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File # D[B]rn[Q]-~[Q]
Proposal by Livermore Dublin Disposal Requesting To Change
Schedule For Special Clean-Ups
(Prepared by: Sue Barnes, Management Assistant)
1. Letter, dated December 26, from Livermore Dublin Disposal
Operations Manager outlining proposed schedule
2. Sample informational postcard, which LDD would mail to
customers prior to each pick-up
Review the proposal by Livermore Dublin Disposal to implement a
one-year pilot program of weekday special clean-ups, and provide
staff with direction
No direct financial impact to City of Dublin
The City of Dublin has a franchise agreement with Waste Management of Alameda County for the
collection, transportation, recycling, processing, and disposal of solid waste. The provision of these
services is also related to meeting the goals and requirements of the California Integrated Waste
Management Act (AB 939). This law requires a significant reduction of the amount of waste placed in the
landfill by the year 2000. In order to meet this goal, the City must implement new programs that divert
additional waste.
Current Service Schedule:
Livermore Dublin Disposal (LDD) currently provides weekly pick up of trash, recyclable items and green
waste. Single family homes (including townhouses) are serviced with three routes each weekday. In
addition, LDD holds three special clean-ups annually, during which residents can dispose of up to 3 cubic
yards of trash per household. These special clean-up days are presently scheduled on three Saturdays per
year; in March, June, and September. The agreement states that the City is to approve the clean-up
HJ cc-fo rms/ldd prop. doc
Reason Change is being requested:
LDD, in order to complete the special clean-up in one day, uses drivers from the parent company, Waste
Management. These drivers typically work in other communities, and may not be familiar with Dublin
routes. LDD management has stated that they experience many difficulties trying to provide a high level
of service with this temporary work force, including:
. Drivers, because they are unfamiliar with Dublin, frequently miss pick ups. Both LDD and city staff
report that they receive complaints of missed pick-ups after each special clean-up day. Regular crews
must then be reassigned the following week to collect missed pick-ups.
. Forty to fifty drivers are required to cover the City in a single day. The sheer number of drivers makes
overseeing for quality control difficult.
. It is becoming more difficult for LDD to obtain enough of the rear-loader trucks necessary for the
special Saturday pick-ups, as more communities serviced by Waste Management implement automated
collection trucks. LDD is phasing out the use of these trucks.
In addition, none of the waste currently collected on special clean-up days is recycled.
Proposed Schedule:
Livermore Dublin Disposal is proposing that Dublin's three special clean-ups be held on weekdays instead
of Saturdays. Clean-up days would be held the same day as residents' regular garbage service. LDD could
then conduct the clean-ups with a special crew and two trucks dedicated to clean-up activities. The trucks
would pass through each route twice; first to collect wood waste for recycling, then to collect items to take
to the landfill. Drivers would cover each of the three routes in one week, so each clean-up would span a
three-week time period.
Potential Advantages:
. LDD would be using drivers who are familiar with Dublin, so missed pick-ups would be reduced
significantly. The same drivers could collect any missed pick-ups the next working day, instead of on
the customer's next regular trash collection day.
. Currently, all material picked up on Dublin's special clean up days is taken to the landfill. With a
weekday schedule, drivers service fewer houses on a single day, so wood can be picked up separately
and recycled. In neighboring jurisdictions with weekday clean-ups, recycled wood makes up 10% of
the tonnage picked up on the clean-up days. Based on Dublin's current tonnage, this could translate
into 95 tons of waste diverted from the landfill each year. This would move the City closer to attaining
its waste diversion goal of 50% by the year 2000.
Potential Disadvantages:
· There may be a perception that this change is a reduction in service.
· It is more difficult to inform residents of the clean-up dates. Each of the three clean-ups will now span
a total of 15 days, instead of one. Residents may experience confusion as to the clean-up date for their
route. LDD will address this problem by sending route-specific postcards to residents approximately
three weeks before each of the three clean-ups, outlining the scheduled dates and the requirements for
participation (see attached example).
