HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 8.1 Modify Rosolution 78-96 (2) ~: - ,---.- ..-- ,-- -- --~-._- . --., -----._",-~'-' .. - --" -._-,-~ - - ",---" .. . -, - ~ _~,._-a~"""'-'-,~:;':"~=-_,, -"-=-~;--~"l:n fY~~K . ..' - , · File # D~IQl.~- lQJ. . AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 4, 1998 SUBJECT: Confirmation of Community Development Director's decision to modify a portion of Condition "I" of Resolution 78-96 relating to timing of school mitigation agreements (Schaefer Ranch Pre-Zoning Appr,?val) and approval of agreement with developer assurances (Report Prepared by Eddie Peabody, Jr., Community Development Director) ~ 1. Attachment A - Letter from Schaefer Heights, Inc. Dated 7/24/98 2. Attachment B - Letter from Community Development Director Dated 7/28/98 Approving Planned Development Minor Amendment 3. Attachment C - Agreement between City of Dublin and Schaefer Ranch Project Owner regarding school impact mitigation and memorandum of agreement 4. Attachment D - Letter from Castro Valley Unified School District, Dated July 27, 1998 5. Attachment E - Letter from Schaefer Heights, Inc. Dated July 24, 1998 (no appeal of conditions on tentative map) EXIDBITS ATTACHED: . RECOMMENDATION: a. Confirm Community Development Director's decision to grant a minor amendment to condition "I" as noted in Attachment B. b. Approve agreement and memorandum of agreement regarding assurances related to school mitigation (Attachment C) and authorize the City Manager to sign the memorandum FINANCIAL STATEMENT: None BACKGROUND: The applicant, Schaefer Heights, Inc. has requested that the timing of school mitigation agreements for the Schaefer Ranch project take place prior to the City Council approval of the first final map rather than at the project tentative map approval. Resolution 78-96 approving the Planned Development Zoning for this property required that the issue of attendance areas between the Castro Valley Unified School District and the Dublin Unified School District be resolved before the occupancy of any residential units. The applicant is working to resolve this issue with the Castro Valley Unified School District and has entered into a contractual agreement with the Dublin Unified School District (see item on August 4th consent calendar). 4It-----------------------C()PUEST()~---b;H~;.~Diririb~ti;;-------------- Robert Y ohai, Schaefer Heights Inc. ITEM NO~ - - 8.1- g:agendas\ccsr8-4 schaefer ~_,...,,=_~::>_~~:....J-==-:=,_~:=:::-::;_~ ,..:~:.~~:~' """'~""'~-'~-~---.~-~..';--:.~.~..::;!,,-~..- ,....:;.,--...., .;_..-,.. _ _ __ ~- ..'_ ..""..: '-='-~_''''-,':o',;".--~.-::~'::'~'.:'~~:.:,,:: The City has received adequate assurances from Schaefer Heights, Inc. and the Castro Valley Unifieq School District regarding this issue. They are: · An Agreement between the City of Dublin and Schaefer Heights, Inc. that the developer will enter . into an agreement with the affected school districts prior to City COWlcil approval of the first final map; not challenge any conditions on the subdivision map related to written school mitigation agreements; will hold the City harmless and indemnify the city for any legal costs of challenges; and pay the current mitigation fees being charged by the affected school districts at the time of building permits (Attachment C). A memorandum of the agreement will be recorded. · A letter from the Castro Valley Unified School District confirming their agreement that the issue oftiming of school mitigation agreements can be moved to the first final map stage of the entitlement process (Attachment D). · A letter from Schaefer Heights, Inc., agreeing to not challenge any condition on the subdivision map related to requirements covering school mitigation agreement (Attachment E). · A signed contractual agreement for school mitigation with the Dublin Unified School District (see item on August 4th consent calendar). As a result of these assurances and evaluation of the request in light of the intent of the COWlcil approval of Resolution 78-96, the Community Development Director has determined the following (Attachment B): · The request of Schaefer Heights, Inc. does comply with and does not change the intent of the adopted Planned Development Ordinance for the site. . · Upon confirmation by the City COWlcil, this minor amendment is approved. RECOMMENDATION: By motion, confirm the Community Development Director's decision to grant a minor amendment to condition "I" as noted in Attachment B, and approve agreement and memorandum of agreement regarding assurances related to school mitigation (Attachment C) and authorize the City Manager to sign the memorandum. . -~- ~. ~""-.