HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.01 Draft 10-5-99 Minutes (2)REGULAR MEETING - October 5, 1999 A regular meeting of the Dublin City CounCil was held 'on Tuesday, October 5, 1999, in the Council Chambers of the Dublin Civic Center. The meeting was called to order at 7:08 p.m., by Mayor Houston. ROLL CALL PRESENT: ABSENT: Councilmembers Howard, McCormick, Zika, Vice Mayor Lockhart and Mayor Houston. None. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Houston led 'the Council, Staff and those present in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. Miscellaneous Information Requested (150:I 0) Mark BreazeaI, 8700 Southwick Drive, stated he has been a homeowner in Dublin for 10 years. He stated he had a lot of ques.tions for the Council. He has talked with neighbors and residents and has heard there is a CAPP going on in San Ramon, Livermore and Pleasanton and wanted to know what the City Council's thoughts are on that. In San Ramon they are for it and maybe in other cities they are not. What are your opinions as they will have an affect on the General Plan for Dublin.. Mayor Houston stated that's why they have elections, to see how residents feel about it. He clarified that this body can only work on issues within the borders of Dublin. Mr. Breazeal asked, doesn't this have an effect on the VMley as a whole. Mayor Houston stated in looking at 'all the issues he listed on his speaker slip (CAPP, Westly Tire Fire, East Dublin Incorporation, Balanced Budget Surplus for City Coffers, BART Station and roar from Dublin to Livermore, Suppressed Dublin R E Prices, and Library Desio~m) he advised that the Council cannot address all these. He stated he would be glad to sit down with him and talk about some of the things. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 18 REGULAR MEETING October 5, 1999 ' PAGE 517 1 Mr. Breazeal stated he had read about real estate prices and understands Heasanton and San Ramon have gone up several percent and that Dublin has gone up less. He always hears there's something different about Dublin.. He asked what the reasons are why our real estate can't keep up with the other cities. He wanted to get the Council's ideas. Mayor Houston responded that he is in real estate and advised that Dublin's prices have increased substantially this past year. This is not an issue the City Council can discuss this evening. There are a lot of reasons behind the local real estate market and it is not under the jurisdiction of this body to control real estate prices. This discussion could go On hours and hours. Mr. Breazeal stated he sometimes watches the meetings on TV and nothing about these issues seem to come up. Mayor Houston stated he could give him a call and they could talk about these things; CONSENT CALENDAR 7:16 p.m. Items 4.1 through 4. I 0 Staff pulled Item 4.5. Vice Mayor Lockhart pulled Item 4.5. On motion of Vice Mayor Lockhart, seconded by Cm. Howard, and by unanimous vote, the Council took the following actions: Approved (4.1) Minutes of Regular Meeting of September 21, 1999; Adopted(4:2 600~30) RESOLUTION NO. I76- 99 APPROVING AGREEMENT WITH ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP TO CONDUCT REDEVELOPMENT FEASIBILITY STUDY (NOT TO EXCEED $33,895) Approved (4.4 810-60) a budget change in the amount of $500 to support the "Save Money and the Environment Too" Campaign from the Measure D Recycling Fund; CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 18 REGULAR MEETING October 5, I999 PAGE 5I 8 Adopted (4.6 I020-30) RESOLUTION NO. 177- 99 RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO FORM UNDERGROUND UTILITY DISTRIBUTION FACILITIES DISTRICT ON DUBLIN BOULEVARD FROM 600 FEET WEST OF CLARK AVENUE TO SIERRA COURT (UNDERGROUND UTILITY DISTRICT 99-1 ) Established (4.7 600-I O) a Public Service Employee cIassi~cation and adopted RESOLUTION NO. 178- 99 AMENDING THE CLASSIFICATION PLAN (PUBLIC SERVICE EMPLOYEE) and RESOLUTION NO. t79 - 99 .AMENDING THE SALARY PLAN FOR PART-TIME PERSONNEL (PUBLIC SERVICE EMPLOYEE) Adopted (4.8 700-20) RESOLUTION NO. I80- 99 AMENDING THE CLASIFICATION PLAN (iNFORMATION SYSTEMS TECHNICIAN) and RESOLUTION NO. 18I -99 AMENDING THE SALARY PLAN (~NFORMATION SYSTEMS TECHNICIAN) Received (4.9 330-50) the Preliminary Financial Report for the Month of August 1999; Approved (4.10 300-40) the Warrant Register in the amount of $1,201,150.98. ~ COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 18 REGULAR NIEETLNG October 5, PAGE 5I 9 Inforznal~bn Systezns Manager Nick Stevens advised that an ranended Resolutzbn had been ch~ttTt2uted related to Item 4.3, which waives a minor irregularity. The bid ~'om Se~nans Conununications, Inc., was subndtted unsealed. It was subndtted 25 minutes prior to the bid opening and the bid was in the possession of the City Clerk at all tz)nes from ~ceipt until bid opening. Language was added to allow the City Cotmcii to waive this minor irregulaz~ty. On motion of Cm. Zika, seconded by Cm. Howard, and by unanimous vote, the Council adopted (4.3 200~30) · RESOLUTION NO. 