HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 3.2 YouthAdvCommAppts (2) ,~I_'"'hii_ ,~. !l'1 ~... ~.. _ ~"':~_, '1Ii~ ,<;~'i1!,e.e:[u. ",,' I ~I{'" JJ;!~~"'~"'~"'::~~~'-;:;':;"_"-""~'" .c,- -,-,' " -.' . CITY CLERK File # DllJ[1][Q]-~[OJ . AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 4, 1998 SUBJECT: Youth Advisory Committee Appointments Report by: Diane Lowart, Parks & Community Services Director EXHIBITS ATTACHED: . A) Applications B) Youth Advisory Committee Bylaws C) Resolution Amending Bylaws RECOMJ\1ENDATION;/j .-..~) Approve appointments to Youth Advisory Committee ~, 0--<5 2) Adopt Resolution amending Bylaws FINANCIAL STATEMENT: None DESCRIPTION: At the October 21, 1997 meeting of the Dublin City Council, the Council approved the formation of the Youth Advisory Committee. The composition of the Youth Advisory Committee as approved by the Council is shown below. . 11 Youth Members: . 3 - Middle School (1 representative from each grade) 8 - High School (2 representatives from each grade) . 4 Adult Members: 1 - Dublin Police Services 1 - Dublin Unified School District Representative 1 - Business Representative 1 - Community Member - The term of office for the first Youth Advisory Committee will expire in August 1998. The openings for - the upcoming term were advertised prior to the end of the school year at Wells Middle School, St. Raymond's Catholic School, Valley Christian Junior and Senior High Schools, Dublin High School and Valley High School. Thirty applications were received for the eleven youth member positions and one application was received for the adult community member position (applications attached). F onnal appointments to the Youth Advisory Committee are made by the Mayor with the approval of the City_ Council. The initial screening of the applications was done by a sub-committee of the Parks and Community Services Commission. The sub-committee conducted interviews - With the potential applicants and made recommendations to the full Commission at their July 20, 1998 meeting. The Commission's recommended appointments to the Youth Advisory Committee are shown on the following page. ~------------------------------------------------------------------ COPIES TO: Parks & Community Services Commission Applicants . "! .....-,. : _-'!"-;:.-.~ ITEMNO.~. G:\yac\agndstmt\84ccapntdoc .-.- .,~.._-'_..._"~~~ ~-.. .'~ .. w:'l!.IIj~ll,lJoII! ,- Approved Applications Revised Recommended ~ Composition Received ComDosition Appointment School 6th 1 0 0 None - no applications received . 7th 1 7 2 Paul Cramer Wells Middle School Kerry Rice Wells Middle School 8th 1 0 0 None - no applications received 9th 2 13 2 Louis Arcuri Dublin High School Kimi Adolph Dublin High School 10th 2 4 2 Chris Pedersen Dublin High School Christine Conejo Dublin High School 11th 2 2 2 Jupjeet Kaur Dublin High School Daphne Robinson Dublin High School 12th 2 5 3 Elizabeth Chapman Dublin High School Randi Ervin Dublin High School April Christiansen Valley Christian High School TOTAL 11 31 11 It should be noted that the recommendations do not fully represent the composition that was approved by the City Council as there were insufficient applications from 6th and 8th grades. The Commission recommends that these vacancies be filled from the initial applicant pool instead of leaving the vacancies and recruiting once school is in session. Consequently, instead of one representative each from 6th, 7th and 8th grades and two representatives from 12th grade, the Commission is recommending two representatives from 7th grade and three representatives from 12th grade. The total number of appointments (11) is consistent with the approved composition. . The recommendations of the Parks and Community Services Commission were forwarded to Mayor HoUston who is recommending the appointment of Kasey Gillmore in the place of Kerry Rice; he is in concurrence with.the other recommendations. If the Council concurs with the Mayoti recommendation, Staff would suggest that Kerry Rice be appointed as an alternate to the_Committee to serve in.the event .' ' that a seat on the Committee becomes vacant. With regard to the adult members (or advisors) to the Youth Advisory Committee, Dublin Police Services has appointed Detective Linda Bailey and Dublin Unified School District has appointed Assistant D.H.S. Principal Mike Devins. One application was received from Karen Seals for Community Member; the Commission is recommending her appointment as well. Staff is working with the Chamber of Commerce to secure a business representative for the Committee. Staff would like to call to the attention of the Council that plans are underway to develop standing sub- committees that any teen interested in serving the community could participate. The Youth Advisory Committee has recommended that the standing sub-committees be formed as follows: a dance/concert sub-committee, sports sub-committee and promotions sub-committee. These sub-committees would have an assigned Youth Advisory Committee member that would participate on the sub-committee and report to the Youth Advisory Committee. This will help widen the base of support for youth driven activities, help youth develop their leadership skills and give more youth the opportunity to participate in government. Applicants not appointed)o ~e Youth Advisory Committee will be invited to paI1icipate on - - the sub-committees. . -:J.- "". .I'''~-_'-':'---"'''~''''''~;.liI'r.~--:.~''~~-'' ...~'_....~:" "", .,,,~-,,----,,,,,-,~~..............--...:.~~.--,,:..... ,...., ,_ ,.....,.,.1Il .:I ..~.ii1~Jii,IT.T. P ~ Fl .l..i :... _.~ .;...}..l5.;..~;.;:A.;,:.~;.;;..:.;:.~~:.:;:::-:;\":..,;..'i-1:;~."~~~:' il'Il";'-;": '1" .. . Given that this is the second year that the recommended composition of the Committee has not matched the approved composition identified in the Youth Advisory Committee Bylaws and Rules of Procedure, Staff is recommending that the Bylaws be amended to give the Mayor the flexibility to make .pointments from other grades in the event that insufficient applications are received. Ibis change is 10wn double underlined on page one of the Bylaws which are attached in Exhibit B. Staff recommends that the City Council approve the recommendations of the Mayor for appointments to the Youth Advisory Committee for the tenn of September 1998 through August, 1999. Additionally, Staff recommends that the Council adopt the resolution in Exhibit C amending the Bylaws and Rules of Procedure for the Youth Advisory Committee. . . - ~- .. . . . .. - , Youth:Advisory Committee Application . ...............i'< .....,' . . . . . RfCElVEOJ-- rAPP~",,~~),;,; .;." . . > . '.. .,',..,),(:,'C~N 1 9199J Thimkyoufor expiessinganlnterest !~serving.on th~Youth Advisory ,Committee.." .',' '.:,;.- _:. '~:' . ';":T~;:~z'/~(~:'~;:~i:~'\:':/'};,':~;;.;):':::~'.7:~,:' ::'~,>>":' '.:,.' u'-:. " ,', :.', /' '<' ..<':.'. '->', -:,:, '."/ " The purpose ~a!)he: C;~m~~~ee ,i~.!o. p~9:Videi~p,~ton. youthservices~' a~ist ~ith 'ini~leineptatll)n,.and !,rom.otion of . _ youth activitie~.a,nd,addre,ss.,issues ~~a.t affect youth in the community~ TheYouthA~~lsory ~t?mmlttee IS ,made up' of eleven' members' appointed, by ,the ,'Mayor with the approval of the City Council. '-:"'," , <'~'~:,'-;: -.", '. " " : '.':>.,', ,",:",~::.',,-";,""-:-'.':';"~"::!:'.::/~"(:/~;?1~".~",' ':c.'" .":',,, " '.:';":<'." "::";';;: ." ~ '~" '. . "..-.',:..-" , The teJll1 - at' office wID be for, twelv'e: months ~wlth an opportunity for rHppointinent in August :1999. The twelve . " " month, term 'commenceS 1n 'S'eptembei arid terminates in August ,The Committee 'meets '~nce.i"month; ;meetirigs " take place ThurSdaY' evenin'gsi at 7:30 p:m~' ApplieantSmuSt live in''Dublin to be 'eligible for appointnl'entc:~:., ' ~' ", ' ." ~ "/ - ; '-:;':~:i>::>,:<~'.~?'..:J::-j~::;>:,::',>';i. '" "'.~. '-"',, .' ' ,,' " "':.: ::~';, Please take a feviminutes to completethe following .questions. ~ , " , " . ..' '.c', .".< .:<\,...,,':~<;~"",\ :-',<~.:,\;,;:::~;)t<~':Z.;~~.b~\;':.<:'::', '::.:f:.. '~. ,". ",.:.., ' . .--. .1. ", Why are yo'u .interested 'in'serviiig on the Youth Advisory Committee? ' . . '. . ' <' ... ..~~: ~~~~'t;"~,:.~ ;~~':;';~I~~ "'~~;~:~~\;~~~~ ;-~...~: < .. ... .. r:: _~... . ; ., ,'.'" "~ -.~ ., - "":' ,', .', ',' " "'..',..::.,. ,.~,' '.',' ',,':;:.<'";:<:,~i'\'t.;',ei ,.,- City 'of Dublin-100 Civi~ Plaza/P.O. Box 2340, Dublin~ CA 9;4568' '83i-6645~-:':; ': .' _:\.:," ,_ ." ,...-.';.~._... ,,-.~_. ..t.;.,.~::~.';"/" ., .,' /_... 2.'",., '=: ......_#"":.?:... _. ~~ 'r- ...... ~~.::....;.\... "-, , ,_... "l' -, ~. ... - .' : I rl r"\t.,~...._,:.- ,r';.':;:"',\"'_~...;_U~-'J,'- What is the' moSt important coritrib~tionyou can make as Yo~h Advisory C~)lnmiite~ Rep'~se~~tive? .: , '. c.;, ,:;;:<:":',;(",,-; ;'",;\:; :<-""' .', ":, :' : ", . "":~'.~-'/;:';~j"::;;=;,~:~-t"j.1:\t;':i':::'~~; . :;: "~~,, ,,;,~\ '1:"', ";~,~'~)""'" ,,,,,.0,,,,\ ~\ s;""",,,. ",.. I". ~ ;,<\';'\' h ~ .\\i;o~. . ~.o hr.V '\i (b~ a\ hr1~~ .i)~1l4ruv\ J '. ." . ';"., '.'. ' ,',"., . _' ...... .. ._.: ._~.; . :~ ,. r '. . [ . ~.' :~-!'I . n .,_ ,. _. . . ~. -". . . _,r' :.,. ., . ..-_.~ . r. :;~ _ .:_~. ~.':;' .:.;'.t ,:,.,->:._-~~:j;..: '; :.:~~~~ ~,jI.- - :;,". ". "., 4." < ._':C~;;~~~~~~~:Z:;:;~~~~~,~~~Js~!~~:i~~',~,~" .. Ji~~~i~-:~t~~f;~~~e=~:'~~2.'iif~~I.~~~"Z:>~~~ ' .. '~~~ ~~ ~.;!:~..~~:~:~:~~:':~',:~.~W ~ ~~;."'" " _ '. .J., '., ':;':~'''' ",.1 ' _'"~ _...., ....,..:;r~ .,. .. ~ ~'J'.-II""'''~'- . '.... ': r .~.~. ~ J ',' _r ,'. '" .'. ' ' , , ' ' , ' .:: -. . .. .. . ..' -' - . - . .;:, .n,.. ~...'.. .<:.~,...~.,~~.:.~ ~~~~ ~~~~!~i.-~:..~.? .~.. .'..' ,- .,.~~~~'.':,-.;'.;._- . ..::-...; :.~ ~-.:'. '- ....~'~...,.-~~,;>.:. : "(?~~~ ~-'\~';:' .. -- '.,::.- "=". :.~... ;:-: ~- . t~;g:>::~,:'} .~;:;, 5:'-, .>':':::c. ' , .~ ~-.'.'.. .;: :.: : ,'t' "~ ; , . ""1 : . - .,ii ~ . "., . . , ::, :. . . . Name\<,IMI ~\~> <-N<'School ~'m 'lilY, ..iU"';nl"G;';d~:n-\71~~ ~~~ \\~Z~~~~;~\-[j;;j;'0\~ :~~A~Q,'6 . .' ....":. '" .'.f'ij~i,~,E;!,:)~~~g}' . .',:APP.L~CA TION 1?,~1)L1NE: ':June 19~ 1998 (5:00 .p.m.) Applications ':maybesubmitted :inperson' at the .p~rk~f~nd: ' ..' " Community Services Department Office on the 2nd floor of the Dublin Civic Center or may 'be mailed to the Dublin, ,'.' ' Civic Center; ,1.0Q,:CivicPlaza~"Dublin~;Califomia, 94568, Attention :MichelleWierschem,Recreation Coordinator. , :: t=:or questions onthepapplicationprocess, please call 833-6645. "." , , ." ",' . ' .. ,. . - .'.' , _' "' _ , ,l,~. .:'n '. . .... ' .:. ..., ~. . .. ~.. t...... - , Youth Advisory Committee Application Dear APPlicant:r).?r;:::'1~lJfl f7t?r7;'< Thank you for expressing an interestin serving on the Youth Advisory committERECEIVEO Juti 1 8, _ " 1998 The purpose of the Committee is to provide input on youth services, assist with implementation and promotion of youth activities and address issues that effect youth in the community. The Vduth.Adv!!>ory Comm,ittje is made up ofeleven members appointed by the Mayor with the approval ofthe City couiiC11;~~--'-:--:_~,,:::'2:' The tenn of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity for re-appointment in August 1999. The twelve month tenn commences In September and tenninates in August The Committee meets once a month; meetings take place Thursday evenings at 7:30 p.m.. City of Dublin-fOO Civic Plaza/P.O. Box 2340, Dublin, CA 94568 833-6645 . Please take a few minutes to complete the following questions. 1. Why are you interested In serving on the Youth Advisory Committee? BecO\u~c2- I ~ee-l -\+-P"\.s.: T :5hc>U\d- ~ \I\OO\u,eo\ i(\ YA-C-. \+ w C\ S ..fVn h",^, ; "j Y A (?~ 01 c..+? \11'11 of'.5l (dt ') + 'f' ov-. "" /) 0<. i?e..1'n~ In le...oI05h..p c>r+- Dubl." .j...f"~\.., . ']:. :J1,.""":>\..+ *....4- I s"'<>.....u.-l kP-- ;\-.\..IZI\~"'.,.(," 2. What is the most important contribution you can make as Youth Advisory Committee Representative? I "'""0.....' d,. be... 0- ve.r ':J \/\.-\-~~'c:::. I ~r, , c:> 'Pe.r-. 0'"I~o..e,,^-. ........( t":,.D'",\_:-,-+-L-.J .....~.,.(Cf'\+-. \ v-i\.\ "'~-t.j} e:;..---, ""'''''7 ~:stlol "--- 3. How do you think youth in Dublin can be served better? Mc>rL. o.-cA->'Vi -+-\ , ~ -I--' h..... 4- -t-t.c.; \ ,..-C'r> -I-. p~'.,,{;) =. . ~.... ..Ii- "i!- ~CJ.. 0\ r....~ .-f.r.... L .