-c",,"~ ~ _,=".~,~,__.~_...-____...-,..,.,..-wo~~'-~- ""~". -~~~.. ":;;'3 ---,c.~ . - - - . ~~-- ~--.._....,..,......--~,~.;;~,"..,_.:;:;<.;;....-~_..,:;.,',~",.:;.:-:.;.,..,. . . . . . . SCHAEFER HEIGHTS, INC. 155 Filbert Street, Suite 200 Oakland, CA 94607 Telephone: (510) 893-8186 Facsimile: (510) 893-0205 J r6 I'll July 24, 1998 Mr. Eddie Peabody Director of Community Development City of Dublin 100 Civic Plaza Dublin, CA 94568 Re: Schaefer Ranch Pre-Zoning Approval (Reso. No. 78-96) Dear Mr. Peabody: Schaefer Heights, Inc., the applicant under the above-referenced subdivision map application, and the owners of the Schaefer Ranch property, Schaefer Heights, Inc., Robert J. Yohai, Sal S. Zagari, Dennis Gibbs, Laurie Gibbs and Otto Schaefer, Jr., hereby request that the Dublin City Council amend the second paragraph of Condition "f' of Resolution No. 78-96 as follows: In compliance with the above policies, prior to City Council approval of the first final map for the project, all developer(s) of property subject to the Prezoning shall enter into a written mitigation agreement with the affected school district(s), and present satisfactory evidence of such agreement(s) to the City. The mitigation agreement(s) shall establish the method and manner of financing and/or constructing school facilities necessary to serve the student population generated by the development. The ID;itigation agreement(s) shall address the level of . mitigation necessary, the amount of any school impact fees, the tiIDe of payment of .. such fees and similar matters. The City may be a party to any such agreenient( s) only for the purposes of assuring unifonoity with respect to different property owners and appropriate land use planning.. If the property has not been transferred from the Castro Valley Joint Unified School District to the Dublin Unified School District by the time of City Council approval of the first final map, a mitigation agreement shall be required with the Castro Valley Joint Unified School District as well as with the Dublin Unified School District. Sincerely, SC CIATES, by scHAEFER HEIGfITS, INC. .. By: ATTACMMEtiT A .~ ~,.~ 0" - ",!,"~'.. ~~- ":~~~:".f!;~~:-'~?,~:,.~.:;~:.p:,,1-:~~~~~~~:~':~t~-'"~:"""..~_~fA:~_~i!..i!~li~f'~~ ~-'N'~~~7.~~~:.';"';: -.~~. ,4 '. .: .~~ . ~-~ ,,"'. ,- ~-'.~.~"""'''-I 'c.-n~ -.. ~ ..~-... -.r......-::~.":"';, -~;..:.'"""'~U~.~;.,!~.,:;!:~;;.-:;:.;:,..~~ "-<-~.:;:n;..-'..~' ~;_\: ':'-::. ,,-._',.::~-~::':':'~:::--:~~:~~~~.:: :;- :.~:O .....: --.---. :-~_. .n., .~ ;;. o--F I? . k . . _-:~-,-~~~~~~~F~~-;-~~ , " ~...;" ,f DLb/ .-' .... .' . . . ,... . . . ." ~~ (ii@~~~~\ 3 ad ) '1 .~~~V'.ffill CITY OF DUBLIN ~:j p.o. Box 2340, Dublin, California 94568 . City Offices, 100 Civic Plaza. Dublin, California 94568 July 28, 1998 MI. Robert Y ohai Schaefer Heights, Inc. 155 Filbert Street, Suite 200 Oakland, CA 94607-2531 RE: Planned Development Minor Amendment to modify General Provisions I of Resolution 78- 96 of the City Council to School Facilities Impact Mitigation. Dear Mr. Yohai: . TIlls is to notify you that I have reviewed your request for a Minor Amendment to General Provision I of Resolution 78-96 of the Dublin City Council relating to School Facilities Impact Mitigation approved by the City Council on July 9, 1996 for P A 96-037. The text of the section proposed to be chailged is as follows with ~e new text underlined: 1. School Facilities Impact Mitigation Provision The Dublin General Plan addresses the City's cooperation with the Dublin Unified