HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 3.3 Proc Girls Soccer U12 (2) ...- ,. ~ ---.-.~,-: - ...~.... . >.' " .~ .'......., ~-::... " ". ' . . :. .... ~ ~""::?"',~.,;.:.~,..;-;-...'. {.:" .. '. \ .:;,~. . . .::,.;";;)'1,;t~1c)',;i,;,',)~:;?;.;;;;;~,,:;!;~;:",'~;;.;:;;;~; ~': :', . .... '" ;' "< /\~l;' . . "';;~:';~;APROCLAMATIONOFTHECrnFCOUNCIL .... '1-:";1 ':'.\ ',' "':.'::1<. CITY OF '.' .., ',"', ",' ,], .. .,11'; D U BLI N, CA LI FOR N I A . ;(<> .... .:.' 1t I; . :I' o _~ ;...... \ .,.'il' I ,.!:'.:/' ":.,:. ;:'!, .. WHEREAS, the U12 Girls High E;lergy Soccer Team is part of the Dublin United Soccer, League, which is a member of the j'-;::; .... /\~l: ,j California Youth Soccer Association (CYSA); and . "~,:",_,,,,'. ',. .', ;<': ";:'.::".ll'!i~' :,' WHEREAS, the U12 Girls Hig/j Eliergy Soccer Team plays at the most competitive level, Class l,for their age group of 11 and 12 year olds; and ,.,' ' . "., I . "'11 ~ '. '. j ~. .-: . ,.. . I . . r ~ '. . 1"< \.<=:::: :";'1" ,,'; j' " . ".' , t' r. .., -, ~:;; ',':',1:.: ': '-~ '.r. ;,"1 J, .1 i . (/;:1', .' ~~, ',:}: -1 ,~ '.' ,\ ;:;;;:;:/.J.: I,,::." ""~U, 'i:::l' ~ /:';.~\. ...'....~~l)i~ t=; r.";" ...... - p.' (;:;1' ' ~:i: ~i:: .. ~,J:. : '. .~.' ,. . ," r. . - . ... 1 , , " WHEREAS, since tbeir first tourn,ament in July 1998, tbe U12 Girls Higb Energy Soccer Team played in 8 CYSA.North toumaments and claimed 6 championships and one 3rrl place finish; took second place in District 3 League play witb a record of 10 wins and 2 losses; won five straight in preliminary, qllarter-fi/lal and semifinal rounds to reacb the State Cup finals; and the team ended tbe season with an overall record of 43 wins, 7 losses and 2 ties; awl I ,. WHEREAS, Head Coach Mark King and Assistant Coaches Richa~d Lee and Dan Phillips bave demonstrated skill and leadership ability by guiding the un Girls High Energy Soccer Team to their ultimate goal of competing in the CYSA State Cup Championsb ips on March 6, 1999; and . WHEREAS, players Nicole Briones, Megan Bundy, Brittany Canleron, DO/IlIa Clark, lP'hitney Feller, Kasey Gillmore, Nicole lnvill, Jori Killg, Mallory Lee, Kristine Maige, Shamwll McFerrin, Amalula Phillips, Amanda Pinkston, Brialllla Tstti, Jacqllie Voznik and Katie VOZllik are to be cpmmended for their sltccess and skill in the sport of soccer. ". .:....\ ::"',;:;<() '! DA TED: March IG, 1999 ":11" ~1. NO l\7, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL VED that I, Guy S. Hot/ston, Mayor of Dublin, on behalf of the entire City Council, do hereby recognize and congratulate the un Girls High Energy Soccer Team fur their outstanding season and participatioll in the California Youth Soccer Association State Cup Championship on March G, 1999 and wish them tbe best of luck in their future sporting endeavors. "" . . ' , !. :-~' I '''.'';, IJ I ~ ~ i ! Mayor .