HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 6.1 EDub TIF/BenefitFee (2) CITY CLERK File # D[3][2][Q]-[2J[Q] AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: December 7,1999 SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING: Revision to Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee and Area of Benefit Fee Report Prepared by: Lee S. Thompson, Public Works Director ATTACHMENTS: Resolution Revising the Traffic Impact Fee and Area of Benefit Fee for Future Developments within the Eastern Dublin Area, as Previously Established by Resolution No. 1-95 and Revised by Resolution 41-96, including the following Exhibits: Exhibit A: Exhibit B: Exhibit C: Exhibit D: Exhibit E: BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS: (to be available at Council meeting) RECOMMENDATION: ~~ COPIES TO: Land Use Map 1999 Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee Update, prepared by City of Dublin Department of Public Works, dated November 8, 1999 Traffic Impact Fee Schedule Allocation Between Land and Construction Costs Area of Benefit, Major Thoroughfares and Bridges l. 2. 3. 4. General Plan Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment - Eastern Dublin Specific Plan (as amended) TJKM Transportation Consultants Five-Year Traffic Projection Report Resolution No. 1-95 (with all Exhibits) Resolution No. 41-96 (with all Exhibits) 5. 6. l. 2. 3. Open Public Hearing Receive Staff presentation and public testimony Close Public Hearing, determine value of protests (to Area of Benefit fee only) and deliberate Adopt Resolution Revising the Traffic Impact Fee and .Area of Benefit Fee for Future Developments within the Eastern Dublin Area, as Previously Established by Resolution No. 1-95 and Revised by Resolution 41-96 4. ITEM NO. -6. 1 Eastern Dublin TIF Update December 7, 1999 Page 2 FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Fees collected are used to finance public facilities and~ improvements needed to reduce the traffic-related impacts caused by development in Eastern Dublin. The Fee was last revised in April, 1996, and needs to be updated to reflect the current cost of acquiring land and constructing TIF improvements. The cost of preparing the 1999 Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee Update is included in the Fee. DESCRIPTION: The Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee (TIF), which was originally established in January, 1995, was last revised in April, 1996. Since that time, some of the background data used in determining the fee has changed, requiring that the fee be revised to reflect current conditions. Accordingly, a 1999 TIF Study Update has been prepared, the details of which are discussed in the body of this report. Based on this 1999 Study Update, an increase in TIF rates is recommended for adoption by the City Council. Further, on October 6, 1998, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 146-98, expressing the City's intent to adjust Traffic Impact Fees annually to reflect changes in land and construction costs. Accordingly, the proposed resolution includes an automatic annual fee adjustment, which is based on indicators measuring the annual increase in land and construction costs. Proposed TIF Rates The proposed per trip TIF rates (Section I and Section II only) are summarized on the following table. The per trip rate for residential uses is proposed at $496 per trip, while the per trip rate for non-residential~ uses is proposed at $452 per trip. The $44 per trip difference is due to the Section I residential adjustment, which allocates improvements that benefit residential uses to the residential fee. The proposed rates represent a 30%~40% increase over the current fees, which have been in place for nearly four years. The non-residential rate increase is greater than the residential rate increase. This is because, under the current fee schedule, residential trips are charged a higher rate than non-residential trips to account for trips to and from public facilities. In the 1999 Study Update, trips to and from public facilities are excluded, resulting in the same fee rate for both residential and non-residential trips, except for the residential adjustment. Land Use Residential Non-Residential Existing Proposed % change Existing Proposed % change Section I $301 $405 35% $248 $361 46% Section II $82 $91 11% $74 $91 23% Total $383 $496 30% $322 $452 40% Non-Residential Fee The Fee for non-residential development is determined by applying the per trip fee of $452 to the estimated average weekday trip generation of the particular development, utilizing the trip generation-",."., rates detailed on Exhibit C to the proposed resolution, entitled "Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee Schedule." These trip generation rates are the same as under the current fee schedule. Eastern Dublin TIF Update December 7, 1999 Page 3 Residential Fee The Fee for residential development is determined by applying the per trip fee of $496 to the estimated average weekday trip generation of the particular housing type, based on the land designation included in the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan. The residential fee schedule is summarized below: Type Density Trips per Day per Fee per Unit Unit Low Density Up to 6 units/acre 10 $4,960 Medium Density 7-14 units/acre 10 $4,960 Medium! High Density 15-25 units/acre 7 $3,472 High Density 26 or more units/acre 6 $2,976 Background The Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment (GP A) and Specific Plan (SP) were adopted by the City in 1993. The GPA outlines future land use plans for the 4,176 acre Eastern Dublin Sphere of Influence. Approximately 13,906 dwelling units and 9.737 million square feet of commercial/office/industrial development are anticipated in the GP A area, in addition to parks, open space, and institutional uses. The SP provides more specific detailed goals, policies, and action programs for the 3,313 acre portion of the GPA nearest the City. Approximately 2,744 acres to the east of the City's Sphere of Influence are designated on the Land Use Map (Exhibit A of resolution) as "Future Study Area." The GPA does not outline future land uses in this area, and this area was not considered in developing the Traffic Impact Fee. A Program Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was prepared for the GPA and SP (SCH No. 91103064). The EIR was certified by the City Council on May 10, 1993 (Resolution No. 51-93). Two addenda, dated May 4, 1993 and August 22, 1994, have been prepared. Chapter 5.0 of the SP addresses Traffic and Circulation. At the time of adoption of the SP, the existing roads were generally rural in character and adequately served existing development in the area, which was rural residential (EIR, pp. 2-3). Portions of the SP area have been developed and some of the new roads have been constructed. The transportation and circulation systems for the SP are designed to provide convenient access to and mobility within the SP area. The road system is characterized by three major north-south and east-west streets to accommodate traffic in the SP area (SP 5.2.1). The north-south streets are Hacienda Drive, Tassajara Road, and Fallon Road, and the east-west streets are Dublin Boulevard, Central Parkway, and Gleason Road. These streets are all planned as major four-lane or six-lane streets. Other streets necessary for development of the SP are local roads, which will be constructed by developers to provide access to their properties as they develop. No fees are necessary to provide for such roads. The SP also identifies certain freeway improvements and interchange improvements necessary to accommodate traffic to and from the SP area (SP 5.2.12). The SP includes a policy (Policy 5-10) that Eastern Dublin TIF Update December 7, 1999 Page 4 transit service should be provided within one quarter mile of 95 percent of the SP population. It als~ establishes park-and-ride lots adjacent to freeway interchanges on the three north-south streets (SP 5.7.2). Finally, to encourage non-motorized forms of transportation, the SP provides for a network of pedestrian trails (Policy 5-15) and bike paths (policy 5-17 and Figure 5.3). In analyzing the traffic impacts of the project, the EIR assumed that certain improvements would be constructed and that development within the SP/GP A areas would pay its proportionate share of the cost of such improvements (EIR, pp 3.3-16 to 3.3-18). The EIR also includes a number of measures to mitigate the transportation-related impacts of the project (EIR, p.3.3-l9 to 3.3-29). These mitigation measures were adopted by the City Council as part of the Mitigation Monitoring Program (Resolution No. 53-93). The General Plan contains a policy that requires new development to pay for infrastructure necessary to accommodate the development (2.1.4, Implementing Policy C). The SP contains a similar goal and policy (Policy 10-1, page 151). The City Council adopted a Transportation Impact Fee ordinance at its December 12, 1994, meeting (Ordinance No. 14-94). This ordinance provides the authority for the Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee ("TIF"), which was adopted by the Council on January 9, 1995 by Resolution 1-95. The TIF was based on two reports: a study prepared by Barton-Aschman Associates ("Study"), and a report prepared by Santina & Thompson ("Cost Estimate Report"). ....., The City Council subsequently adopted a revised Traffic Impact Fee at its meeting of April 9, 1996, under Resolution No. 41-96. The revised fee was based on two reports which are Exhibits B and C, respectively to Resolution No. 41-96: A study prepared by TJKM Transportation Consultants ("1996 Study Update") and a revised cost estimate by Santina and Thompson ("1996 Cost Estimate"). 1999 Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact FeelJpdate The 1999 Study Update utilizes similar methodology as was used in the original 1995 Study and the 1996 Study Update to determine the appropriate Fee rate. This approach first estimates the cost of all TIF improvements to be constructed and then allocates these estimated costs to new development based on the estimated average weekday trip generation of different types of land uses. TIF improvements are categorized in three sections: Section 1 improvements are needed solely to accommodate new development projects within Eastern Dublin, and these improvements are funded 100% by the TIF. Section II improvements are needed to accommodate new development projected within Eastern Dublin and the nearby vicinity, and the TIF funds Eastern Dublin's fair proportional share of these improvements. Section III improvements are necessary to accommodate new development projected within the region by the Year 2010. Section I improvements include two projects that are funded solely by residential development through a residential adjustment: the Park and Ride lots and the Tassajara Creek Bike Path. The remainder of . Section I improvements are fu.D.ded by both residential and non-residential development. .."" Eastern Dublin TIF Update December 7, 1999 Page 5 The 1999 Study Update calculates the appropriate Fee rates for Section I and Section II improvements, as well as for the Section I residential adjustment. The Section III portion of the Fee was suspended with the adoption of the Tri-Valley Transportation Development Fee (TVTDF) in 1998, and, therefore, the 1999 Study Update does not determine the appropriate Fee rate for Section III fees. In the event that the Section III portion of the Fee becomes effective again, the rate will be adjusted to account for all changes in land and construction costs since the effective date of the TVTDF. While the 1999 Study Update employs the same methodology as used in the past, the fact that the TIF program is well underway has complicated the calculation. The 1999 Study Update must account for TIF improvements that have been completed or are under construction by private developers in return for TIF credits, as well as for TIF funds that have been received to date. The 1999 Study Update must also refine the trip generation estimates and determine the remaining trips upon which to base the revised Fee. Table 1, which is attached to the 1999 Study Update, details the calculation of the revised TIF rates. The following discussion highlights the specific issues that were considered in calculating the revised TIF rates. Cost Estimates The 1999 Study Update relies on a number of data sources to determine the costs that must be financed by the revised TIF, which are listed below: .- 1. Santina & Thompson prepared a new report, entitled "Cost Analysis, 1999 Update," which is included as Attachment 1 to the proposed resolution. This report updates cost estimates for all TIF . improvements remaining to be funded, except improvements that have already been completed or are currently being constructed by private developers under existing development agreements. 2. The Public Works Department prepared estimates of credits to be given to developers (at new TIF rates) under the terms of existing development agreements for improvements that are currently bonded or under construction. These estimates are included as Attachment 2 to the proposed resolution. 3. The Finance Department provided information regarding the outstanding balance due on prior funding advances and TIF credits, as well as the cash balance of TIF funds collected and unallocated as of June 30, 1999. 4. The City prepared an estimate of the cost of TIF improvements proposed to be funded by Contra Costa County. ! The co~t and credit estimates irI. items 1 and 2, above, rely on updated right-of-way values~ These values were provided in the Valuation Analysis Report for Traffic and Facilities Impact Fee Study, Eastern Dublin, prepared by Associated Right-of-Way Services, Inc., dated September 10, 1999. The values were based on the same methodology and policy as in the past, but were updated to reflect current economic conditions. Certain TIF improvements changed in scope since the 1996 Study Update, and these changes are reflected in the cost and credit estimates. These changes are largely due to refinements in street design, which resulted from more detailed traffic studies of specific developments. They are minor in scope and are consistent with the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. The specific changes are described in detail in the 1999 Study Update. Eastern Dublin TIF Update December 7, 1999 Page 6 Contra Costa County Contribution .~ As described above, the 1999 Study Update includes an estimated $19.45 million of traffic mitigation funds to be provided by Contra Costa County to pay for portions of TIF improvements needed as a result of development in the Dougherty Valley. The cost estimates included in the 1999 Study Update reflect the full cost of the improvements, including the portion to be funded by Contra Costa County. In the event that the contribution from the County of Contra Costa is less than the estimated $19,450,000, the City of Dublin may need to delete selected improvements to offset the revenue reduction. Trip Generation The 1999 Study Update refines the estimated trip generation from land subject to the fee, based on actual land use proposals. This refinement results in a total number of trips to be generated within the fee area of356,369, as compared to 344,078 in the 1996 Update. The majority of the increase appears to be due to higher development densities within the Dublin Ranch properties than previously anticipated. The 1999 Study Update excludes trips generated from public facility land uses, including public schools and parks, as these uses are exempt from paying the TIF. Based upon building permits issued in Eastern Dublin through June 30, 1999 and construction activity under existing development agreements, the 1999 Study Update estimates the number of trips for which the TIF has already been paid or will be paid at the current TIF rate at 44,375. This results in an estimated...., 311,994 trips that will be subject to the new fee, of which 102,115 are generated from residential development and 209,879 are generated by non-residential development. Proposed TIF Rates Based on the updated cost estimates and trip generation rates, the 1999 Study Update proposes a revised TIF rate of $452 per trip for non-residential uses and $496 per trip for residential uses. The application of these per trip rates to particular non-residential and residential land uses is described at the beginning of this staff report. Future Adjustments to the TIF . On October 6, 1998, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 146-98, expressing the City's intent to adjust Traffic Impact Fees annually to reflect changes in land and construction costs. Accordingly, the proposed resolution includes a process for making future adjustments to the Fee, either based on further study and analysis or based on an automatic adjustment. The proposed resolution provides that the City will continue to conduct further study and analysis to determine whether the Fee should be revised. When additional information is available, the Fee shall be reviewed and revised to include amounts that are reasonably related to impacts of development in Eastern Dublin. The City will evaluate land values through an appraisal at least once every three (3) years. ..., The proposed resolution further provides that, in years in which the Fee is not adjusted based on specific studies and analysis, it shall be automatically adjusted (on July 1) based on a formula which accounts for Eastern Dublin TIF Update December 7, 1999 Page 7 changes in construction and land costs. The formula applies indicators of the change in construction and land costs to the Fee rates, based on the relative allocation between the cost estimates for construction and land acquisition for certain improvements included the 1999 Study Update. This allocation is 62% for improvements and 38% for land, and the formula will be weighted accordingly. Area of Benefit Fee The adoption of an Area of Benefit Fee is required by the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. This Area of Benefit Fee covers the cost of construction of the major thoroughfares and bridges within the SP. Exhibit E of the proposed resolution identifies the major thoroughfares and bridges included in the Specific Plan Area. Exhibit E also includes costs estimates for construction of these improvements, using the updated cost estimates prepared by Santina & Thompson for improvements that have not yet been constructed or bonded. Exhibit E does not include credits due for construction of portions of these major thoroughfares and bridges, but provides that, in the event the Area of Benefit Fee becomes effective, these credits will be calculated and the Fee will be adjusted accordingly. The improvements included in the Area of Benefit Fee are also included in Section I of the Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee. Imposition of both the Traffic Impact Fee and the Area of Benefit Fee would be duplicative. In order to eliminate any doubt as to the validity of the Traffic Impact Fee to pay for the construction of such improvements, Section 11 of the proposed resolution has been included to satisfy both the procedural requirements for adoption of a fee under the Transportation Impact Fee Ordinance (No. 14-94) and the Area of Benefit Ordinance (No. 10-94). Section 13 provides that the Area of Benefit Fee would be collected only in the event that the Traffic Impact Fc:(e for the same improvements is held to be legally invalid. Thus, there will be no duplication of fees. Review Process for 1999 Study Update A prior draft of the 1999 Study Update was sent to developers and affected property owners in Eastern Dublin on October 22, 1999 for their review and comment, and an informational meeting was held on November 1, 1999. Comments were received from three developers: the Alameda County Surplus Property Authority, Dublin Ranch, and the Greenbriar Land Company. Many of these comments focused on the scope of projects and cost estimates included in the report. Based on the input received, appropriate corrections have been made to the 1999 Study Update. Conclusion Notice of this public hearing was advertised, published, mailed and posted as required. In addition, copies of the Public Hearing notice, draft staff report and draft resolution (including the revised 1999 Study Update) were mailed to the developers and affected property owners in Eastern Dublin on November 23, 1999. ---- It is recommended that the City Council conduct the public hearing and adopt the proposed resolution. / ~ 1ft 1 RESOLUTION NO. - 99 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN """ ********* RESOLUTION REVISING THE TRAFFIC IMP ACT FEE AND AREA OF BENEFIT FEE FOR FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS WITHIN THE EASTERN DUBLIN AREA, AS PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED BY RESOLUTION NO. 1-95 AND REVISED BY RESOLUTION NO. 41-96 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Dublin has adopted Ordinance No. 14-94 which creates and establishes the authority for imposing and charging a Transportation Impact Fee; and WHEREAS, the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment ("GP A") and Specific Plan ("SP") were adopted by the City in 1993; and WHEREAS, the SP was amended by Resolution No. 124-96; and WHEREAS, the GPA outlines future land uses for approximately 4,176 acres within the City's eastern sphere of influence including approximately 13,906 dwelling units and 9.737 million square fee of commercial, office, and industrial development; and WHEREAS, the SP provides more specific detailed goals, policies, and action programs for approximately 3,313 acres within the GP A area nearest to the City; and ..."