HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 3.02 YouthAdvCommAppt (2) CITY CLERK File # ~--]~J~ / ~r-~-~-~r~ CITYCOUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 3, 1999 SUBJECT: Youth Advisory Committee Appointments Report by: Diane Lowart, Parks & Community Services Director ATTACHMENTS: Applications RECOMMENDATION: Confirm Mayor's appointments to Youth Advisory Committee FINANCIAL STATEMENT: None DESCRIPTION: The term of office for the Youth Ad¥isory Committee will expire in August 1999. The openings for the upcoming term were advertised at Wells Middle School, St. Raymond Catholic School, Valley Christian School, Dublin High School and Valley High School. Additionally, press releases were sent to the Tri-Valley Herald, Valley Times and CTV. Twelve applications were received for the eleven youth member positions and one application was received for the adult community member position (applications attached). The Mayor recommends the appointment of the following individuals to the Youth Advisory Committee: Members Grade School Brenton A. Jones 7th Valley Christian School ........................ ~ ......................... Louis Arcuri 10t~ Dublin High School Catie Hootman 10th Valley Christian School Kristy Laird 10th Dublin High School Tony Watts 10th Dublin High School Melissa West 10th Dublin High School Leslie Allen 1 lth Dublin High School Vimala Harmigan 12th Dublin High School Jupjeet Kaur 12th Dublin High School Daphne Robinson 12th Dublin High School Tricia Rutledge 12th Dublin High School Karen Seals Adult Advisor Alternate Grade School Shelly Kahn 10th Carondelet High School The appointments do not reflect the approved composition of the Youth Advisory Committee as provided in the Bylaws and Rules of Procedure (3 Middle School - 1 from each ~ade and 8 High School - 2 fi-om COPIES TO: Applicants/Parks & Community Services Commission ITEM NO. ~ G:\yac\agndStmt\ccS~3-ap~b~ih-t~i~.~0d~ :: each grade). However, when there are.ins.uffiCie~_~t, applications frOm each grade, the Mayor has the latitude to make appointments from other grades. Staff recommends that the City Council confirm the ~ Mayor's ~app°intments to the yOuth'Ad~kis}5~- .. Committee for the term of September 1999-flii'dff~ti~g,-ti~/i~' 2000~ ......... ~ - YOUTH ADVISORY COMMIll'EE APPLICATION Advisory Committee. .'~ ~L'.'m'-'- .~.~ .-... The purpose of the Committee is to provide input in youth .,...~ , ~."~ services, assist with implementation and promotion of youth The Youth Advisory Committee ii made up of eleven members '=" ~ ¢~,~. .. · ,; ' appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council. '"' The term of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity for re-appointment in August 2000. The twelve month term ~ i,~:' .~'~ commences in September and terminates in AugusL The Youth .- · .; ~, AdvisOryevening atCOmmittee7:30 p.m.meets once a month; the first Thursday Please answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. 1. How did you find out about the Youth Advisory Committee? 2. What do you know about the Youth Advisory Committee? 3. Why are you interested in serving on this Committee? 4. What skills do you possess that would make you a strong candidate for the Youth Advisory Committee? 5. If you could be involved in the planning for one event, what would it be? Please explain. 6. - What activities are you currently involved in or will be involved in the 1999-2000 school year? 7. How would the activities in question #6 effect your time commitment to the Youth Advisory Committee? 8. If you are not selected to 'the Youth Advisory Committee, would you be interested in serving on one of the following committees: O Publicity & Promotions O Special Event Planning O Teen Nights O Dub Town .]am 9. Please provide the name, phone number, and three references. Please re~urn application materials to: Youth Adv/sory Committee, 11600 Shannon'live., Dub//n 04 9d568 If you have any questions please call 925-829-4932. Youth Adv/sory Committee Application - Brenton A. Jones Answers to .questions on appIicat/on form. 1. I found out about the Youth Advisory Committee from my Mom, who saw the article in the newspaper. 2. I know the Youth Advisory Committee works with adult advisors to come up v~dth activities which will be enjoyed by teens. 3. I am interested in serving on this Committee because I feel I have some good ideas, and would like to make sure they are included in the planning of teen activities. Also, I would like to hear about ideas other people have. 4. I would be a good candidate for the Youth Advisory Committee because I get along well with people, and am a team player. 5. IfI could be involved in planning one event, it would be a local one-on-one or hoop-it -up basketball contest. We would get prizes donated from the local businessess. An example would be a pizza party for the winner and 8 of their friends. 6. I will be involved in basketball and baseball in the 1999-2000 school 3'ear. 7. I would have to schedule my time (studying, basketball and baseball practice) to make sure I have time to participate and be helpfuI to the Committee. 8. If I am not selected to the Committee, I would still like to help with special event planning 9. References: Mr. and Mrs. Nolan Tong- (925) 829-7945 Mr. and Mrs. Steve Stasiefski - (925) 838-0450 Mr. and Mrs. John Burke - (925) 373-1732 yOUth AdVisory CO ittee Application Louis Arcuri Dublin High School 7155 Tamarack Dr. Grade 10 Dublin, CA 94568 (925) 829-5790 1.) I first heard of the Youth Advisory Committee when, in the seventh grade, I received a notice in the Wells Middle School cafeteria during a lunch period. The information read something like this, "Join the Youth Advisory Committee. Just think of the possibilities... Dances, concerts, ski trips, and more...For more information call [Park and Recreation Department telephone number]." I was unsure of how extraordinary an opportunity this was, but I took the initiative to call the Even number. I was informed that I had until some date in June to obtain an application from the Civic Center and return it, completed. Then I was interviewed and was appointed to the committee. 