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Item 4.12 DublinFarmersMarket (2)
~l!III"'""'~--=--~~"'''='''''''''''''~~::tr~ "_~-e~"'!'~.l",-~"'-~:;';1-;;_JiiJ.~-"__"_.~; ~""o+"",f,':'~c":cT:C't':"C"- ,,,,,,:,-C'T =&,:=,+.-. .,,:= "-c'=-~~-~CITY '''c i.. "OE'RK'h~" "-'" File # D~[1][fjJ-~ . AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 4, 1998 SUBJECT: Report on Dublin Fanners' Market . (Prepared by: Greg Reuel, Economic Development Director) Exhibit 2: l.;fL Market Manager Report dated June 1998 by Urban Village L7 Fanners' Market Association Dublin Fanners' Market Participating GrowersNendors Directory EXHIBITS ATTACHED: Exhibit 1: RECOMMENDATIO~Ceive report _ FINANCIAL '\ STATEMENT: None DESCRIPTION: The operator of the Dublin Fanners' Market, Urban Village Fanners' Market Association (UVFMA), submitted to Staff a Market Manager Report for June 1998 activities (see Exhibit 1). As indicated from this report and Staff observations, UVFMA has complied with the terms of the City agreement in the first month of establishing the market. The compliance ofterms include . UVFMA completing the following tasks: . Markets were held weekly on Fridays, as requested by the City Council, at the Dublin Square location. . Markets were held from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. each week. . An average of 38 growers, vendors and artisans attended the June markets. . Advertising for the June markets was accomplished via ads in the local papers, banners, TV, posters and flyers to local businesses and schools. . UVFMA Market Manager Reports were presented to. Staff to help monitor the results of the weekly markets. STAFF OBSERVATIONS: Opening Day festivities on June 5th were outstanding, especially considering the short time-period given the operator to organize and advertise the market for Opening Day. The variety of produce has been consistent, with 48 different growers and vendors participating during the month of June (see exhibit 2). As indicated on the Market Managers Report, attendance has gone down since Opening Day, which has caused a few of the growers and producers to leave the market. If the market continues to attract 700 to 1,000 patrons, then the amount of growers and vendors will probably decrease to an average of25 to 30. Conversely, if attendance at the market increases to a level of 1,000 to 2,000, UVFMA will be able to maintain 35 vendors as spelled out in its agreement with the City. . ------------------------------------------------------------------- COPIES TO: lTEMNO.'~2 H:\GREG\MARKET.DOC --' ~.:!..~;::.~~~.~ Staff.has discussed the issue of increasing market attendance with UVFMA, who has instituted the follo,"1ng new advertising activities: . Additional exposure of banner over San Ramon Road. . . Distribution of flyers with discount coupons. . Using the Herald as a sponsor to double advertising dollars with newspaper. . Article on Dublin Farmers' Market in upcoming City Newsletter which is distributed to all Dublin residents. . Use of advertising insert with discount" coupons in Herald, which is distributed to over 6,000 local residents. . Monthly market give-away basket program. The Dublin Farmers' Market is still young and growing as advertising dollars are being spent to inform the community of the weekly event. At this time, Staff does not see the need for any changes to the place, day or time to hold the market. - ;2,- . . ~~~~~~~,c.;~'is~~'';;~;S':i~''ttC'3.'=f5rE:?:L:'~ffl.?!t.c. . . . 