HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 8.1 BridgeOverCreekHeritageCtr (2) ...... . . . . . J_. ......."I"~ .' -. Of CITY CLERK File # DI&JI2EJ-GJIm -;"A .;: . .~.' "';,*, AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: October 7, 1997 SUBJECT: Report on Feasibility of Bridge Over Creek at the Heritage Center Report prepared by: Lee S. Thompson, Public Works Director EXHIBITS ATTACHED: 1) Maps of Potential Bridge Location 2) Petition 3) Minutes of August 5,1997, City Council meeting RECOMMENDATION: /7 ,Nt) Receive Staff presentation /'(/1" 2) Discuss and provide direction to Staff FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Cost of the bridge is estimated at $80,000 DESCRIPTION: The Dublin Historical Preservation Association (DHPA) owns a one~acre parcel ofland located between the City's Heritage Center and Interstate 580 off Donlon Way. The parcel is separated from the Heritage Center land by a large creek. DHP A has leased this parcel to the "Clampers" (E. Clampus Vitus) for 99 years for the construction of a meeting hall to be used by both DHPA and the Clampers; however, the lease will only remain in effect if the lessee (Clampers) obtains the legal right to construct the building. The property is zoned for agricultural use and would require rezoning and a Conditional Use Permit before a community clubhouse could be built. The parcel has vehicle access from Donlon Way; however, the access narrows to 12 feet, which is too narrow to meet the Fire Department's requirement of20 feet for emergency vehicle access. The Clampers have not been successful in purchasing additional land for access from either the property owner to the east (Dublin Creek Kennels) or from Caltrans on the south. Staff has also contacted Caltrans and verified that Caltrans is not willing to give up any of their right~of~way at this location. Council had previously asked Staff to investigate the feasibility of installing a bridge made of recycled railroad flat cars to access the DHPA parcel from the Heritage Center. Following are Staff's findings. ------------------------------------------------------------------- COPIES TO: DHPA Dublin Creek Kennels ITEMNO.~ g:agenmisc\htgbrdge .~ T . "j.~,. '- ,""":I,,.""'," ..,," Physically, a 20~foot wide bridge could be constructed across the creek at the rear of the new Heritage Center parking lot, which is now under construction (see attached location map). At least one parking space would need to be eliminated. The estimated cost ofa bridge made of railroad flat cars is $80,000. . The installation of the bridge and access through the Heritage Center site would also have an impact on the Heritage Center Master Plan which was adopted by the City Council in May, 1997. The location of the bridge would cause the relocation or elimination of two to four picnic tables and would also require revisions to the preliminary landscape plan for the site. Additionally, the master plan envisions that vehicular access to the Heritage Center would be regulated with the use of a gate. The gate was added at the recommendation of the Heritage Center Advisory Committee and Parks and Community Services Commission as a means of closing off access to the site at night. The secluded location of the Heritage Center provides an ideal area for unauthorized gatherings which oftentimes results in destructive vandalism. If the bridge were installed, as well as the gate, additional Staff costs would be incurred to open and close the gate for night~time use of the proposed meeting hall. There are, however, other considerations for the installation of the bridge and access through the Heritage Center site. As the DHPA property is presently considered private property, the City would not be able to fund the bridge because it would be considered a gift of public funds. The exception would be if the City had a substantial beneficial interest in the property, such as DHP A deeding the property to the City or giving the City a long~term lease for City use. Also, there is a deed restriction over the Heritage Center property which would preclude giving an easement to another party for anything other than cemetery use. This impediment could be resolved if the use of the property and/or building on the DHP A property". included cemetery uses, such as expansion of the graveyard and/or using the building for funeral~related services. Staff has received a petition from Victor and Kathryn Rasmussen (Exhibit 2) opposing the construction of the bridge. . Page 2 ) . . . . ,L., _ _~_,=... " Lt:Jr, ~J'-'1';' ~:'-V----~-G"~iJ'~'-' '_, , l,~ r '--+, ')::,,::- ---" /' " ... 