HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.11 DwntwnSPTechSupport (2)CITY CLERK FILE # 600-30 AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: November 16, 1999 SUBJECT: ATTACHMENTS: Request for authorization to distribute a Request for Proposal (RFP) to provide technical support for three proposed downtown Specific Plans: Village Parkway Specific Plan; Downtown Core Specific Plan and West Dublin BART Plan Report Prepared b. v 2Xarichael Porto Draft Request for Proposal (RFP) RECOMMENDATION: 1 ) Approve boundaries of Specific Plan Areas as proposed by Staff 2) Authorize Staff to initiate process to retain a consultant team FINANCIAL STATEMENT: There would be no financial impact to the City from the distribution of RFPs. Once proposals are received from consultants, an analysis will be prepared by staffof the financial impact tO the City, DESCRIPTION: The Request for Proposal distribution will initiate consultant technical work on the three specific plans in the downtown Dublin area: Village Parkway Specific Plan, Downtown Core Specific Plan and West Dublin BART Specific Plan: BACKGROUND: Completion of these three specific plans are included in the Community Development Work Program for 1999-2000. The intent of the three plans is to promote the logical development and/or redevelopment of these downtown sites in terms of land use, urban design, transportation, parking service plans, which reflect economic realities. Although the majority of work to actually prepare the specific plans will be completed by the Community Development Department, technical assistance will be needed by specialized consultants in the areas of urban economics, transportation planning and urban design. PROCESS: The RFP is intended to solicit formal proposals from teams of urban economics, architects/urban designers and transportation and parking consultants. After receipt of the proposals, they will be carefully reviewed to ensure proposed work programs and budgets are consistent with City needs and references checked. The following table summarizes the anticipated process and timing, which will be followed to retain the technical consultants: g:agenda/99/11-16 cc RFPstaf rpt COPIES TO: Michael Porto Jerry Haag ITEM NO. 41~ Tentative Sequence of Events Downtown Specific Plan Technical Consulting Team EVENT City Council meeting-authorizing RFP distribution and appointing Screening Committee RFPs circulated to prospective consultants Pre-Conference Meeting Proposals due to City Staff review of proposals Interviews of consultants (if required) Negotiations and reference checks City Council meeting awarding contract(s) TIMEFRAME November 16, 1999 November 17-December 10, 1999 November 29, 1999 December 10, 1999 December 13-17, 1999 December 20-21, 1999 December 22-January 7, 2000 January 18, 2000 Award of Contract: Once Staff has completed interviews and a ranking of the consultants concluded, negotiations and references checked, Staff will return to the City Council for a formal award of contract. It is anticipated that this will occur at the January 18, 2000, City Council meeting. Specific Plan Boundaries: Village Park-way Specific Plan (Exhibit 1): Staff is proposing to include the commercial centers at the northwest and northeast comers of Arnador Valley Boulevard and Village Parkway. Although these two properties (or series of properties) are outside of the boundary of the original Study Area as reviewed by the Downtown Committee, these areas contribute to traffic impacts affecting Village Parkway, anchor one end of the Study Area, and are the only cormnercial properties in close proximity to the original Study Area. Inclusion of these sites will create a contiguous and coordinated approach to the overall area. Downtown Core Specific Plan (Exhibit 2): As with the Village Parkway Specific Plan boundary referenced above, Staff is proposing to expand the Study Area to encompass those properties on the east side of Amador Plaza Road which back onto the 680 freeway. These properties are forced to use Amador Plaza Road for the majority of their vehicular access due to the 680 freeway blocking access to the east and will contribute to traffic impacts of the overall Study Area. Additionally, as one part of the Study will be the consideration of Urban Design enhancements, it seemed logical that both sides of Amador Plaza Road should be visually compatible. l~est Dublin BARTSpecific Plan (Exhibit 3): The boundary of this Planning Area was chosen due to the anticipated impacts that the proposed Western Dublin BART project would have on the surrounding properties. Primary issues would be traffic, circulation, pedestrian access and parking, however, with the opening of St. Patrick Way and direct fleeway access into this area, the visual scene and entrance features to Dublin should be considered. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council approve the boundaries of the Specific Plan Areas as proposed by Staff, and authorize Staff to distribute the Request for Proposal (Attachment 1 ). 