HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.04 AI Tract5766Hansen (2) CITY CLERK File # DraJ[(2J[Q]-~[Q} c-< AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: November 16,1999 SUBJECT: Acceptance of Improvements, Tract 5766 (Hansen Hill, Phase 1) Report Prepared by: Lee S. Thompson, Public Works Director ATTACHMENTS: 1) Resolution 2) Location Map 'RECOMME1\TUATION: . ..~ rll) Adopt Resolut.ion accepting the work completed and approving 7 ~" regulatory traffic control devices installed as tract improvements. 2) Authorize Staff to accept maintenance bond at a future date FINANCIAL STATEMENT: A maintenance bond in the amount of$I,OOO,OOO to guarantee against defects will be provided to the City. Sweeping and other street maintenance costs will be incurred by the City. Street lighting maintenance costs shall be paid by the Citywide Street Light Maintenance Assessment District. ( \ DESCRIPTION: This project was developed by Warmington Homes and consists of 72 single-family lots. Improvements in Tract 5766 have been inspected by the City Engineer and determined to be. complete. At the time the City and.the subdivider executed the contraCt for the Tract improvements, the subdivider was required to provide a performance bond in the amount of $4,000,000 to provide the necessary security for the performance of the work involved. As the work is now completed, the performance security requirement can be reduced, in accordance with authority contained in Section 66499.7 ofthe Government Code, to an amount necessary to guarantee maintenance of the work for a one-year period following acceptance of the work. The subdivider will provide a new maintenance bond in the amount of $1,000,000 which is 25% of the original bond required, and whichis sufficient to cover the one-year maintenance guarantee period, at a future date. The following regulatory traffic improvements' would be accepted and approved as a part of this development and added to the City of Dublin Traffic Code: 1. Bay Laurel Street and Inspiration Drive are designated a "Through Streets." A through street is typically a major or collector street, and other minor streets which intersect a through street are ':-r -,--------------------------~-----------------,--------------------------- COPIES TO: Wannington Homes ITEMNO.~ g:\develop\bansen \agstacpt5766 ~1il~ controlled by stop signs. Since SiIvergate Drive and Inspiration Drive are "Through Streets," stop signs have been installed on Bay Laurel Street at both Silvergate and Inspiration. .--"' ::.. ...., 2. A stop sign is installed on Bay Laurel Street at the intersection of Inspiration Circle. 3. Stop signs are installed on Bay Laurel Street at the intersections of Bay Laurel Court and Buckeye Court. The City Council requested installation of these stop signs at the September 15, 1998, meeting. 4. A no parking zone has been installed on the south side of Bay Laurel Street between Bay Laurel Court and Silvergate Drive. 