HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 6.2 Intent to Establish ROW (2) CITY CLERK File #670-40 ('-" AGENDA STATEMENT "- CITY COUNCIL MEETI'NG' DATE: July 20, 1999 SUBJECT: Public Hearing: Resolution of Intention to Establish Rights-of-Way fo~ portions of Tassajara Road, Gleason Drive, Central Parkway and Dublin Boulevard Report Prepared by: Lee S. Thompson, Public Works Director ATTACHMENTS: I. Res_olutio~o.~]g_t,~8.fi_g~.g.~tP.~s.~tgbl~_is_~,h~Right-of-way Lines 2. Copy of Agenda Statement fi.om Planning Commission.meeting of June 8, 1999 RECOMMENDATION: 1) Open Public Hearing ~~. 2) Receive Staff Presentation and Public Comment · 3) .Question Staff and the Public 4) Close Public Hearing and Deliberate 5) Adopt Resolution of Intention to establish right-of-way lines on Tassajara Road, Gleason Drive, Central Parkway and Dublin Boulevard, and set Public Hearings for protest for 7:00 p.m. on August 3, 1999, and August 17, 1999 FINANCIAL STATEMENTi The cost to acquire the rights-of-way and build the roadways will be borne by MSSH Dublin Development (Shea Homes) and the Dublin Ranch Assessment District, currently in the process of formation. MSSH Dublin Development (Shea Homes) and the Assessment District Developer (the Lins) will each receive a credit against payment of future Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fees (TIF) in amounts equal to funds advanced for the acquisition of rights-of-way and improvements. Use of these credits has been~defi~eO ~i~..~e_ respective Development Agreements for the Dublin Ranch projects and will be used according to the established TIF policy at the time of development. DESCRIPTION: One of the goals of the Eastern DUblin Specific Plan (EDSP) is to establish a vehicle circulation system which provides sufficient capacity for projected traffic and allows convenient access to land use~. _The EDSP states ~at .arterial. s~t~.~i.~.~a.~s~.~g.~n~$~g~be designed to ITEM NO. H:kPWkTassajara Rd row alignmtkreso of intent cc agenstmt 20Ju199.doc carry very high traffic volumes 'with a rfiifii~UTM 0f interfei:~hs-e"-'~n{-'C$~/i~i~g ff~fiSi~'-' D~blin Boulevard, Tassajara Road, Gleason Road and Central Parkway are all designated in the City's Land Use Plan as major elements needed for traffic circulation. The EDSP states that .m!~efi.fl..s~eets are to be four, six and eight lanes wide to carry the community and~'~Ip~ sub-regional traffic through the sp'ecific Plan flea~.' Traffic repo~s-f0r sp~sifie i3r0jeets, ~uCh~ Dublin Ranch Phase I, TaSSajara Meadows I and II, Koll center, ~Emerald Glen and T01I Brothers, require that' TaSsajara Road be widened from two lanes to four, six and eight lanes in various'locations. With the proposed Development of Dublin RanCh'Areas AzEand Areas~ F,G"andH (currently tinder Staff review), the respective traffic reports " require the widening of Tassajm"a R6ad afid~'e~ehsi0ns '0f"Gl~as'dii~D'fi~)~ Central Parkway and Dublin Boulevard~~ The "/il~imht~' i:0ad"figti~,bf-w~iy' air'gibe'htr' 'of' each-6f'these arterial streets were mapped and their respective Specific pieci-se'i:ight-0i,iwayHfi~iieed t6bead0pted b3~ the City. for projects to existing roadways and the freeway as shorn- in the DubiinG~ii~ml Plan (Planning Commission Attachment 5) and'th~E//~[ernD~fibli~ff~gp~ifi'~'Plan'~¢l~fig 'c6~ssi6n~Atta-c~nt ~5)2 The right-of-way lines are in their ultimate configurations and inclUde ali 0f"~' ne~ded'-h~s'~-ar~ ...... through-lanes and mm-lanes for the proposed level 'of develOPment, staff-haS been ~oi:king ~th'the Lins, MSSH/Shea _Devel°pment (Dublin R~ch 'Phas~ I), and 'their engineering cOnStiltant, 'IgIh'dKh~;-& Somps, to determine the best alignment for these roadway segments. The'right-of-way lines need to be established so that these portions of improvements can be designed and coristructed as c6iiditioned With' their respective approvals of the Jennifer Lin (Dublin Ranch Assessment DiS/Hot developer)and MSSH/Shea Developments. TM eXisting Tassajara Road right-Of-way varies from.66 feet to 101 feet Wide. The rights-of-way Dublin Boulevard, Gleason Drive and central ParlCway east of Tassajara Road do not currently exist. The alignment of Tassajara Road is generally symmetrical from the exiSting right-of-way centerline running north-south from Interstate. 580 at the Tassajara Road interchange'to the city limit line located on the northerly boundary of Dublin ~Ch' Pha~e'-I ~¢ql~i~h156i:hbOd M: i)Y'The proposed right-Of-way-Width will vary from 128 feet at the northern end 0f"thb"i:0ad to 187 feet 'wide'at"~e~"sofithe~'~nd' (piing Commission Attachment 9). From the freeway interchang~;'the roadway will need t6be 8 through lanes with a large median to accommodate double and ~iple ieft:m laries-'to central"P~kwhy.~ -F?6m cenfi-al' Parkway, the road will accommodate Six lanes for"thi/0iigh trna'and on-e~' le~t-~ l~e in the median, to the northerly boundary of Dublin Ranch phaSe I. A large-radius curve haS been inclUded in the alignment at the northerly end of the road in order to move the road away from an existing large building located next to the road 300 feet north of tha~13t~uhd~'iSfD*fil6ifi{RhndhPh~b~i2 The area which makes up the proposed 'T~sajkra: t~6ad right,6f-waY lines. pi:esentl~ contains b6th the existing Tassajara Road (two lanes) and vacant land owned by Dublin Land Company (DiManto). Property owners'have already made right-of-way dedications on the westerly side of TasSajara ROad. The proposed roadway haS four lanes in each direction from Interstaie 580~t6Cefih?al-PfirlC~a3/, ~d'~'i~s in each direction froTM central Parkway to the n0~i?l~Ci~"'fi~i~sT'--Xddlii6~na'l~e-ft-,~'-'~'d'~Hghi:~ lanes are also proposed as needed at intersections. The rightS-of-way forGleaSOn Drive (104 feett° 125 feet ~de)'; cefit?aI Parkway (i04 fea~{"tb"l~2'sTe~i '~ wide) and Dublin Boulevard (140 feet to 161'feet wid~)'~'e all-si~ated on currently vacant land oWned by -2- D~blin Land Company (DiManto) and need to be acquired by the City of Dublin for roadway improvements. The proposed right-of-way lines generally include the intersection transitions of each road at Tassajara Road with the associated lef~-mrn and right-mm lanes. A Negative Declaration has been prepared pursuant to the Califomia Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), State CEQA Guidelines, and the City of Dublin Environmental Guidelines (see Attachment 3 Planning Commission Agenda Statement). The proposed project will not have a significant effect on the environment. On June 8, 1999, the Planning Commission reviewed the report and recommendation of the City Engineer regarding this proposal. Based on information presented in the report, the Planning Commission and the City Engineer believe that the proposed right-of-way lines are appropriate and have recommended_that the City Council adopt a Resolution of Intention to establish right-of-way lines ~is shown on Attachment 9 of the attached Planning Commission Agenda Statement. It is further recommende, d. that th~..~ity Council, pursuant to Section 7.68 of the Dublin Municipal Code, set public hearings on August 3, 1999, and August 17, 1999, to hear any protests Or objections to the establishment of the proposed rights-of-way. Staff recommends that.~o.~.City Council adopt the attached Resolution of Intention to ~ ~s~b!_~s~_h~,.right-of- way lines on Tassajara Road, Gleason Drive, Central Parkway and Dublin Boulevard, and set Public Hearings for protest for 7:00 p.m. on August 3, 1999, and August 17, 1999. -3- RESOLUTION NO. - 99 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ADOPTING A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO ESTABLISH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINES FOR A PORTION OF TASSAJARA ROAD (FROM NORTH OF INTERSTATE 580 TO THE NORTHERLY CITY LIMIT LINE THAT IS LOCATED AT THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY OF DUBLIN RANCH TRACT 6962-NEIGItBORHOOD M1, AND FOR PORTIONS OF DUBLIN BOULEVARD, GLEASON DRIVE AND CENTRAL PARKWAY (FROM TASSAJARA ROAD TO THE WESTERLY BOUNDARY OF DUBLIN RANCH AREAS F, G & II) PA 99-015 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Dublin has received a report and recommendation from the Planning Commission recommending the establishment of right-of-way lines for a portion of Tassajara Road from north of Interstate 580 to the northerlY City limit line that is located at the northerly boundary of Dublin Ranch Tract 6962-Neighborhood M 1, and for portions of Dublin Boulevard, Gleason Drive and Central Drive (from Tassajara Road to the westerly boundary of Dublin Ranch Areas F, G & H); and WHEREAS, it is the intention of the City Council to establish rights-of-way for said roads; and WHEREAS, Sections 7.68.080 through 7.68.100 of the Dublin Municipal Code, require that the City Council set a public hearing to hear protests and objections to the establishment of said proposed right-of-way lines as described previously and as shown and described in Exhibit A. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Dublin City Council does hereby set public hearings on August 3,1999, at 7:00 p.m. and on August 17, 1999, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, California, to hear protests and objections to the establishment of the following proposed right of way lines: 1. . A portion of Tassajara Road from north of Interstate 580 to the northerly City limit line located at the northerly boundary of Dublin Ranch Tract 6962-Neighborhood MI; and 2. A portion of Dublin Boulevard from Tassajara Road to the westerly boundary of Dublin Ranch Areas F, G & H; and 3. A portion of Central Parkway from Tassaj ara Road to the westerly boundary of Dublin Ranch Areas F, G & H; and 4. A portion of Gleason Drive from Tassajara Road to the westerly boundary of Dublin Ranch Areas F,G&H. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution shall be pOsted in accordance with Section 7.68.070 of the Dublin Municipal Code at least ten (10) days before the date of the hearing, and any person having any interest in any land as described above upon which said fight-of-way lines are proposed to be established may file a written objection with the City Clerk at any time no later than the hour set for hearing objections. -1- ! PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of July, 1999. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk H: PW~Tass Rd row alignmt~reso of intention 20Ju199. doc -2- .... -2 ........... - ......... ......... __-~__-~__-._-__-.~__-.- ..... _ ......... ____=-__--__--=~- - ....... ~- / I ~.~..,~;. I ./ I -I- ~½' ,,,'--,,r~ -- -- , .... ~ .... ,.- - - z_,,._,~ -~--'}'- _-,I,._-_ c zl .... -. -_: =,_- ---_ _ = I. __~'_ ............. k=--_..=-- -- -~,~ -- - ~ ~ ~ ~----~ --- --- .,,. ............. 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' , ...................... · TAS~AJARA ROAD - .?- ,!-I- - -'~-° ' '.F- --~-'t- b,.~-'lz_-~ - - :,? - - + ': ~-l'-~5.1~'_:-d[ '--_-F~_-_'":"---'-'?~'":--:-- -~f,:m~'-' -"-: ...... .~-::'m~,.~-- ., / · I~!__~.1 ' .... '= ...........Ira"" .............. I CITY 0¥ DUBLIN I AGENDA STATEMENT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DATE: June 8, 1999 SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING: PA 99-015, Establish Right of Way Lines for portions of Tassajara Road, Dublin Boulevard, Gleason Drive and Central Parkway. (Report prepared by: Kevin Van Katwyk, Senior Civil Engineer) (1) Initiation of the Process to Establish Right of Way Lines for portions of Tassajara Road, Dublin Boulevard, Gleason Drive and Central Parkway (2) Review of Environmental Initial Study and Negative Declaration (3) Review of plans for Adoption of Right of Way Lines for a portion of Tassajara Road within the City from north of Interstate 580 to the northerly City limit line that located at the northerly boundary of Dublin Ranch Tract 6962-NeighborhOod M-l, and for portions of Dublin Boulevard, Gleason Drive and Central Parkway (from Tassajara Road to the westerly boundary of Dublin Ranch Areas F, G & H) (4) Determination of Conformity of Location, Purpose and Extent of said Right of Way Lines with the Dublin General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan ATTACHMENTS: 1) Resolution Initiating Process to Establish Right of Way Lines for portions of · ~ Tassajara Road, Dublin Boulevard, Gleason Drive and Central Parkway 2) Resolution ReCommending the City Council ApproVe the Finding of Conformity of Location, Purpose and Extent of said Right of Way Lines with the Dublin General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan; the Negative Declaration and approval of right of way lines 3) Negative Declaration 4) Environmental Initial Study 5) Figure 2B of the General Plan, Land Use Map 6) Figure 4.1 of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, Land Use Map 7) Figure 5.1 Proposed Road System from the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan 8) Tassajara Road Typical Section 9) Reduced Plan Lines for portions of Tassajara Road, Dublin Boulevard, Gleason Drive and Central Parkway prepared by MacKay & Somps RECOM~MENDATIONS: I) Hear Staff Presentation; 2) Take testimony from the public; 3) Question Staff and the public; COPIES TO: pUbliC Worl(~ Direct°r PA file H;~pwW~saj~ Rd row ~ignmt'~gst initiation 4) Deliberate; 5) Adopt Resolution initiating process to establish fight of way lines for a portion of Tassajara Road from north of Interstate 580 to the northerly boundary of Dublin Ranch Neiehborhood M-l, and portions of Dublin Boulevard, Gleason Drive Central PmTkway, from Tassajara Road to the westerly boundary of Dublin Ranc't~~' Areas F, G & H; 6) Adopt Resolution finding conformity of location, purpose and extent of said fight of way lines with the Dublin General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan; recommend to the City Council that they Approve and Adopt the Negative Declaration for said portions of streets and recommend to the City Council that they Adopt Right of Way Lines for said portions of streets. DESCRIPTION: One of the goals of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan is to establish a vehicle circulation system which provides s.