'i 82 - 99 AWARDING A CONTRACT TO SEMANS COMMUNICATIONS, INC. FOR INSTALLING VOICE AND DATA CABLING FOR THE CIVIC CENTER REMODEL ($27,296.58 + 10% CONTINGENCY) Vice Mayor Lockhart pulled Itezn 4. ~ an d asked abo u t the $ I O, 000 budget for this. this enough for the tz~ne and amount of work? This seezns Iow. Ms. Citeill stated a consultant will be chosen to advise Staff of the various options just aslu~g thezn to provide us with options to pursue. Hopefully, they can include attending the various meetings within the budgeted amount. Vice Mayor Lockhart stated she noted we budgeted $40~000 for a video and only SI O, O00 for Iooldng at the whole west side of the City. Vice Mayor Lockhm~ also noted the term used as a finn being pre-approved. what this means. We~'e She asked Ms. Cb~IIi responded usually a city has a list of people who have been recommended for certain things by other planning professionals. City Staff GHd resemwh and received recommen~bns on the ~ns to contact We may have 41 but there~ ~ for sure. Vice Mayor Lockhgr~ stated she would like to sit in on the interviews. Mayor Houston stated he supports this request Cm. McCormick stated she was concerned that tfu~ is not going to be a report. There is a lot of interest on the west side about what this s~dy wilt recoznmend. CITY COUNCIL M]NtrrES VOLUME 18 REGUIAR MEETING October 5, 1999 PAGE 520 Ms. CirelIi stated the infozTna~n we receive will be p~ssed on to them. City Manager 3bnbrose clBu~5~d that the consultant will pzDvide input and Staff will p~pzu'e the ~port. A/Is. CireIIi stated there wilI be recommendations included in the repoH. The timing was cI~u'ib~d; there wiII be about 5 months. Work is scheduIed ~o commence Dece~nber I, I ~99 and the plyjeer must be coi~pleted by May of 2000. On motion of Mayor Houston, seconded by Cm. McCormick, and by unanimous vote, the Council approved (4.5 B00-30) and authorized Staff to send out the RFP for the Western Dublin Open Space Study; and agreed to have Vice Mayor Lockhart sit in on interviews. WRITrEN COMMUNICATIONS - REQUEST FOR ON - STREET DISABLED PERSONS PARKING AT WELLS MIDDLE SCHOOL 7:26 p.m. 5.1 (570-20) Public Works Director Lee Thompson presented the Staff Report and advised that the City had received a letter from WayIand Sheppard, Principal at Wells Middle School making this request. On-site disabled persons parking spaces at Wells are inaccessible during peak drop-off and pick-up times, and the Principal's office has requested that the City provide an on-street disabled persons parking space to provide aceessibility. The proposed parking space would accommodate one vehicle up to ZS' long and would replace a part of an existing 20-minute parking zone. Cm. McCormick stated sha finds it odd that disabled students have to make their way cUrbside. She questioned why they couldn't let the vans go in the parking lot. Mr. Thompson stated he thought they would have to have someone stand out there. They feel this is easier and will 'work. Mayor Houston stated he felt this would be the safest way to do it. On motion of Cm. McCormick, seconded by Vice Mayor Lockhart, and by unanimous vote, the Council adopted CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 18 REGULAR MEETING October 5, 4.999 PAGE 52~. RESOLUTION NO. 183- 99 ESTABLISHING DISABLED PERSON PARKING ZONE AND MODIFYING 20 MINUTE PARKING ZONE ON PENN DRIVE ADJACENT TO WELLS MIDDLE SCHOOL PUBLIC HEARING -ARCHSTONE COMMUNITIES PA 99~019 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REZONING AND SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 7:28 p.m. 6.I (410-80) Mayor Houston opened the public hearing. The applicant has requested to continue this item due to unresolved traffic issues. Staff is waiting for the applicant to submit additional information, which was requested by the City's traffic consultant. Staff, therefore, requested that this item be re-noticed and returned to the City Council in the near future when the traffic issues are resolved. Mayor Houston declared that the item would be indefinitely continued. PUBLIC HEARING CHANGE OF SPEED LIMIT FOR AMADOR VALLEY BOULEVARD (FROM SAN RAMON ROAD TO AMADOR PLAZA ROAD) 7:29 p.m. 6.2 (590-20) Mayor Houston opened the public hearing. Public Works Director Lee Thompson presented the Staff Report and advised that this is · the second reading of a proposed Ordinance to change the speed limit on AVB between San Ramon Road and Amador Plaza Road from 35 mph to S0 mph. An engineering and traffic survey has been performed which will support this speed limit change. No testimony was entered by any member of the public relative to this issue. Mayor Houston closed the public hearing. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 18 REGULAR MEETING October 5, 1999 PAGE 522 On motion of Vice Mayor Lockhart, seconded by Cm. Zika, and by unanimous vote, the Council waived the reading and adopted ORDINANCE NO. 22- 99 ESTABLISHING 30 MPH SPEED LIMIT FOR AMADOR VALLEY BOULEVARD BETWEEN SAN RAMON ROAD AND AMADOR PLAZA ROAD PUBLIC HEARING - AMENDMENT TO DUBLIN MUNICIPAL CODE TO PROVIDE FOR INCREASE IN COMPENSATION FOR MEMBERS OF THE PLANNING, PARKS & COMMUNITY SERVICES, AND HERITAGE & CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSIONS 7:30 p.m. 6.3 (110-20) Mayor Houston opened the public hearing. City Attorney Silver advised that at the September 21 st meeting, the City Council directed Staff to prepare an Ordinance to increase the current monthly compensation for members of Commissions from $30 to $50 per meeting. The Planning Commission shall be paid for attendance at a maximum of three meetings per month. The Parks & Community Services and Heritage & Cultural Arts Commissions shall be paid for attendance at a maximum of two meetings per month. No testimony was entered by any member of the public relative to this issue. Mayor Houston closed the public hearing. On motion of Vice Mayor Locldaart, seconded by Cm. McCormick, and by unanimous vote, the Council waived the reading and INTRODUCED the Ordinance. PUBLIC HEARING - AMENDMENT TO DUBLIN MUNICIPAL CODE TO PROVIDE FOR AN INCREASE IN SALARY fOR MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL 7:31 p.m. 6.4 (700-20) Mayor Houston opened the public hearing. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 18 REGULAR MEETING October 5, 1999 PAGE 523 City Attorney Silver advised that at its September 21st meeting, the City Council directed Staff to prepare an Ordinance to increase the current monthly compensation for Councilmembers in an amount equal to 5% for each year 1993; 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 and 1999. The increase would become effective following the November, 2000 election. At that time, Council salaries would be adjusted from $402.02/month to $565.68/month. The Mayor would continue to receive an additional $100/month. No testimony was entered by any member of the public relative to this issue. Mayor Houston closed the public hearing. Mayor Houston stated he wished to reiterate his request for one 5% increase. This is for 35% plus and he stated he did not feel this is warranted. Cm. Howard stated she agreed. On motion of Cm. McCormick, seconded by Cm. Zika, and by majority vote, the Council waived the reading and INTRODUCED the Ordinance. Mayor Houston and Cm. Howard voted against the motion. 16th ANNUAL HOLIDAY TREE LIGHTING CEREMONY 7:34 p.m. 7.1 (950-40) Recreation Supervisor Paul McCreary presented the Staff Report and advised that the Council directed Staff to look at outdoor alternatives for the Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony this year as the Regional Meeting Room will not be available. due to the remodeling of the Civic Center. Mr. McCreary presented the alternatives that Staff investigated. Option # I would be the Civic Center Courtyard. The estimated cost associated with this option is $4,800. Of this amount, $1,970 is the one-time capital costs associated with lights for the outdoor trees and outdoor stage lighting. Option #2 would be the Civic Center Flaza Area. The estimated cost associated with this option is $7,355. Of this amount, $4,705 is the one-time capital costs associated with purchase and planting of the tree, lights for the tree and outdoor stage lighting. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 18 REGULAR MEETING October 5, 1999 PAGE 524 Mr. McCreary stated in summary, after reviewing the sites, Staff is confident that the event could be held at either location on the Civic Center grounds. For future ceremonies, Staff recommended that the architectural team working on the Civic Center Library identify an outdoor location on the Civic Center grounds where a permanent tree could be planted and where future ceremonies could be held. The Parks & Community Services Commission reviewed the locations at their meeting on September 20th and unanimously recommended the Plaza Area for the event. The Commissioners felt that planting a tree in front of the Civic Center would allow more residents to enjoy the tree, which would add to the holiday spirit in Dublin. Cm. Zika discussed option #2 to plant a tree I 6 to 20 feet high. If it grows 5 feet per year, will