HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.18 BidWaiverComp&S/W (2) .' " ""'C.'E="'E'-Ro'l(' :,;:::" :,',:-:::'''''--,''"' ...n ~~_. ,_ .__ ..L........ -- "'"" . -,.--:-.. ,. ,~... ,;.,.,,:....'- -,.. '_:~, ....:. ....: .~ ',-"- ~. ~ .. File #.~[Q]-~ . AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: AUGUST 41998 SUBJECT: Request for Bid Waiver: Purchase of Computer Equipment and C?I Computer Software.(prepared B~: Paul Rankin, Assistant City Mgr) 1. Department of General Services State of Californi'a-Letter 2. Draft Resolution Waiving the Competitive Bid Process and Authorizing Staff to Purchase Computer Hardware and Software under State Contract. EXlllBITS ATTACHED: RECOMMENDATION: ~ Adopt Resolution waiving the Competitive Bid Process and Authorizing Staff to Purchase Computer Hardware and Software under State Contract at the lowest price available. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Adequate funding exists in the adopted Fiscal Year 1998-99 budget. DESCRIPTION: In the adopted Fiscal Year 1998/99 Budget funding was appropriated for several computer related projects. In order to proceed with implementation in a timely manner it is important to procure the necessary equipment and software early in the fiscal year. Staffhas evaluated a program operated by the State of California, which authorizes public agencies to make computer related purchases efTom pricing obtained under a State of California competitive bid process. (Exhibit 1) Staffhas determined that the use of this program will allow the implementation of the computer projects in a timely manner and assure that the City is receiving competitive pricing. Scope of Items To Be Purchased Utilizing reserves from the Equipment Replacement Fund, the City is scheduled to replace 36 of the Model 486 computer workstations. These machines were originally purchased in 1994 and are in need of being replaced. The systems operate ineffectively on the City Network- and a newer Pentium based workstation will better meet the City's needs. Included as part of Capital Project 9315 (Network Upgrade), funding was provided to replace two surplus 486 systems being used on a regular basis in Parks and Community Services Department. In addition to the replacement of these existing computers, the City needs to purchase two new systems for added positions in the 1998/1999 budget. The funding for these systems was included in the adopted Department Operating Budgets. Staff proposes to purchase new workstations which will be capable of meeting the City's needs for the next 4-5 years. The budget for the system replacements was $2,075. It was originally anticipated that the existing monitors would be retained and used on the new systems. However. based upon price reductions for personal computers. it is expected that the monitors can be replaced and the total cost will still be within budget. In order to maintain consistent equipment Staff has specified the provision of a Hewlett Packard workstation. The configuration will also include ergonomic features (keyboard, and 17" monitor). e- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - --- -- COPIES TO: ITEMNO.~. g:lstaff-reIvehicleslmarkedl04-Q7.doc ~;.i:~.~......:e::.::. ..- - .. - ~-- . ___ -'~ ., Thesecondiriajoi component 0 s purc ase re a es f6 lcfosoffOffi 0 ._pait'of1n'etapl - Improvement Program. Staff proposed to convert Dublin Police Services units to Microsoft Office. Previously, the Alameda County Sheriffs Departinent had standardized on software provided by a different vendor. In order to maintain consistency among all workstations the Equipment Replacement Fund will also provide funding to acquire Microsoft Office upgrades for existing City Network . workstations. Consistency among the software used will enable the City to more readily communicate between Departments as well as with external consultants. The third component involves the purchase of a computer server with operating system software to be utilized in conjunction with the Permit System project (CIP it 9320). This server will store the system database and program information. In addition, this project will support the purchase of an additional workstation for use by the contract Building Official. With a centralized permit system it will be necessary for this position to have direct access to the City network. which does not presently exist. BID WAVER: The City's Purchasing Ordinance requires that major purchases be subject to a competitive sealed bid process. However. the City Council is authorized to waive this requirement under certain exceptions. The following conditions must be met in order for Staff to proceed with a procurement directly through the State of California authorized vendors: . When another public agency has administered a competitive bidding process within the past two years for the same or substantially similar supplies, services or equipment. . When City Council specifically waives the competitive bid process by a four-fifths (4/5) vote. The State of California has completed an exhaustive competitive bid process for computer . hardware and software that is identical to that desired by the City. This contract is administered by the State of California Department of General Services (DGS) through the California State Computer Store. (Exhibit 1) The State currently has negotiated purchase agreements with three retail firms: Comp U Com, GE Capital, and Comp USA. Provided that aBid Waiver is approved. Staffwill obtain pricing from all three and place the order based upon the best price received for the specified item. This process satisfies the first criteria under the City of Dublin bid waiver policy. As noted it will be necessary for a 4/5 vote to approve.this procurement process and a Draft Resolution approving this exception to the purchasing