJ .... \ Z ! \ - I 011 I- 'f/f'tf"(S$'tJ UJ - >< I \ W 011 \ I \ 3:lN3111l1n \ I d I c - .. tn I CD .... ca , ..- I Co) / I 0 0) I , tn / < , , c ) I ca / , E Q) ..c ..... /" I Co) ..... '5= I 0) I < ;:: I I <<J I C Q I I 0 I .... ... ca In I I I .D CIJ N I W N I 011 3TII,lH3311~ f ~ ::J ::> C) .. t= ..J '" I 011 CXlS'i^ i 0 > P.O \ '1~O ,0Q 0 I ,,!>. ?I, - LL ~\~ ~ of LL o,~ I (,)\0 ~ c( o 0 a: ~' ,0 >- .... 0\-0 i I o ~ ^'" 3110f'll/3IV1 '/</ O't:. >- '0 ~\- ..J Co :<:s:. 0, - I (,), c( c I \ C) \ z - l- I \ el UJ t. - , t )( \ \ J:: W I , O,~ , 0 \ l'!D ~ ~ IS I \ ~ Q) ...... \ Q.. I , .. , (,) \ c - .. \ I en IE CD ... i~ as ..- I (,) f:J~ 0 ~ en en < ..,. co I c ca e i , I ..c , (,) ~tl ) en < -...... .s 1; , , I I I c ~ 0 ... ... ca In , , I Existing Transportation Conditions freeway interchanges such as 1-680/Crow Canyon Road and 1-580/ Dougherty Road! Hopyard Drive. Table 2-1 compares the volumes to typical capacity ranges. The roads that are nearing capacity based on AnT are Vasco Road, Vallecitos Road (Highway 84), First Street in Pleasanton, the two-lane section of San Ramon Valley Boulevard in San Ramon, Crow Canyon Road near 1.680, Hopyard Road north of Owens, San Ramon Road near 1-580, Dougherty Road near 1-580, and Dublin Boulevard west of 1-680. First Street in Pleasanton, however, is a downtown street, and congestion in this location is expected due to the dense development. Freeway Levels of Service Level of service desCriptions for both 1-580 and 1-680 were obtained from the 1-680 Corridor Study Existing Conditions report prepared by TJKM for the Contra Costa Transportation Authority and from freeway travel times studies prepared by Abrams Associates for the Alameda County Congestion Management Agency. These values are shown on Figure 2-3. The freeway lane capacity is assumed to be 2,200 vehicles per hour. 1-580 operates at LOS C or better in both directions throughout the Tri-Valley area during peak hours with the exception of a short segment between the 1-580/1-680 interchange and the Santa Rita Road!I'assejara Road interchange in Pleasanton. This section occasionally becomes congested during peak hours. 1-680 operates at LOS C or better in both direc- tions throughout most of the Tri-Valley area. However, a section of northbound 1-680 between Stoneridge and the 1-680/1-580 inter- change occasionally becomes congested during peak hours as does the southbound segment between Alcosta and the 1-680/1.580 interchange. All these problems on 1-580 and 1-680 near the 1-680/1-580 interchange are caused by the interchange design with loop ramps and weaving sections. The other segments of 1.680 that occasionally become congested are from Crow Canyon Road north to the 1.680/24 interchange. Intersection Levels of Service The operating conditions at intersections of routes of regional significance and at certain freeway off-lon-ramps were evaluated with level of service calculations. Level of Service is a qualitative description of an intersection's operation, ranging from LOS A, or free-flow conditions with little or no delay time at the intersection, to WS F, or highly congested conditions with long delays at the intersection (see Table 2-2). Barton-Aschman Associates. Inc. 20 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ExistifI{J Transportation Conditions I Table 2-1 Traffic Volumes and Capacity for Routes of Regional Significance I Existing Typical Capacity Rangel JurisdidlonIRoute Lanes ADT (In thousands) I Llvennor. Vasco Road 2 13,500 17-20 I Stanley Boulevard 4 24,300 27-36 I Plessanton First Street (north of Neal) 2 18,500 15-20 Sunol Boulevard (south of Bernal) , 4 17,700 27-36 I Santa Rita Road (north of Las 6 27,900 40-56 Positas) Main Street (north of Rose) 2 9,800 12-17 I Hopyard Road (north of Owens) 6 43,000 40456 Division Street 2 6,900 12-17 Stoneridge Drive I west of 1-680 6 29,000 40-56 east of Santa Rita Road 4 17,000 27-36 I Dublin San Ramon Road north of Amador Valley 4 23,600 27-36 I south of Dublin Boulevard 6 48,600 40.56 Dougherty Road north of Dublin Boulevard 4 21,400 27-36 I south of Dublin Boulevard 6 44,200 40456 Dublin Boulevard east of 1-680 4 24,000 27-36 I west of 1-680 4 32,100 27-36 I San Ramon San Ramon Valley Boulevard north of Alcosta Boulevard 2 12,100 12-17 I north of Crow Canyon Road 4 21,300 27-36 Alcosta Boulevard 4 24,600 27-36 Bollinger Canyon Road 6 36,400 40-56 I I I Barton.Aschman Associates, Inc. 21 Existing Transportation Conditions Table 2-1 (Continued) Traffic Volumes and Capacity for Routes of Regional Significance . Existing Typical Capacity Range 1 JurisdidionlRoute Lanes ADT (In thousands) Crow Canyon Road west of San Ramon 2 20,000 17.20 west of 1.680 6 44,300 40-56 east of 1-680 6 48,200 40-56 west of Dougherty Road 4 13,000 27-36 Danvllle Camino Tassajara 4. 18,000 27-36 Sycamore Valley Road 4 18,900 27-36 Hartz Avenue 2 10,400 12-17 Danville Boulevard 4 18,700 27-36 San Ramon Valley Boulevard 2 12-17 Crow Canyon Road 6 18,000 40-56 State Route 84 First Street north of Portala Avenue 6 27,200 40-56 north of Holmes Street 4 12,700 27-36 Holmes Street 4 23,000 21-36 Vallecitos Road 2 11,000 12-17 Niles Canyon Road 2 12,500 12-17 1 Source: Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc., 1994. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 22 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I r;\ c.' -=' \ ?; 8\~ ,0 0'0 ~O\O '"'0 (.), II> . O\~ ~,g, c. \ ;i( 5\ , , \ 0/1 , \ \ , \ \ \ \ \ \ . \ \ \ \ / / /) , , ) ~ - ..... ~ lIS A ",./ //' / , I I I ' ~ C/) ~ Z f 0 ::s - ~ I- < o o ..J C W I- C/) W CJ Z o o CJ Z - I- en - >< W , , I \ .0 en ...., \ I Z I , ?;'\ N c. ?:'o ~ 0 -:>>I~ 0' ::s - O\~ en l- I o ,0 ~ < ..... , \fl \0 0 o -0 a~ mWl33~D o ,Q) ~ 0 o''C. I .... \0 ~ ..oJ .....':2.. c., a~ OOS'f'JI 01 0 0\ I , \j,sc3. \,0 W I I- \ , UJ I Ie III I \ , ~ c:J , \ >- Z I ! 0 I , ,w :kIO"~3N7 'N \ 0 c:J I \ Z , \ - l- I UJ I \ \ - ill )( I i \ w \ a: I , i d I \ 0 i:! ...., :Ii ~ I \ (U ~ NOT1y.j rn I (U c: \ Q> 0 :;:; - u Q.. I Q) III .:>:. .!l \ c: :.J S . b ..... U '(j \ I c 0 '0 ff Cl. - 0 ~ w , 2 ,,; , Q.> Vl > 0 ~ G) 0 --' .. II ~ I a:I Q 10 .6 z: 0 I.&J ~ <.:l co I tn I.&J CI) ....J < C I I as , e ) ..c: ..... .. U 'ii .. .. UJ ........~ ~ J I < .2 I 1; C ~ 0 .. .. I ... f ... a:I m I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Existing Transportation Conditions Table 2-2 Level of Service Definitions Level of Service Interpretation VlC Ratio A Uncongested operations; all queues clear in a single Less Than 0.60 signal cycle. Very Ught congestion; an occasional approach phase is 0.60-0.70 fully utilized. Ught congestion; occasional backups on critical approach- 0.71-0.80 es. Significant congestion on critical approaches, but intersec- 0.81-0.90 tion functional. Cars required to walt through more than one cycle during short peaks. No longstanding queues formed. Severe congestion with some long-standing queues on 0.91-0.99 critical approaches. Blockage of intersection may occur if traffic signal does not provide for protected turning move- ments. Traffic queue may block nearby Intersectlons(s) upstream of Critical approach(es). Total breakdown, stop-and-go operation. 1.00 and Greater B c o E F A signalized intersection's level of service can be calculated with a number of methods. For this study, a method based on critical movement analysis, called the vcce method was used. vecc stands for Volume-to-Capacity Contra Costa County. See Appendix A for a full description of the voce program. This metbod.is identical to the Circular 212 method except that the saturation flow is increased from 1,500 to 1,800 vehicles per hour. This adjustment was based on saturation-flow rate studies conducted by CCTA in Contra Costa County. The volumes of cars on a critical movement are summed and divided by the capacity of the movement. This VIC ratio of each critical movement at an intersection is used to produce an overall intersection VIC ratio also taking into account signal phasing. The overall VIC ratio is then colTelated to a level of service (see Table 2-2). AM peak-hour and PM peak-hour levels of service are shown by city in Table 2-3. Most intersections of routes of regional significance in the Tri-Valley area operate at LOS D or better. LOS D is generally considered to be an acceptable operating condition for major intersections. All but one intersection meet this criteria in the AM peak hour. The exception is VascolI-580 EB Off-Ramp (WS F). During the PM peak hour three intersections operate at Level of Service E or F: VascolI.580 WB Off, VascolI-580 EB Off, and Danville/Stone Valley. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 25 I Existing Transportation Conditions I Table 2-3 I Existing (1990) Intersection Level of Service Analysis AM Peak PM Peak I City NlS Street EIW Street VlC LOS VlC LOS I Dublin Foothill Road 1-580 WB Off 0.27 A 0.50 A San Ramon Road Dublin Boulevard 0.49 A 0.87 0 I San Ramon Valley Amador Valley 0.38 A 0.58 A Village Parkway Amador Valley 0.51 A 0.71 C Dougherty Road 1.560 WB Off 0.56 A 0.68 B I Dougherty Road Dublin Boulevard 0.58 A 0.64 0 Village Parkway Dublin Boulevard 0.24 A 0.72 C Dougherty Road Amador Valley 0.46 A 0.39 A Amador Plaza Dublin Boulevard 0.22 A 0.50 A I Regional Street Dublin Boulevard 0.26 A 0.56 A Village Parkway Brighton Drive 0.25 A 0.36 A Uverrnore Murrietta Blvd Portola Avenue 0.53 A 0.15 B I North Uvermore Portola Avenue 0.35 A 0.50 A North Uvermore 1-580 EB Off 0.44 A 0.21 A I Murrietta Blvd Stanley BOulevard 0.60 C 0.76 C Holmes Street Murrietta/4th 0.69 0 0.87 0 .Murrietta Blvd Jack'London 0.37 A 0.39 A I First Street 1.560 EB Off 0.74 C 0.81 D East Vallecitos East Vineyard Avenue 0.75 C 0.86 D Vasco Road 1-560 WB Off 0.42 A 0.97 E I North Uvennore 1-580 WB Off 0.39 A 0.86 0 Vasco Road 1-560 EB Off 1.09 F 0.93 E Owens Drive West Las Positas 0.23 A 0.25 A I Vasco Road East Avenue 0.81 D 0.53 A Holmes Street Concannon Boulevard 0.54 A 0.50 A North Mines East Street 0.47 A 0.58 A I First Street 1-560 WB Off O.n C 0.64 B Airway Boulevard 1-580 EB Off 0.56 A 0.56 A Airway Boulevard 1-560 WB Off 0.53. A 0.27 A Pleasanton Hopyard Road Owens Drive 0.56 A 0.69 B I Santa Rita Road West Las Positas 0.36 A 0.45 A Tassajara Road 1-580 WB Off 0.75 C 0.56 A I Hopyard Road Stoneridge Drive 0.43 A 0.53 A Hopyard Road 1-580 EB Off 0.67 B 0.66 B Hopyard Road West Las Positas 0.43 A 0.51 A I I Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 26 I I I Existing Transportation Conditions I Table 2-3 Existing (1990) Intersection Level of Service Analysis (Continued) I AM Peak PM Peak I City NlS Street EJW Street VlC LOS VlC LOS Hopyard Road Valley Avenue 0.41 A 0.49 A I Santa Rita Road Valley Avenue 0.55 A 0.65 B Foothill Road 1.580 EB Off 0.24 A 0.40 A FirsVSunol Bernal Avenue 0.51 A 0.50 A I 1-680 SB Off Bernal Avenue 0.36 A 0.40 A 1.680 NB Off Bernal Avenue 0.35 A 0.49 A 1-680 SB Off Sunol Boulevard 0.53 A 0.28 A 1.680 NB Off Sunol Boulevard 0.44 A 0.48 A I Santa Rita Road 1-580 EB Off 0.60 A 0.70 B First Street RayNineyard 0.65 B 0.70 8 Main Street Stanley Boulevard 0.23 A 0.34 A I Santa Rita Road Stone ridge Drive 0.43 A 0.57 A 1.680 S8 Off Stone ridge Drive 0.34 A 0.36 A 1-680 NB Off Stoneridge Drive 0.33 A 0.31 A I Foothill Road Dubtin Canyon 0.31 A 0.70 B Valley Avenue Stanley Boulevard 0.56 A 0.58 A Stoneridge Drive West Las Positas 0.26 A 0.31 A I San Ramon San Ramon Valley Bollinger Canyon 0.46 A 0.50 A Village Parkway AJcosta Boulevard 0.18 A 0.31 A I 1-680 NB Off Crow Canyon Road 0.52 A 0.40 A San Ramon Valley Norris Canyon 0.51 A 0.87 0 AJcosta Boulevard Crow Canyon Road 0.46 A 0.61 B I AJcosta Boulevard Bollinger Canyon 0.53 A 0.55 A Bollinger Canyon Crow Canyon Road 0.64 B 0.71 C San Ramon Valley Alcosta Boulevard 0.49 A 0.49 A I 1.680 SB Off Alcosta Boulevard 0.72 C 0.65 B 1-680 SB Off Crow Canyon Road 0.65 B 0.57 A 1-680 S8 Off Bollinger Canyon 0.42 A 0.76 C 1-680 NB Off Bollinger Canyon 0.77 C 0.56 A I Dougherty Road Crow Canyon 0.20 A 0.24 A 1-680 NB Off Alcosta Boulevard 0.67 B 0.87 0 I I I I Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 27 Existing Transportation Conditions Table 2-3 Existing (1990) Intersection Level of Service Analysis (Continued) AM Peak PM Peak City NlS Street EIW Street vie LOS VlC LOS Oanville San Ramon Valley Sycamore Valley 0.37 A o.n C 1-680 SB Off Sycamore Valley 0.41 A 0.66 B Camino Tassajara Sycamore Valley 0.41 A 0.35 A Hartz Avenue Diablo Road 0.36 A 0.45 A 1-680 N8 On Sycamore Valley 0.53 A 0.45 A Camino Tassajara Diablo Road 0.64 8 0.83 0 Diablo Road EI Cerro Road 0.46 A 0.44 A 1-680 S8 Off Diablo Road 0.53 A 0.47 A 1.680 NB Off Diablo Road 0.54 A 0.59 A 1-680 S8 Off EI Cerro Boulevard 0.47 A 0.55 A 1-680 NB Off EI Cerro Boulevard 0.73 C 0.50 A San Ramon Railroad Avenue 0.38 A 0.46 A Blackhawk Road Camino Tassajara 0.36 A 0.37 A Unincorporated DanYille Boulevard Stone Valley o.n C 1.08 F CCC 1.680 SB Off Stone Valley 0.49 A 0.59 A 1-680 NB Off Stone Valley 0.53 A 0.46 A J.680 NB Off Uvorna Road 0.41 A 0.31 A 1-680 SB Off Livorna Road 0.34 A 0.34 A Tri-Valley Bicycle Network The bicycle network in Tri-Valley consists of three different types of bicycle facilities: bicycle paths (Class I), bicycle lanes (Class II), and bicycle routes (Class III). A bicycle path is an off-street bicycle facility for the exclusive use of bicycles. These facilities are physically separate from streets or sidewalks. A bicycle lane is a one. way path on the side of a roadway that is specifically signed and striped for bicycle travel. A bicycle route is a shared, either with pedestrians on the sidewalk or with vehicles on the street, bicycle facility on the roadway with no striped designation for bicycle travel. The mf\iority of bicycle facilities in the Tri-Valley area are Class II and Class III bike- ways. A few Class I bicycle facilities are available, including the Iron Horse Trail. The Iron Horse Trail is a mixed.use path for pedestrians, bicycles and horses. This trail runs along the Southern Pacific right.of.way between Walnut Creek and Dublin. Figure 2-4 shows the existing bicycle network for the Tri.Valley Area and Figure 2-5 shows the future bicycle network. These networks were defined on the Tri.Valley Bike Plan ap.. proved by the TVTC in February 1992. Barton-Aschman Associates. Inc. 28 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Existing Transportation COnditions Transit 'There are several transit options available in the Tri.Valley area. Areawide bus service is provided by local carriers. Dial.a.ride service is also provided for those transit patrons that are unable to utilize regular bus service. Transit services provided by larger Tri. Valley employers augment areawide bus service by either providing special shuttles, as in the case of Bishop Ranch, or by distributing free transit passes as in the case of Hacienda Business Park. Connections to other locations in the Bay Area outside of Tri. Valley are available through the BART Express bus service, which carries patrons to BART stations in Hayward and Walnut Creek. Connections from Stockton to the Tri.Valley area are also available through a bus service provided by the San Joaquin Regional Transit Authority. Areawide Bus Service Bus service in the Tri.Yalley area is provided by Central Contra Costa Transit Authority (CCTA), which operates County Connection; Livermore/Amador Valley Transit Authority (LAVTA). which operates WHEELS; and Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART), which operates the BART Express Buses. County Connection operates scheduled, 1ixed.route, and dial-a. ride bus service in the suburban portions of Contra Costa County. Three routes serve the Tri.Yalley cities of Danville and San Ramon. BART express buses are operated by BART and provide feeder service between park.n.ride lots, business parks, and BART stations. BART operates six routes in the Tri.Yalley, serving the Bayfair and Walnut Creek BART stations. WHEELS bus routes, operated by the Livermore/Amador Valley Transit Authority, provide scheduled, fixed-route, and dial-a-ride bus services to the Cities of Dublin, Pleasanton, and Livermore. Pleasanton also provides its own dial.a.ride service. Table 24 briefly describes the bus routes serving the Tri.Yalley. Trip Reduction Programs The Tri.Yalley area includes two major business parks: Bishop Ranch in San Ramon and Hacienda Business Park in Pleasanton. Both of these parks have implemented innovative trip reduction programs intended to reduce the number of single-occupant automobiles on commute routes to these major employment centers. The City of San Ramon oversees the program in Bishop Ranch. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 29 c.5 oS or CD ... as .0 o (/) (/) < c as E ..c () (/) < I C o ... .... as r:D :!' g ---. 2;; ~ '0 ~ en en en en en en 000 V V U II II II ~ I I J ~ I I = w - - J .....l IiI = - -p\ c;.' -=' \ ~ o\c;. () -=' ,0 0'0 ~\O 0'-0 0' tI) O\€:. ~19, c. 1 4!. 8\ 1 , \ \ \ \ \ \ Oll J~N3l1 M\f1 \ \ N - N l ~ / :;'. /" .! ~ ~ a:l Q 1 1 ~ OOUGI'IEP1"\_I- 1 , I / / , ) ~/' /" , I I I I c .... I N I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CD ... ::I l:r) c: UJ >- < ~ W ~ - m (!) z - I- UJ - >< W I I \ I \ ~\ -;) ,~ .a CJ) I O,e. .... O\~ I > N 0,0 ~\ f -< o\~ ::3 ~ I .~ o,~ L.... O'~ tnI 3'TIWJ33/J!J W ::::.\9. Co \ 4- ~ I 0' ~ - 0\ <,~\\/ OJ \Jp';,O ~ ...~\\ (!J \ ,,\~ I I~ Z , " I - \ ~ ..... I ~ CJ) I \ \ - II> >< ! \ "'" 3/JOI'I/J3Nl 'N W I I \ I \ \ I \ d E C~ 0 \ 110 +' 011 NOl7l'J = I as rn as 4) - I .. ~ (,) = - .5 Ul Ul II> Ul Ul 0 0 Ul U 0 U u I u) II II II CD c I 1 J ... z ~ ca L..J I I I 2 -- e.,:) (,) L..J ~ I 0 ....J I i i tn ~ tn < I c <<S e I ..c ..... 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I c: = -E -E Q,) 'US co '0 CO C'O.l!: ::I::E :a Q.Q....JI:DCDaJ cuco~C'O.gco 'RB;B'cB 1.1.g? 5.m ~.!2 !~~ligs~ Q,:I:J:...J:tenJ: M w .... a: c( m .:. a: c( X...Jc.. X 11I:):):);:)00 34 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I, I Existing Transportation Conditions Bishop Ranch The Bishop Ranch Business Park operates a shuttle that provides two types of service-a commuter service and a convenience/shopping service. The commuter service runs from the Walnut Creek BART Station to Bishop Ranch. This service is provided exclusively for employees of tenants of Sunset Development Corporation. (This service is not available to _Chevron, Pacific Bell, or AT&T employees.) This service operates with 20-minute headways from 5:30 AM to 9:30 AM and from 3:30 PM to 6:10 PM. Average weekday ridership is 250 patrons per day. The convenience/shopping service runs from Bishop Ranch to Crow Canyon Commons, Diablo Plaza, and Marketplace Plaza (cpmmerciallretail centers in the area). This service is provided for employees of tenants of Sunset Development Corporation and employees of Pacific Bell. This service operates with 10.minute headways from 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM. Average weekday ridership is 40 patrons per day. Both shuttle services are provided free of charge. In addition to the shuttle service, Bishop Ranch provides other transportation services. The transportation center is linked with the RIDES Bay Area ridesharing commuter network and two full-time employees are available to assist potential carpoollvanpool riders get matched. Other services provided by Bishop Ranch include the sale of local transit tickets, promotional events, a preferential parking program, and bicycle facilities. Bishop Ranch has been offering transportation services for over eight years. The Bishop Ranch shuttle has operated near or at capacity since it began. Other types of commute modes are monitored by Bishop Ranch, and percentages of drive-alone trips have decreased in the past year, while percentages of carpool, vanpool, and other non-single occupancy vehicle (SOV) trips have increased. Hacienda Business Park Hacienda Business Park maintains two transit contracts-one with BART and one with WHEELS-that allow employees of Hacienda Business Park to ride free. Participation in the BART program generates approximately 150 patrons per day. Participation in the WHEELS program runs approximately 160 patrons per day and has increased by more than 100 percent since 1990, according to John Deaver at the Hacienda Business Park Owners' Association. Hacienda Business Park also provides to its employees preferential parking for carpools and vanpools and connections on-site, through FAX and phone, to the RIDES Bay Area ridesharing commuter network. Trip Reduction/Travel Demand Management Ordinances All Tri-Valley cities and counties have trip reduction ordinances in compliance with eMP requirements and Regulation 13 of the Bay Area Air Quality Management District. These are targeted at major employers with the intention of reducing peak.- hour trip.making. Many employers have employee commute coordinators, who monitor Barton-Aschman Associates. Inc. 35 Existing Transportation Conditions trip-making and encourage alternatives to driving alone during peak hours. Typical incentives include ridesharing~matching services, preferential parking for carpools, and flexible or staggered work hours. Existing Mode Split The mode split for commute trips in the Tri-Valley area in 1990 was estimated using the Tri.Valley Transportation Model. The existing estimated mode split is 79 percent drive-alone trips, 17 percent carpools, and 4 percent transit trips. This calculates to an average vehicle ridership of 1.15 persons per car for peak-hour commute trips. Driveway counts done by the City of Pleasanton in the Hacienda Business Park indicate an average vehicle occupancy of 1.12, which supports the calculations of the model. Existing Travel Patterns The Tri-Valley presently has about 11,000 more employed residents than local jobs (see Table 2-5). Hence, it is an area of net out-commuting. However, even areas with a perfect job-housing balance experience out-commuting by some residents and in- commuting by others. Figure 2-6 shows that 58 percent of total PM peak-hour trips in Tri~Valley involve internal trips, 20 percent are external to internal (out-commuters returning home), 20 percent are internal to external (in-commuters leaving their jobs), and 2 percent are through trips. "Internal" trips are defined as those with both trip ends in the Tri- Valley. For persons working in Tri-Valley but living elsewhere the m~or residence locations are other Contra Costa County cities and other Alameda County cities. Also, 17 percent live in the Central Valley. For Tri-Valley residents that work elsewhere, the mf\ior destinations are again other Alameda County cities and other Contra Costa County cities. Table 2-5 Jobs..Housing Balance Employed Residents Jobs 122,882 111,651 Source: ABAG Projections 'SO. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 36 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I u c - ... I en Q) ..... cu .- Co) I 0 en en < I c cu E I .c: (,) en < I I c 0 ..... ... cu I m Source: rigure 2-6 1990 TOTAL TRIPS BY TYPE PM PEAK HOUR (20.2"> INTtRNAL 7RlPS (57.a,,> TRIPS FROM TRI-V ALLEY TO. (3.5%> TRIPS TO TRI-VALLEY FROM. OTH~ BAY ARf,A SANTA CLARA CO. (11.1"> Tri-Valley Transportation Model I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3. Goals and Transportation Service Objectives Consistent with the Contra Costa and Alameda countywide transportation plans, the Tri-Valley Transportation Council has adopted the following broad goals to guide this planning effort. . Improve safety . Manage congestion · Enhance mQbili ty . Provide and encourage the use of alternatives to single-occupant auto use . Provide adequate transportation systems to support land use plans . Integrate transportation planning with concerns relating to air quality, community character and other environmental factors . Sustain and support the economic vitality of the region through enhanced mobility. According to Action Plan guidelines, these goals are to be achieved through the specification and monitoring of Transportation Service Objectives (1'80s). TSOs are quantifiable measures of effectiveness that establish a standard for evaluating transportation system effectiveness. No one jurisdiction's actions can assure that traffic service objectives on Regional Routes will be met. Compliance will be determined on the basis of participation and implementation of Action Plans. The following are requirements for a jurisdiction to be considered in compliance in relation to Regional Routes: . Participation in development and adoption of Action Plans. . Local implementation of actions designed to attain traffic service objectives consis- tent with adopted Action Plans. Barton-Aschman Associates. Inc. 38 Goals and Transportation Service Objectives · Placing conditions on project approvals consistent with Action Plan policies (e.g., requiring payment of fees or participation in the TSM/rDM program). · Circulation of environmental documents as specified in Action Plans. · Submission to Regional Committee of proposed revision(s) to Action Plan to mitigate impacts associated with proposed General Plan amendments. General Plan amendments that would reduce the effectiveness of adopted Action Plans may lead to a determination of non-compliance if the Action Plan cannot be revised with the approval of the Regional Committee and the CCT A (for Contra Costa County jurisdictions). · Participation in Regional Mitigation Programs developed by the CCTA (for Contra Costa County jurisdictions). Preliminary 1'80s were presented to the Tri.Valley Transportation Council (TVTC) in February 1993. After discussion and subsequent modification, the 1'80s were approved by the TVTC in March 1993. The following list presents the approved 1'80s. One or more will be applied to each regional route, different routes may have different TSOs. Link Levels of Service (LOS). Maintain LOS no worse than E (VIC = 0.99) on freeways and ramps during the peak hours based on traffic counts. This represents a very busy condition, with speeds about 35 mph on freeways. This standard is sometimes not met under today's traffic conditions. For freeways, this corresponds to the existing CMP standards. For arterials, the LOS standard is D on a link basis. These are also subject to an intersection LOS standard. Hours of Congeslion. Maintain LOS E conditions on 1.580 for no more than two hours in the morning and two hours in the afternoon, except over Altamont Pass, where no TSO has been adopted. LOS E on 1-680 for no more than four hours in the morning and four hours in the evening. Given the gateway constraints discussed in Chapter 5, this is the best the plan can achieve. Intersection Levels of Service. Maintain LOS no worse than D (V/C = 0.90) for signal- ized intersections during peak hours where the standard is now being met. Achieve LOS D by 2010 at locations not currently in compliance. The methodology is the VCCC program, which is based on critical movement analysis, with acljustments to raw model output turning movements. This is the standard to which all Tri-Valley jurisdictions presently adhere. Under current conditions, only three of the study intersections violate this standard. Tn-Valley Gateways. 1.580, 1.680, and Crow Canyon Road. (Castro Valley to San Ramon) and Vasco Road (north of Livermore). Maintain existing capacity for single. occupant passenger vehicles. Widening of gateways would cause the Tri.Valley area to be negatively affected by interregional traffic. (See Chapter 7 for a complete discussion of this issue.) Barton-Aschman Associates. Inc. 39 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Goals and Transportation Service Objectives Average Vehicle Ridership (A VB). On average, reduce the number of vehicles used for commute trips by 2010. Thii has air quality as well as traffic benefits. The Average Vehicle Ridership is a measure recommended by the Bay Area Air Quality Manage- ment District. Their recommended goal is A VR = 1.35 for large employers in the Tri- Valley by 1999. The current AVR is about 1.15. The transportation service objective is to increase the overall A VR for all employers, large and small, by 10 percent. Transit Travel Times. Express transit options should be provided that equal or better auto travel times in the major corridors (1-680 and 1-580) by 2010. Transit travel times must be reasonably competitive with auto travel times in order to attract riders. Transit travel time should be reduced through the provision of more frequent service, more express service versus local service, with high-occupancy vehicle lanes, and with ramp metering and HOV bypass lanes. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 40 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4. Baseline Forecasts Chapter Summary . Baseline forecasts representing ABAG ProjectioM ~O land use data are required for Action Plans. . The baseline forecasts do not reflect current land use or network plAnning by the TVTC. . The planned, baseline transportation system would be inadequate to support the 2010 baseline growth levels. The baseline traffic forecasts are for the years 2000 and 2010. They are based on land use projections from the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) Projections '90. Land use adjustments between individual zones were made to retlect diBCUSSions with local statr. The overall total dwelling units and jobs projections for the Tri.Yalley were not altered. The assumed road network was based on input from the member jurisdic- tions of the TVTC as of 1992. This chapter describes the model inputs and the traffic forecasts and their impact on the road system. Baseline forecasts presented in this chapter are mandated by CCTA and the Alameda County CMA as part of their planning processes to insure consistency with ABAG projections throughout the counties. However, the Tri.Yalley Transportation Council (TVTC) believes that the "expected land use" scenario provides a better basis for the development of the Tri.Yalley Transportation Plan recommendations. The TVTC defined their expectations for land use and network projections, which are presented in Chapter 5. Barton-Aschman Associates. Inc. 41 Base'ne Forecasts Land Use Forecasts The land use forecasts used in the baseline traffic estimates are based on ABAG Projections '90 (see Table 4-1). Minor modifications were made to the ABAG data to. shift some future houses and jobs between jurisdictions, but the Tri-Valley land use totals are within one percent of the ABAG forecasts. Note that ABAG forecasts are not constrained by infrastructure availability or political viability. For comparison purposes, Exhibit 1 shows a comparison to ABAG Projections '92. The 2010 land use forecasts do not represent buildout of the Tri-Valley area, as specified by each jurisdiction's general plan. Rather, the forecasts represent likely absorption rates for new houses and businesses between now and 2010. Network Assumptions Staff from the Tri-Valley jurisdictions outlined the future road network assumptions as of 1992 (see Figure 4-1). The major criterion that was considered when including a particular improvement in the future road network was whether that improvement was likely to be constructed by 2000 or 2010. Not all of the future road network is currently funded. This is discussed further in Chapter 7. The improvements to state highways included in the future road networks were shown in the MTC 1991 Regional Transportation P14n and are either fully or partially funded. These include high occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes on 1-680, auXiliary lanes on 1-680, a southbound-to-eastbound flyover ramp at the 1-580/1-680 interchange, and widening of Route 84. Also in the category of regional improvements, the 2010 network included the extension of BART service to East DublinIPleasanton. The local road widenings and extensions included in the future networks are all included in local general plans and are all funded or expected to be funded by 2010. Many are anticipated to be funded with impact fees on new development or will be built by developers to serve their development projects. Barton-Aschman Associates. Inc. 42 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'S (0) N gO..... 0 0) ..... CO f.8 f5 ~ ~ CO ~~ N :S .......... O(O)O)Ll);:g~ N.... COO(O)Ll) ...... Ll) NCO....O .S .,.:tlSlIi"': NO t .,.:."."....r-: c:c .., ......, ~.... PJ I (0) N 0) 8 ..... ~ 0) co co co 0 Ll) 0) co ~~ co 0 ............... (0) leo~COLl)""""f2 ~ ~ ..... coo.....o ..,.... 0(0) ..... I 0 "':rD~"': ~~ ~ ~Nt'i....S i N N I ~ g (0) N .., Q .... 0 0) ...... co ~ 0 .... ~ N ~~...... w ............. (O)cnLl)N~ Ll):g Ll) .... 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I ......' .. ,.' u c - u) I Q) 0- ... as 0 .- N I Co) '" 0 <l> C tn .... .3 c tn ( <I.> E a < <I.> 8 0 8 0 I > 0 0 0 0 0 ... c a. <l> N N N N 8 1; c C' as 0 c Ql Ql C C 0 'iij " c c 0 0 N E <I.> C ~ 'c 'c 'iij 'iij Ql 1: u <I.> <l> C C '" I .c: c 4i "0 <l> 2 <l> 0 >< i "0 ;( " () ~ w S ~ " .3 u w w UJ ... I- "0 "0 "0 <l> lr ~ " "0 a < :E ~ <l> " g " z 0 0 0 ll:: lr lr I lr ... II n II I c II n II II II 0 1:::1 r; I_ j I I I ... z: ... ...... .. - ca 8 I I >< m ....J I . 'it I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SassUne Forecasts Traffic Forecasts The 2010 baseline forecasts show substantial growth in traffic volumes on Tri-Valley roads. Figure 4.2 shows traffic forecasts for several critical roadways. Plots showing traffic forecasts for all Tri- Valley roads are included in the Technical Appendix of the Tri- Valley Transportation Model report (Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc., July 1993). It these traffic increases occur as predicted, without road widenings and additions beyond the baseline network, severe congestion will result (see Figure 4-3). Congested locations are defined as freeways with a volume-to-capacity (V/C) ratio of more than 1.0 (volume exceeds capacity) and arterial streets with V/C greater than 0.90 (volume equals 90 percent of capacity or more). Figure 4.3 shows that by 2010 almost all regional routes would be congested. In many cases the predicted V/C ratio is greater than 1.0. In reality, the volume can never exceed capacity. However, the traffic model reports demand volume (how many vehicles would like to use the road in the peak). When V/C ratios greater than 1.0 are shown, this means that "peak spreading" would occur. "Peak spreading" means that congested conditions would last longer than an hour. The eft'ecta of peak: spreading are addressed more rigorously in the expected forecasts (Chapter 5). Intersection Levels of Service Intersection levels of service (LOS) were calculated using traffic model-generated turning movements and the VCCC program (see Table 4-2). Future year lane configurations were based on input from individual jurisdictions. The intersection analysis included 85 locations. Only two or three intersections are congested under existing conditions. Congestion is defined as LOS E or F. During the PM peak hour, the number of congested intersections would rise to 14 by the year 2000 and 36 by the year 2010, according to the baseline forecasts. Barton-Aschman Associates. Inc. 50 I ?;\ 0 I .-. IN 0 I I ~\?; ..". 0(>> o\~ f! W. 'i' (.) I 0 :J ::e~ 0'(.) Ch I ~ c: -..~~ ~\o ::)< 01"0 ..Jm ~ (.) , G> ~ o\CC:. 0< I \.0,,0 ~I~- >...... 0\ 0, OI- 1 \ -0 I u.< LLO \ <w I I [[ex: \ 1-0 I \ >-u. I I ::::!W I \ <Z I C::i I \ oW ... I ! \ ....0 I , 0< I l'WM$YJ Nm I o~ \ I ]:IN]~ oil.", I 0 0 I .. I Co) c - t1f I CD ... as , I .0 / I c I t/) , t/) < I c as e Q,) /" ..c - I Co) ~ , , II) d I < td I I Q I I c I 0 ... .... as m I I I I I I I I I I I I I I u ..E I I I I I I \ r;\ CS\?l o,e. (,),-::1 s\8 \1'1,0 0\"0 (,) Q) o''C. ~\~ 0, (,), ,n Q) ...... .~ u o CI) CI) < \ . , \ , , \ . \ \ \ . \ , . \ , \ \ , \ \ c ca e ..c u CI) < I C o .... a- m m -.. i --..:Z; ~ .s ~ ..... Ot! nlINO;RI~ ~ I...... ..!,. (/J 0 ~ w~ ~ ::e~ ::)< 6~ >- Qt; u.< u.o <w D:a: ""0 >u. dw <z c- ..J OW ...0 0< Nm OOO'at Ot! COSYA oos'?? Q) ... ~ 8 ~ ... Q) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~g. 1~ C>>I /oI()J.JoI'Q t!3mo::J 'l , ~. ~ d o ~ s= IS en IS Q) ...