HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 6.1 Fire Facilities Fee (2) . , "'~ ,........,p:"~...':. ,I l J; ~"."~"'."',; . " C iT":':i'C L E R K File # 06l[2]raJ-[g]raJ . AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 15, 1997 SUBJECT: EXHIBITS ATTACHED: Background Documents: Public Hearing: Fire Facilities Fee Report Prepared by: Richard C. Ambrose, City Manager 1) Resolution Establishing a Fire Facilities Fee for Future Developments within the City of Dublin with Exhibit A: Dublin Fire Facilities Financing Study prepared by the Hausrath Economics Group and Exhibit B: Fire Facilities Fee Schedule A. B. C. D. E. F. General Plan (with all amendments to date) Eastern Dublin Specific Plan (as amended in October 1996) Eastern Dublin EIR and two Addenda (SCH 9113604) Schaefer Ranch EIR (SCH 95033070) Dublin Municipal Code (including Building Code) Fire Station Location Study (Hughes Heiss 1989) Background Documents will be available at the City Council meeting. RECOMMENDATION: /7 h~ . ( \~v' FINANCIAL STATEMENT: 1) Open Public Hearing; 2) Receive Staff presentation and public testimony; 3) Question Staff and Public; 4) Close Public Hearing and deliberate; 5) Adopt Resolution establishing Fire Facilities Fee. The cost of fire facilities and apparatus necessary to serve new development through build-out in the City of Dublin is estimated at $6,329,000. The recommended fire facilities fee fairly allocates this cost to new development. DESCRIPTION: Since 1988, the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority (DRFA) has provided fire services in the City of Dublin. DRF A has historically collected a fire facilities fee from new development within its jurisdiction (all of the City of Dublin and the southern portion of San Ramon) to pay for the cost of new facilities and equipment required to serve that new development. On July 1, 1997, DRFA will be dissolved. Beginning on that date, the City of Dublin will pe responsible for providing fire and emergency response services to its residents and businesses and for establishing the appropriate level at which this service is to be provided. In order to provide fire services, the City must maintain public fire facilities, including fire stations and fire apparatus. It is therefore necessary for the City to adopt a fire facilities fee for the purpose of financing fire facilities and apparatus that are required to serve anticipated new development. . ~-----------------------C{)PIIfST()~-------------------------------- ITEM NO.~ g/cc.m tgs/97 .qtr2/4-1S-97/fee- fire.d oc The Gity has dete~ that it will provide fire service by contracting with the Alameda Coun~ Fire District (ACFD). ACFD will utilize the downtown Dublin Fire Station, which houses two companies, tind the interim Santa Rita Fire Station, which houses one company. Under this configuration, the Ci~ will maintain the five-minute response time to the existing developed areas of the City achieved by the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority (DRF A). There are no existing deficiencies in terms of fire facilities and apparatus required to serve the existing population of the City of Dublin. , . Anticipated Growth Significant residential and non-residential growth is expected in the City of Dublin through build-out. The most extensive development is anticipated in the Eastern Extended Planning Area in accordance with the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. Moderate growth is anticipated in the Western Extended Planning Area, as directed in the Schaefer Ranch General Plan Amendment. Additional fire facilities and apparatus will be required to serve new growth at the standard level of City service without negatively impacting the services currently provided to existing Dublin residents and businesses. It is therefore appropriate to allocate the costs associated with required new fire facilities and apparatus to the new development that will be served through a fire facilities fee. Fire Facilities Fee The City is authorized to impose and charge a fire facilities fee under both the California Government Code Section 66001 et seq. (AB 1600) and the Dublin Municipal Code Chapter 7.78. AB 1600 governs the imposition and administration of development impact fees (including pubic facilities fees) imposed by all public agencies. The Dublin Municipal Code specifically establishes the authority for imposing and charging a public facilities fee to pay for municipally owned public facilities within the jurisdictional limits of the City of Dublin. . In March, 1997, the City contracted with the firm of Hausrath Economics Group to prepare a detailed comprehensive study of the impacts of contemplated future development on existing fITe-related public services in the City of Dublin through the year 2025 ("Dublin Fire Facilities Financing Study", referred to herein as the "study"). This study was based on the Dublin General Plan as amended to date, as well as other documents, including a Fire Location Study adopted by DRFA in 1989. The study included an analysis of the need for new fire-related public facilities to serve new development and the cost of financing these improvements through build-out. The study also set forth the relationship between contemplated future development, the needed facilities and the estimated costs of those improvements. The study anticipates that two new fire stations and related apparatus will be required to serve new development in Dublin through the year 2025. The total cost associated with these new fire-related capital needs is estimated to be $6,329,000. The study allocates this cost to new development by using a methodology that allocates the total cost of fire facilities (including financing costs) at build-out to the total anticipated service population at build-out. This per capita fee is then converted into a per unit fee for residential development and a per square foot fee for non-residential development. The resulting recommended fITe facilities fee is as follows: Residential Single- family Multi-family Nonresidential Commercial Office Industrial $512/unit $320/unit $.076/square foot $. 148/square foot $.065/square foot . -2- ..' ,_, ~. ,~''f.'''''";~',.; .Re!ationship to Existin~ Fire Facilities Fee . DRF A has historically imposed and collected a fire facilities fee on new development within the City of Dublin to pay for the cost of new fire facilities and apparatus required to serve that development. The existmg fees charged by DRF A are $600 per residential unit (whether single-family or multi-family) and $600 per 2,000 square feet (or fraction thereof) of non-residential development. The fire facilities fee recommended for implementation in the attached resolution represents a reduction from the current fee charged by DRF A. Applicability of Dublin Fire Facilities Fee The recommended fire facilities fee will apply to all new development in the City of Dublin. The fee is established Citywide because fire facilities operate as an interdependent system. While specific stations are primarily responsible for protecting development in their immediate service area, all stations located within the City of Dublin are ultimately responsible for providing service to all areas of the City. As described above, the recommended fire facilities fee is allocated to new development using a formula that is based on the total fire facilities required at build-out and the total estimated