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Dublin San Ramon Services District-East Bay Municipal Utility District
Recycled Water Authority (DERWA) Letter dated July 23, 1998
(Report Prepared by: Richard C. Ambrose, City Manager)
Exhibit 2:
Exhibit 3:
Letter from Cynthia Jones, DERWA Chair, dated July 23,
1998 and attached brochure
Draft Letter to Congresswoman Ellen Tauscher
Draft Letter to U. S. Senator Barbara Boxer
RECOMMENDATION: Authorize Mayor to execute letters to the City's Congressional & Senate
eDESCRIPTION: The City recently received a letter from the Dublin San Ramon
Services District-East Bay Municipal Utility District Recycling Water Authority (DERW A) requesting
City support for the Authority's effort to obtain federal funding assistance to construct a regional water
recycling project in the San Ramon Valley.
It is Staff's recommendation that the City Council approve letters of support to Congresswoman Tauscher
and U.S. Senator Boxer.
~,?P~S TO: CynthiaJones,DERWA Chair .. _;// A
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. JUL-Z4-Se 11:4D
T-66D P.DS/OB f-067
. eflfo '!Jl:4 REcyclEd W-4TER AUTHORiTY
July 23, , 998
The Honorable G...y Hous'ton
Mayor of Dublin
100 C,vic Plaza
DLlblin, CA 94568
Dear Mayor Houston:
rhe Dublin San Ramon Services District-East Bay Municipal UtilitY Oistrlct Recyclea
Water AL.lthority (DERWA) is seeking federal authorization under the Water ResoLlrces
Development Act (WRDA) of 1998 for feeteral funalO9 aSSistance to plan, design, and
COnSLruCL a regional water reCYCling project in the San Ramon Valley (pleaSe refer 10 the
enclosed brochure). As you ml'ly ~lready Jcnaw. the pLlrpDse of tne San Ramor'l Valley
Recycled Water Project I~ to pr'o\tide reeyoled water to irr'igaYion cuSTomers of EBMUD
.and DSRSD. includin~ the City of Dublin. The recycled water would meet CalIfornia
Water Code Title 22 and Cahfornii:l Depi:lrtment of Health Services re~uiremBnt.s for
unrestricted use.
We ha.....e planne~ the project Ll$ing a comprehensive waler resourl;e ar'ld \IIIater~hed
management approach so as to provide a numDer of water supply reliability and
enyironmemal protection benefits to local,. regional. state, and feaeral interests witnin
i:lnd adjacent to the San Ramon Valle\, area. Federal institutional and financial assjstanc~
is key 'to the successful Implementation of tM Df:RWA recycled water project within an
area th13t h~s been supjeeted to repeated droughtS and limited waS1eWa'l:er diseha(9~
optlon~. and which could benefit greatly from additional opportunities for environmental
The project as approved would provlcte up to 2.3 million gallons per day (lTlgd) of
drougnr-proot reCYCled water for currem and 'future irrigation uses in Dublin along with
up to another 5,0 mgd in Sfln Remon and Danville. The total represents the am01,.ll"\t of
water lJsed by 16,000 typical suburban families each year. This will ensure that your
. .parKs__ green spac::es al!d similar community f"cilitles will always be useable even during
a se\tere orol.1gtlt. ....
I am writing 10 il$K for your 5~pPO~ of thIs project and DERWA'5 request for federal
oiIl"itl'lofiza'l:ion under the WRDA. We are requesting 3 letter of suppOrt from the City of
Dublin to Congresswoman Ellen Tauschef and Senator Barbara Boxer. and have enclosed
a suggested letter. The Congressional Subcomminee on Water Resources and
70)1 DubliN BoulEVARd. D~bli",,-CA 94568 · {51D} 828-0~1~ FAA: (510} 829-1180.
60/90'd S511 BeB Sc5
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JUL-14-ge 11:40
T-6fiO P,D4/DS F-D67
Tne Honorable Guy HOuStOn
.J~lt 23. 1999
p~ge 2
En"ironment. and me Commlnee on Transpon:ation and Infrastructure is in ",ho process
of drafting. waler .resources development legislation and we are therefore reql"le;ting
letters of suppon: pe mailed wIthin the next two weeks. Please feel free to edit the
sl-Iggested lener if yOu wish_
Any suppOrt yOlJ may provide is \ler..; apprecIated. If you have any questions, Please call
me at (92~1 8Z8-051 5 or Mr. Richard HarrIs at (510) 287~167~.
