HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 8.2 BudgetStudy 1997-98 (2) CITY CLERK File # @][2]~~-@]~ . AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: February 25, 1997 SUBJECT: 1997-98 Budget Study Session Report Prepared by: Richard C. Ambrose, City Manager EXHIBITS ATTACHED: Exhibit A: Exhibit B: Budget Issues Worksheet Analysis of Anticipated 1997-98 Impacts on the City's General Fund Background Financial Information including Attachments 1-8 Swnmary of 1996-2000 Capital Improvement Program by Program Area Exhibit C: ,Exhibit D: RECOMMENDATION: rJj1tIl. ~ 2. 3. Receive Staff Report. Review Budget Issues Worksheet and provide Staffwith direction on each of the issues identified in the Worksheet. Establish Budget Hearing Date to consider 1997-98 Annual Budget. . FINANCIAL STATEMENT: See attached. DESCRIPTION: The City's Annual Budget Study Session provides the City Council with an opportunity to identify those programs, services, and projects the Council would like Staff to analyze as part of the development of the City's Annual Operating Budget and Five Year Capital Improvement Program for the upcoming year. The Budget Study Session also serves as a means of providing the Council with early information regarding those items that may have a significant impact (positive or negative) on the City's expenditures and revenues in 1997-98. The Study Session is also designed to minimize last minute budget issues for which there would be insufficient time to evaluate. Attached to this agenda statement are a) "1997-98 Budget Issues Worksheet" (blue) which provides a framework for the Council to address those budget issues anticipated in Fiscal Year 1997-98; b) an analysis of anticipated 1997-98 impact on the City's General Fund; c) background financial information on the City; and d) a summary of the 1997-98 CIP. The Study Session will be most productive if individual Councilmembers review the Fiscal Year 1996-97 Budget and 1996-2001 Capital Improvement Program documents prior to completing the Budget Issues Worksheet and bring the completed Budget Issues Worksheet to the Council meeting for purposes of discussion. .------------------------CO-PI~ST()~-------------------------------- ITEM NO. ~,,2 g/cc-mtgs/97 -qtr l/feb-97/2-25-97/budgstud.doc . 1997-98 BUDGET ISSUES WORKSHEET OPERATING EXPENDITURES 1A. Should the 1996-97 level of service adopted by the City Council as part of the 1996- 97 Adopted Budget for each program area (i.e. Police, Recreation, etc.) be used as the base level of service in developing the Fiscal Year 1997-98 Budget? YES NO (Please circle one) or If you circle "NO", are there services/programs that you would like to see added or dropped from the base level of service? Added Services . Dropped Services . 1 B. To the extent that high priority objectives require additional resources not available in the current budget, should the cost of funding those high priority objectives be identified as an additional bUdget increment? YES NO (Please circle one) or 1 C. If there is an additional service/program which was not identified in the 1997 Goals & Objectives Study Session, which you would like evaluated during the development of the 1997-98 Budget, please identify below. EXHIBIT A 1 D. During Fiscal Year 1996-97, the City Council funded a number of community groups. For. each community group identified below, please identify whether the community groups level offunding should be the same level as Fiscal Year 1996-97 and included in the base level or in an additional level of service. . COMMUNITY GROUP Dublin Substance Abuse Council Red Ribbon Week Dry Grad Night 1996/97 FUNDING SAME LEVEL AS 1996/97 YES/NO (IF YES, MARK ONE) BASE ADDITIONAL LEVEL LEVEL Parent Education Program $ 2,500 $ 2,500 $ 2,650 Dublin Fine Arts Foundation Organizational Subsidy Art in the Parks Program $10,000 $ 2,500 Community Television Operational Subsidy $22,006 Resources for Family Development Child care Support $12,000 $ 9,000 Tri-Valley ConventionsNisitors Bureau . 