ordinance is attached as Exhibit 2. Estimated Costs Staffhas obtained preliminary pricing for all items to be purchased. Staff evaluated the cost based upon all charges including sales tax and a State surcharge of 1.21 %. The surcharge allows the City to purchase under the State contract and reimburses the State for their cost in preparing the purchase program. Staff believes that the total cost is competitive and it also reduces City Staff costs in preparing detailed specifications and administering a sealed bid process. In addition to the financial impact, the City can proceed with the procurement in a much shorter time frame, than would be required if a sealed bid process is undertaken. The following reflects the preliminary pricing received for hardware items to be purchased pursuant to this Bid Waiver: . -:<- JJtll~~~7A~~-e~:~:;~::1~;~;~~' . Hardware HP Brio Model 8334(266mhz 64M RAM) Network Card; Ergonomic Keyboard; 17" Monitor Including Taxi Admin $1,995.00 40 $ 79,800.00 Permit Server: HP Le2 (Dual Hard Drives/128 M RAM) Including Sales Tax and Admin $ 4,395.00 $ 4,395.00 The prices received for the softw~e all reflect significant discounts from the typical retail sales price. The City has previously utilized the State Contract to obtain software for City computer systems. There is sufficient funding in the adopted Fiscal Year 199.8/99 Budget for the purchase of all identified items. In accordance with the Financial Plan funding will be provided by Internal Service Fund (ISF) Equipment Replacement Reserves; and General Fnnd appropriations. Recommendation Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the Draft Resolution Exhibit 2 and authorize Staff to proceed with the procurement as outlined in this Staff report. . . _5- ~::jJjt~~:~_:A""';::~~~:~:.H;~'~I~~~~~~.;~,;l.I:' ,i;;;~~-.-~.~~~~~:.%~1Iil'~ .~:~:=~-~~~:.~:t~~:~~7~:':~~'~,~~~f:;5%;.~c~o~~;.~.~:~.l'-W:r~-:-t~: .~~-~~.r~::..;'F~.~ ~:<~..~.:..l-~~.t~~~~~~'~:~~~7:::~~: .~j~:1'~.~~~-~"-:' '.~'-~"::~~-:~~;::::'~~~~~'~'-.~":.~;%' 7~~.:.-~~~7~~_-..-'.:.'~.~~- ,-" ~ .~'.-." ". " sr"'R: Of' CAUFORNI"-ST"re "NO CONSUMER SERVICES "GCNC'I' pm WILSON, Go_, @ DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES . 'j EXECUTM! OFRCE I ~J STREET. SUITE 1910 ! TO. CA 9581.4 I \ ; ;'. t I, [ t . Dear Inform~tion Technology Customer: , Welcome to the California State Computer Storel We are happy to have the opportunity to serve you with statewide services and locations in Sacramento, San Francisco and Los Angeles. We have chosen through our competitive bidding process two outstanding business partners to operate our store facilities: GE Capita/IT Solutions and Compucom, Inc. GE Capital IT Solutions has the contract for the Sacramento store; Compucom operates the stores in San Francisco and Los Angeles. Both firms are highly respected information technology integrators with years of experience serving government, education, and commercial customers nationwide. Our three stores deliver information technology products, services and solutions to cities, counties, special districts, public education, and state agencies throughout California. We continue to streamline the business of government by providing our customers products and expertise that give the gift of time. The store has several time saving features including a catalog on the Internet at www.dgs.ca.gov. I urge you to contact your customer account manager at the Department of General Services, Office of Information Services to learn how we can help you be more productive. If you do not know your customer account manager, call (916)324-6255 for more information. Yours sincerely, "-S~ A. ~ r ....-...- PETER G. STAMISON, Director Department of General Services ... A-I 7 EXIllBIT 1 ~. ,~'-'":~~;::~~~~~;'~.~~~)~~:;::~~r.'~'" ~.=~ .:: "-~N~":'::;:~": ~:~~ : ~~, '~~.;;;, ;~~~, _..'__ """_~, ~_."_=",,,,~~~~,-,-___,_...__~~.:~, ...~=,,_,' _,,' __~,"~,,,,,,"",, '."""T'~,-,,!"""""" C ....._,.-. - 01. ~ 4 ~'. ... __',. -=~~#;~_~.~... .."". -~~""~.:.",.t-'-;;~':;:"--.~.J~"",;,,.-:<.~:'",;,~,._:-,.'-:z;.~;,~',~.~~:;~_,_~:~",,:..~~.~:;;~_.J.'" ". RESOLUfION NO. - . WAIVING THE COMPETITIVE BID PROCESS AND AUTHORIZING STAFF TO NEGOTIATE THE PURCHASE OF COMPUfER HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE AS PART OF A STATE OF CALIFORNIA NEGOTIATED PURCHASE AGREEMENT A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ********* WHEREAS, the Dublin Municipal Code provides that exceptions to the competitive bid process may be approved by the City Council subject to certain conditions; and WHEREAS, waivers of the competitive bid process are valid only upon approval by a four-fifth (4/5) City Council vote; and WHEREAS. the Municipal Code allows the City Council to authorize a waiver when another public agency has administered a competitive bidding process for the same or substantially similar supplies, services, or equipment; and WHEREAS. the State of California has administered a competitive bid process and selected three retail vendors to sell computer related software and equipment at established prices; and WHEREAS. the State of California has extended the ability for local government agencies to obtain this preferred pricing for qualified purchases; and Whereas. the City of Dublin is in need of purchasing computer hardware and software in a cost effective. manner. NOW. TIffiREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin does specifically waive the competitive bid'process pursuant to Dublin Municipal Code S2.36.050(a)(11) and authorizes Staff to purchase of computer hardware and software as presented in the Staff Report on August 4, 1998. PASSED. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 4th day of August, 1998. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATfEST: . City Clerk G:lstaff-reivehicleslmarkedlres-waiv.doc EXHIBIT 2