HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 5.1 DUSD Reconvene CFTF (2) ~ <( -- CITY CLERK File # D~[aJ[Q]-[Z][Q] . AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: October 24,1995 SUBJECT: Request from Dublin Unified School District to Reconvene the Community Facilities Task Force Report Prepared by: Diane Lowart, Parks & Community Services Director EXIllBITS ATTACHED: ~orrespondence from Jeanne Howland, Assistant Superintendent, Business, Dublin Unified School District RECOr~ FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Approve Request; Direct Staff to Notify Task Force Members of Additional Meetings . Undetermined Staff costs associated with coordination of the Task Force and preparation for Task Force meetings DESCRIPTION: Correspondence has been received from Jeanne Howland, Assistant Superintendent/Business for the Dublin Unified School District requesting that the City COWlcil reconvene the Community Facilities Task Force for two additional meetings. The purpose of the ~eetings would be to obtain community input on the masterplans for Dublin High School as well as for ... Dublin Elementary School and Nielsen Elementary School. As stated in thet attached correspondence, the District believes that community involvement in the development of the masterplans is very important so that all facets of potential users are included in the process. BackjUoWld The City COWlcil approved formation of the Community Facilities Task Force on February 13, 1995. The purpose of the Task Force was "to study, report and make recommendations on community facility needs in Dublinfor both school and community use". The Community Facilities Task Force was made up of five at-large community members appointed by the Mayor, with the approval of the City COWlcil, along with representatives from the following groups: City Representatives Parks & Community Services Commissioner (1) School SIte Reoresentatlves Dublin High School (8) Murray School (1) Valley High School (1) Wells Middle School (2) CommunIty RSDresentstlves Children's Theatre Workshop (1) Dublin Little League (1) Dublin United Soccer League (1) South Valley Youth Football (1) Sl Raymond's CYO Basketball (1) Arroyo Vista (2) .. , '.~ '------------------------------------------------------------------- F/cc-factskfcl1024.doc COPIES TO: Dublin Unified School District Community Facilities Task Force J: " ITEMNO.~ ""II!IIIIII;'~' _.~-. > The Co~unity Facilities Task ~orce presen~ed their reco~endations to the City COWlcil at the July 25, .', 1995 meeting; the recommendations (shown m order of pnonty) are shown below.'. 1. Pursue expansion of the Valley High School Gymnasium/Multi-purpose Room to accommodate community use. a) 10,000 s.t. gymnasium with wood floor b) bleacher seating for up to 400 c) restroom/changing facilities (no lockers or showers) Pursue development of the Dublin Elementary School field area to accommodate community use (field layout would be geared to accommodate youth basebalVsoftball and youth football). a) b) c) 2. 3 - 60' baseball fields (upgraded to game quality) 1 - full size soccer field Play Area with play equipment, benches, picnic tables .an.dL2r asphalt area for roller hockey. d) Outdoor restroom/snackbar facility Pursue renovation of Frederiksen Elementary School field area to accommodate community use for youth/adult soccer. 4. Pursue renovation of Nielsen Elementary School field area to accommodate community use as a practice site for youth basebalVsoftball and youth soccer. 3. Recommendation In order to solve the short-term community facility needs for Dublin residents, it is important that the City and School District work cooperatively to maximize the school sites for both school and community use. ,.:, Therefore, Staff would recommend that the City Council approve the request of the Dublin Unified School District to reconvene the Community Facilities Task Force for two additional meetings. .: ..iJ 0 . ~t:f.LO.L ~!G~1~ ~c~Jl9IQ~ , JcgnI vi 'I'ruIteeI Cpl&bia c..w.-.u- (510) 828-7111 Pazricil KoIloCll (SI0) JZJ-3623 JoIlJIl.edNlJ (SIO) 551-5965 Palriela Meyer (510) 8:3:),8661 J~ w. Paua- ('10) 1Z~2079 SuperiateodMt Vbw:c ADaderio. Ed.D. DItIftct omcc 70471 LakUlc: Ave:., DIlbIill. CA 94568-1599 ~ 12i-1S51 . (510) 829-6532 Hie" $c......... DUBUN mOll 8m ViUaco Parkway DuhIiB., CA 94S68-1699 (510) 833-3313 VAl.l.EY mOH 6901 Yad.: Drive D..b1iA, CA 94568-2199 (510) 829-4322 MioId... RtMtQ WEU.S MIDDLE SCHOOL 6BOO P.. Drlv. Dublhl. CA 94568.2199 <'10) ~ E1anmt/lr)' Sdloob InDRRJKSEN m.m.mNTARY 7243 T~Drivc Dub=' CA 94568-1700 (510) 128-1031 MORRAY ELf.MENTAllY 843S Davooa Drive Dubliu. CA 94568-1101 (SI0) 82S-2S68 tilEUEN ELEMBNTARY AmariDQ RQA4I . Iin, CA 94568-2298 ". ., 0) I28-20JO EOUAL OPPOlITomTY EMPLOYER ' m.d lS99~f:8 FAX TRANSMlSSrON Page 1 of 1 October 12, 1995 Diane Lowart Parks & Community services Director City of DUblin P.o. Box 2340 Dublin, CA 94568 Re: Role of Community Task Force DQar Diane: As we discussed this morning, Roy Miller, architect for the District, is now working with the staff at Dublin Hign in masterplanning that site. Roy has suggested that now would be the time for community involvement in this process. rt is very important that as we plan for the future of our facilities that all facets of potential users are included in the process. Also, given the Board I s recent aecision to reopen Dub1in E1ementary Schoo1, WB should look at field renovation for that site and Nielsen from a community and district perspective. The District would. like to request. that the Parks and Community SGrvicGs Commission reconvene the Community Task Force for two meetings about two weeks apart (late October and mid November) to allow for v~luable oommunity input in the Dis"trict,'s prQj~~t~. Pl@ase let me know what dates may be aooeptab1e for these meetings. Sincerely, Jeanne Howland Assistant superintendent/Business co: Roy Miller Phil Singer Mary EVersley Board of Trustees WE ARE COMMI1TED TO THE SUCCESS OF ALL OUR STUDENTS. 01 SI00HJSa3I~INnNII8na WO~~ ~10:01 S661-cl-01