HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 7.1 Reimb I-580 Interch (2) -,' '. CITY CLERK File # n[(8Ø11?5HL;21!(] . AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE October 6,1998 SUBJECT: Reimbursement Agreement with the City of Pleasant on for 1-580 Interchanges Report by: Richard C. Ambrose, City Manager ATTACHMENTS: I. Draft Agreement RECOMMENDATION: viI. 40 2. Approve agreement and authorize Mayor to executed agreement. Direct Staff to prepare a revision to the existing Freeway Interchange Fee Resolution 11-96. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: This agreement will facilitate the transfer ofapproximateIy $7,384,000 plus interest from fees collected from development within the Eastern Dublin General Plan Area. These fees will be used to repay the City of Pleasanton for Pleasanton's advancing costs over and above its "fair share" of the construction of interchanges on 1-580 at Hacienda Drive and Santa Rita Roadffassajara Road. . DESCRIPTION: On January 23, 1996, the City Council adopted Resolution No.1 I -96, establishing a traffic impact fee for development within the Eastern Dublin General Plan Area for the purpose of reimbursing the City of Pleasanton for construction of improvements to the 1-580 Interchanges at Hacienda Drive and Santa Rita Roadffassajara Road. The resolution adopting the fee provided that the fee would be effective once an agreement with the City of Pleasant on had been reached to transfer fee revenues. Representatives from the Cities of Dublin and Pleasanton have met and developed the attached agreement, which will facilitate the transfer of fees collected by Dublin to Pleasanton. The key provisions of the agreement are as follows: I. Dublin agrees to repay Pleasanton $7,384,000 plus interest from traffic impact fees collected from the Eastern Dublin General Plan Area. tIIIÞ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- -... ..._--... - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- ----- -- --- - --- COPIES TO: GICC-MTGS/98-QTR4/0CT/1Q-6-98/AS-INTERCHANGE lTEMNO.~ ~"" .",¡tr 2. Dublin agrees to modify the fee to include an automatic escalator equivalent to the average annual Local Agency Investment Fund interest rate. . , 3. Dublin will retain 1 % of the fee for administering the agreement. 4. Dublin and Pleasanton agree to work cooperatively to facilitate the issue of issuance of permits and .' approvals necessary to undertake future improvements to 1-580. 5. Dublin and Pleasanton agree that the responsibility for funding improvements to the I-580/Fallon Road.EI Charro Interchange to accommodate ultimate buildout will be based on each cities respective percentage share of the traffic from all development from within each city (existing and new) using the interchange. (The exact terms of this agreement will be developed in a future agreement between the twO cities.) . 6. Dublin agrees to make necessary improvements to the 1-580 Interchanges at Hacienda Drive and Santa Rita/Tassajara Road which are necessary to accommodate projected traffic from development anticipated on both Dublin's and Pleasanton's General Plans as of August 1, 1998. 7. Pleasanton will indemnify, defend and hold Dublin harmless from any claims or cause of action brought against Dublin by property owners in the former North Pleasanton Improvement District connected with the enactment of Dublin's fee resolution for disbursement of fee revenues to Pleasanton. This agreement anticipates that Dublin will adopt a new fee which provides an automatic escalator for the purpose of reimbursing Pleasanton. Pending Council approval of this agreement, Staff will notice and schedule consideration of a new fee resolution in November 1998. . This agreement also anticipates that Dublin and Pleasanton will enter into a future agreement on the exact cost-sharing provisions for future improvements to the FalIonlEl Charro Interchange. At its meeting of August 15, 1998, the Pleasanton City Council adopted this agreement. RECOMMENDATION This agreement will resolve a long standing issue between Dublin and Pleasanton and will provide the framework for future cooperation between both cities regarding the future improvement ofI-580. It is Staffs recommendation that the City Council approve the agreement and authorize the Mayor to execute the agreement. It is also recommended that the City Council direct Staff to prepare a revision to the existing Freeway Interchange Fee Resolution. . -2- e e e /..,-6 ,.oJ AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF DUBLIN AND CITY OF PLEASANTON REGARDING FREEWAY INTERCHANGE FEE THIS AGREEMENT.is entered into thio _ d.o.y of _. 1998, by and between the City of Dublin, a municipal cOlporation ("Dublin") and th~ City of Pleasamon, a municipal cOlporiHion ("Plea'santon"). RECITALS A. The City Council of Dublin adopted:¡ Freeway Interchange; Fcc on January 23,1996. by Resolution No. 11-96, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit 1. B. Resolution No_ 11-96 provides that the Freeway Intcrchan.l;t: Fcc shall be dfcCIive 60 days from the effective date of !be resolution, which was Jam.lU1Y 23, 1996. or the date Dublin enters into an agreement ">lth Plcasanton for transfer of the Freeway ImeTch:mge Fee revenues, whichever is later. C. The purpose of this Agrct:mern: is to set forth the rcquircments for transfer of the Frcl">v:¡y lruerch.mge Fee revenues so that thc rrct)vay Inten:hange Fee Will become effective, D. The Freew.o.y Intel'ch:mge Fee rcvcnucs arc to hc u4I1sferred [Q Pleas"nton for the COStS of constructing portions of the 1-580 Interchanges at HaciendA and Santa Rita/I'assajara. Under no circumstances shall this agreement be interpreted to require :my p"'yment by Dublin to Pkasanton où~cr titan from Freeway Interchange Fees actually received by Duh1in. AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises herein, !be p:\rties agree as follows; Sect.ion 1. Recitals Thl' foregoing Recitals at<: true and correct, and arc madc a pan hereof. Frccway Interchange F<:" Agreemenr September 30. 