2.) I am quite familiar with the Youth Advisory Committee. I 'know that it is a city- organized group of Dublin students in grades 6 through 12. It currently consists of eleven members, of whOm one is in each of grades 6-8 and two are in each of grades 9-12. The committee has a set of bylaws, which provide that its members must be appointed indMdually each August, and whose terms continue until the following August. This committee serves to meet the interests of the "common Dublin teenager." A member represents his or her school and community by voting, motioning, and planning activities to entertain his or her peers. 3.) I am interested in serving on this committee because I am an innovative young resident of Dublin. I realize that not all people of any age have unanimous interests. Thus it is the duty of members of the community to provide services desirable to the community we represent, and to eliminate undesirable services, within the realm of reason. I do not believe that the committee has met its goal thus far. It must discuss serious issues affecting Dublin's young students, have direct contact with the populace, and maintain a sufficient financial status to provide community activities. Instead, when it meets one of its goals, another one is forgotten. I will treat this organization as a representative le~slature that has open and intimate communication with the people it must serve. 4.) I possess many skills and qualities that would make me a good leader and a strong candidate for the Youth Advisory Committee. I enjoy leading discussions and playing an active role in whatever activity is being undertaken. I am an experienced, persuasive speaker. I listen to opposing opinions and debate with my adversary. I am sensible when rationing the public's money. When I begin a project, I complete a project. I accept defeat. I am an effective leader. 5.) IfI could plan one event, it would be a Thanksgiving festival. It would take place the Saturday before Thanksgiving Day. I would pUrchase a gigantic inflatable turkey. This would stand atop the Dublin Civic Center. I would invite students at nearby special education centers; young dancers from the Tri-Valley; bands from any Dublin schools who wish to participate; the mayors of San Rarnorg Pleasanton, Danville, and Livermore; small artists and assorted vendors; turkey farmers; a local young actors' association who would enact the meeting of the English pilgrims and the tribes who inhabited the Eastern United States at the time. I would also isolate a portion exclusively for youths in grades 6-12, and another exclusively for kids in grades K-5. The former would contain a disc jockey and a dance floor. The latter would contain two inflatable "bounce houses." 6.) I occupy my time with assorted activities. I play the piano individually and the saxophone in two bands. I play tennis and run cross-country. I advocate a given case on my school's Mock Trial Team. I serve the community through the Interact Club and the Youth Advisory Committee (I am a member this 1998-99 term). Next year, I will be a member of the Dublin High School leadership class and the student representative for the Dublin School Board. I am considering also applying for the student journalist position for the Tri-Valley Herald. 7.) N~arly every hour of my weekday time will be occupied by some activity next year. However, there is no activity that will directly conflict with my time commitment to this committee; I do not have any regular scheduled activity on Thursday nights. If a conflict does arise, I will need to make a decision at that time. This year, I have attended 100% of the meetings this committee has held. I do not believe such would be the case next year, but I would make every effort to avoid conflicts. I will have limited time outside of the regular meetings, but I will be willing to use it to serve the Y..~C. 8.) IfI am not selected to serve on the Youth Advisory committee, I would be interested in s~-ving on-the Dub Town Jam subcommittee. 9.) References ii:i~-'.-':i~.'.'.%':!.'.::~::'::::.~.~::::~. '".'~.'~'.':':.:::':~::':-'.'-::.'¥:~¥::>~:$::S:~::::~::¥::::$:~:~¥45 ~ $ ~::: ::::: :::::.:.~ ~:::.x ~-:~-:.x ~-:.x-:.x.:~x.:-:.:-:~-:-:~-:-:-:-:-::x ~..:.~ %:::: ~::~.':.'.~ x ~.:-:.:-:-:-:. Linda Miles 833-6670 Erik Bertelson 828-7985 Tim Sbranti Coach, Dublin High School OYOUTH ADVISORy· COMMII-rEE APPLICATION RE01) JUN ]l 1999 Thank you for expressing an interest in serving on the Youth Advisory Committee. The purpose of the Committee is to provide input in youth ":, --~¥~ -': .... ~. :' I '"' services, assist with implementation and promotion of youth !.' .. The Youth Advisory Committee is made up of eleven members .~: ,%,~,:...~:~. .., '..- appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council. '" The term of office will be for twelve months with afl opporl:unity for re-appointment in ^u~ust 2000. 'l'he twelve month term commences in September and terminates in August. The Youth Advisory Committee meets once a month; the first Thursday evening at 7:30 p.m. -' ~'":~ Name ( cx¥1e V r schoo Address ,~ ~ gq T(~"~L,('O,.~-¢,.._~". Grade Fin ~999-2000~chool t Please answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. 1. How did you find out about the Youth Advisory Committee? 2. What do you know about the Youth Advisory Committee? 3. Why are you interested in serving on this Committee? 4. What skills do you possess that would make you a strong candidate for the Youth Advisory Committee? 5. If. you could be involved in the planning for one event, what would it be? Please explain. 6. What activities are you currently involved in or will be involved in the 1999-2000 school year? 7. How would the activities in quit/on #6 effect your time commitment to the Youth Advisory Committee? 8. If you are not selected to the Youth Advisory Committee, would you be interested in serving on one of the following committees: C) Publicity & Promotions O Special Event Planning O Teen Nights O Dub Town 3am 9. Please provide the name, phone number, and three references. Please return application materials to: Youth 4dv/sory Committee, 11600 Shannon Ave., Dub/in C,4 If you have any questions please call 925-829-4932. Catie I-Icc tma~ 8189 Tamarack Dr. Dublin, CA 94568 June 11, 1999 1. I found out about the Youth Advisory Committee through the Dublin Recreational Guide. 2. I know that it is a group of teenagers that organize youth events. They have organized the Dublin Town Jam, which took place at the Civic Center. They also give input to the city council about how to improve the community for teenagers and as a ~hole. 3. I wou~ld like to be more involved in my commu_n~ty to know v~hat is happening and how I can help. I have .many ideas on how teenagers can help improve the commumity and how they can have fun in the process. 