School District to ensure the adequate provision of school facilities in the Extended Planning Area ... The Schaefer Ranch EIR requires the issue of attendance areas between the Castro Valley Joint Unified School District and the Dublin Unified School District be resolvedprior to occupancy of any residential units. It also requires the project's Development Agreement to provide for the applicant's payment of fees to cover the cost of additional students generated by the project. Because statutory fees authorized by Government Code Sections 53080 and 65995 are inadequate to mitigate the effects of new development on the Dublin Unified School District and the Castro Valley Joint Unified School District, the City of Dublin intends to require that development within the Schaefer Ranch project component of the Western Dublin Extended Planning Area mitigate impacts on affected school districts required to serve student population generated by new development. . In compliance with the above policies, prior to' City Council approval of the first fmal map for the uroiect Tcnbth'c SU8di~:isioB Map, or the City's acceptaBce of ~^.:l'.lBeKJ.tioB of the prejolO:{ site to the City, ~.'.'hic:acvei comes :rrst, all developerW of property subject to the Prezoning shall enter into a written mitigation agreement with the affected school districtW and present satisfactory evidence of such agreementW to the City. The mitigation agreementW shall establish the method and manner of financing and/or constructing school B ",::;r.;.;:_~__ ~ --- ~; . . - . - . - " ~:..;<- -...;.~~:::..--:::;.;...;.::.....:.:,-, -- _:.: . ~ _'- " _ . ~ .."'-_ -:~~~,~..;. ";:x:::;.~. t""-' ,'..; <,_-_.;:.}...:,... "","""..,;...-;;,;~;:.~;;;,,~~'.:.;,.~-. "';';;,'>0_ _", ~., -. ." =~ ~'-,-~-,-,,"-. o;:::.---.,,-..;,?-t;;(.::<JZ'::..-:;.-.;. L/4{)/~' facilities necessary to serve the student population generated by the development. The mitigation agreement shall address the level of mitigation necessary, the amount of any . school impact fees, the time of payment of any such fees and similar matters. The City may be party to any such agreement~ only for the purposes of assuring uniformity with respect to different property owners and appropriate land use planning. If the property has not been transferred from the Castro Valley Joint Unified School District to the Dublin Unified School District bv the time of City Council approval of the first final map. a miti!!ation alrreement shall be required with ~e Castro Valley Joint Unified School District as well as with the Dublin Unified School District. Section 8.32.080, Amendments, of the Zoning Ordinance states in part that the Director of Community Development may by administrative action approve minor amendments to an adopted Development Plan upon a fmding that the amendment substantially complies with and does not materially change the provisions or intent of the adopted Planned Development Zoning District Ordinance for the site: Mr. Robert Y ohai of Schaefer Heights, Inc., has submitted a written request dated July 24, 1998, for a Minor Amendment to modify General Provision I of Resolution 78-96 of the Dublin City Cotll1cil relating to School Facilities Impact Mitigation approved by the City Council on July 9, 1996 for P A 96-037. Based on an analysis of that request, the Director of Community Development has determined, as provided for by Zoning Ordinance Section 8.32.080, that the proposed text modification to the Planned Development for Schaefer Ranch substantially complies with and does not materially change the provisions or intent of the adopted Planned Development Zoning District . Ordinance for the site adopted by the City Council on July 9, 1996. Upon confirmation of my decision by the City Council at their August 4, 1998 meeting, the requested Minor Amendment to the Schaefer Ranch Development Plan to modify General Provisions I is hereby approved. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to call me at (510) 833- 6610. Sincerely, ~~!:f'1 ,~ Community Development Director cc: Planned Development Minor Amendment File P A-96-037 City Council Planning Commission g:pa96-037/pdamend . ~~-:~"=~ _' m___ ____ .. " "',c_~~~~.