1998 Pa\'.!', 1 "f7 ATTACHMENT 1 ./,4X3 Section 2. Definitjon~ e Tenl1S used hetdn ~hatl have the same meaning as sllch term~ :(re defìned in Resolution No. 11-96, including any al11endments Lherew. Section 3. Dublin H1 Charp-e and raIlert FI"f' Dublin shall charge and collect the Fee for each residcntial unit constructed within Eastern Dublin no later t11an the date of An'l) impect;on for the unit. DubHn shal1 charge and col1Cct the Fee for non-r"sidtmiaI buildings or structures cnm;tructed i\~thin East.ern Dublin by the date that the building permit is issued [or such building or structure, except where the building or stmcture will require :¡, J::¡t.er stage of discretionary approval by Dublin before it can be occupied, in which case, 'with the approval of the Dublin Public Works Director, the Fee for that building or Structure may be ddtl'l'td [Ò1 I-'''YIIlt:lll to 111(" rbre Dublin m:u<;es the l:l~t discretionary approval which is required prior to occupancy, .5.tc:tion 4 Amount of PI"I" The amount ofthe Fee shall be as sel forth in Resolution No. 11-96 entitled "A Resolution EstahIishing a Freeway Interch=ge Fee for Future DcYdopmClll WiùÜo. e the Eastern Dublin Area". as such resolution i.~ ~mended to increase the Fee by an automatic escalator. S('r.rion ') A1.ltom;¡tlc EscaJator The autorn.:J.tk e~c:¡,I~tor to be included in the Fcc by Dublin shall result 10. an automatic increase in the amount of thE' Pee eaeh September 1 at a rate equivalent to the average annual Local Agency Investment Fund ("LAIF") interest rat./: earned by Dublin. :JS reported by the ~t"'te controller, for the prcccding fiscal y""r. The average annual LAlF interest rate (the "LAIF In'terest Rate") shall be calculated by avcraging the rates for the [our quarters of the fiscal year. For example, if the quarterly rates are 5_7%, 5.75%, 5.85% :md 5.9%, the average annual intcrest raœ will be .5.8%. Tlu, automatic increase in the Fee shall be referred to as the: "E,«c¡llator Fee" and the amount of the Fee as established by Resolution No.1 1-96 shall be referred to as the "Base Fee". For examplc, if the Base Fee in December 1998 is $ZI,46/singk farrùly unit Freeway Interchange 1'= Agrccmli:nL Stptembtr 30. 1998 Page 2 of 7 e e e . )0{;3 and the LAlf Interest ~te far 1998-99 is 5.8%, beginning September 1. 1999, the Fee mil aUlOmatically increase to $2:L 70 (Base Pee af $2 1.46 and Escalator Fee: of S L24). If the LAIF Interest Ralc for 1999-2000 is again 5.8%. beginning September 1, 2000, the Fee win automatically increase to $24.02 (Base Fee of $21.46 and Escalator Fee of $2.56). And. if the LAIF Intere~t Rate for 2000-01 is again 5.8%, beginning September 1,2001, the Fee will automatit..oIly im:re~se to $25.11 (Base Fee of $21.46 and Esc:Jator Fee of $3.95). Section h. Disbursement to PJeasan1ill1 (a) rniti~ f)i~hursem!':nt to P¡"""anton Within 14 days of the effective date of this agreem<,:nt, Dublin shall disburse to Pleasant on an Fees coHected by Dublin as of ù1e effective date, less a 1 % Administraúve Fee (the Initial Fee Disbursement). Dublin shall also disburse all imerest tamed by Dublin on the Ft'e revenues (less a 1 % Administrative Fee) from the date such Fees were received by Dublin to the date of disbursement (the: Initial I:otcre:st Disbursement). (b) Suh~eq:uent Dishl,r~t'T11eT1ts to Pl~Mant()n As fees are received, Dublin will disburse to Pleasanton all Fee revenues received within 14 days of receipt, less an Aùminisuative Fee of 1 % of the amount of Base Fees and Escalator Fees receh'ed. Section 7. TerminMion of Pa;.-.,-nents to P1easanton (a) TIle amount to be distributed to Pleasanton from Fees paid to Dublin shall consist of two components, callcù the: First Component and the Second Component, (b) Th<:: First Component shall be cakulatcd as follows: $7,384,000 less the Initial Ff'e Disbursement (see Seccian 6(a)} - "X"; "X" plus an amount equal t.o 5.7% of "X" ;;;;; the First Component. For example, assuming the Initial Fcc: Disbum:mem is $384,000, the First Component will be $7,399,000 ($7,384,000. $384,000 = $7,000,000; $7,000,000 + $399,000 [$7,000,000 x 5.ï%)}. Freew:ly lntercho.,.,gc Fcc ^/?,cmcnt September 30. 1998 P"-I:!'