HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 5.1 ACTA Reauth Meas B (2) ,t:.....:~~;;,,-~:"'"::'\" 'r;;~~:~;;i.~;~~~.\:~;"~ ~", ." ' , ".''\ ';~,;(I.,":r::w;:,.".. " 7~~~~tT' , , . .:. .' !. "'?~~~~1;;!~:I;:I~~~~<'~;?i;;;':I".., ~:.. CITY CLERK File # [Z][Q]~[al-[2J[Q] <. AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCil MEETING DATE: February 4, 1997 SUBJECT: Written Communication: Presentation from Alameda County Transportation Authority (ACTA) Regarding Reauthorization of Measure B Sales Tax . Report Prepared by: Lee S. Thompson, Public Works Director EXHIBITS ATTACHED: 1) 2) Letter from ACT A., including fact sheets regarding Measure B projects A representative of ACT A., will make a brief presentation and answer questions RECOMMENDATION: 1) ,~ Receive presentation Provide an applicant for service on ACTA's Expenditure Plan Development Committee FINA..~CIAL STA TE:MENT: The City received a total of $988,499 in Measure B funds from the measure's inception to 1996. Retaining the Measure B sales tax would provide future funding for Dublin projects and for regional projects that would benefit Dublin. . DESCRIPTION: The Measure B lI2t sales tax was approved by the voters in 1986, with funding provided to the City of Dublin beginning in the 1987-88 fiscal year. City projects which have received benefit from Measure B funds in the past have primarily been for the annual street repair and overlay projects. For example, the 1996-97 Annual Overlay, which provided the new street surface for Dublin Boulevard from Donlon Way to Village Parkway, utilized an estimated $136,000 in Measure B funds. The 1996-2001 Capital Improvement Program estimates an additional $593,475 in Measure B funds to be used for Dublin's overlay projects for the four years beginning with 1997-98. Additionally, Measure B funds are being utilized for the extension of BART to Dublin, the 1-580/I-680 interchange project, and Highway 84, all of which benefit the Tri- Valley area. The current Measure B program will expire in the Year 2002. As Alameda County's transportation needs far outweigh the available funding, the Alameda County Transportation Authority (ACT A) is proposing a tax measure to extend the Measure B lI2t sales tax past the 2002 expiration date. A steering committee of elected officials representing ACT A and the Alameda County Congestion Management Agency (CMA) has been meeting since July of 1996 to oversee preparation of a new Expenditure Plan, which will outline specific projects and programs that could be included in the continuation of the sales tax measure. "'. Included in the action taken by the steering committee is formation of an Expenditure Plan Development ",. '------------------------COpiESTO:--Vi~;e-H;rri;,AC-TA------------------ ,.1 ITEM NO. g: \agenmisc\measu reb ~: ~1" i ,c" ., ~.. ~ I,;,~""." Committee (EPDC). This committee will review the projects and programs that are submitted for future consideration, draft the Expenditure Plan, and help test the levels of public acceptability and support for elements of the plan. ACTA is also seeking applicants to serve on the EPDC (see application form included with Exhibit 1). Committeemembers may be elected officials, members of the business community, educators, representatives of community groups, and so forth. The City Council may wish to propose an applicant for this committee so that Dublin's interests are represented during this process. Staifrecommends that the City Council receive the informational presentation from ACTA's representative. An additional agenda item which will outline suggested reauthorization projects for recommendation by the City of Dublin is tentatively scheduled for the February 18th City Council agenda. Page 2 ~,":':.,:... .,tIi," , .. . :. f--. " , Alameda County 1fansportation Authority 140 I Lakeside Drive Suite 600 Oakland, California 94612-4305 Telephone 510/893-3347 Facsimile 51 0/893-M 89 I-Mail ACTA2002@ao1.com Keith Carson .Chairman upervlsor , Mark Green Vice-Chairman Mayor, Union City Edward R. Campbell Supervisor \Vilma Chan Supervisor Roberta Cooper Mayor, Hayv..