HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 6.1 Attach 2 (2) CITY OF DUBLIN. , Proposed Five Year . Capital Improvement Program , 1996 '- 2001 , . I o/!t1/9fol , I /f{fttdL;Z ",-I- CITIZENS PACKET I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN FIVE-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1996-2001 June 1996 Guy S. Houston, Mayor David C. Burton, Vice Mayor Valerie A. Barnes, Councilmember Lisbeth Howard, Councilmember Paul C. Moffatt, Councilmember SUBMITTED BY Richard C. Ambrose City Manager I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1996-2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM TABLE OF CONTENTS CITY MANAGER'S LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SUMMARIES Page All Programs......................................................................................................................... ....... i General.......................................................................................................................... ............. ii Community Improvements......................................................................................................... iii Parks........................................................................................................................... ................ v Streets....................................................................................................................... ............... vii GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS Network System Upgrade .......................................................................................................... 1 Aerial Photography Project......................................................................................................... 2 Public Facility Impact Fee Study ................................................................................................ 3 Civic Center Modification Design Services................................................................................. 4 Central Data Processing System Upgrade................................................................................. 5 Civic Center Building Exterior Wall Sealing................................................................................ 6 Development Services Data Processing.................................................................................... 7 Civic Center Holiday Decorations .............. .......... ...... ..................................................... ............ 8 Eastern Dublin Financing Plan................................................................................................... 9 Internet Access - External Gateway............. ................ ... ............................. ............ ... ..............10 Automated Document Storage & Retrieval System.................................................................. .11 COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENTS Sidewalk Safety Repair............................................................................................................ .12 Arroyo Vista Handicapped Accessibility Renovations............................................................... .13 San Ramon Road Landscape Repair....................................................................................... .14 Silvergate Median Landscaping.............................................................................................. ..15 1-580 Beautification Project - San Ramon Road Offramp ........................................................ ..16 Stagecoach Road Assessment District Landscape Upgrade.................................................. ...17 Business Enhancement Sign Program ...... .............. ......... .............................. ............. ..... .........18 Downtown Identity Theme Program......................................................................................... .19 Widen Village Parkway Sidewalks - Dublin Boulevard to Amador Valley Boulevard................ ..20 Street Name Identification Sign Replacement Program ............................................................21 I I I I I I I I I I I 1'- I I I I I I I PARKS Page Mape Memorial Park Renovation............................................................................................. .22 Shannon Center Window Replacement................................................................................... ..23 Heritage Center Master Plan.................................................................................................... .24 Heritage Center Parking Lot........... ......................................................................................... ..25 Dublin Swim Center Chlorine System Replacement................................................................. .26 Shannon Center Interior Painting and Wallpaper ......................................................................27 Dougherty Hills Park Slope Repair........................................................................................... .28 Old St. Raymond's Church Floor Repair................................................................................. ..29 Shannon Center Floor Coverings Replacement........................................................................ 30 Dublin Swim Center Exterior Painting .......................................................................................31 Dublin Sports Grounds Renovation.......................................................................................... .32 Dublin Swim Center Deck Replacement.................................................................................. ..33 Dublin Swim Center Boiler Replacement................................................................................... 34 Dublin School Athletic Field and Play Area Renovation............................................................. 35 Frederiksen School Athletic Field Renovation........................................................................... 36 Wells-Cronin Athletic Field and Play Area Renovation............................................................ ..37 Nielsen School Athletic Field and Play Area Renovation........................................................... 38 STREETS Annual Street Overlay Program ................;...... ................................... ... ...... ................ .......... ...39 Dublin Boulevard Improvements - Donlon Way to Village Parkway...........................................40 Street Light Acquisition Program...............................................................................................41 Dougherty Road Improvements From South of Amador Valley Boulevard to Houston Place ....42 Traffic Signal Coordination Project............................................................................................43 Eastern Dublin Arterial Plan Lines.............................................................................................44 San Ramon Road Drainage Repair at Shannon Park ...............................................................45 San Ramon Road Drainage Improvements at Caroline Court ...................................................46 1-58011-680 Direct Connector Project........................................... ..............................................47 Dublin Boulevard Improvements - Silvergate Drive to Hansen Drive.........................................48 Dublin Boulevard Improvements - Clark Avenue to Sierra Court...............................................49 Traffic Signals - Village Parkway at Brighton Drive, Tamarack Drive and Davona Drive ...........50 Bike Path - Alamo Creek North of Amador Valley Boulevard ....................................................51 Bike Lane Project - Amador Valley Boulevard, Stagecoach Road to Dougherty Road ..............52 Dougherty Road Improvements - Houston Place to 1-580 ....................................................... ..53 Downtown Street Light Additions.............................................................................................. .54 Dublin Boulevard Improvements - Sierra Court to Dougherty Road ..........................................55 Dougherty Road Improvements - Amador Valley Boulevard North to City Limits ......................56 Scarlett Drive Extension - Dougherty Road to Dublin Boulevard ...............................................57 1-580 Offramp Improvements at San Ramon Road ...................................................................58 San Ramon Road Slope Stabilization Between Vomac Road & Alcosta Boulevard...................59 New Street Parallel to and South of Dublin Boulevard .............................................................. 60 I CITY OF DUBLIN Po. Box 2340, Dublin, California 94568 . City Offices, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, California 94568 June 10, 1996 Honorable Mayor and City Council members: Transmitted herewith is the Proposed Five Year Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Year 1996-97 through Fiscal Year 2000-2001. The City's Five Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is developed for the purpose of identifying the City's capital facility needs and resources available to meet those needs. A new five year program is proposed this year in order that the City may begin planning and financing those projects which may be needed during the next five years. A new CIP will place the City in a position to more actively compete for grant funding, as well as meet the requirements of State Law necessary to collect development fees for infrastructure improvements. The CIP must be submitted to the Planning Commission, whose responsibility is to make a determination regarding the CIP's conformance with the General Plan. The Parks and Community Services Commission has reviewed those park facility projects included in the CIP. The recommended park projects closely approximate the Commissions' recommended priorities. The total estimated cost for those Capital Projects proposed for Fiscal Year 1996-97 through 2000-2001 is $10,586,339. Of this amount, $413,180 is allocated for General Improvements, $897,260 is allocated for Community Improvements, $820,060 is allocated for Parks and $8,455,839 is allocated for Street Improvements. In addition to those projects identified for funding in the Five Year CIP, there are additional projects which are unfunded or partially funded. The total cost of these projects is $25,745,131, of which the City has or will receive approximately $364,920 for a net shortfall of $25,380,211. Fiscal Year 1996-97 Those projects which are recommended for Fiscal Year 1996-97 in the CIP are also included and proposed for funding in the Fiscal Year 1996-97 Preliminary Budget. Both the CIP and the Preliminary 1996-97 Budget are proposed for consideration by the City Council during the City's annual budget hearings. For the upcoming year, $2,950,771 is proposed for Capital Projects. Of this amount approximately $758,295 or 26% is to be funded by the General Fund and the balance of $2,192,476 or 74% is proposed to be funded from restricted funds. It is important to note that major infrastructure requirements for Eastern Dublin are not shown in the proposed CIP. It is anticipated that during Fiscal Year 1996-97, a preliminary financing plan will be developed for some of the required Eastern Dublin infrastructure. That plan will be brought to the Council for consideration next year. Administration (510) 833-6650 . City Council (510) 833-6605 . Finance (510) 833-6640 . Building Inspection (510) 833-6620 Code Enforcement (510) 833-6620 . En~Jifl(-n-mflg (510) 833-6630 . Parks & Community Services (510) 833-6645 Police (510) 833-6670 . Public Works (510) 833-6630 . Planning (510) 8336610 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Described below are highlights in each CIP Program Area for the next five years. General ($413.180) Those projects included in this category include upgrades to the City's Data Processing System including an upgrade to the Network System and the Central Data Processing System. Additional data processing projects include improvements specifically related to Development Services activities and establishment of an external gateway on the Civic Center Local Area Network. The latter will improve the ability of City Staff to receive and obtain documents in an electronic format, as well as provide support software to develop an Internet Home Page on the World Wide Web. Three projects relating to the Civic Center are also included in this category. The first project provides for design services in the modification of the Civic Center; the second project provides for exterior wall sealing of the Civic Center which is needed due to water leaks into the interior of the building that are not associated with the roof system; and the third project provides for installation of Civic Center Holiday Decorations. This category also includes two projects related to future development including an update to the Public Facility Impact Fee Study to include the Trumark Homes and the Schaefer Ranch developments, and development of a Capital Improvement Financing Plan for the Eastern Dublin area. Both of these projects will be funded by fees assessed on new development. Community Improvements ($897.260) The projects in this category either improve safety, repair existing infrastructure investment, or enhance the community's image. The Sidewalk Repair Program is one of the principal projects in this category with funding recommended on an annual basis. New projects in this category include the Arroyo Vista Handicapped Accessibility Renovations (funded by Community Development Block Grant Funds), San Ramon Road Landscaping Repair, 1-580 Beautification - San Ramon Road Off-Ramp, and Stagecoach Road Assessment District Landscape Upgrade. Also recommended for funding are projects which will enhance the economic development in the Downtown including the Business Enhancement Sign Program and the Downtown Identity Theme Program. The Street Name Identification Sign Replacement Program is the one project in this program category for which there is insufficient funding. Parks ($820.060) The Parks and Community Services Commission annually reviews the park and recreation facility needs and makes recommendations with respect to the Commissions' priorities for spending on the Park Capital Improvement Program. Once again, the Commission was faced with many more park and faCility needs than available funding. The projects identified for funding generally reflect the priorities of the Commission. Three exceptions are the Dougherty Hills Park Slope Repair, the Old St. Raymond's Church Floor Repair and the Dublin Sports Grounds Renovation, Phases II and III. With regard to the Dougherty Hills Park Slope Repair, the Commission deferred this project to the City Council as they did not feel adequately informed to make a recommendation on the project. The Old St. Raymond's Church Floor Repair was not considered by the Commission as this project was originally identified as a Higher Service Level to the Heritage Center Budget, but