HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 7.2 BayLaurel St Traffic (2) C'ITY CLERK
SUBJECT,: Bay Laurel Street Traffic Issues
Report Pi~epared' by: Lee S. Thompson, Public Works Director
ATTACHMENTS; ............... 1) Previous Staff reports from City Council meetings of
September 1, 1998, and September 15, 1998
2) Map of area
RECOMMENDATION: 1) Receive report
,...~ t ,,J~c..,.- 2) Approve mining restrictions at two Valley Christiar~ Center
driv&ways, and the installation'0f edgeline stripe and 25 mph
signs and pavement markings on Bay Laurel
3) Provide direction regarding other measures that_may be
FINANCIAL STATEMENT: . The~c,.~t~p~jigning and striping to be installed would ~e paid by the
"developer or by Valley Christian Center unless othe~s~_got.~eO ig
the Description; future maintenance cost for_~Q~s~.de~.~¥~ges wouldb_ ~_ .e~
paid by the City.
DESCRIPTION: At the June 1st meeting, the City Council reviewed a request for
acceptance of improvements in Tract 5766, ~ansen Hill Ph~tSe ii'and, aftei ieceiving comments from a
number of residents regarding traffic issues on Bay Laurel Street, directed Staff to re~ig.~.3~.Q~ays with
options for Council consideration,~. Th~,.[~![gwing report presents a number of options that may be
considered. The ite~ f~r~..a_~ceptance of improvements will be placed on a future agenda.
Background: In July of 1998, the City Council adopted a resolution approving enforcement of the
California Vehicle Code (CVC) on the streets within the Hansen Hill Phase I development. In September
1998, the City Council revieWed traffic studies regarding Bay Laurel Street and requests from residents
regarding speeding and traffic control. The major issues were, and continue to be, that Bay Laurel is
being used as a route to the Valley Christian Schools, thereby increasing the traffic volume, and that
--- COPIES TO: Roger Mahany, Valley Christian;
~ Dominic Pieri, Warmington Homes; Residents of Hansen Hill
7. g
g:\agenmisc\7-6baylau tel
traffic is speeding, particularly in the downhill direction. The residents had i~tia!~ly requested that Bay
Laurel be closed to through traffic; however, Bay Laurel is a required second access to both.the Hansen
Hill Development and the ValleY Christian site for emergency purposes. '
It should be noted.that,the.._original design of the street incorporated a series of curves to inhibi[~d, ri.,'yer~
from trax(erring the street at high speeds. In addition, the curves lengthened the street so that the grade of
the street could be reduced.
Previous action t~ak~n,irt~q!~e~.,.~j,g~m~ l~l~a~tion of~_ ~.~ Stop signs on Bay Laurel at Bay Laurel Court and Bg~eye
Court, and a centerline on Bay Laurel Street, as well as crosswalks on Bay Laurel at Silvergate Drive and
at Silvergate and Hansen Drive. (It should be noted that since the subdivision was sl~ sealed as a
condition of acceptance, some of s ping
striping once the City has determined whe, th. er a~iP~.. ~triping improvements are needed.)
Police Services have been targeting this area for e~Or~ment. Seventeen cita[ions..o~:~ng citations
have been iSgtied foi ¢i(~i~iiOns~ ~3y Laurel in 1999-it~;~i~'J~5'~i"55~'it~i3~i';3~:~'~'i~
were isSUed 0n'Ba~' ~a'~'i~ ~i~ ~i 998. The vaSt majority of the citations and waming citations written
were for violations of ~uns~speed or failing to stop at stop signs.
A traffic accident occurred on Bay Laurel Street 0n.,~May 28' 1999, which involved a student from Ya!!ey
Christian High Scho°i ~h¢ing t~)o fast to negotiate a mm and destroying a street light pole and damaging
several vehicles. The 0~,.n.!y other recorded accident., i~.~s..~0.~.ofi~.~.Y~4__..a~s_ing!e~7?!~ic!? ?~ki~g...~
retaining wall on Buckeye Court.
Staff, representatives from.the~Y.~!ey-Christian Center, a representative from Warmington Homes, and
Staffmembers from TJK!YI._ ~.~,~O~:~Q~r~g~at3~.~s (traffic consultants), have met and sugges[ed alt~e?a? :
solutions to the problems.
Vehicle Volume - Use of Bay Laurel as Shortcut to Valley Christian Schools:.. A..~pl¢~fi0n,~o~5
problem is to lengthen the path for the Valley Christian Centerrbp~g~.~ot~,9[~5~g~ing Bay Laurel..By
prohibiting right turns in and left turns out of the two northerly Valley Christian Center driveways
during school h°urs (7:00 'a.m.~-t;'}';~'i)'~i~imi-~i~ri~;'i'~'y;)~;~'d~vers would be directed touse ~e s°Utherly
driveway, which is much closer to Dublin Boulevard. This solution would require enforcement by Dublir~
Police serVices and educationfl, pr0grams bY vaii~'Y 'Chri~ii'~'C~'i~i~r;~i~ christian cenie;:i~
agreeable to these measles.
Staff would monitor this a!terng.[~e~d, if not sucCesSful, would recommend, the £~!!oMng more Stringent
1) Extend the turning prohibitions to the third Valley Christian driveway.
2) Make 'the short conne~.fi~¢~.s~me.~t._b~eg.~aY Laurel and Inspiration Drive a one-way street
southbound. This would e!iminote.th~,~,e~y Valley Christian Center motorists inthedo~J!
direction, which tends to have the higher speeds. This alternate should onlY be undertaken after
occupancy of Hansen Hill, Phase 2, and with input from future residents of Phase 2as this would
affect in-tract access.~
3) Entirely close the abovement.,i.9~ed~sbo¢,qon~~.~ :This again would require input from
future Phase 2 H~.en Hi res,~d~e~gt~j~
Page 2.
It is estimated that the two driveway turning restrictions would reduce traffic volumes during the peak
hours by 45% to. 75~?~, depending the direction of traffic and the time of day.
Speeding Problem Solutions: Staff.W~g!d.propose adding 4-inch white painted edgeline stripes on Bay
Laurel, along with repainting the centerline. These stripes would be 8 feet from either c~.~.~ .~ ~v0~l~d~
In addition, Staff recommends.th~t,~.~.~ph pavement markings be installed at eithere, nd~Bay Laurel as
pavement markings are better seen by motorists than signs.
Alternates that Staffre~v~d~at3~O~.rejected are:
1) Speed bumps or humps: These devices are not recommended on steep grades as there is a great
risk of vehicles'becoming airborne, creating the potential for more accidents and greater liability
exposure for the ~ityi'- In addition, the response time for emergency vehicles would.b~e~!.Q~r~
2) Installation of rumble,strips: Rumble strips are bands ofrhsed.ma~rigl ("Bpg~..~l~") or
avement indentations that are use~ig~$gll~a~ention to standard wam!~g or regulatory devices
(e.g., a curve warning sign or stop sign) by tree'vibration ~ougli the ve~cle.