-ard Nora Davis Mayor, Emeryville Elihu M. Harris Mayor, Oakland Mary V. King Supervisor Gail Steele Supervisor Vincent J. Harris Executive Director ~,. . I , - ~. .!_ .rt ,----- . ~ 1,,""- '.. { ,,- ',' D __......,..t ,_ "-- i \J i-. TO: Kay Keck, City of Dublin Joan Van Brasch, Administrative Manage' January 13, 1997 ,'" ~ 1, 7:'::-' .,.)~-! CiTY U, L.tuuLIN ' FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Presentation to City Council Members The current Measure B program for transportation improvements in Alameda County is set to expire in the year 2002. The Alameda County Transportation Authority (ACTA) is required by law to prepare a new Expenditure Plan for Alameda County. A Steering Committee of elected officials representing ACTA and the Alameda County Congestion Management Agency (CMA) has met monthly since July 1996 to oversee the preparation of a new Expenditure Plan. The new plan will outline specific transportation projects and programs that could be included in the continuation of the sales tax measure. If approved by the County Board of Supervisors and by the majority of cities in the county (representing the majority of the county population), the Expenditure Plan could be proposed as a sales tax measure to county voters as early as 1998. Several interested groups have conducted self-held workshops during the months of November and December 1996. . Focus group meetings (now called community meetings) are being held throughout the month of January and presentations have been made to a few of the city councils. Each of the city councils are an important part in this process. ACT A's Executive Director, Vince Harris, is scheduled to give a brief status report to your city council members on February 4, 1997 at 7:00 pm. Enclosed are informational materials provided for council agenda packets. If you need further information, please give me a call at (510) 893-3347, xl09. cc: Vince Harris ACTA means Action ," '" !. EXPENDITURE PLAN DEVELOPMENT .RECEIVED !J~\N 1 ::, 1997 CITY G I '- '- - _" J < ~\-I::~!," C\ ';"',-:: TK-\NSI'ORT -\ Tk" -\;',HOK"Y ',-'.\1::>", (c'. ,,-' (,~'\C':STI():\ 1\:",,-\(:oME'" ,,(,t:\O ~ TO: All Interested Persons FROM: Vincent J. Harris, Executive Director, ACT A Dennis R. Fay, Executive Director, CMA ~-..,,-~. ?~., .i~. ~. ;tl~f "", ~....... ~'~w.'......., DATE: January 8, 1997 1~(l1 Lakeside Drive Suite 600 Oakland, CA "-ki12-4305 Telephone 51O~93-3347 Facsimile 510::'-93-6489 E-Mail ACTA:Cl02@aol.com SUBJECT: Application to Expenditure Plan Development Committee (EPDC) EWE~DITeRf PLAN [lE\'ELOPI\IE"T The current Measure B program for transportation improvements in Alameda County is set to expire in the year 2002. ACT A is required by law to prepare a new Expenditure Plan. A Steering Committee of elected officials representing the Alameda County Transportation Authority (ACT A) and the Alameda County Congestion Management Agency (CMA) has met monthly since July 1996 to oversee the preparation of a new Expenditure Plan ~ . ,.... . :--:.:::-:n~' Ll'71Im::;r\- Mark Green ":JY0r. Unje>n Cry Cr.~irper,c>n Nora Davis Ma\'or, Emen'dle \ 'i.e-Chairpers<'n Included in the Plan of Action is the formation of the Expenditure Plan Development Conunittee (EPDC) by the Steering Committee. This committee, representing a body of community representatives, will review the projects and programs submitted for future consideration, draft the expenditure plan and help test the levels of public acceptability and support for elements of the plan. An intensive effort over several months will be required. Ralph Appezz.ato \j~yor. ."'