-4 p... , \ ,) "I' I r;\ 0 I-a:CI) I"') I CI)::;)~ I ~ <5'.r; G) <oz o,C- ... 0:X:::i Q,!, :::J t:n i o'Q c: ~~> I ~ ~\o ........:t; .s 0,"0 Q' I\) O<t- Ci O\~ u.We:; I ~ ~ '.'2. '5\ D..< Q, WOD.. , ~'P"'< \ I -100 WC\la: , (1)a:W I , \ <<> , IDWO , \ > I , , \ \; \ I ~ \ <..> 4> f! .:>L , Q) .5: \ ~ -' I ~ ~~ , II- , ... .u 0 0 0- W 0 u VI ... 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CiS ~ ~ i ~ a; c8~ ~ccci5 m Z ~ a: 0 li) i JB 8 (/)..i.< ~ o c ~ m a: ~ >. >. l:!c~ Q) ~2ca i>ii~ CDE'> &c~8 i~ ~55ffl58m ~2~.... lmCDCD ept:........ 1!i:a:(/)(/) z.t:~Q)z Qiiicoooog'clio ~~~~~~~8~~~ u.oo<<u.wmmo ~~~:8f8~~U;~~ -0000__000 u.<CO< u.QmmO 'It 'It m 0 ~lt)COlt) _000 ~~~~~ -oooci om<<<o<<<c ~m~~~&3~~t;m 0000000000 m >. >. >. >. ftj :J ~ ~ ~ .ar ~~~~~il~ii eeea:l!?il-a:a:~ g g gR ~j).e ij2,i N N m.c N15 E0151i1 !J;:.!J;:.~.m !J;:..m m_.m._ cncncnO(/)COWCC >. fU III ~ a; ~i > 'ar CD <V If 68~25It~85 ~ffl2~~2~a:ffl~ s2.EggE~~00 ow 't' ow 'V co CIS J2 .m ~ ~ cn-OJ:..i.OCOC__ .! .~ CIS C I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - " CI) ::::J C 0- - c ~ ... ::::J o % ..-: &U :. :IE 1 oc;; ~ - &U C C CI) () o~ tX ~ o J CI) ..... c o ;= () CI) en ... S c - NCI) ...to: e'ii -en ~&U ~ClJ o - ~ :5 ~ .~ 115 .n ~ LLm<OLLW ~ ~$~18~~ _000__ ~ 00<<00 ~ ~~~v;~~ 000000 en 9 :<<<<<< ~ tg~c;~~~ 000000 1) e CiS ~ i ! e JliiJ! gg';~i lPlPEEe.e o(,)o~=E _ _ CV a:l ww:3:.Jet(,) 1) ! CiS ~ ~ o88oca: mmmm~1 enzzena:.c:: 0000 is t?!!~~ffi ~ (,) LLLL<<< ~~~~~ __000 u.<<<< lOcnlON- -UlUlUlUl _0000 LL<<<< ~m~c;;~ _0000 iii'ii a:l a:l to ~ ~ > > > m m lP lP lP E E g g goo CiSCiSCiS:3:3 12 i ~oooo lPmmmm =enzzen .~oooo ~!!~~ (,) (,) (,) g '2 ::J Saselne Forecasts Travel Pattern The results of the traffic model show that the Tri-Valley will continue to experience out- commuting and in-commuting. Overall, the baseline forecasts show 18,000 more employed residents than jobs, which would reinforce the Tri-Valleys existing pattern of net out- commuting. Table 4-3 Jobs Versus Workers (Baseline Growth Forecasts) Year Jobs Workers 1990 2000 2010 111,651 160,420 202,887 122,882 167,826 221,431 Figure 4-4 shows that the traflic model predicts 63 percent of the trips will be internal in 2010, compared to 50 percent today. The other 37 percent of trips will be primarily in- commuting (16 percent) and out-commuting (18 percent). Only four percent of trips during commute hours will be through trips (traffic from other areas passing through the Tri- Valley). However, this four percent looms large on some parts of the freeway system. Using the Tri-Valley Transportation Model, 2010 peak-hour through trips were estimated to range from 15 percent on 1-680, to 20 percent on 1-580 through Tri-Valley, to 40 percent over the Altamont Pass. For persons working in the Tri-Valley but living elsewhere, the major residence locations will be other Contra Costa County cities, other Alameda County cities, and the Central Valley. For persons living in the Tri-Valley but working elsewhere, the major job locations will be in other Alameda County cities. To a lesser extent, some will work in other Contra Costa County cities or in Santa Clara County. Mode Split The existing mode split in Tri-Valley involves 4 percent transit use for peak-hour commute trips, and that is not expected to change in the baseline 2010 forecasts. Ta- ble 4-4 shows the mode split estimated by the traffic model. The model predicts the drive- alone percentage to increase slightly. This conclusion is based on MTC-derived assump- tions about the costs of driving, which are assumed to keep pace with inflation. Transit and carpool usage are highly dependent on driving costs and travel times. Relative travel costs and time between drive-alone and other modes are not expected to change through 2010. BART will attract substantial ridership but will not cause a significant mode shift. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 59 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ig - Figure 4-4 2010 TOTAL TRIPS BY TYPE PM PEAK HOUR DITtIlPW. 10 INTCRNAL ~ 10 00D'lNAL (4.2"> TRIPS FROM TRI-VALLEY TO. S>>ITII CL.I\RI\ co (4.5"> Ii as .6 I~ < lfa E .c I~ I I~ as 1m TRIPS TO TRI-V ALLEY FROM. Source: Tri-Volley Transportation Model Baseline Forecasts Table 4-4 Mode Split for PM Peak Hour, Home-Based Work Trips (Baseline Forecasts) Percent Usage Mode 1990 2000 2010 Drtve.Alone 76% 80% 80% 2.Person Carpool 15% 12% 12% 3+ Person Carpool 5% 4% 4% Transit ~ ~ ~ 100% 100% 100% Barton-Aschman Associates. Inc. 62 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1- 5. Expected Forecasts Chapter Summary . Job and housing growth to the year 2010 is projected,to be 99 percent and 84 percent, respectively, which exceeds historical growth trends. Jobs and housing would be in balance within the Tri.Valley. This would fnln;mize, but not elimi. nate, in-commuting and out..eommuting. . Highway gateways to the area (1.680 north and south, 1.580 over Altamont Pus and Dublin -Grade, Crow Canyon Road to Castro Valley, and Vasco Road) would have more demand than capacity. . Unacceptable levels of service would also occur on 1.580 between Tassajara Road and North Livermore Avenue and at 11 signalized intersections. . Transit mode share would not change appreciably from existing conditions, despite the BART extension. . Average vehicle ridership would not change appreciably from existing conditions. . Through traffic on the freeways would remain at 15 to 20 percent. The baseline forecasts were prepared to satisfy CCTA guidelines, and they are compatible with ABAG Projections '90. However, there were several jurisdictions dissatisfied with the land use forecasts, which did not reflect general plan amend- ments approved after 1992. Also, the 2010 transportation network assumed in the baseline forecasts did not reflect current planning. This led to the development of the "expected" scenario, which reflects each jurisdiction's most accurate prediction of 2010 land use totals and network expectations. This chapter describes the results of expected traffic forecasts using the Tri-Valley Traffic Model. Barton.Aschman Associates. Inc. 63 Expected Forecasts Land Use Forecasts The land use forecasts used in the expected traffic projections are based on informa. tion provided by the member jurisdictions of the TVTC (see Table 5.1). The 2010 land use forecasts do not represent buildout of the Tri.Valley area, as specified by the jurisdiction's general plan, nor do they represent ABAG projections. Rather, the forecasts represent each jurisdiction's estimate of absorption rates for new houses and businesses through 2010. Note that the estimates were based on a five percent vacancy rate. The "expected" forecasts show an increase in both housing and employment from that assumed under "baseline" forecasts discussed in the previous chapter. The "baseline" forecasts assume a 78 percent and 82 percent increase in housing and employment, respectively, between 1990 and 2010. Under the "expected" forecast, the increase would be 84 and 99 percent, respectively, which exceeds historic growth trends. The reason for the increase is that Contra Costa County, Alameda County, Dublin, and Livermore had passed general plan amendments that were not reflected in the baseline forecasts. . Overall, "expected" forecasts balance employed residents to employment. 1990 land use data shows a slight imbalance with 122,882 employed residents and 111,656 jobs. The "expected" forecasts increase employment at a greater rate than housing resulting in 224,733 employed residents and 222,024 jobs. Note that no adjustments were made to the forecasts to reflect changes in the absorption rate as a result of higher traffic impact fees. Network Assumptions Staff from the Tri-Valley jurisdictions outlined the future road network assumptions. These network assumptions are shown in Table 5.2 and Figure 5-1. The major criterion that was considered when including a particular improvement in the future road network was whether that improvement was likely to be constructed by 2010. Not all of the future road network is currently funded. See Chapter 7 for a further discussion of the unfunded portions. The local road widening and extension projects included in the future network are all included in local general plans and are all funded or expected to be funded by 2010. Many are expected to be funded with impact fees on new development or will be built by developers to serve their projects. Barton-Aschman Associates. Inc. 64 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I en ... en ~ If s::. i e CJ >. ,..Q) 11>>= I~ ~~ I ~ i ~l ~ Q. E -. W 0.5 01 NftI m ~ . ~ .. c! 0 11 l~l E W i ~ ~l ::l ~ ~ -. 0.5 E1 NftI m Sl~~lS""8~~m:g~~~~ CQ C') C') C') R C').... en .... 0 ..,. C') ':Gilrilri"': ...;lrinI,.:,,;....,.: ..,. ....Nf.;O.... en .... N ~~f3m....g~!iR~~~~..,. CQC')...."R C')C!rsmo..,.S! .:Gi"';In"': ...;C'fGia:icof....~ ..,. ....Nlnln.... N ~~~~Mg~~~~~~I_ .... co ; .... ~ ;: f8 co N ....1 S! N i .... C') .... .... 0 .... cosm C') "':vi": N gN~f3aleS2~~ Ie ... M In ~ iQ ~ ~8f ....i !i j :::I m ....enen2!~lQNMInS!~~le f38~men:of~l(3roiQo c.; ocofu),.:o.,.:oGi...;.,.:...;....m NN.... ....N..,....M... N .... en en en ~ lQ N fD In 0 CIl fD~~ f3 8 ~ Sl en :of ~ ~ ro lS ~ te ~ ocofu),.:o.,.:o.,.:...;.,.:,.:.......; N N .... .... N ..,. ..,..... ~ .... ~ 8! 5 ~ ~ ~ ~ is ~ ~II o~~ 2 ~g ~ .... i ~~~~~~~~a~~~I! CD .... ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ II ~ fD ..,. In 0 fD .... 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CD CD lS I I i ~ <<<<<< I i!i!i~$j!!i - I " CD en :;, .. . c S 8 < < ~ I , . ~ ::J I ... ~ 0 0 - E I s =- I U) j ~ " .! i i I ; u I CD ~~c;CD~I a. >< rflifi ! f!- JII ~ I ... c ~ Hi j I ~ e a. ppJi I E - ~io!j~ ~ ... ! r · I ! = 8' E jl ~S~ ~ CD z I 0 ~ 0 N " I c as .:II: .. b 0 i I 0 i ~ 0 c: :: N ~ ... ! I . as w w ~ ~ I CD fJJ it Q. 1iI > Eiil -c a. .. ,g-c ~ E 0 ~ ~!J h J CD -<CD,g ("110) t~~~~~fj= I ab~ 8 0 i = CD ii~i~~~~.~ lii~ ~!,l& CD'" I:!'f~~ij i~8~i ~~6 -as .a CD c - - . <5m < 12 I ~> B;S;B&1'l~ ~ .00 .:::di2~1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . u c - .. I en CD ... as .- I u 0 en en < I c as e I J::. U en < I I c 0 .... ... as I lEI :i' ~~ ------........ .e ! '" '" -'01 ... l: c ~.9 (l "'I ";: ...N l: 01 .3 ~ ... J:.... ..., ... >, 00 01 0 l: I J: 0 01 ...J C 01 I ... .... !Xl ";: ... '6 ... i 0 ... 01 ... 1l l: c: E .3 0 --' :) I I Z <D ..,. II II II Q I - z: - &.oJ - C> ClO - - ~ - - -p\ c.' -;) , -p O\~ u , 0 0\ U ~\o 0,"'0 U ' Q) O\CC ~,g, c:. ' :;:( 0\ U, , \ , , o - I I,(') e ::s en r;: Cl> C/' l: o J:. e Cl> S \ , \ , , \ , \ \ \ \ \ , , \ "0 Cl> ~ ... Q. .; o \ , ,/ I / , / , , ) , ~ ..,/" , Q) ~ d <<S Q /' , , I , , I Z~ 00:: -0 ~~ 1-1- a::W OZ Q. UJ Z < c:: l- e W I- o W Q. )( W \ , , :?7\ ~,:?7 o d::' O\~ o ,0 ~ , 1fI \0 o -0 o ,Q) O''C, ::;i\9, c. ,4 0, 0\ , , \ , , \ , , \ \ cJ ..5 .. tn CD ~ as .6 o tn tn < C as E .c () U) < I C o ~ ... as m :i' 2 -... ~ ~ "& ~ 011 mwa31r.J i ~ ! 1I'i 3II(>>'11/3Nl 'N , , ) , Q) C I .3 I C 10 '~ '0 S :i ~ ~ ~ E .3 .3 ::> I I Z <0 'It /I /I n I ~H ,J , j o ..c ..... I &() f ~ Of ~ Z~ Oa: i=O <s: 1-1- a:W OZ a.. en z < a: l- e w z z < ..J a.. ~ I ~ '<t (l) '0 Q) > e Q. .€ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Expected Forecasts The key transit improvement in the Tri-Valley is the extension of BART to Dub- lin/Pleasantonwith two local stations. Local WHEELS routes will be rerouted to serve the BART stations and create transit centers with timed transfers between modes. WHEELS and County Connection routes are also rerouted and augmented to serve new development areas in the expected network: North Livermore, East Dublin, and Tasslijara Valley. The expected network also includes nine new express bus routes to connect the Tri. Valley with portions of Contra Costa County, Alameda County, and Santa Clara County that are not served by BART. More details regarding the expected transit network are included in the Appendix. Traffic Forecasts The 2010 expected forecasts show substantial growth in traffic demand on Tri-Valley roads. If these traffic increases were to occur, severe congestion would result almost everywhere on the freeway system. Congested locations are defined 81 freeways with a volume.to.capacity (V/C) ratio of more than 1.0 (volume exceeds capacity) and arterial streets with vIe greater than 0.90 (volume equals 90 percent of capacity or more). Fiiure 5.2 identifies the unconstrained 2010 link demand on the recional routes. In many cases the demand.based VIC ratio would be greater than 1.0. This is particu. larly true at the gateways to the area, including 1.680 north of Alamo, I..e80 through Sunol, the Altamont Pass, and Vuco Road. In reality, the volume can never exceed capacity. However, the trafJie model reports demand volume (how many vehicles would like to use the road in the peak). When vIe ratios greater than 1.0 are ahown, this means that "peak spreading" would occur. -Peak spreading" means that congested conditions would last longer than an hour. Based on model projections, many roads in Tri-Valley would be congested for over three hours during the peak period (See Table 5.3). Peak.spreading diagrams are included in the Appendix. Figure 5-3 shows an example. Table 5-3 Year 2010 PM Peak-Hour Expected Forecasts Peak Spreading Gateway Hours of COngestion 1.680 north of Alamo 1.680 south of Route 84 1.580 west of Dublin 1.580 Altamont Pass Vasco Road north of Uvermore Crow Canyon Road at the County Une 7 7 1 4 2 2 Barton.Aschman Associates, Inc. 73 I -p\ c 1-0- N I Cl)Z~ I ~'.-p an O\~ ! <<< :!' <.),0 =' O~a: tl 0' <.) Of .. I ~~~ .-u,\O c: WW'" 0'-0 a:ei ... <.) , () .. .::. o\~ 0(,)0 ~\'2 1.1. 0 I c:.' 0\ - elL> <.), , wlL< \ I-<~ I oO:W wl-~ I \ o..a:~ , ><::::)0 \ \ WO~ I , o:I: , \ o~ , , I \ (\1< , a:w i , \ <0.. I , ~l , w~ >0.. 88 I tl\l"":. I I c.i c - - (f) CD ... as 0- , CJ I 0 / (f) J (f) , / < , , c ) as , , E Q) /' .c , ; - /' CJ ~ I (f) I < d I I <<l I c: ~ I 0 I ... ... as In I I I I 006" DOl" I \ '1~OIlO 001' 006 \ ?;. z I ~\?; ~ O,e:. ~ 0'';:) s.\8 ~ 19 Ill, 0 I 0\"'0 i~ o Q) - O'<t: ~' 0 I '"C:\2. o. (,). I I 1% I .;c-i I d oS d as rn I as U Q,) - .E Q.. I ur Q) ... I .~ u 0 tn tn I < c as I e .c -.. u ~~! \ , tn ) < I I ~ C , 0 -- ,j' .. ... I a:J lEI ; ~ I- C - .), Cf.) Z I- ~ <<~ ~ O::E ~ WWI- a:CC/) 0" ~ IL'-'O - Cu.> WLL< I-<~ OC:W W"'~ a..a:"C!J ><:>0 WO~. 0:1: .... O~ C\I< a:W <0.. ~~ d ..5 .. U) Q) ... '" -6 o U) U) < c ca E .c Co) U) -< I C o ... .... as m (!' Z - C < w a: a. ~ (JJ < w ~ Q.. < ~ W < a.' < '7 >- ~ &t') < 0 ~ ~ 2: t! w ..J .... I- < < CJ ~ co LL ..!.. o CD W C/) -J a. ~ < X W : i i I I t i I j " I I I j ! I , I ...:...... .0" I I ... .. ,. l ,.' ...~. .' o o (0 (0 II >. - '0 Ctl c.. Ctl c.J >. Ctl ~ OJ OJ .... U. o o o C7) o o o CD o o o ,...... o o o (0 o o o LO o o o "l:t o o o M o o o N PU'8wea O!UE.Jl o o o ..- ~ a.. N ~ a.. ...... ~ <: N ...... :E <: ...... ...... :E < o ...... :E < C') ::g> < .- "'0 CD c: w :E '- < :J ""~ :E < c.c :: <( L!) :: <( "l:T :: <( M :: < N :: < ...... o . E ::J ~ Q - o N j;. "v K o v o " E =' "5 ;> " c: ..2 e; ::I: " " :;:J u ,S 7) c: III " o o li "0 z I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Expected Forecasts Gateway Constraints The TVTC recognizes that the gateways act as constraint points regulating flow into and out of the area. Thus, the demand volumes will never actually be reached. Based on their inability to get through the gateways, motorists will adjust their schedules to travel outside the peak. hour or to carpool or use transit. This adjustment in travel schedules, which could be reinforced with ramp metering, will be most obvious on the freeways and at interchanges. At intersections farther from the freeway, we can be less certain about adjustments to travel behavior. Motorists may adjust their sched. ules, or they may continue to travel during the peak hour but to a different destina- tion, or other peak.hour trips may occur to replace the trips displaced by freeway congestion. Nevertheless, the plan is based on a Tri.Valley Model run in which the overcapacity gateway trips have been removed from the assigned traffic volumes. This is a m~or assumption. TVTC has agreed to treat the Altamont Pass, Vasco Road, Crow Canyon Road to Cutro Valley, Dublin Grade, Sunol Grade, and 1.680 north as physical gateways. It is unrealistic to plan local transportation facilities to acc:ommodate all peak-hour . traffic projected to now through state highway gateways if this traffic in actuality cannot get through the gateways. Constrained as well as unconstrained traffic volumes have been developed for the Tn-Valley network. The constrained traffic volumes back down the assigned traffic volumes in proportion to the origins and destinations of the total gateway tramc. PM peak.hour, directional traffic volumes are .hown in Fig- ure 5-2 for -unconstrained" traffic volumes, Figure 5-4 for the subtracted traffic, and on Figure 5.5 for the "pteway constrained" traffic volumes. The constrained volumes are considered the baseline volumes. In order to develop rational action plans for local arterials, both unconstrained and constrained traftic volumes are shown in the plan. As actual capacities are more nearly reached monitoring of conditions may indicate the need to reassess and amend the CUITent action plan. Level of service (LOS) at gateways for the constrained system is viewed to be no more than 1.0. Volume in excess of 1.0 which is projected is assumed to be spread over multiple hours of the peak period. The Plan espouses a policy of cooperation with adjacent jurisdictions to develop facilities management agreements in terms of ramp metering and freeway surveillance and control, which would fairly apportion available capacity in such a way that LOS F will be avoided except for unavoidable traffic incidents which create intermittent blockages of capacity. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 77 d oS ur CD ..... as .0 o In In < c: as E .c u In < I c: o ..... ... as II>> ~\ ~ I-C- I I Cl)Z~ ~\~ U") I i' o\c. ~ <<< (.),~ ::J O~a: ~l:i 0'(.) l:n ~\O c:: WW"" --... .s I ... 01-0 a:cl .. (.) 1 Q) lit. O\CC:. ....... 000 ~I.s. IL 0 c. 14 I 0\ - 0, CLL>- \ WLL< \ 1 I-<:t I , Oa:W \ WI-~ , \ O-a::-<!J I \ )(:::)0 , \ WO~ 1 O:I: I , \ O~ , , \ N< I ... , a:W ! \ \ <0- , ~l \ W::E I >c.. I Chi ]:lN3l/ "'Yl ~~ .....; \ , / , I / / , ) " Q) ..... ..... '> d ~ Q /' , I I I I I I I I ..0 ....0- . I cnz!z It) I l.! <<< 011 :JTllAN3JlJI) ~ o~a: eft ~ ww'" I 00 I 'z 011 005Y^ D:ci 000 006 LL () \ - I elL>- . wlL< ?J' <S\?J 51 ....<:= 0'0;:. oD:W I 0''';) ~ 0\8 w""~ ~' 0' 0 i c..c:-0 o\~ I o,'t; ^" 3tIOMI3N1 "N )(::)0 '0 wO~ ~\- 0;:. ::.i( 0, o:r: I 0' o~ N< I a:W <0.. I ~~ w~ >c.. = I oS d ., C1J I ., cu - Q.. I . (,) oS .. I Cf) IE CD i - tU .- I u l:J 0 I Cf) Cf) ..,. < co I c as e :i , .c , I II ) (,) ~~ Cf) < ---........ .2 ~ " , / I c .... 0 .... ~ as m " " I d c - ui Q) ... as .6 o o o < c as E .c () o < I C o ... .... as m :!' !::a.~ --.... ~ .s ! ~\ c.' ~ \:?7 O\~ 0'0 0'0 ~\O 0'-0 0' ~ O\~ ;;'-' c.' 4: B\ , . \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ....8 Itl_ ltl . / , / , ) , ~../' CI) .-4 .-4 ..... ~ a:l Q ,./' , , I I I ~ 1-0- J, C/)Z~ e < <:( I ~ 0 ~ a: l:: Ww t; D:cz 000 U. 0 - Cu.>- WlL< 1-<3: OD:W WI-~ 0.. a: -e I X::)::J: Wo!:: o:r:~ o~ C\I< a:w <0.. W::! >c... I I I I I I I I I I I I I . () c - .. I tI'J Q) .... as .- (,) I 0 tJ) tI'J < I c as E .z:: I () tJ) < I I c 0 ... ... as I a:a \ , ~, c:;, \ ~ o'e. 0'''' 0\5 ~\ 0 0\"0 o 6> o'~ '0 ~\-;i 0, (,), \ i !:::I.,cl; ............... --.. .s ~ "'" a~ 311/N'GJII!I ~ U") I U") e ::J Ct ~ 1-0- C/)Z~ <<< O::Ea: WW"'" a:O~ 000 LL 0 - Cu.>- Wu.< I-<:t OO:W Wl-~ 0..a:-c!J X::):J: wo!:: :I: :t' o - o~ (\1< a::W <a.. W::E > a.. Ol6'l a~ a.:lSY^ 006 i ~ i ~ '" i ^", JIIQrR/3N7 'N (JlJ~ ~ ~ i i '<t ex> ) , , I , , Expected Forecasts Adjusted Forecasts To plan for the true expected traffic flow, excess gateway trips, beyond design capaci. ties, were removed from the system. Residual congestion would still occur in some locations, as listed below (see Figure 5.6 ): 1.680 north of Danville (gateway) 1.680 south of Pleasanton (gateway) 1.580 over Altamont Pass (gateway) 1.580 between Tassajara Road and North Livermore Avenue Danville Boulevard (gateway) Vasco Road north of Livermore (gateway) Camino Tassajara east of Crow Canyon Road Crow Canyon Road between Castro Valley and San Ramon (gateway) Crow Canyon Road east of Dougherty Bollinger Canyon Road east of Alcosta Tassajara Road near 1.580 Fallon Road near 1.580 Dublin Boulevard extension between Tassajara and Fallon Route 84 between 1.580 and Jack London Travel Patterns With the expected forecasts, Tri-Valley would continue to experience in-commuting and outoCQmmuting. This would occur even with a jobslhousing balance: 224,733 employed residents and 222,024 jobs. Trips within Tri-Valley would make up 63 percent of the total trips, compared to 50 percent under existing conditions. Out. commuting and in..commuting would make up 18 percent and 16 percent of the total trips, respectively. The remaining 4 percent of the trips would be through trips, traffic passing through Tri.Valley. This percentage is low overall but would be significant on the freeway system. 1-680 would comprise 15 percent through traffic, and through traffic on 1.580 would vary from 16 percerit at Foothill Road to 40 percent over Altamont Pass. Barton.Aschman Associates, Inc. B2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -p\ c oa::r:1- U) c::.' I ....:)I-Z -::) \?l an i B\~ f 00-- I 10 ::3 N:I:~~ ;e;tl 0'0 t:n ~ oS ~\O c: a:~CJ)1- '; 01"0 ~ 0' G) L5<>CJ) I. O\~ ~I"", >W<Z c;.,4( 0\ c..~O 0, cO I I \ 1-<>- , ~o< , I \ Oa:~ , \ W>W \ 0:....1- I \ \ 0-< \ LLOe" \ I t: \ c< :8 , wc.. \ U \ ~ 1-< III ... " "0 , 00 :5 0 I I ... ti ll!/ \ UJD: 0 "0 , c..W ~ , III I.l.l " X> VI 0> I t: 9 0 wO (,) II U 1 ~Ol 0lI , ~ 3:INJbl AIV'! , 1 I . u c: - .. I tI) \ CD ... as , .- / u , I 0 / tI) / tI) , , -< / I , , C ) as E ~ , -...,/ .c CI) I u - /' tI) ~ / -< / fa I I c: , 1 0 Q , ... I ... as 1 In \ I \ ~ OD::I:t- \ CD ?:\ I .....::>t-z I ~,?;' II) g~i:;C Ole:. ~ o \~ :::J o ,0 en ~\ r;: a: a: I o\~ <~CJ)"" O,Q) a~ Tr/WI33~a O'~ W<>-CJ) ::::.\9. )-W<Z I e:. ,A. 0, a~ roS'l'o\ 0.;:0 0\ t-CO , \ CJ)<>- I \ <0< IE ... Oa:~ ~ , I w>-W ~ 0:....1- ! o\r ~"~3N1 'N 0-< I ILO~ C< \ Wo. I I ....< \ 00 \ , o\r 138tS1 wO: \ o.W I \ M , \ X> \ ~ wO , I I , \ d 0 \ ~ \ \ = c <<l I ,S! rn u <<l Q) G.> Vl - ~ -" ~ E 0:; I .:J . I.... ~ (,) I.- 'u 0 0 C a. - w 0 1Il ~ I or Q) IE g 6 CD II /I I . ... as c I .- ~O ~ I () 0 I.oJ en ...J en ~ !Xl I < c as , , e ) I .s::. i' (,) e , en :z:;tl ! < ........ .s I I '0 C 0 ~ ... , , ... j as I m I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Expected Forecasts Intersection Levels of Service One hundred and thirty. five intersections were evaluated for the PM peak hour (see Table 5-4). Lane configurations were based on the 2010 expected network and are shown in the Technical Appendix. Figure 5-6 summarizes the intersections shown to operate at LOS E or F in 2010. They are: Blackhawk/Crow Canyon and Camino Tass~ara Crow Canyon and Dougherty Alcosta and Bollinger Canyon Dougherty and Bollinger Canyon Dougherty and Dublin Tass~ara and Dublin Fallon and Dublin Santa Rita and 1.580 EB Off.Ramp Isabel and North Canyons Parkway Isabel and Airway Isabel and Jack London Barton.Aschman Associates, Inc. 88 I Expected Forecasts I Table 5-4 I Expected Intersection Level of Service Analysis-PM Peak Hour Existing 2010 I City NlS Street E1W Street V/C LOS VlC LOS I Dublin Foothill Road 1.580 WB Off 0.50 A 0.47 A San Ramon Road Dublin Boulevard 0.87 0 0.90 0 I San Ramon Valley Amador Valley 0.58 A 0.45 A Village Parkway Amador Valley 0.71 C 0.71 C Dougherty Road 1.580 WB Off 0.68 B o.n C I Dougherty Road Dublin Boulevard 0.84 0 0.93 E Village Parkway Dublin Boulevard 0.72 C 0.82 0 Dougherty Road Amador Valley 0.39 A 0.78 C I Amador Plaza Dublin Boulevard 0.50 A 0.85 0 Regional Street Dublin Boulevard 0.58 A 0.56 A Village Parkway Brighton Drive 0.36 A 0.33 A I Tassajara Road Dublin Boulevard 1.05 F Fallon Road Dublin Boulevard 1.12 F Livermore Murrietta Blvd Portola Avenue 0.65 B 0.59 A I North Livermore Portola Avenue 0.50 A 0.66 B North Livennore 1.580 EB Off 0.21 A 0.74 C Murrietta Blvd Stanley Boulevard 0.78 C 0.74 C I Holmes Street Murrietta/4th 0.87 0 0.87 0 Murrietta Blvd Las Positas 0.39 A 0.45 A First Street 1.580 EB Off 0.81 0 0.59 A I Vasco Road 1.580 we Off 0.97 E 0.69 B North Livermore 1-580 we Off 0.39 A 0.58 A Vasco Road 1-580 EB Off 0.93 E 0.70 B I Vasco Road Est Avenue 0.53 A 0.55 A Holmes Street Concannon BOulevard 0.50 A 0.71 C North Mines East Street 0.58 A 0.41 A I First Street 1.580 WB Off 0.64 B 0.61 B Airway Boulevard 1-580 EB Off 0.56 A 0.66 B Airway Boulevard 1.580 WB Off 0.27 A 0.73 C Isabel (Route 84) Jack London 0.95 E I Isabel North Canyons Pkwy 0.92 E Pleasanton Hopyard Road Owens Drive 0.69 B 0.85 0 I OWens Drive West Las Posit as 0.25 A 0.87 0 Santa Rita Road West Las Positas 0.45 A 0.75 C Tassajara Road 1.580 WB Off 0.56 A 0.84 0 I Hopyard Road Stoneridge Drive 0.53 A 0.58 A Hopyard Road 1.580 EB Off 0.66 B 0.79 C I Barton.Aschman Associates, Inc. 89 I I I Expected Forecasts I Table 54 Expected Intersection Level of Service Analysis - PM Peak Hour I (Continued) Existing 2010 I City NlS Street EIW Street VlC LOS VlC LOS I Hopyard Road West Las Positas 0.51 A 0.91 E Hopyard Road Valley Avenue 0.49 A 0.66 B Santa Rita Road Valley Avenue 0.65 B 0.75 C I Foothill Road 1-580 EB Off 0.40 A 0.58 A FirsVSunol Bernal Avenue 0.50 A 0.80 C 1-680 SB Off Bernal Avenue 0.40 A 0.83 D I 1.680 NB Off Bernal Avenue 0.49 A 0.56 A 1-680 SB Off Sunol Boulevard 0.28 A 0.58 A I.saO NB Off Sunot Boulevard 0.48 A 0.54 A I Santa Rita Road 1-580 EB Off 0.70 B 0.94 E First Street RayNlneyard 0.70 B 0.71 C Main Street Stanley Boulevard 0.34 A 0.37 A I Santa Rita Road Stone ridge Drive 0.57 A 0.85 0 1.680 SB Off Stone ridge Drive 0.36 A 0.49 A 1.a80 NB Off Stoneridge Drive 0.31 A 0.52 A FoothUl Road DubUn Canyon 0.70 B 0.75 C I East Vallecltos East Vineyard Avenue 0.86 0 0.87 D Valley Avenue Stanley Boulevard 0.58 A 0.93 E Stoneridge Drive West Las Positas 0.31 A 0.81 D I San Ramon San Ramon Valley Bollinger Canyon 0.50 A 0.46 A 1.sa0 NB Off Crow Canyon Road 0.40 A 0.68 B I San Ramon Valley Norris Canyon 0.87 D 0.76 C Alcosta Boulevard Crow Canyon Road 0.61 B 0.82 D Alcosta Boulevard Bollinger Canyon 0.55 A 1.06 F I Bollinger Canyon Crow Canyon Road 0.71 C 0.63 B San Ramon Valley Alcosta Boulevard 0.49 A 0.60 A 1.680 SB Off Alcosta Boulevard 0.65 B I 1.680 SB Off Crow Canyon Road 0.57 A 0.48 A 1.680 SB Off Bollinger Canyon 0.76 C 0.34 A 1.680 NB Off Bollinger Canyon 0.56 A 0.71 C I Dougherty Road Crow Canyon 0.24 A 0.98 E San Ramon Valley 1.680 SB Off 0.41 A Village Parkway Alcosta Boulevard 0.31 A 0.34 A 1.680 NB Off Alcosta Boulevard 0.87 0 0.84 D I Dougherty Road Bollinger Cnyn Rd 1.11 F I I Barton.Aschman Associates, Inc. 90 Expected Foreca!lts Table ~ Expected Intersection Level of Service Analysis - PM Peak Hour (Continued) Existing 2010 City N1S Street E/W Street VIe LOS VlC LOS DanvlUe DanviUe Boulevard Stone VaUey 1.08 F 1.08 F 1.680 S8 Off Stone Valley 0.59 A 0.56 A 1-680 N8 Off Stone Valley 0.46 A 0.40 A San Ramon Valley Sycamore Valley o.n C 0.81 D 1.680 SB Off Sycamore Valley 0.66 B 0.63 B Camino Tassajara Sycamore Valley 0.35 A 0.37 A Hartz Avenue Diablo Road 0.45 A 0.38 A Blackhawk Road Camino Tassajara 0.37 A 1.15 F '-680 NB On Sycamore Valley 0.45 A 0.79 C Camino Tassajara Diablo Road 0.83 D 0.39 A Diablo Road EI Cerro Road 0.44 A 0.32 A '.680 S8 Off Diablo Road 0.47 A 0.42 A 1.680 NB Off Diablo Road 0.59 A 0.55 A 1.680 sa Off EI Cerro Boulevard 0.55 A 0.62 B '.680 NB Off EI Carro Boulevard 0.50 A 0.60 A 1.680 NB Off Livorna Road 0.31 A 0.31 A 1.680 SB Off Uvorna Road 0.34 A 0.28 A San Ramon Railroad Avenue 0.46 A 0.63 B Barton.Aschman Associates, Inc. 91 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Expected Forecasts Interchange Analysis The 2010 expected network includes changes to several freeway interchanges. Figure 5.7 shows the interchange configurations for existing and 2010 conditions. The following three new interchanges will be added to the network: . 1.580IShaefl'er Ranch Road · 1.5801lsabel (Route 84) · 1-6801West Las Positas The following 10 interchanges will be reconfigured or expanded: . 1.5801Foothill. Conversion from full cloverleaf to partial cloverleaf design. . 1-58011.680. Addition of a southbound-to-eastbound flyover ramp, addition of hook ramps to Dublin. . 1-58O/Fallon. Widening of overpass to six lanes. Conversion to partial cloverleaf design. . 1.580IPortola. Removal of the ramps, will become just an overcrosaing. . 1.5801North Livermore. Conversion from diamond to partial cloverleaf design, widening of overcrossing. · 1.5801First Street. Widening of overcrossing. . 1-580Nasco. Widening of overcrossing, reconstruction of ramps to a partial cloverleaf design. . 1.580/Greenville. Conversion from hook ramps to partial cloverleaf design. . 1~680lSycamore Valley. Elimination of the northbound-w.westbound off.loop. . 1-680/Alcosta. Addition of hook ramps to San Ramon Valley Boulevard, removal of southbound off.ramp. . 1.680IBernal. Conversion to standard partial cloverleaf design. Tables 5.5 through 5.8 show the 2010 expected volume on the oveI'C!'OSsing and ramps at each interchange for the PM peak hour. The tables also show the number of lanes required to accommodate the expected volume. In all cases, the existing or planned interchange configuration will be adequate. Barto~Aschman Associates, Inc. 92 I INTERCHANGE EXISTING 2010 LOCATION I Palomares Road ..- @ 1-580 SAME I Schafer Ranch Road UU--.., I o 1-580 I Foothlll Road @ 1-580 ..lID 1-1III I I 1-680 I @ 1-580 ,- ....- Dougherty Roadl I Hopyard Road I IooSIO SAME @ 1-580 I Hacienda Dr ..- I SAME @ 1-580 . I (.) c - ~ tftr_.., 0 Tassalara Roadl ~ Q) Santa Rita Road ..lID ...- I ... .~ (.) @ 1-580 0 I fI) fI) < Fallon Road/EI Charro c: ..- I as @ 1-580 e .c (.) U 111m I fI) < Figure 5-7 I C EXPECTED NETWORK- 0 I ... INTERCHANGE CONFIGURATIONS ~ as m I I INTERCHANGE EXISTING 2010 LOCATION I ..- ..- SR 84 @ 1-680 I .... I -- WAY I Sunol Blvd @ 1-680 I I Bernal Ave I @ 1-680 I I W. Las Posttas Blvd I @ 1-680 I - - - - c.i I .5 ........, .. CJ) I Q) ... Stoneridge Dr (U .0 @ 1-680 0 - I CJ) :::: - CJ) - - SAME - - < - 'I :o"~ c I as ....- E .c I (,) CJ) Figure 5-7 -< I c EXPECTED NETWORK- I 0 ... INTERCHANGE CONFIGURATIONS .... as m I I I I I I II I I I I I I Ig - Ii "' "0 I~ < I i E I~ < I I~ as 1m INTERCHANGE LOCA liON EXISTING 2010 Alcosta Blvd @ 1-680 - SMt IAMOH WJD '" _ _ \NaY IlD BoJlfnger Canyon Road @ 1-680 SAME Crow Conyon Rood @ 1-680 SAME Sycamore Valley Road @ 1-680 ::::: - - - .-: - - - .-: - - - - - - Figure 5-7 EXPECTED NETWORK- INTERCHANGE CONFIGURATIONS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Expected Forecasts Table 5-5 2010 Expected Forecast Analysis of Interchange Overpasses-I-S8D (PM Peak Hour) Location NB S8 Volume Required Lanes Required Lanes Shaeffer Ranch Palomares San Ramon/Foothill 1.68011-580 - Dougherty/Hopyard Hacienda TassajaralSanta Rita FallonlEI Cerro Airwt4y Isabel (Route 84) North Uvennore First Street Vasco Greenville Volume 401 92 367 2,457 2,572 2,751 2,504 1,258 593 2,264 1,044 587 401 416 1 1 1 2 3 3 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 194 63 570 4,210 3,541 3,390 3,033 1,483 451 3,302 3,301 1,386 2,955 707 1 1 1 2 3 3 3 2 1 3 3 2 3 1 Note: Assumes capacity of 1,200 per lane, except freeways 2,200 per lane. None predicted to be overcapacity . Source: Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc., 1994. Barton.Aschman Associates, Inc. 98 Expected Forecasts Table 5-6 2010 Expected Forecast Analysis of Interchange Overpasses- 1-680 (PM Peak Hour) Location Westbound Required Volume Lanes Eastbound Required Volume Lanes Uvoma Stone Valley EI Pintado EICerro Diablo Sycamore Valley Crow Canyon Bollinger Canyon Alcosta 1-680/1-580 Stone ridge Las Posltas Bernal Sunol Route 84 46 962 26 138 582 757 1,219 2,307 740 5,407 1,593 775 480 852 1,537 534 1,26 376 625 837 1,588 2,141 1,617 531 8,067 1,318 426 1,593 285 490 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 4 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 2 1 1 1 2 Note: Assumes capacity of 1,200 per lane, except freeways 2,200 per lane. None predicted to be overcapacity . Source: Bar1on.Aschman Associates, Inc., 1994. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 99 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Expected Forecasts Table 5-7 2D1 D Expected Forecast Analysis of Interchanges-I-SSD (PM Peak Hour) WB WB WB WB N N N N Location Off Diag Off Loop On Diag On Loop Off Diag Off Loop On Diag On Loop Shaeffer Ranch 387 534 533 270 Palomares 92 130 1296 468 San RamonIFoothill 388 627 875 769 340 875 1,441 336 DoughertylHopyard 1,601 727 1,243 1574 n5 1,156 Hacienda 1.451 841 1,093 1768 1.287 671 TassajaralSanta Rita 1,583 1,472 533 1231 1.439 515 FallonlEl Cerra 1,558 1,507 1231 969 Airway 475 371 742 529 Isabel (Route 84) 1,244 924 1,353 2438 ' 2,000 ' 578 North Livermore 793 805 1,186 2580' 150 192 First Street 667 167 610 1258 958 37 Vasco 40 93 1,295 1,622' 1046 1549 518 Greenville 576 27 514 93 663 59 , Requires two-lane ramp. Note: Assumes capachy of 1,800 vph for diagonal ramp; 1,600 vph for loop ramp. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 100 I Expected Forecasts I Table 5--8 I 2010 Expected Forecast Analysis of Interchanges-I-GSO (PM Peak Hour) I 58 58 SB SB NB NB NB NB I Location Off Diag Off Loop On Diag On Loop Off Diag Off Loop On Diag On Loop Llvorna 625 14 46 386 I Stone Valley 239 431 629 417 685 691 EI Pintada 66 324 I EI Cerro 578 72 303 477 Diablo 458 652 737 303 I Sycamore Valley 458 1.357 729 494 489 917 Crow Canyon 2,196, 521 316 1,345 1,591 1,256 I Bollinger Canyon 1,396 309 1,212 1,270 1,749 248 Alcosta 432 146 233 1,761 377 Dublin Hook 359 613 138 733 I 1-680/1-580 266 2.624 2 1,184 1.114 461 1,244 2,179 ' 919 Stoneridge 585 650 557 625 791 271 I Las Positas 476 644 706 617 Bernal 1,763 225 292 1,315 I Sunol 510 703 994 185 Route 84 14 429 246 1,201 2,956' 0 21 0 Note: Assumes capacity of 1,800 vph for diagonal ramp, 1,600 vph for loop ramp. , Requires two-lane ramp. 2 Two-lane flyover. Source: Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc., 1994. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 101 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Expected Forecasts Transit Ridership The -existing mode split in Tri.Valley involves 4 percent transit use for peak.hour commute trips, and this is expected to increase to 5 percent for the expected 2010 forecasts. Nevertheless, the drive.alone percentage is predicted to increase slightly from 76 percent to SO perc~nt. I The traffic model estimates transit and carpool usage by taking into account travel time, travel cost, and transit availability. The model does not include policy direction that might lead to more carpooling or transit ridership-for example, the Bay Area Air Quality Management District goals to increase average vehicle ridership. Table 5-9 summarizes the transit ridership forecast for the expected transit network. Transit ridership is predicted by the Tri-Valley Transportation Model to almost triple by 2010, compared to a doubling of population and employment. The drive.alone percentage is expected to remain high, however. This is a function of time and cost factors, which will continue to favor driving alone. A complete breakdown of transit information for the qexpected" 2010 forecast is included in the Appendix. Table 5--9 2010 Expected Transit Ridership Carrier 1990 Daily Ridership' 2010 Daily Ridership2 County Connection WHEELS BART 3,097 16,698 19,482 13,404 41 ,433 52,058 3 6,041 Express Buses Total 39,277 112,935 1 For routes that serve the Tri.Valley, based on Trt-Valley Transportation Model validation run. t For routes that serve the Tri.Valley, based on Trt-Valley Transportation Model expected run. t Daily boardings of 44,000 on the BART line, the remainder on BART buses. Source: Barton.Aschman Associates, Inc., 1994. Barton.Aschman Associates, Inc. 102 I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I 6. Plan Alternatives Chapter Summary . The Transportation Service Objective of Level of Service E for the freeways cannot be met at the gateways based on demand, without spending over $2 billion on transportation improvments-far in excess of the funding that could reasonably be available. . Even if there were no further development in the Tri.Valley, the freeway system would still become increasingly congested by long-distance commuters that neither live nor work in the Tri-Valley. (This assumes that neighboring communities will continue to grow as planned.) . The plan should restrict increases in gateway capacity for single.occupant vehicles, insure that the internal transportation system operates at acceptable levels of service through selective network improvements and freeway ramp metering, and achieve a jobs.housing balance. Ridesharing and transit usage should be particu- larly emphasized at the gateways. This chapter describes the alternatives tested to develop the Tri.Valley Transportation Plan. Potential actions and strategies to address the projected transportation deficien- cies were developed by the consultant, the TAC and the TVTC. These actions and strategies can generally be divided into three groups: increase transportation supply through highway investment, increase transportation system efficiency through more reliance on transit, and decrease transportation demand through land use adjust- ments. Note that the evaluation of transportation alternatives was conducted with the baseline forecasts and did not include the gateway constraint concept. Barton-Aschman Associates. Inc. 103 Plan Alternatives Maximum Highway Investment The purpose of testing an alternative that maximized highway investment was to see if, regardless of cost, it would be possible for the Tri.Valley to build its way out of the problem of traffic congestion. All physically and potentially politically acceptable road improvements were included. The assumed maximum highway network changes are shown on Figure 6-1. Expenditures for these improvements are summarized, by improvement, in Table 6.1. Funding levels for the maximum highway investment would require an additional $598 million beyond that required for the assumed baseline improvements. Approximately $547 million of this amount would be unfunded. These changes included substantial capital expenditures on new roads and road widening projects throughout the Tri Valley area. The additional road capacity would alleviate, to some degree, congestion on arterial corridors in Tri Valley. The gateways to Tri Valley (1.680, Altamont Pass and Vasco Road) would continue to be congested during peak conditions. Figure 6.2 shows the congested routes with the maximum highway alternative. Maximum Transit Investment This alternative was to test the ability of transit systems to relieve highway conges. tion. Transit systems offering travel times superior to automobiles were included in the m~or corridors. Potential transit improvements are shown on Figures 6-3 and 6-4. Cost estimates for the maximum transit investment is summarized in Table 6.2. The maximum transit investment would require an additional $1.136 billion in capital and operating costs through 2010 beyond the baseline improvements. None of this amount is funded. Potential projects include BART service extended to Eastern Livermore, Altamont Pass Rail service from Stockton to San Jose, and north/south corridor priority express bus transit. Extensive bus service feeding the proposed rail stations was also assumed. The additional system capacity would not eliminate congestion on either arterial corridors or the gateways to Tri.Valley (1.680, Altamont Pass and Vasco Road). Figure 6.5 shows the congested routes with the maximum transit alternative. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 104 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I :i' II ~t: --..... s ~ I ~ I I III I Q) c c -' III Q) (; c 0 -' I ~ (; D E t ::> Z D "0 E c ::> 0 z I Cl'I "0 C C .~ 0 "0 "0 I:> ~ 0 I Q:; "0 . 0 0 Q) Q:; Z II II I Q I - :z - h: ClO ClO : ~ : I I . () C - I .. f1) CD ... as I .u 0 f1) f1) I -< c as E I .s:::. u f1) < I I C 0 - .... as I In r;\ c.' ':) , r; 5\~ '0 0'0 ~\o 0,"'0 0\ l\> 0\% __ ;:""';' C. '...... 0\ 0, , \ j , , \ , \ \ , \ , \ , \ , , YWlYSS'V.t :,0,.,1IF8 - . . - - ....- . - - . . , , ~ ...,.... .' \ , , / , , ) Q) , /" , - /' ~ I I = I ttl I Q I I 0 I~ -- I ~o: CD CD 0:0 .... :I O~ 0'1 ~ ~I- t-W wZ Zw >~ <..J ;:W ::1:(1) ~< _01 :I: . :E ~O ::)0: :ElL. - x (I) <W ~CJ Z < J: 0 , , , I / I \ ...0 I ~ , I ~o:: I , <0 ~\ e 0::0 c. 7' ?\~ :::. o~ 0' .~ O\~ I..\.. 3:1- I 0,0 .... , ....W III \0 01:1 :n1W133I:1D o -0 o ,Q) ~ wZ I ,re. 0\0 ~ Zw ~.-. Co ,:<!. 01:1 OOSYII >~ 0' 0\ I <-I - ~ ;:UJ - , .. :r.:CI) .. ~ I , - ~ CJ< - \oj "IIlt- ~ a\ .. _m , - ~ , - :I:~ - ,. - ! I , - \ III' 31:10YfI:l3N7 N ~O ::)0:: ~u. I - )(CI) \ <w I \ ~Cl , \ >0 .. Z \ <:l \ ~ i < \ :I: I , I 0 ~ \ 0 \ .- 0 ....,J \ ~ I \ <<S \ fIJ <<S Q,) - ~ I c5 f.l I ..5 .. III i en Q} t: G) .3 III ~ I ... Q} '0 t: as .3 -6 Q; '0 .D '<t 0 E "- 00 I en :J Q} Z .D tI) "0 E < t: :J 0 Z 0> "0 C , t: t: I , 'c 0 as ) Q} "0 E "0 0 j 0 ..c ...... cr oS , "0 () IS , 0 ~ I :t:tl ! 0 Q} tI) cr z < --.. .g II I c; ~ .,1 - c ~ - 0 , - , co: I .... j ... ~ - as - m I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Plan Alternatives Table 6-1 Cost Estimate for Maximum Highway Network Cost Potential Element (in millions) Funded Source Funds Source Unfunded HOV lanes on 1.680 to Santa $80 $80 Clara County HOV lanes on 1.580 Foothill to $112 $112 Greenville Route 84, upgrade to six-lane $50 $50 freeway 1-680 to 1-580 1-580/1-680 Interchange $120 $120 NB to WB ramp 1-680I8ernal interchange im. $15 $15 provement Bollinger Canyon Rd. widened $8 $8 Developer to six lanes Dougherty Rd. widened to six $15 $15 Developer lanes Hacienda Dr. extended $12 $12 Developer New road: East Branch to High- $6 $6 Developer land Tassajara Rd. widened to 6 $10 $10 Developer Two new overpasses in Dublin $10 $10 N. LivermorelHighland Drive $40 $40 widened to four lanes Vasco widened to six.lane ex- $120 $120 pressway, 1-580 to Delta Ex- pressway Total $598 $51 $547 Source: Barton.Aschman Associates, Inc. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 107 i ~\ 0 I (:.' N :I:W ~~~ -;:) \ Zi' I 0\(:. U) 1-> I o -;:) ,0 CD ~i= ~ 0'0 ... ~\o ::J '-' .2> < 0'-0 ~ 0'(1) OOZ I O\<i:. ;:.\9. >-0:: c.'A <w 8\ I 1 ~I- , \ C...J << I 1 0>- , 0::< \ C~ I \ , \ WJ: \ 1-c:J >. , 0 \ 00- I !r> W::I: "8 0 a:: \ CJ::E "0 2 Z::) I /J) Oi; Q) 0> \ O::E <;; 0 u Ox 11 I CI I < Z L.a.I ~ (!) W ....J I 0/)/ 3JN3/)/ MVl I c.5 .5 I .. tJ) Q) ... I as .- u 0 tJ) tJ) I -< .; c c ~ as /J) c: I e / 0 u -'= , , >. U ) 0 J tJ) Q,) " ~/' , , ;; < ....-4 I ~ 0> I /' " C I "0 d I ::;l 0 I "0 ... <<S .!: .... Q / <5 I CO I m I c: /J) 8 0 jj I 0 z I I ..c :I:W \ N I 1-> I CD , -- \ ~ ~I- ~\ ::J c.. ~ Ol < ?'c.. I o \? ~ enz <.) 0 010 )-a: ~'O all T/111W331I1) <W I 0\-0 IE ~~ O\t ~ 0\0 ;:.~ all OIJSl'II 0< c.., 0' <> I 0\ 0< I a:~ OJ: WCJ 1-- I \ en:!: \ W::E I CJ::> Z::IE \ 0_ , 0>< \ I \ < , \ III ::IE \ ~ l \ I \ III I d 0 \ ~ d I , ~ \ \ I'll a:l ~ Q,) - I . Q.. "0 0 0 0:: "0 Ql I <;) . '" ti CJ 0' c: " oS 0 U 1 E 1 ~ .. I tn Q I i CD z: iii ... WJ i: as ~ ~ .0 ~ '<t 00 .. c: I 0 0 u tn >- tn 0 . < ~ 0 I , 0' C 1 Ql as ) "0 :> E u ";' .!" .c , & , "0 I CJ J <: tn --..:Z:; .! .. < '" 0 I "0 0 C ~ I 0 , , 0; ... j 0 ~ z as m I I I ... 1-- ..J I i U) - I B f Cl)W< ~~~ c Z>o: <l> ;:] E C) 1; 0 ~ <i=cc .. I <.> ~ \ 0 (fl. a:<W 0 I-Zl- 7':-' t- A-', -nl~ i! :eO:::::> I c;f o ~ a ::>W:e o 0 :E~:E 00 I ~' o'~ 5<<0 o~rc < 0 ~ 9, :e ;; I c. 4- 0' 0, I- \ - I 0 cc' W l- I \ z - , I , \ I , , I \ , , I d \ oS <l> <Il 0 ..., I .. U) c 0 G) (fl .... 0 as t- .- I u 0 U) U) < c: I E c 0 Vi co '0 E '0 C C o 0 I .s:::. .2 E:o:> 1; .. 0 U <l> <.> I) .... 0 UJ 0 -=...J 'O...J < Ql E~ '" c o 0 .... 0 I Q. .- ct: I C ~:B ~ Ql o ~.fJ 0.... o.lJl 0.-= t:: ?~ 0 as :z I m LoJ II~ <.=> LoJ ....J Plan Alternatives Table 6-2 Cost Estimate for Maximum Transit Network Element Cost Potential (in millions) Funded Source Funds Source Unfunded Priority transit lines 1 in 1.680 $56 $56 and 1.580 corridors BART extension to $900 $900 Uverrnore with 2 stations . Altamont Pass Rail $136 $136 (Alameda County portion) Express Bus Service $26 $26 11 lines Enhanced local bus service lli lli Subtotal $1.136 $1.136 Source: Barton-Aschman Associates. Inc. t These are super express bus lines that have signal-preemption capability. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 112 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I :I:W c r;\ U") I I t-> (D c. '. ?J' -- ~\C. f ~t- o :~ :I < Of I :i 0'0 r;: C/JZ ~\o ~ 0'-0 > a.: --.... ~ ~ 0\ Q) <W 0\% I ! ;:. , -:a. ~~ c' 0\ c< 0, , <l- I \ 0- a.:CI) I , Z '\ C< We: \ I \ I-t- C/J \ W~ \ \ CJ=> I \ Z~ \ >, 0- 0 \ O~ . \ I 'g 0 , Q: , ~ "0 ~ '" Q) I 0> c:: 0 U c I I z: Oll ~ ~"IV'l ....., ~ I I . () c I - .. .; en c CD ~ ... ., as c: I 0 .- I 0 () , >, 0 0 J (/) III (/) 15 I 0- < " "0 :l C /' u as , .= Q.) , I E - /' 15 ~ / c:: ~ / ., () I III en d 0 0 < <<S / I ~ I I I v C "0 0 z ... ... I as m d oS - tI) CD ... ca .0 o tI) tI) < c as E .c () tI) < I C o ... "- as m \ \ \ ~\ C- 7:- .-:;) ,..... o,c- L:> \~ 0,0 ~\ 0 8\~ \~ 0\0 .?"2. c-, 0' 0\ Oil 311/IIN33I1D ~ IE ~ G>,. J..l"< o ~ S J..l G> ~ #~ " t &l ';< '" ~ ;;l ~ >- ! \ , I\V 110"'<1 , , \ , \ \ \ , \ \ , \ ,.., o , "0 o o 0::: " l! '" '" '" i::: o U II ~ I i ~~ --.. ,g '0 ~ ~ ~ ~ " all N071Yj all l'l:tVT\ISSVJ \ , ) , , J o to LI) /' I ..c J:W I 10 I 1-> (0 -- f :=1- I ::J 0'1 < L:: Cl)Z )-1:1: I <w ~~ I c< <I- 0- I [[en CZ w< I 1-1:1: (1)1- UJ~ I CJ::::> Z::E 0- I C)~ ::E I I I I Ii 2 I ~ ~ ., c I v ] (() .. 0;: 0 \J ,.., I 0 . '" " '" Il "0 I ::l U .S " '" '" I 8 0 ij 0 z I 1 I I I I I !I I I I I I I I I I I I I Plan Alternatives land Use Opportunities Given the high cost, limited availability of funds, and lack of overall system improve- ment for either a maximum highway or maximum transit network, the consultant was instructed by the TVTC to test modifications to proposed land uses. A real estate economics firm, Economic & Planning Systems (EPS), was contracted to prepare a study of how a reduced land use plan might be structured. Their complete land use study is included in the Appendix. They prepared the following list of criteria for structuring the reduced growth plan. Criteria for Developing Managed Growth Land Use Scenario 1. Determine Traffic Analysis Zones (TAZs) that are the significant contributions to traffic congestion (producing trips in excess of network link capacity). 2. Identify TAZs where residential and employment density could be increased where access to transit is high (transit-oriented development). 3. Identify TAZs where infrastructure capacity (e.g., arterial roadways) exists that can support higher density residential and employment mixed.use development. 4. Reduce proposed residential density in TAZs with limited or nonexistent network and poor transit service potential. 5. Reduce employment land use designations and/or proposed capacity in areas with limited road network and transit access, undeveloped or underdeveloped backbone infrastructure, or weak market demand. 6. Construct a "Managed Growth Scenario" by redistributing and reducing 2010 Expected Growth to achieve a level of service policy on Baseline Network. EPS used these criteria to develop specific reduced-growth recommendations (see Table 6-3). These recommendations were considered but not adopted by the TVTC. Several land use reduction treatments were tested with the traffic model. None produced satisfactory results with respect to eliminating overcapacity demand on the freeway system. As a worst-case test, the consultant tested an alternative with zero growth through 2010 in the Tri-Valley while allowing growth to occur as predicted in neighboring communities. Through this evaluation, it was determined that congestion at the gateways (1-680, Altamont Pass, and Vasco Road) would not be influenced by Tri Valley growth but rather growth in neighboring communities. In other words, there is no way to control the freeway system demand by only adjusting growth within Tri Valley. Figure 6.6 shows the congested links with the zero growth alternative. The lack of local control over freeway volumes at the gateways, as evidenced by the zero growth alternatives, lead to the policy of gateway constraints. This is discussed further in Chapter 7. Barton.Aschman Associates, Inc. 115 - c G) E G) C) ca c ca :E C?.c c.o _ CD ;: -0 .Q~ ~C!J en c .2 - c- O C i o C i~ 8.~ o C .t~ CD (II ::J " ~ n C ~ ~ l (II CD ~ i CD (II => ~ C IU .~ CD"- ~j ~IU C CD li~ l[ ~ i :2 II C ~ (IIc1; S CD 'ili ... i)l II > e EC)a.. (11.5 '0 i.i Qi- "E>c C)CD.!!!~ S......a.. !!S l!!5! ~j'~l !i~J~ ~~~~ Ii ~ I " li I CD (II . II ;~ ~ ::l ~~ Ill-E ...J_ llii .1:: !!! (II i~ It Il~et :!C)a.." (II.E'ei8 i.1iE ~.O ,,~~~ ~!!!~E ~.E~8 ~!,CD"2 CD.-t)lIl (IIi)CDi8 =~ g~ ~~ ~~ ! ] f ~ ti ~ 8 t ~ u ... CD 5 ~ :: '5 .J:J >. i ~ S 9 :2 ] . '5 .~ t i i~ .5 IU g. >. !!!a. .'1:: 1Il C .i!C E .J:J Ell ~~ i~ li..!.. ~ ~ .J:J" ~ ~ !5li1iJCD ~~~g .5 :0 ::l o c is ::l o >. i ell Z i'il ~ ~ ~ i ~ :!! 8.2 lii ClC ..5.21 (II (II .- CD lil" ~ ~ !] ] ~ C S 1Il l! ~. E 8 '5 >. i5.. g-CD (II (II CD ::l !2l" j.! ~s ~ i~ CD~ 8. Vi (II (II ~! I i ~ '5lii~l 16 11 "C 1\; III }E~.~~ - ~ (II Jll C ili-c".- ... 51 1Il 'lIS .J::. CD~~CD.'I:: >CD "'i: o"EII ~~~..s.~ !~~8i I i i: ii ~ 8 ~ C ::l- 8Cll ~i ill'; i.; i... "fj ~ O~.i 8.. i (II ll'l i i~ i 16'5 5 ~ B"i 51 ioS .~CD S 8 iijlll._ i"!c II!! c _.g~';g ~ 8~.g 8Jc-B l!l.~!iS'~ 0g0 (II.J:J~ll'l Ea8."2S : =~~ =iCll~ ~0.'I::&&l00 ~ j 8 0 ~ lE r ~ 0 c ~ i ~:e:j - C i "Ii! g ~ i .~ y g ~ .j :e ~ ; i ~ ~ ~ ~i~i~3g~i~I]~~!~l s ',;0 ! o i' Ii ~ i8 "= i ~ ~ ~... ~ '5 !!!.g:g, 1ii C"t: iii :g ,g8~iij o '&0.'1::(11 ~ iil ~ : R c -CDe Eto"816~ E-li ~C 8~,!.~.J!l~ 1I~2~~j liiEtE'2CD .Yl~&'l~~.g I ~ lil iii ~ IU :cz ..! 1 o >. .!! ~ f .s::. g> c3 ... '" III W Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. ~ ~.~ ; lil :gft VI I) !iil ~~ .f: ::l "- ~ E<<:: Clliij ....0 :BCii ~ E ~~ ! ~ ~ ::J CD ~ 2 1ii g S II ~ ..><: ~ .J:J 1: rJ !E VI Oc 1i5 .21';( Cl)CD .fj a..~ B: i8 ~: ;;! II b lEi 5.E 8- 1.;: I fih C) !.J ::J >ci CDE " Ii: g. Ii ~j ~'f "2~ CDa.. In_ :2nr 2 iij VI I) 0&1 !!!iij .... C)"C a.. ell .~ 1ii ~~ "~c-6 CD - 5ii c oS 50 cri .j ! .Ill CD .iij.se ;.~ ~~~ cf![u8 ell ~ ~ ::J € ~ 5 1: !Q CD i5: ! i :2 CD c ~ J 'ii ~1: (II ; CDCl :e c 0_ i .5 " III E ~!" ! "5ii : .,g .~ .. CD :g :I !i~CD ~'6i~ " !! j ell ~ .. ,! i8 -.;:; c -! 'ii l!! i i " ... ~ a.. - II i ii~ m s- i f ~ '" .c 1 CD ii: >. .J:J i i "iij' ex: ~ z::. :E >. i ~ ~ :j c i 1: ~ a.. o 16 .g i .~ ::J ... CD ! i f! CD ~ ~I ts-_ i1ii~ " ~ c c c"s "~ .~ i 8. CD & '" '" C) (118.g: ~~ B ~ ! i: -] ell ';(" l! wi _::J o 'iii "i 5 8 ;i .~ i: i5 CD ::l VI 0 i! >. 16ti.J:J ~ 5 i "''''i ~~ "iii' j _ ex: i8 t! CD 8- o g: ~ i .~ :::J 16 'i 8- I I ::J S i 0. cb ~i8~ t f ~ ~ fi~"~i 8 I ~_ >.Q.CDlilll! S CD y: iEilB"e l!l:~ :zr8- EilCD ::l O!.ol? ::le ~E"'iiji IllIllCD (11",- J2g.0l"S e'!l ~ >.- .~.~!! iliO"'..!! ii ;,!.~~j8.~~j ji ill!~ =G.:~ =1:1 i~:Bii ~E iii.!! lila..lil" '2cb~EliI~1lI:2iij-1iICD 5.!~~~S-~~~~~g CD ~ a: ~ III lid CD i5: c e III ex: ~ ! e .1 ...J ~ ~ l CD ex: <..> <..> <..> ~ to iii > ~ l' '" ~ .s :g o ~ m to> 1.'1I i u .s fIi I 2> c i Q: .0 ~ ~ W ~ ~ 116 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I d .5 \ \ "J;'\ c. 7:- -;) ,~ 0'..... O\~ 0,0 ~, '" \0 o -0 (.) ,~ O'~ :::;\90 c. ,A 0, 0\ Oli 3T1W133/10 Ii! ~ Oli O:JSVII ~ ~ ... cl . ~ ~ \ . ~ '" ! 11'1/ 31iOYlIi3N1 N \ , \ . \ \ \ \ \ , \ \ 11'1/ 138\1S1 i\ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ >. o ~ 1:> o o 0::: 1:> .."J VI '" 0\ C o u \ \ en ! ml -0 -' o t/) In -< C as E .s::. u In -< I C o .... "- aI In \ \ ...... ) i , , ~~ f .......... .2 '0 ~ 0 , , 00 j lO I ..Q J:W (0 I 1-> I (0 -- ~ ~I- :s C) < G: Cl)Z I )-0: <W ~!:i I c< <w I 000 1:1::> I Cc wz 1-< I ffi..J ~J: I ZI- 0;: 00 I a: c:1 0 I 0: W I N I li1 I i ~ vi I c '<t ~ C1J VI C 0 I u >. 0 J: '" 0 0\ I '" 1:> :J 0 .S; i5 I c VI '" 0 0 Q; I i5 z I I -I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Plan Alternatives The reduced growth scenario was shown, however, to have a profound effect on traffic levels on the arterial system. The TAC concluded that congestion on the arterial system could be controlled through growth management, even though congestion on the freeway system could not. Plan Evolution The TVTAC outlined four alternatives for consideration by the TVTC (see Table 6-4). These were combinations of various elements discussed and tested throughout the plan evolution. These four alternatives were presented to the individual councils of each city and the boards of the two counties. These elected representatives provided input as to which plan elements should be pursued further. Table 6-5 shows the composite of positions taken by each body. The TVTAC interpretation of the policy direction was as follows: 1. Road Improvements. Pursue the maximum amount of improvement within the limits of physical feasibility, but keep the regional impact fee within the $1,000. $2,000 per dwelling unit range. This was thought to be the highest politically feasible subregional traffic impact fee. 2. Transit Improvements. Provide transit options in the well.travelled corridors, but recognize that transit cannot carry a significant mode share given the suburban land use pattern of the area. 3. Higher Densities. The benefit of higher densities from a transportation perspective is that transit can be a more effective alternative to driving. There was some interest in changing development patterns to increase overall densities, especially in transit corridors. Recently approved specific plans for East Dublin and North Livermore create some higher-density areas. Densities necessary to support significant transit usage need to be at least 15 dwelling units per acre. 4. Growth Management. The TVTC agreed to proceed with a specific growth man. agement study to resolve projected TSO deficiencies at 11 intersections and to define equitable sharing of the burden. 5. Reduced LOS Standards. These were considered only for the freeway system in locations where through traffic made achievement of TSOs impossible for the TVTC to achieve. While demand volumes could not be accommodated, ramp metering would allow achievement of CMP-mandated levels of service on the freeways. 6. TDM Measures. The need for realistically achievable ridesharing goals was recognized. However, the TVTC is not in favor of simply assuming away problems. They also are not in favor of aggressive programs such as paid parking. Barton.Aschman Associates, Inc. 119 tn CD > ~ c ~ S :;: ca 0- - c CD - o c. c as ii: c o ~ ! o Q. UJ c ! I- >- ,..!e coca 41>> -, .c._ ca~ t-I- c: "C .2 CI) ~ca'2e cutm~ Q)8.E- ~~Q)a; ~eC:::E t- CI) i(l)'E ~g~ 0: ~ Cl)0 Q)..... i(U~ uO:J: :::l J: 0 ii:::l o:~e C!)~ CI) !~ ,~ :c CI) ,2> I: :I:Q) o Cl)o 'E..... =~~i~ ~Q)'O~~ e>c:o.- t- ~ ~~ ~ _<<:I Cl)o 'E..... iE~~~ Ii ~le-~ ~~WZ -c: ~.2 ;ti co.C:: E u Q)CI) ~Q) <0 Cf E~ Ol.n cncq ~ c: o CI) Q) c: .s9 :E o .a; ~ ~co>; u) oE'2 'E (I)~O Q) :c E Q) e .~ Q) 0 ~ I: ..... cD ~ ~ 0. -x W Q) c: o Z ~ ~ ~ < en C Q) I Q. S "0 8 a: ~ 7ij as .c Q. E w .. ..... == ct Barton-Aschman Associates. Inc. CI) o c: co J: e ~~ .(1) ~g ~1O e(/) 0.1: ~Q) Cl)E cO co :g 'Z>. 5 I'll -E Cl)CI) I'll... ~i Ii~ ~~ co~ >12 :mg- Q.;Q) ie, ~.!2 co ~ "TO x- .u; 0: ~~ 'ltl.n lXIcq Q)..... 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(/) .;:: < C ii .3- ::I 1i ~ 8 e::: en lK ! ::::J .(/) (/) ::I ClI c I It) en 8 (;) e::: e::: 8~ - .~ B 0 ~ 'i Ie ClI 0 e 0 "j (gel) :tl&i 'C ~ 0 c ClI 'C Q)en iCii Q) f! .:; .s E :g a: lie::: .:; -c .e::: l) E 'E e::: :0 Q) m e::: ~... e I ,go ClI 8 ClI ::I :3 ClI .J~ a.. ::I .... <: c 0 c:: cc ~o ..,a.. (I) I Barton.Aschman Associates, Inc. 121 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 7. Recommended Improvement Plan Based on the results of the alternatives testing, the TAC and the TVTC decided to focus the ultimate improvement plan on the arterial corridors within Tri.Valley rather than the Tri-Valley gateways. The plan must address the primary question: What can we do to achieve the best level of service within the Tri.Valley? Three contributing factors influence the ability to respond to this question. · Financial constraints. . Physical limitations within corridors. . Development pattern. Financial resources for all projects are limited. The Measure C and Measure B sales tax programs provide substantial funding for specific projects in Tri-Valley. Other projects must compete for the relatively small pot of public funds. Developer fees, which have an upper limit, could help supplement public funds. Future sales tax or gasoline tax initiatives mayor may not be successful. Expansion of major corridors within Tri-Valley is limited due to existing development and terrain. These limitations hinder the development of transportation corridors other than the existing 1-680 and 1-580 corridors. Development patterns within Tri-Valley have been geared toward relatively low housing and commercial densities. These patterns are expected to continue in the future. This development pattern is impossible to serve thoroughly with transit, given realistic funding expectations. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 122 Recommended Improvement Plan Pion Overview The TVTAC used the policy direction to create a set of actions comprising an integrat. ed plan. The transportation plan comprises enhancement to roadway capacity coupled with increased transit service, control of demand (growth management and TDM), and acceptance of congestion in locations where it cannot be avoided. The plan is financial- ly constrained in that it includes only elements that are already funded, likely to be funded given extension of federal and state programs, or fundable by new development at an affordable level. Chapter 8 describes the fmancing plan. The following sections provide an overview of the plan. Road Improvements The plan includes many improvement projects for freeways, interchanges, arterials, and intersections. These are all based on the reality of gateway constraints. Gateway Constraints. Analysis of alternatives through the planning process showed that the TVTC's best interests would not be served by widening any of the gateways for single.occupant vehicles leading into the area. The gateways include 1.680 north and south, 1.580 east and west, Crow Canyon Road to Castro Valley, and Vasco Road. Widening of these gateways would still leave the freeways congested, would lead to more through traffic, and would increase traffic volumes on other Tri.Valley roads. This is true because of the Tri.Valley's strategic location between San Joaquin County and the Bay Area and also between Central and Eastern Contra Costa County and Santa Clara County. The implication of gateway constraints for roadway planning is that the interior freeways and arterials should be sized to handle only what traffic can get through the gateways. Thus, the plan recognizes that congestion will occur for several hours each weekday at the gateways, but this will have the positive effect of metering single. occupant vehicle travel to and from the area. Within the Tri.Valley area, the road system is designed to minimize congestion. While not ideal (the ideal would be to have no congestion anywhere), the roadway plan when combined with a balance between jobs and housing, produces the best conditions to be reasonably expected. The reasons behind the gateway constraint concept are different for different gate- ways, as discussed below: 1.680 North. The section north of Diablo Road cannot practically be widened beyond the HOV lanes under construction. The gateway constraint assumption recognizes this reality. . 1.680 South. The section south of Route 84 has room to be widened, and limited widening would support the investment in Route 84 capacity. Accordingly, the plan recommends the addition of HOV lanes (see Chapter 7). Gateway constraints would still apply for single-occupant vehicles. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 123 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I Recommended Improvement Plan 1.580 West. This section between Tri.Valley and Castro Valley has a projected demand of 10,300 vehicles eastbound in the PM peak hour. Widening beyond the CUJTent four lanes is infeasible. 1-580 East (Altamont Pass): Alameda County policy, in recognition of the need to encourage shorter commuter and not overload Tri-Valley roads with regional traffic, opposes increases to capacity for single-occupant vehicles. Therefore, gateway constraint is waITanted. The plan includes HOV lanes, as a second priority project, in recognition of the importance of 1-580 as a regional facility (see Chapter 7). The gateway constraint policy also applies to Patterson Road, Tesla Road, and Old Altamont Road. Crow Canyon Road (to Castro Valley). Safety improvements are planned for this section of Crow Canyon Road. However, the TVTC supports maintaining the two. lane cross-section. Vasco Road. Vasco Road is planned for implementation as a two-lane road. However, the two-lane road project should be done in such a manner to not preclude future accommodation of public transit or other improvements as subse. quently determined appropriate. The Plan is based upon the following set of assumptions regarding gateway capacity on the freeways and major arterials which access the Tri.Valley: · 1.680 to the north. Six lanes plus HOV lanes. · 1-580. Eight lanes. · 1.680 to the south. Six lanes plus HOV lanes. · Crow Canyon Road to Castro Valley. Two lanes. · Vasco Road north of 1-580. Two lanes. Any departure from these assumptions would required amending the Plan. The TVTP/AP, by incorporating a gateway constraint methodology, is breaking new ground. Action Plans being prepared for adjacent subareas in Contra Costa County have not employed this methodology. Consequently, the use of the gateway constraint methodology could raise a consistency issue between the TVTP/AP and adjacent Action Plans in Central, East, and Southwest Contra Costa County. Furthermore, no formal. ized approach for conducting the gateway constraint method of analysis has been adopted by either the Alameda or Contra Costa CMAs. The Contra Costa Transporta- tion Authority's Technical Procedures is reticent on the gateway constraint methodology. Current gateways are established by two factors: geographic constraints and financial constraints. To some degree the geographic constraints can be overcome through significant capital investments in new highway projects. However, the Tri.Valley Transportation Plan is based upon the assumption that significant capacity enhance- Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 124 Recommended Improvement Plan ments to the gateways serving Tri-Valley are financially infeasible. The Policy of the Tri.Valley Transportation Council is to work closely with neighboring jurisdictions, Congestion Management Agencies, Caltrans, and MTC to resolve capacity problems at the gateways and as needed through the partnership activities and to subsequently adjust our Transportation Plan should funding of mutual acceptable facilities become possible. Freeway Ramp Metering. Ramp metering is a way of controlling the volume of traffic entering a freeway so the system is as efficient as possible. A survey made for the Federal Highway Administration of seven ramp metering systems in the United States and Canada revealed that average highway speeds increased by 29 percent after installing ramp metering and travel times decreased 16.5 percent. At the same time reductions of freeway congestion averaged approximately 60 percent. An analysis of the FLOW system in Seattle (ramp metering and HOV lanes) revealed that in addition to similar improvements in speed and travel time, highway throughput increased from 12 to 40 percent as a result of ramp metering. An additional benefit from ramp metering is a decrease in the accident rate. Reductions from 20 to 58 percent have been achieved through improved merging operations. Without ramp metering, bottlenecks will develop on the freeway that decrease throughput and lead to longer delays than motorists face at the meters themselves. Ramp meters also encourage the peak spreading that needs to occur to keep the gateways flowing. This happens because motorists are willing to accept only up to about a 10.minute wait at the meters. Beyond that, they will adjust their trip-making (i.e., choose to travel at a different time or choose a different mode). This peak spreading helps to get the most out of the system when gateway constraints are a reality. Without ramp metering it is projected that the freeway flow will break down and be congested for long periods of time with the on-ramps not being able to flow at their designed flow rates. The on-ramps will be metered by freeway congestion rather than planned rates. Staff believes a metered system will move more people more effectively and equitably than an unmanaged system. The unmetered system is also more prone to be blocked by congestion-induced accidents than a metered system. An additional major benefit of ramp metering is that it can be combined with HOV bypass to provide an additional powerful incentive for carpooling and can help buses increase average speeds. When combined with HOV lanes on the freeways, the ramp metering-with-bypass system allows carpools and buses to travel unimpeded through. out the system. Ramp metering has two potential drawbacks: backups on the local street system, and rewarding long-distance commuters. The potential for backups on local streets can be minimized through ramp widening and strategic placement of the meters. The risk of rewarding long.distance commutes can be minimized by instituting a system of ramp metering for the entire length of a freeway, rather than in isolated locations. Barton.Aschman Associates, Inc. 125 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Recommended Improvement Plan The Tri-Valley Transportation Plan includes ramp metering with HOV bypass with the proviso that this not seriously impact local streets and that local implementation be tied with implementation along all of 1~680 and 1-580 in neighboring communities. Freeway HOV Lanes. High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes are under construction along 1.680 between Rudgear Road and 1-580. HOV lanes provide the advantage of reducing travel times for ridesharers and transit patrons. They also enhance mobility during off~peak hours by being available for all vehicles. This is especially important when considering truck traffic, which increasingly relies on off-peak hours to reach destinations without undue delays. The TVTC recognizes the benefits ofHOV lanes, but realizes that take-a-Iane pro. grams do not work. Such an ill.fated attempt at providing HOV lanes on 1.580 resulted in federal legislation prohibiting their use on that freeway in unincorporated areas. Thus, HOV lanes must be added to the freeways. HOV lanes on both 1-680 and 1.580 are included in the plan. Due to the expense of the projects, however, some segments are included as lower priority projects. 1.680 south of 1-580 has been designed to accommodate the addition ofHOV lanes, but pavement widening would be required. Top funding priority should be given to the section south of Route 84 to the top of the Sunol Grade, which is the border of Area 4 in the Alameda Countywide Transportation Plan. This section will experience significant traffic increases due to the planned capacity increases to Route 84. The section of 1.680 between Alcosta Boulevard and Route 84 should also be planned to include HOV lanes but with a lower funding priority. On 1-580, HOV lanes would be more difficult and costly to build because the inter. changes have not been built to accommodate them. However, the Caltrans Route Concept calls for 10 lanes plus BART in the median for 1.580. The most important segment for funding priority on 1-580 is the segment between Tassajara Road and North Livermore Avenue. This segment is predicted to experience the highest traffic demand along 1-580 in the Tri.Valley. To accommodate the extra freeway width, the interchanges at EI Charro/Fallon and Airway would need to be rebuilt. The EI Charrol Fallon interchange is planned to be rebuilt anyway. In addition, the planned new interchange at Isabel Avenue (Route 84) would need to be built to accommodate the width. As a lower funding priority, the plan also includes extending the 1-580 HOV lanes east to the Alameda County border. This would require widening four interchanges in Livermore (N. Livermore, First, Vasco, and Greenville), and three interchanges/crossings east of Livermore. Extending HOV lanes on 1-580 west of Santa Rita Road is more problematic. With the BART extension and the 1-580/1.680 interchange project, this section will be built out to its full Route Concept width of 10 lanes plus BART, The section will have four through lanes, as it does today, plus auxiliary lanes between interchanges. Thus, HOV lanes on 1.580 west of Santa Rita are not included in the plan. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 126 Recommended Improvement Plan Arterial Issues: The planned arterial system has been designed to provide smooth circulation in and between the Tri.Valley cities and to provide access to the freeway system. Intersections and freeway interchanges are the focal points of the arterial system. All of the widenings and extensions are necessary to serve new development, so the plan calls for direct developer construction or at least funding. The primary issue is how to share costs between jurisdictions having joint respon- sibility for a particular road. This is discussed further in the Financing Plan chapter. There are two major arterials in the Tri-Valley that do not provide direct access to planned development but rather serve interregional traffic between Alameda County and Contra Costa County. These two arterials are Crow Canyon Road and Vasco Road. Crow Canyon Road. The portion of Crow Canyon Road west of Bollinger Canyon Road is a two. lane rural road that lies within the jurisdiction of Alameda County and Contra Costa County. While once used by its adjacent residents to bring goods to the market, today, Crow Canyon Road is being used by commuters as an alternate route to the 1-580/I.680 freeways. Development in the vicinity of Crow Canyon Road, especially in the fast~growing San Ramon Valley area, has generat~ ed a significant increase in traffic on this roadway. The expected forecast for this roadway is LOS F. The roadway, which is a narrow and winding road, was not designed to handle commuter traffic and does not have adequate width and alignment. The Alameda County, in collaboration with Contra Costa County and the City of San Ramon prepared and developed a project study report, pursuant to California Senate Bill 1149. The report recommended the construction of eight. foot shoulders, climbing lanes and road realignment eliminating short-radii curves. Contra Costa County has in its Measure C program the improvement of Crow Canyon Road within Contra Costa County. Alameda County, however, is seeking for funds to improve the two-lane section of the roadway. Unfortunately, improve. ment of this portion of Crow Canyon Road cannot be directed to a particular developer construction. But since the traffic forecast clearly indicates that traffic increase on this roadway is development related, it is recommended that subregional transportation impact fees be used to improve the section of Crow Canyon Road within the Tri.Valley area. Vasco Road. Vasco Road is a narrow and winding rural road that is a major commuter and truck route linking the Tri-Valley with eastern Contra Costa County. Approximately 17 miles of Vasco Road, starting at a point on Vasco Road approximately one-half mile south of the County Line to the intersection of Camino Diablo in Contra Costa County, will be relocated as a result of the construction of the Los Vaqueros Reservoir. This portion of Vasco Road is designed as a two-lane highway based on state and county standards for new roads with comfortable speeds of up to 65 mph. Meanwhile, the remaining section of the Barton.Aschman Associates, Inc. 127 I I I I I I I I I .1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Recommended Improvement .Plan roadway in Alameda County (approximately three miles in length) has tight curves and narrow shoulders with advisory speeds along curves of less than 35 mph. Vasco Road is expected to have a Level of Service F in the year 2010. As much as the Plan calls for a policy limiting the capacity of Vasco Road to two lanes, it is necessary that this roadway be realigned to improve traffic flow and safety. Alameda County is currently seeking funds to improve the section of the roadway from the new Vasco Road to the Livermore City Limit. This proposed improvement includes realignment of the roadway, widening of shoulders,a nd installing passing lanes without increasing its capacity, consistent with the standards being used in the Los Vaqueros-Vasco Road project. Projected congestion on this roadway cannot be directed to a particular develop- ment but its future congestion is truly the result of developments in the region. It is also recommended that subregional traffic mitigation fees be used to improve this facility. Transit Improvements The key transit improvement in the Tri-Valley is the extension of BART to Dub. linIPleasanton with two local stations. Local WHEELS routes will be rerouted to serve the BART stations and create transit centers with timed transfers between modes. WHEELS and County Connection routes will also need to be rerouted and augmented to serve new development areas: North Livermore, East Dublin, and Dougherty Valley. In addition, nine new express bus routes are included in the plan to serve the follow. ing corridors not served by BART: 1-680 north to Walnut Creek, Vasco Road to East County, and 1-680 south to Fremont. The Tri-Valley Transit Plan has been developed to correspond to expected funding levels. Since the area is expected to almost double in population, the assumption is that transit funding will also double. It is important to note that this assumption may not be realized. Transit funding may not keep pace with population increase. Never- theless, the plan includes the provision for significant new services plus greater use of existing routes that have available capacity. Additional riders can be served without additional investment. Note, however, that the development pattern in the Tri-Valley is one of overall low density, and the new areas proposed for development will generally reinforce the low- density pattern. The low-density pattern does not support the extensive use of transit or cost-effective transit operations. If transit is to serve a much greater role than it does today, development densities will need to increase. Growth Management The TVTC recognizes that its mission is not to plan land use. Land use inputs to the plan came from the planning department of each member jurisdiction. Projections are also available from ABAG, and the "expected" land use on which the plan is based is Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 128 Recommended Improvement Plan 11,000 d:welling units higher than Projections '92 for the Tri.Yalley as a whole. Action Plans in Contra Costa County are mandated by Measure C to address growth manage. ment issues when TSOs cannot otherwise be met. CCTA guidelines for Action Plans state that they may include policies to prohibit urban expansion in specified geograph. ic areas and to change the distribution of planned land uses to reduce impacts on regional routes. It should be noted that the TVTP is a 2010 plan and land use recommendations apply to 2010 and not buildout. Action Plans in Contra Costa County are required to include the following components: · Long.range assumptions regarding future land use based on local General Plans. · Procedure for review of impacts resulting from proposed local General Plan amendments that have the potential to influence the effectiveness of adopted Action Plans. The following are requirements for a Contra Costa County jurisdiction to be considered in compliance in relation to Regional Routes: · Submission to Regional Committee of proposed revision(s) to Action Plan to mitigate impacts associated with proposed General Plan amendments. General Plan amendments that would reduce the effectiveness of adopted Action Plans may lead to a determination of non. compliance if the Action Plan cannot be revised with the approval of the Regional Committee and the CCTA. Contra Costa County Action Plans may include the following types of actions: Land Use Policy 1. Modify allowable densities for newly developing areas or areas where redevelop. ment is anticipated. 2. Change distribution of planned land uses (new or redeveloped) to reduce impacts on Regional Routes. 3. Prohibit urban expansion in specified geographic areas. 4. Condition development approvals on progress in attaining traffic service objectives. Capital Projects · Construction of new roads or transit facilities · Street or freeway widening · HOY lane construction · Adding turn lanes Barton.Aschman Associates, Inc. 129 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Recommended Improvement Plan Operational Improvements . Traffic signal coordination · Ramp metering . Revisions to transit routes and schedules . Augmentation of bus service on Regional Routes Trip Reduction Programs . More stringent TDM requirements within corridor . Focused ridesharing campaigns . Parking limitations and charges Institutional Intergovernmental Programs . Coordinated efforts to attract State and Federal funding for projects in the County. . Communication and cooperation with jurisdictions in adjacent counties. General Plan Amendments in Contra Costa County The tools and procedures for conducting General Plan updates and analyzing proposed General Plan amendments will be the same as those used in preparing the Growth Management Elements. If the specific project or policy changes are large enough to meet requirements established by the region in its adopted Action Plan, the jurisdic- tion considering the Plan amendment must submit the amendment the Regional Committee for evaluation of its impact on the ability to achieve Action Plan objectives. The Growth Management Program directs the RTP.Cs to evaluate proposed amend- ments only in relation to issues affecting Action Plan success and consistency. It will be the responsibility of the jurisdiction considering the amendment to either: 1. Demonstrate that the amendment will not violate Action Plan policies or the ability to meet Action Plan Traffic Service Objectives; or 2. Propose modification to the Action Plan that will prevent the General Plan amend. ment from adversely affecting the regional transportation network. If neither of these can be done, approval of the General Plan amendment may lead to a findings of non-compliance with the Growth Management Program. General Plan Consistency with Contra Costa County Action Plans The Action Plans for Routes of Regional Significance will be based upon adopted General Plan land uses, the existing road network, and planned improvements to the network. Consistency with the Action Plans must be established for any changes to the Barton.Aschman Associates, Inc. 130 Recommended Improvement Plan General Plan that may significantly reduce the ability of the facility to meet the Traffic Service Objectives. The RTPC will be responsible for establishing the type and size of amendment that will require review by the RTPC and the process for imple- menting this review. Approval of a General Plan Amendment found to be inconsistent with the adopted Action Plans may render the jurisdiction ineligible for Local Street Maintenance Improvement Funds from the CCTA. Consistency with the Action Plans can be achieved by revising the proposed amend- ment, adopting local actions to offset impacts to the Route of Regional Significance, or Council or Board denial of the amendment. Jurisdictions in Tri.Valley may implement a proactive Growth and Congestion Management strategy once a detailed growth management study has been conducted. The study should indicate the development reductions, land use density reductions, or other types of growth management/control that would be required for each applicable Tri.Valley jurisdiction in order to achieve TSO standards. Any development reduction should be proportional to the traffic distribution percentages for each jurisdiction. Also, the impact of this development reduction to traffic impact fees should be analyzed. All jurisdictions will then review this information and know exactly how much reduction in development or growth management/control is needed to meet the TSOs. Jobs-Housing Balance Another aspect of land use growth relevant to transportation planning is jobs.housing balance. The Tri-Valley now has more housing than jobs. The 2010 expected land use scenario includes more job growth than housing growth, which will establish a balance. Because of the dynamics of the Bay Area, in--commuting and out.commuting will still occur, but at least they are reduced with a jobs-housing balance in the Tri. Valley. The importance of a jobs-housing balance is further reinforced by the gateway constraints that will exist in the Tri.Valley area. Trip-making into and out of the area will become increasingly difficult in the future. The provision of a job for every employed resident and vice versa will minimize the need for residents to leave the area for work. This will minimize the traffic pressure at the gateways. An important issue to remember with regard to jobs-housing balance is that the numerical count alone is insufficient to achieve the desired result of minimizing travel. The housing must be of a variety to be affordable to each income level. Reduced Level of Service Standards The TVTC has seen that the originally intended transportation service objective of LOS E on the freeways based on demand cannot be met in many locations regardless ofland use assumptions. In fact, this standard cannot even be met with today's volumes. This is true because growth in San Joaquin County, Santa Clara County, and Barton.Aschman Associates, Inc. 131 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Recommended Improvement Plan Central and East Contra Costa County will fill up the Tri-Valley freeways even if Tri- Valley jurisdictions do not grow. Therefore, the TVTC will accept congestion at the gateways recognizing that while it is not ideal, at least it will minimize through traffic. The focus then shifts to maintaining adequate levels of service, and providing transit options, for trips within the Tri-Valley. The transportation plan succeeds in avoiding congestion on the arterial system. Also, 1-680 between Alamo and Route 84 is expected to flow smoothly. Level of Service F conditions, however, are expected on 1-580 westbound in the morning and eastbound in the evening between Tassajara Road and North Livermore Avenue. This would be partially alleviated with high occupancy vehicle lanes and ramp metering. Transportation Demand Management (TOM) The TVTC supports TDM measures; however, TVTC does not want to base the Transportation Plan on unrealistic TDM goals without supporting programs. Through the plan process, the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD)-mandat- ed average vehicle ridership (A VR) of 1.35 was tested. This applies to employers with 100 or more employees. The TVTC estimated that such large employers make up only about 10 percent of all employment. This, coupled with the fact that commute trips make up about 35 percent to 40 percent of the PM peak.hour traffic stream, means that the BAAQMD mandate will have negligible impact on traffic levels. The TVTC also investigated the impact of achieving an A VR of 1.35 for all employers, throughout the Bay Area, large and small. Compared to the "ambient" A VR of 1.10. 1.15, this would be a 20 percent improvement. Given the commute trip proportion of total PM peak.hour traffic. a 20 percent increase in A VR would translate into 7 percent to 8 percent less traffic on the roads. While this would create a significant improvement in operations, it would not significantly reduce the need for road building. Nevertheless, if at least a 10 percent increase in A VR were not achieved, additional intersection improvements, beyond what are included in the plan, would probably be necessary. The achievement of a 20 percent increase in AVR would not be easy. The TVTC believes that this would require a significant increase in the cost of solo commuting. However, the TVTC is not in favor of parking charges. Gasoline tax increases would be more acceptable, provided they were levied regionwide (including San Joaquin County). Gas tax increases would encourage commute alternatives and would provide more money for transportation investments. The plan is based on a more-achievable goal of an average 10 percent increase in A VR for all employers. This increase would be realized through the adoption and enforce. ment of local trip reduction ordinances. The 10 percent increase in A VR will bring some of the intersections otherwise projected to be borderline unacceptable back into compliance with the TSOs. Barton.Aschman Associates, Inc. 132 Recommended Improvement Plan Road Improvement Plan The Tri.Valley Transportation Plan includes many road improvement projects. These projects were developed by the member jurisdictions of the TVTC. Projects range from intersection modifications to freeway improvements and new roads. The resulting system would provide good circulation within the Tri-Valley area. Figure 7.1 shows the planned roadway system. Figure 5~2 in Chapter 5 shows the planned changes to freeway interchanges. Details on planned intersection lane configurations are included in the Technical Appendix. A detailed listing of the planned roadway improvements is shown in Table 7.1. Critical Regional Projects Since most arterial improvements and extensions are local-serving and will be paid for by new development, the financial plan needs to focus on the funding of the larger projects with regional significance. The TVTC developed the following list of criteria to derme projects for inclusion in a potential regional impact fee program: 1. The project must involve a route of regional significance as dermed by the TVTC for the transportation plan (see Figure 1-1). 2. Transit projects can be included. 3. The project must be identified in an adopted plan. 4. The project would not be built as a direct developer improvement. While not a part of the originally adopted list, a fifth criterion discussed by the TVTC is that the project should serve more than one jurisdiction. By these criteria, the following planned projects would qualify as being regionally significant. These have been preliminarily determined to be of highest priority for funding due to their demonstrated need in meeting the TSOs through 2010. This list may be modified in subsequent studies. 1. 1-580/].680 Interchange. Southbound-to.eastbound flyover. 2. Route 84. Four lanes on Vallecitos Road, six lanes on Isabel Avenue, including interchange improvement at I-580Nallecitos and a new interchange at 1.580/Isabel. 3. ].680 Auxiliary Lanes. From Diablo Road to Bollinger Canyon Road. 4. BART Extension. From Castro Valley to East Dublin, including two stations in the Tri.Valley. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 133 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -p\ 0 z:x::: i c.' ..- :;) , :?J I 00: ~t; o\c. ,..... <.),~ Cl) -0 I ~ .e 0'<.) .... ~~ ::s ~ ~\O .~ ~ 0,"'0 I.&.. <.) 1 G) 1-1- I O\<C. O:W ;:"9, OZ , c. ,4- 5\ 0.. I , UJ , \ Z < I , a: \ I- \ , c I \ VlVl \ W ~<II Z ~ c '" '0 .:=.3 \ Z I <II ';:: VlI < c <II I-N , .3 ~ <II J:.<II , ~I- \ ...J ~ o " g. <II a.. ~ c I <: t " " -' :g J:. I ~ I ~ \ OJ ., a <II :.s Q :i I- <II "'0 1: <II ~ <: <: I E " .3 -' I- :J I I Cl. % \IJ .... ~ " " II 0 m I - :z - I L.lJ - 0 O~ C) - ~ - 3:lN::llI~'" - - I . () I c - u) CD .... 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Oai..li~~~ ca2'~~gt ,~ ;:; '= tii "~ jii! ~ 8S~~~C5~ ~ ~ ~ :1 ~ a l5. 111 l E- 'c: Q. g III CD E I -~CD 0 &~15l!~i2'l!-; ~~jRi:c~~~i ~ .!>_;;~ CD CD III ~c8~;! :S:t6 ...J 12 o (!j 8 ffi , ~ s,n!: I Recommended Improvement Plan 5. 1.580 HOV Lanes. From Tassajara Road to North Livermore Avenue. 6. 1.680 HOV Lanes. From Route 84 to top of Sunol Grade. 7. Ramp Metering. Add ramp metering with HOV bypass to all freeway interchanges in the Tri-Valley. 8. I-680lAlcosta Interchange. Capacity improvements including replacement of southbound off.ramp with hook ramp. 9. 1.580 I Foothill Interchange. Conversion to partial cloverleaf design. 10. Crow Canyon Road Safety Improvements. This project consists of realigning the roadway, construction of shoulders and improving sight distance, all aimed at improving traffic flow and safety on Crow Canyon Road between Bollinger Canyon Road and MM 4.45 (located one mile north of Norris Canyon Road). 11. Vasco Road Safety Improvements. This project consists of the realignment of Vasco Road from the new Vasco Road to the Livermore City limit. without increasing the capacity of the gateway. This is consistent with the standards used in the Vasco Road relocation project by the Contra Costa Water District in conjunction with the Los Vaqueros reservoir project. The following three projects are also included in the transportation plan but are preliminarily considered by the TVTC to be of lower priority for the 2010 planning horizon. These projects are considered important to the future of transportation in the Tri-Valley but are not needed to meet the Transportation Service Objectives through 2010. 1. 1-580 HOV Lanes. Completion of the HOV project on 1-580 from Livermore Avenue to the Alameda County border. 2. I~680 HOV Lanes. Completion of the 1-680 HOV Lane project from 1.580 to Route 84. This would create a system of continuous HOV lanes on 1-680 through the Tri -Valley. 3. 1.58011.680 Interchange. Construction of the northbound to westbound flyover ramp. This improvement has been identified by Caltrans as the next step in improving the 1.580/1-680 interchange. This second flyover ramp would eliminate all existing weaving sections. The Transit Plan The Tri.Valley Transportation Plan includes several transit improvements. These were developed by a transit subcommittee of the TVTAC. The subcommittee included representatives from BART, CCCTA (County Connection), LAVTA (WHEELS), and Contra Costa County. The plan includes the following major components: BART extension to east Dublin (two stations). park.and-ride lots, express bus service in heavily traveled corridors. local bus service to new development areas, reoriented local bus service to serve BART and park.and-ride lots. and decreased headways on existing Barton.Aschman Associates, Inc. 141 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Recommended Improvement Plan routes. For modeling purposes, specific bus routes were developed and tested. Howev. er, the TVTP is not intended to be a detailed long.range plan for transit provision. Therefore, the specific routes, which are described in the Appendix, should not be interpreted literally, but as representative of the type of service (headways and corridors served) that should be provided. The following are descriptions of the planned transit service. BART Extension: The plan includes the BART extension to East Dublin with two stations in the Tri.Valley. The extension is currently under construction and is projected to open in 1996. The planned BART headways are nine minutes. Both stations are assumed to have parking lots. The patronage forecasts from the traffic model indicate demand for at least 6,000 parking spaces combined for the two stations. Two BART feeder bus lines would be operated: one to Bishop Ranch and Danville, and one to Livermore. Both would have 30.minute headways. Park.n.Ride Lots: The plan includes 11 new park.n-ride lots (See Figure 7.2). These would be served by various bus lines and could also serve as staging locations for carpools. County Connection: The plan calls for the expansion of service from the current three lines serving Tri.Valley (30.minute headways) to eight lines. Three lines would have 30.minute headways and five lines would have 20-minute headways. The lines would serve Danville, San Ramon, Bishop Ranch, Dougherty Valley, and some would extend down to the East Dublin BART station. WHEELS: Under the plan, WHEELS service would expand from the current 11 lines with 30-60 minute headways to 21 lines, all with 3D-minute headways. The route system would be extensively revised to serve the two BART stations, park.n-ride lots, and the newly developed areas of East Dublin and North Livermore. Some routes would also extend into San Ramon and Danville. Express Bus Service: The plan calls for the provision of nine new express bus routes operating in the 1-680, 1-580, and Vasco Road corridors. The following areas are served: 1. Santa Clara County to Pleasanton 2. Hayward to San Ramon 3. Santa Clara County to San Ramon 4. Fremont to San Ramon 5. Brentwood to Pleasanton 6. Brentwood to Livermore 7. Fremont to Livermore 8. Hayward to Pleasanton 9. Hayward to Livermore Barton.Aschman Associates, Inc. 142 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I \ , \ ?l\ c:. 7J- ':) '""c:. 5\1> o \ <..> ~\\O o "() . t.J"t 0\0 ~4i c:., 0' 0\ (>>I 3/IlIIH33W (>>I o.?SVII i a \ , \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ i ! ~ IIV ~H3oV1 ON \ \ \ \ \ ~ \ \ \ ~ I 0 \ ~ \ \ ; \ C7J \ IS G) ..... fl,. \ \ . () .s \ \ .. f1) CD .... as .0 o f1) f1) -< c as .2 f ~ ~~~ I i c ..... o .... .... as In \ \ ) , , ! , j ~ en I I- ,... 0 f ::J ...J IC) c::: W o - a: I c Z < I ~ a: < tl. i! I ~ . co Recommended Improvement Plan These routes each have 20.minute headways. The plan does not specify what agency would operate the express routes. To serve the Altamont Pass commute, it is anticipat. ed that the San Joaquin Regional Transit District will offer express bus service to various locations in the Bay Area. Freight Transportation Freight transportation provides an important contribution to the economy. As such, it is both necessary and appropriate that the Plan give strategic priority to the move. ment of freight. To highlight the strategic importance of freight transportation, this plan designates 1-580 as a Critical Freight Route and 1.680 as a Major Freight Route. These designations are consistent with the Alameda County Long.Range Transporta- tion Plan. Truck volume studies show that 1.580 at the Altamont Pass carries more than 20,000 trucks each weekday while 1.680 at the Sunol Pass carries more than 15,000 trucks per day. As a Critical Freight Route, 1.580 should be accorded priority for intermodal funding under ISTEA. Also, 1.580 should be operated in a manner which ensures that freight can be moved with maximum efficiency. To this end. expenditure priority should be given to those operational improvements necessary to prevent the encroachment of commute traffic from congesting Critical Freight Routes during midday hours (midday hours are defined from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM). As a Major Freight Route, 1-680 should be given consideration for intermodal funding under ISTEA. One transportation management strategy to be evaluated further and considered later is to implement ramp metering during midday hours, as necessary, to maintain acceptable speeds on 1.580 and 1-680. At such time as environmental review is conducted for a systemwide ramp metering plan for the Tri.Valley, ramp metering during midday hours to maintain smooth freight movements should also be considered. Barton.Aschman Associates. Inc. 145 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 8. Financial Plan Implementation of the Tri-Valley Transportation Plan will be financed through a combination of public and private sources. The primary existing funding sources include the Measure C program in Contra Costa County and the Alameda County Measure B program. Funds are also available through various federal, state and local programs. These are administered through MTC via the Regional Transportation Plan. All assumptions for state and federal funding are taken from MTCIRTP estimates. Alameda County Measure B Alameda County voters approved Measure B,a 15-year one-half percent sales tax, in November, 1986. Measure B was based on the August, 1986 Alameda County Trans- portation Expenditure Plan. Approximately two.thirds of the total Measure B revenue is to be spent on 10 capital improvement projects. Three of the 10 projects are located in the Tri.Valley area. The total Measure B funding programmed to Tri-Valley is $293.6 million. . Interstate 580/680 Interchange. $89.3 million to provide a southbound-to- eastbound direct connector. . Route 84. $19.9 million to construct a two-lane road on the Isabel Avenue align. ment between Jack London and Concannon. Other sources (MTC, Livermore impact fees, Ruby Hills development) will contribute $43.0 million to overall Route 84 improvements. . BART Extension. $170 million to extend BART from San Leandro to PleasantonlDublin. Other sources will contribute $367 million to this project. Barton.Aschman Associates, Inc. 146 Financial Plan Refer to the Alameda County Transportation Authority's Strategic Plan, Fiscal year 1993/94, for project and funding specifics. The remaining money is being distributed directly to local entities for current transportation needs. Alameda County Plan The Alameda County Long.Range Transportation Plan identifies a two.phased, Tier 1 and Tier 2, investment program to maintain and enhance the county transportation network. The Tier 1 program is based on reasonable expectations of available revenue sources over the next 20 years to 2014. The County is expecting to receive a total of $1.15 billion during this period. These sources are in addition to the Measure B funds. The Metropolitan Transportation Commission has gone through a similar process for the whole Bay Area and identified what they call Track 1 projects. These are projects that would be funded by the assumed continuation of existing state and federal funding programs. Table 8.1 shows the Tier 1 projects in the Tri.Valley and compares the Alameda County list to MTC's Track I. Table 8-1 Alameda County Tier 1 Projects in Tri-Valley MTC Track I AC Tier 1 Comments/ Description (mil esc.$) (mil esc. $) Clarifications Altamont Rail Service- See Com- 3.2 Funding for initial stage planned by Demonstration Project ments San Joaquin County. MTC staff stated they will include a footnote in the RTP stating support, if San Joaquin County allocates funds to the project. Enhanced Bus Service 0 $5.0 To serve Planning Area 4. 1.580/1-680 SB to EB flyover. hook 16.0 17.0 Pending review of 1-58011-680 inter- ramps. and complete ramp braid to change funding program. Construction retain Hopyard Road access. scheduled to begin '97. West DublinlPleasanton BART station 19.0 27.5 BART extension to be completed by '95. will build shell for West Dublin station. New Route 84/1-580 30.0 20.0 Project Study Report being interchange developed. 1-580 truck/auto separation on WB 12.0 Q Safety-operational improvements to 1-205 at 1-580. interchange. Dependent on San Joaq- uin County provision of $5 million. Total $77.0 $72.7 Banon-Aschman Associates, Inc. 147 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Financial Plan The Alameda County Tier 2 program is essentially unfunded, being based on assump. tions about new revenue sources, such as the continuation of Measure B and a regional gas tax. Table 8.2 shows the Tier 2 project list for Tn-Valley. Table 8.2 Alameda County Tier 2 Projects in Tri-Valley AC Tier 2 Comments! Description (mil esc $) Clarifications Local Transit Operations- 4.7 CMA allocation is for ADA shortfall. LAVTA Altamont Pass Rail Service- 0.0 Pending corridor study results. CMA recom. Demonstration Project mends funding Alameda County share of demo service In Tier 1. 1-560/1.660 f1yover, complete 6.0 To be determined pending review of 1.580/1. hook ramps to Dublin, and 680 Interchange funding program. complete ramp braid to retain Hopyard Road access 1.580 HOV lane 0.0 To be determined pending outcome of corri. dor study. West Dublin BART Station 0.0 CMA recommends project for Tier 1 and Track I. Route 64 Freeway/Expressway 180.0 Reallocate $27.5 million of the $180 million to and complete Route 84/1-580 West Dublin BART station if MTC adopts RTP Interchange with BART station in Track II. Enhanced Bus Service 23.0 To serve Planning Area 4. Vasco Road Operational ~ Improvements Total $229.7 Contra Costa County On November 8, 1988, the voters of Contra Costa County approved Measure C, which became effective in April 1989. The Measure C "Expenditure Plan" directs funds generated through Measure C to a wide variety of planning, operational and capital improvements, collectively designed to improve transportation service in Contra Costa County. The "Expenditure Plan" includes Capital Improvement projects that fall into Barton.Aschman Associates, Inc. 148 Financial Plan three categories: (1) Highways and Arterials, (2) Transit, and (3) Trails. In addition there are five programs included within Measure C: (1) Elderly and Handicapped Transit Service, (2) Local Street Maintenance and Improvements, (3) Carpools, Vanpools and Park.and.Ride Lots, (4) Bus Transit Improvements and Coordination, and (5) Regional Transportation Planning and Growth Management. Approximately 70 percent of the revenues are allocated to capital improvement projects and 30 percent to programs. The seven-year "Strategic Plan" provides detailed specific commitments for specific projects. The balance of the program is represented as lump sum amounts shown by year. The current "Strategic Plan" is detailed through fiscal year 1997. It is updated every two years and is currently undergoing its first update. Tri.Valley projects identified by CCTA for Measure C funding to date include the following. The total Measure C funding in Tri.Valley is $27.4 million. · 1.680 Auxiliary Lanes: $10 million to construct auxiliary lanes between Diablo Road and Bollinger Canyon Road interchanges. Other sources must contribute $27 million. (Source: Regional Transportation Plan, MTC.) · Construct Fostoria Parkway Overcrossing: $11.5 million to construct the 1-680 overcrossing. Other funding sources amount to $1.8 million. (Source: CCTA, 1993 Congestion Management Program, Appendix E.) · Arterial Street Improvements: $5.9 million to modify/improve the arterial road network in Tri.Valley. (Source: CCTA, 1993 Congestion Management Program, Appendix E.) Private Funding The majority of the arterial system and interchange improvements in the Tri~Valley will be built or funded by new development. This is reflective of the fact that the arterial extensions and widenings are to build additional capacity to serve new development. The new roads and widenings will either be built directly by the developers or will be paid for through local traffic impact fees. Livermore, Pleasanton, Danville, and San Ramon all have development fees. These fees will in a large measure fund the needed arterial infrastructure for the expected year 2010 transporta. tion system. However, there are 11 critical regional projects that either lack funding entirely or are not completely funded. The need for these projects cannot be tied to any single development or even any single city. These are described below. Critical Regional Projects Since most arterial improvements and extensions are local.serving and will be paid for by new development, the financial plan needs to focus on the funding of the larger projects with regional significance. If the developer. funded, assumed local arterial improvements are not built, changes to the financing plan would be necessary. The TVTC developed the following list of criteria to define projects for inclusion in a potential regional impact fee program: Barton.Aschman Associates, Inc. 149 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Financial Plan 1. The project must involve a route of regional significance as derIDed by the TVTC for the transportation plan (see Figure 1~1). 2. Transit projects can be included. 3. The project must be identified in an adopted plan. 4. The project would not be built as a direct developer improvement. While not a part of the originally adopted list, a fifth criterion discussed by the TVTC is that the project should serve more than one jurisdiction. By these criteria, the following planned projects would qualify as being regionally significant. These have been preliminarily determined to be of highest priority for funding due to their demonstrated need in meeting the transportation service objec. tives through 2010. 1. ]-5801].680 Interchange. Southbound-to.eastbound flyover. 2. Route 84. Four lanes on Vallecitos Road, six lanes on Isabel Avenue, including a new interchange at 1-580!1sabel. 3. ].680 AuxUiary Lanes. From Diablo Road to Bollinger Canyon Road. 4. BART Extension. From Castro Valley to East Dublin, including two stations in the Tri-Valley. 5. ].580 HOV Lanes. From Tassajara Road to North Livermore Avenue. 6. ]-680 HOV Lanes. From Route 84 to top of Sunol Grade. 7. Ramp Metering. Add ramp metering with HOV bypass to all freeway interchanges in the Tri-Valley. 8. I.680lAlcosta Interchange. Capacity improvements including replacement of southbound off-ramp with hook ramp. 9. ].5801 Foothill Interchange. Conversion to partial cloverleaf design. 10. Crow Canyon Road Safety Improvements. Realigning the roadway, construction of shoulders and improving sight distance, all aimed at improving traffic flow and safety on Crow Canyon Road between Bollinger Canyon Road and one mile north of Norris Canyon Road. 11. Vasco Road Operational Improvements. Realignment and upgrading of Vasco Road from the Alameda County line to the Livermore City limit, while retaining the two-lane cross-section. Barton.Aschman Associates, Inc. 150 Financial Plan 12. Express Bus Service. Providing the capital cost of adding nine express bus routes connecting the Tri.Valley with surrounding communities and taking advantage of the freeway HOV lanes. The following three projects are also included in the transportation plan but are preliminarily considered by the TVTC to be oflower priority for the 2010 planning horizon. These projects are considered important to the future of transportation in the Tri-Valley but are not needed to meet the Transportation Service Objectives through 2010. 1. [-580 HOV Lanes. Completion of the HOV project on 1-580 from Livermore Avenue to the San Joaquin County border. 2. [-680 HOV Lanes. Completion of the 1-680 HOV Lane project from Alcosta Boule. vard to Route 84. This would create a system of continuous HOV lanes on 1-680 through the Tri.Valley. 3. [.580/[.680 Interchange. Construction of the northbound to westbound flyover ramp. This improvement has been identified by Caltrans as the next step in improving the 1.580/1.680 interchange. This second flyover ramp would eliminate all existing weaving sections. Funding for Reg/onal Projects Most of the regional projects have some funding already committed (see Table 8-3). Additional funds are needed to make up the shortfall. This plan does not rely on Alameda County Tier 2 funding becoming available. The total shortfall is $311.1 million. The regional improvements are all necessary to serve new development. Because Tier 2 funding is uncertain and because the regional projects are vital to safe and efficient transportation in the Tri-Valley, a subregional impact fee should be adopted to cover the shortfall. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 151 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ... C) c :c c Lt CD :0 !:! .