~'-ficient capaci¢- for projected tralk'lc and allows convenient access to land uses. It states that the arterial su'ee~ in East Dublin are to be des, igned to carry very high tm_ffic volumes with a minimum of interference from comnezting u-affic. Shov~m on the land use map (Attachment 5) are all arterial streets including Dublin Boulevard, ~ weit as Tassajara Road, Gleason Road and Central Park~'ay (shovm as Transit Spine) ('Attachment 7). The Eastern Dublin Specific Plan states arterial streets are to be four, six and eight lanes wide to c?-. ~-ry the cormmu.~' Md sub-regional traffic through the specific plan area. Traffic reports of specific woj...s such as Dublin Ranch Phase I, Tassajara Meadows I and II, KoI1 Center, Emerald Glen and Tool Brothers requ'Lre Tassaiara Road be widened from two lanes to four, six and eight lanes in various locations. '~,fth the proposed De'[.'elopment of Dublin Ranch .~a-eas A-E and Az-ca F, G and H (currently under staff review), their respective u'affic reports require widening of Tassajara Road and the ex-tension of Dublin Boulevard, Gleason Road and Central Parkm,ay from Tassajara Road to Fallon Road. Recently the ultimate road fight of way aii_m~ments of each of these arterial streets were mapped, and provisions were made for the s,-udy of specific precise fight of way lines to be adopted by the City. The Cie' of Dublin M~..icipal Code (Sections 7.6830 '~o 7.68.100) outline the required process for adopting specific fight of way plan Iines. Listed below ai-e the necessary steps that must be taken to adopt specific fight of way prec,.'se plmn lines: 7.68.30 Ini.:'.'ation of the process may be accomplished by (A) petition of one or more affected property ov,~ers; CB) Resolution of the City Council; or (C) Resolution of the Planning Commission. In fffis case. staff recormmends that the z)rocess be initiated by Resolution of the Planning Commission (Auacbment t3. ~ne D~¢artrnent of Pubtic Works, under the direction of the City Engineer,rDirector of Public Works. has smcnea the proposed fight of way Iines using the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, City Standards, an Em,h-on_mental Initial Study (Attachment's4), traffic studies and have reviewed plans prepared by MacKay & Somps to assure confor-~ance with the City and CEQA requirementS. The City's Municipal Code further directs the ~%IIo~%g: 7.68.50 The Ptarming Commission shall hold at l~ast one public hearing regarding the proposed fight of way lines. The heating shall be noticed at least five days in advance of the hearing date by publication and posting the fiotice along the planned fight of way. This meeting has been noticed to the public ~u required, and staff' is now presenting the results of the studies the Pl~,-zning Com~-,..2ssion and public for review and input so that the Planning Commission can make a recommendation to the City Council concerning the proposed right of way lines. The City's Municipal Code 5arther directs the remaining process be the following: f-'"?.68.60 Upon receipt ora report from the Planning CommissiOn, the City Council shall adopt a Resolution of Intention which designates the right of way lines to be established. 7.68.70 The Resolutiori of Intention is to be published or posted at least 10 days prior to the date established for hearing objections to the proposal. 7.68.80 The time for hearing objections to the proposal shall be not less than fourteen (14) days or more than th/rty-five (35) days from the date of adoption of the Resolution of Intention. 7.68.90 Any person having interest in any land upon which the fight of way lines are proposed to be established may file a written objection at any time not later than the time set for hearing objections. 7.68.100 At the time set for hearing, the City Council shall proceed to hear and pass on all protests or objections to establishment of the fight of way lines. The City Council's decision is final and conclusive. Following the hearing of protests, the City Council may abandon the proceeding or deny the protests and adopt an ordinance establishing the right of way lines. At this time. staff:~ is proposing that the City initiate the establishment of precise right of way plan lines for the ~Sdening of Tassajara Road from 1-580 to the northerly City limit line (Northerly boundary of Dublin Ranch), and the extension of Dublin Boulevard, Gteason Road and Central Parkway (formally transit spine) from ~,.ssajara Road to the boundary of Areas F, G & H of the Jennifer Lin/Dublin Ranch Development ~approximately 850 feet east of Tassajara Road). After the precise right of lines have been adopted by the City Council, the City will acquire the additional needed fight of way from the undeveloped landowners in order to construct the first phase of street improvements and public utilities needed to serve the Eastern Dublin developed areas. BACKGROUND: Over the past several years, various portions of Tassajara Road, Dublin Boulevard and Central Parkway have been required to be dedicated and improved. The Dublin Ranch Phase I Developments with the cooperation of neighboring Tassajara Meadows I (Casterson) and II developments are conditioned to widen and improve Tassajara Road from Dublin Boulevard to northerly limit of their project. Dublin Ranch Phase I is required to dedicate, on their respective final maps, all the required right of way along the frontage of their project along Tassajara Road to the configuration shown in the right of way precise plan lines attached hereto as (Attachment 8_)). Likewise KolI Center Development was conditioned to widen, dedicate and improve Tassajara Road along their respective project frontage to the alignments shown on these right of way precise plan lines also. Alameda County Surplus Authority was conditioned on Tentative Map 7355, to dedicate a large portion of right of way along the west side of Tassajara ROad from Dublin BOulevard to GleaSon Road in accordance to these right of way precise plan lines. The only remaining pieces of Tassajara Road right of way that have not been required to be dedicated and improved are approximately 3,600 linear feet of the easterly section of right way located on the Dublin Land Company property (DiManto property frontage), approximately 3,050 linear fee of westerly ~!f section of rig_bt of way located on the Yarra-Yarra Property and appro 'ximately 500 linear feet of the Sterly half section of right located on Federal property at the north west comer of Tassajara Road and Dublin Boulevard. The Yarra-Yarra property, and Federal property right of way w/Il be granted with the approvals of proposed development projects on their respective parcels. The City is expecting t° condemn the needed east side of Tassajara Road across the Dublin Land Company (DiManto property) since there has not recently been'a development project submitted for City approval requiring the needed dedications and improvements. The needed right of way improvements will provide a connection for the projects to existing roadways and tb freeway and will include all of the needed necessary through-lanes and turn-lanes for the proposed level of '~ development as defined by the respective traffic reports for the specific projects. Staff has been working with the Lins, MSSH / Shea Development (Dublin Ranch Phase I), and their engineering consultant, MacKay & Somps, to determine the best alignment for these roadway segments. The general alignment of these roadways is shown in the Dublin General Plan (see Attachment 5) and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan (see Attachment 6_). The right of way lines need to be further established for these portions of roadways that are being proposed by the Jennifer Lin (Dublin Ranch Assessment District developer) and MSSH/Shea Development so that the Assessment Distr/ct improvements can be designed, with full connections from the Dublin Ranch Areas F, G & H project sites to existing roadways and so that the Dublin Ranch Phase I projects are connected to existing ro.adways as conditioned with their approvals. The area,, which makes up the proposed Tassajara Road right of way, varies from 66 feet to 10Ifeet wide. Dublin Boulevarck Gleason Drive and Central Parkway right of ways do not currently exist. The alignment of Tassajara Road is basically a straight line running north-south from north of Interstate 580 at the Tassajara Road interchange to the City limit line located on the northerly boundary of Dublin Ranch Phase I (Neighborhood M- 1). The right of way width will vary from 128 feet at the northern end of the road to 187 feet wide at the southern end (Attachment 9). From the FreewaY interchange, the roadway will need to be 8 through lanes and a large median to accommodate double and triple left turn lanes to Central Parkwcay. From Central Parkway the road will accommodate 6 lanes of through traffic and one left turn lane in the median, to the northerly boundary of Dublin Ranch Phase I. A large-radius curve has been included in the alignment at the northerly end of the road in order to pul1 the road away from an existing large building located next to the road 300 north of the boundary of Dublin Ranch Phase I (M-1 Neighborhood). ' The alignments of Dublin Boulevard, Gleason Drive and Central Parkwvay are also all basically straight lines running e~t-west between Tassajara Road and the westerly boundary of Dublin Ranch Areas F, G & H. The roadways are located perpendicular to Tassajara Road. On the northerly and southerly sides of each of the streets, is Dublin Land Company (DiManto property). The Dublin Boulevard right of way MI1 vary. from 140 feet to 161 feet wide and will accommodate 6 lanes of through traffic. The Gleason Drive right of way will vary from 104 feet to 125 feet wide and will accommodate 4 through lanes of traffic.. The Central Parkwcay right of way will vary from 104 feet to 130 feet wide and will accommodate 4 through lanes of traffic. Attachment 8 delineates the actual lane requirements and Attachment 9 are the detailed specific right of way plan alignment which are the focus of this review and approval. ENVIRONMENTAL AN.kLYSIS: Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), State CEQA Guidelines and the City of Dublin Environmental Guidelines, a Negative Declaration and Environmental Initial Study (see Attachment 3 & 4) were prepared for the proposed project so that it could be evaluated to determine any significant environmental impacts. The study concludes that there could not be any sigxificant effects on the environment as the necessary roadway improvements were considered as part of the EIR for the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and a Negative Declaration was therefore, prepared (see Attachment 3). These documents are required to be approved and certified by the City Council. They are first reviewed by the Planning Commission and then forwarded to the City Council with recommendations. .