HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.05 RFP WDub OpenSpace (2)CITY CLERK FILE # 600-35 AGENDA STATEMENT · CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: October 5, 1999 SUBJECT: Consultant Request for Proposal for the Western Dublin Open Space Study Report Prepared by: Carol R. Cirelli, Senior Planner~y~C~ ATTACHMENTS: 1. Draft Request for Proposal. RECOMMENDATION: Review draft Request for Proposal (RFP); direct staff to make changes as necessary; and approve the RFP for the Western Dublin Open Space Study. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: None. DESCRIPTION: Staff has prepared the attached draft Request for Proposal (RFP)for purposes of selecting a consultant to complete the Western Dublin Open Space Study. Staff recommends that the City Council review the RFP to ensure that the project's scope of work as outlined in the RFP conforms with the City Council 's initial direction for the project. This RFP will be sent to approximately three consulting firms that specialize in open space preservation and acquisition. g:xinitia~ve\open space study\CC SR re RFP COPIES TO: In-House Distribution ITEM NO. DRAFT RFP LETTER - OPEN SPACE PRESERVATION STUDY ,1999 Dear .' The City of Dublin is soliciting consultant proposals for purposes of assisting Planning staff with the Western Dublin Open Space Preservation Study. The City is seeking consultants with conservation/open space easement; open space acquisition and management; land trust; transfer of development fights; and urban limit line/geenbelt planning expertise. Dublin's future growth will occur in areas to the east and west of the current built-up area. These areas are referred to as the Western and Eastern Extended Planning Areas (see attached map). Both extended planning areas, in particular, the Eastern Extended Planning Area, have already undergone extensive land use changes involving annexations; general plan amendments: rezonings; site development reviews, etc.. About one year ago a few Dublin residents proposed a land use initiative for purposes of controlling gowth within the Western Extended Planning Area. A committee was established to discuss the proposed initiative and the results of the committee's efforts were presented to the Dublin City Council last Fall of 1998. In February of 1999, the Dublin CityCouncil initiated a General Plan Amendment Study for the Western Extended Planning Area. This Study must be completed after the proposed initiative is considered by the voters in the November 2000 election. A moratorium on all general plan amendments for the area has been adopted and will be effective until the approval of the General Plan Amendment Study. The purpose of the Study is to determine appropriate land uses and general plan designations for the properties within the Western Extended Planning Area, west of the existing city boundary to Eden Canyon Road (see attached map). As part of the General Plan Amendment Study, the City Couficil directed Planning staff to conduct an open space preservation study for the Western Extended Planning Area and to determine the most feasible open space acquisition and preservation program that could be accomplished for the area. Project backpound material has been attached for your information, such as the General Plan Amendment Study resolution and the initiative resolution. Additional planning documents, such as the previous Western Dublin Specific Plan, the current General Plan, the Alameda County East County Area Plan, and other relevant documents, are available upon request. SCOPE OF WORK The scope of this project involves researching and advising Dublin Planning staff of the various options for preserving open space in the Western Extended Planning Area. The consultant will prepare a report that will recommend the most viable and feasible open space preservation techniques and strategies that would work for the area, such as open space acquisition, easements, land trusts, management, and so forth. These techniques should also include realistic methods for compensating Western Dublin landowners desiring to develop their land, such as transfer of development rights. Planning staff will then compile this information and prepare an open space policies and program options report with staff recommendations for City Council's consideration. As part of the project research the consultant will be contacting regional, State and/or other public and/or private agencies as possible funding sources, and/or agencies that may be interested in owning and managing open space areas within Western Dublin. The consultant will also be required to attend approximately three meetings with staff; one meeting with the affected property owners and the general public; one Planning Commission meeting; and one City Council meeting. PROJECT BUDGET The total budget for the project is $10,000. The consultant shall be compensated on a time basis only (not for time and materials), up to a maximum of $10,000. PROPOSAL Because your firm has been pre-approved and because we are proceeding with a formal "request for proposal" selection process, we ask that you provide us with a brief proposal that focuses on the following: Ao Introduction: Demonstrate your understanding of the project (i.e., understanding of key issues), and the general methodology to be used. If this is a joint venture, indicate who will be the principal consultant and identify all subconsultants. Firm and Personnel Experience: Present a profile of the firm' s experience in managing projects similar in nature to the proposal. The project manager must be identified and their personal experience described, as well as that of other key personnel. Identify