Rumble strips should not be.use0~!~~.~af~c~c~[.~Y!~ ~a~,~.~?}~.~_.
documented, and the use of the ramble strip is determined to be the only reasonable solution. ~ne
main drawback~t0 the. us~ of rumble strips in residential areas is that.they create a substantial
amount of noise that could distm:b the residents in adjacent houses. If the City Council is
interested in pursuing the rumble strips, it is suggested that approval be secured from the. property
owners who would.b~, g~cSed~y the noise.
3) Flashing Beacon Installation:' I~.lh~.~l~.9~ati~,n, a flashing beacon would most likely be used to
call attention to a curve warning sign or stop ~ead Sign. Some residents living near a flashing
beacon may find the light objectionable at night. The installation cost cou!d.ber~o_sg~bly
significant, and there would be ongoing maintenance and energy costs for the City.
Conclusions: It is recommended that the ~Gity Council support the use of turning restrictions on
the Valley Christian driveways as proposed above. It is felt that the associated reductionjg ~gf~9~.~y
also resolve at least a good portion of the speeding complaints. Staff is further reco~e~ding that edge
stripes be installed on Bay Laurel to give motorists the feeling of a narrower street which, in turn, will
slow traffic, and to paint 25 mph legends on the street.
Page 3
" J I,C)'ILOt 181101
' ' File # [-
CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: september 1, 1998
SUBJECT: Traffic Report On Bay Laurel Street
Report prepared by: Lee S. Thompson, Public Works Director
EXI-tlBITS ATTACHED: 1. Map of subdivisio.n.indicating locations of studies
2. February 23, 1998, letter from Staffto r~sidents, including
TJKM report
3. November 20, 1997, Staff memo outlining discussion items
4. December 18, 1997, propose mitigation measures
5. April 2, 1998, A Letter from Bay Laurel Resident
6.' Resident Correspondence
RECO~NI)ATION: 1. Receive report
~r~. 2. If desired, provide direction to Staff regarding additional action
6r study
FIN.4~NCIAL STATEMENT: None at this time
DESCRIPTION: At the July 7th meeting, the City Council adopted a resolution
authorizing enforcement of the Califorrda Vehicle Code (CVC) regulation on streets within the Hansen
Hill, Phase I, development as these streets had not yet been accepted as City streets. During the public
hearing, some residents of the development expressed dissatisfaction with action taken to alleviate
speeding and other traffic concerns, particularly on Bay Laurel Street. The City Council directed Staff
to prepare a report regarding the studies that have been conducted and action taken. Following is a brief
In response to the homeowners' concerns regarding traffic on Bay Laurel Street, including speeding,
noise, traffic volume, and parking restrictions, the Public Works Department and its consultant, TJKM,
conducted a series oftraffc studies. When homeowners' concerns were first received, the Hansen Hill
project was still under construction and was not part of the City's jurisdiction; therefore, the developer
was responsible for safety and traffic issues; however, Staffdid organize meetings (day and evening) and
worked v, dth the homeowners, developer and Valley Christian Center (VCC) to develop solutions and
mitigations in an attempt to satisfy the involved parties. The Dublin Police Department, Fire Department,
COPIES TO: Mr. Andrew Walker
Warming-ton Homes, ..
Dublin Police Department
· .... ' NOtice to property owners on Bay Laurel St.
,.:~-{-'-:~--~.?.,. ;-',~ .~ :?~:.-~--gAO
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g: ag=nmisc/l~aylarI2.doc ' ~: ' ' ................................
Warmin~on Homes, and Valley Christian School were very cooperative, attended all meetings and
assisted Staff in working through residents' traffic concerns.
Speed counters were installed at four locations along Bay Laurel Street on November 4th and 5th, 1997
(prior to the reopening of Inspiration Drive) and on December 9th and 10th, 1997 (after the opening of
Inspiration Drive). The results of the speed survey and volume count are shown below in TABLE A.
A few members of the Homeowner's Association had some questions and concerns with the results and
requested an evening meeting~ subsequehtly held at Valley christian Center on December 18, 1997.
Residents'at that meeting requested that additional speed and volume counts be conducted on Bay Laurel
Street on or after Monday, January 5, 1998 (the first day back to school). At the same meeting, Valley
Christian School Staff indicated they would be responsible for educating parents to use only Inspiration
Drive from Dublin Blvd. for student pick-up and drop-off.
Based on residen~ts' requests, the study was conducted while Valley Christian School was fully
operational. Speed and volume counters were installed in Iocations requested by residents with counter
hoses extending from curb to curb to count all approaching traffic. The study shows that the 85th
percentile speeds range from 25 mph to 31 mph along Bay Laurel. The data indicates that the average
daily traffic on Bay Laurel Street ranges'from approximately 425 vehicles near the top of the hill to
approximately 600 vehicles toward the bottom of the hill. These volumes and speeds are typical and
reasonable for residential collector streets. The reason the bottom of the hill has more traffic volume is
that there are about 16 houses between Inspiration Circle and Silvergate Drive (residential homes typically
generate 10 trips per house per day). Follo~ing are the results of the volume and speed, study.
1/5/98 1/6/98 1/7/98
11220 Bay Laurel Street Location 5. 452 451 425
11305-Bay Laurel Street Location 6. 652 586 604
Inspiration N of D/W's Location 7 230
Inspiration ~ Dublin Blvd. Location 8 1965
Minimum volume on Bay Laurel St. is 425 max. volume 652
11/5/97 12/10/97 1/5/98 1/6/98 I/7/98
11179 Bay Laurel Street Location 1. 29 28 26 26 26
11305 Bay Laurel Street Location 2. 31 28 30 30 30
11324 Bay Laurel Street Location 3. 30 31 30 30 29
11202 Bay Laurel Street Location 4. 25 26 26 26 25
11220 Bay Laurel Street Location 5. N/A N/A 28 28 28
11305 Bay Laurel Street Location 6. N/A N/A 28 28 28
85th percentile range 25-31 mph
Page 2
Speed limits for most residential streets should be established preferably at or near the 85th percentile
speed, which is defined as that speed at or below which 85 percent of the traffic is moving. The 85th
percentile is often referred to as critical speed. These volumes and speeds are reasonable for a residential
collector street with a 25 mph speed limit.