due to the estimated cost, has I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I since been reclassified as a capital project. The Dublin Sports G'rounds Renovation is viewed as a high priority by the Parks and Community Services Commission, but they are reluctant to recommend the project for funding until such time that additional fields are available for use when the Dublin Sport Grounds fields are closed for renovation. While the Commission recognizes that funds are limited, they believe that the City should actively pursue athletic field renovations on school property, particularly Dublin Elementary. It is their recommendation that a subcommittee of school, city and community representatives meet to reexamine the school projects previously identified by the Dublin School Facilities Improvement Task Force and actively seek ways to creatively fund these projects. Additional park projects for which there is insufficient funding have also been reviewed and prioritized by the Parks and Community Services Commission. The total funding shortfall in the area of Parks is $1,937,418. It should be noted that this shortfall could increase, if Phase II of the Hansen Hill Ranch Development and the Trumark Homes Development do not proceed, as the associated Park Dedication In-Lieu funds will not be available for use by the City. Streets ($8.455.839) The projects included in this category emphasize improvements to the circulation system in the City. As in the past, the street improvement needs of the City tend to surpass the other program areas of the Capital Improvement Program. Approximately 80% of the total CIP funding is designated for street improvement projects. Funding has been identified and secured for approximately $8.4 million in Street Projects for the next five years. Many of these projects have been carried over from last year's CIP. However, three new projects have been added. These projects are: 1) San Ramon Road Drainage Repair at Shannon Park 2) San Ramon Road Drainage Improvements at Caroline Court 3) 1-580/1-680 Direct Connector Project. The two repair projects on San Ramon Road will reduce the risk of flood damage in the future and will be financed by the Gas Tax Fund. The 1-58011-680 Direct Connector Project represents the City of Dublin's share of the local match required for this project and will be financed from the following sources: BART mitigation funds, Downtown Traffic Impact Fees, Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fees, and credit for land the City has acquired to commit to this project's right-of-way requirements. Those projects of significance which have been carried over include: 1) Dublin Boulevard Improvements - Donlon Way to Village Parkway 2) Street Light Acquisition Program 3) Dougherty Road Improvements - South of Amador Valley Boulevard to Houston Place 4) Eastern Dublin Arterial Plan Lines With respect to the Street Lighting Acquisition Program, funding for acquisition is based upon the City's appraised value for the lights. It is possible that additional funding could be required for this project at the conclusion of the City's eminent domain lawsuit against P G & E. This could reach an additional $311,000, if the Court concurs with the P G & E appraisal value. Should the amount exceed the amount allocated in this CIP, it would be necessary to draw from the City's General Fund Reserves. It should be noted that a number of the Street Projects are contingent upon the receipt of Traffic Impact Fees or upon the commitment from the development community to advance funding for the projects. Should development not proceed as planned or if insufficient Trafffc Impact 'Fees have been collected, the scheduling and priority of some of the projects may be affected. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I There are a number of projects for which there is insufficient funding to recommend at this time. These projects total $23,381,816. However, the City has received or obligated $29,023 for these projects. Conclusion The proposed CIP for 1996-2001 provides a wide variety of projects to address the City's short and long term infrastructure needs, and provides for the quality of life which is essential to maintain and attract residents, businesses and visitors. I would like to express my sincere appreciation to those individuals who assisted in the development of the 1996-2001 CIP and in assisting the City Council in its implementation. Respectfully submitted, ~ e ~/4- Richard C. Ambrose City Manager I ..... 0 0 0 0 I'- (1') 0 0 0' 0 0 0 0 0 0 (1') CO 0 0 0 III , 0 0) en 0 '<t 0 '<t en en E 0 0 ...; ci ui c.D M ...; ...; I- 0 '<t 0 m '<t M l!) 0 LO N M M N ..- 0) ..... (1') r.D .....~ ...... .... I ..... ..... ..... N tA- ~ tA- ut ~ ~ ci <>J M .0 "I ~ I 0 00 0 0 0 '<t CO 0 0 0' 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 ..- to 0 0 0 0 00 '<t '<t 0 N I'- '<t ""- "" ~ N 00 cO cO 0 '<t- O C"'i CO cO , I'-LO m N N l!) N 0 en ..... """ ..... .c en ..- to .....- N ..- r.D ~ .....- III en ..... or- ..... 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ID 0 00 (90Q.. o ~ ~ o o fA. o o co en ..... ~ o CD N o o co ~ o o It) ui ..... o o CD It) ui 0') co w ...J < I- o I- 0' ~ 0' ~ 0' ~ - o o co en .... e 0' CD N o o co ~ - o o It) ui ..... o - - o CD It) ui 0') co e UJ I- Z w :2 w > o 0::: 0.. ~ ...J ~ ii: < o C/) C/) W ...J o fA. o o o ~ o ~ o o o ;:. ~ d> <:: '0 <:: .2 o <:: <L> '0 ~ ::J III .= .!!! <L> Q; :5 J:: o :E :;: .... .E 0- (3 o o N W 0> 0> ..- fA. i=' U u: w c - C/) :J ...J Q. 0:: :J C/) <L> :5 -= III o <L> "0 a: t: '" 0- .... .E .;;; <L> en '" c. <L> <L> r.f) ~ I I I I 1 1 I I 1 1 I I 1 1 I 1 I I 1 SUMMARY 1996-2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM - PARKS Page 2 of 2 UNFUNDED PROJECTS Dublin Sports Grounds Renovation Dublin Swim Center Deck Replacement Dublin Swim Center Boiler Replacement Dublin School Athletic Field and Play Area Renovation Frederiksen School Athletic Field and Play Area Renovation Wells-Cronin Athletic Field Renovation Nielsen School Athletic Field Renovation TOTAL COST Less Park Dedication In-Lieu Fees Collected or Obligated FUNDING SHORTFALL - vi - ESTIMATED CQSI $ 440,010 152,930 42,250 914,205 87,835 298,115 337,970 $ 2,273,315 ($ 335,897) $ 1,937,418 1 I 1 I I 1 I 1 I I 1 1 I 1 I I I 1 I CI) I- W W I- CI) :E ~ C> o 0:: a.. I- z w :E w > o e::: a.. :E ...J <( l- e:: u ..... o o N I CD en en .... )- e::: <( :E :E =>> CI) "'I ..... o O::CI) 00:: -<( O::w 0..)- OJ Cl ro 0- ...J 1-1 <(CI) 1-0 Ou I- .... o , o o o N o o o o o "'I lit o o v ri "'I 1.0 ..... "'I o o LO o o o N , en en en .... o o '<I" ri "'I 1.0 o o o LO- t-- o o 0_ o o "'I lit en en cO en en .... o o 0_ o o "'I 00 co 0 C")O rio t--co NC") N lit co en ,..:. en en .... o o 0_ o o "'I O(")LO OLOCO OLOO riooci t-- LO "'I NC")N ..... lfl t-- en , CD en en .... 0......0 Of.OO CO COO oi W cD Cl)N'<t NC")...... 00000 LOLOWOO ONLOON -.icrio..o-.i co...... 1.0 "'I '<t C") '<t lfl romffi ~ ....._ C")_ ccoco <(0...... ...... ri lfl 000 LO 0 0 ...... t-- 0 ......-crio vLO Cl)LOC") Nt--CO ......t--O T"""- ai ...... ...... 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"ONro.o 50-0"0 ~OQ)$ (II 0 > u rnWNe..!l1 .s: g -g & 0 -g~lllm~ ~liJg:;* c::~ou.a .~ 'c ~ .~ ~ IE:lOl.....ro :lE*c....c: (II E........c: (II .S:8roga: .!!! - III f}. l.L. eID~.....13 1![rl'*E~ ;;.2J:jg- .!.! ~ c:: u U ..c: III .- II) IE 5:"0"0 III ro o~5=:;~ ~-,u.:t:::t: 9::~;;;rolll Cl ..... ,y m .~ 1llQ;',g ~..ct:r-~ ot::wm:J ~';:!0~~ cb(llW'-~ m'g:5lS..!I1 ~~E>--6 ~f2~13~ ...;.Jo.Q)rno c:: Z- u i.i: <I> .- s:::: t::: U) ~ 0 ro.h co ~u-i;"O"O .~ W l\l III III e"5'c::1ll1ll Q.o..lUee Q)tne:!c.c. ~ ;S 'g.~~ ~ro~oo .f>:5;:ffiffi ,E 'g ~ ~ ~ > (II U U u :g,g,.!!!..!!!..!l!.. roOeee c.l:i.c.c.c. * .!!l :E :E :E II)~I-I-I- -ro:OU''CQi' -----.......--...--- I 'n 'n ;> o Vi' o Vi' o Vi' o ffl o Vi' o ~ ~ u u: w e. CI) =>> ...J a.. 0:: =>> en I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I 1 SUMMARY 1996-2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM - STREETS Page 2 of 2 UNFUNDED PROJECTS Dougherty Road Improvements - From South of Amador Valley Boulevard to Houston Place (Phase II) Dougherty Road Improvements - Houston Place to 1-580 Downtown Street Light Additions Dublin Boulevard Improvements - Sierra Court to Dougherty Road Dougherty Road Improvements. Amador Valley Boulevard North to City Limits (a) Scarlett Drive Extension - Dougherty Road to Dublin Boulevard (b) 1-580 Offramp Improvements at San Ramon Road San Ramon Road Slope Stabilization Between Vomac Road and Alcosta Boulevard New Street Parallel to and South of Dublin Boulevard TOTAL COST Less Traffic Impact Fees Collected or Obligated FUNDING SHORTFALL (a) This amount includes $13,460 in Traffic Impact Fees which have been collected to date. (b) This amount includes $16.563 in Traffic Impact Fees which have been collected to date. - viii - ESTIMATED CQ.SI $ 3,561,012 1,771,432 80,000 2,625,220 3,538,600 8,313,833 845,000 400,000 2,246,719 $ 23,381,816 ($ 29,023) $ 23,352,793 !I il I II I I I I I 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 I I I 1996-2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. 9315 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Network System Upgrade ACTIVITY GENERAL DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This item provides for additions and upgrades to the City data processing system. The improvements began in Fiscal Year 1994-95 with the installation of a Local Area Network and replacement of equipment which was no longer efficient. COMMENTS This project has been restructured from the list of activities shown in the previous CIP. In order to simplify the project presentation, the replacement of the Central IBM System 36 and related software and projects related to Development Services activities are now identified as separate projects. The proposed elements in Fiscal Year 1996-97 include: (1) Purchase and installation of two additional Network Hubs. This is necessary to allow additional workstations to be added to the Civic Center Local Area Network ($2,450). (2) A total of 2 new workstations and one shared printer are proposed for Police Services. In Fiscal Year 1998/99, $35,000 is estimated to be needed to update processors for improved speed as well as implementation of software/ operating system improvements. The City maintains an Equipment Replacement Fund to replace existing equipment. All expenditures shown for this project are new expenditures and any replacement purchases would be in addition to the amounts shown. ESTIMATED COSTS FINANCINGNEARS SCHEDULE 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-01 Totals Fund Prior Years Operating Supply Printing Training Contract Services Mach & Equip $ 10,659 205 001 1,740 '16,903 200 122,771 $87,812 $12,200 $35.000 $135,012 17,266 17,266 :::i~JQTA~i~i;~~~ii~H~m~~t~~i iiiiiii:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~$1$~~;Z7;:~~~jii ~~[i[QrA~S :~~~~~ ~~: ~~ :j~~;~~~ ~~ ~ ~$t O$~Q1B ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~$j~~~OO~ ~~ ~ ~~~: ~:~: ~:::~:::::: :~~~~<:~~:'//~~):$Z:~~'QQ!t:>::{: ' . ',:::~~~///~:~::::':::::U:::'::~ ::::,:::,::: >>$1:QZ;~nL :~:::::::::::::' . .: - 1 - I 1 1 I I I 1 1 I I 1 I I I 1 1 I I I 1996.2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. 9318 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Aerial Photography Project ACTIVITY GENERAL DESCRIPTION - LOCATION The aerial photography project is a cooperative effort to create aerial photographs of the City that can be read in a computer format and provide the basis for a comprehensive base mapping system. COMMENTS The City of San Ramon coordinated a project which got underway in the later part of Fiscal Year 1994/95. The City contracted with the firm of Hammon Jensen and Wallen to prepare the final project. Aerial photography that will be provided by the project will be in a digital format. This data will be utilized by various Departments in preparing reports or analyzing development applications. Ultimately, the intent is to coordinate the images with other data, including a Geographic Information System. Due to the interest of other agencies in pursuing such a project, the City of Dublin committed to participating ahead of the time when the GIS system was implemented. The City obtained a significant cost savings by jointly sharing the cost with other agencies. Hard copy reproducible prints will be available. It is expected that all of the data collection and refinement will be completed at June 30, 1996. The final activity which will occur early in Fiscal Year 1996-97 will be purchasing the hard copy mylar reproducible prints. A total of $8,680 is budgeted in Fiscal Year 1996.97 to complete this activity . ESTIMATED COSTS Fund Prior Years $ 8,680 001 $31,283 $31.283 Printing Contract Services FINANCINGNEARS SCHEDULE 1996-97 1997 -98 1998.99 1999-2000 2000-01 Totals $8,680 $39,963 ::f:(;)T"'I::i:::::::::~:~::::::::::: :H~:::::H::H:H: :H::::$:!lJiIl6~:H ::::;r.QtAI::i$H:':')$)1jZ:$$"::$~;$!ijI : ~ ~ ~ ~ : : : : : : : : : : :: :.:.:.:,:.;.;,:,;,; . . .,.,.,.",,:,:,:,;.:,:.:.'.'.".' .. ........ ... .. : ::::: :::::::::::::::::: :::::::: :::::::::::::: ::::~::::::::: ::::::;::~: ;::~;~:::~:~:::::::::::::::~~::l:~~:::::::::::::::': . ;:;:;::~:: :::::::$~$i~~3 - 2 - I I I I 1 I 'I I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I 1996~2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. 9450 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Public Facility Impact Fee Study DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This study will establish a Public Facilities Fee Program to pay for municipally owned public facilities: park improvements, community facilities, a library and buildout of the Civic Center. COMMENTS The Eastern Dublin Specific Plan was adopted in 1993. The Plan includes financing goals, including a goal that new development in the Specific Plan area should pay the full cost of infrastructure needed to serve the area. The Public Facilities Fee will establish a mechanism whereby the City can fund identified public facilities in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area. During Fiscal Year 1995-96, the City Council adopted a Public Facility Fee. During Fiscal Year 1996-97, Consultant services are needed to complete the development of the Administrative Guidelines for the Fee and the Fee Study will need to be updated to include the Trumark Homes and the Schaefer Ranch developments. The estimated cost for the update is $6,000, and the cost will be born by the developers. ESTIMATED COSTS Fund Prior Years FINANCINGNEARS SCHEDULE 1996-97 1997-98 1998.99 1999-2000 $8,500 ,'{fOTAL::::::'...:".::::::::::::.$.24:i12:fi .:t(tt1i;~$.::::::::'::n ::':::::::::$1l)~I),2$)$~;l)l)~t::::":::n:::::::::(. Professional Services $24,125 300 $15,625 ............. .....""., . ::::::::::::::::::::;:;:: ::;~; ::::~:::::::::::::::;:;:;::' ~:~::::::::::::;:::;::::;::::;;;. ;. - 3 - ACTIVITY GENERAL 2000-01 Totals $24,125 ?::n".:,:.:::::::::::(:::$,24i1~( 1 I I I 1 I 1996-2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. 