- 3,,£7 1( .,t ..:¡:3 (c) The Second Component ~hall consist of the sum of the Escalator Fees _ (bdng me portions of each Fee dollar attributable to the automatÎc escalat.or) .. disbursed to Pleasanton. (d) Unless terminated earlier, this agreement and the payments to Pleasanton shall tcm1.inate when the First Cùmponent is reduced to zero. The First Component shall be reduced by Bilse Fees as they are received (beforc withholding the Admi.tlistrative Fee) until,the First Component is reduçed to zero. The redu"ction of the First Component is iI!umatt:ù by the foI1owing example: Assume the effective date of the agreement is October 1 and the First Component is $7,399,000 and the base fce is $21.46. Assume through August 31, 1999 Dublin has collected $300,000 in fees. all of which ",,:ill be credited llgainst the First Compone.nt. Dublin would have retaÎ11ed $3,000 as its Administrative Fee (I % of $300,000), and would have disbursed the remainder of $297,000_ The First Component would be reduced by $300.000 to become $7.099.000, Assume the IAIF Interest Rate for 1998-99 was 5.8%. On September 1> 1999, the fee will automatic.:Jly increase to $22.70 (Rase Fee of $2 1.46 .and Escalator Fee of $1.24). Assume through August 31, 2000 Duhlin. has col1ected $300,094 in fees. Of this amount $ I 6,393 would have been attribUtable to the automatic esc~lator. Dublin would have retained $3,001 as its Administrative Fee (1 % of $300,094), and would have disbursed the remainder of $297,093. The First Component would be reduccd by $283.701 to become $6,815,299. e Assume the lAIF Interest. RMe for 1999-2000 w:<s 5.8%. On September 1, 2000. the fee will automatical1y increase to $24.02 (Base fee of $21.46 and Escalator Fee of $2.56). Assume through August 31,2001 Dub¡;n has collected $300.250 in fees. Of this amount $32.000 'would howe been ;>.ttributi<ble to the automatic escalatur. Dublin would have retained $3,003 as its Admirústrative Fee (1 % of $300.250), and would have disbursed the remainder or $297,247. The First Component would be reduced hy $268,250 to become $6,547,049. A.~$ume the LAIF Interest Rate from 2000 - 2001 was 5.8%. On Septemher 1, 20Gl. the fee win autmnatic::ùly increa.se to $25.41 (Base Fee of $21.46 and Escalator Fee of $3.95). Assume through August 31,2002 Dublin has collected 5813,120 in fees. Oftrus amount $126,400 would have been attribu,able w me automatic ~sr.~lMor. Dublin would have retained $8,131 as its Administrative Fcc Freeway Int~ang~ F~~ Agrt'~me!\t September 30, ! 998 PAge. -4 of 7 e · "':_ ~ ....1;, .,../ ,'I _-J .~ e (1 % of $813, lLü), and would have di~bursed the remainder of $804,989, The First Component would be rc:duced by $686,ï20 to become $5,860.329_ (e) Upon termination. Dublin shall have no further obligation to disburse any Fee n:Vt:nues (Base Fees and/or Esc<JJator Fees) to I'1f';¡s;¡nton, Sf'rrinn 8. Cooperation on lo5Jill.1mprowmt'nts Dublin and P1easanton agree to worIc cooperatively to facilitate the ;ssu:mce of any permits and approvals necessmy to undertake any improvements ro 1-580, incJucting improvements to interchange.s located on 1-59.0 in order to mitigate traffic impacts assoçiatcd wiÙl lIlt builduur of e.;¡ch City's General Plan. Such cooperation will include, but shaH not be limited to, approval of freeway agreem~ts with Caltrans and encroachment permits rf'quired from one city for work by C:ùTrans or the other tity (or developers of land within such city) for freeway improVf'ments necessary to ..ccol11modate both cities' gencraJ plan bu; dout; provided, however, that nothing in this section is imt'nded to compel either city to :;¡.ct, or to take action, where to do ~o would be inconsistent with that city's gener21 plan policie.._ Sf'rtion C) T.'iRO¡F;¡llon-F.l Ch<lrTO Tnterchang.e e Dublin and Pkasanton agree that. the responSibility for funding improvements W ThE' T-58OJFaI1on-EI Ch:uro Interch=ge to accommodate ultimate buildoul, as between Dublin and PIeasanton, will be bJl...ed on each city's respective percentage share of t.raffic from all develupment wiùÜn each dty (existing and new) using t11e Interch:mge. Any funding from other jurisdictions or outside grants would reducc both DubJin's and Pleas:mton's respo11i;ihility proportionally. AE used herein, "improvements" shall refer to those improvements încluded by Caltrans in the Caltram' !lpproved Preliminary Study Report (PSR) and çertifÏt:d environmental document for 1-5HO/Fa11nn-EI CÌu1.rro !¡1terch=ge. If Dublin constructs the improvements to the I·.580IFaIlon-EI Charro Interch:mge. DubJi1'\ agrees th..t the tlmOU!lt P1easMton shall be requirçd to remit to Dublin at any point in time shall not exceed the amount that Dublin has theretofore disbursed to Pleasamon U!lder this Agrcement, provÍ<kd that if Plea.samon has not remitted it. tùt:\1 sh:u-e of the improvements to Dublin by the time Dublin completes com'trucLÌon of the improvementS. PIeasanton shall remit the ~mainder of its share in accordance with the agreemCl1t referred to in the fuIlO'ving paragraph. e Fn~"'v.y TnterchAAge Fee Agr¡;ement September 30, ¡ 998 Page:; of 7 , ....'Î! ? "if _---\./ Dublin and P!easanton agree to enter into an agreement. Tl'.;¡sonably;¡greeJlble e to Dublin and Pleasanton, in the future to dttcrmine ùle funding fOf construction of the improvements to such Interchange. TIle parties to such agreement will include Dublin and P!easa11.tOn and may include other jurisdictiom. Stich agreement v:.rill delineate the rcsponsibility for constll.lclion of, and the timing of payments for. the improvements_ Section 10. ImprovemenL~ tu Jiacil'.nda and SanTi! Riti!rr.q~9jar:¡ rntprrhqnr!'~ At no additiona.l cost to Plea.