--- ... ;'u.C:zs:.ei'-i-o"; SS"-"""'FROM-OUSL I N"sAN'.'RAMciN"'sERvlcEs OrSTRI CT' ... ..,~ 0;.' '+92'5~'8Zg;';05t f";;.::,~;;;:"7,",,,,..t~t4If";' P : o 21t ff 'F':;t sr
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,A Joint Effor1 of the
Dublin San Ramon Services District
and the
East Bay Municipal Utility District
-- - ~ - - ~ . - -" -~.~ - "- ~. . -- -.... .
Rf!c\-cfed lVt:lfer AUlhnrit"
A ParTnership to Consen'e,
Recycle and Manage ~Iler
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JUL~28-98 10:57
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T-740 P.03/12' F-181 11,J }S.
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The East Bay Municipal Utility Dis-
mct (EBMUD) and the Dublin San
Ramon Services District (DSRSD) are
see.long federal authorization under
the Water Resources Development
Act of 1998 for funding assistance to
plan, design and COnSmlct a regional
water recycling project in the san
Ramon Valley in Nonhero Cali!omia
The project takes a watershed based
and. resourCe collaboration approach
to provide a number of warer supply
reliability and environmental benefits
at me local. regional, state and federal
levels to an area subjected to repeated
droughts, limited wastewater dis-
charge options. and enviromnental en-
hancement opportunities. Federal 2$-
sisumce at instirotional and financial
levels is key to the successful imple-
mentation of the joint recycled Water
San Ramon ,Valley
Recycled Water Project
. ,.
. Thepwpose of the San Ramon V!Uley
Recyc1edWarex Project is; to provide
more than seven, million gallons
(mgd) per day or approximately 8.200
acre-feet pet year of recycled,w~H
that meets California Water Code Ti~
tie' 22 and CalifomiaDepartment of
Health'Services requirenienrs for un-
restricted. use to irrigation, commer~
cia!, and/or. industrial cuslomers of
EBMUD and DSRSD within Contra
COSta and Alameda counties in the
essretn San Francisco Bay Area The
recyCled water is' lObe USed in lieu of
eiIher existing or potential future use
of potable water.
Figure J. Proptlsed r~cycled
waler irrlgaitoll Cl,Slumcr:t
include gulf COUTU'; fa I<JT/lluf
l';" Lie within The project area)
ProjecT Area
The Project study area as shown in the
enclosec1 map covers approximately
63 square miles and includes the
southeastern ponio:Q of the EBMUD
water service area and all of the
DSRSD service. area.. EBMUD pro-
vides Water rreannem and deli very
services to customers in the nonhero
poItion of tbe San Ramon Valley,
north of the Alameda County line, and
plans to serve recycled water '(0 cus-
tomerS intbe San Ramon, Danville
and Blactnawk. areas.
DSRSD serves water and wastewater
customers. ~.. the, soqtbem ~4. of the
San Rain.on Valley. as well as in the
Uvermore Amador Valley. DSRSn
has plans to supply recycled water to
Dublin (Easrem and Westetn por-
tions), Dougherty Vatley (when devel-
oped), and potentially Tassajara Val-
ley (if approved). This area contains
5CveUlllarge land.scapec1 areas such as
golf courses, parks. and common
greenbelts, which are. ideal potential
customers fot' recycled water use (for
irrigation purposes). In addition, the
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JUL -28-98 10:58 FROM-DUBLIN SAN RAt.()N SERVICES DISTRICT' .. +9Z5~828-0515
__ 'Po ."';' o~ :""..::::.~;~ ~ '_~ :/.,',. .;"".:.'
T-740 P.04/12
-.... - --I
Customer Service Option
Study Area Boundary
-' ,
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/' "-
8500 Feet
CuiUl= ~cc Opt10Q Bouudary
EBMUD tJ\!lmalt .se...,il'e
Area &unc\lll'y
IIllC1Wlll: Hillllways
Ctty BoulI(l;Jru:s
Customer Service Option 2
Cul5tomor ServicD CatDgorv
I.... ~... Exiwting o......lopm"nt wilhin
DSRSOIEBMUD SO".i.... ...,...