~ 4 GENERA J-, PLAN CONFORMITY: ~[~overnment Code Section 65402(a) states, in part, that if a General Plan has been adopted, no real property ail be acquired by dedication for street pUrPoses until the location, purpose and extent of such acquisition has been reported upon by the planning agency (Planning Commission) as to conformity with the General Plan. The proposed project is the establishment of right of way lines along a route provided and established within the Dublin General Plan and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. The fight of ways are located within lands described by the Dublin General Plan. The land along the right of ways will be developed for roadway purposes in accordance with the requirements and purposes of the Dublin General Plan and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. The proposed right of ways are within the physical scope of the Dublin General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and, therefore, the extent will be encompassed by, and consistent with, the General Plan and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. As such, it is found that the establishment of the fight of ways is consistent wSth regard to location, purpose and extent with the Dub/in General Plan and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff'recommends that the Planning Commission adopt the attached resolution initiating the process for the establishment o£r/ght of way lines for said portions of Tassajara Road, Dublin Boulevard, Gleason Drive and Central Parkway (Attachment I) and adopt the attached resolution recommending City Council approval of finding the location, purpose and extent of the establishment of fight of way lines in conformity with the Dublin General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan~(Attachment 2): and adopt the Negative Declaration (Attachment 3_)) for said portions of streets, and adopt the recommended Right of Way Lines for said portions of streets (Attachment 9). GENERAL INFORMATION: General Plan Land Use Designations: General Commercial; High Density, Medium-High Density and Medium Density Residential; and Public/Semi-Public Facility (High School) Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Land Use Desi~muations: General Commercial; Neighborhood Commercial; High Density, Medium-High Density and Medium Density Residential; and Public/Semi-Public Facility (High School) Existing Land Use: Vacant' Existing Zoning: Agricultural, General Commercial; Neighborhood Commercial; High Density, Medium-High Density and Medium Density Residential. RESOLUTION NO. - 99 A RESOLUTION OF TIlE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN FINDING OF CONFORMITY OF LOCATION, PURPOSE AND EXTENT OF RIGHT OF WAY LINES FOR A PORTION OF TASSAJARA ROAD (FROM NORTH OF INTERSTATE 580 TO THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY OF DUBLIN RANCH TRACT 6962-NEIGHBORI-IOOD M1), AND FOR PORTIONS OF DUBLIN BOULEVARD, GLEASON DRIVE AND CENTRAL PARKWAY (FROM TASSAJARA ROAD TO THE WESTERLY BOUNDARY OF DUBLIN RA~NCH AREAS F, G & H) WITH THE DUBLIN GENERAL PLAN A/ND THE EASTERN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN AND RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT THE NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND RIGHT OF WAY LINES FOR SAID PORTIONS OF STREETS AND Al)OPT RIGHT OF WAY LINES FOR SAID PORTIONS OF STREETS PA 99-015 WHER_EAS, the Planning Commission pursuant to the Dublin Municipal Code (Sections 7.68.3 0 to 7.68.100) has initiated the process for the establishment o£right of way lines/'or a portion of Tassajara Road from north of Interstate 580 to the nonherly boundary of Dublin Ranch Tract 6962-Neighborhood MI, and for portions of Dublin Boulevard, Gleason Drive and Central Drive (from Tassajara Road to the westerly boundary of Dublin Ranch Areas F, G & H) on June 8, 1999 and; WHEREAS, said fight of ways will pass through lands designated General Commercial, High Density Residential, Medium-High Density Residential, Medium Density Residential and Public/Semi- Public Facility (High School) on the Dublin General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan; and WHEREAS, Government Code Section 65402(a) states, in part, that ifa general plan has been adopted, no real property shall be acquired by dedication for street purposes until the location, purpose and extent of such acquisition has been reported upon by the planning agency (Planning Commission) as to conformity with the adopted general plan; and ' WHEREAS, the City of Dublin has adopted a General Plan and such Plan is applicable to the properties through which the proposed right of ways pass; and WHEREAS, the properties through which the proposed right of ways pass is located within an area encompassed by the lands designated General Commei'cial, High Density Residential, Medium-High Density Residential, Medium Density Residential and Public/Semi-Public Facility (High School) on the Dublin General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, and developed for circulation purposes in a manner consistent wSth those desig~nations; and V~q-IEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed and recommends that the City Council approve and certify the Negative Declaration for fight of way lines for said portions of streets; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Dublin Planning Commission does hereby find that: 1. The properties through which the proposed fight of ways pass is proposed to be developed for circulation purposes are in accordance with the requirements and purposes of the General Commercial, High Density Residential, Medium-High Density Residential, Medium Density Residential and Public/Semi-Public Facility (High School) designations on the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, and therefore the establishment of a right of way across said land is consistent with regard to purpose of the Dublin General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan: Said proposed fight of ways are consistant with Government Code Section 65402(a). 2. It is recommended that the City Council adopt the negative declaration and adopt rights of way lines for said portions of streets as identified in Attachments 8 and 9. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 8th day of June, 1999. AYES: NOES: .~3SENT: ABSTAIN: Planning Commission Chairperson ~'~ ATTEST: Community Development Director RESOLUTION NO. - 99 / 7 ~/ g ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COM~q[SSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN I~TE4T~G PROCESS OF EST~LIS~G ~GHT OF WAY L~S FOR A PORTION OF TASSAJ~ RO~ ~ROM NORTH OF ~E~TATE 580 TO THE NORThlY BO~~Y OF D~LIN ~CH T~CT 6962-~IG~O~OOD M1), ~ FOR PORTIONS OF D~L~ BO~EV~, GLEASON D~ ~ CE~~ PA~WAY ~ROM TASSAJ~ RO~.TO ~ ~STE~Y BOlDlY OF DUBL~ ~CH A~AS F, G & ~ PA 99-015 WHEREAS, pursuant to the Dublin Municipal Code Sections 7.68.30 to 7.68.100, the adoption of specific right of way lines must first be initiated by either a Petition of one or more affected property owaaers, or resolution of the City Council or resolution of the Planning Commission; and '~,~EREAS, the City of I~ublin Department of Public Works desires to irfitiate the process to establish fight of way lines for a portion of Tassajara Road from north of Interstate 580 to the northerly boundary of Dublin Ranch Tract 6962-Neighborhood MI, and for portions of Dublin Boulevard, Gleason Drive and Central Drive (from Tassajara Road to the westerly boundary of Dublin Ranch Areas F, G & H); mad WHEREAS, a study of the right of way lines has been completed by the City Engineer and is now referred to the Planning Commission for review and recommendations prior to any City Council action. Vv-I-IEREAS, the Planning Commission did hear and consider said study, recommendations and testimony herein above set forth and is in support of initiating said right of way process. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the pl~ng C°mmiSSi°n approves the initiati°n of the process to establish fight of way lines for said portions of Tassajara Road, Dublin Boulevard, Gleason Drive and Central Drive; PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 8th daY of jUne, 1999. AYES: NOES' ABSENT: .~d3STAIN: Planning COmmission Chairperson ATTEST: Com_munity Development Director A I'TAOHMENT RESOLUTION NO. - 99 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN FINDING OF CONFORMITY OF LOCATION, PURPOSE AND EXTENT OF RIGHT OF WAY LIN-ES FOR A PORTION OF TASSAJARA ROAD (FROM NORTH OF INTERSTATE 580 TO THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY OF DUBLIN RANCH TRACT 6962-NEIGHBORttOOD MI), AND FOR PORTIONS OF DUBLIN BOULEVARD, GLEASON DRIVE AND CENTI~iL PARKWAY (FROM TASSAJARA ROAD TO THE WESTERLY BOUNDARY OF DUBLIN I~4NCH AREAS F, G & H) WITH THE DUBLIN GENERA~L PLAN AND THE EASTERN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN AND RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT THE NEGATIVE DECLAtkiTION AND RIGHT OF WAY LINES FOR SAID PORTIONS OF STREETS AND ADOPT RIGHT OF WAY LINES FOR SAID PORTIONS OF STREETS PA 99-015 WHEtLEAS, the Planning Commission pursuant to the Dublin Municipal Code (Sections 7.68.30 to 7.68.100) has initiated the proceSS for the establishment of right of way lines for a portion of Tassajara Road fi.om north of Interstate $80 to the ndrtherly boundary of Dublin Ranch Tract 6962-Neighborhood M1, and for portions of Dublin Boulevard, Gleason Drive and Central Drive (fi.om Tassajara Road to the westerly boundary of Dublin Ranch Areas F, G & H) on June 8, 1999 and; WHEt~AS, said fight of ways will pass through lands designated General Commercial, High Densi~ Residential, Medium-High Density Residential, Medium Density Residential and Public/Semi- Public Facility (High School) on the Dublin General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan; and WHEP~AS, Government Code Section 65402(a) states, in part, that ifa general plan has been adopted, no real property, shall be acquired by dedication for street purposes until the location, purpose and extent of such acquisition has been reported upon by the planning agency (Planning Commission) as to conformity with the adopted general plan; and : Wb-IEtLEAS, the City of Dublin has adopted a General Plan and such Plan is applicable to the properties through which the proposed right of ways pass; and WHEREAS, the properties through which the proposed right of ways pass is located within an area encompassed by the lands designated General Commercial, High Density Residential, Medium-High Density Residential, Medium Density Residential and Public/Semi-Public Facility (High School) on the Dublin General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, and developed for circulation purposes in a manner consistent vdth those designations; and \¥~-IER~AS, the Planning Commission has reviewed and recommends that the City Council approve and certify the Negative Declaration for fight of way lines for said portions of streets; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Dubtin Planning Commission does hereby find that: "m' CHMENT .. 1. The properties through which the proposed right of ways pass is proposed to be developed for circulation purposes are in accordance with the requirements and purposes of the General Commercial, High Density Residential, Medium-High Density Residential, Medium Density Residential and pUblic/Semi-Public Facility (High School) designations On the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, and therefore the establishment of a right of way across said land is consistent with regard to purpose of the Dublin General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan... Said proposed right of ways are consistant with Government Code Section 65402(a). 2. It is recommended that the City Council adopt the negative declaration and adopt fights of way lines for said portions of streets as identified in Attachments 8 and 9. PASSED, .~r~PROVED AND ADOPTED this 8th day °f June, 1999. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABST.~d-N: Planning Commission Chairperson ATTEST: Community. Development Director NEGATIVE DECLARATION (Prepared pursuant to City of Dublin Environmental Guidelines, Section 1.7(c), 5.5) Description of Project: The project will establish official right-ofiway lines for major arteria!s in Eastern Dublin, as well as construct improvements to those streets. Acquisition of lands, either by purchase or eminent domain, will be required for constnJction of the roadways. ProjectAoc~tion: Major arterials in Eastern Dublin, including Tassajara Road (noAh of t-5S0 Interchange to no,hotly boundary of Dublin Ranch Tract 6962 - Neighborhood M-I), Gfeason Road, Central Parkway, and Dublin Boulevard (from Tassajara Road to westerly boundary of Dublin Ranch Areas F, G, & H). Name of Proponents: City of Dublin, Public Works Department; 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, CA 94568 I hereby find that the above project will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment. Attached is a copy of the initial Study ("Environmental Information Form" and "Environmental Checklist") documenting the reasons to suppo~ t,~e above finding. Mitigation Measures have been included-imth~project , / .. :, / L.