., WHEREAS, the GPA and SP areas ("Eastern Dublin") are shown on the Land Use Map contained in the GPA (attached hereto as Exhibit A) and exclude the area shown on the Land Use Map as "Future Study Areal Agriculture"; and WHEREAS, a Program Environmental Impact Report ("EIR") was prepared for the GPA and SP (SCH No. 91103604) and certified by the Council on May 10, 1993 by Resolution No. 5l~93, and two Addendadated May 4, 1993, and August 22, 1994 "(Addenda") have been prepared and considered by the Council; and WHEREAS, the SP, EIR and Addenda describe the freeway, freeway interchange, and road improvements necessary for implementation of the SP, along with transit improvements, pedestrian trails, and bicycle paths; and WHEREAs, the EIR and Addenda assumed that certain traffic improvements would be made and that development within Eastern Dublin would pay its proportionate share of such improvements; and WHEREAS, the City Council adopted a "Mitigation Monitoring Program: Eastern Dublin Specific Plan/General Plan Amendment" by Resolution No. 53-93 which requires development within Eastern Dublin to pay its proportionate share of certain transportation improvements necessary to mitigate impacts. caused by development within Eastern Dublin; and "'wJI ;I ~ /) 1 WHEREAS, the SP, EIR, and Addenda describe the impacts of contemplated future development on existi.ng public facilities in Eastern Dublin through the Year 2010, and contain an analysis of the need for new public facilities and improvements required by future development within Eastern Dublin; and WHEREAS, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 1-95 on January 9, 1995, establishing an "Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee" for development within Eastern Dublin; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 1-95 relies upon and incorporates a report prepared for the City of Dublin by Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc., in a document dated November 1994 and entitled "Traffic Impact Fee-Eastern Dublin" (hereafter "Study"), which is attached as Exhibit B to Resolution No. 1-95; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 1-95 further relies upon a second report which was prepared for the City of Dublin by Santina & Thompson, Inc., in a document dated December 30, 1994, entitled "Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee StudyIRoadway Costs, Initial Level" (hereinafter "Report"), which was attached as Exhibit C to Resolution No. 1-95; and WHEREAS, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 41-96 on April 9, 1996, revising the fee established under Resolution No. 1-95, and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 41-96 relies upon and incorporates a report prepared for the City by TJKM ("1996 Study Update") and cost estimates prepared by Santina & Thompson, Inc. ("1996 Cost Estimate Update"); and /---- WHEREAS, Section 8 of Resolution No. 1-95 provides that the City will periodically review the fee and make revisions as appropriate; and WHEREAS, the City of Dublin Department of Public Works has prepared a revised report dated November 8, 1999, entitled "1999 Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee Update" (hereafter "1999 Study Update") which is attached hereto as Exhibit B; and WHEREAS, the 1999 Study Update includes and incorporates the following items: . Table 1, which summarizes the calculation of the revised per trip traffic impact fee for Section 1 improvements, Section 1 residential improvements and Section 2 improvements; . Table 2, which provides detail of total (unadjusted) improvement costs by section and project segment; . Attachment 1, entitled "Cost Analysis, 1999 Update Traffic Impact Fee Eastern Dublin Area," prepared by Santina & Thompson, Inc., and dated November 9, 1999, which includes revised cost estimates anticipated roadway improvements that have not yet been constructed or guaranteed; . Attachment 2, prepared by the Department of Public Works, which includes estimates of credits valued at the revised rates to be provided to developers for construction of TIF improvements and dedication of TIF right-of-way as specified in development agreements (Toll, Koll, Tassajara Meadows, General Motors and MSSH Dublin-Shea Homes), as well as an estimate of additional credits to be provided at current TIF rates for the Emerald Pointe development; 2 3 qf I~ ~ · Attachment 3, entitled "Summary of Activity Under Existing Development Agreements as of June 30, 1999;" · Attachment 4, entitled "Traffic Impact Fees - Trip Generation," which provides detailec' information regarding the assumed trip generation rates for each parcel in the Eastern Dublin""'" Specific Plan area; and WHEREAS, Resolution Nos. 1-95 and 41-96 set forth the relationship between future development in Eastern Dublin, the needed improvements and facilities, and the estimated costs of those improvements and facilities; and WHEREAS, the 1999 Study Update demonstrates the appropriateness of modifying the Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee in certain respects; and WHEREAS, the 1999 Study Update was available for public inspection and review for ten (10) days prior to this public hearing; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds as follows: A. The purpose of the Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee (hereafter "Fee") is to fmance public improvements and facilities needed to reduce the traffic-related impacts caused by future development in Eastern Dublin. The public improvements and facilities are listed in the Study, 1996 Study Update and the 1999 Study Update under Sections I, II and III and are hereafter defined and referred to as "Improvements and Facilities". The Improvements and Facilities listed under Section I are needed solely to accommodate new development projected within Eastern Dublin. The Improvements and Facilities listed under Section II are needed to accommodate new development projected within Eastern Dublin an~ the nearby vicinity, and development within. Eastern Dublin will pay its fair proportional share of such Improvements and Facilities with the implementation of this Fee. The Improvements and Facilities listed under Section III ("Section III Improvements") are all necessary to accommodate new development projected within the region by the Year 2010, including development within Eastern Dublin. Although the City has adopted the TVTD Fee by Resolution 89-98, and Section 10 of that resolution suspends Section III fees, the portion of the Fee attributable to Section III improvements will be adjusted if and when the Section In portion of the Fee becomes effective again by any adjustments made to the cost of improvements and/or right-of-way from the effective date of Resolution 89-98 to the date the Section III portion of the Fee becomes effective. B. The fees collected pursuant to this resolution shall be used to finance the Improvements and Facilities. - -.-_- C. After consideriri.gthe Study, the 1996 Study Update~the Cost Estimate Report, the 1996 Cost Estimate, the 1999 Study Update, Resolution No. 1-95, Resolution 41-96, the Agenda Statement, the GPA, the SP, the General Plan, the EIR and Addenda, all correspondence received and the testimony received at the noticed public hearing held on December 7, 1999, the Council reapproves and readopts the Study and Cost Estimate, as revised by the 1996 Study Update and the 1996 Cost Estimate, and as further revised by the 1999 Study Update, and incorporates each herein, and further finds that future development ......, 3 tj ~ //21 in Eastern Dublin will generate the need for the Improvements and Facilities and the Improvements and Facilitie~ are consistent with the GPA, the SP, and the City's General Plan. D. The adoption of the Fee is within the scope of the EIR and Addenda. The Improvements and Facilities were all identified in the EIR as necessary to accommodate traffic from and/or to, to mitigate impacts of development in Eastern Dublin. The impacts of such development, including the Improvements and Facilities, were adequately analyzed at a Program level in the EIR. Since the certification of the EIR, there have been no substantial changes in the projections of future development as identified in the EIR, no substantial changes in the surrounding circumstances, and no other new information of substantial importance so as to require important revisions in the EIR's analysis of impacts, mitigation measures, and alternatives. Subsequent project-specific environmental review under CEQA of the Specific Improvements and Facilities at this stage, as they will be implemented over at least a 20-year period and specific details as to their timing and construction, are not presently known. E. The record establishes: 1. That there is a reasonable relationship between the need for the Improvements and Facilities and the impacts of the types of development for which the corresponding fee is charged in that new development in Eastern Dublin - both residential and non-residential-will generate traffic which generates or contributes to the need for the Improvements and Facilities; and .- 2. That there is a reasonable relationship between the Fee's use (to pay for the construction of the Improvements and Facilities) and the type of development for which the Fee is charged in that all development in Eastern Dublin - both residential and non-residential - generates or contributes to the need for the Improvements and Facilities; and 3. That there is a reasonable relationship between the amount of the Fee and the cost of the Improvements and Facilities or portion thereof attributable to development in Eastern Dublin in that the Fee is calculated based on the number of trips generated by specific types of land uses, the total amount it will cost to construct the Improvements and Facilities, and the percentage by which developmeIlt within Eastern Dublin contributes to the need for the Improvements and Facilities; and 4. That the cost estimates set forth in the Study and the Cost Estimate Report, as revised by the 1996 Study Update and the 1996 Cost Estimate, and as further revised by the 1999 Study Update, are reasonable cost estimates for constructing .the Improvements and Facilities, and the Fees expected to be generated by future development will not exceed the projected costs of constructing the Improvements and Facilities; and - 5. The method of allocation of the Fee to a particular development, set forth in the Study, as revised in the 1996 Study Update and 1999 Study Update, bears a fair and reasonable relationship to each development's burden on, and benefit from, the Improvements and Facilities to be funded by the Fee, in that the Fee is calculated based on the number of automobile trips each particular development will generate. 4 s ~ /), 1 NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Dublin does RESOLVE as follows: 1. Definitions ""'" a. "Development" shall mean the construction, alteration or addition of any building or structure within Eastern Dublin. b. "Eastern Dublin" shall mean all property within the "General Plan Amendment Study Area" as shown on the Land Use Map (Exhibit A hereto) excepting the property designated as "Future Study Area/Agriculture." c. "Improvements and Facilities" shall include those transportation and transit improvements and facilities as are described in Section I, II and III of the Study and as described in the Cost Estimate Report, 1996 Study Update, 1996 Cost Estimate Report, 1999 Study Update, SP, EIR and Addenda. "Improvements and Facilities" shall also include comparable alternative improvements and facilities should later changes in projections of development in the region necessitate construction of such alternative improvements and facilities; provided that the City Council later determines (1) that there is a reasonable relationship between development within Eastern Dublin and the need for the alternative improvements and facilities, (2) that the alternative improvements and facilities are comparable to the improvements and facilities in the Study, 1996 Study Update and 1999 Study Update, and (3) that the revenue from the Fee will be used only to pay Eastern Dublin development's fair and proportionate share of the alternative improvements and facilities. d. "Low Density Dwelling Unit" shall mean a dwelling unit as defined in the Uniform~ Building Code (UBC) as adopted by the City of Dublin constructed or to be constructed on property designated by the SP and GP A for up to six units per acre. e. "Medium Density Dwelling Unit" shall mean a dwelling unit as defined in the Uniform Building Code (UBC) as adopted by the City of Dublin constructed or to be constructed on property designated by the SP and GP A for over 6 to 14 units per acre. , f. "Medium/High Density Dwelling Unit" shall mean a dwelling unit as defined in the Uniform Building Code (UBC) as adopted by the City of Dublin constructed or to be constructed on property designated by the SP and GP A for over 14 to 25 units per acre. g. "High Density Dwelling Unit" shall mean a dwelling unit as defmed in the Uniform Building Code (UBC) as adopted by the City of Dublin Constructed or to be constructed on property desigtlated by the SP and GP A for over 25 units per acre. 2. Traffic Impact Fee Imposed a. A Traffic Impact Fee ("Fee") shall be charged and paid for each Low Density Dwelling Unit, Medium Density Dwelling Unit, Medium/High Density Dwelling Unit, and High Density Dwelling Unit within Eastern Dublin at the time of issuance of the building permit for such unit. "<ttttIII11 5 h ~ /;1 b. A Fee shall be charged and paid for non-residential buildings or structures within Eastern Dublin at the time of issuance of the building permit for such building or structure, except where the building or structure will require a later stage of discretionary approval by the City before it can be occupied, in which case, with the approval of the Public Works Director, the Fee for that building or structure may be deferred for payment to the date the City makes the last discretionary approval which is required prior to occupancy. c. A Fee shall be charged and paid for additions to existing non-residential buildings or structures that result in an increase of 500 square feet or more to the building or structure. The Fee shall. be paid at the time of issuance of the building permit for such additions. 3. Amount of Fee - Sections I and II a. Low Density Dwelling Units. The amount of the Fee for each Low Density Dwelling Unit shall be $4,960 per unit. b. Medium Density Dwelling Units. The amount of the Fee for each Medium Density Dwelling Unit shall be $4,960 per unit. c. Medium/High Density Dwelling Units. The amount of the Fee for each Medium/High Density Dwelling Unit shall be $3,472 per unit. .- d. High Density Dwelling Units. The amount of the Fee for each High Density Dwelling Unit shall be $2,976 per unit. e. Non-Residential Buildings or Structures. The amount of the Fee for each Non- Residential Building or Structure shall be $452 per average weekly trip. The amount of Traffic Impact Fees for Residential and Non-Residential Uses is shown on Exhibit C. 4. Exemptions From Fee a. The Fee shall not be imposed on any of the following: 1) Any alteration or addition to a residential structure, except to the extent that a residential unit is added to a single-family residential unit or is added to an existing multi-family residential unit; 2) Any replacement or reconstruction of an existing residential structure that has been destroyed or demolished provided that the building permit for reconstruction is obtained within one year after the building was destroyed or demolished unless the replacement or reconstruction increases the square footage of the structure fifty percent or more. 3) Any replacement or reconstruction of an existing non-residential structure that has been destroyed or demolished provided that the building permit for new reconstruction is obtained within one year after the building was 6 J ~ /J,-1 destroyed or demolished and the reconstructed building would not increase the destroyed or demolished building's trips based on Exhibit C. 4) Any non-residential building or structure constructed on property on whic~ a building or structure was demolished for which the Fee has been paid within the prior ten year period, provided the exemption shall be in the amount of the previously-paid Fee only, and the applicant shall pay any additional amount based on the then-current Fee. 5. Use of Fee Revenues a. The revenues raised by payment of the Fee shall be placed in the Traffic Impact Fee Fund. Separate and special accounts within the Traffic Impact Fee Fund shall be used to account for such revenues, along with any interest earnings on each account. The revenues (and interest) shall be used for the following purposes: 1) To pay for design, engineering, right-of-way acquisition and construction of the Improvements and Facilities and reasonable costs of outside consultant studies related thereto; 2) To reimburse the City for Improvements and Facilities constructed by the City with funds from other sources including funds from other public entities, unless the City funds were obtained from grants or gifts intended by the grantor to be used for traffic improvements. "will 3) To reimburse developers and/or public agencies who have constructed Improvements and Facilities; and 4) To pay for and/or reimburse costs of program development and ongoing administration of the Fee program. b. Fees in these accounts shall be expended only for the Improvements and Facilities and only for the purpose for which the Fee was collected. 6. Standards The standards upon which the needs for the Improvements and Facilities are based are the standards of the City of Dublin, including the standards contained in the General Plan, GPA, SP, EIR, and .. Addenda. . 7. No Existing Deficiencies The City Council determines that there are no existing deficiencies within Eastern Dublin and that the need for the Improvements and Facilities in Category I (Section I) of the Study, 1996 Study Update and 1999 Study Update, is generated entirely by new development within Eastern Dublin and, further, that the need for the Improvements and Facilities in Category II and III (Section II and III) of the -- 7 y ~ /; '1 -- Study, 1996 Study Update and 1999 Study Update, is generated by new development within Eastern Dublin <m.d other new development and, therefore, the Study, as revised by the 1996 Study Update and 1999 Study Update, has determined the proportionate share of the cost of the Improvements and Facilities for which development within Eastern Dublin is responsible. 8. Periodic Review a. During each fiscal year, the City Manager shall prepare a report for the City Council, pursuant to Government Code Section 66006, identifying the balance of fees in each account. b. Pursuant to Government Code Section 66002, the City Council shall also review, as part of any adopted Capital Improvement Program each year, the approximate location, size, time of availability and estimates of cost for all Improvements and Facilities to be financed with the Fee. The estimated costs shall be adjusted in accordance with appropriate indices of inflation. The City Council shall make findings identifying the purpose to which the existing Fee balances are to be put and demonstrating a reasonable relationship between the Fee and the purpose for which it is charged. 9. Subsequent Analysis of the Fee -- The Fee established herein is adopted and implemented by the Council in reliance on the record identified above. The City will continue to conduct further study and analysis to determine whether the Fee should be revised. When additional information is available, the City Council shall review the Fee to determine that the amounts are reasonably related to the impacts of development within Eastern Dublin. The City Council may revise the Fee to incorporate the fmdings and conclusions of further studies and any standards in the GPA, SP and General Plan, as well as increases/decreases due to construction costs and land values. The City will evaluate land values through an appraisal at least every three (3) years. 10. Automatic Increase in Fee The purpose of this section is to provide for an automatic annual adjustment to the Fee in years when the City Council does not revise the Fee pursuant to Section 9 above. The City Manager shall adjust the Fee automatically, effective July 1,2000 and each July 1 thereafter, according to the following formula: The Fee shall be adjusted based on the change in construction costs and land costs using the percentage increase/decrease in the two indicators described in Items (a) and (b), below. These percentage changes shall be applied to the Fee rate based on the relative allocation between the cost estimate for construction of improvements and acquisition of land for certain improvements included the 1999 Study Update. The calculation of this relative allocation is detailed on Exhibit D, which is attached to this resolution. Based on the improvements that have not yet been constructed or guaranteed (detailed in Attachment 1 of the 1999 Study Update) and the improvements to be constructed by developers under development agreements at the new TIF rate (detailed in Attachment 2 of the 1999 Study Update, pages 2- 6), 62% of the cost estimate is attributable to the construction of improvements, and 38% of the cost estimate is attributable to the acquisition of land. Accordingly, the construction cost indicator (Item a) shall be weighted 62% and land cost indicator (Item b) shall be weighted 38%. 8 f ~6 J:L 1 a. The construction cost indicator shall be calculated as the annual percentage increase/decrease in the Engineering News Record's Construction Cost Index (20-city average) for the....." month of April over the same Construction Cost Index for the month of April of the prior year. The City Manager may round the Fee adjustment to whole dollars. b. The land cost indicator shall be calculated as the percentage increase/decrease between the land cost per acre in the most recent land appraisal (prepared for the City for purpose of adjusting the Fee) over the land cost per acre in the immediately preceding appraisal (prepared for the City for purposes of adjusting the Fee and using the same methodology), calculated as an annual increase/decrease. The City Manager may round the Fee adjustment to whole dollars. 11. Area of Benefit Fee A portion of the Fee shall also be deemed to be an Area of Benefit Fee adopted pursuant to Ordinance No. 10-94. This is the portion of the Fee designated for the construction of those improvements and facilities identified in Category I (Section I) of the Study which are major thoroughfares and bridges. These improvements and the estimated cost of such improvements are listed on Exhibit E attached hereto. The "Area of Benefit" is Eastern Dublin as defined herein. The fee shall be apportioned over the Area of Benefit in the same manner set forth in Section 3 of this resolution and in the Study, 1996 Study Update and 1999 Study Update, with the amount to be assessed for residential and non-residential as shown on Exhibit E. The Area of Benefit Fee shall be deposited into the City's Traffic Impact Fee Fund into separate accounts established for each of the improvements identified in Exhibit E. 12. Administrative Guidelines ""-' The Council may, by resolution, adopt administrative guidelines to provide procedures for reimbursement, credit or other administrative aspects of the Fee. The amount of any reimbursement or credit shall be determined by the Public Works Director using the costs of construction and value of right- of-way used by the City in calculating and establishing the Fee. The amount of any reimbursement or credit, once established, shall not be increased for inflation nor shall interest accrue on such amount. No credit or reimbursement shall be given unless the improvements constructed are the Improvements and Facilities described herein. Reimbursement shall only be from revenues raised by Payment ofthe Fee. 13. Effective Date This resolution shall become effective immediately. The Fee provided in Sections 2 and 3 of this resolution shall be effective 60 days from the effective date of the resolution and shall supersede the Fee established by Resolution No. 41-96sixty (60) days from the effective date of the resolution. The Area of Benefit Fee established in Section 11 of this resolution shall be effective only if the Fee provided in Sections 2 and 3 hereof is declared invalid for'any reason. 14. Severability Each component of the Fee and all portions of this resolution are severable. Should any individual component of the Fee or other provision of this resolution be adjudged to be invalid and """"" 9 :--- ~ ( \ /0 qj /J. /) unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall be and continue to be fully effective, and the Fee shall be fully effective except as to that portion that has been judged to be invalid. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this_ day of AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: , 1999. ATTEST: City Clerk 10 Mayor );~{;~r11t!f}]j?':' ~!i~~..~ General Plan -Eastern Extended Planning Area ~ ~ '- ~ -~ 993 FI9ure 28 COMMERCIAL ~ Neighbcthood Commercial ~ General Commercial i:;::::.::,:;::;::,:J Carrous Offce j:::::::..f industrial Park RESIDENTIAL [JC] High Densny 25- Mac ~ MediJm-High Density 14-25 Mac c::u Medium Density 6-14 dJlac CO Low Densny (}6 Mac [@I] Rural ResidenliaVAgricullure 1 Ml00 ac May 10, Arlerial Street Colector Streel Transit Sc:t1e SOl Boundary General Plan Amendment Sludy Area Sgecific Plan Study Area PUBUC/SEM~PUBLIC/OPEN I":{;;~;,".j PubflC/Semi-Pub&c Fac.ty o Elementary Schoot @ Junior High School @ High School @I Pubic/Semi'Pubic Parks & Recreation o CUy Park @ Communily Park @ Neighborhood Park Neighborhood Square EASTERN DUBLIN Walaee Roberts & Todd [ID] r/i~;\il Open Space E::l Stream Corrido CIRCULATION LAND USE MAP Rfi.., .. " Legend o AGRICUL TURE r-- I I - "'.......-. , A.... ...... '" ______r.......... \ ...-'" Acres 2743.9 --:R~l ... " '/' .... 1 ~... - I ,;,'" ...., t 1 , , I . \.' . "/, I _ L t. ~.. ~'. --, . . " I' . - ~ .- .. , I "\1'1 .~f, -- ..........1 ...'" .... .. ."..... ". "" 'I ........;.. .... ..... ...1........'. ,. r '" , .;__.,.....:..:.:.;~.< I ~'.:""'" ___!iW I ...," .'" . I . -"'~ ...:.. .. ~ I ". L II - ____ . . I ' . ~ _______ . ~ L.: :, "'''' .." --1--_""::"" [ .. ", 14 A"" .. . ~I .:.... -- II (C ..~.. ..- ... "",) .. . _~,;.=.::......=="'::: __n_\'-~ ~ I :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\,:'0~' ....~_b.: '" ....... ..'I! ~;_~_::~~~.~:.:..'::.:.;}::.::::::LJi. I I (. '" General com(.',c,al may be permilled by a Planned Developmenl Zon"9 Process (see lexllar complete discussion ** Will converllo Future StudY AreafAoricullure where determinF!C1 inr:nn<:::ic:hmt wirh APA (c.oo tOY' f,..I' "............1..1.. ~:...,.,..,....;^... -' i j ~-,- J:'J('Li: .- ~'=:;.. ;.~ <::.;\~:.. .1 ~.::.,<...- ..~~)~~:~(; ,..".:. .~~ I. 111 ct~ A1(}.\ rn - (J' -l 9)> .. /rJ v3 /:21 ,.