HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.01 Draft Minutes 9-3-96 (2)
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REGULAR MEETING - September 3, 1996
A regular meeting of the Dublin City Council was held on Tuesday, September 3,
1996, in the Council Chambers of the Dublin Civic Center. The meeting was called to
order at 7:03 p.m., by Mayor Houston.
PRESENT: Councilmembers Barnes, Burton, Howard, Moffatt and Mayor Houston.
Mayor Houston led the Council, Staff and those present in the pledge of allegiance to
the flag.
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7:04 p.m. 3.1 (610-50)
Mayor Houston read a proclamation declaring the month of September as "School's
Open - Drive Carefully" month in the City and urzed all motorists to keep a watchful
eye out for children and young adults who will be returning to school during this time
of year.
Mayor Houston presented the Proclamation to Lt. Norm Gomes with the Dublin Police
Services and requested that he get it to the California State Automobile Association,
who requested it.
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7:05 p.m. 3.2 (610-50)
Mayor Houston read a proclamation recognizing and congratulating the Dublin Little
League Senior Major Division "White Sox" team on their District title and wished them
the best of luck in their future sporting endeavors. This is a first in Dublin's history.
Leroy Maes is the Team Manager and the players include Jesse Beal, Erik Brundage,
Justin Bryant, Jarrod Cox, Matthew Gartner, Robert Jackson, Grant Johnson, Anthony
Maes, Sean Parker, Ryan Van Emmerik, and Robert Whitaker.
The team presented the City with a picture taken when they won the title.
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September 3, 1996
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7:08 p.m. 3.3 (610-50)
Mayor Houston read a proclamation recognizing and congratulating the Tri - Valley
Tigers, for their second place finish in the 1996 Babe Ruth World Series held in
Manteo, North Carolina and wished them the best of luck in their future sporting
endeavors. They are based at Camp Parks in Dublin.
Assemblyman Richard Rainey was present to congratulate the players and he stated he
was supposed to have a California State Resolution commending the team. It will be
delivered within the next week or so. He recognized the team for this outstanding
Steve Lesher from Congressman Baker's office stated Congressman Baker would have
liked to have been present, but the House is back in session in Washington, D.C.,
tomorrow. He will insert a statement in the official Congressional record.
The team thanked everybody for their support.
Coaches of the team are Joe DeProspero, Rick McEwen, Bill Tonis and Bob Ahlers.
Players include Blake DiPietro, Garrett Dutra, David Jensen, Chris Patrick, Rich Torres,
Corrigan Willis, Mike Ward, Steve Ahlers, Brian Candelario,J. Charbonneau, Danny
Harkness, Andy Lenci, Mike Albanese, Jason Kilpatrick, Matt Richardson, Craig Snyder
and Henry Young.
8:30 AM
On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous vote, the
Council took the following actions:
. Approved (4.1) Minutes of Regular Meeting of August 13, 1996;
Accepted (4.2 150-70) a $1,000 grant from DeSilva Gates to be used to fund the
bicycle unit of Dublin Police Services; authorized the Mayor to execute a Budget
Change Form; and directed Staff to prepare a formal acknowledgment to the donor;
Adopted (4.3 600-40)
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Accepted (4.4 150-70) a gift of $192 from United Way of Santa Clara County on
behalf of Robin E. Andrew, designated for use by the Dublin Senior Center;
Adopted (4.5 570-20)
Authorized (4.6 600-30) Staff to advertise for bids for San Ramon Road Drainage
Improvements at Caroline Court and San Ramon Road Drainage Repair at Shannon
Park, Contract 96-06;
Authorized (4.7 600-30) the Mayor to execute an Agreement between the City of
Dublin and Tri-Valley Community Television (CTV 30) for taping and broadcasting
Dublin City Council meetings ($365 per meeting) for the remainder of FY 1996-97
Approved (4.8 300-40) the Warrant Register in the amount of $2,110,595.85.
7:17 p.m. 6.1 (590-40)
Mayor Houston opened the public hearing.
