HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 6.2 EDublinGenPlan (2) ~~~~~~~:~~.~~~~~'~-~~~-- CITY CLERK File # D~[l]U2]-~ . AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 4,1998 SUBJECT: EXHIBITS ATTACHED: 1) RECOMMENDATION: 1) ,.J 2) <j;1\)1 3) 4) . 5) FINANCIAL STATEMENT: PUBLIC HEARING: PA 98-016, Eastern Dublin General Plan and Specific Plan Amendment, including: Deletion of Neighborhood Commercial land use designation on Site 16 and limiting uses to neighborhood commercial uses on Site 3; Revised policies regarding park-and-ride facilities; Updated Development Potential Table for Santa Rita properties. (Report prepared by Jerry Haag, Consulting Planner) 2) 3) Resolution adopting General Plan and Specific Plan Amendment, including revised General Plan and Specific Plan land use map, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan text changes and proposed Santa Rita Properties Development Potential Matrix (with proposed revisions) Planning COrrmllssion Resolutions Applicant request letter Open public hearing Receive staff presentation and public testimony Close public hearing Deliberate Adopt Resolution approving General Plan and Specific Plan Amendment No financial impact is anticipated. . DESCRIPTION: Attached to this staffrepoit is a Resolution approving a General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan Amendment for the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan... The Alameda County Surplus Property Authority (ACSP A) has requested these amendments which consists 'ofthree separate portions, although considered to be one request. One portion of the amendment would delete the existing requirement that 5 acres of neighborhood commercial development occur on "property generally located on the southwest quadrant of Hacienda Drive and Dublin Boulevard.' At the same time, future land uses on Site 3 (northwest comer of Dublin Boulevard and Tassajara Road (see Exhibit 1) would be limited to neighborhood commercial uses. The underlying "Campus Office" General and Specific Plan land use designation would still remain on the site. A second portion of the amendment would relocate planned park-and-ride facilities within the Santa Rita site. The final portion of the amendment is an update to the allowed land use and acreage table for Alameda County's property within the planning area. BACKGROUND Site KlStory The properties included in this General Plan Amendment/Specific Plan Amendment are owned by the Alameda .ilii.mty Surplus Property Authority and are included within the Eastern Dublin General Plan and Specific Plan, .roved by the City of Dublin in 1994. In October 1996, the Dublin City Council approved amendments to the COPIES TO: Alameda County Surplus Property Authority Oei .;;.. ~A File 98-016 ITEM NO. M ~~.,,:.J'...I"\'1~_1_ ...~ .r~'!~:'..:.~.~-:'~T~..l.!!..~$;,}.:._~...!~~;n~:::~,:~~~~~~:. -~.<:~:-..?~~.~~~~.~~':';:~~~~~.~..-: ~.~.,."~;:" . . General Plan and Specific Plan for the entire Santa Rita site. A portion oHhis amendment added a 5-acie "floating" Neighborhood Commercial land use designation for Site 16, located on the southwest corner of Dublin Boulevard and Hacienda Drive. The purpose of including the Neighborhood Commercial designation was to . ensure that adequate local services would be provided for residents of this portion of Dublin. Planning Commission Meeting The Planning Commission, at their meeting of June 9, 1998, approved a Resolution recommending City Council approval of the Specific Plan Amendment. On July 14, 1998, a resolution recommending approval of the General Plan Amendment was approved by the Planning Corrunission. ANALYSIS The following analysis is prepared for each component of the requested Amendments. Neighborhood Commercial Staff's analysis of the request indicates that the 5 acres of neighborhood commercial development approved as part of the last amendment was never actually reflected in land use totals for the Specific Plan, so that eliminating this land use designation from the General Plan and Specific Plan land use maps at this time would not prove difficult. Apparently, due to the complexity of the last amendment and the large number of tables and ownerships involved, maps were not updated at that time. Staff also notes that the General Plan and Specific Plan designates sufficient other sites in reasonably close proximity to the affected site to allow for the development of neighborhood-serving retail and service uses. It is . recommended that the 17 acres ofland on the west side of Tassajara Road between Dublin Boulevard and Central Parkway designated for General Commercial be limited to neighborhood commercial uses. This will