· Ifresidents set items out on the curb on the weekend prior to their pick-up, items could be at the curb
for anywhere from 1-5 days.
Experience in Neighboring Jurisdictions:
The cities of San Ramon and Livermore both made the change from Saturday to weekday clean-ups within
the past few years. Staff in both communities reported that the change occurred very smoothly, with very
few complaint from residents.
LDD is requesting this change so the company can improve the level of service it provides for the special
clean-ups. While the weekday schedule may more difficult to explain to residents, it does offer advantages
to the City in terms of recycling. The City may eventually have to make this change, ifLDD continues to
experience difficulty securing adequate equipment to provide the Saturday service.
Staff recommends that the City Council review the request by LDD, and direct staff accordingly. Because
of some concerns with the new schedule, staff recommends that if Council approves the change, it does so
on a one-year trial basis. Staff would complete an evaluation of the new schedule before the end of the
trial period, and report the results to the Council.
12/26/97 10:44
'6"510 447 0186
-+++ CITY OF DUBLIN IaJ 002/004
- ---..-
Livermore Dublin Disposal
S17S South Frant Ftoad
Livermore, California 94550
.AX 510'''''41.1144
A Waste Management Company
December 26. 1997
Mr. Paul Rankin
City of Dublin
100 Civic Plaza
Dublin, CA 94568
Re: Weekday Schedule for Special Clean-up
Dear Paul:
This letter is to explain the benefits of a weekday schedule for the specia.l clean-
ups for the City of Dublin_ Livermore Dublin Disposal would like to improve and
expand your City Clean-up Program for 1998. The procedure for the weekday
schedule is as follows:
· Dublin residents will receive three special pickups per year.
. · The special pickups will be on the same day as their regular garbage service.
· Every Dublin resident will receive three separate postcards indicating their
route number
and their cleanup schedule for the year. (Postcard and schedule attached)
· Every Dublin resident will be able to r"ecycle wood waste during this
cleanup service. Presently all recycled wood is landfilled.
· Two trucks, with two men per route are scheduled to pickup the wood
first and take it to Weaver Industries in Livermore. The trucks then
return to the route and pickup the garbage and dispose of it at the landfill.
· Missed pickups or commitments are easily addressed within 24 hours and the
drivers are held accountable for the service they provide.
· This expanded clean-up progr"am is beneficial to both the City of Dublin and
Livermore Dublin Disposal. Basad On the 1997 clean-up tonnage for the
neighboring jurisdictions. 10% of the tonnage is recycled wood. The City of
Dublin could divert approximately 95 tons of recycled wood, based on the
tonnage numbers for 1997. This program will help meet the City of Dublin's
AB939 goals reducing the possibility of a $10,000 a day fine.
. "
, .
A division of Waste Management of Alameda Cot1nty
~"" "10.
· The Livermore Dublin Disposal drivers are more familiar with the City of Dublin
reducing the possibility of missed pickups. Two trucks per' route, will reduce
traffic congestion, pollution and pOQsible injury to the drivers and to other .
individuals in the City of Dublin.
. The residential routes in the City of Dublin pick up approximately 400 homes
per day. Each day only a small section of homes will have placed their items
on the street. Our experience in week day scheduled pickups is VGry positive
allowing reSidents to gather their items on the weekend and placing them on
the curb along with their trash, greenwaste. and recycling.
· Livermore Dublin Disposal will help assist with further public awareness
recycling programs in the community through Dublin Pride Week, the School
system and other community programs.
One of your key COncems Is the app~arance of garbage piled In the street for a
long period of time. We have found that residents currently put their Items that
they no longer need together on the weekends. Saturday and Sunday. This
actually gives them the time to gather these items and when their garbage
service is on Wednesday, they place all of these items next to their garbage
container. Our experience in the neighboring jurisdictions shows an increase in
tonnage during these weekday c1ean~ups. We believe residents are in the habit
of knowing when their garbage is being picked up and start gathering these
items on their days ofr, and during the week, allowing them to better evaluate
their needs.