~--- !!!!-~~~'._~.,~:~2~, ..~. . . . ~4/1 . AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF DUBLIN AND SCHAEFER RANCH PROJECT OWNERS RE SCHOOL IMP ACT MITIGATION This Agreement is made and entered into thi~ day ~ 1998 between the City of Dublin, a municipal corporation ("City") and Schaefe Heights Associates~ Robert 1. Y ohai, Sal S. Zagari, Dennis Gibbs, Laurie Gibbs an Otto Schaefer, Jr. (collectively "Property Owners"). WHEREAS, the Property Owners are currently the fee title owners of that certain undeveloped real property located in the City of Dublin consisting of approximately 500 acres and more thoroughly described in the boundary map attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by reference (hereafter "Schaefer Ranch Property"). WHEREAS, the Property Owners are currently applying for a vesting tentative subdivision map for the Schaefer Ranch Property from the City allowing for the development of approximately 465 units ("Schaefer Ranch Project"). . WHEREAS, the parties desire to set forth their understanding and agreement with respect to conditions of approval on the vesting tentative subdivision map as they relate to mitigating the impact the Schaefer Ranch Project will have on affected school district(s). WHEREAS, the Property Owners have requested that a condition of approval be placed on the vesting tentative subdivision map for the Schaefer Ranch Project providing that, prior to City Council approval ofthe first final map for the project, all developer(s) of the Schaefer Ranch property shall enter into a written mitigation agreement with the. affected school district( s), and shall present satisfactory evidence of such agreement to the City. NOW THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. The Property Owners voluntarily agree that, prior to City Council approval of the first final map for the project, all developer(s) of the Schaefer Ranch property shall enter into a written mitigation agreement with the affected school district(s) (which would be Castro Valley Unified School District unless the Schaefer Ranch property has been transferred to the Dublin Unified School District), and shall present satisfactory evidence of such agreement to the City. . 2. The Property Owners agree that they shall not administratively or judicially challenge any condition of approval placed on the vesting tentative subdivision map for the Schaefer Ranch Project that requires the developer(s) ofthe Schaefer Ranch property to enter into a written mitigation agreement with the affected school district(s) prior to City Council approval of the first final map for the project. ", '^- ... ATTACHMENT ~ 1 - - '-':....:.;;...:;..~ -":..-,. ~~~~~ ......~..~:"J'-;.;~. ':t"~~ -.::.;.:t~~.;t=.-:...~;~...;,:.<., ~<:-~:~.~.".~~~~... .~""'!:.._ b ~.)7 3. The parties hereto agree that this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the successors, heirs, beneficiaries and permitted assigns of the parties hereto. . 4. In the event of any administrative, legal or equitable action or other proceeding instituted by any person, entity or organization challenging the validity of the condition of approval referenced in section 2 above or the validity or interpretation of this Agreement, the Property Owners shall indemnify City against any and all attorneys fees and costs arising out of the defense of such challenge, it being the intention of the parties that the City shall not incur any costs as a result of Property Owners' request for the c~:mdition referenced in section 2 above. . 5. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as preliminary or final approval of any land use or related decision. - 6. The Property Owners agree that, should the City Council approve the first final map for the Schaefer Ranch Project prior to a school mitigation agreement being entered into with the school district having jurisdiction of the Schaefer Ranch property, then, in such event, the Property Owners shall pay, at issuance of building pennit, the then current school impact mitigation fee being charged by the affected school district(s) on residential development projects of similar size, density and product type as the Schaefer Ranch Project which has been justified by an approved nexus facilities study which has been prepared by the district. 