provide an adequate site for neighborhood type uses in this portion of the community. This action will also assist in promoting the economic viability of the proposed Town Center development on the west side ofTassajara Road. Town Center is envisioned as a pedestrian oriented, walkable commercial area. This modification will not impact the existing tax exchange agreement between ACSP A and the City of Dublin because the land use designation would not be changed. ACSPA has agreed to this request (Exhibit 3). The proposed amendment, if approved, would provide for alternative nearby sites for neighborhood-serving commercial and would also assist in facilitating development ofland uses on Site 3 consistent with the City of Dublin General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. It would therefore be consistent with both land use policy documents. Park-and-Ride The Authority seeks flexibility, through the proposed amendment, to locate the park-and-ride facilities at other locations on the Santa Rita property which have yet to be identified. The Authority notes concerns with the existing identified sites, including the relatively short distance between the freeway and Dublin Boulevard which would limit access points to proposed park-and-ride facilities. Access could be even more difficult during evening peak hour conditions, where motorists would need to make left turns into the lots to retrieve their vehicles. Given the amount of development interest in the Santa Rita properties, the Authority is confident that sufficient opportunities will exist to implement a joint use development which would include park-and-ride facilities as part . . of an overall project. . 2 ~~ff~~~~~~~;~V~~""-~-,:."";;'''-S1~~~~~~j",~J4'Jc~~"":;:i.~?<;1<;C~'~':'G,~;:;~,i.,e'"".."--"'-" i\S part of the amendment, Dublin Planning staff has added recommended language to the amendment that would require the Authority to identify and build park-and-ride lots when specific development targets are reached eun the Santa Rita portion of the EDSP. This language is shown on Attachment B of Exhibit 1. This portion of the amendment would modify but not eliminate the requirement to provide park-and-ride lots as traffic and air quality mitigations. Therefore, the proposed amendment would be consistent with the City of Dublin General Plan and all other portions of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, as amended. Land Use Table The proposed land use table for the Santa Rita properties represents more complete information on the sit!? than was previously available and is being included as a technical update of the Specific Plan. The amount of development shown on the proposed updated Table is consistent with the amount of development shown within the City of Dublin General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, as amended in 1996. General Plan Consistency The proposed amendments to the Eastern Dublin General Plan and Specific Plan would be consistent with all other remaining elements of the Eastern Dublin Specific plan and with the Dublin General Plan. The analysis of consistency is discussed in the above section of the staff report. Environmental Review The potential environmental impacts of the proposed project have been previously addressed in the Eastern .lin General Plan/Specific Plan Environmental Impact Report (SCH No. 91103064) certified by the City of lin in May 1993, and an Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration for a previous Eastern Dublin General Plan/Specific Plan Amendment (SCH No. 9692092), certified by the City of Dublin in October, 1997. This Amendment does not include any changes that would be outside the scope of either the Program EIR or the Mitigated Negative Declaration. Conclusion The proposed amendments to the Eastern Dublin General Plan and Specific Plan are consistent with the remaining portions of the Specific Plan, with the General Plan and with underlying environmental documents for the Eastern Dublin area. Approval of the Amendment deleting the Neighborhood Commercial site will facilitate development of the proposed PeopleS oft campus development. Construction of future park-and-ride lots within the Santa Rita area would be made easier by revising policies. Modifications to the Development Potential matrix represents a technical update based on the latest available information to the City and landowner. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council open the public hearing, take testimony, close public hearing, deliberate and adopt Exhibit 1, the Resolution approving the proposed General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments. . ....:-. - _:. 