+c,., c-: \: 4; or ~ Lr"+- 4= ~ ~ ..,;--'+- o+- ~v-b\..Q...... 4. What issues are teens In Dublin concerned about? I 1; e~ \ +-t- C', -+- +e~5" I/'r a.. ront:.L-Ci!l e..} O'I.~ D","":)<- r'..... ..,( c.. f Co ,,",0 I. \..N '" ,-./\ ~O.... '0 -Tv \t?~"""""" I =sf~,c..;",,-l ~ If\ Dub);", --t-Lo--r-a... cr.:z "'~+- ..... Ie.+- o +- ---\-'h. ~ s .;.. ol o. 5. How would you be able to assist with the implementation and promotion of teen events? -r <7' "'" ,^ -t-k IR?;'c;I.~-=:,~-, p ?(~ s.<; ""'..... d... I Cc-.- -+- f,.. r ...~\..-.. ,. ror r;t. o--C- O'V'O v.,j--l.". DC-> 6 -T ~ I ---" ,," tl~ r <) -t-- "'" t+""'-"'-&. .=:>u.l. -~M..;*~"""'Mor~"""::>'" t'...............<;>."...~ I "'-"l '-' , 6. What school and/or extra curricular activit~volved In? \ """'^'\ +'" <Z S p",,,-+-S ~ "'- t- Dv b (,,., c;..e..-""" :.. I ('.,-'" c......r-- l.?<-- .., ~-* h..... \ \ .pl"",,::>~. :r c>\~0> ____ ......~c.-\~......J ?Il...".....n LL-- V~ f-4, V j:;r~ i ~ \-:,c.,.",.._~, \ -~.......+>~. .:>-,~ , H0>--,\.... l- ... ",..,I. T e. ,..- t'v:' /"\. l~ ('"I..'co!.., Name /VI 1'C/h 1'\ e I A I ~e.-C Address 1 \ " 1- '7- ~<!W"l...... i c:/(c...- P \ School D..; b \ ;10 \--\ i l1) \." Current Grade ~ I 2- Phone "6 ~ .. ~ C '7 zc:, . APPLICATION DEADLINE: June 19,1998 (5:00 p.m.) Applications may be submitted in person at the Parks and Community Services Department Office on the 2nd floor of the Dublin Civic Center or may be mailed to the Dublin Civic Center, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, California, 94568, Attention Michelle Wierschem, Recreation Coordinator. For questions on the application process, please call 833-6645. . . . City of Dublin-100 Civic Plaza/P.O. Box 2340, Dublin, CA 94568 833-6645 Youth Advisory Committee Application Dear Applicant: Thank you for expressing an interest In serving on the Youth Advisory Committee. The purpose of the Committee is to provide Input on youth services, assist with implementation and promotion of youth activities and address issues that effect youth in the community. The Youth Advisory Committee is made up of eleven members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council. The tenn of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity for re-appointment In August 1999. The twelve , month tenn commences in September and tenninates in August The Committee meets once a month; meetings take place Thursday evenings at 7:30 p.m.. ' Please take a few minutes to complete the following questions. 1. Why are you interested in serving on the Youth Advisory Committee? 2.. (see a:R-nr1red . ~) What is the most important contribution you can make as Youth Advisory Committee Representative? 3. How do you think youth in Dublin can be served better? 4. What issues are teens in Dublin concerned about? 5. How would you be able to assist with the implementation and promotion of teen events?, 'I 6. What school and/or extra curricular activities are you involved in? :::"~S~i')TJi::;k Dr. sChoo,WelLs' M,dd]PL Current G~d~'~ OubJ\' r A '., ',', (qm;, , In)' :" - Phone' 32.9 - 5180 APPLICATION DEADLINE: June 19, 1998 (5:00 p.m.) Applications may be submitted in person at the Parks and Community Services Department Office on the 2nd floor of the Dublin Civic Center or may be mailed to the Dublin Civic Center, 100 Civic Plua, Dublin, California, 94568, Attention Michelle Wierschem, Recreation Coordinator. For questions on the application process, please call 833..6645. RECEIVEDJUN - 5 19~ Youth Advisory Committee Application 1. I am interested in serving on the Youth Advisory Committee because I believe that it is a valuable experience which, in the future, I will be grateful to have participated in. I have already served for one term on the committee, its debut term, and I have enjoyed it. Having served on the committee has given me a greater knowledge of government, politics; cooperation, leadership, and even a bit of state law. I have met various members of my community whom I did not know before. Serving on the committee adds to my cumulative list of activities which could be used when applying for the entrance to a college, a job, a scholarship, or an award and helps to make me a well-rounded person. In addition to its future benefits, serving on the committee allows me to contribute to the implementation of current events for my community. I enjoy interacting in a group and e~..plaining my stance on certain issues. I would like to playa role in making Dublin a better, more lively, and interesting place for my peers and for all of its residents. 2. Possibly the most important contribution I can make as Youth Advisory Committee Representative is being an active, vocal member and well representing the other Dublin residents of my age. I can achieve this by not being intimidated by any of the older representatives and also by being understanding and supportive of the younger ones. I will participate in group discussions, be courteous and cooperative with my fellow committee members, and not be absorbed into any subject other than the one presently being discussed. I intend to volunteer for any subcommittees which I find interesting and another member is needed for and to complete any task designated to me before the ne),.'! session of the Youth Advisory Committee. 3. I think that youth in Dublin can be served better by being provided with a wider variety of academic and extra-curricular activities, including sports, music, drama, art, parties, and after- school classes, as well as the opportunity to schedule and organize these events for themselves. I think that both the youth of Dublin and the Y.A.e. will benefit if the events or activities promoted by the committee are well publicized and advertised. 4. Teens in Dublin are concerned about the following issues: boredom and lack of entertainment for some; for others, the absence of time to achieve all that they wish to; communication with adults; the difficulty in meeting the standards set for them by parents, teachers, and other . adults; drug abuse; peer competition; the reputation oftbeir schools, their city, and themselves; and scholastic grades. 5. I would be able to assist with the implementation and promotion of teen events by these means: oral word, the posting of flyers, posters, etc., at my school, the announcement of Youth Advisory Committee activities over the public address system at Dublin High School, if possible, and the invitation of my friends and other peers to any Y.A.C. meetings so that we have a greater public involvement with the committee. I would provide input on the phmnine of events and try to attend as many of them as my schedule pemrits. 6. I play the following: the piano with a private teacher; the saxophone in my school's marching, jazz, and concert bands; soccer in autumn; and tennis in the summer. At school, I am a member of GATE (Gifted and Talented Education), CJSF (California Junior Scholarship Federation), and Wells's track and field team. I am currently a member of Dublin's Youth Advisory Committee and have also served on the Random Acts of Kindness Week subcommittee. I take a religious education class at my church during most of the scholastic year and have registered for a Latin class at D.C. Berkeley this summer. ~~ . . . . . ... . Youth Advisory Committee:1~Pr!t~f.,~ l~ .,APPlicant -~.:. · .. .. __ . .. - - \;r:;;i ;~~!}9 \\i ~~}::~:~{O~:~'7~~~n~it~l~rtg~o~th.e:~~~h~:V~so7~c~7i . 1... '. _. ~_. ___ ", . The purpose otttie _Com!Tuttee 1~~oprovl~el!,put on youth se':vlc~s, assist With ~lUp " ~t,..rrn:t'P1"bliiollon of '" _ iouth activ!ti~,~andad~r~ Issues that affe~t youth in the community. ,The Y9uth A:dvisory COmmittee is made . up of eleven members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council." ,; ,',' ,.' .' . .:.;,;~;'--:::~:::;:'~> '\:5,:i)hi., .,>..:::/;~,~,;';>>>:\,',,~-~;:<;:>f,.<:':' "/',',. ,<::', '.: :.,', :'\ . '. '. ' "The iem,-of"offlce'wlll be for tweive months with'anopportunity for re..appointnU!nt in August 1999. The twelve .;.~ ;.month, term begi~s in september and :~iiC!~,i~.Au9~st: The.Comm~ee meets onc~a month; meetings take place" :' :': Thu~day"evel"!higs at 7:~0 p~m~ Appli.ca'n~' must, live In Dublin to be eligible forappoi~tment. ".' , ~"'., ' ,I,,:: '-~,;,:,::21:u'~Ji.':<X~>:;;;~',-'>;;~,;;~;,:'~ :,;:' ':- ':':'.:;>:<:: .\,":' .~-::',:-..-'.':.., ' . ,..-;"',- ~ -,', '. , Please take'a few minutes to complete the following questions.:; "-,' '." c' ,;,,' -," , '::'":.__,;~/:;.(.L<;.;,:';:, .U',>,:,~::,;:,,_,:,::;',,~;:':::,'.' '. " '" '-, 1. ~ are you interested in s rvino.on.the Youth Adv~sory Committee? , ,'" , . ,c ,_' . '-C>"" ,.'c',., ",,:. ' ," , } City of Dublin-100 Civic Plaza/P.O. Box 2340, Dublin, CA 94568 833~6645 ~~\~~!:~DV2{~+~ C~o~~'A~~[~~~~b ..~ .,..lii~r~~~:~~i,u~i;Ir\DU~~i~Mif~nred. . ..~.y-.. . ,'--'- U (). 1 ~ J 2. " , " ." "..'- - . ,.'. :<.:'.~~'~ '~_>, .~. '". .......:; .~. ...... 1'~ ":':"" .~;~~,(~.l:Il;:~~-:...~~~,'.~,,:~'~ . '.~' "::: f.."',":"' :,..0:...., _.-.: ~ . ' 5. c:'<\ J...... 6. "." _, r.' .- '". - - ," ". I. .' .~. . -~ - ~ . ." .. ... , ' Wh~ school and{or eXtra ,curricular a~tivities are you involved in? '- ~ ,',\ 1-" d , ',1 ,/;....XtD " I >,J f", \ " (? (>, 'Y1 _ , P, r~...Q..NI.'" - j",-" ~ (\ >-- n.:Z:---UJ 'IY\ r)....~-\-tfa...,cY\I)(',\ S~Df'\}' SOC-CQr-. \-:r.t~/c,(+MrQ '.' '<;, I ~) '. ...~~..~.Utr~iric-fuJ'YjDb:tH. School. [).W.S .ddress ~.~~ l11D~m~ . APPLICATION DEADLINE: June 19, 1998 (5:00 p.m.) Applications may be submitted In person at the Parks and Community Services Department Office on the 2nd floor of the Dublin Civic Center or may be mailed to the Dublin Civic Center, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, California, 94568, Attention Michelle Wierschem, Recreation Coordinator. For questions on the application process, please call 833--6645. . Current Grade uq -- , '-'.'n" .- 'Z12?J Qi~' p~one :-' ~ - ,~ to,,: ~ City of Dublin-fOO Civic Plaza/P.O. Box 2340, Dublin, CA 94568 833-6645 Youth Advisory Committee Application Dear Applicant: ~ ' "-=' 0 Gr7""i i -= -:. '. , RECEIVED JUN 1 U 1998 Thank you for expressing an interest in serving on the Youth Advisory Committee. The purpose of the Committee is to provide input on youth services, assist with hnplementaliaii' and promotion of youth activities and address issues that effect youth in the community. TheJ:outh Advisory-Committee is made up of eleven members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City1::oWU:ir.:_~:: _ :-__n~~ . The tenn of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity for re-appolntment in August 1999. The twelve month tenn commences in September and tenninates in August. The Committee meets once a month; meetings take place Thursday evenings at 7:30 p.m.. Please take a few minutes to compl~te the following questions. 1. . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. xtra curricular activities are you involved in? (J'I/t1cAe~ _ Cf.J .~ . Schoo' ~bl"jr-- rf,y- Cu""'" G"d~ X Lo.