~anton, Dublin agrees to mJlke necessary improvements to the 1-580 interchanges at Hadenda and Santa Ritarrassajar;¡ which are necessary to accommodate projectcd traffic from devdopmcm antiLip;,¡tc:d in both Vublin's and Plea~antoll'S general pl:1m as such generJlI pl:am existed on August 1, 1998. Dublin shall have no oblig:Hion to bear the full COSt of any improvements not necessarY to accommodate such traffic. . Section 11 TndemnifjrJltinn Pleas:mton sh:tJI indemnify. defend :md hold Dublin harmless from any claims, damages or causes of ;:¡ction brought against Dublin by properry OwnerS in the: former .. North P1easanton Improvement Di~trict that are alleged to arise, or do a.rise, out of . Dublin's enactment of Re~oIution 11-96 and any resolution amending it, the Fee, Dublin's disbursement of any Fee revenues to Pleasanton, this Agreement or PIeJlsanton's retention of Fee revenues. Sertion 1 'J RT~;¡ch In ¡¡ddition to any other rcmedy at law or equity (induding the right of specific perform:mee), in the event that there is a final judgment by a court of competc:nt ' jurisdiçtion that PleasantoIl has breached this Agreement by failing to perform any of its cOl'!lInitments under Sections S, and 11, Dublin may terminate: all future disbursements of Pee revenues to Pleasanton. 1£ for any reason Dublin tcrminate:s such disbursements, PleasaIlton's obligation under Section 9 shall aho terminate. "("('don 13. Effective Date The agre=ent shall become effe(:t.ive on the effective date of the amended Fee to include an automatic escalator based on the LAIF Interest Rate. FrC:C:1'I1!Y interchange Fee Agreement Scpt~mb"r 30. 1998 P~¡;e 6 of 7 e e e e ? -i ;,5 CITY OF DUBLIN CITY OF PLEASANTON By: Guy Houston, Mayor By· , . Ben T2.rver, M.::¡yor Dated: Da.t~d; Approved as to fom1: Approv~d as to Conn: Elizabeth H. Silver. City Attorney Michael Roush, City Attorney Attest: Attest: Peggy Ezidro, City Oerk Kay Ked(, City Clerk ) ;\WPD\M¡""RSW\) 14\0 1 IAGREE\19981FRV,'Y _RQ~Q FT~~way Int~rclunge Fee Agreement 5cpccmbo::r 30, 199B Page 7 of 7 6'4;5 RESOLUTION NO. 11-96 e A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A FREEWAY INTERCHANGE FEE FOR FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS WITHIN THE EASTERN DUBLIN AREA WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Dublin has adopted Ordinal1ce No. 14-94 which creates and establishes the authority for imposing and charging a Transportation Impact Fee; and WHEREAS, the Eastern Dublin Ceneral Plan Amendmel1t ("CPA") and Specific Plan ("SP") were adopted by the City in 1993; and e WHEREAS, the CPA outlines future land uses for approximately 4 I 76 acres within the City's eastern sphere of influence including approximately 13,906 dwelling units and 9.737 milliol1 square feet of commercial, office, and il1dustrial development; and WHEREAS, the SP provides more specific detailed goals, policies and action programs for approximately 33 I 3 acres within the CPA area nearest to the City; and WHEREAS. the CPA and SP areas ("Eastern Dublin") are shown on the Land Use Map contained in the CPA (attached hereto as Exhibit A) and exclude the area shown on the Land Use Map as "Future Study Area/Agriculture"; and WHEREAS, a Program Environmental Impact Report ("EIR") was prepared for the CPA and SP (SCH No. 91103604) and certified by the Council on May 10, 1993 by Resolution No. 51-93. and two Addenda dated May 4, 1993 and August 22, 1994 ("Addenda) have been prepared and considered by the Council; and e 'Ì EXHIBIT 1 e e e 1 qf ;1.S WHEREAS, the SP, EIR and Addenda describe the freeway, freeway interchange and road improvements necessary for implementation of the SP, along \'vith transit improvements, pedestrian trails and bicycle paths ("Necessary Improvements"); and WHEREAS, the EIR and Addenda assumed that certain traffic improvements would be made ("Assumed Improvements") and that development within Eastern Dublin would pay its proportionate share of such improvements; and WHEREAS, the City Council adopted the Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee by Resolution No. 1-95 on January 9, 1995, to fund the cost of the Necessary Improvements and the Assumed Traffic Improvements; and WHEREAS, the City of Pleasanton has made improvements to the 1- 580IHacienda Drive and I-580/Tassajara/Santa Rita Road Interchanges ("1-580 Interchange Improvements"); and WHEREAS. the 1.580 Interchange Improvements were funded by the City of PIeasanton through the NOlLÌl PIeasanton Improvement District; and WHEREAS, a report entitled the "Dublin Extended Planning Axea Infrastructure Study." dated November 1989, was prepared for the Cities of Dublin and Pleasanton by John H. Heindel. Consulting Civil Engineer ("Heindel Study"); and WHEREAS, the Heindel Study was considered by the City Council at its December II, 1989, meeting at which time the Council by motion: I. Acknowledged that Dublin's Eastern Planning Area, when developed. will benefit from the new interchange work being funded by Pleasanton through the North Pleasanton Improvement District (NPID); 2. Accepted the concept of assigning cost sharing on the basis of benefit to the traffic generated on both sides of 1-580; 3. Determined that Dublin's contribution be subject to actual development takin.g place north of 1·580 and \vithin Dublin; and TIF Rcsol 2 / iL:6 ~3 4. Determined that funding mechanism(s) be established within the e Dublin Extended Planning Area; and WHEREAS, on January 3 I, 1995, the City Council reaffirmed its December I I, 1989 motion by Resolution No. 7-95; and WHEREAS, the SP, EIR and Addenda assumed that the 1-580 Interchange Improvements were existing improvements; and WHEREAS, the