2 19 82 CITY OF DUBLIN REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS November 16, 1999 Introduction The City of Dublin, Alameda County, seeks professional technical services to assist in the preparation and adoption of three (3) specific plans in downtown Dublin. These are to be known as the Village Parkway Specific Plan, the Downtown Core Specific Plan and the Western BART Station Specific Plan. Specifically, the City requires a firm, or combination of firms, to prepare an economic analysis of the dow T~town area that would encompass each of the three areas, to prepare traffic and parking impact analyses and to prepare architecture and landscape guidelines for the three specific plan areas. Background Dublin is an established community of approximately 28,000 people located at the intersection of 1-580 and 1-680 in eastern Alameda County. The City was incorporated in 1983 and has experienced rapid growth with the adoption and implementation of large specific plans in both eastern and western Dublin. The primary retail and service core area of Dublin is located along Dublin Boulevard between San Ramon Road and Village Parkway, although a significant amount of retail and other non-residential development has recently been developed or is scheduled to be developed in East Dublin near Hacienda Drive and 1- 580. Preparation of.the three specific plans has been included in the City's 1999-2000 Work Program to ensure the continued economic vitality of the downtown core, especially in light of recent major commercial developments in eastern Dublin. The recent opening of the BART line to Dublin/Pleasanton is also viewed as an important spur to potential economic activity in the downtown area. Potential future growth based on the BART extension and a potential new station in West Dublin needs to be quantified, to the extent feasible, and managed in terms of the local roadway system to accommodate additional traffic. It is anticipated that the Specific Plans will be largely prepared by City staff, with the technical assistance outlined above. Exhibits 1, 2 and 3 show the locations of each of the three planning areas in relation to downtown Dublin. Following is a summary of the three areas: Village Parkwvav Specific Plan Village Parkway is a major north-south thoroughfare in Dublin immediately east ofi-680. The specific plan study areas generally encompasses properties between Amador Valley Road to the north and Dublin Boulevard to the south. The 680 freeway forms the Study Area south-western boundary and commercial uses fronting Village Parkway are the easterly boundary properties. The Commercial Center at the northeast corner of Amador Valley Boulevard and Village Parkway is also included in the Study Area. Village Parkway itself has full raised median improvements with two travel lanes and a left-ram/U-turn lane at mid-block (Lewis Avenue). Existing businesses range from individual freestanding uses (restaurants, car washes, fast-food restaurants) · to small retail centers with parking lots adjacent to the street. There are also several small retail centers directly fronting onto Village Parkway, using on-street parking for patrons with parking lots behind buildings for employees and overflow parking. The Village Parkway area fulfills a critical need for small business users but it is believed this area has been underutilized. The proposed Specific Plan would address current economic conditions, current viability of existing users and, ultimately, the highest and best uses for the area, given local demographics and the characteristics of the trade area. Through transportation and economic analyses, an urban design study can be completed resulting in a land use plan to maximize land use for the area. A merchant/property owner participation program is anticipated as part of the plan preparation process, however, this will not be the responsibility of the consultant team. Downtown Core Specific Plan This site is bounded on the south by Dublin Boulevard, Amador Valley Boulevard on the north and faces Amador Plaza Road. Because of traffic concerns and continuity issues, the uses on the east side of Amador Plaza Road which back onto the 680 Freeway are also included. Anchor stores include Target, Montgomery Ward and Toys-R-Us. The center was constructed in the 1970's with a large expanse of surface parking and minimal landscaping. A portionof the site is vacant; a series of small shops having been recently demolished to accommodate another "big box" use. There are several outbuildings on the periphery of the center, including an older movie theater. Access through the site and onto adjacent streets is circuitous. The City views this area as a potential for a community focal point that could attract pedestrian and community uses along with pedestrian oriented retail uses. With a new 1-680 off-ramp and new street (St. Patrick's Way) south of the area. there