.l<1m,,;;ia Tom Blalock Dire.iar, BART Keith Carson Sl,.IN;;-visor An application for membership on the EPDC is enclosed. You, or someone within your organization may be interested in receiving and submitting an application for this committee. Applicants must be able to commit to the meeting schedule outlined on the last page of the application. Elihu Harris kl.w"r, O;:,ki2nd Gu;; Morrison ~'~.1yo:1 FreniC'l'H Gail Steele Supeni,or The deadline to submit applications to ACTA is February ]4. ]997. All applications will be screened by four Steering Committee Members. These members will submit a recommended EPDC membership list to the Steering Committee members, which will make final appointments on February 24, 1997. All interested persons are welcome to apply; however, please note that the number of spaces on the EPDC is limited and there is no guarantee that you will be selected to participate. Ben Tarver MaY0r, rlcasan:on Matt Williams ;)In>~["~, AC "T ~.1I15it Ayn Wieskamp C C'unci;membe~, l' ~1\,(7more ~:::~~ If you have any questions, please call Joan Van Brasch at ACTA -- (510) 893- 3347, x109. Vincent J, HaITi" :;,tT'.ltivC Dirc~icr ACT."'. Dennis R. Fay EX~::lInve Dilec,:'!:". C!v1..l\ ~*"~~W J.. ,,,.... ....;." .' .',.,-- . - . '.'(~' EXPENDITURE PLAN DEVELOPMENT , ~:... -\\1;:;):\ CC\~-''":l TR-\'\SrORTATI0' ,-\L iHORln __ . ",\EL','" C,-'~''":ll(-''GESTI()' 1\~"',~GEM["i,-\G['C) ~ 1-+01 Lakeside D:ive Suite 600 Oakland, CA O-k>12-.B05 Telephone 510'f.95-3547 Facsimile 5101&95-C>4S9 E-Mail ACT:\200l@aol.com EXPE)\;DITl'RE PLAl\' DE\"ELOPl\lE:'\T ..:..:....."T"..h'~~ C:'11tm:':~:'... Mark Green ~):or Union Cry .,olrper~on , -.. :.bra Davis Mzyor, Emeryyilie \ 'ice-Chairpcr""n Ralph Appezzato \1J)'Or, /',Jamecia Tom Blalock Director. BAAT Keith Carson Supervisor Elihu HarTi5 }'1.1)'or, Oakland Gus Morrison Iviavoc, tremC'nI Gail Steele SU?erVi50r Ben Tarver Mayor, PIcJ,an!on Matt William; jJirecto~, A.C 'cansi~ Ayn Wieskamp Councilmemc.er, Uvc=ore .H " ,:;cent J. HaITi" :;xeruti\'c Direcror ;,C,/\ Dennis R. Fay !executive Diredo:-, CvL'\ .<<S<,g 11 1)1{()tJI~f~T )IIIJ~STONI~S December 1996 through September 1997 Self-Held Workshops Community Meetings: Central County (Hayward, San Leandro) North County (Alameda, Albany, Berkeley, Emeryville, Oakland, Piedmont) South County (Fremont, Newark, Union City) East County (Dublin, Livermore, Pleasanton) Workshops/Status Meetings with City Councils (other groups as requested) Expenditure Plan Development Committee Applications Formation of Expenditure Plan Development Committee EPDC Orientation Meeting #1 Submittal of Project and Program Lists and Preparation of Cost Estimates EPDC Meetings #2 and #3: Review of Poll Results and Review ofProject/Program Submittals EPDC Meetings #4 and #5: Project/Program Selection and Prioritization Recommendations Technical Advisory Input on Projects and Programs EPDC Meeting #6: Development of Draft Expenditure Plan and Submittal to Steering Committee EPDC Meeting #7: Review of Steering Committee Input and Submittal of Final Recommended Expenditure Plan Final Recommended Expenditure Plan Submittal to Alameda County Transportation Authority Board Through December 15 January 8, 1997 7-9 pm January 15, 1997 January 22, 1997 January 29, 1997 7-9 pm 7-9 pm 7-9 pm December - February 15 Due February 14 By February 24 Early March Due By March 31 April meetings May meetings April through June June July August September October Other milestones may be identified by the Steering Commiuee or the EPDC as the process unfolds. (Revised 1/3/96) ~,~, ~. EXPENDITURE PLAN DEVELOPMENT ~~",\1W... c,'~ '--:1 TR...."'SrQRTATIO~ AL"THORITY ,~~ ~\lU),'" C ,'~-\-:1 C()~CESTION !\H "\ ~CEME~:r'\CENcY . ~ [g....... ~- ," "~ >,: ~, :~~' ".> . .; . _, ....., l~~..'. ~.~ ._~. APPLICA TION EXPENDITURE PLAN DEVELOPMENT COMMITIEE (EPDC) 1-101 Lakeside Drive Suite 600 Oakland, CA "-1612-4305 Telephone .51(1:893-3347 Facsimile 510:893-0489 E~Mail ACT-A':OO2@aoLcom During the Measure B reauthorization process. the Expenditure Plan Development Committee (EPOC) will draft and recommend an expenditure plan of projects and programs to the Steering Committee. a balanced body of elected officials representing all areas of Alameda County. An intensive effort over several months will be required to accomplish the tasks at hand. Applicants must be able to commit to the meeting schedule framework outlined on the last page of this application to be considered for membership to the EPOC. Please note that the number of spaces on the EPDC is limited and there is no guarantee that you will be selected to participate. However. this application will ensure that you will receive careful consideration as the EPDC is formed. F\PE:-\DlTl'RF PLAN DEVEl.OI'I\IE:\'T Name ::'~(.