City Council adopted a "Mitigation Monitoring Program: Eastern Dublin SpecifìcPIan/General Plan Amendment" by Resolution No. 53-93 which requires development within Eastern Dublin to pay its proportionate share of certain transportation improvements necessary to mitigate impacts caused by development within Eastern Dublin; and WHEREAS, the SP, EIR and Addenda describe the impacts of contemplated future development on existing public facilities in Eastern Dublin through the year 20 I 0, and contain an analysis of the need for new public facilities and improvements e required by future development within Eastern Dublin; and WHEREAS, a report was prepared by the Public Works Director of the City of Dublin, in a document dated December 1995. entitled "Report of Cost Sharing of 1- 580 Interchanges at Hacienda and at Tassajara/Santa Rita Road" (hereafter "Study"), which is attached hereto as Fyhihit B; and WHEREAS, the Study sets forth the relationship between future development in Eastern Dublin, the 1-580 Interchange Improvements, and the costs of the 1-580 Interchange Improvements; and WHEREAS, the Study was available for public inspection and review for ten (10) days prior to this public hearing; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds as follows: A. The purpose of the Eastern Dublin 1-580 Interchange Fee (hereafter "Fee") is to reimburse the City of Pleasanton for expenditures previously made for the e 1"580 Interchange Improvements, which improvements have already been constructed TIF ~~!:[)I 3 e e e II ~ ~5 and are needed to reduce the traffic-related impacts which will be caused by future development in Eastern Dublin. The 1-580 Interchange Improvements are improvements to the Hacienda Drive and Tassajara/Santa Rita Road interchanges with Interstate 580 and are hereafter defined and referred to as "Impr,?vements and Fa,"ilities". The Improvements and Facilities are needed to accommodate new development projected within Eastern Dublin along with existing and future development in the City of Pleasanton and other development in the nearby vicinity. including future development in Contra Costa County, and development within Eastern Dublin will pay its fair proportional share of such Improvements and Facilities with the implementation of this Fee. B. The fees conected pursuant to this resolution shall be used to finance the Improvements and Facilities. C. Mter considering the Study, the Agenda Statement, the GPA, the SP, ù1e General Plan, the EIR and Addenda, the Heindel Study, all correspondence received and the testimony received at the noticed public hearing held on January 23, 1996 (hereafter the "record"), the Council approves and adopts the Study and incorporates it herein, and further finds that future development in Eastern Dublin w:ill generate the need for. and win benefit from, the Improvements and Facilities and the Improvements and Facilities are consistent with the GPA, the SP and the City's General Plan. D. The adoption of the Fee does not have the potential for causing a significant effect on the environment because the 1-580 Interchange Improvements are already existing improvements. The Council therefore determines that the adoption of the Fee is not an activity which is subject to the California Environmental Quality Act. This determination is made pursuant to CEQA guidelines §§ 15061(b)(2) and (3) and 15273(a)(4) (TiÙe 2. Calif. Code of Regulations) and Public Resources Code § 21080(b)(8)(D). TIFR~I 4 /:l aD J3 E. The record establishes: 1. That there is a reasonable reIationship between the need for the Improvements and Facilities and the impacts of the types of development for which the corresponding fee is charged in that new development in ~astem Dublin -- both residential and non-residential n will generate traffic which contributes to the need for, and benefits from, the Improvements and Facilities; and 2. That there is a reasonable relationship between the Fee's use (to reimburse the City of Pleasanton for the construction of the Improvements and Facilities) and the type of development for which the Fee is charged in that all development in Eastem Dublin n both residential and non-residential -- generates or contributes to the need for the Improvements and Facilities; and 3. That there is a reasonable relationship between the amount of the Fee and the cost of the Improvements and Facilities or portion thereof attributable to development in Eastem Dublin in that the Fee is calculated based on the number of trips generated by specific types of land uses, the total amount it cost to construct the Improvements and Facilities, and the percentage by which development 'within Eastern Dublin contributes to the need for the Improvements and Facilities; and 4. That the costs set forth in the Study are reasonable costs for constructing the Improvements and Facilities, in that they are the actual costs and the Fees expected to be generated by future development will not exceed the costs of constructing the Improvements and Facilities; and 5. The method of allocation of the Fee to a particular development bears a fair and reasonable relationship to each development's burden on, and benefit from, the Improvements and Facilities, in that the Fee is calculated based on the number of automobile trips each particular development will generate. Tlf'Resol 5 e e . e e e / '3 q) ;;..3 NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Dublin does RESOLVE as follows: I. Definitions a. "Development" shall mean the constructi.on, alteration or addition of any building or structure '\.VÎthin EasternDublin. b. "Eastern Dublin" shall mean all property within the "General Plan Amendment Study Area" as shown on the Land Use Map (Exhibit A hereto) excluding the property designated as "Future Study Area/Agriculture." c. "Improvements and Facilities" shall include the 1-580 Interchange Improvements to the Hacienda Drive and Tassajara/Santa Rita Road interchanges described in the Study. 