1 E. As indicated in the 1996-97 Budget message, it is possible that the City may not have sufficient income in 1997-98 to fund the current service level operating expenditures plus those additional expenditures identified in Exhibit B. If this situation does occur when both revenue and expenditure estimates are finalized during the process of developing the budget, prioritize the following alternatives you would consider to balance the 1997-98 Budget. (Prioritize 1 - 4 with 1 being most preferred and 4 being least preferred. Reduce Services. Fund the shortfall from unallocated reserves. Defer capital projects/equipment which require General Fund support. Withhold contributions to Equipment Replacement Fund for one year. CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 2A. Are there additional Capital Projects which are not included in the adopted Five Year Capital Improvement Program which you would like to see Staff evaluate? If so, please identify projects below. . . . . 2B. Of those projects currently identified in the Five Year Capital Improvement Program, which projects would you like to see funded in Fiscal Year 1997-98? 2C. In the 1996-97 Budget, a total of $759,000 was allocated from the General Fund for Capital Projects. If this funding is necessary for operating expenditures in 1997-98, which of the fOllowing alternatives do you prefer for funding Capital Projects in 1997 -98? 1. Defer 1997-98 Capital Projects to 1998-99. 2. Utilize Unallocated Reserves. 3. Utilize Debt Financing. 3. CONTRACT SERVICES The following service contracts are due to be evaluated this Fiscal Year. Are you interested in Staff evaluating any aspect of the service other than the cost of providing the service for Fiscal Year 1997-98. If so, please indicate below. CONTRACT COST ONLY YES/NO IF "YES" IDENTIFY OTHER ISSUES 1. Building & Safety 2. Animal Control 3. Crossing Guards 4. General Engineering 5. Traffic Engineering 6. Street Sweeping 4. BUDGET CALENDAR In order to establish a Budget Calendar for preparation of the Budget and Capital Improvement Program, it is necessary to establish a budget hearing date(s). Staff would recommend the week of June 23, 1997. ANALYSIS OF ESTIMATED FUTURE IMPACTS ON THE GENERAL FUND (prepared February 19, 1997) . Staffhas analyzed potential major items which can affect General Fund Revenues and Expenditures beginning in Fiscal Year 1997/98 and beyond. The information in some cases is extremely preliminary and based upon limited information available at this time. REVENUES AMOUNT 1. Sales Tax: Sales Tax represents nearly 40% of the City's General Budgeted Best Case: Revenue in Fiscal Year 1996/97. Although certain retail enterprises are planned Anticipate on the Santa Rita property, it is expected that these will have a limited impact in Limited Fiscal Year 1997/98. This is due to the lag between when the business begins Opportunity making sales; when the City receives the revenue; and the end of the City Fiscal for growth Year (June 30). For example, if a new retail outlet opens in January; the City in 97/98. receives sales tax revenues in April, May, and June; for transactions which occurred in January through March. The existing sales tax base is also heavily Depending weighted towards automobile sales which could deteriorate based upon changes on economy in the general economy. In addition relocation of businesses from existing and Dublin planned for the final quarter of 96/97 have the potential to result in a net relocation decline in total sales tax revenue for Fiscal Year 1997/98. may be an unknown decline. 