The proposed schedule for 1998 shows that Livermore Dublin Disposal will be in
the City of Dublin for nine weeks, three weeks for each route.
Route 25
March 16 through 20, 1998
June 15 through 19, 1998
September 14 through 18, 1998
Route 30
March 23 through 27 j 1998
June 22 through 26, 1998
September 21 through 25, 1998
Route 35 March 30 through April 3, 1998
June 29 through July 3, 1998
September 28 through October 2, 1998
We are very confident that this expanded special dean-up program will be
benefjclal to the City of Dublin, but we are also willing to implement this program
for 1998 as a "pilot program" allowing the City to review the weekday schedule
and determine which program is more beneficial to the residents of Dublin.
I look forward to workIng with you and your staff In 1998.
W -l1t1
Annette Holck ~
Operations Manager
cc: D. Reno
S. Bames
bi r hUPI1b\'CIUNits to 1998 (~lenn\.tJfJ lirogrnm
. In addition to Household Trash & Throwaways, YOll call now recycle
Wood Waste, Vou muslllwrefore sepJrate piles of IhrmvawJYs from
recyclable Wood Waste .Jt your curbside.
(jIttIta Your 3 Special Clean-Up days in 1998 will occur during the week (on
. . the same day as your regular service) rather th;m on the weekend. See
Schedule to the right.
Your 1998 Special Clean-Up days are scheduled during the
we0ks shown in the boxes to the right. Your exact pickup day is on
WI)'s I !1!Jll-!l!llIoliday Sehedul!'
LDD doses ior all services on the following dales:
Labor Day, Thanksgiving. Christmas Day and New
Year's Day. During these holiday weeks - if your
service day falls on or after the holiday, your pickup
will run one day late through Saturday.
prl e
in y"our .
Printed with "wl'Jsed i<I\
ink. on recyckd pJper. ~ DR 1998 Route 25 (
Livermore Dublin Disposal
.\ \\'11;1(' \1.1I1"fl"III"1I1 COIIIPIlIlY
(11:.~) SOllth Frolll Boud ~
Li\'l'rIl10n', c:.\ lJ-6S0 V!!l
all\~ AATE
(~le1~n-Up Sdll~duh~ for "our Area
MARCH 16-20
JUNE 15-19
Special Clean-Up Guidelines
· All waste must be left at the curb by 5:30 a.m. · Single items weighing more than 75 pounds will not be accepted,
· The maximum each residence may dispose of is 3 cubic yards of · Special clean-up trucks will make two passes on your street:
Household Trash & Throwaways and Wood Waste combined. once for throwJways and once for wood waste, On the same
This is approximately 24 trash bags or 3' x 3' x 9', clay, regular service trucks will pick up Trash, Green Waste and
Household Trash & ThrowawJYs must be clearly separated from Curbside Recycling as usual.
recyclable Wood Waste. . If you have questions after reading this notice, call (510) 447-1300.
.......,<"...... ", . m
l'lac(' lIou!'iehold Trash & Throwawa,'s
ill a Separate Pile at Curbside.
· Trash & Throwaways must be placed in
disposable garbage bags or boxes only.
The following items wilt It4t be
picked up and should not be placed
for collection on Special Clean-Ups:
· ~ hazardous materials (including,
. but not limited to paint, waste oil,
antifreeze. ete.)
· ~ concrete and/or dirt
· ~ automobile tires
· ~ large household appliances
· ~ batteries
I'lllC(~ Acceptable Wood Waste
ill a Separate Pile at Curbside.
· Acceptable wood waste for recycling includes
bundled tree trimmings, prunings,
untreated/unpainted plywood, pallets,
fence and deck wood (nails OK).
· All wood waste must be
securely tied in bundles
no longer than 5 feet.
The following wood waste
items wdL<ttJ.( be picked up and ~..
should not be placed for collection
on Special Clean-Ups:
· ~ railroad ties · ~ treated or painted wood
· ~ oversized or loose prunings or branches