3 ~_::':'~..:~- '.I!':~'^,- .. :'-:~.;r.-.flrr#::-1';.:.. = '. -'" ~ ..... -,~ . -,. -,.:':":~:=,~.?'..:>~, "---.. ': ...- - : ~. '. ~" __'.0... _ jc(FI RESOLUTION NO. ~98 . A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ************* .APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE EASTERN DUBLIN GENERAL PLAN AND SPECIFIC PLAN FOR P A 98-016, ALAMEDA COUNTY SURPLUS PROPERTY AUTHORITY WHEREAS, Alameda County Surplus Property Authority (ACSP A) has submitted a request to the City of Dublin to amend the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, which would: a) Delete the 5-acre Neighborhood Commercial land use designation on Site 16 of the Santa Rita properties from the General Plan and Specific Plan Land Use Map, generally located on the southwest comer of Dublin Boulevard and Hacienda Drive with the underlying "Campus Office" designation to remain (Attachment A), and limited uses to Neighborhood Commercial on Site 3 of the Santa Rita properties, the northwest corner of Dublin Boulevard and Tassajara Road as shown on Attachment B; . b) Amend policies contained in the Specific Plan regarding the placement of park- and-ride facilities within the Santa Rita properties of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan (Attachment B) c) Update the Development Potential Land Use Matrix for the Santa Rita properties of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan (Attachment C); and WHEREAS, a complete application for this project is on file with the Dublin Planning Department; and WHEREAS, the potential environmental effects of the proposed project have been previously addressed in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan EIR (State Clearinghouse No. 91103064) and a Mitigated. Negative Declaration for a previous amendment to the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan (State ClearinghoUse. No. 9692092). This Amendment does not include any changes that would be outside the scope of eith~..: the Program EIR or the Mitigated Negative Declaration; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing on the General Plan and Specific Plan Amendment request on June 9, 1998 and July 14, 1998; and WHEREAS, proper notice of said hearings were given in all respects as required by law; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hear and use their independent judgment and considered all said reports, recommendations and testimony hereinabove set forth at a public hearing and . recommended approval of the General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan Amendmeot; and WHEREAS, proper notice of said hearing was given in all respects as required by law. .- - ,.-. .......-.. Exhibit 1 ~~~~.\t:~~~~!-~-~'*:'<L:(l~:~':~~~~~.i~~::~~~~i~~.::~~~t~:!~:~~':::'~.~~~~'_~.. .:'-~:-+~",,::-;'"n .::.+~-'.~'~': ,.: .,""<.'';~'- -~: ;J. __( 1'/ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin City Council does hereby find that: A. Proper environmental documentation has been prepared on the proposed Specific Plan Amendment in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act. . B. The proposed deletion of the 5-acre Neighborhood Commercial land use designation on Site 16 will result in a more efficient use of land for proposed campus office uses on the site. C. Alternative neighborhood serving commercial uses can be provided on Site 3. D. The proposed amended policies regarding park-and-ride facilities will allow for improved siting of park-and-ride lots within the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area. E. The revised Development Potential land use matrix represents updated information regarding parcelization and land uses within the Santa Rita portion of the Eastern-Dublin Specific Plan area BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin City Council hereby approvals an Amendment to the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan (FA 98-016), deleting the 5-acre Neighborhood Commercial designation on Site 16 of the Santa Rita properties (Attachment A), limiting future uses on Site 3 of the Santa Rita properties to neighborhood commercial (Attachment B), revising policies regarding park-and-ride facilities within the Santa Rita area of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan (Attachment B) and updating the Development Potential land use matrix for the Santa Rita properties of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan (Attachment C). . PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 4th day of August, 1998. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk K2/G/8-4-98/resoedgp. doc . 2 . I .'OU. OCll ~- o{l :2U 01 III G3 ~~ o 0::0 ~ - III 51 ~ 0 01 Eg. .s !! i:i. cD 5-'0 6 cD U is "" Gi cD liE ", 0 -<E /.LI = ....0 ..... -< . 