~_,_.-'.P~/,'~..~ Dated: May 19, 1999 ' -Le~e S. ThompSop~-. Director ~f Public Works m~aon~ ~ :~nts G:?A~604S'~D C.::e --_nf:::-:m_n; ,c'~-m ,:,.=--.,~ Er,",ineerL-'.= S32-5£3C.' ,~"~.~l-~ , =, ........... ~ * . . "'-' - P-cr~ ,. · City of Dublfn Environmental CheckIist Form Initial Study 1. Project title: Eastern Dublin Arterial Street Improvements - A Portion of Capital Imt~rovement Proiect (CIP) No. 9640 2. Lead agency name and address: City of Dublir~ Public Works Department - 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin. CA 94568 3. Contact person and phone number: Lee Thomr>son, Director of Public Works: 925/833-6630 4. Project location: Maior arterials in Eastern Dubtin, includin_~ Tassaiara Road (north of 1-580 Interohzn~e to ar~r>ro×im~.telv 1.125 feet north of Gleason Road). Gleason Road. Central Park-wax,. and Dublin Boulevard (from Tassaiara Road to ar>r>roximatelv 850 feet east of Tassaiara Road; westerly boundary of Dubtin Ranch .Areas F, G & I-D. 5. Assessors ParceINumber(s): N/A 6. ProjeCt sponsor's name and address: Ciw of'Dublin_ Public Works Der~artment: 100 Civic Pt~7~ Dublin. CA 94568 7. GeneraI Plan designation: N/A 8. Zoning: N/A 9. Specific Plan designation: N/A 10. Description of project: (Descr/be the whole action involved, including but not timited to later phases of the pro. ject, and any secondary, support, or off-siie features necessary for irs implementation. Attach additional sheets if necessary.) TbJs vroie~ will establish official ri_~ht-of-wav tines for maior arterials in Eastern Dublin. as weI] as construct irnvrovements to those streets. Acquisition of lands, either bv vurchase or eminent domain. ~511 be resuired fvr construction of the roadways. Please also refer to va_~e 18. 11. Surrounding land uses and setting: Briefly deScribe the project's surroundings: Plezse refer to r~a_*e 18. 12. Other public agencies whose approval is required: (e.g., permits, financing approval, or p~.-ticipation aga-eernent.) ~orle. ENV/~RONN~NTAL FACTORS POTENTL~LLY A_FFECYED: The environmenta/factors checked below Would be poteJtially affected by this project, involving at least one impact that is a "Potentially Significant Impact': as indicated by the checklist on the folIowing pages. ~-] Aesthetics ~ A_~culture Resources. ~ Air Quality Biological Resources ~-~ Cultural Resources ~ Geolo=o-y/Soils I .I Hazards & Hazard°us Matefiats ~ Hydrology / Water QualitY ~--] L~d Use / Pieing I t u~i~iti~s / S~:e Systems !, 1 ~andato,-y ~indin~s of Si~c~ce DETEKMD~ATION: (To be completed by the Lead Agency) On the basis of this initial evaluation: ~ I find Sat the proposed project COUI_,D NOT have a signkfcant effect on the environment, and a h-EGATIVE DECLA~-t. TION will be prepared. i ! I fred rk~at although the proposed project could hive a si_m-ificant effect on the environment, there Mil not be a si_maificant effect in this case because revisions in the project have been made by or a~ead to by the proj~_~ proponent. A/~flTIGATED lk-EGATI¥'E DECI_,.4~-iTION will be prepared. fl.,nd that ~e proposed project 3,£-iY have a si_~cant effect on the enx~iromment, and an E.N-VI]RONMiENTAL Ih[PACT REPORT is required. 2 --[ I find that the proposed project ~£iY have a' "potentially significant impact" or "potentially significant un]. ess'mitigated" impact on the environment, but at least one.e.ffect 1) has been adequateIy analyzed in an earlier document pursuant to applicable Iegal standards, and 2) has. been addressed by mitigation measures based on the earlier analysis as described on attached sheets. A.n EhWYROl~f. ENTAL I~fl:'ACT REPORT is required, but it must analyze ovJy the effects that remain to be addressed. '-] I find that although the proposed project could have a si=~ificant effect on the environment, because ail potentially si_m'fificant effects (a) have been analyzed adequately in an earlier EIR or h-EGATIVE DECL.4J~ATION pursuant to applicable standards, and Co) have been avoided or mitigated pursuant to that earlier EIR or NEGATIVE DECL.4aRATION, including revisions or mitigation mgasures that,~re.. ,/reposed upon the proposed project, nothing further is required. ~_S~gnature ~ Date Lee Thompson. Director of Pubtic Works Printed nm-ne EVALUA. TtON OF ENVIRO/X%/fENTA.L I/V~ACTS: 1) A brief explanation is required for all answers except "No Impact" answers that are adequately supported by the information sources a Icad ~ency cites in the parentheses following each question. A "No Impact" answer is adequately supported if the referenced im'o"rmation sources show that the impact simpty does not apply to projects like the one invotved (e.g., the project fails outside a fault rupture zone). A "No Impact" answer should be explained where it is based on proje~-specific factors as well as general standards (e.g., the project will not expose sensitive receptors to polIu, tants,. based on a project-specific screening analysis). For the purposes of analysis for this document, a "No Impact" wilI signify that no ,new, impacts. (as .analyzed in the Eastern Dublin GeneraI Plan AmendmenffSpecific Plan El/*,) have been identified. 2) A.II answers must take account of the whole action involved, including off-site as well as on-site, cumulative as well as project-level, indirect as well as direct, and construction as well as operational impacts. 3) Once the lead ac, ency has d..t,.nmn~d that a particular physical impact may occur, then the checklist answers must indicate whether the impact is potentially significant, less than si_mn.ificant with mitigation, or less than significant. "Potentially Si~m'ifcant Impact" is appropriate if there ts 3 substantial evidence that an effect may be sigrfificant: If there are one or more "Potentially Significant Impact" entries when the determination is made, an EIR is required. 4) ""'e=~,~ __at, ye' Declaration: Less Than Significant With Mitieation_ Incorporated" applies where the incorporation of mitigation measures has reduced an effect from "Potentially Significant Impact" to a "Less Than Significant Impact." The lead agency must describe the mitigation measures, and briefly i explain how they reduce the effect to a Iess than significant level (mitigation measures from Section : XVII, "Earlier Analyses," may be cross-referenced). 5) Earlier analyses may be used where, pu.rsu .ant to the tiering pro,urn El]R, or other CEQA process, an effect has been adequately analyzed in an earlier EIR or negative declaration. Section 15063(c)(3)0D). In this case, a brief discussion should identify the following: a) Eartier Analysis Used. Identify and state Where they are available for review. b) ]L'npacts Adequately Addressed. Identify which effects from the above checklist were v, Srhin the scope of and adequately analyzed in an earlier document pursuant to applicable legal standards, and state whether such effects were addressed by miti.garion measures based on the earlier analysis. c) M]zigation Measures. For effects that are "Less than Sig-nificant with iXiiti.~arion Measures Incorporated," desc~be the mitigation measures which were incorporated or refined fforr, the earlier document and the ex-tent to wh/ch they address site-specific conditions for project. ' 6) Lead agencies are encouraged to incorporate into the checklist references to information sources for potenzial imf:acts. (e=.__., _aeneral plans, zoning ordinances). Reference to a previously prepared or outsid, document should, where appropriate, include a reference to the p~e or pages where the statement is substantiated. 7) Support'lng Lnforrnation Sources: A source list should be attached, and other sources used or hadiv/du~s contacted should be cited in the discussion. =~ ,. * different formats; however, lead 8) This is only a su____.st.d form, and l~d f~ '~ a_~.nc~s are tree to use agencies should normally address the questions from this checklist that are relevant to project's enviromnaental effects in whatever format is selected. The explanation of each issue should identify: a) 1-ne si=m'ificance criteria or threshold, if any, used to evaluate each question; and b) ~ne mitigation measure identified, fi.any, to reduce the impact to less than si_m'fificance. EnVironmentaI Impacts. The sourCe of determination is listed in parenthesis. See listing ofsources used to determine each potential impact at the end of the checklist. A full discussion of each item is found folIowing the checklist Potentially Less Than Less Than No New Si=mgficant Si_m4ficant Signfficant Impa:~ Impact aSth Impart Mitigation Insomoration I. AESTFI'ETICS - Would the project: -- a) Have a substantial adverse effect on a scenic vista? / X (Source: 1, 2, 7) ! b) Substantially damage scenic resources, includin& but nott limited to, trees, rock outcro~>pin~s, and histo,dc buildin_~s ~ X within a state szenic hiahway? (Source: 1, 2, 7) c) Substanzialty e._, ad,. the existing visual character or quaiiry of the sire and its surroundings? (Source: o, 7) d) Create a new source of substantial light or glare which X would advers~_iy affect day or nighttime views in the area? (Source: 2) II. AGRICULTL'-R_E RESOURCES - In determining whether impacts to a~m-icuttural resources are si~cant environmental effects, lead agencies may refer to the CalLfo,,-zia A=m-iculmral Land Evaluation and Site .~zsessment Model (1997) prepared by the Calit%rnia Dept. of Conservation as mn optional model to use in assessing impacts on a=m-iculmre and farmland. Would the project: a) Convert ?;5me Fm,-rnland, U~que Fm,-niand, or Fm,-nt---.nd of StateMde Importance (F~-nland), as shown on the maps prepared pursuant to the Farmland Mapping an.eel Mo~to~ng Progam of the California Resources A?_nc.v, to non-a_m-icultural use? (Source: 2, 7) b) Co.irt vdth exisrin_= zoning for agricultural use, or a . ,. Wiiliamson Act contract? (Source: 2, 7) X Potentially | Less Than Less Than No Nc Si_~¢a~t/ Sigmificant S~gnificant Impact' Impact Mth Impact Mitigation Incorooration c) Involve other changes in the existing environment which, X due to their location or nature, could result in conversion of Farmland, to non-agricultural use? (Source: 2, 7) IH. AIR OUALITY - Where available, the si_m'lificance Criteria established by the applicable ak quali~ Management or ak pollution control district may be Relied upon to make the following determinations. Would /he project: : z) Con.riict with or obstruct implementation of the applicable air quality plan?(SourCe: 2, 7) X b) Violate ma5, air c~uatiry standard or contribute suesrantmLy to an ex~stin_~ or projected air quaiiry violation? (Source: 2, 7) c) Result. hna cumulatively considerable net'~n,~,~ .... ~_s,. of X any c~teri, a pollutant for which the project re, on is non- zr~aL-~ment under an applicable federal or state ambient air quality mzndard (including rele~ing emissions which excee.d quantitative thresholds for ozone precursors)? (Source: 2, 7) d) Expose sensitive receptors to substantial pollutant con:.sntrations?(Source: 2, 7) X e) Create objecrionable odors a~ecring a substantial number ofpeople?(Source: 8) X 6 Potentially Less Th~n No New ' ' Si~m~iflcantSignificant Significant Impac~ Impa~ ~5~ Impact ~figafion ' Incomomfion IV. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES -Would the project: a) Have a s",~bstanrial adverse effect, either directly or through habitat modifications, on any species identified as a X candidate, sensitive, or special stares species in local or re~onal plans, policies, or regulations, or by the California Department offish and Game or U.S. Fish and Wildlife Sen,ice? (Source: 2, 7) : b) Have a substanfi~ adverse effect on any riparian habitat or other sensitive natural community identified in local or r~gionaI plans, poiic, ies, re~lations or by the Californ/a Department offish and Game or US Fish and Wildli£e Sea'ice? (Source:.;," 7 ) c) Have a substanri~ adverse effect on rSderally protected wetI~nds as defined by Sexton 404 of the Clean Water Act (including, but not iirnited to, marsh, vernal pool, coastal, etc.) through dire:.t removal, filtin~ hydrolo~caI inte,wuprio~ or other means? (Source: 2, 7) d) inte~ffere subst?ntialty Mth the movement of any native resident or m/grato,-y fish or wSldiiz~ species or with eszzbi/shed native r¢sident or minatory wildtiz~ co.dots, or [mpede the use o£native Mldlk~ nursery sites? (Source: 2, 7) e) Co.ici wilth any local policies or ordinances protecting X biolo~ical resources, such as a tree preservation poticy or ordin,..nce? (Source: 2, 7) i) Cor~ict with the erovisions of an adopted ~ ' ' Consa,wation Plan. Natural Commu~ty Conse~'ation ?lan f.