- " Phone [(53 /9'/h . Name APPLICATION DEADLINE: June 19,1998 (5: p.m.) Applications may be submitted in person at the Parks and Community Services Department Office on' e 2nd floor of the Dublin Civic Center or may be mailed to the Dublin Civic Center, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, California, 94568, Attention Michelle Wierschem, Recreation Coordinator. For questions on the application process, please call 833-6645. . . . Extracurricular Achievements Basketball Team 7th, 8th, 9th (N), 10th, 11th (Varsity) TCAL (Tn-County Athletic League) All League Team (basketball) 11th Volleyball Team 10th (N), 11th (Varsity) Track and Field Team 9th (Varsity), 10th (Varsity) Dublin High School Most Improved (Volleyball Team and Basketball Team) 11th Scholar Athlete Patch (7 patches out of 7 opportunities) 9th, 10th, 11th Dance Lessons (tap, jazz, ballet) preschool-9th Academic Achievements and Honors Contra Costa County / Tri- Valley Junior Woman of the Year lIth Selected by Conex Cable of Dublin to visit Japan as a U.S. Junior Ambassador 11th Wells Middle School Student of the Year 8th Academic "D" Patch ( 3 patches out of 3 opportunities) 9th, 1 Oth, lIth Volunteer Experience CYO (Catholic Youth Organization) Boys and Girls Basketball Coach 9th, 10th, 11th St. Andrew / St. Joseph Soup Kitchen (food preparation/serving) 10th, lIth Dublin Elementary School Girls Basketball Coach lIth Elizabeth Chapman 11579 Circle Way Dublin, CA 94568 (925) 833-1946 . Leadership Activities California State Board of Education Student Seat Finalist lIth WASC rvvestem Association of Schools and Colleges) accreditation team member 11th Dublin Unified School District Advisory Committee president lIth Dublin High School Site Council president lIth CSF (California Scholarship Foundation) member lIth City of Dublin Youth Advisory Commission vice-president lIth Associated Student Body Secretary lIth Tri- Valley Youth Commission member 1 Oth, 11th Tri- Valley Report Card Committee member 9th, 1 Oth, 11 th Tri-Valley Community Fund member 9th, 10th, 11th Community Gym: initiated and carried the idea through City Council 8th, 9th, 10th, 11 th Dublin Unified School District AIDS Peer Educator 8th, 9th, 10th, 11 th Student Body Publicity Coordinator 10th City of Dublin Facilities Task Force member 8th, 9th City of Dublin Teen Task Force member 8th, 9th, 10th Freshman Class Treasurer 9th Wells Middle School Peer Mediator 8th Wells Middle School Peer Tutor 8th . . . . . Work Experience Crow Canyon Country Club lifeguard/swim instructor 11th, 10th City of Dublin youth basketball official 11th, 10th City of Dublin youth basketball coach 10th . City of Dublin lifeguard/swim instructor 10th ;/ ~ ~S!2 en 3. ...... Z ::J -, t::J Lu > [jj U 4. lLJ 0:;; City of Dublin-100 Civic Plaza/P.O. Box 2340, Dublin, CA 94568 833-6645 Youth Advisory Committee Application Dear Applicant: Thank you for expressing an interest in serving on the Youth Advisory Committee. . The purpose of the Committee is to provide input on youth services, assist with implementation and promotion of youth activities and address issues that effect youth in the community. The Youth Advisory Committee is made up of eleven members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council. The tenn of office will be for twelve months with'an opportunity for re-appointment in August 1999. The twelve month tenn commences in September and tenninates in August. The C.ommittee meets once a month; meetings take place Thursday evenings at 7:30 p.m.. Please take a few minutes to complete the f()lIowing questions. 1. 2. What is the most important contribution you can make as Youth Advisory Committee Representative? ,,~. I'c...f~ Ad..:s.,! to{ ep''' un..l-,..n~ (Yl OS f- .- 0('10. 0 : l.1 ' ,.., 1: I'\.. NI. a../u... II / " rn 5-e, in. i,., v..f I'ln :"'I.oI'!S +I,~ Cov"lLe//l ~ Yov..1-L. ot {)r..-.61:1"1 PII'Ln;t' r 5frt",J 0. C)Y\.(:l ,1::.. (V\y .u. 0 IA j )..j s, How do you think youth In Dublin can be served better? . J::S5t..:.e) ~.nJ 0.(: DlA.6/:,., arc.. (oY1curUd n...":-J()vJ- ;;;, h'nd""'J.tZ joaol. PAy.,~ jllblCJ.nJ w~-€.. f/..u.. /oc..'l.1 pCdIy ~re.Ile.I'1J'-i!>, 5. How would you be able to a$sist with the implementation and promotion of teen events? 1. weiJrl 0-<.. Ci'H-e 1-0 aSS;,Sf wl-\i, h :vnp/Q~~h'cj..., o."c..I. pror-.o;.;o.... at l-fu.-, e'l'W1l-s by 1.A)~I1.J ~i._ur:a...f;V.f... r>;",d ctl'lc1 .5k ..115 to rb. Ijr1 f(O.....O~'fl"'-"'--'( IJ)o;krS or .)/OJ<vt.5, J ~:'&lA.:,;j b.,tJ\.o~-';"'~ is;;' r-o.y u~o.h'v'hr, l-e....cf st.,:", sic: //..J/ (\()J J..eo. ...--100( k 0.. t-H ~ J..r f-c,' ""'flR.~ 0.. S fA (( t5f{;, ( .J.e.e h ,e. v-ULi- . ' 6. What school and/or extra curricular activities are you involved in? 1. ,Loo..<.-h th.o, \10. \\~\! (,hC\.')h;.... 0\.r.:jh ch.ut 1-f~;J V"{S7~ Soh-bt:./I <IU........1. ().r"'1- 01"\ Sh.-c.Li.J- feajuJ J....:p 1- (.., a V\ ()I1 (0..// r, h:1 ~ l.(Af't.., ra \c..e...r. SClIACl J. J:. pi ~ ,: (')I't fk ~ I . (1 S :)eil1,c6(" cla.Ss.' f':es;tk,.,r, II Ap'i I th(;~~'avdeY) CJ AddressJJ?_q'f lha,....,p.) cT l:>t.-.b./,'n .. J . School Vcd~ Chris-Hun t1Jh Current Grade rz. CA,91.[5ft,g Phone F5- 1lZX- '/z.?.~ APPLICATION DEADLINE: June 19, 1998 (5:00 p.m.) Applications may be submitted in person at the Parks and Community Services Department Office on the 2nd floor of the Dublin Civic Center or may be mailed to the Dublin Civic Center, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, Califomia, 94568, Attention Michelle Wierscherrt', Recreation Coordinator. For questions on the application process, please call 833-6645. . . ~ . City of Dublin-100 Civic Plaza/P.O. Box 2340, Dublin, CA 94568 833-6645 Dear Applicant: Youth Advisory Committee A ~ Iication r?,....~ .- -" . . ,.., I' -!" -" - .; L,:' .:' 1;: , MAY 1 9 1998 Iii 1 Thank you for expressing an interest in serving on the Youth Advisory Committee. The purpose of the Committee is to provide input on youth services, assist with 1m . n of youth activities and address issues that effect youth in the community. The Youtft-AaYUOrg'Comnrittee-is-made up of eleven members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council. The term of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity for re..appointment in August 1999. The twelve month term commences in September and terminates In August. The Committee meets once a month; meetings take place Thursday evenings at 7:30 p.m.. Please take a few minutes to complete the following questions. 1. 2. 3. How do you think youth In Dublin can be served better? 4. 5. 6. What school and/or extra curricular activities are you involved in? " \ 0- *p nrl \)( \\,,'\ \ (\ \----\--\ (1\'\ ~C\f)C'{\,\' ( 07e~'l VV\(tVl \ \ ('}yy, f'Y\ -r-hp \\P(L'Q-\C)(\",\1( I ~f'~ D~-/)n Of\? STO-ff u-\--UC\)\\V'I 1-+\(\\" (\V,(\ \+ \S \Ie\? L-{ -h';x\ \ -, ~ . Nam/1nC-\':t.lnf (I(Jt7 l1flD School D\\\111Vl 1+\0 Vl Current Grade ?<l \ 0 u v Address-=}9;77 IOf1P r+. 0('.\.)\1\'1 ,(Irq O,L-iL2ioR PhoneRJ;r-1GG~ APPLICATION DEADLINE: June 19, 1998 (5:00 p.m.) Applications may be submitted in person at the Parks and Community Services Department Office on the 2nd floor of the Dublin Civic Center Dr may be mailed to the Dublin Civic Center, 100 Civic Piau, Dublin, California, 94568, Attention Michelle Wierschem, Recreation Coordinator. . For questions on the application process, please call 833..6045. City of Dublin-100 Civic Plaza/P.O. Box 2340, Dublin, CA 94568 833-6645. Youth Advisory Committee Application RECEIVED JUN 1 8 1998 . Dear Applicant: Thank you for expressing an interest in serving on the Youth Advisory Committee. The purpose of the Committee is to provide input on youth services, assist with Implementation and promotion of youth activities and address issues that affect youth in the community. The Youth Advisory Committee is made up of eleven members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council. The term of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity for re-appointment In August 1999. The twelve month term begins in September and ends In August. -The Committee meets once a month; meetings ta~e place Thursday evenings at 7:30 p.m. Applicants must live in Dublin to be eligible for appointment. ". Please take a few minutes to complete the folloWing questions. 1. Why I~re ~~~ ~nte:~~te~~7:~erv~~~ on ~e lJut~~I~~~~i~ry ~t\odm~~~~:(~~tf\ t -1'0, ~J<; ,.. nu,..~"'n, 2. What is the most important contribution you can make as Youth Advisory Committee Representative? My lek"., A....tl ;J~~? ..f....1'I AfAr:...- k.ttts ( l'-te ~l.l55-e~*GI"\.5 bCl...k -h> ~'t..\s fc Xl' :f If> ~.t<,"c~;"f 3. . .. '\<..\ - I> , .k'C.. It 4. What Issues are teens In Dublin concerned about? 'Vct"'j ~1'1'l.; I nt.:'f- ~"P"Jh e.<:-fl....,T,~c-S ~ I.(.rl~ 1-k ~Lltlo\....a-. 5. How would you be able to assist with the implementation and promotion of teen events? ' ~( ~ Tt' !:.,As. '1'l"n ~n/;' AA.....,l..LW'e~....+s a..+ SC~t>1 . .L- ..n~ . ';:;T F'7 61-\.' 1''''::=(''';' 6. i Name_Hi'" I Crt!,...(. Y'" Address 7100..h11 <;'41q-I\Q Current Grade 1 (,.)~ji). Phone ~33-17?4 . APPLICATION DEADLINE: June 19, 1998 (5:00 p.m.) Applications may be submitted in person at the Parks and Community Services Department Office on the 2nd floor of the Dublin Civic Center or may be mailed to the Dublin Civic Center, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, California, 94568, Attention Michelle Wierschem, Recreation Coordinator. For questions on the application process, please call 833-6645. \.Id15 School Co .....,.,-t- . . City of Dublin-100 Civic Plaza/P.O. Box 2340, Dublin, CA 94568 833-6645 ., :" The tenn of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity for re-appolntment in August 1999. The twelve month tenn begins In.September and ends in August. The Committee meets once a month; meetings take place Thursday evenings at 7:30 p.m. Applicants must live in Dublin to be eligible for appointment. Please take a few minutes to complete the following ,questions. 1. 2. .. 4. ~~~1::;~~~:~~:~;1;~~~e~~~\;r~~:~m"~:~:"J (\n(l' 1P nS 0\'\ p--I.,(l;:-(i CQrnCl\'{\IY (\('+,\)\-\-U . . ) What is the most important contribution you can make as Youth Advisory Committee Representative? l' Go. '(l G \ \\f" idf'o.S ' 0 , \ . \lr.:.- \ f"IrTVVIr>-f'I t :-.. (\. ,..,....j;" 'C>- -W\(',l O(\\'IIg\\\\\ ~ a\'.)w~ '{ --'r .. <?\'( (,\UYGS-II 1\..,11, 1 C\C\(\ \.J'f ~\ \\J \. How do you think youth in Dublin can be served better? 'I 4-\'l \ \"'I V _ tJ()n+h \ ~ \1(\,\-) H- \l ~ ~ ("("(\(P. ()\~() (\C-~0\U\'t., r\Ho.r ~\\M\. ) yn \ \4--. (('-\-1\ 1\ -\-\1 C\ '\ au ~s ' (\ \" c\ } J ' What issues are teens In Dublin concerned about? (\ \ Cr\- f) ~ -\-P"e'\'\."'") , (\I[ e ('(\ ()f' e'rner) J-.l.ry* trlmlf: 1cr.<'Vl (~tJ\\'l5 (')\). lni ..\-,V\ ~ uCi t\S~ J Q(r~df'"A,' * ~ ~S 5. How would you be able to assist with the implementation and promotion of teen events? . T COb \JOllD OU+ -f\\f"Y~. \)((\\\)~ym \c\m~ 0.\"(\ ('6*\ ru~~ m{e\ily\('L-. \' , ' 6. .~. What school andlor extra curricular activities are you involved in? 1;: >v< n: "~;n -i... 70 'S; -r ;'" ",,:e m Cl\l h \;" \Om ~ T ,1\\ \ II \or- "'"?' yy:, " (j '{sH-{ or ,\ \\ 5Cf'(f"f *0.0\ '-..l f)\7iD 2m ,V\\.)(~\)f'r\ .j \'f' ~fJ\~~' ~[)\()(mwr\ ~...\tV ()\\r\iY\ \'\ICI,VI, , ) ~ J Name (hoct \\ ~ Q (\) ?': School \)J '0 \<" \-I \<>, nod"" Current Grade ~. 0/1--. Address ;t3SCr fo. \ NY\"\ \'1 (') eel ' Phone L:{)\.Q -"1 \ '3 \ apPLICATION DEADLINE: June 19, 1998 (5:00 p.m~) Applications may be submitted in person at the Parks and ~ommunity Services Department Office on the 2nd floor of the Dublin Civic Center or may be mailed to the Dublin Civic Center, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, California, 94568, Attention Michelle Wierschem, Recreation Coordinator. For questions on the application process, please call 833-6645. Oil ~.! Youth Advisory Committee Application Dear Applicant; -;':'\"1 D--riC1~C50~D (n~ ' Thank you for expressing an interest in serving on the Youth Advisory Committee: ~'r ~.,~ . City of Dublin-100 Civic Plaza/P.O. Box 2340, Dublin, CA 94568 833p6645 . The purpose of the Committee is to provide input on youth services, assist with implementation and promotion of youth activities and address Issues that affect youth in the community. The Youth Advisory Committee is made up of eleven members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council. ...' The tenn of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity for re-appointment in August 1999. The twelve month tenn begins in September and ends in August The Committee meets once a month; meetings take place Thursday evenings at 7;30 p.m. Applicants must live in Dublin to be eligible for appointment. Please take a few minutes to complete the following questions. 1. Why are you interested in serving on the Youth Advisory Committee? '..\S r') ~ I>' n .,0 Ci? In (t{ ~ <'717t :-i ~8- pn. ~ V"l thlVl nt') v .s; ~ ~hd 2. What Is the most important contribution you cari make as Youth Advisory Committee Representative? ~Yld h~+t\Ces n..bovt- -r C~ ({'Id (?<\.... t" I;s;, ~ 'put- (>0 5" + e. r; 3. How do you think..fouth in Dublin ca '" +- y.., \ -.r h cS...V L '" 4. What issues are teens,in Dublin concerned about? 