\ I ~ l -II r ~ If:. -..............--- , 'j I. ~ ~ '7' ,- ..... . .......... ~ ......... ~ RECOGNITION ....., ~~'~I~?~;\:;"": ":::):';:':~','; ;,; .:-,',~>r~! . , . " t...... .~ ' l 'J i ~J~ L..: . j , Givel1 to., !.'<";,' <. '::"~::hw?' '. .' " ' '. it'2< ....; iei" ,<l~'i~i;;}':)'" ..... . ,,,. ", .,.:..~rl~lL(;(!JTjE"'i'BRI ONES ,~ .').;.,i4fr' /:ii't::: <;. j..+JtJ;~r;~.c~~r:itior:,.and congratulation of her skillful particip~~ion on the . '1!{~~~iiCltiJfigh En~;r?J:'S?cce: Team a~d he~ key role in helping ~~r :ealn reach their . ':'.:,.;u!.~tm.tl.te goal of cop}pettng m the Califorma Youth Soccer Assoc~atwns' State Cup "{;''1Wiy:I~;,::'~>' .,,' <~~1>jJ.{)";' ' Cb . h' M h 6 1999 ' ,,:', , >".f:i,'ii\~'i;i',!,;"" :",'" ';': ;~""'\, ampwns LpS on arc, . ~:" ',{,/~~f~~?t//: ',', ' ';',:'~If ' .'~~~t~1 ... ' ,.., ..1-. .)~~j\,,/ ,.....,1~" . ", '," ,tL' ",~ :~. ~;. . 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"-/;','}:':"';;'-~J~:",>>':'h:.- 1 j .,0)' ...... ..."........,,-::;.,,(,...;<f;.,;,.~:.'-!:~:':....' ',r',:-:. ; ;..,i~";1~;'~;'i~1i;iW;\;(,';"j;," · .....i.....':. ,... ..... Given to: ,~,>'~'. '" - ':AI:.:;~ JE ~?'A'<~1~.::f'B,:.}:r:::U;"///'.N'::'~"'-: V' y , ~~'-:~~~ 'l..V i. '\.:TEll-'/. ' , , :i; , . ;;.:::,i.:,I:.:.,,;,';~~;C: ,:~i' '-'~'.:,':~:;"', '.f .' ,";}iit'~;i!/, ...', , : '),_ ~~\i:f~egnitiq1J and congratulation of her skillf~l part~cip~tion on the . , ,,', f!Itl;:J,;~t~i;lfLgh E~~r;J: ~~cce: Teqm a~d he~ key role Ln belpLng,.e~r :eam reach theLr . ::,,;~:,~i:~{f:~T~te goal ~(.5g . g,~fLng Ln tk.~ Ca~ifornLa Youth Soccer ASs~fLatLons' State Cup ".' ,;:t. ,A,' ". , , . . " '. . ChampLonshLps on ~Aarch 6 1999 " " ..:;~ ~0~t~)~<~ ..< -', ......_~..~T~ >; ~- , It'l.,. .,/j;j;:~., ..;:~;~~~~\l*'; ','. ':~I '!~ ~;(4;_.~ ":;;"""~' " .. ";j,..' 'j~~~j1h' ". .' ...!y~~'. Mayor Guy S, Houston:,.;,; , 'lt~~~l~: .' ',f~"".' . '~~f;;~:'" ':: ~I> ':'::'.' :rd',-I :-'-;::.rr~~.:. . ;p> 'A~11)i~:,:" ..' '-',18ft" " Dated: March 16, 1999 :;:.{.i~_, ,:~~[:r _-. I!:i . . ...;j, ,@FJi TIFICA TE OF .,;' ", ',', ',<,:;>rf~- . '., I, .' , . ~ :~ :~',~ ;;, . :.... ~~.. . r:~, . i " .; i, ':. "' . .... -, . :;< ;. . . ";. ::~(;: ~ ,-;.:~ ~.:!.... ~~ ~::~,': . ", ' .~ ::::~ . ,,'!, ,.' ,,~ . . .... ; j. ."/>:: ...i.l, ~ . , .' . Cf;fTIFICA TE OF . , "RECOGNITION .'i. ;:; J'~ . ...r 'I",r~ '-- . ~\~ ~~. ~;;.r{j~"f~'<,"';~":' ......p .. . ,;\~;. . ...... .',... '.~!';e,~~~%(i~fi';ltf~l~Y"'" ,'. .:.,~';';~~ii;;';! Bl~JI/TJIlAWf;lf!: 'CAMER ON .",<;;f\,~ I!,ii';', y:~.~B"" ';:'7,(' '. . ';~f' , . ' " ," "'x~{lJ'i... . .