HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 8.1 GPA StudyReq by K&B (2) ~ CITY CL RK File# 420-30 AGENDA STATEMENT ClTM COUNCI/-MEETING D~S:,June 15, 1999 SUBJECT: Request by Kaufman & Broad, Inc. and Dublin Investmem Company to Initiate a General Plan Amendment Study for three specific commercial and residential sites, owned by Dublin Investment Company located generally between Gleason Road, Tassajara Road, Central Ave. extended and the Jennifer L.i~ properties to the east (Report Prepared by: Eddie Peabody, Jr., Community Development Director) ATTACHMENTS: 1. Letter from Jeffrey McMullen, Kaufrnan & Broad dated May 27, 1999. 2. Resolution initiating a General Plan Amendment Study for Kaufman & Broad. 3. Resolution denying a General Plan Amendment Study four Kaufman & Broad. 4. Property location map. RECOMMENDATION: Receive Staff presentation and receive public testimony. Question Staff and the public. Adopt Resolution denying a General Plan Study. FINANCIAL STATEME~; DESCRIPTION: NOne at this time. Mr. Jeffrey McMullen of KaUfman& Broad, Inc. representing the owner, Dublin Investment Company is requesting a General Plan Amendment Study for three parcels located north of Central Ave. extended between Tassajara Road and the Jennifer Lin properties to the east. The sites ~e.as_fo!low.~; .................................. 1. 11.5 acres presently designated General Commercial 2. 9.0 acres presently designated Medium High Density Residential 3. 1.5 acres presently designated High Density Residential COPIES TO: Project Planner In House Distribution ITEM NO. ~ Single family residential uses, designated as medim ~g Gene3a specific P1an, are lOCated north"Of this-site'~ Center~roject by Jennifer Lih)~"~'A~i~dSS T~S~ij Glen Park now ~der-dei, el6prnent. Issues This is the first specific land-Planning reqUes~ ~,.~No overall plan for development of the 83-acre oWne?shiP has 'been sUbmitted'io date. Dublin Specific Plan contemplatedih~it the-maj6ri~t:y-,of,this Prdi~'~fiy general and neighbdrh0°d co~rcii/l-Uses 1~ major component of commercial uses for the area east ofTassajara Road2 '-The applicani~ proposes to What Then Are the Issues? 1. Should the City retain all of the preseniiy~'~lesignfited ~G~fi'~i:~i'C6~i:~i~il~"~i~'i~di~'e~en Central and Gleason? ...... 2. Are more lower defisitY residential uses (medium densi~):heeded al0ng Tassajara Road? ' 3. Should higher densitY residential areas'be rei:ain~d'~i:~6-f~G~Cb~erclai hreas to increase th~' av~labiii~' 6fiiibr~~r~'~i!~ii~'~Sf~iS'~firi~j~i~~ .............. ~ ...... Wlll"h~ Ch~'bf tfi~¥~i~i ~ii~*~i ~"'~6p~"Bi~-~'d~h~i~re~id~n~i~ 'fi~ in~tCgd 6 ~ ret~fiifig ~e ~0~erCifl USes cauSe other reqUests for iesidentifl uses Soum of c~mal 5fi 6~ potions of the'Dublin Inves~ent holdings? 5. Should all of~e Dublin Inves~ent prope~ be plied at the sine t~e t0 ins~e ~m Proper l~d use ~d economiC' C°nchsi°n~ ~e h~'~0~ {he~.~h;~i¢ p~~'~ '~'~ : ....... .... Conclusion the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan'Would need to be changed. 'The City council needs to 'determine whether a General I , should be authorized.- X'li'0the~*l~d*us~;~ec0fi0raic ~d Rezonings, etc. Both ~pProvaland d~al re~01~i6iis hh'~;~ ~ee~ ii/~ifia~d~'f6r ~ ............. ~ecommendation Hear Staff presentation and receive public testimony; question Staff and the public. Staff reco.~ .mm.~n~ that the City Council adopt the resolution denying this request. K UFMAN B RO: D May 27, 1999 RE: Dublin Investment Property Eddie Peabody Planning Director City of Dublin 100 Civic Plaza P.O. Box 2340 Dublin, CA 94568 Dear Eddie Peabody: Kaufman and Broad South Bay, Inc. request that the Dublin City Council at its meeting of June 15 consider all issues involved in allowing a Specific Plan Amendment Study on a portion of the Dublin Investment Property. Specifically, we would like to change I 1.5+/- acres of General Commercial, 9.0+/- acres of Medium-High Density Residential and 1.5+/- acres of High Density Residential to 22.0+/- Acres Medium Density Residential. This effects all of the Dublin Investment Property north' of Central Parkway. We are not proposing to change the area south of Central Parkway at this time. I have attached two exhibits that show the existing and proposed Specific Plan changes. We would like to receive the Council's direction on proceeding with the amendment study as well as any other issues they feel are warranted to support a Specific Plan change of this type. Sincerely, Jeffrey P. McMullen Manager, Land Acquisition cc: John DiManto - Dublin Investment Co. 22Ol WALNUT AVENUE KAUFMAN AND BROAD SOUTH BAY SUITE 15{) FREMONT CA 94538 TEL DiManto Property Existing East Dublin Specific Plan Land Use Summary GC 57.3 Ac. ± NC 5.3 Ac. ± 62.6 Ac; ± M 4.6 Ac. ± NIH 9.0 Ac. _* H 5.0 Ac. ± 18.6 Ac. _* School 1.8 Ac. ± 1.8 Ac. ± TOTAL $3 Ac ± Acres are Gross - No Roadways Removed Park General Plan Land Use Designations GC General Commercial NC Neighborhood Commercial M Medium Density Residential MH Medium-High Density Residential High-Density Residential H School Gleason Drive 5.3 Ac+- 25.6 Ac+- 2.5 Ac+- Dublin Boulevard en~en ar & Associates DilVlanto Property Proposed ~ School ~ Specific Plan Amendment [ 2.0 Ac-+(M)~ School I -.. _~, __ 1.8 AcZ ..~ _ Gleason Drive Land Use Summary GC 45.8 Ac. _+ Park ~ NC 5.3 Ac.._ 22.0 Ac_+ 51.1 Ac.._ M 26.6 Ac. *_ MH 0 Ac ± . ~ _ H 3.5 Ac. ~ Central Parkway School 1.8 Ac. _. 