2. Property Tax: In Fiscal Year 1996/97 the City experienced an increase of $110,000 approximately 4.6% in the total assessed value. Approximately 3.0 % of the total Additional was directly attributable to the Eastern Dublin Annexation. This means that the Revenue base in the existing City only increased approximately 1.6%. Increases in Fiscal estimated in Year 1997/98 are expected to be limited in part due to a change in State Law, Fiscal Year which now establishes the lien date as January 1 st instead of March 1 st. This 1997/98, means that construction occurring between January and March as well as with property transfers will not be included on the regular tax roll until Fiscal Year potential for 1998/99. The only known transfer expected prior to the lien date on the Alameda further County tax exempt Santa Rita property, was the K& B transaction. Estimated growth in tax growth from new residential construction in western Dublin and the K&B future years Santa Rita project are projected to add approximately $50,000 in property tax due to revenue in Fiscal Year 1997/98. Initially a portion of increases in eastern Dublin property property taxes will be off-set by decreases in the annexation service fees paid by transactions Dublin Ranch developers. If inflationary adjustments average 1.6% on the on the Santa existing base, this will result in an additional $60,000 in estimated property tax. Rita property. 3. Proposition 218 Right To Vote On Taxes Constitutional Amendment: The Reduced impact of implementing Proposition 218 cannot be fully known until the June 3, Revenues of 1997 election on the proposed local EMS Special Tax. If the proposed tax is Between approved the City will have an increase in EMS revenue of$45,280. If voters do <$40,720> not approve the tax the City would lose $27,330. The 1997/98 assessment to district revenues will be flat. Revenue from NPDES Fees will be reduced by <$113,330> approximately $86,000. . EXHIBIT B REVENUES 4. Continued State COPS Funding After the adoption of the City of Dublin 1996/97 Budget the State advised the City of special police funding included in the State Budget. The City received approximately $61,000 in Citizens Option for Public Safety (COPS) funds. The Governor has included funding in the State 1997/98 Budget at the same level as was provided in FY 96/97. The City will not know if the adopted State Budget will continue to include these funds until the State legislature takes action. 5. Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Implementation Fee The City has already imposed a fee to recover the cost of developing the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. In accordance with the Specific Plan, it will also be necessary to implement a fee to recover the cost associated with implementing the various policies and monitoring the plan. The exact structure of the fee has not been determined. The amount to be potentially collected in Fiscal Year 1997/98 would depend upon the number and size of development applications received. It is estimated that the fee may generate $50,000 - $100,000. AMOUNT Unknown Unknown fees will be collected after implementa- tion. OPERATING EXPENDITURES Identified below is a preliminary list of new expenditures which are anticipated by the Operating Departments. The expenditures do....not include inflationary increases for the purchase of materials, supplies, and equipment. Also excluded from this table is any estimate of increased cost of wages and benefits for current City employees, or other contract service providers. In