~1l~ CmmJjj'::t"r Mark Green !\1ayor, Union Ciry Chairperson Home Address Nora Davis Mayor, Emery,'ille \ 'ice-Chairperson City Zip :. Phone Ralph Appezzato Mayor, Alameda Tom Blalock Director, BART Keith Carson Supervisor WORK INFORMATION Organization Elihu Hams Mayor, Oakland Gus Morrison Mayo~, Fremont Address Gail Steele Supervisor Ben Tarver Mayor, Pleasanton City Zip Phone Fax Matt Williams Diredor, A.C. Transit Ayn Wieskamp Councilmemoer, Live:rnore Please rank from I to 3 the top three modes of transportation accor~ing to your interest. (#/ represents the mode in which you are most interested.) 0 Auto: local r<;,ads 0 Transit (Buses) D walking,:... D Auto: freeways/highways D Paratransit o Rail (BART. Caltrain) D Bicycle 5tn.t{ Vincent]. Harris Execulive Director, ACTA Dennis R. Fay Execuiive Directo~, CMA 'I.~e .r',.' ': ,~~r~:.l~;ii,:"!i:f:;;;:~~F'" ',' . '0 .. '. :. Are you able to commit to the meeting schedule framework outlined on the last page of this applic~tion? If not, please explain why. (Note: Once the EPDC is formed, exad meeting dates and times will set by the committee members.) Are you affiliated with any of the following groups/organizations? (If so, please write in the name of the group below the category) o Transportation Agencies and Groups o Government Agencies o Business Community o Unions o Education and Research Sector o Community Groups o Other 5 ~." 1<~ _ c, .J~: u Use the space below to explain why are you interested in participating on the EPDC. (Attach additional pages if necessary.) " .:'.-.-~.., , . .. .:. ..,....:..".~"'."9.,..."";...- .J If- "'::--:;;-~~..t:! _.~; .'c ~ c'>' .'. r" . :" .- ,~~lf~~ :.~~~~~;~~;~~!~~:~~~?7~~~~~1~~~~: .~ .~~l.r~;'~1~~':'?~~:;~~: ~.'~.~.',~' ':.:~~~-~~-r'~~\~}l}5~~:<.P~;:}~~~/:~J.:~~:Y~~;7'?~': ~~:_:.r ., .~. . . - ~ - . ":.:" "~"'-;'.~r;,-,~~.~~~~t!1.~};' ~ .,e- Please attach a bio or resume to this application, or use the space below to write a brief description of your background. e: e. Application deadline is February 14, 1997; mail to: 7 Joan Van Brasch ACTA 1401 Lakeside Dr. Suite 600 r;~' '~;':~'~'~f;:< r ~. '. .~ - :'.- .., !~~ <~.~;.'~.:.;,;"~~ -~::' :-...-". .~:~.;;,~~:~..:.n~,::.~:~~(:I;~.;~.:~~, ':":...... . .~..: ~.,::4,y'~:.:-?,.~ .'.. . Meeting Schedule Framework EXPENDITURE PLAN D~V~LOP~ENT COMMITTEE (EPDC) Meeting # I: Orientation Early March Meeting #2: Review of Poll Results and Project/Program Submittals April Meeting #3: Review of Poll Results and Project/Program Submittals April Meeting #4: Project/Program Selection and Prioritization Recommendations May Meeting #5: Project/Program Selection and Prioritization Recommendations May Meeting #6: Development of Draft"Plan June Meeting #7: Submittal of Draft Recommended Expenditure Plan to Steering Committee July Meeting #8: Review of Steering Committee and Technical Advisory Committee Input August ',." . ~ '. ." .. ~ .. . I ., . t. ... . . . ,,~-."W.;-';:i"' _ _ . II - . -.i.-it' --. -~ EXPENDITURE PLAN DEVELOPMENT .' 'lEDA COLI1\. 7Y TR>.NSPORT A 1l0N AUTl-JORfTY ED." COUI'-T'l CONGESTION M,"NAGEMENI AGENCY .' .~:---..,.. ~_.. ~~~.- . . ~. '. ... ' ,,~ ;: .. ~ , ' .~ . :;;:~ -j.. ""....-.. .'....,:--,-~ ,~ ., ~."'ir ;;", tor "'" 1401 Lakeside Drive Suite 600 Oakland, CA 94t1l-4305 Telephone 510/893-3347 Facsimile 510/893-0489 E~Mail ACT AlOO2@aoLcom EXPE~D1TURE PLAN DEVELOPMEl\.'T Stur:us C:'fmmiHa .. Green : ' Union Ci)' . . , er~(ln Nora Davis M~yor. Emery.'ilIe \' ice-Cf,;lirperson Ralph Appeu.ato !