Packages containing the results of the study were hand delivered to all of the residents on Bay Laurel
Street on February 23, I998 (Exhibit 1). As pa_Ct of the package, Staff requested that residents respond to
the study. Staffdid receive comments on April 6,1998 (Exhibit 4). The results were also presented to the
residents by Mr. Andrew Walker, Homeowner Association Chairman, at their Homeowner's meeting in
April I998. According to Mr. Walker, the Hansen Hill residents were satisfied with the results, except for
three homeowners. The Homeowners' Association also expressed their appreciation to Valley Christian's
Pastor for sending letters to the parents of the students attending the school asking them not to use Bay
· Laurel Street as an access to the school.
Based on requests from the Homeowners' Association', City Staff also agreed to and has completed, or
had the developer complete, the ~'ollowing traffic revisions:
1. Installation of crosswalks on Silvergate Drive at Hansen Drive.
2. Elimination of some ofth~ par'.ldlng restrictions on Bay Laurel Street.
3. Recomfi~m~red the eastbound right-mm lane on Dublin B tvd. at Hansen Drive to a through- and
rio. qht-turn lane to reduce the eastbound backup.
4. In'tail alt-way STOP signs at Inspiration Circle/Inspiration Drive and at Inspiration Circle at Bay
Laurel .....
5. Install pedestrian crosswalks on Bay Laurel Street at Silvergate Drive and at Hansen Drive and
Silvergate Drive to direct children to safe street crossings.
6. Install centerlines on Bay Laurel Street.
7. Joint effort between VCC and Hansen Hill Homeowners Association to educate the VCC School
attendees to not ' · use Bay Laurel.
The Dublin PoLice Department is proposing to target the Bay Laurel Street area for stepped-up
enforcement during the frrst few wee'ks of school in Septerhber. This is being done; along ,Mth higher
enforcement around the other schools, to remind people of the need for safety when the schools are in
The followSng mitigations were also discussed; however, they were rejected, either by residents, or by
Police and Fire Departments as they would interfere with the delivery of emergency services in a tirnely
manner (see Exhibit 3):
1. Cons'a-uct permanent barricades on Inspiration Drive at Inspiration Circle and install signs
indicating for emergency access only.
2. Close the portion of Inspiration Circle between Inspiration Drive and Bay Laurel Street.
f"~',. 3. Install NO LEFT TURN sig~ns for traffic exiting VCC and install a raised center median or/'
Inspiration Drive.
' ' 4. InstatI NO LEFT TURN sig-ns for traffic exiting VCC (no median), with time restrictions.
5. Install all-way STOP signs at Bay Laurel Street/Bay Laurel Court and at Bay Laurel SWeet/
Buckeye Court (requested by a few residents, but rejected by the majority).
6. Establish speed limit (20 - 25 mph) and install sig-ns to slow down speeders.
Page 3
7. Install entry signage that states: "This is a residential community, please drive w/th caution,
children at play, etc. .,,~
9. Install NO LEFT TURN signs on westbound Bay Laurel Street at Inspiration Circle and on
southbound Inspiration Circle at Inspiration Drive.
10. Install a NO RIGHT TURN sign on Inspiration Drive at Inspiration Circle.
11. Install speed humps on Bay Laurel Street.
12. Install traffic circles at Bay Laurel Street/Buckeye Court/nd Bay Laurel Street~Bay Laurel Court.
It should be noted that there is considerable traffic to and from the construction portions of the
development which will eventually disappear, but new waffle from the 108 units in Phase II Hanson Hills
plus 17 units on the Gleason property will increase the traffic over the existing traffic.
In analyzing the traffic near the top of Bay Laurel Street, the 425 vehicles per day are primarily from the
on going phase II subdivision traffic and Valley Christen School traffic.
On January 6th, vehicle counts were made on either side of the Valley Christian Centers upper driveways.
Twenty four hour traffic counts to and ~rom Dublin Blvd. were 1965. Two way traffic to and from the
north (which includes construction traffic) was 230 for the same 24 hour period. Th.is would indicate that
only about 10% of the school traffic is using Bay Laurel Street compared to Dublin Blvd. to get to and
from the Valley Christian Center. ~
Based on the traffic studies, Staffbelieves that no further action is warranted and the existing striping and
stop signs are adequate.
This report is presented for the City Council's information and review. Staff recommends that Council
provide direction to Staff regarding additional action or study, if deemed necessary.
Page 4
· ,..../ Location of
·. ' "~ ~' L~-'~ 7 speed/volume
~ surveys
//AN~V J/ILL CO~I[/~O~/~Y~' ~."
Loc~ ' ' ........... '~'~
February 23, 1998
SUBJECT: Bay Laurel Traffic Issue
Dear Resident:
in response to comments received from Bay Laurel residents on the last evening
meeting-'dated Thursday, December 18, ~'.997' regarding speeding'and vehicle volumes,'
the City's Public Works Department and its consultant, TJKM, has conducted a series of
traffic studies including vehicle volume and speed.
Based on residfnt's requests the study took place when school, Valley Christian Center,
was fully operating (Please see the attached TJKM memo regarding the results of the
study). The result of the study shows the 85th percentile speeds range from 25 mph to 31
mph along Bay Laurel. The data indicates that the average daily traffic on Bay Laurel -.
ranges from approximately 425 vehicles at the tOp of the hill to approximately 600
vehicle at the bottom of the hill. These volumes and speed are typical and reasonable for~
a residential street. The City of Dublin Public works, based on the recent traffic study,
recommends that the existing striping and stop signs should be adequate.
If you have any comments or objections regarding this matter, please call Saied Aminian
at 833-6630. We will be glad to set another meeting to discuss the result of the study or
this matter can be taken to the City council for further evaluations. Please respond .by
March 5th, 1998.
Thank you for your understanding and patient. We appreciate your input regarding this
issue. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me.
Mehran Sepehri
Senior Civil Engineer
cc: Public Works Director
City Manager
Code En~2roement (510) 833-8620
E~onomic Development {510~ 833-6650 Police {510) ~.. ?_~ ,--~?~.':~.z.~;~ ~ -
Project No.: 157-001 Task 69
February 19, 1998
· To: i%@. Mehran Sepehri
From: Gordon L~rn ~)"~.~
Subject: Stnnmary of Speed and Volume Counts on Bay Laurel Street and
Turn Counts along Inspirations Drive and Sflvergate Drive
On December 1S, 1997, a meeting was held at Valley Christian Center (VCC) to discuss
Hansen ?T_ill traffic issues, i{esidents at that zaeet~ng requested that additional speed
and volume counts be conducted on Bay Laurel Street on Monday, January 5,199S (the
first day of school after Ctndstzaas break). Tl~s zaezao stunmarizes the data co]Jetted on
' *~d Inspiration Drive smd on Si!vergate
Bay Laurel, as well as the ~%u-n counts consuc~- on
- J J CoUnts on ]BaY LaUrel
.' . Speed and
Counters were installed at four locations along Bay Laurel on November 4-5, 1997.
while barricades were placed across Inspiration Drive at Inspiration Circle. Counters
were ~mstalled at the s~me four locations along Bay Laurel on December 9-10, 1997,
az%er the barricades were removed from Inspiration Drive at Inspiration Circle. In
resoonse to the residents, counters were installed at the same four locations and two
ad~dtiona] locations along Bay Laurel on Januaz-y 8-7, 1998. Table 1 s~wnma_des fne
these dates. "
voh,.me and speed data collected on
trar~c on Bay Laurel ranges from .
