HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 8.1 AnnexDoughertyPlanArea (2) .. .;;t ", . CITY CLERK File # [Z][Q][Q]0J.[l][Q] . AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: December 17,1996 SUBJECT: Dublin San Ramon Services District Amiexation of Dougherty Valley Planning Area Report Prepared by: Richard C. Ambrose, City Manager EXHIBITS ATTACHED: Exhibit 1: Contra Costa County Local Agency F onnation Commission Meeting Agenda for December, 18, 1996 Exhibit 2: Memorandum from Robert Beebe, General Manager, Dublin San Ramon Services District dated December 6, 1996 RECOMMENDATION: - Exhibit 3: Draft Letter of Support of Dublin San Ramon Services District Annexation ~~rReview issue and provide Staff with appropriate direction. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Annexation may result in reduced water rates to the City. &ESCRIPTION: At the City Council meeting of December 4; 1996, Council requested Staff to place the issue of Dublin San Ramon Services District Annexation of Dougherty Valley on the December 17th City Council Agenda for Council discussion. The Contra Costa County Local Agency Fonnation Commission will be considering approving the annexation of the Dougherty Valley Planning Area by the Dublin San Ramon Services District for the purpose of providing water and recycled water services to that area. In the attached memorandum from General Manager Robert Beebe dated December 6, 1996, he outlines those benefits to the City' of Dublin resulting from the Dublin San Ramon Services District service to the Dougherty Valley. Staff has prepared a letter of support to the Contra Costa County Local Agency Fonnation Commission should the Council wish to support Dublin San Ramon Services District in its effort'to have this area annexed. It is Staffs recommendation that the City Council discuss this issue and provide Staff with appropriate direction. ' ------------------------------------------------------------------- g/cc-mlgs/96-qlr4/dec-96/12.17-96/dsrsd COPIES TO: DSRSD Board o.f Directors Bob Beebe, DSRSD General Manager ITEMNO.~ . .. CONTRA COSTA COUNTY LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSIOI 651 Pine Street, Eighth Ploor · Martinez, CA 9455JA122: (510) 646-4090 ~ FAX (510) 646..224l EXECUTIVE OFFICER ANNAMARIA PERRELLA MEMBERS Gayle Bishop :OW1gh& MeadQWll COllnty SuperwSDI' SJUclal DisTricts MM'dn McNair Michael MoCJl~l..i !>Ilblle Mttmi>f:r MOl'hF/#t C;fJ' COllllcil David Jameson Mark DeSaulnier $p<:dai 1)/$ll'iCt3 County Supllrvi:>ar Gayle B_ mike.... i..Jzfayeftt eft). Council ALTERNATE MEMBERS J06epb Cud.mOra Piu:>burg C;f)' COlllfci/ Davf<l KlU'nnt Pllbllt: Mltmbltl' Stephen !\iIOI'IIlll SInC;Q( Di$fricts JIm R~r.l COUJ1ty Sllpltl'Vi$or NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING AND AGENDA .........WWWWWRWRRRRft..... DATE: Wednesday, Dec:ember18, 1996A TIME: 1:30 PM O~3~3tl :'::~..",,;~,,-=:.:/:~;~:~ PLACE: Boa{"d of Supervisors Chambers 651 Pine Street, RoolllI07 Martinez, CA . The Commission shall hear and consider oral or written testimony presented.by any affected agency or any interested person who wishes to appear. Proponents or opponents, or their representatives, are expected to attend the hearings. From time to time, the Commission Chair may announce time limits and direct the focus of public comment for any given proposal. For unnoticed items, the Chair will ask for public comment. The Chair will announce the opening and closing of public hearings for noticed items, At these times. if you wish to speak. please approach the podium and speak into the microphone, starting with a clear statement of your name and address for the record. *The staff report for this meetin'l: will be available at the LAF.c.O office on December 13. 1. CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. ROLL CALL 3. DIS(LPSURE OF CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS , 4. ADOPTION OF AGENDA 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Members of the public are invited to address the Commission regarding any item which is not listed on the Agenda. . EXHIBIT 1 I Notice of Meeting and Agenda December 18, 1996 .'0. 2 . 6. CONSENT CALENDA~: Items are subject to removal from the Consent Calendar by' request of any Conunissioner or on a request for discussion by a member of the public. a) Consider approval of November 20, 1996 Regular Meeting Minutes b) Summary of Pending Proposals 7. ITEMS SET FOR HEARING LAFC 96-24: Prooosed Windemere Ranch Boundary Reor~anization and CC!1current Review and Update ofthe Sphere oOnfluence SOl Boundaries of the Contra Costa Water District (CCWD) and the Dublin-San Ramon Services District roSRSD) - Applicant: Windemere Ranch Partners This proposal is for the annexation and SOl amendments of +/- 2,319 acres of land to CCWD and DSRSD in the area known as the <<Dougherty Valley Planning Area". The Dougherty Valley is part of the subregional planning area known as the Tri-Valley) consisting of the San Ramon, Amador and LivermM~ VaIlc;ys~ and c::m;;ompassing major growth areas of south central Contra Costa and Alameda c;;ounties. As a responsible agency pursuant to the California Enviromnental Quality Act, LAFCO will review and consider an envirorunental impact report prepared by Contra Costa County. . "w ~. .. . .