service population at build- out. The proposed fire facilities fee resolution defines new development as the construction of, and addition to, any building or structure within the City of Dublin. The proposed resolution then exempts certain types of new development from the fee as follows: l. 2. .3. Any alteration or addition to a residential structure unless a new unit is added; Any replacement or reconstruction of an existing residential structure that has been destroyed or demolished; Any replacement or reconstruction of an existing non-residential structure that has been destroyed or demolished provided that the square footage of the replacement building does not exceed the square footage of the building that was destroyed or demolished; and Any addition to an existing non-residential structure of 500 square feet or less. 4. AB 1600 Compliance As described above, all development impact fees imposed by public agencies in California are governed by AB1600 (California Government Code Sections 66001 et seq.). AB 1600 requires that five findings must be made prior to the imposition of development impact fees (which include the fIre facilities fee contemplated herein). These findings relate to the purpose and use of the fee, as well as to the relationships between the type of new development, the use of the fee, the need for the contemplated fire facilities, the cost of the new fire facilities and the amount of the fee payment. The proposed resolution and Fire Facilities Financing Study, as well as the background documents referred to in both, include and substantiate these findings for the recommended fIre facilities fee. In addition, the proposed resolution specifies that the City will comply with the administrative and reporting requirements included in AB 1600 in its ongoing administration of fee revenues. Timin~ Issues . The fIre facilities fee provided in the attached resolution will become effective sixty days after the adoption of the resolution. In order to insure that a fire facilities fee continues to be in place for new development following the dissolution of DRF A, it is important to adopt this resolution prior to the end of April 1997. -3- . . . RESOLUTION NO. _~97 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A FIRE FACILITIES FEE FOR FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS WITHIN THE CITY OF DUBLIN RECITALS WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Dublin has adopted Dublin Municipal Code Chapter 7.78 creating and establishing the authority for imposing and charging a Public Facilities Fee ("Fee") to pay for municipally owned public facilities within the jurisdictional limits of the City of Dublin; and WHEREAS, the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment ("E Dublin GP A") and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan ("SP") were adopted by the City in 1993; and WHEREAS, the SP was amended in October 1996 by Resolution No. 124-96; and WHEREAS, the GP A E Dublin outlines future land uses for approximately 4176 acres within the City's eastern sphere of influence including approximately 13,906 dwelling units and 9.737 million square feet of commercial, office, and industrial development; and WHEREAS, the SP provides more specific detailed goals, policies and action programs for approximately 3313 acres within the E Dublin GPA area nearest to the City; and WHEREAS, the E Dublin GP A and SP areas ("Eastern Dublin") are shown on the Land Use Map contained in the GPA and exclude the area shown on the Land Use Map as "Future Study Area/Agriculture"; and WHEREAS, a Program Environmental Impact Report (" E Dublin EIR") was prepared for the E Dublin GPA and SP (SCH No. 91103604) and certified by the Council on May 10, 1993 by Resolution No. 51-93, and two Addenda dated May 4, 1993 and August 22, 1994 ("Addenda") have been prepared and considered by the Council; and WHEREAS, the City's General Plan anticipates new development in several areas, including Eastern Dublin and Western Dublin, as well as infill development; and WHEREAS, the City's General Plan has been amended by, among others, the Schaefer Ranch General Plan Amendment (adopted by the City in July 1996 by Resolution No. 77-96); and Trumark Homes General Plan Amendment (adopted by the City in May 1996 by Resolution No. 49-96; -1- EXHIBIT 1 WHEREAS, an Environmental Impact Report ("Schaefer EIR") was prepared for the Schaefer Ranch General Plan Amendment (SCH No. 95033070) and certified by the Council on July 9, 1996 by Resolution No. 76-96; and . WHEREAS, on November 20, 1989 the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority approved a "Fire Station Location Study" ("Station Location Study") prepared by Hughes-Heiss; and WHEREAS, the City's Building Code, as adopted in Dublin Municipal Code section 7.32.260 ("Building Code") requires a five-minute fire response time; and WHEREAS, a goal of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan (8.3.1) is to ensure that fire protection services in Eastern Dublin are consistent with standards maintained in the rest of the City, including a five-minute response time; WHEREAS, the Station Location Study, Building Code, SP, E Dublin EIR and Addenda and Schaefer EIR describe the municipal public facilities necessary to provide adequate fire services in the City, including construction of two new fire stations; WHEREAS, the General Plan, the Station Location Study, Building Code, SP, E Dublin GP A, E Dublin EIR and Addenda, and Schaefer EIR describe the impacts of contemplated future development on existing public facilities in the City of Dublin through the year 2025, and contain an analysis of the need for new municipal public facilities required by future development within the City of Dublin, including two new fire stations and equipment; and . WHEREAS, a detailed comprehensive study of the impacts of contemplated future development on existing fire-related public facilities in the City of Dublin through the year 2025, along with an analysis of the need of new fue-related public facilities and improvements required by future developments, was prepared by Hausrath Economics Group, dated March, 1997 entitled "Dublin Fire Facilities Financing Study" (Exhibit A hereto, referred to herein as the "Study"); and WHEREAS, the Study was based on the General Plan (as amended to include not only Eastern Dublin but all other general plan amendments to date, including the Schaefer Ranch and Trumark Homes projects, hereafter the "General Plan") WHEREAS, the Study sets forth the relationship between contemplated future development, the needed facilities, and the estimated costs of those improvements; and WHEREAS the Study was available for public inspection and review for ten (10) days prior to the public hearing held on the date hereof; and . -2- . . . FINDINGS WHEREAS, the City Council finds as follows: A. The purpose of the Fire Facilities Fee (hereafter "Fee") is to finance municipal public facilities to reduce the impacts caused by future developments in the City of Dublin. Such facilities, which are specifically described in the Study, include the following: land acquisition and construction of two new fire stations, rolling stock and equipment for two new stations, a fire inspector vehicle, administrative space and improvements to the interim Santa Rita fire station. The public facilities described in the study are hereinafter referred to as the "Facilities". B. The Fees