the qualifications of any subconsultants to be used. C, Fees: Compensation will be on a time-basis only, not time and materials with a not to exceed amount of $10,000. The consultant shall submit their firm's hourly fee for completion of the project and other tasks as may be assigned by the City for the project. The fee shall be based on an hourly schedule by personnel type for the project and hourly schedule for the project management tasks. The City 2 shall not be responsible for reimbursing the consultant for the cost of materials, i.e., messenger service, printing, travel time, etc.. Schedule: Present a position statement indicating your firm's commitment to meet the project schedule. Significant dates are as follows: Attend three meetings with staff and two meetings with affected landowners and the general public - January 1999 b. Complete report to staff- March 2000 Attend one Planning Commission meeting and one City Council meeting to explain report results - April - May 2000 PROJECT SCHEDULE The consultant will be given approximately 12 weeks to complete the project report. The City is pursuing an aggressive processing schedule for this project. The proposals are due Friday, October 22, 1999. Please provide four copies of the proposal. A mandatorv pre- proposal meeting will be scheduled for Tuesday, October 12, 1999. Interviews will be conducted on Monday, November 8th in the afternoon and you will be notified as to the time of the interviews. Work is scheduled to commence December 1, 1999. The entire open space preservation project, which includes staff work, must be completed by May of 2000. If you have an}, questions regarding the project, or if you would Iike to review or obtain copies of any City documents, please feel free to call me at (925) 833-6610. Very truly yours, Carol R. Cirelti Senior Planner attachments c: Eddie Peabody, Jr., Community Development Director g:~initia~ve\open space studyLRFP letter I '08 VMVrVSSV~ RESOLUTION NO. 25 - 99 A RESOLUTION OF TItE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN INITIATING A GENEtL&L PLAN AI~,I2ENDMENT STUDY FOR THOSE PROPERTIES LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF Dublin SPItERE OF INFLUENCE WEST OF THE EXISTING CITY LIMITS WHEREAS, a General Plan Amendment request has been made by the City Council of the City of Dublin to study the General Plan designation for all unincorporated areas within the Sphere of Influence west of the existing City limits. The predominant land use designation proposed for the site is Agriculture Rural Residential; and WHEREAS, this study must be conducted in conjunction with a proposed Initiative to create an Urban Limit Line at the existing Western City limits placed on the ballot by the City Council on February 16, l °09' and ~rB'F-RE. AS, Section 65358(a) of the State of California Government code states that an amendment to a general plan shall be in a manner specified by the legislative body; and WHERK4~S, the initiation request has been reviewed in accordance with the provisions of the California Environmental quality Act (CEQA) and was found to be Categorically Exempt under Section 15306, Class 6 of the State CEQA Guidelines; and WERK~S, the Dublin Ridgeland Voters' Voice Initiative Committee has submitted a recommendation that the City Council inklate a General Plan A_mendment Study for this area and that the study be completed only afmr the resolution of the proposed Urban Limit initiative by the voters of the City of Dubiin at the election of November 7,2000; and ~rFrERE_..4~S, the City Council did hear and consider all said reports, recommendations and testimony hereinabove set forth and is in support of a General Plan .~-nendment study_to d~ermine the appropriate land use and General Plan designation for the propert3,. NOW, TFrEREFOKE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council does hereby initiate a General Plan Amendment Study for this area as described above. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED this study' shall be completed only after resolution of the Urban Limit Line Initiazive regarding this area by the voters of the City of Dublin. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 16 day of February 1999. A~:!ZS: NOES: Councilmembers Hmvard, Lockhart, IVfcCortnick, Zika and Mayor Houston None Mayor K2/G/2-16-99ireso-&pa-soi RESOLUTION NO. 24 - 99 A RESOLUTION OF TFrF. CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF Dublin SUBMITTING A MEASURE TO TIlE VOTERS TO ADOPT .AN URBAN LIMIT LINE IN THE WESTERN EXTENDED PLANIN~NG AREA AT TFI'E-REGULAR MUNICIPAL ELECTION ON NOVEMBER 7, 2000, CALLING A GENERAl, MUNICIPAL ELECTION, AUTHORIZING CERTAIN PROCEDURAL MATTERS, AND REQUESTING BOARI) OF SUPERVISORS TO CONSOLIDATE THE ELECTION WITH Tgg STATE~VIDE GENERAL ELECTION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dubtin as follows: 1. Tuesday, November 7, 2000, is an established election day in and for the City of Dublin. 2. The City Council is authorized to submit a measure to the voters for their consideration pursuant to Elections Code section 9222; 3. A regular municipal election is hereby ordered and called to be held in the City of Dublin, County of A_iameda, on Tuesday, November 7, 2000, to determine the question set forth in Section 5 hereof. 