9391 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Civic Center Modification Design Services ACTIVITY GENERAL DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project provides for the services of an architect to prepare preliminary designs for modification of the Dublin Civic Center, located at 100 Civic Plaza. I I I I I I COMMENTS As the City continues to grow with the annexation of Eastern Dublin, it will become necessary to increase personnel to adequately service this area. Several Departments are currently out of space and cannot accommodate additional Staff to serve Eastern Dublin. The Dublin Civic Center was designed with about 4,500 square feet of unfinished expansion areas, which will need to be modified to house the additional personnel. This necessitates hiring an architect to conduct a space planning assessment and develop preliminary designs and costs to modify the Civic Center. I I I I I I ESTIMATED COSTS Fund Prior Years Design $25,000 300 JQ'l'Al.i ;................'$~lih().@ I FINANCINGNEARS SCHEDULE 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-01 Totals $25,000 $25.000 2$000;. - 4 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1996~2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. (Not Yet Assigned) PROJECT DESCRIPTION Central Data Processing System Upgrade DESCRIPTION - LOCATION The City currently operates several centralized functions on an IBM System 36. The initial hardware and finance software packages were purchased in 1988. Significant advancements have been made in technology since that time. This item would provide for the replacement of both the hardware and software. COMMENTS The following applications reside on the City central computer: General Ledger; Accounts Payable; Accounts Receivable; Payroll; Business License Issuance; City Clerk Records; Recreation Registration and Facility Scheduling software. Given the importance of these functions, the City must at all times have a reliable system which can support these tasks. The proposed project provides for implementation of a networked Recreation registration program in Fiscal Year 1996~97. The cost of software, hardware, installation, and training is estimated at $15,000. There have been problems with the current system due to the off~site location of the Community Center and the age of the equipment. Also, the current software is no longer supported by the original installer. It is proposed to replace all other System 36 software in Fiscal Year 1997~98. It will be necessary for the City to develop a strategy in the interim as to the type of platform desired to support these central functions. Information from a Computer Consultant Report is expected to be received early in Fiscal Year 1996~97, which will assist in this decision. The hardware cost associated with replacing the IBM System 36 is anticipated to be funded by reserves from the Equipment Replacement Fund; therefore, these costs are not shown as part of this project. ESTIMATED COSTS Fund Prior Years Operating Supply Contract Services Mach & Equip $85,555 1,000 001 3,445 "''''...'''',",,1'';''' :]:~::~:.~:~:~.;;:;:~:~;: ::':';': ~;~~;<<~~;~;/;~~;~~~;;;;n~;;$~OiQ()O~) /l.QJAl::S\ FINANCINGNEARS SCHEDULE 1996-97 1997 -98 1998~99 1999-2000 $15,000 $75,000 '" ,~~<$:1$;()IlQ;$t$i~Q:!)<<;/;~;:::~;;;;;;;~;~~;;:~~~:~<~:~:~~<~;~;;;;;~~~;~: "" " - 5 - ACTIVITY GENERAL 2000-01 Totals $90,000 , .. ...... .... $ " , ......................... .. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . ;';';';;';;';"';:::?;':'::::::::;';:::;:;:;'; ,~OiQ(l(L:: 1 I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I 1 1 1 I I 1 1996-2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. New PROJECT DESCRIPTION Civic Center Building Exterior Wall Sealing ACTIVITY GENERAL DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project would clean and apply a sprayed-on moisture barrier sealant to the exterior walls of the City's Civic Center building. It would also provide for the inspection, repair and sealing of mortar joints around the stone facing elements of the building. COMMENTS The Civic Center building is now 7 years old and has been experiencing water leaks into the interior of the building that are not associated with failure of the roof system. Rain has been penetrating the stone exterior of the building, causing leaks to appear at the floor level in several locations, causing carpet damage and additional maintenance costs. ESTIMA TED COSTS FINANCINGfYEARS SCHEDULE 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000.01 Totals Fund Prior Years Improvements $25,000 001 $25,000 $25,000 " I'01rA' '1$"" , . .", ." ., '''' .....,. . ".. ;:;:::,.::,.,,:: .<,.,,:'::::: "".."""""" ........ ,....,.... ..,......,.."....", ,......"""""""" '$~' '$"I)Q(\'" .................................................................................. . .. ................................................................................. , ." ;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=:::=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:::=:=:=:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~r::}:. '. .,~. :.... ......::::: :,:,:,:.:.:,:.:,:.:,::;~i~;i1m~!~i;i~i~~iiij;~ :i:~~~_~~.~~tm~~~i~ ~~~~lQrA~$~~;i1; : ;~~::~:::: :;:: :~:~::::: :::: ::::: :::: ~~~~i:~~~mi~f1~~~~ijiji:::~:~:$~$~PP'Qi:i!i:i i~~~~t~~ij~i]iii~i:~:~:j ~~i~~~~~~~~j~~~:~i~j~ - 6 - I I I 1 1 1 I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I 1 1996-2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. (Not Yet Assigned) PROJECT DESCRIPTION Development Services Data Processing ACTIVITY GENERAL DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project provides for additional data processing improvements specifically related to Development Services activities. This project is shown separate from the Network Systems Upgrade Project #9315. COMMENTS In Fiscal Year 1995-96, the City added a Computer Assisted Design (CAD) server/workstation in the Engineering Department. This unit and another high speed machine used to assist with Traffic Signal coordination were the initial steps to develop a centralized system to support specialized applications. In addition, in 1995-96 the City obtained various aerial photography and parcel data in computer format for use on the CAD machine. At this time, essentially two additional projects have been programmed in this activity. The first is the purchase of software and minor hardware additions to support a computerized permit issuance and tracking system. A total of $40,100 is budgeted for this program in Fiscal Year 1996- 97. The second project involves the software and hardware components to implement a Geographic Information System on one workstation. It should be noted that the budget shown for this project is $10,000 in Fiscal Year 1998/99. This budget does not address any ongoing costs to update and support the preparation of data to be kept on the system. ESTlMA TED COSTS FINANCINGNEARS SCHEDULE 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-01 Totals Fund Prior Years Operating Supply Training Contract Services Mach & Equip $ 17,525 4,000 001 22,315 6,260 $40,100 $10,000 $50,100 ~nrQTAI:;,';n",:$!iQi1lJ1)ntrf.:n1AI:;$: ~:~~~~~~~~~~~~:::(?~:::::n:::: :(tn:;:::.. ::-$""1)'1 ,{lQ >$t(l~tll)lJ:/:: :::;::..;::-:n.:n$$QiQlW,::: "..." Uti~ ;:;:~H~~i~;~iii::,::::,:,:" "." i:i:i:::~:::::::::~::"" ','.'.',',' .'.', :.:::.;.:;:.;:;.::: - 7 - I 1 I I I 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I 1996-2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. New PROJECT DESCRIPTION Civic Center Holiday Decorations ACTIVITY GENERAL DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project involves the placement and removal of holiday lights at the Civic Center and Clock Tower. Strands of lights at the Clock Tower will build the resemblance of a large holiday tree. COMMENTS This project will help set a theme that makes the City inviting to visit during the holidays. The City Council placed as a high priority the lighting of City Hall with holiday lights. Placement and removal will be completed with contract services. The lights will be City owned and the annual energy and maintenance costs are estimated to be $2,100. ESTIMA TED COSTS Fund Prior Years Contract Svcs Holiday Lights $2,000 001 3,000 FINANCINGIYEARS SCHEDULE 1996.97 1997.98 1998.99 1999.2000 2000.01 Totals $5,000 $5,000 ~: ~ ~ ~ : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~1~;~~~;;i~!~~~t;tt~~;;i ;;iU~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[ti~j~~Utj~~~t~~tt ~~ ~~ ~~ m ~ ~~ ~ ~! r /:$$iq~: ..;,;;0.;0;.."','..... :::::::p.'::':^~::::::::: ..........".....,... ... .:.::::::..$~iqtW:: .:TQJA~:.::'://::' :.::,:::::::::..::/:.:.,.....::::::::.:::.:::.:.:::.::..:..:..::.$~;QP~...;:::.~:::::::::::u::::::::::::::::,::::\::::6::':::':::':'//:. - 8 - I I I I 1 I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 1996-2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. New PROJECT DESCRIPTION Eastern Dublin Financing Plan DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project would provide for the development of a Capital Improvement Financing Plan for the Eastern Dublin area (Santa Rita property, Dublin Ranch annexation). This plan would coordinate those public/private financing measures for Eastern Dublin major infrastructure requirements. COMMENTS This plan would include coordination of DSRSD, Zone 7, the County, the development community and City responsibilities and provide feasible financing measures and specific recommendations to the affected agencies and the development community. Resources needed include engineering services to prepare the CIFP. A Financial Advisor and Bond Counsel will also be necessary. Costs for the Consultant engineering services for CIFP preparation can be recovered through developer, agency deposits or assessment district bond proceeds. The costs for the Financial Advisor are unknown at this time, but will need to also come from the development community. ESTIMATED COSTS FINANCINGIYEARS SCHEDULE 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999.2000 Fund Prior Years $75,000 300 $75,000 Consultant Svcs '::"l'l:U::Al::;:!:"":':':""':':"'!:':::::"::::':"':' )::::::':':: '7l:iiPQQ:TOTAl::$: .......:............:.::::.::::.:.:..:..:::.:.::...:r.,,:::;:.::'.'.',', - 9 - ACTIVITY GENERAL 2000-01 Totals $75,000 JI:i;PllQ} 1 I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I 1 I 1 I I I I 1996-2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. (Not Yet Assigned) ACTIVITY GENERAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION Internet Access - External Gateway DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This item provides hardware, software, training, and installation to establish an external gateway on the Civic Center Local Area Network (LAN). The intent would be to improve the ability of City Staff to receive and obtain documents in an electronic format as well as provide support software to develop an Internet Home Page on the World Wide Web. COMMENTS The original Data Processing Master Plan established a standard in order to standardize operations within the City internal operations. Technology has advanced in several arenas, and there are increasing opportunities to share and obtain information electronically. Examples include the ability to fax a document from a network workstation to an external party, or to obtain information that an external source has posted on the Internet. There have also been inquiries about the City posting information on an Internet Home Page. Included in the Budget for this project is the hardware cost to support an external gateway on the existing Civic Center Network. The project includes the estimated software cost for the communication software as well as software specific to accessing and publishing items in a format acceptable to the Internet protocols. The total cost in Fiscal Year 1996-97 is $8,700. It should be noted that the project does not address other on-going operatin9 cost issues which need to be resolved in order to fully implement the project. For example, if a home page is developed, the contract or in-house Staff time associated with preparing, implementing, and updating has not been included in this budget. This project does not provide the City with its own high speed connection to the Internet. There will be on-going costs to access the Internet as well as subscription costs for a host site for a Home Page and other services. As identified in the City Council 1996 Goals & Objectives, the alternatives will be evaluated in a separate report to the City Council. ESTIMATED COSTS FINANCINGIYEARS SCHEDULE 1996.97 1997 -98 1998-99 1999.2000 2000-01 Totals Fund Prior Years Operating Supply Training Contract Services Mach & Equip $ 4.000 1,000 001 1,000 2,700 $8,700 $8,700 \J:QIA:I:i:::'/':::::: .,:.,..,., :)":$13;700 :::n::(:)IAL~:::::~~::::::::::::::::::W:::W<::::~~ ")::::::$l3f1Ql,t:HH~~~:~: ... .;::$$i't~Q{ :. :::::::::::::::::.:..:" ':':':::"'" :::::::::::::::::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~:l:::::::~::::::'. : ;.....,."';::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;l;~;~t~~~~~~t~j~~t:;:;;:: - 10 - 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1996-2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. Not Yet Assigned PROJECT DESCRIPTION Automated Document Storage & Retrieval System ACTIVITY GENERAL DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project provides for an automated document storage system. The intent of the system is to reduce storage demands while providing an efficient method to index and retrieve records in the City. COMMENTS The project is estimated in 1996 dollars to provide a mid-level network based system. Multiple users would be allowed access to documents which have been stored on CD~ROM. The costs shown do not address any personnel or contract costs required to place historical documents on the system. Additional information will need to be presented at a future date. ESTIMATED COSTS Fund Prior Years Operating Supply Training Contract Services Mach & Equip $20,000 4,000 001 24.600 21,400 FINANCINGNEARS SCHEDULE 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-01 Totals $70,000 $70,000 '::::,',:,: :::?'::;:::$lQiPM:n ~HUJ.IAIi;S:n:)) ...... ......... :: ::::.,., H~~~~~~~~t~ttt/~{:~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ..,,-, .................. ::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::~.~./ :.:.............:.:.:.:':.:'>:':'~':,......... . . .$.......... ...... ....."""""..... .. .......... }::}::::;:::::;::;::::::;::: .:r~iQOP;': . .....r?'J....... .... n~:~:~:~~::.t;Q;QQQ:: tOTAL.:." ."................ - 11 - 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1996-2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. 