HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 3.1 RecycledWaterPresentation (2) CITY CLERK FILE # [Z][Q][Q][Q]-[2J[a] DERWA DSRSD.EBMUD RECyclEd WATER AUTHORiry _J?ARTIVERS iN ~TER RECycliNCj .;. .. .:. June 27, 1996 Mr. Richard Ambrose, City Manager City of Dublin 100 Civic Plaza Dublin, CA 94568 Subject: Presentation to City Council on DSRSD-EBMUD Recycled Water Program Dear Mr. Ambrose: The Dublin San Ramon Services District-East Bay Municipal Utility District Recycled Water Authority (DERWA) is a joint powers authority comprised of DSRSD and EBMUD which has been actively planning for the implementation of the San Ramon Valley Recycled Water Program. The program involves the service of recycled water to existing and future identified demands within and adjacent to the Cities of Dublin and San Ramon and the Toyvn of Danville. The next step in this planning effort will be the circulation of a Draft Environmental Impact Report and a Facilities Plan, which are expected to be released by DERWA within 2-4 weeks. Due to the impending release by DERWA of the Draft Environmental Impact Report and the Facilities Plan, we have discussed with Lee Thompson our desire to make a brief presentation to the City Council, reviewing the status of facility planning efforts and the key elements of the Draft EIR for the Recycled Water Program. We are available to make this presentation when it is convenient to schedule it for the City Council. Please let us know if this proposal meets with your approval. We look forward to discussing this project with the Council. Thank you for your assistance in scheduling this presentation. Sincerely, . ~_ .:::::;p- hf~ '_ ..?f"' .., ~~/C~//F4?i4:~~ BERT MICHALCZYK Authority Manager BWW:BLM:sjc cc: Lee Thompson, Public Works Director f:\... webb\derWlIIlImbrose.ltr ITEM NO. 7051 DubliN BoulEVARd. DubliN, CA 94568 . (510) 828-0515 FAX: (510) 829-118c SECTION 1 DRAFT.~ INTRODUCTION OVERVIE\V AND BACKGROUND In ajoint effort, the Dublin San Ramon Services District (DSRSD) and the East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) are developing the San Ramon Valley Recycled Wmer Program. a project intended to provide recycled water service to irrigation customerl' in the San Ramon Valley vicinity. After individually studying separate recycled water projects since 1990. the two agencies fomled the DSRSO.EBMUD Recycled Water Authority (DERW A). a Joint Powers Authority UPA). in June 1995 to implement the joint program. The purpOl'C of DERW A. as stuted in ,its Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement. is al' followl': "The purpose of the Authority [DERW A] is to maximize the amount of Recycled Water delivered while recovering its costs. The Authority shall implement and may expand the joint Recycled Water Program. Consistent with thil' effort, the Authority may select a Project or Projects implementing or expanding such Program, perform necessary environmental reviews, develop public information, arrange required financing, acquire property, design and construct a Project or Projects, and provide for management, operation, and maintenance of such Project or Projects'" .'.,....-. '. . " DERW A and its member agencies are developing policies regarding specific responsibilities for and demarcation of facilities and recycled water ownership. However, each of DERW A's member agencies, Le. DSRSD and EBMUD. are responsible for marketing recycled water to their respective customers. PROJECT PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES The purpose of the San Ramon Valley Recycled Water Program (Prqject) is to provide recycled water to eX,isting and potential future irrigation customers in and adjacent to the water service areal' of EBMUD and DSRSD, including the communities of Dublin. San Ramon. Danvillc. and Blackhawk in Alameda