~:~ or other approved local, re, oriel, or state habitat ~ conSe,-x-ation Plan? (source: 2, 7) ?otentially I.~ss Than Less Than No N~ Si=,~nificant Significant $ignkficant Impa~ Impact with Impact Mitigation ' Incoroomtion V. CULTUK~L RESOURCES - Would the project: a) Cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of a kisto~cal resource as defined in § 15064.5? (Source: 2, 7) X b) Cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of an archaeological resource pursuant to ~ 15064.5? (Source: 2, 7) c) Directly or indkectty destroy a unique paleontological resource or site or unique geolo~c feature7 (Source: 2, 7) d) DisruFD tony human remains, including those interred outsi~e offo~'-mal cemeteries? (Source: 2, 7) XJ. GEOLOGY AND SOILS- Would the project: a) Expose paople or structures to potential substantial adverse eff'e~s, including the risk of loss, injury, or death invoMng: i) Rupture of a 'known earthquake ~ault, as delineated on the most recent .~quist-Priolo E~,'-rhquake Fault Zoning Map : X issue.8 by tn. State Geologist for the area or based on other sub~,ntial evidence ora known fault? Refer to Division of -~nes and G~ology Special Publication 42. (Source: 2, 7) ii) Strong seismic Found shaking? (Source: 2, 7) X iii) Seis~c-retated ~ound failure, including Iiquefaction? (Source: 2, 7) X iv) Landslides? (Source: 2, 7) X b) Result in substa~nrial soil erosion or the loss of topsoil? (Source: 2, 7) X 8 Pot:ntially L~ Than L~xs Thzn No N~w Si_mzific~t Si_mzificant Signific~m Impa:~ Impact ~th Impact Mitigation Incomora~Jon c) Be loczted on a geologic unit or soil that is unstable, or that would become unstable as a result of the project, and X potentially result in on- or off-site landslide, lateral spreading subsidence, liquefaction or colIapse7 (Source: 2, 7) d) Be located on expansive soiI, as defined in Table 18-1-B of the U~-o'''m Building Code (1994), creating substantial X risks to lif~ or property? (Source: 2, 7) e) Have soi.~s incapable of adequately supporting the use of X septic tarJ:.s or alternative waste water disposal systems where sewn_rs are not available for the diipesal of waste water? (Soxrce: 8) Y-fi. tgAZARDS A~D lgAZA. RDOUS .~{ATERI-iLS - Would the project: a) Crest-.. a s,~gnkfcant h,~_ard to the public or the X environment through the routine tr~sport, use, or disposal ofh~-.~.zrdous materials? (Source: 8) b) Create a s~_=nificant h~ard to the public or the · .'7 · envaronmanr .~ou~.n reasonably foreseeable upset and accident candirions involving the rele~e of hazardous mater,s into the environment? (Source: 8) c) Errfit h~=_za~-dous en-Jssions or handle hazardous or acutely h,._zm-dous mzrerials, substances, - '~ ' ' ' or was[,, v~utmn one- qum~er rni]~_ o~an ex~sting or proposed school? (Source: 8) 9 Pot:ntially Less Than Less Than No NE Sig'rdficantSig'ltificant Si~cant Impact with Impact Mitigation Incorporation d) Be located on a site wMch is included on a list of hazardous materials sites compiled pursuant to X Government Code Section 65962.5 and, as a result, would it create a significant hazard to the public or the environment? (Source: 8) e) For a project located within an airport land use plan or, where such a plan has not been adopted, within two X miles of a public airport or public use airport, would the project result in a safety hazird for people residing or working in the project area? (Source: 8) 0 For a project v&kin the vicinity ofa p,fivate airsnfp, would the project result in a safer), hazard for people X residing or working in the project a-ea? (Source: 8) g) Lnnpair implementation of or physically inte~ere with an adopted emergency response plan or emergency X evacuation plan? (Source: 8) h) Expose peopte or structures to a significant Nsk of loss, hnjury or dec.ch invoMng wildland fires, including where X wildtands a-e a{iacent to urbanized areas or where residences a-e intermixed with wiIdlands? (Source: 8) : *v-lTl. i~-DROLOGY AND WATER OUALITY- Would the project: a)_.~._.~-v';,~.--*~ any water qualiry standards or waste dls~har_., ~' fa requirements? (Source: 8) X b) Subst~-.n.:~-_!i~'y deplete groundwater supplies or interfere substantially wkh ~oundwater recharge such that there would be a net deScit in aquifer volume or a lowering of the local _~m'-oundwater table level (e.g., the production rate ofpre-exJs*.ing nearby wells would drop to a level v, inich would not suppo~ existing land uses or planned uses for wbJch pern-Jts have been ~anted)? (Source: 2, 7) 10 . ~'~, Potentially Less Than Less Than No New '- SiDaificant Si~-~nificant SJ=,~ificant Impa~ : Impact ~Sth Impact Mitigation : Incomoration c) Substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of the site or area, including through the alteration of the X course of a stream or river, in a manner which would result in substantial erosion or siltation on- or off-site? (Source: 2, 7) d) Substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of the site or area, including through the alteration of the X course o£a stream or river, or substantially increase the rate or amount of surface mnoffin a manner which would result in flooding on- or off-ske? (Source: 2, 7) e) Create or contribute runoffwater which would exceed the ca:ac.:~ of existing or planned stormwater drainage systems or provide substantial additional sources of z>oltuted runoffS.. (Source: '~, 7) 0 Otherwise substantially de~ade water quali~? (Source: 2, 7) g) Place housing wSthin a 100-year flood h~ard area as X mapped on a federal Flood Haz. m-d Boundary or Flood L-,.surance i~te Map or other flood hazard delineation map? (Source: 8) ; h) Plar. e w~rhin a 100-year flood hazard area smactures which would impede or redirect flood flows? (Source: 8) X i) Ex.~ose p~ople or structures to a significant risk ofloss, X [%~m"y or daa.:h involving flooding including flooding as a result of th, £aiture ora levee or dam? (Source: 8) j) EXpOSe p~ople or structures to a significant risk of loss, in invoMng inundation by seiche, tsunami, or mudflow? X (Source: 8) 11 Potentially t.~ss Than Less Than No Net Si=mzificantSi__m~ificant Significant Impa:.~ Impact with Impact Mit/gat[on Incoroorat/on IX. LAND USE AND PLAN~'~G - Would the project: a) PhysicaJty divide an established community?' (Source: 8) X b) ConfLi~ with any applicable land use plan, policy, or regulation of an agency wSth jurisdiction over the project (including but not limited to the general piers specific plan, local cozstal pregram, or zoning ordinancQ adopted for zhe purpose of avoiding or mitigating an enviro~mmen--.~ effect? (Source: 2, 7) :: c) Co.itt v.-irh an), applicable habitat conservation plan or natural community conservation plan? (Source: 2, 7) X. MIlN-ER_AL RESOGRCES - Would the project: a) R~sutt tn r'n-~ less ofavailaNIity ora known mineral resourc, that would be of value to the regdon and the residents ofzhe stat~? (Source: 8) b) Result in the less of avaitability ora locally-important mineral resource recovery site delineated on a local X general plan, specific plan or other land use plan? (Source: 8) XI. NOISE - Would rn~ project result in: a) Exposure of persons to or generation of noise levels in excess of standm-ds established in the Iocal general plan or no[se ordh':znce, or applicable standards of other X agencigs? (Source: 2, 7) b) Exposure of persons to or generation of excessive g-roundbome vibration or D-oundbomeno~s..' ~ I..x '~ ,~'l...s.? X , ~ (Source: 2, 7) . !'- 12 ?o~=nria/ly Mss Than L:s$ Than No $i=,~LficantSigni~fi cant $ignLficant Impa~--~s Impact ~ith Impact Mitigation · Incorporation c) A substantial permanent increase in ambient noise levels in the project vicinity above Ievels existing without ' X the project? (Source: 2, 7) d) A substantial temporary or periodic increase in ambient noise levels in the project vicinity above levels X existing without the project? (Source: 2, 7) e) For a project iocated within an ah-port land use plan X or, where such a plan hzs not been adopted, wkh~n two miIes o£a public ai~ort or pubiic use airpo~, woutd the project expose people residing or working in the project area to excessive noise Ievek? (Source: $) 0 For a project v~d:hin thc viciniW o£a private airstrip, X would the project expose people residing or working in the project ~ea to excessive noise levels? (Source: 8) .%1-/. POP~-LATION Ah~D HOUSI'NG- V¢ouId the project: z) Induce substantial population ~owzh in an ekb, er d~rec~iy (for e×amp]e, by propofing new homes and businesses) or indh-ect]y (for example, through ex-tension : X o£rozds or omer zr~rzs~ructure)? (Source: ~, 7) b) Dis?Iac~ substanfizl numbers o£ existing houfing, necessitz~n_~ t..hc construction ofreplacement housing ~l~v.,n~r~9 LlrCe: c) Displace substantial numbers ofpeople, necessitatin~ thc consW.~cfion of replacement housin~ (Source: 13 Po~cwlally I~ss Than Less Than No N' ~ Si_m~Jicant Si=onificant Significam Impa~ Impa~ ~th Impact Mitigation In¢o ,rporation XHI. PUBLIC SER%qCES a) Would the project resutt in substantial adverse. physical h-npacts associated with the provision of new or · .. physically altered governmental facilities, need for new or ph}'Sicaliy altered governmental facilities, the consu'uction ofwNch could cause significant emironmental impacts, in order to maintain acceptable sen,ice ratios, response times or other performance objectives for any of the public se~dces: FireProrescion? (Source: 8) X Police Proter. rion? (Source: 8) X ,~_,., Schools? (Source: 8) X Parks7 (Source: 8) X Other Pubi/: Facilities? (Source: 8) X xI~r. RECREATION- a) Would the project increase the use of existing neighborhood and reg-ional parks or other recreational X r%cilities such that substantial physical deterioration of the hciiity would occur or D. accelerated? (Source: 8) b) Does the proje~ include recreational facilities or X require the construction or expansion ofre~eational facilities wNch migSnt have an adverse physical effect on the en~Sronrn=nt? (Source: 8) I4 $igmificant $i=,mifi:~_nt Significant Impacts Impact / with Impact i~tigation Incorporation XV. TR_-iNSPO RTA TlrO NfYRAFFIC- Would the project: a) Cause mn increase. in franc which is substantial in relation to the e.'dsting traffic load and capacity of the -. street system (i.e., result in a substantial increase in either the number of vehicle trips, the volume to capacity ratio on roads, or congestion at intersections)? (SOurce: 2, 7) b) Exceed, either indMdualt}' or cumulatively, a level of sen'ice srmndm-d established by the county congestion managsm~_nt agency for designated roads or h/ghways? (Source: 2, 7) ... c) Result in a change in air trz~,~c patterns, including either an in,tease in traffic levels or a change in location that results Lq substantial s~ety riskS? (Source: 2, 7) d) Substmn~ziiy increase beam-ds due to a desi_o-n feature - X (..=., shm'-'o c'a~es or aan~erous intersections) or m,.ompano.,e uses (~.=., farm equipment)? (Source: 2, 7) e) Result in h-;adequate eme~ency access7 (Sours. e: 2, 7) X Result in '?:adequate pm-king capacity? (Source: 8) X g) Co~qict with adopted policies, plans, or pro.m-ns X .. -I .... ' 'o transportation (e.g., bus turnouts, supporting ---' ,-, ~,.~tlX',, . . bicvcle racks)7 (Source: 2, 7) XVI. UTt'LiTYES ANI) SERVICE SYSTEMS - Would the projem: Potentially Less Than Less 'l-nan No Ne Si=--mi.ficant Si_m~ificant Si_mai_titan! Impaz'3~ Impact ~dth impact Mitigation In~rooratJon a) Exceed wastewater treatment requirements of the X appticable Regional Water Quality Control Board? (Source: 8) b) Kequk~ or result in the construction of new water or X -- wastewater treatment facilities or expansion of existing facilities, the construction of which could cause significmat cnviror, mental effects7 (Source: 8) c) Require or result in the construction of new sto.'xn ~ water drzk~a~e facilities or expansion of existing zXzilities, the consnnaction ofv,,h/ch could cause sigrJScant emdrommental effects? (Source: 2, 7) d) Have sufficient water supplies available to serve the ~-rr[ ,.,~; .~roje:x from ".xus~n__" .4. ~ entitlements and resources, or are new or expanded entitlements needed? (Source: 8) e) Result La a ae~e..-mmat~on by me wastewater treatment _-~ provider wifch serves or may serve the proje~ that it has adeouate capacity to s~rve the proje~'s projected demand in addition to the pro~,4der's existing comrnkments? (Source: 8) , z") Be se,wed by a landfill with sur~cient pen'nirted X capaciD, to accommodate the project's solid waste disposal n~-ds? (Source: 8) g) Comply wkh :%deral, state, and local statutes and ' X reFzlations related to solid waste? (Source: 8) XX,'-lI. MANT)ATORY ~-TN-DINGS OF SIGNTFICANCE '~ 16 Pot¢nfially I.