9425 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Sidewalk Safety Repair ACTIVITY COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENTS DESCRIPTION . LOCATION This project provides for the replacement of damaged curb, gutter and sidewalks at various locations. The sidewalk repairs are made by either removing and replacing concrete or by grinding the high side of the offset sidewalk. The method is determined by the severity of the damage. COMMENTS State Law provides that sidewalk repair is the responsibility of the property owner, yet cities are also held liable for hazards associated with sidewalks in need of repair. This program reduces the property owners' as well as the City's liability exposure. Dublin's program has been funded by the City on a year.to-year basis. Fund Prior Years FINANCINGIYEARS SCHEDULE 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-01 Totals ESTIMA TED COSTS Prelim Engr Design/lnsp Improvements Miscellaneous $ 15,000 33,000 001 200,000 2,000 Annual $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $250,000 tro"A'~n>~~~~~:~:~;\:;$:t$Oil)llO:IQJAl;$'::::::::~::~;~;~:::~:>~:::::~: ~:~:~:::}~:: :..::.: ~;:::::;;$:$I);O~Q\)::$~Q;()P~<>(t;$$Qit)I)Q/::~::::~:;::~<:~$~Q'illOQ )<$~Q'~'QQI):::::~:~~:~:::::::$~~QiQbO) - 12 - I 1 I I I I I 1 I 1 1 1 I I I I 1 1:)!9rA'ij)):/:::::::::::::::::::}::://:):::::::::;::jR~:;1mt::?TQ1'A!$?)?F)~f::~::::::~~:~:::::M:::::;:;:::;j/:::~::::::/,"1:;.,mn::::t?::::jt~:~:~~~:~:~:~~~~tj~\~~~~~~~::::ttt:::::::::::::::::tt:';::j:::;:::::::;::::::;::j:::::::::\;:;::::i:!::;:::\\??tttt\:::ttti\:tj:j\j;jj::$Z1?$1:Ct) I 1996-2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. New PROJECT DESCRIPTION Arroyo Vista Handicapped Accessibility Renovations ACTIVITY COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENTS DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project would remove architectural barriers to handicapped persons in the Arroyo Vista public housing project. It would also improve the exterior appearance of the project and provide employment opportunities for public housing residents in construction contracts. COMMENTS The City Council, in reviewing projects for inclusion in the 1996-97 Community Development Block Grant program, approved $21,910 from this program to make Arroyo Vista fully accessible to handicapped persons. ESTIMA TED COSTS Fund Prior Years Improvements $21,910 209 FINANCINGNEARS SCHEDULE 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-01 Totals $21,910 $21,910 - 13 - I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1996-2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. New PROJECT DESCRIPTION San Ramon Road Landscape Repair ACTIVITY COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENTS DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project would replace the roadside Vinca ground cover between West Vomac Road and Silvergate Drive. Phase I would be from Shannon Drive to Silvergate Drive on the west side of the roadway. Phase II would be from West Vomac Road to Shannon Drive on the west side of the street and from West Vomac Road to Silvergate Drive on the east side of the street. COMMENTS Due to the soil conditions along San Ramon Road and flooding in the vicinity of Shannon Park, the Vinca ground cover has not done well, which allows weeds to flourish. This project would replace the upper soil with an imported topsoil and would relandscape with ivy. After establishment, the ground cover will tend to choke out weed growth and reduce the cost of weed control. It will also improve the aesthetics of the roadside landscaping. ESTIMATED COSTS Fund Prior Years Prelim Engr Design/Insp. Improvements Miscellaneous $8,000 8,000 206 61,000 600 :JQT1\I:i;:::::;o:::':::::':::::::::t:::::::::::::::::::U::::::::::::. ::;ri~!l~ :'U:lJAt~t ....' ...........,.,.,'....,.....,..........'.' ..,....,.--...--..-...,-..,.,...., ,...,..'..,...,..'......,...............,........'.'............,. ,.,'.',...,',.,..'..,..',.,..',.,',','..,.,.,..................',', ,'. FINANCINGIYEARS SCHEDULE 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-01 Totals $36,000 $41,600 $77,600 - 14 - I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1996-2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. Not Yet Assigned PROJECT DESCRIPTION Silvergate Median Landscaping ACTIVITY COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENTS DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project would upgrade the landscaping that exists in the medians at the south end of Silvergate Drive and install new landscaping in the medians at the east end of the street. Both areas would be fully irrigated. The plant materials would be primarily trees and shrubs irrigated with drip irrigation systems. Extensive brick areas would be added to reduce future landscaping and irrigation costs. COMMENTS The landscaping on the south end of Silvergate Drive has never reached its potential, basically due to lack of irrigation plus the need for a more integrated design for the plant materials. The medians at the east end of the street have never been landscaped and have been left as bare soil. The annual irrigation and maintenance costs are estimated at $7,000. It is proposed to landscape the east end of Silvergate Drive as Phase I in 1996-97. The southerly end (Phase II) would be combined with the project to widen Dublin Boulevard (Hansen Drive to Silvergate Drive) fn 1997 -98. The Dublin Boulevard Widening project will require modification of the existing median. ESTlMA TED COSTS Fund Prior Years Prelim Engr Design/lnsp Improvements Miscellaneous $ 3,000 21,100 206 121,500 7,150 FINANCINGIYEARS SCHEDULE 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-01 Totals $85,600 $67,150 $152,750 '[QTli'P"':'::::f::)::::::r:))::<:::::::u~:;1:$Q\rQ[A:!i$')'/ ..::::::::/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :)$~~;$@ \.:'::)'n'M:$p:: """,; ............ .. :::.;.;".;.;. :. :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: .~. ~':':':':'. ::/::/":}'::))$1~::r$o.): - 15 - I 1996-2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM I I I I I 1 PROJECT NO. New PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1-580 Beautification Project San Ramon Road Offramp ACTIVITY COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENTS DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project would plant bushes for approximately 1,150 feet along the approach to the 1-580 westbound offramp to San Ramon Road. COMMENTS As Caltrans has been experiencing reduced revenues in recent years and has tended to reduce or eliminate roadside landscaping projects, the westbound approach to Dublin from 1-580 at San Ramon Road has become an unsightly strip of weeds and wild grasses. This project would screen off the view of the rest of the unsightly state right-of-way to enhance this major entrance to Dublin. 1 I I I I The actual operating cost for this project would be $2,000. I 1 1 1 I I lAIcAl.; 1 ESTIMATED COSTS Fund Prior Years Design/lnsp Improvements Miscellaneous $ 3,000 15,800 206 6,200 FINANCINGNEARS SCHEDULE 1996-97 1997 -98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000.01 Totals $25,000 $25,000 ...... . ."'" ................'" ................". ............,...,.. ................", ............"..,.. ?))::I~2Iim)nj)}JtQIAJ:i$)::::.)):$:~$;9@ ............. . ..... ... ..." ..............",..." ..............."..." ..............",,,,,, ..............,., .. ::::.'. .::::::::::::::::::::: ::: :::::::::::: ::::::::: :~~::1~::::~~m~j~~~jijii;i~~~~~~~t~tim!~jjifj .................$.'S.O@.... ................. . ... ................. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :~:::". .". . . .'. f. ......:.. .:::~~ - 16 - I I I 1 I I 1 I 1 1 I I I I 1 1 I I I 1996-2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. New PROJECT DESCRIPTION Stagecoach Road Assessment District Landscape Upgrade ACTIVITY COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENTS DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project will upgrade the irrigation system and fill in and enhance the roadway and slope plantings within the Stagecoach Road Maintenance Assessment District. The areas especially targeted for improvement are the street corner monument areas, the wrap-around street areas and the areas missing significant plantings. COMMENTS In past years, this district has experienced the loss of groundcover and some of the trees and shrubs due to a heavy freeze and rodent and snail infestations. The district has not had sufficient funds to adequately replant these areas. Savings from reduced costs from the City's maintenance contractor will make monies available to begin a relandscaping program. ESTIMATED COSTS Fund Prior Years FINANCINGNEARS SCHEDULE 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-01 Totals Design/Insp. Construction Miscellaneous $ 800 MOD 711 400 $10,000 $10,000 .~:~w:trA!lit::~::::::::::::~:::.~::~~~~;::/.~.~:~.~~~.~.~~~~::$1~~;Q.I~~t:::: ':i::ro.t:AI$::::~:~~~~~~~~::::::::~::W::::::::;~:::::::~:::::.:::}/:~:::} .~.~.~.~: Q.;~m>..:?:%;;:~}::t~}~:~~~~~~::~::::::::? :~:~.~.~.~.?:.~.~}??:::::::::::~:%:n:::v:::/;;.:;.;...............................:....:;..:;:\>>\:::::::~:~::~~~~~~\:::: ::::~.~.~.~.~.~.:/:$1 Q.;~ QQ..:.~. - 17 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I 1996~2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. Not Yet Assigned PROJECT DESCRIPTION Business Enhancement Sign Program ACTIVITY COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENTS DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project would provide signage which would identify the City of Dublin from the 1~580 freeway for the purpose of raising the level of identity of the City and attracting additional business to the Dublin community. COMMENTS This project is a recommendation of the City's Business Task Force. A sign location in the western part of Dublin has yet to be secured. Sign content and location would have to be approved by Caltrans and the Federal Highway Administration. With the private development sign of Valley Auto Center, Dublin is receiving adequate exposure to the east on 1~580. It is recommended that only one sign be located in the western part of Dublin. ESTIMA TED COSTS FINANCINGIYEARS SCHEDULE 1996-97 1997.98 1998-99 1999.2000 2000-01 Totals Fund Prior Years Design Engineering Land Improvements Miscellaneous $ 4,000 1.000 7,000 001 47.500 500 $60,000 $60,000 ~:~~:tQrAJl//)):(:;;;:;$$9;(tgo.t()tAI;;:$;;:::;)::;::::))))))/))~;~~o.;t)9Q) ... ;;\;.);.';:;\~)));:($~~m;l.~/: ........... ..... ................... .................., ................." ................... ................... i:i:i:~[~~~~tj~;~ji:~~~:~~i:~~~~: - 18 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1996-2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. Not Yet Assigned PROJECT DESCRIPTION Downtown Identity Theme Program ACTIVITY COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENTS DESCRIPTION ~ LOCATION This project would 1) establish and carry out a public sign support and framing program; 2) prepare a design for private shopping center identification pylons consistent with other theme elements in the downtown area; and 3) design and construct district identification improvements at the four major intersections in the downtown area. COMMENTS These improvements were identified in the Dublin Downtown Improvement Plan approved by the City Council in 1986. This project would implement some of the larger improvements from that study. 1. Public Signing Program 2. Study for design of Center entry pylons 3. Downtown entries identification $ 50,000 10,000 FINANCINGIYEARS SCHEDULE 1996-97 1997.98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-01 Totals 100.000 TOTAL $ 160,000 $60,000 $100,000 $160,000 ESTIMATED COSTS Fund Prior Years ....!OTAU .........................................................$,~~;Q.~..... ....tPJAt$...... .................................................................................t.'.. .,....,.................:..:..........................t....'.'. ................$~~M1Q.~........'.....'..$1~G'i@Q...t................t........::::........ Prelim Engr Design Inspection Improvements Miscellaneous $ 20,000 15,000 4,500 001 120,000 500 - 19 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1996~2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ACTIVITY COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT NO. Not Yet Assigned PROJECT DESCRIPTION Widen Village Parkway Sidewalks Dublin Boulevard to Amador Valley Boulevard DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project would widen the sidewalk on both sides of Village Parkway between Dublin Boulevard and Amador Valley Boulevard from its present 5 feet to 8 feet. COMMENTS Most of the sidewalks in the downtown area are presently 8 feet wide. The 5 foot sidewalk is a residential standard for areas where a high volume of pedestrian use is not expected. This segment of Village Parkway allows parking directly in front of a large number of small retail businesses. Pedestrian use of this sidewalk is made more difficult because of obstructions typically found in a downtown area such as bus benches, sign posts, and fire hydrants. The City presently has 8 feet of right~of-way from the curb face on both sides of the street. ESTIMATED COSTS Fund Prior Years Prelim Engr Designflnsp Improvements Miscellaneous $ 4.000 15,500 206 120,000 500 :n1QTAll{:;;:;~ ....., ,;}(:$1-.Q;l)1l:Q FINANCINGfYEARS SCHEDULE 1996.97 1997.98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-01 Totals $140,000 $140,000 ,~:l'Mmm}::::::$1-'l);OIl:Q? - 20 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1996-2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY Not Yet Assigned Street Name Identification COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENTS Sign Replacement Program DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project would replace the existing black lettering on white background street name identification signs at approximately 400 intersections throughout the City with distinctive, reflectorized green-and-white name signs with the City's logo, as well as block numbers, as adopted by the City Council during Fiscal Year 1985-86. COMMENTS The new signs will be easier to read because the faces are reflectorized. These signs are presently being installed on all new subdivision streets. ESTIMATED COSTS FINANCINGIYEARS SCHEDULE Fund Prior Years 1996.97 1997.98 1998.99 1999.2000 2000.01 Totals Prelim Engr $ 2,000 Design 3,000 Improvements 75,000 Insufficient funding within the CIP time frame $90,000 Inspection 9,500 Miscellaneous 500 t:rQ:!:'AU':":::::::',::UU::t::::::::::::::::::::::::::tt::@l);Q@"::: :"'~f1!;!;$.:::::':t::::::::: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~t~~~~~~~~ttttt~~~~tt~~~~~m~t~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~. : :~:~~~~~~t~~;~1tli~;j:ttt~~~~~~~r ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~tt~~ttttt~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~tittt~~~~t~~i~t~~~~tt~~ : ~ ~~ r~~~~~~~~ ;~~~;~~~~~;mtttf~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ::,t:':JiQiQ.QQt, - 21 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1996-2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. 