0 o z. . .... "'''3.;;: .iL/- v . ,-"\ I I I >- I I ~3:ul 115z~-< 1-:::;1l5~ ~Vi'" I ~~ >-..... ~< . - 0 &l') m~-< _ 00'"" ::t: Vi ...t: ~~ <') -~- ... o to ____~o avo~ OlON~V ~ ..... 0 ;;; 0 eo ~ ... ".'0::. c:.; - 5::i ~. OV)W-<<~ c::: 0 ~ >-U a..LUOC;;;. Z lt5 ::::i O:::~~ a:l a.. Cl.. 0 ::> ..... o <( ~ Ol-~ 1 ~ -..... ~O:::~ II Z <( 5 LU 0 1: I- U o Z -< e z @ ~ <( ~ II -< V) :;t ~ \C ,..-I :> I C/O (;\. ~ -< ~ .~ ~ '-- u= =.- I~ ll)~= ~eo 08::= =0= = ~",..~_,;r_ .J.. .._~"'" ..~ ~...- :.. ....-_ ~..-"".--~T.,.::II~.."""..~C"...~'_~. ~:,-........,..,-_.._--..-.~ ':';-.':I."~.;.. .;;....".;<. . ...., ~ ..._-_.';_ __:' ~["._... ..;;; ~ -~ -;-- Y' / Jj. ....... l I -L Santa Rita GP A/SP A File P A# 98-016 The following are amendments to the East Dublin Specific Plan 1) Section 4.5, Commercial Land Use, page 29 should be amended to add the following action program: · Program 4J (a): Limit land uses on the west side ofTassajara Road between Dublin Boulevard and the Transit Spine to Neighborhood Commercial uses, to assist in ensuring that uses in the Town Center -Commercial development are economically viable. 2) Section 5.7 Transportation Systems Management, page 58. The language of Program 5-h should be amended to reflect the flexibility of site locations for park and ride lots as well as any specific targets for planning and construction of facilities as negotiated between the City and County. · Work with developers at the freeway interchanges to provide a minimum of 200 park-and- ride ~ spaces between 1-580 and Dublin Boulevard eB tBe '''est sides of HasieBaa DriYB, Tasajara Road QBd FallBB Read or as mutually agreed between the City of Dublin and developers. The parking lots will provide a minimum of 100 parking spaces each and will include lighting and landscaping. Specific park-and-ride sites shall be identified and approved by the City of Dublin at the time land use entitlements are granted for fifty (5()-) percent of the acreage included in the Hacienda Gateway, County Center and Town Center- Residential Planning Subareas. Construction of the park-and-ride facilities shall be completed at the time land Use entitlements are granted for seventy-five (75) percent of acreage for the same Planning Subareas. 5/1198 A IT ACHMENT B . . . ~;';;;.,:.,;,.. "",r.,.:-:;,: -: .~'"': ..:. . . co :+:i !: a> ..... o a.. +" !: a> E 0- o a> > a> it n::: CO +" . !: CO U) ......:.....- ~.~-,.._...,.~....~,~"...",:" -- . :.._..~=-_ ,. ._ _ :~. .: . r:wo:,..~ - ~ co U) ...- Q.I .- :> t: ct:J co '<T ..- en M M r- "'<t" r-N NM LO co MN M M ..- ..- N ..- ~I"" ...~ ~ C ctel) en co ..- (0 co N en M (0 r-(OC"'> LO'<TLO .......eno M(OM I"-NLO LO .... ....... (OCOM r- (0 en MCOCO (01"-(0 en"'<t" LO g -- g -5 u t:~0 ~OQ.lO::~(OO O~~~O::OO:: CO--CO <(lU-<(<(....ro lU <(<(<(ro<( 0::=- LL-ZOLLLL -- --~LLLLLL--LL U)~ ~ O~ ~o ~ ,~t:U ~m""""~~ U..-~r-I"-~LO Q.lo<(~6m~~LOo<(01~~~LO~<( ~C....ZO..-~OOLONZN"'<t"OOOMOZ cu U) :J "0 l:: co ...J" 1Il _ __CI) ~ Cii .~ .~ a:: 0 O-rooo.c:v; V; CD 'E u CD CD Ql CI) m ::a Q) ... 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RESOLUTION NO. 98-25 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN RECOMMENDING CITY COUNCIL ADOPTION OF AN AMEND:MENT TO THE EASTERN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN FOR P A 98w016, ALAMEDA COUNTY SURPLUS PROPERTY AUTHORITY WHEREAS, Alameda County Surplus Property Authority (ACSP A) has submitted a request to the City of Dublin to amend the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, which would: a) Delete the 5-acre Neighborhood Commercial land use designation on Site 16 of the Santa Rita properties, generally located on the southwest comer of Dublin Boulevard and Hacienda Drive (Exhibit A), and limited uses to Neighborhhod Commercial on Site 3 of the Santa Rita properties, the northwest comer of Dublin Boulevard and Tassajara Road as shown on E (Exhibit B); b) Amend policies contained in the Specific Plan regarding the placement of park- and-ride facilities within the Santa Rita properties of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan (Exhibit B) . c) Update the Development Potential Land Use Matrix for the Santa Rita properties of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan; and WHEREAS, the potential environmental effects of the proposed project have been previously addressed in the Eastern. Dublin Specific Plan EIR (State Clearinghouse No. 91103064) and a Mitigated Negative Declaration for a previous amendment to the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan (State Clearinghouse No. 9692092). This Amendment does not include any changes that would be outside the scope of either the Program EIR or the Mitigated Negative Declaration; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing on the Specific Plan Amendment request on June 9, 1998; and WHEREAS. proper notice of said hearing was given in all respects as required by law; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hear and use their independent judgment and considered all said reports, recommendations and testimony hereinabove set forth. . EXHIBIT ~ . .