~ss Than L:ss Than No New Si__,~ficant Si=~cant Significam Impacts Impact with Impact Mitigation · Incorvoration a) Does the project have the potential to de_m-adc the quality of the environment, su.bstantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wiIdtife species, cause a fish or wildlife popuIation to drop below self-sustaining levels, lhreaten to eIiminate a plant or m'zimal community, reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of Catifo,mia history or prekistory? (Source: 2, 7) b) Does the proje= have iNpacts that are indRSdually limited, but cumulatively considerable? ("Cumulatively considerabl~" means that the incremental effe~s of a project m-e considerable when ',Sewed in co~ection ~h th~ of past pr~ezts, thc effects of other cu~ent projects, ~d th= effects ofprobi~le ~mre projects)7 (Source: 2, 7) =s rn- project~ na~,- wMch will czus~ subs~mtial adv~rs~ eff~s on hnmmu b~in~s, ~kh~r directly or indirectly7 (Source: 2, 7) Sources used to determine potential environmental impacts: 1. De.:e,~'xninarion based on location of project. ~ 2. Dete,,-q-ninarion based on staff office review. 3. Dete,,-xninarion based on field review. ~ Detm,-rnination based on the City of Dubtin General Plan 5. Dete,wnination based on the City of DUblin Zoning Ordinance. 6. Dete,-x,Jnation based on E~tern Dubtin Specific Pla_n, June 6, J998.' 7. Dete,,-xnination based on Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment and SpeciSc Plan Final EUL. Admh-~istrative Record Volumes I-rtl. 8. Not applicable. 17 City o£DubIin Explanations for Checklist Form Proiect Descrir>tion~- As provided for in Section 7.68.010 of the City's Municipal Code, "A right-of-way line study may be established.., for the purpose of reSen,ing areas for furore ~5dening, extension, or creation of streets, highways, or space for future utilities, pedesrr/an ways. fire and police emergency access, access to propemd, and ail public rights-of-way'." This project ,aiI1 establish -- ogficiaI r/ght-of-way lines for major arterials in Eastern Dublin, as well as construct improvements to those sweets for the portion being funded by the Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee. It is anticipated that eminent domain may be initiated for acquisition of some of the properties necessary for such construction. The Baste,n Dublin General Plan A. mendment and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan were approved on May ! 0, 1993 (Resolution No. 51.-93). Several amendments to the Specific Plan and General Plan have been adopted since.-The-Eastern Dublin Specific Plan provides the planning fi-amework to guide furore land ,use and development decisions in E~tern Dublin. ~,n area that encompasses approximately 3,300 acres. 'Fne Envi-onmenr. al Impact Report for the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment a.nfl Specific Plan (SCH # 91103604) and Addenda thereto dated May 4, 1993 and August 22. 1994 ("FEIR") analyzed the impact of the development ar>proved by the General Plan Amendment and the Specific Plan. The roadways included in Table I, attached hereto, facilitate the planned land uses. This a~natysis looks at the site-specific impacts of the establishment of the right-of-way lines, consu'-ucfion of the roadways and acquisition of property for such consU-uction. Major m'-zerials included in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and this Capital Irnr>rovement Project (CIP No. 9640) are sho'am in Table 1. It is anticipated that most of the actual roadway construction work v¥5II be accomplished by developers who are required to pay Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fees, w4th fee credits given for the work completed. The time tim-ne for esrabhsv_ment of ~ght-of-way lines and completion of construction (for those roadway portions funded) is 1998-2003. The area of the ~tm-e right-of-way includes pr0per/y that is currently not owned by Cue CiD' of Dublin or for w'rfich the City has not obtained easements over smd property. The CiD' cm'-rendy anticipztes that for certain properties involved, eminent domain (defined as the fight of the governmem [City of Dublin] to take private property for public use by virtue of superior domkfion of the government over all lands within its jurisdiction) may be irfiriated. ~ ?rojegt Des~-n-ipfion and Setting info,n-nation was provided by the Public Works Deparrrngnt and the Easr,m Dublin 5?~cific Plan, June 6, 1998 O~"allace )~oberts & Todd). Dublin An'.tiM Street Irnprox'.-rnm~ CIP No. 9640 The actions covered by this environmental document include: l) establishment of the righ:-of- way lines; 2) construction of roadways; and 3) acquisition of land Co5' purchase or eminem domain) for pm'poses of constructing the roadways. Table 1 CIP No. 9640 Major Arterial Streets in Eastern Dublin Roadws.v/Segment Existing Configuration ] Proposed Configur-~rion Tassajara Road - north of I-SS0 Interchange to 2 lanes (1 each direction); [ 8 lanes (4 each direction, plus Dublin Boulevard 100-foot right-of-way [ additional mm lanes at intersection): 187-foot right- of-way. Tassajara Road - north of Dublin Boulevard 2 lanes (1 each direction); 66 S lanes (4 each direction, plus intersection to Central Parkway intersection to SS-foot right-of-way additional rum lanes m intersection): 166-foot rigi~i- of-way, plus additional ri_~ht- · of-way at intersection with Dublin Boulevard. Tassajara Road -north of Cenh'-al Park'way 2 lanes (1 each direction); 66- 6 lanes (3 each direction, plus intersection to Gle~on Drive intersection foot right-of-way additional rum lanes m intersection): 141 to 150-foot right-of-way. Tassajara Road - nor'da of Gleason Drive 2 lanes (1 each direction); 66- 6 lanes (3 each direction, plus intersection to nor-da-°m boundary of Dublin foot right-of-way additional mm lanes at Ranch Tm:t 696_-N~i_hbor'nood M1 intersection); 128 to l Se-foot h~ht-of-wav. Dublin Boulevard - west of Tassajm'-a Road None exists. 6 lanes (3 each dire:z/on, plus inrerse~ioJ to wesz.°riy boundary of Dublin additional rum lan es at Ranch Arza~ O & H intersection);/40 to 161-foot right-of-way. Central Parkway - west of Tassajara Road None exists. 4 lanes (2 each dire:zion plus inz:rsection to west:rty boundary.' of Dubtin additional rum lanes at Ranch Are~ F & O intersection); 104 to ]SO-foot right-of-way. Gleason Drive - west of Tassajm-a Road None exists. 4 lanes (2 each dire:zion plus intersection to wes'.¢rly boundary of Dublin additional rum lanes at Ranch .A~-ea F intersection); 104 ~o ]25-foot right-of-way. Source: Draft Precise Plan Lines Plan, Ci0, of Dubtin Public ~l"or~:s Department, ~vrepared by MacKay & Somas I~o~rastruature Group, dated recei,,ed S'~ray 7, 1999. Dublin Arterial Sm=et Improvements, CIP No. 9640 Page 19 'Fne legal description and approved plats for the roadways indicated in Table 1 are included as Appendix A to this report. Surrounding Land Uses and Setting The Eastern Dublin Specific Plan' Area is .surrounded primarily by open space, grazing and agriculn.u'al lands, and developable vacant commercial property. The Parks Resen,e Forces Training .Area, knowT~ as Camp Parks, and the Federal Correctional Institute are located :o the west. Lands in the jurisdiction of Contra Costa CounD' are located to the north and are predominantly open space consisting of hilly, _m'ass-c°vered grazing land. The area east of Specific Plan .Area is unincorporated land Mihin Alameda County: consisting of rural open space with limited a_m-icultural and rural residential uses and veo' hill), terraim Major land uses to the " south (south ofi-580) include Hacienda Business Park, car dealerships, and highway commercial uses. l--ne ciD' of Pleasanton is located south ofi-580. Projects either under coFsrruction (UC), recently approved (A), or currently proposed (P) that in the project vicinin., include the following: West of Tassajara Road, starring at nm-them end - · Gre_=.nbfiar- (P) · Tassajara MeadOws I & II- (IJC) · Emerald Glen Park, Phase I - (UC) · Co',unry Site 3 - (P) · Koll Center- (A) East of Tassajm-a Road, staring at northern end - · Dublin Ranch Phase I - (UC) · Dublin Ranch .Areas F, G, & H - (P) Exhibi,:s 1 indicates the Project Vicinity for the proposed project. Ea~'x:m Dublin An:Hal Srre:t improv:m~m, CIP No. 9640 , a=. _0 Explanations The foIlowing section provides narrative respons.es that correspond with the environmental checklist form. Please note that for items checked "No New ImPacts", this signifies that no new impacts as indicated in the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan Final Ell CEE/P,.) (SCH No. 91103604), have been identified. Where impacts would be similar to those identified in the FEIR, applicable mitigation measures from that document are referenced. I. Aesthetics a, b, c - The Alameda Coun(y General '7'Ia~ Scenic Element (May I965) designates Tassajara Road as a scenic route. Planned and approved urban development in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan azea will significantly alter the visual experience of travelers on scenic routes in eastern Dublin. Formerly quiet roads will be transformed into major suburban thoroughfares carrying significant traffic loads.2 Mitigation measures 3.8/8.0 and 3.8/8.1 identified in the Eastern Dublin SP/G?A FEll would apply. The proposed project would be in conformance with the adopted Specific Plan, therefore no new impacts are anticipated. d- Project plans do not specify the. installation of street lights. It can be assumed, however, that portions of the roadways would b~ illuminated. The future instaltation of street lights would create a new source oflight and may affect nighttime v/ews in the area. Inasmuch as the roadway constracriorfwidening would occur in areas planned and approved for development, impacts are anticipated to be less than significant. II. A_~culture Resources a-c - Portions of the proposed project area are currently utilized for cattle _m-azing. As identified in the Eastern Dublin SP/GPA Final FIR (Administrm. ive Record Vol. 3, p~e 705), lands on" either side of Tassajara Road, south of Dublin Boulevard, are considered prime agricultural land based on criteria established by the Cortes~,~Knox Act (Seztion 56064). The Final FIR states that loss ofpNme agricultural Iand is considered unavoidable, but for reasons stated in that document, is not significant. 32Vo new in,acts are a~ticipated. III. )dr Oualitv a-e - Once built or -~Sdened, it is anticipated that trmff]c-generated air quality impacts on the roadways included in this project would increase. The ?'Ell indicates that mobile source emissions for ROG and NOx would be significant upon full buildout of the Specific Plan area. Implementation of rrfitigation measures 3.11/5.0 through 3.11/11.0 would not achieve the 98% reduction in project-related traffic needed to reduce emissions below the ozone precursor significance th-eshold. Residual air quality impacts would remain significant. Upon completion of cons-~ruction, no objectionable odors would be created. Aro new impacts are tn~ticipatect =~_rtem Dublin Sp=i.fi¢ Plan/Gene-al Plan Amgndment, Admini~aative R~ord (from Alameda County Superior Court A,--don No. V43064774 VO) Vol. I, pp. 294-295. roi& VoL III, p. 706. Ibid. ¥'oL I, p. 328. Dublin A.,-~ml Str----t Imm-ovemenla, CIP No. 964.0 Earthwork typically involved in rOadway construction would produce short-term increases in particulate matter (PM-10) and NOs (from diesel-powered equipment) concentrations. The FEIR (Vol. I., 1:'. 