--., City of Dublin 1999 Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee Update Prepared by Department of Public Works November 8,1999 The following is the 1999 update for the Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee (TIF). This memorandum explains the methodology used in updating the previous reports prepared in 1996 by TJKM Transportation Consultants and Santina and Thompson for the 1996 fee update. Summary The following Summary Table identifies the changes on the per trip TIF for Section I and Section II improvements for both residential and non-residential development projects: /''''""' Land Use Residential Non-Residential Existing Proposed % Existing Proposed % Increase Increase Section I $301 $405 35% $248 $361 46% Section IT $82 $91 11% $74 $91 23% Total Section I $383 $496 30% $322 $452 40% and Section II The revised fee results in the following fees per housing unit: Type Density Trips per Day Fee per Unit per Unit Low Density Up to 6 units/acre 10 $4,960 Medium Density 7-14 units/acre 10 $4,960 Medium! High Density 15-25 units/acre 7 $3,472 High Density 26 or more units/acre 6 $2,976 Section 1 fees pay for which are needed solely to accommodate development of Eastern Dublin. Section II fees pay for Eastern Dublin's share of improvements located within the City of Dublin but outside of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Area which are needed, in part, to support development in Eastern Dublin. /..-~ Page 1 of9 EX H \e\T 1S -to RE"=>O. jqq q 6+off l)~F\\i: / s ~ /) /) Section I fees include a Residential Adjustment that is applied to all residential development in Eastern Dublin to pay for two Park and Ride lots and the Tassajara Creek ....., Regional Trail. These improvements benefit only residential development. The Section III fee rate was not updated, as the collection of the Section III fee was suspended with the adoption by the City (Resolution No. 89-98) of the Tri-Valley Transportation Development (TVTD) fee. The TVTD fee, which is collected from new development in addition to the Section I and II TIF, funds improvements formerly covered by the Section III fee. In the event collection of the Section III fee becomes necessary at some point in the future, the fee rate will be adjusted at that time for all adjustments made to the TIF since the effective date ofTVTD fee. Background The Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee was last updated in 1996. Since that time, some of the background data used in determining the fee has changed, requiring that the fee be revised to reflect current conditions. Background information that has changed includes more accurate projections of land use, minor changes in the scope of infrastructure improvements to be funded by the fee and substantial increases in the land value of right- of-way needed for the construction of improvements. The revised fee also takes into account the current status (as of June 30, 1999) of those improvements that are complete, under construction, or guaranteed under a development or improvement agreement. .~ The boundaries of the properties subject to the fee are shown on Exhibit A. The boundaries include all properties within the General Plan Amendment Study Area, except the property designated Future Study Area Agriculture. The 1999 Fee Update TIie following is adetaileddescripti6n of the' methodology used to calculate the new fee, as shown on the attached Table 1. Line 1 - Cost of Imorovements/Right-of-Way Not Currently Guaranteed The cost of remaining improvements to be funded by the TIF is shown in the attached report from Santina and Thompson, Inc (Attachment 1). This fIrm provided the cost estimates for the 1996 update of the TIF. The revised cost estimate includes the following changes: a) The cost of improvements that have been completed or are currently being constructed by private developers under existing development agreements has been removed from the total estimate completed by Santina and Thompson. The cost of these improvements is included in Lines 3 and 4 below. """'" Page 2 of9 /y crt /:41 /--- b) The cost of right-of-way acquisition has been increased to reflect higher land values resulting from development in the Eastern Dublin area. The revised right-of- way costs were obtained from the appraisal prepared by Associated Right-of-Way Services, Inc., dated September, 1999. The total right-of-way costs include a contingency of $1 ,000,000 to cover acquisition services or land cost in the event that right-of-way must be obtained through condemnation and the value of the land is greater than the appraisal value. c) The cost of the improvements for the remaining street segments not guaranteed under existing or pending development or improvement agreements has been increased to cover minor changes in the scope of improvements on these streets. Changes are summarized as follows: . The cost of the Community Park frontage improvements located in the eastern portion of Dublin Ranch is included in the TIF, as these improvements benefit all of Eastern Dublin. This includes frontage improvements on Tassajara Road, Gleason Drive, Fallon Road and Central Parkway. /"'- . The cost estimate for Scarlett Drive (between Dougherty Road and Dublin Boulevard) is amended based on a new cross-section for the street. The 1996 update assumed a 140' right-of-way to allow separate bus lanes, a pedestrian! bicycle trail and a two-lane street. The revised cross-section reduces the right-of- way to 80' and eliminates the bus lanes. . The right-of-way width for Tassajara Road between Dublin Boulevard and Central Parkway has been increased to allow eight travel lanes instead of six travel lanes, in conformance with the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan (Figure 5.1). . The minimum median width is increased from 14' to 16', so that the width of left turn pockets can be increased from 10' to 12'. . The right-of-way width for a number of streets is increased to allow for a wider center median, which in turn is necessary to accommodate double-left turn lanes at intersections, as warranted by traffic studies for adjoining land use. The costs for the remaining improvements have been summarized in three categories: a) Section I Improvements b) Section I Residential Improvements c) Section II Improvements $ 85,755,480 $ 1,947,335 $ 38,148,755 Page 3 of9 /5 C7! ):<1 The Section 1 improvemeilts are required solely to accommodate development of the Eastern Dublin Specific Pl<o.l1 Area. The Santina and Thompson report assigns 100% ...., of the cost of each Section 1 improvement to the Section 1 TIF. The Section I Residential Improyements categories include several improvements that benefit only the residential development in Eastern Dublin. These improvements include the Tassajara Creek Regioral Trail and one Park and Ride lot near Fallon Road (a second Park and Ride Lot will be constructed by the Koll Corporate Center on Tassajara Road, the cost of which is included in Line 4). The Santina and Thompson report assigns 100% of the cost of the improvements to the Section I Residential TIF. The Section II improvements are needed to accommodate development of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Area, as well as serve traffic generated outside of the Specific Plan Area. Therefore, it is appropriate that the Sectior! II TIF fund only a share of the improvement costs based on the proportion of traffic generated within the Specific Plan Area. Under the Santina and Thompson report, the Section II TIF is assigned 45% of the total cost of the Fallon Road! 1-580 Interchange and 16% of the Airway Boulevard! 1-580 Interchange, with the remainder of the costs assigned to the Cities of Pleasanton and Livermore. The costs for the remaining Section II improvements are shown in the Santina and Thompson report at 100% of the total cost; the $19.5 Million contribution by Contra Costa County to the TIF (as shown on Line 9) will reduce the Section II TIF by the amount of the costs which r.hould be assigned to __ Contra Costa County. Line 2 - Balance on Prior Funding Advances The City of Dublin received funding advances from Alameda County, the City of Pleasanton and the Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART) for construction of certain improvements needed to serve Eastern Dublin development. These funding advances are subject to cash reimbursement and credit agreements with these agencies, with' the cost of reimbursement funded by the TIF Section I and II fees. These reimbursements and credits are subject to accrual of interest. To date, the Alameda County Surplus Property Authority (ACSP A) has used a portion of the credits to offset traffic impact fees due on development in the Santa Rita property, which reduces the balance owed on the advance. The outstanding balances as of June 30, 1999, as provided by the Finance Department, are shown below: ''''''' Page 4 of9 /b otf J~/) Section I a) Cash Reimbursements (City of Pleasant on Advance): b) Interest-Bearing Credits (ACSPA Freeway Interchange Work): c) Estimated Three- Year Interest: $2,839,597 $2,791,765 $927.848 Total: $6,559,210 Section II a) Cash Reimbursements (BART/ACSPA Advances): b) Estimated Three-Year Interest: $3,509,640 $603.789 Total: $4,113,429 The above costs must be included in the revenue to be raised under the revised TIF Section I and Section II fees. Line 3 - Balance Due on TIF Credits (Existing: TIF) -~ Between 1995 and 1998, the City of Dublin entered into a number of development agreements with the ACSP A and one development agreement with Mission Peak for projects in Eastern Dublin. Under these development agreements, the developer constructed or guaranteed TIF infrastructure improvements needed to serve the projects, and received TIF credits in return. To date, a portion of the credits have been used to offset TIF fees due for projects constructed or underway. The outstanding balances of credits as of June 30, 1999, as provided by the Finance Department, total $10,880,956. In addition, the Emerald Pointe development has been granted additional credits (not included in the Finance Department total) for additional improvements on Dublin Boulevard and Hacienda Drive which were not included in the original credit total. The additional credits are shown on Attachment 2, page 1, provided by the City Public Works Department staff. These balances are identified below: Project Credit Balance (as of June 30, 1999) Hacienda Crossings $67,127 Creekside Business Park $3,581,961 Summer Glen Homes $376,881 Emerald Pointe Business Park $6,758,917 Mission Peak (Tassajara Meadows I) $96,070 Finance Department Balance $10,880,956 Emerald Pointe Adjustment $687,851 Total Due on TIF Credits (Existing TIF) $11,568,807 Page 5 of9 /1 ~ ;;21 Credits for these development agreements are based on the current (1996) TIF. Fees for these projects will be paid at the TIF rate in effect at the time that building permits -...-' are issued. Line 4 - Balance of Credits Due on TIF Credits (New TIF) The City of Dublin has entered into development agreements with the ACSP A for four additional projects: the Tassajara Meadows and Toll Brothers residential projects, the General Motors commercial project and the Koll Corporate Center office project. Under these agreements, the ACSP A will be responsible for construction of certain improvements and the dedication of TIF right-of-way on Gleason Drive, Central Parkway and Dublin Boulevard. The Koll Corporate Center is also required to provide the right-of-way for and construct a Park and Ride Lot within its property. The cost of the right-of-way and improvements will be credited against the fees due from these developments. The improvement cost includes frontage improvements and 50% of the cost of traffic signals at the park entrances on both Gleason Drive and Central Parkway. In addition, the City of Dublin has negotiated a development agreement with MSSH Dublin (Shea Homes) for Dublin Ranch Units Ll-5 and Ml-3. Under this agreement, MSSH Dublin (Shea Homes) will be responsible for construction of improvements to Tassajara Road from Dublin Boulevard to North Dublin Ranch Drive. These credits, which are all for Section I improvements, are shown in Attachment 2, Pages 2-6, provided by City Public Works Department staff. Credits are as follows: '~ Development Total Credits. General Residential Improvements Improvements Koll Corporate Center $2,529,460 $0 $2,529,460 Tassajara Meadows 2 $4,136,521 $4,071,001 $65,520 Toll Brothers $12,378,535 $12,171,055 $207,480 MSSH Dublin (Shea $4,135,329 $4,135,329 $0 Homes) Total $23,179,845 $20,377,385 $2,802,460 The credits for the general improvements must be added to the revenue to be raised under the revised TIF Section I fees. The credits for the residential improvements (which includes the Park and Ride lot at the Koll Corporate Center and segments of the Tassajara Creek Regional Trail) must be added to the revenue to be raised under the TIF Section I Residential Adjustment. Under these five development agreements, credits and fees will be based on the updated TIF. The agreements require the retroactive payment of fee increases for any permits issued prior to adoption of the new fee. Therefore, fees and credits for these ~ Page 6 of9 /ff ?f/~1 ~~ agreements must be segregated from fees and credits for the other development agreements identified in Line 3. Line 5 - Total Cost ofTIF Improvements This line shows the total cost of all improvements remaining to be funded under the TIF. Table 2 provides the detail of these costs by fee section and roadway segment. Line 6 - Estimated Fees from Remaining Trips Collected at Current Fee Rate The eight projects listed in Line 3 are expected to generate a total of 44,375 trips, as shown on Attachment 3. As of June 30, 1999 building permits issued for these projects have generated an estimated 30,255 trips. It is expected that the remaining portions of these projects will receive building permits generating an additional 14,120 trips. ~ F or the purpose of calculating the revised TIF, it is assumed that building permits for these developments will be issued prior to the revised TIF taking effect and that payment of the TIF will be made at the existing rate (actual payment will be at the rate in effect at the time the permits are issued). The revenue raised from fees applied to these trips can be deducted from the total revenue to be raised by the revised fees. Estimated revenues from the remaining trips collected at the old rate are $3,601,400 for Section I and $1,059,920 for Section II. Line 7 - Fees Collected To Date Fees collected from the building permits issued to date, which have not been allocated to specific TIF improvements, remain in a reserve account and can be deducted from the total revenue to be raised by the revised fees. The cash balances of Section I and II TIF fee revenues as of June 30, 1999 have been provided by the Finance Department. The balance of Section I fees is currently negative in the amount of $774,001, which results in an increase in the needed Section I revenue. The negative balance of Section I fees is a result of two prior development agreements (Hacienda Crossings and California CreeksideIBrookside). These agreements, which were entered into prior to the implementation of the Eastern Dublin TIF, allowed developers to use Section I credits to offset Section II and III fees. Since the implementation of the Eastern Dublin TIF, credits can only be used to offset fees in the same category. ..-c- The balance of Section II fees is currently $2,463,235. However, this amount must be adjusted to exclude $39,360 in fees collected at the existing TIF rate from Shea Homes and Centex in Dublin Ranch Phase 1, as their development agreements require retroactive payment of the TIF at the new rate (The trips generated by these developments are included in the total trips paying the revised fee on Line 11). The appropriate balance for Section II TIF fees for this update is $2,423,875. Page 7 of9 11 ~ /.J-1 Line 8 - Section 1 Residential Fee Collected at Old Rate....., Under the existing fee schedule, the cost of the Section I Residential Improvements is included under the Section I fee, in the amount of $26 per trip. There are an estimated 44,375 trips which will be generated under existing development agreements; of these trips, there are 11,775 residential trips. For the purpose of calculating the revised TIF, it is assumed that permits for these developments will be issued prior to the new fee taking effect, and that payment of the TIF will be at the existing rate (actual payment will be at the rate in effect at the time the permits are issued). This will generate Section I Residential Improvement revenue in the amount of $306, 150. This amount must be deducted from the existing Section I fee balance (resulting in an increase in the needed Section I revenues under the revised fee) and deducted from the needed Section I Residential fees to be raised under the revised fee. Line 9 - Estimated Contra Costa County Contribution The City of Dublin is currently negotiating with the County of Contra Costa for the payment of funds to provide traffic mitigation improvements on City of Dublin streets as a result of development in the Dougherty Valley. The current proposed level of contribution is approximately $19,450,000, which can be used to offset the needed revenue from the TIF. .~ For the purpose of calculating the revised TIF, a total of $9,150,000 of the Contra Costa County funds is assigned to Section 1 projects, and the remaining $10,300,000 is assigned to Section II projects. This allocation between Section I and Section II projects is based on the proportionate share of traffic generated by Contra Costa County development on each improvement within these two TIF categories. In the event that the contribution from the County of Contra Costa is less than the estimated $19,450,000, the City of Dublin may need to delete selected improvements to offset the revenue reduction. Line 10 - Adiusted Costs to be Financed bv Revised Fee This line shows the total amount of revenue that must be raised under the revised fee to cover the cost'ofimprovements not funded through another source. Line 11 - Estimated Remaining Trips Paving Revised Fee A total of 344,078 new vehicle trips were assumed to be subject to the fee under the 1996 TJKM report. This figure was based on the land use projections in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. At the present time, individual development proposals have ~ been approved on the majority of the ASPCA Santa Rita property, the Casterson Page 8 of9 c2 t? cef' /.:J. 1 (~ . property and portions of the Dublin Ranch (Lin) property. It is therefore possible to revise the trip generation figures based on more accurate projections. The revised total trips to be generated within the fee area are shown in Attachment 4. The table lists trip generations by each property, with the basis of the estimate shown. The total includes an estimate of trips from those properties located to the east of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area, which are included within the boundaries of the current General Plan. The revised trip generation totals 356,369 trips, of which 113,890 are generated from residential uses and 242,479 are generated from non-residential uses. For the purpose of the revised fee calculation, it is assumed that the 44,375 trips within Eastern Dublin will pay the fee at the existing rate and that all remaining trips generated from other projects will be subject to the revised fee. This results in an estimated 311,994 trips subject to the new fee, of which 102,115 are generated from residential development and 209,879 are generated by non~residential development. Line 12 - Revised Fee (Cost per Trip) The revised fee for each section is determined by dividing the cost of improvements (Line 10) by the number of trips subject to the fee (Line 11). ,~ Page 9of9 .:ZJ % /;11 ATTACHMENT 1 ~ City of Dublin Cost Analysis, 1999 Update Traffic Imp~ct Fee Eastern DubllifArea ~. . File: 0231.02 rg4ph Stmtbta & Tlwmps014 IftC.. Consulting Engineers /- ~ l- trtf /:11 SANTINA&= THOMPSON.INC. November 9, 1999 Munidpal Engineering Surveying Railroad Engineering Planning Lee Thompson Public Works Director City of Dublin 100 Civic Plaza Dublin, CA 94568 Re: Eastern Dublin Area Traffic Impact Fee Cost Analysis, 1999 Update Dear Mr. Thompson: Please find attached our cost analysis for the roadway network of existing and proposed roads associated with new development in the eastern Dublin area; ~ We provided the initial cost analysis for these roadways in 1996. At that time, the geometry for many of the roadways was approximate. We based the 1996 analysis on a typical roadway section throughout tl1e roadway length. The cost to build the improved roadway network is shared by the frontage developers and the City of Dublin. Typically, the outside lanes and sidewalk improvements along with any necessary underlying right of way are built and/or paid for by the frontage . developers. The construction and other costs associated with the inside lanes and median are typically borne by the City using revenue generated by the Traffic Impact Fee. In 1999, many of the roadways have either been built or a detailed planline.ofthe proposed improvements is available. The information available is thus much better than the information available in 1996. Additionally, many of the roadways are currently covered by an existing or pending development agreement. Through the development agreement, the frontage developer may agree to construct and pay for portions of the roadway that the City would typically pay for; or, the frontage developer may build portions of the roadway that the City would typically build, but receive credits from the City for the traffic impact fees. .-- For the 1999 analysis, if existing development agreements or pending development agreements provide for the frontage developer to pay for portions of the roadway that are typically the responsibility of the City, then those roadway portions were not included in our 1999 cost analysis. 1355 Willow Way, Suite 280 Concord, CA 94520-5728 Telephone 925-827-3200 Fax 925-687-1011 ~.'3 1:1 /~ 1 .., Also, if the frontage developer, through the development agreement, agreed to construct '--.-/ improvements that are typically the responsibility of the City in return for credits, then those roadway portions were not included in our 1999 cost analysis. We acknowledged credits during our 1999 Traffic Impact Fee study. However, the credit values are described as development agreement entries throughout the financial reports prepared by others for the Traffic Impact Fee. Those financial reports are not contained in our exhibits. By necessity, the accounting for the various portions of the work is complex. We have worked closely with City staff to insure that costs of the various classifications were segregated so that City staff could correctly calculate the traffic impact fees. We have presented the result of our cost analysis in tables I, 2 and 3. These tables are located at the end of this section of our report. We have included supporting documents with this cost analysis. The supporting documents are described in the "Supporting Documents Table of Contents". We believe the summary sheets for the individual roadway segments along with these supporting documents explain the formulation of the costs presented in tables 1,2 and 3. Sincerely, Santina & Thompson, Inc. ~ '------/' - ~~~~- y . . Paul E. Har y .,- \ . Project Manager Attachllents "-" ~ SANTINA&= THOMPSON,INC. Dougherty Road - Segment 1 4000 feet, 104 feet curb to curb City Limits to Amador Valley (Widening) . Portion of Existing Improvements to be Re-Used - Totals for TIF Share Civil Improvements, eastern portion $2,068,514 Intersection Improvements wi right of way @ $22/sf Amador (modification) & Willow Ck (new) signals, incl'ing minor rlw and civil costs, 3 legs ea. $695,047 Right-of-Way None $0 City Administration, Design, Construction Management, ROW Acquisition, 20.0% $552,712 Total with 10% Contingency (0 on Admin.) $3,592,629 Dougherty Road - Segment 2 4,350 feet, 104 feet curb to curb Amador Valley Boulevard to Houston Place Portion of Existing Improvements to be Re-Used Totals for TIF Share Civil Improvements; 3200 ft to be widened and 1150 ft to be re-built @ $75011f $2,166,238 Intersection Improvements wi right of way Two Legs at Scarlet Drive, including civil and rlw costs $396,698 Right-of-Way @ 100% at Southern Pacific Right-of-Way . $0 500 x 38 X $22, near Houston Place $418,000 'y Administration, Design, Construction Management, ROW Acquisition, 20.0% $596,187 Total with 10% Contingency (0 on Admin.) $3,875,217 , Dougherty Road - Segment 3 Houston Place to Dublin Boulevard (900') " - Totals for TIF Share Civillmprovmts, 300' of new median, 485' of re-model median & 200 ft of rt turn pocket $50,933 Right-of-Way @ $22, none $0 Intersection Improvements, modify 1 leg at Dublin Boulevard $50,000 City Administration, Design, Construction Management, ROW Acquisition, 20.0% $20,187 Total with 10% Contingency (0 on Admin.) $131,213 99Nrw c2y ~ /.P-1 0231h; 11/8/99, 5:28 PM Page 1 99Nrw 99Nrw ~5~ /)1 Dougherty Road - Segment 4 550 feet Dublin Boulevard to North of 1-580 Off-Ramp Widen Roadway """",, Totals for TIF Share Civil Improvements @ 100% $237;699 Intersection Improvements; modify 1 leg at Dublin Boulevard $50,000 Right-of-Way on east side only, (23,OOO*$22)+$50*9000sf for demo+$1 OOk relocation $1,076,000 Building demo and remodel on south east side of segment (400sf*$300/sf) $120,000 City Administration, Design, Construction Management, ROW Acquisition, 20.0% $296,740 Total with 10% Continoency (0 on Admin.) $1,928,809 Dougherty Road Subtotal (without Freeway Interchange) $9,527,868 (Note that the City of San Ramon and Contra Costa County are responsible for that portion of Dougherty Road from the City Limits north to Old Ranch Road) - Dublin Boulevard- Segment 5 1,800 feet, 108 Right-of-Way, 6 Lanes East of Village Parkway to Sierra Court (Widening) As Submitted to Caltrans (FUNDED) . Totals for TIF Share Civil Improvements at 330.50 per Linear Foot @ 100% $0 Intersection Improvements wI right of way ..fiiIii Clark Modification $0 Sierra Ct Modification $0 Bridge Widening $0 Right-of-Way and Demo; have 100, need 108, $22 @ 100% . $0 City Administration, Design, Construction Management, ROW Acquisition, 20.0% $0 Total with 10% Contingency (0 on Admin.) $0 ISTEA Funded $0 Net Total for this Seoment $0 0231h; 11/8/99,5:28 PM Page 2 "'-' 99Nrw , 99Nrw ~~ 0Jf /). /) Dublin Boulevard, Segment 6 2,030 feet, 108 Right-of-Way, 6 Lanes . Sierra Court to Dougherty Road (Widening) " Future Improvements Will Be Similar to Segment 5 Totals for TIF Share Civil Improvements at 330 per Linear Foot @ 100% $669.900 Intersection Improvements wI right of way Sierra Ct. Civic - Modification $130,000 Dublin Court - Modification $130,000 Dougherty, signal modification and civil work, no rlw costs; 1 leg $100,000 Right-of-Way, 8* $22+100K demo @ 100% $457,280 City Administration, Design, Construction Management, ROW Acquisition, 20.0% $297,436 Total with 10% Contingency (0 on Admin.) $1.933,334 Dublin Boulevard Extension, Segment 7 1,650 feet, 6 Lanes Dougherty to Southern Pacific Right-of-Way - Totals for TIF Share Civil Improvements, south side remodel $235,539 Intersection Improvements Dougherty, completed $0 Scarlet; signals only, 1 leg $56,250 Existing building on south side; purchase, demo, and remodel portion thereof $1,100,000 Right-of-Way, $22@19,465 SF (3 parcels on south side) $428,230 BART Loan of $2.938M, to be repaid with TIF funds, not included $0 . ity Administration, Design, Construction Management, ROW Acquisition, 20.0%; 0% on Loan $364,004 Total with 10% ContinQency, includinQ loan (0 on Admin.) , $2,366,025 Dublin Boulevard Subtotal (to Southern Pacific Right-of-Way) . $4,299,359 Dublin Boulevard Extension, Segment 8 1950 feet, 6 Lanes From Southern Pacific Right-of-Way to East BART Access Totals for TIF Share Civil Improvements, path and path right of way on north side, all in DA. $0 Intersection Improvements, no associated rlw or civil costs; 1 leg at Scarlet $56,250 Right-of-Way-' - . $0 City Administration, Design, Construction Management, ROW Acquisition, 20.0% $11,250 '. Total with 10% ContinQency (0 on Admin.) $73,125 -. 