collected pursuant to this resolution shall be used to finance the Facilities. C. After considering the Study, the testimony received at this noticed public hearing, the Agenda statements, the General Plan, the SP, the Station Location Study, the Building Code, the E Dublin EIR and Addenda, the Schaefer EIR, and all correspondence received (hereafter "record") the Council approves and adopts said Study, and incorporates such herein, and further finds that the future development in the City of Dublin will generate the need for the Facilities and the Facilities are consistent with the City's General Plan, the Station Location Study, and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. D. The adoption of the Fee as it relates to development within Eastern Dublin is within the scope of the E Dublin EIR and Addenda. The Facilities were identified in the EIR as necessary to accommodate development in Eastern Dublin. The impacts of such development, including the Facilities, were adequately analyzed at a Program level in the E Dublin EIR. Since the certification of the E Dublin EIR there have been no substantial changes in the projections of future development as identified in the E Dublin EIR, no substantial changes in the surrounding circumstances, and no other new information of substantial importance so as to require important revisions in the E Dublin EIR's analysis of impacts, mitigation measures, and alternatives. Subsequent project-specific environmental review under CEQA of the Facilities will be required before any such Facilities are approved. It is not feasible to provide project specific environmental review of the Facilities at this stage, as they will be implemented over a 30-year period and specific details as to their timing, construction and precise location are not presently known. E. The adoption of the Fee as it relates to development within the area covered by the Schaefer Project ("Schaefer Ranch Annexation Area") is within the scope of the Schaefer EIR. The Facilities were all identified in the Schaefer EIR as necessary to accommodate development in Dublin. The impacts of such development, including the Facilities, were adequately analyzed at a Project level in the Schaefer EIR. Since the certification of the Schaefer EIR there have been no substantial changes in the projections of future development as identified in the Schaefer EIR, no substantial changes in the surrounding circumstances, and no other new information of substantial importance so as to require -3- G. F. important revisions in the Schaefer EIR's analysis of impacts, mitigation measures, and alternatives. Subsequent project-specific environmental review under CEQA of the . Facilities will be required before any such Facilities are approved. It is not feasible to provide project specific environmental review of the Facilities at this stage, as they will be implemented over a 30-year period and specific details as to their timing, construction and precise location are not presently known. The adoption of the Fee as it relates to development within the City of Dublin (excluding Eastern Dublin and the Schaefer Annexation Area) is to obtain funds for capital projects necessary to maintain service within the existing service areas; that the City currently provides fire protection and suppression services through the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority which operates from three fire stations, two of which are located within the City limits (including the temporary Santa Rita station); that the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority will cease providing such services within Dublin as of June 30, 1997 and that such services will be provided within Dublin by the City through contract with Alameda County; that the Fee will be used to maintain current service levels; and that no existing deficiencies have been found to exist. As such, the Fee as it relates to development within the City (excluding Eastern Dublin and the Schaefer Ranch Annexation Area) is not a "project" within the meaning of CEQA (public Resources Code S 21 080(b )(8)(D)). In adopting the Fee, the Council is exercising its powers under Article XI S 7 of the California Constitution, Chapter 7.78 of the Dublin Municipal Code and Chapter 5 of Division 1 of the Government Code, cOIlUllencing with section 66000 (and section 66018, in particular) collectively and separately. .'. H. The record establishes: 1. That there is a reasonable relationship between the need for the Facilities and the impacts of the types of development for which the corresponding fee is charged in that new development in the City of Dublin (hereafter to include Eastern Dublin and the Schaefer Ranch Annexation Area) -- both residential and non-residential - - will generate persons who live, work and/or shop in Dublin and who generate or contribute to the need for the Facilities; and 2. That there is a reasonable relationship between the Fee's use (to pay for the construction of the Facilities) and the type of development for which the Fee is charged in that all development in the City of Dublin -- both residential and non- residential-- generates or contributes to the need for the Facilities; and ,.- 3. That there is a reasonable relationship between the amount of the Fee and the cost of the Facilities or portion thereof attributable to development in the City of Dublin in that the Fee is calculated based on the number of residents or employees generated by specific types of land uses, the total amount it will cost to construct the Facilities, and the percentage by which development within the City of Dublin contributes to the need for the Facilities; and . -4- . . . 4. That the cost estimates set forth in the study are reasonable cost estimates for constructing the Facilities, and the Fees expected to be generated by future development will not exceed the projected costs of constructing the Facilities; and 5. The method of allocation of the Fee to a particular development bears a fair and reasonable relationship to each development's burden on, and benefit from, the Facilities to be funded by the Fee, in that the Fee is calculated based on the number of residents or employees each particular development will generate. 1. The Study is a detailed analysis of how public services will be affected by development in the City of Dublin, and the public facilities required to accommodate that development. -5- ADOPTION OF FEE . NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Dublin does RESOLVE as follows: 1. Definitions a. "Commercial" shall mean any development constructed or to be constructed on land having a General Plan land use or zoning designation for facilities for the purchase and sale of conunodities and services and the sales, servicing, installation, and repair of such commodities and services and other space uses incidental to these activities. Conunercialland uses include but are not limited to: apparel and clothing stores; auto dealers and malls; auto accessories stores; banks and savings and loans; beauty salons; book stores; discount stores and centers; dry cleaners; drug stores; eating and drinking establishments; furniture stores and outlets; general merchandise stores; hardware stores; home furnishings and improvement centers; hoteVmotels; laundromats; liquor stores; restaurants; service stations; shopping centers; supermarkets; and theaters. b. "Developed" shall mean the construction