326) indicates that thc project area is wlthin a non-attainment air basin for PM-10. Implementation of mitigation measure 3.11/1:0 would reduce project dust deposition (PM-10) impacts to a level of insignificance. Under buildout .COnditions, implementation of mitigation measures 3.11/2.0 through 3.11/4.0 would not reduce ozone precursor emissions (NOs) to less than significant level. Even with mitigation, cumulative impacts related to construction dust deposition, construction vehicle emissions, and mobile source emissions remain potentially significant cumulative impacts, in part .due to non-attainment status of the air basin, .No new impacts are anticipated[ IV. BioIo~ical R~sources a-f- /'ne FEIR (Vol. I, pp. 262-269) identifies sensitive habitat and animal species that exist or potentizlly exist within the Specific Plan area. Fi=oures 3.7 A-C of the FEIR (Vol. I, pp. 283-2g$) ' indicat~ that of the roadways included in CIP No. 9640, only the northern-most portion of Tassajaza Road has existing or suitable habitat and species present. These habitat and species include, but are not limited to, Northern Riparian forest, San 3'oaquin kit fox habitat, golden eagle, burrowing, owl, and Northern 'harrier. Implementation of mitigation measures 3.7/1.0 through 3.7/4.0 of the FEIR would reduce : impacts associates With loss of habitat to a level of insignificance. Implementation of mitigation measure 3.7/5.0 (as revised, see Vol. ]I, p. 570) would reduce impacts associated with vegetation removal to a level of insignificance. Implementation of mitigation measures 3.7/6.0 through 3.7/17,0 (measure 3.7/g.0 as revised, Vol. 717. p. gg2; measure 3.7/9.0 as revised, Vol. II, p. $8-4) would reduce impacts associated with loss or de~adation of sensitive habitat to a level of insignificance. Implementation of mitigation measures 3.7/18.0, 3.7/19.0 and 3.7/18.1 (see Vol.' II, p. 697) would reduce impacts associated with loss of San ~oaquin kit fox habitat/dens to a level of insignificance. Implementation of mitigation measure 3.7/25.0 would reduce impacts associated with lots of golden eagle habitat to a level of insi__oa~Lficance. Implementation of mitigation measures 3.7/20.0, 3'.7/25.0, and 3.7/27.0 (as revised, see Vol. II, p. 60-4) ~ould reduc~ impacts associated with burrowing owl and northern bm-tier habitat to a level of insignificance. Cumulative impacts related to direct loss of habitat and golden eagle habitat ~re consider-ed potentially significant Implementation of mitigation measures 3.7/1.0 through 3.7/I5.0, 3.7/23.0 and 3.7/25 would result in a level of insignificance..No new irapacls are V. Cultural Resources :~-d - No known cultural, paleontolo~cal, or historical resources exist within the proposed project a~-ek, v,,hich encompasses the existing and future roadways identified in CIP No. 9640. i~nerefore, no impacts Io ;~wo~,n resources are 'a~ticipale~Z Previously unidentified pre-historic resources may exist in the project area and would be subject ~o poten:izl disruption or destruc'Jon during construction activities. Implementation of mi~:iga~ion Dublin Aae..'-ia] Str----t improv=n.'=nt% CIP No. 9640 Pa~= 23 measures 3.9/5.0 and 3.9/6.0 would reduce potential impacts to a level of insignificance. No new impacts are anticipatec~ VI. Geology and Soils a-e - ]No -known earthquake faults or Alquist-PrioIo Earthquake Fault Zones traverse the project area. For those portions of future roadways which are underIain by expansive soiIs and bedrock, potential shrink/swelI impacts may occur. Implementation of mitigation measures 3.6/14.0 through 3.6/3.I6.0 would reduce potential impacts to a level of insignificance. Construction- related and long-term erosion and sedimentation impacts associated with construction of the roadways are anticipated. Implementation of mitigation measures 3.6/27.0 and 3.~5/28.0 wouId · . reduce potential impacts to a Ievel of insignificance. No new impacts are anticipated YTI. Hazards and Hazardous Materials a-h - The proposed project includes the establishment of right-of-way lines and future v~Sdening existing and proposed roadw'ays. The project does not involve the storage or use of hazardous · materials. A/'o impacts are cmticipater[ VIII. Hydrology and Water Quality` 7 a, g, j - The proposed project includes establishment of right-of-way lines and future widening of roadways. These roadways are not located within a floodplain and proposed modifications would not expose people or structures to flooding. Violations of any water quality standard or wa~e discharge requirement are not anticipated. No impacts are anticipated b - f - Proposed roadway modifications would include installation and/or up~ade of the drainage system. Although widening of the roadways represents an increase in impervious su,ffaces in the immediate project vicinity, the project wiI1 be designed so as not to impact the existing drainage system. Implementation of mitigation measures 3.5/44.0 through 3.5/48.0 (Vol. I, pp. 228-229) would reduce potential project-specific impacts associated with increased runoff to a level of insignificance. Implementation of mitigation measures 3.5/49.0 and 3.5/50.0 (Vol. I, p. 229) woutd reduce potential impacts associated with reduced ~roundwater recharge to a level of insignificance. Implementation of mitigation measures 3.5/51. ~'through 3.5/55 (re~er to Vol. I, p. 230 and VOl. II, p. 65/;) would reduce impacts associated with non-point source pollution to a leVel of insignificance. Cumulative impacts related to an increase in impervious surfaces and the resultm-at potential increase in flood hazards, reduction in ~m-oundwater recharge, and increase in non-point pollution sources is a potentially significant cumulative impact. Implementation of mitigation measures 3.5/44.0 through 3.5/52.0 (Vol. I, pp. 377-378) would result in a/ess than significant cumulative impact. No new impacts are anticipated IX. Land Use and Planning a-c - 'FrHs proposed Capital Improvement Pro.am (CIP) project is in response to the adopted Eastern Dublin Specific Plar~ The entire C~ project is within the City's Sphere of Influence and/or city limits and is therefore governed by the adopted General Plan and Zoning Ordinance, =.E.~_"m Dubi~ Art---hl S~'~t Improvements, C~ No. 9640 Page 24 in addition to the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. The proposed fight-of-way lines are in conformance with ultimate roadway widths discussed in both the Specific Plan and the Circulation Element of the General Plan. The project area is not included in any habitat conservation plans or natural community conservation plans. Aro impacts are anticipated X. Mineral Resources a-b - According to information provided in the P-ElK (Vol. I, p. 251), although proposed uses would preclude any future recovery Of aggregate resources, underlying soils are judged to be inadequate for use as aggmegate. Aro impac, ts af.e anticipate~t. .lq. Noise a - f- The FElK identifies po. tentially significant noise impacts related to exposure of existing and future residences to future roadway noise, and to construction noise. Implementation of mitigation measures 3.10./1.0, 3.10/2.0, 3.10/4.0 and 3.10/5.0 (Vol. I, pp. 317-319) would reduce project-specific impacts to a level of insignificance. Even with implementation of mitigation measure 3.I0/7.0, cumulative impacts related to exposure of existing residences to future roadway noise would remain at a potentiaIty significant level (Vol. I, p. 381). Aro new impaczs .'l_qI. Pot)ulation and Housing a-c - The proposed project includes the establishment of right-of-way lines and cons-h-action of and/or modifications to portions of four roadways. Proposed roadway modifications were planned for in the adopted Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. Aro poIralan'on and housing imT~ac~s are ~qiI. ~PubIic Services a -The proposed project includes estabIishment of right-of-way lines and future widening and other modifications to existin~future roadways. No impacts to fire protection, police protection, schools, or parks are anticipated. Due to the fact that the proposed project is a C~ project, any future required roadway maintenance would be accounted for in the City's yearly budget. A;o imxpac~ are anticipate~ 7XTV. Recreation a-b - The proposed project includes establishment of right-of-way lines and future widening and other modifications to e,xistin~future roadways. Aro impacts are anticipaled_ :X~v'. Trans~ortationfrraffic a-g - The proposed project includes establishment of right-of-way lines and future widening and/or constrac~ion on roadway segments identified in Table 1. The CIP established for this work is in response to approved land uses included in the adopted Easter Dublin Specific Plan. Dublin A.c~al Sn------t improv.~n~tm, CIP ]q'o. ~640 Page 25 The following transportation impacts, identified in Vol. III of the FEIR (pp. 1000 - 1001), would be applicable to the proposed project: · cumulative impacts on Dublin Boulevas:d at the Tassajara Road intersection. Implementation of mitigation measure 3.3/13.0 would reduce the impact, but the impact would remain significant. · Cumulative buildout would cause level of service F operations at the intersections of Tassajara Road with Gleason Road and Central Parkway. Implementation of mitigation measure 3.3/14.0 would reduce the impact to a level ofinsignificance. The FEI/>,. (Vol. I, p. 165) identifies potential impacts related to safety of pedestrian and bicycle traffic when crossing major streets such as Dublin Boulevard and Tassajara Road. Implementation of mitigation measures 3.3/16.0 and 3.3/16.1 would result in a Ievel of insignificance. ~Vo new impac'.s are anti"ci~ated X-VI. Utilities and Service Svsterns a - g - The proposed project includes establishment of right-of-way Iines and future widening and other modifications to existin~future roadways..No impacts to utilities a~Td service s3. xtems are antici~ate:~ ~_aZ_,,-'n Dub~ ArU~.~-I SIr___t Improvements, CIP No. 9640 Page 26 APPENDIXA ... Legal Description and Plats 4 ar Mar~.h 2, Page I of 4 EXHIBIT "A" Right of way acquisition for the purposes of-widening Tassajara Road-and-the-construction of Dublin Boulevard, Central Parkway and Gleason DHve in the City of Dublin, Alameda County, California, a/one and through the lands of Dublin Land Company, a deed for which was recorded September 30, 19S3, Series 83-I 82776, Alameda County Records. Parcels A through B are drainage and utility easements which correspond to the various street right-of-ways as shown on the current plan lines. The ezsements are =m'anted for purposes of =m-odin: and instailin~, utilities in the ultimate Iocation and paving the TIF portion of the streets (Pm-eels F, G, H, J & K). The existing poles on Tassajara Road will be mlor. ated. The d,~nage and utility easements and TIF right-of-ways are describM as follows: PARCEL A, Tassajara Road Drainage and Utilitj, Easement -... BEGENZNING at the most northwesterly corner of above said Iand, said comer being on the easterly Iine of Tassajara Road, 66.00 feet in Mdth and the southerly Iine of Tract 695, Dublin Ranch, the map of which v,,~ film in Book 241 of Maps at Page 39, Alameda County R~ords; T'nenee Igaving said Point of Be~nning along the ~asterty line of Tosco. ia.re Road S1"13'07"W I72.80 feet; thence $1°I2'54"W 2207..3=9 f'~t; thence S88°.44'32"E 18.39 feet; thence S 1 °15'28"W 234. I6 feet to a point hereafter known ~ POE~'T A; thence Ieaving the easterly line of Tassaj~,"a ROad S88°47'06"E 43. I3 feet; thenz, e N00°29'tg"W 381.76 feet; thence Nl°I2'54"E 947.03 feet to a point hereafter 'known ~ PO~'T B; thence NgS°47'06"W 29.00 feet; thence N02°56'41"W I65.4¢4 feet; thence S88°47'06"E 29.00 feet; thence N01°!2'54"E 505.98 feet; th:nee S88°47'06"E 9.00 feet; thence NOI°12'54"E 360.00 feet to a point herr. after Imown as POLNT C; thence N88°47'06"W 26.00 feet; thence N01°I2'54"E 165.00 feet; th:nc: S88°46'53"E 25.01 feat; thence NIOI3'0T'E 89.66 feet to the southerly line of above said Tract 6925; thence along said southerly tine N88°39'20"W 46.00 feet to the POLNT OF BEGLNN~G. Containing 2537 acres, more or less. P.-MRCEL B, Dubiin Boulevard Drainage and Utility Easement COMM-h'JNCL-NG at the above described POINT A on the easterly line of Tassajara Road: thence 588°47'06'E I0. I2 feet to the TRUE PO/NT OF BEGINNING; thence S00°07'07'E 200.46 feet; th=nc= S88°47'0:5"E 38.00 f~t; thence N46°12'54"E 28.28 feet; thence S88°47'06"E 275.84 feet; th:nee S88°29'55'~ 200.00 feet; thence S88°47'06-E 368.67 feet to the easterty tine of Dublin Land Co., Seri=s 83-182776; thence along said easterly Iine NI°08'49"E I40.00 f~t; thence Imvinz said easterly tine N88°47'06"W 68.51 feet; thence N86°55'~"W' 400.21 feet; thence N88~7'06"W '~30.00 feet: thence Nl°12'54"F_, 9.00 f~r; thence N88°47'06"W 255.50 feet; thence N44"38'13"W 27.86 feet; thence N88°47'06"W 3.3.0I feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNq2'qG. Containing 3.192 acres, mor: or tess. P.%RCg-L C, Cenr,'-=l Parkw,'ay Drainage and Utility Easement BEGIN-/'q.k"L-NG at the above desc'zib=d POL-NT B on the easterly Iine of Tassajara Road; thence N46°12'54"E. 28~8 feet; thence S88°47'06"E 237.93 feet; thence S89°52'35"E 420.08 feet; thence S88°47'06"E 205.75 f~t to the easterly tine of Dublin Land Co., Series 83-182776; thence along said easterly Iin, e N1 °08'49"E 104.00 feet; thence l~ving said easterly Iine N88°47'06"W 205.'63 feet; thence Ngg°01'I6'"W 300.03 f~t; thence N88°47'06"W' 120.00 feet; thence Nl°12'54"E 9.00 feet; th:nee N88°47'06"W 249.93 f~t; thence N43047'06"W 28.28 feet; thence N88°47'06"W 29.00 feet; thence S02°56'4 I"E 165.44 feet; thence S88°47'06-E 29.00 feet to the POINq' OF BEGIN'NLNG. Containing 2.434 acres, more or Ieee. March 2, 1999 Page 2 of 4 PARCEL D, Gleason DHve Drainage and Utility Easement BEGIN'Nq2qG at the above described POIN'T C on the easterly line of Tassajara Road: thence N46°12'54"E 28-28 feet; thence $88°47'06"E 250.00 feet; thence 589°52'35"E 420.08 feet; thence S88°47'06'E 195.46 feet to the easterly line of Dublin Land Co.; Series 83-182776; thence along said easterly line N1 °08'49"E 104.00 feet; thence laving said easterly Iine N88047'05"W 195.34 feet; thence N88°01"16"W 300.03 feet; thence N 88°47'05"W 120.00 feet; thence NIOI2'54"E 9.00 feet: thence N88047'06"W 250.99 feet; thence N43047'00"W 28.28 feet; thence N88°46'53"W 25.01 feet; thence S01 °12'54"W 165.00 feet; thence S88°47'05'E 26.00 feet to the POI:NT OF BEGINNqNG. Containing 2.415 acres, more or Iess. P.