HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.03 Grant - Target/Mervyn (2)FILE # 150-70 .... ........ .... :._. .:,"' ::_: .... _'. :: ......... ' "' , _._':': ........ ' ........ L', .._:: :.-.'-: ........................... - .............. r'-' ' ...... ' ..... AGENDA"STATEMENT: .... .... ::':: ::::K>:: -_-:-): '-: -'-'-:~::' :-:---:!:~ "_!' -:.-:.':-"'CITY COUNCilZ'rvI'EETING:!:iiaiTE-~!'iTi'I./?I'~--:~i'§}:7':--''''::''':. -' ": '-':. ......:-- - - - -:-:.:-:" ::~ S.' -:"' ::~:.'---' .4':-':' :. ......:~ <-: ':'- :' :~"" ' "'-:':'L:'~'-'i4':::'::~ ::> ::' .....:--::.;: ::L ::}::::~' :';::: :'/'f: "' '-:'::Z'-':::-.: -'_.-'-:.::-. ~:.:': -':.. -' - ~UBJECT:--'- - . .' . .._ _.L :. ::--AcceptanCe of_Grant from-Dayton-Hudson ....._.-r .......-7 ......::,:"':,:::- :-:'. '~:: :' -' ..................... (Target and Mervyn's Stores). . . . Reparl t~re~ared S,v: Carla Kennedy Crime iPrevention _A__TTACHME~N'TS5 ................ I .' Letter to Dayton-Hudson from Dublin Police Services. ..................... - .....................- 2. Letter from'Dayton-Hudson CorporatiOn':: :-.-.__: :'~ _.. - __ ............. +_ ..... . - . , _ -- - . - - 4. Direct Dublin Police Services staff to use funds tO purchase_ ........ "' - - eci~ipifient ~or ~he biai}~le 'Unit. .... : ......: '~,~N"~I~ 'STATEMENT: Acceptance of this grant will increase funding for equipment and - .' - maintenance for the bicycle unit without additional costs to the City. DESCRIPTION: Dayton-Hudson has provided a grant, in the amount of $856, _t.9_ the_ City of Dublin for the Police Services ...... Bicycle Unil~:--~:_..z - ..... - -:"-'-:. 2_ j' .... :: ..................................................... .Th_e City:s. Bicycle Unitcurrently.has 7._trained officers who spend a portion-of their workweek-patrolling certain areas of the City 6n bicycles. The use of bicycles is particularly beneficial in the commercial areas where traffic congestion tends to slow patrol vehicle response. '- Bicycles tend to m~e Police officers appear less intimidating and encourage poskive contacts bdtween the police and the citizens. The'money !0m th~ grant wguld be used to purchase much needed lighting equipment an'd 'eqUipment bags for the Bicycle Unit. ..... Staff recommends that the City Council accept. the gift;- approve' the budget-adj'dstme6t,-direct staff to formally acknowledge the donor, and direct Police Services staff to use the funds tO purchase the ._ equipment and.__supph_'.es.: . · - ..... : : :-.~_ :~ .....::,-.- .: :~-=L":. ,:"' ::""': ................ :: '~ '- ' .-: Z'; ' -- -: .... ' coPms -.: ........ - .... :- 7:-' :. . z., ';' ' ~' , "2. ""~ -'- :: = L '_d2::--- ' _ ..... 27Z ....' ......2L . _' j _ _ . Target Stores 7200 Amador Plaza Road Dublin, C,& 94568 It is my understanding that your organization might consider the Dublin Police Services for a Law EnforCement Grantl This letter if Submitted to' your organization as application f6;'a'~:it['7:":'L~jS.-' .'-::. '_-:.7z_L'::: ....~'5. ~' :-"':~'~'::~L"')'':~' L, - _ .. .... - :- -: 2: _ , - - - · .............. [n"I~eGber 1992 Dubliiii,0liCe~ServiCes iniiiat~d iheiii ' fbidy les o?gi: l atrol ptir ii Tlie'bic~9~!~ .U..~ h_.as pr6~n 16 'b'e~ ihi_' mobile'aiid mifieUfverabLe ~_'n!