9576 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Mape Memorial Park Renovation ACTIVITY PARKS DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project provides for the renovation of Mape Memorial Park which is located on Plata Way. COMMENTS Major improvements identified for Mape Memorial Park include: 1) separated younger and older children's play areas with accessible equipment and surfacing; 2) new park furniture including benches, trash receptacles and picnic tables; 3) two small group picnic areas; 4) concrete walkway encircling the park; 5) upgraded park lighting; 6) enhanced shrub and tree plantings; 7) sand volleyball court; 8) restroom building; and 9) pedestrian bridge over the creek. ESTIMA TED COSTS Fund Prior Years FINANCINGNEARS SCHEDULE 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-01 Totals $ 17,000 001 360,275 209 9,020 215 1,500 $10,500 $ 6,500 51,750 319,045 $ 17,000 51,750 319,045 Design Improvements Inspection Miscellaneous ............. ;m'l..19:S.... ....... .. .. :: :=:=::: ::=: . ..: ...:. ::j: .:; . .". ..;~:: - 22 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1996-2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY 9548 Shannon Center Window Replacement PARKS DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project provides for the replacement of approximately 41 windows at the Shannon Community Center, 11600 Shannon Avenue. COMMENTS As a result of graffiti etched into the glass of approximately 41 windows at the Shannon Community Center, the windows must be replaced. This project provides funds for replacement and installation of the windows as well as the application of a vandal-resistant film to the windows which will protect the windows from etching in the future. ESTI MATED COSTS FINA NCI NGIYEARS SCHEDULE Fund Prior Years 1 996-97 1 997-98 1 998-99 1 999-2000 2000-0 1 Totals Improvements $ 1 6 , 540 00 1 $ 1 6,540 $ 1 6,540 TQTAW ~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~:~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~1~~jj~~;jm~~~jj~ ;t1E1,;~:::; ;::;rQI~P~\ .;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.;.;.;.;. .................'......... :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:,:.;.:,;,;,:. ............"",... ..... . .......'.' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::~~~)~;~Um~Hf ,',',' """$1$"SMi'" ".. ,).:/$1E\;SQ?: ::::::..=:.:"..:=.::.-:...:'::::;: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :;:;;::::::: :::::: :::~::::::::::::: .::::::::::::::;::::::::::.:.;,;,:. :.:.:.:.:.:.;.;.;.;.:.:.:.:,:,:,; ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~f\~~:~~~~~:~ .................., ::::::::::::::::::\::~::~. .,:: ~" ..:.....:.} , , ,............"", .......................','..,'... . . . . . . . . '.',';'; - 23 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1996-2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. New PROJECT DESCRIPTION Heritage Center Master Plan ACTIVITY PARKS DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project provides for the development of a master site plan for future site improvements at the Heritage Center located at 6600 Donlon Way. COMMENTS The Heritage Center was acquired in 1993 and building renovations were completed in 1995. The Heritage Center Master Plan would identify: . Driveways, parking and maintenance vehicle access . Accessible paths of travel linking parking, use areas and structures . Picnic areas and interpretive features . Patios, plaza and gathering areas linked to structures . Access to creek and other natural features . Site lighting and signage . Fencing, benches and plantings ESTIMATED COSTS Fund Prior Years FINANCINGNEARS SCHEDULE 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-01 Totals Design Miscellaneous $3,800 215 200 $4,000 $4,000 .::ffiQT^W:::~::::::::::::%r::::::::::::::::::::f:::::::::::::::}':::$i!<;PQO::::: ::':tQn:l4$.:::::~%::::~::::r::::::::~:::::::::f:::::::::::::W::::::::::::N::::::: ,4.iQ, ,:" ::':::::t%t: ::::::::::::::::r:::;::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::;~:::::::'.."';":':;:;""';"';~;~;~:::~;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::tN::::::::f::::t:::::::;;}:ttt:}:;::;$~i!)QO:::;, - 24 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1996-2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. New PROJECT DESCRIPTION Heritage Center Parking Lot ACTIVITY PARKS DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project provides for the addition of a paved parking lot at the Heritage Center, located at 6600 Donlon Way. COMMENTS The Heritage Center was acquired in 1993 and building renovations were completed in 1995. The current parking area is dirt with compacted gravel and is rutted and uneven. Because there are no barriers between the parking area and the remainder of the site, cars frequently drive to the back of the cemetery grounds or behind the buildings and park for extended periods of time. This project provides for regrading and compacting of the current parking area, application of an asphalt overlay and striping of parking spaces. ESTIMATED COSTS Fund Prior Years Improvements Miscellaneous $24,500 215 500 FINANCINGNEARS SCHEDULE 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-01 Totals $25,000 $25,000 .. .~iQ.J;m:::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::t:::::::::::::::::::::::t::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::r:tt::f:rr::::::",,:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::r::::::::::::::::$~~;l)QQ:/ - 25 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1996-2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. New PROJECT DESCRIPTION Dublin Swim Center Chlorine System Replacement ACTIVITY PARKS DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project provides for the replacement of the current gas chlorine system with a liquid chlorine system at the Dublin Swim Center, located at 8157 Village Parkway. COMMENTS The State of California has enacted requirements for the use of gas chlorine. Compliance entails the installation of either a scrubber system, which would neutralize a gas chlorine leak, or changing to another form of chlorine such as liquid (sodium hypochlorite) or tablets (calcium hypochlorite). After reviewing the different. options, it is recommended that the current gas chlorine system be changed to a liquid chlorine system. ESTIMATED COSTS Fund Prior Years Improvements $15,000 001 ..:.:rQTAI;:::.:...:.tt........~.:..........................r:''tl$iQIW::::: t..:.::: .:..'*-~............:.:.:.:.:)':::):..:..::...::.;t1.Wr..:....:...).r .1~;Q@:::::::::..:....w..:r......:...:).r:.:':.:::......:.............:..:.:.r:).r:.:..:j.::.:.:.::......:...:............:.::.::::.::.... - 26 - FINANCINGNEARS SCHEDULE 1996.97 1997.98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-01 Totals $15,000 $15,000 I~ \~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~~~t~~~~tf:i;~j j;i~t~~~ ~~ ~t ~ \ ::' J$iQllq:( I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1996-2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. New PROJECT DESCRIPTION Shannon Center Interior Painting and Wallpaper ACTIVITY PARKS DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project provides for interior painting and replacement of worn wallpaper at the Shannon Community Center, located at 11600 Shannon Avenue. COMMENTS Due to heavy use, the walls throughout the Shannon Community Center are in need of a fresh coat of paint. Additionally, the wallpaper in the social hall, upper level entry area and hall area, stairway and east room is discolored and has numerous holes, necessitating replacement. ESTIMA TED COSTS Fund Prior Years Improvements $16,075 001 .itOTAIii:~~~:,:,~:~~:~~::::~~~:~~~/~::~i~~:~:~~~~~~~:~~~~~:~~~~~:~~~: :, ~lil::nrl\l!?~ (rQI^p;r~:~i:tt:~:~:~:~::t::'~::~:~IIt:(~~I: i:i~ii~II$1$;Q1$i '::~~~~:::'((::::~::~t::::~:::::::(~~:~~::t:~i:::i::(m???tmm?mmmmmmt?:~t?:~]:tm::?\\tt\\?\~$1$.;nt.l\l!t' FINANCINGNEARS SCHEDULE 1996.97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-01 Totals $16,075 $16,075 - 27 - I I I I I I I I I 1996.2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. 9'405 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Dougherty Hills Park Slope Repair ACTIVITY PARKS DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project provides for slope repair, concrete vee ditch repair and installation of sub-drains on the east side of Dougherty Hills Park above Crossridge Road, and on the west side above Jade Circle and Topaz Circle. COMMENTS Heavy rains in January of 1995 and 1996 caused several localized land slides in the Dougherty Hills Park area. After examination of the area by a geotechnical consultant, it was recommended that the existing slide areas be re-graded with more stable material, existing vee ditches be repaired to improve drainage and a short wall be installed to help prevent overflows. The existing drainage inlet will be remodeled to help prevent debris from blocking the surface grate. I I I I I I I ESTIMA TED COSTS Fund Prior Years I Prelim. Engr. Design/lnsp Improvements Miscellaneous $66.000 $ 40.000 65,100 001 300.000 550 I I .:.:.:.:.:.: :.:.:.:::.: ~~~~~~~~Hn~~~~~:DIl$;G!i(g: ytQtAW$ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~j:~:~~t"~M~~ TOTAL> .................... FINANCINGIYEARS SCHEDULE 1996-97 1997 -98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-01 Totals $339,650 $405,650 $~~~;$li:Q.~::::::':: ::::::::::::::::",:::::,::: '~:,$40M~::'~: ......................... .......................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......................... i i i i i i i ~ll ~~ ~~mt~~~~i ~i i - 28 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1996-2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. New PROJECT DESCRIPTION Old St. Raymond's Church Floor Repair ACTIVITY PARKS DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project provides for the refinishing of the wood floors in the Old St. Raymond's Church located at the Heritage Center located at 6600 Donlon Way. COMMENTS Old St. Raymond's Church was acquired in 1993 and building renovations were completed in 1995. This project would provide for refinishing of the wood floors in the foyer, sanctuary and utility room, and replacement of the carpet on the stage. Additional funds are included for the installation of a door between the sanctuary and the utility room, and for electrical wiring to install a light switch. (Currently, the lights are turned on with the breakers in the electrical panel). ESTIMATED COSTS Fund Prior Years FINANCINGIYEARS SCHEDULE 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-01 Totals Improvements Contract Services $5,800 001 900 $6,700 $6,700 ':}11,', ,l'A[?::::'''''::''::::::::::'''':::':':':::::::::':':::::':'::::::'''''$6~:, ':, ",.:.., ::",:, .0:, ~l$:.::......:t.:."":,:,:,::::::,::::::,:"::::::",,,,,,,,,,,,,:,:::::t.:...:.::::, ,$/t{)(!::"".:;:::.:.:::t.::::::::::::::::::.:::.:::.::.::...:.t::::::::::t:"".:::",,:t:..::::::......:.:.:.:..::.:...::::""""".:.:.:::""",,:::::':i:::'f',::::,,:,:;:::,:;:::;:::::::::"".:::::::::.::tt::::::":, 6~1", - 29 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1996-2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. 9547 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Shannon Center Floor Coverings Replacement ACTIVITY PARKS DESCRIPTION - LOCA liON This project provides for replacement of floor coverings at the Shannon Community Center, 11600 Shannon Avenue. COMMENTS This project provides for the replacement of floor coverings at Shannon Center, including: vinyl tile floor in the lobby, hallway, kitchen, stairway, storage area and preschool room; and carpet in the preschool room. Additionally, the hardwood floor in the East Room will be refinished. ESTIMATED COSTS Fund Prior Years Improvements $14,700 001 .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.;.;.;.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.;. .................................. . ..........................',..' .................., ::TQXAI/ :).::;::Y:)$14ilW:TQIAl.i$) FINANCINGNEARS SCHEDULE 1996.97 1997-98 1998.99 1999-2000 2000-01 Totals $14,700 $14,700 :)::::):":::::::::::::$1iif1:GQ):\?: :::::: ..... ;:;::::. i!tU~[:~:~t~:~:~:~;j: , , , :):::$14i1W - 30 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1996-2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. New PROJECT DESCRIPTION Dublin Swim Center Exterior Painting ACTIVITY PARKS DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project provides for the painting of the exterior of the Dublin Swim Center Bathhouse, located at 8157 Village Parkway. COMMENTS The interior of the bathhouse was renovated in Fiscal Year 1993-94. Painting of the exterior will complete the renovation to the building. ESTIMATED COSTS Fund Prior Years Improvements $5,100 001 :::::frO'rAl!t::t::::::::::::::':::::~::::::::::::::'tt::/:::::::::':$$;t@it ::::101'AW$:::{::::: FINANCINGNEARS SCHEDULE 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-01 Totals $5,100 $5,100 $M9Q{ ::?/:::::::::~m::::::::::::::~::~:~:::~::::::~:::~:::~:~~~:~:::~:~W:::::~~:~::~:i:$5.:t@ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~tt~~tttt~~~~~it~t~~t~~~~ j~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . .. n. . . ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ /)r{~~~~~~1~~~~t~tjt~Wl~tttt~~~~j~~~~~~~~~~ - 31 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1996-2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. 9583 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Dublin Sports Grounds Renovation ACTIVITY PARKS Insufficient funding within the CIP timeframe. DESCRIPTION ~ LOCATION This project provides for the renovation of the Dublin Sports Grounds, which is located at Dublin Boulevard and Civic Plaza. COMMENTS The Dublin Sports Grounds Master Plan was adopted in May of 1990. The recommended improvements have been divided into phases: Phase I includes construction of a new 60' baseball field, installation of bleachers at Fields 2 through 7 and installation of drinking fountains at Fields 4, 5 and 6. Phase I was completed in Fiscal Year 1995-96. Phase II includes renovation of the drainage and sprinkler system for the east half of the Sports Grounds. Phase III includes renovation of the drainage and sprinkler system for the west half of the Sports Grounds. The jogging trail around the perimeter of the Sports Grounds, the softball field lighting modifications and the reorientation of Field #3 which were identified in the original master plan have not been included. Phase I $220,808 Phase II $281 ,135 Phase III $158,875 FINANCINGNEARS SCHEDULE 1996-97 1997.98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-01 Totals While this project is a high priority of the Parks and Community Services Commission and the sports groups, until alternate fields are available for use during the renovation, the project is unable to move forward. ESTIMA TED COSTS Fund Prior Years $ 9,546 211,262 440,010 . ."'^'l':;A::I';;.......'.........."'."".'. '$_"" ~>l'i:>'" """"",."'1\;:.:::$",,....... "$""ilt::_tt....................................... . ~:~~ ~~ :~:.;H~~;~;~:~:~:~;~:~;~:i;~:~:~:~:~:~;j:~:~:~:i:~~:i:~:~:~:~:~:~:, ,~,~:: ~ :,~~m: ~t~ ~~:~ :~4.. . .}~tt~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~" :AA~~~{~~~~:~:~;~;~:j;~;~;~;~;~;~:~:~;}~;~;~:~:~;~:~:~:~;~:~:~;~:~:~;j:~;~;~;~ Prelim Engr Design Improvements Mach & Equip Inspection Miscellaneous $ 12,900 60,380 547,223 16,389 19,378 4,548 001 $ 9,546 215 211,262 ... ., """:.:(:):('?":(:@:'@@i@@@@@:'@@:'@:(:.::::::::::::::(mm(((((::::t::::t::::\::::l$Jio:~a1~t::: - 32 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1996-2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. 