'LJRB^N Vi LLAGr Dublin Farmers Market MA~T MANAGE~ REPORTJUNE, 1998 MARKET PROMOTION~ ~ - . Two weeks prior to opening day hung street banner across Sari. Ramon Road. Distributed flyers to all elementary schools in Dublin. 'Mailed VIP invitations. Press releases out Flyers. c,liStributed .to ~ employees of Heritage Office Park and oilier major businesses. Hung posters iri merchant windows. Had strawberrY and eggplant costumes ma~e, each wl{ek kids hold signs directing traffic towards the Market - ' Newspaper ads: Times- 6/5, 6/11, 6/12. Herald- 6/3, 6/5, 6/12, 6/26. Events: Openirig day- Strawbeny Festival, June 26th - Cherries Jubilee. MARKET SUMMARY- Got off to a great start with Openmg Day. Many patrons showed up, expressed gratitude and happiness that Dublin finally has its ~ Farmers' Market. . The next week's a~endance dropped off siightly as expected, yet the next two weeks dropped off considerably - not exp'cCted. Producers have reason for concern with the 4th of July week-end approaching (Fnday is a holiday). The Market draws many from the office park. My concern in general is that Friday afternoons appear to be "get-away day" for many' residents in the area 'Signed a sponsorship. agreement the end of June with ANG Newspapers (Herald) to receive 2 for 1 ads for additional, coverage. Di~cussing a loose flyer in the paper to reach 6884in Dublin and San Ramonto hit mid-July. - urba:-YiUage Fanners' Market Association 39120 Argonaut Way, #780 . Fremont, CA 94538 , Phone: 510/745-7100 . Fax: 510/745-7180 . E:11J.oil: urbanviUage@earthlink.net EXHIBIT 1 tI! ~ ,~ '~ ~ ~. ~ .Ej 8 ~.~ <s~ siJ O. I ,W uUa. ~ ~ ~~ ~I ~! i ..'....""tor.... . \/") ~ ", ~ -=~' ~ --- ~ ;; u': --D ~ =;: --,~ '-'" '? · rl 0 i;):;:::~~~r~~': · ....-4 ~;.s=' ~ - i:t.. 1: . r.; '-.::<: ~ ~ -cs";li\;::':.:;; 'Ci ~ g> ~ ~ ".., CL. -..s:::t . 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BIScattl ,i.'~,;,i; ni en , Q "1,,~i~ ~fi.' ~ Kitchen. Russian -Pltg~k.t;1~)l~r . 0:: !! ~ "'~L;I ' ~va - Sausage ',:..~~..;:r;.~",\,~,,~ \~,.~~. h" Ca . .~~,.....~:t:"~"!J'l,' ." 0.. "i w~-. !>'f.., ." guc I tanng. l~"",'~".lifl1~ r <( .,,~'. ~'1;:CnB8secake ~ ~ ",H !...,"itft\ 0 a 1~" ,~G8ttli,...a1e Bakery' - Breads i:ti!::'f:;'::S1.!.. w T~:r"1:1!'1I:JBUlJ - Engllsfi meat ~~,"~,]tJ ~ cr: I" -,~...; &~It pies - <~I '~-J-""..~ " :0 o ~ 'l;[;::"Beekman's Bakery - Bread ~~~-:-:21'f~ en :~"""'1 '01!IAx, - SpMlads ~{.,~~ -,; ..f ~ . ;....~'"J.Qu.icj(&: Easy -Iridian fd9!&_-:'~..Y.-,~~,: · (/) D:~~;,~tMf.r~~ Or1eans :(July) .p" ;r::;;.;-'..~\~-{' m 0:: :O:J':'~~~I.......f{1 s -pPastajd . ~ sau~/~~"i)<>>:( ~ "<( -''11'>< ," ""_ _af'/ rodU<;s' Ai'~~["!' ,_ 'r ~ IJJ uJ i(c. fililiJey, Veggle Poeket~n 'it1~\. en a.. .1t --" 'n's Delectaoles . PastTl~ .'iJ Z 1; ...~:~IS Ccur.try Cuisine - ~'..~.. · <( Dressings " ~ 'E Mission Valley Cc:Jffee . Espresso s: _ Northwest Ccnne'ction - (J) Smokad aslmon' ' · SPONSo"R.ED BY · m ijtt\~,~allCM J!emlO ~ ... All the ~ifrom the Bay to the Valley ~At@. 93 ~ < ~ m (j') . . (J) > o ~ I ~ g ~ "-0 ' (J) . ~ ~ ffi ~ a . ffi ~ ~ l\ ~ ',~ 'W ~ ~ ... FRIDAYS." ~' _ W\ m ..... 4:00i'M to 8:001'M , ..... . , VRRANVlUAGEFAAMERS 0 ill MAJuuT ~OCIA1'lON ti) o ~ Dublin ~uare ~hopp~ C~ter . ~ (Ne4lr ;The:Plumb~) () b Dublin Bonlemd at Donlon Way, -l a.. sOi 0:74s!7ioo j ~ .OCADOS . ART1~HOKES,' HONEY' . ASPARAGUS. ' " :3~~ ilL I - tll-k-LG-f I-kIL.4t--C1 :;/Ie, f 1/1 . FISH. CHERRIES. APRICOTS. STRAWBERRIES · z ~ 8~ A 4~ Community ~ Celebration! E 5 :E m ::D (J'; . m G) Q (j) . . (J) ~ o o 0: 0- <( o ill c: o . (j) cr: l5 c.. Z <C (J) <:( . Cl) w o ~ ~ o l- . C/) o I o cr: o . cJ) ill (!) C!) ill ~ ~ ~ It ~ '* ~ ~ ill ~ ~ ~ ~FRIDAYS.. ~ (Q _ 4:00PM to 8:00p~ :D . Un:aAN VIUJ,G.E. FAn.