the 1997 Goals & Objectives there may also be identified objectives which will require additional funding. COST ITEM 1. Liability Insurance Coverage Increase: Preliminary data used by ABAG PLAN Corporation indicates that the City will receive a premium increase in Fiscal Year 1997/98. This is due to several factors including: reduced interest earnings by the insurance pool to offset the estimated losses; and the premium allocation formula is based heavily on payroll. As the City has added positions in recent years there is an increase in insurance premiums. Animal Shelter: The City experienced a one-time savings in Fiscal Year 1996/97 related to the debt service payment towards the new Animal Shelter. The 1997/98 expenditure will be approximately $26,000 more than estimated expense for Fiscal Year 1996/97. Full Year Police Staffing Costs: The 1996/97 budget contained certain one-time savings due to partial year funding of the civilian Administrative Assistant position and the two patrol officers required to fully staff the eastern Dublin beat. The need for the patrol officers was anticipated to coincide with the opening of the BART Station. Police Dispatch Costs: Previously the Sheriff revised the methodology for distributing dispatch costs among users of the system. The modifications increased the City of Dublin share, and the Sheriff agreed to phase in the implementation of the increase beginning in Fiscal Year 1994/95. Costs were scheduled to increase by 20% per year between FY 1994/95 and FY 1998/99. 2. 3. 4. Additional Cost $ 7,000 $ 26,000 $ 150,000 $ 64,000 FY 97/98 to $140,000 FY 98/99 5. COST ITEM Full Year Funding Of Police Officer Funded By COPS Grant: The 1996/97 COPS grant was used to add a police officer in November of 1996. The 1996/97 grant also included certain one-time expenses for furniture and equipment. If the 1997/98 grant remains the same as the 1996/97 grant (see revenue section) the City will have an additional $24,200 in expenses to provide full year funding of the position. Increased Cost of Contract Fire Service Costs: The contract cost associated with Fire Services will increase significantly in Fiscal Year 1997/98 due to the dissolution ofDRFA. In the previous year s the City benefited from the shared cost of an Engine Company serving both Dublin and San Ramon. Fire Equipment Reserves: Beginning in Fiscal Year 1996/97 the City will be responsible for funding reserves for fire equipment replacement. DRF A did not fund the reserves in Fiscal Year 1996/97 since the decision had been made to dissolve the entity. These funds are necessary to finance the replacement of fire apparatus and related equipment. The precise level of funding is not currently known, however, preliminary calculations by Alameda County projected a minimum of $1 00,000 per year to replace fire apparatus. Additional Cost $ 24,200 $ 436,000 $ 100,000+ CAPITAL EXPENDITURES In the adopted 1996 - 2001 Five Year Capital Improvement Program, there are several needed projects, which have been identified as unfunded. A summary by major program area follows: CIP PROGRAM AREA AMOUNT WITHOUT IDENTIFIED FUNDING $ 90,000 2,237,418 23.352.793 $ 25,680,211 6. 