HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 8.2 RegionalAerialPhoto (2) . . CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 13, 1995 SUBJECT: Authorization To Participate In Regional Aerial Photography Project 't9 (Prepared by: Bo Barker, Management Assistant) EXHIBITS ATTACHED: /Description of Work Tasks To Be Included In The Project RECOMMENDATION:. ./1. /1)% f'{.. . 2. Conceptually approve the City's participation in the regional aerial photography project. Direct Staff to finalize an agreement with other jurisdictions for approval at a City Council meeting in the future. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: The total cost of the project is estimated to be $41,031, assuming that all agencies identified with interests similar to Dublin participate. A budget adjustment for $6,613 is necessary for Fiscal Year 1994-95 to fund initial phases of the project. The remainder of the project $34,400 will need to be budgeted in Fiscal Year 1995-96. DESCRIPTION: THE PROJECT AND PARTICIPANTS The City of San Ramon acted as the lead agency for coordinating a regional photography project. The approach was structured in a manner which attempted to provide a cost sharing arrangement for all participants. The City of San Ramon has extended an opportunity for the City of Dublin to participate in the project, which will potentially provide information at a lower cost than the City would incur if the information were gathered solely for one agency. AN OVERVIEW OF AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY The ultimate goal of this project is to utilize computers to distribute and update aerial photographs to city departments and the public. This is done by taking aerial photos of the different segments of the City and converting that information into an electronic, or digital format that can be read by ~ computer. This means, for example, if the police or fire department received a call regarding an incident, they could receive visual information about an incident scene before they actually arrive at the location. Using electronic or digital photos with the computer is possible through the use of software applications known as Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Using GIS, the City can also link the digital aerial photos with other database information. For example, the Economic Development Manager could quickly respond to a prospective business by faxing not only a picture of the site but also information such as square footage, lot size, zoning, and the current owner. Aerial photography is valuable as a customer service tool. The table below describes various ways City departments can use digital aerial photography in the day to day operations, S. 'f' EcotlnomhlC DeVtehloomb.el"tnt t k t i12:::~::!!~ii;:::::1:'.::~::::: i -----~. .:,..::::.,:.~:,~~:~.:.::::~::::.:~~;!t.:: .:.::::y.:.:~:..~~,./~!~!0~~~~: 1. Ignllcan yen ance e a II y 0 mar e h9::~:::~;::....::..::;::-,.:::I?~ .... mu '.. ,.", ^"" .i':,);>>,:~:.;::,., .x...:.,......... .'-:P.N....X:;:;. . ."/. "w. the city. Photos of available lots and other ffiU~~!~::;;;mmljt:: dat~base information, such as size, current f~~~r1~II[i.1i zOning, etc. could qUickly be faxed or sent tlW/WEbntf to prospective customers. ~lf!i;;::;;!I.::::::~. 2, Enhance business Development Analysis H'M]~nmC: (total buildings and square footage) :~\!t~I~;J.lit::: 3. ;~;:~~~~:.esenlation lools for business _: 1 Police Deoartment Provide visual representation of any location in the City thereby improving operational planning. Improve the ability of the Police Services to respond to incidents in the City. Pre-incident response planning. Provide visual tools to respond to customer in uiries. -------------------------..------------...-..-------------.....---..----.........-----------...--...--------..----......------...-------...-----...---------- COPIES TO: CITY CLERK FILE~ ITEM NO.S. 2 . ."'"'' , ......' Public Works Improve the ability for traffic signal and street sign inventory and planning. Establish a system that would allow the department to measure distances for street improvements and pavement management systems. Assist with intersection planning. Enhance capital project design and planning Improve service to public for any inquiries about no parking zones, loading zones, etc. Improve stripping and marking planning. Improve ability to accurately present City Council with representations of site conditions. This would include driveway access and other encroachment issues. As indicated above, there are many uses for electronic aerial photos. The common theme above is quicker and improved customer service in all areas, but primarily related to economic and community development. PROJECT TIMING City of Dublin Staff have participated in various discussions and presentations coordinated by the City of San Ramon. However, the time frame for implementing the project is being driven by other agencies which have a current need for digital information to incorporate into their data processing information systems. The City of San Ramon has indicated that if entities desire to participate after this initial offering, there would be additional charges including a pro~rata share of the City of San Ramon Staff time to coordinate the project. The City