~.:.;,.:...........~~1"1-_.'__ ~~ ~~~~~--~....-~_.~ .,---r..........--.--~~-::"'"..~~..-___................_~ ~ ~...........................-., ~:.~ ....,.,..~"I-.~,..~~.J,j.,.:...~:........:. .~_~........ .+-.:-;~~~","-"'. ~ .~.,,"._ ~""'~.'..,jI....~ ~_~ -:::::V,~"'".. ~..:...,..-'_.....-:::.;,:,. .,:". :, / ..~ ., I / -i . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin Planning Commission does hereby find that: A. Proper environmental documentation has been prepared on the proposed Specific Plan Amendment in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act. B. The proposed deletion of the 5-acre Neighborhood Commercial land use designation on Site 16 will result in a more efficient use of land for proposed campus office uses on the site. C. Alternative neighborhood serving commercial uses can be provided on Site 3. D.. The proposed amended policies regarding park-and-ride facilites will allow for improved siting of park- and-ride lots within the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area. E. The revised Development Potential land use matrix represents updated information regarding parcelization and land uses within the Santa Rita portion of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area . NOW, THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin Planning Commission does hereby recommend City Council approval of an Amendment to the Eastern Dublin Specific PlaIl, deleting the 5-acre Neighborhood Commercial dsignation on Site 16 of the Santa Rita properties (Exhibit A), limiting future uses on Site 3 of the Santa Rita properties to neighborhood commercial (Exhibit B), revising policies regarding park-and-ride facilities within the Santa Rita area of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan (Exhibit B) and updating the Development Potential land use matrix for the Santa Rita properties of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan (Exhibit C). PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 9th day of June, 1998. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Cm. Jennings, Johnson, Hughes, and Oravetz Cm. Musser ATTEST: Iddd~ C6mmunity Development D. ector . -",'- . 2 . _., .. ..~.,.. :...-...... r ..: -.-; . Z d I~of' l.. RESOLUTION NO. 98- 29 . A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN RECOMMENDING CITY COUNCIL ADOPTION OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE DUBLlN GENERAL PLAN FOR P A 98-016, ALAMEDA COUNTY SURPLUSPROPERTYAUTHORffY WHEREAS, Alameda County Surplus Property Authority (ACSP A) has submitted a request to the City of Dublin to amend the Dublin General Plan, which would delete the 5-acre Neighborhood Commercial land use designation on Site 16 of the Santa Rita properties, generally located on the southwest comer of Dublin Boulevard and Hacienda Drive (Exhibit A); and WHEREAS, the potential environmental effects of the proposed project have been previously addressed in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan EIR (State Clearinghouse No. 91103064) and a Mitigated Negative Declaration for a previous amendment to the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan (State Clearinghouse No. 9692092). This Amendment does not include any changes that would be outside the scope of either the Program EIR or the Mitigated Negative Declaration; and . WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing on the General Plan Amendment request on July 14, 1998; and WHEREAS, proper notice of said hearing was given in all respects as required by law; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hear and' use their independent judgment and considered all said reports, recommendations and testimony hereinabove set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin Planning Commission does hereby find that: A. Proper environmental documentation has been prepared on the proposed General Plan Amendment in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act. _ B. The proposed deletion of the 5-acre Neighborhood Commercial land use designation on the General Plan Land Use Map on Site 16 will result in a more efficient use of land for proposed campus office uses on the site. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin Planning Commission does hereby recommend City Council approval of an Amendment to the Dublin General . - ..~~ ... - . EXHIBIT c:( ~..I""'.'~"""""-~~~:~;"'.~...i::~~-::-.~.~~~:"'..A<W.~::...::~'...::'~'..:...:,..<:.\:.~:..::::.:~.nb-:;;':.:l~~~.-:':~..z.:~'~~~~ ~4:.-"'r '.;. ...,._-_.~_ ~..... ..~.; _.;,,:~~~-=~;;;~,1:::..r.~~.'~';' ~"'~.:.. :::j ,,;" "--,I I ~. _Ian, deleting the 5-acre Neighborhood Commercial Land Use Map designation on Site 16 of the Santa ~ta properties (Exhibit A). PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 14th day of July, 1998. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Cm. Jennings, Johnson, Musser, "and Oravetz Cm. Hughes Planning Commission Chairperson ATrEST: Community Development Director . . 2 .~;';".."l~- f.':-'--' !~~~'~-~~~"~~~~i::~~ .~~-~I'~.;~~~.~~~~.:&.i~:'::~;;?;~~"l.~~.7~::'-7~'~'~1"~Z~~~;;~~,~F...;;;'~~~;~~.~-~~~::~:':.""7~~~~~':-~"-'-'~ .:~ /1..' .~:,/ /1' SURPLUS PROPERTY AUTHORITY OF ALAMEDA COuNTY ' .-.....\ ~ .. Santa Rit.a . Transit Center . Staples Ranch . Wetmore Ranch 224 W. Winton Ave., Room 151, Hayward, CA 94544 (510) 670-5400 FAX (510) 670-6529 February 27, 1998 RECEIVED MAR U 4 1998 D:JBLlN P.:ANNING : Ms. Jeri Ram Dublin Community Development Dept. 100 Civic Plaza Dublin, CA 94588 Re: Santa Rita Property Specific Plan/General Plan Amendment Modifications Dear Jeri:. Per our discussion yesterday with Jerry Haag, the Surplus Property Authority would like to modify the proposed Santa Rita Property SP NGP A sent to you on February 11. We propose the following modifications: 1) Neighborhood Commercial: To ensure that some neighborhood commercial uses are developed on the Santa Rita property, the Authority is willing to limit Site 3 (adjacent to Tassajara Road) to neighborhood commercial uses, while retaIning its General Commercial designation. "Neighborhood commercial uses" would be defined per the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. . 2) Site 12: We would like to withdraw our proposed modifications for this area. I will work on a graphic exhibit that.you can use for the staff report. If you need anything else from me at this time, please let me know. Following your reView of these modifications, I would appreciate it if you could provide me with an estimated time schedule for taking this GP NSP A tlrrough the approval process. Sincerely, cc: Pat Cashman EXHIBIT .3 . . . '.~,{'.=--=~' _;;..? :.,;,..;.:~ ~~~~:~:.~~::~~7'..';.:-;~~7'-:;:;~,;o.~::-,~..:.-. ,.~' ._. "'0:..... J~ ....~.~,':._-""':"_..-':'_~..':'~~._-.L~.l::.r?l'~:~~_ """';...~.~-N......'iH,ol"r..O~.. -:--, ..... .-'_. ~'- . . . Ii -: -; EASTERN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN AMEl\TJ>MENT/GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT for the ALAMEDA COUNTY SURPLUS PROPERTY AUTHORITY SANTA RITA PROPERTY The Alameda County Surplus Property Authority, owner of the Santa Rita property within the City of Dublin, is requesting' an amendment to the City's Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and General Plan. The amendment consists of three relatively minor changes to policies and maps affecting the Santa Rita property that will permit completion of development of the property in a more effective and rational manner. These changes are the removal of the requirement for five (5) acres of neighborhood commercial development on Site 16, flexibility in the location of commuter park- and-ride lots within the Santa Rita property, and clarification on the type of private development that can occur in the Public/Semi-Public designation north of Gleason Drive. None of these proposed changes will impact other properties within the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area, nor will there be unmitigatible environmental impacts. ~~ Removal of the Neighborhood Commercial Designation: The Eastern Dublin Specific Plan was amended at the request of the Surplus Property Authority in October, 1996 to refine the land use pattern on the Santa Rita property, The Authority's request included moving the area designated for Neighborhood Commercial uses on the property from the intersection of Hacienda Drive and Dublin Boulevard to the comer of Tassajara Road and Dublin Boulevard, because the latter site would be more central to the population base needed to support a neighborhood center, whi1~ still being within walking distance of much of the Santa Rita property. The Specific Plan amendment that was ultimately approved by the City shifted the commercial area over to Tass.yara Road, but includ~d a caveat that five acres of neighborhood commercial development woUld be incorporated into the Campus Office site in the southwest quadrant of Hacienda Drive and