The cat- indicates that the average daffy
a~royimate]y 425 vek~cles at the top of,the
b;'~tom of the if/1. The 85'~ percentile speeds range from 25 zaph to 31 zaph along Bay
Laurel. These vol~mes smd speeds are reasonable for a residential street, and may be
even relatively low compared to other residential streets in Dublin. For example, the
85'~ ~ercentile speeds on West ¥ozaac Road (a relatR, ely steep residential ~-~) range
fro~ 28 mph to 35 mph.
Use of Bay LaUrel to ACcess Valley Christian Center
Tu_~a counts were conducted at the three driveways for Valley Ckristian Center along
Insp-:,-ation Drive on Monday, January 5, 1998 ~om 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and on.
Tuesday, January 27, 199S from 2:15 p.m. to 3:30 p.za. The adorning count reveMed
that 100 vehicles be.tween 7:00 and 9:00 approached Inspiration Drive from the no~h,
and most likely from southbound Silvergate D~ve ~da Bay Laurel. To coqnfirm this
·_ . x~,,,--o,-~ 7 1998 from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00
S~!vergata/Dubtin Boulevard on Wecme~'*~o', ~-~ ~ '
' 4'_,3-'. H~:i--ndz Dr[va, Sub'. 10], P1;'~s'~nt°n' C:ti[orni~ 9.'558-?.721, ($10) 463-06! l. F:~ (510) .'63-3690
Mr..M,e.hyam Sepehri 2 '
a.m. During this t-~,o-hour period, '99 vehicles from southbound Sflvergate turned right
onto Bay Laurel, while 129 vehicles from southbound Sflvergate turned right onto
Dublin Boulevar& The cou~t at Sflvergate/Bay Laurel cou~rms that during the
morning aPproxSmately 100 vehicles (inclua~ng residents on Bay Laurel) use Bay Laurel
to access Valley Christ-Jan Center.
Impact of Left Turn Prohibition at VCC Driveways
Bet-ween 7:00 a.m. 'and 9:00 a.m. on January 5, 1998, the ]eft turn vob~me ex, ting VCC
were 15, 11, and 2 for the northern, center, and southern driveways, respectively.
Similarly, bet~,een 2:15 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. on January 27, 1998, the left turn volume
eziting VCC were 16, 8, and 5 for the three driveways. These counts indicate that a
left-turn prohibit-ion at one, two, or even ail three of the VCC driveways would do little
to reduce tr~c vob~rnes on Bay Laurel. Such a prohibition will cause delays for VCC
s~--udents/parents who Live on Bay Laurel and would probably lead to southbound to
northbound U-turo_s on Inspiration Drive.
cc: Ct'n'~ Kinzel
Table I
Bay Laurel Street, Dublin
COUNT LOCATION ~ee/~9a ~ ~Fitical (85%)Speed (mpi-
N=arest Addr'ess (and direction}: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1/
r~79~ayLaure'(~ownp~:',-~ ~o8o~ 254 11 304 310 31 28 30 36 3~
/113o5Bay Laurel (Downhm-:~] - ~
'g~ a Laurel(Uphill-WB) 294 2~ 52 330 332 30 31 30 30 2~
1~a_4 B y 231 228 25 26 26 26 25
11202 Bay Laurel (Uphill-WB) 184 187 39
2 a Laurel (Both Directions) N/A N/A 52 451 425 N/A N/A 28 28 28
11~0B Y . ~ 586 604 N/A N/A 28 28 2S
11305 Bay LauFeI (Both.Directions) N/A N/A 2u __ ~
Note: During the Nov. 4-5, 1997 count, Inspiration Drive (VCC) was not accessable via Bay Laurel
,.:~sD~=,~s\HnsnHill.x!s (2/19/98, GL)
~.,:]::~ O::~-~ ::I~U:~::~_-,:I::::L~ Public Works Dept. .,,,~
P. O. ~0x 2:~,0, Dublin, California 94568 · C~ Offices, lO0 Civic Plaza, Dublin California ~I558 '
DATE: November 20, 1997
TO: Lee Thompson
FROM: Mehran Sepehri
SUBJECT Hansen Hill Ranch Traffic Concerns
Following is action taken to date on concerns expressed by residents of Hansen Hill Ranch
Ten residents/homeowners attended the Traffic Safety Committee meeting of October 21, 1997.
This meeting was also attended by two representatives of Warmington Homes and two
representatives of Valley Christian Church/Schools, as well as regular TSC members.
Attached are minutes of that meeting, along with an attendance list. Following are concerns
and proposals that were expressed, and Staff's response or action taken to date:
School Traffic Usinc~ Bay Laurel Street:
The homeowners would prefer that the access to the school via Bay Laurel remain closed to
traffic, although it could be available for emergency access only. If this is not possible, they
and possibly a
would like to see Left Turn" traffic control at the Valley Christian driveways
median on 'Inspiration Drive in order to force traffic to at least leave the area via Inspiration
Drive and Dublin.Boulevard rather than returning on Bay Laurel.
The second access for the school was a Condition of Approval and is needed for emergency
purposes. Closing the access completely would delay response time for emergency vehicles
and is therefore not an option. Other considerations include the fact that the homeowners
themselves would have to live with the same restrictions.' There are a number of issues
involved, including whether media/~ breaks would be provided for left tums into the driveways,
whether U-turns would then become a problem, and whether the restrictions could or should be
time-limited so that only the peak trafi?c periods are affected. These issues are still under
discussion. If such restrictions are implemented, Valley Christian would need to make
modifications to their parking lot trafiTc flow.
Speeding: The homeowners indicated that traffic speeds on Bay Laurel and that they have a
problem getting out of their driveways safely. Some residents asked for stop sign control at the
Bay Laurel/inspiration intersection, Bay LaurellBuckeye Ct. intersection, and Bay Laurel/Bay '~'
Laurel Ct. intersection.
t . - ,:
Speed studies, and stop sign studies were performed under the present condition with the road
closure. The speed surveys were taken by mechanical means (not by radar). 85th percentile
speeds ranged from 29 mph to 31 mph depending on location. This is a residential street and
the 25 mph prima facie speed limit applies. Stop sign volume warrants were not met at the two
court locations; and stop signs are not recommended as a means of speed control. It was
agreed that the Bay Laurel/Inspiration intersection, would be a reasonable all-way stop. It was
also noted that speeding is an enforcement issue.