~J~:~ ~~{~r:J}r"~.i!:". . '_".~"\ f'j ~~~, , . , .,:~.:.<;6t{1i:$.~gg1Jitio1f;~nd congratulation of her skillfi.tl part~cipalion. on the . U/~~)j.f,r~~lftgh E11:~~~;.s~cce: Team a~d he~ key role tn helpmg~~r ~eat~ reach thetr ':"it."A~~~mflte goa{~f~.~:1J!i{tLng tn tke Ca~ifornla Youth Soccer Asso?~twns State Cup , <}~\~i\:i;/,:..:t . ',;' i''';'*,:': Champwnshtps on March 6, 1999. A:: ,;:,;i~f~;::r~' ," " '.jN;~',:,:; '/':i "tttl i';~' , 'TJr; .,r. ..-4!l. ;r~'fi~\\I'V .< ,:1,; ,.:~",s,~:;' , , . :',;.':,:,:"",r.~.~,~.",.r.j~,r:;.::,:,::" Mayor Guy S. Houston,~;!:: ,j;fJ*Y , ,,;;!~:., , ' <. ,~W .i~~t: .' Dated: March 16, 1999 .~. ,,~,,~~,:;..'~;,\.;;,~~:~,',','::,\,:,~,:, ,.,',ll !, . . . " "", . . ') .:7;' <{i.. ',:~\ ' ,., 'i~r{: ,; . ". ~.', , " ~ ~:'~';';~. ':~ ;:~:, .' ; l' ,:" .: ; . ....' .""1.' ......... <1'.. ~ ~ .....ii~( .' ",}jl"., ;' 0:' ',: :qt~O}.,.. . .... <,CF)';:"'TIFICA TEOF ': ,"~, .,! 'j . I \. , ' . ,.'. ';',: ., '. ,.'" ",';:,'i~:";,'?;'~:~;::1t;t': . . "RE CO GNI71T rJ>,N, . ',: ".., : . ..':;'..,.:,;':. ~,:""':L~.,;,,.:.,);~!,?\:.l,::::::? ,.~;.,:....'.'T~:\~,.", 11 U: ',",",., "..."....,".,./...,.,..'-..~..,.., ,-.'. . . ...i' ,(; i d1,~:i '1i~~:i1i~i[i;~'Y?::S~':.~~~i'!\:(1,z~J"V':"." I{ ) ." Gtven to '., c .~~,'~.' '..<' ~"", -' ..,2tli 0 itij!;~~~~;WEI~~i~lW . . i'i),~~t;;):,~{;,1:!":~i'" .' .., "i~r . . : .: .::,;,,;.;lnJ~?,~~~g!J-itio~1J;t'and congratulation of her skillful participa.F}on on the "U1~t.qix!/lfigh Energy'Soccer Team and her key role in helping'~er team reach their ... :~1'1.i\.. .~., ." " ,'..'Pr"r) ~. , ~ .' ':;,,;J1:.!Mqzctte goa(ofc?~fJP,.~fing in the California Youth Soccer Asso,\4ttions' State Cup , :, .,'~~tf;~t~'?\'" ..',' ,...:/[tl,", Championships on March 6, 1999.' .~,::' '. !:~t~F,~.~~'t~.,?< . . ....-:4l~~,~ _ ;; . :\ . ..~" - .' ,,"~'" :-,'~!tf ;'!,:.'. '~~~~ : . " ',: \ ., I ".~ ,~>. . :l ,..; .. ~ '--~ ._ . :tr'~ ~ .; .;v~:'" ~i .:J.: :%"".,.. ,i~~l~~":' J'!',-. , .. ~t"""" 'J . r~ ~~lW , 'tD.i"~' '!jj' l:"~ ,~:. '- ~ . . .... ":".. . :'L' ~ ~-t,~" '., :, . " : I '. I, ...;~. . ;~~'10 L . .~~~--: ~ . ::~'ii., . ......i i;;!Iri . "X1"'" <:J~i;,' .;mc: . ~ ~~h ~ . :':'.':.:~fl.,.- . .11' /{~" . Mayor Guy S. Housto'n ':~~.i/ . >.'i'.:. .~~;t:~' .' . ':~'.. .' .:.f:,-' . ~ ::- , Dated: Marcb 16, 1999 .." l.' ,~-,;.' : '. t..~. . , ~~. .. t'~l;,- '1. "f~\' 'l-":.' . ,J~ ,. " ;t1~.; ..~ .~;. ~ ~\ '- ~ i I' <1Ii, . . . :". ..,.fi",., ...CEj'TIFICA TE OF . .:. r. ~ ':,' " ' . .' ~~" .,; <. ':':R'-' E':,COGNI7:7G>,\"N': .,~ :- - ... <: " -~~/~ ;'1~.,~1 ~':". .:. 'I ., _ ~d~' "" .. :;': ',,~'..' ,X,>:,',::'".:,::,: :::,~/-,;, ,~,:; - c') "',~ ' .. Given to .;;'::'. . '!:~;r1\)M'{:(i::';P?1;,?:,'!,;ji":';'! ..... j... . ,;.:,.