of San Ramon initiated a consultant selection process beginning in August, 1994 when they distributed 70 Requests for Qualifications to consultants/vendors for the Aerial Photography Project. Twenty (20) firms responded to the RFQ and six (6) were invited to respond to the formal Request for Proposals. Following a review of the responses and interviews, the firm of Hammon, Jensen, Wallen and Associates was selected. Keeping in mind the number of agencies interested in this program, the City of San Ramon pursued multi-agency agreements with a number of organizations. These include, the City of Dublin, Alameda and Contra Costa Counties, Dublin San Ramon Services District, East Bay Municipal Utility District, East Bay Regional Park District, San Ramon Valley Fire Protection District, and Viacom Cable. Each agency established their particular zones of interest. Although the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority (DRFA) would benefit from this information, it is not listed as a separate participant because DRFA is funded jointly through the Cities of Dublin and San Ramon. The Dougherty Regional Fire Authority would receive all applicable products through the participation by its member agencies. COSTS The total cost of this project for the City of Dublin is estimated to be $41,013. This funds a full set of printed aerial photos in addition to the electronic conversion of the photos. Without the multi- jurisdictional cooperation, it is estimated that the same project would cost approximately $97,080. The cost to do it alone does not include the staff resources that would be necessary to prepare an RFP and selection of a vendor. By comparison the City's current set of base maps and aerial photographs were produced at a cost of $94,427 between 1983 and 1986. These maps did not include conversion into a digital format. The cost per each sub-category is listed in the table below. These terms tend to be more technical. A more, non-technical, description is provided in Exhibit 1. . . Task Ground Control Aerial Photography Aerotriangulation Road Features ~ No Center Line Road Center Line Other Planimetry DTM Digital Orthophotos Parcel Rectification Contours Plots of Orthos Plots of Parcels Total Each Zone Total $3,303 1,206 2,104 4,639 3,098 1,397 6,512 5,678 666 3,730 3,720 4,960 $41,013 * These estimates reflect participation by Viacom Cable, the Dublin San Ramon Services District and Alameda County. These are agencies interested in the same products as the City. The entire project is estimated to be completed 14 months from the start date. By approving the project, the City would need to fund $6,613 in Fiscal Year 1994-95 which would cover the costs of the aerial photography, aerotriangulation and Ground Controls. The remaining $34,400 would need to be funded in Fiscal Year 1995-96. RELATIONSHIP OF PROJECT TO CITY OF DUBLIN INFORMATION SYSTEM MASTER PLAN In October, 1994 the City Council adopted the Information Systems Master Plan. This plan included a number of enhancements to the information systems of the City, including a new local area network and the addition of software programs. The Master Plan provided for the phased implementation of new applications as part of the five year Capital Improvement Program (CIP). Included in the update of the CIP document, Staff will be evaluating the ability to meet the current schedule given available staffing and the number of high priority objectives. This schedule may be extended in the 1995-96 update to the five year CIP. When the Master Plan was developed, aerial photography was not included as part of the project for the following reasons: 1) The only cost estimates available were over $100,000; 2) Benefits relative to those costs would not make the project worth while. It should be noted that although it was not included as part of the Data Processing Program there may still remain a need to update the existing City Aerial Photos. The work completed by the City of San Ramon provides the City of Dublin with an opportunity to participate in a regional aerial photography project that could provide electronic map information at costs much lower than earlier estimates. The proposed project would provide the City with the following major categories of information. 1. A current set of aerial photographs containing greater detail than the photos completed in 1983. 2. Information in a digital format which could be used in the future once a Geographic Information System Software Application is implemented. The data collected by this project is only one element of data which could be applied to a Geographic Information System (GIS). The Master Plan assumed that permit tracking and other parcel related data would be implemented prior to the implementation of GIS software. The GIS implementation is scheduled for Fiscal Year 96-97. The ability to manipulate aerial photography on the computer is done through GIS applications. Thus, the GIS program must be purchased prior to implementing full use of the electronic maps. , Conclusion: Due to the opportunity to share costs and receive a extremely useful tool, Staff recommends the City Council approve, in concept, participation in this regional endeavor. It is also recommended the City Council direct Staff to proceed with