of, and addition to, any building or structure within the City of Dublin. . "Facilities" shall include those municipal public facilities as are described c. in the Study and as described in the Fire Station Location Report, SP, E . Dublin EIR and Addenda. "Facilities" shall also include comparable alternative facilities should later changes in projections of development in the region necessitate construction of such alternative facilities; provided that the City Council later determines (1) that there is a reasonable relationship between development within the City of Dublin and the need for the alternative facilities (2) that the alternative facilities are comparable to the facilities in the Study, and (3) that the revenue from the Fee will be used only to pay new development's fair and proportionate share of the alternative facilities. d. "Industrial" shall mean any development constructed or to be constructed on land having a General Plan land use or zoning designation for the manufacture, production, assembly, and processing of consumer goods and other space uses incidental to these activities. Industrial land uses include but are not limited to: assembly; concrete and asphalt batching plants; contractor's storage yards; fabrication; lumber yard; manufacturing; outdoor stockyards and service yards; printing; processing; warehouse and distribution; and wholesale and heavy commercial uses. . -6- .' e. "Multiple Family" shall mean any dwelling unit as defined in the Uniform Building Code, as adopted by the City, which is constructed on property designated in the General Plan or SP for 6.1 or more units per acre. f. "Office" shall mean any development constructed or to be constructed on land having a General Plan land use or zoning designation for general business offices, medical and professional offices, administrative or headquarters offices for large wholesaling or manufacturing operations, and research and development and other space uses incidental to these activities. Office land uses include but are not limited to: administrative headquarters; business park; finance offices; insurance offices; legal offices; medical and health services offices; offices and office buildings; professional and administrative offices; professional associations; real estate offices; research and development and travel agencies. g. "Single Family" shall mean a dwelling unit as defined in the Uniform Building Code (UBC), as adopted by the City of Dublin, which is constructed or to be constructed on property designated in the General Plan or SP for 6 or fewer units per acre. 2. Fire Facilities Fee Imposed. . a. A Fire Facilities Fee ("Fee") shall be charged and paid for each Single Family and Multiple Family residential unit developed within the City of Dublin no later than the date of final inspection for the unit. b. A Fee shall be charged and paid for each non~residential building or structure developed within the City of Dublin by the date that the building permit is issued for construction of such building or structure. c. Any use ofland which is not included in the definition of "Commercial," "Industrial," or "Office" shall be allocated by the Community Development Director to one of the three categories, maintaining as much consistency as possible with the definitions of such terms. 3. Amount of Fee. The amount of the Fee shall be as set forth on Exhibit B attached hereto and incorporated herein. 4. Exemptions From Fee. . a. The Fee shall not be imposed on any of the following: (1) Any alteration or addition to a residential structure, except to the extent that a residential unit is added to a single family residential -7- unit or another unit is added to an existing multiple-family residential unit; . (2) Any replacement or reconstruction of an existing residential structure that has been destroyed or demolished. (3) Any replacement or reconstruction of an existing non-residential structure that has been destroyed or demolished provided that the square footage of the replacement building does not exceed the square footage of the building that was destroyed or demolished. (4) Any addition to an existing non-residential structure of 500 square feet or less. 5. Use of Fee Revenues. a. The revenues raised by payment of the Fee shall be placed in the Capital Project Fund. Separate and special accounts within the Capital Project Fund shall be used to account for such revenues, along with any interest earnings on each account. The revenues (and interest) shall be used for the following purposes: (1) To pay for design, engineering, right-of-way or land acquisition . and construction and/or acquisition of the Facilities and reasonable costs of outside consultant studies related thereto; (2) To reimburse the City for the Facilities constructed by the City with funds from other sources including funds from other public entities, unless the City funds were obtained from grants or gifts intended by the grantor to be used for the Facilities. .. ," (3) To reimburse developers who have designed and constructed Facilities which are oversized with supplemental size, length, or " capacity; and (4) To pay for and/or reimburse costs of program development and ongoing administration of the Fee program. b. Fees in these accounts shall be expended only for the Facilities and only for the purpose for which the Fee was collected. , , 6. Standards The standards upon which the needs for the Facilities are based are the standards . of the City of Dublin, including the standards contained in the General Plan, the Station Location Study, the SP, E Dublin EIR and Addenda and the Schaefer EIR. -8- . 7. Existin2 Deficiencies. There are no existing deficiencies. 8. Periodic Review. 9. . . a. During each fiscal year, the City Manager shall prepare a report for the City Council, pursuant to Government Code section 66006, identifying the balance of Fees in each account. b. Pursuant to Government Code section 66002, the City Council shall also review, as part of any adopted Capital Improvement Program each year, the approximate location, size, time of availability and estimates of cost for all Facilities to be financed with the Fee. The estimated costs shall be adjusted in accordance with appropriate indices of inflation. The City Council shall make findings identifying the purpose to which the existing Fee balances are to be put and demonstrating a reasonable relationship between the Fee and the purpose for which it is charged. Subsequent Analysis ofthe Fee. The Fee established herein is adopted and implemented by the Council in reliance on the record identified above. The City will continue to conduct further study and analysis to determine whether the Fee should be revised. When additional information is available, the City Council shall review the Fee to determine that the amounts are reasonably related to the impacts of development within the City of Dublin and within areas included in the City's General Plan. The City Council may revise the Fee to incorporate the findings and conclusions of further studies and any standards in the SP and General Plan, as well as increases due to inflation and increased construction costs. 10. Administrative Guidelines. The Council may, by resolution, adopt administrative guidelines to provide procedures for calculation, credit, reimbursement, or deferred payment and other administrative aspects of the Fee. Such guidelines may include procedures for construction of designated Facilities by developers. 