HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 3.3 Financial Report 05-31-1983 (2) 330- C I T Y O F D U B L I N BALANCE SHEET May 31 , 1982 GENERAL FUND Assets Petty Cash $ 200 Cash & Short Term Investments 13983 ,497 Prepaid Items 8,836 Total Assets $1 , 992 , 533 Liabilities & Fund Equity Liabilities PERS Retirement System $ 322 Deposits From Others 213481 Federal Income Tax Withheld 0 State Income Tax Withheld 450 Total Liabilities $ 223253 Fund Equity Investment in Fixed Reserve tor Street Improvements $ 4133683 Fund Balance 1 , 556 , 597 Total Fund Equity $1 , 970 ,280 Total Liabilities & Equity $1 ,992 ,533 TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND Assets Cass Short Term Investments $ 37 ,097 Total Assets $ 37 ,097 Fund Equity Reserve tor Authorized Projects $ 2, 911 Fund Balance 34, 186 Total Fund Equity $ 37 ,097 STATE GAS TAX FUND Assets Cash & Short Term Investments $ 240 ,164 Total Assets $ 240 ,164 Fund Eq��uui�tty__ Reserve tor Authorized Projects $ 72 , 717 Fund Balance 167 ,447 Total Fund Equity $ 240 , 164 Balance Sheet Page 1 ITEM NO. GENERAL FIXED ASSETS Assets General Fixed Assets - Equipment $ 5 , 363 Total Assets $ 5 , 363 Fund Equity Investment in General Fixed Assets $ 5 , 363 Total Fund Equity $ 5 , 363 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND Assets Caste Short Term Investments $ 47 ,077 Total Assets $ 47 ,077 Fund Equity Fund Balance $ 47 ,077 Total Fund Equity $ 47 ,077 REVENUE SHARING FUND Assets Cash & Short Term Investments $ 75 ,662 Total Assets $ 75 ,662 Fund Equity Fund Balance $ 75 ,662 Total Fund Equity $ 75 , 662 Balance Sheet Page 2 C I T Y OF D U B L I N STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES FOR THE PERIOD ENDING May 31, 1983 R E V E N U E DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED RECEIVED RECEIVED REVENUE THIS MONTH YEAR-TO-DATE GENERAL FUND 510 - Property Tax $ 329,351 $ 131,117 $ 289,920 Total Property Tax $ 329,351 $ 131,117 $ 289,920 OTHER TAXES 515 - Sales & Use Tax $ 2,152,000 $ 188,000 2,002,778 517 - Real Property Transfer Tax 19,000 15754 165346 519 - Electric Franchise Tax 545000 (1,089) 43,037 521 - Gas Franchise Tax 30,000 (2,634) 29,329 523 - CAZV Franchise Tax 26,500 233502 Total Other Taxes $ 25281,500 $ 186,031 $ 251145992 LICENSES & PERMITS - Bui ing Permits $ 100,000 $ $ 530.02 - Animal Licenses 179 25175 530.03 - Bus Ben=ch Ad Permits 530.04 - Encroachment Permits 10 15002 Total Licenses & Permits $ 100,000 $ 189 $ 35177 FINES & FORFEITURES 532.02 - Other Court Fines $ 1,000 $ 425 $ 23609 Total Fines & Forfeitures $ 15000 $ 425 $ 23609 REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY 550.01 Interest $ 723000 $ 861 $ 805886 550.02 - Investment Earnings 550.03 - Rents & Concessions 324 Total Revenue From Use of Money & Property $ 725000 $ 861 $ 815210 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUES - STATE 555.01 - Motor Vehicle In Lieu Tax $ 3803000 $ 335524 $ 3005353 555.02 - Trailer Coach In Lieu Tax 1,280 