5. The entire length of Inspiration Drive is a No Parking Zone. Staff recommends adopting the Resolution to accept work completed on Tract 5766, Hansen Hill-Phase I, and authorize Staff to accept a maintenance bond in the amount of$I,OOO,OOO at a future date. ~' ,<-~--......., " "wi' Page 2 RESOLUTION NO. - 99 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ********* ACCEPTING IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 5766 (HANSEN HILL, PHASE I) AND APPROVING REGULATORY TRAFFIC DEVICES INSTALLED AS TRACT IMPROVEMENTS WHEREAS, the owner-subdivider of the aforesaid Tract previously entered into a contract with the City of Dublin to improve said Tract in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City Engineer, said Tract identified as follows: a) Subdivider: Warmington Homes b) Tract Location: West of Silvergate Drive, North of Hansen Drive c) Tract Size: 72 Single-Family Lots d) Resolution Approving Final Map: No. 110-95, City Council of Dublin e) City Streets Affected: Bay Laurel Street, Bay Laurel Court, Buckeye Court, Inspiration Drive, Inspiration Circle, Meadow Court WHEREAS, said improvements have been completed in accordance with said plans and specifications, and any approved modifications thereof: to the satisfaction of said City Engineer of the City of Dublin; and WHEREAS, the developer has installed certain traffic regulatory devices as a part of the Tract improvements; and WHEREAS, as a condition of said contract, subdivider is required to guarantee the improvements and to maintain the completed work for a period of one year following acceptance of the work by the said City of Dublin; WHEREAS, as improvements are now completed, the original performance bond security requirement can be reduced, in accordance with the authority contained in Section 66499.7 of the Government Code of the State of California, to an amount found necessary to guarantee maintenance of the completed work for the aforesaid one-year period. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that: 1. The improvements completed within the said Tract be, and they are hereby approved and accepted subject to the aforesaid one-year guarantee; and 2. The traffic regulatory devices installed by the developer are hereby included in the City of Dublin Traffic Code, which regulatory devices are as follows: A. Bay Laurel Street and Inspiration Drive are designated as "Through Streets." (Traffic Code Chapter 6.08) B. Stop sign on Bay Laurel Street at the intersection of Inspiration Circle (Traffic Code Chapter 6.16) 'C. Stop signs on Bay Laurel Street at the intersections of Bay Laurel Court and Buckeye Court (Traffic Code Chapter 6.16) "f' D. A No Parking Zone on the south side of Bay Laurel Street between Bay Laurel Court and Silvergate Drive (Traffic Code Chapter 6.28) E. A No Parking Zone for the entire length ofInspiration Drive (Traffic Code Chapter 6.28); and """"" 3. The aforesaid original performance bond security requirement be reduced from the amount of $4,000,000 to a revised security requirement in the amount of$I,OOO,OOO, upon acceptance by Staff of the replacement maintenance bond in the said amount of$I,OOO,OOO as security for the aforesaid one-year period, and the Mayor of this City Council be, and is hereby authorized and directed to execute the said bond on behalf of the said City of Dublin; and 4. The said original performance bond in the amount of $4,000,000 posted in connection with the work involved in the construction of said Tract be hereby released upon acceptance of said maintenance bond. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 16th day of November, 1999. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ~ Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk g:developlhansen Iresoacpt5766 ,., ) ) ') , i~~l:;~~" '.i;~ ,t.;; ;~; ~'.