0231h; 11/8/99, 5:28 PM Page 3 99Nrw Dublin Boulevard Extension, Segment 8A 2650 feet, 6 Lanes . East BART Access (Iron Horse Parkway) to Hacienda Drive - .,..." Totals for TIF Share Civil Improvements, path on' north side, no other roadway improvements $279,840 Intersection Improvements wi right of way $0 RfW, 30-12-18 ft for path from Arnold to Hacienda at $22/sf; in DA $0 City Administration, Design, Construction Management, ROW Acquisition, 20.0% $55,968 Total with 10% ContinQency (0 on Admin.) $363,792 Dublin Boulevard - Segment 9 4,600 feet, 6 Lanes Hacienda to Tassajara Road - Totals for TIF Share Civil Improvements, path on north side to creek (2600ft) $0 Intersection Improvements wi right of way Tassajara Road, 1leg; including signals, civil & RIW (@$20) $0 Bridge $0 RfW, 30-12=18 ft for path from Hacienda to creek, 2600ft at $20/sf; none for rdway $0 City Administration, Design, Construction Management, ROW Acquisition, 20.0% $0 - Total with 10% ContinQency (0 on Admin.); all in DA $0- .. Dublin Boulevard - Segment 10 6,320 feet, 6 Lanes Tassajara Road to Fallon All New Roadway Included '. Totals for TIF Share Civillmprovmts at $750/1f and 50%, (cl to c1), (1 ft grading incl'd) $2,370,000 Intersection Improvements 1 leg each at Tassajara and Fallon (r/w (50% at Tassajara), signals, civil & gradng) $280,828 Box culvert; 10 fix8 ft, 140 ft long (@ $450/cy)+84inch x 140 ft pipe ($95/1f)+4 wingwalls $106,900 Right-of-Way, 64 ft @ $15.44 + Ok demo $6,245,171 City Administration, Design, Construction Management, ROW Acquisition, 20.0% $1,800,580 .., - . -... .. ,---.---.. . Total with 10% Contingency (0 on Admin.) $11,703,768 99Nrw ;2 /) ~ /~ '1 """ 0231h; 11/8/99, 5:28 PM Page 4 99Nrw Dublin Boulevard Extension - Segment 11 9500 feet, 6 Lanes - Fallon Road to Airway All New Roadway Included Totals for TIF Share Civil Improvements at $750 per lineal foot @ 50%, (c1 to c1), (1 ft grading) $3,562,500 Intersection Improvements .. 1 leg at Fallon, 4 at Airway & 4 At Doolan (r/w, signals, civil & gradng) $1,284,741 Bridge,$110*120VV*100L $1,320,000 Right-of-VVay, 64*$12 + Ok demo $7,296,000 City Administration, Design, Construction Management, ROVV Acquisition, 20.0% $2,692,648 Total with 10% Contingency (0 on Admin.) $17,502,213 Dublin Blvd. Ext.(SP RfW to Airway) Subtotal (without Freeway Interchange) $29,642,899 (The City of Dublin received $573,000 from State of California (SB300 funds) and $400,000 from the City of Pleasanton for roadway improvements from the Southern Pacific R of VV to Tassajara Rd.) -973.000 (The City of Dublin borrowed $2,408,955 from the City of Pleasanton to build the 40 ft. width of Dublin Blvd Extension from SPRVV to Tassajara Road; This loan must be repaid but is not included.) 0 Subtotal is therefore $28,669,899 ~- Freeway Interchange - Segment 12 Dublin Boulevard Extension with 1-580 - (Airway Boulevard) Totals for TIF Share Civillmprovm'ts, Demo ext'g & build new 6 lane bridge wi Ramps. signals; (Dublin's share) n/a Right-of-VVay nla City Administration, Design, Construction Management, ROVV Acquisition, 20% nla Dublin pays 16% of total $13,000,000 cost; (note that Livermore will payaddit'l percentage) $2,080,000 Hacienda - Segment 13 1525 feet, 6 Lanes 1-580 (Not including interchange) to Dublin Boulevard Extension ... . ~ . .. ... .-. Totals for TIF Share .. ._. ~- . m. ". .. . Civil Improvements ~ "" $0 Intersection Improvements wi right of way (Rt turn lane at Dublin Blvd.) $100,000 Right-of-VVay $0 City Administration, Design, Construction Management, ROVV Acquisition, 20.0% $20,000 Total with 10% Contingency (0 on Admin.) $130,000 99Nrw ;2% q{ Ij, 1 0231h; 11/8/99. 5:28 PM Page 5 99Nrw Hacienda - Segment 14 2,640 feet, 6 Lanes Dublin Boulevard Extension to Gleason Drive ......, Totals for TIF Share Civil Improvements, 800 ft and 1800 ft lengths . $454,239 Intersection Improvements wi rightot way 1 leg at Gleason, signals only $56,250 development agreement exists $0 Right-ot-Way $0 City Administration, Design, Construction Management, ROW Acquisition, 20.0% $102,098 Total with 10% Continoencv (0 on Admin.) $663,636 Hacienda Road Subtotal (Without Freeway Interchange) $793,636 - Freeway Interchange - Segment 15 Hacienda Road with 1-580 Widen Offramp and Modify Signal (Loan amount built prior) Totals tor TIF Share Civil Improvements, Ramps, including signal modification $1,000,000 Alameda County $3.762 M Loan (including interest); not included $0 City Administration, Design, CM, ROW Acquisition, 20.0%; (0% on Loan) $200,000... .., Total with 10% Continoency (0 on Admin.) $1,300,000 . Arnold Drive - Segment 16 2,640 feet, 4 Lanes Dublin Boulevard Extension to Gleason (Camp Parks is on one side of Roadway) ~ . Totals tor TIF Share .Civillmprovements, including new pipe tor existing open channel $1,742,660 Intersection Improvements: 2 legs at Central and 1 leg NB leg at Gleason, signals only; 5B leg @ Gleason, sig+civil+RIW costs $271,948 Right-ot-Way @ $22/sf (will come trom Camp Parks, 74,432 SF) . . $0 City Administration, Design, Construction Management, ROW Acquisition, 20.0% $402,922 .. Total with 10% Contingency (O on Admin.) $2,618,990 99Nrw ~:r ~ /~'? 0231 h; 11/8/99, 5:28 PM Page 6 ....,., 99Nrw Central Parkway - Segment 16A 1,400 feet, 4 Lanes - . ArnOld to Haclenaa Totals for TIF Share Civil Improvements (credit for one 12 lane and 16 ft median) $195,702 Intersection Improvements wi right of way 1 leg at Arnold, signal cost only, no civil or r/w costs $56,250 Right-of-Way $0 City Administration, Design, Construction Management, ROW Acquisition, 20.0% $50,390 Total with 10% Contingency (0 on Admin.) $327,538 Central Parkway - Segment 17 4,575 feet, 4 Lanes Hacienda to Tassajara Totals for TIF Share Civil Improvements 2250 ft of remodeled median $277,011 2000 ft of median and #1 lane in each direction; (no park improvements) $428,575 Intersection Improvements Tassajara; signals, civil and no right of way, 1 leg $0 Hibernia Drive; signals only, 4 legs $225,000 Future Park Entrance at 50%; signals only, 4 legs $112,500 8ridge, in development agreement $0 .-{ight-of-Way; none, paid by park fees $0 City Administration, Design, Construction Management, ROW Acquisition, 20.0% $208,617 Total with 10% Contingency (0 on Admin.) , $1,356,012 - ..... .. .... .. j Central Parkway - Segment 18 4 Lanes Tassajara to Fallon, Western 3,640 Ft. All New Roadway Totals for TIF Share Civil Improvements at 650+38 (addl grading) per lineal foot @ 38%, (cl to c1), (3 ft grading) $951,642 Intersection Improvements wi right of way 1 leg at Tassajara; r/w 50%, signals, civil & gradng) $121,066 Sports Park, 1500 ft of frontage, 20 ft. of pavement and c&g, (incl in 18A) $0 Right..,of-Way, 104 If. @ $15.46+1 OOk demo, all at 38% $2,261,964 City Administration, Design, Construction Management, ROW Acquisition, 20.0% $666,934 Total with 10% Continqencv (0 on Admin.) $4,335,073 99Nrw 3D otf J~ 1 0231 h;11/8/99, 5:28 PM Page 7 99Nrw 99Nrw '51 ~ /fi/} Central Parkway - Segment 18A 4 Lanes Tassajara to Fallon, Eastern 2,830 Ft. All New Roadway '-i. . Totals for TIF Share Civil Improvements at 650+76 (6 ft grading) per linear foot @ 38% $780,740 Intersection Improvements; 1 leg at Fallon, signals, r/w and civil $167,132 Right-of-Way, 104 If. @ $15.46+1 OOk demo, all at 38% $1,767,071 Sports Park, 1500 ft. of frontage, 20 ft. of pavement and c&g $292,343 City Administration, Design, Construction Management, ROW Acquisition, 20.0% $601,457 Total with 10% Contingency (0 on Admin.); $3,909,472 Central Parkway and Arnold Drive Subtotal $12,547,085 Gleason - Segment 19 1,600 feet, 4 Lanes - Arnold Rd. to Hacienda Totals for TIF Share Civil Improvements $0 Hacienda and Arnold Intersection Improvements; signals only, 2 legs $112,500 Right~of-Way, none $0 City Administration, Design, Construction Management, ROW Acquisition, 20.0% $22,500 \ Total with 10% Contingency (0 on Admin.) $146,25~ ...., 0231h; 11/8/99, 5:2~ PM Page 8 99Nrw Gleason - Segment 19A 4,650 feet, 4 Lanes - Hacienda to Tassajara Totals for TIF Share Civil Improvements Cross-over work, $0 Median and #1 lanes for 1750 ft . $0 Park work $0 Intersection Improvements Hacienda Signals; signals only $0 Tassajara Meadows; 4 signal legs and 2 R/W legs, all at 50% $0 Tassajara Road; 1 leg with signal and civil work (no R/W) $0 Bridge.$11 0*55W*1 OOL (1/2) $0 Right-of-Way, 1750 ft at 102ft*$18 @ 38% $0 City Administration, Design, Construction Management, ROW Acquisition, 20.0% $0 Total with 10% ContinQency (0 on Admin.) $0 Gleason - Segment 20 4800 feet, 4 Lanes Tassajara to Fallon All New Roadway Totals for TIF Share ~ivillmprovements at 650+133 (addl grading) per L.F. @ 38%, (cl to r/w), (8 ft grading) $1,428,192 Intersection Improvements wI right of way 1 leg each at Tassajara (civil and grading only) & Fallon (r/w, signals, civil & grading) $243,748 Sports Park, 250 ft. of frontage, 20 ft. of pavement and c&g $49,050 Right-of-Way, 104 It. @ $13.90 at 38% $2,636,774 City Administration, Design, Construction Management, ROW Acquisition, 20.0% $871,553 Total with 10% Contingency (0 on Admin.) $5,665,094 99Nrw 3,z u6 /.21 ., 0231h; 11/8/99, 5:28PM Page 9 99Nrw Gleason Roadway Subtotal $5,811,344 (Note the portion of Gleason Road from Fallon Road to Doolan Road is not included because no development is proposed for Doolan Canyon as part of the Dublin General Plan Amendment) "di! ..."'" Scarlet Drive - Segment 21 2,400 feet, 52 ft curb to curb, 80 ft R!W Dougherty Road to Dublin Boulevard Extension All New Roadway Totals for TIF Share Civil Improvements, $526/1f @ 100% $1 ,262,400 Intersection Improvements wi right of way $0 Dougherty, Major; signals, civil and R/W, 11eg $164,989 Dublin Boulevard, Major; signals, civil and R/W, 2 legs $329,978 Railroad Utilities, demo and/or relocation $1,000,000 Bridge, $11 0*80W*65L $572,000 Right-of-Way, 80 ft*$15 - $3,072,000 City Administration, Design, Construction Management, ROW Acquisition, 20.0% $1,280,273 Total with 10% Contingency (0 on Admin.) $8,321,777 Tassajara Road - Segment 22 5,660 feet, 6 Lanes 5000 ft north of Gleason to Contra Costa Co. line All New Roadway .....~ Totals for TIF Share Civil Improvements, median and number 1 and 2 lanes, each direction $2,255,766 Intersection Improvements wi right of way Fallon; signals, civil and R/W @ $11, 2 legs $284,668 Two Bridges, 120W*100L*$110 *2 $2,640,000 R/W 600 ft * 40 ft shift to miss school; Demolition = $500,000 for relocation of 2 houses $764,000 City Administration, Design, Construction Management, ROW Acquisition~ 20.0% $1,188,887 Total with 10% Contingency (0 on Admin.) $7,727,764 99Nrw ~1 ~7 ):2/j ....." 0231h; 11/8/99,5:28 PM Page 10 99Nrw 99Nrw .3~ P{{ /)? Tassajara Road - Segment 22A 5,000 feet, 6 Lanes Gleason to 5000 ft. north of Gleason ...- All New Roadway Totals for TIF Share Civil Improvements, median and number 1 and 2 lanes, each direction $1,790,845 Intersection Improvements Gleason signal, 50% of civil costs only, 1 leg $9,890 Right-of-Way, TIF portion exists. $0 City Administration, Design, Construction Management, ROW Acquisition, 20.0% $360,147 Total with 10% Contingency (0 on Admin.) $2,340,955 Tassajara Road. Segment 23 2,470 feet, 6 and 8 Lanes Dublin Boulevard Extension to Gleason Road All New Roadway Totals for TIF Share Civil Improvements, 1 lane in each direction andmedin curb $427,347 Civil Park Improvements, development agreement exists $0 Intersection Improvements $0 .,-- Gleason signal, 50% of civil costs only, 1 leg $9,890 Central Parkway signal, 50% of signal costs, no civil or rlw, 1 leg $28,125 Right-of-Way, TIF portion exists. $0 City Administration, Design, Construction Management, ROW Acquisition, 20.0% $93,072 Total with 10% Contingency (0 on Admin.) $604,970 Tassajara Road. Segment 24 800 feet, 8 Lanes Dublin Boulevard Extension to 1580; (not including Interchange) All New Roadway Totals for TIF Share Civil Improvements, add 1 12 foot lane $48,000 Intersection Improvements wI right of way, 1 leg at Dublin Boulevard $0 Right-of-Way, TIF portion exists $0 City Administration, Design, Construction Management, ROW Acquisition, 20.0% $9,600 Total with 10% Continqency (O on Admin.) $62,400 Tassajara Road Subtotal (without Freeway Interchange) $10,736,089 0231h; 11/8/99, 5:2a PM Page 11 99Nrw 99Nrw 35 ~ /:(1 Tassajara Road - Segment 25 at Freeway Intersection . Freeway Interchange 1/2 of Interchange Exists ...., Totals for TIF Share Civil Improvements, Including new 4 lane Bridge $11,315,008 Signalized intersection incl Right-of-Way n/a City Administration, Design, Construction Management, ROW Acquisition, 23.0% incl Total, (Contingency included with basic price); (includes 100% of interchanQe costs) $11,315,008 Fallon Road - Segment 26 8,080 feet, 4 Lanes Tassajara to Gleason All New Roadway - Totals for TIF Share Civillmpv'ts at 650+(8*19) (some addl gdng) per LF@38%, (CCCo listed separately), (r/w to cJ), (8 ft gding) $2,238,352 Intersection Improvements w/ right of way 1 leg at Tassajara and 1 leg at Gleason (r/w, signals, civil & gradng) $266,544 Right-of-Way, 104 ft, $9.00 @ 38% $2,873,894 City Administration, Design, Construction Management, ROW Acquisition, 20.0% $1,075,758 Total with 10% Contingency (0 on Admin.) $6,992,42f - Fallon Road - Segment 26A 4840 feet, 4 Lanes Gleason to Dublin Boulevard Extension All New Roadway Totals for TIF Share Civil Improvements at 650+95 (addl gdng) per LF @ 38%, (CCCo separately), (el to r/w), (6 ft gding) $1,370,204 Intersection Improvements 1 leg at Gleason, 2 at Central and 1 at Dublin Ext (r/w. signals, civil & gradng) $500,837 . Sports Park, 3100 ft. of frontage, 20 ft. of pavement and c&g, no r/w $672,488 Right-of-Way, 104 If. @ $7.92 at 38% $1.514,912 City Administration, Design, Construction Management, ROW Acquisition, 20.0% $811,688 Total with 10% Contingency (0 on Admin.) $5,275,973 0231h; 11/8/99, 5:2~ PM Page 12 ...., 99Nrw Fallon Road - Segment 27 680 feet, 6 lanes . Dublin Boulevard Extension to North of 1-580 - All New Roadway Totals for TIF Share Civillmprovmts at $40011f for 2 inside lanes & 28 ft median, (r/w to r/w), (1' grading) $272,000 Intersection Improvements wi right of way 1 leg at Dublin Blvd Extension (r/w, signals, civil & gradng) $159,429 Right-of-Way, (76-60) ft.@ $15 $163,200 City Administration, Design, Construction Management, ROW Acquisition, 20.0% $118,926 Total with 10% ContinQency (0 on Admin.) $773,018 Fallon Road Subtotal (without Freeway Interchange) $13,041,419 . Fallon & 1.-580 Freeway Interchange with Signals - Segment 28 , Totals for TIF Share Freeway Intercnge, new 61n Br; Ph1=$17,649,782 & Ph2=$11,182,999 $28,832,781 Right of Way (3.2 acres, Phase 2 only) $2,100,000 City Administration, Design, Construction Management, ROW Acquisition incl Livermore and Pleasanton will contribute, see table 2-3 .- Dublin pays 45% of cost; Livermore and Pleasanton will contribute $13,919,751 Tassajara Creek Bike Path - Segment 29 8,900 feet Casterson Property Line to Contra Costa County Line Totals for TIF Share Bike path, 12 ft. @ $7/sf @ 100% (+7ftx150ftx$134@50% for Bridge at Tassajara Ck) $817,950 Right of Way, none; included with Tassajara of Creek Improvements $0 City Administration, Design, Construction Management, ROW Acquisition, 20.0% $163,590 Total with 10% ContinQency (0 on Admin.) $1,063,335 99Nrw 3c:. c:?t j;{ 1 0231h; 11/8/99, 5:28 PM Page 13 99Nrw Park & Ride 40,000 s.f. for 150 cars . Totals for TIF Shal ~,4 East of Tassajara, 40,000 s.f. @ ($4 Improv. & $7 right of way) $0" ~ East of Hacienda, 40,000 @ ($4 Improv. & $7 right of way) $0 East of Fallon, 40,000 @($4 Improv. & $13 for right of way) $680,000 City Administration, Design, Construction Management, ROW Acquisition, 20.0% $136,000 Total with 10% Contingency (0 on Admin.) $884,000 Precise Plan Line Costs Totals for TIF Share Total Cost $451,000 OTHER COSTS Town Square, civil only at $83k ea.; 7 town squares, no right of way (not included) $0 Neighborhood Parks, civil only at $202k ea.; 10 parks, no right of way (not included) $0 ADDITIONAL RIGHT OF WAY TAKE COSTS Tassajara eastern frontage, 168,398 SF at ($19+$15+$15+$14)/4 (not included) $0 Dublin Blvd, 126W*880L*$18*50%, not included; (126W*880L*$15*50% in seg 10) $0 Central Pkwy: 102W*880L*$15*38%, not included; (126W*880L *$14*38% in seg 18) $0 Gleason Road: 102W*880L*$14*38%, not included; (126W*880L*$10.35*38% in seg 20) $0 OTHER Fallon Road: 1800 ft at north end: 102*1800*11.50-102*1800*11.50 $0 Right of Way Condemnation Contingency, (for north end of Tassajara) $1,000,000 blank dJ blank "'lIl" TOTAL OF OTHER COSTS $1,000,000 15 and 16 99Nrw 31 ~ 1.:41 ......., 0231h; 11/8/99,5:28 PM Page 14 99Nrw. 33 ozf /~1 ..r--._ Table 1; Category One Costs used to determine RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL FEE Dublin Blvd. Ext., SP r/w to Airway Boulevard, adj. for -$973,000 $28,669,899 Hacienda Drive, excluding 1-580 Interchange $793,636 Hacienda Drive 1-580 Interchange, 100% of cost, excluding $3.762M Alameda County Loan $1,300,000 Central Parkway and Arnold Drive $12,547,085 Gleason Drive $5,811,344 Tassajara Road $10,736,089 Tassajara Road 1-580 Interchange, 100% of cost $11,315,008 Fallon Road $13,041,419 PSR Reports, (included in segment take-off) $0 Fee Study, (not in segment take-off) $90,000 Alignment Study $451,000 Other Costs $1,000,000 SUBTOTAL OF TABLE 1 $85,755,479 check sum $85,755,479 Table 2; Category Two -Costs used to determine RESIDENTIAL FEE/COMMERCIAL FEE Dublin Boulevard, Village Parkway to Southern Pacific Right of Way $4,299,359 Scarlet Drive, Dublin Boulevard to Dougherty Road $8,321,777 Dougherty Road, 1-580 to CCCo $9,527,868 1-580 Fallon/EI Charro Interchange, with R/W at $13 per S.F. (45% of cost to reflect Dublin's share) $13,919,751 1-580/Airway Boulevard Interchange (Dublin's portion of cost only) $2,080,000 SUBTOTAL OF TABLE 2 $38,148,755 check sum $38,148,755 Table 3; Category One Adjustment Costs used to determine RESIDENTIAL SURCHARGE FEE Tassajara Creek Bike Path $1,063,335 Park and Ride Lots $884,000 SUBTOTAL OF TABLE 3 $1,947,335 Summation of Tables 1, 2, and 3 $125,851,569 0231 h; 11/8/99, 5:33 PM Page 1 newtbls ." . ." ." 1i .".", OS~" cou~......- co\\~..." ~ . ""'cOi'ill't'l . .".."..... "';:.\."",to" .... ." . .... ,"- ! i ! I i i 'I~ ::; '0 I.... ~ I ~ I ."..... ."..... \. -'''; ~ ." . .... , \ \ LEGEND: \ \ \ \ E 1 ~ :s fi ......... ......... .... . .... . \>:I ~ ]t\ ~ ....J'SIIIXHl2 ~ CITY OF DUBlJN ROADWAYS TO BE IMPROVED OF 2 @ SEGMENT NUMBER e+- TRAFFIC SIGNAL (DENOTES 1 LEG) - DENOTES TIF ROADWAY NETWORK 0' 1000' 2000' 3000' 4000' 5000' 6000' ~.. - .. GRAPmC SCALE: (IN FEET) 1 SHEET .... .... . - -' - )@ ~ i8P / ~. '"1 .J - - - LE @ SEGMENT NUMBER ... TRAFFIC SIGNAL (DENOTES 1 . LEG). - DENOTES TIF ROADWAY NETWORK I CONTRA COSTA COUNTY 0' 1000' 2000' 3000' 4000' 5000' 6000' ROADWAYS TO BE IMPROVED P"\_. - - . SHEET 2 OF 2 GRAPIDC SCALE: (IN FEET) C) ~..~ 0\ "- ~ ~ ......... Si ~ CO~i:............. co~II;~2.- 'C00~ii .... "~\..~\i.<'o" rhi ,/1 :: ..-..,...-: r,.-l Lh_"_"_"~ \ : J I : i I ! f:) ~(. , I :t pia I ~l ~I' ~ :.l' I i I ~~ 0\>: :;;~ ~~ -.... ) ) TABLE 1 EASTERN DUBLIN TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE -1999 UPDATE Calculation of the Per Trip TIF by Section "- } Section I Section I Section II TOTAL Residential 1 Costs of Improvements/Right-of-Way Not Currently Guaranteed $85,755,480 $1,947,335 $38,148,755 $125,851,570 2 Balance on Prior Funding Advances $6,559,210 $0 $4,113,429 $10,672,639 3 Balance Due on TIF Credits (Existing TIF) $11,568,807 $0 $0 $11,568,807 4 Balance Due on TIF Credits (New TIF) $20,377,385 $2,802,460 $0 $23,179,845 5 Total Costs of TIF Improvements $124,260,882 $4,749,795 $42,262,184 $171,272,861 6 Estimated Fees From Remaining Trips Collected at Current Rate ($3,601,400) $0 ($1,059,920) - 7 Fees Collected to Date $774,001 $0 ($2,423,875) - 8 Section 1 Residential Fee Collected at Old Rate $306,150 ($306,150) $0 - 9 Estimated Contra Costa County Contribution ($9,150,000) $0 ($10,300,000) - 10 Adjusted Costs to be Financed by Revised Fee $112,589,633 $4,443,645 $28,478,389 - 11 Estimated Remaining Trips Paying Revised Fee I 311,994 102,115 311,994 - 12 Revised Fee (Cost per trip) $361 $44 $91 - --c:. ........... ci\ ~ ~ Page 1 of 1 Tiftab-1, Table 1 TIF Printed: 11/08/1999 ::5 [11 , ~~~ \l' ~ 01 i~~1 C; ~ :- a1 a- ~, TABLE 2 flj.. v3 jrJ /} EASTERN DUBLIN TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE -1999 UPDATE Detail of Total Costs (Prior to Adjustments) by Section and Project Segment Segment 1999 Cost Estimate Credits or Advances S& T Balance at 6/30/99 Total .