Noise: The homeowners would like to reduce noise from vehicles.
The City cannot do anything about vehicle noise. If stop signs are installed, the noise will be
'increased at the stop sign locations.
No Parking Areas: One homeown'er had an issue with No Parking Zones in front of their
It was agreed that the No Parking Zones could be removed in front of her house..
Crosswalks Requested: Crosswalks were requested crossing Bay Laurel at Silvergate and
crossing Sitvergate at Hansen Drive.
The Bay Laurel crosswalk is part of the improvement plans and will be painted as soon as the
street has been slurry sealed. Staff agreed to provide crosswalks on Sffvergate Drive at
Hansen Drive.
Lane Modification on Dublin Boulevard at Hansen: It was requested that the eastbound right
turn only lane on Dublin Boulevard at Hansen be available for through traffic.
Staff agree'd to change this lane to a through-and-right.
Centeriine and E~ige Lines on Bay Laurel: This was suggested by Staff as a device which
may slow traffic by making the roadway feel narrower. The'homeowners indicated they were
interested in trying this.
Staff agreed to have the striping done.
The striping modifications noted above will be included in the next work order for the City's
striping contractor, and some will be done by the developer. In addition, it was suggested to
the homeowners' association representative that further traffic studies should be performed with
the barricades removed in order to obtain more realistic information regarding traffic volume
and speeds.
The homeowners' association traffic committee will be advised of this within the next couple of
". days, There is a meeting of the entire homeowners' association on November 19th, and they
'"'-":'will be advised at that time of the above actions. Title members are invited to attend the next
Traffic Safety Committee meeting, which is tentatively scheduled for December 2n~. '
Page 2
Hansen Hill Traffic Issues
Meeting Date: December 18, 1997, 6:00 p.m.
Homeowners from Hansen Hill have expressed a number of concerns regarding traffic on Bay
Laurel Strut, including speeding,'noise, volumes, and }~ark.ing restrictions. Possible mitigation to
these conce~-ns were expressed in a memo from the homeowners dated October 17, 1997, and
discussed at a meetina held at City Hall on October 21, 1997. The purpose of tonight's meeting
is to discuss the potential impact of various mitigation measures, as well as to present an update
of what reinsures been implemented and will be implemented.
Speed counters-were installed at four locatiohs along Bay Laurel Strut, two in the do;xmahill
(eastbound) direction and two in the uphill (westbound) direction. The'counters were installed on
November 4-5 (prior to the opening of Inspiration Drive) and on December 9-10 (after the
opening oflnspiratidn Drive). The results of the counts indicate that the traffic volumes ranged
from 180 - 294 vehicles pe~ day (vpd) in November to 185 - 277 vpd in December. Volumes on
typical residential streets can be as 'high as 1,500 vpd. Meanwhile, the 85th percentile speed
ranzed from 25 - 31 mph in November and 26- 31 mph in Decembm. 85th percentile speeds on
,'yp~-cal residential streets can be as high as 36 mph..
Pronosed Mitisation Measures
I. Construct p~manent barricades on Inspiration Drive at Inspiration Circle and sign for
emgraency access only.
· Would eliminate second access for Hansen Hill that was required by the City's
Conditions of Approval for the development
· Would force all existing Bay Laurel traffic to exit onto Silvergate Drive, which was a
concern raised by homeo~mers along Silvergate prior to the development of I-tansen Hill
· Would force all future traffic on Inspiration Circle to Bay Laurel Street and Silvergate
· Would eliminate second access-for Valley Christian C~ter (VCC) that ,,;'as required by
the City's Conditions of Approval for Valley Christian School
· WOuld force all VCC traffic (even those from Hansen Hill and future development in the
area) onto Inspiration Drive via Dublin Boulevard
· Would increase emergency response time
· Would require a rm-naround area for normal traffic and emergency vehicles
2. Close small portion of Inspiration Circle between Inspiration Drive and Bay Laurel Street
· Would not be feasible until entire stretch of Inspiration Circle is built
· Would increase traffic volume and travel time in each direction be~,een Inspiration
'Drive, Inspiration Circle, and Bay Laurel St.
· Would increase emergency response time
3. Inet, all NO LEFI' TUR_N signs for traffic exiting VCC & a raised center median on Inspiration Dr. · Would force all traffic exiting VCC to turn right onto Inspiration Drive
· Would increase travel time for I-Iansen Hill residents from VCC to I-Iansen Hill Development
and other future development in the area
· Breaks in the median would be needed to allow for left tumc
' · Median design would need to balance between discom'a~ng ]eft roms from VCC, yet allowing
~ for left turns in case of emergency
o Traffic exiting VCC may rum right, then attempt a U-mm at median breaks or at Dublin Blvd.
· NO U-TURN on Inspiration Drive would be difficult to enforce
· Incoming VCC traffic could still use Bay Laurel
· Major costs would be associated with the median & funding source would be needed
4. LnsraLl NO LEFT TURN (e.g., 7 am-gem, and 3pm-5prn) sig'ns for traffic exitin~ VCC (no median) · Would forc. e ali traffic exiting VCC to turn right onto Inspiration Drive
· Would increase travel time for Hansen Hill residents from VCC to Hansen Hill Development
and other future development in the area
· Traffic exiting VCC may rum right, then attempt a U-turn between driveways
· NO LEFT TURN from VCC & NO U-TURN on Inspiration Dr. would be difficult to enforce
· Incoming VCC traffic'could still use Bay Laurel
· .~my restrictions, to VCC ~affic would require the support of VCC lead,ship and drivers
5. Install all-way STOP sig-ns at Inspirati6n Circle/Inspiration Dr. & at Inspiration Circle/Bay Laurel · STOP si__o-ns have been installed on all approaches at Inspiration Circle/Inspiration Drive
· STOP sigu has been installed for westbound Bay Laurel at Inspiration Circle. Wormin~on
will have STOP si_o-ns installed on both approaches on Inspiration Circle
- ' ' of vehicles at STOP signs
· No.s~ and pollution will increase due to braking and accelerating
6. tns:all ail-way STOP si_om at Bay Laurel Street/Bay Laurel Court and Bay Laurel St./Buckeye Ct.
- ~o ' o ' and
· Unwarranted STOP sirens may result in noncompliance, increased sp,.,.dm=, accir~ents,
';falSe sense of security"
· Noise and pollution will increase due to bratdng and accelerating of vehicles at STOP si?.s
· STOP sig'ns may not incrmse delay enough to make route less attractive than Dublin Bh'd.