Public Works Director Thompson advised that Staff recently received a request for
consideration of an all-way stop at the intersection of Vomac Road and Shannon'
Avenue. This intersection is currently controlled by a one-way stop for eastbound
traffic on Shannon Avenue.
Mr. Thompson advised that the intersection meets the City's requirements for all-way
stop signs. Even though warrants were not met for residential area and traffic
accidents, traffic volumes were met. The warrant for elementary school crossing is
also satisfied; The school facility has been occupied by Valley Christian School for a
number of years. The Valley Christian School has now moved to its own campus;
however, Dublin Unified School District has indicated that the school will be
reactivated as a public school, probably in about a year. DUSD has indicated they
favor the stop signs, particularly in view of the fact that some of the students will be
coming from the area west of San Ramon Road and will therefore have to cross V omac
Road to get to school.
Cm. Burton questioned the fact that since it meets the warrants, it seemed to be an
automatic thing.
September 3, 1996
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Mr. Thompson advised that the City Council still has to app!t it.
Cm. Moffatt asked if there will be yellow crossing marks.
Mr. Thompson stated there is yellow marking now and it will remain that way.
No testimony was entered by any member of the public relative to this issue.
Mayor Houston closed the public hearing.
Cm. Burton stated he felt this is justified.
On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous vote, the
Council adopted
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7:19 p.m. 7.1 (950-70) .
Parks & Community Services Director Lowart presented the Staff Report and advised .
. that Cm. Barnes requested that the City Council reconsider a $12,000 funding request
from RFD. The request for funding was originally considered during the FY 199.6-97
Budget deliberations. '
Ms. Lowart reviewed the history of RFD and a description of their services, including:
Child Care Subsidies; Child Care Resource and Referral Services; and Child Care Food
Program. The $12,000 requested funding included: Training - $1,600; pre-licensing
- $375; Registry - $3,000; Awards - $2,325; Employers' Quarterly - $2,200; and
Valleywide Annual Child Care Report - $2,500.
Ms. Lowart explained that RFD has grown from an initial budget of $150,000 in 1976
to $5.6 million in 1996. The majority of the current funding comes from contracts
with the Federal government that are disbursed either through the California
Department of Education or the County of Alameda. In addition, RID receives State
funding for some of its programs. The balance of the budget comes from parent fees,
contracts with corporations, contracts with the Cities of Livermore and Pleasanton, and
occasional small grants from foundations for special projects.
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Ms. Lowart advised that representatives from RFD were present to make a presentation
to the Council, and stated if the Council wishes to provide funds to RFD, it will be
necessary to authorize an additional appropriation from the General Fund Unallocated
Cm. Burton asked about her comment on reducing pollution.
Ms. Lowart stated this was not part of her report.
Ruth Freis, Co-Director with RFD addressed the Council. She stated it isn't the case
that everyone knows about everything they do simply because they have been around
since 1976. She stated Diane made a very thorough and excellent presentation. She
talked about why they are asking for funding. The 96-97 budget is in place and it is
balanced. The money they are requesting tonight will go for services to enhance the
City of Dublin. Childcare is increasingly more important to businesses when they are
considering where to locate. Families cannot afford to move to a community where
there is not appropriate quality care. This is an essential; it is no longer a luxury with
both parents working. She thanked the City Council for allowing them to make this
presentation and hoped they would get a positive response.
Cm. Moffatt asked with regard to the people who provide child care if they are
licensed and if she had any idea of how many are licensed versus unlicensed.
tit Ms. Freis stated it is very difficult to determine who is unlicensed in the community.
Cm. Moffatt asked if they could get a list of licensed providers.
Ms. Freis asked for what purpose. The list would be considered confidential
information. "
Cm. Moffatt stated the City has a business registration requirement and he thought
they would like to be registered.
Ms. Freis stated they would be happy to provide any information from the City to their
clients in Dublin.
Cm. Barnes asked if at the current time we are under or over on child care providers.