4. I have very good orgaIzizational sl~-~lls. I am also very cornnmitted to everything that I do. For example, I have been in the same choi~ for nine years. When I am placed in a situation, I analyze it before I take an actiozz 5.. I would like to organize, a big sister/ brother program. It would be a program where a high school student could get together -~ith a yoiznger elementary age child or a middle school student. They would be able to support each other and help each other through difficult situations. There could be parties for the big and little sister/ brother program. I would also like to set up a teen hot-line. It could be a help-line that teenagers could call into to talk to other teenagers. There could also be counselors there if they were needed. 6. I am the Secretary for my Sophomore Class. I am a leader in l~¢iasionettes, a Christian group for girls at my church, Valley Clmristiaam I also work in the nursery at my church. 7. My position on student council does not require any out of school time. The 1V~zissionette meetings are only once a week. l~y nursery work is mainly on Sunday mornings. I do not thin~ that these commitments would effect my connz~tment to the Advisory Committee. 8. I woizld be interested in Publicity and Promotions. 9. References: 1. Judith Mayton 484~t921 2. Grace I~fowrer 829-3685 3. LyIm Kirksey 462-7330 OYOUTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE APPLICATION Thank you for expressing an interest in serving on the Youth Advisory Committee. ~']~. ::.. The purpose of the Committee is to provide input in youth .~::. '~ , y services, assist with implementation and promotion of youth activities and address issues that effect youth in the community. ~¥, .'~:j~ ~/~~ The Youth Advisory Committee is made up of eleven members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council, ',~~~ ..... The term of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity -for re-appointment in August 2000. The twelve month term commences in September and terminates in August. The Youth .;;3:' .". Advisory Committee meets once a month; the first Thursday · .,.~ evening at 7:30 p.m. Name She!le~_~ ~fahn School (In3999-2OOO$choolxear,; Carondelet. H/ah S~ho¢ i-~.~'~ Address ' !._1_ T0~3 ~a~[a~ Rd Grade (Tn ~,~-2oo~.sc~oo/year) 9:o~.~...m.o.~.,.e. (?~0) ' "'ti! City, St. T)a~ ~_: Cal££o~n~_a Phone __ Please answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. 1. How did you find out about the Youth Advisory Committee? 2. What do you know about the Youth Advisory Committee? 3. Why are you interested in serving on this Committee? 4. What skills do you possess that would make you a strong candidate for the Youth Advisory Comr~ittee? 5. If you could be involved in the planning for one event, what would it be? Please explain. 6. What activities are you currently involved in or will be involved in the 1999-2000 school year? 7. How would the activities in 'question #6 effect your time commitment to the Youth Advisory Committee? 8. If you are not selected to the Youth Advisory Committee, would you be interested in serving on one of the · following committees: O Publicity 8, prOmotions O Special EVent Planning CD Teen Nights C) Dub Town .lam 9. Please provide the name, phone number, and three references. Please return application materials to: Youth Advisory Committee, 11600 Shannon Ave., Dub/in C4 94565 If you have any questions please call 925-829-4,932. Shell~~ Kahn 1. I found out about the Youth A&Ssory Committee through the ne~oaper last year, but ~s unable to apply because of a conflict in schedules. 2. I see the Youth Advisory Committee as an important way for teens to voice their opinions, discuss and work towards resoMng issues that affect Dublin's teens, and work together to get things done for the betterment of the community. It is a ~my to get involved in the city and the people in it, and make a d/fference to those willing to recognize the voice of the furore. 3. 1 want to help mnke Dublin an even better place for teenagers to li,~ and a place a~ith more oppommities, both meaningful and fun, for them to take part in. I also xx~.nt to become more im'oh'ed in volunteerism and leadership, and this seems to be the ideal ~y to do both. 4. I have a ~ry. strong determination and desire to improve myse~ my enviromnent and mx' communi~'. I belie~,e I have the personality to be a strong leader and am working toam-d &'weloping leadership skills. (I am currently applying to the Junior Leadership Program.) I enjoy developing and organizing ~,ents. I see rnyselfas open-minde& articulate, creath,e, intelligent and respons~le and belim'e these traits a'ill contribute to the benefit of the Dublin Youth AclxSsor).? Committee. I also l'm,e musical and artistic ab~ifies and a variet), of computer sl~s that maybe useful. 5. I would like to be im,olved in the planning of the Dub Tcram Jam,. (or a similar newly d~'eloped e~'ent) because I believe that it is a wonderful a~y to promote a sense of communi~' and fun among teens. I think it is the positive kind of event we need, and that with ~'en more publicity, it could be a huge ocmsion that would appeal to teens all around the Tri-Valles' arm and beyond._ 6. Next 3'ear, I xdll be involved in mx' school's yearbook staf[ perhaps school plays, Saint Raymond's Youth Group, and a few lesser other activities that I have also been involved in this year. (French Club, California Scholarship Federation). ' 7. M°st of my scheduled actix4fies are school related and ~5ti take phce at times which wonid not conflict with my commitment to this committee. $. I would be interested in being on an3' of the listed committ~s, but would prefer to be on the main Youth AdvisoD, Committee. 9. References: Mrs. Annieltagt'eldt 829-'7332 Mrs. Mary Hootman 829-7321 Mrs. Mary Smith 828-8288 Name Kristy Laird SchoOl Dublin High School Address 7660 Canterbury Lane Grade 10th City, St. Dublin, Ca. Phone (925) 551-8055 1. Karen Seals is the person who told me about the Dublin Youth Advisory Committee. I am involved in Hypest. Hypest stands for Helping Youth Practice Educational Skills About Tobacco. Karen works with Hypest, and she told me that the YAC would be a really fun experience, so I was interested. I knew I liked being involved in fun activities that include matting decisions, and helping others, so I wanted to try it out. Once I found out what the Youth Advisory Committee was really about I was even more interested. I decided that this was something I wanted to do. 2. I Imow that the Youth Advisory Committee is a meeting that is nm by Youth and an advisor. Together the youth plan fun events for the teens in Dublin. They also do voluntary work and discuss important issues in Dublin. The teens in the committee help the city of Dublin understand what the teens think, and how they would like to approach important issues in Dublin, especially involving the youth. 