5. How would you be able to assist with the imRlementation and promotion of teen evel\,ts? ' .:L C C'".lV I a o:h? fJ' f> -e.6 rJ~ ^ hCl(..rt- vf7 COM (1\ pavv+r> '- 6. What schoo~ andlor extra curricula~ activities are you involved in? ::::[. F ) { . ~ School 'yJ e- I J c;. Current Grade ~ 7 C-- ,\ rC ( e Phone S $b ~51 Li. APPLICATION DEADLINE: June 19, 1998 (5:00 p.m~) Applications may be submitted in person at the Parks an" Community Services Department Office on the 2nd floor of the Dublin Civic Center or may be mailed to the Dublin Civic Center, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, California, 94568, Attention Michelle Wierschem, Recreation Coordinator. For questions on the application process, please call 833-6645. Name \ \ (' (7 d'j 1= k:. I C 1dvV) (C 76 '-/r) pc9--2. Address . . . City of Dublin-1DD Civic Plaza/P.O. Box 2340, Dublin, CA 94568 833-6645 Youth Advisory committ~itl/l/ication o JUN 1 9 1998 Dear Applicant: Thank you for expressing an interest in serving on the Youth Advisory Committee. The purpose of the Committee is to provide input on youth services, assist with implementation and promotion of youth activities and address issues that effect youth in the community. The Youth Advisory Committee is made up of eleven members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council. The term of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity for re-appointment in August 1999. The twelve month term commences in September and terminates in August The Committee meets once a month; meetings take place Thursday evenings at 7:30 p.m.. Please take a few minutes to complete the following questions. ~ 'i:: 1. Why are you interested in serving r the Youth Advisory Committee? N I 2 Q. t-kl\ 1.ft-.. I 2. What is the most important contribution you can make as Youth Advisory Committee Representative? () rt'"o. 1 k 0 A ~ an --- 3. How do you think youth In Dublin can be served better? ~ \. ~ Q.-n~Jt.MjJ 4. What issues are teens in Dublin concerned about? ci \ ~ C\ -1:j:. n. ~ h .J 5. How would you be able to assist with the implementation and promotion of teen events? ~ \ \ t1. k:FC1.~ \~ 6. V What sc~ool andlor extra curricular activities are you involved in? A. \ \l ('1 tXn...1 ~ to.. A \1. "i\\-f--^ Current G~de ~ 61 ?) &fd - PhoneC''''''', :;) I q 0 APPLICATION DEADLINE: June 19, 1998 (5:00 p.m.) Applications may be submitted in person at the Parks and Community Services Department Office on the 2nd floor of the Dublin Civic Center'or may be mailed to the Dublin Civic Center, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, California, 94568, Attention Michelle Wierschem, Recreation Coordinator. for questions on the application process, please call 833-6645. Randi C. Ervin Dublin High School Graduating spring 1999 7100 San Ramon Rd. Apt.113 (925) 551.3190 . Why are you interested In serving on the Youth Advisory Committee? The Youth Advisory Committee is a very interesting and creative Idea. It gives teenagers living in DUblin a chance to change things. When I moved to DUblin two years ago I complained, almost daily, about the town being small and boring. I would tell my father, who has lived In DUblin two years longer than me, that the people were nice, but the town was dead. I soon realized that a small town is comforting and Pleasant. Dublin makes you feel a part of things. AS time went on, I found several things to keep me busy, most service orientated. The Committee gives me a chance to share my experiences. It should help teenagers to find their niche and become invOlved, whether the niche is sports, the arts, or partYing. You are either part of the prOblem or part of the solution. . What Is the most important contribution you can make as a Youth Advisory Committee Representative? I was not born and raised in DUblin, california. Living in a different part of the country has allowed me to see different ideas, different attitudes, and different approaches to problems. I can give the youth AdVisory Committee a new outlook on activities for teenagers and children. . . Being part of Interact (at Dublin High) has proved that there are many activities for children and teenagers in Dublin. This experience can allow the committee and me to bring the activities to larger audiences. HOW do you think youth in Dublin can be served better? . Teenagers of Dublin want to be noticed in a positive way. Most of us would like respect and smiles from everyone in the community. Of course, this respect should only be given to us when we show respect to others. In Dublin, some people treat teenagers with respect while others assume they are trouble. As a community, we shOUld accent the positive teenagers and their positive actions. we should try to make sure that every teenager sees these actions and that every teenager sees a way to be a part of these positive actions. In many cases teenagers hear about the good others have done for Dublin. However, they do not know how to become a part of the activity or they assume it is not for people like them. As a community we should pUSh them into doing more by advertising in more than one place, using different methods of appeal, and by sparking interest in areas that seem dead to other teenagers. They will be able to find out what interests them and what does not. They will become more satisfied with the community. Teenagers need to know that they are wanted. once they know that respect will naturallY follow. what issues are teens in Dublin concerned about? . Until age 15, most teenagers just want to have fun. They want to know a lot people, hang out. and basically have a nice carefree existence. They want to know what there is to do in Dublin and what peoPle in DUblin are doing. They are concerned about the people in their community. the people they see everyday. The small town of Dublin allows them to do this. safely. By hlgh"SchoOI they want to find their niche, the thing that interests them and the thing that will shape them. They are concerned about the world around them and they want to find their place in that world. They just need to know hOw. Teenagers begin to think more nationally. They begin to connect themselves, Dublin, and America. At 16, they think about the future and what is in store for them, but they still consider happiness and fun as a major priority. . HOw would I be able to assist with the implementation and promotion Of teen events? Before a person promotes and advertises any event, they have to have a plan and a strategy. They have to target a certain group of people and know how to get them interested. I could help with making that strategy. Since I want to go Into public relations, this field interests me, greatly. I enjoy giving school presentations and speeches. It allows me to think of ways to target a specific aUdience. If you do not have the right message for the right audience interest will diminish. '.' '" , , ' , , , What school and/or extra curricular activities are you involved in? Mock Trial (prosecutor for two years) Tutoring (algebra, geometry. and reading) . City of Dublin-100 Civic Plaza/P.O. Box 2340, Dublin, CA 94568 833-6645 Youth Advisory Committee Application .r Applicant: Thank you for expressing an interest In serving on the Youth Advisory Committee. The purpose of the Committee is to provide Input on youth services, assist with implementation and promotion of youth activities and address Issues that affect youth In the community. The Youth Advisory Committee is made up of eleven members appointed by the Mayor with the appr~val of the City Council. The term of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity for re-appointment in August 1999. The twelve month tenn begins in September and ends 'in August. _ The Committee meets once a month; meetings ta~e place Thursday evenings at 7:30 p.m. Applicants must live in Dublin to be eligible for appointment. ".., Please take a few minutes to complete the following questions. 1. 2. . 4. 5. ;~~:t~~f~~~~~~~s:tt0.~'~~$:~~ What is the most important contribution you can r!take as Youth Advisory Committee Representative? .. . What Issues are teens in Dublin concerned about? Tp.f"'..iIS ,k\(') DOb\i (\..!.\ A\'f' ~ r l')(,,\('P r~ A'DP,( \t-, \. )\'(\\ f'" C'lC .p' 6-\J- . ~'J:\cD\ ('~,'('\'rS~r:;w-y,S=?', ~ ~(I \n ~ ~ - How would you be able to assist with the implementation and promotion of teen events? ~X<~ '~<)i~{\h<>*,~~~,~;"(~' 1~,~I~:~j ~~o .- . . ~ ~ What school and/or extra cu~ricular activities a~- you involved in?" . , I ~~~~~~~D0DU~~~\\' ~c:~-=-3~00;;O\''--;; :. ~. b ~f>~ _. r\:~ '.,~ .__-:;::;,~-:,.......:...-:-...,.._""_ -, ....... .,~ - - .7 Name y\a.Sf> A) (' ~ \\ !Y\nl'f... School \ ~ fv\ ',<3<\\(' . S.Current Grade Q6' 7 Address\ \'t)\F) ?\bOfY\\f\c:jP\I l~tS~:>tm\\'() ,r ft.~CXot> PhoneC3Pf))~-\\~ 'PLICATION DEADL.INE: June 19, 1998 (5:00 p.m.) Applications may be submitted In person at the Parks and ommunity Services Department Office on the 2nd floor of the Dublin Civic Center or may be mailed to the Dublin Civic Center, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, California, 94568, Attention Michelle Wierschem, Recreation Coordinator. For questions on the application process, please call 833-6645. RECEIVED JUN .. O' I 1999 " / Youth Advisory Committee AP:,Pli~~tiOiif,'" Dear Applicant: ~ ~ , ' \ Thank you for expressing an interest in serving on the Youth Advisory Committee. ! MAY 19 199 1/1 ~ The purpose of the Committee is to provide input on youth services, assist with imp 0 of youth activities and address issues that effect youth In the community. The Youth mfVIl;l:nyCommittee-is-made up of eleven members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council. ~ ~ City of Dublin-100 Civic Plaza/P.O. Box 2340, Dublin, CA 94568 833-6645 . The term of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity for re-appointment in August 1999. The twelve month tenn commences in September and tenninates in August. The Committee meets once a month; meetings take place Thursday evenings at 7:30 p.m.. Please take a few minutes to complete the following questions. 1. Why are you interested in serving on the Youth Advisory Committee? T nrn inf'rPC::-f=r1 /n c.A'Ir\nl'j fro, Y()l1th ArlII;,nr4 CO(Ylf'ro.;-:-teP t:ert'lu<:::e <j renH J I tyliflK fYlPfF: srnild ne. rrQfA Or;h([J--+1~ tVr i-e2JJIl1P [S To do n.nr1 '" ~ lA hn t -1-Q Y\O Y p. 2. What is the most Important contribution you can make as Youth Advisory Committee Representative? '- \) OJIUld hPl...f> (n"(1 V'l.in;f? Pnp(lK CUJeA in tJ\ ~ of ;ems 1 i l-<;e c, U m {)'Or fa () C \(J.n~ nn1 cl rmcc:s . 3. How do you think youth in Dublin can be served better? <:..S) +ru'f\J: 71lQ\G % \ r\qP SrD\lVi fA ~81D q6 " (\) n\\pr\ ,:Yf!,p n.on S''f'OJ'PJ ~f' 0pl (l:m)~ ',I: 1 ',-it) t m (',() (V\(nuNtr j , ., . 4. What issues are teens in Dublin concerned about? \fhf}:::' "(l'!)lJ.""~n (1.i"P, C'O{'lCDrr"\(>r1 OhOW h01 A i(I n (I\'IG:?- t() -~). (\~()r -Af'Q ~ ',() 0. rf'h'y,-fr[-Tn hIe PJIl I \\~r0rJ-_ I ~ ~ 5. How would you be able to assist with the implementation and promotion of teen events? (~ (f:X:>" 00.. \~ r~ e. -rc) v~ Q\r) n rUD () t \..,. c:rn p uP Y\.:T'S \' ~ ~ 6. What school andlor extra curricular activities are you involved in? ,,'S1 (1 _\'"'f"": " J\ l Xj\uer\ I ~ r\ ~n ':0\ '~I"'\ r1rn..ill 'P.O(\oD=::V\\C), I \ ) -, - .t\......p. F \ nri.. ~.\'.J,N1 (I ) '-"'0 "r--. ',r :-..,~ 'l"T">:"'~' (),,_,.r -h i Nom. ~=r-'e[W:e S.h~1 J) J hi: n Hion Con..l G~d. ~D Address IIS<:;"C; (",,"('p, C jJJ.J Ov hi: (1 CA QUSc:..,~ Phone ':;?'~-~'-l:':':::, . APPLICATION DEADLINE: June 19, 1998 (5:00 p.m.) Applications may be submitted in person at the Parks and Community Services Department Office on the 2nd floor of the Dublin Civic Center or may be mailed to the Dublin Civic Center, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, California, 94568, Attention Michelle Wierschem, Recreation Coordinator. For questions on the application process, please call 833-6645. City of Dublin-100 Civic Plaza/P.O. Box 234U, LJUDlIn, (;~ 94558 B::1::1-bb40 Youth Advisory Committee Applicati ~ /;\.~~ '\\' , (';0 \':> ! , '0 /v'~/" ~~~ ~ ,/ tio'!)'J1:tCPt.6motion of "'eommittee is made .-ear Applicant: . I hank you for expressing an interest in serving on the Youth Advisory Committee. The purpose of the Committee is to provide input on youth services, assist with implem youth activities and address issues that affect youth in the community. The Youth Adv \ up of eleven members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council. ' The tenn of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity for re-appointment in August 1999. The twelve month tenn begins in September and ends in August. The Committee meets once a month; meetings take place Thursday evenings at 7:30 p.m. Applicants must live in Dublin to be eligible for appointment. please take a few minutes to complete the following questions. 