~ SECTION I IMPROVEMENTS 8 Dublin - SP row to East BART Access $73,125 $0 $73,125 8A Dublin - East BART Access to Hacienda $363,792 $0 $363,792 9 Dublin - Hacienda to Tassajara $0 $6,118,464 $6,118,464 10 Dublin - Tassajara to Fallon $11,703,768 $0 $11,703,768 11 Dublin - Fallon to Airway $17,502,214 $0 $17,502,214 8-11 Dublin Blvd. Adjustment -$973,000 $0 -$973,000 13 Hacienda - 1580 to Dublin $130,000 $0 $130,000 14 Hacienda - Gleason to Dublin $663,636 $0 $663,636 15 Interchange at Hacienda $1,300,000 $0 $1,300,000 16 Arnold - Dublin to Gleason $2,618,990 $0 $2,618,990 16A Central Parkway - Hacienda to Arnold $327,538 $0 $327,538 17 Central Parkway - Hacienda to Tassajara $1,356,012 $5,325,050 $6,681,062 18 Central Parkway - Tassajara to Fallon (West) $4,335,073 $0 $4,335,073 18A Central Parkway - Tassajara to Fallon (East) $3,909,472 $0 $3,909,472 19 Gleason - Arnold to Hacienda $146,250 $0 $146,250 19A Gleason - Hacienda to Tassajara $0 $3,820,445 $3,820,445 20 Gleason - Tassajara to Fallon $5,665,094 $0 $5,665,094 22 Tassajara - North of Gleason to CCCounty Line $7,727,764 $0 $7,727,764 22A Tassajara - Gleason to North of Gleason $2,340,955 $1,577,575 $3,918,530 23 Tassajara - Gleason to Dublin $604,970 $3,340,851 $3,945,821 24 Tassajara - Dublin to 1580 $62,400 $195,000 $257,400 25 Interchange at Tassajara $11,315,008 $0 $11,315,008 26 Fallon - Tassajara to Dublin (Gleason) $6,992,428 $0 $6,992,428 26A Fallon - Gleason to Dublin $5,275,973 $0 $5,275,973 <J 27 Fallon - Dublin to North of 1580 $773,018 $0 $773,018 r-- 31 Precise Plan Line Costs $451,000 $0 $451,000 NA TIF Update $90,000 $0 $90,000 NA ROW Contingency $1,000,000 $0 $1,000,000 NA Balance on Prior Funding Advances $0 $6,559,210 $6,559,210 NA Balance on Credits Existing TIF $0 $11,568,807 $11,568,807 TOTAL SECTION I IMPROVEMENTS $85,755,480 $38,505,402 $124,260,882 SECTION II IMPROVEMENTS 1 Dougherty - City Limits to A VB $3,592,629 $0 $3,592,629 2 Dougherty - AVB to Houston $3,875,217 $0 $3,875,217 3 Dougherty - Right Turn, Houston to Dublin $131,213 $0 $131,213 4 Dougherty - Dublin to North of 1-580 $1,928,809 $0 $1,928,809 5 Dublin - E of VP to Sierra Court $0 $0 $0 6 Dublin - Sierra to Dougherty $1,933,334 $0 $1,933,334 7 Dublin - Dougherty to SP row $2,366,025 $0 $2,366,025 12 Interchange at Airway $2,080,000 $0 $2,080,000 21 Scarlett - Dougherty to Dublin $8,321,777 $0 $8,321,777 .28 Interchange at Fallon $13,919,751 $0 $13,919,751 NA Balance on Prior Funding Advances $0 $4,113,429 $4,113,429 TOTAL SECTION II IMPROVEMENTS $38,148,755 $4,113,429 $42,262,184 SECTION I RESIDENTIAL IMPROVEMENTS 8 Dublin - SP row to East BART Access $0 $0 $0 29 Tassajara Creek Bike Path $1,063,335 $273,000 $1,336,335 30 Park and Ride I-ots $884,000 $2,529,460 $3,413,460 TOTAL SECTION I RESIDENTIAL IMPROVEMENTS $1,947,335 $2,802,460 $4,749,795 $125,851,570 I $45,421,2911 ..,., $171,272,8611 GRAND TOTAL, ALL IMPROVEMENTS (TABLE 1, LINE 5) TA'BLE. ~. -to EXH \"O\T -e_ Jqq q SroOlJ L.?!1:lATE , ) ) ~}:"..:;t.::f~}~111~ll;;:~X{;{ '(7f~ -----------~ ~I ~- M ,... 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General Plan -Eastern Extended Planning Area 25- clJIac 14-25 clJIac 6'14 clJIac Legend COMMERCIAL ~ Neighborhood Commercial ~ General Commercial i:.:;;:::;:.:,::::,:J Camous Olfi;e k:.:::-I nduSlrial Park RESIDENTIAL CD High Dens~y ~ MedlJrn-High Density CD Medium Densily CD Low Dens~y [@ Rural ResklentiaVAgriculture LAND USE MAP ---....-.., ..-....-- ' OS' ~ cg,.....-.. I' COS1~"~ .....~..~\.,...~'C.o,.. . I I I L_ ------1 I --c:::. ~. ~ ~ 10, 1993~ m~. J " o 10CXl 2COGFHI .. O~' ~~ Figure 28 D-6 clJIac clJIl00ac Area May Study PUBLICI SEM~PUBLIC/OPEN PXf;;,d PubrIC/Semt-Pubi:: Faciity @ Elementary School @ Junior High School @ High School @ Publlc/Semi-Pub6c Parks & Recreation CV City Park @ Community Park @ Neighborhood Park Neighborhood SQuare [1]L] ~Xj{~~~1 Open Space El 'Slream Corrido CIRCULATION --- Arlerial Slreet Colee tor Street Wa.ace Roberts & Todd ~,.'". L..-:.J 10\ P * General Commercial may be permitled by a Pfanned Development Zoning Process (sse taxt 'or complels discussion ..... IA.... ___. "_ r'....__ ro........ 1._.....,,,_.:_..10._.. ...~___ ...._.___l__... I_____.d__. .__,.... ....... 1___ ~ 111~ ~ 7J x. :r: fTl T - (,} lJ'::: VI ~ 0 VI - a . _ -{ D -I -<. c:; -v Ig 1(;\ ~d I I I I . I I I if q{ /J1 ATTACHMENT 1 City of Dublin '...,I Cost Analysis, 1999 Update Traffic Impact Fee Eastern Dublin Area \...,1 - File: 0231.02 rg4ph Santina & ThoWtpSon, Il'IC Consulting Engineers ....", ATTACHMENT /. o-F EXHIBIT. ~ /Cjqq .s7VCY lJP6A1C Development Section Public Works Department City of Dublin Emerald Pointe New Traffic Impact Fee Calculation ATTACHMENT 2 11/9/99 1(5 '15 /~ /) Hacienda Drive (Segment 14) 840 lineal feet Additional widening due to double left turns on Dublin Blvd and Central Civil Improvements 840' x $650/lf x 38% $207.480 Rioht of Way 38' x 840' x $4.55/sf $145,236 City Administration, Desion, Construction Management, ROW, 20% $70,543 Total with 10% Continaencv $458 531 Dublin Blvd Bike Path (SP ROW to Iron Horse Drive) 2100 lineal feet, 12' Civil Improvements $0 Right of Way 12' x 2100' x $7/sf $176,400 City Administration, Desion. Construction Manaoement. ROW, 20% $35,280 Total with 10% Continaencv $229 320 IGRAND TOTAL $687.8511 TIF New Format 11-9-99 Emerald Pointe Page 1 ATrPtC.HMEA.JT ~. of eXH/aIT -e> jqqq. 5mb'l V(:)/),c,Th Development Section Public Works Department City of Dublin KolI New Traffic Impact Fee Calculation f6 0;5 1;1 1 11/9/99 Park-n-Ride lots Civillmorovements, 74,836 sf x $7.00/sf $523,853 Right of Way 74,836 sf x $19/sf $1,421 ,886 City Administration, Design, Construction Management, ROW, 20% $389,148 Total with 10% Continaencv $2529461 ~ .~ ~ TIF New Format 11~9-99 KolI Page 2 Development Section Public Works Department City of Dublin Tassajara Meadows 2 New Traffic Impact Fee Calculation tj? ~ /;1 11/9/99 Gleason Drive - Segment 19A 1,908 linear feet; 88 feet curb to curb Civil Improvements, $425/l.f. x 61% $492,332 Park Entrances $25,000 Intersection Improvements Park Access Driveway (2 leg) @ 50% $183,360 Bridge $134/sf x 80' x 55' x 100% $589,600 Right of Way 48' x $18 sf x 100% $1,648,512 City Administration, Desian, Construction Management, ROW, 20% $587,761 Total with 10% Continoencv $3 820 445 Tassajara Road (Segment 22A) 250 lineal feet, 5' wide Civil Improvements 5' x 250' x $15.00/sf x 100% $0 Right of Way 5' x 250' x $15.00/sf x 100% x.5 $9,375 Intersection Improvements $183,360 City Administration, Desian, Construction Manaaement, ROW, 20% $38,547 Total with 10% Continoencv $250 556 /- Tassajara Creek Bike Path (29) 600 lineal feet, 12' wide Civil Improvements 12' x 600' x $87/sf:x 100% $50,400 City Administration, Design, Construction Management, ROW, 20% $10,080 Total with 10% Continaency $65 520 IGRAND TOTAL $4,136,5211 TIF New Format 11-9-99 Tass Meadows Page 3 Development Section Public Works Department City of D~blin Toll New Traffic Impact Fee Calculation Ij $ at' 1.21 11/9/99 Central Parkway (Segment 17) 2,330 lineal feet, Tassajara Creek to Tassajara Road ~ $604,701 50% $112,500 $168,360 $1,439,831 $1,770,800 $819,238.40 Total with 10% Contin enc 5 325 050 Tassajara Creek Bike Path 29 900 lineal feet, Central Parkway North to Park Path 1000 lineal feet, Dublin Blvd to Central Parkway Civil Improvements $7.00 x 1900 If x 12' x 100% $159,600 City Administration, Design, Construction Management, ROW, 20% $31,920 Total with 10% Continaencv $207 480 Dublin Blvd (Segment 9) 2095 lineal feet, Tassajara Creek to Tassajara Road Civil Improvements 2095 If x $150/1f x 54% $575,902 Intersection Improvements (Tassaiara Road) Tass (2 leg) 50% x 442,058 $221,029 Bridge 120 If x 55' x $134 $884,400 Right of Way 141' x 2095' x $19/sf x 54% $3,025,180 City Administration, Design, Construction Manaoement, ROW, 20% $941,302 Total with 10% Continaencv $6 118 464 ...., Tassajara Road (24) 1000 lineal feet, 8 lanes Civil Improvements 1000 If x $150/sf x 100% $150,000 Intersection Improvements $0 Rioht of Way $0 City Administration, Desion, Construction Management, ROW, 20% $30,000 Total with 10% Continaencv $195000 'W' TIF New Format 11-9-99 Toll Page 4 Development Section Public Works Department City of qublin Toll New Traffic Impact Fee Calculation '/7 15 j) '/ 11/9/99 Tassajara Road (23) Gleason to Central Parkway Civil Improvements $0 Riaht of Way 609 If x 5' x $15/sf $45,675 Right of Way 514 If x 5' x $18/sf $46,260 Right of Way 701 If x 17' x $18/sf $214,506 Riaht of Way 700 If x 17' x $19/sf $226,100 . Total with 10% Continaencv S532 541 I GRAND TOTAL $12,378,5351 .--. TIF New Format 11-9-99 Toll Page 5 56 oz5 J :z./l New TIF Costs 10/18/99 Development Section Pubic Works Department Tassajara Road Cost Analysis City of Dublin for Shea Develooment I Tassajara Road - Segment 22A I 2923 feet, 6 Lanes I Gleason to 5000ft. North of Gleason j All New Roadway I Civil Improvements, $750/sf, 50%' $1,103,625 Intersection Improvements Gleason Signal. Civil & ROW (1 Leg) $91,680 Right of Way, TIF portion Exists $23,679 City Administration, Design, Constr. Managmnt.,ROW, 20% $239,061 Total with 10% Contingency $1,577,575 I I Tassajara Road - Segment 23 I 2600 feet, 6 and 8 Lanes I Dublin Boulevard Extension to Gleason Road I All New Roadway I Civil Improvements I $1,175,000 Park Improvements I $232,013 I Intersection Improvements Central Parkway (1 leg) $91,680 Gleason,Major (1 leg) I $91,680 Right of Way, TIF Portion Exists ___H" _I . . ..- ~90,269 . --. - - City Administration, Design, Constr. Managmnt. 20% $318,075 Total with 10% Contingency $2,557,754 i f Grand Total Credits (22a+23) $4,135,329 I I t I I I new book sheaTassRoad 16oct99 Page 6 -...,., ~ """ '1 ) ) ATTACHMENT 3 Dublin Traffic Impact Fee Revisions Summary of Activity Under Existing Development Agreements Activity as of June 30, 1999 Permits Issued to Date Trips to Remaining Category 1 Category 2 Remaining Remaining Development Agreement Approved Trip Rate Total Trips (June 30, 1999) Date Trips Fee Rate Fee Rate Category 1 Fees Category 2 Fees Homart {Hacienda Crossinasl 800 ksf 22 ksf 17 600 604 13288 4312 $248 $74 $1 069376 $319088 Qous Industrial 400 kds 8 ksf 3,200 384 3072 128 $248 $74 $31 744 $9 472 California Creekside 154 Units 10 Unit 1,540 154 1,540 0 $0 $0 California Creekside 123 Units 7 Unit 861 123 861 0 $0 $0 Villas 324 Units 7 Unit 2268 324 2268 0 $0 $0 Summer Glen 347 Units 10 Unit 3.470 265 2650 820 $301 $82 $246 820 $67 240 Jefferson 368 Units 7 Unit 2576 368 2576 0 $0 $0 Emerald Pointe 590 ksf 20 ksf 11 800 , 200 4000 7800 $248 $74 $1 934400 $577 200 Mission Peak 106 Units 10 Unit 1,060 0 0 1,060 $301 $82 $319,060 $86,920 Total 44,376 30,266 14,120 $3,601,400 $1,069,920 VI "" '\ ~ ~ Page 1 of 1 t~ tables november 8, Attachm 3 Fee Rev Jun 30 99 Printed: 11/10/1999 n1~ ~p -J: ~3 -f (TI Z ,ol -l U) ~ - ..0 ..0 ..c ~ D -<. C 17 D- ~ oJ, ATTACHMENT 4 City of Dublin Traffic Impact Fees - Trip Generation 5;2 zz( /;4 IJ Units or Property Category Square Trip Rate Totals Source Footage Residential Commercial Total Santa Rita Property RESIDENTIAL Single Family Trips! Califomia Creekside Residential 154 Units 10 Unit 1,540 Built Medium High Density Trips! California Creekside Residential 123 Units 7 Unit 861 Built Medium High Density Trips! Under The Villas Residential 324 Units 7 Unit 2,268 Construction Single Family Trips! Under Summer Glen Residential 347 Units 10 Unit 3,470 Construction Medium High Density Trips! Under Jefferson Residential 368 Units 7 Unit 2,576 Construction Single Family Trips! Approved Tassaiara Meadows Residential 95 Units 10 Unit 950 Tentative MaD Medium Density Trips! Pending Tentative Toll Brothers Residential 143 Units 10 Unit 1 ,430 Mao Medium Density Trips! Pending Tentative Toll Brothers Residential 152 Units 10 Unit 1,520 MaD SUBTOTAL RESIDENTIAL 14,615 COMMERCIAL Under Hacienda Crossin as General Commercial 800,000 S.F. 22 Trios!ksf 17,600 Construction Under Oous Industrial Licht Industrial 400,000 S.F. 8 Trioslksf 3,200 Construction Under Emerald Pointe Camous Office 590,000 S.F. 20 Trios!ksf 11 ,800 Construction Approved Use General Motors Auto Dealershin 63,300 - S.F. 48 Trios!ksf 3,038 Permit Approved Use General Motors Auto Service 12,360 S.F. 29 Trios!ksf 358 Permit Approved Use KolI Comorate Camous Office 595.000 S.F, 20 Trios! ksf 11,900 Permit Approved Use KolI Comorate Hotel 155 Rooms 10 Trios! ksf 1,550 Permit Approved Use KolI Coroorate Restaurant 14,000 S.F. 133 TrioS! ksf 1,862 Permit Pending Use Peoolesoft Camous Office 1,600,000 S.F. 20 Tri os! ksf 32,000 Permit Eastem Dublin Site 15 Camous Office 500,000 S.F. 20 Trios! ksf 10,000 Soecific Plan Neighborhood Eastem Dublin Site 3 Commercial 150,000 S.F. 46 Trios! ksf 6,900 Soecific Plan SUBTOTAL COMMERCIAL 100,208 Subtotal Santa Rita Property 114,823 '-.I ~ .'ottt6IJI A7TA~HMc.NT 4. of EKH IBIT 13 Page 1016 TiflBb-l, AttBctvn 4 Trip Generation Printed: 1110811999 19996TUCY I)POATe ATTACHMENT 4 City of Dublin Traffic Impact Fees - Trip Generation 53 ~ /;/) Units or Property Category Square Trip Rate Totals Source Footage Residential Commercial Total Single Family Trips! Approved Casterson Property Residential 106 Units 10 Unit 1,060 1060 Tentative Map GreenbrierlY arra- Yarra Property, Tract Medium Density Trips! Pending 7075 Residential 126 Units 10 Unit 1,260 1260 Tentative Map Dublin Ranch, Phase I Single Family Trips! Approved Units L 1-6 Residential 568 Units 10 Unit 5,680 Tentative Map Medium Density Trips! Approved Units M1-3 Residential 279 Units 10 Unit 2,790 Tentative Map Subtotal Dublin Ranch, Phase I 8,470 GreenbrierlYarra-Yarra Medium Density Trips! Pending Property, Parcels A-E Residential 319 Units 10 Unit 3190 3190 Tentative Map Dublin Rancl1, ~mgle t-amllY Tnpsl Approved PO Area A Residential 573 Units 10 Unit 5730 5730 Zoning Dublin Ranch, Area B Medium Density Trips! Approved PD Units M1-8 Residential 958 Units 10 Unit 9,580 Zonino Medium High Density Trips! Approved PD Unit MH Residential 172 Units 7 Unit 1.204 Zoning High Density Trips! Approved PD Units H1-2 Residential 744 Units 6 Unit 4,464 Zonina Approved PD GC General Commercial 163,350 S.F. 33 Trips/ksf 5,391 Zonino Subtotal, Area B 20,639 Dublin Ranch, Area C Approved PD GC General Commercial , 625,086 S.F. 33 Tripsl ksf 20,628 Zoning Approved PD CO Campus Office 971,388 S.F. 20 Tripsl ksf 19,428 Zoning Subtotal, Area C 40,056 UUblln tomcn, 10 eastern Dublin AreaD Rural Residential 1 Unit TripslUnit 10 10 Specific Plan Dublin Ranch, Area F Single Family Trips! Pending PD SFR Residential 91 Units 10 Unit 910 Zonina Medium Density Trips! Pending PD M Residential 661 Units 10 Unit 6,610 Zonino Medium High Density Trips! Pending PD MH Residential 0 Units 7 Unit 0 Zoning High Density Trips! Pending PD H Residential 0 Units 6 Unit 0 Zonina Neighborhood Villaae Center Commercial 0 S.F. 33 Trios! ksf 0 Subtotal, Area F 7,520 Page 2 of 6 Tiftab-1, Attachm 4 Trip Generation Printed: 11108/1999 :5:/ zt: /jL/) ATTACHMENT 4 City of Dublin Traffic Impact Fees - Trip Generation Units or Property Category Square Trip Rate Totals Source Footage Total Residential Commercial Dublin Ranch, Area G Medium High Density Trips! Pending PD MH Residential 621 Units 7 Unit 4,347 Zonina High Density Trips! Pending PD H Residential 854 Units 6 Unit 5,124 Zonina Neighborhood Pending PD Villaae Center Commercial 179,925 S.F. 33 Trips! ksf 5,938 Zonina Subtotal, Area G 15,409 Dublin Ranch, Area H Pending PD GC General Commercial 282,269 S.F. 33 Trips 9,315 Zonina Pending PD CO Campus Office 559,528 S.F. 20 Trios! ksf 16,514 Zonina General Commercial! Pending PD GC!CO Campus Office 182,952 S.F. 26.5 Trios! ksf 4,848 Zonina Subtotal, Area H 30,677 Lin Property, West of Tassajara Road Neighborhood Eastern Dublin NC Commercial 36,590 S.F. 33 Trips! ksf 1.207 Soecific Plan Medium High Density Trips! Eastern Dublin MH Residential 300 Units 7 Unit 2,100 Soecific Plan Medium Density Trips! Eastem Dublin M Residential 500 Units 10 Unit 5,000 Soecific Plan Single Family Trips! Eastem Dublin ~ L Residential 100 Units 10 Unit 1,000 Soecific Plan Subtotal, Lin Property 9,307 Medium DenSity 1 npsl Eastern Dublin Moura Property Residential 82 Units 10 Unit 820 820 Specific Plan Vargas Property Medium Density Trips! Eastern Dublin M Residential 14 Units 10 Unit 140 Soecific Plan Medium High Density Trips! Eastern Dublin MH Residential 72 Units 7 Unit 504 Soecific Plan Subtotal, Vargas Property 644 Herrera Property Neighborhood Eastern Dublin NC Commercial 58,806 S.F. 33 Trips! ksf 1,941 Soecific Plan Medium High Density Trips! Eastern Dublin MH Residential 68 Units 7 Unit 476 Soecific Plan Subtotal, Herrera Property 2,417 I Medium Hlgn DenSity Inpsl Eastern Dublin Haight Property Residential 42 Units 7 Unit 294 294 Specific Plan -- ......., Page3of6 Tiftab-1, Attachm 4 Trip Generation Printed: 11108/1999 ...'.:.- .^- /r-~. ATTACHMENT 4 City of Dublin Traffic Impact Fees - Trip Generation ~s % /~1 Units or Property Category Square Trip Rate Totals Source Footage Residential Commercial Total Mission Peak Homes Property Neighborhood Trips! Eastern Dublin NC Commercial 16,988 S.F. 33 Unit 561 SDecific Plan Medium High Density Trips! Eastern Dublin MH Residential 22 Units 7 Unit 154 SDecific Plan Single Family Trips! Eastern Dublin SFR Residential 97 Units 10 Unit 970 SDecific Plan Trips! Eastern Dublin R Rural Residential 1 Unit 10 Unit 10 SDecific Plan Subtotal, Mission Peak Homes Property 1,695 Redgwick Property Single Family Trips! Eastern Dublin SFR Residential 67 Units 10 Unit 670 Soecific Plan Trips! Eastern Dublin R Rural 1 Unit 10 Unit 10 Soecific Plan Subtotal, Redgwick Property 680 Silvera Property Medium High Density Trips! Eastern Dublin MH Residential 80 Units 7 Unit 560 Specific Plan Medium Density Trips! Eastern Dublin M Residential 210 Units 10 Unit 2,100 Specific Plan Single Family Trips! Eastern Dublin SFR Residential 35 Units 10 Unit 350 SDecific Plan Trips! Eastern Dublin R Rural Residential 1 Unit 10 Unit 10 Specific Plan Subtotal, Silvera Property 3,020 TnpsJ eastern Dublin Plato Property Rural Residential 1 Unit 10 Unit 10 10 Specific Plan Medium DensIty Tnps! eastern uuolln Zimmer Property Residential 65 Units 10 Unit 650 650 Specific Plan Mealum uenslty TnpST Eastern DUblin Raley Property Residential 20 Units 10 Unit 200 200 Specific Plan I Mealum DensIty Tnps! Eastern Dublm Gygi Property Residential 10 Units 10 Unit 100 100 Specific Plan Dublin Land Company Property Eastern Dublin GC General Commercial 846,153 S.F. 33 Trins! ksf 27,923 Specific Plan Neighborhood Eastern Dublin NC Commercial 56,410 S.F. 33 Trios! ksf 1,862 Soecific Plan High Density Trips! Eastern Dublin H Residential 112 Units 6 Unit 672 Specific Plan Medium High Density ," Trips! Eastern Dublin MH Residential 106 Units 7 Unit 742 Soecific Plan Medium Density Trips! Eastern Dublin M Residential 43 Units 10 Unit 430 Specific Plan Subtotal, Dublin Land Company 31,629 Page 4 of 6 Tlflob-1, Altoctvn 4 Trip Generation Printed: 11/OB/1999 ATTACHMENT 4 City of Dublin Traffic Impact Fees - Trip Generation $b- ~ /rJ1 Units or Property Category Square Trip Rate Totals Source Footage Residential Commercial Total Jordan Property Neighborhood Eastern Dublin NC Commercial 148,975 S.F. 33 Trios! ksf 4,916 Specific Plan Medium High Density Trips! Eastem Dublin MH Residential 628 Units 7 Unit 4,396 Soecific Plan Medium Density Trips! Eastem Dublin M Residential 96 Units 10 Unit 960 Soecific Plan Single Family Trips! Eastern Dublin SFR Residential 353 Units 10 Unit 3,530 Specific Plan Subtotal, Jordan Property 13,802 TMI Property Eastern Dublin GC General Commercial 446,490 S.F. 33 Trios! ksf 14,734 Soecific Plan Eastern Dublin I Industrial Park 219,542 S.F. 8 TrioS! ksf 1,756 Specific Plan Medium High Density Trips! Eastern Dublin MH Residential 254 Units 7 Unit 1,778 Soecific Plan Medium Density Trips! Eastern Dublin M Residential 185 Units 10 Unit 1,850 Specific Plan Subtotal, TMI Property 20,118 Anderson Property Trips! Eastern Dublin I Industrial Park 247,595 S.F. 8 Unit 1,981 Specific Plan Medium Density Trips! Eastern Dublin ~ M Residential 57 Units 10 Unit 570 Specific Plan Single Family Trips! Eastern Dublin SFR Residential 55 Units 10 Unit 550 Specific Plan Subtotal, Anderson Property 3,101 Righetti Property Trips! Eastern Dublin I Industrial Park 217,103 S.F. 8 Unit 1,737 Specific Plan Medium Density Trips! Eastern Dublin M Residential 61 Units 10 Unit 610 Specific Plan Single Family Trips! Eastern Dublin SFR Residential 99 Units 10 Unit 990 Specific Plan Subtotal, Righetti Property 3,337 Branaugh Property Eastern Dublin I Industrial Park 91,476 S.F. 8 Trios! ksf 732 Specific Plan Medium Density Trips! Eastern Dublin M Residential 60 Units 10 Unit 600 Soecific Plan Single Family Trips! Eastern Dublin SFR Residential 105 Units 10 Unit 1,050 Specific Plan Subtotal, Branaugh Property 2,382 .~ ""'" _ Page5of6 Tlftab-1, Attachm 4 Trip Generation Printed: 1111l8t1999 ATTACHMENT 4 City of Dublin Traffic Impact Fees - Trip Generation 5 ;; ~ /1- 1 ~.- Units or Property Category Square Trip Rate Totals Source Footage Residential Commercial Total Tripsl Eastern Dublin Campbell Property Industrial Park 107,352 S.F. 8 ksf 859 859 Specific Plan Residential Areas wlin General Plan Area, East and North of Specific Plan Area (Excluding Future Study Area) Single Family Trips! SFR Residential 1,244 Units 10 Unit 12,440 General Plan Trips! R Rural Residential 2 Units 10 Unit 20 General Plan Subtotal, Remaining General Plan 12,460 Total Residential Trips 113,890 Total Non-Residential Trips 242,479 TotalTrips 356,369 ->"1_., Page 6 of 6 Tiflab-1. Allachm 4 Trip Generation Printed: 11108/1999 ~g ~ t~~1 EASTERN DUBLIN TRAFFIC IMP ACT FEE FEE SCHEDULE .....", Residential Low Density Dwelling (up to 6 units per acre) Medium Density Dwelling (7-14 units per acre) MediumlHigh Density Dwelling (15-25 units per acre) High Density Dwelling (more than 25 units per acre) Non-Residential Development Other Than Residential $4,960/unit $4,960/unit $3,472/unit $2,976/unit $ 452/trip LAND USE (Non-Residential) ESTIMATED WEEKDAY VEHICLE TRIP GENERATION RATE* HOTELIMOTEL OR OTHER LODGING: 10/room OFFICE: Standard Commercial Office Medical/Denta1 20/1,000 sf 34/1,000 sf RECREATION: Recreation Community Center Health Club Bowling Center Golf Course Tennis Courts Theaters: 26/1,000 sf 40/1,000 sf 33/1,000 sf 8/acre 33/acre '..r Movie Live Video Arcade 220/screen 0.2/seat 96/1,000 sf EDUCATION (Private Schools): l.5/student HOSPITAL: General Conva1esentINursing Clinic 12/bed 3/bed 24/1,000 sf CHURCH: 911,000 sf INDUSTRIAL: Industrial (with retail) Industrial (without retail) 16/1,000 sf 8/1,000 sf ...""" 11/09/199911:07 AM . Page 1 of2 EXHiBIT c.. of "RE~O. LAND USE (Non-Residential) d~ ~ /~;; ESTIMATED WEEKDAY VEHICLE TRIP GENERA nON RATE (WIlli PASS-BYS) RESTAURANT: Quality (leisure) Sit-down, high turnover (usually chain other than fast food) Fast Food (with or without drive through) Bar/Tavern 63/1,000 sf 133/1,000 sf 511/1,000 sf 100/1,000 sf AUTOMOBILE: Car Wash: Automatic Self-Serve Gas Station with or without food mart Tire Store/Oil Change Store Auto Sales/Parts Store Auto Repair Center Truck Terminal 585/site 70/wash stall 97/pump 28/service bay (no pass-bys) 48/1,000 sf (no pass-bys) 20/1,000 sf (no pass-bys) 80/acre FINANCIAL: Bank (Walk-In Only) Savings and Loan (Walk-In Only) Drive-Through/ATM (Add to Bank or Savings & Loan) 91/1,000 sf 40/1,000 sf 65/lane or machine -~ COMMERCIALlRETAIL: Super Regional Shopping Center (More than 600,000 SF; usually more than 60 acres, with usually 3 + major stores) 22/1,000 sf Regional Shopping Center (300,000 - 600,000 SF; usually 30 - 60 acres, w/usually 2 + major stores) 33/1,000 sf Community or Neighborhood Shopping Center (Less than 300,000 sf; less than 30 acres w/usually 1 major store or grocery store and detached restaurant and/or drug store) 46/1,000 sf Commercial Shops: Retail/Strip Commercial Commercial with unknown tenant Supermarket Convenience Market Discount Store Lumber Store/Building Material Garden Nursery Cemetery 26/1,000 sf 33/1,000 sf 98/1,000 sf 325/1,000 sf 46/1,000 sf 20/1,000 sf 23/1,000 sf (no pass bys) 4/acre .-. *Source of information for Trip Generation Rates: Base on Institute of Transportation Engineers and San Diego Assoc. Government Trip Generation Rates. These trip generation rates are based on averages. Retail commercial has been given a 35% pass-by reduction. 11/09/199911:07 AM - Page 2 of2 G:/impactfe/Tif schedule l.xIs 1999 Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee Update Allocation Between Land Acquisition and Construction Costs 66 0-6 /;1 Santina & Thompson Cost Estimate (Study Update Attachment 1) . Segment Land Land Total .L Base Cost Including Overhead Project Cost .,W 1 Dougherty - City Limits to AVB $0 $0 $3,592,62~ 2 Dougherty - AVB to Houston $418,000 $543,400 $3,875,217 3 Dougherty - Right Turn, Houston to Dublin $0 $0 $131,213 4 Dougherty - Dublin to North of 1-580 $1,196,000 $1,554,800 $1,928,809 5 Dublin - E of VP to Sierra Court $0 $0 $0 6 Dublin - Sierra to Dougherty $457,280 $594,464 $1,933,334 7 Dublin - Dougherty to SP row $1,528,230 $1,986,699 $2,366,025 8 Dublin - SP row to East BART Access $0 $0 $73,125 8A Dublin - East BART Access to Hacienda $0 $0 $363,792 9 Dublin - Hacienda to Tassajara $0 $0 $0 10 Dublin - Tassajara to Fallon $6,245,171 $8,118,722 $11,703,768 11 Dublin - Fallon to Airway $7,296,000 $9,484,800 $17,502,213 Dublin Boulevard Adjustment $0 $0 -$973,000 12 Interchange at Airway $0 $0 $2,080,000 13 Hacienda - 1580 to Dublin $0 $0 $130,000 14 Hacienda - Gleason to Dublin $0 $0 $663,636 15 Interchange at Hacienda $0 $0 $1,300,000 16 Arnold - Dublin to Gleason $0 $0 $2,618,990 16A Transit Spine - Hacienda to Arnold $0 $0 $327,538 17 Transit Spine - Hacienda to Tassajara $0 $0 $1,356,012 18 Transit Spine - Tassajara to Fallon (West) $2,261,964 $2,940,553 $4,335,073 18A Transit Spine - Tassajara to Fallon (East) $1,767,071 $2,297,192 $3,909,472 19 Gleason - Arnold to Hacienda $0 $0 $146,250 19A Gleason - Hacienda to T assajara $0 $0 $0 20 Gleason - Tassajara to Fallon $2,636,774 $3,427,806 $5,665,094 21 Scarlet - Dougherty to Dublin $3,072,000 $3,993,600 $8,321,777- 22 Tassajara - North of Gleason to CCCounty Line $764,000 $993,200 $7,727,7l :;1) 22A Tassajara - Gleason to North of Gleason $0 $0 $2,340,955 23 Tassajara - Gleason to Dublin $0 $0 $604,970 24 Tassajara - Dublin to 1580 $0 $0 $62,400 25 Interchange at Tassajara $0 $0 $11,315,008 26 Fallon - Tassajara to Dublin (Gleason) $2,873,894 $3,736,062 $6,992,428 26A Fallon - Gleason to Dublin $1,514,912 $1,969,386 $5,275,973 27 Fallon - Dublin to North of 1580 $163,200 $212,160 $773,018 28 Interchange at Fallon $2,100,000 $2,100,000 $13,919,751 29 Tassajara Creek Bike Path $0 $0 $1,063,335 30 Park and Ride Lots $520,000 $676,000 $884,000 31 Precise Plan Line Costs $0 $0 $451,000 TIF Update $0 $0 $90,000 ROW Contingency $0 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 TOTAL $45,628,845 $125,851,569 Department of Public Works Estimates of New Credits (Study Update Attachment 2) KolI $1,421,886 $1,848,452 $2,529,460 Tassajara Meadows $1,657,887 $2,155,253 $4,136,521 Toll $4,795,980 $6,234,774 $12,378,535 Toll no mark-up $532,541 $532,541 $0 Shea $513,948 $668,132 $4,135,329 TOTAL $11,439,152 $23,179,845 TOTAL $57,067,997 $149,031,414 % Right of Way % Improvements 38% 62% E)(H Ie \T -o~ of' ""Rl::. SD . AREA OF BENEFIT MAJOR THOROUGHFARES AND BRIDGES WITHIN EASTERN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN AREA 6/ crt //1 *Cost of Roadway Improvements *Cost of Bridge Improvements Dublin Blvd.. Extend and widen to 6 lanes from the Southern Pacific Right-of-way to Airway Blvd. (from the EIR future road improvement assumptions on pages 1 and 2 of the DKS revised report from December 15, 1992 and mitigation measure 3.3/10) $26,953,898 $1,716,000 Hacienda Drive. Widen and extend as 4 lanes from Dublin Blvd. to Gleason Drive and to 6 lanes from 1-580 to Dublin Blvd. (from the EIR future road improvement assuptions on page 1 of the DKS revised report) $793,636 o Central Parkway. Construct four-lane road from Dublin Blvd. West of Hacienda Drive to Fallon road (from the EIR future road improvement assumptions on page 1 of the DKS revised report) $12,547,085 o Gleason Drive. Construct new 4-1ane road from west of Hacienda Drive to Fallon road (from the EIR future road imporvement assumptions on page 1 of the DKS revised report) (The Project does not require extension of Gleason Drive to Doolan Road due to no development proposed in the future study area) $5,811,344 o Tassajara road. Widen to 4 lanes over a 6-1ane right-of-way from Dublin Blvd. To the Contra Costa County Line, and to 6 lanes over an 8-1ane right-of-way from Dublin Blvd. To 1-580 from the EIR future road improvement assumptions on page 1 of the DKS revised report and mitigation measure 3.3/14.0) $7,304,089 $3,432,000 Fallon Road. Extend to Tassajara road, widen to 4 l~es over a 6-1ane right-of-way from 1-580 to Tassajara road (from the EIR future road improvement assumptions on page 1 of the DKS revised report) $13,041,419 o Street Alignment Study. A study is required to specify the exact street alignments in the Eastern Dublin area. $451,000 o Right of way contingency. Funds are required to acquire land in the event that right of way must be obtained through condemnation and value of land is greater than the appraised value. $1.000.000 $67,902,471 o $5,148,000 TOTAL IMPROVEMENTS: $73,050,471 The Area of Benefit Fee for roadway improvements based on 102,115 related trips for residential and 209,879 trips for non-residential is $2, 180/unit for Low Density (1-6 units per acre) and Medium Density Residential (7-14 units per acre), $1,526 for Medium/High Density residential (15-25 units per acre), and $1,308 for High Density Residential (more than 25 units); and $218/trip for non-residential. The Area of Benefit Fee for bridge improvements for Low and Medium Density residential is $160/unit, for Medium/High Density Residential is $112/unit, and for High Density Residential is $96/unit; and non- residential is $16/trip. The Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area has 3,916 Low Density units; 4,863 Medium Density units; 2,680 MediumlHigh Density units; and 2,447 High Density units. c- *These cost estimates do not include credits due for construction of portions of these major thoroughfares and bridges. In the event that the Area of Benefit fee becomes effective, the appriate credit amounts will be calculated and the Area of Benefit fee will be adjusted accordingly. _ EXH IB IT -E, of ""?\t:.:~O. 11/09/199911:03 AM b~ ert /;21 CITYOFDUBLIN 1999 TRAFFIC[MPACTFEES EASTERN DUBLIN ROADWAY STUDY SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS Table of Contents Cross Sections of Selected Segments . Non-typical Roadway Segments . Typical Roadway Segments . Typical Bridge Section Cost Estimates, Detail . Non-typical Roadway Segments . Sports Parks Improvements . Typical Four-Lane Roadway with 16-foot Median . Typical Six-Lane Roadway With 16-foot Median . Typical Six-Lane Roadway with 28-foot Median . Hacienda Drive Freeway Interchange . Tassajara Road Freeway Interchange . Fallon Drive Freeway Interchange . Airway Boulevard (Dublin Boulevard Extension) Freeway Interchange . Central Freeway Bridge Crossing . Tassajara Creek and Typical Unit Cost Calculation with Drawing . Signalized Intersection, Typical Unit Costs with Drawing . Right-of-Way Weighted Average Unit Costs with selected pages 'from right-of-way appraisal of the area east of Tassajara Road Signalized Intersections, Cost Allocations- /- SANTINAK THOMPSON.INC. ~ 104' R/W 50'E EXISTING ROADWAY It~ 12'E 12'E . - F - 20 12 12 16 SEGIIENT Q) DOUGHERTY ROAD ROADWAY ESTINATE ( CITY OF DUBIJN B'E 5 \l\. ~ \ "'- ~ ~ ( ( ~ ~ "'- ~ .~ ~ 104' R/W 72'E + 32' EXISTING ROADWAY 12'E;. 12'E 12'E 14'E I 33'NEW 5' L a'E - - --- - - 20 12 12 16 SEGIIENT @ DOUGHERTY ROAD ROADWAY ESTIMATE CITY OF DUBIJN \ f~ ()\ lJ) ~ ~ " ~ ~ (~ . wrosc~\lIG !t1m\\G.-1I0~ 0\\1.'1 ... f ROADWAY ESTIMATE CITY OF DUBLIN DOUGHERTY ROAD HOUSTON PLACE TO DUBIJN BLVD. MEDIAN WORK ONLY ( .~ I SEGIIENT @ (c ()\ ~ \ ~ ~ 118' R/W 1 NEW lANDSCAPING & IRRIG. R '7 I- EXISTING - EXISTING NEW - TO REMAIN SEGMENT@ DOUGHERTY ROAD SECTION A-A . SEGMENT 3 RIGHT TURN POCKET ONLY AND lANDSCAPING & IRRIG. ROADWAY ESTIMATE CITY OF DUBLIN ~\ "'~ q; -!.> -- 1/1/ /,<1 '" 1/ ;! #' /.f/ ,/ ,/ -II 1 i] j r /If' 1 /y7 I.' /1. 1 7 I 1,/ I I ;,S ~./Ii / ../ ;,~Ib V ,1-. 1 I ..... ,... ''j .-' .'~' , I I.' ..."........ I; 1// 'i ,.P I It\ ( _... '" 1, I '" .. , .. !. l ,....../ ~,;; \ I,a.,) ,1l?V ") ) ~ ~I "- ~ ~ ROADWAY ES'mfATE CITY OF DUBI.JN ( DOUGHERTY ROAD DUBLIN BLVD. TO NORTH 1-580 OFF-RAMP ( SEGIIENT CD ( 8' ~ ~ \ ~ ~ DEMO. BLDG. 118' R/W - +r , 12'112' 12' I 12' 12' ~ I - - I - - - - :UT l EXISTING - - - - EXISTING .1 NEW - - - - - TO REMAIN SEGIlENT @ DOUGHERTY ROAD DUBLIN BLVD. TO NORTH 1-580 OFF-RAMP ROADWAY ESTIYATE CITY OF DUBLIN 20' 12' "' )' 118t R/W 12t 12t _12'-rf 12t 12t 12t 20t 12t EXIST. - BLDG. \ I _--1 - - - - - - ~ ~W( - EXISTING ~ - - - - - - EXISTING - - - - - .... TO REYAIN SECXENT@ DOUGHERTY ROAD DUBUN BLVD. TO NORTH 1-580 OFF-RAMP ROADWAY ESTIl4ATE ( CITY OF DUBlJN ( REMODEL BLDG. 20' 12t IS\ ~ \ ...... ~ ~ ( % ~ ~ EXISTING R/W = 100' lOa' R/W 11' 11' I; 7' 7' 11' 17' 8' ----Y L 4' Add'} R/W - I i EXISTIN TO REMAIN 4- - - SEGMENT 00 DUBLIN BLVD. VILLAGE PARKWAY TO SIERRA CT. 1JIDENING ROADWAY ESTIMATE CITY OF DUBIJN 17' 8' R/1J Add'} 4' ~ ~ Q ; ~ <b~ \ ~ ~ ~ "- \.:. "-.J ROADWAY ESTDIATE (... CITY OF DUBLIN .. DUBLIN BLVD. ( SEGMENT (2) ( 14f R/i 102' FIe TO F/~ 20'. 12' - 12' 7' 7' - . . - I SEGJaNT @ DUBUN BLVD. 12' '() ~ ~ ~ ROADWAY ESTIMATE CITY OF DUBUN ~ ~ \ ~ ~ ( 32' NEW R/W 72' R,I1r - - 12' 20' 12' t- 20' 12' - ---. - - - - L_-- - - --- La 44' EXIST. TO REMAIN SEGMM@ ARNOLD RD. ROADWAY ESTIMATE ( CITY OF DUBlJN ( ~ ~ >\ ~ ~ 80' R/W ALL NEW SCARLETT DRIVE ROADWAY ESTIMATE CITY OF DUBUN 6' ./ 20' SEGlIENT @ ~ V) 0\ \:; ~ ( 12' ROADWAY ESTIMATE CITY OF DUBUN 20' 104' R/I 80' 12' ~ 12' -I - - - TIF - - TYPICAL 4 LANE ROAD ( 20' 12' ( ) I l~~ 11,/ " ~ 104' , 12' II 20' 12' II 12' ~ 8' II 8' II 12' 12' II 20' II 12' ~ ~ 8' 4' IL 4' 8' I ~ 0- L - TIF TYPICAL 6 LANE ROAD WITH 16 FT. MEDIAN ~ ~ ~ ~ ROADWAY ESTIMATE CITY OF DUBIJN ~ ~ \ ~ ~ ( If{ R} II 140' R/f I , if 12' , 8' 12' 12' I, 12' 14' .I 14' II 12' 12' 12' , 8' ~ 12' I II 8' , I 8' " . 1 1 , , ALL NEW 32' TIF 32' FRONTAGE FRONTAGE DlPROVEMENT ROADWAY ESTDlATE CflY OF DUBLIN TYPICAL 6 LANE ROAD WITH 28 FT MEDIAN ( IMPROVEMENT R ( ~ ~ ~ "- \.) ~ ) I . ROADWAY ESTIMATE CITY OF DUBlJN 96' BRIDGE 80' 20' 12' ~ 12' _ 20' - - - - - - - - - - TYPICAL 4 LANE BRIDGE 6' 51 ~ ."'\) ~I ~ ~ ( 112' BffiDGE ~ tot j ~ , j ~6' ~ ~ tr lr ~r ~r ~ lr ~ ~ 20' ,r~ ~ ~ ~j ~ I I ROADWAY ESTIMATE CITY OF DUBIJN TYPICAL 6 LANE BRIDGE ( ( go ~ /)1 Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fees for 1999 I Dougherty Dougherty Dougherty Dougherty Dougherty Dougherty Road Road Road Road Road Road 1999 UNIT Units SEGM'T 1 SEGM'T 1 SEGM'T 2 SEGM'T 2 SEGM'T 3 SEGM'T 3 DESCRIPTION PRICES QUANTIY COST QUANTIY COST QUANTIY COST Mobilization 3% EA 1 $62,055 1 $39,112 1 $1,528 Traffic Control 2% EA 1 $41,370 1 $26,075 . 1 $1,019 Clear & Grub 2% EA 1 $41,370 1 $26,075 1 $1,019 Saw Cut $ 1.00 LF 4000 $4,000 9600 $9,600 800 $800 Grind $ 1.50 LF 16000 $24,000 0 $0 800 $1,200 Remove Ex Pvm't/sw $ 1.00 SF 28000 $28,000 44800 $44,800 8330 $8,330 Full Pavm't Section $ 3.80 SF 196000 $744,800 105600 $401,280 1360 $5,168 Curb & Gutter $ 12.00 LF 4000 $48,000 3200 $38,400 200 $2,400 Sidewalk $ 3.10 SF 0 $0 25600 $79,360 1600 $4,960 Median Curb, Std $ 10.00 LF 4000 $40,000 0 $0 600 $6,000 Median Curb, Glue $ 7.00 LF 4000 $28,000 6400 $44,800 $0 Overlay $ 1.40 SF 176000 $246,400 0 $0 $0 Earthwork $ 5.00 CY 6667 $33,333 5452 $27,259 $0 Drop Inlets & MH's(1) $ 2,0.00.00 EA 14 $28,000 11 $22,000 $0 Storm Drain Pipe(2) $ 45.00 LF 4500 $202,500 4500 $202,500 $0 Striping(3) $ 1.50 LF 32000 $48,000 25600 $38,400 7200 $10,800 Markings $ 100.00 EA 32 $3,200 28 $2,800 18 $1,800 Signs(4) $ 100.00 EA 40 $4,000 32 $3,200 6 $600 Electroliers(5) $ 2,000.00 EA 14 $28,000 11 $22,000 1 $2,000 Signal Interconnect $ 15.00 LF 4000 $60,000 3200 $48,000 $0 New Utilities $ - LF 0 $0 0 $0 $0 Existing Utilities $ - LF 0 $0 0 $0 $0 Landscape & Irrig(6) $ 3.20 SF 104000 $332,800 67200 $215,040 $0 Survey $ 0.01 LS 1 $20,685 1 $13,037 1 $509 Grading Depth 1 1 0 Signal Legs 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Signal Price (not included) 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Bridges (not included) SF 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Demolition .. 0 Building (not included) EA 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Median Gut $ 3.00 SF 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Exist curb $ 7.00 LF 0 $0 0 $0 400 $2,800 RIW Cost (not included) SF 0 nia 0 nia nia Other RIW cost/SF 0 Length 4000 3200 900 RIW width 104 104 TIF width nla Total, civil only $2,068,514 $1,303,738 $50,933 COST/LF Footnotes: (1) @200 ft. Intervals along length of roadway .. (2) one pipe, each side of roadway, total = $90/LF (3) per strip I (4) @ 50 Ft intervals along all lanes I (5) @150ft. Intervals along all lanes, including conduit (6) 16'+4'+4' andfor area of frontage restoration original file for base information is 981030; sheet 990331 . (- 11/8/99, 5:50 PM Page 1 0231h y! q( /J1 Eastern Dublil} Traffic Impact Fees for 1999 Dougherty Dougherty Dublin Dublin Dublin Dublin Road Road Boulevard Boulevard Boulevard Boulevard 1999 UNIT Units SEGM'T 4 SEGM'T 4 SEGM'T 6 SEGM'T 6 SEGM'T 7 SEGM'T 7 DESCRIPTION PRICES QUANTIY COST QUANTIY COST QUANTIY COST Mobilization 3% EA . 1 $7,131 1 $20,132 1 $7,066 Traffic Control 2% EA 1 $4.754 1 $13,422 1 $4,711 Clear & Grub 2% EA 1 $4.754 1 $13,422 1 $4.711 Saw Cut $ 1.00 LF 1100 $1,100 4060 $4.060 0 $0 Grind $ 1.50 LF 1100 $1,650 0 $0 640 $960 Remove Ex Pvm't/sw $ 1.00 SF 13200 $13,200 12180 $12,180 0 $0 Full Pavm't Section $ 3.80 SF 17200 $65.360 28420 $107,996 25210 $95,798 Curb & Gutter $ 12.00 LF 1100 $13,200 4060 $48,720 790 $9,480 Sidewalk $ 3.10 SF 8800 $27,280 32480 $100.688 6320 $19,592 Median Curb, Std $ 10.00 LF 0 $0 2030 $20,300 0 $0 Median Curb, Glue $ 7.00 LF 0 $0 0 $0 1300 $9.100 Overlay $ 1.40 SF 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Earthwork $ 5.00 CY 1467 $7.333 2256 $11,278 1143 $5,716 Drop Inlets & MH's(1) $ 2.000.00 EA 4 $8,000 10 $20,300 2 $4,000 Storm Drain Pipe(2) $ 45.00 LF 200 $9,000 4060 $182,700 790 $35,550 Striping(3) $ 1.50 LF 5500 $8,250 16240 $24,360 9600 $14,400 Markings $ 100.00 EA 16 $1,600 28 $2,800 10 $1,000 Signs(4) $ 100.00 EA 10 $1,000 41 $4,060 10 $1,000 Electroliers(5) $ 2,000.00 EA 0 $0 0 $0 2 $4.000 Signal Interconnect $ 15.00 LF 550 $8.250 0 $0 0 $0 New Utilities $ - LF 0 $0 $0 0 $0 Existing Utilities $ - LF 0 $0 $0 0 $0 Landscape & Irrig(6) $ 3.20 SF 14300 $45,760 24360 $77,952 3250 $10,400 Survey $ 0.01 LS 1 $2,377 1 $6,711 1 $2.355 Grading Depth 1 1 Signal Legs 0 $0 $0 0 $0 Signal Price (not included) 0 $0 $0 0 $0 Bridges (not included) SF 0 $0 $0 0 $0 Demolition Building (not included) EA 0 $0 $0 1 $0 Median Gut $ 3.00 SF 0 $0 $0 1760 $5,280 Exist curb $ 7.00 LF 1100 $7,700 $0 60 $420 R/W Cost (not included) SF 0 nla nla 19465 nla Other 0 $0 R/W cost/SF Length 550 2030 R/W width' nla TIF width Total, civil only $237.699 $671,080 $235,539 COST/LF $331 Footnotes: use $330 (1) @200 ft. Intervals along length of roadway (2) one pipe, each side of roadway, total = $90/LF (3) per strip I (4)@ 50 Ft intervals along all lanes (5) @150 ft. Intervals along all lanes, including conduit (6) 16'+4'+4' andlor area of frontage restoration 11/8/99, 5:50 PM Page 2 ./'~-" ....., ....., \...,1 0231h %,.1 0{ /J- J Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fees for 1999 Hacienda Hacienda Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Road Road Road Road Road Road 1999 UNIT Units SEGM'T 14 SEGM'T 14 SEGM'T 16 SEGM'T 16 SEGM'T 16A SEGM'T 16A DESCRIPTION PRICES QUANTIY COST QUANTIY COST QUANTIY COST Mobilization 3% EA 1 $4,175 1 $52,280 1 $5,871 Traffic Control 2% EA 1 $2,783 1 $34,853 1 $3,914 Clear & Grub 2% EA 1 $2,783 1 $34,853 1 $3,914 Saw Cut $ 1.00 LF 800 $800 2326 $2,326 0 $0 Grind $ 1.50 LF 800 $1,200 0 $0 0 $0 Remove Ex Pvm't/sw $ 1.00 SF 17600 $17,600 32564 $32,564 0 $0 Full Pavm't Section $ 3.80 SF 17600 $66,880 74432 $282,842 16800 $63,840 Curb & Gutter $ 12.00 LF 800 $9,600 2326 $27,912 0 $0 Sidewalk $ 3.10 SF 0 $0 18608 $57,685 0 $0 Median Curb, Std $ 10.00 LF 0 $0 4652 $46,520 1400 $14,000 Median Curb, Glue $ 7.00 LF 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Overlay $ 1.40 SF 0 $0 see x-sect $38,800 0 $0 Earthwork $ 5.00 CY 652 $3,259 0 $0 1452 $7,259 Drop Inlets & MH's(1) $ 2,000.00 EA 5 $10,000 8 $16,000 0 $0 Storm Drain Pipe(2) $ 45.00 LF 100 $4,500 see x-sect $930,400 0 $0 Striping(3) $ 1.50 LF 4800 $7,200 18608 $27,912 2800 $4,200 Markings $ 100.00 EA 6 $600 14 $1,400 4 $400 Slgns(4) $ 100.00 EA 8 $800 24 $2,400 0 $0 Electroliers(5) $ 2,000.00 EA 0 $0 8 $16,000 9 $18,667 Signal Interconnect $ 15.00 LF 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 New Utilities $ - LF 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Existing Utilities $ - LF 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Landscape & Irrig(6) $ 3.20 SF 0 $0 32564 $104,205 22400 $71,680 Survey $ 0.01 LS 1 $1,392 1 $17,427 1 $1,957 Grading Depth 1 1 Signal Legs 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Signal Price (not included) 0 $0 $0 0 $0 Bridges (not included) SF 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Demolition 0 0 Building (not included) EA 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Median Gut $ 3.00 SF 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Exist curb $ 7.00 LF 800 $5,600 2326 $16,282 0 $0 RJW Cost (not included) SF 0 n/a 74432 n/a 0 n/a Other 0 RJW cost/SF n/a 20 Length 800 2326 1400 RIW width n/a 104 TIF width $139,173 28 Total, civil only $139,173 $1,742,660 $195,702 COST/LF Footnotes: (1) @200 ft. Intervals along length of roadway (2) one pipe, each side of roadway, total = $901LF (3) per strip I (4) @ 50 Ft intervals along all lanes I (5) @150 ft. Intervals along all lanes, including conduit , (6) 16'+4'+4' and/or area of frontage restoration 11/8/99, 5:50 PM Page 3 0231h 73 c:rC;.J /)/) Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fees for 1999 Central Pkwy Central Pkwy Central Pkwy Central Pkwy Scarlet Scarlet 2250 2250 2000 ft 2000 ft Drive Drive 1999 UNIT Units SEGMT 17a SEGM'T 17a SEGM'T 17b SEGM'T 17b SEGMT 21 SEGM'T 21 DESCRIPTION PRICES QUANTIY COST QUANTIY COST QUANTIY COST Mobilization 3% EA 1 $8,310 1 $12,857 1 $37,900 Traffic Control 2% EA 1 $5,540 1 $8,571 1 $25,267 Clear & Grub 2% EA 1 $5,540 1 $8,571 1 $25,267 Saw Cut $ 1.00 LF 4500 $4,500 0 $0 0 $0 Grind $ 1.50 LF 4500 $6,750 0 $0 0 $0 Remove Ex Pvm't/sw $ 1.00 SF 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Full Pavm't Section $ 3.80 SF 36000 $136,800 48000 $182,400 96000 $364,800 Curb & Gutter $ 12.00 LF 0 $0 0 $0 4800 $57,600 Sidewalk $ 3.10 SF 0 $0 0 $0 19200 $59,520 Median Curb, Std $ 10.00 LF 0 $0 4000 $40,000 4800 $48,000 Median Curb, Glue $ 7.00 LF 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Overlay $ 1.40 SF 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Earthwork $ 5.00 CY 0 $0 1778 $8,889 7111 $35,556 Drop Inlets & MH's(1) $ 2,000.00 EA 0 $0 0 $0 12 $24,000 Storm Drain Pipe(2) $ 45.00 LF 0 $0 0 $0 4800 $216,000 Striping(3) $ 1.50 LF 9000 $13,500 8000 $12,000 9600 $14,400 Markings $ 100.00 EA 6 $600 4 $400 8 $800 Signs(4) $ 100.00 EA 11 $1,100 10 $1,000 48 $4,800 Electroliers(5) $ 2,000.00 EA 4 $8,000 15 $30,000 16 $32,000 Signal Interconnect $ 15.00 LF 0 $0 2000 $30,000 2400 $36,000 New Utilities $ - LF 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Existing Utilities $ - LF 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Landscape & Irrig(6) $ 3.20 SF 10500 $33,600 28000 $89,600 48000 $153,600 Survey $ 0.01 LS 1 $2,770 1 $4,286 1 $12,633 Grading Depth 1 1 1 Signal Legs 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Signal Price (not included) 0 $0 $0 $0 Bridges (not inclUded) SF $0 $0 n/a $0 Demolition 1 $50,000 Building (not included) EA $0 $0 $0 Median Gut $ 3.00 SF $0 $0 $0 Exist curb $ 7.00 LF $0 $0 $0 RJIN Cost (not included) SF 0 n/a n/a 208000 $0 Other trail $115,200 RJIN cost/SF 0 Length 2250 2000 2400 RJIN width TIF width Total, civil only $277,011 $428,575 $1,263,343 COST/LF $526 Footnotes: (1) @200 ft. Intervals along length of roadway , (2) one pipe, each side of roadway, total = $90/LF (3) per strip (4) @ 50 Ft intervals along all lanes (5) @150 ft. Intervals along all lanes, including conduit (6) 16'+4'+4' and/or area of frontage restoration 11/8/99, 5:50 PM Page 4 '''''''''''' "wi! ~ 0231h yy cD /.f- '/ Eastern Dublio Traffic Impact Fees for 1999 Tassajara Tassajara Tassajara Tassajara Tassajara Tassajara Road Road Raod Road Raod Road 1999 UNIT Units SEGM'T 22 SEGM'T 22 SEGM'T 22a SEGM'T 22a SEGM'T 23 SEGM'T 23a DESCRIPTION PRICES QUANTIY COST QUANTIY COST QUANTIY COST Mobilization 3% EA 1 $45,359 1 $36,375 1 $12,820 Traffic Control 2% EA 1 $30,239 1 $24,250 1 $8,547 Clear & Grub 2% EA 1 $30,239 1 $24,250 1 $8,547 Saw Cut $ 1.00 LF 0 $0 0 $0 4940 $4,940 Grind $ 1.50 LF 0 $0 0 $0 4940 $7,410 Remove Ex Pvm't/sw $ 1.00 SF 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Full Pavm't Section $ 3.80 SF 135840 $516,192 120000 $456,000 79040 $300,352 Curb & Gutter $ 12.00 LF 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Sidewalk $ 3.10 SF 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Median Curb, Std $ 10.00 LF 11320 $113,200 10000 $100,000 4940 $49,400 Median Curb, Glue $ 7.00 LF 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Overlay $ 1.40 SF 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Earthwork $ 5.00 CY 50311 $251,556 22222 $111,111 2927 $14,637 Drop Inlets & MH's(1) $ 2,OOO.OQ EA $0 $0 0 $0 Storm Drain Pipe(2) $ 45.00 LF $0 $0 0 $0 Striping(3) $ 1.50 LF 22640 $33,960 24000 $36,000 9880 $14,820 Markings $ 100.00 EA 14 $1,400 14 $1,400 4 $400 Signs( 4) $ 100.00 EA 0 $0 0 $0 12 $1,200 Electroliers(5) $ 2,000.00 EA 50 $100,000 40 $80,000 0 $0 Signal Interconnect $ 15.00 LF 5660 $84,900 5000 $75,000 0 $0 New Utilities $ - LF $0 $0 0 $0 Existing Utilities $ - LF $0 $0 0 $0 Landscape & Irrig(6) $ 3.20 SF 90560 $289,792 80000 $256,000 0 $0 Survey $ 0.01 LS 1 $15,120 1 $12,125 1 $4,273 Grading Depth 6 1 1 Signal Legs 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Signal Price (not included) 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Bridges (not included) SF 2 $0 1 $0 0 $0 Demolition Building (not included) EA 2 houses $0 $0 0 $0 Median Gut $ 3.00 SF 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Exist curb $ 7.00 LF 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 RIW Cost (not included) SF 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Other $0 $0 0 $0 RIW cost/SF Length I 5660 5000 2470 RIW width TIF width Total, civil only $1,511,956 $1,212,512 $427,347 COSTILF Footnotes: (1) @200 ft. Intervals along length of roadway (2) one pipe, each side ofroadway, total - $90/LF (3) per strip I (4) @ 50 Ft intervals along all lanes (5) @150 ft. Intervals along all lanes, including conduit (6) 16'+4'+4' and/or area of frontage restoration /- 11/8/99, 5:50 PM Page 5 0231h g"S %' /)1 Eastern DublLn Traffic Impact Fees for 1999 I Sports Sports Sports Sports Sports Sports Park Park Park Park Park Park 1999 UNIT Units at Seg 18 at Seg 18 at Seg 20 at Seg 20 at Seg 26A at Seg 26A DESCRIPTION PRICES QUANTIY COST QUANTIY COST QUANTIY COST Mobilization 3% EA 1 $8,770 1 $1,471 1 $20,175 Traffic Control . 2% EA 1 $5,847 1 $981 1 $13,450 Clear & Grub 2% EA 1 $5,847 1 $981 1 $13,450 Saw Cut $ 1.00 LF $0 $0 $0 Grind $ 1.50 LF $0 $0 $0 Remove Ex Pvm'tlsw $ 1.00 SF $0 $0 $0 Full Pavm't Section $ 3.80 SF 30000 $114,000 5000 $19,000 62000 $235,600 Curb & Gutter $ 12.00 LF 1500 $18,000 250 $3,000 3100 $37,200 Sidewalk $ 3.10 SF $0 $0 $0 Median Curb, Std $ 10.00 LFI $0 $0 $0 Median Curb, Glue $ 7.00 LF $0 $0 $0 Overlay $ 1.40 SF $0 $0 $0 Earthwork $ 5.00 CY 1111 $5,556 185 $926 13778 $68,889 Drop Inlets & MH's(1) $ 2,009.00 EA 14 $28,000 2 $4,000 31 $62,000 Storm Drain Pipe(2) $ 45.00 LF 1500 $67,500 250 $11,250 3100 $139,500 Striping(3) $ 1.50 LF 3000 $4,500 500 $750 6200 $9,300 Markings $ 100.00 EA $0 $0 $0 Signs(4) $ 100.00 EA 14 $1 ,400 2 $200 62 $6,200 Electroliers(5) $ 2,000.00 EA special $30,000 special $6,000 special $60,000 Signal Interconnect $ 15.00 LF $0 $0 $0 New Utilities $ - LF $0 $0 $0 Existing Utilities $ - LF $0 $0 $0 Landscape & Irrig(6) $ 3.20 SF $0 $0 $0 Survey $ 0.01 LS 1 $2,923 1 $490 1 $6,725 Grading Depth 1 1 6 Signal Legs 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Signal Price (not included) 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Bridges (not included) SF 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Demolition 0 0 0 Building (not included) EA 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Median Gut $ 3.00 SF 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Exist curb $ 7.00 LF 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 RNIJ Cost (not included) SF 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Other $0 $0 $0 RNIJ costlSF 0 0 0 Length 1500 250 3100 RNIJ width 0 0 0 TIF width 0 0 0 Total, civil only $292,343 $49,050 $672,488 COST/LF Footnotes: , (1) @200 ft. Intervals along length of roadway (2) one pipe, each side of roadway, total = $90/LF (3) per strip I (4) @ 50 Ft intervals along all lanes I (5) @150ft. Intervals along all lanes, including conduit (6) 16'+4'+4' and/or area of frontage restoration 11/8/99, 5:50 PM Page 6 ',""""" 'WI '...""", 0231h gb crt I:<? Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fees for 1999 . 