555.03 - Cigarette Tax 105,000 83792 715817 555.04 - Off Highway Motor Vehicle In Lieu Fees 330 149 555.05 - Home Owner Property Tax Relief 75661 15,323 555.06 - Business Inventory Tax 24,108 Total Intergovernmental Revenues - State $ 486,610 $ 491977 $ 4113750 CHARGES FOR SERVICE 565.01 - Zoning & Subdivision Fees $ 205000 $ 50 $ 35300 565.03 - Engineering Inspection Fee 270 710 565.04 - Sales of Maps & Documents 500 236 786 565.05 - Animal Shelter Fees & Charges 191 2,203 565.06 - Special Police Dept.Services 460 23925 565.15 - Other Charges for Service 500 Total Charges for Services $ 21,000 $ 15207 $ 95924 REVENUE - Page 1 R E V E N U E DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED RECEIVED RECEIVED REVENUE THIS MONTH YEAR-TO-DATE OTHER REVENUES 570.02 - Contribution from Non-Government Sources $ $ $ 13 570.03 - Miscellaneous 1,000 Total Other Revenues $ 1,000 $ $ 13 TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUES $ 3,292,461 $ 369,807 $ 2,913,595 TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND FINES & FORFEITURES 532.01 - Vehicle Code Fines $ 15,000 $ 4,958 $ 343185 Total Fines & Forfeitures $ 15,000 $ 45958 $ 343185 TOTAL TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND PEVENUE $ 15,000 $ 4,958 $ 343185 STATE GAS TAX FUND REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY 550.01 - Interest $ $ $ 550.02 - Investment Earnings Total Revenue From Use of Money & Property $ $ $ INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUES - STATE 555.07 - State Gas Tax (2106) $ 86,000 $ 73359 $ 71,045 555.08 - State Gas Tax (2107) 130,000 11,400 111,403 555.09 - State Gas Tax (2107.5) 4,000 4,000 Total Intergovernmental Revenues - State $ 220,000 $ 18,759 $ 186,448 TOTAL STATE GAS TAX FUND $ 220,000 $ 183759 $ 186,448 COUNTY GAS TAX FUND INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE - COUNTY 557.01 - County Gas Tax (ATC) $ - 26,000 $ $ Total Intergovernmental Revenue - County $ 26,000 $ $ TOTAL COUNTY GAS TAX FUND $ 26,000 $ $ CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 572.01 - Operating Transfer In $ $ $ 89,950 REVENUE SHARING FUND 559.01 - Revenue Sharing $ $ $ 75,662 'DOTAL REVENUE - ALL FUNDS $ 3,553,461 $ 393,524 $ 33299,840 REVENUE - Page 2 E X P E N D I T U R E S TOTAL EXPENSES EXPENSES BUDGET THIS MONTH TO DATE BALANCE GENERAL FUND OPERATING TRANSFER OUT $ $ 70,950 $ (70,950) GENERAL GOVERNMENT 101 - CITY COUNCIL Personal Services .02 - Salaries Part Time $ 9,000 $ 750 $ 7,500 $ 1,500 .06 - Worker's Compensation 40 40 Total Personal Services $ 9, $ 750 7,500 $ F,75ZZ Services & Supplies .01 - Office Supplies $ 800 $ $ 311 $ 489 .02 - Postage 250 12 238 .05 - Professional Services 6,000 3,200 2,800 .08 - Advertising 500 187 187 313 .14 - Books, Publications & Subscriptions 100 72 28 .15 - Memberships & Dues 3,243 33156 87 .17 - Travel, Conferences & ,itgs 6,250 245 43180 2,070 .19 - Community Promotion 1,500 1,187 313 Total Services & Supplies 1 F 3-9 TOTAL - CITY COUNCIL $ 27,683 $ 13182 $ 195805 $ 7,878 102 - CITY MANAGER/CLERK Personal Services .01 - Salaries, Full Time $ 59,200 $ 5,058 $ 51,387 $ 75813 .04 - Retirement 55300 361 15319 33981 .05 - Group Insurance 5,000 85 2,159 23841 .06 - Worker's Compensation 13250 (240) 1,490 Total Personal Services $ 703750 5,504 $ 54,625 $ 16,125 Services & Supplies .01 - Office Supplies $ 1,500 $ 56 $ 1,586 $ (86) .02 - Postage 15000 62 478 522 .03 - Reproduction Supplies 1,000 921 79 .08 - Advertising 1,100 158 942 .09 - Printing - 4 270 (270) .12 - Repairs & Maintenance 1,650 1,551 99 .14 - Books, Publications & Subscriptions 600 98 711 (111) .15 - Memberships & Dues 150 56 94 .16 - Auto Mileage & Allowance 3,540 288 3,252 288 .17 - Travel, Conferences & Mtgs 2,050 144 946 15104 .20 - Miscellaneous - 33113 (33113) Total Services & Supplies $ 1' , X52 , (45Z) 722 - Contract Services $ 1,000 $ $ 2,358 $ (1,358) Total Contract Services $ 15000 $ $ 25358 $ (13358) Capital Outlay .04 - Machinery & Equipment $ 185200 $ $ 18,153 $ 47 Total Capital Outlay 1 U 5 $ --47 TOTAL - CITY MANAGER/CLERK $ 102,540 $ 6,156 $ 88,178 $ 14,362 EXPENSES - Page 1 E X P E N D I T U R E S TOTAL EXPENSES EXPENSES BUDGET THIS MONTH TO DATE BALANCE 103 - LEGAL SERVICES Services & Supplies .05 - Professional Services $ 28,000 $ 2,815 $ 24,523 $ 3,477 .22 - Reserve 20,000 20,000 Total Services & Supplies $ 48,000 $2,815 $ 24,523 $ 2T,-477 TOTAL - LEGAL SERVICES $ 48,000 $ 2,815 $ 243523 $ 23,477 104 - FINANCE Services & Supplies .01 - Office Supplies $ 1,000 $ $ 470 $ 530 .05 - Professional Services 10,000 200 960 93040 .12 - Repairs & Maintenance 200 200 Total Services & Supplies - 6 $ 1,430 $ Tl= Capital Outlay .04 - Machinery & Equipment $ 2,650 $ $ 1,265 $ 1,385 Total Capital Outlay $ 2,650 $ $ 132 13385 TOTAL - FINANCE $ 13,850 $ 200 $ 2,695 $ 113155 105 - BUILDING MANAGEMENT Services & Supplies .01 - Ofice Supplies $ 13000 $ $ 487 $ 513 .07 - Communication 9,000 970 10,271 (13271) .13 - Rentals 293850 2,587 27,522 23328 Total Services & Supplies - $,280 1,570 Capital Outlay .03 - Improvements Other Than Buildings $ 1,500 $ $ 1,092 $ 408 .04 - Machinery & Equipment 17,000 -17,419 (419) Total Capital Outlay $ 18,500 $ 11 TOTAL - BUILDING MANAGEMENT $ 58,350 $ 33557 $ 56,791 $ 1,559 106 - INSURANCE Services & Supplies .10 - Insurance $ 9,500 $ (45222) $ 73709 $ 1,791 Total Service & Supplies $ -93-50U (4322Z) , TOTAL - INSURANCE $ 9,500 $ (4,222) $ 73709 $ 13791 107 - ELECTIONS Services & Supplies .08 - Advertising $ - $ $ 34 $ (34) Total Services & Supplies - $ ) 722 - Contract Services $ 23500 $ $ 832 $ 1,668 TOTAL - ELECTIONS $ 2,500 $ $ 866 $ 13634 108 - NON-DEPARTMENTAL Services & Supplies .20 - Miscellaneous $ - $ $ 23 $ (23) .22 - Reserves 21,700 21,700 Total Services & Supplies , 2r,-677 TOTAL - NON-DEPARTMENTAL $ 21,700 $ $ 23 $ 21,677 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT $ 284,123 $ 9,688 $ 200,590 $ 835533 EXPENSES - Page 2 EXPENDITURES TOTAL EXPENSES EXPENSES BUDGET THIS MONTH