7. Estzbtish speed limit (20 - 25 mph) and install simas to slow speeders
· California Vehicle Code indicates that speer~'limit on local residential streets should be
25mph. Lower speed Iimits are allowed at alleys, raikoad ~ade crossings, and intersections
with sight restrictions. '
· City pref~s not to install 25 mph sig-ns on residential streets, which rrmy result in additional
i~.srallations in othe~ neig?Dorhoods and ultimately more cost to the City
8. Remove or minimize no parking areas. · CiD' staff has responded to the one request and determined that No Parldng could be removed
· City staffxvill investigate any other requests made at this time
9. I_n~all entry signage that state: This is a residential community, please drive with caution, children
at plas', etc.
· ]V~ay ~ve residents a "false sense of securitf'
· Creates a liability issue for the City by irrrptying that it is o.k. for children to play in the street
· Not approved traffic conu-ol devices
10. '~.alI ':NOT A THROUGH STREET" sign or "No Through Traffic on Bay Laurel Us .... ' ' · NOT A THROUGH STREET sign is intended for d~d-end streets
- No Through Traffic...si__~n is not enforceable and tray divert traffic to other residential streets
11.. Install pedestrian crosswalk on Bay Laurel Street at Silv,'r~,ate Drive and at Hansen Drive and
, Silvergate Drive to allow children to safely cross. Silvergate Drive on thek way to school.
· Crosswalk across Bay Laurel at Silvergate will be installed after slurry seal
· Crosswalks have been installed on all four legs ofHansen Dr./Silver~te Dr.
12.Convert eastbound curb lane on Dublin Boulevard approach to Hansen Drive from right rum only
to a shared right and through lane.
· Eastbound curb lane on Dublin at I--Iansen Drive has been converted
· Allowing through movement from curb lane should reduce delays for eastbound drivers
· Installation of a traffic signal will si_maificantly reduce delays at the intersection
· Need cooperation of I-Iex~el and DeSilva Gates for sigfial installation and minor widening
13.Install NO LEFT TURN sign on westbound Bay Laurel Street at Inspkation Circle and on
southbound Inspiration Circle at Inspiration Drive .
· Drivers may mm right onto Inspkation Circle then may make a U-mm or three-point turn
· Drivers may mm right onto Inspkation Drive then may make a U-mm or three-point rum
· NO LEFT TURN would be difficult to enforce . _
14. Install NO RIGHT TURN sign on Inspiration Drive at Inspkation Circle
· Drivers may proceed straight on Inspiration Drive then may make a U-mm or three-point mm
o NO RIGHT TURN would be difficult to enforce
15. Install speed humps on Bay Laurel
· Speed humps'typically not installed on hilly streets
· Humps would increase emergency response time
· City would need t.o develop a citywide criteria, policy, and pro,am for humps
16. Install speed radar trailer on Bay Laurel · Police deparm~ent can be asked to install the trailer
· Speeds typically decrease when trailer is present
17. Joint effort between VCC and Hansen Hill Homeowners Association
r,...armn= .
· Letter from pastor to VCC attendees & parents of students ~ "° I-Iansen Hill waffic issues
· City opposed to liability associated with placing community safety patrol on Bay Laurel
Street, using respons~le high school students from VCC to remind drivers to slow down.
18. Install traffic circles at Bay Laurel/Buckeye Court and Bay Laurel Street/Bay Laurel Court · Typically installed at four-legged intersections, not thru-legged intersections
· Typically not installed on hilly streets
· Would force drivers to encroach into crosswalk area
· Would increase emergency response time
· Has been removed from San Leandro and Startle
19. Ie. staI1 centerline and edgetines on Bay Laurel · Centerline will be installed after slurry seal
Centerline would encourage drivers not m cross the center of file strut
· Centerline and edgelines may reduce speeds because of narro~a m= of the U-avel lane
· Edgelines would encourage drivers to not hug the curve and thus provide more clearance for
residents backing out of thek driveway
· Edgelines (and cost)not justified given current speeds. City,-,rill keep monitoring speeds.
~'~ Bay Laurel Street, Dublin
nearest address (and direction) 1115/97 ~ll 85% I 8.5°/°
11179 Bay Laurel (DownhilI-EB) 180 185 29 mph 28 mph
.- 11305 Bay Laurel (Downhill-EB). 286 254 31 mph 28 mph
11324 Bay Laurel (Uphill-WB) 294 277 30 mph 31 mph
11202 Bay Laurel (UphilI-WB) 184 187 25 mph 26 mph
April 2~ 1998
Mehran Sepehri ·
Senior Cixdl Engineer
Cig of Dublin
Dear Mr. Sepehri,
I am ~x~ting in resporise to your letter of-February 23, 1998, concerning Bay Laurel
Tra_~c Issue in thc Hansen HilLs Development. I am son3' it has taken until now for me to
respond, but I did not receive a copy of the letter undI the first week in March, and I have
since be~.n out of towm However, I feel k is yew important that you Imow how I, and my
neighbors, feel about tb2s report.
F~rst of ~ll~ we still do not believe that these are an3' where near accurate counts.
Accordin~ to this report there w~c a total of 20 cars exiting Valley C~fisfian and turning
left onto Inspiration, then Bay Laurel This is completely ridiculous- I ~ant you to come
and stand in my driveway and count the cars that come down fi-om Valley Christie, and
not stopping at the stop signs, by thc. way. In addition, they are sa54ng that 425 cars were
counted at thc, top of the hill, and 600 at th~. bottom. Th~ would mean that ali the
households in between resulted in 175 trips. There were approx~nately g houses ~yond
where the counter was phcccl at the top of hill How many trips could these g households
possibly make to add up to 425? All in ~1; these numbers do not ~dd up nor make any
Even putting this issue aside, the problem of sp~fing and '= ' ° stop si_~ns is sdI1
r~,-r~ant- You can come iook ~t ouz street and s:~ all the skdd rrazl~ at the turns where
people are having to slmm on thek brakes to make the turin In addition, the st~ing has
not stopped them from crossing it to ~o around cars u3dng to back out, or turn into their
d~_veways. Vie now have a new pToble, m with the sports pro.ams beginning. The
teenage drivers are ~ttend_ing after school activities at ail times of the evening, and using
=etun= to and from the school In addition, on
Bay Laurel as a raceway for o* ' °
r2ghts, we hear them racing on J. nspk:ation Drive, r~l-lng the turn onto Bay Laurel, and
~.~3ing down Bay Laurel I really b~..~ieve ~mt, P.s a neighborhood, we should not have
to endure these maff~c problems from th~ school I th_ink it is dine for us to do as
communities in DanvJ2t~ have done, and tmke back our nd=hborhood.