\.1ayor. Alameda Tom Blalock Director, BART Keith Carson Supervisor Elihu Harris Mayor. Oakland Gus Morrison Mayo:, Fremont Gail Steele Super. i;;or Ben Tarver Mayor, Pleasan:on Matt Williams Diredo~. A.C. Tran,i: Ayn Wieskamp C ouncilmember. Livermore -. vincent J. Harris Executive Director. ACTA Dennis R. Fay Executive Directo:. CMA 9: ~'IQ January 13, 1997 Subject: New Alameda County Expenditure Plan -- Call for Projects & Programs Dear Prospective Project Proponent: Interested organizations and parties are requested to submit candidate projects and programs for the new Alameda County Expenditure Plan. The Alameda County Transportation Authority (ACTA), which distributes the current Measure B sales tax revenues, is required by law to prepare an expenditure plan for the continuation of the sales tax measure. The attached "fact sheet" provides additional detail on the existing measure and the reauthorization process. A Steering Committee composed of elected officials from throughout Alameda County has been formed to provide overall guidance during the development of an expenditure plan for the new measure. The details of the expenditure plan will be crafted by the Expenditure Plan Development Committee (EPDC), which will be composed of a broad cross-section of interests. Proposals submitted by project proponents will be considered by the Expenditure Plan Development Committee in preparing an expenditure plan for consideration by the Steering Committee. The Steering Committee will develop the final Expenditure Plan and forward it to ACTA for action- All candidate proj ects and programs for the new Alameda County Expenditure Plan must be submitted by March 31, 1997 to: Mark Green, Chair Expenditure Plan Development Steering Committee Alameda County Transportation Authority 1401 Lakeside Drive, Suite 600 Oakland, California 94612-4305 Use the attached form to submit your proposal. Each proposal must have a public agency sponsor. Each proposal will be evaluated using the attached criteria. In addition to improvement projects such as a highway or transit expansion, you may submit proposals where a specific project cannot be easily identified. Examples include funds for local road maintenance, transit operating funds, flZ:" .. f New Alameda County Expenditure Plan: Call for Projects & Programs January 13, 1997 Page 2 signal system coordination programs, support for transportation services for the disabled and elderly, or pedestrian and bicycle programs. You may use the attached form for these proposals, providing data as appropriate. For example, if you support funding for local streets and roads, please show the cities/County as sponsor, provide a description of the types of local street projects you think should be funded, and indicate in the cost estimate section either the percentage of annual revenue or a minimum annual amount from the new measure that you would suggest be devoted to this program. The attached schedule provides key dates for the expenditure plan development. The Steering Conunittee looks forward to your proposals in developing a program that will improve transportation service in Alameda County. Very Truly Yours, Mark Green, . hair Steering Committee It; , ....-. '.' " ". '.' <-. 'l~;';7;:"~;'~B~~;'t(t.>:?:;;"1':t:,",.";~,,:,,<\:,\.;~.:,:,~,,," , "->. "". ,',,' " ,.-. . ~ .'.;_ ...r." " ; ~-"". '... '.. : "I.. ,."-, "__&.~. . ..~ .' FACT SHEET Current Measure B Projects and the Reauthorization Process, _..' CURRENT MEASURE B PROJECTS Measure .B is a II2-cent sales taX paid within Alameda County which was approved by voters in 1986 and will expire in 2002. Over its IS-year life. the current Measure B is expected to raise about $1 billion. This money is designated for specific transportation projects and programs as follows: e- Highway Projects 1-880. Union City and South Foothill Fwy (new). Route 238..Hayward Route 238. Fremont to Hayward Route 84. Fremont and Union City Route 84. Livermore Oakland Airport/l-aaO connector Hwy 13/24 interchange Hwy 580/680 interchange San Leandro road improvements BART to Dublin (1/3 constr. cost) Local Streets and Roads AC Transit (operations and maint.) Paratransit (city-run. not to meet ADA) Administration (Source: 1996/97 Strategic Plan) $572.2 million 54.4% $13.0 $170.0 $194.4 $121.9 $15.8 $11.0 1.2 % 16.2% 18.5% 11.6% 1.5% 1% Please refer to Summer 1996 B-LlNES NEWSLETTER for an update on the Current Status of Measure B Projects. REAUTHORIZATION PROCESS ACTA. which distributes the Measure B sales taX revenues. is required by law to prepare an expenditure plan outlining speCific transportation projects and programs that could be included in the continuation of the sales taX measure. If approved by the county Board of