and Contra Costa Counties. Recvcled water would be used for irrigation in lieu of potable water supplies. Each of the member agencies il' developing a recycled water policy that wilJ serve as the bac;is for sales of recycled water to both existing and future customers in each agency's service area. The recycled water will be obtained from one or more of several potential sources of supply, The primary source of supply, assuming an agreement between the affected agencies can be completed. will be the DSRSD wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). south of Interstate 580 and east of Interstate 680, which treatc; wastewater from the DSRSD wastewater service area and the City of Pleasanton. Additional sources of !iupply could include treated wastewater flow from the City of Livermore. treated wastewater r;:onveyed through the Livermore Amador Valley Water Management Agency (LA VWMA), aud transfers of raw wastewater from the ._'_::, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (CCCSD). Flowl' from CCCSD would be treated at the DSRSD WWTP. ' DRAFT Rev. 6/12/96 1-1 .''''1"'." \. I . .. 5 DRAFT Seasonal augmentation of wastewater supplies may be required to meek peak summer irrigation demands. A potential means of seasonal supply augmentation includes the use of local aquifer sub-basins for storing recycled water produced during low demand periods for extraction during the peak summer irrigation season. Other means include the use of groundwater or potable water to meet peak summer irrigation demand. The objective of this Facilities Plan is to develop and compare facility configurations and customer service options to optimize the extent of recycled water service to the Study Area. minimizing the cost of delivering reG-yded water and utilizing the most feasible recydeGl water supply sources available to the Project. Transmission. storage. pumping, and distribution facilities required to deliver recycled water to the identified customers. as well as the retrofit requirements at existing customer potable irrigation water connections. are evaluated. Scasonal storage and seasonal supply augmentation using the Bishop and Dublin groundwater sub- basins (fringe basins') for seasonal storage of recycled water or a source of groundwater supply is also evaluated, as is the use of potable water as a seasonal source of l'upply. Not included in this Facilities Plan are the DSRSD \V\VTP improvements rcquired for production of the recycled water. The treatment plant improvements arc included in the DSRSD Capirallmprovcmcnt Budgel (CIP #95C 1037). Facilities planning for these facilities have been preparcd by DSRSD'. These facilities would be utilized by DERW A to producc recycled water through a supply contract between DSRSD and DERW A. The San Ramon Valley Recycled Water Program il' being undertaken by DERW A. Upon completion of the facilities planning, environmental review, and financial planning processes. a determination can be made regarding which facilities will be built by DERW A and which will be built by the member agencies. STUDY AREA BOUNDARIES The Study Area is shown on Figure 1-1. The study area includes all of the Dublin San Ramon Services District water l'crvice area, the southeastern portion of the East Bay Municipal Utility District water service area. and areas adjacent to each agency's service area where development is either approved or where it il' presently undergoing planning and review and where recycled water for irrigation could be utilized. These areas are generally known a<;: . City of Dublin · City of San Ramon · Portion of" the City of Danville · Blackhawk · Doughel1Y Valley . Eastern Dublin · WestClll Dublin · Tassajara Valley The Study Area boundary is approximately comprised of the City of Danville and City of San Ramon westerly city limits to the west. the Western Dublin planning area western boundary to the southwest, the City of Dublin southern city limit line to the south, the Eastern Dublin I Dublin San Ramon Scrvit:cs Distrit:t Wastewater Fillration and Disinfcction System Evaluation Final Report. Brown and Caldwell. Jun..: IYlJ-l. DRAFT Re\". 