~-..:. "_:~~'?:' ',:', ,;':: :~''';i",,;,':f:,:~,.>i::::,'' .:c,':"::I~~TC..J~ffli:'rD,Y FELLER " .,":;. ,-~Wcl-:-11:::1f,~1~'lL ..' ., ....;~(i;!/~fjW;' .'. . ., - ". -' ~.;;~~;~~:~~T!~r~~?;~ /~ "~T. ~'~ :'" , . '''::'':_i:{~};~~~g~iti?rr ~nd congratulation of her skillful participation on the :,: U12tl;trls'High EnergySoccer Team and her key role in helping her team reach their ~' ''':~{'~;!;''''~;:'i~~t~/'"('''~L .j\~.~r-..r"';~'- . , ~'.' : ,,':"';:u[t;Jnu.tte goal of cor!l1J~t.ing in the California Youth Soccer Asso~i(;ltions' State Cup ..l'.t,W}'t~'l':".:".:' . - .." -' ",: 'i:~r<t;':,:>" 'C'h . h' M. h 6 999 ',: . '- -' ',~:"m"1~;tl'~\'> " . ", . .}i!:~*,F:',;' ampwns z-ps on arc , 1 .. . :~:', , ,'. :i'"~; . /..~.; . . ' ,,' . r''' . .\;(~r Mayor Guy S. Houston " '":_"".~:,:~,.,~.~:~::.':',.,~".~.,L:~.:...:';,,,',,;~,,":.:_""",,:'::'_~; t '_~' ;,;,:')i~;; Dated: March 16, 1999 .",;.,~,'~,~,~~,~,;:;,i.:.'"::"..,,,..~' ,~*' ~~;it~: ,;~:: . <, ';~, ' . ~., ~ \5\ '- (0. RECOGNITIGN . <..t;;..,.:;...>.. .' .' . . ...,...,.;. ...\,;,~1;~!~i.(>:'A::!t'~:';!,:p/n.'..,......".. . Gtven to,-"., .", 'r';'.. . , .,r,.,>; )~i~~~~:'J,-, .8"'" 'B' J~\",':1(';G~:~:if'\~L?#L~:}J;;~~~L~~';;:':)M'!;:;;'::''!:O" . 'fR' 'E":'~~~~;" r' '.,' ...,,1., ".,. .:: . .- ,. :. ,": :.,' . .. , ;' ,,< ",:,,:.,;.)',~ '~<. :;!,'~,~,,~,',",t,~.~}~:r--'.~~.~~.?~ ~~~k~;~:'~' .. " ,~':' ;:\. .' ~:~i!:; ~~p' ,. .~ '~ij~i,':~: ..... . ,.:~ ,,";~l~t~f~9gryitio,jand congratulation of her skillful participation on the ,r:. []1~~9~~lsJ;figh En,~r.~t,$o~c~r Team and her key role in helping,~er team reach their 'J':'.'i,:~:.>tj!#i!iaJe goal of cO"!!Jpe#ng in the.California Youth Soccer Asso'c,iations' State Cup . ',:, 'J!t:.*t.1/'f."i:,:,": . " ' " ':'~,~(:' Championships on March 6, 1999. .-:. 't~." ,. ,.~~! .,. . ,i,"; ~ . ;~~~- . . j, ....j. : ,~,!. :.,I~; CEJRTIFICATE OF , " I ~I. .. .' :,,' .,~' ", ~,I:-. :. ~ Mayor Guy S. Houston "..,'_'t;:' . ~'.~f~~; Dated: March 16, 1999 AL., ~..t:,7 ~ I~ ~.'. - ~~~;/. : :r-;. ~~;. .... , i:.,~ ' .~:;~;.~;':.. :_~t~: .\.! Ii ,:dm\~:,:' CEITIFICA TE OF :<, . , , ' I ". RECOG NITION .....,".,;,;,"."',.: . .,..;' , Given to ,,),.,:\_:Yf:};~i):"';';";';' :.'..... .:..~.... <,...';".~:", '~;.'~:.'.,"::" :.~ ,.,;INI€otE'IR WIN .,,/~%\jj~t~~;'l~l~;/';" . . '.. , ' !,~: "~\-!?1:i:rec<}gnitio1J:,./tnd congra.tulation of her skillful participflfion on the . UJ~A9i,'!ls High Ener:gxSoccer Team and her key role in helping h,er tealll reach their . ~~' '-o;"'l~'');'" :, . ,'" ."",..,;,~ . ""i~<<lG~1J!;ate goal ofcorlJ;p.~ting in the California Youth Soccer AS5o~iations3 State Cup ,.', " ,.~;:i1;Wli;;F::"::: '..';tff:,:,. Championships on March 6, 1999. 