1. 2. '.. 4. 5. 6. /-,' r are you interested in se~ on the Yoqj:h Advisory Committee? . ~ Ji' ~t t e, e ~ e.. J!. :' '" G t) c) R... 1-~c1Y} - / k1 OM eS What is the most important contribution you can make as youth Advisory Committee Representative? ~ L~~ r- ~O lrl *t (Jl r'- I r7 ~ D ~f'{ C;~ eo? ' J2. I ~!fs What issues are ens in Dublin concrrned about? H rttJ o Name A N Q ,,/ \-\ e -t\') .e.. {' V'1--~ -\-Q I" School W(! I ~{ lj Current Grade r :;J } Address 1 ~ f 2 C ,am + f', ,r kj 1'1 Phone :L - s , q 'PPLlCATIDN DEADLINE: June 19,1998 (5:00 p.m.) Applications may be submitted in person at the Parks and Community Services Department Office on the 2nd floor of the Dublin Civic Center or may be mailed to the Dublin Civic Center, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, California, 94568, Attention Michelle Wierschem, Recreation Coordinator. For questions on the application process, please call 833-6645. City of Dublin.1 00 Civic Plaza/P.O. Box ?340, Dublin, CA 94568 833-6645 Dear Applicant: Youth Advisory Committee Application RECEIVED JUN 1 9 1998 . Thank you for expressing an interest in serving on the Youth Advisory Committee. The purpose of the Committee Is to provide Input on youth services, assist with implementation and promotion of youth activities and address issues that effect youth in the community. The Youth Advisory Committee is made up of eleven members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council. The term of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity for re-appolntment In August 1999. The twelve month term commences in September and terminates In August The Committee meets once a month; meetings take place Thursday evenings at 7:30 p.m.. Please take a few minutes to complete the following questions. 1. Why are you interested in serving on the Youth Advisory Committee? 2. What Is the most important contribution you can make as Youth Advisory Committee Representative? 3. How do you think youth in Dublin can be served better? . 4. What issues are teens in Dublin concerned about? 5. How would you be able to assist with the implementation and promotion of teen events? 6. What school and/or extra curricular activities are you involved in? Name~p'Qk Address till I )<oWL lSe!/pl1 -tn'",V€ School D vb.t./t \{i21~~urrent Grade II Phone L7IV ~ 29 - ~b 7~ ~ APPLICATION DEADLINE: June 19, 1998 (5:00 p.m.) Applications may be submitted in person at the Parks and Community Services Department Office on the 2nd floor of the Dublin Civic Center or may be mailed to the Dublin Civic Center, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, California, 94568, Attention Michelle Wierschem, Recreation Coordinator. For questions on the application process, please call 833-6645. . YOUTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE APPLICATION NAME: Jupjeet Kaur SCHOOL: Dublin High School Current Grade: 11 ADDRESS: 11771 Betlen Drive PHONE: (510) 829-3696 .. 1. I am interested in serv'ing on the Youth Advisory Committee because this past year when I was in it, I thought that if I and the other members continue serving on this committee like the way we are serv'ing right now would be great. I think I can do much better than what I did this past year because now I know how to serve the committee and what events they would like the best. 2. The most important contribution I can make as Youth Advisory Committee Representative is that I can be involved in mostly everything that is going to be on in our city, I listen to everyone's opinions and try to do what the youth of Dublin wants to see done. 3. The Youth of Dublin can be served better by holding community service, help the needy, concerts, we can also have the youth come up with ideas and see what events they like the best and we will try to hold those events. , 4-. The issues that the teens are concerned about are AIDS awareness, having a good education, drug addiction, and last but not least they like to serve the needy. I . 5. I would be able to assist with the implementation and promotion of . teen events by the word of mouth, I can make announcements on the bulletin, and also let my friends know about the events that are going to be held in our city and then they can tell their friends and family. 6. The activities that I am involved with are: California Scholarship Federation, Multi-Cultural Club, interact Club, I volunteer on the Internet as a medical librarian, and also tutor students on the Internet and in school, and I play on the varsity tennis team for DHS. tilt ~ . . -. City of Dublin.100 Civic Plaza/P.O. Box 2340, Dublin, CA 94568 833-6645 Youth Advisory Committee App/~~atio~, _ If': ,..if n .1 p': " 'lil"l lUll II \ \1 ; : I,:", ; Dear Applicant: iJ Thank you for expressing an interest in serving on the Youth Advisory Committee. ! MAY 1 9 1998 Iii The purpose of the Committee is to provide input on youth services, assist with impl 0 of youth activities and address issues that effect youth in the community. The Youth 1>.1MSmy-Ctlmmittee is-made up of eleven members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council. The tenn of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity forre-appointment in August 1999. The twelve month tenn commences in September and tenninates in August The Committee meets once a month; meetings take place Thursday evenings at 7:30 p.m.. Please take a few minutes to complete the following questions. 1. Why are you interested in serving on the Youth Advisory Committee? Ji ~\ t; ~ -\-- T. '0u1r). r o"VI-'rV, b"'*e 0 N2 OJ ,J:: ~t, hI I VL (-my .-h>()~r'-~~)- I \.o."T 10 2. What is the most Important contribution you can make as Youth Advisory Committee Representative? ~ \ (')..Q (\_ ~ (';j!\_o) \ C'"c 01 Y-r~~ V\.AA J (" t (i'S;Q rneN1"\ ofe. \ V\- C\_ \ 3. How do you think youth in Dublin can be served better? t . \('\ 1 ~ d ~n()lO I lt1_Cll~ \ ~ ~~tkt ~,r.\- " dlAn\A)\r..,0A c1 \ fe (: ~, of V\Al,Lj\ r, r~1 I 4. What issues are teens in Dublin concerned about? ~ ~~M1Q ~ <2+ H\r~' ('/I\({ fl" \l(i,~~~.-~~n,,~ .~ ~cJv<t- ::M.Q\ ~wV\ -T \(\('). P (lRYI 5. How would you be able to assist with the implementation and promotion of teen events? ~ (' "'" j rl Q0V\t:) - ~ ~\)rpC\ct '11~ <..>-Xj r d crt- 6. What school and/or extra curricular activities are you involved in? Cfn\). Y' Y\ IX \ \ ':'\ 1M ! '-fPA"N/ mole <:s:/ N~e -T~~~\C~v ~:~~ Address~ . ~ "'5 . 01\ rr, School 1)\ .l.n\\ \1'\ 't-lt1/AurrentGradeKlQ St-r.('{)+- Phone l.,Z9;-t"57~i APPLICATION DEADi.JNE: June 19, 1998 (5:00 p.m.) Applications may be submitted in person at the Parks and Community Services Department Office on the 2nd floor of the Dublin Civic Center or may be mailed to the Dublin Civic Center, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, California, 94568, Attention Michelle Wierschem, Recreation Coordinator. For questions on the application process, please call 833-6645. ~ Name 1b~\ \\bh\1lm Address~~!J-\ro1a~ Pi ~ 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. City of Dublin-tOO Civic Plaza/P.O. Box 2340, Dublin, CA 94568 833-6645 Youth Advisory Committee Application Dear Applicant: . Thank you for expressing an interest in serving on the Youth Advisory Committee. The purpose of the Committee is to provide input on youth services, assist with implementation and promotion of youth activities and address issues that affect youth in the community. The Youth Advisory Committee is made up of eleven members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council. The term of office will be for twelve mo~ths with an opportunity for re-appointment In August 1999. The twelve month term commences in September and tenninates in August. The Committee meets once a month; meetings take place Thursday evenings at 7:30 p.m. Applicants must live in Dublin to be eligible for appointment. Please take a few minutes to complete the following questions. 1. n ny>. .......J sChoolj~h W\J\\~, \)d1't) : ~!l. Gf45GP Current Grade ~ Phone flj<o. [;-rcto ., APPLICATION DEADLINE: June 19, 1998 (5:00 p.m.) Applications may be submitted In person at the Parks and Community Services Department Office on the 2nd floor of the Dublin Civic Center or may be mailed to the Dublin Civic Center, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, California, 94568, Attention Michelle Wierschem, Recreation Coordinator. For questions on the application process, please call 833-6645. ~ ~ eE:l VI:: D J UN - :: 1998 .. ~. - - - -~ --. -. . City of Dublin-tOO Civic Plaza/P.O. Box 2340, Dublin, CA94568 833-6645 Youth Advisory Committee APPlicat{~R:0. .ear Applicant: , ~,\ Thank you for expressing an interest in serving on the Youth Advisory Committee. ~? \ ~ _ rj \'?,~:.'.?t The purpose of the Committee is to provide input on youth services, assist with imp n~~on a ,p@mobonof youth activities and address Issues that affect youth in the community. The Youth 'so . >ttee is made up of eleven members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council. ~"...-"r ' . 4. 5. ... The term of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity for re-appointment in Al,Igust 1999. The twelve month term begins in September and ends in August The Committee meets once a month; meetings take place Thursday evenings at 7:30 p.m. Applicants must live in Dublin to be eligible for appointment. Please take a few minutes to complete the following questions. 1. 2. What Is the most important contribution you can make as Youth Advisory Committee Representative? jLiV.~ ~~ t:~ L What issues are teens in Dublin concerned about?ecr ~ NcrT ~t74 10 [C) A J:() Bf7fZE ~ 6. What school andlor extra curricular activities are you involved in? 'I, Name CJ-\~,;)--raHe--t N~~ .dress ~I tf\...-U_ ,Q.CS(S ~~ ~LlCATION DEADLINE: June 19, 1998 (5:00 p.m.) Applications may be submitted in person at.the Parks and Community Services Department Office on the 2nd floor of the Dublin Civic Center or may be mailed to the Dublin Civic Center, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, California, 94568, Attention Michelle Wierschem, Recreation Coordinator. For questions on the application process, please call 833-6645. ~c €vt f) E=. J 1:=: fA JA;\'tI )tJ School JA)P;/1~ Current Grade 'M: 7 Phone C[;:[I-3S% City of Dublln-100 Civic Plaza/P.O. Box 2340, Dublin, CA 94568 833-6645 Youth Advisory Committee AfcPlication , R CEIVED JUN 1 9 1998 ' . Dear Applicant: Thank you for expressing an interest in serving on the Youth Advisory Committee. The purpose of the Committee is to provide input on youth services, assist with implementation and promotion of youth activities and address Issues that affect youth In the community. The Youth Advisory Committee Is made up of eleven members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council. ' The term of office will be for. twelve months with an'opportunlty for re-appointment in August 1999. The twelve month term begins In September and ends in August. The Committee meets once a month; meetihgs take place Thursday evenings at 7:30 p.m. Applicants must Jive In Dublin to be eligible for appointment. Please take a few minutes to complete the following questions. 1. Why are you interested in serving on the Youth Advisory Committee? -<If' .(,.-tJnIA--',/lft/.J-/7:>J J-.;~n _trY f1//1-7'/ /7-",/1'.. ,"',..,,._:>-<KJt7J .f1't'--7l J t'1.iY./Yi..c;,,/ i.--j Flllf,/;,,,! _lft.//1/' Pil',,,, .. J-It" " ., ) /J;:}n 1(1 NJ'1 ro-' /.Jv f'. /,/"1/,"'" 4;f d' 'r"/n-;r;;, / ~ / , --rrh d,' !fi-;':f'i,. ~~ L;"'/' 2. What Is the most Important contribution you can '!lake as Youth Advisory Committee Representative? 3. 4. 5. 6. \. ~. v..... 1'<'1-?l./ ;:'../1",1 o....,p-J"nfi':"'r) pf_......:;I':;,/ (pi /'.....--. rJ"'I'Ao<;II-J "/'IJy--;l;/.,-;';'/?-/;i~// , , I - , How do you think youth In Dublin can be served better? ..f .;-ft A:-'" if") E'i f1 / ~,. :,., i / J..JJ.II Tit ) ':' (?p 1"/ r./ /l / 11 rt.rf-(A) /to ./..,.;rH,... PI ""Y'/.l i 1m" ...-Y II ' . v u . What issues are teens in Dublin concerned about? , -f" I'n...o/ /:-r.J (), i /w/ ~tJ /J ruu (' P'J1 /' I h /111' A , n J HU I r... "VA/" ~ r7> I,' d If" -'>'1 ;:t:.,..J How would you be able to assist with the Implementation and promotion of teen events? -{1{1..