7. The Property Owners expressly waive any claim or right they may have or may allege to have to only pay the mitigation fee authorized under sections 65995 and 53080 of the Government Code (commonly referred to as the "Sterling fee"). . . 8. Any notice which either party is required or may desire to give to the other shall be in writing and shall be delivered in person or by mailing the same by registered mail, postage prepaid, to the party to whom the notice is directed at the address of such party as ~~: . City of Dublin 100 Civic Plaza Dublin, CA 94568 Attn: City Manager Copy to: Meyers, Nave, Riback, Silver & WIlson 777 Davis Street, Suite 300 San Leandfo, CA 94577 Attn: Elizabeth Silver, City Attorney . Schaefer Heights Associates 155 Filbert Street, Suit~ 200- Oakland, CA 9460i~.'-__ __- 2 ,,,.-..---, --. --- -- "-. . . _. --- =<;.~i~~~~~;..~-<_-"","'"-~-~'.;o~~~~~~~~~:.:'~ . '. ._..._~ c.- ,.,. .-",,<,...n."..,,._ ..,-;:;<;::-.,;:~ _' :.'" _-.- .: -::"_:~-~ C,;.:. ;";.';~.o~.;,~:;,:;,., 0';- ;:-.~. -;.;.:.~._: - .' :. -: .. '.:-_-:-"-~:' ~.. :c'~-.-':.~'c,,-::::: :.:':'--:::~::~'.~ 741'7 . Robert J. Y ohai 155 Filbert Street, Suite 200 Oakland, CA 94607 Sal S. Zagari 155 Filbert Street, Suite 200 Oakland, C.A 94607 Dennis Gibbs 27101 Schaefer Ranch Road Castro Valley, CA 94552 Laurie Gibbs 27101 Schaefer Ranch Road Castro Valley, CA 94552 Otto Schaefer, Jr. 26901 Schaefer Ranch Road Castro Valley, CA 94552 Copy to: . William. A Falik, Esq. 100 Tunnel Road Berkeley, CA 94705 9. This Agreement supersedes any prior negotiations and agreements and contains the entire agreement of the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof. No other agreement, statement or promise made by any party or any employee, officer, or agent of any party that is not in writing and signed by all the parties to this Agreement shall be binding. - 10. Any Amendment to this Agreement shall be in writing and signed by all parties hereto. 11. Time is of the essence of this Agreement and each provision hereof. 12. Any waiver, express or implied, by either party of any breach by the other party or any term, covenant, or condition of this Agreement shall not be, or be construed to be, a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or another condition of this Agreement. . 13. If any provision of this Agreement or the application thereof to any person or in any circumstances shall be invalid or unenforceable to any extent, the remainder of this and the application of such provision to other persons or in other circumstances shall not be affected thereby and shall be enforced to the greatest extent required by law. .".": --- '. '- -,,~. -~.' 3 14. The effective date of this Agreement shall be the date upon which the last signature to this Agreement is made. 15. The parties agree to execute and deliver any instruments in writing necessary . to carry out any agreement, tenn, condition or assurance in this Agreement whenever the occasion shall arise and request for such instruments shall be made. 16. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an'original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. 17. Contemporaneously with the execution of this Agreement, a Memorandum of this Agreement in the fonn attached hereto as Exhibit B shall be executed by the parties in recordable fonn and shall be recorded by City within ten (10) days after the effective date of this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the dates set forth below. Date: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Date: ~;; )4 ? Date: f0g- Date:7/~7(1f Date: ?/zg) 7 r Date: ? /2-8/ g F I I 'Date: 7h 7 h1_ I J City of Dublin By: By: ~:v.(/h- City Attorney . . 4 Z::~~-~,;:-~--.~~:'s" . far Offices of William A. Falik ~torney for Property Owners . . 