'i, " : ,,:::,,~fI::::," ,,' " . \1I~s.:~" , ,;,b~.;~,~~:,'f ' , " ~.: ~I~:,.- . 'IAi<' '! \ :~i" :~.:,:r~,',:,~ ~..t "- ' :, ' ,~-~~,~Jn:~,'",;,,: ,~;;\V , ;~" ",~?:?i .,::' :;:~~._~ . ),j".',_~'.:,I, ~,', ' ;" '.~. " . , ;' ~ ~ "- G'... ~\. -r ':.:, Mayor Guy S. Houston ~:3.\~ !~~~~; - Dated: March 16, 1999 'L"'! '::~i,~' - ';~ 1. _ i'~" . . ~'I: . . II!';:._ .: ~ 1 ' , ..,..' ;;1. .t" ~ '\ ~ 'R' E,:COGNITIQ/Ny,;::,., ,'-:":,,'~::,:_,~,;:,~~}$~:;~'it+,,.,:,<,;~;,_~" 1 j ~.~, "': '~', ,t, ,-"",, ..":.,, ,,:j,,-,::.,', ,'r-."" ',,';.- ':,>i. "', j,:",',' ;iiW} . . . ..... . ....%;,~~~;;~;i:\:;{!i.;t,;.i}; :'!r!,\'('!~j~~;1~~~fd;'1~;tf!:'~:ii 57; .Fi'.'f'" . · ;.' '. ..;. .... :-,,~~~~.'..;< ~@RJI"'KING . . .),:,:A.t ;(;~W'(ii';;;i' .. "; ',;,;i~;;i~~t", , ~. ...~~~~...- -. ,.~. :~'.lJ1i)~'Jfl~~1~J ~~~.. ''':' . -: .;-~:q;-;r.t:1t-~:~-..~.~.: .:. w~~,-_/ '~;r. , ,~;~{1'J)'i~~pgnitio1J.:;~nd congratulation of her skillful participation on the :: C!1f;~~[~jj:fs:{Itgh En~~~~(~?cce: Team a~d he~ key role in helping hfr ~ean: reach their ""',~i:Li\~4~tr!1~tego~~"o!f~~~~.:Flg tn t/~e,Ca~ifornta Youth Soccer ASsoc?ftLOns State Cup , . "',' ',:w'J~~:~,>;""" ',:, ," ,~Jt'::, Champ to nsh tps on March 6, 1999. i",:' . "e'~~~< ,', """':':""":";:"':"':"~':'"'.,~'~.,~.~~,,li.:,oI{','::,:~-:~"':'"',:.',_",-'..::_',:,,::,',," .,~. <,,~j~I'~II~f" 'i~; . "'Iit~" , ,\\,,~~ ~~:" . ~~;ii lfJ .. ~I" j.- . I.~- :~~: . " . . .' ,.''-il,i ';'e"EJ,.,1!j,:.TIFIC~ A TE 01 D "~~~ 1 j n 1 j 1 f " I' I .., .~ . I ~...J . -. I '.f " I ~ ~':',' . . : " ,-,'::"!. ,1,\ _ . ..:t(.~~~'_~ Mayor Guy S. Houston " Dated: March 16, 1999 ''\' " .>') ~ . ., :, "'~ L,'i*~r/llt~" 7 " .... . ~. :~,;:;~~ltf.'f1;g~Rgfliti?~~;.ttnd congratulation of her skillful participa:Fion on the f!r{Jlli:~!~{{!!igh En,~I.fg.:.$occer Teqm and her key role in helping/?,er team reach their ;. ". :"11tj,~~f.!i!la.te'goal of cqmp:rt~ng in tbe California Youth Soccer Asso.~iations' State Cup ..-,".;:',:.;],) .J~~U':\" .,....".. ,'.}:J~':;";.Championships on March 6 1999. ';X,\: f~r IF/?;~"'. ..... , 'V!!,..' ':',. ':"~ . ." . ..' "". :': ,J..;;~~' . . . . '. .." .... '. ........ ..... ....... V'\~~i:: · '.' .. Mayor Guy S. Houston ..... ....!:~, ".-:'.': '..',i....,:. ".' "'t;~t,i!i.~~'."::': . " . ~.' ~ '~"";.rr . .. . '" . .,.,,!, wl,'.' ,'. . :',:, ~' . ; ~.. . I . ".,! 1." ;~{t .""'f' " :i.~ ", ~;t~:.;~ : - I.. '. ,..RE:COGNI71TQ:"N.... '.'. .','.,.: ...:.J:..,....'..... 111 .'~: . ',', '.,.,.:':,. ',....:;.;,'~. :':, ....;....,::.'.' . .;-i,J..~{:~~~~,iif::~:,~,<\.~~~:i?',::..:;~.'.\\':!' .,;.". '.: :'}:!:."~..:" ,'" ,.~." . "4~~dt "i.t, . ~'~.i7f, ' ',' :~.~~~ '. . ,'l:!~W, <, ",~~l{;::~ CEliTIFICA TE OF :h' C' ,~, '. tven to", .,<::t ':ti),',:' . . ;~\'MAEib~Y LEE . ':~ J'- ~~~:~ ~~:;:: '. ~,-' " . ; i~; '. , i}~..,: ':'~::f:.'" - ."