A~ OIMlIapmllnt wi1hin
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DSR$D SaM.... A,.u lSee NDtlo)
1''' - ApprOVed o..-lopm".nt oomrida
DS'RSQfE8MUO Service A,....
. "....,
Nore: """" \IIIU be future ,ntlll developmems wilhin rtlI' l!XiSIin8
aevelopmem area. The lU:mand from lIle 1IIfil1 devclopmelll
is indudeQ io liIe 8P\llOyeQ developmenl calCgIlry.
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.......n......... - J::.~IY1ULl nCo(".;T(".;Lt:.U VVA.TER. AUTHORITY '8" """"""A.> UI3'':'ll I
Waft'r rt'cycliug is lltl
imegral part of the
Ecu'f Boy Regiou's tit.
tllre water supply mUll
ugl'lIIellr po licit's.
lJERW/1 rt'col111i:es
thaT H'(ltU recyclillg is
"" imp017clllt dl!11lCllt
of a !"Umplete alld hf/I-
al/n:d wute! resourct's
marlllge11lenT plnn.
By reusing recycled or
rt'e/aimed water. EB-
MUD ut/d DSRSD can
dt'creuse the amounl of
addiTiollal drinking
lI'uter needed by "us-
l(Jmer~' alld reduce rhe
WIIOllllt of wasteHmter
dis('harged fo Sail
F rc/llcisC'o Bm'.
DSRSD Wastewater Treatment Plant is
located in the San Ramon Valley near
these potential customers.
The project will provide a reliable al-
ternative recycled water supply for ap-
propriate purposes to conserve suffi-
cient high quality drinking water sup-
plies to meet the needs of approxi-
mately 30,000 people in the EBMUD
and DSRSD service areas. The project
will also help to alleviate wastewater
disposal concerns during certain times
of the year when inigation demands
are at their maximuIIL Thi~ combina-
tion of supply and demand makes the
San Ramon Valley a good prospect for
a successful recycled water project.
A Regional Partnership: The
Recycled Water Authority
Joint Powers Authority
After individually studying separate re-
cycled water projects in the San Ramon
Valley vicinity since 1990, EBMUD
and DSRSD entered into a planning
agreement in 1994 to facilitate the de-
velopinent of a joint water recycling
program to meet the needs of the Dis-
trict's customers. In June 1995, after a
12-month study con.:fumed the benefits
of a regional approach, EBMUD and
Recycled Water Authority: (DERWA)
Joint Powers Authority to implement
the joint Project. The purpose of
DERWA, as stated in its Joint Exercise
of Powers Agreement:. is as follows:
"The purpose of the AuthOrity
(DERWA) is to maximize the
amount of recycled water deliv-
ered while recovering its costs.
The Authority shall implement
and may expand the joint recy-
cled water program. Consistent
with this effort. the Authority
may select a project or projects
implementing or expanding
such program. peifonn neces-
sary environmental reviews. de-
velop public information, ar-
range required financing, ac-
quire property, design and con-
struct a project or projects, and
provide for management, op-
eration, and maintenance of
such project or projects." A
steering committee will over-
see, manage and plan the proj-
Shared Facilities
DERWA and its member agencies. i.e.
DSRSD and EBMUD. are developing
policies regarding specific responsibili-
ties for and demarcation of facilities
and recycled water ownership. Cur-
rently, the plan calls for some shared
facilities to be built as well as some
facilities specific to the needs of EB-
MUD and DSRSD. Also, EBMUD and
DSRSD are each responsible for mar-
keting recycled water to their respec-
tive customers. DERWA was estab-
lished so that other entities could par-
ticipate in the Project(s).
The Project consists of water treat-
ment facilities, transmission and distri-
bution pipelines. storage reservoirs.
and pump stations to supply recycled
water to customers in the described
Project area. The transmission pipe-
lines will convey recycled water from
the treatment plant to pump stations
and storage reservoirs. The distribution
pipelines will convey recycled water
from the transmission pipelines to the
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JUL-28-98 11 :01
DERWA Orga~ization Chart
The Environmental 00-
pact Repon for the
DERWA Project was
cenified in December
1996. Design for Phase
One facilities is ex-
pected to begin in late
1998. ConstlUction of
the fIrst phase of facili-
ties is expected to occur
during 2000-01, with
recycled water deliver-
ies commencing in
2001. Potential recycled
water customers in-
clude the retrofit of ex-
isting customers and new development.
