HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.03 DublinFineArts (2) .... CITY CLERK File # Dr9lrLlrIl-~lI5l / . AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 1,1998 SUBJECT: Correspondence from Dublin Fine Arts Foundation Regarding "Art in the Parks" Program. Report by: Diane Lowart, Parks & Community Services Director EXHIBITS ATTACHED: RECOMMENDATION: ~, \JV' FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Correspondence from Lynne Baer, Executive Director Approve request of Dublin Fine Arts Foundation to pursue projects for Kolb and Mape Memorial Park $5,000 was included in the Fiscal Year 1998-99 Budget for "Art in the Parks" DESCRIPTION: In September of 1993 the Dublin City Council gave conceptual approval to the Dublin Fine Arts Foundation's proposed "Art in the Parks" program. The goal of the "Art in the Parks" program is to enhance City parks through the placement of artworks appropriate to each park's history, location, size and use. To date, site-specific works have been placed in Stagecoach and Alamo Creek Parks. Although permission was also granted to pursue artwork for Kolb Park, due to . complications with the chosen artist, the Fine Arts Foundation was not able to complete that commission. As discussed in the attached letter from Lynne Baer, Executive Director of the Dublin Fine Arts Foundation, the Foundation requests approval to begin the process of commissioning works for Kolb and Mape Memorial Parks as the next installment in the "Art in the Parks" program. The Foundation has received grants from the Tri-Valley Community Fund, the City of Dublin, and individuals for the continuation of "Art in the Parks" totaling more than one-half of the funds needed for both parks. They have begun the process to advertise for interested artists and, pending approval, will establish a neighborhood selection committee for each park to select artists to create maquettes of artworks that will be appropriate for the parks. The models will then be displayed at the Dublin Civic Center for community input and will be presented to the City Council for consideration at a future meeting. The Parks and Community Services Commission gave conceptual approval of the request at their August 17, 1998 meeting. Staff recommends that the City Council formally approve the request of Dublin Fine Arts Foundation to pursue projects for Kolb and Mape Memorial Park. . ------------------------------------------------------------------- F:\DF AF\cc91 kbmp.doc COPIES TO: Dublin Fine Arts Foundation ITEMNO.~ ) . . . 11 ." n I, }<' N A I' q (I j) AU9.2G 1998 9: 47AI1 P01 T Fl',=-rn : L BAER FH ART /p 1 DTO d.ba HOBLE PHOHE Ho. : 415 931 0753 N 'I' H I': v , " N t ogo August 25, 1998 Mayor Guy Huston M~mbers of the Gl1y Council City of Dublin 100 Civic Plaza Dublin, CA 94568 Da<'lr Mayor and COllncil Mf.lrYlbr-r!':; .\ ho Dublin Fine Arts Foundntion requests approval to bogin the process of commissioning wurk;:; ror Kolb and Mape fe'arks as the next installment in "Art iI' the Parks". In '19tl'l, 1;>llt;NlpOCifie works wore ph,wcod ill Sl....gooooch ~nd AlAmo Crl;ilQk PArks. At thot timo. wt!.l had also rellu~:>l~t.1 models tor Kolb Park and, unfortunately, due to complications with the chosen artist, we were l1ul Hult! to complete that commission. We would like to stArt all ov~r agelin with Kolb as well at! place fl worK in the newly renovated Mapa Park. As you might recall, the gool of this program is to onhance each park. while contrihlltinn to tht: ::;~m;e of community fur the entire city and to inorClJ50 participation, onjoyment, ~nd Integration uf Hrt illtl.1I:Nelyday experience for DUblin citizens. As Dublin i::o currently undergoing tt ~'owLh ElPUlt, our de:;.;re i~ to place works i,., all of Dublin'!} origin9f parks QS: well m;: the new ones as they flrl:! ciRv~~lnpAtl I n the 19th ana early ~otn Centuries, ttle concept of the public park. was c.reated tn hrinO natura into congested urban sp<lces and 10 provide 8 place for leisure activities for city dwellers. New YorK'S Central Park Ulld $l:l11 hCfllGi8CO'S Golden Gate: Park are two excellent c){llmples of tnlS concept. At the ena 01 the 20th Century, tilt:! purpose and Gomposition ot publiO parKS tltlG evOlvea Trom large GUllct:rl(lCfliUll8 of open land to smaller moro spooielized opon !;paoos. Changes in leisure time actIvities bgcause 01 ll;!dmology, lifestylos. and financial c()nsidorntion~ contrlOuteO to this evolution. Dublin's diver:>t: pCfI ks are exoellent examples of this ohange in deSign and use. The foundation would Iikt:! vvnlinue our partnership between artists ana loonl nelgtltJortlooll groupS to el1nance this positive tlllU important pDrt of Dublin. '1 he founoation has receIved grants from tlll:l Tri-Vafley community Fund, the City of Dublin, and incliVfCluals tor tile continuation of "Art ill the Parks" totaling mOre than half of the tunds we need tor DOtll parks. We have also b"9ulI ttuvt:il,lisil)g (01' interested artists. With your permiSSion to proceae wltn these two p~tlk.s, we will put together Mighborhood selection committees to choose up to five artists for each pHrk to c;reate maClllettes of artworks that will be appropriate to eacn park's history, location, and ust:. We will thell display these models in thO Civic center for community Input as well (:1:-> YUUl comments. After the committeos havo cho~ell a finalist, we will ~sk tor the approval from the Park ~md Ct'llnn'lllnitv Services Commission and the City Council. we WOLIIO De pleasea to nave reprt:!:;~IlI~llvc:'1 from tho Oity Council oeNO on (ho neigt\l>omood seleCtion commlnoes or givf,! us ,ecomendations of individuals from tho sl.JITounding park neighborhoods who might bt: inlerosted in serving on the committoe. TtlallK you for your contlnll~d support. Sincerely. ,. .. .. "-.....,.---1' ~=--.. Ltnne Baal' ~ecutlvc Director cc: Clt:IUdio McCormick, OFAF Presidont 'I.U. UII\. ~~'''~', 1I1'111.1r\ l.,\ 1"~,hJ1 A T ] o