~'~, II;' ~:ill,L ~,:'t"" TR1Ate~l1:~lN'b. 5766 r -. . . CIIY OF DUBUN, COUNTY OF ALA/,/ED.o\, STATE OF CAUfORN~ . '. . " BY ADAA/S-SmEffiR CML ENGINEERS, INC. Jm A AlMA/S, R.C.E. 21687 IRVINE, CAUfORNIA SCALE: " - 200' AWlCII, '995 .. <il b o "I II , ~ ~ AS NOltO DUBUN CONCRElt , ....~. . I. IY,Ij:,' DENDltS FOUND t.lONUt.lENT DENOltS fOUND STANDARD CITY or t.lONUt.lENT, STAt.lPEO AS NOTED ,. LEGEND: DENDltS SET STANDARD CITY or OUBUN CONCRETE "'ptlVt.lENT PER C0601, STAt.lPED R.C.E. 21667 DENOltS RECORD DATA AS NOltD 49 or t.lAPS AT PAGE 6 60 or t.lAPS AT PAGE 21 T39 or t.lAPS AT PAGE 68 147 or t.lAPS AT PAGE 55 148 or t.lAPS AT PAGE 1 163 or t.lAPS AT PAGE 32 DENOTES RECORD DEED DATA PER 89-020764 DENOltS BOOK OEtlO lES BOOK DENOTES BOOK OENOltS BOOK DENOTES BOOK DENOltS BOOK \!) 49 U 6) BO t.I 21) 139 t.l 68 147 IA 55 148 IA 1) \63 t.I 32 BASIS OF BEARINGS: TIlE BEARING N 64'39'05' W AlONG mE soonlERLY BootlOARY liNE or SUBDIIoISIOII NO. 5410 RECORDED III BOOK 163 Of IAAPS AT PAGE 32. ALAlAfOA COUNIY RECORDS, WAS TAKEN AS nlE OASIS or BEARIIIGS SlIOv.!1 IIEREDlI. MONUMENT NOTES: 2' LP. TAGGm "RCE 21687' OR SPIKE AND WASHER STAIAPm "RCE 21687" OR LEAD. TACK. Ie TAG 'RCE 21681' TO BE SET AT All. lRACT BOUNDARY CORNERS 'MTlml 90 DAYS AfTER ACCEPlANCE or IUPROVEMENIS, UNLESS OnlERI'olSE NOIEO. I" LP. TAGGED "RCE 21687" OR SPIKE AIID WASHER STAIAPEO "RCE 21687' OR LEAO. TACK. II< TAG "RCE 21687' TO BE SET AT All. ItIlt:RIOR LOT CORNERS I'olnllN 90 DAYS AFlER ACCEPTANCE Of It.lPROVEMEIITS. UNLESS OOlERI'olSE NOIEO. SIGNATURE OMISSIONS: PIJRSUAIIT 10 TIlE PROlolSIONS or SECllON 86436(0)(3)(1.) Of llIE SUOOMSlOII MAP ACI, lIIE FOlLOI'olNG SlGIIA1URES HAVE BEEN Ot.IITltO: t. lllF. COUNIY or ALAlJEDA. HOlDER Of AN EASEt.lEIIT FOR SIORt.I DRAIN Alii) CONS,"UCIIOI' ACCESS AS PER 111M CERIAIN EASEt.lEIIT RECORDED AS SERIES NO. 84-176968 Of OfFICIAL RECORDS AS SHOIm HEREON. 2. ROOERT J. NIELSEN. ET At. HOWER Of AN EASEMENT FOR STORt.l DRAIII PURPOSES. AS PER mAT CERIAIN EASEt.lEIIT RECORom AS SERIES NO. 84-16\865 AS SlIO\\tl HEREON. ~~ .. tV::r..LANDS of' NIELSEN 4~~.., (79-065676) \.~'t:" 'b5'~ t. ..... .... "'l' 0) (1) .... I ~ .... 'i ~ ~ ~ ~b .. .. "- "'- ~- ~I ~ ~ a t) u.. a (J) ~ ~ EMERGEIICY VEHiClE ACCESS EASEMENT OVERU\tID SIORIA RutlOfF EASEMENT PUBUC UllUTY EASEMENT STORt.l DRAIN EASEMENT SANITARY SEllt:R EASEt.lEN WATER LItlE EASEt.lENT t.lONUI.lENT TO 1.l01IUI.lENT RADIAL BEARING TOTAL E.V.A.E. O.S.R.E. P.IJ.E. S.D.E. S.S.E. W.LE. ll.l-t.l) R) T) 72 8'J5' "'W ?l99') 8'Wffilv '/J.99' 28.7/') NO. 4943 M 1J DISTANcr .07) .Drt) .07) ~IfiN.Srptl'[MOi./C5S CoWYON DRM: nN ~I-~ ~7~~ .. ~ I' ~.,:;; i~"- !"'~i r~.=! I' I~;~ i3 ::! ~ I ~ . , . . , rD. SID. CHY CONC. "'ON. 'ro. NOntlNG Sf( 2' I.P. 5fA"'PCO R.C.(. 21687 eSlAaL/Sf/CO 8'1' SINGL( PROPORnOI/. o ..J . l' ." " , , , , 4SH8' ) ",; ~ CURVC DElTA 1lo4DIUS leNGnt TANGeNT CI JO'I6'41' 228.00' 120,49' 61.69' C2 24-58'S" 2i8.0rf 99.4/' 'O.SI' ---~=- J72.Dr1 10:7;- CJ 0708' 48" 21.4" <<\ . I"26"J4. R - 800.0rt l - IS9.17 (~ : MJ~r ~';7 'J95~r 20 rOOT WlO( SlOpr EASE"'eNT PER lRACI NO. 2'J4 (49 '" 6) SHEU 2 OF 8 CURVEOA TA ~\>\~" (;:~ 2534 6) nllnc, SET r I.P. G SIA",peD R.C.(. LANDS OF VALLEY CHRISTIAN CENTER (78-107174) ;;;"'1 ~~11 10",,: .-.., t! t'~ !~ v eSTABt/SIlCO FRO'" RECORD Deco /loIIA AND lOCAl/ON or (x/snNG lilies OF OCCUPATION (eXISnNG OLD _BCO WIR( FENCE) 407.88' NBIr 38' S8' W S89'/ S' 00' e JOB NO. 94- 1000 ~ s:! ~ ~ ~ ~ :"i