~ c::C "C C CO (I) 1:) f a. c o .- - CO 1: 8- (I) c ! t- ea c .2 C) CD a: ~ .C o .- ... a. , .c C) :E "C C')CD .(1) COo CDQ. :De r:.o.. en I: i~ "2.s ;::'E ~g < ~en .- I: "2,g ;::,:= LLE -- 00) E:O ;::,.,m ~.~ << , l.tu) d E C US Q) i 8Bij~ i'Ol!?~ 'RiU)~8 E I: 0 .- .2 '0 '0 Ji g ~ ;:; co" .M Lt).... Ww 'o:t ...t .... w ONC1ft! ww::m w " " N N W W ..... ~ cia mw ~oo"': oww- ~ w o m o .... w o o (,)l!? I-! ::E(5 mma) (,) Q) 0) ~ !l) "- "- E - m ~ Q) m O)Q)'" Q) ::E::E:5 ::E mea ~~~ U) (I) ... coii= Q)_co ::!(I)O (,) ~ e ~ ~ l3 I I :I 0'10 .0 'o:tN mw ''It ...t .... w Lt) ('f) ... 'N .('f) ow-a N T"".... W Ww " ~ " ~ " ~ N~ Lt) '.... C'\ICD.... w~~ Lt) aol I I co N . Lt) ,Lt) N~g ww...: w c g, g ~ I: co 0 Ll? co t;; ''It 16 <2 ii '2 'if: i, c .i, U) ~ ~~~"5 1::' E ~. !It ~= 'gU5~ ~ ~(I)'O~I:~ ~ 1::' I:S co I: e2'co~.2>. ~ ~ ~g51i5~! ! o~co~im(l)(I) E ~ ~ -COcoco co I:-~ >~ - ~~~i~~~~~~ii~~iei~ ~"lt~~~~;~~~~~e~~~(~omea ~wQ)$~owg~~Q)~~::E~$(,)-~m~ 25 ~~(I) o~ E:~= 0:3 02 ~o U) ~$ ~ e ~ m og'EfBi5< .gm ,fB;::, comB e'CO co 9- ~~~co~_m~o~z~(I)~~<(,)(I)>W u .~ e a. Barton.Aschman Associates, Inc. M co .(1) ~i ~~ ti! 1:_ 02: U "-'0 €Ia ;::,- -~ Sea 9.~ :5-t;:., m. .!e C'G e i< ~~ .e:2 0.[ (1),8 ~= e'i .aC;; ~8 I: 0) ._~ ~- co:!:: I: co .~ .IT =(1) 0)1: 15.0 U)ii ._~ 0); ~e U) ;::, ~~ .. ... 152 Financial Plan Subregional Impact Fees There is general consensus at TVTC that unbuilt development should pay its fair share to mitigate the impacts of traffic generated by that development. Construction of the ml\ior regional improvement projects listed in Table 8.3 is estimated to cost close to $1 billion, and constitutes the regional improvement program needed to serve existing and planned development in the Tri.Yalley and surrounding region. Roughly 70 percent of the total project cost is expected to be funded through local, state, and federal sources over the next 20 years. The remaining 30 percent is unfunded. TVTC wishes to explore the possibility of generating revenues for this unfunded portion through implementation of a subregional transportation impact fee. For illustrative purposes, a fee amount was estimated assuming that at the need for new transportation facilities will be generated equally by residential and commercial growth, and that funding responsibility would be equally divided among these two types of development. Furthermore, the fee calculation uses a trip.based methodology, which means that the amount of the fee would depend upon the number of peak-hour trips generated by each new development project. Finally, it was assumed that the total unfunded amount shown in Table 8.3 would be paid for through the subregional transportation impact fee. This final assumption is subject to change, given that the estimates for future public funding of $694 million is tenuous at best, and that the nexus relationship between traffic impacts generated by new development, and project needs, would need to be fully evaluated before a fee could be adopted. Also a number of procedural and administrative hurdles would need to be cleared in order to adopt such a fee. The results of the trip-based fee calculation was translated into equivalent dwelling units for residential development, and square footage for non-residential development. The fee amount for new residential development would be approximately $2,800 per dwelling unit. The amount for office, commercial, or industrial use would be approxi- mately $6 per square foot. This discussion is preliminary in nature. The project list, cost estimates, and possible fees are subject to change pending further discussion at the TVTC and evaluation of the nexus relationship between new development and its impact on traffic. TVTC recognizes that imposition of $6 per square foot fee on non-residential develop. ment could have a negative impact on the economic development of the Tri-Valley area. Accordingly, TVTC will explore in greater detail the fee calculation methodology, and approaches to reducing the fee burden on projects that could significantly support continued economic growth in Tri.Yalley. At a minimum, further study will be needed to determine the following: . 1. The extent to which traffic generated by commercial development uses the freeway facilities identified in Table 8.3; and Barton.Aschman Associates, Inc. 153 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Financial Plan 2. The extent to which commercial.generated traffic contributes to peak-hour conges- tion. For example, AM peak-hour traffic generated by retail development generally occurs after the work.trip commute peak hour. These fees are illustrative of the level of impact fees required but are not meant to be final calculations. The TVTC must go beyond this plan to develop an impact fee program that would establish a legal nexus between development levels and fees charged and also clarify many ancillary issues. At a minimum, the program needs to consider the following issues: . Land Use Categories. Will there be one fee for all residential development or will it vary with density? Similarly, how many commercial categories will be used? Jurisdictions typically use three categories: retail, industrial, and office. Would even more categories be useful? . Credits. Should certain projects that have already contributed regional improve. ments, such as Hacienda Business Park, be entitled to a fee credit? . Exemptions. Should certain project with significant social value, such as low. income housing, be exempt from fees? What about projects that significantly enhance the area's economic development? . Fee Collection. How and by whom should the fees be collected? Who will bank. the funds and contract for transportation projects? . Transfer of Funds Between Jurisdictions. A subregional fee collected among the seven jurisdictions of Tri.Valley could potentially result in a situation where funds collected in one jurisdiction were expended on the construction of regional projects in another jurisdiction. The concept of a subregional fee for the Tri-Valley will need to address the acceptability and magnitude of cross-jurisdictional transfers of fee revenues. TVTC has established that it does not wish for any regional fee revenues collected in Tri-Yalley to be expended on projects outside of the Tri- Yalley subarea. . Relationship to Future Countywide or Regionwide Fee Programs. If in the future, a countywide or regionwide (nine.county Bay Area) fee program is established, the relationship of those programs to the Tri.Yalley regional fee will need to be addressed, especially with regard to crediting an in-place Tri.Yalley fee toward a countywide fee. . Impact of the Fee on Growth. Fee levels that are too high for either residential or nonresidential development may adversely affect the efforts of TVTC jurisdictions to promote economic growth or affordable housing opportunities. To address the concerns, the TYTC will seek the assistance of the Association of Bay Area Governments to evaluate the economic impacts of a regional transportation impact fee on economic and residential growth in the Tri Yalley area. Barton.Aschman Associates, Inc. 154 c o ;: a:s t: o c. en c f! l- e;; c .Q C) ~ .c ::J (/) 'l:t"C .~ CO._ G);:' -C'" .cQ) ~a: G> Lf '0 <<S c.. E - CIl CIl LI.. 1il c: .2 ~ a: ,'I:: gg ~.... =CIl Qj'" ~~ ... III l!.... _l!. _ 0"1 a) a) N'ui ~~ Barton.Aschman Associates, Inc. 'b c: ~ :::I LI.. i "3 I c: c: ~~ 'e T~ :8:8 :glR ;;;; 'J:: ~ C,!) . ... Cii .f.! .! c: CIl :::I Iii ~g. ;:11I ;~ ~ln (00 N 0"1 MM 16 cD lnN c CIl 8- .2 ~ o tll l!! < >0- S ~ .C ~ 2' 'w III :::I,D ~~ c ~ .e .!!i 'jij .g .2 ""': - a i .!:: g- o: ,~ -g ~ 1il ~ CD )( ". cD ~~ ~ }CIl ~ QlI 5 ~~ Cii . .g .! li-~ ! E ai ~ ~ ~ ,~ ~[ .!!1st) c: :::I .s!"'Cilll ~C:"'O> .s! ~ 1: 'S ~q'l 0> i :;: c: E ... 0> 0> j~ ~i iO>IIl..c: ~ ~ ~ 0> ..c: 0> .e g: ~ 10 c..co..c: 0> .... - 8l,D Q) c: ~ 2:0 0 ,2 .i! c: C li (J CIl . E )( > ..c: 5 WCIl'i1ll ~"i ~ l'J 5:2 ~ CIl .~ o>..c: Ja~'ti-;; ~1l KO eo)(~ &:_ 0> QI lIl~o13 O>.....,D ~E2Q1 CIl :::I .., Of C III = III .ft III :::I_ .. Ill.... 8 cQlc 0>....0.... III III 1 QI t! U) n; a. Q) :::I ~&f&l~ _ iN .., ... 155 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Financial Plan . Protection of the Fee's Revenue-Generating Potential. During the development of the Plan, major development proposals in the Tri Valley have been approved and their ability to generate revenues for regional transportation projects has been lost. Further erosion of the revenue.generating potential of the fee program. may continue as details on the fee program are resolved. TVTC encourages local jurisdictions to condition any development approval with participation in a regional transportation impact fee program, contingent on the eventual agreement by Tri Valley jurisdictions on a fee program. Following adoption of this plan, TVTC will consider the fee study as it highest priority. TVTC will pursue comple. tion of the fee study within 12 months. Spatial Distribution of Fees and Benefits Elected officials are concerned about where impact fees are collected and where they are spent. Table 8.5 shows the 2010 estimated peak.hour usage pattern for each of the high.priority projects. Each jurisdiction would benefit from two or more of the regional projects. Table 8..5 Traffic Pattern on High-Priority Regional Projects 2010 Traffic Origin San Un inc. Project Danville Ramon CCC Dublin Pleasanton Livermore Through 1-580/1-680 Interchange 6% 6% 6% 20% 34% 14% 14% Route 84 1% 1% 2% 9% 10% 49% 28% 1-680 Auxiliary Lanes 23% 22% 16% 10% 10% 4% 15% BART Extension 2% 5% 6% 14% 16% 22% 34% 1.580 HOV Lanes 0% 6% 3% 15% 15% 39% 28% 1-680 HOV Lanes 3% 4% 5% 13% 30% 27% 19% 1.680/ Alcosta 0% 38% 28% 28% 2% 0010 0% 1.580!Foothill 2% 6% 12% 43% 31% 6% 0% Crow Canyon Safety 36% 31% 9% 3% 2% 0% 19% Vasco Safety 1% 1% 10% 9% 12% 44% 23% Barton.Aschman Associates, Inc. 156 Financial Plan Table 8-6 compares payment to expenditures by jurisdiction. Expenditures are summa- rized based on the physical location of improvements and based on the amount of new development trips using the new facilities. Based on usage, Livermore is the primary beneficiary of impact fees because of two factors: (1) Livermore has more planned growth than any other jurisdiction; and (2) Livermore will be the primary user of Route 84, which is the largest unfunded component of the plan. Whether considering benefit by facility location or by usage pattern, the impact fees would result in a transfer of $18 to 20 million from Contra Costa County jurisdictions to Alameda County jurisdictions. However, this calculation includes only the unfunded portion of each project. If Measure C and Measure B monies are added to the analysis, then the amount spent in each county is almost exactly equal to the money generated. Table 8-6 Equity Analysis of Regio"nal Impact Fee Fees Spent ($ millions) Fees Generated Based on Based on Jurisdiction ($ millions) Geography Usage DanviUe 2 17 5 San Ramon 2 17 16 Contra Costa County 50 0 15 Contra Costa County Subtotal 54 34 36 Dublin 74 24 47 Pleasanton 75 95 48 Livermore 105 95 179 Alameda County 2 63 0 Alameda Subtotal 257 277 275 Total 311 311 311 Barton.Aschman Associates, Inc. 157 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Financial Plan Potential Future Funding Sources Other future funding sources have been discussed for the Tri~Valley. Alameda County has discussed a Tier 2 funding program, which includes a 10~cent regional gas tax and a continuation of Measure B. There is also the State and Local Transportation Partnership Program (SLTPP), which could provide up to 50 percent reimbursement of construction costs. The Mid~State Toll Road has also been proposed to provide trans~ portation capacity in the Route 84 corridor without public investment. The major potential future sources are discussed briefly below, although because of their uncer~ tainty, the Tri~Valley Transportation Plan does not rely on their provision. County Sales Tax Measures The county sales tax measures, currently funding several transportation improve~ ments, have a limited life span. Measure B in Alameda County will expire in 2002. Measure C in Contra Costa County will expire in 2008. There is a chance that these sales tax programs, through a successful election, could be extended. They were originally passed with a simple miVority vote. Recent court decisions in other counties, however, have shown that a tw~thirds vote may be required to enact future tax initiatives. Achieving a super majority at the polls is considered nearly impossible for a proposed tax increase ballot measure. County Gas Tax/Regional Gas Tax A county tax or regional tax may be imposed on motor vehicle fuels for the purposes of transportation investment according to enabling state legislation which was adopted in 1981. The tax would be imposed in increments of one cent per gallon per year with no state~imposed lifetime limit. Prior to imposition and collection of a tax, a proposition granting authority to the county to impose the tax must be submitted and approved by the voters at an election. A proposition may be submitted to the voters only if a written agreement is made with respect to allocation of the revenues between the county and the cities. Additional gas taxes would provide several benefits. Drivers will look for alternatives to the private automobile as driving costs (e.g., increased fuel prices) increase, reducing systemwide demands. Demand may be reduced by telecommuting, ride~ sharing, transit, or linking trip purposes. The additional revenue obtained as a result of the higher tax would create a larger "pot of money" for transportation related projects. Toll Financing A toll road, the Mid~State Toll Road, has been proposed for the Route 84 corridor, connecting between I~680 in Sunol and the Antioch area. The toll road is now in the planning stages, with an environmental impact report (EIR) under development. At the request of MTC and Tri~Valley agencies, the Em will study several options in the Barton-Aschman Associates. Inc. 158 Rnanclal Plan corridor, including transit. The City of Livermore and the Alameda County CMA have adopted resolutions opposing a private toll road in the Route 84 corridor. A public toll road has also been discussed, although no official positions have been taken. Because of the uncertain nature of the Mid-State Toll Road, either public or private, it is not included as a funding source for the Tri~Valley Transportation Plan. Nevertheless, it must be recognized that $137 million of the unfunded portion of the plan is attribut- able to Route 84. If the decision were made to adopt and build a toll road within the 2010 horizon of this plan, the proposed regional impact fee could be reduced, or the $137 million could be applied to one of the second priority regional projects discussed in the next section. This assumes that none of the $137 million would be needed to provide the required free roadway in the toll road corridor. Potential Future Transportation Projects The plan identifies three regional transportation projects that would be desirable for the area but are not required to meet transportation service objectives: high-occupancy vehicle lanes on I~680 between Alcosta and Route 84, high~occupancy vehicle lanes on I~580 between North Livermore Avenue and the San Joaquin County line, and the addition of a northbound to westbound flyover ramp at the I~580/I~680 interchange. If more transportation funds become available than were assumed in this plan, the TVTC would like them to be allocated to these projects. Table 8~7 provides preliminary cost estimates for these projects. In current dollars the total cost would be $245 million. Table 8-7 Cost Estimates for Second Priority Regional Projects Project Cost (millions of current dollars) 1-580 HOV Lanes (N. Livermore Avenue to San Joaquin County Line) 1-680 HOV Lanes (Alcosta to Route 84) 1-580/1-680 Interchange- NB to WB Flyover Ramp Total $85 40 120 $245 Barton-Aschman Associates. Inc. 159 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Financial Plan Detailed Finance Pion Table 8-8 provides the detailed financing plan for the 2010 planned network. Note that the cost estimates are preliminary and ultimately need to be refined by the responsible jurisdiction. The overall program cost is projected to be $1,482,310,000. Approximately 47 percent of the projected cost ($695,690,000) is publicly funded, primarily through Measure B and Measure C programs. Thirty~three pe~cent ($491,720,000) of the projected cost would be funded by direct developer exactions from localities. These would be either local impact fees or required project mitigation improvements. The remaining 20 percent ($294,900,000) of the program cost would be funded by the subregional transportation impact fee. Besides the subregional impact fee, the other aspect of the finance plan that needs to be finalized is the cost sharing arrangement between jurisdictions that have responsi- bility for a particular route of regional significance. One option is to adopt a policy that each jurisdiction is responsible for the routes within its boundaries. Another option is to determine where traffic goes from each jurisdiction and assess funding responsibili~ ty based on proportional traffic shares. In any event, the cost sharing formulae need to be developed through negotiation between affected jurisdictions. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 160 .:.: ... ! CD z 'g CD C c: cu c: o ,... o C\I >- .S! c; > . 0': 7 c: cu a: cpCD cot.) Q)C _cu ~c: (Q.- I-LL. Iii a: .~ ... ~"Q 150. :I E U)- ~ 0- .- "8 :~~ ~~ :I .., ~"C Gl Gl ~"B 'C :I 0.... ~ :I o U) 2:-1 'Y"B ~:I 0..... Iii' c 1;i,g 8'E w08 Iti{:i~ ... Q) E :I ~ :g ~ 1ij ~ ! ~ i !Xl co Oco ! ! ! ! ~ ~ ~ ~ :!:I:J~ o 00 MOOO aicoioo CDII).....~ ll) 8 0 . ~....I N ~ ~ "Ii - .N' NM'" W Gl Gl !S S 0. C/l Gl Gl 'S } ~ c o o C/l C <<I oS J 1l!1~ ON C\l CXl W 0l88880..,.N "d. ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ "Ii cO ~I ~ ~NMLtjNM C\l~ :S. 'E Gl E .9l w !Xl W .s !Xl en Q) C'Cl g>> 'C ~ C'Cl ~ c 15 C'Cl m ... Gl Gl C -a'E.!!l C'- , 1lI O. "CO..,. C~CO ! :::: Gl ~ 0 s B~~ a. E C'Cl .... 'C" Gl g>>", :::X (50. coC ~ o c: 8 - 0 J:! 'E S .J:l C'Cl C .~ .!l! ~ .2 ~ e.'!!S C/lo.U) Q) Gl 0 ~ .Y c-a:U)U)~ .S! 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'iii eS..s .2 ~ 1/1 1":._ QI .:!of (.) E "ie:::t .;::: lIS 1/1 :::t.e II} ..,u..q; .. N .. m iii m tit ... In cO o 1ft ;; JQ lIS ~ i:- e :::t ~8 :::t lIS 811'iC:6 1IS8SE QlCD "P C:IIS ...- Q)IIS...I\SCI:C:~= E-cn = > _CIISC.D e '''8SIIS:::tQllIS < a.. 0 0 .~ 0 .......J. OO..JCI:::l.!Z <Oa..00..J0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 9. Action Plan The Action Plan lists each route of regional significance along with the 2010 planned improvements and resulting traffic volume and levels of service. The Transportation Plan recommendations are distilled into distinct action statements for each route of regional significance. Potential actions are also listed.. These were considered by the TVTC and serve as background to the recommended actions. The Action Plan also includes a list of responsible agencies to implement the actions for each route of regional significance. Actions of Regional Significance Listed below are regional actions which are intended to reduce congestion and improve efficiency on the regional transportation system. These actions are broader in nature than the route~specific actions identified in the following subsection. Implementation of regional actions requires a coordinated effort among local jurisdictions and regional agencies. The TVTC jurisdictions, while not able to directly implement all of these actions, agree to use every opportunity to work cooperatively with responsible agencies, including Caltrans, BART, and MTC, toward their successful implementation. 1. Conduct a subregional traffic impact fee study to address the funding issues described in Chapter 8, "Financial Plan," and to address the list of priority transportation projects described in Chapter 7, "Recommended Improvement Plan." 2. Implement a subregional traffic impact fee to pay for planned, but unfunded, trans- portation improvements. 3. Increase AVR for work (commute) trips from 1.1 to 1.2. Achieve this increase by requiring and enforcing employer-based TDM programs. Pleasanton's TSM ordinance is an example of how to implement a program. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 165 Action Plan 4. Install ramp metering at all freeway on-ramps, provided study shows metering would be equitable and effective as agreed to by Caltrans and the TVTC and provided sufficient stacking space is available. Provide HOV bypass lanes wherever space permits. The TVTC should take the lead and seek funding for a study of ramp metering. 5. Support growth that achieves an overall jobs~housing balance within the Tri~Valley. 6. Support regional gasoline taxes to encourage commute alternatives and provide funds for needed transportation projects. 7. Support development of a seamlessHOV network in the Tri~Valley to encourage the use of carpools and bus transit. TVTC shall work cooperatively with Caltrans, MTC, and affected jurisdictions to explore opportunities for expanding the HOV system, especially on I~580, subject to cost~effectiveness analysis and/or change to legislation prohibiting them. 8. Request that transit agencies conduct a study of the formation of a transit benefit district to finance ongoing transit operating costs. 9. Support the preparation by Caltrans of an incident management plan for the state highways in the Tri-Valley area. The TVTC recognizes that incidents can have a profound effect on traffic conditions both on the freeways and on the arterials. Action ,Plans for Routes of Regional Significance This section details the various objectives and actions for each designated route of regional significance within the Tri-Valley. Specific Traffic Service Objectives are present~ ed, together with a set of actions directed at achieving those objectives. The parties responsible for implementing the actions are also identified. Once the Plan is adopted, each jurisdiction will be responsible for making a good.faith effort to implement the agreed~upon actions. In Contra Costa County, a jurisdiction's compliance with the 1998 Measure C Growth Management Program will be judged based upon its efforts to implement agreed~upon actions. The actions, programs, and measures identified in the Action Plan are intended to mitigate congestion and achieve the Traffic Service Objectives assuming that future traffic will be constrained by the limited capacities of highway facilities serving the Tri-Valley Gateways (see Chapter 5, "Gateway Constraints"). An individual jurisdiction may also elect to implement more stringent actions, measures, or programs, in addition to those identified below, on facilities within its jurisdiction. For example, a jurisdiction's individu- al mitigation program could respond to higher future traffic levels, assuming no gateway constraints (see Figure 5~4). Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 166 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Action Plan The following table shows jurisdiction responsibility by route. However, agencies in one county should not be required to pursue public funding for projects in another county. Trl-Valley Action Plan Responsibility for Implementation Facility Responsible Agency Page Number 1-680 1-580 Sycamore Valley Road Danville Boulevard Camino Tassajara Crow Canyon Road San Ramon Valley Boulevard Bollinger Canyon Road Alcosta Boulevard Dougherty Road TassaJara Road Dublin Boulevard San Ramon Road Hopyard Road Santa Rita Road Stanley Boulevard Stoneridge Drive Sunol Boulevard Route 84 First Street (Livermore) Vasco Road North Canyons Parkway Jack London All All Danville Danville, CCC Danville, CCC San Ramon, AC, CCC. Danville Oanville, San Ramon San Ramon, CCC San Ramon CCC, Dublin, San Ramon CCC, Dublin, AC Dublin. AC Dublin Pleasanton Pleasanton Pleasanton. Livermore Pleasanton Pleasanton All Livermore Livermore, AC, CCC. Livermore, AC Livermore 168 170 172 176 1n 181 189 191 194 195 197 199 203 204 206 208 210 211 212 215 216 221 229 The following are not routes of regional significance Stone Valley Road CCC Fallon Road Dublin, AC Isabel Extension (North of 1-580) Livermore, AC North Livermore Avenue Livermore, AC Las Positas (Pleasanton) Pleasanton Bernal Avenue Pleasanton Hacienda Drive Pleasanton, Dublin 218 219 223 225 226 228 230 · -All- if fee is implemented. Barton-Aschman Associates. Inc. 167 Action Plan Trl-Valley Action Plan Highways Key Locations Facility: 1-680 North of Uvorna at Bollinger South of 1-580 South of Route 84 Existing Configuration Existing Volume' Existing VlC 6 lanes 7,100 1.08 6 Janes 5,000 0.76 6 lanes 4,800 0.73 6 Janes 6,000 0.91 2010 Expected Network Planned changes: HOV Janes, SR 24 to Dublin-under construction; auxiliary lanes, Diablo 10 Bollinger; SB 10 EB flyover and Dublin hook ramps at 1-680/1-580 interchange; improve interchange at Alcosta: add interchange at West Las Positas 2010 Configuration 6 + HOV 6 + HOV + Aux. 6 6 Volume 7,800 (constrained) 6,300 5,800 6,600 (constrained) Transit Service (buses/hour both di- 10 36 24 30 rections ) Transit Ridership (peak hour) 365 203 13 0 VlC constrained [before Action Plan] 1.00 (1.39) 0.70 0.87 1.00 (1.47) (unconstrained) 8 hours of congestion 7 hours of congestion TraffIC Pattern Danville 31% Dublin 12% Pleasanlon 28% Pleasanton 30% San Ramon 20% Pleasanton 18% Dublin 20% Livermore 27% CCC 18% Livermore 11% Livermore 5% Dublin 13% Dublin 17% Oanville 6% CCC 9% CCC 5% Pleasanton 6% San Ramon 38% Oanville' 8% Through 19% Livermore 4% CCC 0% San Ramon 14% Danville 3% Through 15% Through 15% Through 15% San Ramon 4% TOO 10 be achieved None-Not within TVTC control VlC .. 0.99 VlC .. 0.99 No more than five hours of congestion Recommended Actions 1. Support major transit 1. Pursue funding for 1. Pursue funding 1. Advocate HOV investment (w/Central auxiliary lanes. for 1-68011-580 lanes, Route 84 10 County). interchange. Suno! Grade. 2. Support commute alternatives (Bay Areawide). 3. Oppose increases to mixed-flow capacity. 2. Pursue funding for 2. Advocate HOV 2. Advocate express A1costa interchange lanes A1costa 10 bus service. improvements. Route 84. 3. Support commute alternatives 4. Oppose increases to mixed-flow capaci- ty. Note: A deficiency plan will be required if the level of service becomes LOS F on any segment. Barton-Aschman Associates. Inc. 168 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Action Plan Trl-Valley Action Plan Highways (Continued) Key Locations Facility: 1.680 North of Livoma at Bollinger South of 1-580 South of Route 84 Potential Actions Highway Solution Widen to 10 lanes + Widen to 10 lanes. HOV Transit Solution Would require an adO.. Would require 80 tional 50 buses per buses per hour or hour (peak direction) or LRT with 5-minute LRT with 5-minute heaclways or BART headways or BART. or Altamont Pass Rail with 15-minute heaclways. TOM SoIutinn Would require 20% Would require 60% increase in A VR for all increase in AVR for trip types, or spread aU trips. or spread commute over 16 hours commute over 16 per day. hours per day. Land Use Solution Reduce growth in cee Reduce growth by portion 01 Tri-Valley by 63.000 units. similar 33,850 units. simaar decrease in jobs, decrease in jobs. sim~ar decrease in Santa Clara County. Policy Solution Tolerate congestion. Tolerate congestion, will act as a valve to will reduce trip promote shorter com- lengths. mutes. TOO met. TOO met. 1 Volumes and capacity refer to PM peak-hour, peak-direction of now. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 169 Action Plan Trl-Valley Action Plan Highways (Continued) Key Locations Facility: 1.580 West of Foothill at Tassajara at A1tamont Existing Configuration Existing Volume' Existing VlC 8 lanes 7,000 0.80 8 lanes 8,000 0.91 8 lanes 5,100 0.58 2010 Expected Network Planned changes: SB to EB flyover at 1-680/1.580 interchange, improve interchanges to parclo design at FoothilllSan Ramon, FallonlEl Charro, Vasco Road, Greenville Road, North Livermore Avenue, and First Stroot, remove interchange at Portola; addition of new interchange at Isabel extension (part of the Route 84 project). 2010 Configuration 8 lanes 8 lanes 8 lanes Volume 8,800 (constrained) 8,800 (constrained) 8,800 (constrained) Transit Service (buses/hour both di- 18 + BART 20 None rections) Transit Ridership (peak hour) 3,914 168 0 VlC constrained (before Action Plan) 1.00 (1.07) 1.00 (1.23) 1.00 (1.40) (unconstrained) (1-112 hours of congestion) (4 hours of congestion) (5 hours of con- gestion) TraffIC Pattem Dublin 23% Pleasanton 24% Livermore 24% CCC 5% Danville 1 % San Ramon 5% Through 16% DanvUIe 0% Livermore 25% San Ramon 6% Pleasanton 14% Livermore 39% Danville 1% Dublin 15% San Ramon 8% Pleasanton 15% CCC 3% CCC 3% Dublin 9% Through 28% Through 40'% TOO to be achieved Los F no more than 2 hours LOS F no more than 2 hours None-not within TVTC control Recommended Actions None. ,. Pursue HOV lanes Tassajara to N. Uvermore. 2. Pursue removal of the restriction on HOV lanes. 1. Support major transit invest- ment in corridor. 2. Oppose Increases in mixed- flow capacity. 3. Advocate HOV lanes, N. Livermore to county line. 4. Pursue removal of the re- striction on HOV lanes. Note: A deficiency plan will be required if the level of service becomes LOS F on any segment. Barton-Aschman Associates. Inc. 170 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Tri..Valley Action Plan Highways (Continued) Action Plan Key Locations Facility: 1.580 West of Foothill at A1tamont at Tassajara Potential Actions Highway Solution Widen to 10 lanes or 8+ HOV Widen to 10 Iam:ls Widen to 12 lanes (would cause major problems downstream) Transit Solution Increase BAAT ridership by Add 40 buses per 600 in peak hour hour or LAT with 10- minute heaclways or extend BAAT. Add bus s8/Vice (70 buses per hour) or rail (1o-minute headways would be required). TOM Solution Increase AVA by 7% for all trip types, or spread com- mute to 3 hours per day. Increase AVR by 40% Increase AVR by 40% for aU trip types, or for all trip types, or spread commute to 8 spread commute to hours per day. 10 hours per day. Land Use Solution Reduce development in AC Reduce development portion of TV by 9,500 as follows: units. Livennore: 11,000 units Dublin: 6,500 units Pleasanton: 6,500 units Similar reductions in employment. Reduce TV jobs by about 35.000, must be accompanied by simPar decreases in TV households, San Joaquin households, and Bay Area jobs. POlicy Solution Tolerate moderate conges- . tion, revise TOO to LOS F no more than two hours. Tolerate congestion, revise TOO to LOS F for no more than 4 hours. Tolerate congestion. will encourage job development in San Joaquin. t Volumes and capacity refer to PM peak-hour, peak-direction of flow. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 171 Action Plan Trl..Valley Action Plan Highways-Danville Version Facility: Sycamore Valley Road Key Locations East of 1-680 Existing Configuration Existing Volume' Existing VlC 4 lanes 1,800 0.50 2010 Expected Network Planned changes: None 2010 Configuration Volume Transit Service (buseslhour both di- rections) Transit Ridership (peak hour) VlC constrained (before Action Plan) (unconstrained) 4 lanes 2,360 8 58 0.65 Traffic Pattern Danville 44% San Ramon 2% CCC 48% Livermore 6% Pleasanlon 0% Dublin 0% TOO to be achieved VlC < 0.90 at inter- section. Recommended Actions 1. Oppose any consideration of additional vehicular capacity on Sycamore Valley Road. Sycamore Valley Road has a 2010 capacity consisting of four through lanes, acceleration/deceleration lanes al all intersections, left-turn pockets at all intersec- tions, and Caltrans standard Class II bicycle lanes. No action shall be considered thaI would eliminate such acceleration/deceleration lanes or bicycle lanes. PM Peak-Hour 2010 Expected Interaectlon LOS Without Action Plan VlC LOS Sycamore Valley Road and San Ramon Valley Boulevard Sycamore Valley Road and 1-680 SB Ramps Sycamore Valley Road and 1-580 NB Ramps Sycamore Valley Road and Camino Tassajara Sycamore Valley Road and Brookside Drive 0.81 0.63 0.79 0.37 0.47 o B C A A , Volumes and capacity refer to PM peak-hour, peak-direction of flow. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 172 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Action Plan Tri-Valley Action Plan Highways-Contra Costa County Version Facility: Sycamore Valley Road Key Locations East of 1-680 Existing Configuration Existing Volume1 Existing VlC 4 lanes 1,800 0.50 2010 Expected Network Planned changes: None 2010 Configuration , Volume Transit Service (buses/hour both di- rections) Tl'8Osit Ridership (peak hour) VlC constrained (before Action Plan) (unconstrained) 4 lanes 2,360 8 68 0.65 (0.65) Traffic Pattern Danville 44% San Ramon 2% CCC 48% Livermore 6% Pleasanton 0% Dublin 0% TOO to be achieved VlC < 0.90 at inter. section. Recommended Actions In order to meet the T$O requirements, the level of development that may be approved by a local jurisdiction shall be consistent with the identified transportation improvements and programs for which funding is reasonably assured. Other jurisdictions may elect not to implement such improvements and programs within their jurisdiction, and the minimum level of service may then be exceeded without violating the TSO. PM Peak.Hour 2010 Expected Intersection LOS Without Action Plan VlC LOS Sycamore Valley Road and San Ramon Valley Boulevard Sycamore Valley Road and 1-680 S8 Ramps Sycamore Valley Road and 1-580 NB Ramps Sycamore Valley Road and Camino Tassajara Sycamore Valley Road and Brookside Drive 0.81 0.63 0.79 0.37 0.47 o B C A A Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 173 Exhibit 2 -re I IN THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF CONTRA COSTA COUNTY. CALIFORNIA SUBJECT: In the Metter of the Evaluation I of the Trl Valley Transportation I PlanlActlon Plan. 2nd Draft I RESOLUTION NO. 94n87 The Board of Supervisors of Contra Costa County RESOLVES THAT: WHEREAS. the Mellure C.1988 Growth Manegement Program (Measure C-198BI compliance "Quirements for Regional Routes require. IIch jurisdiction to Implement specified local actions designed to attlin Traffic Service Objectivls erSO',' in e timely manner. consistent with Idopted Action Plans; WHEREAS. the Drift Trj Valley Transportation Plan/Action Plan, 2nd Oraft (Dratt Action Plan). proposes local Ictions thlt include growth controls and prohibits certain transportation improvements that. coupled with thl Level of Service TSO's. would pl8empt locllland use decisions on proposals that Ire currantly under review by the Board of Supervisors; WHEREAS Measure C.1eSS compliance requirements cannot preempt local land use decisions or require local jurisdictions to accept unwanted construction projects; WHEREAS the Draft Action Plan includes a lSO for Bollinger Canyon Road that is not consistent with the minimum Level of Service standard required for development in the Dougherty Valley; WHEREAS the Draft Action Plan includes stetements interpreting the Dougherty Valley Settlement Agreement that are inconsistent with the interpretltion of the Board of Supervisors; WHEREAS the Dralt Action Plan does not substantiate at thiS time that the actions it recommends or potential Ictions. will reasonably enlure compliance with the lSD's in 2010; WHEREAS the Draft Action Plan does not provide an adequate nell:us between the recommended regional fees to be paid by new development in Contra Costa with the benefit these fees provide such development; WHEREAS various other actions in the Draft Action Plan do not reflect thl Board's concerns in menaging regional traffic impacts from future growth in the lri Valley area; WHEREAS all affected jurisdictions must agree to the actions before the Action Plans are finalized and adopted; and WHEREAS thil resolution does not conflict with the condition included in the Contra Costa Transportation Authority's July 20.1994 approval on tha County's Measure C.19SS Annual Compliance Checklist regarding the application of eena!n traffic level of service standards for intersection in Oanville and Sin Ramon. NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Contra Costa County to support tha following modifications JO the Dratt Action Plan; Recommended actions for growth limits outside the Dougherty Valley Specific Plan area shall be deleted from the Action Plan: Recommended prohibitions to roed improvements in Oanville shell be deleted from the Action PI;,n end replaced with a process for meeting TSO's that will not impose an unwanted construction project in Denville or preempt I::calland use decisions on proposals that ar. currently under review b~' the Board of Supervisorl. This process for meeting TSO's should be defined u follOWS: In order to meet the TSO requirements, the IlvII of development thllt may be IIpproved by II 10cIII juriSdiction .hllll be consistent with the identified transporrlltion improvements and programs for which funding is reasonllbly assured. Other jurisdictions may elect not to implement such impr"vemenrs and programs wirhin rheir jurisdicrion. and rhe minimum Level of Service may then be exceeded without violating the 150. RESOLUTION NO. 94/381. II II 'I , , II , , , , , , , , , , , I I . . -- i~ .