Supervisors and by the majority of cities in the county (representing the majority of the county population). the expenditure plan could be proposed as a sales taX measure to county voters as early as 1998. Results from all the workshops and focus group meetings held will be compiled into a summary report and presented to the Expenditure Plan Development Committee (EPDC) for consideration during the plan development process. The EPDC will be a balanced group of individuals representing all segments of Alameda County's population and major stakeholders in the reauthorization process. The EPDC will act as an advisory body to the Measure B Reauthorization Steering Committee. which in turn acts as an advisory body to the Alameda County Transportation Authority (ACTA) and Congestion Management Agency (CMA) Governing Boards. After the EPDC receives' all information and public input. a set of recommended projects and programs will be developed into a Measure B Expenditure Plan and submitted to the Steering Committee. The Steering Committee will then discuss and recommend a refined list of projects and programs to the ACTA and CMA Governing Boards. The ACTA Board will consider the recommendations and develop and forward a final Expenditure Plan to the Alameda County Board of Supervisors and City Councils for approval. The voters of Alameda County will make the final decision on the reauthorization of Measure B. e. II ~ IVI.. .,'" E; "" . !i ,- ~:: ~~ c: C) -- ...... C--' e oS c::c: ... ::::> J:::> V) ....... <C c: "" C) '':::> '" .... c: '" c: en c$ CC e>;!l c: '" - E: C- CIi .s 'C c: c:: CIi <=>- .l:i C) '" -- a ....... <=>- 0 CC a; > "" ,....."". c -- -- C) "" ~ ..c:: ....... = ~ C'C .;;: '" ~ = Q:) E e t:X:: en 0 c: ':::> ... c::l '" '0' c: e>;!l Q:) ..... co CIi -- E .... .... = ~ .:t CI:) .... "Co C'C "" '" ~ Q:) 't:i ::::> :2 "'" c: 0 c..:> I .... /~ ~E~ ~E~Ci '" c:-= . ""CI-~ .. -' -~= c: o '':::> ... CIi W ." ;;; .... ..... ",0 ",= ~~ '" c: :tl "" E: .~ ..e ..~ ~< ~ i.! l!l. ~ ~~5 e E ilOl .f ..c~ 5 ~ .~",~2' 'il ~ ~ ~ :i :>1~8e~.!ii ~ 1-f11'. .:tc'::;.:l~8 ODUUICl:ICl: "ftlE IIIICl:U <C > c: E.!!: <=>-"- <E ~..e <= "'" '" c: o '" c..:> <=>- };;..l:i c;"C. E..g =>< ~oo:J "" ~~ !hi . '. ~ .;;:. ~ '1:: .S- '" :!!: '" C. E ~ 1:: CI :=: LU s:::: CI .c;::,; "S; a:l c::: . ~~::O<''''-'':'l'''''' ~. . .7::":" .~.' .- , ' --"":- :... .. '."~ .i"",,:<i>~;:.,: __ . . ~. .'~' . ." ~.: ...:. . :,~, .. > '._. ~ - 1". .-. ALAMEDA COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY DIRECT SALES TAX REVENUE PASS-THRU TOTAL TO DATE AS OF JUNE 30,1996 THROUGH CITY/AGENCIES 1993-1994 1994-1995 1995-1996 TOTALS ALAMEDA 5,108,816 909,262 998,203 7,016,281 ALBANY 1,166,305 201,944 224,643 1,592,892 BERKELEY 8,434,237 1,426,643 1,558,804 11,419,685 DUBLIN 726,559 120,824 141,117 988,499 EMERYVILLE 565,368 101,127 112,852 779,347 FREMONT 5,560,033 914,698 1,038,030 7,512,761 HAYWARD 3,300,432 550,769 606,058 4,457,259 LIVERMORE 2,340,414 378,723 454,742 3,173,879 NEWARK 1,298,988 208,114 230,711 , 1,737,813 OAKLAND 29,857,647 5,145,147 5,781,619 40,784,413 PIEDMONT 1,207,529 207,663 228,806 1,643,998 PLEASANTON 1,844,124 316,846 360,655 2,521,626 . SAN LEANDRO 5,999,688 1,034,193 1,149,854 8.183,735 UNION CITY 1,642,067 270,099 303,683 2,215,850 ALAMEDA COUNTY 5,334.768 857,906 933.745 7.126,419 TOTAL LOCAL DISTRIBUTION 74,386.975 12.643,959 14,123.523 101,154,457 ; - Northern Cities 71,420,351 . , Shown above is what each city, and the county, received in the last fiscal year... and the total cash receipts for the past nine years of the program. GFF 8/2/96 e. 11 . . '-.. '.~..'. .' .~, :,'-- '-." ..v:~.;::~_r:~~g '~.''-~'''''''-~~'' .. ,'. T",,":,_,,,,,,, .~." EXPENDITURE PLAN DEVELOPMENT AL\.\lW'" COL'NTY1R".NSPORTATION AFTHORITY _ ...!.....~IEDA COU~T'f CONGESTION MAK~G8vIENT AGENCY :,. ~"-';:-., ",,", - " ,-. '..,.<-." . ......~...~ ....'