HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.12 SchaeferRnchGPA G&O (2) . . CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 10, 1995 SUBJECT: Report on Schaefer Ranch General Plan Amendment and Adopted Planning Department Goals and Objectives Laurence L. Tong, Planning Director .tr REPORT PREPARED BY: EXHIBITS ATTACHED: /1. March 6,1995 City Council Minutes regarding Planning Department Goals and Objectives _ ~ 2. Adopted Goals and Objectives, 1995 for Planning Department RECOMMENDATION: ,- i'V Receive Report FINANCIAL STATEMENT: None DESCRIPTION: At the March 27, 1995, City Council meeting, Jim Parsons, representing Schaefer Ranch, indicated concern with the order of the Schaefer Ranch General Plan Amendment as shown in the City Council Minutes of March 6, 1995 (See Exhibit 1). The objective was the thirteenth out of eighteen identified by the City Council for the Planning Department. Mr. Parsons did not want to see the project delayed. He wanted the project to maintain it's momentum. At the March 6, 1995 meeting, the City Council gave the objective a medium priority to indicate the degree to which the objective improves the City's ability to affect the overall quality of life in the community, provide basic services, or is required by law. The individual Councilmembers' priority ratings are shown on the Adopted Goals and Objectives, 1995 (See Exhibit 2). The order given by the City Council, however, doeS"llQ1 mean that the project will be delayed or will lose momentum. With the current service level, the Planning Department can handle a) the Zoning Ordinance Amendment regarding outdoor sales, b) the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance Revision, c) preparing the Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance and other Housing Element implementation programs, and d) the Schaefer Ranch General Plan Amendment project. The Planning Department cannot handle the other high, medium, or low priority objectives without additional resources. The additional required resources will be discussed as part of the budget process for Fiscal Year 1995-96. CITY CLERK FILE~ ;::::4:J2---------------------------------------~-Eo~~~~~~--~;;;;;.~;----- Tasha Huston r. ... # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL COUNCIL PRIORITY . HdUsLrC,REL..t..:tIONS ." ." High High Medium Medium High Medium Medium Low 95 95 95 8. 9. 10. / ../ ' Promote & expand Dublin Pride Week Televise City Council Meetings Investigate feasibility of televised video newsle~ Design and Publish a City Newsletter /,,/ Hold informal town meetin /' Pertor ontrac Police Servl Animal ntrol C sing Guard Service General Engineering Traffic Engineering Building & Safety Library Services Fire Service Consolidation I nvestigate use of volunteers to open library for more hours Consider combining Library Service with neighboring City COMMUNITYDEVELOPMENT~ PLANNING'.'.."'...'" High 95 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 93 9 85 10. 95 11. 95 12. 90 13. 94 14. 95 15. 94 16. 95 17. 93 18. 91 High High High High High Medium Medium Medium Low Low Low Carry out Eastern Dublin Implementation Program by undertaking the following major projects: Scenic Corridor Policy Kit Fox Habitat Management Plan Stream Corridor Restoration Program Grazing Management Plan Schcollmpact Mitigation Plan View Shed Analysis Develop a Noise Impact Mitigation Monitoring Fee Zoning Ordinance Amendment RE: Outdoor Sales Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance Revision Hansen Ranch Phase 2 General Plan Amendment Eastern Dublin Detailed Planned Development District Rezonings Prepare Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance and other Housing Element Implementation Programs Schaefer Ranch General Plan Amendment Develop Sign Ordinance Handout Unified General Plan Map Participate in ABAG Comprehensive Subregional Planning pilot project Establish site specific land use data base Conduct land use study for Southem Portion of Camp Parks ****************************************************************"~**"*************~AAAAAAAA************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES ;, VOLUME 14 ADJOURNED REGUlAR MEETING March 6.1995 PAGE 162 EXHIBIT 1 0:: 5 o w 0:: ...JIJ) <w ZU 00:: -::I !:::O OIJ) ow <0:: o w w z j:; u: w z W lD (u .I:: \1)- > 0 e:; ~';i: .- c: .. 0 \I) .- ~ri U .- en ::::J c: \I) -= ::::J ._ <II E 0 ~ E ffi :SSg> -- ...,:.: ..,:~... .S dl<ll~S! m:!l(l){l ~ ::L2l ro ~c.~~ Ea:;.g-~al 8.g'-c <11 c: 16 .E ~ :!l .~ 1l~~~* C:c:155l-c ~:ij5.~:5 ~ :; \I) 0. c: .S * .~ 3:c: _:0 <11'- ~ ~ .!:2 :c 0 L.. j5::J +::0 :3U) - ~ =2; c..!1! 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