9591 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Dublin Swim Center Deck Replacement ACTIVITY PARKS DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project provides for the replacement of the deck at the Dublin Swim Center, located at 8157 Village Parkway. COMMENTS The Dublin Swim Center pool deck was repaired and resurfaced in 1990. Due to earth movement and ponding water, the deck has cracked and failed in several areas. During Fiscal Year 1995-96, a project to repair and resurface the deck was put out to bid, but no bids were received. In evaluating the deck further, it has been recommended that the entire deck be removed and replaced with concrete decking with a medium broom finish. Replacement of the lifeguard stands/chairs and the 5-meter dive stand are also included as part of this project. ESTIMA TED COSTS Fund Prior Years Improvements Inspection Mach & Equip Miscellaneous $141,645 215 $3,055 2,914 10,650 Insufficient funding within the CIP timeframe. 776 $152,930 FINANCINGfYEARS SCHEDULE 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-01 Totals $ 3,055 :~~~:IQTAp: :::::::::::{:tt::':':"::"t:':{:t$'~$;.... ,:" ::::: ::\mIAlj;~r:::~::::::::::tt{::{$:Jj~${:'",,::::':::{::{::::::::::::::::{:::::::::::::::::::~::~:::::::::):t::t:':'t'{{::':::':::"::::"':'.":':::'::":::'::::':: .... '::t:::{:?:?$1:$$;~S$:: - 33 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1996-2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. Not Yet Assigned PROJECT DESCRIPTION Dublin Swim Center Boiler Replacement ACTIVITY PARKS DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project provides for the replacement of the boiler at the Dublin Swim Center, 8157 Village Parkway. COMMENTS Although the Swim Center was renovated during Fiscal Year 1989-90, the boiler was not replaced. The boiler has exceeded its usable life, thus it is recommended that it be replaced with a more energy efficient unit. The proposed replacement is 97% efficient and a cost savings through reduced fuel costs will be realized upon replacement. ESTIMATED COSTS Fund Prior Years Mach & Equip Miscellaneous FINANCINGIYEARS SCHEDULE 1996-97 1997.98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-01 Totals $42,150 100 Insufficient funding within the CIP timeframe. $42,250 ::::[::Q.))\p::,:,':', :"":':':':':':':'::::::::::::~:::::::::m::::::t:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::':\\:::M~iZSO: - 34 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1996-2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. Not Yet Assigned PROJECT DESCRIPTION Dublin School Athletic Field and Play Area Renovation ACTIVITY PARKS DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project provides for the renovation of the athletic fields at Dublin Elementary School and development of a mini-park on the former pool site. The project is located at 7997 Vomac Road. COMMENTS This project was developed by the Dublin schools Facilities Improvement Task Force. The project provides for renovation of the athletic fields, including complete regrading, reseeding, new irrigation and replacement of backstops, as well as conversion of the site of the former pool into a mini-park. The scope of the project could be impacted by the reopening of Dublin Elementary by the Dublin Unified School District. ESTIMATED COSTS Fund Prior Years Prelim Engr Design Improvements Inspection Miscellaneous FINANCINGNEARS SCHEDULE 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-01 Totals $ 4,000 93,850 782,070 Insufficient funding within the CIP timeframe. 31,285 3,000 $914,205 ...""""'''''''''.1'''............ :!~j~~~:v :~~~r~:~~:~rr~~ ~: ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~,~~$.itl4.,'Z~~~~~~ ~~~~tQT~l:;$~~//~~??:))~,!!)),?"",',,'!,,' . . .................... ....-------.......... ...--------......... ..n._________....... ....---------....... :.;.;.:,;,;..;-;-;.;-;,;.;,;.;.;.;.;.:.; .. ... :!"/"/!@",!,:"",'t,,:"::::':':::::::':/f::)IIII?I',','::;:!I!,!,!"::'ImmI',:",:,'::;:??mrII:::($.lt!:f.ilAA:/ - 35 - I I 1996-2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. Not Yet Assigned PROJECT DESCRIPTION Frederiksen School Athletic Field Renovation ACTIVITY PARKS I I I I I DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project provides for the renovation of the athletic fields at Frederiksen School, located at 7243 Tamarack Drive. COMMENTS This project was identified by the Dublin School Facilities Improvement Task Force and includes filling and reseeding of low spots in the athletic fields as well as irrigation system repair. I I I I I I I I I I I ESTIMATED COSTS Fund Prior Years FINANCINGfYEARS SCHEDULE 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-01 Totals Prelim Engr Design Improvements Inspection Miscellaneous $ 4.000 8,465 70,550 Insufficient funding within the CIP timeframe 2.820 2,000 $87,835 .JQTAt:):::'::$$7;$:}S I - 36 - I I I I 1996-2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. 9502 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Wells-Cronin Athletic Field and Play Area Renovation ACTIVITY PARKS DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project provides for the renovation of the former Cronin Park Play area as well as the renovation of the athletic fields between Cronin and Wells Schools, located between Penn and York Drives. I I I COMMENTS I I I I I I I I I I I This project was recommended by the Dublin School Facilities Improvement Task Force. It provides for regrading and reseeding of turf areas, replacement of approximately one-third of the irrigation system, backstop repair, and renovation of the play area (formerly Cronin Park). Phase I was completed during Fiscal Year 1991-92 and included installation of new play equipment and surfacing. Phase II will include the renovation of the athletic fields. The scope of Phase II could be impacted pending the outcome of the master plan being undertaken by the Dublin Unified School District for this site. ESTIMATED COSTS Fund Prior Years FINANCINGIYEARS SCHEDULE 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999~2000 2000-01 Totals Prelim Engr Design Improvements Inspection Miscellaneous $ 5,627 38,250 Phase I 285,916 215 $45,252 11,100 2,474 Phase II Insufficient funding within the elP timeframe. $ 45,252 298,115 : ::!::: ~:i:i :~:::~: i: .......................... .......................... .......................... ,..,...................... ."".,..".............,. ,....."..,..,.....,.,.... ,.,..",.,."..,...,.,.... "",.."",."",..".... ........................................$:Q. Z',. '&1'" ....................................... ... .. ........................................ .. .. ....................................... . .. .... :::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::....:..:....:..;:........:=::::: :IQTAP )-.)-):))$M~;~~'6i ....rOTAP$........ /r/m)$M;~$~))))))):?':':?? .............................."........:::::::.:::... I ::::::;:::::: - 37 - I I I I I I I I I 1996-2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. 9501 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Nielsen School Athletic Field and Play Area Renovation ACTIVITY PARKS DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project provides for the renovation of the athletic fields and the play area at Nielsen School, located at 7500 Amarillo Road. COMMENTS This project was recommended by the Dublin School Facilities Improvement Task Force. Recommended improvements include connecting the school yard to Mape Memorial Park by removing a drainage swale. Additional improvements include regrading and reseeding of the turf, irrigation installation, play area reconstruction, and capping of an abandoned well. I I Phase I was completed during Fiscal Year 1991-92 and included installation of a new play area. Phase II will include the renovation of the athletic fields. I I I I The scope of Phase II could be impacted by the expansion of Nielsen School provided that Dublin Elementary does not reopen. I I I ESTIMATED COSTS Fund Prior Years $ 5,729 42.370 309,797 12,470 2,452 Prelim Engr Design Improvements Inspection Miscellaneous Phase I 215 300 $13.848 21,000 Phase II Insufficient funding within the CIP timeframe. :::::;::::::;:::::::::::::;::::. ....,.:.:.:':.:.:.:.:':.: 'rOTAk' ....... .'n1Z;e~t1; 'rorAt:$:")$:a4;I34IF"{ I FINANCINGIYEARS SCHEDULE 1996-97 1997 -98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-01 Totals $ 13,848 21,000 337,970 ..........................'.....'...........-..........................................:.:.:.:.;.:.;.;.;.;.;':';', ......................................................... :::::::~ """""""'" .... ....................$..3. .1.. 2....S. "1. ,. ...... ............... . ... .............. ... .. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::....:....:...,...:......::::: - 38 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1996-2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. 9658 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Annual Street Overlay Program ACTIVITY STREETS DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project provides for the placement of a 1-1/2 inch asphalt overlay on streets that are presently in a deteriorated condition at various locations. COMMENTS As streets begin showing major structural failures, it is important to reinforce these streets with repairs and overlay to reduce the need for more costly reconstruction at a later date. The City's Pavement Management System Program has given the City funding guidelines, as well as, priorities for maintaining the City streets. The Street Maintenance Account in the Operating Budget includes funding for preparatory patching for this project, patching for the slurry seal project, and for the restriping of those streets to be overlaid. Design and inspection is budgeted in this project for both this overlay project and the repair and striping work from the Operating Budget. This program will protect the substantial investment the City has in its streets. ESTIMATED COSTS FINANCINGNEARS SCHEDULE Fund Prior Years 1996-97 1997-98 1998.99 1999-2000 2000.01 Totals Design/lnsp $ 50,000 001 Annual $139,600 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 139,600 Improvement 1,046,600 206 0 59,240 54,134 49,214 43,937 206,525 Miscellaneous 3,000 217 136,000 140,760 145.866 150,786 156,063 729,475 220 24,000 24,000 :::::rQT~l:i:~:::~::~::::~..~:::/$li:Q~Q'jIlQP"'.::'J'QTAJ\~.::~~~~~::::..,~:~~:/}}::):.$~~i~IJQ.:~:..::::$~p;Onq..$~l)(liQqU}::.:...:.....:$~Op:~'(]Qp:..}..$~QiQ,qQ>:j$1iq~i~Op: - 39 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1996-2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. 9696 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Dublin Boulevard Improvements Donlon Way to Village Parkway ACTIVITY STREETS DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project implements those improvements identified in the Dublin Boulevard Traffic Study, which was approved by the City Council in 1983- 84 and as amended in 1987-88 in the plan line update. These improvements include the development of Dublin Boulevard to a full six lane street between Donlon Way and Village Parkway. It will provide additional right-turn lanes where needed and extra turning lanes at San Ramon Road. COMMENTS To date, the City has received or expects to receive $1,319,681 in developer contributions including BART. The largest share of the project costs ($2,082,000) will be funded by a Federal ISTEA Grant. ESTIMA TED COSTS Fund Prior Years Prelim Engr $ 29,132 001 $ 35,371 Design/lnsp 420,872 Right-Of-Way 771,190 210 2,082,000 Improvements 2,170,000 Miscellaneous 45,858 300 990,820 I I FINANCINGNEARS SCHEDULE 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999.2000 2000-01 Totals $ 0 $ 35,371 2,082,000 328,861 1,319,681 :':TQ1\~~>:: ;:::$:}A~:r;q~Z::::: ::ftQrA~S ..,.. ::.~;lOI/'~t;':"':::$~~l:!;~!}1:>:::::::: .,.................... ...................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....................,',',',',',.,..','.......... ..........,,,,,.,,,... ............ ...""..,.."",.. ........................"...", ..,.............................................,'...... ...... ::;:;;:;$~;~~!l:;l)~;;;;; - 40 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I :1 I I I I I 1996-2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. 9606 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Street Light Acquisition Program ACTIVITY STREETS DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project would purchase approximately 1,350 existing street lights throughout Dublin from Pacific Gas and Electric Company. COMMENTS The City has determined through a feasibility study that it would be cost effective over the long term to purchase the PG&E owned street lights and maintain them through an outside contract. This will result in lower street lighting assessments to property owners throughout the City. The County of Alameda and all the Cities within the Alameda County have pursued this purchase program. The purchase is being made from Street Light Assessment District reserves and from General Fund reserves. The City has recently filed eminent domain action to acquire the PG&E Street Lights. This budget reflects the City's appraised valuation of the Street Lights ($134,000). PG&E's valuation of the Street Lights is $445,000. Should PG&E prevail in court with its valuation, the cost for these lights would increase by $311,000, which would need to be funded from the City's General Fund Reserves. ESTIMA TED COSTS FINANCINGNEARS SCHEDULE 1996.97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-01 Totals Fund Prior Years Appraisal & Legal Acquisition $30,369 001 134.000 710 $ 43,000 $18,369 103,000 $ 45,000 119,369 ::TOTAJ:;::::::::::::::(:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::?$1~J.'<<Ut"''IQ.1.AJ:;~:({::::::::::::::::::~1~;~~;:::::::::::'::::~1AA;(l@,:",:,:t::::::::::::::::,!:::::::::::::::::::::\:,:':::'\\':::":::':tt:::::':::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::t:ft":\',"',':',:'::::::::::::::::::::'::(:::::::::::::::::::J~1~:;WlV' - 41 - I I I I I I I I I I I 1996-2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY 9685 Dougherty Road Improvements STREETS From South of Amador Valley Boulevard to Houston Place DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project consists of two phases. The first phase will widen the travel lanes by removing existing dirt medians on Dougherty Road and replacing them with new pavement. This would complete the ultimate improvements for southbound traffic. The second phase of this project will widen Dougherty Road from four to six lanes and will include landscaped medians. COMMENTS The first phase of this project will allow the two southbound lanes to move away from the curb, thus improving intersection sight distance and allow an area along the curb for bus stops, emergency parking and on-street bicyclists. The City has received an ISTEA Grant to fund the bulk of this project. The second phase of this project is anticipated to be funded by Traffic Impact Fees including contributions from the Dougherty Valley (Contra Costa County) projects. I I I I I ESTIMATED COSTS FINANCINGIYEARS SCHEDULE Fund Prior Years 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-01 Totals Prelim Engr. $ 176,850 Phase I Design/Insp. 610,450 206 $ 854 $ 90,050 $ 90,904 Improvements 2,622,000 21 0 294,000 294,000 Right-Of-Way 533,088 300 296 296 Miscellaneous 3.824 Phase II Insufficient funding within CIP timeframe 3.561 ,012 :TOTAt;:::::::::::::::::~:::~: ~::'$~~!m~~Z1~:::~: <IQ1At;$"<:::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::$M~Q) ::$~!hQ$(l::::::::::::::~'::~~\ . . ..............."""