11. Effective Date. This resolution shall become effective immediately. The Fee provided in Sections 2 and 3 of this resolution shall be effective 60 days from the effective date of the resolution. -9- 12. Severability . Each component of the Fee and all portions of this resolution are severable. Should any individual component of the Fee or other provision of this resolution be adjudged to be invalid and unenforceable, the remaining component or provisions shall be and continue to be fully effective, and the Fee shall be fully effective except as to that component that has been judged to be invalid. ADOPTED AND APPROVED this AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: day of April, 1997, by the following vote: MAYOR CITY CLERK EHS:rja g/cc-mtgs/97-qtr2l4-15-97/resofire -10- . . ....~ . '"-, . ';: ' . . . ~~ HAUSRATH ECONOMICS GROUP DUBLIN FIRE FACILITIES FINANCING STUDY A Report to The City of Dublin Prepared by HAUSRATH ECONOMICS GROUP 1212 Broadway, Suite 1700 Oakland, California 94612-1819 (5]0) 839-8383 . FAX (510) 839-8415 March 1997 EXHIBIT A TABLE OF CONTENTS . INTRODUCTION '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 FINDINGS REQUIRED BY GOVERNMENT CODE 66001 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Purpose of the Fire Facilities Impact Fee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Use of the Fire Facilities Impact Fee ..........................................2 Relationship Between the Use of Fire Facilities Impact Fee and Type of New Development .......................................................... 3 Relationship Between the Need for Fire Facilities and Type of New Development ......3 Relationship Between the Amount of Fire Facilities Fee Payment and Cost of Fire Facilities .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 DEVELOPMENT PROJECTIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 F ACILITIES STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS ................................ 6 FACILITIES COST ALLOCATION ............................................. 10 FACILITIES FINANCING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Approach............................................................... 12 . Assumptions ............................................................ 12 Financing Plan .......................................................... 13 .:.:" Hausrath Economics Group . Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Table 5 Table 6 Table 7 Table 8 Table 9 . . LIST OF TABLES Development Projections ...............................................5 Fire Facilities Required at Build-out. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Service Population at Build-out ......................................... 11 Preliminary Fire Facilities Impact Fee .................................... 11 Financing Plan Assumptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Adjustments to Costs Applicable to Fire Facilities Fees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Adjusted Fire Facilities Impact Fee Schedule. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Projected Annual Fire Facility Fee Revenues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Financing Plan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 ii Hausrath Economics Group DUBLIN FIRE FACILITIES FINANCING PLAN STUDY . INTRODUCTION The Dougherty Regional Fire Authority (DRF A) has been providing fire services to the City of Dublin and portions of the City of San Ramon since a j oint powers agreement was signed between the two cities in 1988. To reduce costs and consolidate fire services, the City of San Ramon has decided to allow the San Ramon Valley Fire Protection District to annex areas of the City of San Ramon served by the DRFA. As a result, the DRFA will be dissolved effective July I, 1997, and its assets allocated to the cities of Dublin and San Ramon. On that date, the City of Dublin will contract with the Alameda County Fire Department for fire services, and will be " responsible for providing the necessary capital facilities. Significant residential and nonresidential development is expected to occur in the City of Dublin through build-out, with extensive development in the Eastern Extended Planning Area in accordance with the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, as well as modest growth in the Western Extended Planning Area, as directed in the Schaefer Ranch General Plan Amendment. To plan for this growth, the City of Dublin will need to evaluate the fire facilities required to serve new development through build-out, as well as explore methods for funding these facilities. . .~= Using estimates of the type, amount, and timing of new development through build-out as well as accepted industry levels-of-service standards, this study documents the amount and cost of fire facilities necessary to serve growth in the entire City of Dublin through build-out. In addition, the study calculates a fire facilities impact fee that fairly allocates the costs of fire facilities to new development. Finally, the study develops a financing plan for funding facilities in advance of receiving fee revenue. , : .'. Hausrath Economics Group 1 . Dublin Fire Facilities Financing Study This study is compatible with the City's existing public facilities fee program, the most recent version of which is documented in the Public Facilities Justification Study Update prepared by our firm in November 1996. In particular, this study follows the format of the most recent update, and uses population and employment projections that are consistent with those contained in that study. FINDINGS REQUIRED BY GOVERNMENT CODE 66001 Government Code 66001 et seq. (AB 1600) governs impact fees (also referred to as "public facilities fees") imposed by all public agencies. In particular, these statutes delineate an agency's documentation requirements for imposing fees, as well as requirements related to the administration of fee revenues. This section presents the five findings necessary to comply with Government Code 66001. . Purpose of the Fire Facilities Impact Fee . The purpose of the 'fire facilities impact fee is to provide funding for fire facilities required to serve new development. Use of the Fire Facilities Impact Fee Proceeds from the fire facilities impact fee would be used by the City of Dublin to provide fire facilities needed to serve new development, including: .. Two new fire stations in the Eastern Dublin Extended Planning Area; .. All associated equipment and rolling stock; and .. Necessary administrative and other support facilities. Hausrath Economics Group 2 Dublin Fire Facilities Financing Study Relationship Between the Use of Fire Facilities Impact Fee and Type of New Development .. Fee revenue will be used to build new fire facilities to respond to increases in demand for fire services brought about by new development. New development of any kind occurring anywhere in the City of Dublin will contribute to the need for additional fire facilities by increasing the number of service calls and expanding the service area. Relationship Between the Need for Fire Facilities and Type of New Development Fire facilities are needed to provide service at acceptable standards, such as maintaining a five- minute response time. New development generates the need for additional fire facilities by increasing the amount of calls for service