..~ :.- "{~~~/ ' ,::..~ Dated: March 16, 1999 }~r; ~:~ . ~ '-;0' ; ~. .J, , +1.: c. , ., . l~' . , '~j;} , ': ". ..." "~~:.I. , . ,_; j , .:. ~ ~ . . . ,~ " . I~ ' ?' " . t"' ~ \ '. , . , . '. . . ,.,., . ~ . . ,. .' .' \1'-" ~ :tJ.: ., , . "~':<'2~~:"" . :.;1'. .~! . . ~ l 7 . ~ "., " ..; :) .' . "'-'.' I,. :h,. ." . /. . :~~t~ ~ , f .<'....~~t\~.: ~ ii~t!,: ..~. . "i .. ~ ~ ~ "'~t' ;':::~&~:.'; '''1\' CE~ TIFICA TE OF . :. ':-';'-$~:t-!'" .J; R, E. COGNIT:IQ,t N . ;..., . - ........-0,.,_. .... i," .. I ': .~..~ :~. ,_~ :l. ~. .-.. '" ,.~.." ;.~ _, . 'r . . ....r> ..... ,!(:C}igl\'::1';:!~i:\,R:7( ri~C'! .' .. . Gtven to ...',.." " . '. "n' . .ky ~ ,. .- .' . ~,:.._;~;,,~\>t~~}~:::':'\\';::::':':'~' ,. ' . ",.:~!:t' ,.....t-=:- ~ ,'t{o It I ::"J , .. -'.:-:'rKR/Ig~l7i[NE' MAlGE. ~ . " '" 1 \+(~~~~...:t~:"" );!::!;.. - . i. · "'/"i!'~ii'" ..!\'!~>'" .~'! '. . ...,.,l~J}:~Sggp.tiiq:! and congratulation of her skillful participqtion on the Ul~t.G~f,ljff(~gh'Enq;gySoccer Team and her key role in helping per team reach their ~.' ~~~.~.~:~. '1 .,,~, ., . l'.:,:\...~ 'I - . j' _ ..,.i.~{ti1J!ate goal of ~pflJpetillg in the California Youtb Soccer A ssqf.iatiollS' State Cup , ":'~:"~."~;'! .'\,.' . ..' .,,:'.,..-<,....... Cb p' h .p M. h 6 1999 . ',r; .i:-l,f~{~3t:',..:, .,'.' . ':~21V{ am tons L S on arc, . :> f-";'~";' ..k;L:,";" . . '- ....Ii - .J ~i ", Mayor Guy S. Houston ,-'. i ~; ~ ..' -:;~.~ . Dated: March 16, 1999 ,;. . ~. .~.', ., -~:':~, ~ "J':".:,' .:~~t~ . : 'R,ECOGNlt-rtT0N . . ,-,'" .:"...,':,'-.'.....,.":..,,......... 1 1 V', : :;.C..'.;':"'b;: :~< ,,,~:,'~<";;"~~L<):(i'..~i ;,:,:",:..: .' , Given to ,j; '. ." ,... ,,:~ >'),:::i~\}\i,;ti~\:";:;!ift)i:j:');!V'\;'" ';. "....... si5:ANN@]:f/'jj;;ERRIN '"}:.~~~i)\~!~!,;1,,f(" .,'.... . '~.... """J~"";"" ..... ;.:i ..,..{~;~r~}~g~iti~,~'and congratulation of her skillful participation on the Ul'll;irlslligh Energy Soccer Team and her key role in helpingher team reach their . '. ",.ll,l'" ,,'c" . " .." ,'""". " .' .,:y!.ti1!l~te goal of co. 1JJpeting in tbe California Youtb Soccer Asso,ciations' State Cup . i:.::.':,~~}~tr~;i"~' '. ,':. ,':,'trP ,Championships on March 6, 1999. ;. . . ~~::; ,'" :!{;r~~;. . ~:, I ~. /l~' '. . , !~. .' , -'i~!'F ~ ' "l, .,1.,. . " :';~;.. .}~~r' . :')~/' CE1RTIFICATE OF , . <, ".. ". :. '.:~.~ ~~~(- '" 'r l ~. . ... ..:~: ::~>. Mayor Guy S. Houston .,-. . " :r~~.~" ... ....~~,t ' ..:,?:: -- .............. Dated: March 16, 1999 : :.~... '~:i~~} .. 1"~~'.'.. ..~;1~: ," ., ~ ~ .<~ ~.,~" I ~. \lt~l , ":_~;' . ;?'Jf:,~' . ~~ ~- -"', ',. \i~~ '1i:, . , ~~~~.~.: , '..,'J:'. ~ ~ ~\ '" '--- G"-... '.RECOGNITTQ.<'N,;:' ,.... .....,...".:'<<',':<.,.:<<-','.. 