HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.06 Appr Str NamesTassajara I (2) ~. CITY CLERK File # D~~[Q]-m[QJ . AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 16, 1999 SUBJECT: Approval of Street Names for Tract 6979 Tassajara Meadows Unit I Report Prepared by: Lee S. Thompson, Public Works Director ATTACHMENTS: 1) 2) 3) . Resolution Approving Street Names for Tract 6979 (Unit n Location Map Comparison sheet showing names originally proposed, names currently proposed, and alternate selections. RECOMJ\1:ENDATION: 1) ~2) Review street name selections, and choose alternate names if any of the requested names are rejected. Adopt Resolution for Tract 6979 (Unit I), making any modifications necessary if alternate street names are chosen. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: No cost associated with naming of streets. The cost of Final Map processing, as well as the cost of ins taIling street name signs, is paid by the developer. . DESCRIPTION: At the January 19, 1999, meeting, the City Council received a request for approval of street names for Tract 6979, Tassajara Meadows Unit 1. The Final Map for Tract 6979 was filed with temporary street names, as the names that would ultimately be used had not yet been selected. The proposed names were primarily those of Spanish explorers. The original list is shown on Attachment 3. The City Council rejected several of the proposed names on the basis that the names might be difficult to pronounce or were similar to names in the surrounding area. The names that the City Council rejected included Abella, Ulloa, Palou, Pico, Ayala, Viader, and Portola. The City Council indicated instead a preference for several explorer names that are not shown on the list; i.e., Columbus, Crespi, DeSoto, DeBalboa, DaGama, DeAnza, and Coronado. Unfortunately, these names were subsequently rejected by the Office of Emergency Services because there are streets with the same or similar names in surrounding communities. The developer has selected alternate names and is re-submitting the request for approval. The street names for Tract 6979 must be formally adopted (see Resolution, Attachment 1) and submitted to the County for recording since the Final Map has already been recorded. The list that is being submitted for approval has been routed to the Office of Emergency Services, and no objections were received. . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - COPIES TO: MacKay & Somps g:\develop\tmeadows\agst2stnames ITEM NO.~ .. Street names Ddor.Tentatidve ~Irlacht 70b22 Thassajara Mh eaF~owIsMUnit IIhare. b~ingbsu~midtt~d for direct1ion in] a . separate agen a Item an WI t en e s own on t e lOa ap w en It IS su mItte lor approva at a ater date. Staff recommends that the City Council (1) review the names presented and select alternate names if any of the primary choices are rejected, and (2) adopt the resolution approving street names for Tract 6979, making any substitutions that are ~ecessary. . . Page 2 . . RESOLUTION NO. w 99 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN * * * * * * * * * APPROVAL OF NEW STREET NAMES FOR STREETS IN TRACT 6979 WHEREAS, the Final Map for Tract 6979 was approved by the Dublin City Council on November 3, 1998; and WHEREAS, the private streets within Tract 6979 were identified with temporary letters which are proposed to be replaced with permanent street names; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the Dublin Municipal Code, surrounding cities, Alameda County, emergency services, and the U.S. Postal Service have been notified and have not objected to the proposed names; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Dublin City Council approves the street name designations as follows and as shown on the map "Exhibit A". MAP DESIGNA nON Parcel B and Parcel X Parcel C and Parcel Y Portion of Parcel C Parcel F Parcel G Parcel H Parcel I Parcel K Parcel L Parcel N PROPOSED NAME Lorimer Loop Haro Loop Precado Drive Alacon Court GaIi Court Viscaino Court Urdeneta Court Lagazpi Court Alagro Court Perez Court MAP DESIGNA nON Parcel 0 Parcel P Parcel Q Parcel S Parcel T Parcel U Parcel V Parcel W Parcel Z Parcel ZZ PROPOSED NAME Neve Court Onate Court Sola Court Duran Court Munoz Court Francia Court Ferrelo Court Bandini Court Cardena Court Garces Court BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is directed to submit these street name changes to the County Recorder for recording. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 16th day of March, 1999. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: AB ST AJ:!'.1: . ATTEST: City Clerk Mayor J, " -r-r"' /; "",,,' ! 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III m.ll!'J " \ 11 '\ ~ ..f }! \ PLEASAN JON VICINI!..Y MAP @ ~ (i P l~".. ~ m X :I: m =i ~ o 11 ;0 m en o r c ~ o z <( 0::: <( ~ <{ if) Vl <( f- TASSAJARA MEADOWS STREET NAME EXHIBIT CAlJrOR""" "'" '1lI.<...UH ~ "'--11- 0." "'--1!- . COMPARISON OF PROPOSED STREET NAMES TASSAJARA MEADOWS UNIT I STREET NAMES ORIGINALLY PROPOSED ON 1/19/99 MAP DESIGNATION Parcel B and Parcel X Parcel C and Parcel Y Portion of Parcel C Parcel F Parcel G Parcel H Parcell Parcel K Parcel L Parcel N PROPOSED NAME Lorimer Loop *Portola Loop Moraga Drive Ortega Court Gali Court Danti Court Cortes Court Cabrillo Court *Abella Court *Ulloa Court MAP DESIGNATION Parcel 0 Parcel P Parcel Q Parcel S Parcel T Parcel U Parcel V Parcel W Parcel Z Parcel ZZ * Names marked with an asterisk were rejected by the City Council STREET NAMES CURRENTLY PROPOSED (3/16/99) . MAP DESIGNATION Parcel B and Parcel X Parcel C and Parcel Y Portion of Parcel C Parcel F Parcel G Parcel H Parcell Parcel K Parcel L Parcel N PROPOSED NAME Lorimer Loop Haro Loop Precado Drive Alacon Court Gali Court Viscaino Court Urdeneta Court LagazpiCourt Alagro Court Perez Court MAP DESIGNATION Parcel 0 Parcel P Parcel Q Parcel S Parcel T Parcel U Parcel V Parcel W Parcel Z Parcel ZZ PROPOSED NAME Diaz Court *Palou Court *Pico Court Duran Court Munoz Court Gilroy Court *Ayala Court *Viader Court Rivera Court Garces Court PROPOSED NAME Neve Court Onate Court Sola Court Duran Court Munoz Court Francia Court Ferrelo Court Bandini Court Cardena Court Garces Court Names that remain the same as the first proposal are shown in bold italics; all others have been changed. ALTERNATE SELECTIONS (IF NEEDED) Arrillaga Damphier Doak Esteuanico Gallaup Guerrero g:\develop\tmeadows\namecomparison . Hurbide Salvatierra Shelvocke Valerianos .-.-.-- ...... 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