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Figure 2. DERWA Joinr powers Authority organiz.ation chan
customer. Storage reservoirs (tanks)
will store' small quantities of recycled
water, and pump stations will boost the
recycled water to the storage reservoir
sites. A summary of the facilities re-
quired includes approximately 130
.mileS of pipe, 8 pump stations and
even reservoirs providing more than
10 million gallons of storage.
A Cost-Shared Venture
It is anticipated that EBMUD and
DSRSD will share the treannent facili-
ties, rransmission pipelines. and some
pump stations and reservoirs. By
jointly constructing these facilities; it is
hoped that both agencies and their cus-
tomerS will benefit from economies of
scale to maximize the use of public re-
sources. DERWA will provide recycled
water through a program transmission
main and/or, distribution facilities to
the two Districts for distribution to cus-
tomers within their respective service
areas and through their respective recy-
cled water facilities.
Project implementation will be phased
over a period of 10 - 15 years based on
demand, capital funding needs and
availability. As
illustrated in Fig-
ure 3 phased recy-
cled water deliver-
ies would range
from 2.5 mgd to
more than 7 mgd
,by 2015. saving
enough potable
water to serve
10,000 to 30,000
T-740 P.06/12 F-181
'. SERVICES DISTRIct' ? <--t ) 5
Recycled watN avail.
ability is IIor s/lbjecr
(0 seasonal \'arimiolls
or swre or fee/era/wa-
ter supply contract
limirarion!l'. mnkins it
(l highly reliable sup-
ply of industrial tine/
large-scnle irrigatiOn
potential Drinking Water Savings
! 7
.. 6
a 3
g 2
is 1
2 0
The estimated capital costs for the en-
tire Project total approximately $125
million. These costs include planning.
environmental compliance, design,
constIUction. and project administra-
tion. A breakdown of the estimated
Project cost is shown in Exhibit A.
Figure 3. Potential
drinking water sav.
ings from the San
Ramon Valley Recy-
cled Water Project
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JUL-28-98 11 :02
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After the facilities are completed and in
use, operation and maintenance costs
for all facilities are estimated to be ap-
proximately $1 million annually_ The
unit delivery COSt for recycled water is
estimated at $1,300 per acre-foot. The
ultimate size of the project is depend-
ent on securing adequate funding and
institutional support. DERWA plans to
sell bonds and hopes to acquire state
and federal grants and loans to fmance
the construction of facilities.
Figure 4. Proposed
San Ramon Valley
irrigation includes
. commercial and
husines.\' parks.
Funding Assistance.
Funding . assistance can provide the
principal mechanism for the DERWA
project to meet its water resource goals
while complying with federal and state
regulatory requirements. The project
will maximize the use of the technolo-
gies and enviroIllIlCntal enhancements
to maximize project and regional bene-
An expanded recycled water supply
within the San Ramon Valley and Bay-
Delta service area would reduce the
pressures for additional State and Cen-
tral Valley Wate! Project (Delta or
tr~butaJy) diversions, would enhance
Delta supply reliability, i.mprove Delta
water quality and restore Delta ecosys-
tem vitality.
Regional recycled water projects can
be developed in discrete increments.
which can provide tremendous flexibil-
ity as to the timing of water supply im-
To the extent that the expanded use of
recycled water would further state and
federal (CALFED) objectives, it would
follow that the individual projects pro-
viding the contributions should be enti-
tled to support from state and federal
Large-scale recycled water projects
such as the San Ramon Valley Project
are particularly complex and difficult
undertakings for local agencies and
need the assistance and support of state
and federal agencies to maximize op-
portunities. .
Regional water recycling projects have
a potential advantage over local proj-
ects to optimize reuse in those regions.
The optimi7ation of the San Ramon
Valley Recycled W Rtcr Project poten-
tial can best be realized by recognizing
and evaluating the transfer of recycled
water from areas Df excess suppJy to
areas of excess demand. identifying re-
gional seasonal storage opportu.o.ities,
and regional wastewater discharge fea-
Regional partnerships between local
water and wastewater agencies can en-
hance the success of regional projects.
Financial. assistance should be maxi-
mized to encourage local agency par-
ticipation in regional planning.