3. I am very interested in serving on the Youth Advisory Committee. I feel that this would be a wonderful experience.-One of the most important parts in serving on the committee is that you have to be able to be a leader to other youth. I think that I am ready to be a leader, and support Dublin. I love to work with other teens, and children. I also like to meet new people every chance I get. If I were excepted into the committee I know I would try my best to do every possible thing I could do to improve the interactions among the youth of Dublin. I hope I am able to help in any way ifI am not excepted into the committee. The youth of Dublin are very important to me. 4. I couldn't think of one event straight off the back of my head, but I can suggest something we could plan an event on. I think that the youth of Dublin need to connect. If we could desigu an event that would help to do that than I am in. One day I would like to see everyone interacting together. I know that if everyone on the Youth Advisory Committee brainstorms something together, we can get any event accomplished. In order to get anything accomplished as a team, we must work together and interact ourselves, That's the only way we can make a difference. 5. I could be involved in the planning of any event. I am interested in helping Dublin in any way, shape, or form. I am volunteering some of my time to help Dublin. I want to participate in any event Dublin needs help with. 6. In the 1999 school year I will continue to be involved in Hypest and Friday Night Live. I will also be in CSF again along with the French Club. I will probably be involved in softball and tennis. I am really hoping that the Youth Advisory Committee will be included on my list ofthing's to d° also. 7. None of my activities will be in the way of me attending the YAC meetings. I will always be on time for the meetings and be involved in all the activities possible. I am making a commitment to be there on time, every time. 8. If I am not selected to be on the Youth Advisory Committee I would like to be involved in ali the activities listed. I would like to help with Publicity and Promotions, Special Event Planning, Teen Ni~hts, and the Dub Town Jam. 9. References: Guy Houston (925) 828-6665 Karen Seals (510) 333-9301 Judith Perry (925) 443-4827 OYOUTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE APPLICATION Thank you for expressing an interest in serving on the Youth Advisory Commit-tee. ..~ '?':%, .:.. The purpose of the committee is to provi~Je input in youth The Youth Advisory Committee i~ made up of eleven members ,~ appointed by the Mayor web the approval of the City Coundl. The term of ofrice will be for twelve months with an opportunity for re-appointment in Au§ust 2000. The twelve month term · commences in September and terminates in August. The Youth .' Advisory committee meets once a month; the first Thursday ~' '~~, evening at 7:30 p.m. . ,_ase answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. % How did you find out about the Youth Advisory Committee? 2. What do you know about the Youth Advisory Committee? 3. Why are you interested in serving on this Committee? 4. What skills do you possess that would make you a strong candidate for the Youth Advisory Committee? 5. Tf you could be involved in the planning for one event, what would it be? Please explain. 6. What activities are you currently involved in or will be involved in the :t999-2000 school year? 7. How would the activities in question #6 effect your time commitment to the Youth Advisory Committee? 8. ]:f you are not selected to the Youth Advisory Committee, would you be interested in serving on one of the [9)l°wing c°mmi~ees:& Promotions K2~' SDecial T~.ights (~bTown]am /Q~,Publici~ v-- Event Planning . 9. Please provide the name, phone number, and three references. Please return application materials to: Youth Adv/sory Cornm/ttee, 11600 Shannon Ave., Dub//n C_.4 94568 If you have any questions please call 925-829-4932. Tony Watts 6/14/99 Youth A dviso r~ Committee Name: Tony Watts Address: 7997 Iglesia Drive City, St.: Dublin, CA Phone: (510) 829 - 6313 School: Dublin High School Grade: 10th/Sophomore 1.) One day, I was listening to the intercom announcements at school, when they started to talk about the Youth Advisory Committee (a.k.a~ Y.A.C.), I decided that I would get an application. 2.) I -know that the Youth Advisory Committee is a group of people that organizes group and school events, such as dances, et cetera. 3.) I am interested in the Youth Advisory Committee, because I would really like to become more, involved in the community than with just the Interact Club. I think that it Would be a great deal of fun to be in the Youth Advisory Committee. I have grown up in Dublin and am excited about the opportunity to have some input on ideas and activities that involve my peers and myself in this community. Lastly, I think that it would look great on my application to Stanford (which is where I am planning on going for college). 4.) Some of the skills that I have that would make me a superb candidate for the Youth Advisory Committee is that I work great in groups. I am a very good problem solver as well, and I am also very artistic. I am a really good people person, and I enjoy coming up with some ideas for the community. I have very good leadership s 'kills as well. Lastly, I am a 4.0 student and was the Valedictorian for my eighth grade class at Wells Middle School (97-98 school year). 5.) IfI could be involved in planning one event it would be a swing dance for the whole Tfi-Valley. I would love to teach anyone that would need any help learning any of the dance moves. I have actually taken a six'week long swing dance class with one of my good friends, and would 'know just how to set everything up. It would be great!! 