Ms. Freis responded it is very age specific and depends on whether the parent needs 9
to 5 time or works a split shift and/or needs unusual care, etc. This type of care is
difficult to make a perfect match. They get a lot of calls from new moms trying to
determine if it makes sense financially to go back to work.
September 3, 1996
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Cm. Burton stated he understands they are a clearing house for subsidies. He asked if
all the different sources of funding have the same criteria. He asked if they have a pool
of funds and if they are each separate with separate qualifications to qualify. .
Ms. Freis stated the various programs have some similar requirements, but they have
to be income eligible and they pay on a sliding scale basis. They administer 9 different
funds with different requirements. Some are limited to teenage parents, but primarily
the target group is a group of parents they identify as the working poor who without
assistance would not be able to be employed.
Cm. Burton stated he felt it would have made a big difference if they had brought out
some of this information months ago when the Council considered their request.
Cm. Barnes asked if we have a shortage of providers for the newborn to 2 year old
grou p. She also asked if they are able to assist providers with getting their business
started and getting their child care license, etc.
Ms. Freis stated they would like to assist Dublin by providing training. There are
contracting and other issues involved that they need to understand; otherwise there is
a tremendous turnover and this is not healthy for the child.
Mayor Houston asked if they get involved in supplying names of providers.
Ms. Freis stated they give at least 3 referrals whenever possible. They do a counseling :..
session with the family first. Then they list their providers by elementary school
district. Some parents prefer to have their care closer to where they work. They never
place, they only refer. The parents make the final decision.
Mayor Houston stated they were here 18 months ago requesting funds through the
CDBG Program. He noted that neighboring cities don't provide funding through
CDBG and he asked her to comment on the requirements for CDBG funding.
Ms. Freis stated CDBG funding is limited to low income families and this eligibility is
determined by the federal Government. Most of their programs are available across
the board.
Cm. Barnes asked if families who have problems can come to them and they give steps
to reaching a solution to the problem?
Ms. Freis responded absolutely; they make an effort to help both parents and providers
to work out problems.
John Wagner, 8342 Mulberry Place stated he was disturbed by this. He has a
daughter who is divorced with 2 small children and she does just fine finding her own
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child care. He heard them say they don't need funding to balance their budget. Just
because this $12,000 is taxpayer's money, he questioned if we have to play "monkey
see, monkey do"? Much of the funding will be spent in other communities. He stated
he would rather see the money go for other things such as saving Shannon Center, or
another police officer, or youth activities. The money can be better spent on other
Dawn Gallup, 8375 Davona Drive stated her chosen profession is family child care.
She was happy to hear that the City Council had reconsidered this issue. She brought
information she said she would share after the meeting if time permits. She wore her
pins of achievement earned when she was in Pleasanton. She is excited that the
foundation of our City is getting strong. The youth in our community is growing and
getting strong. We need to build on their foundations. She runs her center like a
home. She stated she received 6 phone calls from Dublin residents looking for infant
care today. The demand will skyrocket as we grow. She said she couldn't say enough
about what RFD has done for her. We need to open up to new things that are
Neil McLean (no address given) stated his wife has a daycare here in Dublin. He was
initially opposed to this idea, but hearing what they are planning, he has changed his
feelings. He feels this will solve some of the problems such as unlicensed daycare.
Through the business, they hear a lot. In many cases, children are merely plopped
down in front ofa TV. They are not quite horror stories, but scary. It isn't easy to deal
with government to get these centers set up. Maintaining excellent daycare would be
nothing but good for Dublin. Trying to get adequate staff is a nightmare. He stated he
hoped the Council would support this program.
Cm. Burton stated he belongs to a subcommittee of the Private Industry Council and
agreed that education is important. If you are a single parent and you need to go to
work, you need quality child care. There is over $5 million from various agencies that
go to this agency. When you have this much public money involved, you need a
watchdog. This is a clearinghouse for all this subsidy. It should be properly used and
accounted for. He stated he will support this.
Cm. Howard stated if she had this information to begin with she would have
supported it.
Cm. Moffatt commented that if you talk to any Realtor, the first thing people want to
know is' about the schools and the next question is related to child care centers. RFD
provides good training, subsidies, recognition of child care providers, etc. Up until 2
months ago, his wife was a child care provider. He can now vote on this issue since
his wife is no longer in the business.
September 3, 1996
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Mayor Houston adViSed!n aside that a liaison meeting isthedUled with Dublin
Unified School District related to child care and afterschool care. This is one
component of the issue.
Cm. Barnes thanked those citizens who called her and invited her to go out to RFD for
a cram course. We are always trying to attract new businesses here and we want
companies to come here who care about their employees. She sees RFD doing this, and
stated she is sold on RFD.
On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Barnes, and by unanimous vote, the
Council allocated $12,000 from the General Fund Unallocated Reserves to this
7:52 p.m. 8.1 (140-20)
City .Manager Ambrose advised that this years' League of California Cities annual
conference will be held in Anaheim on October 13-15. At the annual business
meeting, the membership will take action on conference resolutions which guide cities
and the League in their efforts to improve the quality, responsiveness and vitality of
local government in California.
League bylaws provide that each city is entitled to one vote in matters affecting .
municipal or League policy. It is therefore necessary for the City of Dublin to officially
notify the League of who will be the City's voting delegate and alternate.
em. Moffatt stated he will be attending as a member of a League Policy Committee and
also as Vice President of the East Bay Division.
Cm. Barnes stated she is normally the alternate, but because of conflicts and the time
of year, she will not be able to attend.
Cm. Burton stated he will be returning from a NAHRO conference, so he could
possibly attend. He asked if both the delegate and alternate need to attend.
Staff clarified that the City only gets one vote. If the delegate is unable to attend and
vote, then the alternate could cast the City's vote.
By a consensus, the Council determined that Cm. Moffatt will be the delegate and Cm.
Burton will be the alternate.
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Ms. Keck requested that em. Burton contact her in order that she can coordinate the
travel and lodging reservations.
7:55 p.m. 8.2 (600-30/1010-30)
Administrative Assistant Honse stated recent changes in Federal laws related to
telecommunications affect the environment in which cities interact with providers of
these services. The Telecommunications Act of 1996 resulted in a sweeping and
comprehensive overhaul of telecommunications regulations. The intent of this historic
legislation was to encourage industry competition and technological advancement.
Mr. Honse stated it is common for these service providers to seek access to public
right-of-way and in some cases, the cities also obtain franchise revenue for the use of
the right-of-way. Adjacent cities have proposed to jointly secure consultant services to
assure that City policies are consistent with the new Federal regulations and that the
public interest is protected.
Mr. Honse discussed the Scope of Work as detailed in the Staff Report and explained
that adequate funding for the proposed project is available in the fiscal Year budget
for Community Television Rate Review (provided that rate review services are not
required) .
Cm. Moffatt asked where the fees for television go andlor how we pay for streets being
opened. He thought much is reinvested back into CTV 30.
Mr. Ambrose stated all franchise fees for various utilities go into the general fund and
are not designated for any particular service although there are a number of services
we provide related to those services.
Cm. Moffatt asked if any of the funds filter into the pot when we tear up the streets.
Mr. Ambrose stated when a utility cuts into the street they pay, but once you cut the
street it is never the same after it has been trenched. What they are paying for is some
of the lost life of the streets.
Cm. Moffatt asked if funds derived from some of the newer systems might be
earmarked for specific activities.
Mr. Ambrose stated any response would be purely speculative at this point.
Cm. Burton asked if we had put in conduits for utilities in Dublin Boulevard.
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Mr. Ambrose stated we hI done it underground to the bes! our current ability, but
things change. If you have a proliferation of these types of providers, it may not be
enough. .
On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Barnes, and by unanimous vote, the
Council authorized the City's participation with the Cities of Livermore, Pleasanton
and San Ramon to hire Telecommunications Management Corporation as a consultant
to assist in a project to develop regional telecommunications policies at a cost not to
exceed $2,500.