111 ":. . '- . ',,', ,'. '.'" ".' 'J;.. '.'....., ","",,',>'.:.,.. . "..., ':';;ii_i~igX;;1i~;;}:i~i;;'';;;'" .;li1A!JNiJ~tr!/kilrI;i1)'" '. . .. ~"".'~:""'~'~'~ ,'<.~:~\;~;<~;.:}~:{.,- ,-" -- '. . ....~:.:.; ;'..~ .': ~~~.~~~~'\~-l, :_' ::.' ~ ~ . ,., ~ - .. ~~ki. ",)i~"':". ./,,:...,. /.' ,0 n<>,t:#:1t1 l' ~,,' . . ~1K~;~~~~. .. ~ ~. ~~ J ": "I"!;:f:f1I! ~t~ -... ""5 ,,' .,:.'lfl:'~rJ~,fPi1J'ition,~q,nd congratulation of her skillful participati.on on the 'U~~~:fifi~\f!igh'Ene!l{jJ~?cce:, Team a~d he~ key role in helping h'J ~eam reach their ,,;l)~t..~~fg:V!~tegoal ofc,oni~~:~ng Ln t/~e Ca~ifornLa Youth Soccer ASSOCLqtLOns' State Cup ..,,;:>f1r.;(";:/ "', . :,;;~",.ChampLOnshLps on March 6, 1999. ;':' ... !~\~~!tl.fi;1 ..... ".~,.'" . "",I~,. " . .i'.:( .\;~ -' ..d '~:h" '.:~~: . :':'.:~f}:~ . - "'~:~~' >A~;>.', .' . :~I'::, CE~'TIFICA TE OF .;. ,Mayor Guy S. Houston Dated: March 16, 1999 ,~€!. 'f~' :'--~~~~::, . '.:.~k:, . 'XF ~~', . ',:' .. ~ , "t' . : ";, ' ,"r. ',' l': ~ ~ ~ < ~...~j: . ',: ;': ,,~: ",:,-,?:",,:~/,,~:: . RECOGNITION "';d'C':;":'("""";'" ~;~~;:'~C:J~,".. ';'~~~I~~:)'~~;~~~~:.~~~ ~:~~~1.~.;~;~ ~.~/ .~.:\ ~'~) ::J~.~;: :.,~;. .~ ,'-~. . ,- 'i'-"-~'-"''''''''' I.,. :0-' ~':,"- .,' ,.' -, , .' ;i;'!' .' ," ,,;~;.:~~~~i}!,'.)i':;'~l?~;;'f:c~;'1')n' ',,' ".,' ,', ' ;.:ATrM.A.J:i[if!!)!A--'Y:'F INKS TO N ,"";ill! '*~:;':':'("': " -. "-'''~l: . , " , ...', /i ;- :~1:a,~ :.:: ,: ' :' ., ;~ "'i-e. ~L '''"1~ ~T';.--!,.. }~ ~ . : ,,;~1{t.~r~~9gnitio<~~~rid congratulation of her skillf~l part~cipa!.ion on the . , . Ul~.{jifJ:lfJi~gh Er;e::?y',Soccer Tec1:m and her key role ~n helpLng ~er team reach theLr , >fl-U(tJjate 'goal of co tflieting in the California Youth Soccer Associations' State Cup '_';:1~~1~1#;~~::::.:'-:{ti,;{'Championships on March 6, 1999, , I'~" ~].''\,,,'''r , .~. . - ~;e~' , t "I,'. .:,':,' .~. , , ~"' '"' . ~ . . . ,;Ii',' :-,'~~i, .~t Mayor Guy S, Houston ~: : .'j " ,Dated: March 16, 1999 <.:'. , , ~ ~ , '~~."1 . . . ' ;-:, ~ ~ (K "'-i' "\", R. E' COGNI~I()'";,, N' . . , . ;. ':;,'",:~"":'~,'~"1'J',~'''',,,,:' i' ;,.. . ~. .' _I -", ,. ,,:.,,.,,~'~'l~ ~-~.~ ..~~.', "','," ~.' ...; ,~; ." ". ;'. . ,Ii ;t;~:~'f~ i.:;);:;;";':' ..,;i,r;i;'J#~;i:l~r'!;(-i)')~(;i'F';";';" . ',' . ""~'~~E""BRl!}lNNA TSUI ; ,Jti'\;!,;~t'J~i!'i' Ci, I';~' . i ". . 'i~I~~~f,'i .....; . .... J;L~i~f~g1Jit,~9/J and congratulation of her skillful particip~ation on the [!]~i.filr!slfigh Et7:;l,fl S?cce: Teatfl a~d he~ key role in helping':!?~r :eam reach their ." .~~u.!.t.Wlate goal of Q9llJpetmg.zn the Californza Youth Soccer Assq~LatLOns' State Cup .,:,~',;;,E?W~.T',;::;" . ",,'J~: :;, . _ Championships on March 6, 1999. ";~' . "'J::~~::;~:f:::~;" :':';'~~::,' ",", );~f~~f; .......