...4:,... ''1i'~\. I~' ,,'f7 .1 f~ -;y.j ~ 1401 Lakeside Drive Suite 600 Oakland, CA 9~12-4305 , Telephone 5101893-3347 Facsimile 510/893-t>4S9 E-Mail ACT A2002@aoLcom EXPEr\DITURE PLAN DE\'ELOPMEl"T :'!.:ml1S C:"umitta' Mark Green I\.1Jy.:>r. Union Cry ChJirpe~;.C1n Nora Davis M~yor, Emeryville Vice-ChJirperson Ralph Appezzato Mayor. .A.lameda Tom Blalock Director. BART Keith Carson S~:pe;vi;or Elihu Harris Mayor,Oalland Gus Morrison Mayor, Fremont Gail Steele Supe:visor Ben Tarver Mayor, rleasantOl~ Matt Williams Director, AC. T ral1"it Ayn Wieskamp Councilmember, Livermore Stnff Vincent J. Harris hec,-,~ve Director, ACTA Dennis R. Fay Executive Director, CMA 1'1 ~u New Expenditure Plan of Alameda County Sales Tax for Transportation Project & Program Submittal Form (attach additional sheets, as necessary) Deadline: Project & Program Submittals must be received at the ACTA offices by close of business on March 31, 1997 Extension Submined By: Organization (if applicable) Contact Phone # Address Proposed Sponsor: Must be a public agency_ Proiect Description: Provide a clear description of the project, including an explanation of how the project meets the evaluation criteria (see attached project selection criteria). Attach a location and site map. :. Cost Estimate: Provide a cost estimate in 1998 dollars. A preliminary cost estimate is due with submittal by March 31, 1997. A [mal cost estimate is due by April 30, 1997, and must be developed using the Cost Estimating Guide available from ACTA. At a minimum, the cost estimate must include the following elements: environmental documentation; preliminary engineering; plans, specifications and estimates; right of way and utilities; environmental mitigation; construction; and construction engmeenng. Attach cost estimate details. ". Proiect Readiness: Provide a schedule for project delivery. Include completion dates for preliminary studies, environmental documentation, preliminary and [mal engineering, right of way certification, utilities, and construction. Financial Feasibility: Must be fully fundable when all sources of funding, including sales tax revenues from an extension of the current tax, are taken into account. Provide a financial plan. List all sources of funding by name (e.g., federal STP, sales tax, state FeR) and year needed. ":, ~~:~f~:~';'~~:r~;t'~M1~~~Z~~:~i-~:~.': '~,:~>'".,- ."';:-~""';:'..r!"~.-;_:;'.;~' ,::.;.<-.: .. <' y '.~ _'..~ 0""' '. . ":<'.:.. :'\;; '<.',' (\ . ""~' . >.. New Expenditure Plan Extension of Alameda County Sales Tax for Transportation Project & Program Selection Criteria The selection criteria are grouped as follows: >) "musts" or screening criteria - all projects, programs or services must meet these criteria to be considered; )) "wants" or evaluation criteria -- projects, programs or services which pass the screening criteria will be ranked and evaluated using these criteria; and )) overall expenditure plan criteria -- the proposed expenditure plan will be evaluated to assure that the package as a whole meets these criteria. . If Musts" or Screening Criteria All projects, programs or services must meet all of the following criteria to be considered. Sponsor: Each proposed project, program or service must have a public agency sponsor. Project Description: The proposed project, program or service description must provide a clear description of the proposal, including an explanation of how the proposal meets the "wants" or evaluation criteria identified below. Cost Estimate: The project, program or service must have a credible cost estimate in 1998 dollars, developed consistent with the cost estimating method approved by the Steering Committee. Project Readiness: The project, program or service must be deliverable during the time frame of the measure. e- Financial Feasibility: The project, program or service must be fully fund able when all sources of funding, including Measure B, are taken into acconnt. A financial plan must be provided. /5 t!:~- . .. .'