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Ronch~ _I. · 'Z. ..,., 0 == - CITY- ~ ~...-.. 1 I _.'; I :~ J..,.. -.- · -. - 1 r-: ;:- ,-,:,.-' .-- . - ...... .. )It."~ .( r8 ~ ~- .... - --_.....i 'II L-LJ (',1""'";) ;. 1997 ,)C.r ,. ':' NO I. H" "I CJTY Ur UUdLlN .. .__ /~~_n~r~d~~pr~~salat])uh III lsto~lca .cemete> . ,:" The folloWGg- signatures represent the residents of Dublin who are opposed to the building of a bridge from J ( the Dublin Historical Cemetery to the private property directly across Dublin Creek. This will allow the group // .~~pus Vitus to bui!d_a!"leeting Hal~!~ectly b.~_s!de the cemetery on Donlon Way. _-------/ ... The following are some but not all of our concerns regarding this matter: 1. Are city funds being used to build the bridge? 2. Who is responsible for maintaining the bridge? 3. Who is responsible for insurance regarding the bridge? 4. P~rking and hours? 5. \Vhat is-the impacL on the park with ail the added cars? 6. Who'marntams the road that leads to 'the bridge? ' , 7. What will stop visitors from the park from crossing the bridge? 8. . What if someone gets hurt in the park while attempting to get to the private property? Can the city of Dublin be sued? 9. ,Who is paying for all the city employees who are working on getting this done? 10. Three of the members of city council are also members of or are associated with E. Clampus Vitus and should refrain from voting on this matter due to' a conflict of interest. 11. E. Clampus Vitus is mainly a drinking society that, if allowed to build, will not only affect the residents and business' on Donlon Way but will hurt the City of Dublin and it's reputation. . First and Last Name Address A:5 ~ / fJ. c:P..e; C e. /"? ~ T A/!... ~O .c? V'...,e /IV /.Ee.u~ ~~ p"z:. 67-0 ';ufT .-Q . p LP. ::.t/, /I'l/ ~ .C&'~~~.ey- / . p~;fr r~r~!-~~ I;' t-, " " .', ' ,.\ " ~:l~3!';~Ut;:J ~ 2~__~ ecvprop.sam . ..... League of California Cities Conference 040-20) Cm. Barnes stated she also attended the League of California Cities co ence and attended sessions on Propositions 208 and 218 and on the Inter . When the City goes on line, complaints or comments from citizens via e- . can be done at any time, night or day. This should prove to be convenie or residents. . . Cm. Barnes aske agendized. en Staff thought TCl's response to the City's request would be . Rankin stated it would probably not be before the first meeting in September. . Access to Property Adjacent to Heritage Center (295-30) Mayor Houston stated earlier the Council authorized Staff to advertise for bids to . improve the Heritage Center parking lot. On this subject, he passed put a brochure about the acre of property across the creek from the Heritage Center. If the City were to build a bridge to access that property, ready made rail cars could be put in. He got the name of a company from our Fire Inspector and he asked if the Council wished to consider this. It would be another acre of land in the City which could be used for public access. He requested that Staff contact the people. Cm. Burton stated it now belongs to DHPA and is used by the Clampers. There may be some land limitations. Mayor Houston stated he felt this could be a part of the Heritage Center and could be something good. He referred this to Staff to look at and bring it up in 2 weeks or a month and make decision as to whether to investigate further. . CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 16 REGULAR l\'IEETING August 5, 1997 PAGE 322 . ~~g;;! rf'~~l6$1 L. ~,.:. l ,.-:- t. ~'-I k".~ ~ ~\.,:.~ ::.'~ i~ "I:~" ~ U- ;; ",-:..'-t,....,~A t t' 1'-<" ... ~ - ~ ." ~~... '[,..i It; ~;. -."!- ~;'": 1:: 'f"~;a; ~:.iQ;Gii ~ 3. ~--