6.) I am currently involved in the Interact Club, and am holding a'job that I have had for just over a year now. I am also the drum m~ib'r for Dublin High. Next year I will be in some more clubs, I'm not quite sure just which ones though, and I will also play soccer for ekher the Varsity or Junior Varsity team. 7.) Aside from practices for soccer or some community wbrk for Interact, I really don't think that I would have very much trouble with my involvement in the Youth t-':' "ii-='---' ............................ ,fy com~i~7.~:.,..':..:_~..- .. . .-?i":':': - ~- . - :.. ... - ~.:.-?:~.. -'-~..::~..~. -:.~'~.'.. ?. '~ .-...:.?: ,:.~::L::~:;,.~.,-~~ :..~: . . '. -'..'-.~.:~. ~ ~',~ .: ,f . '. .... .... ', . .. . .. ~t.. .... .: : C'~?..?- :~:-~f~f~:~.~':~.~:'~-~:.'-~'.~:~-.~'~? :. "'_:L k'.;_'~.:~. ::,~-:::.~.:~.~'-..:.. .'. .: . ~ : :L?~_'... . '.. v.; . .-' .... _ .... ~.,:.. ~]: ."?; 3::~- Wh¢ ar&"9ob inter--ted ifi'"~i~:Sh: thi~c~mmi~ee,.:~:~.i~.:~:?}.~.~:;.::?:.........~.' '~ ::..:.-..:~. ,. .... -~.....' :.--:~;.-'.. . ~-..--, .. - a.~:'~ ":':',~-.-'~-".".?:~ '.'.~;..'~ j~::~.t:,-, '-. , '?,.:~;~."-'-- :- '~.~:..-:~?'r~,.'?;'~c'~: ,..., . ~-t~-:.z%..~q.~.--.,.-..... .- ..-:,. .:...-., ... .... ~. ~3: :'--"-: :. ;: <..;'-;~.,' '~:"':.~'.:-:~:.:.:.':;L';~; :~::,..'r¢::'3;(;.'~"-:~:,L;~(:'::'X~'~.~'::}??;.-:'. ~' .... '?~?-.:"-::~:i¢~' -:-: .-['-":... '-:.. :--'?;.::.::. "" '".": . ?[-; .:. '.:'".-'4::: ': ~h ~. ~.~,l~: ~t Y~ U. ¢9~..[h:~..~,~p.~ .yo~. ~ st~o)g [a~ida~ fo[ the youth Advis°~ C°mmi~ee? ....'-'~ ;:. :~ :-.'. ~?: :':.:'--:-- 5 ; If you could be invOi~ed i~'~"" 1~'6~6~'' .......... '~:~'"; ...... ?::-~'"'~ '. "'~" ~ ....... ' '~"' ;' ' ' · :- ','"" '- '~ ':':" '~ ':':' "'--' '-':' ' ~:::.....-.:>-:. t .............. p .. g one event; what would t be Please explain ~-::.' .... . ' . . '.c · -? ,.iT- :'." ':_' ;:' .,.-'. :"~.'~"?:~?.~;':' ~;:..k~.~.:~.~;~<;~¢.;~.:~:.~;`~`;~?~;`~;~`~.T~..~`~..?~.~'' ,. "......~'.7,'.; r: .. . . .,. 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It plans safe, fun, and drug and alcohol free activities for the youth of the city of Dublin. 3. Why are you interested in serving on this Committee? I'm interested in serving on this committee.because ! want to meet new people, have a say in what goes on in the city of Dublin for the youth, and help the city plan and operate fun-filled and safe events. 4. What skills do you possess that would make you a strong candidate for the Youth Advisory Committee? I am very friendly, responsible, and energetic. I'm also thorough, dependable, positive and open to anything. 5. If you could be involved in' the planning for one event, what would it be, explain? · 1 would plan music events because I like music and love seeing the fun people .... have and the positive effect it has on them. It is also a great way to have a drug and alcohol free event that is a lot of fun. 6. What activities are you currentiy involved in or will be involved in the 1999-2000 school year. I will have driving lessons, soccer, tennis, and possibly the Youth Advisory Committee. 7. How would the activities in question #6 effect your time commitment to the Youth - Advisory Committee? The key is time management, and the Youth Advisory Committee will be one of my top priorities. 8.If I am not selected for the Youth Advisory Committee I would be interested in serving on the following committees; Special Event Planning, Teen Nights, and Dub Town Jam. 9. Betsy Chapman ' Elizabeth Neely (925) 833-1946 (510) 339-6693 11579 Circle Way Dublin, CA 94568 1900 Mountain Blvd. #4 YAC member, Dublin Citizen Of the Year Oakland, CA 94611 Teacher of Journalism and · Tony Orvetz English at Dublin High School " .... (925) 828-7139 7748 Squirrel Creek Circle Dublin CA, 94568 Member of the Dublin Planning Commission ~..? ·. 7. How woulq ~e a~ities ip qu~ion. ~6'effe~ yo~ time commi~nt to the. Youth ~dviso~ Commi~ee? 9. Please provide ~e name, phone number, and throe' references;. "' Please [~mfn application matefiats to: Youth-Adv/so~ ~om~i~ee, J1600 Shannon Ave., Youth AdvisOry., Committee Application 1. How did you find out about the Youth Advisory Committee? I found out about Y.A.C. through my friend Melissa West. I also found out through worked for the city of San Ramon on their Teen Council board. 2. What do you know about the Youth Advisory Committee? The yOuth Advisory committee is made up of a group of students who love to be involved in helping to' make Dublin a fun place for the Youth. They discuss various issues concerning teens and they help to put on and organize positive events in the city of Dublin. 3. Why are you interested in serving on this committee? ? ' I am a Very opinionated perSOn WhO loves to work with people and see things get done. I enjoy being involved with the activities around the city. I have done various volunteer activities in both Dublin and San Ramon~ I have worked for two years on the skate park task force, the HolidaY Parade float for the Teen Council, the pumpkin festival at the Albertson's park, the Dub Town Jam, and the poetry nights at Coffee Cavern. Change is a positive thing and I want to help it happen. 4. What skills do you possess that would make you a strong candidate for the Youth Advisory Committee? I would be a good candidate for Y.A.C. because I am a good negotiator and I follow through on things that need to be done. I want to see and help things get accomplished properly and constructively. 5. If You could be involved in the planning of one event, what would it be? If I were to help out in one event it would be a huge concert with hip- hop, rap, and R&B artists from around DUblin and the Bay Area. This would help promote the kids as well as the city of Dublin. The performers would not be famous (yeo and it would be an event with lots of people and good music. All of the music would be original and the promotional campaign would blow away any event Dublin has ever seen. I would put posters up every where, announce it in all of the local school bulletins and work with all of the hip-hop radio stations. The M.C., of course, would be Winston Ashby. I have so many more ideas for the youth of Dublin and it will be a pleasure working with everyone. 6. What activities are you currently involved in or will be involved in the 1999-2000 school year? Currently I am involved in the Dub Town sub committee and during the school year I will be playing basketball in the fall and working on the weekends. 