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8:05 p.m.
Upcoming Meetings (610-05)
Mr. Ambrose reminded the Council of the upcoming joint meeting regarding the
Heritage Center on September 30 at 6 p.m. in the Regional Meeting Room.
The Dublin Unified School District liaison meeting will be held on September 23 at
4 p.m.
There will be a senior volunteer recognition dinner at the Senior Center on
September 27 at 6 p.m.
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Fire Service Providers (540-70)
Mr. Ambrose reported that Staff is in the process of putting together a report with
recommendations for th~_provision of fire service. Because of limited Council
availability for the balance of September, he suggested that the City Council consider
taking 2 meetings for the presentations. All 5"Councilmembers won't be here until
October 1st. He suggested an absent Councilmember might review the tape.
Cm. Barnes stated she will be absent on September 17, but with TV and the tape if the
City Council wants to go ahead, she would be home the night it is shown and could
watch it and update herself.
Mr. Ambrose stated Staff would try and schedule something during the week of
September 23.
Cm. Howard stated she will return from her trip on September 30.
Cm. Moffatt felt we should proceed ahead because of the tight timeframe and get some
of the questi~ns answered.
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Mr. Ambrose proposed for the first meeting, to let the providers make a half hour
presentation each and this would be a special meeting.
Mayor Houston suggested having the special meeting on Tuesday, September 24.
Staff advised that CTV would not be able to tape the meeting on September 24.
The Council discussed holding the meeting on Monday, September 23. DarIa Stevens
with CTV 30 said Monday would be fine for taping. The Council agreed to start the
meeting at 6 p.m.
Cm. Burton asked if there was any significance to the letter received from the fireman.
Mr. Ambrose stated this wasn't the most appropriate time to comment, but stated the
letter was not authorized by the Fire Authority.
Traffic Control Safety (590-90)
Cm. Howard stated she had several people call with problems with MCE trucks
stopping on Dublin Boulevard and they don't put cones out far enough in advance.
Mr. Ambrose stated we had a problem with Redgwick Construction, but he had not
heard of a problem with MCE. Staff will check into this.
Traffic Regulations (590-20)
Cm. Howard asked with regard to the left turn lane on Dublin Boulevard, if it would
be possible to put arrows on the roadway further down, maybe in front of the theater.
She stated a lot of people get in that lane and don't realize they will have to turn.
Mr. Thompson stated Staff would take a look at this.
Bicycle Safety (580-40)
Cm. Moffatt stated he was concerned with summer being over and with more and
more cyclists on ~he streets who aren't obeying traffic laws. He asked if the Parks &
Community Services Department or the Police Department could give a course in
bicycle safety and maybe we could stop some potential accidents from happening.
September 3, 1996
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Mr. Ambrose stated we dttrovide courses to school childreln bicycle safety.
Lt. Gomes sta,ted Deputy Skarphol puts on classes on a fairly regular basis for school .' , .'..'
age children.
Cm. Moffatt stated he was more concerned about adults. They just go zoom through
4-way stop sign locations with little concern for who's coming or what's happening.
Another concern is people who ride at night and you can hardly see them. We are
getting more bikes on Dublin streets at night and we need to get more control over
this. Another issue is those who ride their bikes across the street in the crosswalks. He
understands this is illegal.
Tri-Valley Council Meeting (140-80)
Cm. Barnes asked if any further information had been received related to the Tri-
Valley Council meeting on September 25 being hosted by the Town of Danville.
Staff advised that information would be distributed.
Traffic Study (590-40)
Cm. Barnes felt we need to look at doing a traffic study at Amador Valley Boulevard
and Brighton Drive. School started today and she got a lot of phone calls left on her
machine about high volumes of traffic there. We may need to consider stop signs.
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Display of Plaques @ Civic Center (200-10)
Mayor Houston stated a Boy Scout Troop had one of their members who recently had
an Eagle Court of Honor in the Council Chambers and since they do not have a
permanent home, he would like to see the plaques they receive placed alongside the
other plaques the City has on the walls. He asked the Council to think about this.
em. Moffatt asked if it would be shown for a period of time and then be removed.