7. Community Improvements Parks Streets TOTAL Potential Changes To Capital Project Funds Required Two projects which are underway involve eminent domain actions (PG&E Street Light Acquisition) and (Dublin Blvd. Widening Project) Depending on the final outcome of these legal actions additional funds may be required. At the time the 1996-2001 CIP was adopted, a second phase was added to the 1997/98 Dougherty Hills Park Slope Repair Project. The Phase 2 project was projected to add $300,000 in costs. This amount has also been shown above in the Parks unfunded category. CTV Representatives have indicated that they will be forwarding a plan requesting capital funds to complete equipment replacement beginning in Fiscal Year 1997/98. Much of the existing equipment is at least 10 years old. Preliminary estimates indicate that each City's share would be approximately $20,000 if shared equally. CTV may look at opportunities to fund the replacements over multiple years. . . Attachment 1: Attachment 2: Attachment 3: Attachment 4: Attachment S: Attachment 6: Attachment 7: Attachment 8: . EXHIBIT C HISTORICAL TRENDS GENERAL FUND REVENUES & EXPENDITURES (Actual 1990/1991 - Budget 1996/1997) Per Capita Operating Revenues and Expenditures Comparison of General Fund Revenues By Type Actual Revenues Compared To Revenues Adjusted To Constant 1991 Dollars Trends For The Four Major Revenue Categories Represent Over 80% Of Total Total General Fund Expenditures 1990/91 - 1996/97 Actual Expenditures Compared To Expenditures Adjusted To Constant 1991 Dollars General Fund Expenditures By Category Fiscal Year 1996/97 Budget Summary As Adjusted By Mid-Year Projections ~ "'" Ii o ~ !c . . c z ::) - LL ~ ...J ep E ~tnl WWep Z a:: .~ w::)~ C)t-ep -U) c:Cc... t-zi -we D.D.... c:C><s Uwi D:::oao w .~ D. W ..~ LL ::) 0 OZ'C W :; Z>ep Owen tna::i - Q. a::C)~ c:Cz... D.-u :E t-.!. 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ATTACHMENT 8 --j FISCAL YEAR 1996-97 GENERAL FUND BUDGET SUMMARY ESTIMATED GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS TO RESERVES (Adjusted to Reflect Authorized Budget Adjustments as of December 31,1996 and Mid Year Projections Per Staff Report Dated February 4, 1997) ADJUSTED REVENUES Estimated General Fund Revenue as Adopted June 1996 Net Revenue Adjustments Approved July 1996 - December 1996 Mid-Year Projected Net Increased Revenues (February 4, 1997 Report) One Time Revenue Increases Other Revenue Increases PROJECTED GENERAL FUND REVENUES ADJUSTED EXPENDITURES General Government Gross Debt Service Civic Center COP Budgeted Contingent Reserve Public Safety Transportation Health and Welfare Culture and Leisure Services Community Development Capital Improvement Projects PROJECTED ADJUSTED EXPENDITURES ADJUSTED NET TRANSFERS TOTAL ADJUSTED EXPENDITURES AND TRANSFERS OUT PROJECTED DIFFERENCE IN GENERAL FUND REVENUES VS. EXPENDITURES (i.e. Additional Appropriation to Reserves) 2120/97 2:21 PM g;\finance\midYlTpt\1997\ PRJYRENDJ{LS 1,649,060 1,601,985 86,351 7,468,007 707,277 14,000 2,000,640 1,798,334 884,608 16,210,262 27,500 16,273,322 2,310 107,000 246,000 16,628,632 16,237,762 390,870 . . . ...J ~ w z w C> :e ~ C> o 0:: 0.. ~ Z w :e w ~ 0:: 0.. ~ ...J ~ 0:: cr:: o .... o o ~ CO en en .... ~ cr:: :E :E ::l rn o::rn 00:: -cr:: o::w 0..>- ...J~I ~rn 00 ~o ; o ~ 18 ~ en en .... o o o o 0" t-. ~ ; o o o Il'i I;") o o o ci .... o o t-. a:i ~ co en I r-- en en .... o o o o Il'i I"-- ~ r-- en I co en en .... 0000 OCOOO N<OI.OO N- a:i a:i Il'i ..... 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Ql 0 8 c Ql g 0 c> lU '00 ..... ~ Ql :J U m~~m~ :J III :2l:::<(ctl~Il)Ct::J!!...J:Ja..o~o .J .J 0 .J c. en<( moo....!. en co 0 ~ z cUlE~m ~ tJ) D- 3l 0( QlctlO-1Il CI) a: III """:C\i M-.io.ri to r-...: mol ~ z (9eJU <( ~ W :J u:: ...J en :g ~ ~ 'i t CD c c ..s c - - - . SUMMARY 1996-2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM - COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENTS Page 2 of 2 UNFUNDED PROJECTS ESTIMATED COST Street Name Identification Sign Replacement Program $ 90,000 TOTAL COST $ 90,000 FUNDING SHORTFALL $90,000 . . . . . rn ~ 0::: ~ :::IE ~ C) o 0::: 11. t- Z w :::IE w ~ 0::: 11. i! ...J ~ a: <C U .... o o N I CO en en .... ~ <C :::IE :::IE :J rn N - o o:::rn 00::: o:::i 11.