('/Jl{C'..' .1(ffYI..Ii 'eJr../r-/;i'-"1'''')'A...> 'Yjb1rl.L...,..-;-..J--V:u,.,.h;"'-.m,,,,,,r, ..,c, $J~/J? 17L/.J/1,',.';;'uz",-""1.,r:, , (/ I " tJ ~J~~, .14.~:!' i,..J ",",unto' -t"J:)J.nJ/)/)I..,,,,......-1 d.... LlA-P?Yl.<1:(i-..J"'ff"..... dlH'A>.r" '" . I . I I . . What school andlor extra curricular activities are you involved in? ....1, on""", (.7'-" . -r',,) n I" h.L'n/" tJ:..-~..-. ,:"... .1'71/".............)J ~/-, '" rl7fV :t:/u,...! r I ~,~/ ,o....,.,.r.;; dl',~h ....,-.J'./.-- ~,.~. ~~~~~,_'r-~~~:'Y'rl~~".' z; .,... ':::::;~~ ~~ ~,..-"~/~A-; ~/'~/~ I'V~'~/ , 1'. ~ ,C . ( .' ~ ,),; .'1/ ~ .h;; 'v,---f /r.)'" : ..!) _ /YI --' ... .h ) P' /"'1'")' ( ,-,prz.=-' . '. " + -. Name City of Dublin-100 Civic Plaza/P,O. Box 2340, Dublin, CA 94568 833-6645 Dear Applicant: Youth Advisory Committee Application RECEIVED JUN 1 9 1998 Thank you for expressing an interest in serving on the Youth Advisory Committee. The purpose of the Committee is to provide input on youth services, assist with implementation and promotion of youth activities and address issues that effect youth in the community. The Youth Advisory Committee is made up of eleven members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council. The tenn of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity for re-appointment in August 1999. The twelve month tenn commences in September and tenninates in August. The Committee meets once a month; meetings take.place Thursday evenings at 7:30 p.m.. Please take a few minute:> .to complete the following questions. 1. Why :r:;~;t~" ~~"g yA:.YO~dvis;.:om~Q';~~J "b1 1Y'!!1 Iv ~ fJ,. 11~17\ t~. ~~k 1.~ ~)Jlj t.(', ~/!' J QO"Ilm.J,A br *-tr ~ C1uIl\ .h n<l.u.D.rNt {,.mIl n'n.oJ LLrNh~ 'f{' (\ nluAk ~Ot r ,0 t,b.:? h Q,q {). ~r~\lIt r:~ H~ .&hO' What is the most important contribution you can make as Youth Advisory Committee Representative? ~ ~ /~ kl ~. ('9 ~ to ~m A'V\J @^'h:'. ~ 1- o~~~4\ :1:.' 4cJf" ~r:J 2. 3. How do you think youth in Dublin can be served better? 4. d~~ ~~~~~~":~~. ~~l~ ~ b ~'Q ~k Ni ct iIl~~ ~n:o J.n.rMt:) -1:0-..'4 ~ 'PF.1 e t" MI'r_ What issues are teens in Dublin concerned about? J g.~",,\~, ~ 4;::'4 :t" ~~'~ ;'" yj~~ . ~ w;jJ ~~;;>>~ Sn~,~ uj<' io~, :;: k~~: How would you be able to assist with the implementation and promotion of teen events? ,cf Z\ ~I'~~" J6~ .0j.J~"'t,i t:~ ^"~~ ~M.o-*t.. ~D ~, r~ ~ I~/UI IA"I'1~ h1JL~~ ~ ~J~ ~~, 5. 6. What school and/or extra curricular activities are you involved In? l>.M AJB v,r. T 'IY~,,\ ~ b-Q~M~~~~l L ~ (~~~L' ~>-~ ~ ~~ (Q^~ ' ,-0 \~ ?~ tJa- 1j..J\ cl ~lJ"..J (l...\).1\iv",'\ ~ \\ ~ Address (~ ~~ ~ZJ6I6 Phone (~J.,~ -B~')7C;€\ P~'P\;; ~;~h School Current Grade \ 0 m /1--(0,.\/6- y APPLICATION DEADLINE: June 19, 1998 (5:00 p.m.) Applications may be submitted in pen;;on at the Parks and Community Services Department Office on the 2nd floor of the Dublin Civic Center or may be mailed to the Dublin Civic Center, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, Califomia, 94568, Attention Michelle Wierschem, Recreation Coordinator. For questions on the application process, please call 833-6645. Ck t ~- "1" ~ City of Dublin.1DD Civic Plaza/P.O. Box 2340, Dublin, CA 94568 833.6645 Dear Applicant: . . ........."-~.- ~....~- ."' - ---- - ._~, ~. &'-~-~'.._-- ThEnnJi,J'os-eof the Committee is to provide input on youth-services; assisfwitti youth activities and address issues that affect youth in the'community. The Yo up of eleven members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council. . \ l' ,aDG:pfdfif;tion of 's'Oi);" Committee is made The tenn of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity for re-appolntment in August 1999. The twelve month tenn begins in September and ends in August. The Committee meets once a month; meetings take place Thursday evenings at 7:30 p.m. Applicants must live In Dublin to be eligible for appointment. Please take a few minutes to complete the following questions. 1. Why are you interested in serying on the Youth Advisory committee~ DQr~ ~c~~;'-v;J. '~\~~~\t~\Y~~\~~~ -~) \.~.>JO '. \)fD~~~ 2. What is the most important contribution you can make as Youth Advisory Committee Representative? f?\( -YY\( H~~~ I:;~\'N ,~ o . \r\\ ~Y..f ~)h. ) 3. How do yo-u think youth in Dublin can be ser;ve.d better? \YU~f!~ D...c,\\ il\ ~~(.C ()('-\-\0\~e3 % 0\\ I n(Yn M( >(€.. ./ 4. What issues are teens in D , 5. 6. Name ~ 0 D (0 IYlAIUJL C)l J t ~\ ~ Address \\O(}~ r)\-)~} C-\ D )'o\\\'J " SChOOI'))..*i ~ \11--1 h) 0 f1 Current Grade 9' h 'J r ~ \ 9 y~ 10 X Phone ?)2q - '-l~( :6 APPLICATION DEADLINE: June 19, 1998 (5:00 p.m.) Applications may be submitted in person at the Parks a~ Community Services Department Office on the 2nd floor of the Dublin Civic Center or may be mailed to the Dub"'- Civic Center, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, California, 945G8, Attention Michelle Wierschem, Recreation Coordinator. For questions on the application process, please call 833-6645. City of Dublin~100 Civic Plaza/P.O. Box 2340, Dublin, CA 94568 833-6645 ~. Youth Advisory Committe~{t!!plr~, ~ .r Applicant:.. . .. . \ ~\ J\JN18 ~<j<.lB j\ \ .~. :~~n~ you~r e~,ress~n~ "." interest in serving onthe Yo.uth Advisory commitlei1~~- . --'" .. Tlii purpose 'of tile ~Comniitiee i~)o'prOvicj'e i~~-ut on yo-u1hservlces~ 'assisf with lmPtmnintatlon' and 'promotion"of~ , . youth activities and address Issues that affect youth in the community. The Youth Advisory Committee i.s made up of eleven memb~rs appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Coul'!.cil., . , ' , . The'term of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity for re-appointment in August 1999. The twelve month term begins in September and ends in August. The Committee meets once a month; meetings take place ' Thursday evenings at 7:30 p.m. Applicants must live in Dublin to be eligible for appointment. . "' Please take a few minutes to complete the following questions. . . 1. Why are you interested in serving on the Youth Advisory Committee? ~~ ~:z.:' 1:.. ';:v:",:,~ -\-0 ~ i(l\,,",,\,~er\, -;:>A Y-v~ VI€"\ If Q...~ I\.:b:.ltl ~ .' ::21"> . ::l;:::\:$l2 ,Q, ,. ('It ,p,' 0 '" ,'P '-r.j..., \)1 G S ~ I( ...J~ ,'...... + 'e u YY\. 'iV'-- ~ \" ,i. '- -" J. '..\- <.:J "...... \~ -;:"t-,:.,.(l.j!. -1--\1\"';;...' C:b,\\~ 'y,.,... ~~")n ~~A CC-'yV'\'-'t\\\" 2. What is the most important contribution you can make as Youth Advisory Committee Representative? ,\if= , ,..L \ ...lc:\\~ b,R\. f( '(\\r1 A. -h... ~Ul.+;"" \\('>\ <.).("c\... "7', ~,..\.. (:> \,,,, t :/_ . ~()" ~~ t-c~ It. S (I, \C,'('t~. , 4. r 0t- 0-\"'~\JV" 0-J --(l...1C4 .:YJ (' . n. _ - -- How d~ you' think youth' in' Dublin can ,be served--better?' .:c-"'~h~';' c' "~"'~~' \-i~ ,.-the tV,C>0~ /t0~,'('-f' r..r't'c,..p'(\ kA \. r~~ {.I)~' ," - _ A 9---' s~~~ H~ i~~\.J-n~ h:e, 6o'lPI"~ '"" r ,dJl b -H, t_ 5', ," . "_"_'., -u, What is,s:~"~ a~e, teel\s ~n Dublin 'concern~d about? , Hf'V7"'", u,n cl'\D:\~ ;. ~r'C "~~'''''~W~ t'r.;.'Yi_~,~~ -<rrA -n~:,:'\+- \-..N~ ~J- !.- t> 6 (J:._ ex- h/)vv ;.L ~ C> ( ',-r-'/-.s!.. '.." vJ t-\-;g 11- s..p _ ' , \ A ~f: c,.", ,-".",01- ~ \,o~ I ": '" 6~.:-- u u~' - {> M "c. " :,. 'r" ; ~ 0' , . 0 .. .. .. '.,. ' . How would you be able to assist with the Implementation and promotion of teen events? . ::=' . \'!-,I'l\~\'A ~\(;>,~....~. I"<!' -?"rH"- \-"0\ ': ~;Vl\:::. A.D .,..J,...,\~ ~\- lc-\rG' h (\0 0'-- {h,V" U~ 't-o ln~\J..a... Q.~Y' ~" \:::.,',...l:=\. .-. '- 5. 6. I' " .. L'" - Name he~ .~-\ - .ress ---r50L- \<".__ 'u \Cf>_ . P,ecle..r\ \ZS e (') School \~'lfJ \~ rll~~ t~ ~\rv)O\ Current Grade - JI: 7 L'\- Phone gZ$ -q \0 \ APPLICATION DEADLINE: June 19, 1998 (5:00 p.m.) Applications may be submitted in person at the Parks and Community Services Department Office on the 2nd floor of the Dublin Civic Center or may be mailed to the Dublin Civic Center, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, California, 94568, Attention Michelle Wierschem, Recreation Coordinator. For questions on the application process, please call 833-6645. City of Dublin-100 Civic Plaza/P.O. Box 2340, Dublin, CA 94568 833-6645 Youth Advisory Committee Application Dear Applicant: . Thank you for expressing an interest in serving on the Youth Advisory Committee. The purpose of the Committee is to provide input on youth services, assist with Implementation and promotion of youth activities and address Issues that affect youth in the community. The Youth Advisory Committee is made up of eleven members appointed by the Mayor with the appr~val of the City Council. The term of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity for re-appointment in August 1999. The twelve month term begins in September and ends in August. The Committee meets once a month; meetings ta~e place Thursday evenings at 7:30 p.m. Applicants must live in Dublin to be eligible for appointment. \" Please take a few minutes to complete the following questions. 1. are you interested in serving on the Youth Advisory Committee? '>..IV Q . ~,,,o ~\ "- l' - ,. a Ff' J , -(' 0..., I~Y) 2. What is the most important contribution you can make as Youth Advisory Committee Representative? 3. \- 4. 5. How would you be able to , 6. What school andlor extra curric ar activities are you involvedJn? 1- . ~ _l... '" - -- i - .., ~ NameJ)"I"1 ", e \ Pe,..." "Se h ky School yJ. M ' S. Current Grade ~ l Address ~ 8.) S t:phn' Drl'l~) ~b' i n Phone SS'7~8S \ .., ~Ck (o.\\'~~t~c..,\- ()4-::,1l' APPLICATION DEADLINE: June 19, 1998 (5:00 p.m.) Applications may be stilrmitted in pirrsdi?at the"Parks Community Services Department Office on the 2nd floor of the Dublin Civic Center or may be mailed to the Dub n Civic Center, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, California, 94568, Attention Michelle Wierschem, Recreation Coordinator. For questions on the application process, please call 833-6645. RECEIVED JUN -1 1998 -- -- Youth Advisory Committee Ap~/. \~~ .ear Applicant: ~ ~~ '/J '\ _- Thank you for expressing an interest in serving on the Youth Advisory Committee. \~ .......... ,.~ .. The purpose of the Committee is to provide input on youth services, assist with implementation:.attCt promotion of youth activities and address issues that affect youth in the community. The Youth Advisory Committee is made up of eleven members ~ppointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council. City of Dublin-tOO Civic Plaza/P.O. Box 2340, Dublin, CA 94568 833-66 The term of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity for re-appointment in August 1999. The twelve month tenn begins in September and ends in, August. The Committee meets once a month; meetings take place Thursday evenings at 7:30 p.m. Applicants must live in Dublin to be eligible for appointment. Please take a few minutes to complete the following questions. 1. W~I~oU i~terested In Se~ing on ,~e Youth Advisory .co~mittee~ ~ ~. . ~g~~~~~ y~ .~~~ What is the most Important contribution you can make as Youth Advisory Committee Representative? 2. ~^1t~{~l~~~~~1f~~'~'1 . ~u(\"uhl\ ~ .. How do you think youth In Dublin can be served better? " . - ~ \ ;./ ~ ~ \' "\ v 4. 5. 6. ~ School '- o:=W lib Current Grade ~ I \ PhoneC:5io~ 5ZCJ -70 If:; f ~ \ JJj,tress \:)')00 \;)\\\YJ'rJr~ "ICATION DEADLINE: June 19, 1998 (5:00 p.m.) Applications may be submitted in person at the Parks and Community Services Department Office on the 2nd floor of the Dublin Civic Center or may be mailed to the Dublin Civic Center, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, California, 94568, Attention Michelle Wierschem, Recreation Coordinator. For questions on the application process, please call 833-6645. Name ........... ~ City of Dublin-100 Civic Plaza/P.O. Box 2340, Dublin, CA 94568 833.6645 Youth Advisory Committee Application Dear Applicant: . Thank you for expressing an interest in serving on the Youth Advisory Committee. The purpose of the Committee is to provide input on youth services, assist with implementation and promotion of youth activities and address Issues that affect youth in the community. The Youth Advisory Committee is made up of eleven members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council. The tenn of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity for re-appointment in August 1999. The twelve month tenn commences in September and terminates in August. The Committee meets once a month; meetings take place Thursday evenings at 7:30 p:n;. Applicants must live in Dublin to be eligible for appointment. Please take a few minutes to complete the following questions. 