we be able to decorate it in 10 years. At what point does it top out? Mr. McCreary stated it would grow about 3 feet per year. Mayor Houston stated he felt trying to incorporate something with the new Library will be ideal. That's a wonderful idea. He stated he is in favor of option # I; having it in the courtyard. Logistically having it close to the building for the entertainers will be very efficient. With bad weather, this will be better also. Maybe we can have a second tree out in the plaza area until we get to the point of having it at the new Library. Mr. McCreary stated lights would be put on the pear trees also. Vice Mayor Lockhart felt this would be a better option also for small children as they'll be closer to the bathrooms. Our investment in ornaments is really not for outside. Cm. Zika asked if we have a cover for option # I. Mr. McCreary responded we do for the performers, but not the spectators. Cm. Zika asked if we could get some kind of a tent. Vice Mayor Lociart asked if we could tent the courtyard. City Manager Ambrose stated there is not a lot of room to anchor a tent. We would be looking at the courtyard as an extension of the lobby. Vice Mayor Lockhart Stated she felt for a temporary fix, this could work. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 18 RE, GUL4~ MEETING October 5, 1999 PAGE 525 Cm. McCormick stated she doesn't care where we have the ceremony, but she wants an outside tree. The way we've done it hasn't really been visible to the community. Cm. Howard stated she felt spending the extra money this year, it is wiser to do it here. Mayor Houston agreed that traffic at City Hall is not what it should be. Just having it face Dublin Boulevard isn't opening it up at all. By having it at the new Library, people would enjoy it more. Cm. McCormick stated this would still be inside a complex. You have to turn into somewhere to see it. She stated she wants both options. On motion of Cm. McCormick, seconded by Vice Mayor Lockhart, and by unanimous vote, the Council selected option #1 and in addition, to plant a tree in an area that can be seen by people on Dublin Boulevard and light it as a second tree. Mayor Houston stated he felt with next years Goals & Objectives, they could look at the cost of a stage. Where you would store it is also a concern that would have to be addressed. /Vks. Lowart stated the Budget Change Form would be for the total shown on option # 1 ($4,800), with an additional $4,535 to purchase and decorate a tree on Dublin Boulevard. On motion of Mayor Houston, seconded by Cm. McCormick, and by unanimous vote, the Council agreed to incorporate this into the Budget Change Form. Mayor Houston stated he would like to assig-n Cm. McCormick to pick the exact location for planting the outside tree on Dublin Boulevard. ALTAMONT LANDFILL SETH,EMENT AGREEMENT 7:52 p.m. 7.2 (810-50) City Attorney Libby Silver presented the Staff Report and advised that a settlement agreement over a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for the Altamont Landfill expansion has recently been approve& She indicated that the Staff Report summarizes the agreement, outlines the process for approving a new CUP, and analyzes the potential impact to the City of Dublin of new County-imposed fees at the Altamont Landfill. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 18 REGULAR MEETING October 5, I999 PAGE 52G Waste Management has the franchise in Dublin for refuse collection and Dublin's waste goes to the Altamont Landfill. If a new CUP is approved with the conditions included in the settlement agreement, Waste Management will be required to seek a rate increase to pass the cost of the increased fees on to the ratepayers. Staff will need to analyze the existing franchise agreement at that time to determine if Waste Management is entitled to a rate increase as a consequence of such fees. Staff anticipates that if the County fees of $1 per ton applies to the City of Dublin, an additional $54,800 would need to be generated by Dublin's rate payers. Cm. Zika asked with regard to the 25 cents per ton we are currently paying, who decides where this goes? Ms. Silver stated she wasn't sure. Jason Behrmann stated currently the County is not collecting the 25 cents open space fee but the landfill is and they are holding it pending the outcome of the litigation. It will be combined with the 50 cents. At the time it was approved in 1996, he stated he did not know the precise purpose other than for open space for the County. Cm. Zika verified that neither Pleasanton or Livermore use this landfill, except for green waste. Mayor Houston asked if there is a sunset on this. Ms. Silver responded basically when it's full, it sunsets. Cm. Zika commented that he thought this was an excellent report. Vice Mayor IxDckhart stated she felt it is important for us to do this. She stated she asked herself, is the image issue a stretch - yes probably. Would she feel differently if it were the City of Dublin receiving the funds? Her answer again was yes, probably. She felt monitoring what they are doing is good but she is-not interested in seeing us take a stand against the CUP until we have further information. On motion of Cm. Zika, seconded by Mayor Houston, and by unanimous vote, the Council directed that Staff monitor and participate in the Altamont Landfill CUP process. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 18 REGUIAR MEETING October 5, 1999 PAGE 527 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC TRI-VALLEY POWER PROJECT 8:03 p.m. 8.1 (I020-40) Senior Planner Carol Cirelli presented the Staff Report and advised that PG&E has selected a preferred project alignment, which will be presented to the California Public Utilities Commission and is requesting that the City Council adopt a Resolution supporting the preferred alignment. Ms. Cirelli advised that PG&E's preferred upgrade project is composed of.' 1) a northern component which consists of two, 5-acre 230/21kV substations and approximately 7 miles of 230kV transmission line extending east-west from the existing Contra Costa- Newark transmission line along the existing vacant PG&E right-of-way; and 2) a southern component which consists of approximately 6 miles of new 230kV transmission line, three of which will be located underground within Pleasanton city streets, connecting to the existing Contra Costa-Newark transmission line. The second phase of the project will consist of a new 230kV transmission line along PG&E's existing northern right-of-way connecting the existing Conira Costa line to the Tesla substation, east of Livemore within Alameda County. Ms. Cirelli explained that the 230kV east-west transmission line is located mostly within Alameda County, adjacent to the Alameda/Contra Costa County line, and a portion of the line is located within ConIra Costa County. One of the 5-acre substations is located within North Livemore and the other is located within Contra Costa County, north of Fallon Road. The preferred transmission line appears to be located outside Dublin's City Limits and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, but within the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment area, which includes the Future Study Area and a very small portion of the City's Sphere of Influence area. PG&E will be submitting an application, including the Proponent's Environmental Assessment (PEA) with the CFUC this November. As part of the application process, the CPUC will require a brief position statement from local agencies regarding the preferred alignment. Mike McGee with PG&E Public Affairs was present to answer any questions. Cm. Zika clarified that this aIignment will be hidden by the hills. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 18 REGUIAR MEEIING October 5, 1999 PAGE 528 Mr. McGee stated if you are located south in Dublin, the lines will basically be hidden by the hills and the substation will be tucked in around a bin. Basically you will not see the power lines from Dublin. Mayor Houston asked when they will actually start the upgrade. Mr. McGee advised that they will start in 2001 and anticipate completion in summer of 2002. San Ramon supports the alignment and last night Livermore supported the need for the project, but still have some concerns of visual impact to North Livermore. They will continue to work with them to see if there are mitigations. Livermore has asked that they look at other alignments in a portion of the area. They feel perhaps this area may develop in the future as a higher end community. They will work with them to come up with alternatives. On motion of Vice Mayor Lockhart, seconded by Cm. Howard, and by unanimous vote, the Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 184- 99 SUPPORTING THE PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY TRI-VALLEY UPGRADE PROJECT and directed the City Manager to submit to the California Public Utilities Commission a written position statement supporting PG&E's Tri-Valley Upgrade Project as reflected in the City Council Resolution. REQUEST FOR AUTHORIZATION TO DISTRIBUTE A REOUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFF) FOR PROMOTIONAL MARKETING VIDEO 8:10 p.m. 8.2 (150~35) Economic Development Director, Chris Foss presented the Staff Report and advised that this RFP will begin the process of awarding a contract for the production of a promotional marketing video for the City of Dublin. It is anticipated that the award of the contract will be at