Mayor Houston stated he thought it would be a good idea to have them as a permanent
fixture. It would be a nice gesture to find a small piece of wall space here at City Hall.
He asked if this needed to be agendized.
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Cm. Barnes stated she would like to see a Hall of Honors at Shannon Center. She has
looked at Shannon very carefully and felt there are places where these types of things
could be out and viewed and displayed.
Cm. Howard agreed and stated most of the service clubs receive awards and there's no
place to display them.
Mayor Houston asked if in the short term we could find a space and then if we find a
grander place we can do it then.
Mr. Ambrose stated he would deal with this administratively.
Crosswalk (820-20)
Mayor Houston discussed the fact that on Dublin Boulevard at Donlon Way, there was
previously a crosswalk there, but with the overlay this has gone away. Some elderly
people are upset about this. He talked to Staff about this and they said crosswalks give
people a false sense of security. He requested that we look into this and consider
giving this back to the people. Donlon is the narrowest point along this stretch of
Dublin Boulevard.
Cm. Burton felt it should be with the median so people could at least make it halfway
with a break.
Mayor Houston requested that this issue be brought back for discussion.
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Recreation Afterschool Drop In Program (950-40)
Mayor Houston stated he recently spoke with someone who uses the City's afterschool
daycare and they questioned why the program starts a couple of weeks after school
starts and then ends before school is out.
Ms. Lowart clarified that the City's program is not a daycare program, but rather an
afternoon drop in program. We have modified our program but it is difficult to get
the program set up initially each year. She stressed that it really isn't daycare.
Traditionally, after school gets underway, it smoothes out. Staff could cost this out in
the future if the Council wants this considered.
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Heritage Center Director (910-10)
Cm. Burton congratulated Staff for selecting Bonnie Leonard to fill the opening of .
Heritage Center Director. He felt this was a great choice.
Joint Heritage Center Meeting (610-05)
Mayor Houston discussed the fact that we have a joint Heritage Center meeting
scheduled on September 30, and this is the same night that CTV 30 Valley Forum will
be held for candidates for DSRSD. Cm. Moffatt is a candidate for that Board. Mayor
Houston requested that this joint meeting be moved to the following Monday,
October 7.
Cm. Howard stated she would be out of town that week.
Ms. Lowart and Mr. Ambrose both stated they will be gone during that time also.
Cm. Barnes suggested and the Council agreed to move the starting time of the meeting
to 5 p.m., and keep it on September 30.
Membership in Convention & Visitors Bureau (470-50)
Mayor Houston stated in talking to the new owner of the Dublin Park Hotel, he threw
out an idea of funding participation in the Convention & Visitors Bureau and suggested
that maybe we could work out a plan to reimburse them from the TOT tax from any
increase in business realized. Mayor Houston felt this could be an idea worth
pursuing as they are willing to take the risk of the fee on themselves.
Mr. Ambrose stated it would be difficult to determine how much of an increase was
attributable to this as opposed to growth in the market.
Mayor Houston stated this was their idea to take some of the risk off the City.
Cm. Burton stated he did not feel a necessity for there to be a direct correlation in the
TOT. He attended a meeting recently and it was impressive to see the number of
people supporting this organization. They would be sponsoring this and if it doesn't
work, it doesn't work. His interest is knowing more what we can get from it if we
belong. We don't know if we sit on the sidelines. He felt we should look at this some
way. It's a new idea which should be put on the table.
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Mayor Houston stated when this was discussed at budget time, the deal with the new
owner had not closed. This should now be considered in light of the new ownership.
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8:34 p.m. 10.3 (600-30)
The Council recessed to a closed. session related. to Public Employee Performance
Evaluation pursuant to government Code Section 54957, Title: City Manager.
No action was taken in closed session.
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There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was
adjourned at 8:45p.m.
City Clerk
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