Dublin Boulevard (Site 16). . Policy 4.9.7 (Hacienda Gateway- Land Use Concept) of the Specific Plan was modified to specify that "General and Neighborhood Commercial uses are designated along the east and west side of Had end a Drive, to take advantage of the high visibility and convenient vehicular access from 1-580, Hacienda Drive, and Dublin Boulevard".. The Eastern Duplin Specific Plan Land Use Map and General Plan Map was also modified to specify that Site 16 "includes five acres of Neighborhood Commercial", This caveat was made by City staff over the objections of the Authority, It should be noted that the Specific Plan amendment also included modifications to land use tables that summarized land use designations within the Santa Rita property, but thes~ tables were not modified'to include the five acres of neighborhood comm~rcial. Table 4.11 of the Specific Plan lists the land use designations and corresponding acreages for the Hacienda Gateway Subarea, which is located along Hacienda Drive. However, Table 4.11 indicates that :?ero (0) acreage has been designated for neighborhood commercial uses in this area. Similarly, the traffic study that accompanied the Specific Plan amendment assumed that Site 16 would be fully developed as a - ~:. .. .-:":".-. "'.....-.,.._~.......~."~.. '~c~.~,:;::~.I:,:~.:.{~~=z::,.::=::~,~~,~~2:',~~:~~:-'~~~~:t.~7;:~:'::T~~~<'~:=-=~7~~::;f~~~'~Sf~~;~"~;i'~~?~~':s~;-,=_. .--... l!l -,,-/. / y" Santa Rita Specific Plan Amendment Page 2 . campus office development (with 1.9 million square feet of office) plus an additional five acres of neighborhood retail. . The Surplus Property Autho~ty proposes that the requirement that five acres of Neighborhood Commercial be provided 'on Site 16 be removed, First, potential users of this Site for campus office development have expressed grave concerns regarding the integration of Neighborhood Commercial uses within the Site from a security and circulation standpoint, Second, preliminary traffic analysis for office development for Site 16 has indicated that traffic flow for the 1.9 million square feet of office presently designated for Site 16 alone will be difficult to accommodate on the planned SpecIfic Plan roadway system adjacent to the Site. The addition offive acres of Neighborhood Commercial uses will further exacerbate this situation. Likewise, the removal of five acres for Neighborhood Commercial on .Site 16 will require denser office development on the remainder of the Site to meet the assumed Specific Plan density designation, This could require high-rise buildings, a deficit of open space, or both. ,/ An additional concern with placing Neighborhood Commercial uses on this Site is that it could end up being an attraction for released Santa Rita Jail inmates on their way to the nearby BART station. While the County has arranged for a shuttle bus system run by Wheels between the Jail and BART, released inmates are free to walk to BART from the Jail. The quickest, and most convenient route will be down Arnold Road to Dublin Boulevard, then west to the BART statiqn, making the required Neighborhood Commercial area on Site 16 on this route. . At the time the requirement was made for five acres of Neighborhood Commercial development on Site 16, the rationale by City staff was that it was needed to provide convenient "walkable" commercial uses for the future residents of Santa Rita developments. However, it should be . noted that the planned commercial area on Tassajara Road will be less than a mile, at the furthest point, from any planned residential uses on the Santa Rita property, and much closer than that for the majority of residents. An extenSive trail/path system across and through the Santa Rita property will proVide-pleasant walking conditions for residents to the Tassajara center. . This should -be compared to much of existing Dublin, where large parts of the City neighborhoods are further from convenience commercial uses than will be the case on. the Santa Rita property. . Furthermore, the five acre size is problematic in itself This size is too small for the standard neighborhood shopping center, anchored by a grocery store, yet probably too large to :fill with small "convenience" users, such as video rentals, dry cleaners, etc. The result may be an uneconomical development that either can't be financed, or stands partially vacant. Neither of these options would be b~neficial to the City or to the Authority. Therefore, the Surplus Property Authority believes that the requirement for five acres of Neighborhood Commercial on Site 16 should be deleted by amending the necessary Specific Plan and General Plan maps and text. . ~'''''-, . . . ~r' ;. '. "' , /:3 