~_~i_f6bioer_~d_ __an::. excellent publi~ relations tool. The officers assigned to the unit work Very close with bu~iness ciWners and employees in preventing crime a~d keeping our business area safe. The Department currently has eight trained bicycle officers and six bicycles are assigned to the Unit '. ' : ,431 of the bicycles have police markings but two are without standard police headlight (red . and white) and siren. The two bicycles are also without standard police bike' equipment ' _bagS: Police bicycle bags are mOUnted on _the re~ bicyclerack and allow a secure place for the officers to carry police equipment. ' ...... - The Iimhts and bags would greatly enhance the operation of the Police Bicycle Unit. The.' li~h~i ivbuld add additional s'ifeii~:aid-~-biiid~iiiiaai:~ihe--bieycle-lightiiii .... : eqmpment. I would appreciate your organization considering our department a recipient of a grant for- the police bicycle equipment. : ' ' Thank you in advance for considering us a grant recipient. Crime Prevention Unit: ..... Attachments Administration (925) 833-6650 · City Council (925) 833-6605 · Finance (925) 833-6640 · Building inspection (925) 833-6620 _ Code En_fo_rcement...(925) 833-6620 · Engineering (925) 833-6630 · Parks & Co_mrnuRi~y Services (925) ~33:~645 ~" 2" Economic Development (925) 833-6650 · Police (925) 833-6670 · Public Works (925) 833-6630 Community Development (925) 833-6610 · Fire Prevention BUreau (925) 833-6606 .... - "".:2__'Z" _ Z,Zfzzz T_," . Z ' .22.,z2Z.' '::--'L_ LLZ Zzz_ 2=22_2 7_2. .................. '- Dear Sgt Chavarda; . ,, cOng_ratu!ationS!:. o_n beha!f. of. Dayton Hudson Corporation~ l, am- pleased to announce that-your:· -: · - _ --;X .;..-: organization has been:awarded a grant-in-the:amount:of $856.00 .-to assist with the purchase off.-"'::-: ._.:x --- · equipment for police bicycles, A local representative will be contacting you and presenting your ..... :_ .- ._ L, agency with the award check(s). ........ : ........ This grant is made po i e: through the efforts of your local Mervyns and Target stores, and our - Customers in your area:" Please maintain contact with your local Repi-eSentati~e,_keeping that.'pe,_rSon .-'. · -'~:: - informed of your organization's ongoing activities." _' We would appreciate you listing Day!on Hudson Corporation in any publication showing business contributions. : ' ' _ - -" We extend our best wishes for success in your endeavors. _ .... ' Sincerely,.:-- -:. Ed Wilson '- Law Enforcement Grant Committee Chairman -. 777 Nieollet Mall, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402-2055 Phone: 6] 2.370.6948 TARGET MERVYN'S CALIFORNIA DAYTON'S HUDSON'S MARSHALL FIELD'S .... CITY OF DUBLIN BUDGET CHANGE FORM CHANGE FORM # New Appropriations_. (city Council Approval Requiredi: From Unappropfiated Reserves ........... x- - - From New Revenues ....... DECR E..XS E B I. DG 12'1' A.C CO t'.:N r Name: A3i O [ .' N '1.' Budget Transfers: ' ' From Budgeted Contingent Reserve (1080-799.000) W_i_t~ Same Department.Activity Between Departments (City Council Approval Required) Other INCREASE BUllGET ACCOLNT AMOLNT Name: Police Services $856.00 Account #: Account #: 001-20100-750-071 Name: Name: Account #: Name: Account #: Name: Account #: Account #: Name: Name: Account #: Name: Account #: Name: Account #: Account #: Name: Name: Account #: Account #: REASON FOR BUDGET CHANGE ENTRY: Acceptance of a grant from Dayton Hudson, for the Police Services Bicycle Unit, in the mount of $856. City Manager: Mayor: Posted By: Signature As Approx'cd at the City Ct~uz~cil Meeting on: Signature Date: l)a:c: Date: Date: