HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 5.1 AlamoCreekTrailRealign (2)
File # D~[3][QJ-b3][Q]
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Realignment of Proposed Alamo Creek Trail through the
Alamo Creek Villas
Report Prepared by: Lee S. Thompson, Public Works Director
1) Letter from David Larson, attorney for Alamo Creek Villas
Homeowners' Association, including map of specific request
2) LocationMap
RECOMMEl'\T})ATION~: . . Approve request to relo. cate the Alamo Creek Trail to the back of
. Arroyo Vista, subject to the following conditions being met:
a) - that the Dublin Housing Authority deed a trail easement to the
City of Dublin for trail improvement purposes and for public
b) that Zone 7 Flood Control District accept the deed to the parcel
of land over which the Alamo Creek passes (adjacent to this
c) that the Homeowners' Association designs and constructs the
proposed bypass trail on the Dublin Housing Authority land
(together with obtaining necessary City permits);
d) and that the Homeowners' Association fence and gate off the
access locations to the Zone 7 maintenance roads within the
development, subject to Zone 7's review and approval.
No cost to the City otDublin. The Homeowners' Association is to
pay all costs.
DESCRIPTION: .A portion of Alamo Creek traverses the Alamo Creek Yill~ -
development (previously known as Dublin Meadows) south of Amador Valley Boulevard and adjacent
to Arroyo Vista (the Dublin Housing Authority development). As part of the improvement of Alamo
Creek, a maintenance road was built for Zone 7 Flood Control to be ableto access and maintain the
creek. Zone 7 has not yet accepted the creek improvements, but plans to do so in the near future.
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The City of Dublin previously requested, and Zone 7 agreed, to allow the public to use several of Zone 7' s ~'
maintenance roads. as trails, one of which is the trail through the Alamo Creek Villas. In return, the City
agreed to take over certain maintenance and liability responsibilities.
Due to security reasons, the Alamo Creek Villas Homeowners' Association is asking that the Association
be allowed to re-route the portion of the City trail within the development to a location just outside the
development situated along the back of the Arroyo Vista Housing Development. A second alternate
alignment was proposed by the Association, but was rejected by Staff as it would bisect the Arroyo Vista
playground area and pass through the basketball court If approved by the City, the Association will bear
responsibility for all of the costs and processing of this relocation.
This proposed relocation is a fairly minor detour in the trail, and Staff recommends that this request be
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November 29, 1999
Richard Am brOfie
OfIice of1he City Manager - Dublin City Hall
100 Civic Plaza I P.O. Box 2340
Dublin, CA 94568
Re: City Trail Through Alamo Creek Villas
Dear Mr. Ambrose:
RccaIJ that recently you, along with the Police Chief and City Attorney, met with Steve
Weibel, f-:d Cossart and mc to discuss the city trail that meanders through the Alamo Creek
,<~ Villas. After much discussion, we were encouraged by your positive response to our proposal
to realign. the trail outside of Alamo Creek Villas.
At the time, several issues were to be addressed hefore we sent you a letter requesting
this matter be agendized for City Council considemlion. The purpose oftrus letter is to address
those issues" and to request that the matter be agendi7..ed ac: ~oon as possible.
Recall that our propogal involved closing a portion of the trail within our boundaries.
(See .'closed portion" on Exhibits A and B - Note: Exhibit B is the same ac: A except properly
dimcnsioned)_ OUf proposal also involves substituting a "conneetor trail" outside our
boundaries (See Exhibits A and B).
The first issue we agreed to address was to find out how much the connector trai I might
cost,. so that we could ascertain wheth~ the Association would be 'willing to pick up the tab.
While the Association hai not taken formal action on this - question. the estimated cost of
constructing the connector trail turns out to be very reasonable. Therefore, we do not
~!iCipate any probleIIiS \viththe Association' agreeing to pick up that l?m;t.-: '-:
Second. 1 have contacted the property owner, David Lonich. to determine whether he
would have any problems v.ith our proposi:lI. He indicated that be would DOt, as long us it did
not result in further obligations, being placed on him. [lis perception ::>eems to be that, every
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Rich Ambrose
Office of the City Manager
Dublin City flail
tOO Civic r>>latza
November 29, 1999
Page 2
time a new issue arises. he gets stuck with additional responsibilities. r told him I did not see
how this proposal could result in him being required to incur additional responsibilities, but
that I would pass his comments along.
Third. because the property where the proposed connector trail would be: placed is
owned by the federal government, ,,'e agreed to conti:lI:.."t thc Housing Authority to determine
whether they would grant an easement allowing same. Ms. Ohelia BasgaJ requested thei!. we
submit our request in writing. A copy of our request is enclosed. In response, Ms. Ohelia said
that she would have to speak further with Dublin city stall' to make surc they were in accord.
She was going to talk to Lee Thompson, I believe. Previously~ the Housing Authority was
supportive of our proposal and had no problems recommending tllat the C<."tScment be granted ......,
for the connector trail. I believe that. continue:; to be the bottom line~ but that the Authority
dOCSll't want to be at cross-purposes, with City stafi:
Accordingly, we formally request that this matter be placed on the City CouDeil agenda
as soon as possible. The enclosed exhibits were prepared to orient the Council members. Your
staff may want to use more professional exhibits. if there is anything further you would like
from us, please feel free to contact me, at 925/838-2090 during working hours. Thanks, again,
tor your ~-illingnes5 to hear our concerns and contribute to n win-win solution by
rc.co~mc~ding that City Council approve r~l\lignment ()f~he su~je~t~il.
Very truly yours,
cc: The Board of Directors clo Ed C()~~art
The Dublin City Attorney
-t-hree Enclosures
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