1.8 Ac. _+ ~ 5.3 Ac_+ TOTAL 83 Ac _+ Acres are Gross - (~ ~ ~ (~ · .~'~ NO Roadways Removed 25.6 AC-* ~~ ~ I 2'5 AC-* , 2.6 AC-* ~ Dublin Boulevard General Plan Land Use~ ' (~ Designations ~.,.~,j/ GC General~ (~ ~20.2Ac-* Commercial NC Neighborhood Commercial M Medium Density · Residential i · ~ MH Medium-High (~/~ Density i Residential ~ H High-Density Residential ~r~u~eri - - N- taxlensen - i ~.. lazar & Associates SCALE: 1" = 400' DATE: MAY 26, 1999 dOB NO.: 991011 RESOLUTION NO. -99 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN INITIATING A GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT STUDY FOR KAUFMAN & BROAD FOR A PORTION OF PROPERTY OWNED BY DUBLIN INVESTMENT COMPANY WHEREAS, a General Plan Amendment Study has been requested by Jeffrey McMullen of Kaufman & Broad for an undeveloped portion of 22 acres owned by Dublin Investment Company located generally between Gleason Road, Tassajara Road, Central Ave. extended and the Jennifer Lin properties to the east. The predominate land use designation proposed for this area is medium density residential; and WHEREAS, the applicant will be required to pay all processing costs associated for the General Plan Amendment Study; and WHEREAS, additional entitlements including East Dublin Specific Plan Amendment, Rezoning, and other associated permits will need to be processed before development can occur; and WHEREAS, Section 65358(a) of the State of Calif'omia Government Code states that an amendment to the General Plan shall be in a manner specified by the legislative body; and WHEREAS, the initiation request has been reviewed in accordance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and was found to be Categorically Exempt under Section 15306, Class 6 of the State CEQA Guidelines; and WHEREAS, the staff report submitted one recommendation that the City Council initiate a General Plan Amendment Study for the Kaufman & Broad proposal; and WHEREAS, the City Council did hear and consider all such reports, recommendations and testimony herein above set forth and is in support of a General Plan Amendment Study to determine the appropriate land use and General Plan designation for the property before making a decision as to the merits of requested specific entitlements. NOW TI-I~EREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Dublin City Council does hereby initiate a General Plan Amendment Study for the Kaufman & Broad Proposal. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED BY the City Council of the City of Dublin, on this ~ 1998, by the following votes: AYEs: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: day of ATTEST: Mayor Deputy City Clerk ATTACHMENT 2 ~ RESOLUTION NO. -99 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN DENYING A GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT STUDY FOR KAUFMAN & BROAD FOR A PORTION OF PROPERTY OWNED BY DUBLIN INVESTMENT COMPANY WHEREAS, a General Plan Amendment Study has been requested by Jeffrey McMullen of Kaufman & Broad for an undeveloped portion of 22 acres owned by Dublin Investment Company located generally between Gleason Road, Tassajara Road, Central Ave. extended and the Jennifer Lin properties to the east. The predominate land use designation proposed for this area is medium density residential; and WHEREAS, the applicant will be required to pay all processing costs associated for the General Plan Amendment Study; and WHEREAS, additional entitlements including East Dublin Specific Plan Amendment, Rezoning, and other associated permits will need to be processed before development can occur; and WHEREAS, Section 65358(a) of the State of California Government Code states that an amendment to the General Plan shall be in a manner specified by the legislative body; and WHEREAS, the initiation request has been reviewed in accordance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and was found to be Categorically Exempt under Section 15306, Class 6 of the State CEQA Guidelines; and WHEREAS, the staff report submitted one recommendation that the City Council deny a General Plan ~'~ Amendment Study for the Kaufman & Broad proposal; and WHEREAS, the City Council did hear and consider all such reports, recommendations, and testimonylherein above set forth and is opposed to a General Plan Amendment Study for the Kaufman & Broad proposal. NOW TltEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED TI-IAT the City Council does hereby deny the initiation request of a General Plan Amendment Study for the Kaufman & Broad proposal. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED BY the City Council of the City of Dublin, on this ,1998, by the following votes: day of AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: Deputy City Clerk Mayor ATTACHMENT 3 DiManto ProPerty Existing East Dublin Specific Plan Land Use Summary GC 57.3 Ac. ± NC 5.3 Ac. ± 62.6 Ac~ ± M 4.6 Ac. = MH 9.0 Ac. ± H 5.0 Ac. = 18.6 Ac. * School 1.8 Ac. + Park 1.8 Ac. ± TOTAL 83 Ac ± Acres are Gross - No Roadways Removed School ~ . Gleason Drive 11.5 Ac_+ 9.0 'Ac+- Central Parkway 5.3 Ac+- . 25.6 Ac+- 2.5 Ac+_ General Plan Land Use Designations GC General Commercial NC Neighborhood Commercial M Medium Density Residential MH Medium-High Density Residential H High-Density Residential Dublin Boulevard SCALE: !' -- uggeri - ~. lAzar & Associates ATTACHMENT ~,,?~Y 26. JOB NO.: gglOll