and by expanding the service area. Both residential and nonresidential development generate additional service calls due to the increased number of residents and workers, as well as increased amount of structures. The City will need additional . fire facilities to maintain acceptable service standards while accommodating new development. Relationship Between the Amount of Fire Facilities Fee Payment and Cost of Fire Facilities Fire facility fees are based on the total cost of fire facilities required to serve build-out of the City's service population. New development is then allocated a share of those total costs based on its share of the total build-out service population. By using average occupant densities (persons per dwelling unit and workers per building square foot), new development's share of total costs is fairly allocated to each new development project through the fee. DEVELOPMENT PROJECTIONS Projections of new development are the first step in determining facilities needs. The Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan provide estimates of new . Hausrath Economics Group 3 . . . Dublin Fire Facilities Financing Study oevelopment projected for the City's Eastern Extended Planning Area. Growth in the Western Extended Planning Area currently consists of development proposed under the Schaefer Ranch General Plan Amendment. Further, the City has provided additional information on growth in the infill area of the City, including the Trumark Homes project described in the Trumark Homes General Plan Amendment. The inclusion ofinfill growth ensures that all new development citywide bears its fair share of total facilities costs. All projections are for build-out ofthe City. Table 1 presents estimates of dwelling units and commercial/industrial building square feet for 1997 and through build-out. Adjustments have been made to the 1994 development estimates contained in the Public Facilities Justification Study Update to account for projects that have been built or vested since 1994. Existing and future development is shown for Eastern Dublin, Western Dublin, the infill area (remainder of the City), and for the three areas combined. Dwellings in the infill area currently total 8,143 units. This includes 443 dwelling units on the Hansen Ranch and Donlan Canyon projects, which have been approved and are currently under construction and, thus, not subject to this fee program. Existing development for Eastern Dublin totals 329 units, including 277 dwelling units approved for the California Creekside project. Total existing dwelling units in the existing city, Eastern Dublin, and Western Dublin is estimated at 8,474. These estimates are based on data from the California Department of Finance and up-to-date information from the City of Dublin on recently developed or vested major projects. Eastern Dublin is presently largely undeveloped, with only about 52 existing rural residences, and the start of residential construction at the California Creekside project. New nonresidential development is expected to begin construction during the next few years. According to the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment, residential development in Eastern Dublin is projected to add 13,854 dwelling units, including the California Creekside project. Western Dublin is also largely undeveloped, and has only two existing rural residences. The Schaefer Ranch General Plan Amendment calls for 474 dwelling units, most of which will be detached single-family homes. The Schaefer Ranch project has yet to receive all necessary entitlements. Hausrath Economics Group 4 Dublin Fire Facilities Financing Study TABLE 1 DEVELOPMENT PROJECTIONS Growth 1997 1997-Build-out Build-out Residential (Dwelling Units) Eastern Dublin Single-family 206 3,710 3,916 Multi-family 123 9.867 9,990 Total 329 13,577 13,906 Western Dublin Single-family 2 474 476 Multi-family Q ~ 0 Total 2 474 476 Infill Area Single-family 5,275 115 5,390 Multi-family 2.868 80 2.948 Total 8,143 195 8,338 Dublin Citywide Single-family 5,483 4,299 9,782 Multi-family 2,991 9,947 12.938 Total 8,474 14,246 22,720 NONRESIDENTIAL (1,000 sq. ft.) Eastern Dublin Commercial 0 4,415 4,415 Office 0 3,952 3,952 Industrial Q 1.370 1,3 70 Total 0 9,737 9,737 Western Dublin Commercial 0 13 13 Office 0 13 13 Industrial Q .-Q 0 Total 0 26 26 Infill Area Commercial 1,882 391 2,273 Office 967 203 1,170 Industrial 819 ~ -lli Total 3,668 594 4,262 Dublin Citywide Commercial 1,882 4,819 6,701 Office 967 4,168 5,135 Industrial -1L2 1.370 2,189 Total 3,668 10,357 14,025 Sources: California Dept. of Finance Report E-5; Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment; Eastern Dublin Specific Plan; Schaefer Ranch General Plan Amendment; Trumark Homes General Plan Amendment; City of Dublin Planning Department; Hausrath Economics Group. Hausrath Economics Group 5 . . ,-:'.: .-_. Dublin Fire Facilities Financing Study Development in the remainder of the City will be limited to 195 units. This includes the . Trumark Homes infill project, which calls for 92 detached single-family dwelling units. Commercial and industrial space in the infilI area currently totals approximately 3,668,000 square feet, roughly one-half of which is retail. This figure is based on a commercial and industrial inventory prepared in 1994, as well as updated City information on recent projects, and also includes projects which have been vested but not yet built. The majority of commercial and industrial development potential exists in Eastern Dublin, where a total of9,737,OOO square feet are proposed. In Western Dublin, only about 26,000 square feet of commercial and office space is expected under the Schaefer Ranch General Plan Amendment. In the infill area, approximately 594,000 potential square feet ,,~1I be built, and the predominant use will be commercial. . Public land uses proposed for Eastern Dublin are not shown in Table 1. Most of this consists of proposed Alameda County facilities, including offices, jail expansion, corporation yard, and animal shelter. Public agencies are exempt from paying development impact fees; thus, the development and the corresponding employment is excluded from the fee analysis. FACILITIES STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS The determination of new facilities needed to serve growth is based on policy standards which establish minimum levels of service for city facilities. The accepted standard is used to determine facilities requirements to serve existing and new development. The City may adopt any reasonable service standards. Standards may be based, for example, on the level of existing facilities or a publicly-adopted standard, such as the parkland standard in the Quimby Act.! Regardless of the standard selected, new development carmot be held accountable for higher standards than the current population is willing to provide for itself. If existing . I California Government Code Section 66477. Hausrath Economics Group 6 Dublin Fire Facilities Financing Study facilities are below the standard chosen as the basis for fees, the City must use alternative funds. to expand these facilities to the same standard and thereby remedy the existing deficiency. . To determine facilities requirements for new development, it is important to understand that fire facilities operate as an interdependent system that is planned based on build-out conditions. \Vhile specific stations are primarily responsible