Nume,rous times I have, posed the, que,stion "why is that cut through to Inspiration Drive
require". As of ye,t I still have, not had a response that makes any se,nsc. As for
"eme,rgency access" for th~ circle, that is ),e,t to be built, I don't s~a th~ reasoning. I have
drive,n the, street that goes through the, Kaufi-mn and Broad Califomia townhomes and it is
structured exactly like, B. ay Laura,1. It is one, continous circle, and there, is no "cut
through" for ame,rge,ncy vehicles the,re,. The,re, is one, strut in, and one street out, exactly
as B ay Laural and Inspiration Drive.
Quite, frankly, I rase,hr the, stamme,nts "are, typical of a residential street" and comparing
Bay Laurel to We,st Vomac, or any othe,r street: The. re, a*e no two streets exactly th~ same
in re,gm'ds to steepness, curves, location, numl:~r off,side, nfs, and surrounding conditions.
lust because, pe,ople, spa,ed on othe,r str~.ts, and are, accepted, that does not mean
should have, to accapt it on om- streat. Wa are alI tax-pa)ring re,side,nts, and the, majority of
pe,ople, abusing our stre,et and nii_ohborhood, art not Dublin residents. Like. k or not,
Si!var,.ate is a main, north to south artery, that wa~ built to withstand u?,~c. Bay Laurel
is a nm'row, winding, s. tw.p road that was not built to handle I50-200 cars in a 2 horn.
pe,fiod, and allow thc residents to feel safe.
I would appre,ciam hem-lng ),our thoughts on this matter, and hope the. city ~411 not
consider this a clos~l issue. As long as we have, to endure these thoughtless, dangerous
conditions, I can assure, you, '~'e, ,adtI not conside,r it closM.
111S7 Bay L~ure,1 S[rcct
cc: Public Works Director
Ciw Mana-°e'r
To: Gary Thuman, Chief of Police-Dublin (31 ~ '~ L.,," '~...~.-~.'._..9~ ....
From: Andrew N. Walker Jr., President Hansen Ranchowners Association(Hansen ~
Re: Traffic Enforcement Bay Laurel St.
Chief Thuman,
As you are probably aware, our association has been meeting with city staff since about
October 1997 regarding traffic safety issues along Bay Laurel St. Until recently your
department was unable to effectively int. ervene due to restrictions outside of your control.
Fourtunately, in July 1998 the city saw fit to authorize immediate traffic enforcement'of
streets with in the Hansen Hill development.
I am writing to you to inform you and your staff of an area within the city where the
most frequent and blatant traffic violations are occurring. I am well aware that your staff
is responsible for the safety and protection of the city at large, and follows a certain
priority in fullfilling its duties. But nevertheless, I would think that the frequent and
blatant violations in the way of failures to stop, and rolling stops that are occuring at the
intersection of Bay Laurel and Inspiration Cir. should warrant a higher ranking and level
of enforcement than that which is curently in effect.
I must say that I have noticed a police presence within our community, but I beleive the
area indicated above could be enforced more effectively, and violations would be
discouraged if officers were assigned to devote more time in this area, especially during
ours of peak usage, 7:30am -8:30 am and 3:00pm -4:00pm. I must add, that the
mentioned violations are occuring at this intersection all times of day, and not just at the
times of peak usage. I would even venture ~to say that the revenue generated from
enforcing traffic laws at this location would justify the apportionment of your staffs time.
In closing I would like to add that speeding is also an issue along Bay Laurel, and the
violations which occur at the intesection mentioned contributes 1o the speeding problem.
Thank you very much!
Andrew N. Walker Jr.
(925) 829-2957
cc: Guy Huston, Mayor
-- Fi, # F-11- 11 II ° J-
O!TY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September ~ 5, ~ 998
SUBJECT: Bay Laurel Drive Traffic Issues - Installation of Stop Signs on Bay
· Laurel Street at Bay Laurel.Court and at Buckeye Court
Report Prepared by: Lee S. Thompson, Public Works Director
EXttIBITS ATTACHED: '1) Location Map
2) Letter from Peggy and Wayne Atwell
1) Receive staffpresentafion and public comment
RECOMMENDATION: ~ 2) Approve installation of stop signs on Bay Laurel Street at
Bay Laurel Court and at Buckeye Court and dir6ct Staffto
advise Warmin~on Homes to install signs and related
pavement markings.
FINANCL~L STATEMENT: Warming-ton Homes has ag'reed to install sigus and pavement
markings as part of the Tract improvements at no cost to the City
as the City has not yet accepted the public improvements within the
DESCRIPTION: At the September I, 1998, meeting, the City Council reviewed a
Staffpresentation regarding traffic studies and improvements completed to date for the Hansen Hill
development, particularly on Bay Laurel Street.
The City Council directed Staff to bring back an agenda item for the installation of stop sigus on Bay
Laurel Street at the intersections of Bay Laurel Court and B~ckeye Court.' (Approval could not be made
at the September 1~t meeting, as the action was not part of the agenda at that time.) Although these
intersections do not meet the warrants for all-way stop sign control, the City Council has expressed an
interest in installing the signs to discourage through traffic on Bay Laurel Street.
The City Council previously adopted a resolution providing for vehicle code enforcement within this
subdivision, but the City 'has not yet accepted any street improvements. The City Attorney has advised
that a resolution4'or approval of stop sigaas is not appropriate at tiffs time. The stop sigmas may be installed
but should be approved for inclusion in the Traffic Code at the time the Tract improvements are accepted.
Other regulatory devices previously installed within the Tract would be approved at the same time.
COPIES TO: Dominic Pieri, Warmin~on Homes
Valley Christian Center
Warmin~on Homes has agreed to install the stop signs and related pavement markings as part of the Tract~
improvements at no cost to the City.
Staffhas sent a notice to the residents of Hansen Hi. Il advising them of the City Council's request.
Staff recommends that the City Council receive comments from the public, approve the installation of
stop signs on Bay Laurel Street at Bay Laurel Court and Buckeye Court if appropriate, and direct Staff to
advise Warmington Homes that the stop si=mrs should be installed as part of the Tract improvements.
Page 2
Proposed All
Guy Houston
City Of Dublin
I00 Civic Plaza
Dublin, CA 945,6g
Dear Mr. Houston,
'As a resident of Hansen HilI and a homeowner who lives on Bay Laurel St, I was sent a letter recently 'by
the City of Dublin, which discussed the installation of stop signs along my street. The letter encouraged me
to provide comments if I had any issues which I do.