TO DATE BALANCE PUBLIC SAFETY 201 - POLICE SERVICES Services & Supplies .01 - Office Supplies $ 500 $ $ 245 $ 255 .02 - Postage - 28 (28) .03 - Reproduction Supplies 1,500 _ 1,522 (22) Total Services & Supplies $ 25 , Contract Services .01 - Personnel Costs - $ 60,298 $ 576,646 $ .02 - Vehicle Costs - 9,248 72,710 .03 - Indirect Costs - 5,678 51,098 .04 - Dispatch - 235316 69,948 .05 - Admin-Financial Svcs - 65977 225535 .06 - Services & Supplies - 15676 6,895 Total Contract Services ,1 ,. 8, Capital Outlay .04 - Machinery & Equipment $ 43000 $ $ 4,630 $ (630) Total Capital Outlay $4,000 3( ) TOTAL - POLICE SERVICES $ 15114,442 $ 1075193 $ 8065257 $ 308,185 202 - AMBULANCE SERVICES 720 - Contract Services $ 5,000 $ 473 $ 3,245 $ 13755 TOTAL - AMBULANCE SERVICES $ 5,000 $ 473 $ 3,245 $ 1,755 203 - CROSSING GUARDS 722 - Contract Services $ 16,200 $ $ 125114 $ 4,086 TOTAL - CROSSING GUARDS $ 16,200 $ $ 12,114 $ 4,086 204 - ANIMAL CONTROL 716 - Contract Services .01 - Shelter Services $ - $ 708 $ 73082 .02 - Field Services - 1,802 18,014 TOTAL - ANIMAL CONTROL $ 31,037 $ 23510 $ 25,096 $ 5,941 205 - TRAFFIC SIGNALS & STREET LIGHTING .Services & Supplies .21 - Utilities $ 104,400 $ 35792 $ 13,064 $ 91,336 Total Services & Supplies 104 3 40(T $ 3,792 $ MG64 $ 91,336 712 - Contract Services $ 21,500 $ 59 $ 145984 $ 6,516 TOTAL - TRAFFIC SIGNALS & STREET LIGHTING $ 125,900 $ 3,851 $ 283048 $ 973852 TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY $ 1,292,579 $ 114,027 $ 874,760 $ 417,819 EXPENSES - Page 3 E X P E N D I T U R E S TOTAL EXPENSES EXPENSES BUDGET THIS MONTH TO DATE BALANCE HIGHWAYS & STREETS 301 --STREET MAINTENANCE 712 - Contract Services .02 - Street Repair $ - $ 248 $ 2,503 .03 - Drainage Maintenance & Repair - 2,056 19,713 .04 - Storm Patrol & Cleanup 547 93265 .05 - Curb, Gutter & Sidewalk Repair = .06 - Sign Repair & Installation - 13396 7,018 .07 - Striping & Marking - 360 .08 - Guardrail Repair - .10 - Weed Control - 65167 .13 - Bike Path Maintenance 1,192 TOTAL - STREET MAINTENANCE $ 41,000 $ 4,247 $ 46,218 $ (5,218) 302 - STREET SWEEPING Contract Services 712.11 - Sweeping - County $ - $ $ 4,053 $ 712.12 - Litter Pickup-" 12,068 718.01 - Sweeping - Private = 3,085 243230 718.02 - Litter Pickup-" - 23106 TOTAL STREET SWEEPING $ 553000 $ 3,085 $ 42,457 $ 12,543 303 - STREET RECONSTRUCTION/RESURFACING 712 - Contract Services $ 14,000 $ $ 1,455 $ 12,545 750 - Capital Outlay .03 - Improvements other than Buildings 1405000 140;000 TOTAL -. STREET RECONSTRUCTION/ RESURFACING $ 1543000 $ $ 13455 $ 152,545 304.