for protecting development in their immediate service area, all stations within a city are ultimately responsible for providing service to all areas of that city. For example, engine companies from the existing station in the infill area will support engine companies in Eastern Dublin, and vice versa. In addition, stations in the infill area and Eastern Dublin will provide service to Western Dublin. When one company responds to a call, other companies may need to temporarily relocate to maintain adequate response capabilities citywide. Further, the city adds a facility improvement (i.e., a new fire stations with vehicles) only occasionally. For these reasons, it is impractical and inappropriate to assign the costs of specific facilities to particular phases and locations of new development. Consequently, for the purposes of this study, fire facilities are determined for the entire City of Dublin at build-out, and then new development is allocated its fair share to calculate the facilities fee. . The facilities required to serve development at build-out are based on information provided by the DRF A, Alameda County Fire Department, and City of Dublin. Additional fire stations are planned to maintain a response time goal of five minutes. Though no official response time standard has been fonnally adopted by the DRF A, the DRF A has expressed a desire to achieve a five-minute response time, which was recommended in the Fire Station Location Study performed by Hughes Heiss in 1989. Further, a five-minute response time is a condition for mitigation requirements in the City of Dublin Building Code, and is stated as a goal in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. The City is currently served by one 9,OOO-square-foot two-company fire station located in the infill area. The City is also served by an interim fire station located on the Santa Rita property in .- Hausrath Economics Group 7 . . . Dublin Fire Facilities Financing Study Eastern Dublin, which eventually will be phased out with the construction of new stations in Eastern Dublin. According to the Schaefer Ranch General Plan Amendment, assuming implementation of proper mitigation measures such as sprinkler systems, no new station will be needed to serve development of the Schaefer Ranch project only. A new station will be necessary to serve the Western Dublin Extended Planning Area only if substantial additional development occurs. The total build-out facilities requirements used in this study do not include a new station in the Western Dublin Extended Planning Area. In the Eastern Dublin Extended Planning Area, two new 7,OOO-square-foot single-company fire stations will be needed to serve build-out as envisioned by the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. The fire facilities required to serve the City at build-out, and their costs, are summarized in Table 2. ., Hausrath Economics Group 8 Dublin Fire Facilities Financing Study TABLE 2 FIRE FACILITIES REQUIRED AT BUILD-OUT (1997 dollars) Description Unit Cost Total Cost Existing Central Station Land I acre $650,000 $650,000 Building 9,000 sq. ft. 2941 2,646,000 Rolling StocklEquipment Engine 312,000 312,000 Truck 619,000 619,000 Brush Unit 272,000 272,000 Existing Facilities Total Cost $4,499,000 Future Eastern Dublin # 1 Land 0.75 acres 300,000 225,000 Building 7,000 sq. ft. 2941 2,058,000 Rolling Stock/Equipment Engine 312,000 312,000 Brush Unit 272,000 272,000 Eastern Dublin #2 Land 0.75 acres 300,000 225,000 Building 7,000 sq. ft. 2941 2,058,000 Rolling StocklEquipment Engine 312,000 312,000 Brush Unit 272,000 272,000 Fire Inspector Vehicle 25,000 25,000 Administrative Space2 3,000 sq. ft. 140 420,000 Interim Santa Rita Station 150,000 Improvements3 Future Facilities Total Cost $6,329,000 TOTAL FACILITIES COSTS $10,828,000 J lncludes furnishings and all soft costs, such as design and inspection. lAssumes addition to station and no land requirements. 3ln accordance with Homart Development Agreement, amount paid by Alameda County for improvements to interim Santa Rita station. Amount will be credited toward future fire facility fees on Homart project. Sources: Dougherty Regional Fire Authority; Fire Station Location Study, Hughes, Heiss & Associates, August 1989; City of Dublin; Hausrath Economics Group. Hausrath Economics Group 9 . , , -.:. .-, .':,': , ' ,'. ,.- ... . .'_:: '-'.-.:. - -, . . . Dublin Fire Facilities Financing Study FACILITIES COST ALLOCATION This study allocates total fire facilities costs to new and existing development on a service population basis. Residents serve as a measure of fire service demand for residential development, and workers serve as a measure of demand for nonresidential development. Workers are weighted at 24 percent of residents to reflect the amount of time workers spend in the City compared to residents. This is a reasonable way to allocate costs for fire facilities because past analyses of service calls in Dublin and other cities indicate that the number of people in a building are a primary determinant of the number of fire and emergency medical service calls. The calculation of build-out service population is shown in Table 3.2 Thus, at build-out, the total cost of facilities per capita is $10,828,000 divided by 65,993, or $164 per resident and $39 per worker. Allocation of costs to new development according to the various land uses is also done on the basis of service population. Fees are applied on the physical anlount of new development, e.g., fee per dwelling unit or fee per 1,000 square feet of building space. The same population and employment densities used to calculate total service population also are used to distribute total facilities costs among land use categories. For special land uses, such as churches, fees should be charged based on the land use category with the closest comparable occupant density. Table 4 shows the calculation of fire facilities impact fees. The fee schedule presented in Table 4 does not take financing into account. The amounts shown would apply for a fee program in which facilities are financed on a "pay-as-you-go" basis. Fire facilities are relatively expensive, "lumpy" investments which often need to be built early in the phasing of new development, before sufficient fee revenue is available. As a result, the City will need a financing mechanism, such as certificates of participation (COPs), to make up any difference between accumulated fee revenue in the fire facility fund and capital expenditures. Financing costs are an additional cost of facilities for new development and must be included in 2 Build-out employment includes special land uses, such as churches. Hausrath Economics Group 10 Dublin Fire Facilities Financing Study the fee program. The factors related to financing, and their effects on the final fee schedule, are > discussed in the next section. . TABLE 3 SERVICE POPULATION AT BUILD-OUT Dwelling Units Occupant Allocation or 1,000 Sq. Ft. Density Factor Service Population Residential Single-family 9,782 3.20 1.00 31,302 Multi~family 12,938 2.00 1.00 25,876 Nonresidential .' '. ., Commercial 6,701 1.98 0.24 3,185 Office 5,135 3.85 0.24 4,740 ,. Industrial 2,189 1.69 0.24 890 TOTAL SERVICE 65,993 POPULATION Source: City of Dublin; Eastern Du.blin General Plan Amendment; Eastern Du.blin Specific Plan: Hausrath Economics Group. .o' TABLE 4 PRELIMINARY FIRE FACILITIES IMPACT FEE Fee per Capita Occupant Density '. :.:_" Fee