is the possibility of increased vehicular traffic along Golden Gate Avenue, allowing this area to become the desired downtown focal point. A consultant team will assist staff in preparing a Specific Plan for the area by completing critical technical assignments. Specifically, traffic circulation (current and projected) needs to be assessed, including the potential for Golden Gate Avenue being extended north into the Downtown Core, economic feasibility of current users and the feasibility oftransitioning the center into a more pedestrian friendly place. It is also anticipated that an urban design firm will assist staff in preparing development standards and guidelines to update and modernize existing "big box" users, prepare on- and off-site landscape standards and allow for the center to be transitioned to a more pedestrian friendly environment. City staff will coordinate on-going discussions with existing tenants, property owners and other interested groups and individuals. Western BART Specific Plan BART owns al O-acre site at the terminus of Golden Gate Avenue on the north side of the 1-580 freeway. In conjunction with a similarly-sized site located across 1-580 in Pleasanton, a single property owner proposes to construct a new BART station in conjunction with a 600-car garage, approximately 150 residential units, a 240-room hotel and perhaps retail as well. Negotiations are now being concluded between BART and the property owner to allow this development program to move forward. Some of the existing land uses near the site are older and underutilized. Dublin staff will prepare a Specific Plan for the area. Key issues are anticipated to be completed by the technical consultants include vehicular and pedestrian circulation, parking, highest and best land uses for the site and the urban form of the proposed development program. The City of Pleasanton, neighboring property owners and BART staff will be included in the planning process. Redevelopment Project Studv Area This City is currently studying the feasibility of establishing either a series of separate Redevelopment Project Areas or a single Redevelopment Project Area. A consultant is now evaluating potential project areas. The three proposed Specific Plan Areas, which are the focus of this Request for Proposal, are all part of the proposed Redevelopment Study Area. It is anticipated that initial blight analysis of the three areas will be completed by January 1, 2000, and any economic evaluation of potential increment funding done by that time as well. It is anticipated that the consultant or consultant team chosen to assist Staff in the preparation ofthe'se Specific Plans will interface and coordinate with the Redevelopmerit consultant. 4 Information generated by one team may be used to assist the other team in preparing needed docuUnents., A close interrelationship is expected between both consultants. Scope of Work Recluirements The City of Dublin desires to retain the services of one or more firms with experience and expertise in the areas of: 1) Urban economic analyses, including preparation of highest and best use studies 2) Transportation planning, traffic engineering and parking analyses 3) Urban design, architecture and/or landscape architecture Submittal by one firm with regard to one aspect of the RFP is acceptable. Combinations of firms that are responsive to each of the City's needs is also acceptable, however, the City of Dublin reserves the right to "mix and match" teams based on completion of the review process. Following is a summary of City expectations regarding each of the three substantive areas: Urban Economics: identify existing downtown economic base, demographics and trade area. Identify anticipated market demand for additional retail commercial, services, office space and similar land uses based on future Tri-Valley growth. Translate anticipated future demand into land use absorption schedules for the three specific plan areas. Transportation and Parking: Compile various existing traffic impact reports into an existing conditions report (no new intersection counts are anticipated). Evaluate potential peak hour traffic impacts of proposed land use development programs for the three specific plan areas onto nearby streets. Estimate increased parking demand for the proposed development program on each project site and potential parking spill-over onto nearby City streets. Provide mitigations for expected significant impacts related to traffic and parking. Urban Desi-~n: Working with staff, provide urban design guidelines in text and graphic format covering building architecture (setbacks, massing, height, building orientation) and landscaping (streetscape, project entries, plazas, parking areas, adjacent to buildings and others), signs and lighting. Proposal Submittal Requirements The following seven (7) items are anticipated to be included within the consultant's proposal, however, items and specifics regarding the consultant's scope of work and the estimated schedule for completion will be articulated at the Pre-Proposal conference described elsewhere in this Request for Proposal. 