> ...... Q) OJ eo a... ...J t-I ~rn 00 t-O ; o fA- Ig ~ cn en .... o fA- en CJ? co en en .... o fA- co CJ? to- en en .... o 00 00 ...... ...... .q-ui ...... tP.I- ; CJ? co en en L()OOOO m"=tooo NL()OOO "':c6..,fuiui ............ N...... C") fA- L() ...... o c6 ...... 00 r.o 0 (0...... mc6 C") C") o o lO ci ...... o o o (0 c.o fA- L()OOOO m"=tooo ......r.oooo ,..: c6 "=t" ui ui co...... N...... C") ffl r.o ...... o c6 ...... 0000 L()OOO c.o.................. ui (0- ..,f ui o ...... "=t nI t- O W .., o 0::: 11. ...... c: Q) E L.. 8 c on; oN Q) E a.a.C) E Q)Q)c: Q) L.. 0:::: 0:::: ;;;::; 8 (;) .- c: 5 eo >. ~ [Ci!g, .m 15 0.. en ~ ~ -LLo .2 tt > Q) c: ...... ~ 'm Q) 0 o 0:::: eo 0 .- a... Q) .r:. > 'I:: C::..B:...JCi a.UOQ) Q);;> 0)- L.. _0 !::;()~ o::::OL..c:.c: 0 ... x -'L -g '* :2 () 'c ~ u.r:. Ci W ""l::~_L..L.. Q) 1= OL.. eo ~ctlQ) 'E -1Il-Q) a... ..:; a. ...... ...." LL...... L..L..,-C L..L..a...'O,-l:: liiQ)Q)Q)Q).....Q)Q)IIlt::Q)Q) .- 'E ..... ...... 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S 0 tI't- tI't- - - o 0 ~ fA- 6" 0 !!. tI't- 6" o co 0) .... tI't- - - o co N o o co !!. - o o II) ui to- ~ 6" co II) cti en co ~ UJ t- Z w :E w > o IX a.. i! ...J ~ D: <C o UJ UJ W ...J o .". o tI't- o tI't- rn <:: :0 <:: ~ C 41 '0 IE ::0 '" .= .!!! I!! Q) :5 .r.: o :c :t .... .E D- o o fR. c; o :b en en - t- O u: w e. UJ :J ...J 11. 0::: :J U) 41 :5 .= '" tl Q) 'e D- i: III c.. .... .E .;; 41 Cl III C. 41 Q) (f.) g . SUMMARY 1996.2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM - PARKS Page 2 of 2 UNFUNDED PROJECTS Dublin Sports Grounds Renovation Dublin Swim Center Deck Replacement Dublin Swim Center Boiler Replacement Dublin School Athletic Field and Play Area Renovation Frederiksen School Athletic Field and Play Area Renovation Wells-Cronin Athletic Field Renovation Nielsen School Athletic Field Renovation TOTAL COST Less Park Dedication In-Lieu Fees Collected or Obligated FUNDING SHORTFALL . . ESTIMATED .cQSI $ 440,010 152,930 42,250 914,205 87,835 298,115 337,970 $ 2,273,315 ($ 335,897) $ 1,937,418 . . . U) ... c:: c( o .... o o ~ CD en N ..... o ..... Gl tIl 11l Q.. ..J~ ~m f20 1:: ~ g -:-Gix -d U OtliJ -dO::: ~Gl I:::J:;; ,2:..c: Q..11l.s GlOE coliJ o lIlUl1l >.0 1::..... ffi~1- J!1~ g8 :r:Gl ~ l1lOl 5'1;:: .2000 >11l .u.u - SW en..c: 1Il --0..... 0 C _ - .......u """0 -"'0 Em ......-:ii--GlGlE l1lE-=: I:: 011l .cIllE1}-3Ol co o li: ..c: .... -.!::: Gl ~..... .t: <( c: E I e::,~:8 [;1!'O':ii~co '5~ E 0 1Il ...... I:: Gl 0 ..... > III - - ~O~"E~e::io:::c.Q..=t511l €~ til' tIlGl..!!!Q.. C Gl E Sen I?: 0.... o.l!l e E Q.. r:: 11l Ol- 1) .l!l 1Il ~ Z 0 It:iiQ..;1!~21':[~~Gl:ii"EQ.. xal >.El::eBlIllij'rnIll2EGlCl) alE III Gl 2 0. ~ .S '1:: )i:. .S 0 Gl E ::J> ...: .... <( ~>~EoECI)~~u>;1!=ou, . ;1!e~-:r:oS"OO1}ee511l01}"00::: o 0. 0""'0 0 0..... III Gl 0. 0. I c: E Gl _E911l0-u~o:::o"'Oo:::~EElIlo>..!!!W>' Gl-..... "'0-- 0- - .........1:: m ._0::: > 1Il..ol:: I:: .-lIllll.....Q..Gl c"'O..c:>.-I:::JOOO"O"Ot:OI ..c: w.2 Ol 1:: co .2> 0 E E 0;) .2 ,2: .2>"'0 ..c: Gl Ol _CO::iGl>.OOElIllll~cococnl::~ffig lIlc:_..c:GlO O:::O:::~I::COIllQ....JO :J= Gl tIl"=:lEJ!! O==lE' 2~~5~~~ffiffi~~~~o~~.B <(Oeno I-wenen....!.ool- com i o o o g N U). I o o o o o N U). ; o o o 0- o N U). ; o o o o o N U). ; 0.....0 0<00 <00;)0 Ol- aj W OlN"<t N(")..... U). ~~ a:::w 0..)- lijOiffi :J.....M ~ajaj <(0..... ..... M U). ONOl 010<0 <OOM oi~v mM<O o"<t..... .....-M U). ~ I "":C'>iM...t o o "</" (")- N <0 o o "':. M N <0 o o o to I' 00 coo (")0 MO 1'00 NM N OMIO 01000 0100 MOCO- I'ION N M_N 00000 1010<000 ONIOON voiotOv oo.....<ON"<t M "</" 000 1000 .....1'0 "':oio "</"10 mlO(") ~r:.:~ ~ m- ..... ..... OOOOOONOM 010<0 0 OOOO"</"o;) NmlOONCO<ONO tOcOOtOVoi"':N-oi CO<O.....N"<t.....