Residential (units) Single-family Multi-family $164 164 3.20 2.00 $525 328 Nonresidential (1,000 sq. ft.) Commercial Office Industrial 39 39 39 1.98 3.85 1.69 78 151 67 Source: Hausrath Economics Group ..:.... .. , '. ... . . Hausrath Economics Group II . . . Dublin Fire Facilities Financing Study FACILITIES FINANCING Approach This section presents a financing plan for funding new development's fair share of build-out fire facilities needs and adjusts the fee schedule shown in Table 4 to reflect that plan. Based on discussions with staff of the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority and the City of Dublin City Manager's Office, this study assumes the first station would be built in the year 2002, when approximately 25 percent of the Eastern Dublin Extended Planning Area is built out, and the second station would be built in the year 2012, when about 80 percent of Eastern Dublin is built out. To evaluate the financing requirements of this scenario, we estimated fire facility fee revenues that would be collected through build-out. For this, it was necessary to project the phasing of new development through build-out, which is assumed to be the year 2025. We developed a phasing schedule based on growth rates indicated in ABAG's Projections '96. We assumed that the City would increase the fire facilities fee schedule annually at a rate of five percent, based on an estimate that the City would receive interest earnings of five percent annually on fire facilities impact fee fund balances. These assumptions leave the City revenue- neutral regardless of the phasing of new development. " We developed a financing model of the fire facilities impact fee fund to account for all revenues and expenditures related to fire facilities through build-out. The financing model enabled us to determine whether the fire fee fund balance would be adequate to fund new fire facilities as they are constructed. Some form of debt financing, most likely COPs, would be required in the event that the fire facility fund balance could not fully support capital costs. " :. Assumutions The financing model is based on a number of key financial assumptions. These assumptions are shown in Table 5. Hausrath Economics Group 12 Dublin Fire Facilities Financing Study TABLES FINANCING PLAN ASSUMPTIONS " . e .. : H .. ., 6.5% 6 13 2025 ., $80,000 2.0% ': " ; 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% Certificates of Participation Yield to Maturity Maturity (Years) - Issue No.1 Maturity (Years) - Issue No.2 Last Payment Occurs (Estimated Build-out) Issuance Costs (per Issue) Underwriter's Discount Annual Rates Land, Buildings, and Equipment Inflation Interest Earnings on Fund Balances Fee Schedule Increase Sources: City of Dublin; Hausrath Economics Group. Financing Plan e.:, Financial modeling resulted in the need for two issues of COPs to fund the two new fire stations and associated equipment and administrative space. A $2.4 million issue would be required to fund the cost of the first new fire station in the year 2002, and a $2.5 million issue would be required to fund the cost of the second new fire station in the year 2012. The fire facilities fund would collect sufficient revenues to pay off the first COP within six years, and the second COP would be paid off in 13 years, or by the projected build-out year 2025. ',' ,', '. ' ,., ., .. ,:: .... The financial model results indicate a negligible ending fund balance, given the range of uncertainty for the plan's assumptions. These results indicate that new development would pay its fair share oftotal facilities required at build-out by funding all new facilities under the financing plan. .. e.,:,:. , . Hausrath Economics Group 13 Dublin Fire Facilities Financing Study . 'fable 6 shows how the facilities cost used to calculate the final fire facilities fee was adjusted to . : incorporate financing plan cost and revenue impacts, compared to the preliminary fee calculated earlier in this study (see Table 4). First, the cost of debt is added to the cost of fire facilities : because this cost is an additional component of facilities cost not incorporated into the preliminary fee schedule. Second, interest earnings on fund balances were credited against costs, Earnings represent an additional revenue source that must be credited to the fire facilities impact fee fund. These adjusted costs, when divided by the 65,993 build-out service population, result in costs of $160 per capita. In Table 7, these amounts are used to calculate an adjusted fee schedule. ~ " TABLE 6 ADJUSTMENTS TO COSTS APPLICABLE : TO FIRE FACILITIES FEE . (in 1997 dollars) .. Total Cost of Fire Facilities at Build-out $10,828,000 Costs of Debt Financing* 365,000 Fire Facilities Impact Fee Fund Interest Earnings (606.000) : : Total Costs Net of Financing $10,587,000 Build-out Service Population 65.993 Revised per Capita Facilities Cost $ 160 : *Jncludes interest, issuance costs, and underwriter's discount. " ," Source: Hausrath Economics Group " ", : : \ . Hausrath Economics Group 14 .. Dublin Fire Facilities Financing Study . . . TABLE 7 ADJUSTED FIRE FACILITIES IMPACT FEE SCHEDULE Fee per Capita Occupant Density Fee : Residential (units) ., Single-family $160 3.20 $512 Multi-family 160 2.00 320 .. Nonresidential (1,000 s.f.) Commercial 38 1.98 76 Office 38 3.85 148 Industrial 38 1.69 65 " Source: Hausrath Economics Group ': ,-. -- , . . -- For special land uses, such as churches, fees should be charged based on the land use category -, with the closest comparable occupant density. .-.-: . . The final fee revenue projections and financing plan are shown in Tables 8 and 9, respectively. w;':+'. -" ,- ..- " - . . -- , - - " , - , ' .- .. ... ,. .-' . --:. . ., '.'- - - Hausrath Economics Group 15 -- . .. , - , . Dublin Fire Facilities Financing Study 1.0 ~ ~en I.O~O en o ~O W ~aJ enml~ N ..... 0 aJl.Ol.O ..... ~ ~ en (').....W ..... ..... aJ .....enN ~ ~ 0 .....~I.O v 1.0 0 N.....~ .....NN aJ. aJ Ol. N ..... ...: cri ..n ..n &; "r ..... . v Ol (') N N 1.0 Ol ..... ..... (') W W W (') W W W W v 1.0 ~ 1.0 N ~W ..... W ~N u)~aJ ..... ml..... ..... N 0 (')N(') .....1.0(') ~ OO'<T aJOaJ ~enU) Ol U) 0 (')~I.O ~ 1.0 0 N.....O NaJ ~ (') v N ..... N ;'b N ...: rD rD 0 v N N ..... W ~ ..... N (') 1.0 1.4 W U) W t4 W t4 (') o ~O N ~N N (') ~ U) N ~U) U) ~N '<T U) 0 NCOv l!) (') ..... 1.0 O)OaJ aJOl(') U)aJ'<t W ..... 0 (')U)ex:> U)vO ex:> ..........U) .....N ~. ill. l!) N cri ..... 0 cri rD l!) ..... 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O~O o {h N ..... . . ..... .c "c => => g>~ g>~ Ul=Ql Ul=CIl '2~g 'E~g =>01- =>01- Z. Cl I- C. Cl I- a.. "E ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _IllQi u.EQiCllll. .!!!'i~CIl J.1:!~CIl 'E~otf .bOll. III g> "5 "C .- "= enCf.l ..:: CIl 0::: III Ql ~ I:: Ql > Ql 0::: Ql CIl ll. lti ::> I:: I:: <C Hausrath Economics Group o w o {h III III ::::l I:: III > III 0::: III III ll. Ii :;:: I:: III 't:I en III 0::: ! o I- o~o ow M o~O co (h N lilti :;:: .0 I:: I- III Ql 't:I E .iij E CIl 0 EU o z . a; III ll. CIl Iii a; 5- III tf(J)~ ~ g ~ III 0 0 ::> - l- e-..... a.. (J) ffi Ql oc.Ql oQlll. ~CIl .....u. M ~ M tDCOO NL()CO N L() vt .....~tD OL()L() .....NCO to N {h N ~tD (')L()c:n NL()N co- N ..... W c:n~co c:n-:tL() N..... ..f N W . . Q) m Ql Ql ll. ll. CIl Ql Co co 1ii 6- If) a; s. U) tf(J)~ tfCf.l~ ~g~ ~g~ III 0 0 III 0 0 :J - '- :J....... e-.....a.. e-.....a. 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