~... ,. ...' . , ....~ J.'.' ~ _" . 'I ~ "0 . . , .. . 8. INFORMA nON ITEMS/ANNOUNCEMENTS BY COMMISSIONERS Next Regular LAFCO Meeting Date: Agenda Deadline: January 8, 1997 December I, 1996 . ;2- . MEMORANDUM DATE: Decem ber 6, 1996 TO: Richard C. Ambrose FROM: Robert D. Beebe SUBJECT: Outline of Benefits to City of Dublin fot DSRSD Service to Dougherty Valley I. BACKGROUND · DSRSD has 35 years development and investment in water and sewer utilities for its service area. · Water utility is at the lower end of costAeffective size for stand-alone urban water retailer with current testing/analysis/reporting requirements. · SOIne benefit is gained by combining with wastewater treatment service area which is four times larger. . . Recycled water service helps further in the future, but. only if customer base expands - hence planning is being done with EBMUD. II. ECONOMY OF SCALE More than 50% of water cost is independent of actual usage by customers. Some costs: laboratory, billing, administration, is also virtually independent of the number of customers. · Laboratory, administration, billing and corporation yard costs are currently shared with sewer collection, treatment and disposal (LA VWMA). Ill. DIRECT BENEFITS PAID BY DOUGHERTY VALLEY · D.V. buying more water than they will use at build-out (much more than needed in the short tenn) - reduces wholesale cost. · D.V. is buying out-of-valley underground storage capacity which increases reliability of\.vater supply for all Zone 7 custOmers during drought. D.V. is buying into shared infrastructure which reduces connection fees about 9% in Dublin. . 1 EXHIBIT 2 '., . December 18, 1996 DRAFT Annamaria Perrella, Executive Officer Contra Costa County LAFCO 651 Pine Street, Eighth Floor Martinez, CA 94553-1229 Dear Ms. Perrella: The City of Dublin supports the annexation of the Windemere Ranch portion of Dougherty Valley to the Dublin San Ramon Services District (DSRSD) for water and recycled water services. The planning of the Dougherty Valley has been going on for almost a decade during which time the City of Dublin has closely followed the planning process. The City is satisfied that with the various mitigation measures, the project will result in a positive impact for the City of Dublin. Our support for DSRSD service to the Dougherty Valley is based on the potential of this reorganization to lower the cost of water service in this City. The approved development in your County represents a significant increase in DSRSD's customer base and due to economy of scale will allow lower future water rates for the residents and businesses of Dublin, as well as for City needs for parks, public rights~of~way and recreational property. Recently completed studies by Zone 7 indicate that on a wholesale basis alone water rate reductions of about 6% are. possible. Furthermore, the larger customer base will result in a reduced connection fee for all development in the Livermore-Amador Valley including those in areas that our City Council has approved in Eastern Dublin and elsewhere in the City. This study indicates the connection fee reduction could be as much as 9% in Dublin. The fact that DSRSD is providing new water entitlements for the Valley we view as a significantly beneficial aspect of the project. This project alone adds 15% more water entitlement for each current resident. In the short term, this will mean a much more reliable supply during times of drought. Furthermore, DSRSD will be acquiring rights to groundwater storage with an agency in Kern County that will allow the storage of 40,000 additional acre feet of water. This will enable the Valley, and all DSRSD customers, to withstand inevitable future drought in California. We view this as consequential because our athletic field and parks are important to us and we do not want to be faced with the difficult decision of turning off irrigation and losing our investment in landscaping. Finally, only through service in Alameda and Contra Costa counties will DSRSD be able to begin cost-effective and reliable recycled water deliveries. This inflation resistant water service to the irrigated areas in the City of Dublin is another economic and ecologic benefit of a broader service area. In conclusion, we support the annexation of the Windemere Ranch portion of the Dougherty Valley to the Dublin San Ramon Services District for water and recycled water services. We see this to be in the best interest of the community, the City of Dublin, and the Livermore-Amador Valley region. Sincerely, Guy S. Houston Mayor of Dublin . GSH:slh g/cc-mlgs/96-qtr4/12-17 -96/ccclafco EXHIBIT 3 'I