5 I! . eZ"'Jf SJ.11'II1 ,(JJ!) , l:J e i' Nf7fInQ :JO .JJ.J~ lis - - ~ ili I '\. - eb f t",,~ , l:J... ~"l!I .. ~tl I ,I:: :;:"lY (Jt ~~~ IS ft;:C :c hr ~ bt~, i:; ~ib ~ ~J!! I ! 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I':~i",,:;:~l.: ....li;"!:~..~ ~ "'" '"' . <!: - & ,Cl u.. :J '<l: u Lo.. J:l W I- <:: I- .... EXltlBtJr ^ 'o-f'" ~ ;14)'1 . RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED, RETURN TO: LAW OFFICES OF WilLIAM A F ALIK 100 TUNNEL ROAD BERKELEY, CA 94705 ATTN: WILLIAM AF ALIK MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT TIllS MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT is executed in connection with that certain "Agreement between the City of Dublin and Schaefer Ranch Project Owners re School Impact Mitigation" which was made and entered into on th~ day of <fc,~ ' 1998 between the City of Dublin, a municipal corporation C'City") and Scha e eights Associates, Robert J. Y ohai, Sal S. Zagari, Demus Gibbs, Laune Gibbs and Otto Schaefer, Jr. (collectively "Property Owners") relating to those certain real properties described in Exhibit <<A" attached hereto and made a part hereof . Such Agreement sets forth the parties' agreement with respect to the time in which the Property Owners must enter into a school mitigation agreement with the affected school district(s) in connection with the development of the Schaefer Ranch Project. It is the intent of the parties, as set forth in the Agreement, that the rights and obligations set forth therein shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the successors, heirs and assigns of the parties hereto. The parties agree to take whatever actions are necessary to remove this Memorandum from the record upon the Property Owners entering into the school mitigation agreement referenced above. Date: City of Dublin By: Date:7~~ / By: o. . EXHIBIT B of ~:~~~:-~..'-'~...i~~~~~~;Ed~-~.~.!~~~~~~~ ~1~~' Date: 7 k 0'~ / Date)-J7" 9 <? Date: 7- 21-9! Date: ? - '2- 'j -9 g Date: 7ft 7 h1\ / I (NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ATTACHED) .... ~~ .'." -. 1.- .... ~ / J. 't( / 9 . . . :;;.:;' ,... _ .~;"'~_~~'!.~":::~-?..~~~,~~~~.:;.~d:"~;"i~'f';";'C';P~'~:':',~-~~::'O"""'"....~~:,"'i:;:!"~~::;..;.il~;"'_~-.;-~~:::- ':o"o:;.,;;,:::j..;;.:~K~2~i~-;;,o;~~::: /.Jv{lrJ STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ALAMEDA } } ss. . On July 27. 1998 before me, Kathleen M. JOrgensen personally appeared Robert J. Yohai and Sal S. Zagari personally kno~ to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) who'se name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to . me th~t he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies) and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s) or the 'entity upon behalf of which the person( s) acted, executed the instrument. Signature ~..A.. .A. .A .A "^-..A. ""- -^- ..0"\.. .A...A.. -^-f o. Kathleen M. Jorgen::;en.g Ccmm. ::1 079477 ' ~ - : NOT1.RY pueLl:: . CALI:=OR~IA'G> .c:; COfl.'TRA COSiA C::lUNiY 0 J IF Comm. Exp. Dc:::. 17. 1999 ...r. .......,...~.:.....,--..........~.v...............""""'-"'"....t WITNESS my hand and official seal. (This area for official notarial seal). . .. . 1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ALAMEDA } } ss. /'/ if /1 . On 3t)~ JR. ~qq& before me, U I.?NDy "P \)8\\:\ DJL.l..L personally appeared c:::rR"o ~ AS F l:?l2 ~ll person~ known to me (er proved to me on the basis of satisfactory e~Ad6nce) to be the person~J whose nameCJ'}is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that hel~J1f"lth'1\ ex~~uted the same in his/flelftheiJ: authorized capacity~ and that by ~l/their signature~ on the instrument the personCf> or the entitY upon behalf of which the person( s) acted, executed the instrument. Signature -------------J HENRY P. DEADRICH J@ Commission * 1183787 ~. Notary Public - Callfcmia ~ 1 Alameda County f MtCam\. Expies WOI'ZJ.:m:z ........--------......-- WITNESS my hand and official seal. (This area for official notarial seal). . . 1 ~~~~....-,~,-~-j:~~-;r;~~-.~.:=.~~~~.;~_-~_--. ,_~_.' ,_~~_"~-,_~...:~~-->.....::.