-- -- -- . -- . " " -- -- ~ " . . II Exhibit 2 Evaluation of tha Trj ValllV Transportation Plan/Action Plen. 2nd Dreft Continued - Page Two Tha T50 for Bollingar Canyon Road .hall ba consistant with tha minimum Level of Service required for the Board of 5uper'vilors for futurl developmant in thl Ooughertv V.lleV. Statament. in tha Action PI.n that interpret consistancy of potentiai ,citions with iha Dougherty V.llay Settlament Agreement w" be dalatad. Tha Action Plan Ih.1I spacify th.t tha racommandad projactl and programs In the Action ptan.re not IJl:clusiY. action. intlndad to limit tha Icopa or nature of otner projacts or programs that do not conflict with thl Action Plln. Th. Action Plan Ihall lpecify whare .ppropriate that the ability of potential actions describld for Ragional Routllto realonably meet tha TSO', hll not beln Iplcifically lubstantiated through the Tri Vall.v Trenaport.tion Model. Tha Action Plan ,hall provida an adlquata nexus batween .ny regionll or sub-rlgional trlnsportation Impact fee p.id by nlw dayalopment in Contra Costa and tha benafits thesa fees provide to such davalopmant. The Action Plen Ihall ravise tha recommandad action No.2 for Vasco Roed as shown in th. following Italicizad t.xt: Oppose incranes to mlx.d.flow c.pacity or. V..co fIIo.d in A/.m,d. County. The Action PI.n shallsp.cify th.t tha actions to ba u..d for compliance with Manur. Co, 918 shall be only tho.. actions impl.mantld in Cant" COlt. jurisdiction. for tha purpo" to IItilfying Tflffic Service Objectivel for Ragional Rout.. in Contra Co.ta jurisdictions. The Action P1.n Ihall axtend the Routll of Ragional Signlflcanca dllignatlon to includa Bollinger Canyon Road a..t of Alcol" loutaYlfd and ita futura utanlion "It of Its pr..ant terminus. The Action Plan 1".11 .xtand the Routll of R.gional Significanca dlllgn.tion to includa the antire Mgm.nt of Dougherty Road north of tha Alam.d. County line. The Action P1.n Ihllladdra.. potanti.1 conflictl whir. an .ction to Sltllfy a Traffic Servlca Objlctive causI violations In other Traffic Service Objactivel. 'ASSED by tha following vota of thelo.rd of Suplrvilors on t..... 26th day of July. 1994: AYES: Supervisors &nith, DeSaulnjer. TodaksOtl and Pavers NOES: Superv1sor B1shop AlSENT: None ...IST AlN: None I hereby cartify that tha for.golng II . trua .nd correct copy of .n order entered on tha minuta. of the Board of Suparvilorl on tha data afor..aid. Contact: Stlvan L. Goetz (',0/146.2134) cc: Community Devalopm.nt Capartmant CeDO) Trl.v.lley Trenapo".tion Council .... ceDI Wltne,1 my hand and the Saal of tha Doard of Sup.rvilora affi.cl)d on thil ..!!!h d.y of Julv , 1894. Phil B.tchalor. Clark of the BOlrd of Supervilors and County Administrator BY' 0 ~' Daputy C .'_" RESOLUTION NO. 94/.ill Trl-Valley Action Plan Highways (Continued) Action Plan Facility: Danvllle Boulevard Key Locations At Stone Valley Existing Configuration Existing Volume' Existing VlC 2 lanes 1,100 0.61 2010 Expected Network Planned changes: None 2010 Configuration Volume Transit Service (buseSlhour both di. rections) Transit Ridership (peak hour) VlC constrained [before Action Plan) (unconstrained) 2 lanes 1,100 (constrained) 20 157 0.61 (1.10) Traffic Pattern Danville San Ramon CCC Pleasanton Dublin Livermore Through 44% 17% 16% 4% 5% 4% 10% TOO to be achieved V/C < 0.90 at inter- sections Recommended Action. None. This route is directly affected by the bottleneck on 1-680. Any capacity increases would lead to cut-through traffic. PM Peak.Hour 2010 Expected Intersection LOS Without Action Plan V/C LOS Danville Boulevard and Stone Valley Hartz Avenue and Diablo Road Oanville Boulevard and Llvoma Road 0.82 0.38 0.76 D A C 1 Volumes and capacity refer to PM peak-hour, peak-clirection of flow. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 176 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Trl..Valley Action Plan Highways-Danville Version Action Plan Facility: Camino Ta...Jara Key Locations East of Sycamore Valley Road East of Crow Canyon Existing Configuration Existing Volume' Existing VlC 4 lanes 1,300 0.36 4 lanes 760 0.21 2010 Expected Network Planned changes: Widening to four lanes from Danville Town Limits to Contra Costa County Une. 2010 Connguratlori Volume Transit Service (buseSlhour both di. rections ) Transit Ridership (peak hour) VIC c:onsU'ained (before Action Plan) (unconstrained) 4 lanes 1,840 10 128 0.51 4 lanes 2,320 Traffic Pattern 0.64 Danville 42"10 CCC 4Q% San . Ramon 2"10 Pleasanton 6% Oublin 0% Livermore 2% CCC San Ramon Danville P1easanton Dublin Livermore 53% 20% 18% 1% 2% 6% TOO to be achieved VIC < 0.90 at intersec- tions VlC < 0.90 at inter. sections Recommended Actlona None Required. 1. An initial level of development of 8,500 units may be oon- structed in the Dougherty Valley based on the Settlement Agree- ment Up to 11,000 units may be considered pending the com- pletion of acklitional U'affic sbJdies.This action is based on the Agreement to Settle Litigation Relating to the Dougherty Valley General Plan Amendment Specific Plan and Environmental Impact Report. This action was agreed to by Danville, San Ramon, and Contra Costa County in the Settlement Agreement 2. The plan should be based on land use assumptions for TVPOA that would not result in a violation of transportation service Objectives. This action is based on the Agreement to Senle Litigation Relating to the Dougherty Valley General Plan Amendment, Specific Plan and Environmental Impact Report. This action was agreed to by Danville. San Ramon, and Contra Costa County in the Settlement Agreement. Barton-Aschman Associates. Inc. 177 Action Plan Trl..Valley Action Plan Highways-Danville Version (Continued) Key Locations Facility: Camino Ta...Jara East of Sycamore Valley Road East of Crow Canyon 3. Oppose any consideration of additional vehicular capacity on Camino Tasssjara. Camino Tassajara within the Town of Oanville has a 2010 capacity consisting of four through lanes, acceleration/deceleration lanes at all Intersections, Ieft.turn pockets at all intersections, and Caltrans standard Class II bicycle lanes. No action shall be considered that would eliminate such acceleratiOn/deceleration lanes or bicycle lanes. This action is based on the Agreement to Settle Utigation Relating to the Dougherty Valley General Plan Amendment, Specific Plan and Environmentallmpacl Report. This action was $greed to by Danville, San Ramon, and Contra Costa County in the Settle. ment Agreement. The northbound approach at the Camino Tassajara/Blackhawk Road/Crow Canyon Road Intersection may be reconfigured to consist of a 4.foot median island, two 12-1oot Ieft-tum lanes, one 12.foot through lane, one 12.foot through plus right.tum lane, and one 12-foot right-turn lane. This requires reducing the exist. ing median island from 12 feet to 4 feet. and reducing the exist. ing 16.foot right.turn lane to a 12.foot right.tum lane. This can be aocomplished within existing curb-to-curb wid\h. Atly expansion or modifications at \his intersection shall be subject to the ap. proval of the Town of Danville. The ToWn of Danville has sole discretion to determine whether any widening of \his intersection may occur to a configuration with outside curb-tlH:urb widths that are greater than currently exist. PM Peak-Hour 2010 Expected Intersection LOS Without Action Plan VIC LOS Unconstrained VlC Camino Tasssjara and Blackhawk/Crow Canyon Camino Tasssjara and Sycamore Valley Road Camino Tassajara and Diablo 1.15 0.37 0.39 F A A 1.35 · Volumes and capacity refer to PM peak-hour, peak-direction of flow. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 178 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I Action Plan Trl..Valley Action Plan Highways-Danville Version (Continued) Key Locations Facility: C.mlno T....).r. East of Sycamore Valley Road East of Crow Canyon Potential Actions Highway Solution "Widen Camino T assajara to 6 lanes Transit Solution Add 40 buses per hour service to Dougherty Valley and Tassajara Valley; must be full to achieve TSO. TOM Solution Restrict DV and TVPOA peak-hour and peak-period trip gener- ation to DV . n% of normal, and TVPOA . 8% of normal. Land Use Solution Restrict DV to 8,500 units by 2010, TVPOA to 119 units. POlicy Solution . Accept LOS F at Camino T assajaral Blackhawk intersection (deficiency plan re- quired) TSO Met " These potential actions violate the Town of Danville General Plan and the Dougherty Valley Settlement Agreement between Contra Costa County, Danville, and San Ramon, dated May 11, 1994. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 179 Action Plan Trl.Valley Action Plan Highways-Contra Costa County Version Facility: Camino Tass8j8ra Key Locations East of Sycamore Valley Road East 01 Crow Canyon Existing Configuration Existing Volume' Existing VlC 4 lanes 1.300 0.36 4 lanes 760 0.21 2010 Expected Network Planned changes: Widening to four lanes from Danville Town Limits to Contra Costa County Une. 2010 Configuration Volume Transit Service (buses/hour both di- rections ) Transit Ridership (peak hour) VlC CX)nstrained (before Action Plan) (unconstrained) 4 lanes 1,840 10 128 0.51 ( ) 4 lanes 2,320 Traffic Pattern 0.64 ( ) Danville 42% CCC 49% San Ramon 2% Pleasanton 6% Dublin 0% Livermore 2% CCC 53% San Ramon 20% Danville 18% Pleasanton 1 % Dublin 2% Livermore 6% TOO to be achieved VIC < 0.90 at Inter- VIC < 0.90 at intersec. sections tions Recommended Actions None Required. In order to meet the T80 requirements, the level of development that may be approved by a local jurisdiction shall be consistent with the identified transportation Improvements and programs for which funding is reasonably assured. Other jurisdictions may elect not to implement such improvements and programs within their jurisdiction, and the minimum level 01 service may then be exceeded without violating the TSO. PM Peak-Hour 2010 Expected Inter.ectlon LOS Without Action Plan VIC LOS Unconstrained VlC Camino Tassajara and Blackhawk/Crow Canyon Camino Tassajara and Sycamore Valley Road Camino Tassajara and Diablo 1.15 0.37 0.39 F A A 1.35 Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 180 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Action Plan Tri.Valley Action Plan Highways-Danville Version Key Locations Facility: Crow Canyon Road at County Une East of 1-680 East of Dougherty (San Ramon) South of Camino T assajara (Danville) Existing Configuration Existing Volume' Existing vIe 2 lanes 1,200 0.80 8 lanes 1,900 0.26 4 lanes 1,800 0.50 6 lanes 1,800 0.33 2010 Expected Network Planned changes: Operational improvements on two-lane section; widening to 6 lanes-Alcosta to Tassajara Ranch Road. 2010 Configuration 2 lanes 8 lanes 6 lanes 6 lanes Volume 1,400 2,560 3,690 3,810 Transit Service (buseslhour both 4 56 12 12 directions ) Transit Ridership (peak hour) 5 204 170 170 V/C constrained (before Action 0.93 0.36 0.68 0.71 Plan) (unconstrained) Traffic Pattem Oanville 36% San Ramon 59% San Ramon 27% San Ramon 27% San Ramon 31 % Danville 21% Danville 25% Danville 25% CCC 9% CCC 18% CCC 35% CCC 35% Dublin 3% Dublin 1% Dublin 5% Dublin 5% Pleasanton 1% Pleasanton 0% Pleasanton 5% Pleasanton 5% livermore 1 % Livermore 1 % Livermore 3% Livermore 3% Through 19% Through 0% Through 0% Through 0% TOO to be achieved Maximum operating V/C = < 0.90 at VlC = < 0.90 at inter- VlC . < 0.90 at intersec. speeds within 2- intersections. sections. lions. lane cross-section. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 181 Trl-Valley Action Plan Highways-Danville Version (Continued) Action Plan Key Locations Facility: Crow Canyon Road at County Une East of 1-680 South of Camino Tassajara (Danville) Recommended Actions 1. Secure funding for operational improvements. None. East of Dougherty (San Ramon) 1. Secure funding for widening to 6 lanes. 2. An initial level of de- velopment of 8,500 units may be construct- ed in the Dougherty Valley based on the Settlement Agreement. Up to 11,000 units may be considered pending the completion of addi- tional traffic studies. 1. An initial level of devel- opment of 8,500 units may be constructed in the Dougherty Valley based on the Settlement Agreement Up to 11,000 units may be considered pending the completion of additional traffic studies. This action is based on the Agreement to Settle Litigation Relating to the Dougherty Valley Gen- eral Plan Amendment, Spe- cific Plan and Environmen- tal Impact Report. This action was agreed to by Damille, San Ramon, and Contra Costa County in the Settlement Agreement. 2. The plan should be based on land use assump- tions for TVPOA that would not result in a violation of transportation service objec- tives. This action was de- veloped by the Town of Danville. Contra Costa County may support differ- ent actions. This action is based on the Agreement to Settle Utigation Relating to the Dougherty Valley Gen- eral Plan Amendment, 'Spe- cific Plan and Environmen- tal Impact Report. This action was agreed to by Damille, San Ramon, and Contra Costa County in the Settlement Agreement. 3. Improve Camino Tassajara Intersection (see Camino Tassajara) 4. Oppose additional wielen- Ing of Crow Canyon Road within Danville. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 182 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Action Plan Trl-Valley Action Plan Highways-Danville Version (Continued) PM Peak.Hour 2010 Expected Interaectlon LOS Without Action Plan VlC LOS Unconstrained VlC Crow Canyon Road and Crow Canyon PI. 0.68 Crow Canyon Road and 1-680 5B Ramps 0.48 Crow Canyon Road and Camino T assajara 1.15 Crow Canyon Road and Dougherty 0.98 Crow Canyon Road and 1-680 NB Ramps 0.68 Crow Canyon Road and Camino Ramon 0.89 Crow Canyon Road and San Ramon Valley Boulevard 0.79 Crow Canyon Road and Alcosta 0.82 Crow Canyon Road and Bollinger Canyon 0.63 B A F E B D C D B 1.35 I Volumes and capacity r.fer to PM peak-hour. peak-direc:tion of flow. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 183 Action Plan Tri-Valley Action Pian Highways-Danville Version (Continued) Key Locations East of Dougherty South of Camino Tassajara Facility: Crow Canyon Road at County Une East of 1-680 (San Ramon) (Danville) Pot.ntlal Actions Highway Solution 8 lanes on 6 lanes on Camino Crow Canyon. Tassajara.. Transit Solution Add 40 buses per hour Add 40 buses per hour service to DV and service to DV and TVPOA; TVPOA; buses must be buses must be full. full. TOM Solution Restrict DV to 77% of Restrict DV to 77% of nor- normal trip-making, mal triJ>making, TVPOA to TVPOA to 8% of nor- 8% of nonnal triJ>maklng. mal trip-making. Land Use Solution Restrict DV 2010 to Restrict DV 2010 to 8,500 8,500 units, TVPOA to units, TVPOA to 119 units 119 units in 2010. in 2010. Policy Solution Accept LOS E at · Accept LOS F at Crow Crow Canyonl Canyon/Camino Tassajara Dougherty . (requires deficiency plan). TSO mel. TSO mel. · These potential actions violate the Town of Oanville General Plan and the Dougherty Valley Settlement Agreement between Contra C,?sta County, Danvifle, and San Ramon, dated May 11, 1994. Barton-Aschman Associates. Inc. 184 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Action Plan Tri-Valley Action Plan Hlghways-Contra Costa County Version Key Locations Facility: Crow Canyon Road at County Une East of 1.-680 East of Dougherty (San Ramon) South of Camino Tassajara (Danville) Existing Configuration Existing Volume' Existing VlC 2 lanes 1,200 0.80 8 lanes 1,900 0.26 4 lanes 1,800 0.50 6 lanes 1,800 0.33 2010 Expected Network Planned dlanges: Operational Improvements on two-lane section; widening to 6lanes-Alcosta to Tassajara Randl Road. 2010 Configuration 2 lanes 8 lanes 6 lanes 6 lanes Volume 1 ,400 2.560 3,690 3,810 Tl1lnsit SelVice (buseslhour 4 56 12 12 both directions) Transit Ridership (peak hour) 5 204 170 170 VIe constrained (before Action 0.93 0.36 0.68 0.71 Plan) (unconstrained) Traffic Pattem Oanvilla 36% San Ramon 59% San Ramon 27'% San Ramon 27% San Ramon 31% Danville 21% Oanville 2$% Oanv~1e 25% CCC 9% CCC 18% CCC 35% cec 35% Dublin 3% Dublin 1 % Dublin 5% Dublin 5% Pleasanton 10/0 Pleasenton, 0% Pieasanton 5% Pleasanton 5% Livermore 1 % Livermore 1 % Livermore 3% Livermore 3% Through 1Q% Through 0% Through 0% Through 0% TOO 10 be achieved Maximum operating V/C = < 0.90 at speeds within 2- intersections. lane cross-section. V/C . < 0.90 at intersec- VlC = < 0.90 at intersec- tions. lions. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 185 Action Plan Trl..Valley Action Plan Highways-Contra Costa County Version (Continued) Key Locations Facility: Crow Canyon Road at County Una East of Dougherty (San Ramon) South of Camino Tassajara (Danvilla) East of 1-680 Recommended Actions 1. Secure funding for operational Improvements. None. 1. Secure funding for widening to 6 lanes. 1. An Initi8llevel of devel- opment of 8,500 units may be constructed in the 2. An initial level of de- Dougherty Valley based on velopment 01 8,500 units the Settlement Agreement may be constructed in Up to 11,000 units may be the Dougherty Valley considered pending the based on the Settlement completion 01 additional Agreement. Up to 11 ,000 traffic studies. units may be considered pending the completion 01 al;lditional traffic studies. In order to meet the TSO requirements, the level of development that may be approved by a local jurisdio- In order to meet the TSO tion shall be consistent with requirements, the level the identilied transportation of development that may Improvements and be approved by a IocaJ programs for which funding jurisdiction shall be con- is reasonably assured. aislent with the identified Other jurisdictions may transportation improve- elect not to implement such ments and programs lor improvements and which funding is reason- programs within their juris- ably assured. Other diction, and the minimum jurisdictions may elect level of service may then be not to implement such exceeded without Violating improvements and pro- the TOO. grams within their juris- diction, and the minimum level of service may then be exceeded without violating the TSO. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 186 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i,1 I I I I I I I I I I I Action Plan Trl-Valley Action Plan Highways-Contra Costa County Version (Continued) PM Peak.Hour 2010 Expected Intersection LOS Without Action Plan VIC LOS Crow Canyon Road and Crow Canyon PI. Crow Canyon Road and 1-680 SB Ramps Crow Canyon Road and Camino Tassajara Crow Canyon Road and Dougherty Crow Canyon Road and 1-680 NB Ramps Crow Canyon Road and Camino Ramon Crow Canyon Road and San Ramon Valley Boule- vard Crow Canyon Road and Alcosta Crow Cenyon Road and Bollinger Canyon 0.68 0.48 1.15 0.98 0.68 0.89 0.79 B A F E B D C 0.82 0.63 D B I Volumes and capacity refer to PM peak-hour. peak-direction of Ilow. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 187 Tri..Valley Action Plan Highways-Contra Costa County Version (Continued) Action Plan Key Locations Facility: Crow Canyon Road at County Une East of Dougherty (San Ramon) South of Camino Tassajara (Danville) East of 1-680 Potential Actions Highway Solution 8 lanes on Crow Canyon. 6 lanes on Camino Tassajara. Transit Solution Add 40 buses per hour service to DV and TVPOA; buses must be full. Add 40 buses per hour service to DV and TVPOA; buses must be full. TOM Solution Restrict DV to 77% of normal trip-making. Restrict DV to 77% of nor. mal \lip-making. Land Use Solution Restrict DV 2010 to . 8,500 units. Restrict DV 2010 to 8,500 units. Policy Solution Accept LOS E at Crow Canyon/Dougherty . Accept LOS F at Crow Canyon/Camino Tassajara TSO met. TSO met. Barton-Aschman Associates. Inc. 188 I I I I I I I I: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Tri..Valley Action Plan Highways (Continued) Action Plan Facility: San Ramon Valley Boulevard Key Locations At Bollinger North of Sycamore Valley Road Existing Configuration Existing Volume' Existing VlC 5 lanes 900 0.25 2 lanes 1.025 0.57 2010 Expected Network Planned changes: Widening to 4 lanes through Oanville; Widening to 4 lanes through San Ramon. 2010 Configuration Volume Transit Service (buseslhour both di. rections ) Transit Ridership (peak hour) V/C constrained [before Action Plan) (unconstrained) 5 lanes 1,000 10 84 0.28 4 lanes 1,540 437 0.43 TraffIC Pattem Danville 11% San Ramon 69% CCC 3% Dublin 11% Pleasanton 1 % livermore 1 % Through 0% Danville 55% San Ramon 43% CCC 1% Dublin 0% Pleasanton 0% Livermore 0% Through 0% T50 to be achieved VlC < 0.90 at Inter- V/C < 0.90 at inter- sections. sections. Recommended Actions None. 1. Complete widening , project. Barton-Aschman Associates. Inc. 189 Action Plan Trl-Valley Action Plan Highways (Continued) PM Peak-Hour 2010 Expected Intersection LOS Without Action Plan VIC LOS San Ramon Valley Boulevard and Railroad Avenue 0.63 San Ramon Valley Boulevard and Sycamore Valley Boulevard 0.81 San Ramon Valley Boulevard and I~O SB Ramps (Alcosta) 0.41 San Ramon Valley Boulevard and Bollinger Canyon Road 0.46 San Ramon Valley Boulevard and Norris Canyon Road 0.76 San Ramon Valley Boulevard and Crow Canyon Road 0.79 San Ramon Valley Boulevard and Alcosta Boulevard 0.60 San Ramon Valley Boulevard and Amador Valley Road 0.45 B o A A C C A A I Volumes and capacity refer to PM peak-hour, peak-direction of flow. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 190 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Action Plan I Trl-Valley Action Plan Highways (Continued) I Key Locations Facll1ty: Bollinger Canyon Road East of 1-680 East of Alcosta I Existing Configuration 8 lanes 4 lanes Existing Volume' 2,700 400 I Existing VlC 0.38 0.11 2010 Expected Network I Planned changes: Extension east to Dougherty Road (4 lanes - 6 lanes). I 2010 Configuration 8 lanes 6 lanes Volume 3,200 2,820 Transit $elVice (buses/hour both di- 54 24 rections) II Transit Ridership (peak hour) 539 550 VlC constrained [before Action Plan] 0.44 0.52 (unconstrainecl) I Traffic Pattem Oanville 6% Daoville 4% San Ramon 44% CCC 49% CCC 42% San Ramon 42% I Oublin 6% Oublin 4% Pleasanton 2% Pleasanton 1% Livermore 1% Livennore 0% Through 0% Through 0% I TOO VIC < 0.90 at inter- VlC < 0.90 at inter- I sections. sections. Recommended Action. 1. Improve intersec- 1. Control growth I tion of Bollinger and to meet intersec- Sunset. tion level of selVice standards. 2. Improve Bolling- I ar Canyon RoadlAlcosta Bou- levard Intersection. 3. Complete exten- I sion project in conjunction with Dougherty Valley development. I I I Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 191 Bollinger Canyon Road and Sunset Boulevard Bollinger Canyon Road and Dougherty Road (North) Bollinger Canyon Road and 1-680 sa Ramps Bollinger Canyon Road and 1-680 NB Ramps Bollinger Canyon Road and Dougherty Road (South) Bollinger Canyon Road and Windemere Parkway Bollinger Canyon Road and Camino Ramon Bollinger Canyon Road and San Ramon Valley Boulevard Bollinger Canyon Road and Crow Canyon Bollinger Canyon Road and Alcosta 1.14 1.11 0.34 0.71 0.47 0.70 0.88 0.46 0.63 1.06 I Action Plan I I LOS I F I F A C I A B D A I B F Trl-Valley Action Plan Highways (Continued) PM Peak-Hour 2010 Expected Intersection LOS Without Action Plan VIC I Volumes and capacity reler to PM peak-hour, peak-direction of flow. I: I I I I I I I I I Barton-Aschman Associates. Inc. 192 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Trl..Valley Action Plan Highways (Continued) Action Plan Key Locations Facility: Bollinger Canyon Road East of 1-680 East of Alcosta Potential Actions Highway Solution Add free righHum lane S8 on Sunset. Widen intersection. at A1costa to 6 lanes on Bollinger. Transit Solution 16 additional peak- hour buses; must be full. 16 additional peak- hour buses; must be full. TOM Solution Restrict OV peak-hour Restrict DV peak- trip generation to 77% hour trip generation of normal. to 77% of normal. Land Use Solution Reduce OV 2010 Reduce DV 2010 development by 3,600 development by units. 3.600 units. Policy Solution Accept LOS F at BoI- lingerlSunsel. Accept LOS F at Bollinger CanyonlAlcosta intersection. Barton-Aschman Associates. Inc. 193 Tri-Valley Action Plan Highways (Continued) Action Plan '~ Facility: Alcoslll Boulavard Key Locations East of 1-680 Existing Configuration Existing Volume' Existing VlC 4 lanes 600 0.17 2010 Expected Network Planned changes: Reconfiguration of Alcoslall-680 interchange to improve intersection operation. 2010 Connguratlon Volume Transit Service (buses/hour both di- rections ) Transit Ridership (peak hour) VlC constrained (before Action Plan) (unconstrained) 4 lanes 1,600 10 65 0.44 Traffic Pattern Danville 3% San Ramon 38% Dublin 28% CCC 28% Pleasanton 2% Livermore 0% TOO to be achieved VlC < 0.90 at intersections. Recommended Actions 1. Secure funding for interchange improvements. 2. Complete improvements at Bollinger CanyonlAlcosta. PM Peak.Hour ~010 Expected Intersection LOS Without Action Plan VIC LOS A1costa Boulevard and 1-680 NB Ramps A1costa Boulevard and Montevideo Road A1cosla Boulevard and Village Parkway A1costa Boulevard and Crow Canyon A1cosla Boulevard and Norris Canyon A1cosla Boulevard and Bollinger Canyon Road Alcosla Boulevard and San Ramon Boulevard 0.84 0.34 0.34 0.82 0.63 1.06 0.60 D A A D B F A , Volumes and capacity refer to PM peak-hour, peak-direction of flow. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 194 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Action Plan Trl-Valley Action Plan Highways (Conti nued) Key Locations Facility: Dougherty Road North of 1.580 North of Dublin Boulevard North of Old Ranch Road North of Bollinger EXisting Configuration EXisting Volume' Existing VlC 6 lanes 2,700 0.50 4 lanes 1,300 0.36 2 lanes 300 0.17 2 lanes 300 0.17 2010 Expacted Natwork Planned changes: Widening to 8 lanes from 1.580 to Dublin Boulevard and 6 lanes north of Dublin Boulevard. 2010 Configuration 8 lanes 6 lanes 6 lanes 6 lanes Volume 4.200 2,300 3,310 2,990 Transit Service (buseslhour both 28 28 directions ) Transit Ridership (peak hour) 6n 423 679 258 VlC constrained (before Action Plan) 0.58 0.43 0.61 0.55 (unconstrained) Traffic Pattern Danville 11% Danville 11 % Danville 8% Danville 22% Pleasanton 27% Pleasanton 27"1D San Ramon 6% San Ramon 18% CCC 27% CCC 27% Other CCC 46% CCC 39% Dublin 20% Dublin 20% Dublin 15% Dublin 8% Livermore 6% Livermora 6% Pleasanton 16% Pleasanton 9% Through 0"10 Through 0% Livermore 3% Livermore 3% San Ramon 9% San Ramon 9% TOO to be achieved VlC < 0.90 at inter. sections. V/C < 0.90 at inter. sections. V/C < 0.90 at inter. vie < 0.90 at inter- sections. sections. Recommended Actions 1. Secure developer funding for planned widening. 1. Secure developer funding for planned widening. 1.$ecure developer 1. Secure developer funding for planned funding for planned widening. widening. 2. Put in place growth controls to insure achievement of TSOs. 2. Put in place growth controls to insure achievement of TSOs. Barton-Aschman Associates. Inc. 195 Tri..Valley Action Plan Highways (Continued) Action Plan PM P.ak-Hour 2010 Expected Inter.ectlon LOS Without MItigation VlC LOS Dougherty Road and Bollinger Canyon Road (North) Dougherty Road and Crow Canyon Road Dougherty Road and Old Ranch Road Dougherty Road and Bollinger Canyon Road (South) Dougherty Road and 1-580 WB Ramps Dougherty Road and Dublin Boulevard Dougherty Road and Amador Valley Road I Volumes and capacity refer to PM peak-hour, peak-direction of flow. F E A A C E C Key Locations Facfllty: Dougherty Road North of 1-580 North of Old Ranch Road North of Bollinger Potential Actions Highway Solution Grade separation at Dougherty/Dublin Boulevard intersec- tion, extension of Hacienda Drive to Windemere Parkway. North of Dublin Boulevard Grade separation at Grade separation at Grade aeparation at DoughertylBollinger DoughertytBollinger DoughertylBollinger Canyon Road (N) Canyon Road (N) Canyon Road (N) intersection, extension intersection. exten- intersection, exten- of Hacienda Drive to sion of Hacienda lion of Hacienda Windemere Parkway. Drive to Windemere Drive to Windemere Parkway. Parkway. Transit Solution Increase ridership on local route. 16 additional peak- hour buses on Bol- linger Canyon Road. 16 additional peak- hour buses on Bol- linger Canyon Road. 16 additional peak- hour buses on Bol- linger Canyon Road. TOM Solution Increase overall A VR Restrict DV to 77% of Restrict DV to 77% Restrict DV to 77% of by 5%. normal peak-hour trip of normal peak-hour normal peak-hour trip rate. trip rate. rate. Land Use Solution Restrict DV develop- Restrict DV develop- Restrict DV devel- mont to 8,500 units in ment to 8,500 units in op-ment to 8,500 2010. 2010. units in 2010. Restrict DV develop- ment to 8,500 units in 2010. Policy Solution Accept LOS E at DoughertylDublin intersection. Accept LOS E at DoughertylDublin intersection. Accept LOS F at Ac:c:ept LOS F at Dougherty/Bollinger DoughertylBoIlinger Canyon. Canyon. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 196 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Action Plan I Trl-Valley Action Plan Highways (Continued) I Key Locations I I Facility: TallaJara Road North of 1-580 North of Dublin North of Fallon Existing Configuration Existing Volume' Existing VlC 2 lanes 200 0.11 2 lanes 200 0.11 2 lanes 200 0.11 2010 Expected Network Planned changes: Widening to 8 lanes from 1-580 to Dublin Boulevard, 6 lanes north of Dublin Boulevard to County Une, 4 lanes north of County Una. I I 2010 Configuration 8 lanes 6 lanes 6 lanes Volume 3,700 3,750 2,600 Transit SelVice (buseSlhour both di- 18 20 recrions) Transit Ridership (peak hour) 1.066 84 120 VlC conslralned (before Action Plan) 0.51 0.69 0.48 (unconstrained) I Traffic Pattem Danville 0% Oanville 0% Oanvitle 1% San Ramon 0% San Ramon 0% San Ramon 6% Dublin 35% Dublin 1 35% Dublin 17% CCC 36% CCC 36% Pleuanton 14% Plea.santon 18% Pleasanton 18% CCC 58% Livermore 10% Uvermore2 10% Uvennont 4% Through 0% Through 0% I I I I T$O to be achieved VlC < 0.90 at inter8ections. VlC < 0.10 at inter- sections. VlC < 0.90 at inl8rl&Ctions. Recommended Actions 1. Secure developer funding for 1. Secure developer fund. widening. Ing for widening. 2. Put in place mutually agreed and equitable multijurisdictional growth management to insure achievement of TS05. 3. Consider widening or ex- panding the highway network, improving lransit selVice, or Improving transportation de. mand management. None. I I I PM Peak-Hour 2010 Expected Intersection LOS Without Action Plan VlC LOS 0.76 C 0.65 B 1.05 F 0.70 B 0.84 0 I Tassajara Road and Fallon Road Tassajara Road and Highland Road Tassajara Road and Dublin Boulevard Tassajara Road and Gleason Avenue Tassajara Road and 1.580 WB Ramps I Volumes and capacity reler to PM peak-hour, peak-direction 01 flow. I I Barton-Aschman Associates. Inc. 197 Trl..Valley Action Plan Highways (Continued) Action Plan Key Locations F.clllty: T....Jafll Road North of 1-580 North of Dublin North of Fallon Potential Actions Highway Solution Grade separation at Tussjara/Dublin intersection, or extension of Hacienda Drive to Windemere Parkway Grade separation at TassajaralOublin intersec- tion, or extension of Haci- enda Drive to Windemere Parkway Transit Solution Increased ridership to TVPOA. Increased ridership to TVPOA. TOM Solution Restrict TVPOA to 85% of its normal trip generation, or achieve 15% increase in aver- aU AVA. Restrict TVPOA to 8S% of its normal trip generation, or achieve 15% increase In overan A VA. Land Use Solution Reduce development adjacent Reduce dtweIopment adja- to Tassajara Road by 900 cent to Tassajara Road by units. 900 units. Polley Solution Accept LOS F at Tassajara and Accept LOS F at Dublin intersection. Tassajar. and Dublin intersection. TOO met Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 198 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Action Plan Tri-Valley Action Plan Highways (Continued) Key Locations Facility: Dublin Boulevard West of 1-680 East of 1-680 East of Dougherty East of Tassajara Existing Configuration Existing Volume' Existing VlC 4 lanes 1100 0.31 4 lanes 1,030 0.29 N/A NlA NlA NlA NlA NlA 2010 Expected Network Planned changes: Widening to 6 lanes from Donlon to Tassajara; extension as 6 lanes to N. Canyon Parkway. 2010 Conflguratlon 6 lanes 6 lanes 6 lanes 6 lanes Volume 2,000 2.035 2.765 2.520 Transit Service (buses/hour both di. 14 16 rectiol'l$ ) Transit Ridership (peak hour) 75 152 38 1,042 V/C constrained (before Action Plan) 0.37 0.38 0.51 0.47 (unconatralned) Traffic Pattem DanvilJe San Ramon Dublin CCC Pleasanton Uvennore Through 2% 2% 58% 14% 13% 11% 0% DanvUIe San Ramon CCC Dublin PIe.santon Livermore 2% Canville 10% San Ramon 2% CCC 5'1% Dublin 9% Pleasanton 21% Uvennore 1% Danvllle 9% San Ramon 5% Uvennore 57% Dublin 4% P......ton 25% CCC Through 1% 5% 36% 24% 13% 5% 6% TOO 10 be achieved VlC < 0.90 at inter- VlC < 0.90 at inter- VlC < 0.90 at sections. sections. Intersections. VlC < 0.90 at inter- sections. Recommended Action. 1. Secure developer funding for widening. 1. Secure funding for wldeningl extension. 1. Secure funding for widening! extension. 2. Pursue HOV lanes on 1-580. 1. Secure funding 'or widening! extension. 2. Pursue HOV lanes on 1-580. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 199 Action Plan Tri-Valley Action Plan Highways (Continued) PM P..k-Hour 2010 Expected Inter.ectlon LOS Without Action Plan VlC LOS Dublin Boulevard and Amador Plaza Dublin Boulevard and Regional Slreet Dublin Boulevard and Hacienda Drive Dublin Boulevard and Fallon Road Dublin Boulevard and Tassajara Road Dublin Boulevard and San Ramon Road Dublin Boulevard and Dougherty Road Dublin Boulevard and Village Parkway 0.85 0.56 0.73 1.12 1.05 0.90 0.93 0.82 D A C F F D E o I Volumes and capacity refer to PM peak-hour, peak-direclion of flow. Barton-Aschman Associates. Inc. 200 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Action Plan Tri..Valley Action Plan Highways (Continued) Key Locations Facility: Dublin Boulevard West of 1-680 East of 1-680 East of Dougherty East of Tassajara Potential Actions Highway Solution Widen Dublin Bou- Widen Dublin Bou- levard to 8 lanes levard to 8 lanes or or provide grade provide grade sepa- separations at rations at Dougherty, Dougherty, Tassajara, and Tassajara, and Fallon. Add HOV Fallon. Add HOV lanes to 1-580. lanes to 1-580. Transit Solution Increase local bus IncreaH IoQI bus HtVica, decrease aervice. decnNlse headways to 5 headways to 5 min- minutes. utn. TOM Solution Achieve AVR in- Achieve AVR in- crease of about ere._ of about 15%, or ....trlct E. 15%. or Nl8tr1ct E. Dublin trip genera- Dublin trip genera- tion to 85% of nor- lion to 85% of nor- mal. mal. Barton-Aschman Associates. Inc. 201 Tri-Valley Action Pian Highways (Continued) Action Plan Key Locations East of Dougherty East of Tassajara Facility: Dublin Boulevard West of 1-680 East of 1-680 Reduce E. Dublin Reduce E. Dublin land use by about land use by about 20% overall, or 20% overall, or combine with ra- combine with re- ductions In DV and ductions In DV and TVPOA. TVPOA. Land Use Solution Policy Solution Accept LOS F at Tassajara and at Fallon (requires deficiency plan) and LOS E at Dougherty. Accept LOS F at T assajara and at Fallon (requires deficiency plan) and LOS E at Dougherty . TOO met. TOO met. 1 Volumes and capac:ity refer to PM peak-hour, peak-clirection of flow. Barton.Aschman Associates, Inc. 202 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Trl-Valley Action Plan Highways (Continued) Action Plan Facllltv: San Ramon Road Key locations North 01 Dublin Existing Configuration Existing Volume' Existing VlC 4 lanes 1,200 0.33 2010 Expected Network Planned changes: None. 2010 Configuration Volume Transit Service (buseSlhour both directions) Transit Ridership (peak hour) VlC constrained [before Action Plan) (unconstrained) 4 lanes 1,000 4 7 0.28 Traffic Pattem Oanville Dublin San Ramon Pleasanton livermore CCC Thrcwgh 5% 55% 23% 2% 10% 5% 0% TOO to be achieved VlC < 0.90 al intersections Recommended Actions None. PM Peak.Hour 2010 Expected Inter.ectlon LOS Without Action Plan Vie LOS San Ramon Road and Dublin Boulevard 0.90 San Ramon Road and Amador Valley Road 0.45 D C A C I Volumes and capacity refer to PM peak-hour, peak-direction of flow. Barton-Aschman Associates. Inc. 203 Tri-Valley Action Plan Highways (Continued) Action Plan Facility: Hopyard Road Key Locations at Stoneridge Existing eonfiguration Existing Volume' Existing Vie 6 lanes 2,400 0.44 2010 Expected Network Planned changes: Widening 10 4 lanes between Valley and Division. 2010 Configuration Volume Transit Service (buseslhour both di. rections ) Transit Ridership (peak hour) Vie constrained [before Action Plan) (unconstrained) 6 lanes 2,400 20 78 0.44 Traffic Pattem Pleasanton Dublin Oanville San Ramon ecc Livermore Through 64% 23% 1% 2% 6% 4% 0"/0 TOO to be achieved VlC < 0.90 at inler- sections Recommended Actions 1. Enforce existing growth controls in Pleasanton to insure achievement 01 T80s. 2. Build adequate Route 84 to reduce cut.through traffic lrem West Las Positss Boulevard. 3. Install traffic signal phase overlap at HopyardIW. Las Positss. Barton.Aschman Associates, Inc. 204 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Action Plan Trl-Valley Action Plan Highways (Continued) PM Peak.Hour 2010 Expected Intersection LOS Without Action Plan vie LOS Hopyard Road and OWens Drive Hopyard Road and Stoneridge Drive Hopyard Road and 1-580 Ee Ramps Hopyard Road and West Las Positas Hopyard Road and Valley Avenue 0.85 0.58 0.79 0.91 0.66 D A e E B , Volumes and capacity refer to PM peak-hour, peak-direction 01 flow. Key Locations Facility: Hopvard Road at Stoneridge Potentlaf Action. Highway Solution Widen Hopyard Road to 8 lanes. Build ade- quate Route 84 to reduce cut-through traffIC from West Las, Positas Boulevard. Install traffic signal phase overlap at Hopyard'W. Las Positas. Transit Solution Increase local bus ridership. TOM Solution Increase overall A VR by about 2"10. Land Use Sclution Reduce development in Pleasanton by about 2%, locused on vicinity of Hopyard Road. Policy Sclution Accept LOS E (0.91) at intersection 01 HopyardlLas Positas. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 205 Tri-Valley Action Plan Highways (Continued) Action Plan Facllltv: Santa Rita Road Key Locations at Stoneridge 1.580 EB Off-Ramp 3 lanes Existing eonfiguration Existing Volume' Existing Vie 6 lanes 1,300 0.24 2010 Expected Network Planned changes: Widening to 6 lanes Irom 1-580 to Old Santa Rita Road ($1.6 million), developer funding. 2010 Configuration Volume Transit Service (buses/hour both direc- tions) Transit Ridership (peak hour) Vie constrained [before Action Plan) (un- constrained) 6 lanes 2,700 6 63 0.50 3 lanes 1,231 100 0.38 Traffic Pattern Pleasanton Dublin Livermore Danville SanRamon CCC Through 59% 25% 10% 0% 2% 4% 0% TOO to be achieved VlC < 0.90 at inter. VlC < 0.90 at inter- section. section. Recommended Actions None. 1. Obtain agree- ments with Dublin and Contra Costa County to widen EB off-ramp to provide double left turn. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 206 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Action Plan I Trl-Valley Action Plan Highways (Continued) I PM Peak.Hour 2010 Expected Intersection LOS Without Action Plan VlC LOS I Santa Rita Road and West Las Positas 0.75 e Santa Rita Road and Valley Avenue 0.75 e Santa Rita Road and 1-580 EB Ramps 0.94 E I Santa Rita Road and Stoneridge 0.85 D , Volumes and capacity refer to PM peak-hour, peak-direction 01 flow. I Key Locations I Facllltv: lanta Rfta Road al Stoneridge 1-580 EB Off.Ramp Potential Actions I Highway Solution Widen EB off-ramp from 1-580 to Santa Rita Road for I second EB left-tum lane. I Transit Solution Increase local bus ridership (how?). I TDM Solution Increase overall AVR by 4%. I Land Use Solution Reduce develop- ment in Pleasanton, Dublin, or TVPOA I by 4,600 units. Policy Solution Accept LOS E I (Vie", 0.94) at San. ta Rita/l.saO EB ramps intersection. I TOO met. I I I Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 207 Tri-Valley Action Plan Highways (Continued) Action Plan Facllltv: Stanlev Boufevard Key Locations at Valley Avenue Existing eonfiguration Existing Volume' Existing VIe 4 lanes 800 0.22 2010 Expected Network Planned changes: Grade separalion at intersection with Isabel (part of Route 84 projecl). 2010 Configuration Volume Transit Service (buses/hour both di- rections ) Transit Ridership (peak hour) Vie constrained [before Action Plan) (unconstrained) 4 lanes 1,200 4 41 0.33 Traffic Pattem livermore 50% Pleasanton 25% Through 25% oanville 0% San Ramon 0% cee 0% Dublin 0% TOO to be achieved VlC < 0.90 at inter- sections Recommended Actions 1. At Valley/Stanley intersection, widen for Ee double Ieft.tum lanes. 2. Reduce cut-through traffic with adequate Highway 84. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 208 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Action Plan Trl-Valley Action Plan Highways (Continued) PM Peak-Hour 2010 Expected Intersection LOS Wlthoul Acllon Plan Vie LOS Stanley Boulevard and Valley Avenue Stanley Boulevard and Main Street Stanley Boulevard and Isabel Extension Stanley Boulevard and Murrieta Boulevard 0.93 E 0.37 A Grade Separation 0.74 e , Volumes and capacity refer to PM peak-hour, peak-direction 01 flow. Key locations FeclfltV: Slanfey Boulevard at Valley Avenue Potential Actions Highway Solution at ValleylStanley wid- en eastbound for double left'lUm lanes. Transit Solution Increase local transit ridership. TOM Solution Increase overall AVR by 30% lor all trip purposes. Land Use Solution Reduce Livermore and PleasantCin devel- opment by about 13,400 units, similar to reduction in jobs. PODcy Solution Accept LOS E (VlC . 0.93) at Stanley and Valley. Barton.Aschman Associates. Inc. 209 Tri-Valley Action Plan Highways (Continued) Action Plan FaclJlty: Stonerldge Drive Key Locations at Hopyard atEleharro Existing Configuration Existing Volume' Existing VlC 6 lanes 1,200 0.22 N1A NlA NlA 2010 Expected Network Planned changes: Extension as 6 lanes to EI Charro to link with Jack London. 2010 Configuration Volume Transit Service (buse$lhour both di- rectiOns) Transit Ridership (peak hour) Vie constrained (before Action Plan) (unconstrained) 6 lanes 1,200 26 6 lanes 700 None lillil 0.22 o 0.13 Traffic Pattem Danville San Ramon Pleasanton Livermore Dublin ece Through 1% Danville 0% 9% San Ramon 2% 53% Livermore 51 % 19% Pleasanton 44% 15% ecc 0% 1% Dublin 1% 2% Through 2% TOO to be achieved V/C < 0.90 at inter- VlC < 0.90 81 inter- sections. sections. Recommended Actions None. None. PM Peak-Hour 2010 Expected Intersection LOS Without Action Plan vIe LOS $toneridge Drive and W. Las Positas Stoneridge Drive and 1-680 SB Ramps Stoneridge Drive and 1-680 NB Ramps Stoneridge Drive and Hopyard Road Stoneridge Drive and Santa Rita Road 0.81 0.49 0.52 0.58 0.85 D A A A D , Volumes and capacity reler to PM peak.hour, peak-direction of flow. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 210 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Action Plan Trl-Valley Action Plan Highways (Continued) Key Locations Facllltv: Sunol Boulevard East of 1-680 Existing Configuration Existing Volume' Existing Vie 4 lanes 800 0.22 2010 Expected Network Planned changes: Widening to 6 lanes 1-680 to First Street. 2010 Configuration Volume Transit Service (buseslhour both di- rections ) Transil Ridership (peak hour) Vie constrained [before Action Plan) (unconstrained) 6 lanes 1,320 4 23 0.24 Traffic Pattem DanvUIe San Ramon PI"santon Livermore Dublin ece Through 00/. 1% 46% 33% 1% 0% 14% TOO to be achieved VlC < 0.90 at inter- sections. Recommended Actions None. I II I I I PM Peak-Hour 2010 Expected Intersection LOS Without Actfon Plan VIe LOS Sunol Boulevard and Bemal Avenue Sunof Boulevard and 1-680 SB Ramps Sunol Boulevard and 1-680 NB Ramps 0.80 0.58 0.54 e A A , Volumes and capacity refer to PM peak-hour, peak-direction of flow. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 211 Trl-Valley Action Plan Highways (Continued) Action Plan Facility: Route 84 Key Locations on VaDecitos Isabel at Jack London West 01 1-680 (Niles eanyon) Existing Configuration Existing Volume' Existing vie 2 lanes 900 0.50 NIA N1A N1A 2010 Expected Network Planned changes: Widening and upgrading Vallecilos Road to 4-lane expressway, connecting and widening Isabel to 6-lane arterial, new interchange atlsabeVI-5SO, grad~ separation atlsabellStanley. 2010 Configuration Volume Transit Service (buseslhour both di- rections) Transit Ridership (peak hour) Vie constrained [before Action Plan) (unconstrained) 4 lanes 3,400 12 o 0.94 2 lanes 6 lanes 3,900 16 18 0.72 Traffic Pattem eee Livennore Pleasanton Dublin Through Oamille San Ramon 0% Camille 80% San Ramon 3% livermore 0% Pleasanton 17% Dublin 0% eec 0% Through 0% :!'Yo 49% 10% 9% 2% 28% TOO to be achieved None Link VlC < 0.99 (no intersections) Intersection vie < 0.90 Recommended Actions 1. Secure funding for widening project. 2. Adopt recommen- dations of Tri-Valley Subcommittee on Route 84. 3. Seek cooperative funding programs with eentral Valley and Fremont-South Bay jurisdictions to mitigate the impact of additional commute traffic through the Tri.Valley. 1. Secure funding 1. Maintain existing historic highway for widening project. designation and function. 2. Accept LOS Eat Jack London or widen Route 84 to 8 lanes at Jack Lon- don or provide a grade separation. 3. Adopt recommen. dations 01 Tri.Valley Subcommittee on Route 84. Barton-Aschman Associates. Inc. 212 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Action Plan Trl-Valley Action Plan Highways (Continued) PM Peak.Hour 2010 Expected Intersection LOS Without Action Plan Vie LOS Isabel (Route 84) and Airway Boulevard Isabel (Route 84) and Jack London Isabel (Route 84) and Vallecitos Road Isabel (Route 84) and Stanley Boulevard Vallecltos Road and Vineyard D E e 0.95 0.76 Grade separation 0.87 D , Volumes and capacity refer to PM peak-hour. peak-direction of flow. 213 Barton-Aschman Associates. Inc. I Action Plan I Tri-Valley Action Plan I Highways (Continued) I Key Locations Isabel at I Facility: Route 84 on Vallecitos Jack London Potential Actions I Highway Solution Upgrade to I expressway, grade separation at Jack London Transit Solution Substantially in. I creased transit ser. vice--17 buses per I hour, must be full. TOM Solution Increase overall I A VR by 30% for all trip types. Land Use Solution Reduce develop. I ment in Pleasanton and Uvermore by about 13,400 units. I Policy Solution Accept LOS E at Jack London. I TSOmel. I I I I I Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 214 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Trl..Valley Action Plan Highways (Continued) Action Plan Key locations Facllltv: Flr.t Street (Uvermore) East of South Livermore Existing eonfiguration Existing Volume' Existing Vie 4 lanes 1,100 0.31 2010 Expected Network Planned changes: R&C?nfiguration 01 1-580/First Street interchange to Parclo design. 2010 Configuration Volume Transit Service (bus8$lhour both di. rections) Transit Ridership (peak hour) vIe constrained [before Action Plan) (unconstrained) 4 lanes 1,200 4 53 0.33 TraffIC Pattern eec Daoville San Remon Livermore Pleasanton Dublin Through 0% 0% 0% 88% 7% 0% 5% TOO to be achieved vIe < 0.90 at inter- sections Recommended Actions 1. Secure funding lor Interchange improve. ments. PM Peak-Hour 2010 Expected Intersection LOS Without Action Plan VIe LOS First Street and 1-580 we Ramps First Street and 1-580 eB Ramps B A 0.61 0.59 I Volumes and capacity reler to PM peak.hour, peak-direction of Row. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 215 Trl-Valley Action Plan Highways (Continued) Action Plan FacllltV: Va.co Road Key Locations N. 01 Isabel Extension N. of 1.580 S. of 1.580 Existing Configuration Existing Volume' Existing Vie 2 lanes 1,100 0.61 2 lanes 1,800 1.00 4 lanes 1,100 0.31 2010 Expected Network Planned changes: Widening to four lanes from Isabel Extension to Scenic, widening to 6 lanes lrom Scenic to Patterson Pass: realignment and upgrade in Contra eosta eounty due to reservoir, reconstruction 01 1-5SONasco interchange. 2010 Connguratlon Volume Transit Service (buseSlhour both di- rections) Transit Ridership (peak hour) Vie constrained (before Action Plan) (unconstrained) 2 lanes 6 lanes 6 lanes 1,500 (constrained) 2,580 3,150 18 40 28 105 158 236 1.00 (1.23) 0.48 0.58 TraffIC Pattem Oanville 2% Pleasanton 9% Pleasanton 8% San Ramon 6% livermore 73% livermore 78% livermore 44% Dublin 5% Dublin 7% Pleasanton 120/0 ece 4% ece 5% cee 4% San Ramon 3% San Ramon 1% Dublin 9% Oanville 0% DanvMIe 1% Through 23'1ft Through 6% TOO to be achieved None-not within TVTe VIe < 0.90 at inter. VlC < 0.90 at control. sections. intersections. Recommended Actions 1. Secure funding for 1. Secure develop- 1. Secure devel. safety improvements on er funding for wid- oper funding for two-lane segment in ening. widening. Alameda County. 2. Oppose increases to mixed-flow capacity. 3. Support transit ser. vice in corridor. 4. The salety Improve- ments to Vasco Road. while maintaining the two-lane gateway in Alameda County, shall be done in a manner to not preclude future transit, HOV, or other mutually agreed to transportation Improvements. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 216 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Action Plan Trl-Valley Action Plan Highways (Continued) PM Peak.Hour 2010 Expected Interaectlon LOS Without Action Plan vie LOS Vasco Road and East Avenue Vasco Road and Isabel Extension Vasco Road and 1-580 we Ramps Vasco Road and 1.580 eB Ramps 0.55 0.60 0.69 070 A A B B , Volumes and capacity refer to PM peak-hour. peak-direction of flow. Barton-Aschman Associates. Inc. 217 I Action Plan I Tri-Valley Action Pian Highways (Continued) I Key Locations I FacllltV: Stone Valley Road2 East 01 1-680 I I Existing eonfiguration Existing Volume' Existing VlC 2 lanes 940 0.52 2010 Expected Network Planned changes: None. I 2010 Configuration Volume Transit Service (buseSlhour both di- rections ) Transit Ridership (peak hour) Vie constrained [before Action Plan] (unconstrained) 2 lanes 1,400 8 I 5 0.78 I Traffic Pattem Danville San Ramon CCC Dublin Pleasanton Livermore Alameda Co. 44% 11Wo 24% 4% 5% 4% I I I TOO to be achieved VIe < 0.90 at inler- sections I Recommended Action. None. I PM Peak.Hour 2010 Expected fnteraectlon LOS Without Action Plan Vie LOS I Stone Valley Road and Danville BoLllevard Stone Valley Road and 1-680 SB Ramps Stone Valley Road and 1-680 NB Ramps 0.82 0.56 0.40 D A A I , Volumes and capacity refer to PM peak-hour, peak-direclion 01 flow. I Not a route 01 regional significance. I I Barton-Aschman Associates. Inc. 218 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Tri-Valley Action Plan Highways (Continued) Action Plan Key Locations Facllltv: Fallon Road. N. of 1-580 N. 01 Dublin Existing eonfiguration Existing Volume' Existing Vie 2 lanes 10 0.01 2 lanes 10 0.01 2010 Expected Network Planned changes: Widening and extension at 6 lanes from 1-580 to Tassajara Road; reconslnJctlon 01 the FallonIEl eharro ancll-580 interchange. 2010 Configuration Volume Transit Service (buseslhour both di- rections) Transit Ridership (peak hour) Vie constrained (before Action Plan) (unconstrained) 6 lanes 6 lanes 2,900 2.450 4 0.54 0 0.45 Traffic Pattem Oanville San Ramon cee Dublin Pleasanton livermore Through 10% Daoville 11% 5% San Ramon 9% 0% ece 1% 63"1. Dublin 55% 15% Pleasanton 12% 7% livermore 13% 0% TOO to be achieved VlC < 0.90 at inter. vie < 0.90 at inter- sections. sections. Recommended Actfons 1. Secure funding lor 1. Secure funding widening/extension. for widening/ extension. 2. Pursue HOV lanes 2. Pursue HOV on 1.580. lanes on 1-580. 3. Secure funding for 1-5801Fallon Interchange improve- ments. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 219 Tri-Valley Action Plan Highways (Continued) Action Plan PM Peak.Hour 2010 Expected fntersectlon LOS Without Action Pfan v/c LOS Fallon Road and Gleason Road Fallon Road and 1-580 we Ramps EI eharro Road and 1.580 EB Ramps Fallon Road and Tassajara Road Fallon Road and Dublin Boulevard 0.62 0.72 0.63 0.76 1.12 e e e e F 1 Volumes and capacity refer to PM peak-hour, peak-direction of flow. I Not a route of regional significance. Faclllty: Fallon Road Key Locations N. 01 1.580 N. of Dublin Potential Actions Highway Solution Grade separation at Fallon Drive/Dublin Boulevard intersec- tion. Add HOV lane to 1.580. Grade separation at Fallon Drive/Dublin Boulevard intersec- tion. Add HOV lane to 1.580. Transit Solution Add 20 buses per hour to Fallon Road; local service to East Dublin. Add 20 buses per hour to Fallon Road; local service to east Dublin. TOM Solution Increase overall AVR by about 25% for all trip types. Increase overall AVR by about 25% for all trip types. Land Use Solution Reduce East Dublin development by 1 ,000 units or shill 1,000 units away from Fallon/Dublin intersec- tion. Reduce East Dublin development by 1,000 units or shift 1 ,000 units away lrom FallonlDublin intersection. Policy Solution Accept LOS F at Dub- Accept LOS F at IinlFallon intersection. Dublin/Fallon inter- section. Barton-Aschman Associates. Inc. 220 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Trl-Valley Action Plan Highways (Continued) Action Plan Key Locations FacllltV: North Canyons Parkway W. of Isabel Existing eonfiguration Existing Volume' Existing Vie 4 lanes ? ? 2010 Expected Network Planned changes: Widening and extension as 6 lanes Irom Doolan to Isabel Extension. 2010 Configuration Volume Transit Service (buseSlhour both di- rections ) Transit Ridership (peak hour) Vie constrained [belore Action Plan) (unconstrained) 6 lanes 3,090 20 229 0.57 TraffIC Pattern Livermore Dublin Pleasanton eee Danville San Ramon Through 58% 21"0 10% 3% 0% 3% 5% TOO VlC < 0.90 at inter. sections. Recommended Actions 1. Secure developer funding lor widening/extension. 2. Improve the inter- section of N. eanyons . Parkway and Collier eanyon. PM Peak.Hour 2010 Expected Intersection LOS Without Action Plan vIe LOS 1.02 0.92 F E North Canyons Parkway and Collier eanyon North eanyons Parkway and Isabel Extension 1 Volumes and capacity reler to PM peak-hour, peak-direction 01 flow. Barton.Aschman Associates, Inc. 221 I Action Plan I Trl-Valley Action Plan I Highways (Continued) Key Locations I Facility: North Canyons Parkway W. of Isabel Potential Actions I Highway Solution Add 2nd L T lane NB I on Collier Canyon at N. Canyons Parkway, grade separation at Isabel Extension. I Transit Solution Increase in transit ridership in N. I Livermore. TDM Solution Increase overall AVR I by 10% for all trip types. Land Use Solution Decrease develop- I mentlevels in N. Livermore by 200 units. I Policy Solution Accept poor intersec- tion levels 01 service. I I I I I I I Barton-Aschman Associates. Inc. 222 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Trl-Valley Action Plan Highways (Continued) Action Plan Key Locations Facility: I.abel extension' N. of North eanyons Parkway Existing Configuration Existing Volume' Existing VIC N1A NlA N1A 2010 Expected Network Planned changes: Extension from 1.580 as a 6-lane/4-lane arterial to Vasco Road. 2010 Configuration Volume Transit Service (busesltlour both di- rections ) Transit Ridership (peak hour) Vie constrained [before Action Plan) (unconstrained) 6 lanes 3,330 12 98 0.62 Traffic Pattem Livermore Dublin Pleasanton eec Oanville SanRamon Through 61% 14% 13% 3% 0% 3% 7% TOO to be achieved. Vie < 0.90 at inter- sections. Recommended Actfons .1. Secure developer lunding lor extension. PM Peak.Hour 2010 Expected Intersection LOS Without ActIon Plan Vie LOS Isabel Extension and Vasco Road Isabel Extension and North Uvermore Avenue Isabel Extension and North eanyon Parkway 0.60 0.68 0.92 A B E , Volumes and capacity reler to PM peak-hour, peak-direction of flow. I Not a route 01 regional significance Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 223 I Action Plan I Trl-Valley Action Plan I Highways (Continued) Key Locations I N.ofNorth Facility: Isabel extension eanyons Parkway I Potential Actions Highway Solution Grade separation at I N. eanyons Parkway. Transit Solution Increase transil rider- I ship in N. Uvermore. TOM Solution Increase overall AVR I by 2% for all trip types. Land Use Solution Decrease develop- I menl in N. Uvermore by 200 units. I Policy Solution Accept LOS E at N. eanyons Parkway I intersection. I I I I I I I Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 224 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Tri-Valley Action Plan Highways Action Plan Key locations. - Facility: North Uvermore' N. 01 1-580 Existing eonfiguration Existing Volume' EXisting vIe 2 lanes 100 0.06 2010 Expected Network Planned changes: Wiclening to 6 lanes from 1-580 to 1-1/2 miles north, 4 lanes to Isabel Extension; modify and widen l-saD/N. Uvennore interchange. 2010 Configuration Volume Transit Service (busesJhour both di. rections ) Transit Ridership (peak hour) VIe constrained [before Action Plan) (unconstrained) 6 lanes 2,610 4 69 0.48 TraffIC Pattem Livermore Dublin Pleasanlon ecc Danville SanRamon 82% 8% 7% 2% 0% 1% TOO to be achieved V/c < 0.90 at intersections. Recommended Actions 1. Secure funding lor l-saO/N. Uvermore interchange improve- ments. 2. Secure developer lunding for wiclening project. PM Peak.Hour 2010 Expected fnteraectlon LOS Without Action Ptan VlC LOS North Uvennore Avenue and Isabel Extension 0.68 North Uvennore Avenue and Portola Avenue 0.66 North Uvennore Avenue and I-saD EB Ramps 0.74 North Uvennore Avenue and 1-580 we Ramps 0.58 B B e A , Volumes and capacity refer to PM peak-hour, peak-direclion of flow. I Not a route 01 regional significance. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 225 Tri-Valley Action Plan . Highways (Continued) Action Plan Facility: W. Las Posit.. (PI..santon)1 Key Locations E. of 1-680 Existing eonfiguration Existing Volume' Existing Vie 4 lanes 480 0.13 2010 Expected Network Planned changes: Addition of interchange at 1-8801W. Las Positas; widening to 4 lanes Foothill to Payne, widening to 6 lanes Hopyard to Stoneridge. 2010 Conflgur.tlon Volume Transit Service (buses/hour both di. rections) Transit Ridership (peak hour) VIe constrained (before Action Plan) (unconstrained) 4 lanes 1,350 4 67 0.38 Traffic Pattern TOO to be achieved Danville San Ramon Pleasanton Dublin Livermore CCC Through 0% 0% 61% 15% 10% 3% 10% VIe < 0.90 at inter- sections Recommended Actions 1. Enforce existing growth controls to ensure achievement 01 TSOs. 2. Reduce through traffic by constructing an adequate Route 84. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 226 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Action Plan Trl-Valley Action Plan Highways (Continued) PM Pe.k.Hour 2010 Expected Intersection LOS Without Action Plan vie LOS W. Las positas and Stoneridge Drive W. Las Positas and Hacienda Drive W. Las Positas and Santa Rita Road W. Las Positas and Hopyard Road W. Las Positas and OWens Drive 0.81 0.42 0.75 0.91 0.87 D A e E D , Volumes and capacity refer to PM peak-hour. peak-direction of flow. · Not a route 01 regional significance. Barton-Aschman Associates. Inc. 227 I Action Plan I Tri-Valley Action Plan Highways I Key Locations I Facility: Bernal Avenue' E. of I..saO I Existing Configuration Existing Volume' Existing VIe 4 lanes 1,300 0.36 I 2010 Expected Network Planned changes: Widening to 6 lanes 1-680 to Valley, widening to 4 lanes Foothill to I..saO, widening to 4 lanes First Street to Stanley. I 2010 Connguratlon Volume Transit Service (buses/hour bolh di- rections) Transit Ridership (peak hour) Vie constrained [belore Action Plan] (unconstrained) 6 lanes 1,700 10 I 15 0.31 I Traffic Pattern Pleasanton Dublin Livermore ecc Danville San Ramon 82% 1% 9% 6% 10/0 1% I I I TOO to be achieved V/C < 0.90 at inter- sections. I Recommended Actions None. I PM Peak.Hour 2010 Expected fnteraectlon LOS Without Action Plan VlC LOS Bemal Avenue and 1-680 SB Ramps Bema! Avenue and 1-680 NB Ramps Bema! Avenue and First 0.83 0.56 0.80 D A C I I 1 Volumes and capacity refer to PM peak-hour, peak-direction 01 flow. I Not a route of regional significance. I I Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 228 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Trl-Valley Action Plan Highways (Continued) Action Plan Key locations Facility: .lack London at Isabel Existing Configuration existing Volume' Existing VIe NlA NlA N/A 2010 Expected Network Planned changes: Extension as 4 lanes to EI Charro linking with Stoneridge. 2010 Configuration Volume Transit Service (buseslhour both di- rections ) Transit Ridership (peak hour) VIe constrained [before Action Plan] (unconstrained) 4 lanes 1,860 None N/A 0.52 Traffic Pattem livermore Pleasanton Dublin ecc San Ramon Danville 54% 40% 3% 0% . 3% 0% TOO to be achieved Vie < 0.90 at inter. sections Recommended Actions Secure developer funding lor extension. PM Peak.Hour 2010 Expected Intersection LOS Without Action Plan VlC LOS .lack London and Isabel 0.95 E 1 Volumes and capacity refer to PM peak-hour, peak-direction 01 flow. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 229 Trl-Valley Action Plan Highways (Continued) Action Plan Facility: Hacienda Drive' Key Locations N. of 1-580 N. 01 Dublin Blvd. EXisting eonfiguration Existing Volume' Existing VlC 4 lanes ? ? 2010 Expected Network Planned changes: Extension to Gleason Drive as 4 lanes, widening to 6 lanes 1-580 to Dublin Boulevard. 201.0 Configuration Volume Transit Service (buseSlhour both di- rections) , Transit Ridership (peak hour) Vie constrained [bslore Action Plan] (unconstrained) 6 lanes 3,600 4 lanes Traffic Pattern 0.67 Dublin Pleasanton Livermore cce Danville San Ramon 56"10 25% 2"10 15"10 1% 1% TOO VlC < 0.90 at inter- sections R~omm.nded Actions 1. Secure funding lor widening and exten- sion in Dublin. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 230 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,I I I I I I I I Trl-Valley Action Plan Highways (Continued) Action Plan PM Peak.Hour 2010 Expected Inter..ctlon LOS Without Action Plan Vie LOS Hacienda Drive and 1-580 EB Ramps Hacienda Drive and 1.580 WB Ramps Hacienda Drive and Dublin Boulevard Hacienda Drive and (Mens Drive Hacienda Drive and West Las Positas 0.79 0.79 0.73 0.81 0.42 e e e D A I Volumes and capacity refer to PM peak-hour. peak.ctirection of flow. I Not a route 01 regional significance. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 231 Action Plan Even with implementation of the expected land use and network assumptions set forth in Chapter 5, the following TSD violations are forecast to occur: Intersection vie LOS Dougherty Road and Dublin Boulevard Tassajara Road and Dublin Boulevard Fallon Road and Dublin Boulevard )sabel and Jack London Isabel and North Canyons Parkway Santa Rita Road and 1-580 EB Off-Ramp Alcosta Boulevard and Bollinger Canyon Road Dougherty Road and Crow Canyon Road Dougherty Road and Bollinger Canyon Road Blackhawk/Crow Canyon and Camino Tassajara Danville Boulevard and Stone Valley Road E F F E E E F E F F F 0.93 1.05 1.12 0.95 0.92 0.94 1.06 0.98 1.11 1.15 1.08 Jurisdictions in Tri-Valley may implement a proactive Growth and Congestion Manage- ment strategy once a detailed growth management study has been conducted. The study should indicate the development reductions, land use density reductions, or other types of growth management/control that would be required for each applicable Tri-Valley jurisdiction in order to achieve TSD standards. Any development reduction should be proportional to the traffic distribution percentages for each jurisdiction. Also, the impact of this development reduction to traffic impact fees should be analyzed. All jurisdictions will then review this information and know exactly how much reduction in development or growth management/control is needed to meet the TSOs. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 232 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 10. Plan Implementation, Monitoring, and Review This chapter describes how the Tri~Valley Transportation Plan will be implemented. Specific topics include plan adoption by member jurisdictions, collection of the subregional traffic impact fee, procedure for monitoring transportation service objec~ tives, and procedures for handling development applications. Plan Adoption As specified in the Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) that created the TVTC, adoption of the Tri.Valley Transportation Plan shall require the unanimous vote of all members of the TVTC. Following plan adoption, all TVTC member jurisdictions agree to consider the Plan when adopting or amending circulation elements of their general plans and specific plans, zoning ordinances, or capital improvement programs! While compliance with the Tri~Valley Transportation Plan (TVTP) is essentially volun~ tary among the Alameda County jurisdictions, at least until aspects of the TVTP become part of the Alameda County Congestion Management Program, the Contra Costa County jurisdictions have a mandate for compliance. The TVTP constitutes the Action Plan for the Contra Costa Tri~Valley jurisdictions, as required by Measure C. Thus, to maintain compliance with Measure C, the Contra Costa County Tri.Valley jurisdictions must make a good~faith effort to implement the planned actions, or risk losing their return~to~source funds. Compliance is tied to local implementation of action policies as set forth in Chapter 9, "Action Plan.... One locality cannot be judged ineligible for local street maintenance and improvement funds because of the unwi11~ ingness of another locality to participate in the process. IJPA agreement included in Appendix C. Barton.Aschman Associates, Inc. 233 Plan Implementation, Monitoring, and Review The TVTC has not addressed the issue of whether an environmental impact report will be required for plan adoption. If an EIR is necessary, it should be jointly prepared by all jurisdictions, rather than prepared individually. Plan Financing Two elements of the financing plan for the TVTP require further study and action by the Tri-Valley Transportation Council and its member jurisdictions: the subregional transportation impact fee, and the cost-sharing formulae for road improvements that benefit multiple jurisdictions. Subregional Transportation Impact Fee. The TVTP lists the full range of projects that could be included in an impact fee program. First, the list needs to be finalized and adopted. Next, the details of the impact fee program need to be worked out. The following issues should be considered. 1. How many development categories and what fee for each? 2. How would the fee affect growth? 3. Are there any exempted areas or land use types? 4. When will the fees be collected? 5. When will they be spent? 6. Who will act as banker? 7. What is the priority for constructing impact fee projects? 8. Are interim fee measures needed while the above issues are resolved? After these issues have been resolved and the program specified, each jurisdiction needs to adopt the program. Shared Facilities. Implementation of much of the planned arterial system will be the direct responsibility of new development. Many of the arterials, however, are shared among jurisdictions. Table 8-8 shows the jurisdictions sharing responsibility for each of the planned improvements that will be paid for directly by developers. For each of these improvements, a negotiated agreement needs to be reached about cost sharing between jurisdictions. The cost. sharing approach could be based on which jurisdiction's traffic is expected to use the facility, or it could be based simply on the boundaries within which the facility lies, or a combination. These agreements should be negotiated in advance so that when development takes place, the responsibility for road improvements is clear. Banon-Aschman Associates, Inc. 234 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Plan Implementation, Monitoring, and Review Monitoring Transportation Service Objectives The Transportation Service Objectives (TSOs) are the heart of the TVTP. While certain growth assumptions are a part of the plan, they serve merely to gUide the specification of a planned transportation system and financing program. The TVTP does not control growth directly but indirectly through the TSOs. - Under existing conditions, the TSOs relating to freeway and intersection levels of service are largely being met. Future growth should be matched with road improve- ments so that the TSOs continue to be met. Achievement of the TSOs depends upon successful implementation of the actions, measures, and programs set forth in Chapter 9, "Action Plan." In Contra Costa County, if, following good faith implementation of the Action Plan, a TSO is not met, then the Plan would need to be reevaluated through the forum of TVTC and SWAT. Amendments to the Plan could include a relaxation of TSOs, a strengthening of actions. or a combination of these approaches. In Alameda County, the jurisdiction with the TSO violation can elect to modify growth rates, improve the facility. or seek a lower TSO standard through the amendment process set fort;h in this chapter. The TSOs related to mode split and average vehicle ridership are goals for achieve- ment by 2010. They need to be monitored and adjustments to the plan made if progress is not being made. Progress should be defined as increasing transit ridership and increasing average vehicle ridership. The TSOs should be monitored every two years. The following describes how each should be measured. Each jurisdiction should report the results of their monitoring activities to the TV TAC for review. Any TSO violations should be forwarded to the TVTC with recommended actions. Freeway Levels of Service. The TSOs are expressed both in terms of volume-to-capacity ratio (V/C) and hours of congestion. Volume-to-capacity ratio and hours of congestion can be measured with traffic counts or speed runs and should apply to mixed-flow lanes only. The plan uses a c~pacity of 2,200 vehicles per lane per hour (1,100 vehicles capacity for auxiliary lanes). Traffic counts can also be used to show duration of congestion. Freeway monitoring should be done by Caltrans or the CMA. Intersection Levels of Service. Intersection levels of service should be calculated using the VCCC program for AM and PM peak hours based on turning-movement counts. Intersection monitoring should be conducted by the jurisdiction in which the intersec- tion lies. The intent of the TVTP is to maintain the intersection TSO at all signalized intersections. However, to avoid extensive data collection, each jurisdiction should establish a list of critical intersections for monitoring. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc; 235 Plan Implementation, Monitoring, and Review Mode Split. Mode split is virtually impossible to measure in the field, except through extensive home interview and work place surveys. These data are available every decade from the U.S. Census and periodically from MTC. In between times, transit ridership should be monitored as a surrogate for mode split. The mode split goal of the TVTP can only be met if transit ridership increases annually. The transit operators routinely collect and report annual ridership. Average Vehicle Ridership. This TSO relates directly to commute trips. The Bay Area Air Quality Management District has defined average vehicle ridership (A VR) and how it can be calculated. To calculate AVR, annual employee surveys, conducted by employers, will be necessary. In many places these are already being done, and due to air quality regulations, AVR will soon be annually' reported by all employers with over 100 employees. All Tri.Valley jurisdictions have trip reduction ordinances, so AVR should be increasing in the future. Employers can take credit for shifting trips out of the peak hour, shorter work weeks, and telecommuting in addition to promoting ridesharing and transit usage. A VR should be monitored by each jurisdiction through its trip reduction ordinance, or by the Bay Area Air Q~ality Management District. Development Applications Adoption of the Tri-Valley Transportation Plan will bring additions to the analysis required of new development and does not relieve the jurisdiction of meeting CEQA and CMA requirements. This will affect both environmental impact reports and general plan amendments. Transportation studies for development applications in the Tri-Valley area shall assume gateway constraints described in this plan. The Contra Costa Transportation Authority should acknowledge the use of gateway constraints in their Technical Procedures Manual. Environmental Impact Reports. These should be circulated to all jurisdictions that make up the TVTC, since most projects large enough to require an EIR will impact more than one jurisdiction. In addition to any other cumulative analysis, the cumula- tive analysis section of each EIR should consider the Expected Land Use and trans- portation scenario on which the TVTP is based. The CMAs are required to use ABAG projections. The Expected Land Use scenario is greater than ABAG so it is more conservative and should be considered consistent. Transportation impacts should be stated in terms of whether or not the project would lead to a violation of Transpor- tation Service Objectives. Transportation mitigation measures should be consistent with the TVTP network. General Plan Amendments. The 2010 expected land use and transportation network. which are incorporated into the TVTP, are based on information supplied by the TVTC member jurisdictions on their expected 2010 developments as of June 1994. Any general plan amendments may affect either the adequacy of the planned network or the financing plan. Any jurisdiction considering a general plan amendment should evaluate its impact on the TVTP and demonstrate that the Transportation Service Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 236 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Plan Implementation, Monitoring, and Review Objectives could still be met. If further transportation improvements are necessary beyond what are in the TVTP, the jurisdiction should specify how they will be funded. The Action Plans for Routes of Regional Significance will be based upon adopted General Plan land uses, the existing road network, and planned improvements to the network. Consistency with the Action Plans must be established for any changes to the General Plan that may significantly reduce the ability of the facility to meet the Traffic Service Objectives. The Regional Committee will be responsible for establishing the type and size of amendment that will require review by the Regional Committee and the process for implementing this review. Approval of a General Plan Amendment found to be inconsistent with the adopted Action Plans may render the jurisdiction ineligible for Local Street Maintenance Improvement Funds from the CCTA. Consistency with the Action Plans can be achieved by revising the proposed amend. ment, adopting local actions to offset impacts to the Route of Regional Significance, or Council or Board denial of the amendment. Growth Management Tools. The TVTP is not intended to be a land use control document. While the plan is based on a set of growth assumptions, the plan should not be interpreted as limiting growth to the assumed levels. Nevertheless, the plan does establish Transportation Service Objectives, which may indirectly influence growth rates. Growth beyond what is assumed herein may occur provided the TSOs are met. If there are TSO violations, or projected TSO violations, in a Tri-Valley jurisdiction, then that jurisdiction can either (a) implement transportation improvements (e.g., road widening) to correct the TSO deficiency on that affected network segment, or (b) implement other measures intended to result in measurable improvements to TSOs on the Routes of Regional Significance network and contribute to significant improvements in air quality. Failing this, the jurisdiction can refer the problem to the TVTC for joint resolution. In the event that the TVTC cannot resolve the violation to the mutual satisfaction of all members, the jurisdiction may modify the TSO standard, but only if other jurisdictions are not physically impacted. The tools and procedures for conducting General Plan updates in Contra Costa County and analyzing proposed General Plan amendments will be the same as those used in preparing the Growth Management Elements. If the specific project or policy changes are large enough to meet requirements established by the region in its adopted Action Plan, the jurisdiction considering the Plan amendment must submit the amendment to the Regional Committee for evaluation of its impact on the ability to achieve Action Plan objectives. The Growth Management Program directs the RTPCs to evaluate proposed amendments only in relation to issues affecting Action Plan success and consistency. It will be the responsibility of the jurisdiction considering the amendment to either: 1. Demonstrate that the amendment will not violate Action Plan policies or the ability to meet Action Plan Traffic Service Objectives; or Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 237 Plan Implementation, Monitoring, and Review 2. Propose modification to the Action Plan that will prevent the General Plan amend- ment from adversely affecting the regional transportation network. If neither of these can be done, approval of the General Plan amendment may lead to a finding of non-compliance with the Growth Management Program. Amending the Plan Amendments can be triggered by: periodic review of the plan (every two to four years); identification of TSO violations; a jurisdiction's proposal to adopt a major general plan amendment that was not considered in the existing plan; and/or a change in the major assumptions underlying the Plan. A change in the assumptions for Gateway Con- straints would constitute the latter. This plan is based upon the assumption that major gateways into Tri-Valley will not be expanded beyond the capacities assumed in the Expected Network as set forth in Chapter 5. Any change in these assumptions, such as the addition of HOV lanes on 1-580 over the Altamont Pass, would require that this plan be amended to incorporate revised assumptions for the Tri.Valley gateway constraints. Increased capacity at the gateways could significantly increase projected congestion on downstream freeway sections and arterial streets. As specified in the Joint Powers Agreement governing the TVTC, amendments to the plan will require a unanimous vote of all members of the TVTC. Conflict Resolution Because of the importance of support for the Plan by all members of the TVTC, the Council should act on a consensus basis. However, some cases may arise in which consensus cannot be reached. In cases where conflict exists between jurisdictions within one county, resolution should be negotiated through the forum of the Conges- tion Management Agency for the respective county. In cases where conflict exists between jurisdictions in different counties, resolution should be negotiated through the TVTC with the provisions of the Joint Powers Agreement applying. These provisions state the following: 1. Unanimous vote of all members required for plan adoption and amendment. 2. Unanimous vote of all members required for adoption of annual work program and budget. 3. Five votes required for grant applications, expenditure of funds, execution of contracts, adoption of rules of procedure. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 238 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Plan Implementation, Monitoring, and Review 4. Majority vote of all members present required for action on any other matter. Future Role of TVTC It is anticipated that implementation of the Action Plan will rest primarily with the individual jurisdictions. However, the plan has identified some continuing functions for the TVTC, as follows: . Housing and future updates of the Tri-Valley Model e Updates and amendments to the Tri-Valley Transportation Plan e Development and implementation of a regional traffic impact fee . Coordinated implementation of Actions requiring inteIjurisdictional cooperation Barton.Aschman Associates, Inc. 239 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Appendix A Description of VCCC Program Technical Procedures 7 LEVEL OF SERVICE :METHODOLOGY FOR INTERSECTIONS Level of Service is the primary measure of effectiveness to be used in evaluating traffic operations at intersections on Basic Routes. All panicipating jurisdictions must use the adopted Level of Service methodology in developing their General Plan Growth Management Element, monitoring of Level of Service at Reponing Intersections, and preparing Traffic Impact Studies. If a jurisdiction elects to use another method for calculating Level of Service. it must be used in addition to the adopted methodology described in this section. Action Plans for Routes of Regional Significance may also include Level of Service as a quantifiable measure of effectiveness for Regional Routes. In these cases. the adopted Level of Service methodology shall also be used. The Level of Service methodology will be used to evaluate actual signalized intersection levels of service given traffic count data. It will also be used to evaluate future levels of service given traffic projections. The adopted method is similar to the Circular 212 Planning Method except that through movement capacity has been incroued from 1,500 vehicles per hour to 1,800 vehicles per hour. Level of Service is calculated by critical movement with lower capacities assumed for turning movements. 7.1 SATURATIONF1..0W RATES The saturation flow rate is the basis for determining the capacity of an intersection. It represents the maximum number of vehicles that can pass through an intersection under prevailing traffic conditions. The CCTA has modified the Circular 212 Operations and Design Method by assuming a saturation flow rate of 1,800 vehicles per hour. (rather than 1.500 vehicles per hour). Saturation flow rates were measured at four intersections in Contra Costa County in February. 1990 to verify the appropriateness of this saturation flow rate. The method for collecting saturation flow rate data described in the 1985 Highway Capacity Manual was used. The results are summarized in Table 8. Considerable variation in saturation flow rates were observed at each intersection. The data suggested that the operations and design capacities based on the 1,800 vehicles per hour saturation flow rate are frequently achieved within Contra Costa County. .:'-llp...IO 43 I I I I I I I I , , , , , , - - - - - t I Technical Procedures I TABLE 8 I Measured PM Peak Hour Suturation Flow Rates . Selected Intersections in Contra Costa County t Number of Highest Intersection Movement Samples Measured t Treat/Clayton Left 4 1,752 LeftlThru 4 2,054 I Thru 8 2,487 ThrulRight 4 1,793 I Buchanan/Somersville Left 8 2,048 it Thru 2 2,014 I AlcostalCrow Canyon ' Left 3 2,152 Thru S 2,261 I Right 1 2,531 I BlumeIHilItop Left 4 2,084 Thru 4 1,807 I I WEIGIITED AVERAGE Left 19 2,152 LeftfThru 4 2,054 . Thru 19 2,487 ThrulRight 4 1,793 I Right 1 2,531 Source: Patterson Associates 2190 I I -=......10 44- I Technical Procedures As indicated in Table 8. the saturation flow rates varied by movement type. Exclusive left-turn saturation flow rates were approximately 10 percent less than those for through lanes. Saturation flow rates for shared left and through lanes were 18 percent lower than for through lanes. Sufficient data was not collected to provide statistical accuracy for these averages. They were consistent. however. with the passenger car equivalent (PCE) values adjustments provided in Circular 212. 7.2 OPTIONAL CAPACITY REDUCTION The effect of vehicle mix. intersection geometrics and other factors on intersection capacity is well documented. These factors. however. are not considered directly in the Circular 212 Planning Methodology. This was why a lower capacity 0.500 vph} was originally selected for use in Circular 212. The CCTA methodology. which uses a higher capacity (1.800 vph). may underestimate existing or future congestion at some locations. The reductions in the capacities provided in Table 9 are therefore optional. provided that measurement of saturation flow rates justify the lower capacities. Once an intersection's capacity is reduced. it cannot be increased unless intersection geometrics are improved and higher saturation flow rates have been measured in the field. Under no circumstances can a signalized intersection capacity above 1,800 vph be used under the CCTA methodology. Saturation flow rates must be measured using the technique described in Chapter 9, Appendix IV of the 1985 Highway Capacity Manual. (A copy is provided in Appendix A of these Technical Procedures). The saturation flow rates must be adjusted to establish the capacity for the traffic movement considered. Adjustment of the saturation flow rates should be performed as described in equation 9-1 of the 1985 HeM: c, · $, x (~), Where (for lane group or approach i) c, -= capacity in vehicles per hour; I, a: saturation flow rate in vehicles per hour; g = effective green time in seconds; and C = intersection cycle length in seconds. .......10 45 , , I II I , , , . I I I ~ . t t f t f . . . . I I I I I I I t . . . t . . . Technical Procedures 7.3 SUPPLEl\1ENTALANALYSIS OF DELAY Because the CCT A Level of Service method applies fixed critical lane volumes unifonnly throughout the county. the method may underestimate congestion at locations with poor geometries (older intersections with poor turning radii and small approach widths), or overestimate congestion at locations with excellent geometries (newer intersections with ideal conditions) and aggressive drivers. The selected method may not identify locations where severe congestion is limited to a single intersection approach, nor does it reflect significant peaking and congestion within the peak hour. To address these shoncomings, the following supplemental analyses may be performed in addition to usim~ the CCT A's method to identify congested locations: Field measurement of delay on the congested approach or full intersection can be collected using the methodology described in Chapter 9, Appendix III of the 1985 Highway Capacity Manual (HeM). The measured delay should be compared with those provided in Table 9-1 of the HeM. The summary of intersection levels of service should be supplemented to reflect the results of the delay analyses when sig.nificant variations are found. 7.4 LEVEL OF SERVICE CALCULATION METHOD Signalized intersection levels of service should be ealculated using the following nine steps: SfEP 1: Lane Geometry Identify the number and type of lanes for each approach. STEP 2: Intersection Volumes Identify by counting (if analysis of existing conditions) or estimating (if analysis of future conditions) left-turn, through, and right-turn volumes for each approach for the peak (design) hour volumes in vehicles per hour for each peak hour. to be analyzed. In most cases, the analysis will assess both the AM and PM weekday peak hour. For projects with peak periods that occur during midday or on weekends, additional time periods should be analyzed. -=1IIdifnt.IO 46 Technical Procedures SI'EP 3: Phasing Identify the type of phasing (protected lefts turns, shared, or split) to be used at the intersection. STEP 4: Left-Turn Check The left turn check will apply to Level of Service calculations for future conditions where the demand is estimated. Determination of the need for left turn phasing for existing conditions should be made based on aeNal traffic count, left turn delay, observed queuing and accident history data. If permissive left turn phasing is provided, a check must be made to determine if sufficient left turn capacity if provided. The left turn capacity is the combination of left turn made against opposing through movements and left made during the yellow change interval. The capacity during the yellow change interval (Ve) - the maximum numbers of left turns that can clean in this period - equals two times the number of signal cycles per hour. If the number of cycles per hour is not known, assume that the maximum number of left turns that can clear the intersection in one hour equals 90. The capacity for left turns during the green cycle (VJ - the maximum number of left turns that can clear against opposing tnffic volumeS - is estimated using the following equation: VL = 1,200(~) - Yo Where: VL - left-turn volume, in vehicles per hour, that can clear during the green for opposing through traffic. G = maximum green plus yellow time. · C - cycle time for opposing through traffic.. Vo = sum of opposing through and right-turn volumes, in vehicles per hour. .,~.lO 47 I , I I I I I I I I I I f f I f f f f . . . t . II j t j . . t . . . t . . . Technical Procedures . If either the maximum green time or the cycle time is not known. use the through and righHurn volumes for the approach divided by the number of lanes. Add the number of left-turns calculated in the chanle interval Vc to the number calculated in the permitted left for a total number of left.turns which can clear without a protected left VL. If the number of left.tums calculated above (Left turn capacity) is more than those estimated for the project. no protected left.turn phase is needed. If the number of left turns calculated above is less than the left turn demand, operating difficulties and increasing delays will be experienced. STEP 5: Adjust Turning Volumes Two situations may require adjustment of observed turning volumes: 1. Right turns where no separate right turn lane is provided and significant pedestrian activity exists. 2. . Left turns where no separate left turn lane is provided. The PCE adjustments recommended in Circular 212 (see Appendix A of the Technical Procedures) should be used. If the VCCC model is used. adjustments to the turn volumes should be made prior to entering into the program. STEP 6. Calculate Volume.to.capacity Ratio by Movement The volume.to.capacity ratio of each of the 12 individual movements and any combined movements of the intersection are calculated as follows: to Right turn volumes from exclusive right turn lanes are adjusted for right turns on red by the non--conflicting left turn volumes with a minimum reduction of 90 vehicles per hour. (Non--contlicting left turns go concurrently with the right turn. For example. the nonooeontlicting left turn for the northbound right turn is the westbound left turn.) to Determine the capacity of each movement and eact. combined movement from Table 9. -=......'0 48 Technical Procedures .. Calculate the volume.to.capacity ratio for each movement and combined movement by dividin, the adjusted volumes by the capacities. For combined movements, use the combined volumes divided by the combined capacities. TABLE 9 Lane Capacitiesl Lane Type 2.Phase 3.Phase 4 + .Phase Exclusive Lane 1,800 1,720 1,650 Shared Lane 1,800 1,720 1,650 Dual Turn Lanes:.3 1,636 1,564 1,500 Triple Turn Lanes2.. 1,565 1,496 1,435 2 Capacities for sin,le lane. If multiple lanes are provided, capacity in the table is multiplied by number' of lanes to obtain total capacity for movement ,roup. Can include one shared lane (e.g. one exclusive left, plus one shared throu,h left is considered dual turn lane). Assumes 45%-55% lane split. Assumes lane use 159'0 hi,her in the most used lane. , . STEP 7: Determine Critical Volume.to."Capacity Ratios Determine the highest total conflicting vOlume.to.capacity ratios for both the north.south and east.west directions. For a non.split phased direction, the highest total of the righHurn or the through (or through plus righHurn if no exclusive righHum lane exists) plus the opposing left.turn volume.to.capacity ratios are chosen. For a split phased direction, the highest volume.to--capacity ratio from each of the approachs is chosen. Free right turns are Dot included in the calculation since they are not under signal control. Circular 212 does not clearly indicate how the critical movements are to be selected for single lane approaches (that is, when all rilht, left and thru movements are made from single approach lane). Under the Circular either the approach with the highest volume or both approaches could be designated as the critical movement. As p~ of the Level of Service method adopted by the CCTA, however, both approaches should be considered critical movements. .,~.IO 49 . , , 'I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . III III II III -' -' '- III III III '- Technical Procedures STEP 8: Sum the critical volume.to.capacity ratios for each approach. STEP 9: Compare the sum of the critical volume-to-capacity ratio with the ranges in Table 10 to determine the intersection Level of Service. TABLE 10 LEVEL OF SERVICE RANGES LOS A B C D E f Sum of Critical V IC S 0.60 0.61 .0.70 0.71 - 0.80 0.80 .. 0.90 0.91 .. 1.00 > 1.00 a:~.IO so I I I I I I Appendix B I Comparison of Total Growth I Through 2010 to I Net New Growth I I I I I I I I I I --..- I I J: N ~~ 8 0 Lt) ~ N ~ ~ ..... ~ co Lt) O!. ..... Q) ..... M N C) ..... uS g <It[ sf ~ I ..... '" I ~ ~ 0 N 0 M Lt) co 0 co ~ & ..... ..... co ..... ~ ~ 0 ..... ..... G.l co ..... t.ri' uS gf > ..... ..... ~ ... J: ~l ~ N ~ co ,.... ~ ~ m 0 Lt) m I C1. Lt) ..... M (") N uS uS <It[ Fj ~ as ..... N ..... ..... I .c - ~ e I CJ . :! J: ~~ ,.... R ~ &i 'It re i ~ I ! ~ ~ at t.ri' cwi ,.... &t') ~ ..... - ..... .e en I ~ 0 1 ,... ~ ~ 8 ~ N ~ N 0 ~ ,.... N ~ J 0 ...... - ~ N N ..... N ..... 0 I .c - C) ::a E ... J:. ~~ ~ ~ ~ ,.... .... - 2 ~ 0 I ~ ~ - i &t') - ~ C') N uS cwi 0 ,..: ~ 0 - - ..... - N .c g I i 0, ~ 0)- e 0)G.l ~ -.!! CJ 0 ~ E! <.> g~ ! - ~ s I tV 0 ~ 8 <.> t~ , ~ -! 'C f!:! ~ en '0 'I: I C ~g~ .i2. 8 cu c <( :::)C')Q) >. uS"- Ji 0 -g -g 'E N ~ ~ 0 e e cuocu 0- c: c: E: --2 I I ,... ... ~ 'C .tV .2 ~ ~ ! ~ -g,Scu I- me.. :g :g ~ cu ~ ~ 11.!S!~ ~ .!!E ~ .~ a: E: ~ .n-!o E: :5 G.l Cij ~~ ~ .t:Io :::J cu cu 'S :::) ..w .~ '2: ~ I ~o ~ 0 (J) ::> 0 a.. ...J ::> ... N '" I I Barton.Aschman Associates, Inc. B-1 I I I I , I Appendix C I Joint Powers Agreement I I I I I I I .1 I I I I TOWN OF I ..,~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DRNVILLE ID:5108380360 JRN 12'95 9: 4 9 t~o. (lel 1 F'. (11 - rL /---' .- -, -"', "'f (_ ''>/ ~L:~/) JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT BY AND AMONG THE COUNTY OF ALAMEDA, COUNTY OF CON'rnA COSTA, TOWN OF DANVILLR AND CITIES OF DUBLIN, LIVERMORE PLEASANTON AND SAN RAMON 1. Parties. This Joint Powers Agreement, dated March 1, 1991, for the purpose of reference only, is entered into pursuant to Government Code section 6502 by and among the following public agencies: the County of Alameda, the County of Contra Costa, the Town of Danville, the City of Dublin, the City of Livermore, the City of Pleasanton and the City of San Ramon (hereafter referred to as "Parties" or "Party"). 2. Recitals. Each Pany to this Agreement is a puhlic agency duly authorized and existing under the law of the State of California. The County of Contra Costa, the Town of Danville and the City of San Ramon are sitllnted within the houndaries of the County of Contra Costa. The County of Alameda, the City of Dublin, the City of Livermore and the City of Pleaganton are situated within the boundaries of the County of Alameda. The area commonly known as the "Tri. Valley Area" encompasses the Town of Danville, the Cities of Dublin, Livermore, Pleasanton and San Ramon and portions of the Counties of Alameda and Contra Costa immediately adjacent to the cities and town. Page 1 of 11 Phlll1" /I FSK' FOK /I /. ~.'l/) . / TO~N..OF DRNVILLE ID:5108380360 JRN 12'95 9:49 NO.001 P.02 The parties hereto recognize that (Idequate transportation planning is essential to the orderly development of the Tri. Valley Area and that review and coordination of planning and implementation of transportution facilities in the Tri- Valley Area is to the benefit of all parties hereto and their constituents. 3. Purpose. The purpose of this Agreement is to provide for the joint preparation, including sharing of costs, of a transportation plan nnd to provide a forum for the review and coordination of planning and implementation of transportation facilities in the Tri. Val1ey Area. By entering into this Agreement. the parties do not intend to create an agency or entity separate from the Parties to the Agreement and no provision of this Agreement should be so construed. 4. Tri- Valle~ 1:ransportation Council. The administration of the activities calIed for in this Joint Powers Agreement is delegated to and vested in the "Tri.Valley Transportation Council" ("Council"). The Council shal1 he comprised of one memher of the board of supervisors and city or town council of the respective Parties to this Agreement, to be appointed and serve at the pleasure of the respective board or council. Each member of the Council shall have one vote. One member shall be elected hy the members of the Council annually to serve as chairperson and one memher shall be elected annually to serve Page 2 of 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TOWN ,OF DRNV 1 LLI:. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I lU:::>lU~j~UjbU JHN 1.::' ;1:> :1.:>1...1 l~lI.I...IUl r.'.':' as vice~chairperson. Each city or town council and board of supervisors may appoint an alternate who may vote in the nbsence of the designated voting member. The meetings of the Council shall be held in accordance with the provisions of the Ralph M. Brown Act, Government Code sections 54950 et seq, A quomm of four members shall be required to transact any business hereunder. The Tri- Valley Transportation Council is authorized and directed, on behalf of all Parties, to perform all acts nccessnry or desirable to execute and administer this Joint Powers Agreement including, but not limited to; selecting and retaining a consultant to prepare a transportation plan and related environmental documents; authorizing, evaluating and monitoring the expense of preparation of the transportation plan; and other actions consistent with those specified in this Agreement. In particular, the Tri- Valley Transportation Council: 3. may review and provide comments to any Party's proposed general plan amendment or specific plan, when regional or subregional transportation issues are involved; b. shall review and provide comments regarding any proposed new freeway, expressway, arterial, transit project or major intersection improvement of regional Page 3 of 11 TOWN ,OF DANV I LLE ID:5108380360 JAN 12'95 9 : 5 0 ~~ 0 . 0 0 1 F'. CJ 4 or subregional significance to be located in the Tri- Valley Area; c. shall, upon 'unanimous vote of all members, select nnd retain a consultant to prepare a transportation plan (referred to herein a5 the "Tn-Valley Transportation Plan") 35 specified in paragraph 5 helow, nnd assess the costs of the consultant among the Parties; d. may seek, on behalf of the Council, a Party or Parties, funding from Federal, State or local sources for transportation planning, facilities, improvements, projects and/or operations which nre consi5tem with the Tri. Valley Transportation Plan; and e. may serve as a forum for the resolution of transportation-related disputes between the Parties. 5. Trl.Val1~y TransportCltion Plan. The Tri.Valley Transportation Plan and related environmental documents shall be prepnred by a consultant selected by the Council. At a minimum, the Tri- Valley Transportation Plan shall identify current and future needs for transportation facilities and programs in the Tri~ Valley Area and current and anticipated future deficiencies in such transportation facilities and programs. "Transportation facilities and programs" include freeways and freeway interchanges, expressways, arterials, major Page 4 of ]] I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I I TOWN OF ,DANVILLE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ID:5108380360 . JAN 12'95 9:51 No.G01 P.OS intersections of regional or subregional significance and public transit such as light rail. Adoption or amendment of the Tri- Valley Transportation Plan shall require the unanimous vote of all members of the Council. Following its ndoption, the Parties agree to consider the Tri. Valley Transportation Plan, when adopting or amending circulation elements of their general plans and specific plans, zoning ordinances or capital improvement programs. 6. Rescission 01 MOO. The Parties hereto are parties to a Memorandum of Understanding, effective May 23, 1989, entitled "Tri-Valley Transportation Planning Program," which established a Tri-Valley Transportation Council. By entering into this Joint Powers Agreement. the Parties hereto agree to rescind and terminate the Memorandum of Understanding and the Tri- Valley Transportation Council created by that Memorandum of Understanding. 7. Administrative Services. There shall be a technical adviSOry committee ("TAC"), made up 01 one staff member from each Party, with one staff member serving as chairperson. It shall be the responsibility of the chairperson of the T AC to provide administrative services as necessary to the Council, such as preparation of agendas for Council nnd TAC meetings. The chairperson shall rotate annually among the parties. Page 5 of 11 TOWN OF DANVILLE ID:5108380360 JAN 12'95 9:51 NO.OOI P.OG 8. Contract of Administration. The Council shall select one Party as Contract Administrator. The Contract Administrator, who shall be a TAC representative, shall be responsible for payment of consultant services required by the Council. The Contract Administrator shall prepare regular written reports to the Council and the T AC on the status of consultant services. Reasonable and ordinary expenses incurred by the Contract Administrator shall be reimbursed equally by all other Parties. 9. Accountin2 Services. The finance Director of one of the Cities, as designated annually by vote of the Council, ("Finance Director") shall provide accounting services for all payments and receipts required by the terms of this Agreement, and shall be responsible for the safekeeping of all funds paid by or to the Parties to this Agreement. The Finance Director and the Contract Administrator shall be staff members from the same Party. Reasonable nnd ordinary expenses inclIrred by the Finance Director in providing accounting services shaH be reimbursed equally by all other Parties. 10. f..ayment for Expen~es. Each Party to this Agreement shall: a. Pay, upon demand of the Finance Director. its "appropriate share" of all expenses incurred in the performance of activities called for by this Agreement. The "appropriate share" of each Parly shall be an equal amount of all expenses. Page 6 of 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TOWN OFDRNV1LLE I . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1D:5108380360 JRN 12'95 9:52 NO.001 P.O? b. All bills and invoices for expenses incurred pursuant to this Agreement shall be directed to the Finance Director, who shall calculate the amount owed hy each Party under the formula set forth in subparagraph a. above, and shall bill each Party accordingly. All bills shall be paid by each Party upon demand. c, . The Finance Director shall demand advance payment by the Parties of the estimated costs of preparation of the Tri- Valley Transportation Plan. All such advance payments will be retained in a separate account by the Finance Director and interest earned on such funds shall be used to reduce proportionately the Partie~' contrihutions. 11, Vote ReQuired. a. A unanimous vote of all Parties shall be required for adoption of the annual work program and budget. b. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, five votes shall be required for: i) ii) Grant applications; Expenditure of funds; Page 7 of 11 TOWN .OF DRNV1LLE JRN 12'95 9:52 NO.OOI P.08 1D:5108380360 iii) Execution of contracts; and iv) Adoption of policie!;, rules of procedure and other operational matters of the Council and staff. c. Any abstention from voting by any member shall be construed as a "yes" vote on a particular matter. d. A majority vote of those present and voting shall be required for any other action not specified above. 12. Amendment. This Agreenlenl may be amended at Rny time upon the written approval of all Parties to the Agreement. 13. ~j)tices. Except where this Agreement may specifically provide otherwise, any notices to be sent to any Party shall be directed to the office of the city manager or county administr~tor of the Party, with copies to all other city managers and county administrators. 14. )'crmination of Agreement. This Agreement shall terminate as to nny or all Parties upon the occurrence of any of the following conditions: Page 8 of 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .OWN OF DRNVILLE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1D:5108380360 JAN 12'95 9 :52 No .001 F' .(I~i a. Ninety (90) days' prior written notice of termination by any Party given to the chairperson of the Council; provided. however, that the terminating Party shall be liable for its appropriate share of any expenses incurred up to the date of termination. b. Automatically, upon the failure of any Party to pay its appropriate share of expenses within 60 days of date of invoice. c. Mutual written agreement by all Parties hereto. 15. Di!\position of Funds Unnn Termination. Any funds remaining with the Finance director, including any interest earned on such funds, upon termination of this Agreement by all Parties shull be returned to each Party in proportion'to the contrihution of each Agency. (Continued on next page.) Page 9 of 11 TOWN OF DANVILLE ID:5108380360 JAN 12'95 9 : 53 No. (I Ci 1 F'. 1(1 COUNTY OF ALAMEDA I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 16. Effective Date. This Agreement shall hecome effective upon the date of execution of the last signatory hereto. Dated; J~d~ /"/9' Approved as to Form: yzZP City Counsel Dated: /)1/Jl2t'~/ 1/ /9 ()(--- / Dated: S-1-1..d~ / / / '1 (II Approved as to Form: .4-~~ ~ ./ Attest: )h~~.~~.~ COUNTY OF CONTRA COSTA ~~- 'rom Powers, Chairmnn Board of Supervisors TOWN OF DANVILLE (--; ~c..;U0~'./""'J- Millie Greenberg, Mayor Aut ,/ . - L f.;J{Utt A'Y)~ I (~ill'l"l"r~s rOlllin..erl nn ne~l pille.) Page 10 of 11 TOWN OF I I I I I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I ^ll~ 7Y1M,aJ~ Page ] 1 of 11 . DRNVILLE ID:5108380360 Dated: 3/I/q/ . Approved as to Form: 1}p~/( ?/~}; l~ 0' Dated: ~~ /'1, /11/ Dated: ~ II fq I Approved as to F~~m~ 0 '/VvJJuuJ !f(~ Dated: 3 - I ..-: /' I d as to Form: ~0. 01.23.91 jpaagrm JRN 12'95 9:53 NO.OOI P.II ,.,.- A12{orcJ( [cL CITY OF LIVERMORE &~c> (~~"J Cathie Brown, Mayor Attest: ~~~ CITY OF P EASANTON eM )JU./lA~ Ken Mercer, Mayor @~d1/ CITY OF SAN RAMON