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Water Recycling Benefits
.r recycling is one or-several possi-
pproaches that must be evaluated
in concert to address today's water re-
source management challenges. The
DERWA San Ramon Valley Recycled
Water Project provides many benefits
for all customers including:
. The preservation of limited potable
water supplies for drinking water
and other consumptive uses;
. An assurance of a reliable water
supply during drought conditions
which can protect landscaping and
other business investments and
help to preserve economic and so-
ciaf benefits;
. Additional environmental enhance-
ments through the reduction of the
amount of wastewater discharged
~to the San Francisco Bay and the
W'flotential for conserved fresh water
supplies to help meet instream
. . A reduction in drought-related po-
table water shortages and cutbacks;
. A provision for additional waste-
water discharge capacity from land
locked areas to help meet seasonal
sewer and storm water flows;
. Promoting a regional or watershed
perspective to water resource man-
agement (e.g. multiple jurisdic-
. Implementing integrated resource
management techniques to further
economic and environmental deci-
sion-making into water manage-
ment. treatment and delivery sys-
. Employing more efficient water use
measures to stretch limited supplies
and promote sustainability as part
of an overall water conservation
strategy. improve water qunlity, and
reduce or avoid the costs of develo--
por treatment facilities;
. Improving the quality of wastewa-
ter effluent discharges to receiving
water bodies;
. Seeking to restore and enhance
habitats to meet environmental
considerations including water
quality protection and recovery of
listed species;
. Forming collaborative partnerships
with local, regional, state and fed-
eral entities to bridge the gap be-
tween those who supply, treat, use
and regulate water;
. Applying innovative and cost-
effective technologies through re-
search and application;
. Informing and educating. the public
to promote public understanding of
water recycling's role among water
resource management options; and
. Assuring the protection of public
health and safety.
Investing in Water Supply
East Bay Municipal Utility District
Water supply reliability has been a key
concern of EBMUD since its formation
Recycled water provideJ
many long-Term warer
supply bene firs rhar caTl
help meer srare (lndfed.
ertll objecTives' within
rhe CALFED Bay -Delfa
Recycled warer is:
. safe;
. more reliable in
rimes of drougJu;
. cosr-effective fur
the consumer; alld
. responsible mall'
agemmt of natural
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JUL-2B-9B 11 :04
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in 1923. A combination of public work
improvements provided abundant and
reliable water service to East Bay resi-
dents for more than 50 years, but eveo-
tually yielded to the East Bay's rapidly
growing water demand. As high qual-
ity water becomes an increasingly pre-
cious natural resource, the ability to
recycle becomes a crucial step toward
the reliability of the East Bay's water
Construction of Pardee Dam and Res-
ervoir and the first Mokelumne Aque-
duct in 1929 replaced a patchwork of
East Bay water supplies consisting of
local rainfall collected in small reser-
voirs and local groundwater wells. In
the 19805, the reliability of EBMUD's
water supply showed signs of stress -
and the inevitability of future water
shortages. Even today, EBMUD does
Dot have enough water to serve cus-
tomers adequately in droughts.
In the 1980s and early 90s, a severe
Six-year drought made it necessary for
EBMUD customers to significantly re-
duce their water consumption - up to
25% in 1988. Lawns and landscaping
were sacrificed, families suffered, and
many businesses responded by radi-
cally changing their operating prac-
tices. BBMUD's Siena water supply,
which for six decades had supplied un-
inteITUpted service to the East Bay,
proved insufficient.
Demands on the Mokelumne River
have also increased. In Amador,
Calaveras and San Joaquin Counties,
those with water rights senior to EB-
MUD's also face growing needs for
warer..The increasing responsibility to
protect the river environment also af-
feets the amount of water available to
the East Bay.
~ ...~- 0"
T-740 P.09/12 H81 /0 1/.5
.,. SElMCIlS OIll'l1U(..T
Recently, the EBMUD Board of Di-
rectors detennined that existing water
supplies will Dot adequately accom~
modate existing and future demand
within the EBMUD's Ultimate Serv-
ice Boundary. The Water Supply
Management Program (WSMP),
which was adopted in 1993. imple-
ments a comprehensive integrated re-
somces plan that includes water con-
servation and reclamation to help ex-
tend EBMUD's limited water sup-
plies. It identified a goal of an addi-
tional 8 million gallons per day of
water recycling within EBMUD's
service area by the year 2020.