4. The City Council desires to submit a measure to the voters to establish an Urban Limit: for the Western Extended Planning Area, with such line located along the current .city limit lines; and tln~s west of the Urban Limit Line would be designated as Rural ResidentiaPAgriculmre, ~nd the location of the Urban Limit Line and the Rural Residential/Agriculture land use designation would be effective for a period of 3 0 years, unless changed by the voters of Dublin. foilowe: The ballot measure shall appear and be printed on the ballots to be used at the election as YES Shall a Resolution be adopted to amend the City of Dubiin General Plan to establish an Urban Limit Line in the Western Extended Planning Area for a period of 30 years? NO 6. Tne Resolution to be enacted by the voters pursuant to ParagTaph 5 above shall be in the form set-forth in Exhibit A, attached hereto. 7. The .~dameda Count: Board of Supervisors is requested to conduct said election and to consolidate said municipal election with the statewide election to be held on November 7, 2000. 8. The Registrar of Vo'~ers of Alameda County is requested to perform se~wices in corme~--~ion with said election at the request of Ge City Clerk_ 9. The City of Dublin shall pay to the Board of Supervisors of Alarneda County its pro-rata share of the expenses for said election as jointly determined by the City of Dublin and the Board of Supervisors of Alameda County in accordance with the provisions of the Elections Code of the State of California. I 0. The City Clerk is hereby directed to cause the posting, publication and printing of all notices or other election materials pursuant to the requirements of the Government Code and Elections Code of the State of California. l 1. The City Clerk is hereby directed to obtain pfintin~ supplies and services as required. 12. The City Clerk is hereby authorized to provide such other services and supplies in connection with said election as may be required by the statutes of the State of California. 13. The City Council authorizes Vice-Mayor Lockhart and Councilmember Howard to prepare a ,~tten argument in favor of the ballot proposition on behalf of the full City Council, not to exceed 300 words. 14. Rebu~al argn~mems may be filed, not to exceed 250 words, no later than 71 days prior the date of the election. t 5. The City Attorney is directed to prepare an impartial analysis of the measure as provided in the Elections Code. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 16th day of February, 1999, by the following vote: ALES: Councilmembers Hmvard, Lockharg 3lcCormick, Zika trod Mayor Houston NOES: None A~BSENT: None ,~BSTA. LN: None K"/G/2-16-99/reso-urb-is J:~V2!2DMMNP~Wn.114~ l'd~ESO\1999~JB~.RF, O "l Exhibit A RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN AP-PROVING A GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT TO ESTABLISH AN URBAN LEVIIT LINE FOR WESTERN DUBLIN The People of the City of Dublin do hereby resolve as follows: SECTION 1. Pur0ose~ Effect. Findin,os. A. Purpose. Th~ purpose of this General Plan .Amendment is to encourage a cohesive pattern ofurbanization in the City of Dublin by establishing an Urban Limit Line along the current westerly city limits. The Urban Limit Line is a boundary beyond which urban development shall not encroach into the western hi/is unless approved by the voters of Dublin. The areas beyond the Urban Limit Line are among the steepest and most heavily wooded in the City's western extended planning area. This Genera/Plan Amendment supports existing General Plan policies calling for preserv'ation of natural habitat, oak woodlands, natural creeks, ridgelines, scenic views, open space, m_~iculmre and other similar resources which characterize the area beyond the Urban Limit Line. Throug~u the voter approval provisions of this General Plan .Amendment, Dublin residents x~ilI be able to more directly participate in important land use decisions w'nich affect the unique constraints and resources in the western hills and, in turn, affect the residents' quality oflk~. ,~,j B- Effect This General Plan Amendment will foster and protect the rural character of the western hills where steep slopes, prominent ridgelands and other constraints make urban development difficult. It will also promote uses that foster pubtic health and safety and productive investment for grazing and other agricultural enterprise on lands outside the western City limits. This Genera/Plan Amendment will add a definition of Urban Limit Line to the Genera/Plan and will locate it along the current western City limits. This Amendment will add related policy text to the General Plan and will desigmate lands beyond the Urban Limit Line as Rural Residenfial/.%oriculture as defined for the western extended planning area. C. Findings. The People of the City of Dubtin hereby find as follows. i. This General Plan Amendment serves the public interest in protecting Dubtin's natural resources and Iimiting development to areas where it can reasonably be accommodated. 2. The western hills contMn numerous environmcnta/constraints such as steep slopes, prominent ridgelands, riparian corridors, sensitive vegetation, landslide areas, and high visibility along Hig~away 580.. Existing General Plan policies restricting development where such constraints are present greatly reduce ~xe ability of the area to sum urban level development. Furthermore, the General Plan acknowledges that the "present undisturbed natural ridgetines as seen from the primary planning area and key travel corridors are an essential component of Dubtin's appearance as a freestanding city ringed by ,~ open hills." (Section 3.3, Policy D.) Exhibit A 3. The lands subject to this General Plan Amendment are outside the current City limits of Dublin and not subject to the City's land use jurisdiction, therefore this General Plan Amendment does not constitute a taking of private lands in that development on such lands is currently governed by ,Alameda County land use plans, policies and regulations. There are no existing Dublin project approvals in the area beyond the current western City limits. 