- STREET TREE MAINTENANCE 712 - Contract Services .09 - Tree Trimming $ - $ $ 3,993 $ TOTAL - STREET TREE MAINTENANCE $ 44,400 $ $ 3,993 $ 405407 305 - COMMIUNITY BEAUTIFICATION 712 - Contract Services .15 - Landscape Maintenance $ - $ $ 2,096 $ TOTAL - COMMUNITY BEAUTIFICATION $ 505000 $ $ 2,096 $ 473904 TOTAL HIGHWAY AND STREETS $ 3445400 $ 73332 $ 96,219 $ 248,181 HEALTH AND WELFARE 501 - TRANSPORTATION - Contract Services $ 7,318 $ $ 33348 $ 35970 TOTAL - TRANSPORTATION 1 $ $ 35976 502 - PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION 714 - Contract Services $ 2,5000 $ $ $ 2,500 TOTAL - PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION , $ -- TOTAL - HEALTH AND WELFARE $ 93818 $ $ 33348 $ 6,470 EXPENSES - Page 4 E X P E N D I T U R E S TOTAL EXPENSES EXPENSES BUDGET THIS MONTH TO DATE BALANCE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 901 - PLANNING Personal Services .01 - Salaries, Full Time $ 50,100 $ 4,150 $ 37,413 $ 12,687 .03 - Overtime Pay 13200 78 524 676 .04 - Retirement 4,500 296 13124 3,376 .05 - Group Insurance 5,000 98 182 4,818 .06 - Worker's Compensation 13050 1,050 Total Personal Services $ 61,85G $ 4,62Z + , Services & Supplies .01 - Office Supplies $ 1,800 $ 72 $ 1,440 $ 360 .02 - Postage 1,500 62 517 983 .03 - Reproduction Supplies 2,500 46 2,783 (283) .05 - Professional Services 623000 43233 173302 44,698 .08 - Advertising 1,560 20 275 1,285 .09 - Printing & Binding 1,000 123 877 .12 - Repairs & Maintenance 600 611 (11) .14 - Books, Publications & Subscriptions 365 296 69 .15 - Memberships & Dues 100 94 6 .16 - Auto Mileage & Allowance 2,500 167 1,839 661 .17 - Travel Conferences & Mtgs 3,250 2,664 586 .18 - Training Expense 600 600 Total Services & Supplies , r Capital Outlay .04 - Machinery & Equipment $ 7,500 $ 64 $ 53294 $ 25206 Total Capital Outlay T 64 $ 5,294 $ TI-Z06 TOTAL - PLANNING $ 147,125 $ 9,286 $ 72,481 $ 745644 902 - BUILDING & SAFETY Services & Supplies .01 - Office Supplies $ 1,000 $ $ $ 15000 Total Services & Supplies 13 , Contract Services $ 112,400 $ $ $ 1123400 Total Contract Services 1123400 2, 00 Capital Outlay .04 - Machinery & Equipment $ - 5,000 $ $ $ 5,000 Total Capital Outlay $ 5,000 $ $ 5-16b 5( TOTAL - BUILDING & SAFETY $ 118,400 $ $ $ 1183400 903 - ENGINEERING Services & Supplies .05 - Contract Services $ - $ 7,595 $ 283654 $ 712 - Contract Services .14 $ - 9,996 TOTAL - ENGINEERING $ 15,000 $ 7,595 $ 38,650 $ (23,650) TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT $ 280,525 $ 16,881 $ 111,131 $ 169,394 TOTAL GENERAL FUND $ 2,211,445 $ 147,928 $ 1,356,998 $ 854,447 EXPENSES - Page 5 E X P E N D I T U R R S TOTAL EXPENSES EXPENSES BUDGET THIS MONTH TO DATE BALANCE GAS TAX FUNDS OPERATING TRANSFER OUT $ $ 19,000 $ (19,000) 301 - STREET MAINTENANCE 712 - Contract Services $ 227,000 227,000 TOTAL - STREET MAINTENANCE $ 227,000 $ $ 19,000 $ 227,000 TOTAL GAS TAX FUNDS $ 227,000 $ $ 19,000 $ 208,000 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 0001-Dublin Blvd/Silvergate Dr $ 4,400 $ 3,320 $ 4,184 $ 216 0002-San Ramon Road 11,000 43626 9,979 13021 0003-Aerial Map, Dublin Blvd 3,200 5 3,175 25 0004-City Base Map 525350 135390 213882 303468 0005-Village Parkway Median 195000 2,998 3,653 15,347 TOTAL - CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND $ 89,950 $ 245339 $ 42,873 $ 47,077 TOTAL EXPENDITURES - ALL FUNDS $ 23-528,395 $ 172,267 $ 1,418,871 $ 1,109,524 EXPENSES - Page 6