Dublin San Ramon Services District
Founded in 1953, DSRSD is a mu-
nicipal water and sewer utility pro-
viding water service to 28,000 cus-
tomers and sewer service to 4,800
customers within the City of Dublin.
DSRSD was originally known as the
Parks Community Services District.
It's purpose was to secure sewer
tanks at Camp Parks.
In 1960, DSRSD was then named the
Valley Community Services District.
with responsibilities that included
water. sewer, trash and fire service
for the V olklMcLain Communities.
In the years 1962 to 1965, DSRSD
transformed its water system in south
San Ramon to EBMUD an under
contract, began treating all wastewa-
ter for the City of Pleasanton.
DSRSD also began contracting with
Zone 7 to supply groundwater and
eventually surface water from the
California Water.Project tc? its cus-
DSRSD obtained its current name in
1977. It was at this time that they
JUL-28-9a 11 :05
FROM-DUBLIN SAN RAKlN SERV I CESOI STR l.ci."'--------+g25:B28~'0'5,.{..-- -, -",.- --;:::'40"''--P':.1 0/12' F-181 II &J/ i 5"
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began pumping their treated wastewa-
ter through pipelines operated by the
Livermore Amador Valley Water
Management Authority and the East
Bay Dischargers Authority to the San
Francisco Bay.
In the 1990's, the District Board of
Directors reorganized staff and re-
fIned department responsibilities, im-
proving communication and effi-
ciency. For more than 30 years the
Board of Directors and staff have
been dedicated to the delivery of mu-
nicipal services to meet the needs of
its customers. DSRSD is guided by
the conviction that service must re-
main competitively priced and pro-
vided in a manner that is both socially
and environmentally responsible.
Customer Marketing
DERWA has implemented a public
outreach program to communicate the
many safe and appropriate uses of re-
cycled water and the many benefits it
provides, More than 400 potential
customers have been identified for the
San Ramon Valley Recycled Water
EBMUD and DSRSD have adopted a
recycled water policy and a marketing
strategy, respectively, which will
serve as the basis for sales of recycled
water to bo~ existing and future cus-
tomers within their service areas.
Marketing strategies include revised
waler service regulations, rates, and
charges. that take into account current
potable water pricing, the frequency
of water shortages, and the cost to
construct separate treatment and dis-
tribution systems.
. ,. '-. ~-_..;.;---.::... ...,;
JUL-28-9B 11 :06
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FROM-DUBLIN SAN RAt.UN SERVICES DISTRICT +925-B28-0515 . .T:741j""P:11/12 H81' .'-. . ........
I). 1) 5
Boards oE Directors
East Bay Municipal Utility District
John Coleman
Katy Foulkes
John M Gioia
Frank Mellon
William B. Patterson
Mary Selkirk
Danny w: Wan
Dublin San Ramon Services District
Cynthia G. Jones
Jeffrey G. Hansen
James B. Kohnen
G. T. (Tom) McCormick
Georgean M Vonheeder
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,.. JUL':'-ZS-:'g-S-' "j):Of--";:".FROM-DUBLlN "SAt(:RAiO-stiNlCES OT"STRICT -- -:.. ..' ... +~Z5~8n:'05r5~----;----~_::;-;:;---- T=140<-- P.1Z/1Z F":IS(-
Life Cycle Project Costs
Total Present Worth ofDERWA Facilities Construction Cost (1) $
Total Present Worth of Customer Connection Costs(2) . $
T.oral Present Wonh for DSRSD Production Facilities Construction Cost (3) $
Total Present Worth Construction Cost $
Property Costs G
Present W onh of O&M Costs
Total Life Cycle Present Worth Cost of Project $ 118,112,922
Annualized Cost of Construction
Annualized Cost for Property
Annual Operations and Maintenance Cost
Total Life Cycle Annualized Cost of Project $
Unit Cost of Recycled Water
Total Annual Demand (AP)
Total Cost of Recycled Water per AF
a. Capital costs are in Febroary 1996 dollars and include the pipelines, pump stations,
reservoirs and ASR facilities serving existing and future customers.
b, Estimates do not necessarily reflect the actual cost split between DERW A, DSRSD, EBMUD,
and future deve10pmenL
c. Production facilities, including tertiary treatment and storage, are the responsibility ofDSRSD.
d. Project assumes a DSRSD and P1easanton supply with ASR.