~._,,,..,',~::-,.,,..._~~._._-,~_'. " ,_,_",_""~-,,,~_,"~_' -,. _ -~ .->!.:-_- . ';':""_"0_"' r.~ ,.~ ,- ~- - -4 '1:"~~ ~ , ~~_...~'- ~- -~'-~~ - -. " --- - ~ ---~-~.,~ . .=.,<~~;,..~--,,~~, - ';:;~<-'-..~:~.;_%:~~":;-:;.,:~-:--::- /5 v5 /! . STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ALAMEDA } } ss. On July 29, 1998 before me, Louise McCarthy personally appeared Dennis Gibbs and Laurie Gibbs -' personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to ~e that helshe/they execu~ed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies) and that by hislher/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s) or the entity upon behalf of which the person( s) acted, executed the instrument. Signature . ".......... ""'-.- - ........ .- - ....... .-. ........ .- ...... -^ 08 Louise McCarthy f CJ _ _ Comm. #1086600 0::: NOTARY PUBUC. CAUFORNIAG> ~ Al..AMEDA COUNTY () ) Comm, Exp. Feb. 15.2000 ... .......--.....,.......,..-----................-...-......l . 1 '7~~y~--.;':-!!'~.~~~ -~~'~!!!I!I!J ~ ~ ~ f.~~'-'"-:..-'-n....'_-."_-.'''''''-O:,_,."~>>",,,_,,:;.,-:-:;:;,_ .,~_- _'"'''.... _".' .,;;., ..... ~.__,~;_.:..-- . ,,----_n_..nu_ _ _,_.. ~. '. '.' .... ~.~",,~<,-- - -~,..". ..~.4.' .' ......- ,.,..";.,.. ""i~~v-"_;j-~'-"'-1k~;;'~'3';::'ljf--'~-y.;~.;;:::.'1':,,:~ ~. Castro Valley Unified School DistrIct. ,- . - @ BOARD OF EOUCAnON SUPERINTENDENT George Granger, President Dr. Robert J. Fisher . Jo A. S. Loss, Vice-PresidenVClerk John Barbieri Janloe Fri&S8n Kunlo Okui \ \ I f ~ :1iJla1 1/1, J I, :: \I r _". .. 'I ./ ...... '- 'I I '.-. - ' ->' - -' '-.. ,.1: I EOOCAnNCAU YOUTH FOUXCELlENCE I P.O. BOX 2148 . CASTRO VALLEY. CALIFORNIA 94546 . (510) 537-3000 . ~AX (510) 886-8962 July 27,1998 Mr. Eddie Peabody Director of Community Development City of Dublin 100 Civic Plaza Dublin, CA 94568 RE: SCHAEFER RANCH PROJECfjSCHOOL MITIGATION Dear Mr. Peabody: This letter is written on behalf of the Castro Valley Unified School District ("District") to advise you that the District has no objection to the City of Dublin amending Condition "I" of its pre.zoning approval of the Schaefer Ranch Project (City of Dublin Resolution #78.-96) to provide that the time period in which the developer of the Project must enter into a written mitigation agreement with the school district{s) required to serve the student 'population generated by the Project is prior to City Council approval of the first - final map for the Project. . By its non..objection to the City's position as stated above, the District does not waive any rights it may have to require that development within the Project mitigate its impacts on the affected school district(s). Sincerely, James . 'Connor Assistant Superintendent Business Services Co Mr. Raben Y ohai . AllA D ~~~~.~~~:.~~.:.-~~J~~ ~~~~~=~~:,~~~:~~;-'-"~'~="'"'"~~' '.. . . . ..' "c ~ ",~,,,_~,~-c",,,,,C--":." ................. . ,,~~.#.<~,~ .....,.,,-->f1J:;;~79c" =~S3'" , . SCHAEFER HEIGHTS, !Nc. 155 Filbert Street, Suite 200 Oakland, CA 94607 Telephone: (510) 893-8186 Facsimile: (510) 893-0205 . July 24, 1998 Mr. Eddie Peabody Director of Community Development City of Dublin 100 Civic Plaza Dublin, CA 94568 Re: Schaefer Ranch Vesting Tentative Map (Tract No. 6765) Application City of Dublin File No. PA 94-028 Dear Mr. Peabody: . Schaefer Heights, Inc., the applicant under the above-referenced subdivision map application, and the owners of the Schaefer Ranch property, Schaefer Heights, Inc., Robert J. Y ohai, Sal S. Zagari, Dennis Gibbs, Laurie Gibbs and Otto Schaefer, Jr., hereby agree that the statute of limitations in which to challenge any conditions of approval placed on the tentative subdivision map is ninety (90) days from the date of-the map approval. On behalf of themselves and their successors in interest, the undersigned hereby agree to not challenge any condition of approval placed on the tentative subdivision map which requires that a school mitigation agr.eement be entered into with the affected school district(s) prior to City Council approval of the first final map. Sincerely, . R HEIGHTS AS OCIATES, by SCHAEFER HEIGHTS, JNC. ATTACHfDT f