4. The City can continue to meet its Housing Element objectives of providing for the housing needs for alI economic segments of the population, especially lower and moderate income households, by directing the development of housing into areas outside the western hilts and currently designated for urban development where services and infrastructure can be pro~dded more cost effectively: 5. Residents in the western hills have raised significant issues regarding current traffic on existing local roadways and the ability of such roadways to accommodate additional urban level use. SECTION 2. General Plan Amendment. A. .Land Use Map Amendment. _~znend the Extended Planning Area Land Use Map, 1-2 of the City of Dublin General Plan, as follows: 1. ,~nend the legend of Figure 1-2 to add 'Urban Limit Line", to add the land use designation of Rural Residential/A_m-iculture, and to delete "Residential/Open Space (see note)". 2. ,~-nend Figure 1-2 to locate the Urban Limit Line in the Western Extended Planning A.rea along the City Iimit boundary as of ,1999. 3. Amend Figure 1-2 to show a land use designation of Rural Residential/Agriculture for all Western Extended Planning Area lands located west of the Urban Limit Line. 4..tunend Figtire 1-2 to delete the Western Extended Planning Area Guiding and Implementing policies shown thereon. Text Amendment. 1. Amend Section 1.8.1, Western Extended P.lanning Area, to state rather than cross- reference the actual text of the 'Residential: :Rural Residential/Agriculture" land use designation and to readopt the designation as follows: "Residential: Rural Residential/Agriculture (1 unit per 100 gross residential acres). Accommodates _agricultural activities and other open space uses, such as range and watershed managemc~n,., consistent with the site conditions and plan policies. This classification includes privately held lands, as well as public ownerships not otherwise designated in the plan for ParE, Open Space, or Public/Semi-public uses. Assumed household size is 3.2 persons per unit." 2. Amend Section 1.8.1, Western Extended Planning Area, to add the following after "Other land use categories" and before Table 1.1: Exhibit A "Urban Limit Line. An Urban Limit Line was adopted by initiative in __ for the Wester~ Extended Planning Area. The Urban Limit Line is located along the city limits line as of the effective '~,m,e of the initiative. Pursuant to the initiative, lands west of the Urban Limit Line are designated as Rural Residential/Agriculture on the Land Use Map. The initiative is effective for 30 years from its effective date; the location of the Urban Limit Line may be changed only by a vote of the i~eople of Dublin during the effective period, and only following review and approval of a General Plan Amendment by the City Council. Any request to change the Urban Limit Line must be accompanied by a request to amend the lane use designation to an urban designation." 3. Amend Section 2, Western Extended Planning Area, to add the following at the end of the section, after Table 2.2: "All lands in the Western Extended Planning Area located west of the Urban Limit Line as defined in Section 2.B.2 above, shall be designated Rural P, esidential/AgTicutture for a period of 30 years from the effective date of Resolution , adopted by initiative in __ The intent of the Urban Limit Line is to protect the natural resources of the western hills and to restrict further urban development in the western hills, instead guiding it to areas Of Dublin that are less constrained and where urban services can be provided in a more efficient and cost-effective manner. In addition to restricting urban development, the City will not approve or recommend approval of the permanent use or extension of city services or facilities, including but not iirnited to utilities or roads, to support or facilitate urban development beyond the Urban Limit Line." SECTION 3. ImI~lementation. A. Effective Date. Upon the effective date of this resolution, the provisions of Section 2 of this resolution are hereby inserted into the City of Dublin General Plan as an amendment thereof. B. City Ordinances and Policies. All City plans, policies, ordinances, rules and re=rmlations constiming leastalive acts shall be amended as necessary as soon as possible and in the time and manner required by State taw to ensure consistency between those policies and the provisions adopted by Section 2 of this resolution. C. Project Approvals. Upon the effective date of this resolution, the City, and ks departments, boards, commissions, officers and employees, shall not grant or by inaction allow to be approved by operation of law, any General Plan Amendment, rezoning, specific plan, tentative or final subdivision map, conditional use permit, building permit or any other ministerial or discretionary entitlement, which is inconsistent with this resolution. SECTION 4. Exemptions for Certain Protects. This resolution shall not apply to any development project that, as of the effective date of this resolution, has obtained a vested rigJot pursuant to State law. SECTION 5. Severa bilitv. If any portion of this resolution is declared invalid by a court, the remaini~ : portions are to be considered valid. ~ Exhibit A / Exhibit List: A - General Plan Figure 1-2 reflecting changes proposed herein. APPRO~rF-,D BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE OF THE PEOPLE ON 2000. YES NO Adopted by declaration of the vote of the City Council of the City of Dublin on Effective Attest: Mayor City Clerk K2/G,,~-j 6-99/ull-reso-exhibita ..T:\V,'/,D'~.INRSX,x.n,114\0 1XP,.ESO\!999\URBANI./Ks,_ALT EHS:MKF:rja Exhibit A !'t LIE~IHX"-j