. . ..,- . ~~........,-~, ~ - -... ,--,~-",-",.""~..;;;........;~.",,.~._~...-, .-- : .
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The Honorable Ellen Tauscher
Congresswoman 10th District
1440 Longworth House Office Building
Washington DC 20515-0510
Dear Congresswoman Tauscher:
Dublin has long maintained a position in support of measures that preserve and enhance the environment and
the quality of life in our City and in the surrounding San Francisco Bay Area. Part of our program in strong
support for solutions that protect our water supply, air quality, and which minimize environmental pollution. Our
residents expect high standards for water supply reliability and quality, and we support those other agencies
which provide these services to our City and Surrounding community. In view of our positions, Dublin is asking
for your support for the efforts of the Dublin San Ramon Services District (DSRSD) and the East Bay Municipal
Utility District (EBMUD) to secure federal funding authorization for their joint San Ramon Valley Recycled Water
In 1995, DSRSD and EBMUD formed the DSRSD-EBMUD Recycled Water Authority (DERWA) to cooperatively
implement the joint project. DERWA is now seeking federal authorization under the Water Resources
Development Act (WRDA) of 1998 for funding assistance to plan, design and construct a regional water recycling
project in the San Ramon Valley.
The San Ramon Valley Recycled Water Project would serve as an important model to demonstrate how to better .
manage and develop our water resources that are especially limited in the arid west. The Project promises to
provide more than seven million gallons per day of water for use in irrigation and recreational applications in
Contra Costa and Alameda Counties.
Dublin applauds DERWA's efforts in taking a integrated watershed-based approach to provide a number of water
supply reliability, wastewater management and environmental benefits to an area subjected to repeated
droughts,. and limited -.yastewater discharge and environmental enhancement opportunities.
We strongly urge you, as a member of the House of Representatives and the Subcommittee on Water
Resources, to support WRDA authorization for the cost-shared development of the DERWA San Ramon Valley
Recycled Water Project.
Thank you for considering our request.
Guy S. Houston
Honorable Barbara Boxer, U. S. Senate
Dennis Diemer, EBMUD General Manager
Robert Beebe, DSRSD, General Manager
Bert Michalczyk, DERWA Authority Manager
JC; c( L3
The Honorable Barbara Boxer
U. S. Senate
112 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington DC 20510
Dear Senator Boxer.
Dublin has long maintained a position in support of measures that preserve and enhance the environment and
the quality of life in our City and in the surrounding San Francisco Bay Area. Part of our program is strong
support for solutions that protect our water supply, air quality, and which minimize environmental pollution. Our
residents expect high standards for water supply reliability and quality, and we support those other agencies
which provide these services to our City and surrounding community. In view of our positions, Dublin is asking
for your support for the efforts of the Dublin San Ramon Services District (DSRSD) and the East Bay Municipal
Utility District (EBMUD) to secure federal funding authorization for their joint San Ramon Valley Recycled Water
In 1995, DSRSD and EBMUD formed the DSRSD-EBMUD Recycled Water Authority (DERWA) to cooperatively
implement the joint project. DERWA is now seeking federal authorization under the Water Resources
Development Act (WRDA) of 1998 for funding assistance to plan, design and construct a regional water recycling
project in the San Ramon Valley.
The San Ramon Valley Recycled Water Project would serve as an important model to demonstrate how to better
manage and develop our water resources that are especially limited in the arid west. The Project promises to
provide more than seven million gallons per day of water for use in irrigation and recreational applications in
Contra Costa and Alameda Counties.
Dublin applauds DERWA's efforts in taking an integrated watershed-based approach to provide a number of
water supply reliability, wastewater management and environmental benefits to an area subjected to repeated
droughts, and limited wastewater discharge and environmental enhancement opportunities. '
We strongly urge you, as a member of the United States Senate, to support WRDA authorization for the cost-
shared development of the DERWA San Ramon Valley Recycled Water Project.
Thank you for considering our request.
Guy S. Houston
. cc:
Honorable Ellen Tauscher, Congresswoman 10th District
Dennis Diemer, EBMUD General Manager
Robert Beebe, DSRSD, General Manager
Bert Michalczyk, DERWA Authority Manager
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