2 inside lanes of 2 inside lanes of typical typical 4 Lane Rdwy 4 Lane Rdwy 6 Lane Rdwy 6 Lane Rdwy 6 Lane Rdwy 6 Lane Rdwy 1999 UNIT Units Typical Typical Typical Typical w/28 ft median w/28 ft median DESCRIPTION PRICES QUANTIY COST QUANTIY COST QUANTIY COST Mobilization 3% EA 1 $37,778 1 $44,015 1 $23,649 Traffic Control 2% EA 1 $25,185 1 $29,344 1 $15,766 Clear & Grub 2% EA 1 $25,185 1 $29,344 1 $15,766 Saw Cut $ 1.00 LF $0 $0 $0 Grind $ 1.50 LF $0 $0 $0 Remove Ex Pvm't1sw $ 1.00 SF $0 $0 $0 Full Pavm't Section $ 3.80 SF 128000 $486,400 176000 $668,800 96000 $364,800 Curb & Gutter $ 12.00 LF 4000 $48,000 4000 $48,000 0 $0 Sidewalk $ 3.10 SF 32000 $99,200 32000 $99,200 0 $0 Median Curb, Std $ 10.00 LF 4000 $40,000 4000 $40,000 4000 $40,000 Median Curb, Glue $ 7.00 LF 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Overlay . $ 1.40 SF 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Earthwork $ 5.00 CY 7704 $38,519 9481 $47,407 5630 $28,148 Drop Inlets & MH's(1) $ 2,000.OQ EA 10 $20,000 10 $20,000 0 $0 Storm Drain Pipe(2) $ 45.00 LF 4000 $180,000 4000 $180,000 500 $22,500 Striping(3) $ 1.50 LF 12000 $18,000 12000 $18,000 12000 $18,000 Markings $ 100.00 EA 8 $800 8 $800 6 $600 Signs(4) $ 100.00 EA 40 $4,000 40 $4,000 20 $2,000 Electroliers(5) $ 2,000.00 EA 20 $40,000 20 $40,000 20 $40,000 Signal Interconnect $ 15.00 LF 2000 $30,000 2000 $30,000 2000 $30,000 New Utilities $ - IF 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Existing Utilities $ - IF 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Landscape & Irrig(6) $ 3.20 SF 48000 $153,600 48000 $153,600 56000 $179,200 Survey $ 0.01 LS 1 $12,593 1 $14,672 1 $7,883 Grading Depth 1 1 1 Signal Legs 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Signal Price (not included) 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Bridges (not included) SF 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Demolition 0 0 0 Building (not included) EA 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Median Gut $ 3.00 SF 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Exist curb $ 7.00 LF 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 R/W Cost (not included) SF 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Other R/W cost/SF 0 0 0 Length 2000 2000 2000 R/W width 104 128 140 TIF width 40 64 76 Total, civil only $1,259,259 $291,564 $1,467,182 $788,313 COST/LF $630 $734 $394 Footnotes: use $650/lf use $750 use $400 (1) @200 ft. Intervals along length of roadway (2) one pipe, each side of roadway, total = $90/LF (3) per strip I I I (4) @ 50 Ft intervals along all lanes I (5) @150 ft. Intervals along all lanes, including conduit. (6) 16'+4'+4' and/or area of frontage restoration 1--, 11/8/99, 5:50 PM Page 7 0231h XJ:: · Civil Engineering- . . Transportalion Planning . · HIghWay.s Rail 0fiI9n 3"1 15 /;!,? 2116 N. Main Street, Suite K Walnut Creek, CA 94596 TEL: 925-934-6932 FAX: 925-934-6933 E-Mail: hqe@pacbell.net HIGH QUAtrTY ENGINEERING '~ September 17, 1998 Mr. Kevin Van Katwyk City of Dublin 100 Civic Plaza P.O. Box 3240 Dublin, CA 94568- Subject: Hacienda Drivell-S80 Improvements Project Encroachment PermitlPS&E Scope of Work Dean Kevin: Enclosed per. yow:. r.e.q.uest.. is-. a. .!:ummary o[the scope of work for the above project. We have also attached our letter of August 26, 1998 which contained the fee proposal for your reference. '..., Please call me if you have any questions-or need additional information. Sincerely, " . -~. HeidiM. Duren. P.E. Principal/Owner c: George Homolka Enclosure ."., I 55 oz( /)7 CIITY OF DUBLIN /'~~ HACIENDA DRIVEII-58!} INTERCHANGE IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT SCOPE OF WORK SUMMARY Proieet Description The purpose of this project is to provide access for development occurring in the East Dublin area, specifically for the People Soft development located in the northwest quadrant of the interchange. In order to accommodate the anticipated traffic demand, the following improvements will be required (see attached plan for graphical reference): . Widen Hacienda Drive to provide three left twn lanes into the proposed People Soft development. . Add one through lane on southbound Hacienda Drive. . Widen the westbound 1-580 on ramp for use by High Occupancy Vehicles (HOV), provide a Calfornia Highway Patrol (CHP) enforcement area, and install ramp metering signal system. . Widen the eastbound 1-580 off ramp to provide an additional left turn lane. Scope of ED2ineeriD~ Services High Quality Engineering (HQE) will -provide engineering services to complete the Plans, Specifications & Estimate (PS&E) in accordance with Caltrans metric standards. An Encroachment Permit application and permiL.Engineer's Evaluation Report (PEER) will be processed with the completed PS&E to obtain Caltrans approval to construct the improvements within the State right-of-way. The specific services to be provided include: . Preparation of metric PS&E for construction. . Coordination with the City of Dublin, Caltrans. affected Utility Companies, and other consultants working within the project area. . Man.agement of SUbCOllsultants required for geotechnical, surveys, and electrical servIces. . Preparation of a signal maintenance agreement between the City and Caltrans. . Schedule and budget preparation and monitoring. ~. 2 . -/1 31 cro /),. r ....", , \. , WIDE~'-;k~IENDA DRive TO PROitOE . TRIPlE LEFT TURN POCKET AND', AN ADornONAL SOUTHBOUNO LANE', " /', '\ " . ,~ " " , ~" '\ " " ", ' " . , , "- , "- , '\ '-.,,,\. WIDEN WESTBOUND ON RAMP \', TO PROVIDE HOV BYPAS8 LANE \. AND CHP ENFORCEMENT AREA ../' ~ J,J q- t.? " ..~, .~ --.--..--- -----------..--- --------.--------------. '''wi ....-..... -. .... ..- --..-... .................................. "'.. - .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. . .. . .. . . . .. ~ .. .. .. . .. .. ... : ....- .-- I I I~ - ... _..,_~__ ._u.....,__. _~_ ...~~!~. la, - . '"'..--... - ..._-.-.- .-.............. .....---.-, -..-..-....- . .... ........... '.e'.',',."", ".". .' . ~'_"'._.,..". ,"" "0. '" . , -.... ..-. ~ ....._--.... ~.......,.. '-'~':....--~""-~~::""__""'" '.~_..._.._... _......... . ",.0"''''.''_ .......-....... r j. .... ..;~ 0 .... //';~:;:;J';:;::' '- 'J , . .i .~~=~.~= --- -'. - I I , ....., I I ! l~;~. A .' J' . -'" j '" . -'::':-::.-://r WIDEN EASTBOUND OFF RAMP TO PROVIDE ADDITIONAL LEFT TURN LANE HACIENDA DRIVE/I-580 INTERCHANGE IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT. ......- 3 Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee for 1999 Segment 15 Hacienda Drive/I-580 Freeway Interchange Modifications Construction Cost Estimate from HQE: Right of Entry/PermittinglReview Process: Administration, Design, CM, ROW Acquisition: TOTAL WITH CONTINGENCY . $ 820,000 $ 180,000 $ 200,000 $1,300,000 10 t6' 1~/1 JU: ~rF ecs 1/ utl.2 PL.ANNING AND ENG1NEERING I~CORPo~"reO 6 Crow CanYO/l CQurt . Salt Ramoll, CA 94583-:1,6~ (925) 314-]]20 · Fax (925) 31 ..;~ E-mail: sro@Ccsoffi_, DATE: FAX TRANSMISSION I October 9, 1998 TOTAL PAGES: 5 (Including this transmittal sheet) TO: Kevin Van Kamyk FAX: 925-833-6628 COPY TO: FAX: FROM: Jane AldenOk' CCS P'an~Mg & Engineering. inc. PROJECT: 1-580 ffassajara !Fallon Rd PROJ. NO.: CCS 98035 RE: Conceptual Construction Cost Estimates If you have any problem. receiying this fax please call (925) 3 J 4~1220 REMARKS: Kevin: '....-f Per George Homolka's request, I am forwarding a copy of~he conceptual cost estimates for the proposed improvements at the 1-580/Fallon Road Interchange ahd the I-580rfassajara Road Interchange. Please note the items that have bt:enexclllded are listed at the bottom of each estimate and that both qf these estimates are preliminary in nature. . Let me know if you need any additional information. Thanks - Jane ...., d:\98035\admin\fnx~\dubljnfax14.doc ..... !; /"...,- J..6OO fr~i~ R~! S ~ ~ fnwd'la~ f~ Con5tl'ue-tIOJ'l Phtif' Cc.nc:eptua! 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"......."""".... ~, ~~~~~~~~"WPI~faw.at1~~~fi}~~n..~&!!~~.$~~>4'<<~~~ ."f:~~tw~e~~~~~Jl~4~~ ~ Revision, 10/14/99 Cordoba Consulting, Ine 8 J.~ iT~Jtll'1i Read I $~ R#Ji tt~d tllte.rdl<mge CQ;W~1 Cost EWlm~~ l' -~ ~ t . ! . ~ ~~n ! \Is ~ntit:t i.......-~- .......r------- ki1'f.r~ .l6."''&:4~ ' ~r. tS l 1 i ~ .1 ;:.:'~-.;.. ""--.....r:r. IHi . i". . ~.~ ~ iT<~._ ~"" ",,;llg & Def:O(.!! ...'" ; 1 r I i 'f:" . .. "11 I 11111 "Yo J 1)offt t -.-,- -- e~'tf~ I Cf ! lOC:OO s k-.-~- .. " !. m~_ ~1"'p'i~ & ~ J $,~ eooOO. ~ l i ~~ t tStr~;d:~EI$ (t'kw f\c'& 130) ;SF .~eoo! $ '~~#i~~~~~~;;'::':"::uu,: ,. . u',E:' L$:'U: 1=' Uj ',ls:u ~ ~. t~:l~~&~ m.__. ~ $r 1 1600 S ~ t ~ ~~a L ,!:IU I II! tf ~:'.': :::':: ..:~: ~- 'i: iP.aa:.# ~..l:l~ ~"1>.t-am J ts t. ~ iil2ffie~~s(.~~Y;.o.,;- l ~. .. z t ~ i 'Z~.;. r-::--- 'R~~limIi~l&t':t~~ ; ...-. t----:.a 5 ~ ~ ____'"""..._1 I ~ _~__~ It 1'* p>- I U ." .J:. .! r l. 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NJ ~v lall$. :'1!~a~~~NSOt-Ra'!!P~~"':~*im,.4~_sirla;cldi~{~. {A..~W!!a #m(;CStcf~~_~~~~~~d'~~tf~~~mtr-<$~tQ ~~~lOOp>~rrr~~}. ~'M~~^<s4~~.in!c$l'md<cSin~r.. $. A$$;ft"i'lfle Na T.~~ lIcid5tllr4 ~e~ ~~Et ~l1$t/'~{;i'l#i,\?a ttlt'i~ Ot!-Aa:.'i'lfst!> ~ C$mm ~a.~~~~. ~ T~ OOC~~JiSea."t'a':r~bt~uf~~~vmn~1t:iSt.~Ot<-Ra~ >me ~~m ~Ra!'t~ ~ ~ ttl p~~t:&exlsilr:i'~~:a Off>R,adi<~*lP1 ~l!m1 .a:,,'l"lp~ ~~...r..'Wior~ 4.. 1'1'.il$~~ r~,..ae:ar.t~ l6~MI~l~l~... ~;JGl'lrLii:~~$t..v{jt~~W$~~~ ~~~I;!eta!ied~~, & Revision, 10/14/99 CCS ~ ......, I~-I~-I~~~ o:~~~~ r-KUM L.Ur'lV'lAL I t:~.r\,jL>J.I'I ~UUi'" 0 I ~ ~~ 010"':::":) i"'. I fG ot /~1 ZUMWALT ENGINEERING GROUP Civil EngineeringIProject Management 2680 Bishop Drive; Suite 150 . San Ramon, California 94583 Tel. (925) 830-5016 Fax (925) 830-5023 TIME: ./~h~/9~ 5".';5.;.A. " FAX NUMBER (925) 830-5023 DATE: ZUMWALT ENGINEERING GROUP Civil EngineeringIProject Management 2680 Bishop Drive, Suite 150' San Ramon. CA 94583 CONFIDENTIAL Facsimile Transmission Sheet PLEASE DELIVER THE FOLLOWING PAGES TO: FIRM: h~/ /~~ /' ,. ~..'?~ or 7ZT5Pf 6'g7 -/P// NAME: FAX NUMBER: FROM: //b;/ L4,..~_ TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES t=-. INCLUDING THIS PAGE. IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL THE PAGES, PLEASE CALL (925) 830-5016 MESSAGE ,,~" u,/'e<'I""'.,h 7/ r .' ,/ ./) //,.".c-45c- -:;7;,.:S$#/~'~ ~~/...z:. ~o ./"~"'~.-L: ~ / ~ ~ ~ // J/ f 00 f? ('~;, ~:d~ jpZJ ~) / ./ L / .L?c::-/~ ff 1'-'}p z:t?L? hL.'. ;1f, ~ ~ /.>.R . ../ ~/ /.&:-~~L. ~l #.~~~:t!<.L- s~t!!? /L4~..&'r- ~~* :6 ~ /3 ~fL~ Jrfz.. R~ /~. 19's,99tj? (L7;d~' r~x.. ~ f 5 % ) ~. / /0 /1 .ent By: COROOBA CONSULTING, INC.; .,..~ . .. 925 671 5472; Oct-13-9911:49AM; Page 1 crll ~f /)1 .. -cTR;G-<F~~T!. .... ......, .... : ..- TO:KEVJN VANKATWYK Voice Phone Number: ~925) 833-6630 FAX (925) 833-6628 From: ERIC CORDOBA Oompany: CORDOBA CONSULTING, INC. Fax Number: ~925) 671-5472 Voice Number: (925) 671-5458 IVIESSi\.GE kevIN. AS WE DISCUSSED. PREVIOUS COSf-ESTIMATeS FOR FALLON ROAD INTERCHANGE. TO MY .."". RECOLLECTION STAGE 1 IS FOR THE YEAR 2025. STAGE 2 IS ADDITSVE TO ACCOMODATE BUILOOUT OF THE WORLD SO TO SPEAK CAlL IF ANY QUESTIONS; THANKSU ~ Date: 10/13/99 Pages:, 1 of 3 10-13-1999 c:4ldAl'-1 FROM ZUMWALT ENGIN GROUP 510 830 5023 J~ROOBA CONSULTING, INC.; 925 671 5472j Oct-13-9911:49AMj I..S80/Fallon Road Interchange - Stage 1 Modifications Cost Summary Construction Costi Total RoadwayJBridge CO$ts $9.111.699 Minor Items (5%) $455,585 Subtotal $9,567.284 Roadway Moblization (10%) $955,728 Supplemental WOfk (5%) $478,364' Contingency (25%) $2,391.821 Subtotaf $3.826,914 - Subtotal Construction Cost $13,;394,198 D9:sig~ G.2~ PSR $306.122 PRJED $400,000 Design (12%) $1,607,304 Subtotal Design Cost $2.313~426 Con$..truction Suppor1 Cos..t:l Construction Services (3%) $401,826 ESDC (1.5%) $200.913 CM/Cl (10%) $1.339,420 Subtotal Construction Support $11942,159 GRANO TOTAL = $17,6':'9,782 P.3 Page 2/~ 97 ~ /J-1. NOTE: The Stage 1 Improvements Include the fotJowJng: . ... Auxiliary Janes EB and WB to Airway' ... '" A,~-- ~n'~ ~ o/~O · Auxllisry lane VVB to T?ssajata exit auxiliary ... · Air ramps are now two lane. ...' NOTE: No Right-of-way i$ required. P;\98104\Admin\8illjnS\CosfSurnmary Stage 1_98104.xls J7" Page 1 of1 As of 6/15199 ~UV~A LUN~ULI!N~J iNC.; 9~5 e'11 '5472; Oct.13-9911:49AM; Page 3/3 '17 q:( /1-1 1-580/Fallon Road Interchange - stage 2 Modifications Cost Summary ..,., POQstrJ.'~ion Costs Total Roadway/Bridge Costs $6,013.S20 Minot Items (5%) $300,691 Subtotal $6.314.511 . Roadway Moblization (10%) $631,451 Supplemental Work (5%) $315,726 Contingency (25%) $1,578,628 Subtotal $2,525,804 Subtotal Construction Cost $8,840,315 Design ~o~ Design (12%) $1,060,838 S..,btotat D~$jgn Cost $1,060,838 Construction Support COS~ Construction SetVices {3%) S2GS,209 ESDC (1.5%) $132,605 eM/CI (10%) $884.032 Subtotal COnstruction Suppott $1,281,846 Right-or-Way yosts Right-of-way .$2.100.000 Subtotal Right-of.Way $2,100,000 GRAND TOTAL = $13,282.999 .. ....."" Il J~.~. . ) , ..'-. NOTE: Right--of-Way is approximately 1.3 hectares (12,775 sq. In), equivalent to approximately 3.2 acres (137,509 ft. sq.) Used $10/sCf. fl . \,)J t~~,", ~ftJ..bV -\;0 b +- ~~ ) f..) W"~ t.. ~Ou-J. P:\9S104\Admirl\Bilnn9\CostSummary stage 2_98104.Xls Page 1 of 1 ks of 6115199 ...." /3 r"- IsaOel Ave.lSR 84 Extension. Airway/I.580 Interchange Budget and Expenditures Summary , Prepared by: Ken Ross \8950budg.xls [AIRWAY' 580 INTERCHANGE Item Encumbered . Amount Revision Date: /00 06 /J '1 Budget Fund Paid Balance Amount Nos. to date to finish S 6,008,500.00 87 S 75,000.00 93 S 260,000.00 23 S 234,400.00 09 (Triad Comm.Fac. Disl) S 2,000,000.00 "Og" S 29.400.00 .0. S 8,607,300.00 $5,389,000.17 $ 3,218,239.83 5 253.000.00 TR 5240.887.28 S 12,112.72 S 8,860.300.00 S 906,600.00 87 $410,248.07 $ 496,351.93 S 5,000.00 TR NlA S 340.000.00 87 S 182.806.73 S 150,000.00 87 537,500.00 S 112,500.00 1. Construction:. AIRWA Y/5eO: Airwayf580 Total: N. CANYONS PKWY: . includes 10% contingencies. TOTAL CONSTRUCTION: 2. COnstruction Management Inspection. testing, (VCA "'2%): Inspection, testing. Triad: 2a. Construction Support! Staking (MTCo +2%): 2b. In-house Engineering: . (from Finance Dept. figures) Total Constr. Management/Support: S 3. Design Consultant costs: Mark Thomas & Co. (generaQ: $ 867.000.00 Mark Thomas & Co. (water): Mark Thomas & Co. (Triad): /""1"-- Total Consultants: 4. Property Acquisition costs: (Purchase, R1W agent. atty's fees) 5. Environmental Mitigations: 6. Utility Charge~: (Relocations, connections, ete,) 7. City Fees 8. Other Agency Permi13/Fees (Caltrans encroachment) (Zone 7 connection fee) 9. .Miscellaneous costs: (printing, UPS. ete) AIRWAY/580 BUDGET TOTALS: ,.' \ 'Kt... . CDuoll]/ s' . . J;:;' CITY OF LIVERMORE PHILIP E. BOYDsnm City Enginur Engiacering Divbioll 3589 Pacific Ave. · Livermore, CA 94550-7017 925) 373-5249 · FAX (925) 373-5267 · TOO (925) 373-5052 pcboydstun @ci.livermo(C.ca.~ .-r-- /1 s 1.401,500.00 S925.000.00 87 $40,000.00 23 $15,000.00 TR . 5980,000.00 $35,000.00 87 SO,OO 87 $250,000.00 87 550,000.00 87 $10,000.00 87 S10,OOO.00 67 11.596,500.00 962.137.04 S2.862.96 16,029.60 . ($1.029.60) $32,941.11 $ 2,058.89 SO.OO $ $13.167.00 $236,833.00 $1.684.29 548,315.71 $0.00 SO.OO $6.158.39 S3,841.61 /> Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee for 1999 Segment 12 Dublin Boulevard Extension/I-580 Freeway Interchange Modifications (Airway) Budget Amount: .. $11,596,500 Projected amount using construction progress payments: $13,000,000 (per information from Livermore City Engineer, includes all contingencies) Dublin's share estimated at 16% $2,080,000 /0/ oz5 ;) 1 "'WI' -- ......, BIGGS CARDOSA ASSOCIATES INC ST;::;UCTL..:r=!AL ENG:NEE;::;S /0;2 ~ /Jl-1 ~=j. Se=:or"!d S=.:~ec. s~.-;= -.: . == Sa~ !==:-sncsco. Califor-nliS 9.::l": c:- -- e"e::ho,-,e .: 15-538-8aGO S::SIl"!""lII-e: .: 15-535-2= "; 1 TASSAJARA CREEK CROSSING oAT CENTRAL P ARK\V A Y CITY OF DUBLIN BRIDGE FEASIBILITY STUDY PRESENTED TO: BRV\N KANGAS FOULK OCTOBER 24, 1997 ,J"I""'-.., B, E-- ~ -,,"E::':"- -~: _"':, BIGGS CA~DOSA AS?SOCIA ~E~ ~~_C: ST~L.;CTURAL :..:;:'JG,!'':=:=~1.~ "" /O~ crI /J 1 =-:J 1 ::~,=:::~= 3-::",:-;:::. :;5\,.:;,:.~ ~ 1 :2 S3r: F-a:-:::s:=:J. Ca..t::j-.~IC::: e"::"1 07 - -""-_D 41 ::-538-8600 ~~i~;..~.!; ..J! 5.=::5.3::; 1 : Ocrober 23. 1997 94114.1 ~ , Brian Kangas Foulk 540 Price Avenue Redwood City, CA 94063-1411 Subject: Tassajara Creek Central Transit Spine Santa Rita Property Attention: Ed Boscacci Dear Ed: Biggs Cardosa Associates is pleased to provide the results of the Planning Study for the subject project. Our evaluations of the channel have been based upon preliminary layouts and concept meetings with Roland Haga of your firm and Stuart Cook or-Alameda County. GENERo\L: Bridge configurations were based up'on two stages of development. The first stage consists of 1-14 foot vehicular lane, a 6 foot bicycle lane, and a 6 foot sidewalk in each direction, separated """., by a 14 foot wide median barrier. The final. stage of development involves widening the roadway in both directions to provide 2-] 2 foot vehicular lanes in lieu of a single lane. In addition, the channel crossings need to accommodate the installation of a 14 inch and 8 inch water lines through or attached to the side of the bridge structures. GEOMETRY: Because one side ofTassajara Creek is already developed, approach roadway alignments and profiles are well established in terms of conforming the bridge to the existing conditions. In order to minimize impacts to existing properties it is the design team's goal to match the existing roadway profiles as closely as practicable for the bridge profile and conforms., Coupled with the desire to match approach roadway alignments is the County's clearance requirements for the bridge soffit hydraulic freeboard. lJternate span configurations were considered to minimize the depth of structure and eliminate bridge pier placement in the low flow channel. Using the profile grade and the freeboard criteria provided by Brian Kangas Foulk, it was determined that a maximum structure depth of30 inches could be provided and still maintain 2 feet offreeboard at . the highest point of the soffit above the 100 year design storm capacity. Because there is a vertical curve in the bridge profile, this means that there will be slightly Jess than 2 feet of freeboard at the edges of the channel. The maximum allowable structure depths determined by the profile geometry mandate a structure with spans in the 50-70 foot range. -...."I 2 B- E--.P -==- - ,= ,.': " /oY ~ /).1 Page 2 Tassajara Creek Crossings Biggs Cardosa Associates SUPERSTRUCTURE: The final structure evaluations are based upon two parallel bridge structures that utilize a precast, prestressed voided slab superstructure. The precast, prestressed voided slab superstructure alternative was selected for economy, ease of construction, minimum depth of structure, and to facilitate a widening anticipated in the near future. This system also eliminates the need for fa!sework in the channel and can accommodate the installation of larger utility casings than a shallow conventional cast-in-place box girder structure. A closed median was initially considered with one contiguous structure for both directions of travel. However, since median utilization for traffic is not anticipated in the future, the additional costs associated with the additional superstructure, substructure and piling elements warrant the use of two separate structures. Our initial proposal was' based upon a 195 foot long structure, however that option was abandoned early in the planning process in lieu of evaluating two separate channel configurations: l)a shon span (165 ft.), and 2) a long span (220 ft.) configuration. The long span configuration was also abandoned due to cost and freeboard considerations. The additional, structure costs associated with the longer bridge were essentially a result of a greater area of structure, as well as the fact that precast planks were no longer a viable option with a three span bridge unless an additional pier was added within the channel to reduce the spans. SUBSTRUCTURE: Based upon the designated superstructure type and a bridge configuration of 3-55 foot spans, three substructure types were considered. Alternative 1: Alternative 1 W: Pier wall substructure on standard class 70 piles: Widening in kind Alternative 2: AJternative 2W: Cylindrical columns on pile caps and standard class 70 piles Widening in kind Alternative 3: Alternative 3 A: Cylindrical columns on pile shaft extensions Widening in kind. Both substructure configurations can perform well hydraulically with the pier wall having a slightly better performance. Cost comparisons between alternatives 1 and 2 show a very small difference in construction cost. However, it appears that a drilled shaft substructure alternative could result in some cost savings if this is a feasible substructure from a geotechnical engineering perspective. It should be noted that construction of a large diameter cast-in-drilled hole concrete pile (CIDH) in an area with high ground water can be problematic in terms of construction :5 ~-- ,-- - - " #'" /o~> ~/~1 Page .3 Tassajara Creek Crossings Biggs Cardosa Associates ..." techniques. inspection and approval. A cast-in-steel she!! pile (CISS) can eliminate some of the . construction dewatering issues and provide a more controlled environment for concrete placement. A review of the materials r,eport prepared by CH2tvf Hill in 1992 indicated that nearby borings to the project site encountered groundwater at depths of approximately 30 feet. The project site is on a creek bed and it is very likely that groundwater is present. Prior to pursuing a large diameter pile shaft foundation, it is imperative that geotechnical input be provided regarding the ability of the pile shafts to support service loads on the order of 600-700 kips as well as evaluating driveability of the steel shells. CONCLUSION: The recommended bridge configuration for the Tassajara Creek crossing is 2 separate structures approximately 165 feet long, consisting of 3 equal spans of precast, prestressed voided slab and a .6 inch topping slab. Substructures shall consist of cast-in-place concrete pier walls on standard precast concrete 70 ton piles. Additionalgeorechnical investigation is warranted prior to recommending a large diameter pile shaft alternative. Please refer to the attached typical sections and cost estimates for the three alternatives described """ above. :::::--- ...", ~ ~'. - - '- n.m ':1: .-< ^ lJ In -< o )> -I rn , l W c- rn n -l (fl c- :r o nl Ul nJ -, Z Z o () o "1 o )> -I rn ~ G'\ c\ ~ ~ -1: I _..-il- .. 'I ?> 4; IvfEDIIIN -' 4; SYfvfMeT'l I '-'1::. /1 .---' "', ) ') -(:.,:', qT _.0:-_0~_._+. '2.0'-3" I~ql -,.,.... ..-. - . ,.- '7' I ~" 01 A <; "f\!F.t... \Y1'6 2." 7 (,MINe. "~u"'t.ny f\ " 1'1" DICl SiaL '\ CA~er~ It YOID, Tyf? ~~~I e R- .) CAS1~C. fo~ 'nlclt'( ~ \ ~ C ~OO~ ~Q~9Q~OO~OC .~ ;, G '? '- Go" , J< )~. ...... ~'<9 ':3'- ",'" J. 1.. (f' 'l ~. 0 I. - ._-_._--,.~----_.._-_.._-- - '-- -A:{- -.---------..-...- ----.-- --.... .... ... . ......... ...... .....-...--.-............-.- -- ))W lJ)- lJ) Gl o Gl n Ul - n l-~-------._._---_.----_._--_._.__..._-_._. ---- ~)) mD lJ) 0 TI-----u~.lr- , - 0 2lJ) . . .-~~~r-..-----rl- Pl> I 5- sr,\n: OF CA!..!FOR:-;l." - Ol:i'.-\R7ME:'TOFTP_"SSI'ORTATIOS PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE - ALTERNATE CREEK n~.("l.l"()11) (p.E'V ~<J~~ .ISr::l. REV r F'O~1 CONTRACT NO: lor; ~ /)1 F~;:'-';Cr:):Ol.'" ----- ---=-=:~----_.__--_.._---------------~':---:.o....:.:,., --------- .. - -. .-., -....:.0==..::;..:;;:.::.-..-.- .UCTURE. T ASSAJARA CREEK SRIDGE(AL TERNA liVE 1) . :TYPE: PRECAST PRESTRESSED VOIDED SLA.B (PIER WALL) :LENGTH 165ft x WIDTH saft AREA q '510 DES:GN SECTION PROJECT INCLUDES .:..NOS STRUCTURE(S) ROADWORK ! CODE I CONTRACT ITEMS I 192003 ISTRUCTURE EXCAVATION (BRIDGE) i 193003 !STRUCTURE BACKFILL (BRIDGE) !4907131FURNISH PILING (CLASS 70) 149071410RIVE PILE (CLA.SS 70) 1510051 ISTRUCTURAL CONCRETE. BRIDGE FOOTING 1510053lsTRUCTURAL CONCRETE. BRIDGE i 512350 IFURNISH PRECAST PRESTRESSED CONCRETE SLA.B 1512510 IERECT PRECAST PRESTRESSED CONCRETE DECK UNiT ! 5201021BAR REINFORCING STEEL RIDGE) , S33088ITUBUlAR HANDRAlLlNG 18331251cONCRETE BARRIER PE 2 1833140 ICONCRETE BARRIER PE 26) I I I i I I ...~BR~Q_ ~~VD l?Y. :DIST. 04 'CO: ALA.MEDA .RTE. ~5Z.Q SO FT : t'ol !PM; I uc..'"t I . """,;; DATE: 6/09/97 ESTIMATE: NO: 2 DATE: 10/2419 PRICED BY: BCA COST INDEX_ QUANTITIES BY: V. SALVAOOR OUANTITiES CHECKED BY: S, YUAN CHARGE UNIT AND EA : I UNIT I QUANTITY I CHECK USE I PRICE I AMOUNT I CY I 5621 5601 S5O.oo I S28.ooo I CY I 3021 3001 S40.oo I S 12.0001 LF I 5.7201 5.7201 S25.oo I s143.0001 I 88i I S2.ooo.oo I EA 881 S176.ooo CY I 163! 160! s3OO.001 $48.000 ! , 2801 S45O.oo i $ 126.000; CY 2781 SF I 9.5701 9.5701 S25.00 I S239.25O I EA I 481 481 S7oo.oo I S33.6OO I L8 I 113.7101 114.0001 sO,601 $58.400 LF I 6001 6601 s27.001 S17.8201 LF 3301 3301 s4O.001 S13.2oo I LF 3301 3301 $60.001 S19.500 I I I I I.' I I ! I 1 I I , --- --_.~-_..._._---_....._----_.__._.._-!.. --- .... I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . I I I' I . I I I I I I SUBTOTAL I S925.070 ROUTING ... MOBILIZATION (10%) I S102.786 1. DESIGN SECTION . SUBTOTAL STRUCTURE ITEMS I S1.027.ssa 2. DESIGN A SUPERVISOR CONTINGENCIES (25%) I $258.964 3. D!:SIGN B SUPERVISOR BRIDGE TOTAL (S I sa It) (S134.25j S1.284.819 4. PLANNING BRIDGE REMOVAL (cont. incl.) I SO IWORK BY RAILROAD OR UTILITY FORCES I - . :SC}. I . I GRAND TOTAL S1,284.819. , - FOR BUDGET PURPOSES. SAY i .S 1.2a~.000 , . I , I I I I 1 I I .1 ESTIM.... TING. L-\ST I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I i i i i I I I I ....., / I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I 1 ! 1 I I 1 I 1 I I I j I I : I I I i ! j ,-,.1..-- L._. ___ ___....J COMMENTS '.."""I II'AOTI, WXJ , IJJ -< o )> -I IT1 n J: ^ o OJ -< ) ) ..J:..'o ,_ :3" .-.-- ~. I ! /I ~/_O " . I ) -I It ?'-=-~--P1-' ry Pc 't.!; Ot.'M!Ren:; J?Nt.,( I f5lZ.. o ). -I nl '--'1' -'>f<~. .