~ 0 fB M.uua:l' ASsoCl.AT!ON S; o Dublin ~uare Shopping Center . <:( (Near 'The Plum.be~) 0 ~ Dublin Boulevard at-Donlon Way ~ Fur more infonuuon: ::; ~ 510-745-7100 ! ~ AVOCADOS. ARTICHOKES. HONEY. ASPARAGUS. Alway! good neighbors and great musicl '-CiIPTHiS"ADi-' f 1 DAY ONLY. FRI., JULY 17,1998 I rGDOD $1 00 I, I FOR . I " TOWARDS PURCHASE', FROM ANY FARMER OR 'PRODUCER AT DUBLIN I ); \._':~~~~~~_..1 ~ SPONSORED BY · mtt-@aUe~ J~etal~ ~ All the nMS frem the Bay to the Valley ~.at{g m :D < m CJ) . > "'0 -0 r m CJ) . ^ ~ SIGN UP TO WIN MARKET BASKET GlVE-AWA\'! . ~;i'i'"!~srT '''-'~~1';! I ~ 0 C1;l S :J: ~ .. 0 - -- ,=i . - U I .. ''',' --~ - - , - ~ , ' - . , ' "'~'~:'l.:';~":-' . .- -'~ ,,".. - - :'~~~ .;~.>~:. 'r..~. - -, - . . .. . , , . t ~. . , - (j)~ ..:.l::Q) C(j; ~.::::I :.,.;..:..~.;...;~ ""'."; o:E C1I c ::s '"") (J) - o E I- CI) > -- ..J o .... (/) C I- :::1 as ~ ~- lU B- ~ ,g I- ~ ',as ~:E Ern I- :4' E' ?- m u.. ~ g en a: ::>> :c ... ... 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'" c:..> u Q).....- .... _ '" ::l 0:; :::l .....s:8 ~ >. .....8.,::, o:=: .e-..::: 5 .... U t'll '" 0. - - o~ -c:..> ~-"..= ~~I~i-'~~~~"":~7"7C':c~~,"~;r~~~.~,,=-c~:.~,~~c,:~>~c . : . Iii'. .. . . ~ ~ :", .. ; ~:..I .' 2-LOCAL SATURDAY, June 6,1998 HER RUN ON THE MARKET . --.....--.....----- RAYCHAVEZ-Sl<Iff Pleasanton residents Alice Mesnickow (left), Loretta Perales (center) and Perales' mom, Carmen Babaro, survey Amber Balakian's nectarines during a trip into Dublin on Friday for the opening day of the city's Fanners Market. Booths selling everything from fat-free sau- sages to roses and summer cherries opened at Dublin Square Shopping Center, Dublin Boulevard and D~mlon.YVay. T~e market is open frOf!l4 to 8 p.m. Fridays until October. .. !~-~~-;,~,~,~,f,~_~_.'f_~~_.,~_~_~_--~~~_~~~_~"~_-,_~,~".~---~----,~,=,"_~,~_~-~_-c_:-~__'-~::----"~_,'-'-~~,--,,-~_~-:,---~---._",;',--:-~_:._,~-:,',-----~--:~,~~c--,-.~.,,-'--'~-~,-_-:-'~--,~~,-w_-c;-'_-'_-'~_~_.:.~-~'"-~-.="-"-:~~--_':"'""--"_---_~-.',-~~~'~~~~~~:~'-~~-'--' ~~~, '-- " , , ,--::"'. --:~-:~,:--~~"'~>~,'~---' ~'::""-=-:-'~"'r,;:;:~::'~. ~-'- ~~S~~~~~:S~;~';~:~1~-~_~~~;';r~ DUBLIN FARMERS' MARKET PARTICIPATING GROWER/VENDOR DIRECTORY 6 :7jf- b ~ . I PRODUCTS GROWERNENDOR Apples Chinchiolo Artichokes, veggies Northridge Asparagus, potatoes Zuckerman Biscotti La Biscotteria Breads Beckman's Bakery Breads Cardinale Bakery Cheesecake Yamaguchi Catering Cherries, apricots Lucich Chutney, veggie pockets Planetary Products Citrus, avocados Sommers Com RHS Farm Dressings/marinades Carol's Country Cuisine Eags C & G Ranch English pastries B.J. Bull Espresso Mission Valley Coffee Fish O'Shea Flowers Contreras Flowers Sakaue Fruit Chavez Fruit Hamlow Fruit Schletewitz Fruit Stackhouse Honey Pottol Hot pepper oils MacDoran Indian food Quick & Easy Jams, preserves Fontana Kiwi Kojima Mushrooms San Martin Olives Adam's Orchids Lee Pasta, sauce Ercolini's Pasta Pastries Bakery in a Barn Pastries Devon's Delectables Russian Piroshki Nina's Kitchen Salami Molinari Sausage Dibrova Sausage Smoked salmon Northwest Connection Spreads Dalex Strawberries ROdriguez Strawberries Yerena Tomatoes Rhodes Tomatoes, avocados Rudnick Veggies Cake Veggies Christiansen Veggies Ibarra Cruz Veggies Moua Veggies Trembois Veggies, fruit Balakian . G:\GREGIFARMERSIDIRECTRYlDIR_PROD,DOC .