negotiations in order to finalize the agreement for services. . ~, .. Description of Work Task Included In the Multi-Agency Aerial Photography Project Ground Control This element establishes a coordinate system for the aerial photography. Using a well defined coordinate system is important because it establishes a mechanism for combining two parts of a map stored on a computer to actual points that have been surveyed. This project will utilize a coordinate system which is considered a standard by many agencies undertaking mapping projects. Ground controls provide a mechanism for measuring features within the City with an accuracy within 2' -5'. A Ground control based system will also allow the City to tie into other maps that are on the same coordinate system. This type of coordination will be beneficial to those agencies which serve more than one jurisdiction (Le. DRFA and DSRSD). Also, it will increase the likelihood that maps generated in the future by other entities will overlay information collected by the City. Aerial Photography This is the act of actually taking a picture of the City from an airplane. The primary cost factor for this procedure is the altitude at which the photo is taken. It is proposed that the built-out section of the City be taken at a scale of 1"=100' and other areas be taken at 1"=200'. This will be an improvement over the City's current photos which are at a scale of 1 "=200' Aerotrlangulation (A T) This is a method that the consultant uses to tie multiple photographs together, in conjunction with the established ground controls. AT allows two pictures to be placed side by side and be coordinated as if they were taken as one picture. This process involves making digital adjustments to compensate for the distortion which occurs on the perimeter of an aerial photograph. Road Features - No Center Line This task involves the digital tracing of the following images: Edge of Pavement Curbs Sidewalks Pavement Striping Medians Median Curbs Alleys Unpaved Roads Iron Horse Trail Interstate 680 Bridges and Overpasses This information can then be printed as a separate layer. When combined with"Geographic Information System software, the information can be used to estimated roadway widths and other improvements. This can be helpful in preparing plans and specifications for annual maintenance projects such as slurry seal and street overly projects. Road Center Line This task adds Road Center lines in the same manner discussed above. All roads, even if they have a median will include a digitized center line. Road Center Lines assist with measurements Exhibit 1 -- ---. . . and distances for such activities as pavement management systems. Road Center lines are used with GIS software to attach information regarding the roads. Other Planimetry Planimetry is the process which takes place when the consulting firm adds lines which trace features. This is similar to the tracing of the roadway features such as edge of pavement, curbs, sidewalks, etc. The features proposed to be added include publiC facilities such as building roof lines, Major Parks and Recreation Equipment, Parking lots, internal circulation features and any City trails. Digital Terrain Model (DTM) The Digital Terrain Model is used to collect contours on the digital photos. DTM is computer terminology for software that provides the ability to generate elevations at selected points on the photo. The information can be used for slope analysis, view shed analysis, or flood planning. The DTM also contains 3D streams and creeks. Contours Using the DTM, information in the computer will generate the expected contour lines between plotted points. Contours are used by Engineers for drainage studies and slope evaluations. The Fire Department uses this information for hazardous spill response and planning. Digital Orthophotos This refers to the actual images or photographs. The photo is scanned and placed in an electronic or digital format that the computer can read. These photos consist gray scale images. Once the Geographic Information System software is available, the electronic photos can be printed for use at the Community Development counter or used over the local area network. Parcel Rectification This a process by which the contractor takes a digital base map and adjusts the vectors (lines) on the base map to match the digital photos. This process is necessary because the base. maps are not based on a true coordinate system. The end result of this process is that the City's base map would be based on the standardized coordinate system and the parcels of that base map will line up with the electronic photos. Plots olOrthos Plotting means printing. This portion of the project consists of providing the City with a full set of printed orthophotos. There would be a total of 62 sheets (0 size - 22" x 34") covering the entire City. A total of 45 sheets constitute the existing City limits west of Dougherty Road and a total of 17 sheets make up the two zones consisting of everything east of Dougherty Road. Plots 01 Parcels As stated above, using a base map provided by the City all parcels with be rectified (aligned) with the orthophotos. Plots of Parcels means that the City may purChase printed copies of parcels that will be printed with the orthophote.