the November 16th CiIJr Council meeting. Mr. Foss advised that Staff is requesting Council input as to the theme and/or direction of the video. Staff felt that the video should allow the viewer to leanq about Dublin, including: Dublifts business friendly environment; Dublin's location and infrastructure (BART, freeway access, etc.); Dublin's current and future growth (retail, commercial, CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 18 P,~GUL,4aX MEETING October 5, I999 PAGE 529 industrial, residential); Dublin's quality of life (good schools, diversity of housing, parks, police, fire); Dublin's past, present, and future; and Dublin's demographics (population, income, major employers, education, etc.). Vice Mayor Lockhart stated this was strongly recommended by the Mayor at the Goals & Objectives session, and she would like him to serve on the RFP committee for this. Mayor Houston stated he would like to do this. He asked about the time table and stated he would like the City Council to have time to think about this and get some ideas on paper. Mr. Foss explained the timing. Cm. McCormick stated she would like public art included. Mr. Foss stated normally these are directed at people who will come into town. We need to stress certain issues, which were outlined earlier. We should focus it on the Iittle things that make this community special. Vice Mayor Lock_hart felt it is important that we get the message across that we are prepared for growth. We have a plan and infrastructure there to accommodate a lot of opportunities. We have a variety of sells and income levels in our community. This is a source of pride for us. On motion of Vice Mayor Lockha, seconded by Cm. McCormick, and by unanimous vote, the Council authorized Staff to distribute the RFP to qualified consultants and to include Mayor Houston in the process: Mayor Houston stated they should get all their ideas to Mr. Foss. Mr. Foss advised that a first rough draft will be routed to the City Council. A second draft would then be prepared. He will take whatever notes and comments and hand them to the producer of the video. The Council will be able to review this as it is a work in progress. Mayor Houston stated it is important because there is constant change, that it can be updated to extend the value over a longer period of time. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 18 REGU~tLR MEETENG October 5, 1999 PAGE 530 OTHER BUSINESS 8:I 9 p.m. Next Council Meeting to Start at 6:00 p.m. (610~05) Mr. Ambrose advised that the Dublin Housing Authority meeting on October 19th will be canceled, so in order to accommodate the Library visioning session, the Council meeting that night will start at 6 p.m. League of California Cities Conference (140-20) Cm. McCormick stated Mr. Ambrose and she will be attending the League of California Cities conference in San Jose next week for a couple of days. She will bring back information. Land Use/Densi.ty Field Trip (4 10 - 10) Cm. Zika reported that on September 25th, he went out with Staff and some of the Planning Commissioners and looked at mixed use high density residential projects. He highly recommends that the other City Council and Planning Commission members go down and take a look at these. They saw 53 units per acre done very well. Others are much lower density and they look like junk. In some cases there were mixed uses and really g-rear stuff. Pictures don't cover it; you need to go out and take a look. Sunnyvale has a very interesting concept by the train station. Vice Mayor Lockhart stated she felt it would be good to schedule a time. Saturdays are tough. A weekday would work better. Tri-Vallev Transportation Council Amendments (1060~ 10) Vice Mayor Lockhart reminded Staff that we need to put on the agenda the Tri-Valley Transportation Council amendments. Mr. Ambrose advised that Staff is already working on a report for the next agenda. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 18 REGUL,M~ MEETING October 5, 1999 PAGE 53! LAVTA Seminar (I 060~20) Vice Mayor Lockhart reported that she will be attending a LAVTA seminar representing our Cii7. There will be lots of information on public transportation issues. Computers in Schools Program (515-60) Mayor Houston announced that today at the DFIE luncheon the City Council was presented with an award. The City Council has put together a program for matching funds for computer technology in the schools. We are about $50,000 into this now, and looking forward to getting more technology in the schools. ADJOURNMENT I1.1 There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 8:24 p.m. ATTEST: City Clerk Mayor CTFY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 18 REGULAR MEETING October 5, 'i 999 PAGE 532