<OOCO (") 10 10"</"10(") ..,..: -r-" N 00 00 010 to"': I'N ..... f Q.. Gl Ol ..!!! 5 .B >. ~ ..... o "'0 III E <( '5 ..c: "5 o~ 00..... o.ricrir--:a:ioio"":C'>i .......... ..... M...t ..... ..... "i""i""i" Gl Gl Gl r: l: l: -- -- -- o o 10 N ..... o o en ;- en o o o "<t t:tS en 110 o o 0:0 M ri II) 0:0 N o 0:0 M CD~ ... II) o N~ o ,.. N II) ,..: o .....~ ... o ..... en M t:tS "</" M ri o Ia l"l N ..; o o:o~ .... ... o ?- m o o ..J ~ ~ 0..... M "<t to <0 .... M ~ W 10 ..... tI'l- O"</" <0 0 .... co 0 N I' "<t V 0 M N 10 N ..... ..... <0 U). 0010<0 .....10<0 1'"</"0;) ...: 1'- to NOl"<t . M_..... ..... tI'l- 00100 ~~re .,jNO OOO"<t N.... U). 00000....0 1010000NO CONOOO"<tO "':oivw"<t-oiri OlOm(")NCOO N'I""""('\I"{- f"-T""" U). "<t0l0 lONO "</"<0..... ..; ~ '1""""" "</" M .... U). N "</"OOlOoo;)m ON 0""'0<0<0 MO....."<tO(")M Wr-.:tOOl-VO"': '</"IONNNON NOlO"'" 1'..... .,j to U). I s .... t:::. "0 I:: :J U. -0 :s UI --5 8c I' eGl .......-- ..... "OE "f-~~~S5m 8NO"OC\lu.Gl ........'"-"~t:C\I VJ 'tJ"'Ot:!,:J'-'"-olll I:: 1::" U. "'0 Gl<( :J :J c: co 1::.0'.... u.u.:J :J.....15, _ xu. mu.Q..._ 11l1ll Co_..J .....1-~:J0l'Q.... Gl lIlM:!:Gl 1::1Il III o..~ Gl l'llcnGlCO l'll_ (!)(!) - :E (J) U en o o "</" M- C\l <0 m ~ CO- 00 0;) M 10 10 ri C\l <0_ ..... 10m "<1"<0 NM N-cO 10..... ..... o o en ;- en o o o "</" o:o~ en 0:0 o o 0:0 M ri II) 110 N o 0:0 M CDR ... II) o N o ,.. N II) ,..: o .....~ ,.. o ..... en M ~ M ri 401'1- Ia M N ..; o o:o~ ,.. ,.. (If) ..J ~ o I- s o Ol i- ~ s o "<t cO m co ~ s 00 M M- 10 0;) N ~ CD M co_ U; o N ~ ..... N 10 r-.: o "'"- ..... ~ r::- Ol M aj "</" M M ~ $" M C\l .,j o 00. .... ..... ~ (J) I- Z w :E w e; 0:::. Q.. ~ ..J .~ 1':[ <( U en (J) w ..J o o ~ j! "8 t:: <II W .0 ~ ro ..c:. Ul""O m~ U-w 13"5 ro u ~lii - w u.o ~~ l-.Jg .s en :a3l ::I u- . Ou-E! E ~ <II *E~ l'Q- > ~~ K u ~ E 5 l- 'n; :!2~;; ro..o,>- 0.::10 l!! 0 Gl .!1l E ~ -c2cncri 1:::U)....rn ~8}~co ~t:J1~ "e' .~ .0 :: Q. 0...... m .!1l 15 gJ ~ :6UlE_ .....= E l3 .e~OUl O)~ u u: .5 g -g >. ""C~ca.c !3b-01jl ""'ow.... UlO>U ci>WNE!..'1:! .= g -g 2t 8 "g~rorot:: ~ ~ g-.!1l 3l t::.<:-o1ij.o .~ "c ~ .~ g! .g::lm....ro 'SE~O"..c: l!:lg:"5:G .- u ro t:: <II .!1l;::~&';: ~Q.)~....U WEl3.2l~ :5 g..!1l :g E ~g!~"5o ..c: w.- (f) lE ;;:-o-Owl!! ....Glt:::61- ~:5~~c: !l::to:~COGl ulii<ll"?~ o€ijb;::J ~.2(!)~~ cntD ~ ~ en "Ow w....<II_ ~flE>--6 <lIe,g~1! :6n.WUlU .5 -E g u: ~ UI 0 ro.= ro ll13-€i-o-o '_wroW<ll e'ot::21fl 0.. c.. co ~ e Ci)cn~c..n.. ~;S .~~~ (f)1;jl!!OO ,g:6;;;;Lffi ._ -0 ;;: l3 u 'S:; :J: 13 U 1ij <II &..~.I'l..~ geeee (l) U).!:2.~.!:2 J.l;;~~~ o (If) o 401'1- o (If) o (If) o 401'1- o (If) i= (3 i:i: w e. m :::J ..J 0.. 0::: :::J (J) -----..- ..lE..es.~~ . SUMMARY 1996-2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM - STREETS Page 2 of 2 UNFUNDED PROJECTS ESTIMATED COST Dougherty Road Improvements - From South of Amador Valley Boulevard to Houston Place (Phase II) Dougherty Road Improvements - Houston Place to 1-580 Downtown Street Light Additions Dublin Boulevard Improvements - Sierra Court to Dougherty Road Dougherty Road Improvements - Amador Valley Boulevard North to City Limits (a) Scarlett Drive Extension - Dougherty Road to Dublin Boulevard (b) 1-580 Offramp Improvements at San Ramon Road San Ramon Road Slope Stabilization Between Vomac Road and Alcosta Boulevard New Street Parallel to and South of Dublin Boulevard $ 3,561,012 1,771,432 80,000 2,625,220 3,538,600 8,313,833 845,000 400,000 2,246,719 TOTAL COST $ 23,381,816 Less Traffic Impact Fees Collected or Obligated . FUNDING SHORTFALL ($ 29,023) $ 23,352,793 (a) This amount includes $13,460 in Traffic Impact Fees which have been collected to date. (b) This amount includes $16,563 in Traffic Impact Fees which have been collected to date. .