1. Why ar~ you interested in serving on the Youth Adyisory Committee? ~1'(71 r'l..$,/\wu.o~ \ ~, J....~\i~ :p'~1i'l. ; \.. '(...C~ ~ \1~1L- "~ c\. I ~ nQfY\O..- ...-i(\ rThO~, (\O~Lt ,thll. \ N(l...L '--~ [\.1"\ I ~ . ~-l-:, c;Lr-() i '~~I7U~ Ij,~^ ~L'~'f'I-:tJ '- (\~, & ~ \3. t\ {t rY\ (\ [I" "",,r\A. 1~i"Q. 0 ~rm\ h ~ ~ ' 2. What is the most important contribution you can make as Youth Advisory Committee Representative? i II ~)(\:b ,'x't) 0 l\\ ~ r lL\? h OJ,\. 0 U ~'\crt.., \ ~ ~ ljeJI' h lLRo, , ~ 3. How do you think youth in Dublin can be served better? Idol Lit:.- n r~Lci ta...~ \ \:0 ~. . 4. What issues are teens in Dublin concerned about? ~\ \~ ~~~ 'Ill ~*' ~ tU...trN\\..o... -:t:~ \ ~ ith~ l~\).,.€'l u.} ~hl\-:I:> 'f'~ '-'~ -'0(1 IS. [il \ - ~ ct\~. OJ 'fa_) ... . 'f'~Mt"!... 5. How would you be able to assist with the implementation and promotion of teen events? .:L oXWld. b I(: Oble. m '\C::\1 \I\M -h (th.. t~T)~ o~ (\l \ ( OJlML , ~ I Yn, \ \]V ~ '\- d ~ f~ ~ (~Pfn '\,t .9 I kQ". 'Ftj \f2tW)..J (L" "I' f"'~ 1,,1.0~ 6. What school andlor extra curricular activities are you involved in? .J:n ~\1~ ~~~ 0-- ~ \~"\O-t\O( ~~\ ~ '{, G.rL- B C '( ("'\S1 ~ ):} 3'( , ~ m0dl~~:~r~~~. .~ Name C,o,rvW-, BffilJR)CD ~'LOo bot\@~r ~ UiF\ f[q . School We) I 'b , (Yo. l "1<:::( ~G~ Current Grade ~ q , Address Phone 850r'176'" APPLICATION DEADLINE: June 19, 1998 (5:00 p.m.) Applications may be submitted In person at the Parks and Community Services Department Office on the 2nd floor of the Dublin Civic Center or may be mailed to the Dublin Civic Center, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, California, 94568, Attention Michelle Wierschem, Recreation Coordinator. For questions on the application process, please call 833-6645. Do1:Jl\ n RECE1V~O JUN s: 1 1aG~. City of Dublin-100 Civic Plaza/P.O. Box 2340, Dublin, CA 94568 833-6645 Youth Advisory Committee Application .ear Applicant: 2. (~ .:.. 4. 5. 6. Than~ you for expressing an Interest in serving on the Youth Advisory Committee. The purpose of the Committee is to provide input on youth services, assist with implementation and promotion of youth activities and address issues that affect youth in the community. The Youth Advisory Committee is made up of eleven members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council. The tenn of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity for re-appointment in August 1999. The twelve month term commences in S~ptember and terminates in August. The Committee meets once a month; meetings take place Thursday evenings at 7:30 p.m. Applicants must live in Dublin to be eligible for appointment. Please take a few minutes to complete the following questions. 1. Why are you interest~d In serving on the Youth Advisory Committee? . 'I\~ ;~~~A ~C;\:~Jl~ '~:~xt~rp~""J ()...~l)~.J..-toI 't 'P~{{. What Is the most important contributi9n you c~n'make as Yo~ttl Advisory Committee Representative? 1 'oJ .(\~u'~\.l5 ~~-fu~ ~l"'\ Ot;\~\'j '10-.0~;::;, 'rIQY\f\\:9 (5 PX \t ~l:'I \ o~~ , v ,..J '., , . o r-{i~)..I:-\'O~ J How do you think youth in Dublin can be served better? ' " , . , , ~~. ~(~~\~~~~"r!':~,~~~~~~{)~ ~~~~~'. ~ lm;.~ ~:~u (cd , . What issues are teens in Dublin concerned about? ., 0" ~~~X\.r:~ ;~ ;;:~~~'.i ~~ ;,.;-('~ <; d t <..~ ~, "'ole,,, <-e \ \"(,(\" \ How would you be able to ass'st with the implementation and promotion of teen events? ........ d '\ ,~\A 10, , k \' ).,. \ \' ~()b\ '-.--/ ~ School :w \\S ~\\\.Ci e,,, Current Grade ~ I I " Du-\~\f'\ LA ~~Phonf1qd-S,5S\~151 '\ _ J APPLICATION DEADLINE: June 19, 1998 (5:00 p.m.) Applications may be submitted in person at the Parks and Community Services Department Office on the 2nd floor of the Dublin Civic Center or may be mailed to the Dublin Civic Center, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, California, 94568, Attention Michelle,Wier:schem, Recreation Coordinator. For questions on the application process, please call 833-6645. . . -- . R~CE/VED JUN '_ ~ '-n City of Dublin-100 Civic Plaza/P.O. Box 2340, Dublin, CA 94568 833-6645 Dear Applicant: Youth AdVisory Committee Application REeEI VED HAY 1 4 1998 . Thank you for expressing an interest in serving on the Youth Advisory Committee. The purpose of the Committee is to provide input on youth services, assist with implementation and promotion of youth activities and address issues that effect youth in the community. The Youth Advisory Committee is made up of eleven members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council. The tenn of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity for re-appointment in August 1999. The twelve month tenn commences in September and tennlnates in August The Committee meets once a month; meetings take place Thursday evenings at 7:30 p.m.. Please take a few minutes to complete the following questions. 1. Why are you interested in serving on the Youth Advisory Committee? J 0/YTl ' . 2. What is the most important contribution you can make as Youth Advisory Committee Representative? ~~~~~~ff~~t~ m~ ~.~~tf?i~~J~' 3. How do you think youth in Dublin can be served better? . 1!f:~U;~'fi:;~7f!(;~d!if~ ~) , 4. What issues are teens in Dublin concerned about? ~:%f~i~JJ~Z~~!~J 5. How would you be able to assist with the implementation and promotion of teen events? ~1~1;~~ j:i;:~~~ uJiffi pm:rm6~ YJn~: ~,~iY ~~~%/~ 6. What school andlor extra curricular activities are you involved in? i~ J _lame Ifo;t/zl///Y(} R~ pddress 1.58G Amador ValleA-j I hN , -. fiSt'G{) I. q;r /01 School ()~ Hrg urrent Grade q RJvcf #2 Phone (f()'g> <-/Cfl9 . APPLICATION DEADLINE: June 19, 1998 (5:00 p.m.) Applications may be submitted in person at the Parks and Community Services Department Office on the 2nd floor of the Dublin Civic Center or may be mailed to the Dublin Civic Center, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, California, 94568, Attention Michelle Wierschem, Recreation Coordinator. For questions on the application process, please call 833-6645. Youth Advisory Committee Applicati .. _ _ . '. ' , ~o\\\\ ~ . r Applicaflt: " ' " r;'\o, ~\ \. , ~\ \ ,.' u . \"~ ~ ~ "\ \ .. _ !h~~~ y.oo~: e~p!"ssingani~terest i~ serving o~lhe Youth Advisory commillee\~~ ,l'.l;\ i~. i?''j. \ :,\) ~.. The purPose of lheconiii;itt.. ls}o.p;oviile input on youtliservices; assist with lm~Oie~~ti~~';;-otionOf , _ youth activitie,s and address issues that affect youth in the community. The Youth ~dviso1Y ,Committee i,s made up of eleven me~b~rs appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council. -~ ~ - ''', , ' The 'term of office ~i11 be for twelve months with' an opportunity for re-appointment in August 1999. The twelve , month term begJns in September and ends in August. The Committee meets once a month; meetings take place - Thursday evenings at 7:30 p.m~ Applicants must Ii~e in Dublin to be eligible for appointment. ' City of Dublin-100 Civic Plaza/P.O. Box 2340, Dublin, CA 94568 833-6645 . ' Please take a few minutes to complete the following questions. 1. Why are you interested in serving on the Youth Advisory Committee? . <:;; . "<;. r- '1M ci f"I ) 2. What i~ the most important contribution you can make as Youth Advisory Committee Representative? Tf\f m()~--\Tmrv-ro.~\+- c.oiG-\-," 00\-1(") (y I 'cn-V' YY\tJ /:<e is --..- ., , -. ,- How do' you think youth in Dublin can 'be served better?' ;cate I.. What issues, are teens i~'~ubli~ .concern'ed about? . ~ . TpeY\":-i' 'f\ ..\)\ )n\,V"\ . (\\"p .' (' (j(\C'P/\(\t?.1A . ,_ . 1 . .f 5. ' ~ow \\Iould you be able to assist with the implementation and promotion of teen events? .~ 6. What school andlor extra curricular activities are you involved in? Name '~'m~ offi\+\\ School .. \N P \ \ -:-, Current Grade '7 "ddress 7iO\O -rn>r\eS\~9:>n C\-. D06\ln ell< a.<-lSCoZ; phone ";d-"1- <-IOfL{O APPLICATION DEADLINE: June 19, 1998 (5:00 p.m.) Applications may be submitted in person at the Parks and Community Services Department Office on the 2nd floor of the Dublin Civic Center or may be mailed to the Dublin Civic Center, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, California, 94568, Attention Michelle Wierschem, Recreation Coordinator. For questions on the application process, please call 833-6645. City of Dublin-100 Civic Plaza/P.O. Box 2340, Dublin, CA 94568 833-6645 Youth Advisory Committee Application Dear Applicant: . Thank you for expressing an interest in serving on the Youth Advisory Committee. The purpose of the Committee is to provide input on youth services, assist with implementation and promotion of youth activities and address issues that affect youth in the community. The Youth Advisory Committee is made up of eleven members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council. The term of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity for re..appointment in August 1999. The twelve month term commences in September and terminates in August. The Committee meets once a month; meetings take place Thursday evenings at 7:30 p.m. Applicants must live in Dublin to be eligible for appointment. Please take a few minutes to complete the following questions. 1. Why are you interested in serving on the Youth -,: . ",- '"'"^~ 1:,... l-la~ lA )VlA..J- \n -5t~~j -nu Con...W\.U~"l'lly 2. What is the most important contribution you can make as Youth Advisory Committee Representative? 1s~ :,:r: ~~:~~:~ ~tr;~~~ ~~~ht~~~~,t;e:~ib~h~ 3. How do you think youth in Dublin can be served better? L' .' ' v. vi -fkm 4. ~~ What issues are teens in Dublin concerned about? ~ ;:FS"Y1~~\~~ I~~~:t t{~ f'fl~~~~ :~ _ t ~ pC~W rV<~L)1G"- 50~K.- I Y\ v 1..,_ 5. How would you be able to assist with the implementation and promotion of teen events ~ 6 .' - ''1 . W 6. ,dD j;:;- , I j' '/, Name AwJ'veo.. '^YO School Wel\"; Mllklle- 5Jt.coI Current Grade ~ l~' ~ Address~O '9rJ\X'.A\-\~,y t2f) *tD~ \)i'~..lN I CA Phone ~?3-Sl.?;.91o .- APPLICATION DEADLINE: June 19,1998 (5:00 p.m.) Applications may be submitted in person at the Parks an"""- Community Services Department Office on the 2nd floor of the Dublin Civic Center or may be mailed to the Dublin Civic Center, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, California, 94568, Attention Michelle Wierschem, Recreation Coordinator. For questions on the application process, please call 833-6645. -RECEIVED JUN - 3 1998- City of Dublin~100 9ivic Plaza/P.O. Box 2340, Dublin, CA 94568 833-6645 Youth Advisory Committee APpJ;i:ilii';;O, . _r Applicant: \\(~.)~- '8~ \\ \ \ \~i j\j\\).. '" ~~ Thank you for expressing an interest in serving on the Youth Advisory committe~\~ ' ......-...... The purpose of the Commillee is to provide input on ~oUlh services, assist with im~ eRlalfO'';;:~-promolion of youth activities and address Issues that affect youth in the community. The Youttr1\dvlsory Committee Is made up of eleven members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council. ' ' The term of office will be for. twelve months with an opportunity for re-appointment in August 1999. The twelve month tenn begins in September and ends In August. The Committee meets once a month; meetings take .place Thursday evenings at 7:30 p.m. Applicants must live in Dublin to be eligible for appointment.' Please take a few minutes to complete the following questions. 1. Why are you inter~ted in serving on the Yoyth Advisory Cqwmittee? 2. What is the most Important contribution you can make as Youth Advisory Committee Representative? \'0 \ \ : :\ - d \ \ ~f\-5 /).~c\ ~\(Y1~. . ~ How go you think youth in Dublin can be ser:'t.Pd<8e~r? h- 'r'~~. . m,,\f"€". 1'lM1 \r \ J,; -E'.