1) Cover letter, to include the name, address, phone number of all firms involved in the proposal. 2) Statement of project understanding and issues 3) Scope of work, identifying interim and final products to be delivered to the City, methodology anticipated to be used to prepare documents and other information related to carrying out the City's desired program 4) Estimated budget, indicating specific staff anticipated to be assigned to the project, hourly rate and numbers of hours by phase and task. Other direct costs (travel, reproduction, etc.) should also be included. This could be presented in a spreadsheet format. City reserves the right to negotiate scope of work and budget to meet City requirements. 5) Estimated schedule for completion. Ideally, the City would prefer to schedule Planning Commission public hearing no later than April, 2000. 6) Summary of firm or firms presenting the proposal, including a background description of the firm, completion of similar projects (with client reference and phone number provided), listing of the project manager (with client references and phone numbers), and a listing of other staff anticipated to be assigned to the team. Resumes of key individuals should be attached. 7) Copies of work products are encouraged, although these should be submitted separately and a note included if these are to be returned to the firm. Citv Resources and Responsibilities The City of Dublin has the following resources available to assist the selected consultants: Base maps Mapping of existing land uses, including approximate square fo0tage by land use Recent traffic and transportation impact analysis for a number of projects within the Study Area Recent tax and valuation information for properties and businesses within the Study Area As noted above, the City of Dublin staff will take the lead in the actual preparation of the three Specific Plans; the consultants are expected only to provide technical assistance in the three areas. Staff will take the lead in public participation efforts and the technical consultants should budget for two (2) public meetings: one at the Planning Commission and one at the City Council. However, the consultant should provide a schedule of hourly rates for individuals assigned to the project in the event that additional meetings are necessary to provide information and assist Staff with concerned citizens, property owners and business owners during the review and analysis phase of the project. Pre-Proposal Conference and Proposal Due Date To ensure maximum understanding of the City's needs, a pre-submittal bidder's conference will be held on Monday, November 29, 1999 at 2:00 p.m. at City Hall, 1~' floor conference room, located at 100 Civic Plaza,. Dublin, CA. Attendance at the conference is mandatory to be able to submit a proposal. Significant specific information about details of available data will be discussed. Six copies of proposals are due at 5:00 PM on Friday, December 10, 1999 to the following address. FAX or e-mail submittals are not accepted. Failure to submit a proposal by the due date will result in immediate disqualification. Dublin Community Development Department Attn: Eddie Peabody Jr., Community Development Director 100 Civic Plaza Dublin CA 94568 Selection Process and Criteria A Screening Committee consisting of the City's Economic Development Director and staff members from the Community Development and Public Works Departments will be established for the purposes of reviewing the individual consultant proposals. The following criteria will be used to judge each of the submittals: Qualifications, background and experience of the proposed project manager · Experience of the firm in completing similar projects 6 · Responsiveness of the proposal to City needs · Comprehensiveness of the proposal in responding to the RFP · Estimated fees and schedule of completion Based on the number of responses received, the City may either select a team or firm based on submittals, or schedule interviews of firms. If interviews are needed, they are preliminarily scheduled for December 20-21, 1999. The City anticipates taking contract(s) to the City Council for approval on January 18, 2000. Additional Information Please call the following member of the City of Dublin Community Development Department should you have questions regarding the RFP: Michael Porto, Project Manager (925) 833 6610 Please be aware that the City of Dublin reserves the right to reject all proposals as non-responsive. The City of Dublin is under no obligation to reimburse any respondent for costs incurred in preparing proposals. 7 VILLAGE PARKWAY SPECIFIC PLAN PROPOSED PLANNING AREA LEVARD EXHIBIT 1 DOWNTOWN CORE SPECIFIC PLAN PROPOSED PLANNING AREA /\ "'-,--,,,,.,,j/ EXHIBIT 2 WEST DUBLIN BART SPECIFIC PLAN PROPOSED PLANNING AREA N EXHIBIT 3