~RCEL E, Tassajara Road Drainage and Utility Easement BEGt:N,"N~'D4G at the above described POINT A on the easterly line of Tassajara Road; thence along said e~terly i,:ne $01°15'28"W 503.97 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the left having a radius of 234.02 feet through a central angle of 16°03'36" for an arc Ien~mah of 65.60 feet to a point of compound cu~'ature: th".nce along a curve to thc left having a radius of 29.00 feet t/-a-ough a central angle of ~4 u~ ._ for an arc. l~n__~2-1 of 32.43 feet to a point of compound curvature; thence along a cur~,e to the lef[ having a radius of 164.02 feet through a central angle of 05'34'29" for an arc ]en=~,h of 15.96 feet to a point of cu,'wav.~re; thence along a curve to the right having a radius of 178.02 feet through a cenu-al angIe of 01 °4-4' ] 0" for an arc len~h of 5.39 feet; thence I~ving said ~zsterIy line of Tassaj. m-a Road NO ] ° 12 391.35 f~=t; then'ce N88°47'06"W 38.00 feet; thence N00°07'07"W' 200~46 feet; thence NgS°47'05"W 10.12 feet to the POIN'T OF BEGINNkNG. Containing 0.520 acres, more or less. The por'Jons of the above described parcels that are subj~t t° cr~it against the City of Dublin's Traffic Impact Fee ~ are described as follows: PARCEL F, Tassajm"a Road BEGIN."N~-'~.'G at the first hereinabove referenced POINT OF BEGIN.-N'J_-NG for PARCEL A; thence leaving smd POIN'T OF BEGINN~G along the easterly tine of T~sajara Road S 1013'07"W 172.80 feet; thence Si°I2'54"W 2207.39 feet; thence S880~.-.4'32"E 18.39 f~t.; thence SI°15'28"W 234.16 feet; thence Ixaving said easterly tint S88°47'05"E 10.12 feet; thence N00029'ig"W 38t.27 feet; N01°12'54'~ ~47.52 feet; then:e S88°47'05"E 4.00 f~t; thence N0i°12'54"E 300.00 feet; th=n~-e N02056'4I"W' I65.44 feet; thence NOI°I2'54"E 505.98 feet; then:e 588°47'05'E 12.00 feet; N01°12'54"E 614.72 feet to the southerly line 'of Tract 6925; thenc~ along said south=rly line N88°39'20"W 20.99 fe~ to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 0.955 a~es, more or less. ' " ~'~ ~ ~ ll,267-02 March 2,, 1999 RRB Page 3 of 4 PARCEL G, Tassajara Road (TIF) BEGi]~'NING at the above described POINT A on the easterly line of Tassajara Road; thence along said easmrly line S01°15'28"W 503.97 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the left having a radius of 234.02 feet through a central angle of 16°03'36" for an arc Ien~h of 65.60 feet to a point of compound curvature; thence along a cUrVe to the left having a radius of 29.00 feet through a central angle of 25°1'5'3Y' for an arc Ien=m.h of 12.79 feet; thence leaving said easterly line of Tassajara Road NOI°12'54"E 379.4~4 feet; thence N00°07'07"W 200.46 feet; thence N88°47'06"W 10.12 feet to the POZNT OF BEGI2qNING. Containing 0.182 acres, more or less. PARCEL H, Dublin Boulevard COMlv~NCLNG at the above described POINT A on the easterly line of Tassajara Road; thence S88°47' 06"E I 0.12 feet to the TRUE PO~qT OF BEGEN'NING; thence S00007'07"E 200.46 feet; thence S88°47'06"E 38.00 feet; thence N46°I2'54"E 28.28 f~t; thence N02°IY07'W 32.06 feet; thence S88°47'06"E 277.84 fez; thence S88°29'55"E 200.00 feet; thence S88°47'06"E 368.56 feet to the easterly tine of Dublin Land Co., Series 83-182776; thence along said easterly tine N01°08'49"E 76.00 feet; thence t~ving said easterly Iine N88°47'06"W 69.06 feet; thence N86055'25"W 400.21 feet; thence N88°47'06"W 129.48 feet; thence 'N01°I2'54"E 9.00 feet; thence N88°47'05"W ~3.58 feet; thense N02°13'07"W 32.06 feet; thence N44°38' IY'W 27.86 feet; thence N88°47'06"W 33.0t feet to the TRUE POLN-/' OF BEGLN'NING. Contv./ning 1.944 acres, more or less. PAav~CEL J, Central Parkway (TIF') BEG~W'c~LNG at the above described POLNT B; thence N46°12'54"E 28.28 feet; thence N04°l 6'07"W 32.15 fe.g~t; thence S88°47'06"E 240.70 feet; thence S89°52'35"E 420.08 feet; thence $88°47'06"E 206.02feet to the easterly line of Dublin Land Co., Series 83-182776; thence along said easterly tine N01°08'49"E 40.00 feet; thence leaving said easterly tine N88°47'06"W 205.88 feet; thenze N88°01'16"W 300.03 feet; thence N88°47'06"W 119.79 feet; thence N01°I2'54"E 9.00 feet; thence N88°47'06"W 246.86 feet; thence N04°I6'07"W 32.15 feet; thence N43°47'06"W 28.28 feet; thence N88°47'06"W 29.00 feet; thence $02°56'41'E 165.44 feet; thence S88°47'06'E 29.00 feet to the POLNT OF BEGENNLNG. Conm.in:,ng 1.!56 acres, more or less. ?ARCEr__ K, G!zason Drive ~ BEGEN?q-L-NG at the above described POINT C; thence N46°12'54"E 28.28 feet; thence N00°45'32"E 32.00 feet; thence S88°47'06'E 249.95 feet; thence $89°52'35"E 420.08 feet; thence $88°47'06"E 195.73 feet to the easterly line of Dublin Land Co., Series 83-182776; thence along said easterly tine NI°08'49"E- 40.00 feet; thence Ieaving said easterly line N88°47'06"W 195.59 feet; thence N88°01' 16"W 300.03 feet; thence N88°47'06"W 1 I9.79 feet; thence N01°12'54"E 9.00 feet; thence N88°47'06"W *_50.74 feet; thence N00°45'3T'E 32.00 feet; thence 'N43°47'00"W 28.28 feet; thence N88°46'SY'W v~.0I feet; thence S01°I2'54"W I65.00 feet; thence S88°47'06"E 26.0~) feet to the PO~.'T OF BEGh-N~rlNG. Con*-,2J. ning 1.142 acres, more or less. 1 .2 7_o2 Mm'~ ~ 1999 P~ge 4 of 4 TEMPORARY SLOPE AND CONSTRUCTION EASE.M]SNT A temporary slope and construction easement is hereby granted over the lands of Dublin Land Company flescr/becl as follows: A str~p of/and [an (lO) fee/in width, contiguous ~o thc perimeter of the ahoy= described Paresis A, B, C, D, and E. Szid temporary easement shall expire 30 clays from the date of completion and acceptance of the last m/Iity installed in the resp~tive utility easement. Tn/s real propa'ty d~cription has b~n pr~ared by me, or under my dir~tion, in conforman:~ with h~e Professional Land Surveyors Act. ND. 25573 ;=l~ San ~amo~ C~.~ifornia 5,7-- ,~. ~' ~' I 1,267-02 March ~ d999 Page 4 of 4 TEMPORARY SLOPE AND CONSTRUCTION EASE.MENT A temporary slope and construction easement is hereby granted over the lands of Dublin Land Company d~cribed as follows: A strip of land ten (10) feet in width, conti~ous to the perimeter of the above d~cribed Parcels A, B, C, D, and E. Said tempor ,a3-y easement shall expire 30 clays from the date of completion and acceptance of the last utility ipmtallecl in the respestive utility easement. This re2/property description has been prepared by me, or under my direst, ion, in conformance with the Professional Land Sur~'eyors Act. S~n Ramon, Califo,'-rfia NSS'47'OD'W {--. ~ NSB.47.05~W ' =~., ~1 k" ""- ~ i-'~ ~ 29.4S' ~.~,..~ PARCEL B PARCEL H~ 275.~4' I ~'~ "~ 200.~' N~47'0~ W I N~2g N4~12'54'E ~-~' DUBLIN B L 0 100 2OO SCALE: 1" =100' PL~T TO ACCOMP~ DESCRIP~ON DUBUN L~D COMP~ (BASIS OF BEARINO)" --'---- - i401'""-- ...... - ~ .... "--'-- NOl°12'54"E 22 .. , ~~ g47.03' ~ NOi'i~'~ ~ - : _ . 0 ~ ~ I1' o DUBLIN LAND COMPANY o , N$~.~7'O~'W 9.00' °47'05"W 12.00' ~- 0 100 200 ;- SCALE: 1" = 100' N45'47'o~W N01'I 2'54' E .- 28.2S' i49.95' ~~ 120.~ p~CEL d / ~.~ ~-- '~ / I ..... ~s' _ 240.70 t. _.,.~,,..oz- I A::::SUAJAI-'<A h:UAD "7'~.~."'~7 "' b/ r----~u'a' ^ 234.16' PARCEL G 50..3.97' ~" NO1°12"54'E / ~ --~'1~o ,',=5"34'29' PARCEL E-.-' / , ~l l' b ,,.,.,. L=15.96' ~ al /~ e ...,,.:, , ..R.= 178.02" c~.. [ I"0 ' ~...: ~=1o44'10' "= .,'.. · 5b ? I\ "" ' " ¢!.h ~ IX, <- ~1"'"" -'-"-~--~cA/-/az %/-,eec / ... General Plan -Eastern Extended Planning Area I LAND USE MAP '. .. Legend j CONIIdr. RCIAL ~ ~ Heiol-~oc~hood Commercial · ! ~'~']~Gonecal Commercial ~ Cam)us Ollice J J I "'Tt'--J Indusldal Pa'k RE SlOEI'ITIAL i j ~ High Oel~siiy 25- alu/ac · 1 ~F'~J Med~n-H'~ll'~ Oensily 14-25 alu/ac : J ~-"~ Low Densily O.Ocb/ac ! j r_~_~ rl,~a, ResldenllaV^gricul,ure, du/100 ac PUrJl.lCl S EMI,P UI]LIC/O PEN ""~'I FUTURE STUDY AREA ~ E"Z1 .,,~,r.=,s.~-~',,,,,,=Pao.,y J J[-~ Elementary Sol,eel J I ab Junior' I.,igh School · (1~ High School , AGRICULTUREi e j ~ Parks & Recreation ~ro.-- ('~ City Park J ! Lc'~t C°mmu~ilY Park nnA 2743.9 Acres {;.~ tlleighbod~ood Pa*k I X ~ I-,eighborhood Squa,e ' }~ Open Space CIrlCULA rlOH ------ ^tlerial Slreel j ----, Colecmr Silo.el ' J J Tl'ar~l ~ ---~ SOl Dounda~'¥ .... Gene~a~ Flan ^mendmenl Sludy ' , EASTERN ,.,,,y lo. 10. r ......... Acres j ./-'-' DUBLIN .... ,:_. · ~ ,, 'v ..... · .' " ' " ' .... "' : - '.' -" Legend ~ " -°" ', ,~'"'2'"*' **' !. ' " " ."*'*" i ' i ' ,; ' ~' ". ' '.' ;'.*' "*~.": . '. ' , ... ,;~._, ., .s .'"'" *'~ "... !' ', ~, ,~'" ? i '. ,.' ',..;=.: '.,~' -. .' ~' ~. :" I ':t':::'i'i" :~:. ' Z'. ¢ ,,,,~' ...... ' -' , ," ' ". ..... ' · ' ' . ; ..... ' ~ Roads ...... . ; · ' . .;~.-, / '/.,' .... ..' .' ....,' .... ~...-' · : .' ,r '-...' ...... ,J, ".. '., ..... ;' ~' · · .. z' . .... .: 'i ~ ', ".":'/ ~ ' ..... ~ ·' ,~" .' . .. '... I .... ' RuralResldontlal/ ~ '-,'~ .' .' ... J~ Agriculture .01 du/ac . .., - , , :....:.~'· ....;..,.'.:..!'; .· ..' ......... ,:~ .....',... .... .....: . .... '.'.,':'~ ~.':.' ." ."':, .J / .. : ........ . .... .. ~ SIn'g'le Family 0.9-6.0 duiac ~ '. ...,"".'.-,. .......~:', ...'.. , ,., .. ] ,' ..., :.,./,'~ ,.' .., ..... ...:' / ,." ....,.. - .... · ,. . ..~ ~ .- '. .... ,' ,' .... ~ ;' .. ~ ' ' ~ .Medium Density 6.1-14,0 du/m · .~ .( · . ~ '.. :,.'.'?';.,".., ~ ...~ .... ..... ;' ~? .... ., .. . ][, ,,~.~,,,..-~ ...., '~ . :.- . ,.~,'-:'"/./ .... r ,'~' ~ ,.., ......~. . ..... .,-, t .'' ' ; j~ Med-Hi Density 14,1-25.0 du/a ~t~ ~:~....'.. I , .' :' '. '.' · · -: · ,'" '. ' ~- ' ...... "'" '-' ' ' " ¢ ' ' ; ' "' ' '" ~J I'ligl~ Density 25.1 ~. du/ac ,,,.,.,,,.-.,'" , ,,...... .. ' '~ "' ~ ~' ' :,"". .... ,.~ '../'; , ~' ... a..,,~,~ ...' ~ ,' .... . · .~ ' '. ' ' . . .,: .' .',~". .. . '~ . J "'-' . .. ~ - . . I -' ; . ;.~'. ;;'~- .":~. ':.'. · · ' I . :'"" , ,'." .' " "' '.-' ? ~] ' COMMERCIAL'/INDUSTRIAL ,.,, ... · / ',.. '~'i'. .... "-"'"' '" ...... "'"" '"" .... ' ' .... ' ' ' ' ' " ' -"~'-. .: ";'~' . ';~:. ' t. ' ..... ;. ~, , , .,.; .. .... . . .,. .. .. :.. . ,. ~ General Commercial · ,...:':' ,/ · ~:.'~ ,' ,'...r. · ..'.' .'. 'i' " ~ ' ~ " ' " ' "" " '" ' · , ...... , ' · ~ , "· ' .. ' ~ Neighborhood Commercial · "" "; ...... " ' ' '" ' ~ ' JX~J Campus Ollico i ..% ....... ;. ... , · . ! -. ....... . .... . ; :"" ' "' '" " ' '.- ,". · ' "' ' '"' · ~ Industrial Park ! · [ '...,.,... . : :' , ,. .... :.., ',.. ~ .... . , ,. . .. ; PUBLIC/SEMI-PUBLIC ,4 i ~ "" ' ) ' ""' '~ '" '::' .... " ' ' ''';~ ~ Public/Semi-Public ' t .. ,', . ; ,~ - , . ' ~ .... . % J~ Elementary School :',", "';" ~ / / ! 1 .... ~' .. . · ...... ~ : t ..... ¢ '..~' ~ Jun'lot High Scl~ool · ,/,....,~,....~:::~. =., ~ , ....: ,. , ..., .., :. ; . ~ '... . ·{ ', .... .,, - ;. ".~ ~..?. ""-.\...../ ~ ~ · .. ~, ~ , .' , .- ...... , ! '. ....... ;.. ..[ ....-., ,-,-..,..~.~ ............ ) ~ High School ,-..~. .:': , ~ .: :~. ." · ~ , "I ~ "~ i ~ '".~,'~ .... .PARKS AND'OPEN SPACE ~f,'., ['~ !./ - ,., v-.-~ ..: '.-...-'. .Neighborhood Square " :: '": ' '"' ~ Neighborhood Park ~' .::.;.,~ ..'; :" . · ., ~ :.~;"::. · ..'"' ".. "-' ~ Community. Park ':.'"',," ""~="" ..... ~ City Park ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :':" '"" "' ~ Open Space '.. '""' EASTERN DUBLIN ..'"" :: .::, :: ,::, ;') ."" Specific Plan · ..' ...,.," Wallace Roberts &Todd .......... ' .'?' [4 IS) 54 I'~B3Q , :' .. local streets showu in .'JC' General Co n lmrcial may be pormilled by a Plaimod Doveloplimnt Zoning Procoss (sec lex, lot co,nplele discussionJJ mis li,j,,,o is · · ' !1 ~ ilhlslralive only ..... ~ .., ~,JC ~,J,~ Will convorl I'o Futura ,Study Aron/Agrlmdture where determined Inconsistent wilb Llvermore APA (see lexl for complete ~lisc/Jsslon).'" ' LEGEND "~ · OLD ~l~dWlly Go,lion · . ' "~ ~ ~oway I ' ~ al~o divided I ~ oho undlvldod I ..... ~nodlvldod ,I ' . . J Fl Sotlta HJla Rehabilitation Canler ~ DUBLIfI BL~. ~ 49,8~ I ~ 37 500 OLO ( ~ GLD I ....... ~1,700 42,~ , North ~ Not to Dublin ~..~t East Dublin Existing and 2010 Projected Traffic Volumes_ Figure ~~ 2010 and Beyond Network 5? b ] I __ . I I I I I I I B . III I I ...... ;' i ' "' : ~:.':: '" .::.:5: ? :" :':,, I ;:;,.~;;~ 2~ .... .'~ t :Z J '.'-'-'-" :l "'?:':'.':I .... ': ' . .......... ¢~ .......... '.'?.F:,;-I .' 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