~..,. . .~: ,11, ",n:i:/' Mayor Guy S. Houston' "::~l,'... Dated: March 16, 1999 ., ", ...~ . ", .~~. , ....-_.1 -,g , ..... " .." .',~...~..a._;..., :;~::t,~ ~ L" . r~~~' , , . . ..:~Ii~ C~!Jl.. TIFICA TE OF '~ .',~-.!,..' .i:; -d, . ~ ~ _ .' " . , , V1 ~ '- CJ"\.. .. . '.. )i:::,r,~ RE COG NITION. . <j/,,;,/;;,'.:....... '.. Gi ven to . .'/f . '. .;;,~'[y)ii!;~~;\it0;S/{,i:'"i:i'''' ':';! . · .' . '. ...~&1 cfj}i!/iti!i\,;~giNIK .' . ...>i!~l (~1~R;ii;:'!;!'" . "'j .....""k~~~""" ..:.:l, ..~ : -;" ~ ~\'~~jj~t~1~~~~~..~~ ~.~~~~:..'. . ,,<l:1J~ir~~pg~ition. and congratulation of her skillful participation on tbe ., .U1~.:Si~r~ffJJgh E11:~r..~ S?cce: Team a~d he~ key role in helping b~r :eam reach their ,,',;:,;M{~#!}'!tegoa~?fFqPll!etmg In the Califorlua Youtb ~occer AssoClatwns' State Cup ,,;>,~:~~t~:;:)\);.;:. ,"-'.,:,!(i;it:":,, Championships on March 6, 1999. .' " .. -J;t\1l"'" . ,:..~V.0;::~:/ . . ~\i{f~~~ ." '. :/~!q::~;:" ~ ',. . :" , I . . - , " " -' ".-. . :.., ". ," i' I. , :... 1. '0",;1 . :;:" - ~ :~' ,',~~!r~:'; ''TI'''' , i :'iH"" :J ;'- . ~ : .~ ,~ - - ."(;:'~' :. . ~.~~'~. :: :),$~.~ : -, ;. ~-''''''~' ~ , , " ; ,', .~!:.~~;:~~l> :- L. '.> .<::'~r.~~'.: ..]1' ..' ,..........>f~~:... '~i.. -< J:. .,' Mayor Guy S. Houston .',L '.. Dated: March 16, 1999 Jr_._ .~. T'-r.':'. ~... . ' - f.~ .- -I;'", <,' . ..>. . " '........:; ... L. ~ " ~ ~\ ~ , RECOGNITION", . ' . ,..~~~r;:~~::;~'/.~ 'c.;:!:j::'r~':,i',:\<,:'::::.":.:; - .~ ,~. 1~-f.\ . ~.:.(~'" ?' j . I" .' . . Given to " :i:\<~<'::';":""":'>;A{.:>;'::" , , '.' :/':;:;"~,.:' < (,'~:>:;,.., , ..' A'v A/gj!iE.....~ 7.0' ZNIK .:,1'!~..,>!;M1::~ '" V l ~ , ... ~';.:1:1;;j ~~~ ';il ~ .~, ~. ' ,';,:i,~:;~:lbj;',.f< ~F/~':"'" . : " .:: .\..~~~~!;11f~~f; ;;, , .' ,,;;J1J;4r~~9gnitio1J.andcongratulation of her skillJ~1 part~cipation on the' . ,U12~G;r.lslitgh Ene.rgySoccer Team and her key role m helpmg her team reach thetr . ~ ..... ~'. ~;r \1. ,'S...,v~:!-,?,-. ~'. -,. ,. f \'-. ,~.';". . . . . '.;;<';,.:iJjlFi1!1:''ate'goal,9f~w~p,~~ing in. the California Youtb Soccer Asso~~tions' State Cup . :.;:,;,:":",.,.\~:."...,.,~.j,,.~:;.:.';,.~.:.'.~~'".r..'!~f~:'(:'" . . '. i" ....~n~chamPionshiPs on March 6, 1999: .'. . . . , ~.H '~ . .;.........,i'.... i.i..r,;,:.,:;...;....::: .... . . , ',.~ i'~ .'~:. ,~\~.~. ~ . ~_ ,. '- . . . i~t;I;: '1)!.'ifj."..", ,ff, .', 'l~.l~ " ,~;~';;:;: ;." . . ' ,?:. ~ , ! '. . . .. L1i-:~ 1"V '. :;:)~r;::: CEf-TIFICA TE OF , ~\ .,',' .", . , .: ~.~:f-'. . ':::'~:_:~(:-" ,,~j~". . ",~. . ':-:;'~';: . Dated: AJarch 16, 1999 Mayor Guy S. Houston ':.1~:~~';" ~ . ~ . 4':~_ . ;:~' , ~', ,".~;" . ":'.,~ ..;:~:'~ ~~ ' . ~ . . . .'.~ r ~ : ,,-' -~ . ~ ~., '~::,t:.' :.~-;~.: ," .