2. Eastern DubHn 1-580 Interchange Fee Imposed, a, An Eastern Dublin 1-580 Interchange Fee ("Fee") shall be charged and paid for each residential unit constructed within Eastern Dublin no later than the date of final inspection for the unit. b. A Fee shall be charged and paid for non-residential buildings or structures constructed '\.VÎthin Eastern Dublin by the date that the building permit is issued for such building or structure, except where the building or stnlcture will require a later stage of discretionary approval by the City before it can be occupied, in which case, with the approval of the Public Works Director, the Fee for that building or structure may be deferred for payment to the date the City malœs the last discretionary approval which is required prior to occupancy. 3. Amount of Fee. a. The amount of the Fee shall be as set forth on Exhibit C attached hereto and incorporated herein. 4. Exemptions From Fee. a. The Fee shall not be imposed on any of the following: TIf'Rtlol 6 /'1 ~ ;;.3 5. (I) Ar.y alteration or addition to a residential structure, except to the extent that a residential unit is added to a single family residential unit or another unit is added to an od,sting multi-family reside~tial unit; (2) , Any replacement or reconstruction of an existing residential structure that has been destroyed or demolished provided that the building permit for reconstruction is obtained within one year after the building was destroyed or demolished unless the replacement or reconstruction increases the square footage of the structure fifty percent or more. (3) Ar.y replacement or reconstruction of an existing non· residential structure that has been destroyed or demolished provided that the building permit for new reconstruction is obtained \\'Îthin one year after the building was destroyed or demolished and the reconstructed building would not increase the destroyed or demolished building's trips based on Exhibit C. Use of Fee Revenues. a. The revenues raised by payment of the Fee shall be placed in the Capital Projects Fund. A separate and special account within the Capital Project Fund shall be used to account for such revenues, along with any interest earnings on each account. The revenues (and interest) shall be used for the following purposes: e e (I) To reimburse the City of Pleasanton for design, engineering. right-of-way acquisition and construction of the Improvements and Facilities and e TIF R~I 7 /5 -v,;:3 e reasOflable costs of outside consultant studies related thereto; To pay for and/or reimburse costs of program development an.d ongoing adm!flistratiofl of the Fee program. b. Fees in the account shall be expended only for the ' Improvements an.d Facilities and only for the purpose for which the Fee was coIlected. 6. Misr:e1laneous (2) a. The standards UpOfl which the needs for the Improvements an.d Facilities are based are the staDdards of the City of Dublin, including the stan.dards CODtained in the General Plan, GPA, SP, EIR, an.d Addenda. b. The City Council determifles that the fleed for the Improvements an.d Facilities is generated by flew developmeI1t within Eastern Dublin e and other existiflg an.d new development in P1easan.tofl, Contra Costa County an.d in the viciflity. an.d therefore, the Study has determined the proportioDate share of the cost of the Improvements an.d Facilities for which developmeI1t within Eastern Dublin is responsible. 7. Periodic Review. a. During each fiscal year, the City Manager shall prepare a report for the City Council, pursuan.t to Government Code sectioD 66006. idefltifying the balance of fees in the account. b. The City Council shall mal,e findings each fiscal year pursuan.t to Government Code Section 6600 I (d) ideI1tifyiflg the purpose to which the e:xistiflg Fee balan.ce is to be put aDd demonstrating a reasonable relationship between the Fee and the purpose for which it is charged. e . TIF R~:;øl 8 , / b 11,),3 8. Effective Date. This resolution shall becom~ effective imm~diately. The Fee provided in Sections 2 and 3 of this r~soIution shall be effective 60 days from the effective date of the resolution or the date the City enters into an agreement with the City of Pleasanton for transfer of Fee revenues, whichever is later. 9. S~verability. Each component of the Fee and all portions of this resolution are severable. Should any individual compon~nt of the Fee or other provision of this resolution be adjudged to be invalid and unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall be a.nd continue to be fully effective, and the Fee shall be fully effective except as to that portion that has be~n judged to b~ invalid. ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 23rd day of Ja.nuary, 1996, by the following vote: AYES: C01.1ncilmembers Bames, Burton, Howard, Moffatt and Mayor Houston NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None ~j~ MA R ArrEST: ~U- EHS* },\WPDIMNRSW\l HIRESOL\FREEWAY.RES TIf ResoL 9 e e e e' , I e e, J t 4":! 11:1 S. '. III, "., IIõII ~.,.. \¡.i.~,t¡ J?~ ~ ' ~' '~'\ 1?'f" I 7 ~p .... o ~ ~ ''';,r) ,; I . ~ o J - ~:"·~4-1 Z ..:a ., 8 ".;¡'.T ,. ~J ~ ~ ~ ~ :- ' .~~ A.'(i-~~I;~.(; oJ 9 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I', .~, r ,~~ ~~i~, ~ <3 ] ~ ~ u ~ I: . .. ( ..;.:, F'i:I;;r,>::. !::1; 3! ~"Ft. II £ ~:l ~ "" ; , ~ Z #. " r ~ II, ,~ . . Q: u.J ~ ~ i ~ ~~¡j~ ~ i~!]Jf ~ ~. ,,:'!:jc '''].'';, :,,~ ~~ "0 ~ !II ~ 0 i 1:'" ~ ~:¡: ~ ~ -æ "tJ '¡;: - ¡¡ j¡' u¡ Iz ~f; "~~~I .....~~ UJ 0 J q f ¡ q p U i B H H u ~ n ~ H ~)H ~,!j:i¿ !I;; ,'" ;J'~"_:'I:' "C ~f~ðÈ~f~:i~æ~ct~<JJ<!><IDl@crÞ(!)!8~Š~,,8t~o¡gCJ)ra.:§~: c:,~ (' "t ·~:lm~~g,~Ç1filr.JB~~~ m 91tFfiíl~I;, ¡ !1.lUJ<tc~iiJ,¡tj':: >',,': : .J y~~tQlillII:LJLJO El tLfm (j ~æJlIL..l ! II I .:t:'. ' I = " .:. '" " ;:: " .!!! 11. " " -g 11. " " < cd -1:( :E .¡¡: '" '" "_ e,en e :¡" ,::) ~ G) -'-·'0 ". C,', II/II,··~Z """:".0:" O,.,.....J . \ \ " 8. . '" . t:::.5! . - - - ~. - . 3;: CI. C'oI-~ 0,", - C -< ~ = :~:) EC:æ 1 ¡:¡ ~ j l.LJ 0: :J I- ...J ::J Ü a: CJ « --, I I I , , .......--. . ~ " "" '" .; .. ,. N c _ 0 H ~ ~ ~ " ~ ~ ~ u .~ ~ " " . · . - . · "' ~ < -~ · < ~ ·î ~ . pi N Ii 5 .~ H Æ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,,'I Ë~ ~~ " ~ ~! ~~ ," - . H ¡! ", · . . 17 ~ ),3 REPORT OF COST SHARING OF 1-580 INTERCHANGES A T HACIENDA DRIVE AND AT TASSAJARA/SANTA RITA ROAD (December 1995) Prepared by Lee S. Thompson, City Engineer City of Dublin e It is the intention of this study to establish the fair share costs between development within the Cities of Dublin and Pleasanton for the construction of and improvements to interchanges with Interstate 580 at Hacienda Drive arid at Tassajara Road/Santa Rita Road. The City of Pleasant on has already purchased right of way and constructed the basic improvements for the two interchanges. Dublin will need to complete the two interchanges as development occurs in Eastern [,:;ÌJlin, as the two interchanges will be needed to serve development in Eastern Dublin and wcre assumed as existing improvements in the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan EIR (SCH No. 91103064, page 3.3-1). Funding for the interchange completions is already included in the existing Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee (Resolution No. 95- 1). Dublin proposes to establish and levy an Eastern Dublin 1-580 Interchange Fee for the purpose of repaying Pleasanton for the amount of money over and above PIeasanton's "fair share" costs of the total interchanges that Pleasanton has advanced based on the relative projected traffic from and to each jurisdiction at the two interchanges in the Year 2010. The property owners in Eastern Dublin should not pay P1easanton interest on the "advanced money" inasmuch as Pleasanton has the bencfit of the exclusive e use of the interchanges until the Dublin development comes on line. FolIowing is the calculation for establishing reimbursement due Pleasanlon ITom property owners in Eastern Dublin of $7,384,000: Assumptions 1) Cost split based on all of Dublin traffic vs: all of Pleasanton traffic using the interchanges. (Note that the bulk of traffic using the two interchanges will be from Eastern Dublin and Eastern Pleasanton and the interchanges are required for the level of development approved by the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan.) 2) Dublin and Pleasanton to pay 100% of costs based on their relative share of the traffic using the interchanges. 3) Traffic split is based on TJKM analysis of the Barton-Aschman Tp· Valley traffic model run for the Year 2010 (attached). 4) Pleasanton' s costs for constructing the interchanges (based on Pleasanton cost breakdown): Hacienda Interchange: $18,716,000 TassajaralSanta Rita Interchange: 9.846 000 Total: $28,562,000 5) Dublin's future costs to complete interchanges already included in the e Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee Resolution 95·1 is $9,656,000. 6) Total project COSl is therefore $38,218,000 Page 1 EXHIBIT B OF RESOLUTION /'74,.2,'3 From TJKM analysis: Pleasanton's share of total traffic using the Hacienda Drive interchange Dublin's share of total traffic using the Hacienda Drive interchange Other jurisdictions' traffic 46% e Total: 36% 18% 100% Therefore, with the assumption that 100% of the cost is split between owners of property in the two jurisdictions, the cost split for the Hacienda Drive interchange calculates to be: Pleasanton Dublin 56.1% 43.9% 100.0% Pleasanton's share of total traffic using the TassajaralSanta Rita interchange Dublin share of the total traffic using the TassajaralSanta Rita interchange Other jurisdictions' traffic 43% Total: 36% 21% 100% e Therefore, with the assumption that 100% of the cost is split between the two jurisdictions, the cost split for lhe TassajaralSanta Rita Road interchange calculates to be: P1easanton Dublin 54.4% 45.