-...- 1~~'DIf\ cAs\tJc... I< "OlD I llt 1'~O" 1 71 ~ Type; '2..C:, CA~Jclerl! ~f.(1..rtl e p-. en c OJ '- nl n -; ~:"o~'1 ~ <1 ~ M61)IAJ,) ,/- . I 1:: S'IMMFrr<,/ I ."5~'::~"--r - I ....--- 2 e. q./- a" ~ G -;'-<. en J: nl nl -; z 9 (.. o OJ z 9 J "- ~ ~ t\ ):; ~ o .'1 1'1/' DIFI S1'~I!L CA.<;II'\J(;, fol1.. v.T\\,..\1'( OOOOOOOOQO 000]2}\OO~ ~( .-.....-..----.- ./1. - }> m III - III Ii) o Ii) n III ~ n -t}> mD lIlO - 0 2 III P }> ST.... r.; OF C...I.IFORSIA. OEI'ARThIEl'o"T OF "TllA."SP'JRTATIUN PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE - ALTERNATE CREEK (ADDITIONAL COST DUE TO WIDENING) (;:;.0-0010 (REV M1))..nCA REV 11/951 CONiRACT NO. lo? ~ /{), '1 ~"~CCllot:'JI :UCiURE: TASSAJARA CREEK BRIDGE (AL TERNATNE llN) iTYPE: PRECAST PRESTRESSED VOIDED SLA.B (WIDEN. PIER WALL) 'LENGTH 165tl x WIDTH 20tl = AREA :6R. NO: lRCVD. BY: iDIST: 04 Ico: AUo.MEDA iRTE: ~SQFT IPM: I '" I I 0"'" I I i I , .1 ~ DATE: &'09/97 ESTIMATE NO: 2 DATE: 10124/9 PRICED BY: BCA COST INDEX DESIGN SECTION PROJECT INCLUDES ANDS STRUCTURE(S} ROADWORK ICODEI CONTRACT ITEMS I 157560 i8RIDGE REMOVAL (PORTION) 1'92003 !STRUCTURE EXCAVATION (BRIDGE) I 193003 ISTRUCTURE BACKFILL (BRIDGE) QUA."ITlTIES BY: V. SALVADOR QUANTiTIES CHECKED BY: S. YUAN CHARGE UNIT AND EA .: I UNIT I QUANTITY CHECK I LS I 1! I Cy I 182 i I Cy I 951 USE I 11 1801 951 ! 4S0713lFURNISH PILING (CL.6.SS 70) I LF I 2.0801 I 2.0801 S25.00 I S52.OOO 14907141DRrvE PILE (CUo.SS 70) I EA I 321 1 321 S2.ooo.oo I S54.ooo 1510051 !STRUCTUP.AL CONCRETE. BRIDGE FOOTING I Cy I sol I 561 $400.001 S22.4OO 1510053 !STRUCTURAL CONCRETE. BRIDGE I CY I 941 I 941 $600.00 I S50.4OO 1512350 IFURNISH PRECAST PRESTRESSED CONCRETE SUo.B I SF I 3.3001 I 3.3001 s30.ool S99.ooo 1512510 lERECT PRECAST PRESTRESSED CONCRETE DECK UNIT I EA I 18i I 181 S940.oo I S 16.920 - - - - - I 52010ZlBAR REINr-ORCING STeEL (oRIDGe I 833088 iTUBULAR HANDRAlLlNG I LB I I LF I I LF I , I i I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I ! I I I I I I j I 833125 ICON CRETE BARRIER I I I I I i I I I I I I I 18.530 I 3301 3301 I i.' I I I I I I I ! ! I ! 18.700 1 330 3301 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PRICE I S5.ooo.oo I $75.001 I S50 00 I AMOUNT S5.ooo ! S13.5OO I $4 8CO I so,sol $27.00 I S40.oo I I $ 11.220 I $8.910 $13.200 1 I I i I , I I I I I 1 I ; , I I 1 I I I I i . I I I I I I I I I I I I f I I I . I I I I I I I I I I I I , i I I I I I I , I I I I I I I SUBTOTAL I $362.350 ROUTING - MOBILIZATION (10%) I $40.261 1. DESIGN SECTION SUBTOTAL STRUCTURE ITEMS I $4OZ.611 2. DESIGN A SUPERVISOR CONTINGENCIES (25%) I S1oo.653 i 3. DESIGN B SUPERVISOR BRIDGE TOTAL ($/ SCl Il) (S 152.50) $503.264 4. PLANNING BRIDGE REMOVAL (cont incl.) I SO WORK BY RAlLROAD OR UTIlITY FORCES I SO - GRAND TOTAL I $503.264 - FOR BUDGETPURPOSES-SAY I $504.000 !':,.,MAnNO. LAST COMMENTS ""-' u.....ar,. WX1 B S; ATE OF CAl.IFOR~:A . ot:rARn.IE~, 01' TRA~SI'ORT AT10N PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE - ALTERNATE CREEK OS.::>-oGlo (REV ~'9Jl. i!leA REV 11:95) CONTRACT NO: )1/ 06 /rf.-J ~nsCi..""Of"" JCTURE: T ASSAJAP-A CREEK BRIDGE (AL TERNA TIVE 2) iTY?E: PRECAST PRESTRESSED VOIDED SLAB (COLUMNS) :LENGTH 1651\ x WIDTH 58/t AREA ISR. NO: IRCVO. BY: IoIST: 04 Ico: AlAMEDA JRTE: ~SCFT , , I IS I lPM: i ()(,,.f STRUCTURE(S) ROADWORK QUANTITlES 8Y: V, SALVADOR QUANTITIES CHECKED SY : S. YUAN CHARGE UNIT AND EA : ...., DATE:06/09197 ESTIMATE NO: 2 DATE: 10/2419 PRICED BY: 6CA COST INDEX DESIGN SECTION PROJECT INCLUDES ANDS ! CODE I CONTRACT ITEMS I 192003!STRUCTURE EXCAVATION (BRIDGE) 1193003 !STRUCTURE BACKFILL (BRIDGE) ! 4907131FURN1SH PILING (CL.e.SS 70) I UNIT I QUANTITY ! CHECK I CY I 6121 I CY I 3061 1 LF I 5 720 I USE I 6101 3101 5.7201 PRICE I S5O.00! $40.00 I $25001 AMOUNT S3O.5OO $12.400 S143 000 I /490714 IDRNE PILE (ClASS 70) I EA I 83! 851 S2.000.00 I S176,000 /510051 !STRUCTURAL CONCRETE. BRIDGE FOOTING I CY I 187/ 1901 S3OO,00 1 S57.000 1510053 !STRUCTURAL CONCRETE. BRIDGE I CY I 2261 2301 $450.001 S103.5OO 1512350 IFURNISH PRECAST PRESTRESSED CONCRETE SLAB I SF I 9.5701 9.5701 S25.00 I S239.25O 1512510 IERECT PRECAST PRESTRESSED CONCRETE DECK UNIT I EA I 481 481 S7oo.oo I S33.600 , ; ~ /520102 'BAR REINFORCING STEEL (BRIDGE) 833088 !TUBULAR HANDP..AILlNG 5331251cONCRETE BARRIER (iY?E 25) - 1833140 ICONCRETE BARRIER j ?E 25) I I I 1 i I I I I I I I LB I 121.9461 122.0001 so.601 I LF I 6501 6501 s27.001 I LF I 3301 3301 $40.00 I I LF I 3301 3301 s50.ool I j I I 1 I I 1 1 I I , i I I ! I I I 1 I I 1 1 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I __-+_ _"__' _ 1.. i " I I ! i I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I S73.2oo I $17.520, s13.2001 $19.800 I ',-v I I I / I I I I ISUBTOTAL S 9 7 ROUTING 1.. DESIGN SECTION 2. DESIGN A SUPERVISOR 3. DESIGN B SUPERVISOR 4. PLANNING , 91 .2 O. MOSILlZATION (10%) I $102.141 SUSTOTALSTRUCTUREITEMS I S1.021.411 CONTINGENCIES (25%) I $255.353 BRIDGE TOTAL (S I sq ft) (S133All . $ 1.276.764 BRIDGE REMOVAL (cont incl.) - I -.. SO WORK BY RAILROAD OR UTILITY FORCES I $0 GRAND TOTAL I $1.276,764 FOR BUDGETPURPOSES-SAY I $1,277.000 COMMENTS EmMA nNa. LAST ...., 11.AE.3'TT.wx'1 /0 (I) -< o )". -I 111 o ).> -~ rn () :1: ^ o Ul .< 15~ :,-' "_ --_._~ ...-.... ') ") ~Ol- 3. .--......------- -'-.-- 1<0" 011\ ~I~L.. - cASHJ~ ~ \.ff\u 1'( ) J.~-:. ,:" "~'._.K~' -.--" :- ~:_..._"-+._.__......- ....... ....... 1"':1 PE 'l-{; ()l:....k!~€ 715 t#-/l~ (/\ L n, n -J ,~ ?J ~ 0" _. .L:..= Q_goPQ~O(J~O 0 I "5 <P ~ ,.:."~. I-- I 11" DlfI C':ii8rL. cA'" rJ(;.. fo,t. lATl\..-I1'( 0' I~ "olD -- . O~O 000 6~pOtO -.+ Tyf'e '4:. ~~6rEt ~P.,q.l e f!- 2 e q.'- 0" ~ <3 3 '- <." I (/\ 1: III /I' ..\ Z o L. a (II z o lJ ~t~~~tIVS <1 f /vi6D1 RJ .) i S'IMtv\€,w-y I r----.-~ ......... ........ ~ ~C\ ~ .......... '\ -- ---- -- -eJ-II.--U-cr '1JD' l> m (J) - Ul Gl o Cil o (J) ~n ....)> m n UlO - 0 2 Ul !l l> $IA"-:: OF' CAUFOR~I.". O::PA;::'T~1E~"T OF T1L,,:-':SPOR.TA nON PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE -ALTERNATE CREEK (ADDITIONAL COST DUE TO WIDENING) DS.~JI6(R.EV 50'93) - (Be.... REV ll:cm CONT~C30~ /) 1 F~",~C;CollOf'" JCTURE: T ASSAJARA CREEK BRIDGE (AL TERNA TIVE 2W) lTYPE: PRECAST PRESTRESSED VOIDED SLAB (WIDEN. COLUMNS) iLENGTH 165ft x WIDTH 20ft AREA IBR. NO: iRCVD. BY: ----,.-.. ._.. . .---.. . iDIST: 04 ICO: ALAMEDA ;RTE: ,PM: ;uQQSQFT DESIGN SECTION PROJECT INCLUDES ANDS STRUCTURE(S) ROADWORK ICODEI CONTRACT ITEMS 1157560 !BRIDGE REMOVAL RTION) 152003 !STRUCTURE EXCAVATION (BRIDGE) 1193003 !STRUCTURE BACKFILL (BRIDGE) , 490713lFURNISH PILING (CLASS 70) 1490714 IDRNE PILE (CLASS 70) 1510051 ISTRUCTURAL CONCRETE. BRIDGE FOOTING 1510053 !STRUCTURAL CONCRETE. BRIDGE 1512350 IFURNISH PRECAST PRESTRESSED CONCRETE SLAB 1512510 !ERECT PRECAST PRESTRESSED CONCRETE DECK UNIT 5201021BAR REINFORCING STEEL BRIDGE I 833088ITUBULAR HANDP..AIUNG I 8331251cONCRETE BARRIER (TYPE 25\ I ! I I I LS I I CY I I CY I I LF I I EA I I Cy I I CY 1 I SF I I EA I 1 LB I I LF I I u= I I I , L ! I I I I i , i I QUANTiTIES BY: V. SALVADOR QUANTITIES CHECKED BY : S. YUAN CHARGE UNIT AND EA : CHECK I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I ! IS I I vt,.'" I ,..J DATE: 6109/97 ESTIMATE NO : 2 DATE:l0/24/97 PRICED BY: 8CA COST INDEX _ PRICE I S5.ooo.oo I S75.001 S5O.oo I s25.001 S2.ooo.oo I $400,00 I S600.oo I S3O.oo I s94O.001 SO.60/ s27.001 S40,00 ! I AMOUNT S5.000 ! S18.7501 S6.000 I S55.ooo I I S80.000. S32.800 i S43.ooo I s99.oool S16.520 I S15.560 S8,910, $13.200 i I ~. I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I --- I I i I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I. I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I SUBTOTAL I S404.24.0 .- MOBILIZATION (10%) I ROUTING S44.916 1. DESIGN SECTION SUBTOTAL STRUCTURE ITEMS I S449.156 2. DESIGN A SUPERVISOR CONTINGENCIES (25%) I S112.2e9 3. DESIGN 8 SUPERVISOR BRIDGE TOTAL (S I "" Itl ($170.131 S561.444 4. PLANNING BRIDGE REMOVAL (cent. incl.) I SO WORK BY RAILROAD OR UTILITY FORCES I SO - GRAND TOTAL I $561.444 i - FOR BUDGET PURPOSES - SAY I S562.ooo I UNIT I QUANTITY I 11 2481 1181 2.6001 I 401 821 801 3.3001 181 26.018/ 3301 330! I I" I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ESTIMA m;c. L...sr USE I 11 2501 1201 2.6001 401 821 801 3.3001 181 26.1001 3301 3301 I I i I I I I ---L--.- ___.L_..___...___. - i I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I ! I I I I COMMENTS .~ 1l4AESn,wx.l /2. ~ ) ) 1 n l1J , I' If :[ .< 1 - 0 G" ,_ 0 + . ' " I " I " ^ -.. - .~' roo, .- -. . - 0--'- . ?-o - '3 - '1 I 5 - ~ lJ , >,. 0 .. l1J ...... '" . --: I!\ ~ 01" <; ~C:L- 'tyr€. 'l.G, _ l'./t<,.'NI'.. "'<ffL U'1:.q.'{ n TV". 1 7 " '\ II r fIE. 'l.~ Co~er6" I I~ ""'D, Tvf' I~" DIn """- \ J) CoNcfeTE I ~~p.It, e g.. .)- I CASH.J(.. fotf. . 4 J!>^KR IrE}!... 0 ? 190~oOf09~O Q9_9i;o~ dK?q" I ~ ,;: .~ ' _. - J< .--. >k J :,G,?>-G." 2.@ 'I~o" "'~e 3'-"'.... . -/ - -I = --- 4; Iv1E[)fIlN _~ ~~ -J c/; Si"'lMeTt.( '~l-- {0 -. ~'>-'//~'Y'I/~' I~/{~ 0 .~ II,''YI/A')'>'/// . I. I 417p. 1-10tlV't:.. :? (Jl ......w '- J: y 0 111 Ul (j)_ 01 111 Ul " -, (j') ........ Z 2 o 0 ._ , I, ..z 0 0 o UI LO L.... t/ - G. 4) C.I 0 Ii - n h 6\. UlO ~ -0 \.- 0 2 ~ .., p~ ~ I STATE OF CAL1FOR.'1lA. DEPARTMEI-o.. OFTRA.'1S?ORTATION PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE - ALTERNATE CREEK OS.D-0016 (REV ~3). (BCA REV 11/9$) / I c;NT~ N~j J E.....~A~(;CJI0t<p TRUCTURE: T ASSAJARA CREEK BRIDGE (Al TERNA TNE 3) I NPE: PRECAST PRESTRESSED VOIDED SLAB (COLUMNS. CIDH) IU::NGTH 16St! x WIDTH 58t! AREA Di::SIGN SECTION PROJECT INCLUDES AND $ STRUCTURE(S) ROADWORK ISR. NO: IRCVD. BY: bST: 04 lco: ALAMEDA IRTE: IPM: ~SQFT QUANTITIES BY: V. SALVADOR QUANTITIES CHECKED BY : S, YUAN CHARGE UNIT AND EA : I "" I I OUT i j I ~ ,~; DATE: 6109197 ESTIMATE NO : 2 DATE: 1012319 PRICED BY: SCA COST INDEX _ [CODEI I I CONTRACT ITEMS ! S12350 IFURNISH PRECAST PRESTRES'SED CONCRETE SLA8 1512s10 IERECT PRECAST PRESTRESSED CONCRETE DECK UNIT IS201021BAR REINFORCING STEEL (BRIDGE) 8330es/TU8ULAR HANDRAlLlNG 8331251cONCRETE BARRIER PE 25 1833140 ICONCRETE BARRIER (TYPE 25) I I I , I I I I I I I ! I i I I I I i I I I I I I UNIT I QUANTITY I CHECK I I I SF I EA I L8 I LF I I LF I I LF I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I j I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 9.5701 481 132.3021 6601 330! 3301 I I I . I ! I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 USE . I PRICE I AMOUNT I I I / I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I 9.5701 481 133,0001 6601 3301 3301 I I I I I $25.oo! s700.001 so.601 $27.00 , $40.00 I s60,001 I I , I i I I I I _.__.___.. ...1._.. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I $239.250 I $33.500 I S79,800 S17.820 I S13.200 I $ 19.800 I I I i i I . ---"-- ._~ -....r I i I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ISUBTOTAL I 5753,370 ROUTING M081LlZATION (10%) I $83.708 1. DESIGN SECTION SU8TOTAl STRUCTURE ITEMS I 5837.078 2. DESIGN A SUPERVISOR CONTINGENCIES (25%) I S209.269 BRIDGE TOTAL ( 5' sq tt) I :3. DESIGN B SUPERVISOR ($ 109.34) .. $1.046.347 4. PLANNING SRIDGE REMOVAL (cont. incl.) I $0 152003 STRUCTURE EXCAVATION (BRIDGE) CY 348 350 SSO.OO 517,500 I 115:3003 ISTRUCTURE BACKFILL (BRIDGE) , CY I 2371 2401 S40.00 I S5.500 I 1490608154- CAST-IN-DRrLlED-HOLE CONCRETE PILING I LF I 4801 4801 S4oo.00 I $ 192.000 I /510051/STRUCTURAl CONCRETE. BRIDGE FOOTING I CY I 9d 91 I 5300.001 s27.3001 IS10C53/STRUCTUP..Al CONCRETE, BRIDGE I CY I 2261 I 2301 s45O.001 S 1 03.500 1 ESTIMA ns,:;. LAST I . --. -!. -...... -------, IWORK 8Y RAILROAD OR UTILITY FORCES i $0 i IGRAND TOTAL I '.S~':046.347 IFOR BUDGET PURPOSES - SAY _ ___L_.. S 1.047.000 COMMENTS "wi llAAES'n. W'h.J }f ()'lll . J: .-< ^ o llJ -< ) - ,_.-Jt.~~'_?:~~-?i-' ~o '- 3 ~ ..a___.._._......__, _ _ a_ +- . , " ,_ 01/ ...- ....--...-. ) f ' - 0 " M..... _ .~ "- ~ -....-..-. o o l> ). -I -j III 111 L Co OJ L. In () -j 4;.1-I6J).nJ :;1 <t: SiM~W.,/ I n~~Y/"'7" C1DH cJl , II Lkl-- (r-G 1'6" Ol^ O;:f~L. cASltJGo. ~ url\.flY 11" D'A ':.i€"V:\.. CA.<;I1J~ foyt lAl1\,...l1'( "olD It j( Tyee: 2.G, ~ (Ar-tl e fE: -; [ " ~P.P.I e lL '~. )>m Ul - In (j) o (j) o U'l, j; 0 -f ~ m D InO - 0 2 In P )> STATE OF CALIFOR.....IA - DE? ARTME!>o"T OF TR.A.-:SPORT AnON PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE -ALTERNATE CREEK (ADDITIONAL COST DUE TO WIDENING) Ds-04l1o (REV ~3) - ceCA REV 1119$) CONTRACT NO: 1/1 q) I)} E..~""",,,OGll:Ot...,. .TRUCTURE: T ASSAJA?.A CREEK BRIDGE (ALTERNATIVE 3W) :TYPE: PRECAST PRESTRESSED VOIDED SLAB (WIDEN. COLUMNS.CIDH) ILENGTH 165ft x WIDTH 20ft AREA DESIGN SECTION PROJECT INCLUDES ANDS STRUCTURE(S) ROADWORK IBR. NO: IRCVO. BY: IDIST: 04 Ico: ALAMEDA iRTE: _ .f',:\: d ;uooSQFT QUANTITIES BY: V. SALVADOR QUANTITIES CHECKED BY :S. YUAN CHARGE UNIT AND EA : I l>< I I ! ~lo:. . "I"flIIII DATE: 6109/97 ESTIMATE NO: 2 DA TE:1 0f24/97 PRICED BY: BCA COST INDEX ICODEI CONTRACT ITEMS I UNIT QUANTITY I . CHECK I USE I. PRICE I . AMOUNT I 157560 IBRIDGE REMOVAL (PORTION) I LS 11 I 1 I S5.CXXl.00 I S5.CXXl ! 192oo3!STRUCTURE EXCAVATION (BRIDGE) I CY 921 I 921 s75.001 S6.900 ! 193003!STRUCTURE BACKFILL (BRIDGE) I CY 821 I 82! S50,oo 1 S4,1OO1 490608154" CAST-IN-DRILLED-HOLE CONCRETE PILING I LF I 2401 I 2401 S450.oo 1 S 1 D8,CXXlI 510051ISTRUCTURAL CONCRETE, BRIDGE FOOTING I CY I 341 I 341 S4oo.oo I S13.600 I I 510053 ISTRUCTURAL CONCRETE. BRIDGE 1512350 IFURNISH PRECAST PRESTRESSED CONCRETE SlAB /512510 IERECT PRECAST PRESTRESSED CONCRETE DECK UNIT ! 520102 I BAR REINFORCING STEEL BRIDGE) 833D88ITUBULAR HANDRAlLlNG . 833125 ICOGRETE BARRIER YPE 25) I I I I I I I I I I I i I I ! I I I I I I I I CY SF EA LB LF LF 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I-I I I I I I I I I , ) I I I I I I I i I I I I ROUTING 1. DESIGN SECTION 2. DESIGN A SUPERVISOR 3. DESIGN B SUPERVlSbR 4. PLANNING ESTIMA nSG .LA$T I I I I I 1 I I I ; I I I , I I I _ .-1-__ ..J i I I I I I I I $334.350 I S37,15O S371.5OO S92.8751 $464.375 SO SO I $464,375' ---'--r--'" --. S465.ClO2J 801 3.3001 181 26.1701 3301 3301 ! I I - 1 1 I I I I I 1 I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I sol -- . -T--"';:;-;;r I 181 26.200 I 3301 3301 1 I I I I I S600.oo I . S30.oo I S940.00 I so.801 s27.001 S40.oo I 1 I I I I I I r I I I S48.ooo ! S99.CXXl i S16.920 ! S15.7201 $8,9101 $13.200 I I ...., , I I i \~~ IJ.tAESTC Whl )6 I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I i -1--" . 1 !SU6TOTAL MOBILIZATION 10%) SUBTOTAl STRUCTURE ITEMS CONTINGENCIES (25%) IBRIDGE TOTAL S I It BRIDGE REMOVAl conL incl. ORK BY RAILROAD OR UTIUTY FORCES GRAND TOTAL FOR BUDGET PURPOSES - SAY COMMENTS .~ /7 Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee for 1999 Typical bridge cost, per square foot. From Briggs Cardosa Associates, Inc. 10/23/97 study liS- ~ Id-} . .. . . . Construction costs for six scenarios range from $87 to $136 per square foot. Use $120/sf :;:::1 .....1 :::::1 :::::.1 !\\j :.:.:.:. :....1 :::::} .:.:-:~ ..:::.:;.........-..,...'.-..:..:.:.:;,.;.;.:.....:.:.:.:.~..,..:.;....;...:.....:..........:.:....;.;.;.;.;;.:.;.;;;;......,':.-......,....;. .--.- '\. '\. --------- --------- - - -- --- ---- -- --- -- \\\r'::':::::;::::':':':'::::::::::':':':'::::::::::':.:':'::::::::::::::::~:::::::::~::;:::;::ilii:::.:.:.::::::::;:::.:.:::::::~:::::::.:::.:::::::::::;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:..........:.;.:....................................... I. tII~ ,~\ ::' l~ ::: :; '. :: I . I I I \1\ I I I I , I I I 1I1I I I I \ I } f I . _ 120' '_, . ~ -- --- --- - - - --------- ------------ '\0 '\0 - . - - . :.:.:.:.:.~.:.::...:~~~:......!:.:.:.:.:.~l "- '" ""4) 0\ "'-- ~ ~ ( TYPICAL ROADWAY INTERSECTION CITY OF DUBUN \ \ \ \ I I ,'; :: :. ;:: 1\ :. ( /rJ..O "Zf /~ 1 Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee for 1999 Signalized Intersection Costs: Per signal leg costs: 1 signal leg = Right of Way area per leg = Grading costs for I foot of grading per leg: = Civil improvements for I signal. leg: = $56,250 5;560 sf $ 1,029 $18,750 -, /,;2/ ~ ;:1) c- RIGHT OF WAY CALCULATIONS EASTERN DUBLIN TRAFFIC IMPACT FEES 10/5/98; revised 10/8/99 right of way calculations: Section 10, Dublin from Tassajara to Fallon: -(0.5*(17.5+19}*1 +0.5*(12+16}*1 +0.5*(13+14)*1 +0.5*(13+19)*1 )/4 =$15.44 per sq foot Section 11, Dublin Boulevard from Fallon to Airway =(0.5*(7+ 7)*30+0.5*(13+18)*1 0+0.5*(13+18)*10+0.5*(13+14)*1 0)/60 -$11 per sq foot; but increase to $12 for October, 1999 Section 18, Central Parkway from Tassajara to Fallon =18*0.15+19*0.4+16*0.2+(12+7.5)*0.5*0.15+5*0.1 -$15.46 per sq foot - Section 20, Gleason Road from Tassajara to Fallon =0.5*(18+15}*0.2+0.5*(1 0+18)*0.2+0.5*(1 0+16)*0.6 =$13.90 per sq foot Section 26A, Fallon Road from Gleason to Dublin =(0.5*(7.5+8}*50+5*50+5*20+13*20+19*10)/150 -$7.92 per sq foot Section 26B, Fallon Road from Dublin Boulevard to Freeway Ramp =$13 per sq foot; Revised to $15 for October, 1999 . Footnotes: Segment 10: 1/4 of roadway length is bounded by $17.50/sf ROW on one side and $19/sf on the other side. Segment 11: 30/60 of roadway length is bounded by $7/sf ROW on both sides. Segment 18: 15% of roadway length is bounded by $18/sf ROW on both sides. Seoment20: 20% of roadway lenoth is bounded bv $18/sf ROW on one side and $15/sf on the other 0231g; 10/14/99, 1:38 PM 1 _ RWcalcs :?~o. ~ I::i~ o't:! 0 iilg..... o -s' t::l .... c:: 0-0- 5o.g S- ::-. tJ ::l P, G=;r i r. ::r:r. vg, ~ '..-: " ~ ~ ., is. m 3 " ., c: CJ g :-t; g <Q, :::l t: ~ ~. ~ "" ~. "- C '- ~~~ ~~ '~ > {11 ( EMERALD GLEN ALAMEDA COUNTY SU!(PLUS I'ROPEI!IY AUTHORITY ..;.;.. 1 UU6LI~I, CALIFORNIA L LAND use eMERALD HI.lS APARTMENTS Afclulone Cammunlllul EMERALD GLEN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL llI.tlHn Unllitd School Olslrlcl JEffERSON AT DUBLIN APARTMeNTS JPI SUMMER GLEN Summerhlt Home PURLlC/SEMI.PUBlIC AlomGda CounlY CAUFORNlA CREEKSIDE BUSINESS PARK Humphrey Insirulllenls/E.loan/S.E.T.lnc:. EMERAlD rOINIE BUSINESS PARK Opus Wesl/Micro DenIal CAMPUS OFflCEIH01EL I" Currenlly Zone~ MufMomlly CAMPUS OfflCE/HOTEL ProPLESO~T CAMPUS PeoploSofl Inc. :AMP PARKS ( SITE , 10 IA 11 12 T3 14 15 I6A 168 /~ s cr: /cr21 ..A..R/'W'"S Pleasant mn. CA City of Dublin East Dublin 11l:p<JLI ;~.<.: S:uJ:- Portions of l)u~li:: !{:ir1ch I 1c'.'ci"'Pill<,.'lli ':U:t} J:Hil.:r~lu (;!\:!: rl':u:l {~r 1 '~.' t,-',.""'. (',..- ,.-1-, 'B DlTBLIN RANCH A Master Plmu:ed Commun.Ity @ftlDtIW.ac=tST1'"'_"':':'::~':O. , . .. OOOt.ul'lftSr .AI$( E .. ........... -..... ..~. ...... ~m:R:::R~A~::;:m; ::;:.'0-,.;:;;:' D .-l " i I. It H" ~~ CD If- r:'\ - I' 0 i Gr<- . .... -1' llT~ , I~l11 .\ \ " ]", , I..~" . ... ':6 " .... . . I ---r I, I' ,- , f (9 [/ _.."" I r _... 11 __--.... r jf-. S-l If'~ II. \ II , II \ !I.- c A GC CD co @ ..... City of Dublin East Dublin Impact Fee Study Dublin Ranch Develqmu:nt and Portions of Emerald Glen (East ifTassajara Creek) .A..R/VfZS Pleasant HiD, CA /~'1 //21 Summary Date of Valuation - September 10, 1999 ""'" $!Sf. Estimated Value R.a 12e Area Planned Uses Highest & Best Use Low High $'slSf. No. Blended Value A-I GC Commercial $16.00 $20.00 $17.50 A-2 OC Commercial $12.00 $16.00 $14.00 A-3 GC Commercial $11.00 $15.00 $p.oo A-4 GC Commercial $18.00 $20.00 .gg~@:.; B-1 GC Commercial $16.00 $20.00 $19.00 B-2 MD Res - NP Residential $14.00 $18.00 $16.00 B-3 MD Res - NP Residential $13.00 $16.00 $14.00 B-4 GC Commercial $12~00 $15.00 $13.00 B-5 NC!MD Res Commercial! Residential $18.00 $21. 00 $19.00 B-6 MH -MD-SF Res Residential $19.00 $22.00 $20.00 C-l GC Commercial $16.00 $19.00 $18.00 C-2 NC - HD Res - P!S-P Commercial! Residential! Park $14.00 $21. 00 $19.00 C-3 HD -MDRes Residential $14.00 $19.00 $16.00 C-4 OS - MD Res Residential! Open Space $8.00 $15.00 $12.00 C-5 MH (outside City) Medium Density Residential $4.00 $7.00 $5.00 """"'" C-6 CP Medium Density Residential $15.00 $22.00 $20.00 D-l GC ' Commercial $14.00 $16.00 $15.00 D-2 MD Res - NP Residential! Park $16.00 $22.00 $18.00 D-3 MD Res - OS Residential! Open Space $14.00 $20.00 $16.00 D-4 CP Residential $6.00 $9.00 $7.50 D-5 CP (outside City) Medium Density Residential $4.00 $7.00 $5.00 E-l MD Res - OS - RR - CP Residential! Park! Open Space $16.00 $19.00 $18.00 E-2 SF-MDRes-OS-CP Residential! Park! Open Space 8.00 $12.00 $10.00 E-3 SF Res - OS Residential! Park! Open Space $7.00 $10.00 $8.00 E-3A RR1AG Rural Residential! Agricultural $I,ooo!Acre $6,ooo! Acre $3,ooo!Acre E-4 MD Res Residential $14.00 $17.00 $16.00 SF = Single-family Residential MD Medium-density Residential MH Medium-high-density Residential HD = High-density Residential If)!; . GC = General Commercial NC = Neighborhood Commercial CP = Community Park OS Open Space ~ RR1AG Rural Residential! Agricultural ......, '. v,__"~"."",, :.L-~_ ~ _. ..r.",%~~.,,_""'~,f'"':',~__6;."~... _. "._.... "'..~_" ''-'' ~."""",,"," ..~~...... "" ~~~. .,.",!.~~;'", " ~.. v:"," ~"" I.'''''~ ...... .....,..,.., ,'P - .,~ Inter / :< 5 ~ /J? I INTERSECTION AT ARNOLD ROAD AND CENTRAL PARKWAY, 3 LEGS .. Segment 16, Arnold Road, Southbound Segment 16, Arnold Road, Northbound I TIF Other TIF Other Share Share Share Share RJW costs 0% 100% 0% 0% RJW costs 0% 100% 0% 0% Civil costs 0% 100% 0% 0% Civil costs 0% 100% 0% 0% Signal costs 100% 0% 0% 0% Siqnal costs 100% 0% 0% 0% Segment 16A, Central Parkway, Westbound I TIF Other Share Share RJW costs 0% 100% 0% 0% Civil costs 0% 100% 0% 0% Siqnal costs 100% 0% 0% 0% '-'-'\JTERSECTION AT ARNOLD ROAD AND DUBLIN BOULEVARD, 4 LEGS. . Segment 16, Arnold Road, Southbound Segment 16, Arnold Road, Northbound I TIF Other TIF Other Share Share Share Share RJW costs 0% 100% 0% 0% RJW costs 0% nla 0% 0% Civil costs 0% 100% 0% 0% Civil costs 0% nla 0% 0% Siqnal costs 0% 100% 0% 0% Siqnal costs 0% nla 0% 0% Segment BA, Dublin Boulevard, Westbound Segment BA, Dublin Boulevard, Eastbound TIF Other TIF Other Share Share Share Share RJW costs 0% 100% 0% 0% RJW costs 0% 100% 0% 0% Civil costs 0% 100% 0% 0% Civil costs 0% 100% 0% 0% Signal costs 0% 100% 0% 0% Signal costs 0% 100% 0% 0% r- 4/9/99, 6:29 PM Inter .9B1030.XLS Inter / ~t; ~ /.)..? ALLOCATION OF SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION COSTS FOR EASTERN DUBLIN IMPACT FEES, 1999 - .-4i -- INTERSECTION AT GLEASON DRIVE AND TASSAJARA ROAD, 4 LEGS Segment 22A, Tassajara Road, Southbound Segment 23, Tassajara Road, Northbound Tassajara Tassajara TIF Shae Meadows Other TIF Shae Meadows Other Share Share Share Share Share Share Share Share R/W costs 0% 0% 100% 0% R/W costs 0% 0% 100% 0% Civil costs 50% 50% 0% 0% Civil costs 50% 50% 0% 0% Sianal costs 0% 0% 100% 0% Sianal costs 0% 0% 100% 0% Segment 19A, Gleason Drive, Eastbound Segment 20, Gleason Road, Westbound Tassajara Tassajara TIF Shae Meadows Other TIF Lynn Meadows Other Share Share Share Share Share Share Share Share R/W costs 0% 0% 100% 0% R/W costs 0% 100% 0% 0% Civil costs 0% 0% 100% 0% Civil costs 100% 0% 0% 0% Signal costs 0% 0% 100% 0% Sianal costs 100% 0% 0% 0% '""'-., INTERSECTION AT CENTRAL PARKWAY AND TASSAJARA ROAD, 4 LEGS - ~ - Segment 23, Tassajara Road, Southbound Segment 23, Tassajara Road, Norghbound I TIF Toll Shae Park TIF Shae Toll Other Share Share Share Share Share Share Share Share R/W costs 0% 0% 50% 50% R/Wcosts 0% 0% 50% 50% Civil costs 0% 0% 50% 50% Civil costs 0% 100% 0% 0% Signal costs 50% 50% 0% 0% Sianal costs 0% 0% 100% 0% Segment 17, Central Parkway, Eastbound Segment 18, Central Parkway, Westbound TIF Toll Other Other TIF Lynn. Other Other Share Share Share Share Share . Share Share Share R/W costs 0% 100% 0% 0% R/W costs 50% 50% 0% 0% Civil costs ...0% .... 100% 0% 0% Civil costs 100% 0% 0% 0% Sianal costs 0% 100% 0% 0% Sianal costs 100% 0% 0% 0% -....1- 4/9/99, 6:29 PM Inter 981030.xLS Inter /~ 1 ~/c:L? ..---- INTERSECTION AT DUBLIN BOULEVARD AND TASSAJARA ROAD, 4 LEGS Segment 23, Tassajara Road, Southbound Segment 24, Tassajara Road, Norghbound TIF Kole Shae Other TIF Kole Lynn Other Share Share Share Share Share Share Share Sharel R/W costs 0% 50% 50% 0% R/W costs 0% 50% 50% 0% Civil costs 50% 0% 50% 0% Civil costs 50% 50% 0% 0% Signal costs 0% 100% 0% 0% Si!::mal costs 0% 100% 0% 0% Segment 9. Dublin Boulevard. Eastbound Segment 10, Dublin Boulevard, Westbound TIF Kole Other Other TIF Kole Lynn Shae Share Share Share Share Share Share Share Share R/W costs 0% 100% 0% 0% R/W costs 50% 0% 50% 0% Civil costs 0% 100% 0% 0% Civil costs 100% 0% 0% 0% Signal costs 0% 100% 0% 0% Signal costs 100% 0% 0% 0% INTERSECTION AT ARNOLD ROAD AND GLEASON DRIVE, 3 LEGS /~ ....cgment 16, Arnold Road, Southbound Segment 16. Arnold Road, Northbound TIF Other TIF Other Share Share Share Share R/W costs 100% 0% 0% 0% R/W costs 0% 100% 0% 0% Civil costs 100% 0% 0% 0% Civil costs 0% 100% 0% 0% SiQnal costs 100% 0% 0% 0% Signal costs 100% 0% 0% 0% Segment 19, Gleason Drive, Westbound I TIF Other Share Share R/W costs 0% 100% 0% 0% Civil costs 0% 100% 0% 0% Signal costs 100% 0% 0% 0% - I 4/9/99,6:29 PM Inter 981030 XLS