I have attended meetings with our homeowners association discussing the traffic issue. At the last meeting
I attended, which was held at the Valley Christian School, the City of Dublin also attended as well as Mike
McCellan of Warmington Homes. During this meeting a traffic safety study Was discussed which showed
that stop signs would not help the traffic situation on Bay Laurel Street. I, along with several of my
neighbors, left this meeting with the understanding that the traffic sign issue was resolved and that no.
additional signs would be posted in our neighborhood. . _
For the record, I do not want any additional stop signs posted in my neighborhood and I am very
disappointed that this action was taken without more effort on both the City of Dublin and Warrnin~on
Homes part. I understand that it was relayed that 75% of the homeowners at Hansen Hill requested this, I
would like to question where these 75% people live. Do they live on Meadow Court, which has no direct
effect on the entire issue? Do they live at the top of the hill or on Inspiration Drive, which will not have
these signs posted on in their lawns? I know that neighbors who live around these stop signs, particularly
the one slated to reside ~t the intersection of Buckeye Court do not want this, including myself.
Along the same line, I do not support "cautionary" signs such as "Stop Ahead", Slippery When Wet",
"Children at Play" etc. which litter up the street and are not enforceable by law. I am going a step further
to state that I absolutely do not want any signs posted in my lawn. Sometimes my neigh.bors forget that we
live up in the hills for a reason and Bay Laurel should not look like Dublin Boulevard. Most people are
bom with common sense that tells them that the streets are slippery when they are wet, and that in a
residential neighborhood there are often children at pla~. Please respect that fact that we paid a ~eat sum
of money to live in a country setting and that posting unnecessary signage takes away from the beauty of
our surroundings.
I do support the neighbors in looking into ways of bringing more road safety to Bay Laurel St. The traffie
along Bay Laurel is fa- too great to support the existing infrastructure. The City of Dublin has an
obliaation to the residences of Hansen Hill to provide alternative methods for traffic to commute
throughout the city without utilizing Bay Laurel Street as the thoroughfare to the west end of the city.
Choosing an option that has already proven not to be affective is not the answer.
I ask that both the City of Dublin and Warmington Homes take the time to do this correctly and do not rush
into a decision just to appease some of the more vocal residents of Hansen Hill. If this letter is in vein, I
ask that the City of Dublin and Warmington Homes recognize if additional stop signs do not correct the
problem, that they remove them from our streets. I also request that nothing more than stop signs are
posted, omitting any additional caution signage.
Peggy and Wayne Atwell
11203 Bay Laurel Street
cc: Mike McCellan
., .. · '.4 *ro~,~ ? (Sro~,) .~.
, -..,. ~ ,fi
' ~'x ' '"' / ". °)s%-,~
g .: / -
'~. ,..- .! /
~ ~ . INSTALL 5rO~ BAR & "STOP" L~G~ND
1319 - -.
,; .. ~ , ,~ ,'
.... /
BAY LAU~L ST~ET/ BAY LAU~L COURT .' t,,;: CE .',: ,, r t :,
· -' ]~I.; /J~tl
~J(' O':f' !.'
INs'r^LL StOP B^R & ':Strip" t. EGSSD <~'~... 1125-~
~ 7623
BUCKEYE COURT ~ . ~. ...,,,
August Il, 1998
Guy Huston '-'"
City of Dublin
I00 Civic Plaza
Dublin, CA 94568
Dear Mr. Houston:
On September 5,1998 1 received a letter from the City of Dubin regarding proposed installation of Stop
Signs at the Intersections of Bay Laurel Court and Buckeye Court.
I was shocked to see this topic being brought up again by the City just six months after I thought the use of
Stop Signs was resolved.
I received a letter from the City of Dublin, dated February 23, 1998 that was in response to comments
received fi-om the Bay Laurel residents December 18th meeting regarding speeding and vehicle volumes. I
' attended that meeting as well as the preceding meet~gs because of my concern for~the possibility 9f re_ore
signs being added to our community. I DO NOT WANT MORE SIGNS!
The results from the study were attached which were provided to Mr. Mehran Sepehri from Gordon Lum.
The letter clearly stated that the volumes and speed are typical and reasonable for a residential street. The
City of Dublin Public Works, based on this traffic study, recommended that the existing strip#zg and stop
signs should be adequate: This letter put me at ease that we would not be getting any additional signs.
Sometime after that letter, a neighbor who I believed was on the Hansen Ranch Homeowners Traffic
Committee, came to my home to ask me to sign a petition. The purpose of the petition was to detour
traffic offBay Laurel, that traffic being Valley Christian School. I told her I would sign the petition as
long as it did not lead to more STOP SIGNS, that I did not want any more signs. She assured me that they
were trying to divert traffic from the school, offBay Laurel.
I did not attend the meeting on September 1, 1998. I believed the meeting was to have the street
improvements accepted by the. City of Dublin or to allow enforcement of the CVC prior to acceptance of
the streets; which I am in favor of. I had no idea that additional signs were even going to be considered.
We already have too many signs on Bay Laurel.
Please do not put up additional signs in our neighborhood. The City of Dublin Public Works, recommend
that the existing Stop Signs are adequate. I do not believ~ that additional signs should be installed to
"' appease a handful of outspoken individuals who are clearly not looking at the whole picture of where we
want to live. We bought our home in Dublin at Hansen Hill because we felt it was a special place, to put
up additional signs will make us feel like we are on Dublin Blvd.
I do not knowifI will be able to attend the meeting to be t~eld on September 15, 1998 so I would like this
letter to represent my written comment.
To install STOP SIGNS on a city street that the City says are not needed, does not make any sense to me.
If these unnecessary signs are installed I want to go on record that I do not want any signs in front of my
Susan J. Freeman
11221 Bay Laurel Street
Dublin, CA 94568
To: Mr. Lee Thompson Date: September 11, 1998
City of Dublin
Public Works Department
P.O. Box 2340
Dublin, CA. 94568 ~,~-C~V~D
From:' Robert & Sabina Jochim ~/~
11242 Bay Laurel Street PUSLIO
Dublin, CA. 94568
Subject: Proposed Installation of Stop Signs on Bay Laurel Street.
Dear Mr. Thompson:
We will be unable to attend the city council meeting on Septemeber 15, 1998. However,
this letter will represent our opinion on the installation of the stops signs on Bay Laurel
Street. We ~hT_QDgl.~Efl~ with going ahead with the installation of the stop signs due to the
high volume of traffic and speeding vehicles on our street. Excessive amounts of speeding
vehicles is and has been an ongoing problem ever since we have moved into this community.
Our biggest concern is the safety of our family and the community. We feel this would be a
deterrent to help reduce or eliminate the amount of speeding vehicles on our street.
Thank you,
Robert & Sabina Jochim