~ 100.0% The cost obligations are then as follows: Hacienda Interchange: TassajaralSanta Rita Rd. Interchange Pleasanton Ohlicration $12,775,000 (56.1%) Dublin Oblip"ation $9,997,000 Total Interchange D:!B (43.9%) $22,772,000 $8.403.000 (54.4%) Total: $21,178,000 $7043.000 $17,040,000 (45.6%) $15.446000 $38,2] 8,000 Reimbursement due Pleasanton: a Pleasanton Advance: .. less Pleasanton Obligation: . Reimbursement due Pleasanton from property owners in Eastern Dublin: $28,562,000 ($21 178 000) $7.384.000 Page 2 ).D ~ ;;..5 The fee wi1J then be based on dividing the expected number of trips generated by the Eastern Dublin development (344,078) into tlle total monies to be generated ($7,384,000) to obtain the fee per trip. The 344,078 trips estimated is generated from the Eastern Dublin Genera] Plan/Specific Plan study of 346,525, modified slightly downward by redefining the density tiers for residential development from two levels to four levels and the resulting refinement of the traffic generated at these density levels. The calculation is then: $7.384000 344,078 trips = $21.46 per trip For residential units, the fee would be: Residential Cate¡¡:ory Low density (up to 6 units! acre) Medium density (over 6 to 14 units / acre) Medium high density (over 14 to 25 units! acre) High density (over 25 units / acre) Non-residential uses (based on trip generation schedule) *Trins Per Unit 10 10 7 6 Fee Per Unit $214.60 $214.60 $150.22 $128.76 $21.46 per trip · TRIPS PER UNIT - These trip generation factors were developed by the City's Traffic Consultant, TJKM, using the Institute of Traffic Engineers case studies. Page 3 e e e ". ' ;;). / q) ;1..3 .. ~Transportation Consultants e April 12. 1995 The charts below illustnlte the sourœ of traffic, by percent. using each of four 1-580 interchanges: 1) Hopyard Road/DOugher1y Road; 2) Hacienda Drive; 3) Tassajarn Road/Santa Rita Road, and 4) Fallon RoadIE! OJano Road in 20]0 according 10 the Tri-Valley Transportation Model. In the first chart. the arnoWlt of traffic lo/from each of nine Tri- Valley areas using each of the four interchanges is shown. In the second chart. orùy the lnÛfic to/from Pleasanton and East Dublin is considered. Dough¡;¡orty TOS$Qjoro PlaL/sonlOn N.UvetmOlè LNermOfe E.Dub jn DubJi", Vollev Volley San. ~Dmon Donyille T01el e ~ ~n 3.... ID'L 7.... 7..... .'< I.... 3.... 7'l. '00'< 46'10 ~'Io 9'Ió I 37'10 ..... I I.. n I.. 1'10 1= 43.... 5.... 11.. I 33.... 3.. 1.. 3.... I.. D'L Im'Io . 21.. 7.... 73'10 38% n 5.. ,.... 1.. I.. 1= ~eos:::Jnfön E,De,.,r,n I Totol 1 85.... 15" 1= 7 51"10 'I.. I [I)' ', 3 $;" ""'10 1[I)' ', - , 3."- ...... I [I)' ', 157-066 e PAGE 4 4637 Chabot Drive. Suile 214, PI~R~'I.I'II()n. CalHorni:. 94588-1754. (510) ~63-06IJ. F.Ilx (510) 46J·~(¡90 Ple"$iiIIi1ton . Sa~ramentð . Fresno . $;jI:~ta ~(J$.8 ;;2. ). "Ó ;;,3 1-580 INTERCHANGE FEE FOR EASTERN DUBLIN GENERAL PLAN AREA Low Density Residential (0 to 6 units per acre) Medium Density Residential (over 6 to 14 units per acre) Medium High Density Residential (over 14 to 25 units per acre) High Density Residential (over 25 units per acre) Development Other Than Residential: $214,60 per unit $214,60 per unit $150.22 per unit $126,76 per unit $21.46/trip (Bosed on the following table) e LAND USE rNon-Residentlal1 ESTIMATED WEEKDAY VEHICLE TRIP GENERATION RATE" (WITH PASS-BYS\ HOTEL/MOTEL OR OTHER LODGING: 10/room OFFICE: Standard Commercial Office MedicaUDental 20/1,000 sf 34/1,000 sf RECREATION: Recreation Community Center Health Club Bowling Center Golf Course Tennis Courts Theaters Movie Live Video Arcade 26/1,000 sf 40/1.000 sf 33/1,000 sf B/acre 33/court e 220/screen 0.2lseat 96/1,000 sf EDUCATION (Private Schools): 1.5/student HOSPITAL: General ConvalescenUNursing Clinic 12/bed 31bed 24/1.000 sf CHURCH: 9/1,000 sf INDUSTRIAL: Industrial (with retail) Industrial (without retail) 16/1,000 sf 6/1.000 sf . Source of information for Trip Generation Rates: Based on Institute of Transportation Engineers and San Diego Assoc, Government Trip Generation Rates, These trip generation rates are based on averages. Retail commercial has been given a 35% pass-by reduction. Page 1 of2 e EXHIBIT "C" OF RESOLUTION TRIP GENERATION RAT:::S e e e ""!':::1 71__ .-; "" "'-' .-/~ -v LAND USE (Non_Residential\ ESTIMATED WEEKDAY VEHICLE TRIP GENERATION RATE (WITH PASS-8YS\ RESTAURANT: Quality (leisure) Sit-dewn. high turnover (usually chain ether than fast feed) Fest Food (with er with,eut drive threugh) BarfTavern 6311,000 $I 133/1,000 sf 511/1,000 sf 100/1,000 sf AUTOMOBILE: Car Wash Automatic Self-Serve Gas Station with or without foed mart Tire Store/Oil Change Store Auto Sales/Parts Store Auto Repair Center Truck Terminal 565/site 70/wash stall 97/pump 281service bay (no pass-bys) 48/1,000 sf (no pass-bys) 20/1,000 sf (no pass-bys) 60lacre FINANCIAL: Bank (Walk-In Only) Savings and Lean (Walk-In Only) Drive-Through/ATM (Add to Bank er Savings & Lean) 9111,000 sf 4011,000 sf 65/lane or machine COMMERCIAURETAIL: Super Regional Shepping Center (More than 600,000 SF; usually mere than 60 acres, with usually 3+ majors!eres) 22/1,000 sf Regienal Shopping Center (300,000 - 600,000 SF; usually 30 - 60 acres. w/usually 2+ major stqres) 33/1.000 sf Community or Neighborhood Shopping Center (Less than 300.000 sf; less than 30 acres w/usually 1 major store or grocery store and detached restaurant and/or drug store) 46/1,000 sf Commercial Sheps Retail/Strip Cemmercial Commercial with unknown tenant Supermarket Convenience Market Discount Store Lumber Store/Building Materials Garden Nursery Cemetery 26/1,000 sf 33/1,000 sf 98/1,000 sf 325/1.000 sf 46/1.000 sf 20/1.000 sf 23/1.000 sf (no pass-bys) 4/acre Page 2 ef2 g:v~t/'1l~Vntr1ee.s.J{I: EXHIBIT "COO OF RESOLUTION TRIP GENERATION RATES