% \~ VC ~ Ol kb~IDLbn 4. What issues are teens in Dublin concerned about? ~ ~ ' 0 (\ \.c;j~ .a' ^\tr\D~\ N(V~ ~y:, II 5. G. at school and/or extra curricular actlvlties"are you involved' __ / Name iirdress '\ APPLICATION DEADLINE: June 19, 1998 (5:00 p.m.) Applications may be submitted in person at the Parks and Community Services Department Office on the 2nd floor of the Dublin Civic Center or may be mailed to the Dublin Civic Center, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, California, 94568, Attention Michelle Wierschem, Recreation Coordinator. For questions on the application process, please call 833~6G45. City o( Dublin-100 Civic Plaza/P.O. Box 2340. Dublin, CA 94568 833.6645 Youth Advisory Committee Application Dear Applicant: Thank you for expressing an interest in serving as an Adult Representative on the Youth Advisory Committee. -- The purpose of the Committee is to provide input on youth services, address issues that effect youth in the community and assist with implementation and promotion of youth activities. The Youth Advisory Committee is made up of eleven student members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council, along with four adult representatives. (Dublin Police Services, Dublin Unified School District Representative, Business Representative, and one Community Representative) The tenn of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity for re-appointment in August 1999, The twelve " month tenn begins in September and ends in August The Committee meets once a month; meetings take place Thursday evenings at 7:3~ p.m. Applicants must live In Dublin to be eligible for appoi~tment. . Please take a few minutes to complete the following questions. 1. Why are you Interested in serving as an adult representative on the Youth Advisory Committee? ~ C~e ~ b?~~lA-S;'" -\P=t,.;~~ ~"'-' 8~ 2. What is the most important contribution you can make as one of the adult Youth Advisory Committee Representatives? m~ f 'f-fP'''P~ ffiy ~~ ~ p<,- C1..S CL PV"t1~'0 +)JL C'~""~ M ,.., (p~"..p If\. *'" CM ~;~ 3. How do you think youth In Dublin can be served better? (uUk. .<:"=~'d.~ 0.. S\ro~ \~( . ~ cv.\--~ ckr""'~?(IW:' J .. 4. What do you feel your role would be as an adult representative on the Youth Advisory Committee? C-5 ':\:x )~'J~ 11\ ~ A\l, .I1... ~ ~r0-W\ tv\' 5. How would you be able to assist with the implementation and promotion of teen events? c.u~ 4--\VY\-p, .f'V'''\ rYrv>.J) \ i1I H' (~ (~\~~ ( ,.j.-.\\, ~ a...!.i (.., 6. Are you currently or have you been Involved with teen activities? If yes, please "describe. :j -€'.:,.. A-I,I, (' o.r...C oN ~ . o ('\-€e r1'-"'^0': k~W\.f>-'-, lA.)(l<'-\c&~eS . ('CC-v\~ ~~~. '{cvtv\. J)c,v'!(".( Name ~r- "'" \~ .Sf'" c\ S Occupation 'loC)\.'" ,~\~\-cJ,"1 . ~'YI ('. ' Address 70 (.;S ~r\',"''\( A D('. Phone R;, s OS< I APPLICATION DEADLINE: June 19, 1998 (5:00 p.m.) Applications may be submitted In person at the Parks and Community Services Department Office on the 2nd floor of the Dublin Civic Center or may be mailed to the Dublin Civic Center, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, California, 94568, Attention Michelle W1erschem, Recreation Coordinator. For questions on the application process, please call 833.6645, . RECEIVED JUN - 5 1998 ~.... . '_.,._.,.~~"'-._n"'~~.~""~+~''''''w.,_.A''''''''~'''li'~'_>''~~'II.~~""<.__.!"",..' ...- ~-.-,...- 1. - GENERAL PROVISIONS A. These Rules of Procedure shall be known as the Bylaws and Rules of Procedure of the Youth Advisory Committee of the City of Dublin. A copy of these Rules and amendments thereto, shall be filed in the offices of the City Clerk for examination by the public. B. These Rules and any amendments hereto shall be effective on the date of the adoption hereof, and shall govern the meetings and activities of the Advisory Committee. II. COMMITTEE COMPOSITION AND METHOD OF APPOINTMENT . A. The Youth Advisory Committee shall be composed of eleven (11) youth members and four (4) non-voting adult members (or advisors) as follows: 11 Youth Members 1 - 6th Grade 1 - 7th Grade 1 - 8th Grade 2 - 9th Grade 2 ~ 10th Grade 2 - 11 th Grade 2 - 12th Grade 4 Adult Members 1 - Dublin Police Representative 1 - Dublin Unified School District Representative 1 ~ Business Representative 1 - At-Large Community Member The Mayor, with the approval of the City Council, shall appoint the eleven youth members and the one at-large adult member to the Advisory Committee. The remaining three adult members shall be appointed by their representing agencylbody. In the event that there are insufficient applications from each ~ade. the Mayor may make appointIMn!s from other ~des. B. Committee members may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Mayor, City Clerk, and Parks and Community Services Director or his/her designate. C. One member of the Parks and Community Services Commission shall serve as a non-voting member of the Advisory Committee. III. TERM OF OFFICE AND REMOVAL . A. Youth Advisory Committee members shall serve a one (1) year term, commencing September 1 st and terminating on the following August 31st (or until their successorS are appointed). At the end of a Committee member's term, the Committee member may be reappointed to the Advisory Committee in the same manner as the initial appointment. There shall be no limit to the number of terms a Committee member may serve. B. Advisory Committee members may be removed from office by the Mayor, with the approval of a majority of the City Council. Removal and appointment of Committee members shall be made only at a regularly scheduled meeting of the City CounciL ..' 1 EXHIBIT B C. If a member of the Advisory Committee is absent from three (3) consecutive meetings or fOUl (4) meetings during the term without permission from said Advisory Committee, or if a Committee member ceases to reside in the City of Dublin or, in the case of youth members, ceases to be enrolled in school, said Committee member's office shall be declared vacant. Additionally, if a Committee member is late by more than 20 minutes to two meetings without permission fro~ said Advisory Committee, this shall constitute one absence. ~ IV. VACANCIES Vacancies on the Youth Advisory Committee occurring other than by expiration of term shall be filled for the unexpired portion of the term in the same manner as the original appointment. V. OFFICERS A. Election and Term of Office. The Chairperson and Vice Chairperson are elected by the majority of the Youth Advisory Committee for a !.year term and hold office until their successors are elected, or until their terms as members of the Advisory Committee expire. The officers are elected each year at the October meeting of the Advisory Committee. Elections, whether regular or to fill vacancies shall be held only if eleven (11) Advisory Committee members are present. The secretary to the Advisory Committee will be the City Manager or his/her designate. B. Vacancies. In case of any vacancy in the Office of Chairperson or Vice Chairperson, the vacancy shall be filled by an election held at the first regular meeting after the occurrence of such vacancy. The person so elected shall serve the balance of the term. C. Duties of Officers. The Chairperson performs the following duties: 1. 2. 3. 4. Presides at all meetings of the Advisory Committee. Appoints sub-committees and chairpersons of sub-committees as necessary. Signs correspondence on behalf of the Advisory Committee. Represents the Advisory Committee before the Parks and Community Services Commission and City Council. Performs other duties necessary or customary to the office. . 5. In the event of the absence of the Chairperson or his/her inability to act, the Vice Chairperson presides in place of the Chairperson. In the event of the absence of or the inability to act of both the Chairperson and the Vice Chairperson, the remaining members shall elect one of their members to act as temporary Chairperson. D. The Sub-Committees. The Advisory Committee or the Chairperson, upon direction of the Advisory Committee, may appoint several of its members, but fewer than a quorum, to serve as a Sub- Committee. On certain occasions, such as when a particular kind of expertise or public representation is desirable, the Advisory Committee may appoint non-members to the .sub-Committee. Sub-Committees make recommendations directly to the Advisory Committee. A Sub-Committee may not represent the Advisory Committee before the Commission or Councilor other bodies unless it has first received the authorization of the Advisory Committee to do so. VI. MEETINGS A. The Youth Advisory Committee shall hold regular meetings at least once per month at a designated time and place which shall be fixed and determined by the Advisory Committee and entered. upon its minutes. All meetings of the Advisory Committee shall be open to the public. Special meetings of the Advisory Committee may be called by a majority of the members thereof, or by the Chairperson thereof. Notice of any. .$uclLspecial meeting shall be given as required by law. . 2 .. . B. A majority of the voting members of the Advisory Committee shall constitute a quonun for the purpose of transacting business. The secretary shall keep minutes of all regular and special meetings of the Advisory Committee, and these shall be sent to all members and administrative officers in advance of the meeting in which they are to be approved. GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE COMMITTEE 1. Provide input on youth services and programming to the Parks and Community Services Commission, City Council and to City Staff. 2. Address issues that affect youth in the community. 3. Assist with the promotion and implementation of youth activities. 4. Generate an annual report status of youth in the community. Additionally, Committee members are expected to attend all regular meetings and sub-committee meetings as assigned; attend two-thirds of the activities planned and sponsored by the Advisory Committee; and promote youth activities and provide support for successful implementation of youth activities and programs. ' VITI. DUTIES OF COMMITTEE TO BE ADVISORY ONLY IX. . x. . It is intended that the Youth Advisory Committee shall be an advisory body to the Parks and Community Services Commission and City Council. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as a limitation on the power of the City Council or the Administrative Staff of the City or any other agency in their supervision, or authority over property or personnel which are under their respective jurisdictions. STAFF ASSISTANCE The City Manager shall provide the Youth Advisory Committee with such information and Staff assistance as the Advisory Committee may, from time to time request, subject to the limitations imposed by the City Council. AMENDMENTS These Bylaws and Rules of Procedure may be amended in the same manner as originally adopted. 3 .~;~;.;.:;:..:....:;.:....v-~,~.~~~':";",";:\-"'';:'J:'';-........:..,;'..~...-,!.,;-r.....,!,,!~-.~''':'''''I'''",:~,,,_,,'~.+?-~:.i...~~~.IIPi,;,~.-'''D-_' "......,....-......_...~'~~~~""'f~J-,....\rl:_....~.-. .'. .-... ~".'. '.., - . . RESOLUTION NO. - 98 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN . ********* ADOPTING AMENDED BYLAWS AND RULES OF PROCEDURE FOR THE YOUTH ADVISORY COMMI'ITEE WHEREAS, the Youth Advisory Committee was approved by the City Council on October 21, 1997; and WHEREAS, the Bylaws and Rules of Procedure for the Youth Advisory Committee were adopted by the City Council on January 6, 1998; and WHEREAS, the Bylaws and Rules of Procedure specify the composition of the Youth Advisory Committee and, in particular, the number of youth members by grade that can be appointed to the Committee; and WHEREAS, it is not always possible to adhere to the approved composition due to the lack of applications from a particular grade; and WHEREAS, in order to provide the Mayor with the ability to make appointments to the Committee from other grades in the event that there are insufficient applications from each grade, it is . necessary to amend the Bylaws and Rules of Procedure; and WHEREAS, the section of the Bylaws and Rules of Procedure dealing with Committee Composition and Method of Appointment has been modified to reflect this change. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council hereby adopts the amended Bylaws and Rules of Procedure for the Youth Advisory Committee as contained in Exhibit A, attached hereto. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this day of . 1998. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor . ATTEST: City Clerk EXHIBIT C