. ... New Alameda County Expenditure Plan Selection Criteria Page 2 IIWants" or Evaluation Criteria . Projects, programs or services which pass the screening criteria will be ranked and evaluated using the criteria defined below. The evaluation criteria have been separated into three categories according to the ranking developed by the Steering Committee. Criteria defined as "highest priority" should be given the greatest weight in ranking candidate projects, programs or services for the expenditure plan. Criteria defined as "second highest priority" and "third highest priority" should be given respectively less weight in ranking projects, programs or services for the expenditure plan. 1. Highest Priority Voter Support: Projects, programs or services that have the support of the electorate, as defined by polling conducted under contract to ACTA or other means of gauging voter support. Impact IVisibility: Projects, programs or services that create a high positive impact on mobility in the Connty and have a high visibility to the public. Congestion Relief: Projects, programs or services that reduce peak-period traffic and trip time. .-.- ,. Maintenance: Projects, programs or services that maintain the existing transit, roadway or highway system. 2. Second Highest Priority Connectivity IGap Closures: Projects, programs or services that complete unfinished phases of a project or that improve connectivity between facilities, modes or jurisdictions. Cost/Benefit: Projects, programs or services that have favorable cost/benefit ratios (e.g., trip reduction, safety, air quality, congestion relief, etc.) or offer a cost- effective alternative for moving connty residents or makes best use of existing assets. 3. Third Highest Priority Economic Development: Projects, programs or services that support community and economic development or protect/enhance economic vitality, especially job creation and retention through increased mobility of people and goods. Reliability: Projects, programs or services that give travelers the assurance that :. their trip will take approximately the same amonnt of time on a routine basis. I' Safety: Projects, programs or services that enhance safety of the transportation system. r:'}"~": ';~~~":!y!~~"'-> -,: ':,~;.~' - - : ";-.<,,'0 :::~'>; .-. . . '." ,.-. .,......... ,;1..:, New Alameda County Expenditure Plan Selection Criteria Page 3 Overall Expenditure Plan Criteria The expenditure plan will be evaluated to assure that the package as a whole meets the following criteria. Voter Support: The plan must have the support of the electorate, as defined by polling conducted under contract to ACTA or other means of gauging voter support. Balance: The plan must be balanced among modes (highways, transit, paratransit, freight, other). Equity: The plan must provide an equitable distribution of resources throughout the county. Revenue Limit: The plan will be constrained to the expected revenue. A IO-year revenue projection and a 20-year revenue projection have been developed for initial use, pending the results of polling. 17 r; s: .;:; -" ., le \ '." ~'. . ': Oi .' ... .... EXPENDITURE PLAN DEVELOPMENT ,J.- r.. AL \.\{ED," COtr.\ Tr TR.":-<SPORT A TIO:>J Alj'THORfTY AL..:-1EDA COUl'oTY CO:-<GESTION I\HK..GEMENT AGENCY ~. .'?JC' ~"" . . - .' . . - '" . ,r-..1""""":" .-,..".....-...~ v' _,~ . " .~..-. . . ,-.~ .'. \. ~;. . ..... "-.I': ..' - ,- 1401 Lakeside Drive Suite 600 Oakland. CA 94612-4305 Telephone 510/893-3347 Facsimile 510/893-6489 E-Mail ACTAlOO2@aol.com EXPENDITURE PLAl\ DEVELOPMEl\! S!tfr!us C~"mmffftc Mark Green M"yor. Union Cty ChJirper~on Nora Davis Mayor. Eme~ille \ 'ice~Ch;]irper5on Ralph Appezzato M~yor. Alameda Tom Blalock Diredor, BART Keil:h Carson Supervisor Elihu Harris Mayor, Oakland Gus Morrison Mayor, Fremont Gail Steele Supervisor Ben Tarver Mayor, Pleasanton Matt Williams Director, A.C Tran~it Ayn Wieskamp Counciimember. Live:more 5iafi Vincent J. Harris hecutive Director. ACTA Dennis R. Fay Executive Director, eMA /'1 ~.. e: New Expenditure Plan Extension of Alameda County Sales Tax for Transportation Milestones Expenditure Plan Development Committee Applications Due February 14, 1997 Formation of Expenditure Plan Development Committee February 24, 1997 Project and Program Submittals and Preliminary Cost Estimates Due March 31, 1997 . Final Cost Estimates Due April 30, 1997 Draft Expenditure Plan Submitted to Steering Committee Jrme/July 1997 Final Expenditure Plan Submitted by Steering Committee to Alameda County Transportation Authority Board October 1997 .