6112/96 1-2 .' ] ] ] 1 J ~ .... .. :; I;.) -; 1 '" l I I I I I I I I r -- . I DRAFT -" - - - - - . --..! - ",-..... , / . . ",.... \--+;..... .;.~........., .' . '. . - \, DANVILlE . . . . . .- ".. . ..: .....-.. ...... . ....)1.... '-:. -". ..' ....--" ~....- ...:. r- --- -~ I , J r ......' " WESTERN r-'- / ;' '- - :; " !5 ~. ., ~ <> g ... '" ... i ... . DUBLIN :---f~; -~...... - """"""'...../"......~~.....i . . E d- o s.' j; ... o 8500 F<<\ -- L.mENP Customer Service Category SAN RAMON VALLEY RECYCLED WATER PROGRAM FIGURE 1-1 ._ Study Area Boundaries !- Exlating De""lopm"nt within DSRSD/EBMUD Service A....u App,ovod Dewlopment within EBMUD Serviooo A..u (8_ NotDl Approvod Development within DSRSD S..rv;ooo A....' (5_ Not.>) Aporoved De""lopmont outside DSRSD/EBMUD Sorvice A.."" Propoaod Devolopment. not Y"'t ..pp<o"od. o..aid.. S..,.",;co A",... . /.....",.~ ERMtm tnti....~ ScMec Asu Bouadaty lmcnw.. Hip"way. Roood. R ai1rnadA Ca:>- Bo~ F..><illling CuaoU>C1' Loc:.o.tioo. .""....,."" ~ NOIe: Th<.rc will "'" iInI>n> icii1I de'Volop_ wiIhin the ~ dcvolopmcat 4IrCl, The demand from _\"., ~...r:"1 ~_.._1...__....:_:_ ~'.."~.r:... .\..:~ ~_t ___ ~;.~ C:;-~ TGOt,,1EHY ~-~~.l sor~ J 1 /e .. e-.-- -, e:: ~ DRAFT Specific Plan sphere of influence boundary2 to the southeast, the Tassajara Valley planning area boundary~ to the east and northeast, and the EBMUD ultimate service area boundary4 to the north. The nonherly boundary is based on previous studies prepared by DERW A and its member agenciess, with the addition of an area stretching north to Diablo Country Club in Danville. The northern boundary of the Study Area has been limited to include the Diablo Country Club area. which has a significant irrigation demand. This northerly limit is conl'idered the maximum extent to which recycled water from the Project could economically be conveyed. An analYl'is of the most cost effecti ve-J.imit. for serving recycled water within the Study. Area is included in Section 8. J ] ] ~ - ...' ..... "". ..... ~ .. .,- -= '" .. 0.; 6 --------~ /~ DRAFT .- '-.. ~. ~~ ~r- .../ --------=--:--....... f -~ ~ --~ -- -...... -~....~ -, \~- .. u -; . ...:- b l<i .--' -, " ~ t .: c: ! -" E i Ii: a: "- !'> --. ,. -tl 2 ~ ... Tank 4 Site '-\ Pump Station 4'Site ...... ..,~. '. '-'---. ~"-Pump Statio .,.. ~ ':lA S't 6 Sit.. ~ao!>,.... !EI. ..1 \ . '--Tllnl:--6 SIte_I --- '. .l ..... l " ,. - '; ri - Tank: . iJ~ Station Site .,." ~O Slta - ... '" '" ,. ~ ,-- E ., ;; ;, ~ Notll; Tren.mi..ion f.cilit.. .hCJwn for .. _~_~__ Project Op lion 1 o 8500 P""l LEGE~D A...... Exi.ting De""lopm..nt wi'lhln DSRSD/EBMUD S..rvice A....u APPfo.....d O"""lt>pm..nt wIthin EBMUD S.rvi.... Ant.. IS..., Notoll ApPl'O""d o..""jopm..nt within DSRSD Sorvi.... A..... IS..., NotOll Appr"""d o.......lopment oublid. DSRSD/EBMUD S.rvi.... Ar.... Propo...d O"""'lopm.nt not .".,t .PP'"ovl>Cl. o~ld. S.rvic.. A...... Plp.line. ............... SAN RAMON VALLEY RECYCLED WATER PROGRAM FIGURE ES-9 Pn>p00l0d 1~>biO<l PipoliD:oe SDb-~v" Pipeline. InI.....I.a.., Hiib-y. Road. Railroad. Cir::-' BoUQd.ori~. c.......I), R~- SPRR-Bollinger ." Alternative Transmission Alignment "'....,,, ~ . o Thin' will be futu.-c, infiII devclop......u. wirhin the c~ d<:vclopm=t ...ca, 1"bt domerld tr..... the mIilI devolopmcat i. included iD Chia ca""ory. N<<c: Prim.ry R.....rvoir .nd Pump Loo.lion S.rving E><i.ting Cu.tom.... Prim.ry R...rvoir lInd Pump LDcation Serving t=utur& Cuctomo~ ~ ~ r,,:~ u ~.~ ~ !...~:::"1 ?~~ t t..c: ~....~ ~_ ~ .:... .~.";;\