7. How would the activities in #6 effect your time commitment to the Youth Advisory Committee? "~ My activities would not interfere with my total commitment to the Youth Advisory Committee. During basketball season I will pre arrange the dates that I will be absent with my coach. O¥gU!H ADVISORY COMMII-rEE APPLICATION Thank you for expressing an interest in serving on the Youth Advisory Committee. ~. The purpose of the Committee is to provide input in youth '"', :,~ " :~..'~ .. . services, assist with implementation and p~omotJon of youth activities and address issues that effect youth in the community. -- -~ ~~. ~.,~~~V~~ The Youth Advisory Committee is made up of eleven members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council. · for re-appointment in August 2000. The twelve month term commences in September and terminates in August. The Youth ~ ., , Advisory Committee meets once a month; the first Thursday evening at 7:30 p.m. Address ~;~- ~, 0 0 .~~_ ~ Grade Please answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. t. How did you find out about the Youth Advisory committee? 2. What do you know about the Youth Advisory Committee? 3. Why are you interested in serving on this Committee? 4. What skills do you possess that would make you a strong candidate for the Youth -Advisory Committee? 5. Tf you could be involved in the planning for one event, what would it be? Please explain. 6. What activities are you currently involved in or will be involved in the ~999-2000 school year? 7. How would the ac~dvities in question #6 effect your time commitment to the Youth Advisory Committee? 8. ]~f you are not seiected to the Youth Advisory Committee, would you be interested in serving on one of the following committees: O Publicity & Promotions O Special Event Planning O Teen Nights O Dub Town 3am 9. Please provide the name, phone number, and three references. Please return application materials to: Youth Advisory Committee, ~[]~00 Shannon ,five., Dub~in ~4 ~f you have any questions please call 925-829-4932. YOUTH ADVISORY CO I ITTEE APPLICATION Thank you for expressing an interest in serving on the Youth Advisory Committee. .~.~ The purpose of the Committee is to providepromotioninput in youthyouth -.~{~.~'I~A' ~' ~'''''" ¥'['J services, assist with implementation and of activities and address issues that effect youth in the community. . .,.~ The Youth Advisory Committee is made up of eleven members ~',.'- · ~...~ ~- - . . ~ appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council.. The term of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity :,*t~. ' · .. " · for re-appointment in August 2000. The twelve month term commences in September and terminates in August. The Youth Advisory Committee meets once a month; the first T'nursday evening at 7:30 p.m. Address II-r~ ~e~/.~ ~'z~Zt/~ Grade rz,~-2ooo~/~,~ar~ [.)~~'k~] S~c~JC~ st. c4. Please answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. :~. How did you find out about the Youth Advisory Committee? 2. What do you know about the Youth Advisory Committee? 3. Why are you interested in serving on this Committee? 4. What skills do you possess that would make you a strong candidate for the Youth Advisory Committee? 5. If you could be involved in the planning for one event, what would it be? Piease explain. 6. What activities are you currently involved in or will be involved in the :~999-2000 school year? 7. How would the activities in question #6 effect your time commitment to the Youth Advisory Committee? 8. ]:f you are not selected to the Youth Advisory Committee, would you be interested in serving on one of the /"~ following committees: · O Publicity & Promotions O Special Event Planning O Teen Nights O Dub Town 3am 9. Please provide the name, phone number, and three references. Please re~rn application materials to: Youth Advisory Committee., 11600 Shannon Ave., Dub/in 04 9~568 YOUTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE APPLICATION NAME: Jupjeet Kaur SCHOOL: Dublin High School GRADE IN (1999 - 2000): 12t~ ADDRESS: 11771 Betlen Drive Dublin, CA. 94568 PHONE: (925) 829-3696 1. I, Jupjeet Kaur have been serving on this particular committee from two years. Let's start from my first Year, well my first year I was just passing by the student activities office and I just glanced over to the wail and there I saw the application for the students who want to serve on this committee and I just thought it would be a nice idea to just try and see ifI can make it. And so I simply filled out the application and turned it in and at that time I had no clue of what I am doing, ail I 'knew was that I am turning in a document which might be my passport into a good road. LUckily I got into this committee and then at the end of my first term Michelle told the committee about the next year's youth committee and I thought again at the most for five minutes and decided to turn in the application again for my next term because I was just so excited about all the things that we had planned for the next year's committee so the next year's committee would.have sore6 idea of what special event they should start from. So once again I turned in the application and once again that beautiful flower was dropped into my mailbox saying that I have made the committee fbr the second term. And now I am all done with my second term and now its time for my third term. So now I am going to turn in the application in again and let's see what happens this time. So that was a little overview of how I found out about the Youth Advisory Committee. 2. Well since I served on this committee for two years I 'know that we (the committee) basically provides input in youth services, assists with implementation and promotion of youth activities and addresses issues that effect youth in the community. We plan events that we think are appropriate for the youth of Dublin. We have done pool parties and dances that have worked very well with the youth. One major event that has brought success to this committee is the Dub Town Jam that takes place in May which is basically a barbecue party with some sort of entertainment like a radio would come down to join the Dublin youth or some dancers. 3. I am interested in serving on this Committee because I have been serving on it from last two years and I just love working with all the students I have worked with to accomplish every goai we have made as a committee. If we taik about me individually of why I like to serve on this committee is because I like to have a forum to help other : students express their concerns and ideas about things to do in and around Dublin.. And also tell u the truth this will really help me with college admissions since I have served on this committee before. 