4 1,/ Santa Rita Specific Plan Amendment Page 3 Park-and-Ride Lots: The Specific Plan contains a policy (5-22) calling for the establishment of park-and-ride lots, adjacent to the freeway interchanges, to facilitate ridesharing by eastern Dublin residents. Program 5H states that the City should work With developers at the freeway interchanges to provide park-and-ride lots "between 1-580 and Dublin BOJJ.levard on the west side of Hacienda Drive, Tassajara Road and Fallon Road. The parking lots will provide a minimum of 100 parking spaces and Will include lighting and landscaping." The Surplus Property Authority is seeking flexibility in locating the park-and-ride lots on the Santa Rita property, which under the Specific Plan is required to provide a minimum of 200 spaces. The specific locations identified in the Specific Plan may be problematic from a traffic access and circulation perspective. Because ofthe relatively short distance between 1-580 and Dublin Boulevard at Hacienda Drive and Tassajara Road, these intersections may-limit direct access to the parcels to the west from Hacienda Drive and Tassajara Road, making it problematic for drivers returning home in the evenings to access the park-and-ride lots. On the other hand, joint-use opportunities may arise that are not located on the 'sites specified by the Specific Plan that could have great benefit by limiting the potential security and maintenance issues that can be associated with park-and-ride lots. For instance, theater or church parking could also serve as a park-and-ride lot, since the hours of use generally will not conflict. Site-specific traffic studies may also indicate that the lots should be located in other locations for ac~ess and traffic flow reasons. Therefore, to permit greater flexibility on providing the park-and-ride lots on the Santa Rita property, the Surplus Property Authority is requesting that Policy 5-22 and Program 5H be modified to allow for other sites on the Santa Rita property to be used instead of the specified sites, if approved by the City of Dublin. It .should be noted that the EIR that accompanied the Specific Plan does not require the park-and- ride lots, or their specific location, to mitigate an identified traffic impact, nor does it appear that the park-and-ride lots were used in modeling traffic flows as part. of the EIR analysis. Private Uses on Site 12: The area on the Santa Rita property located just north of Gleason Drive and west ofTassajara Creek (Site 12) is designated for Public and Semi-Public Facilities. As defined in Section 4.8.3 ofthe Specific Plan, this designation "provides for the development of governmental or institutional type uses. This designation generally applies to parcels of land owned by a public entity or governmental agency. Sites designated as Public/Semi-Public are not restricted to public uses and can be approved for joint development (i.e., a private development on a publicly owned parcel ofland or a public/semi-public facility built on a privately owned parcel)." Currently, the CHP, animal shelter, and County public works maintenance yards are located on the Site. Other future uses may include agricultural department offices and/or a County courthouse. '-- ../ 4-L -{' jI',~ - . 't=;:.~. ~.~ ~~~. .:- ___~~~~~..=~:~;. ~::.~~:'~.::~_~;;~.~;:;~~.;;:~;~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~".'~::=r.~::~7~_.-..-:~;~-.~ ~:..~!. J J. !1;-"'~'.1;.~~=~~~~ . -. - .,~--:~. . -'u. :~.~~~.~--_.. /:( Santa Rita Specific Plan Amendment Page 4 -// iL/ -01 . The Surplus Property Authority is requesting that this language be clarified to permit appropriate land uses that are compatible with the over-all designation ofPubliclSemi:-Public, regardless of ovmership. Several entities have approached the Authority for potential.uses on small portions of Site 12 that would fit into the overall framework of public use, such as a credit union or a . computer data center. Under the current Specific Plan language, such uses appear to be consistent with the Specific Plan with a ground-lease arrangement, yet may not be consistent if the County sold the land. By clarifying that private uses that are compatible with adjacent public uses are appropriate, regardless of the ultimate land ownership, the area could be developed in a manner that would maintain the overall public use while creating a more diverse land use pattern that could" better serve the Specific Plan area. It should be noted that no changes to land use intensities is being requested. Under the Specific Plan, as amended, approximately 960,000 square feet of development is anticipated in Site 12, and this is not proposed to be changed. . .