........... \:)...:U;!m~~Z1~ ..........",,,,........ ...............,,,.,,.......... .. . .. ~; ~;~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:j:j:j:;;;:~::; .......... ...",,,,,,,......... "," ............... n."'"'''' ::;::::: =: =::::::::::::: ::~ :~::~:~::::::::::::::;:;::~:;: =;= ::: ............... ""."".;.;. I I I - 42 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1996-2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. 9645 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Traffic Signal Coordination Project ACTIVITY STREETS DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project would restudy and develop revised coordination for 19 traffic signals on Amador Valley Blvd., Village Parkway, San Ramon Road and Dublin Blvd. This project includes upgraded traffic signal controller hardware, master computer, computer software, handicapped pedestrian pushbuttons, and energy efficient red signal indicators. COMMENTS In 1986, the City's traffic consultant undertook a signal timing study on Dublin Blvd. Since then, traffic volumes and patterns have changed. This project will be funded by a $44,000 ISTEA grant, a Traffic Systems Management grant ($5,700) and an AB434 grant ($19,250). ESTIMATED COSTS Fund Prior Years Design/Study Equipment Miscellaneous $19,700 001 49,000 210 250 $ 0 49,700 FINANCINGNEARS SCHEDULE 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-01 Totals $19.250 $19,250 49.700 .'.J'OrA~~:'~"~~<<<~" ....................., ,. ??$(;~;~~\ )rQ1A~$.::\:$4l:!'.;7:(!O? \\:::::;::$J~;~~::\::.:.:~::::::::::::::::::::.:. ......................" """.................... ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::);~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~:~~~tt~~:~:~:~:~;~:~:~:~:~t.:::::::::::.:.:.: ."... -. ....... ......... .... .f';l;6'.liltA.. !;::!:~:~:~~~!~~i:~:~:i;~;~;.~~i~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - 43 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1996-2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. 9640 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Eastern Dublin Arterial Plan Lines ACTIVITY STREETS DESCRIPTION - LOCATION As part of the approval of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and General Plan, specific roadway alignment studies will be undertaken and alignments adopted for the proposed major arterial streets. This project also includes engineering studies to update the traffic impact fees as development occurs. COMMENTS This will allow proposed developments in the Eastern Dublin Planning Area to plan for the construction of major roadways and integrate these roadways into their projects. The cost for these studies will be paid for through Traffic Impact Fees collected in Eastern Dublin. It is proposed to study Tassajara Road in Phase I and the rest of the roadways in Phase II. Phase II of this proiect will onlv proceed if Eastern Dublin develooers front the funds for this work in Fiscal Year 1996-97. ESTIMATED COSTS Fund Prior Years $50.000 $460,560 :,:,:.' ,:; ~\rrrr~m~~~~~mfr~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~i~]j1]]i~m~~j~~j;j~~~~:~ ~~{ . .................. :::::::~:~~~U::~~,>\::~Ml)j5$Q Engineering Svcs $510,560 300 '::IQm*,~~ : ',::,//////$51(1;$$Q "IQm~ij~\)- :~:l~Q;Pl)Q.'////$!I:&Q;$~ }:,,::::;,;, (t:~:1"'~~:~.7ml, \ '.~ (" _....1 : ,:", ,0...: t' .~l \ C) i ~ ... .., !....!:~':.;:~::::~;~::...............i '~~'~~>""""):''''''{'''''''''''''f\ 2:'~I'tIlI"'IIIIIII'i"'trt'f'Jmn""'nn trtltJ1l'nn" 11';: -; l ~\" \ ..,;;;;;:;. ."",, "." ............m.m' .... ,........,,-1';.::............., J(ffifl'fTll TlR'I"lTTlnlnn*,wu,,,,,",",", Intl""...."fI ,"urn. ~.'! : '..' ! ---n!r....."fJ"lTl' n.nnTTl~:~~;'~:;~."'nn1.r"1 n1'..".."1nl IlIln"IIII,,"rllllllll~nl n"I'"UIIII'liln'*'I'I'IIIIII"I~11I111 m~.", 0 II '- L;, -;, : :ff1/ii.1"IN)II / ~ / )..... 1;;;;;\ - . .... -/ '--'/ '-7 "~r l' 111111111 FINANCINGNEARS SCHEDULE 1996.97 1997.98 1998.99 1999.2000 2000.01 Totals $510,560 - 44 - I I I I I I I I I 1996-2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. New PROJECT DESCRIPTION San Ramon Road Drainage Repair at Shannon Park ACTIVITY STREETS DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project provides for the repair of the drainage ditch on the northeast corner of Shannon Park along San Ramon Road. COMMENTS Heavy rains during the winter of 1994~95 caused this drainage ditch to overflow onto and cause damage to southbound San Ramon Road and roadside landscaping. This project will implement measures that will reduce the risk of flood damage in the future. This work includes placement of concrete sacked riprap covered with soil to help contain rising runoff water. I I I I I I I I I I ESTIMATED COSTS Fund Prior Years Design/lnsp Improvements Miscellaneous $ 4,640 19,960 206 400 ....1QTAl;:}))}).(..t. }}..$~$i9Q~:U /1tPl':Al;;$ii.... ...................."...... ...............,....,.,.,..',.,'.'.:.:.;.:.: ....................:.:-:.:.:.:.:.:.:...:.....,:..,..' FINANCINGNEARS SCHEDULE 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-01 Totals $25.000 $25.000 ..... $~S"OO(l". ,.".. .. n. "... . n. ....... . . n. :::::::::::" . ....:-......:::::: ... :;:. ., :::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::;::::::.::;:::::;:;:;: t".:.:::':::"':'$~$~QQ(t:.. .. .................. ......." :::: :::::::::: ::: .~:~:~::::::::::::::;::; '. :.".:.:.:. :.:.:.:.::::::::::::::: :~:~:::~::::m~~~~~~:j~~:,::: ,', - 45 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1996-2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY New San Ramon Road Drainage STREETS Improvements at Caroline Court DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project provides for a retaining wall, concrete vee ditch and grading on the east side of San Ramon Road above Caroline Court to prevent flooding of the City's service road on the east side of San Ramon Road, on Holanda Lane and on Caroline Court. COMMENTS Damage to the service road located on the east side of San Ramon Road has been caused by the failure of the dirt berm to adequately contain storm water runoff. This project will construct concrete vee ditches on either side of the existing maintenance road. In addition, the road itself will be graded to slope away from the private properties to the east and a short retaining wall will be constructed for added safety against flooding. ESTIMATED COSTS Fund Prior Years Design/lnsp Improvements Miscellaneous $ 7,800 36,000 206 400 FINANCINGNEARS SCHEDULE 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-01 Totals $44,200 $44,200 .:::::rpmAt; .....:....::..../f:::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::rmi200::::: ::::TQ'foA!$::;:::::::::::::.::::.::::::::::..:... ir.::::.r.n...::::......:.:.l@lt{W,.....t...:.::..:::.. :o:...;.....................r:/:::::{......:.:::.::::::::::::.,...:::.::::.......r....:.......;::::.:: ...:...::..::.:..::..........:...;::::.: :..:..::::?::.......:::..:.:..:::.$iM;2M.~. - 46 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1996.2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. New PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1.58011-680 Direct Connector Project ACTIVITY STREETS DESCRIPTION . LOCATION This project represents the City of Dublin's share of the local match requirement for the 1.58011.680 Direct Connector Project. This project provides for the replacement of the existing southbound 1.680 to eastbound 1.580 loop with a f1yover ramp connecting 1.680 southbound directly to 1.580 eastbound. This project also includes hookramp access from 1-680 into Downtown Dublin. COMMENTS This project was approved by the voters of Alameda County with the passage of the Measure B sales tax in 1986. The total project cost is estimated at $120 million. Measure B required a local match of $10 million, of which $5.6 million remains to be paid. The Alameda County Transportation Authority has calculated Dublin's fair share of the remaining local match to be $1,926,800; however, this amount would increase if other local agencies do not fund their respective share of the local match. The City's local match will be financed from the following sources: Sources: BART mitigation funds, Downtown Traffic Impact Fees, Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fees, and credit for land the City has acquired to commit to this project's right-of.way requirements. The amount of cash required by the year 2001 is currently estimated at $1,519,800 and assumes a value of $407,000 for the land the City would contribute to the project. It is assumed that the City would contribute this land to the project's sponsors in Fiscal Year 1996~97. It is anticipated that there will be insufficient funds from Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fees to meet the project matching requirement deadline; therefore, it will be necessary for the City to advance funds from the City's General Fund in Fiscal Year 1999.2000 and 2000.2001. ESTIMATED COSTS Fund Prior Years Contribution $1.519.800 300 :.:-:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:-.-:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:" .,...... :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:.:.:.;::~~:~:~:~::;;;:;;: .,.,..'::::::::; "'T""!'.".""" :~:~;: :W: ::~~t~t~~ ..................... \$1~M~,;~pp)?rOI*Ji~t)\\~J~ '" ~:~~::::::; ::.:::. :;;':' FINANCINGNEARS SCHEDULE 1996-97 1997-98 1998.99 1999.2000 2000-01 Totals $273,000 $623,400 $623,400 $1,519,800 ~~~)~'\":nr.3;(lQQJ ~::~~\)rr\r1$23'~~l), r>~M~~~~l), r',"$nM$"8PP, - 47 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1996-2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. 9601 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Dublin Boulevard Improvements Silvergate Drive to Hansen Drive ACTIVITY STREETS DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project would widen Dublin Boulevard between Silvergate Drive and Hansen Drive from two to four lanes and has realigned the Dublin Boulevard/Silvergate intersection into a standard "Tee" intersection. This widening would take place on the south side of the street where there is sufficient right-of-way to make these improvements. In addition, the project would repair the existing roadway section, as the roadway fill is undergoing creeping soil instability. COMMENTS The addition of new residential projects proposed to be constructed to the west of this intersection along Dublin Boulevard will require the widening of Dublin Boulevard from two to four lanes between Silvergate Drive and Hansen Drive. Those new projects will pay for this portion of the project. In 1992, the first phase of the work realigned the Dublin Boulevard/Silvergate Drive intersection through restriping and pavement modifications. It is anticipated that the addition of major new traffic will magnify the distress, requiring repairs simultaneous with the widening. The developers of the Hansen and Donlon projects are obligated to share the costs of this project based on their proportionate generation of traffic. ESTIMATED COSTS Fund Prior Years Testing Design/lnsp Improvements Miscellaneous $ 20.080 86,461 1,345.528 9.613 Phase I 300 Phase II 300 $111,129 ::TQTI(4:'->:::~(:::::~:::::::::::'. tA~1;~$~::::: >'::$IA'$:::::( ~:~:iUM;1~J /:):/:::;::;:-." ..... '" ......." .;.". ,',',',',',',',', ,;.: ,;.::: ::::::::::::::::::~. ~.~::::::::::::;::;:::,:.;:: FINANCINGIYEARS SCHEDULE 1996-97 1997 -98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-01 Totals $ 111 ,129 $1,350,553 1,350,553 :::: .t;~~~Mi~;I::::':::~:::::>::::::: ::::::::::::::::: ::>~::::::tAfit;~Il~::::, - 48 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1996-2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. 9692 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Dublin Boulevard Improvements Clark Avenue to Sierra Court ACTIVITY STREETS DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project would widen and overlay Dublin Boulevard, including the bridge over the Alamo Canal from Clark Avenue to Sierra Court. This project would increase the capacity of this segment of Dublin Boulevard from 4 lanes to 6 lanes plus bike lanes. It will also improve the Alamo Canal under the existing Dublin Boulevard bridge. COMMENTS This is the second phase of Dublin Boulevard widening. The first phase widened Dublin Boulevard from Donlon Way to east of Village Parkway. Recent traffic model studies have indicated the need for Dublin Boulevard to become six lanes wide to avoid heavy congestion at intersections in the future. The City anticipates receiving $1,600,000 in ISTEA grant funds for this project. The City has collected $7,304 in Developer Fees to date. Development Traffic Impact Fees, including Eastern Dublin, are responsible for the remainder of the grant matching funds. This proiect can onlv proceed if these funds have been collected by Fiscal Year 1998-99. ESTfMA TED COSTS Fund Prior Years Env/Prelim Engr Design Right-of-Way Improvements Inspection Miscellaneous $ 67,000 206 319,280 440.000 210 1,608.000 65,000 300 2,960 $775 FINANCINGNEARS SCHEDULE 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-01 Totals $ 25,540 $ 33,775 $ 60,090 202,545 1,397,455 842,150 1.600,000 842,150 : ::: :::::~:::~:~::::~:::::~:~::::::::::::::;::;; :;" ~i~~;~4Q 'IQJ:~ij~ ;$tr~':.':""'~"""'\\\::(~~$~'~Ml1J:lS\~~~(~2;21~R~Q:\\\\\\\/\\\:::("\\\\\\' :~;$(I2;t4Q( ".TOTA.\:;. n. .. . ::::::..::-..-::.:..:...... - 49 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1996-2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ACTIVITY STREETS PROJECT NO. 9656 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Traffic Signals - Village Parkway at Brighton Drive, Tamarack Drive and Davona Drive DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project would provide for the installation of three traffic signals at the intersections of Village Parkway with Brighton Drive, Tamarack Drive and Davona Drive. These signals would be interconnected to the other existing traffic signals on Village Parkway south of this project. Also, Village Parkway would be widened in front of Dublin High School to provide student drop off and bus turnout. COMMENTS A traffic study conducted during Fiscal Year 1983-84 found that these signals were marginally warranted. A total of $46,199 in developer traffic impact fees has been collected to date. The City has applied for outside funding for this project, but has not as yet been successful in obtaining these funds. The street widening in front of the High School will provide bus and vehicle drop off and pick up for students. Each of the traffic signal projects and road widening can be done together or separately. Annual maintenance and electricity costs are estimated at$15, 000. ESTIMATED COSTS Fund Prior Years Designllnsp Improvements Miscellaneous $52,083 001 335,000 206 2,000 300 $9.083 ..1Q1A:I;;:::::::~~:~::Hrr;,;:;:; ,,:,,$~$;Q~~ ..::::tQ!liil$.,,:U.