4. Some skills that would make me a strong candidate fbrt the Youth Advisory Committee is that I already know of the rules and regulations for this committee and I think next year since I won't be as busy as last two years I think I will be really be promoting my time in this committee instead of my other curriculum activities because I am done with all the extra work I was doing in my first three years of high school. I think its now time to just pay attention to my studies as well as the city itself. 5. If I can be involved in the planning for one event would be to have a little multi cultural gathering where students who are fi.om different parts of the world will show their dances, games, and bring in a traditional dish of their culture. Since I am Indian, I tike to share my foods, dances and games of my culture with the other races. I am a kind of person who like to expose my traditions and who likes to mix blacks, whites, and the other cultures together because we are all equal and are all human beings. 6. I am currently involved in the Multi-Cultural club, Interact Club, C~iif0mia Scholarship Club, and many other little clubs that don't play a big role at the Dublin High School campus. I play tennis for the school and I am very much involved with the activities and events that go on at my church in Hayward and in Fremont. 7. The above activities, I don't think would effect my time commitment as a youth advisory committee's member. Most of the activities above take place during school time but the church activities take place ~)n Sunday's. So I think I will have a lot of time with this committee. If were talking about how those activities can help in this committee, then I would like to say that we can probably have the Interact Club and the multi-cultural club get together with the youth committee and plan a event that will shake the roads of the city of Dublin. 8. IfI am not selected to this committee then I would like to serve on all of the committees like publicity & promotions, special events planning, teen nights, and the Dub Town Jam because I really want to be involved w/th the City since I live here and this is my land that needs to be taken care of as well as the students need to be taken care of in terms that they need to change their paths from the bad street to the good street which leads to the events of the city of Dublin. 9. The three references I would like to give are: 1) Marie McCmninness (925) 463-1983 ~ 2) Ravinder Sandhu (510) 785-4944 3) Paramjit Singh (510) 887-7040 REC'D JUL 2 1999 YOUTH ADVISORY COMMITi'EE APPLICATION Thank you for expressing an interest in serving on the Youth Advisory Committee. ~:.. The purpose of the Committee is to provide input in youth activities and address issues that effect youth in the community. The Youth Advisory Committee is made up of eleven members .:~ '~ :~ -, appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council. The term of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity for re-appointment in August 2000. The twelve month term ~ ':~'~r / commences in September and terminates in August. The Youth ~' ~g,"'"~,-. .-Z/ Advisory Committee meets once a month; the first Thursday ~.-.~ evening at 7:30 p.m. Name ~Y'..,.b\'X, NC:_~,'~',. ,'X%C:~'"~ School (In l££9-2000$choolyear) %--~'>~ 0;~>'\.~,'~, Ot~', Phone [ C-\Z~>~ city, st. Please answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. Z. How did you find out about the Youth Advisory Committee? 2. What do you know about the Youth Advisory Committee? 3. Why are you interested in serving on this Committee? 4. What skills do you possess that would make you a strong candidate for the Youth Advisory Committee? 5. If you could be involved in the planning for one event, what would it be? Please explain. 6. What activities are you currently involved in or will be involved in the 1999-2000 school year? 7. How would the activities in questi~)n #6 effect your time commitment to the Youth Advisory Committee? 8. If you are not selected to the Youth Advisory Committee, would you be interested in serving on one of the following committees: C) Publicity & Promotions C) Special Event Planning O Teen Nights C) Dub Town _]am 9, Please provide the name, phone number, and three references, Please return application materials to: Youth Advisory Commi~ee, 11600 Shannon Ave., Dub/in CA 94568 If you have any questions please call 925-829-4932. ,,...p , ....~ ~_..~. ................. :__¢,_._¢?,~.~(_..co¢,0,,c,~_.~¢~ ,- ,._.~ __~,~¢_x.._. %% - - ............ ~.._~.,~,,_. .... ~::___ __.%~~ ...... .&.o~:~,~f.-.'' ..:..Z, ~k~-~ ~ ~ ~~. . ~~<.:...~~ ~c~.- ........... --~~---~~ '~~~W---~~~~ --~-~~ ,- .~~~ ~ , , .................................................................. ........................................... :~ ..... ~~ .... ~ ~ o < ..... .......... :~_~._ _~~:2. ~_~ ~_~? _:~~.,~:,_~~ ~_ ~~._ .............. a:~__. ~'~:.::~:: .. , ....................................... : .............................. YOUTH ADVISORY COMMI1-FEE APPLICATION Than'k you~ for expressing an interest in serving on the Youth The purpose of the Committee is to provide input in youth ~~,. ,i. services, assist with implementation and promotion of youth activities and address issues that effect youth in the community. The Youth Advisory Committee is-made up of eleven members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council. . . . The term of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity for re-appointment in August 2000. The twelve month term ,,.. commences in September and terminates in August. The Youth ';;~:" "':' Advisory Committee meets once a month; the first Thursday evening at 7:30 p.m. Please answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. 1. How did you find out about the Youth Advisory Comm_ittee?_ REOl) JUL 1 1999 2. What do you know about the Youth Advisory Committee? 3. Why are you interested in serving on this Committee? 4. What skills do you possess that would make you a strong candidate for the ~outh Advisory Committee? 5. If you could be involved in the planning for one event, what would it be? Please explain. 6. What activities are you currently involved in or will be involved in the 1999-2000 school year? 7. How would the activities in question #6 effect your time commitment to the Youth Advisory Committee? 