@~:,::. FINANCINGfYEARS SCHEDULE 1996-97 1997 -98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-01 Totals $ 0 333,801 46,199 $ 9,083 333.801 46,199 ::::.:.:::.:.:.:.: : .;.~.:.:.:,:,',:, :::::;:;:;::;=;:::; : :::: ~:~:~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~:~ :~:~: ~: ~:~;~;~:;~i?::;:;:;:;: :.;.:.: $~/}~M1Q!V:::H>:. :$~$;P.~~:.:.. ...................... ,."...., :.:.":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :~:: ::.".:.:.; :.::.:.::: - 50 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1996-2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. Not Yet Assigned PROJECT DESCRIPTION Bike Path - Alamo Creek North of Amador Valley Boulevard ACTIVITY STREETS DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project would construct a bicycle path along the Alamo Creek channel from Amador Valley Boulevard north to the City Limits. This Bike Path will be constructed by placing an asphalt surface on top of the existing Zone 7 maintenance road gravel base. COMMENTS The Dublin Meadow Project will be constructing a bicycle path along Alamo Creek between Amador Valley Boulevard and the Southern Pacific Railroad Right-Of~Way. This Bike Path would tie into the Dublin Meadows Bike Path and on to the Iron Horse Trail. It would also provide neighborhood bike and walking access to the Alamo Creek Park. ESTIMATED COSTS Fund Prior Years Design/lnsp Improvements Miscellaneous $14.500 60.000 206 500 :;\/$1SiQO(f:::/I'Q!#!i$::) :,:,:,:,:,:",;.:.;.;. ..r..TA.lii.............. ::::::',:0: ",':;;:;:;::::}}::}:::::: . .. . . ;.:.;.:.:.:,' ..... .,. :::.:;:;;::: FINANCINGNEARS SCHEDULE 1996.97 1997-98 1998-99 1999.2000 2000-01 Totals $75,000 $75,000 :;:::;:;:;:;;::: .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:-:.:.:.: n.................... ...................... ...................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................... :::::::::::: :::: ::::::: :~::::::::~::::::::::::;:::;::;::;;; :;;: :.:,:.:-:.:-:.:.:-:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.: ........................ . .. "'7$"00'0' . . . . . . .... ... . , . . . ... . ;':::.::-...:.::...~...:.......: ;:::;:::' :/:/$1$;Q@/: ~~ ~::~:~~~:~~~~~~~Wi~;jj~ :;~::::::::::.::::::::::;::::; - 51 - I I 1996-2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY Not Yet Assigned Bike Lane Project. Amador Valley Blvd STREETS Stagecoach Road to Dougherty Road I I I I I I DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project would widen part of Amador Valley Boulevard between Stagecoach Road and Dougherty Road to allow for bike lanes. COMMENTS This Bike Lane Project will connect the Iron Horse Trail, the proposed Alamo Creek Bike Path, and the Dougherty Road Bicycle Path. A portion of Amador Valley Boulevard is now striped for four lanes, which does not allow for on-street bike lanes. This project would move the sidewalk back in the landscaped easement area and widen the pavement in the existing street right-of-way. I I I I I I I I I I ESTIMATED COSTS Fund Prior Years $ 4,500 33,200 82,800 1,000 '::.:. .$'1~1:i!;lI)Q}:~ Prelim Engr Designllnsp Improvements Miscellaneous 206 <TOTAL :.; .;. ~.~.:.;.:.:,:,;.: I FINANCINGIYEARS SCHEDULE 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-01 Totals $121,500 $121,500 j:Z'l~IiO~}:':$1~1,:;!;lI)(l - 52 - I 1996-2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM I I PROJECT NO. 9655 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Dougherty Road Improvements Houston Place to 1-580 ACTIVITY STREETS DESCRIPTION - LOCATION I This project provides for the acquisition of right-of. way and the widening of Dougherty Road, primarily on the east side of the street, between 1-580 and Houston Place. This widening would provide six travel lanes, additional turn lanes, decorative medians and street lights. I I I COMMENTS I I There are older sections of the street on the east side that have not been widened. Some right-of. way will need to be acquired to complete this project. I I The project costs ($1,771,432) will have to be funded by developer dedications/contributions, Traffic Impact fees, and/or outside grants. I I I I I I I ESTIMA TED COSTS Fund Prior Years FINANCINGNEARS SCHEDULE 1996.97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-01 Totals Prelim Engr Design Inspection Improvements Right-Of-Way Miscellaneous $ 90,000 130,000 69,137 Insufficient funding within CIP timeframe 445,224 1,020,160 16,911 $1,771,432 : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~j ~~~ ~ ~ ~~~ji~j~~1~j~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t~m~~~ijitjj~~~~~~~i~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :::::?~tftf)))::::::::::::::::::$1il1ti~~~t :':?fPrAt:i ::"::::::::::::::::.::::::::::??:::$1irM:::~~::::: ::::tQfAt:iS'" ......,..-..,.....,.,.................................,.......... . . .....,"\."........," . ::=::: : ::::::::::::::::: :: : : : : : :: : : ::: : : : : : ::: : : : ::: :;:~;: .~;: . ::= . ~: ~ ~~ ~~~1~~:1:j:j:~:i:~~:~~:~:i:~:~:j:~:~ ~:j:~:~:~:~:~~~~~{ - 53 - I I I 1996-2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY 9604 Downtown Street Light Additions STREETS I I I DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project will complete the installation of street lights in the downtown area including Sierra Court (4), Sierra Lane (6), and Amador Valley Boulevard east of Village Parkway (4). I I COMMENTS A number of street lights have been installed in the downtown area in past years, together with other street and traffic signal projects. This project will complete the lighting of the remaining streets in the downtown commercial areas. I I These lights will be City-owned and the annual energy costs are estimated to be $1,000. I I I I I I I I I I ESTIMATED COSTS Fund Prior Years Improvements Design Inspection Miscellaneous $70,000 5,000 4,300 700 Insufficient funding within CIP timeframe $80.000 :TOTAL':::::: ..................". .:.:.:.:.:::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.;.;.:,:.;.: ...................",..... ,'.........-..........................,','.'...'..,',. ".....................".. ...................."...,.. FINANCINGIYEARS SCHEDULE 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-01 Totals - 54 - I I I I I I I- I I I I I I I I I I I I 1996-2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. Not Yet Assigned PROJECT DESCRIPTION Dublin Boulevard Improvements Sierra Court to Dougherty Road ACTIVITY STREETS DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project will widen and overlay Dublin Boulevard from east of Sierra Court to Dougherty Road. This project will increase the roadway capacity from four to six lanes and add bicycle lanes. COMMENTS This is the third phase of the Dublin Boulevard widening. The widening of this segment of Dublin Boulevard will complete the improvements from San Ramon Road to Dougherty Road. Recent traffic studies have shown that six lanes of traffic will be needed as Dublin expands to the east. ESTIMATED COSTS Fund Prior Years FINANCINGNEARS SCHEDULE 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-01 Totals Prelim Engr Design Inspection Right-Of-Way Improvement Miscellaneous $ 154,000 358.434 90,000 Insufficient funding in CIP timeframe 392,320 1,627,080 3,386 """Q~,,",;b"""'''' /::,,:-. .::~:H~)}::::::::::::: )ni~~Si$29 $2,625,220 - 55 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1996-2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY Not Yet Assigned Dougherty Road Improvements STREETS Amador Valley Boulevard North to City limits DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project consists of constructing the ultimate northbound lanes from Amador Valley Boulevard north to the Dublin City Limits. This would make Dougherty Road a six-lane facility. It would also construct landscaped medians and a traffic signal at the Willow Creek Drive intersection. COMMENTS The present configuration of the road is now four lanes; however, the easterly lane is in the future median. This project would complete the entire length of Dougherty Road to a six-lane divided roadway with landscaped medians. This project will not be needed until development in the Dougherty Valley occurs. A total of $12,460 in reimbursements have been collected for this project. It is anticipated that developers' Traffic Impact Fees, including Contra Costs County's Dougherty Valley fees, will fund the project. ESTIMATED COSTS Fund Prior Years FINANCINGNEARS SCHEDULE 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-01 Totals Prelim Engr Design Inspection Improvements Miscellaneous $ 151,000 294,000 Insufficient funding in CIP timeframe 96,000 2,994,200 3,400 $3,538,600 }tQ't*!;I:t~}::::::::::9f)9::::::::':'::'$iJ.l5$~;$@tIQltiiUS:::::t::::::::::':"'::":'::'::"""'d"::}::}){}::}}::::'::::::::::::::::':::'::\f':'::::::::::::::):::::::::::::::::::::(,:".::::/,:,::;:'f:::,'::::::::,:,:::,:",,,:,::,::('::':::::::~::::::::::}::::::::::::'i:::':::::::'::::fL})\$.~':e$':$oo.\ - 56 - I 1996-2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM I I PROJECT NO. 9686 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Scarlett Drive Extension Dougherty Road to Dublin Boulevard ACTIVITY STREETS DESCRIPTION - LOCATION I This project would provide a 4-lane roadway connection between Dougherty Road and Dublin Boulevard (parallel to the Southern Pacific Railroad Right-of-Way). I I I COMMENTS I I I I I I This road is included in the Dublin General Plan and would serve to relieve the Dougherty RoadlDublin Boulevard intersection of much of the southbound to eastbound turning traffic, especially for the future BART Station bound traffic. A total of $16,563 in traffic mitigation fees has been collected for this project. The balance of the project costs ($8,297,270) will have to be funded by additional developer dedications/contributions, Traffic Impact Fees and/or outside grants. I I I I I ESTIMATED COSTS Fund Prior Years Prelim Engr Design Inspection Improvements Permit Right-of.Way $ 518,577 900,000 300,000 5,188,596 200,000 1,206,660 FINANCINGIYEARS SCHEDULE 1996-97 1997 -98 1998-99 1999.2000 2000-01 Totals Insufficient funding within CIP timeframe $8,313,833 .."""'...'*"1',,....... ::t~:~:~:~~~~:\?> ::~:?$~;;n~;$~3: I - 57 - I 1996-2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM I PROJECT NO. Not Yet Assigned PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1-580 Offramp Improvements at San Ramon Road ACTIVITY STREETS I I DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project would provide modifications to the 1-580 westbound offramp, including a traffic signal to control the conflict between the northbound traffic from Pleasanton and the westbound-to-northbound off-ramp traffic. I I I I I COMMENTS This improvement was identified as being a necessary traffic improvement through the City's Downtown Improvement Study. It is anticipated to be funded through a traffic mitigation fee for the Dublin Downtown Commercial area or as a portion of the longer range Caltrans 1-580/1-680 interchange improvements. As it is on the State right-of-way, coordination and permits would be required from Caltrans. I I I I I I I I ESTIMATED COSTS Fund Prior Years Prelim Engr Design/lnsp Improvements Miscellaneous $50,000 120,000 669,400 5.600 Insufficient funding within CIP timeframe $845,000 I I .................. .. ..................... ...................... ........................................... ~W1~~H;~;~jU ~~~i~tj ~i i ~~~~ ~~~~ JQTAJ::::W:::~:::~:::~~r:;;} '($li4$iQQ{):r ::::[Ql'At;:S FINANCINGNEARS SCHEDULE 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-01 Totals . . . ................""....... ...........,....,,,,..,.... ................,,,,....... ...................".,.... ..................................',.,','..,'......... ..................",,,.... ..""".......... r;;:::$I34$;l)Q{)( ::::~~:::::::::: ~: ~: ~: ~:~: ~ :~:~: ~:~: ~ :~:~;~;~:~~!:i:i:j:j:~:j::::::; - 58 - 1 1 I I I 1 I I 1 1 1 1'- 1 I I 1 I I I 1996-2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. Not Yet Assigned PROJECT DESCRIPTION San Ramon Road Slope Stabilization Between Vomac Road & Alcosta Boulevard ACTIVITY STREETS DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project would stabilize the hillside slope on the west side of San Ramon Road between Vomac Road and Alcosta Boulevard. The slope repair would consist of removing the existing slope, installing an inslope drainage system, and providing engineered backfill. COMMENTS An engineering soil investigation has indicated that the slope on the western side of San Ramon Road between Vomac Road and Alcosta Boulevard could become unstable under saturated or seismic conditions. By implementing this project the slope would become stable, thus protecting the roadway improvements as well as the private properties above the slope. ESTIMATED COSTS Fund Prior Years Design/lnsp Topography Improvements Miscellaneous $45,500 5.000 349.000 500 Insufficient funding within CIP timeframe $400,000 FINANCINGIYEARS SCHEDULE 1996-97 1997.98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-01 Totals TcttAL;:::: ................... ..>::$4~Q;QP(j::::: ::::::::::::::;:::;:;:::;:::; - 59 - I I I I 1996-2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. 9687 PROJECT DESCRIPTION New Street Parallel to and South of Dublin Boulevard ACTIVITY STREETS DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project will construct a 2-lane roadway between Golden Gate Drive and Regional Street south of and parallel to Dublin Boulevard. I I I COMMENTS The need for a connector road for three long commercial cul-de-sacs was identified in the City's Downtown Study. The need will become more apparent as this portion of the Central Business District develops further and the proposed BART parking lot is constructed along Golden Gate Drive. It now appears that the section of this parallel road between Amador Plaza Road and Golden Gate Drive will be constructed through the Alameda County Transportation Authority as part of the 1-580/1-680 Measure B Interchange Improvements. It is expected that the City's project, between Golden Gate Drive and Regional Street, would be funded through private contributions in the form of a downtown traffic development impact fee and as developer mitigation improvements. I I I I I I I To date, the City has incurred costs for the roadway alignment study and for the acquisition of a parcel of land just west of Amador Plaza Road. I I ESTIMATED COSTS Fund Prior Years I $ 42,124 122.000 1,329,595 752,000 1,000 300 $6,719 Insufficient funding within CIP timeframe $2.240,000 Prelim Engr Design/lnsp Right-Of-Way Improvements Miscellaneous I I FINANCINGIYEARS SCHEDULE 1996-97 1997 -98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-01 Totals $ 6,719 :noc. ::: T~l:ii}:>}:.$Z;~ii;1:1$:::~~ :::. :': .OCAt;$}:>:}>~$~;tj,:::>:::::::n:::::~:~~~:~:~:~::~:::::::::::::::::':::::::U~~::::::::::::U~:'::: ::::::::::::::t::::\::::::::::.:.:.:.:.:>:::~::::::::::::>~n:::::'n;~ii;7'~: - 60 -