8. If you are not selected to the Youth Advisory Committee, Would you be interested in serving on one of the following committees: Q) Publicity & Promotions O Special Event Planning Q) Teen Nights O Dub Town .lam 9. Please provide the name, phone number, and three references. Please return application materials to: Youth Advisory Committee, 11600 Shannon Ave., Dub/in 04 £d568 If you have any questions please call 925-829-4932. Tricia Rutledge Youth Advisory Committee Application ~ 1. i found out about YAC through my friends that were in it and also in leadership such as Anu Gill and Chris Peterson. 2. ! know that YAC plans city wide youth events such as the Dub town Jams, the swing dancing lessons, and a snow trip.' 3: i am interested in serving on the committee because I want to help get these kind of events off the ground, and go back to DUblin High and get the ... students pumped about these sort of fun activities. 4. i feel i have many skills that would make me a strong applicant, i am a leader and am the ASB (Student Body) President at Dublin High School for the 1999-2000 year. I am a good listener, dedicated, determined, full of integrity, have good ideas, and work well in groups. 5. if I could be involved in planning one event i would definitely want it to be the snowbOard and ski trip. I think this trip has great potential and can be an awesome trip. I feel the reason it has not been in the past is the lack of publicity and really going out into the schools and getting everyone excited and signed up for the trip. ! feel that I would be good at going out and letting people know about the trip. I would not only make posters and announcements, I would go up to people that I think would be interested and talk to them. I also think that there should be some contests and the winner of those would receive a free paid trip, and this i feel would get them to go and to get their friends to go also. An example of a contest could be, a basketball shooting contest at a basketball game half-time and you could charge a dollar for anyone to participate. The winner wo_uid receive the paid trip. 6. The activities that I am currently involved With are leadership, ASB president, mock trial, volleyball, FISH club, and my church youth group. 7. The activities in question six might interfere a little bit not I don't feel that they will too much just maybe a couple times being late with volleyball and then mock trial. 8. Yes lWouid be interesting in serving on any of the four because I feel strongly about getting involved any where that I can. 9~ Jill smith, 462-6554 Nancy Ubaldi, 833-2534 Linda Griffin, 828-7672 RE01) JUN 2 1 1999 YOUTH AD.SORT COMMI EE APPLICA ON ~ank you for ~pr~sing an in~r~t in se~in~ on the You~ Adviso~ Comm~ee. ~e purpo~ of~e Comm~ee is to provide input in youth se~ic~, assist w~ implementation and promotion of you~ actives and addre~ i~ues that eff~ youth in the commune. ~e You~ Adv~o~ Commi~ee is made up of eleven membem appoint~ by ~e Mayor w~ the approval of ~e C~ Council. ~.[~' . ~ . '*~ _ ~e te~ of o~ce will be for ~elve months w~ an oppo~un~ on, Adv~o~ Comm~ee mee~ on~ a mon~; the fi~t ~ursday ' ' Please a~r ~e following qu~tions on a sepa~te sheet of paper. Z. How did you find out about ~e Youth Adv~o~ Comm~ee? 2. What do you know about the Youth Advisory Committee? 3. Why are_ you interested in serving on this Committee? 4. What skills do you possess that would make you a strong candidate for the Youth Advisory Committee? 5. ]:f yotJ could be involved in the planning for one event, what would it be? Please explain. 6. What activities are you currently involved in or will be involved in the :L999-2000 school year? 7. How would the activities in question #6 effect your time commitment to the Youth Advisory Committee? 8. Tf you a're not selected to the Youth Advisory Committee, would you be interested in serving on one of the following commK-tees: C) Pubiidty & Promotions O Special Event Planning C) Teen Nights C) Dub Town 3am 9. Please provide the name, phone number, and three references. Please return application materials to: Youth Adv/sor), Committee, ~600 Shannon Ave., Dub/in CA If you have any questions please call 925-829-z~932. Position: Youth Advisory Committee; Adult representative: Name: Karen Seal~ Address: 7068 Pr/nce DR Dublin, CA. 94568 Phone: 925-833-0581 E- marl Kseals5@ aol. C°m 1.How did you find out about the Youth Advisory Committee? ! have been the adult representative on the Dublin Youth AdvisOr committee for the last 2 years. I enjoy working with the youth and would like to continue in this position. 2. What do you know about the Youth Advisory Committee? I have enjoyed working with the youth and staff to developed the bases of a strong youth committee for the city of Dublin. -£ 3. 'Why are you interested in servinq on this committee? Be cause I care about the youth in this city. I would like to see the youth realize that they have the skills and power to make Dublin a great place for all their peers in Town. 4. What skills do you possess that would make you a stronq candidate for the Youth Advisory Committee? My education and training is in youth development. My full time profession is as the County Coordinator for Alameda County Friday Night Live. Which is a state wide youth Development program. My professional expertise is with working with youth to plan activities, conferences, and camps. I lead after school programs and mentoring projects. 5. if ! could be involved in the plannin.q for one event, what would it be? I have access to equipment such as sound systems, and interactive games. ! have large contracts with venders that I could use to save the city money on sub contractors for youth activities. Friday Night Live works with other cities in the state to collaborate on activities for youth. I look forward to collaborating with Dublin to provide more activities for the youth in Dublin. 6. What activities are you currently involved in or will be involved in the 1999-2000 school year? I work full time for Friday Night Live 7. How would the activities in question #& effect your time commitment to the Youth Advisory Committee? Over the last 2 years I have been able to attend most of the meetings of the Youth Advisory Committee ad helped with the planning and chaperoning of many activities. 8. if you are not selected to the youth Advisory Committee. would you be interested in servinq on one of the followincl committees? Yes, Special event planning Please provide three references 1. Scott Gerhman 925-963-8189 2. Joe Melcone 510-758-9278 3. Ethal Houze 510-238-3791